First English Exam - Revisión Del Intento

November 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

Îrgn pgrsodne   /  Hfs iursos   /   NEIP   /   Gdbefsm FFF   /   Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh Hodjny, >7 jg Hnrim jg 0;0>, 0;1:; Gstnjo Cfdnefznjo Cfdnefznjo gd Hodjny, >7 jg Hnrim jg 0;0>, 0>1:0 Zfghpo > morn 0 hfdutos

Iohgdznjo ge

ghpegnjo Inefcfinifùd Yfd inefcfinr nñd [rgbudtn > Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;


Efstgd to tmrgg pgopeg jfsiussfdb n cooj qufz. Imoosg trug or cnesg.

  @rfttn fs n imgc ndj n tgnimgr.

Ygegiifodg udn1 Sgrjnjgro  Cneso

En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs 'Sgrjnjgro'

[rgbudtn 0 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Orndbg aufig fs `gttgr cor your mgnetm tmnd nppeg aufig.

Ygegiifodg udn1 Sgrjnjgro  Cneso

En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs 'Sgrjnjgro'[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

[rgbudtn 9 Fdiorrgitn [udtñn ;.;; so`rg >.;;

Rmftg `rgnj fs tmg snhg ns `rowd `rgnj.

Ygegiifodg udn1 Sgrjnjgro Cneso  

En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs 'Sgrjnjgro'

[rgbudtn : Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Sgbgtn`egs fd tfds nrg horg gxpgdsfvg tmnd crgsm vgbgtn`egs.

Ygegiifodg udn1 Sgrjnjgro Cneso 

En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs 'Cneso'

[rgbudtn 7 Fdiorrgitn [udtñn ;.;; so`rg >.;;

Aosgpm jogsd‖t eflg Fdjfnd cooj.

Ygegiifodg udn1 Sgrjnjgro   Cneso

En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs 'Cneso'[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

[rgbudtn 3 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;


Efstgd to cfvg iodvgrsntfods `gtwggd two crfgdjs wmo nrg tnelfdb n`out ioolfdb. Imoosg N or @.

Yuznddg wndtgj to hnlg _____.

  N. Eudim @. Inlg


Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 Inlg

[rgbudtn 2 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Zmgy jod‖t mnvg ndy _____. N. Ofe @. @uttgr


Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 @uttgr

[rgbudtn = Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Yuznddg dggjs to `uy _____.

N. N cgw fd fdbr brgjf gjfgd gdts ts


@. Od Odgg fd fdbr brgj gjfg fgdt dt

Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 N cgw fdbrgjfgdts[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

[rgbudtn 6 Fdiorrgitn [udtñn ;.;; so`rg >.;;

Yuznddg _____ to tmg inlg.

N. nj njjs js so sohg hg hf hfel el  

@. jo jogs gsd' d'tt njj njj nd ndyy hfe hfell

Pgspugstn fdiorrgitn. En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 njjs sohg hfel

[rgbudtn > Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Crndlfg jfjd‖t gnt mfs `frtmjny inlg `ginusg _____.

N. mg jf jfjd jd't 't efeflg lg ft @. mg ind ind't 't gnt gnt su subn bnrr


Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 mg ind't gnt subnr[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

[rgbudtn >> Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

PGNJFDB YGIZFOD Pgnj tmg tgxt ndj imoosg N, @, or I.


Our ienss ’ tmg cooj wg gnt ndj wmgd wg gnt ft   Zmg stujgdts fd our Gdbefsm ienss nrg croh tmrgg jfccgrgdt ioudtrfgs1 Ftney, Anpnd ndj @rnzfe. Nctgr tnelfdb n`out typfine cooj ndj our jnfey routfdgs nt mohg, wg coudj tmnt wg nee mnvg `rgnlcnst, eudim ndj jfddgr. @ut wg wgrg surprfsgj n`out mow jfccgrgdt jfccg rgdt tmgsg hgnes nrg! Ftney

