Five Star International Hotel, Khulna

January 26, 2019 | Author: SharifMahmud | Category: Motel, Hotel, Bedroom, Laundry, Kitchen
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Five Star International Hotel, Khulna...




1.1: THE PROJECT A hotel is an establishment that provides lodging paid lodging paid on a short-term basis. Facilities  provided may range from a basic bed and storage for clothing, to luxury features like ensuite bathrooms bathrooms.. La Larg rger er ho hote tels ls ma may y pr provi ovide de ad addi diti tion onal al gu gues estt fa faci cili liti ties es su such ch as a swimming swim ming pool, business centre, child childcare, care, conference facilities facilities and socia sociall funct function ion services. Hotel rooms are usually numbered or numbered or named in some smaller hotels and !"!#$ !"!#$ to allow guests to identify their room. #ome hotels offer meals as part of a room and board arrangement. %he wo %he word rd hotel  hotel is is de deri rive ved d fr from om th thee Fr Fren ench ch hôtel  hôtel c com omin ing g fr from om th thee sa same me or orig igin in as hospital $, $, which referred to a French version of a building seeing fre&uent visitors, and  providing care, rather than a place offering accommodation. Hotel is a conception of business.

A facility, designed for business purpose to serve the need " demand of tourist, travelers " visitors. Hotel is a symbol of dignity-prosperity, grandness and landmark. Hospitality services in !angladesh vary from place to place and what it may offer. !ut nowadays, resorts also vary from what people needs. 'eople from overcrowded urban areas are attracted by the relaxing and soothing environment of hotels. (ith this given, many entrepreneurs in the !angladesh invest for hotel and resort pro)ects resulting to increase in numbers of resorts in the !angladesh. !ut thinking about how hotels can evolve into something that will give new experience along with keeping the regional identity intact cannot be ignored. *hulna is a rapidly growing divisional city in !angladesh, which is in need of new accommodations as the scope of tourism is increasing rapidly in this region. Local and foreign foreign tourists tourists +arrival demands urgent urgent hotel accommodations accommodations though the people in charge of the place still want to conserve their natural resources and cultural heritage.

Five Star International Hotel, Khulna


(ith this problem in hand, !angladesh 'ar)atan orporation wants to develop a portion of their land for the construction of a hotel, convention center and some space for  additional amenities and improvements. %hough *hulna possesses many things to offer to the domestic and overseas investors, tourists and players but still there is scarcity of &uality accommodation and food service throughout this region. n fact there are no five star hotels in southwestern part of  !angl !anglad ades esh h whic which h crea create tess a nega negati tive ve impa impact ct on our our soci socioo-ec econo onomi micc condi conditi tion on.. onsidering the issue, !' has undertaken the pro)ect of constructing a five star hotel in the city of *hulna. !y implementing this pro)ect, the socio-economic condition of this region will certainly go a step ahead toward economic prosperity that will ultimately  boost up the economy of the country in the years to come.

1.: PROJECT !RIE": Title of the P#o$ect : "i%e &ta# Inte#national Hotel Client  !an'la(esh Po#$oton Co#po#ation )!PC* "inancin' Autho#it+  !an'la(esh Po#$oton Co#po#ation )!PC* ,ocation  -u$'unni /hulna A#ea of the &ite  0 ACRE.

1.. PROJECT !AC/ROUND /HU,NA is the third largest city of !angladesh, which is also known as ndustrial hub of the country. t hosts a good number of diversified companies and attracting many investors around the globe. !oth the largest land port, !enapole and second largest seaport, /ongla are situated within the periphery of the city. %he %he city city of *hul *hulna na is rega regard rded ed as the the gatew gateway ay to the the #unde #underb rban an,, worl world0 d0ss larg larges estt mangrove forest and home of the 1oyal !engal %igers. *hulna is also situated at the north of the historic /os&ue city !agerhat, a 234#5 world heritage site. t also has the nternational ricket stadium )ust ad)acent to the proposed site of this  pro)ect.

From the light of the above discussion, three factors have been identified for selecting this. %his pro)ect as thesis proposal which are as follows 


Five Star International Hotel, Khulna


%hough *hulna possesses many things to offer to the domestic and overseas investors, tourists and players but still there is scarcity of &uality accommodation and food service throughout this region. n fact there are no five star hotels in southwestern part of  !angl !anglad ades esh h whic which h crea create tess a nega negati tive ve impa impact ct on our our soci socioo-ec econo onomi micc condi conditi tion on.. onsidering the issue, !' has undertaken the pro)ect of constructing a five star hotel in the city of *hulna. !y implementing this pro)ect, the socio-economic condition of this region will certainly go a step ahead toward economic prosperity that will ultimately  boost up the economy of the country in the years to come.

