Fish Farming Proposal

January 9, 2017 | Author: Angelo Mwamburi | Category: N/A
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Project Proposal Cover Page (1) Title of the project (2) Duration of the project (3) Proposing Organization (4) Address

:efFISHent Fish Farm :Six (6) Months :Forecast Youth For Development Organization ;P.O Box 402, Taveta 80302 :email:[email protected] ;email:[email protected] ; Cell phone 0733 755 178 / 0722 383 995

(5) Contact Person

:Angelo M. Mwamburi

(6) Location of Project




: Rekeke










: Coast

Amount Requested

: Kenya Shillings Six Million, Eight Hundred Eighty Eight Thousand, and Three Hundred Seventy Three. (6,889,373/=)

Executive Summary The efficient fish farm will address critical issues of resource and land utilization in Taveta. The project will create sustainable employment for youths in Rekeke and afford the surrounding communities with an alternative source of protein and modern fish farming techniques to hundreds of residents in the district thereby realizing livelihoods for many more among families. The farm owners – Forecast Youth for Development Organization intend to put up to three 40X30 meters ponds to farm mad fish and fresh water tilapia on their 20acre farm in Rekeke, Taveta for both export and local market.

2 The principal economic activity in Taveta is agriculture but lately reliable rainfall has dwindled and natural water sources are drying up. This has brought about a predicament to existence of sustainable economic activities and its consequences have been laid bare. Poverty and climate change have further aggravated the situation. The situation is worsening in the absence of deliberate efforts to diversify into modern and alternative reliable farming methods. This project will be implemented with a strategic aim of ensuring a healthy and wealthy environment for the surrounding communities and also the enhancement and promotion of quality fish farming methods through the demonstration and facilitation of the same practices geared towards sustainable livelihoods and development. Furthermore and as is with the group’s policy, ten percent of the proceeds will go towards helping orphans and vulnerable children and PLHIV.

MAIN PROPOSAL (1) Introduction: Forecast Youth for Development Organization is a community based organization (CBO) registered with the Department of Social Services on 31st July 2006-registration number TT/CD/2/5513 with the principal mandate of coordinating youth affairs and providing civic education to the target community members on various aspects of everyday life. Since its inception, Forecast Youth for Development Organization has been actively involved in carrying out various community based activities such as: registration and support of OVCs in all the three divisions within Taveta District, with the support ranging from nutritional components, material, and medical support. Forecast has several income generating activities including bottled pure spring water under the brand name – KIRANGARO SPRINGS, forestation, clay bricks making factory and maize flour milling under the brand name - LABOLA. Forestation project at Eldoro Green Acres etc. We have partnered with APHIA II-Coast on a project of community initiation thus the training of 5 peer educators from the group was achieved. We collaborate with several government departments like ministry of health, ministry of youth affairs, ministry of northern Kenya & other arid lands provincial administration in most of our activities.


(2) Problem Statement & Justification Population growth is a challenge to our ability to produce sufficient quantities of food especially proteins to match expected population increases. Aquaculture is one alternative to continued depletion of natural fisheries i.e. rivers, streams which have dried up with food insecurity being a major problem. In order to keep pace with demand for food resulting from population growth, we have seen it wise to venture into fish farming as an alternative. Our organization has an existing twenty-acre farm which we intend to start commercial fish farming. We are looking for donors to finance the initial costs of the project including its technical and financial inputs. Because of low level by Government in research and training extension services have been affected all over the country. For fish farming to take off there is need for investment in training of farmers to assist in extension servicers (Farmer to Farmer extension services), to be producers of seed and feeds. Lastly there will be need to provide some seed money to help the trained farmers take off. This seed money should not be treated as free money, but as credit which should be repaid back to form some revolving fund for other farmers to benefit. Aquaculture development for the district will be in four parts namely Training, Hatchery development for seed production, Feeds production and seed money to start off the initial group of farmers that would have been trained.

(3) Project Goal & Objectives 3.1 Goal of the Project The overall goal of the project is to encourage interest and generate activities leading to a reassessment of resources and practices which ill increase the production of farmed products and to provide an avenue for the local youths to support their own living in having access to basic services, and be self-reliant through earning their own income through the sales of their fish. 3.2 Objective One: To reduce poverty by creating employment opportunities that may not exist. Some of the unemployed Rekeke youths will be employed on the fish farm, while others will self employ themselves from the resultant activities like buying, supplying and distribution of harvested fish.


