Firebase Issue Eight

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October 2008 – Issue #8

Art by Tim Divar

Editorial I see you shiver with antici…pation! Welcome to the eighth issue of Firebase magazine, my fellow faithful aficionados of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. I have to admit to feeling a little as though we outdid ourselves last issue, regardless we are certain you will enjoy the fruits of everyone’s labors this issue. I’m always impressed with the amount of dedication that my staff and contributors bring to our magazine, and I hope you take the time to appreciate their generous endeavors - without their tireless efforts this publication would cease to be. Inside you will find the reviews, tutorials, and quality of battle reports

you’ve come to love; this issue we have an especially good battle report featuring some amazing Adeptus Mechanicus and a great little Space Hulk tutorial I couldn’t bear to not share with the rest of you. I hope everyone had a safe and pleasurable Halloween, personally my favorite holiday. I was lucky enough to be dressed as an awfully average looking vampire, flanked by a striking vampiress companion this year. Don’t forget: it’s just a jump to the left… -Gabriel “Gabe” Schrock, Editor

FIREBASE STAFF Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gabriel Schrock Gaming Sub-Editor . . . . Michael Glaeser Modelling Sub-Editor. . . . . . Stephen Gair Advisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Adam Smith Design & Layout . . . . . . . . . . Jon Mattison Proofreaders . . . . . . . . . . . Greg Alexander Huw Davies James Maliska Matthew Phelps

STAFF Cover Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tim Divar Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Travis Andrews Josef Eugenio Nacho Fernandez Jason Heuser Tim Solosy Pavel Zolotoko

FIREBASE is published every three months in association with All text and layout remains the copyright of FIREBASE. FIREBASE is a fully independent publication and its views are not the views of any company mentioned herein. All characters and artwork shown in this magazine remain the © and trademark of their respective owners. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the express permission of the Editor or Deputy Editor. FIREBASE can accept no responsibility for inaccuracies or complaints arising from editorial or advertising within this magazine. All letters and emails received will be considered for publication, but we cannot always provide personal replies. This fanzine is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. FIREBASE is a nonprofit making fanzine with the aim of promoting Games Workshop games, products and hobby. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Comics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nacho Fernandez Rob Leigh Brian Solomon Paul Wantland Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greg Alexander Huw Davies Michael Glaeser Timo Lorenz David McGuire …And to our Matthew Phelps contributors a Gabriel Schrock massive thank Adam Smith you! Geoffrey Snider Brian Solomon 2

Table of Contents






Staff Work-in-Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 News from the Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Product Review: KR Multicase . . . . . . . . . . 14 Imperial Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Astartes Archive: Aurora Chapter . . . . . . . 18 Apocalypse Datasheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Strategy: Tyranids in 5th Edition . . . . . . . . 28 Ammobunker Report on GD UK . . . . . . . . 33 Interview: Brian Aderson, GD Organizer . 58 Playing 40K Second Edition. . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Battle Report: IG & Eldar vs. Chaos . . . . . 65 Tutorial: Modular 5th Ed. Game Table . . . 92 Tutorial: Pre-Heresy Terminator Shoulder Pads . . 95 Tutorial: Old School Plague Marines . . . 100 Dark Heresy: Alternate Premises. . . . . . . 105 Comics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Fiction: The Four Horsemen: Space Hulk . . 114 Fiction: The Pandora Strain . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Specilist Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Epic: The Painting of a Ship. . . . . . . . . . . 134 AI: Flying the Chaos Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Epic: Collecting Guard, Part 3 . . . . . . . . . 137 Tutorial: Travel Space Hulk. . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Teaser for Issue 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Staff Work-in-Progress MATTHEW PHELPS I must apologise for the lack of Part Two of the Ruins Tutorial in this issue of Firebase - due to The Ammobunker taking part at Games Day UK this year all of my time went into that particular venture (see the article in this issue for more). I will, however, be getting back to work on that to get it finished off in time to appear in the next issue of Firebase. Post Games Day I’ve been able to get back to some actual modelling; I finished off my second Dreadnought/Defiler:

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Staff Work-in-Progress Matthew Phelps: I also started a heavily modified Leman Russ - in these pictures you can see some of the work done so far, including the new position of the turret ring, side skirts, forward crew hatches and engine.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Staff Work-in-Progress

Matthew Phelps: And, finally, I’ve gone back to working on my Militia. Here’s the first infantry figure I’ve put together in far too many months; this guy has a scanner which will be used to help squads target the enemy, hopefully it will mean a Lascannon squad taking down a Carnifex a lot easier…

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Staff Work-in-Progress DAVID MCGUIRE This is a pretty big piece which dominates any 4’ x 6’ board it is on; it contains 4 separate bunkers, all with firing slits, and 4 roof positions with cover all round. It’s taken a few hits from enemy fire here and there, but is still intact and in use, although it appears that some AoBR Orks have snuck onto the roof! As a piece of line-of-sight blocking terrain it more than suffices, but it can also play a part in many different missions. The roof sections are removable so you can place models on the firing positions inside. I made this out of dense styrofoam, using 10mm thick boards; I drew templates first for

each wall or floor section, cut them out and stuck them all together with hot glue. The detailing is from GW’s Cities of Death range, as well as some posters I downloaded from Warseer, bits of plastic plumbing and other scifi bits and pieces I had lying around; the bronze doors are actually clips to attach shelves to a wall. I painted the whole thing dark grey with some budget acrylics and Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

then progressively drybrushed lighter shades. I drybrushed Burnt Umber for the dirt and grime, black for the scorch marks and used a few watered down ink washes and some of the new Citadel washes here and there for staining the concrete and adding more dirt and rust. After spraying with matt varnish I added some scenic water to the pipes (for leaks) and to the lamps (to make them shine a bit!).


Staff Work-in-Progress pieces. To block line-of-sight more completely, I boarded up all the windows on the lower level with panels from the Platformer range. Below right, blocking line-of-sight is something I have tried to do in many of my terrain boards, hence the large rubble pile, the large, leaning wall on the right and the intact ground floor of the building. Five bases of terrain ready for painting. Each of them uses the GW Cities of Death sprues and Hirst Arts’ Gothic pieces, as well as assorted junk from my bitz box, some cat litter, Polyfilla, sand and glue. All bar one are 12” square. Below left, the stairway is made of Hirst Arts

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Above right, more Hirst Arts pieces went into making the wall in the one on the left. The block of foam on the right hand one will be the foundation for a fairly tall rubble pile. Those damn Orks get everywhere!


Staff Work-in-Progress

GREG ALEXANDER Some of you, if you were at the UK Gamesday, might have noticed this particular squad if you happened to wander past one of the tables put on by The Ammobunker. They were part of the WIP table and to be quite frank had Matt, one of my fellow Ammobunkerians, not insisted that I have a squad on show (having seen the test-mini I had posted in our Project Log forum) then I wouldn’t be part of this particular article. Anyway, I’ve always been tempted to try and do a Marine in predominantly orange colours, just to see how he’d turn out. Fortunately I’ve still not managed to do that; common sense prevails some might say… I did, however, try it out on the shoulder pads of a spare model that I had kicking around just to see if I could get it looking OK. I did. I then looked at Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

the Dreadnought I’d painted in Deathwing colours… Before long, I was happily attacking the model with Foundation paints, reasoning that I may as well give them a chance to impress me. Which, I’m happy to say, they duly did. With them came the new washes; again, I was impressed. Microset and Microsol made an appearance with regards to the transfers. The name ‘Fire Wolves’ was a happy accident - originally they would have been the ‘Fire Gryphons’, but I couldn’t find any Gryphon transfers online, or in my room, so that idea went out the window as I can’t freehand to save my life. While hunting around my room, though, I came across a Space Wolves transfer sheet…perfect.


Staff Work-in-Progress MICHAEL GLAESER It seems like my list of things to paint just keeps getting longer. When I’m not doing commission work, building a new Daemon army, dipping Tyranids or working on future Golden Demon entries, I’m working on my Vostroyans. I recently added some armour to my force which includes a Malcador, Baneblade and Macharius; I’m particularly excited about the latter as it is such a cool kit! The guys at Forgeworld have really outdone themselves on this one, it truly captures the spirit of the Guard. However, it needs a bit of work to become a true vehicle of the Vostroyan Firstborn. As with all my other tanks, I replaced the main gun with plastic empire cannon barrels as these pieces look handcrafted, much like other Vostroyan weaponry. If you look hard enough, I also replaced the hull heavy stubber with part of a Dwarf organ gun to continue the cannon theme. Other additions include eagles on the side panels and a searchlight, both courtesy of the plastic Cities of Death buildings. To finish it off, I plan on converting Forgeworld’s General Grizmund model into a Vostroyan tank commander. Emperor have mercy on my future opponents!

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


News From the Library AUDIOBOOK: THE DARK KING AND THE LIGHTNING TOWER, - DAN ABNETT & GRAHAM MCNEILL The first Black Library audio book! Obviously we are anxious to listen, not knowing what this book will bring. Well, what awaits us is one story from the time of the Horus Heresy from each Dan Abnett and Graham McNeill. They are solid short stories, even if we’ve read better stuff by those two authors; then again, who would want to listen to the entire ‘Gaunt’s Ghosts’ series in one piece? Alright, you got me. I would. So how are they made up, what kind of acoustic spectacle lies ahead? Are there sounds like in Dawn of War? If that’s what you’re hoping to find, you will be highly disappointed. The sounds are similar to 80s movies, and the voices don’t seem too authentic or convincing either, yet somehow it’s still got charm. The one thing that becomes unbearable in the listening process is that the voices are always accompanied by “says Rogal Dorn”, “says Konrad Curze”, which I found subtracts a lot of suspense from the plot. After a little while you cannot shake the feeling that they didn’t adapt the story but just read the original. All in all this is an audio book for 40k fans with a penchant for trashy things. Kind of like a B-Movie audio book. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Dear Brothers, dear Xenos. This summer we got to watch the best of the best give their all in the Olympics, and this issue of News from the Library is somewhat similar to this. We’ve got re-issues of old time favourites, new novels and an old one I picked up (on my way home from grocery shopping), basically some of the best 40k books out there competing.

This issue revolves mostly around Space Marines; and their dark secrets that have been buried deep within some Chapters. Of course we’ve also got another premiere in store, our own Olympics’ opening ceremony, so to say: the first Black Library audio book. On to the reviews! Timo Lorenz (Brother Marine of the Book Worm Chapter)

THE BLOOD ANGELS OMNIBUS - JAMES SWALLOW The Omnibus contains the related novels Deus Encarmine and Deus Sanguinius that are connected through a short story about a shady inquisitor, which is part of both novels. It’s a fairly good compilation and one of the few 40k books with a white binding. Only James Swallow’s books and the Ultramarines novels have achieved this so far.