1..3 PROJECT &INI"ICANCE As mentioned Above, *hulna is highly potential area for tourism and trading. 1ecently, the ongoing pro)ect of constructing 'adma !ridge and *han 6ahan Ali Airport will connect *hulna to the capital city 7haka by road and air without any interruption and the good part is that 7haka will be only 89: *m away from *hulna by road. %his will open a new hori;on for expanding trading activity and make *hulna the home of the business tycoons. Apart from that every year a huge number of tourists from home and abroad come to this region for exploring the scenic beauty of #undarban and the world heritage site +/os&ue city !agerhat+. !ut the lack of international standard accommodation is a ma)or constraint to flourish such activities. #o, five star international hotels is a crying need for economic prosperity.

Five Star International Hotel, Khulna


 3ot only it will contribute to employment generation g eneration but also enhance en hance foreign exchange earnings and poverty alleviation.

8.< '1564% 5!64%=4#  %he tourism industry has emerged as a ma)or incomedriving industry in many developing>middle-income countries in the world. %ourism %ourism sector can have positive impact on economic growth and development of !angladesh. !angladesh is blessed with natural  beauty, ranging from mountains to rivers to beaches to bio-diversity, archeological sites, its own heritage and  culture.  3o. of tourist in !angladesh has grown from 88 check-outlines. %he front desk area should have direct access to the front office. Five Star International Hotel, Khulna


Luggage Luggage 'rovide bell person area, area, luggage storage, storage, and other looked storage. storage. #eating #eating 'rovide seating near the front desk and entrance provide more private seating near by determine need for lobby lounge or bar. #uppo #upport rt func functi tion ons s onve onveni nient ently ly loca locate te reta retail il outl outlet ets, s, the the conc concie ierg rgee desk desk,, publi publicc restrooms, house and pay phones, coatrooms, the hotel directory etc. 7Mcor 4stablish the hotel0s image with furnishings, artwork, lighting, signs, and so on that are appropriate to the local.

.8.0 -AIN ,OUNE %he lounged is usually allotted about 9s&. ft. per guest room. %he lounge usually ad)oins the lobby so that guest waiting in the lobby can over-flow in to the lounge. #ome designers simply designate the area KLobby-Lounge with no demarcation between them. %his %his may may take take the the from from of a corr corrid idor or room room from from whic which h othe otherr publ public ic room roomss are are approached, or of a room completely cut off. %he first type seems general in hotels where guests do not stay for long periods, while the second types is more usual in residential and resort hotels. Lounges in luxury hotels. Lounges in luxury hotels are general meeting  places mainly for the use of casual visitors, especially at teatime. n residential and resort hotels guests use a main lounge much more as a common meeting-place. %here is a common space called Kthe lobby which is a central circulation space around which are placed the office, lifts and public rooms, it is usually two stories in height, the upper floor forming a gallery round a large well. %he furnishing of lounges should consist of really comfortable easy chairs and settees, and plenty plenty of tables tables,, but in additio addition n some some ordina ordinary ry armchai armchairs rs are general generally ly needed needed especially if the rooms are used for the services of drinks and teas.

.8.7 RE&TAURANT %he layout of restaurant restaurant should should be related to the entrances entrances and exits to the service service room or kitchen. A survey of existing restaurants shows that almost any shape may be adopted,  but there seems little doubt that a long rectangular room, with service doors placed on one of the long sides, is the most economical shape for table layout and for reduction of  time taken and distance caused by waiters coming and going. A s&uare shape is also good, but does not, as a general rule. n practices it may be difficult to place the service entrances centrally on walls if several dining-room dining-roomss of various types are grouped grouped round one server or kitchen but every effort should be made to avoid service door situated near the corner of rooms, as some waiters them have long walks which make for slow service guest at the tables near the doors are, moreover, unfairly disturbed by service traffic. 4ntrance and exit doors should not be  placed too close to each other, through it is better if any passage way serves for both directions. %he floor area per person in dining rooms varies considerably. An analysis of floor area  per seat varies from 8:s&. 8 :s&. ft. to about 8G s&. ft. inclusive of passage ways, tables etc. but 8?s&. ft. to 8B s&. ft. is a good average. !an&uet rooms rooms or tearoom type restaurants restaurants may have the area per seat reduced to Gs&. ft. to 8:s&. ft. A variety of table si;es are of great importance in hotels, but the great number of tables is generally needed for one or two guest only, as strangers do not like sharing tables. Five Star International Hotel, Khulna