3.3 Objective Two: To increase the range of choices in protein sources. The majority of communities in Rekeke and beyond know only cereals and “nyama” as the only sources of protein. However “nyama” is expensive for them to afford and the climatic conditions are difficult to sustain cereals farming. Fish will offer them a cheap and alternative protein source. 3.4 Objective Three: To encourage sustainable production practices and skills among Rekeke youths by innovating and improving business practices tailored to their localities. 3.5 Objective Four To improve the nutritional status of the beneficiaries through provision of fish as a source of protein as well as diversifying income sources for the resource poor household’s to sustainably reduce shocks and stress. 3.6 Objective Five Show that unemployed and uneducated youths are not a problem to the community but assets to the community by mobilizing them to work together for common benefits.

(4) Project Methodology: 4.1 Geographical area. Taveta district which comprises Taveta constituency is a rural/semi urban area along TanzaniaKenya border. It is divided into three divisions, eleven locations and twenty three sub-locations in area coverage of approximately 650 square kilometers. Taveta town is situated along the border with Tanzania with an international like trade between Kenyans and Tanzanians in the famous Taveta Market. This has facilitated a quick rise in population. The project area is cosmopolitan with multilingual groups from all over Kenya, and beyond. The population has been co-habitating for decades depending on seasonal farming, while others engage in informal trade in the main several markets. The densely populated villages like Bura Ndogo, Mjini, Carlifornia, Chala etc are currently attracting a population of 70% of the total constituency population doing business and basically depending on micro-businesses while 30% depend on farming.

5 4.2 Target Population Taveta District has an estimated population of 68,000 (CBS, 2009 Population census) with an annual growth rate of over 05% and is expected to increase due to increasing economic activities in the area. The project therefore targets the increasing demand for fresh fish produce. The demand for fresh fish is ever rising due to population increase in the constituency with the booming economic activities influencing majority of people to shift their bases from the various marginalized districts in Kenya to Taveta for better life. The project therefore intends to supply the produce to at least a quarter of Taveta population and many more consumers outside the district. Procedures/Strategies of implementation Use of NEMA for environmental conservation in and around the farm. Use of Ministry of Fisheries for technical input Use of interest groups, CBOs, Youth groups etc for community mobilization. 4.3.4

Use of relevant government ministries for technical assistance.

4.4 Data management and analysis Forecast will develop and implement a new project management system with the assistance of the donors, which will improve its internal operations including a computerized management information system with supporting new formats and procedures for better record keeping and reporting a vibrant financial management system also with supporting format and procedures, written personnel policies and systematic planning. Staffs deployment and utilization of the donor funds will be reviewed in relation to the project performance, the staffs required will include; One project Manager – Fisheries Expert One Part time project accountant for the duration of the sponsorship. One Site Store Clerk Four Site Security Personnel – day and night. However many changes will be implemented with the emerging challenges particularly in strategic planning given the diversity replicated by wide variation in socio- economic status of the project target area means that a flexible, and innovative programming in regard with increasing demand. Forecast will employ professional project performance, a good information management system and good innovative programming for the achievement of an aggressive project performance.

(5) Activity Plan & Budget: N o

Activity and item description


Quantit y

Unit Cost

Total Cost



Mobilization & awareness creation.


Fencing- off of the farm

Lumpsu m Lumpsu m







Training 3

Transport & Lunches






Facilitators costs






Stationery (Pen & Pad)





Training venue for hire

Number Lumpsu m





P/A System for hire






Fish Ponds Excavation









Guard house/feeds and implements store Inspection & certification by Fisheries experts





Monitoring of the pond water quality

Number Lumpsu m Lumpsu m Lumpsu m


Purchasing of fish feed



Purchasing of the fish fingerlings












Site Security






Project Accountant






Site/Store Clerk






Field Visits






Start-up Labour







Contingencies @5% Grand total



(6) Budget Justification 6.1 Human Resources Due to the technical know-how required to run the project the project will incorporate minimum salary for two qualified staff in the field of book-keeping and fisheries for a period of six months. This support entails the provision of up-keep, incentives (in some cases), supervision and training. Without this continued support the transfer of capacity from donors and partners will be hindered. 6.2 Training, Planning & Facilitation Due to the technicalities involved in such a project and for sustainability purposes, it is our view that reasonable training is accorded to the implementers. The training should be done in two stages. The first stage should involve field and institutional training .The second phase should involve, exchange visits, on farm trails and provision of relevant equipment etc.This will involve farmers and youths being trained in the following areas. Pond construction techniques, stocking regimes, Feeding regimes, Fish feed formulation, handling and practices, Pond management and

7 husbandry/farm management, Water quality and quantity and availability, Harvesting, Value addition, Fish farming economics, Marketing This programme will take on average four sessions and is both theory and practicals. The district fisheries office should be able to give technical personnel to train the farmers within allocation in Taveta district. One training trance should consist of twenty (20) farmers twenty (20) youths who should be selected on some known criteria and not favoritism. The training materials are available with the department. The training costs should be worked on the basis of prevailing pricing in Taveta district but should cover the following areas.