N typfine Ftnefnd `rgnlcnst, or prndzo, fsd‖t vgry `fb< aust ioccgg ndj sohg lfdj oc inlg. Our jgefifous inppuiifdo ioccgg fs cnhous nee ovgr tmg worej. Ndotmgr Ftnefnd cooj tmnt gvgry`ojy ldows fs pnstn `ut tmfs fsd‖t tmg hnfd pnrt oc eudim. Rg mnvg two jfsmgs, tmg cfrst fs pnstn ndj tmgd tmg sgiodj fs hgnt or cfsm wftm vgbgtn`egs. Eudim fs usuneey croh >-9 p.h. ndj ft‖s octgd `fbbgr tmnd jfddgr wmfim stnrts nt 2 or = p.h. Anpnd

Fd Anpnd wg rgneey eflg rfig ndj fd tmg pnst gvgry`ojy ntg ft cor `rgnlcnst. Dow, n eot oc Anpndgsg pgopeg mnvg Guropgnd-styeg cooj fdstgnj wmgd tmgy bgt up. Rg nrg `fb cnds oc cfsm ndj sgncooj ndj n eot oc Anpndgsg pgopeg prgcgr brggd tgn to ioccgg. Fd bgdgrne, our hgnes nrg shneegr tmnd fd @rnzfe or Ftney ndj wg tmfdl tmgy‖rg mgnetmfgr too. Odg popuenr tmfdb fd Anpnd fs `gdto. Zmfs fs n lfdj oc eudim `ox wmfim you ind hnlg nt mohg or `uy nt tmg smop od tmg wny to tmg occfig. Ft‖s vgry `gnutfcue ndj sohgtfhgs tnlgs n eodb tfhg cor n imgc to hnlg ft. @rnzfe

Eflg tmg Ftnefnds, @rnzfefnd pgopeg gnt n eot oc cooj nt eudimtfhg. N cnvourftg penig cor eudim fd @rnzfe fs ineegj n imurrnsinrfn. Fd tmfs lfdj oc  rgstnurndt, you ind gdaoy stgnl ndj otmgr hgnt `ut you dggj to `g mudbry! Fc you jod‖t eflg gntfdb n enrbg eudim, you ind `uy sohg strggt cooj eflg pnstge jg qugfao, wmfim fs n mot sdnil wftm imggsg fdsfjg. Rg mnvg jfddgr entgr tmnd tmg Ftnefnds nt nroudj =.9; p.h. ndj ft's cnhfey tfhg.  

Zmg Ftnefnds jrfdl ioccgg cor `rgnlcnst.

N. Zrug


@. Cnesg I. Jo Jogs gsd' d'tt sn snyy

Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 Zr Zrug ug[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

[rgbudtn >0 Fdiorrgitn [udtñn ;.;; so`rg >.;;

Zmgy octgd gnt pnstn cor jfddgr.

N. Zrug  

@. Cnesg

I. Jo Jogs gsd' d'tt sn snyy

Pgspugstn fdiorrgitn. En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 Jogsd't sny

[rgbudtn >9 Fdiorrgitn [udtñn ;.;; so`rg >.;;

Jfddgr fd Ftney usuneey cfdfsmgs nroudj = p.h.

N. Zrug @. Cnesg  

I. Jo Jogs gsd' d'tt sn snyy

Pgspugstn fdiorrgitn. En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 Cnesg

[rgbudtn >: Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Fd Anpnd, host pgopeg jod‖t octgd gnt rfig cor `rgnlcnst.

N. Zrug


@. Cnesg I. Jo Jogs gsd' d'tt sn snyy

Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 Zr Zrug ug[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

[rgbudtn >7 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Eudim fs `fbbgr fd Anpnd tmnd fd Ftney.

N. Zrug @. Cnesg



I. Jo Jogs gsd' d'tt sn snyy

Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 Cnesg

[rgbudtn >3 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Odey imgcs ind hnlg `gdto.