Arkio appears to be Sanguinius reincarnation. This leads to a schism within the chapter, posing a threat to the Blood Angel’s existence.

The story tells of the relationship between two brothers, Rafen and Arkio, who are forced to turn against each other in the course of the plot. It’s a saga about heroism, corruption and deceit on the highest level.

Heavy combat has reduced the number of Blood Angels far enough to endanger their further existence. The chapters of the second creation are called to a council meeting on Baal. The envy and the rivalries of the succeeding orders make this meeting

The Blood Angels are pursuing the Word Bearers after their attack, but what lies ahead is only the setting of a new threat.

James Swallow’s story is witty as well as epic and should become part of your mandatory reading. Still, it cannot establish itself among this issue’s selection. RED FURY - JAMES SWALLOW Alongside the omnibus’ release, James Swallow also delivers the third part of the Blood Angels, basically the follow-up story.


News From the Library a rather bold venture but the Blood Angels´ despair also leads to a dark path. Unfortunately this is also way too predictable early on. Is a follow-up to a closed narrative cycle really necessary? Not in my opinion. The plot Swallow developed within the first two novels was mystical, heroic and most of all, selfcontained. Red Fury seems like it’s an attempt to just toss another story into the cycle and comes across as very unrealistic due to the Blood Angels’ constant insubordination. The schism that divides the legion is a part of the plot I can bear but the disobedient Marines that refuse to obey the Chapter Master and just abide by their own rules? Please. That reeks of too much corruption and most of all, of a bad sequel. Too bad really. But possibly the reason why the binding is back to black? LORD OF THE NIGHT - SIMON SPURRIER In the novel Lord of the Night Simon Spurrier actually tells two tales simultaneously: the story of a young interrogator named Mita Ashyn that tries to prove herself to her new master, and the story of Night Lords Commander Sahaal, who wakes up after ten thousand years of exile.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Sahaal picks up the search for a stolen artefact, applying his legion’s terror strategies. He starts a kind of guerrilla warfare in order to attain his goals and encounters Mita, who is on a hunt to prove her abilities, even against her master’s will. The author brings us two main characters that are complete opposites on the one hand, yet bear similarities on the other: they are both ostracized by their surroundings. A dismal atmosphere is created by the eccentric Inquisitor as well as the inner struggle Sahaal has to fight in order to save his spirit from being corrupted by Chaos. New facets of the Warhammer Universe are revealed here. Lord of the Night is absolutely part of my Top 10 of the all-time best W40k books. It is suspenseful and skilfully written, and if you happen to see this book (published in 2005) in the store, you should pick it up! Still this book just missed being placed in the first three by a millisecond against Ben Counter’s Demon World. Second Opinion by David McGuire: I am not about to disagree with my fellow Brother of the Book Worm Chapter - Lord of The Night is one of the best-loved Black Library books for a good reason; it stands head and shoulders above most of its stable-mates. Complex and layered in quite unexpected ways, with fully realised characters that you grow to care about (yes, even the evil ones!), this is a tour de force of pain, lies and suffering,

with enough violence and vengeance to keep the tale rattling along. There seems unlikely to ever be a sequel, which just makes this one-off all the better for it. Ave dominus nox, indeed. THE KILLING GROUND - GRAHAM MCNEILL Uriel Ventris returns with his comrade Pasanius and the Unfleshed from the Eye of Terror; in this fourth Ultramarines novel. The demon train takes them to an abandoned town on the planet Salinas. This planet bears a secret, the city ruins’ past seem to be the key to it all. Not just these dark secrets await Uriel and Pasanius; they must also undergo the task of proving their purity after having been in the Eye of Terror. Graham McNeill puts a close to the Ultramarines saga with The Killing Grounds. Unfortunately this book is lacking the great moments of the bestial battles against the Tyranids, or the dark visions of Medrengard. The novel is not in itself bad, and definitely a necessity, as it closes the saga. However, it is not of the same class as its predecessors and can therefore not take part in this issues competition for Olympic medals.


News From the Library TITANICUS - DAN ABNETT What’s left to say about Dan Abnett that hasn’t already been said? Titanicus’ setting is a planet under attack by the Chaos Titans. Following the emergency signal, an imperial Titan Legion lands, and a colossal battle ensues. What gets left when two Legions of the God Machines collide? Once again Dan Abnett manages to deliver a fascinating, thrilling novel. He highlights individual fates within a highly epic conflict, establishing an emotional connection between the reader and those characters, be they Moderati or “just” reservists in the Imperial army. He installs life in these characters, making them more than just fictional entities: he makes them seem three-dimensional due to the fact that he gives them certain traits that you recognize from friends or co-workers. I’m sorry to repeat myself but what’s left for me to say? Dan Abnett still is the master of suspense in the range of 40k novels and rightfully carries this issue’s gold medal.

ANGELS OF DARKNESS - GAV THORPE Gav Thorpe’s Angels of Darkness was reissued this summer as well. 2003 must have been a good year for novels! This two-level novel tells the stories of both Chaplain Boreas and the Fallen Astelan, who is being interrogated by the Dark Angels chaplain after his capture. Within the parts of the book that are titled “The Tale of Astelan”, Astelan lays the foundation for the thoughts, doubts and actions Boreas has in the course of the novel’s second level “The Tale of Boreas”. Has the Chaplain really earned his first black pearl with Astelan or did Astelan really have the upper hand in the dialogues? Which dark secrets that have not even revealed themselves to the highest of Dark Angels does the Fallen One know? The novel is extremely tantalizing and has several surprises in store. The conversations between Boreas and Astelan seem somewhat like discussions between a man of faith and the devil: the Fallen One comes across as likeable, using subtlety to undermine the Dark Angel’s rigid belief. In the course of the conversation you begin to wonder which one was really on the Emperor’s side.

DAEMON WORLD - BEN COUNTER This 2003 novel by Ben Counter was re-issued this summer. It’s a terrific Warhammer Fantasy/40k Crossover. Planet Torvendis has been a Chaos battle field for millennia, and has its dark legends of its own. Torvendis is currently ruled by Lady Charybdia, princess of Slaanesh, but peculiar incidents are threatening her empire. A young and aspiring champion unites the barbaric tribes, a mysterious stranger walks the planet and a small group of Word Bearers is hunting a deserter. Are all these occurrences mere coincidence or is there a pattern, hinting at yet another change of power in the Daemon World? Ben Counter’s novel was one of my favourites among all 40k novels when I first read it in 2003. The book is full of suspense and shows the most wonderful parts of chaotic madness. This novel isn’t just a must-read for only Chaos players! Daemon World rightfully steps up to receive a bronze medal.

This excellent novel was rightfully re-issued and is now the proud owner of this issue’s silver medal. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Product Review: KR Multicase

FOAMING MAD by Adam Smith In his quest for a fine quality carry case, Adam Smith discovers that your first choice isn’t always the best choice... It all began one fateful night. Actually, that’s not entirely true, it began a week before; when my lovely new girlfriend had arranged to stay for the weekend, and that presented a problem. Having been rather extravagant earlier in the year, I now had 5,000pts of Tau miniatures dominating my

living space. I needed a carry case to hide it all in –a monstrous carry case. And I needed it fast! My first choice was Figures in Comfort, having used their medium sized carry cases many times before. But they were on holiday, and I needed a carry case now. So; I went looking for alternatives and found KR Multicase. With over 100 troops, numerous battle suits, tanks, light vehicles and even objective markers, I had no idea which foam trays I would need to accommodate it all, let alone which of the enormous carry cases to choose from and time was of the essence. So I sent them an email and quickly received a full list of the trays I needed, available in a choice of two carry cases which would meet my needs. Attached was also a photograph of a carry case with trays cut to accommodate the Tau army of one of their staff members. Once the case arrived, I began pulling apart the section of foam to match the photo, while making a few personal improvements along the way. Within an hour (remember, I have 5,000pts of Tau!) all my tanks, troops and battle suits were sitting snugly. While admiring my handiwork, I was surprised just how good the materials were. The images on the KR Multicase website had left me feeling rather dubious about my expensive purchase, but what had arrived in the post was a weatherproof, nylon 600 denier fabric carry case filled with high grade cardboard boxes, each housing tightly packed foam trays now

Admiring my handiwork... comfortably cradling my miniatures. Perhaps KR Multicase should invest in a better camera to make their products more appealing? Only one thing now concerned me, and that was the thinness of each trays foam base. But once everything was packed inside, it was clear to see how the unusual stacking effect worked. Basically, the layers of foam within the tightly packed hard case snugly press against each another, securing both the trays and the models in place, preventing the slight slipping and warping that tends to occur with fabric carry cases –especially when the case is turned upon its side while carried or stored. So the question you’re probably asking right now is, “Which is the best carry case?” Well, to be completely honest, none of them are. It all comes down to what you need.

Photo provided by KR Multicase Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Product Review: KR Multicase

Figures in Comfort have the biggest range of foam trays to choose from that fit anything from land raiders to tiny Wings of War bi planes while KR Multicase trays require a little planning on your part, but provide a very snug and safe fit for your miniatures, being easy to cut and customise, which makes them much more versatile. Finally, there is the choice between a hard case and a soft fabric case. Both have their own merits, one is sturdy, one is flexible and both protect your miniatures in slightly different ways. So while I used to always buy my carry cases from either Charon Productions or Figures in Comfort, KR Multicase has much to offer. The moral of the story is to check all the shops and have a good look around before you make your next impulse buy. That way you’ll make sure that you find the right case for what you need, regardless of who makes it.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Imperial Register OBJECTIVE UPGRADES: Cost: +10 points per objective Effect: The effect of the upgrade depends on the army and can be found below. Range: Any unit with a model within 6 inches of the objective gains the effect. Note: A player can choose to upgrade each objective he places at the start of the game. The

upgrade must coincide with the appropriate army i.e.: a Tyranid army must utilize the Tyranid objective rule. Any ensuing advantages are only gained by the army that placed the objective and effects are not cumulative. FORCES OF THE IMPERIUM All of the Emperor’s fighting forces see the objective as a holy relic and will fight to the death to defend it.

THE IMPERIAL REGISTER Welcome, scribe, to the latest installment of the Imperial Register. With 5th edition we have come to find that objectives now play a much larger role in most of our games. Two out of the three are objective based meaning there will always be two or more capture points on the table. Desperate last minute assaults can center upon the taking and holding of these objectives. Units trying to claim objectives for their army would seemingly fight with renewed vigor and heroism which was not conveyed in game terms…until now. Remember, if you have ideas for units, vehicles or wargear; send them to the Imperial Register at [email protected].