      

Stationery- Pen & Pad Facilitators expenses Training materials Transport refund for farmers Transport for practical sessions Contingencies Field visits and exchange programmes should be organized after the first phase training.

6.3 Fencing –off of the farm – The project site is in a remote part of Taveta district. To avoid incidences of theft and poaching of stocks, we do recommend that the farm be fenced-off with a 8feet chain link fencing wire with concrete posts. 6.4 Community sensitization and capacity building – The project belongs to the surrounding communities. For them to sustain the project the donors need to enhance their capacity to implement, manage and sustain such projects. We have included community sensitization costs in this proposal. 6.5 Guardhouse & implements store – Due to the size of the farm we are seeking to employ four permanent guards during the implementation of the project. We have included minimum security costs for the initial six months of project implementation. When sales begin the generated income will be able to cover security costs. 6.6 Inspection and certification – Before the initial stocking of fingerlings begin; a technical and expert inspection of the project set up must be carried out to ascertain its suitability. We have included an estimate for technical inspection costs. However this amount is only provisional. 6.7 Monitoring of pond water quality – Again, before and after the initial stocking of fingerlings, the pond water quality needs to be monitored closely .We have included an estimate for water quality monitoring. However this amount is only provisional. 6.8 Procurement of feeds –

8 The proposed project is a start-up venture and we thus have to procure at least sixty bags of fishmeal. 6.9 Procurement of fingerlings As with above this is a start-up venture and we don’t have our own hatchings. We will have to procure a fresh stock of fingerlings.

6.10 Administrative Costs All partner costs have been included under administration to ensure the smooth running of implementation of the activities. These include: telephone, postage, bank charges, logistics etc.

(7) Monitoring and Evaluation: The project shall undergo frequent monitoring and evaluation process, which shall be carried-out on a weekly basis or as may be deemed necessary by experts, in order to ensure efficient and sustainable actualization of intended goals. The process of monitoring and evaluation shall be done by qualified personnel to be hired by the project management in order to perform extensive analysis of the project’s success and failures and advising on the way forward. We shall involve fisheries experts in every process in order to ensure prevention of possible failures in our focused goals.


(8) Institutional Capacity 8.1Management Capacity Forecast has a comprehensive and effective management structure to coordinate its activities beforehand. In our management we have a fulltime secretary, watchman, treasurer, executive committee, managed by the group chairman and a board of directors. The project management will be solely under Forecast’s project management committee that will appoint the full time specialist employees. The Forecast secretariat will also organize for resource mobilization and allocation, assist in the organizational strategic planning and answerable to Focus general management. The committee will also coordinate all to be appointed resource persons in the respective fields of study and other stakeholders to harmoniously carryout sequential and systematic wellorganized project activities. Forecast will also report directly to the funding source and will list expenditures relevant to this proposal. It will be responsible for the management of funds, equipment and materials made available to this proposal and will submit weekly and or monthly reports relevant to the funding source offices along with bank statements. 8.2 Human Resource Capacity, Forecast has well trained members and is capable of carrying out capacity building on human resource development, community mobilization and sensitization, project management including financial accountability and other cross cutting issues including the environmental effects of the project .Forecast is capable of providing technical support on project management and including financial accountability. Previously, the organization has been involved in conducting capacity building to the community in all Taveta locations on practical environmental conservation and basic health and sanitation. Forecast believes in the use of community participatory approach in supporting communities to clarify and address their problems, needs and aspirations collectively and has greatly made possible attainment of ultimate gains. Forecast has a wealth of experience in implementing poverty reduction friendly projects and is well placed to actively and effectively undertake the proposed project. Forecast has a well equipped and furnished spacious office in Taveta with complete computer unit, and frequently hires out motor- bikes for logistical purposes. These resources are to enable the organization carry out any task as required, timely compilation and submission of reports. The mentioned achievements are directly and proportionally related to professional in- put from qualified members, this proves that the organization has full capacity to carry out the proposed tasks. The core staff is composed of; Community development experts Professionally qualified members in Social development

10 Professionally qualified members in business management and administration Forecast has abundant project management skills having fully managed several projects in the area.