.8. CA,CU,ATIN THE CAPACIT; CAPACIT; O" A POO, For years the Ksuggested standers for determining the capacity of a pool was ?I s&uare feet of water surface are per person. %hus, a pool I0 x B0 would accommodate a capacity of 8capita #wimming instruction advanced #wimming instruction !eginning ?: s&. ft. >capita 7eep water area over 0 J :$ B: s&. ft. >capita 1ecreation swimming ?: s&. ft. >capita Advanced swimming ? s&. ft. >capita 7riving based on area within capita deep-end driving wall$ /inimum walk width 9 ft. #um of walks dimensions on 4ither side of  8G ft the pool length 5r width, shall not be less than


8 s&. ft>capita ?s&. ft. >capita Bs&. ft. >capita ?s&. ft. >capita capita ?:: s&. ft. >capita 8? ft 8G ft.


/ost of the hotels re&uire the provision of one large room for use as a settable room, apart from internal use by the hotel guests. %his room usually has to provide for a number  of functi functions ons as for example, example, a ban&uet ban&uet room, a ballro ballroom, om, wedding wedding reception receptionss and temporary exhibitions. t is desirable that the rooms are placed on ground floor or street level. A separate entrance is desirable, together with ade&uate cloakrooms and lavatories for each sex. %he entrance should be placed so that vehicle can drive up to the door. At the entrance there should be small vestibule leading into a hall from which the cloakrooms and lavatories are approached. %his hall should be fairly large in si;e, as many people will often have to wait in it at the same time. %he si;e of the Kball room cannot be laid down except on a seating capacity Five Star International Hotel, Khulna


 basis for ban&ueting purposes, such seating is generally much more cramped them for  normal dining room uses and the space is partly saved owning to the fact that few large tables are used instead of many small ones. A good general average floor space per   person in ban&uet rooms is @ to 8: s&. ft. when the rooms is used u sed as a ball-room then a gallery should be provided either for use of spectators or for an orchestra. %o find the area re&uired for a fixed number of dancers, an allowance of 8? to 89 s&. ft. should be made for each couple. A ban&uet-ball room foyer is recommended. %he si;e is usually one-sixty to one-third of  the the ban& ban&uet uet-b -bal alll room room area. area. !an& !an&ue uett-ba ball ll room room area area,, !an&u !an&uet et-b -bal alll room room stor storag age, e,  preferably ad)oining ad)o ining the ban&uet hall, is re&uired for chairs and tables. %his storage area is typically about one tenth of the si;e of the ban&uet hall. %he ban&uet-ball room-serving  pantry is often simply a food-assembly and pick-up area. 'antry space is sometimes within the main kitchen if ad)acent to the ban&uet hall. n other instances, a separate room is provided ad)acent to the ban&uet hall. %he amount and type of function space depends on the type of hotel, For example, small mid-price properties generally offer a single multi-purpose ballroom, simply decorated and e&uipped to accommodate a full range of small meetings, civic lunches, wedding receptions, and local product displays. t only infre&uently is used to attract group rooms  business. 5n the other hand, convention hotels include a ma)or ballroom for 8,::: to dr storage>dressin essing g area 7etermine 7etermine how many drawers drawers are needed in the dresser, the si;e of the closet, and how much luggage space in needed. 'rovide a fulllength mirror. !athroom #elect bathroom fixtures consider lighting, counter space, ventilation, and finishes. 7Mcor 4valuate furniture, fixtures, and e&uipment FF"4$- carpet, wall covering, sheer and blackout drapes, bedspreads, and furnishings. Five Star International Hotel, Khulna


5ther #creen views into guestroom from from the the corri corrido dor r  provide a separate dressing area assess the need for  minibus )oining minibus  )oining rooms, etc.

Fig uest 1oom #tandard Fig uest 1oom #tandards

Five Star International Hotel, Khulna


Fig uest 1oom #tandards

Five Star International Hotel, Khulna


Fig uest 1oom #tandards



orridors on bedroom floors are usually I ft. 9 in. wide for main corridors and 9 ft. wide for secondary ones. t is general practice to carpet part. Fre&uently corridors are Five Star International Hotel, Khulna


not made the full height of bedrooms in order to provide continues duct space for various services such as electricity, telephones, ventilation etc.



%he main kitchen should be si;ed for the worker load. n addition to the main dining room, the main kitchen may also serve the coffee shop, the ban&uet hall, the private dining rooms, employees0 eating areas and room services to guest. %he kitchen is usually female ratio. 7esign employee lounge or dining area with a servicing line dining tables, lounge seating, vending machines, etc. f possible private windows to let in natural light.