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Imperial Register All units within range benefit from the Fearless special rule. ELDAR A link to the webway provides the Eldar with powerful knowledge of their enemies. All units within range benefit from the Preferred Enemy special rule. ORKS Objectives do not mean much to the Orks. All they know is that there is usually a good ‘scrap nearby. All units within range benefit from the Counter Attack special rule. DARK ELDAR Objectives set by the Dark Eldar are usually cunning traps which lure unsuspecting forces into deadly ambushes.

NECRONS Objectives sought by the Necrons pulse with ancient power not understood by the venerable Techpriests of Mars. All units within range benefit from a second “We’ll Be Back” roll should they have failed the first. TAU In the name of the Ethereal, Tau warriors defend their objectives to further the Greater Good. All units within range benefit from the Stubborn special rule.

OI! MONKEY! FIREASE does not have a staff made entirely of selectively bred, genetically enhanced Gorilla Warriors. We accept submissions from the average monkey like you. For the monkeys, by the monkeys. So grab a gun, shoot alien scum and help to defend the FIREBASE!

TYRANID Tyranid objectives are usually living organisms psychically linked to the Hive Mind. All units within range benefit from the Synapse special rule.

All units within range benefit from the Hit & Run special rule. CHAOS The Dark Gods only smile upon the bloodthirsty and victorious. Claiming an objective in their name strengths the bloodlust of the warriors. All units within range benefit from the Furious Charge special rule. DAEMONS Daemonic objectives usually act as conduits to the warp. The favor of the Dark Gods is much stronger in these areas. All units within range benefit from the Feel No Pain special rule.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Email your article to [email protected] Do NOT embed photos in your document. Put only the photo name in your article with caption where it should appear. Do not resize your photos, that’s our job. Just bundle them up in a ZIP archive and send them along: AuthorName.doc,


Gaming: Astartes Archive

THE AURORA CHAPTER Founded in the wake of great triumph, the Aurora Chapter carries the spirit and tradition of Robute Gulliman into the depths of the 41st milennium. Wherever the enemies of the Emperor strike, the Aurora Chapter can be found defending the people of the Imperium from the galaxy’s most terrible threats. ORIGINS The dark days of the Horus Heresy nearly destroyed the fledgling Imperium before it was truly born. As the legendary battles of the Heresy raged, vast regions of space reclaimed during the Great Crusade were left defenseless and alone. Many worlds fell to anarchy and ruin, as worlds that avoided the opportunistic advances of alien races fell under assault from an ambitious enemy within. The Imperium’s eventual triumph is a testament to the will of mankind, and to those who would defend the Emperor’s realm even when all hope appears to have vanished.

wonders were unceremoniously razed in battle or scrapped for munitions. Constant warfare and destruction gradually eroded even the most powerful faction’s ability to make war. Lasguns eventually gave way to muskets and crude cannons, which in turn gave way to sword and shield. Peasant soliders, in the final days of the war, wielded

crude spears fashioned from shards of what was once the glorious machinery of mankind. The population of Firestorm, unable even to harvest the most basic of mineral resources, settled into a shattered existence of nomadic gathering. Upon their arrival, Imperial forces were greeted by a world that was a specter of its former greatness.

The world of Firestorm had been brought into the Imperial fold during the last days of the Great Crusade. Originally a world operating at the pinnacle of technology, the Age of Strife left Firestorm a shell of its former glory. Firestorm’s rich resources gave way to a vast nobility, whose ambition spilled violently into perpetual civil war. A bloody stalemate took its toll upon both the citizens of Firestorm and the planet itself; untold billions were driven into the crucible of warfare, and great technological Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Gaming: Astartes Archive Having easily cowed the primitively-armed residents, Imperial Explorator teams soon set to determining the strategic value of their new conquest. Firestorm, which combined a strategically valuable location with extensive mineral deposits and fragments of ancient technology, was quickly deemed to be of critical importance. A communique was sent to the Ultramarines - specialists in reclaimation of new conquests - asking for aid in bringing Firestorm back into the fold. A reply was sent in the form of Sergeant Ardus Cainen, a veteran of considerable experience, and a master of Roboute Guilliman’s methods of developing Imperial holdings. Sent with four other veterans, Cainen’s was tasked with bringing the world’s defenses and industry to sustainable levels within one Terran year. Within six months, Cainen had unified the scattered tribes of Firestorm into a coalition, and had laid the groundwork for a proper Imperial government. This coalition was stable enough that work could begin on the planetary economy and defenses - a process that, thanks to the Ultramarines’ expertise, showed remarkable progress. However, during this period of healthy progress, communication from the Ultramarines came to a quick halt. Given the limitations in interstellar communication, transmissions from the Ultramarines fleet had been sporadic since Cainen’s arrival; however, the lack of any communication at all was disconcerting. Unaware of the war that was tearing the Imperium apart, Sergeant Cainen and his Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

THE AURORA CONTROL ZONE As the Macharian Crusade reclaimed great portions of the galactic southeast, the forces of General Tarka’s Third Army were met by a fleet of streaming jade battle cruisers identifying themselves as a lost detachment of the Aurora Chapter. Originally sent as a garrison force to the system to defend against Eldar raids, the large force of Auroras found themselves cut off from the Imperium during the Age of Apostasy. Taking charge of several systems within the reach of their fleet, they successfully carved out a stable empire of worlds under their protection, awaiting the Imperium’s eventual return. men continued on their mission - developing government, economy, industry, and defense worthy of an Imperial charge. Ancient defense systems scattered throughout the system, long forgotten by Firestorm’s inhabitants, were reactivated by Techpriests left behind by the Explorator teams to aid the Ultramarines. It was this action, perhaps more than any other, that saved Firestorm from a quick and terrible end. Over the following months, several of the satellite monitors that ringed the system began to fail. While no immediate cause could be discerned, a disturbing pattern began to emerge, as the orbital monitors failed along a direct path toward Firestorm. The disturbance was finally identified when one of the defense monitors sent back visuals of crudely-wrought vessels, moments before the satellite was destroyed. Sergeant Cainen brought the world

Led by their Master Velatian and the Librarian Sulaco, the Aurora detachment aided the Macharian Crusade in its battles to reclaim the worlds of the galactic southwest, participating in the Scouring of Adrantis V and the infamous Siege of Duma. The Marines returned to Firestorm victorious, re-uniting with the homeworld their predecessors had left behind six thousand years before. The entire Chapter was deployed to Theris III during the turbulent wars of the Macharian Heresy, upholding the peace so hard-won by their brothers.

to full alert, assembling his defensive forces Greenskins were on their way. With scant time remaining before the Orks would make planetfall, Cainen began to organize. In an effort legendary by even Ultramarines standards, Firestorm’s fledgling industry was shifted to a war footing almost overnight. News of the impending attack spread quickly; faced with the prospect of certain death, the population of Firestorm woked tirelessly to master the art of warfare. Government buildings were turned into fortresses; assembly lines, previously used to produce mining and farming, now forged the tools of war. The Warboss Zagrokk and the sizable greenskin forces under his command had been displaced from their holdings by the ferocious battles of the Heresy, and had set its sights on Firestorm


Gaming: Astartes Archive charges from brutal Ork Ram ships, and their guns silenced. The initial wave of defenses had slowed the Ork attack, but now thousands of greenskin warriors assaulted the planet, dropping from the skies in huge Rokks and swarms of fighters.

as a resupply station and source of slave labor. The Great Crusade had seen a change in human civilization, turning once-ripe targets of Ork invasion into well-defended enclaves able to turn aside all but the largest WAAAGH. The prospect of once again pillaging an undefended human world had set the Orks into a frenzy, and the greenskins had set the whole of their warmaking apparatus towards the quick conquest of the planet. The first volley of orbital defense lasers took the Orks by surprise, reducing a full third of their Kroozers to smoldering hulks. It was not long, however, before the sentries were met with suicide Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Upon landing, the Orks found crudely-walled cities bristling with weaponry. The walls fell after several sustained Ork assaults, but not before the defenders took their toll in green blood. As the walls were abandoned, Orks swarmed into the cities, only to find them suddenly emptied of their defenders. Through a system of ancient tunnels, Firestorm’s populace had evacuated to the planet’s heavily-fortified mountain ranges. Buildings in the abandoned cities were booby-trapped, set to explode and collapse on the invading Orks. The blunt Ork assault gave way to a protracted siege, the Orks attempting to wall the humans inside their mountain fortifications while they mined the planet bare. The population of Firestorm turned to guerrilla tactics, destroying Ork equipment with satchel charges and crude firebombs. Mile by mile, the humans began to retake Firestorm’s surface. The Orks attempted to retaliate, but the human assailants would simply melt back into the mountains, where pursuing Ork forces were slaughtered by the massed defenders. Sergeant Cainen is said to have met his death in one such siege, holding the gates of his mountain fortress against hordes of greenskins. His loss was mourned, but gave the men and women of Firestorm a martyr to rally behind.

The renewed purpose of Firestorm’s people resulted in a profound increase in the intensity of conflict, and a great victory was won by Firestorm’s warriors as Warlord Zagrokk himself was killed as he attempted to mount an assault on command bunker within Mount Zarek. The final blow to the Orks came as two of the remaining Ultramarines repaired a downed Ork aircraft and snuck aboard the Kill Kroozer Deff’s Hed, Zagrokk’s flagship. Their attack detonated its core, sending burning shards of the Kroozer into an eternal orbit. Leaderless and demoralized, the Orks fled the planet. The battle for Firestorm was won, and the defenders took to once again rebuilding their home. Less than a year later, the Ultramarines returned to Firestorm; the remaining Marines were given the grave news of Horus’s rebellion, and the Emperor’s internment in the Golden Throne. In turn, the new arrivals were told of Cainen’s heroic command of Firestorm’s people in the defense of their homeworld. The story spread throughout the Legion, becoming a source of inspiration and bravery as the Ultramarines fought to keep the Imperium from crumbling in the wake of the Heresy. Eventually, word of Firestorm’s salvation reached the ears of Roboute Guilliman himself. When the Ultramarines were divided into independent Chapters during the Second Founding, Guilliman honored the fallen Sergeant by placing Firestorm in the hands of one such Chapter, honoring them with the title of “Aurora” - an ancient Terran patron of hope, renewal and the new dawn.