N. Zrug @. Cnesg I. Jo Jogs gsd' d'tt sn snyy

Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 Cnesg

[rgbudtn >2 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

[nstge jg qugfao fs gxpgdsfvg cooj.

N. Zrug @. Cnesg I. Jo Jogs gsd' d'tt sn snyy


Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 Jogsd't sny[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

[rgbudtn >= Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Ftnefnd pgopeg gnt ___________ ___________________ ________ oc pnstn cor eudim.

N. two jf jfsmgs @. n jfsm


Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 n jfsm

[rgbudtn >6 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Eudim fd Ftney tnlgs ____________________ . N. odg mour @. two mours



Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 two mours

[rgbudtn 0 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

_____________________ __________ ___________ fs popuenr fd Anpnd. N. Ioccgg @. Brggd tg tgn

Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 Brggd tgn[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

[rgbudtn 0> Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Iohpegtg tmg sgdtgdigs wftm n, nd, sohg or ndy.

Ynhndtmn jogsd‖t wndt __________ irfsps. Ymg jogsd‖t eflg tmgh.

nd n  



Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 ndy

[rgbudtn 00 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

F sohgtfhgs mnvg _________ nppeg cor jgssgrt.



ndy n sohg

Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 nd[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

[rgbudtn 09 Fdiorrgitn [udtñn ;.;; so`rg >.;;

”F‖h mudbry.‖ ”Jo you wndt ____________ tonst?‖  


sohg n nd

Pgspugstn fdiorrgitn. En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 sohg

[rgbudtn 0: Fdiorrgitn [udtñn ;.;; so`rg >.;;

Egt‖ss iool __________ cfsm tmfs gvgdfdb. Egt‖

nd n


ndy sohg

Pgspugstn fdiorrgitn. En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 sohg

[rgbudtn 07 Fdiorrgitn [udtñn ;.;; so`rg >.;;

Zmgrg‖s_________ Zmgrg‖ s_________ `otteg oc hfel fd tmg crfjbg.



nd ndy n

Pgspugstn fdiorrgitn. En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 n[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

[rgbudtn 03 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Imoosg tmg iorrgit worj or pmrnsg.

Hy sfstgr worls vgry mnrj. Ymg jogsd‖t mnvg __________ crgg tfhg.

N. huim



@. hndy

Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 huim

[rgbudtn 02 Fdiorrgitn [udtñn ;.;; so`rg >.;;

[ut __________________ __________________ snet fd tmg ohgegttg.

N. n eftteg @. n cgw

Pgspugstn fdiorrgitn. En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 n eftteg

[rgbudtn 0= Fdiorrgitn [udtñn ;.;; so`rg >.;;

”Mow huim cruft aufig jogs your jnubmtgr jrfdl?‖

N. N eot oc  


@. N eot

Pgspugstn fdiorrgitn. En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 N eot[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

[rgbudtn 06 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

F jfjd‖t gnt ____________ eudim `ginusg F wnsd‖t mudbry.  

N. ndy

@. do

Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 ndy

[rgbudtn 9 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Jnrrgd gnts _________________ _________________ swggts. Mg eovgs tmgh.  

N. n eot oc  

@. huim

Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 n eot oc 

[rgbudtn 9> Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Iohpegtg tmg sgdtgdigs wftm tmg iohpnrntfvg corh oc tmg njagitfvg fd `rnilgts. Gxnhpeg1 Ytniy‖s n `gttgr (booj) sfdbgr tmnd mgr sfstgr.

  Hy iousfd fs oejgr


 (oej) tmnd hg.

En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 oejgr[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

[rgbudtn 90 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Ywfhhfdb fd n pooe fs sncgr


 (sncg) tmnd swfhhfdb fd tmg sgn.

En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 sncgr

[rgbudtn 99 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

F‖h horg tfrgj


 (tfrgj) fd hy dgw ao` tmnd fd hy oej ao`.

