first implementation. Please follow the following points. 1) Before going to client place read the ASAP methodology in detail and prepare the important points required. 2) When you are at client place always be confident and dont be panic in the meeting with management be calm. !) At the start there may be few meeting with the honourable person with client side" they may or may not listen to your words but that time handle the situation in such a way that his ego should not heart and he must listen to you. #) Be clear with the concept that you are e$plaining ta%e the suitable e$amples whene&er required. ') (nderstand their As*s process in details" as% them more and more question so that they can gi&e the proper requirement. +) ,a%e a round in the plants with the core users for few initial days and obser&e the material mo&ements and try to identify the storage locations required for production and ma%e the important remar%s as per SAP PP process and discuss with the core user. -) ,ry to identify the scenario i.e. ,/ or ,S. (nderstand their planning strategy in details and decide which strategy group is suitable for their process. 0) ust ta%e the reports from the users. ont discuss right now but ha&e a glance on that which helps to decide the strategy group more clearly and scenario i.e. discrete" 34 ....etc. 56rom which scenario we can c an gi&e the reports easily and offcourse consider the user con&enience all the time.) 7) Big deal is master data. 6or the success of pro8ect we need to e$tract a good master data from users. 19) :2 training 4ducate core users for master data and e$plain the fields required in detail to his satisfaction then only you will recei&e the correct data. 5P will gi&e :1 training) 11) :et them practice on system also on sandbo$ so there concept about the
master data template will be clear. 12) BPP preparation" BBP wor% shop and sign off. ;S and BBP need to change then change it and update the &ersion and ta%e sign off for new &ersion. 17) Prepare :! document for users and pro&ide them training if user required any changes 8ust do it for their satisfaction and update the &ersion also.
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