Gaming: Astartes Archive HOME WORLD Firestorm, named for its regular meteor showers, has a surface comprised mainly of low-rise mountain ranges. These mountain ranges are rich in mineral resources - the recovery and processing of which employ the vast majority of Firestorm’s citizens. Thanks to the steady pipe of technology afforded its citizens by Aurora Chapter, life on Firestorm is relatively luxurious by Imperial standards. Many citizens live in small communities situated upon the more productive mineral deposits, while others have situated near the small cities that house Firestorm’s production industry. Unlike many Space Marine home worlds, Firestorm does not offer up natural extremes and hardships for its people; THE ANDROMEDUS FORGE WORLD Lying within the Tempest system, the Titus asteroid belt is one of the most valuable assets in the sector; it contains plentiful reserves of mineral compounds required to forge critical war machines. Forge World Andromedus, founded in M33 to utilize these resources, enjoys the full protection of Aurora Chapter, whose home world also lies within the system. Several times in their history, the Forge World and the Aurora Chapter have worked in tandem to repel invasions of the system, and have always emerged victorious. For their aid, the Forge World supplies the Chapter with an impressive arsenal of Land Raiders, Predators and other armored vehicles, giving rise to the Aurora’s legendary armory and their penchant for massive armored assaults.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

the majority of citizens lead peaceful, if spartan lives of mining, farming and industry. Rather than a potential pool of recruits, the Aurora Chapter views the citizens of Firestorm as a people under their protection. As such, great efforts are made to shield the population from the strife and conflict found throughout the rest of the galaxy. The Aurora Chapter maintains its fortressmonastery of Tithonus in the remote Okeanos mountain range where Ardus Cainen is said to have fallen. Set into the rock of Mt. Eos, Tithonus is a maze of tunnels and enormous chambers where the Marines of the Aurora Chapter train and live. Here, the most promising recruits from Firestorm’s military academies are given the grueling trials common to every Space Marine Chapter. Those few who earn their place within the Chapter’s ranks become heroes and legends in their own time, lauded and revered by their communities, joining those warriors who have kept a long vigil over the planet of Firestorm, and all others who live under the protection of the Imperium. COMBAT DOCTRINE As strict followers of the Codex, the Aurora Chapter remains a flexible tactical force that is able to adapt their forces to any battlefield situation. The Auroras strike rapidly; foot troops are often mounted for quick tactical deployment, maximizing the shock value of their initial attack. The Auroras’ expanded armory is quickly brought to bear with a flurry of Rhinos, Razorbacks, and Drop Pods. The Chapter’s propensity for rapid, devastating armored strikes has earned them the nickname “The Hammer of Roboute.”

It is in open warfare, however, that the Chapter has earned their reputation as an armored assault force unequaled by any but the most heavilymechanized of Imperial Guard forces. Owing to their home system’s rich mineral resources and an in-system Forgeworld, the Aurora’s armory is three times larger than that of an average Space Marine Chapter. Even a partial deployment of the Chapter’s armory is a sight to behold; Land Raiders and Predators swarm over enemy lines, crushing their foes beneath heavy tracks and a hailstorm of firepower, while explosive rounds from Whirlwinds and Vindicators detonate across the battlefield. Across the Ultima Segmentum, the name “Aurora” has become synonymous with armored destruction. ORGANIZATION The Aurora Chapter is organized into the standard formations prescribed by the Codex Astartes, and their heraldry closely resembles that of the Ultramarines, with a few exceptions. Notably, while the Chapter originally displayed their Company colors on their pauldron rims, they are now denoted by white Company markings on the left kneepad of the warrior’s power armor, while their shoulder rims remain permanently black in honor of the many brethren lost during the defense of Milagro IV in the Johnus Uprising. As a proud First Born Chapter, the Auroras maintain close ties with the Ultramarines, often aiding the warriors of Ultramar with armored divisions and regularly sending troops for Ultramarine Honor Companies. The Auroras are also known to have alliances with 21

Gaming: Astartes Archive several Imperial forces throughout the galaxy, including the Azure Flames Chapter of Space Marines, and the 401st Cadian regiment. The Chapter’s Librarium, housed deep within the rock of Mt. Eos, is said to have a record of Imperial organizations, history and military deployments that rivals that of the Adeptus Terra. Exactly how and why the Aurora Chapter would keep such a repository of knowledge is unknown, but it has proven invaluable to the Chapter and its allies when requesting aid and assistance from the Imperium. BELIEFS The Aurora Chapter, like the majority of Space Marine Chapters, recognizes the Emperor as a warrior and leader without peer, but do not put faith in the aspects of godhood and divine salvation that the Imperial Cult ascribes to him. A reverence of the Primarch Roboute Guilliman also figures strongly into the Chapter’s doctrines, exemplified by the Aurora Chapter’s strict organization along the lines of the Codex Astartes. Though not exactly religious in nature, a set of rituals and iconography have grown up within the halls of Tithonus, and the Aurora Chapter observes many of the holy days observed by the people of Firestorm since before the days of the Imperium. Banners and other iconography of the Auroras often heavily

features the stars and the heavens, as well as weapons of war balanced by shields, walls and fortresses, symbolizing the Chapter’s role as a defender and harbinger of new hope.


The Aurora Chapter sees its place within the Imperium as a protector of the Emperor’s realm and the citizens that dwell within, rather than a crusading force in the Emperor’s name. The Chapter has often refused to attack intelligent, civilized species - such as Eldar or Tau - without provocation. This has caused considerable friction between the Auroras and other Imperial bodies, including other Space Marine Chapters. Thus far, the Aurora Chapter’s long history of loyal service to the Imperium has kept them shielded from overt accusations of heresy, but several Puritan Inquisitors are said to be building a case for the Chapter’s excommunication and cleansing. It remains to be seen if the Auroras can hold to their ideals in an age which demands unquestioning service to the Imperial cause.

Soft chants of ceremony filtered into the darkened antechamber. Inside, Brother-Librarian Sulaco flexed and rotated the mechanica that had long since replaced his body. It was three days hence that the Master of the Chapter had fallen; in the chamber beyond, the Chapter Council was performing their grim duty to select his successor. Roused from several decades of slumber, Sulaco awaited his role in the ceremony with a patience alien to mortal flesh. Years of internment in this living tomb had robbed him of much of his psychic might, but he could still see the minds of men clearly as ever.

BATTLE CRY While the Aurora Chapter itself does not appear to have a true battle-cry, many banners, emblems and other symbols of the Chapter are inscribed with the the ancient Terran phrase “tuebor,” meaning “I will defend.”

Several characters and concepts for this article have been borrowed from the Macharian Crusade Campaign Book, created by our friends over at the Bell of Lost Souls. Thanks to bigred, mkerr and all the rest for their dedication to the hobby, and the use of their materials! To see more on the Macharian Crusade, Warhammer 30K and many other works by the BoLS, visit their website at Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Fiction by Brian Solomon & Michael Hoepfl

His thoughts drifted into the past - Sulaco had given over a thousand years to the Chapter, years that served as ample ground on which his mind could wander. So much of the Chapter’s history lay within him now; he recalled the grueling losses of the Johnus Campaign, and the miraculous victory in the canyons of Vernus VII. He relived the glorious return of the Imperium to Theris III, and the incalculable devastation of the Macharian Heresy. The memories of so many battles played across his vision, given form by cogitators attached to his aged brain. To him, the past unfolded with the unerring accuracy of a textbook, unfettered by the diminishing recall of mortal flesh. He knew, however, that there were gaps. His sarcophagus had carried his broken body onto


Gaming: Astartes Archive the surface of more worlds than he could recall - its fearsome array of weapons had allowed him feats that even the most capable Marine could not match, but no mind could survive so long and brutal a lifetime without failures and blanks. There were ages and campaigns that registered only as a single word or a fleeting image, but no more. He knew them now from data-slates and memory cubes fed into the near-infinite storage of his electronic mind; histories of his own deeds, read to him like a child’s story. He wondered, sardonically, how many of them were true. However, despite a thousand years of memories to contemplate, he drifted time after time back to his friend Velatian. Where others saw a stern and withdrawn leader, Sulaco remembered the man who would debate the nuances of a battle strategy or a scrap of ancient literaturewith equal ferocity . He recalled the the Siege of Duro, of Velatian’s tireless command while mired behind enemy lines. He had never known a finer leader, or a more dedicated ally. The realization that his friend had been dead for many centuries hit him suddenly, as it always did. Slowly, and with bittersweet reverence, the memory of the Brother-Captain’s final stand began to unfold, pouring forth from secret places within his mind that he had hidden from even himself. *** From the moment that the Auroras came out of warpspace in the Kassiar system, the campaign had gone poorly; the events on Kassiar IV were simply the consummation of the whole wretched

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

affair. What seemed to be a world under attack from a small Chaos cadre had, in reality, been gripped by full-scale rebellion; with treacherous malice, the billion-fold citizens of Kassiar IV rose to slit the throats of their would-be saviors. The surprise attack on the Aurora flagship by a Chaos splinter fleet had driven the battlebarge out of orbit. Worse, the ships were ones they had recognized - the dread fleet of Captain Sorge. The Alpha Legionairre had pursued Velatian since the days of Theris, and now he seemed to have finally gotten the best of his old foe. There was little hope left; only a handful of of the original detachment remained against a tide of maddened cultists, Tratior Marines and beasts spawned from the unfathomable depths of the Warp. Dogged in their pursuit, the traitors had even followed them up the rocky cliffside to the narrow plateau that had given the Marines’ this moment of respite. A single Thunderhawk now held most of the remaining Auroras; only Velatian’s own guard remained, setting up defensive positions on the outcroppings of rock. Both Sulaco and the Captain himself stood over the edge of the sandy plateau, watching the hordes of Chaos followers advancing on their position. “We’ll hold them long enough for you to evacuate.” Velatian’s authoritative voice cut calmly over the whine of the gunship’s engines as they began to spool up to full power. The Captain looked thoughtfully at the armored transport, as if judging its worth. “Cainen’s Wing can’t stand up to a cluster of melta-bombs, and there’s important work for you in there.”