En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 horg tfrgj

[rgbudtn 9: Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Zmg Bgrhnd ienss fs horg jfccfiuet


 (jfccfiuet) tmnd tmg Crgdim ienss.

En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 horg jfccfiuet

[rgbudtn 97 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Rrftg tmg duh`grs ns worjs. Gxnhpeg1

3,:7; sfx tmousndj, cour mudjrgj ndj cfcty 

  >,;>; odg tmousndj tgd


En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 odg tmousndj ndj tgd[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

[rgbudtn 93 Fdiorrgitn [udtñn ;.;; so`rg >.;;

dfdg mudjrgj dfdgty-dfdg



En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 dfdg mudjrgj ndj dfdgty-dfdg

[rgbudtn 92 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

02,:;; twgdty-sgvgd tmousndj, cour mudjrgj


En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 twgdty-sgvgd tmousndj, cour mudjrgj

[rgbudtn 9= Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

Imoosg tmg iorrgit worj.

  N ________________________ ________________________ oc orndbg aufig.

N. `ox @. inrtod


Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 inrtod[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto

[rgbudtn 96 Iorrgitn [udtñn >.;; so`rg >.;;

N __________________ __________________ oc crgsm hfel. N. pnilgt @. `otteg


Pgspugstn iorrgitn En rgspugstn iorrgitn gs1 `otteg

[rgbudtn : Cfdnefznjo [udtñn ioho >;.;;

RPFZFDB YGIZFOD Jgsirf`g tmg hgnes fd your ioudtry. Ndswgr tmgsg qugstfods, tmgd wrftg n tgxt. (27’>;; worjs)

  > Rmnt hgnes jo pgopeg mnvg? Rmgd jo tmgy mnvg tmgfr hgnes? hgnes? 0 Rmnt jo pgopeg pgopeg usuneey mnvg cor `rgnlcnst / eudim / jfddgr? 9 Rmnt typgs oc oc cooj / jrfdl nrg nrg popuenr fd your ioudtry? : Rmgrg jo pgopeg smop cor cooj? 7 Jo pgopeg octgd gnt out fd rgstnurndts? >.Wsuneey tmrgg hgnes n jny, ndj fd Ioeoh`fn wg njjftfodneey gnt n sdnil nt 3ph  Nt 2 or =nh `rgnlcnst, `rgnlcnst, eudim nt >ph ndj ndj eudim nt =ph. 0. cor `rgnlcnst imoioentg ndj gbbs, cor eudim rfig ndj hgnt. n sndjwfim cor jfddgr  9. Cor cooj tmg nafnio, tmg pnfsn trny ndj cor jrfdls tmg mot imoioentg ndj ioccgg.  :. Fd shnee rgstnurndts rgstnurndts or ndywmgrg `ginusg `ginusg ft fs so jgefifous. jgefifous. 7. Fc pgopeg bo out n eot to smoppfdb hnees or cnhous penigs cor eudim.

◊ Rrftfdb Nitfvfty1 Njvgrtfsghgd Njvgrtfsghgdtt

Fr n...

Coro jg jujns g fdqufgtujgs ▱[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702




Cfrst Gdbefsm Gxnh1 Pgvfsfùd jge fdtgdto


FDCO YO[OPZG ZÆIDFIO hnfe Zgeæcodo1 :>690;; gxtgdsfùd >>:> Eudgs n Sfgrdgs =1;; n.h. n 31;; p.h.

IODZÎIZNDOY Inhpus Znbnstg1 Znbnstg1 Nv. Ifujnj jg Inef Do. >>`-67  [modg 1 [@]1 (72) (>) :>690;;  G-hnfe 1 Ygjg Yu`n1 Iee. >:2 Do. =6-96


   Iopyrfbmt © 0;>2 - Jgsnrroeenjo por EHYNIG.ioh. Irgnjo pnrn Hoojeg Pgsuhgd jg rgtgdifùd jg jntos[/hoj/qufz/rgvfgw.pmp?nttghpt8096>=&ihfj8:2702


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