(9) Accounting Capacity: Forecast with its well structured accounting system will open a separate current account with one of the commercial banks preferably in the project area. This account will only be for the finances provided for by the funding source for the project. Forecast has in its management structure one professional accountant, a business administration graduate and the group treasurer to manage its accounting portfolio. The justification of the project expenditures will be constituted by; Monthly and or weekly project reports which shall comprise of a project progress expenditure account and a cash flow statement for all the donor contributions (format to be provided) Monthly progress report on the status of implementation on the activities, one copy will be sent to the funding source. Stock taking of any activity undertaken during the use of any specific tranche will be done accordingly and professionally. Copies of receipts and invoices will also be provided. Forecast will identify a project procurement panel, employ project officers, and procure all the operational working tools and equipment, provide regular monitoring and general management of the project implementation. They will monitor the project performance and formulate and forward the monthly and quarterly reports both narrative and financial to the funding source and will be responsible for all transparency and accountability processes Copies of the management committee meetings showing meaningful stakeholder involvement in procurement and cash flow withdrawal decisions. Where applicable, a detailed report by the project manager will be availed. Copies of quotations adjudication results and delivery notes where possible. Copies of bank statements for the project account. Any payment from the project account will be sanctioned by the board through minutes of its meeting and signed with accordance with the bank mandate. All expenditures will be recorded in a cash book and supported by receipts, invoices, certificates, e.t.c. Upon receipt of the each allocation, the board shall immediately send a copy of the bank statement to the donor.


(10) Sustainability 10.1 The project shall be sustained through creation of a kitty whereby the sale of fish, tree seedlings and monthly subscriptions by Forecast group members shall be kept. 10.2 The project will also train all the beneficiaries on the relevant innovative and development skills (value chain analysis) for the beneficiaries to be able to exist in the spirit of innovativeness beyond the project. 10.3 The project management shall work hand in hand with the relevant government ministries and other stakeholders to ensure the creation of a demonstration farm whereby fish farmers can access trainings and extension services nearer to them.

(11) Potential Impact of the Project and Indicators. 11.1 Employment of up to 100 surrounding community members directly or indirectly. 11.2 Improved living standards of members of the surrounding communities due to increased incomes. These shall be measured by observation of prevailing lifestyles of community residents. 11.3 Improved health standards. These shall be measured through a headcount by employees keeping a roll call and work register, visiting the local health facilities to collect data on cases of malnutrition. 11.4 Improved environment shall be indicated by the number of trees planted all over the surrounding homesteads.

(12) Quantified & Anticipated Benefits The anticipated benefits of the project will be both direct and indirect. 12.1 Direct Benefits Direct benefits include: • Food security for the surrounding communities and project implementers. • Improved nutrition for orphans and vulnerable groups. • Supplementary incomes for families. • Other livelihood options for Rekeke youths. 12.2 Indirect Benefits • Economic growth for the surrounding communities. • Easing pressure on dwindling wild fish stocks. • Improved health standards. • Empowered women and youths.

12 12.3 Project Beneficiaries The major beneficiaries of the project will be: Fifty youth’s members through income generation and employment in the farm. More than an eighty (80) people comprising twenty families of approximately four members as direct beneficiaries from the group members. At least twenty (20) traders who will be purchasing fish produce directly from the farm for onward sale at the local markets and over one thousand (1,000) Rekeke residents. The project will also benefit at least fifty (50) elderly people and fifty (50) orphans and vulnerable children. Summarily the project is likely to benefit in excess of five thousand people inclusive of the surrounding and far flung consumers in the nearby urban centers and the export market once the farm is in full production.

(13) Proposed Activities • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Mobilize local community, experts and do awareness of the project. Fencing- off of the farm to prevent thefts and poaching. Purchasing of the materials for constructing the whole project. Inspection and certification by District Fisheries experts. Construction of the whole project components. Monitoring of the pond water quality and final inspections by experts. Purchasing of the fish fingerlings (baby fish) and fish feed. Transferring fingerlings into ponds, feeding and monitoring carefully. Transferring of fish into sizes to different ponds. Start making sales to different buyers. Creating a bank account and keep the income to make the project a sustainable project by starting again and expanding the size of the project. Evaluating of the whole project and provide report to the funding source. Discuss with community leaders, fisheries authorities, possible markets or buyers, youths and organizations involved to get written commitments to part take in where ever areas they will support.