The Aurora Chapter’s Chief Librarian raised an eyebrow. “You have a plan.” Velatian’s gaze returned to the outcropping. “Didn’t we agree, Brother-Librarian Sulaco, that it was mightily unfair of you to read my thoughts?” “There’s no need,” replied Sulaco. “You’d be remiss not to have one.” “Indeed.” Velatian’s countenance became dark as he watched his men secure their position, set to sell their lives dearly. “Though this is one that I had hoped would would remain unused.” Velatian opened one of the small pouches attached to his belt, and retrieved a small dataslate. He handedit to the Librarian. A long set of digits played across its screen. “Memorize those, Delphias, and quickly.” Sulaco nodded, and committed the string to memory with a speed and accuracy that few could achieve. Seconds later, the data-slate hummed and went blank as its data stores were purged. “As soon as you’re clear,” Velatian continued, “broadcast that sequence into the Aether.” The wind blew harshly, and long moment passed as the two old friends looked over the cliffside into the approaching army. Finally, the Librarian spoke. “It would have been an honor to die at your side.” Velatian shook his head. “I’ll not have your head added to the tally of my foolishness, Sulaco. Besides, Brother-Librarian,” his friend


Gaming: Astartes Archive smirked, even as the roars of inhuman thralls and mechanical horrors began to coruscate over the hills, “it is your solemn duty to record those stories that will inspire a Chapter.” He clapped the Librarian on the shoulder. “Do me one last favor, my friend - tell this one well.” Sulaco nodded and reluctantly climbed into the Thunderhawk, its ramp closing swiftly behind him. Looking through the viewport, he saw Velatian’s face once again become the stern mask of command. With a roaring cry, the Captain and his men opened fire into the approaching horde as the Thunderhawk lifted off from the surface of the doomed planet. As the ship broke orbit, Sulaco blasted the message into the Warp as broadly as his vast psychic power would allow. Moments later, the thin membrane of reality tore open as a trio of Cobra-class Destroyers emerged from warpspace, bearing the striking emerald of the Aurora Chapter. Streaming clusters of plasma torpedoes screamed into the planet’s atmosphere, bombarding Velatian’s position with white-hot intensity. Sulaco had never seen his friend again; the loneliness burned in his memory as brightly as anything. *** Sulaco was roused to the present with a jolt; recognizing the final chants that would herald his entrance, he prepared to pass into the chamber ahead. Briefly, he pondered deleting the memory of the Captain’s death. Would it erase the pain of his passing? Might Velatian’s fate slip into the same shadowy realm as so Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

many others, only to haunt him in the dreams of his years-long slumber?

Chaplain bowed, bidding him entrance into the dark stone chamber.

Gears hidden within the thick granite walls began to grind, and the forward wall of the antechamber slowly opened to reveal a skullmasked Chaplain. Behind him, surrounded by the Chapter’s commanders, the Chosen Aspirant knelt in waiting upon a raised dais. Sulaco, taking the sum total of his thoughts, concluded that this ceremony had passed into dull routine; its importance - to both Sulaco and the Chapter - had diminished. This storied ceremony had become a rite without meaning; perhaps, he thought, that should change.

“Listen well, Brother-Chaplain, and you shall have it.” Sulaco marched toward the center of the room, preparing to favor the young ones with tales of heroes long forgotten; to keep a promise made in the distant past, in the flesh of another lifetime.

“Ancient One,” the Chaplain intoned. Toward the young ones, Sulaco knew, the Chaplain was stern and uncompromising; however, his voice was now soft with reverence. “We await your wisdom, Lord, and your judgment.” The 24

THE GORGING HOST During the final stages of a world’s consumption, living carpets of rippers devour everything for absorption by the hive followed by the rarely seen Malanthropes selectively processing useful genetic material. Few Imperials survive witnessing this horror. The splintering of the last hive fleet has spawned a new phenomenon, where the ripper consumption is occurring at a smaller scale in the early stages of an invasion. On Sameul


POINTS: 50 + MODELS VI, consumption began during the primary incursion to quickly invigorate the hive fleet and exploit advantageous genetic collection. Like a nightmare locust plague, a mass of rippers herded by a Malanthrope ravaged vast biomass tracts. The sheer number of rippers overwhelmed all defenses while the deadly Malanthrope eliminated die-hard survivors.

Ripper Swarm

Ripper Swarm

Ripper Swarm

Ripper Swarm

Ripper Swarm

FORMATION: 1+ Malanthrope 5+ Ripper Swarms

SPECIAL RULES: Deployment: All units must deploy within 12” of a Malanthrope. Debris cloud: The swarm creates a cloud of debris inhibiting LOS. Unlike a normal swarm, a gorging swarm offers an intervening cover save for all models. Sheer numbers: An uncountable mass of rippers surges forward. If one ripper does not get you, another one will. All rippers get to re-roll to hit rolls. In turn, killing scores of rippers does not affect the voracity of the swarm. All rippers have the special Feel-no-Pain rule. Mindless hunger: The ripper’s sole objective is to gorge themselves. The rippers can neither perform sweeping advances nor consolidate.

Datasheet for use in Apocalypse games. Derived from IP owned by Games Workshop

by Stefan Sheckells

THE HORDE BENEATH One of the deadliest Tyranid creatures is the subterranean Trygon. They live underfoot capable of burrowing through the densest rock erupting from the ground with epic displays of



Trygon Tyranicus Subterra Extremis

Tyranicus Subterra Extremis

Trygon Tyranicus Subterra Extremis

3 - 5 Trygons

violence. In rare cases, as a result of rich nutrients within the earth, Trygons hyper-evolve into an abundant horde of superbeasts…

Trygon Tyranicus Subterra Extremis



Tyranicus Subterra Extremis

SPECIAL RULES: Deployment: All models within the formation must enter play from the strategic reserve. The formation deploys starting with the first Trygon using Deep Strike. The subsequent Trygons are placed within 12” inches of the first Trygon as they home in on the first Trygon. Earthquake: The eruption of multiple Trygons creates an earthquake. All enemy infantry forces within 6” of any Trygon must immediately take an unmodified leadership test including units normally immune to leadership tests or automatically passing them. If the unit fails the test they are considered to have gone to ground (p24) that turn and get all respective benefits and deficiencies. The test represents units being thrown about from earthquake.

Datasheet for use in Apocalypse games. Derived from IP owned by Games Workshop

by Stefan Sheckells



The Intruder is the largest of the Tau Titans, and it is still dwarfed by the Scout Titans of the Imperium. Not all Tau Titans are agile and graceful constructs, but the Intruder’s compact size allows it to move with a swiftness and smoothness quite simply impossible for the war machines of other races. The Intruder mounts a number of powerful jump jets, turning its movement into a series of drifting leaps, or even floating sweeps over the battlefield. Despite this almost Eldarish gait, the Intruder Titan is an extremely well-armed, powerful adversary. Its standard armament comprises of heavy railguns,

UNIT: 1 Intruder Titan TYPE: Super Heavy Walker





capable of crippling an enemy Titan at long range. It could also mount a twin linked heavy burst cannon, instead of one of the sets of railguns for close defense. An Intruder’s pace, agility and ability to leap difficult terrain allows it to harry the enemy lines in quick scouting raids before disappearing with the same terrifying speed. Intruder Titan crews are small, their prodigious skills enhanced by training as Crisis suits before crewing an Intruder. In many cases, an original Crisis Team pilots an Intruder Titan. They then hunt for heavy armor on the battlefield, connected by years of teamwork.





3 2


- Fire a single Primary Weapon and move an extra D6” (as per the Fleet of Foot rule), OR

or – 1 Heavy Railgun and 1 twin-linked Heavy Burst Cannon H. Railgun (solid shot) H. Railgun (submunition) TL Heavy Burst Cannon

Agile: In the Shooting phase may divert energy from its Primary Weapons to its legs, so it can choose to either: - Fire all available weapons as normal, OR

– 2 Heavy Railguns



RANGE 108” 108” 36”

STR AP 10 10 6

1 1 4

SPECIAL Ordanance 1, Titan Killer Ordanance 1, Large Blast Heavy 6, Twin-linked

- Fire no weapons and move an extra 2D6” (as per the Fleet of Foot rule) Jump Jets: Instead of moving normally, the Intruder may use its jump jets to move up to 36” in the movement phase, ignoring all terrain and models. May not land on frendly units or in difficult, dangerous or impassable terrain, but may land on enemy units, resolving as a Tank-shock. If it uses its jump jets the Intruder may not fire its Primary Weapons nor use the Agile rule that turn, but it may assault as normal.

Datasheet for use in Apocalypse games. Derived from IP owned by Games Workshop

by Jutami and Shortsonfire79

Strategy: Tips & Tactics

TYRANIDS IN 5TH EDITION, OR HOW I LEARNED TO LOVE THE NEW TERRAIN RULES by Geoffrey Snider The thought of playing against Tyranids always makes me cringe. I’m not sure if it has to do with some of the more disgustingly powerful strategy cards they had in 2nd Edition, or if it has to do with swarms of Rending Hormagaunts in 3rd Edition, or even if it has to do with players that don’t remember which biomorphs their units have because they don’t model them correctly. When you build an army you can’t say “I’m going to include a five-man Devastator squad with four Heavy Bolters because I expect to play against Tyranids.” It just doesn’t work like that anymore, because you don’t know what variant of the Tyranid army you’re going to be facing. Whichever way you slice it, their unpredictability is what causes my anxiety,

and is subsequently their greatest strength. This unpredictability is precisely why I chose Tyranids to be my first 5th Edition army. It is this author’s opinion that at its core, Warhammer 40,000 revolves around its ranged combat mechanics. Sure there are many ways to massacre someone in close combat. Sure there are ways to Tank Shock entire armies off the table. But I say that shooting is the mainstay of 40K because armies begin the game deployed at a reasonable distance from each other. The best way to win the game lies in modern military doctrine: defeat the enemy by eliminating them completely, before they can have any effect on your forces. In other words, whoever has the longest range guns will win. Failing this, ranged combat devolves into

a mathematical algorithm that depends (in this game) on who gets the first, and largest volley of shooting. Here’s a simplified explanation of how it works: Team A has 1000 soldiers and Team B has 900 soldiers. Each time they unleash a volley of fire, only 10% of their soldiers score a kill shot on the enemy. The teams take turns firing. Team A fires first, scoring 100 kills (10% of 1000), reducing Team B to 800 soldiers. Team B fires second, scoring 80 kills (10% of 800), reducing Team A to 920 soldiers. Team A fires, scoring 92 kills, reducing Team B to 708 soldiers. Team B fires, scoring 70 kills, reducing Team A to 850 soldiers. …and eventually Team A delivers the killing blow in the final round of shooting. Team B fires, scoring 5 kills, reducing Team A to 532 soldiers. Team A fires, scoring 53 kills, reducing Team B to 0 soldiers. What I’ve been talking about is the simplified form of what engagement theory calls the Lanchester Equation:

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Strategy: Tips & Tactics It’s an equation that works in a very limited capacity; it predicts the outcomes of pitched firefights, where both sides in an engagement have roughly the same capabilities, but one has greater numbers. It can be modified to account for advantages that certain sides possess, and can team up with other equations to determine exactly how many ‘rounds’ of firing the two teams will go through before one team is eliminated. In a nutshell, this is what 40K is; a pitched battle where each side is on equal footing. Pitched battles are the finest examples of what every general should strive to avoid in real-life wartime situations! OK, I take it all back. This is what I think 40K is, but I also think that 5th Edition has taken a massively productive step away from being a simple pitched battle; the ability to go first with a greater amount of shooting is no longer as

much of an advantage as it used to be. And what happens when you decrease the effectiveness of one method for removing your opponent’s forces from the table? The other methods (like close combat) become much more viable. This shift in power is a huge step in minimizing the weaknesses of a Tyranid army. Speaking of Tyranid weaknesses, what exactly are they? Anything that can claim an objective has an armor save of no better than 4+. This leaves them vulnerable to all different types of small arms fire – in fact all weapons in the game (especially template weapons) have a great potential for wiping out units of Gaunts, Hormagaunts and Genestealers quite easily. Next is their relatively low Ballistic Skill, which makes it difficult for them to hit anything with their ranged weaponry. Even