Five Star International Hotel, Khulna


4stablish separate licked line storage for particular hotel area the food and beverage department, the pool, and so on$. roup engineer, assistant0s offices, offices, repair shops etc. around a central work area. Locate mechanical areas so that noise and vibration don0t negatively affect guests. 7esign mechanical rooms to allow for eventual e&uipment replacement.


or filtered or chemically treated. #taff :O of the staff to have recogni;es training. #taff to be in uniform. #taff to be medically examined periodically. First aid facilities fire fighting e&uipment and electrical safety devices to be ava ilable. 1estaurant or dining rooms. 1efrigeration and storage facilities. Laundry and dry-cleaning facilities. #afe deposit facilities. Left luggage, exchange and postal service facilities. #tationary to he provided in the rooms. offee bar or lounge. #eparate bar facilities. nformation service. Ade&uate parking space. Five Star International Hotel, Khulna


!ook stalls and shops. %ravel agencies and taxi service. %elephone %elephone facilities for casual visitors. 'aging service or public address system. #taff dining and rest rooms. 1adio or piped music in all rooms roo ms Hair dressing and beauty saloon. /edical practitioner on call    onsidered  onsidered desirable.  3ightclubs or facilities for dancing   onsidered  onsidered desirable. %= where desirable$ in public rooms and desirable in the bedrooms    onsidered  onsidered desirable. #ports and recreational facilities    onsidered  onsidered desirable. !an&uet>conference hall   onsidered  onsidered desirable. #wimming pool    onsidered desirable.

.1.0 "Ior filtered and chemically treated. :O of the staff to have recogni;es training. #taff to be in uniform. #taff to be medically examined exa mined periodically. #taff to be in uniform. First aid facilities fire fighting e&uipment and electrical safety devices to be ava ilable. 1estaurant or dining rooms. 1efrigeration and storage facilities. Laundry and dry-cleaning facilities. #afe deposit facilities. Left luggage, exchange and postal service facilities. #tationary to be provided in the rooms. offee bar or lounge. #eparate bar facilities. nformation service. Ade&uate parking space. !ook stalls and shops. %ravel agencies and taxi service. %elephone %elephone facilities for casual visitors. 'aging service or public address system. #taff dining and rest rooms. 1adio or piped music in all rooms. roo ms. Hair dressing and beauty saloon. /edical practitioner on call.  3ightclubs or facilities for dancing. %= where desirable$ in public rooms and desirable in the bedrooms. #ports and. recreational facilities. !an&uet>conference hall. #wimming pool. #ound proofing for new hotels. Library   7esirable 7esirable uest insurance   7esirable 7esirable Health club    7esirable  7esirable #ource Hotel " 1esorts, 'lanning 7esign and 1efurbishment by F147 LA(#53

CHAPTER 3: -ETHODO,O; Five Star International Hotel, Khulna


3.1 OA, "IIN: /ethodology of problem solving, the title of this chapter refers to a complex pathway to reach to a goal. And the most complicated part of it is understanding the goal the aim of a  pro)ect is always inclined to the dreams during the initial stage. stage.

After starting to reach straight towards the achievement of the dreams, some factors of  reality reality comes in front. front. %hese various various factors factors may cause to turn diversified diversified directions. directions. t may cause to a huge difference between the aim and what has been achieved. Fixing of a firm aim may cause to a failure of achievement. %he reasons behind this diversity can be

8. Lack of foresight due to low level of information ?. hanges in various initial and external e xternal factors in time.

%he ?nd reason reason causes causes the unexpec unexpected ted bearing bearingss of the proble problem m solvin solving g proced procedure ure.. %herefore it may be easy to determine some small steps and completion of each stage would foresee the next goal. %he smaller compartments of the total )ob are to be well design designed ed and well well e&uipped e&uipped by skille skilled d person personals als and appara apparatus tus but the design and e&uipment are the things of cost.

%he involvements of skilled personals and sophisticated apparatus increase the cost to the total )ob. %herefore, the whole problem solving procedure is needed to be work out in some broad categories in detail. According to this analogy the whole problem solving activity for designing a prototype developments may be broadly classify in to three fields of decision making. %hese are-

- analy;ing the pro)ect function

- planning for the physical environment the site$

Five Star International Hotel, Khulna


- Architectural solution

%hese broad fields of decisions are the turning points in the problem solving se&uence but there are more detail factors in micro level. %hese are the &uestions to be worked out.

3.: PATH O" PRO!,E- &O,
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