Download First Grade Orientation Sy21-22...
SY 2021-2022 August 3, 2021
11 am – am – 12 12 noon ATES Cafeteria
OUR AGENDA * WELCOME BACK REMARKS and INTRODUCTIONS of Admin, 1 st grade teachers, support faculty and staff.
* SOMETHINGS NEW (Updates on protocols) * SOMETHINGS OLD (Po (Policies) licies) * SOMETHINGS to SHARE (Questions and concerns)
* SOMETHING for ALL (Closing)
“FUN”tabulous First First Grade Teachers:
Mrs.. S. Lori Lorioo Roo Roomm G101 G101 Mrs Ms.s.. V.E.E. Pa Ms Lagas Lag caanRo Room omomG1 G102 0203 Mrs. Mr Pang ngelasca elininan Room Ro G103 G1 Mrs. E. Ulloa Room G104
CHECKLIST BEFORE HEADING HEAD ING TO SCHOOL 1. Do a tempera temperature ture check and visual symptoms screening before before leaving your house.
2. Like a visa card, DON’T FORGET TTO O FA FACE CE MASK, neve neverr leave home without it.
3. Be sure you have a personal hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipes with you at all times. 4. Be sure to write your full name on all personal items.
PRECA PRECAUTIONS UTIONS AND SAFETY SAFE TY FOR ALL Please avoid visiting the school campus if you: * Have a temperature of 100.4 or higher. * Are coughing, vomiting or experiencing diarrhea. * Have a new rash. *Services( Are identified through contact tracing by Department of Public Health and Social DPHSS). * Have contact or are exposed to a person positive with the virus. * Had traveled off-island within the last 14 days.
PLEASE DON’T FORGET YOUR YOUR MASK! Medical, N95 or cloth masks:
No valve type masks:
For disposable and cloth/reusable masks, please be sure to: * Provide new not used ones and give extra in case it gets dirty or wet from sweat. * They are clean and have been sanitized. Extra cloth masks may be provided as well. Suggestion: Keep all ex extra tra masks in a quart sized ziplock bag.
CAMPUS PRO PROTOCOLS TOCOLS & EXPECTATIONS TO FOLLOW 1. BEFORE ENTERING: * You You will need to sstop top at the controlled entry point for guidance. * Be sure all occupants in vehicle have masks on properly. 2. ONCE INSIDE: * Please follow and comply with the new campus protocols.
*You will go through the process of temperature check and symptom screening. *Remember to keep your distance. * Keep y your our mask on pr properly operly.. * Saniti Sanitize ze and fol follow low si signs gns poste posted. d.
Mission Statement
“Every Student: Responsible, Respectful and Ready for Life”
Our educational community prepares all students for life, promotes excellence and provides support
ASTUMBO MBO ELEM ELEMENT ENTAR ARYY SCHOO SCHOOLL ASTU MISSION STATEMENT To give our students the opportunity to learn, promote academic and social skills, provide support to become responsible and productiv productive e citizens.
ATES STUDENT LEARNER OUT OUTCOMES COMES ( SLO’S) A = Academic Achievers Ac hievers T = Technology Literate Team Builders E = Empathetic Citizens S = Socially Responsible Citizens
TRADITIONAL: FACE TO FACE * This model of instruction and attendance is for student who will be receiving academic instructions in the classroom.
* Smaller class size than usual. * Class instructions will be held daily from Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30 am – am – 2:43 2:43 pm.
ONLINE LEARNING * The online teacher is Mrs. Pangelinan. * This model of instruction and attendance is for online learning.
* Students attend classes online and are required to have a computer or tablet and a reliable internet access. * Online students must follow class schedule and rules as if they were in the classroom. * School uniforms must be worn when attending online classes. * Excuse notes must m ust be sent electronically electronically.. * Online classes will meet __________________. * Online class schedule _____________________
7:15 – 7:15 – 8:30 8:30 Gate opens, student arrivals, arrivals, breakfast served. 7:30 – 7:30 – 8:30 8:30 Early Bird Bird Program 8:30 – 10:00 8:30 – 10:00 Instructional Block
9:45 – 10:00 RECESS FOR Headstart, PK-GATE, grades K-2 10:00 – 10:00 – 10:15 10:15 RECESS for for grades 3-5 LUNCH PERIODS: 10:15 – 10:15 – 11:00 11:00 Headstart & PreKGATE, 11:00-11:45 Kinder & 1st grade 11:45-12:30 2nd & 3rd grades 12:30-1:15 4th & 5th grades 2:43 DISMISSAL
Dismissal Areas:
BUS – Meet in front of the cafeteria bldg. CAR RIDERS – Wait in front of the main office. FRONT GATE WALKERS – Wait in front of room I104. BACK GATE WALKERS – Wait by room E106.
TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION * For bus information, please refer to the busing information posted in the newspaper or see a staff member in the main office for information. * Change mode of transportation: It is highly advised that you choose one mode of transportation to keep your child and school personnel from confusion. However, if there needs to be a change, you must provide in advance a written note to the teacher or school personnel. * Reminder: * Whether by car or bus, students will not be allowed on campus before 7:15 am. * Students must be picked-up no later than 2:43 pm. Late pick-up of 3 times will warrant a meeting with the school sc hool administrator administrator..
TRANSPORTATION: CAR RIDERS DROP OFF AREA is in front of the main office. * School campus opens at 7:15 am. am. For safety reasons, do not drop off your child before thi thiss time. There will be no supervision before 7:15 am. * For the first days of back to school, DROP and GO is highly encouraged. P Parents arents will not be allowe allowed d to accompany their child/ren to the classroom. No need to worry worry,, the aides and teachers will assist your child/ren. PICK UP AREA is in front of the main office. * Cars will be allowed allowed to enter campus for for pick ups upon the departure of the buses. * It would be helpful to have a placard of your child’s name, name, grade and room number on the inside of your windshield to assist with the efficiency of pick up procedures. * School ends at 2:43 pm. Pick up your your child no later than 3:15 pm. Please pick up y your our child(ren) on time, as the main office closes at 3:30 pm. If a child is not picked up by 3:15 pm the following consequences are as follo follows: ws: * First Offense Mandatory Conference with the Principal * Second Offense Official written warning * Third Offense: Charges for child endangerment filed * Phone authorization will not be entertained or allowed. For everyone’s safety, please do not attempt to
make the phone call.
TRANSPORTATION: BUS RIDERS INFORMA INFORMATION TION BOARD POLICY #435 ALL BUS RIDERS MUST CONFORM TO SCHOOL BUS RULES * Please accompany and wait wait with your child at the bus station for pick up and be sure you are there for drop off. * Please teach teac h your child their bus number, driv driver’s er’s name and where the bus driver will pick up and drop him/her off. * To help keep your your child safe, tell him/her not to follow their friend home, get off the bus that is not their drop off area, do no make any detours and to go straight home once the bus driver let’s them off. * For safety reasons, tell your child c hild not to stand while bus is in motion, keep noise level down and not to horse play in the bus. * Report to the bus driver is they are being bullied as the bus driver will write up an incident report. * Incidences that occur on the bus MUST be reported to the bus driver, school principal or Bus Operations immediately at 646-3166.
ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES TARDY PROCEDURES: PROCEDURES: Any student who comes comes to school after 8:30 am. * Parents, if your child is tardy, do not drop him/her off and then leave. You will need to park your vehicle and accompany him/her him/her to the office for clearance and obtain a tardy slip. Any student who is tardy will be disqualified for the Perfect Perfect Attendance Aw Award/Reco ard/Recognition. gnition. In addition, 3 unexcused unexcused tardies may lead to an Office Discipline Referral (ODR). ABSENT PROCEDURES: * Any student absent for a day or two must return to school sc hool with a written excuse note from the legal parent. * Any student absent for 3 or more consecutive days must return to school with a doctor’s certification. *** Please note that if you keep your child home for 3 consecutive days and on home remedies, a doctor’s certification must still be obtained and submitted for clearance back into the classroom. TRUANCY: * 3 unexcused absences = Referral to office. OTRF is submitted and interventions are given to parents. * 6 unexcused absences = Referral to office. OTRF is submitted and interventions are given to parents. * 9 unexcused absences = Referral to office. OTRF is submitted and interventions are given to parents. * 12 unexcused absences = SARF is submitted to Truant Officer. A court referral is submitted.
OFF ISLAND AND WITHDRAWAL OFF ISLAND REQUEST: * Parents must meet with the administrator to make arrangements for off-island travel. * Off-island travel must be made 2 weeks prior to travel date and must include the flight itinerary itinerary..
WITHDRAWAL: * Parents who will withdraw their child from ATES must give school personnel an advanced notice of at least 2 instructional days. This will give ample time for office staff to prepare the necessary paperwork.
* Adopted March 2011 * Skills are broken down into quarters and cover all academic areas. * The standards are designed to ensure that the students are prepared to enter college or the workforce. STANDARD BASED GRADING (SBG): * SBG is a system of grading and repo reporting rting that measures student achievement of identified standards, skills and topics at each grade level and course. The goal of SBG is to better assess, monitor ad communicate what each student knows and is able to do according to a clear and prescribed set of academic expectations.
GRADING POLICY KINDERGARTEN – 8TH GRADE -in-time” First and Third Quarters Quar ters will be used as a Progress/Grade or “P “Point oint-intime” snapshot for each semester and NOT a summative quarter grade.
A. This Progress Period/Grade will be reflected as either: I. Pass (P): Enough evidence to determine deter mine passing. II. Not Enough Evidence (NE): Not Enough Evidence to determine passing.
III. No Grade (NG): No contact with student or no evidence submitted. This grade will remain until changed by the teacher or school official and will NOT automatically convert to an “F” as per existing grading policy policy..