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

if they do manage to hit their targets, ‘bug guns’ have a much less lethal AP rating than almost any other army. Finally, they possess little to no invulnerable saves, making their larger, armored units vulnerable to weapons that ignore their armor saves. You may be asking yourself “If they have so many drawbacks, why should we even consider playing them?” Their strengths far outweigh their weaknesses. What the Tyranids lack in shooting quality they make up in quantity. Now don’t expect a unit of Gaunts with Spinefists to do any more damage than an angry Grot – I’m talking about Warriors, Tyrants and Carnifexes armed with twin-linked Deathspitters and Devourers, or Barbed Strangers and Venom Cannons. They also compensate for their


Strategy: Tips & Tactics of it, the game is irrevocably changed in your favor. There are four tiers to keep in mind for this system: Tier 1: Terrain Tier 2: Small models Tier 3: Medium-sized models Tier 4: Large models Tier 1: Terrain – There are several types of terrain in 5th that you can rely on. The three most important are Area Terrain (anything players agree classifies as Area Terrain), small modelsized LOS-obstruction terrain (usually ruins that LOS can be drawn through, or intervening enemy models), and terrain that completely blocks LOS (solid walls, Buildings, etc.). First of all, anything that blocks LOS to your models

lack of BS with some special shooting features like Living Ammunition and Pinning. Invulnerable saves are a mixed bag – they’re usually reliable enough as a backup defense, but when cover saves are a viable option like they are in 5th Edition, why pay the points for them anyways? You might need them in close combat, but Tyranids have such solid hand-tohand capabilities (lots of attacks, Monstrous Creatures, high Initiative and Weapon Skill, as well as immunity to Instant Death) that they rarely need to worry about Power Weapons or Powerfists. Finally the greatest all-prevailing

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

strength of a Tyranid force in 5th Edition is their ability to almost always have a Cover Save. Cover saves are now an all-important fact of life for Tyranids. Now that 40K uses the ‘True Line-of-Sight’ rules and shooting at any given target is almost always possible if it’s in range, it’s necessary for them to have as much protection as possible – especially for those scoring units with weak armor. Tyranids can now take advantage of a ‘Tiered System’ of cover saves. It’s a bit difficult to grasp at first because it relies on a player’s ability to think three-dimensionally, but once you get the hang 30

Strategy: Tips & Tactics HQ - Hive Tyrant (160) - (Enhanced Senses, Extended Carapace, Toxin Sacs, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons, Psychic Scream) HQ - Hive Tyrant (160) - (Enhanced Senses, Extended Carapace, Toxin Sacs, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons, Psychic Scream) Elites - Lictor (80) Elites - 8 Tyranid Warriors (253) - (Toxin Sacs, Scything Talons, 7x Deathspitter, Barbed Strangler) is valuable, especially for Tyranid Monstrous Creatures that need to be 50% obscured to receive a cover save. Second, LOS-obstructing terrain (we’ll call it ‘medium-sized’) is great for potentially providing cover saves for anything in the army. Finally, Area Terrain gives anything that isn’t a Monstrous Creature a cover save as long as that model’s base is in it. Tier 2: Small Models – Small Models for Tyranids consist of Gaunts, Hormagaunts, and Genestealers (or anything else that shares their small base size). These models are roughly 50% as tall as medium-sized models, ergo they grant any small or medium-sized models ‘behind’ them a 4+ cover save. Tier 3: Medium-sized Models – Tyranid Warrior Broods, Lictors, Tyrant Guard, Zoanthropes and Raveners all come on medium-sized bases, and their height and bulk are usually sufficient to cover 50% of a Monstrous Creature. Occasionally one will not be enough (a lone Zoanthrope), but units of them are sufficient. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Troops - 16 Hormagaunts (208) - (Adrenal Glands, Flesh Hooks) Troops - 16 Hormagaunts (208) - (Adrenal Glands, Flesh Hooks) Troops - 16 Gaunts (128) (Spinefists, Without Number) Troops - 9 Gaunts (45) – (Spinefists)

Heavy Support - Carnifex (161) - (Enhanced Senses, Extended Carapace, Reinforced Chitin, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons) Heavy Support - Carnifex (161) - (Enhanced Senses, Extended Carapace, Reinforced Chitin, Barbed Strangler, Scything Talons) Heavy Support - 3 Zoanthrope – (195) - (Warp Blast, Psychic Scream)

Troops - 9 Gaunts (45) – (Spinefists) Troops - 9 Gaunts (45) – (Spinefists) Tier 4: Large Models – This is obviously the category that includes models on large bases like Hive Tyrants and Carnifexes. Tier 4 is a bit like an Ace in Poker – it can be used as both the highest and the lowest tier. On one hand, these large models need to be at least 50% obscured by models or terrain to get a cover save. On the other hand, they’re large enough to act like moving cover, partially blocking LOS to anything else in your army (including other models of their size). Once you’ve played a few games utilizing this Tiered Cover system it will come as second nature to you. It’s especially important when you’re setting up your army because many other armies will tend to take an aggressive shooting stance against Tyranids. Thankfully the rules for pre-game deployment in 5th Edition lie in stark contrast to 4th, allowing you the freedom to arrange your forces however you want. The army listed above is incredibly versatile, and takes full advantage of Tiered Cover. It has

a high number of scoring units, good mediumrange firepower, hand-to-hand superiority, high mobility, and a few dirty tricks. In actuality it performs a bit like an avalanche, starting out ominously and small, but turning into an unstoppable, raging torrent. The simplest factor contributing to this force is firepower – it includes five Barbed Stranglers that nearly almost hit something, as well as Deathspitters that can smash large units easily. Lightly armored vehicles are vulnerable to these, while Zoanthropes are needed to take on larger targets like Monoliths and Land Raiders. Next are its scoring units. Two broods of Hormagaunts, backed up (or fronted as the case may be) by four broods of Gaunts. The sixteenmodel unit of Gaunts is your mainstay, frontline Tier 1 cover provider, while the Hormagaunts set up slightly behind them on each side. The smaller units of Gaunts serve several purposes: 1) provide additional cover if the primary unit is wiped out, 2) stand in front of, or wrap halfway 31

Strategy: Tips & Tactics around enemy units that present a threat to your larger models, and 3) act like backfield units to occupy or contest objectives. High mobility is a key strength of any Tyranid force, but in 5th Edition it is especially good to have Fleet of Foot (or Fleet of Claw in this case). It allows your scoring units to move up to 12” and sometimes even 24” across the table to control or contest objectives. However, the ability to use the Run rule is quite important for larger units as well, but I’ll discuss this later. Hand-to-hand superiority is easy for a Tyranid army to achieve. Their Initiative is high and many of them have Flesh Hooks to keep it that way. Monstrous Creatures have high toughness and nearly impenetrable armor, making them the rough equivalents of immovable objects. Their objective in close combat is to simply deal more wounds than they suffer. Hormagaunts, on the other hand, rely on catching smaller units unawares and tying them up in close combat, hopefully causing more casualties than they suffer.

and they run, cause 25% percent casualties from shooting and they run, or cause a single casualty from a Barbed Strangler and they’re pinned. Once the enemy is on the run it’s pretty easy to keep them that way. Without Number: This is a tricky ability to use correctly in 5th Edition games, but it’s very effective when it works. Most players will realize that the front line of your Tiered Cover needs to be cracked before they can begin affecting your more important units. Without Number is great for this one unit because it’s hard to kill, but almost always dies. It then walks back onto the table during the next turn (literally the next turn after it’s shot off the table), and then runs up to claim an objective. Lictor: Lictors got a really bad rap in 4th Edition because they didn’t do very much for your army and they cost way too much for what they did

manage to accomplish. Now that the rules for Preferred Enemy allow units to re-roll to hit in hand-to-hand, this unit is invaluable. Usually he’s used to coordinate with a unit of assaulting Hormagaunts (allowing them to hit most units on a 3+ with a re-roll), but sometimes he’ll hang out near a Hive Tyrant or a Carnifex. He nearly always stays away from close combat unless the odds of getting killed by it are extremely low – standing around and giving Preferred Enemy to everyone around him is his best role, and he’s especially resilient because he can use the Go To Ground rule to get a 2+ cover save. Run: This rule changes the way the army plays. Since Zoanthropes and Tyrants can run forward an extra d6”, their Psychic Scream ability can affect the enemy much earlier than before. It also allows slower units to get a move-on, possibly getting them into an objective later on.

Finally, this force thrives on a few special tricks that aren’t seen very often. They’re sure to raise an eyebrow if you use them correctly, and many times they’ll allow you to completely smash an opponent. Psychic Scream: This psychic power is in effect all the time and has no requirement to use. It affects any Morale or Pinning check, as well as enemy psychic tests. It’s easy to gain superiority over an enemy force that has to contend with a -5 modifier to its leadership. Win any combat Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage


by Rictus and crew 17:13 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH After throwing the high-visibility jacket into the box, I walked out through door A5 of the NEC and into the sunshine. The sounds of the stands and stage being dismantled, people calling and van engines turning over can be heard coming from the hall behind me. The oncepacked rooms are almost empty now, with just the last stage of cleanup under way. Games Day ’08 is well and truly over for me now, and as I get back into my car and set off for home the above thought passes through my head. This is followed by several other thoughts, including a pledge not to even look at a model for a week (failed1) and one involving sleeping for at least a day (also failed2). 1

“Well, that was interesting.”

modelling and painting at its heart. In reality, its greatest asset is the community that lives on its boards - we always aimed to create a place where people could hang out and share their hobby amongst others; as long as you can take a joke anyone is welcome. It is for this community spirit that in May of this year we

held an ‘Open Bash’ at Warhammer World3. We wanted an event anyone – member or not – could come along and join in. We had a bloody huge Apocalypse battle and had a great day chatting and gaming. 3

See Firebase 7

Lasted about three days, which is pathetic.


Unfortunately being ‘a bit tired’ is not enough to take a day off work.