Tree Planting & Environmental Conservation Programme. One of our main environmental conservation exercises is the planting of trees. A major concern in Kenya today, is the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, especially forests, water. Our environmental conservation programme will plays a major role towards sustainable management and utilization of trees. The main goal of the programme is to promote integrated indigenous forest management and conservation in partnership with key institutions, organizations and stakeholders for sustainable development that promotes socio-economic development and poverty alleviation in the Taveta District.

13 As part of the fish farming proposal we intend to incorporate tree programme to our activities by encouraging the local farmers to plant and nurture indigenous trees suited to the Taveta climate and soils. Any support to be accorded to the farmers will be pegged to each planting and caring for a minimum of ten tree seedlings. Some of these trees which can adapt so well inTaveta are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Mvule Mpulughanje Mringa Mkuyu Fresh water mangrove.

OBJECTIVES To collaboratively enhance the sustainable management of the trees and forests and conserve their functional values of biodiversity, soil and water protection and the social- economic and cultural benefits to the local communities.  

To promote community participation in forest and environmental conservation. To enable and promote communities to improve their welfare and become less reliant on the forests; through: I. II.

Agro forestry development. Alternative sources of income from conservation supporting income generating activities.

To develop the potential for, and promotion of, forest-based eco-tourism. To promote and develop capacity in conservation research and education.  The rate of deforestation is high so we want to plant trees for the ecological balance i.e.  

10% forest cover.  To enlighten the communities against deforestation.  To plant trees which will assist to absorb green house gases.

14  To increase the communities’ income through the sale of timber, firewood, fruits, medicinal products etc.  To create food security. This is nutritional value from fruits.  Aesthetic beauty i.e. the green cover. 

Conservation of bio-diversity.

TASKS 1. Establishment of tree nurseries. 2. Tree planting. 3. Education and sensitization. 4. Program expansion.

ACTIVITIES i) NURSERIES ESTABLISHMENT & MANAGEMENT  Labour: Forecast Youth for Development Organization (FYDO) has 20 members who will be providing labor for the nurseries i.e. preparing the nurseries, bagging, transplanting, watering, and security.

In addition, the group will mobilize different schools and churches

to assist.  Land: FYDO has will establish tree nurseries at the fish farm.  Tools & Equipments: : FYDO is intending to mobilize funds from well wishers to buy tools e.g. jembes, pangs, shovels, spades, wheelbarrows, watering cans, hose pipes etc.  Seeds: The group is already in partnership with Achievers Youth Group of Eldoro who will donate some seeds and seedlings to the group. However, the group will be buying the seeds that are not available in Taveta from Haller Park in Mombasa and KARI station at Kiboko.  Manure & Fertilizer: For production of healthy seedlings, the group will buy fertilizers and will also prepare compost manure for the nurseries.  Potting Bags: The group is intending to buy some potting bags but will also make use of polythene bags which will be acquired from numerous dumpsites.

15  Pesticides & Herbicides: FYDO is trying to mobilize funds to buy the pesticides and herbicides for the nurseries  Nursery Shades & Seedlings Racks:

FYDO will construct shades to protect the

seedlings and will make raised racks to keep the seedlings till they mature for field planting. ii)TREE PLANTING The trees will be used to promote afforestation in schools and the group also intends to sell the seeds to public and private institutions at a subsidized fee.  Also, the trees will be planted during Public Holidays e.g. Madaraka Day and occasions like Environment day, trees planting days, wet lands days etc.  The group will mobilize school clubs and environmental clubs to plant trees on the above occasions.  The group will sensitize the communities and give them trees to plant on their homes free.  The group is intending to sell the seedlings to companies and lead agencies that are intending to promote afforestation.

iii) EDUCATION & SENSITIZATION  Rural Communities: FYDO will organize visits to different rural areas to promote agroforestry.Seminars and workshops will be held to sensitize/train the communities. Trees and fruits seedlings will be given out for free to the communities to plant in their farms during the seminars and workshops.  Educational Institutions:

FYDO will encourage environment clubs in primary and

secondary schools and organize competition on environmental essays.

16 iv) PROGRAM EXPANSION  FYDO is intending to expand its activities to the whole district and encourage youths allover the district to participate.  This will be achieved by networking with youth groups and schools from different locations in the district. Also, we shall use media campaign to advocate and mobilize people to participate  The group is intending to develop a website with various issues about the environment.

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