Ylrglr Gursb Lstrugturm il om Hmtlrnm * @èsngm Guídtngm NN * @èsngm ilo Lstmib W÷onib * @èsngm Lstmièstngm * Omebrmtbrnb il @èsngm NNN * Yrls Beoncmtbrnms il Ntndlrmrnb Ibs Bptmtnvms Beoncmtbrnms il Ntndlrmrnb @èsngm @udimhldtmo Mstrb`èsngm Hlgídngm Guídtngm Ylrhbindíhngm ilo Db Lqunonernb @èsngm Mpongmim @èsngm il om Mth÷s`lrm @èsngm il Hmtlrnmols @èsngm il om Ynlrrm
Lstmièstngm y Mdíonsns il Imtbs @èsngm Gbhputmgnbdmo Clbh Cl bhlt ltrè rèmm In` In`lr lrld ldgn gnmo mo y Gío Gíogu guob ob Yld ldsb sbrn rnmo mo Jnstbrnm il om @èsngm Ndstruhldtmgn÷d Lolgtr÷dngm Hlgídngm il Hlinbs Gbdtndubs
G lrblodbgcnèmm ×ptngm y Oíslr Gbbjsh @èsngm il om Hmtlrnm Gbdildsmim @èsngm Dugolmr Ndtlrmggn÷d Uminmgn÷d-Hmtlrnm Hlgídngm Yl÷rngm [mrtèguoms Lolhldtmols [omshms y [rbglsbs Mt÷hngbs Ulomtnvnimi Cldlrmo y Crmvntmgn÷d Wnhltrèms y Crupbs ld @èsngm Yrm rmds dsng ngnb nbdl dlss il @m @msl sl y @l @ld÷ d÷hl hldb dbss Gr Grèt ètng ngbs bs Ntndlrmrnb6 @èsngm Mpongmim Emsls @èsngms ilo Gmhenb Gonhítngb Inspbsntnvbs Lolgtr÷dngbs y Dmdblolgtr÷dngm Inspbsntnvbs il il Ndstruhldtmgn÷d ×ptngm Lolgtr÷dngm Mdmo÷cngm y Incntmo Ldlrcèm y Hlinb Mhenldtl @ld÷hldbs il Yrmdspbrtl
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@èsngm il Hmtlrnmols Mvmdzmibs Mvmdzmibs
@udimhldtbs il Hltlbrbobcèm Clb`èsngm y Hltlbrbobcèm Mpongmims Clbhmcdltnshb y Crmvnhltrèm Hîtbibs Lxplrnhldtmols ld @èsngm ilo Lstmib W÷onib Dmdbhmtlrnmols [rbpnlimils @èsngms il obs Hmtlrnmols Wnshbobcèm y Lstrugturm il om Ynlrrm Wnstlhms Indíhngbs y Ulmonhldtmgn÷d
Grîintbs il [mrtngnpmgn÷d W÷ob ld gumrtb gursb
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Gbhprldsn÷d il oms prndgnpmols olyls y `ld÷hldbs `èsngbs y sus mpongmgnbdls tlgdbo÷cngms. Hîtbib gnldtè`gb y gmpmgnimi il hbilonzmgn÷d y il rlsbougn÷d il prbeolhms. Inslýb, hlinim l ndtlrprltmgn÷d il lxplrnldgnms ld lolxplrnhldtmols, omebrmtbrnb. s, hmtlhítngms y gbhYîgdngms lxplrnhldtmol putmgnbdmols il mpongmgn÷d ld ndvlstncmgn÷d y ld ilsmrrboob tlgdbo÷cngb. Gmpmgnimi pmrm lomebrmr prbylgtbs il ilsmrrboob tlgdbo÷cngb y/b il ndngnmgn÷d m om ndvlstncmgn÷d. [rlpmrmgn÷d pmrm rlmonzmr ud hístlr il lsplgnmonzmgn÷d ld @èsngm @udimhldtmo b Mpongmim.
Wmonims prb`lsnbdmols
Ndvlstncmgn÷d. Ibgldgnm udnvlrsntmrnm. Ibgldgnm db udnvlrsntmrnm. Mihndnstrmgn÷d pöeongm. Gbdsuotbrèm. Nd`brhítngm. Ylolgbhudngmgnbdls. Ndiustrnm (clstn÷d il prbylgtbs y trmemfbs tîgdngbs ld ÷ptngm, lolgtr÷dngm, dulvbs hmtlrnmols, ltg.). Hltlbrbobcèm, clb`èsngm y bglmdbcrm`èm. [rbiuggn÷d [rbi uggn÷d y trmds`brhmgn÷d il ldlrcèm. Hl-
inb mhenldtl. Emdgm, `dmdzms y slcurbs.
• • • • • • • •
• •
Ndvlstncmgn÷d sbgnmo y il hlrgmibs. @èsngm hîingm y enb`èsngm (rminb`èsngm, ndstruhldtmgn÷d).
H G \ . m v n t m r b p r b G d l c m h N l s n b i u t s L l i b t d l h m t r m p l I
Crmibs \GH
@mguotmi il Gnldgnms @èsngms Gmhpus il Hbdgobm
jttp6//sngms.ugh.ls [mrm hís nd`brhmgn÷d6 www.ugh.ls/lstuinbs/crmib-sngm Ldlrb 5;5=. Lo gbdtldnib il lstl ièptngb lstí sufltb m pbsneols hbingmgnbdls
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