To explain why I was leaving the NEC a good hour after the event officially finished, I have to take you back a number of months. I am part of the Admin staff on The Ammobunker; an online forum that has Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

The 113,330 point Apocalypse Battle at the Open Bash. (see Firebase 7) 33

Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage Something came out of the Bash that we really didn’t expect, something that we never thought could happen, let alone would. It was mentioned in passing by Brian Aderson, the Warhammer World honcho, that a couple of tables could be reserved at Games Day for us… On the day this didn’t really sink in. No forum had been asked to participate at a Games Day before; it had always been the reserve of GW Departments & Stores and the GCN affiliated clubs. At the end of the Bash we all went back home to recover after what had been a hectic weekend, but we never forgot the proposal that had been made to us. We contacted Brian to see if participating at Games Day was a real possibility, and to find out what taking part would actually involve. It fell to me to get the ball rolling4 and after messages had gone back and forth a few times it became apparent that we really would have some tables at Games Day.

would turn out to be an objective and not an actual gaming piece. For the second table I liked the idea of the Zombie skirmish game making its reappearance, after its successful outing at the Open Bash.

working on them. After seeing the timetable included in the information we appeared to be about two months behind…a brief moment of panic followed before natural British stoicism regained control5.

Information from Games Workshop dropped through my letter box, and after a followup phone call we knew where we stood. The ideas we had for the games were OK, in theory, and while we needed to put them down on paper for the nod from GW we could go ahead and start


Stiff upper lip and all that. We didn’t get to rule three quarters6 of the globe by being emotional you know.


The other quarter wasn’t worth bothering about or you can be certain we would have had that as well.


I’m not sure which was the greater act of foolishness, me volunteering or the others accepting…

Questions sprang to mind - “can we do this?”, “will we end up making fools of ourselves?”, “what the heck do we do?”, and “will this mean we get in early?” amongst others. Regardless of our worries and uncertainties we pressed on. We had already been thinking about what we could do with the next Open Bash; we liked the idea of having aircraft play more of a role and with this in mind we decided that one table at Games Day should involve aircraft in some way. In the end the aircraft Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

“Zombies!” at the Open Bash, with some tinkering it should be perfect for Games Day. 34

Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage

The AB Forum Title, the basis of everything I did. Volunteers for the day were put forward; first on the list were the AB Admin staff who were going, and who would also provide the back bone of the work put into the boards. Those who we believed would contribute were then asked to join the team. Over time people came in and out, due to various real life situations, but by the day we had settled on twelve people: Captain Wolverine, Deadley Hedley, Deserter, Digits, Grizz, Jasevx, KayvaanShrike, Maelstrom7, Old Guard, Rictus8, Schoolcormorant and Tepok. 7

A real trooper coming on board as a volunteer only two days before Games Day with only the promise of a lot of work as payment (and a free lunch).


That’s me, hello.

We received the info from Games Workshop on the 4th of June; Games Day was set for the 14th of September. We had around 100 days in which to get not two tables done, but three… THE LOOK OF AMMOBUNKER… One thing that I set out to achieve right from the beginning was for all of the AB material to be linked visually. While the boards themselves may look different; every rules sheet, player card, reference sheet and so on all needed to look like they belonged together.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Reasoning that if one person took the role of producing all of the printed material for Games Day it would be easier for us to achieve this aim, I volunteered to produce everything required using the existing Ammobunker logo and iconography9. 9

Which I admit turned into a bigger task than I originally imagined.

THE AMMOBUNKER TABLES Of the three tables we were asked to run at Games Day, two were to be participationgaming tables that the visitors could just turn up and play at while the third was to be a bit different… TABLE ONE Size of board:

6 x 4 Foot

Working Title:

Kill Teams

Final Name: Stirring the Hornets’ Nest Scenario: Kill Teams infiltrate an Imperial Forward Strike Base (FSB), each with an objective to carry out - sabotage, espionage or assassination. Setting: A Forward Strike Base complete with aircraft, supplies, ground crew, vehicles and anti-aircraft defences along with buildings testifying to the area’s industrial past.

Kill Team was designed for a single team whose aim was to complete an objective while facing off against an enemy who had superior numbers and were also aware of the kill team’s objective. However ‘Stirring the Hornets’ Nest’ would have three kill teams, with each team randomly dealt an objective. The possibility of two teams having the same objective added a bit more spice to the mix and, to make it even more interesting, each objective was kept secret from the other players. To be honest, I don’t like Kill Team; on the few occasions I’ve played it I didn’t enjoy it much. But - for reasons I still don’t understand - I ended up having to write the rules for this game. I jotted down some quick ideas which would determine how many defenders would be needed so that modelling and painting could start, and then pushed the rules into the background (after all, we had plenty of time till Games Day…). The idea for the board came about as two of the team had just started working on a joint project based on a Forward Strike Base; for this reason, they took on the role of producing much of the board. Digits took on producing the board itself and the terrain, while the Thunderbolts came courtesy of Deadley Hedley. Meanwhile, Old Guard took up the mantle of providing the Defending force, and the Kill Teams themselves would be provided by other volunteers close to the day. To give more variety, and to prevent Old Guard cracking under the strain of painting 60-odd


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage forming three Brute Squads, while the latter came with a servitor unit including a heavy weapon to give the Kill Teams something to think about.

Brute Squad members by Old Guard identical models to form Brute Squads, the draft rules included some targets for assassination – a base commander and a Techpriest Enginseer. The former came with a Navy

Security Detachment (Guard Stormtroopers)

Commander with Naval Security by Old Guard

Techpriest by Old Guard

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Digits pulled his finger out when it came to the terrain, not only providing buildings and trees but also ground crew and vehicles to give the base much more character. The ‘Bolts were always going to be at the centre of the board and with Deadley tackling them they should fulfil the role of centrepiece well; after the usual trials and tribulations involved with resin models we had three Thunderbolts that would fit in nicely with Digits’ ground crew and terrain.


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage die) and another being Chaos Renegades, we still ended up with four kill teams that lacked any great diversity; only the Salamander Space Marines of Kayvaan really provided something different. Letting people just build what they wanted was a mistake, as most of us seem to gravitate towards the Guard. Some Xenos presence in the kill teams would have been ideal. (While writing this it occurred to me I should have asked Doghouse to make a Dark Eldar one.) For my own team, I went for Chaos Renegade Militia. Using the Forge World conversion packs and the army list in Imperial Armour Volume 5 I came up with a unit I was pretty happy with; led

Ground Crew by Digits, this page and next The kill teams that would be tackling the board came from the hands of KayvaanShrike, Captain Wolverine (aka Wolvie), Jasevx and myself (with a big contribution from Dominus Ex Machina, who would sulk if I didn’t mention him). Hindsight is a wonderful thing…we ended up with five kill teams, four of which were based on the Imperial Guard in some way. Even with one of these being stunties (the Squats refuse to Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage More fantastic Ground Crew by Digits

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage Clockwise from left: A Thunderbolt by Deadley is rearmed by the ground crew of Digits; Squat Imperial Guard Kill Team Leader by Captain Wolverine; Salamanders Kill Team by KayvaanShrike by an Alpha Legionnaire, and including three special weapons, I thought they would be able to tackle whatever objective they were called on to achieve. Once built, they were shipped off to Dominus to be painted. At the time he was still hoping to be at Games Day, but – alas - it turned out the Swedish Army had other ideas, so the Militiamen had to brave the Royal Mail once more.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage

Chaos Renegade Militia Kill Team by Rictus and Dominus Ex Machina The rules were a pain; I came up with some things but I was never happy and our plans of play testing fell apart at the last minute. It was turning into brown underwear time frankly, I was really hoping to be able to test them and re-write them in time for GD but it just couldn’t be done.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage TABLE TWO Size of board:

4 x 4 Foot

Working Title:


Final Name:

Escape from Eidos.

Scenario: Two rival Inquisitors and an Adeptus Mechanicus Magos battle each other in an attempt to reach safety from a horde of zombie-like creatures. Setting: A desolate, rock-strewn wasteland just emerging from the grip of winter. Only patches of snow and clumps of hardy vegetation break up the dark ground and rocks, while below ground lurk the hidden laboratories of the Adeptus Mechanicus and Inquisition. In Issue 7 of Firebase you would have seen a skirmish game called ‘Something Something Something Zombies’ played at the Open Bash. This was a quick and fun game, and with some tinkering we felt confident it would be a success at Games Day. Similar to ‘Stirring the Hornets’ Nest’ this game would involve three players controlling a small number of models. An AB volunteer would control a larger force made up of vicious and mindless beasts; these former Imperial citizens had had the misfortune of being subjected to the experiments carried out in the underground labs, experiments run by the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Inquisition aimed at creating a better host for Deamonic possession.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Part of the Zombie horde - painted by Pfreck. The Zombies were all based on Warhammer Ghouls


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage From two hidden entrances the zombie horde will burst forth in an attempt to claim fresh meat to devour. Close by, a much larger rock structure contains a landing pad that was used to bring supplies and staff in. Now open to the elements, with its covering long since lost to high winter winds, the last aircraft that attempted to takeoff from this pad lies in pieces not far away. The three war bands would be made up of a leader model, six Stormtroopers/Skitarii and a ‘specialist’. This specialist would be either a heavyweapon-toting servitor, an arco-flagellant or a

Adeptus Mechanicus war band by Maelstrom Deamonhost depending on the warband. In order to win the game, the players controlling the warbands must get their leader to the

Below: Puritan Inquisitor and Retinue by Tepok. Right: Arco Flagellant ‘Specialist’.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage landing pad first so he can escape the planet; for the zombie player his objective is simply to prevent anyone from escaping. Deserter led the effort in writing the rules, the intention being for the game to be quick, exciting and easy to pick up. The war bands were built and painted by Maelstrom, Tepok and Deserter while the zombies came from the hands of Tepok, Deserter, Deadley Hedley, Jasevx and Pfreck.

We ended up with over 60 zombies, enough even if the warbands fail miserably with their shooting and the zombie player rolls high when rolling for his reserves each turn. Old Guard volunteered to make the rocks for the 4x4 foot board, while I put my hand up to produce the hidden entrances and the landing pad. This seemed a simple task at first but it soon ate away a lot of time.

Below: Radical Inquisitor and Retinue by Deserter.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage

Above and Right: Eidos terrain – Rock outcrop and a hidden entrance.

Eidos terrain – Landing Pad with AdMech Warband

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage Eidos terrain – Landing Pad Comms Array.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage TABLE THREE Size of board:

6 x 4 Foot

Working Title:

WIP Table

Final Name:

Ammobunker Project and Work In Progress Table.