GRADING POLICY (K-8) INFORMATION INFORMA TION CONTINUED Grading for 2nd and 4th Quarters will reflect a Standards-Based/Tiered Grading System with 6-levels classified as the follo following wing categories: 4 – Exceeds Standard: Demonstrates understandi understanding ng and mastery, mastery, content knowledge knowledge,, and skills. Goes beyond beyond level and can apply standard to real world situations. 3 – Proficient: Demonstrates understanding and mas mastery tery of the standard, content knowledge, and skills. 2 – Approaching Proficiency: Defines and identifies content knowledge or uses skills alone but needs help demonstrating full understanding of the standard. 1 – – Needs Needs Support: Even with help, the student has difficulty perf performing orming basic skills or defining content knowledge and is well below grade level standard. 0 – Unable to Perform: Perform: Even with significant help help,, the student is not able to perform any any of the basic skills or define content knowledge. NE – No Grade/No Evidence: No work or Not Enough w work ork submitted to mak make e a final determination. (See teacher comments).
CITIZENSHIP AND LIFE READINESS SKILLS 1. Citizenship and Life Readiness Skills will be determined by the following following criteria: a. Engagement: Participates Participates in class discussions and activities, asks and answers questions, is ontask either in-person or on video conferences, depending on MOL. b. Organization and Planning: Organizes notes, handouts, supplies, and instructional materials; plans assignments, activities, and tasks effectively; and manages time efficiently to meet deadlines. c. Completion and Submission of Assignments: Completes and submits assignments regularly and on time. d. Conduct: Displays respectful and appropriate conduct when communication with teachers, peers, and others either online or during face to face instruction. e. Accountability: Follows Follows school rules r ules and takes responsibility for his/her actions. f. Attendance & Punctuality: Attends class regularly and on time.
CITIZENSHIP AND LIFE READINESS SKILLS 2. Citizenship and Life Readiness Skills will be reported using the following categories:
(4) Excellent (3) Satisfactory (2) Needs Improvement
(1) Unsatisfa Unsatisfactory ctory (NE) Not Enough Evidence/No Evidence/No Effort
PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Parent TTeacher eacher Conferences will be conducted on: * 1st quarter: October 22, 2021 (Friday) * 2nd quarter: January 14, 2022 ( Friday)
Parent TTeacher eacher Conferences may be requested by the teac teacher her at any time within the school year.
HEALTH INFORMATION * Please be sure to fill out the health and emergency form/card provided by by the nurse or update it if you need to. Please inform the school sc hool officials of any medical alert, allergies, custodial or court matters, etc. * It is of great importance that your contact numbers on any of the sc school hool forms be working numbers so that you will be easily contacted in any emergencies regarding your child. * Please do a prescreening of your child before sending to school. schoo l. If your child displays symptoms of being sick, do not send to school. Keep at home or take to the doctor’s. * To protect your child and others, clean daily and check your child’s hair weekly for lice or nits.
Our school health counselor co unselor is Mrs. Iona.
IMPORTANT HEALTH PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW Please comply with the following following health procedures for students who displays any covid-19 symptoms while in school: 1. The student will be sent to the nurse for screening and check c heck up. 2. The student will be placed in the isolation room. Parent/s Parent/s will be called and given the information regarding the child. 3. If the student is sent home due to the suspected symptoms, it is highly encouraged that you take your child to the doctor. COVID-19 SYMPTOMS: SYMPTOMS: * Fever or chills * Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing * Fatigue * Muscle or body aches * Headache * New loss of taste or smell * Sore throat * Congestion or runny nose * Nausea or vomiting * Diarrhea ** Any student sent home from school due to covid-19 symptoms must
return back to school with a doctor’ doctor ’s note/certification. Even if it is just for the day that the student was sent home.
SCHOOL MEALS AsTumbo Elementary participates in the Federal School Lunch Program. If your child will not eat breakfast or lunch from the cafeteria, please ensure that your child eats a good healthy breakfast before arriving arriving to school and provide a packed lunc lunch. h. Any food allergies must be noted on the Emergency Information Form. Also, it would be great to share it with the classroom teacher teac her.. * Breakfast is served at no cost to all students beginning at 7:15 an to 8:15 am. * Lunch will be served at no cost to all students during their assigned lunch period. Students may bring packed lunch. * Snacks not allowed due to minimal nutritional value are: soda, ice cream or similar products, hot/spicy chips, marshmallow candy, candy, chewing c hewing gum, candy, candy coated popcorn etc. * Snack sharing will not be allowed. * ABSOLUTELY NO CLASSROOM CLASS ROOM P PARTIES ARTIES ALLOWED ON CAMPUS.
DRESS CODE Uniform Policy Board Policy #401:
* Students must wear AsTumbo Elementary uniform. School shirt with black bottom. * Uniforms may be purchased from Royal Bic’s located in Tamun amuning ing acr across oss AK Toyota Car Dealership. * Students are required to wear closed toe footwear to school.
THANK YOU for your support, commitment, and for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend this orientation.
School phone number: 635-4363/64 School email:
[email protected] School we website: bsite:
First day of school is on August 12 (Thursday)