The third table was going to be an oddity at Games Day; while every other board in the Arena would be for gaming, this one would be different. The idea was for it to be full of models, both finished and work-in-progress, drawn from the volunteers. We feel nothing can put AB in a better light than what the members actually build and paint, and this table would be the perfect showcase for it. While the two

The somewhat lacklustre WIP table at the Bash. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

gaming boards would of course be full of models worth seeing, the Project & WIP Table would be the only board that allowed people to take time and take a close look as well as ask questions about the models on show. On paper it sounded that of the three tables it would require the least work, in reality it ended up consuming hours upon hours of time. ‘Table Three’ came about due to the small Work in Progress table we had at the Open Bash. It garnered some interest from the visitors and got the attention of GW (hence why we were asked to do a similar thing for Games Day), but on the whole I was quite disappointed with it. It was our first Open Bash and we went into it blind with little forethought as to what was required to show the models in the best way; I came away with a list of things that could be improved upon and set about implementing these for the much bigger table at Games Day. 1. LABELS. Every item will be labelled – each label will include the name of the model/unit, a brief description and

I took these to show the other volunteers what I was planning for the table – Labels & WIP Sheets. the name of the AB member who produced it. If a visitor liked a model they would be able to look at the members work in more depth later on. 2. WIP SHEETS. For the larger models that were extensively converted and undercoated or painted I would produce an A4 or A5 sheet showing WIP 46

Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage pictures. This laminated sheet could be picked up by the visitors and would answer many of the questions they might have. 3. FLYERS. With no handouts to give to people at the Bash, people left with nothing to remind them of the AB website address. This would be remedied by flyers that people could pick up and take away with them. My first job was to design this flyer, and my aim was to design the flyer to fit in with ‘The Ammobunker Look’ as outlined

The Ammobunker Flyer. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

above while getting across the humour and spirit we have on the forum. The final result passed muster, so I had 1,000 of them printed off thinking we’d easily have enough to cover Games Day and still have plenty left for the next Open Bash10. 10

I was wrong. Of 1,000 flyers taken to GD I have 40 left. Very early on, I made the decision that only the volunteers would have models on the table. This was a shame, as other members had expressed an interest in taking part but I felt it was the only choice that could be made; the volunteers would be responsible for everything on the table and the fewer people contributing, the easier it would be to keep track of things. The table had to be set up by the time the doors opened, so we couldn’t have people turning up as the day went on and dropping stuff off nor could we keep shifting stuff around due to new items being added or some being taken away. We did however want some way to involve the other members; we considered a notice board but this didn’t seem very practical. There would only be so much that could be displayed on it, and having a large board nearby might limit access to the table itself. With only five weeks left till Games Day, Old Guard hit upon the idea of a folder that members could contribute to. This was quickly adopted as the way forward, and while we didn’t realise at its conception just how much time this idea would take up it proved to be worth it by being a big success on the day.

An example sheet taken from the folder, this one shows WIP shots of Dark Eldar by Doghouse. From the volunteers I was able to draw up a large list of items pledged to the table. So much in fact that even with the Dark Angels of Deadley not being able to make an appearance we still had enough to fill the 6 x 4 foot board. All that was left was the slog of producing the labels and WIP Sheets for everything, and once the folder had been announced SC and myself set about the task of asking members if they wanted to take part. We looked through Photobucket and our forums’ Project Log pages for pictures, and then chased people for the pictures they’d promised or asked for better images. As pictures were passed to me I was able to slowly create the finished sheets for the folder. THE NIGHT BEFORE THE DAY BEFORE Friday the 12th, 23:30 and I was printing off the rules sheets for ‘Escape from Eidos’. Once laminated and trimmed, they were the last 47

Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage pieces added to the stack of printed material I would need to take with me to the NEC on setup day. To produce all of the player cards, rules sheets, kill team & war band rosters, WIP Sheets, labels and the Members Folder I got through three packs of photo paper, two colour cartridges and one black cartridge. The Members’ Folder of Work contained fifty sheets showing what the members had produced and shown on AB. I don’t believe any of us thought it would end up containing so many sheets, showing the work of so many members. Unfortunately during the last week the priority was to get all of the rules sheets finished, so I was unable to work on the Members Folder resulting in a couple of members being missed out; they will be able to take part in the future, however. The folder was such a success that it will be continued post Games Day; it will be added to continuously and be taken to any event or gathering where AB has a presence. Once the printed material was all finished I was left with the last job: packing a ton of models, terrain and three 6x4 foot boards for

the Project and WIP Table - this was to be a job for Saturday, though, as by this point I couldn’t think straight. Before going to bed I made the last reminder posts on the Ammobunker forums for the volunteers, making sure everyone knew what they needed to bring as well as the arrangements for the two days. Everyone seemed happy… SET UP DAY Up early. Too bloody early, in fact. We arranged to meet at 14:00 at the NEC so we would have plenty of time to set up and be ready for the next day; we were even hoping to get a game in if we could (it was unlikely but we had our fingers crossed). While trying to work out how to pack all of the tanks and terrain into as few boxes as possible, I had a phone call from Grizz who was travelling down to the NEC with Kayvaan; they were two hours out of Edinburgh and not far from picking up SC and Corrupt (an AB Member hitching a ride down). They’d been driving along happily, blissfully singing along to their favourite songs on Radio One11 and commenting on what a lovely day it was; life, it seemed, was good. 11

New Kids on the Block or some other popular beat combo the ‘youth’ like to listen to nowadays.

An example of the printed material taken to Games Day – this is an Objective Card that would be dealt to a kill team player. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

And then they realised they had forgotten their tickets. I swore, I laughed, I swore again, possibly more than once. The conversation went something like this: “Did I tell you how important it was to bring your tickets?”

“Yes.” “And how many times have I reminded people?” “A few times.” Pause. “Both of you have forgotten?” “Yeah.” “Really?” “Yeah. Do we need to go back and get them?” “Possibly…You _______s!” Phone calls and messages passed around the group, and the ‘lifelong companions’ from Scotland hit it lucky as Old Guard and Wolvie had a spare ticket each12. 12

Though the spare ticket of Wolvie was originally destined for his aunt. Don’t ask me why. “Idiots!” I thought and went back to packing before setting off for the NEC. I arrived at entrance A5 and drove the car into the hall so I could unload. While driving into the building with one steward in front of me and one behind I couldn’t help feeling let down that the forward steward didn’t have a flag to wave in order to warn people of approaching danger13. Digits, Old Guard and I started to set out what we had brought and as the others arrived the boards began to come together. Only Maelstrom was unable to attend setup day, so apart from his models for the Project & WIP Table we were able to get everything set up. 13

The car, not me.


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage We were surprised to find we were the first to finish setting up. Disappointingly, in fact, very few boards had anything set up on them yet – we’d been hoping to take the opportunity to look at the other boards while there were no visitors. However the large Apocalypse board was set up with many, many Baneblades and Skullhammas. Well; I say Baneblades, every reference sheet on the table referred to the super heavy tanks as ‘Banblades’. All that time I spent checking and double checking the AB material might have been a bit overboard after all… Stirring the Hornets’ Nest Table.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Escape from Eidos Table. Oh, they also had Orc instead of Ork. Obviously a fantasy player14 did the sheets.


Or an idiot. ‘Banblades’ ready for battle…


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage The Project & WIP Table.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage After a couple of hours we decided to head off and escape the ever-present risk of being run over by a white van. With a final farewell to Brian Aderson and Bek Hawkby to let them know we had gone and were ready for the day, I left with the firm intention of having the first evening in around two months that wasn’t dedicated to Games Day. GAMES DAY: I woke up far too early for a Sunday, but I needed to be at the NEC for around eight; the only consolation of that time on a Sunday morning was the prospect of an empty M6 to look forward to15. 15

Sounds like famous last words and you probably expect me to say I was stuck in a traffic jam for an hour, but I wasn’t - it turned out to be true. We all gathered at the tables bright and early, eager for it to get going. The day got off to a good start as both Kayvaan and Grizz had managed to remember their (new) tickets. Once we had the important matter of who was going to join the Forge World queue when it opened with the group’s shopping list - Wolvie and SC volunteered - we got down to sorting any last minute setup issues and refreshing our memories on the rules for the two games. Before the doors opened I took the opportunity to walk round and have a look at the other tables. Some were distinctly impressive with their sheer size and quantity of models, but I was still happy with how our tables compared. I snapped a few pictures of terrain for reference16. As I passed Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Jase and Deserter going over the rules for Escape from Eidos (aka ZOMBIES!). one table I heard a volunteer say “…and this in five minutes’ time and that the tables must is where the kill team comes in”…”Blast” I be manned ready…so we battened ourselves thought, “someone else is doing Kill Team”. down for the inevitable tsunami of visitors that I don’t remember seeing a Kill Team game at would surge into the Arena. It didn’t quite Games Day before and with no Kill Team rules turn out like that; the doors opened for the in the 5th Edition Rulebook we really thought Golden Demon entrants, and their priority was we would be the only game of it at Games Day. to hand their models in before many headed Oh well. We still had our health17. off to the sales stands to try and grab the pre-release items. Gradually people trickled 16 aka stealing ideas… into the Arena and the numbers slowly built, 17 Except for those volunteers who were with the Project & WIP table initially catching getting over an operation - a surprisingly high peoples’ attention with visitors grabbing a percentage. quick photo before moving on to see what The call went out that the doors were opening the other tables in the Arena held.


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage breaks didn’t stand up to the reality of the day - when we weren’t talking to the visitors we were greeting and chatting to other AB members who came over to say hello. I quickly lost track of faces and names, and while I did speak to a fair number of members I was barely able to give some more than a passing wave. It was great to see so many people showing up in Ammobunker Tshirts, though it may have made it a bit confusing for the visitors. It was a shame we’d forgotten the name badges. I did manage to get a quick sit down early afternoon when I had a chat with a GCN representative; it was interesting to get their thoughts and comments on what we had done for the day. While we looked at our efforts with inexperienced eyes, the GCN have many years of experience of running games at Games Day and, happily for us, they seemed quite impressed and positive about our involvement and what we had done. Some of the first visitors to look at the Project & WIP Table. People started to linger at the tables for pace increased, with more and more people longer and it wasn’t long before the gaming gathering round us. We started to introduce tables started seeing some action; and once ourselves and point out details to people on they started, they never stopped throughout the models they were looking at; once the ice the day. I barely got a look at the two gaming had been broken questions began to fly, most tables after this point, even when I had a break notably “Who are you?” and “How the heck from the Project & WIP table so many people did he build that?” were gathered around the games that I only The morning turned into something of a blur got a brief glimpse of what was happening. The for all of us. The original plan of taking regular Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Afterwards a quick look around our three tables showed that the games were still in full flow and the number of people around all three tables seemed to have increased by about 50%. On the Project & WIP Table the Members’ Folder of Work was proving to be a big success, it was rarely out of somebody’s hands. The WIP Sheets were turning out to be as helpful as I hoped, allowing us to more easily explain the bigger conversions that were on show. 52

Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage so I gave it a miss. Next up was the GCN display board including an obscene amount of Forgeworld resin; I wouldn’t have liked to be the bloke who had to bring all that to the NEC,

Gaming in progress. LUNCH. A break! Hallelujah. Wolvie, Maelstrom and myself went to the canteen for food. I had a baked potato with a sort of chicken curry thing18, which was rather nice. 18

I don’t know what the other two had, sorry if you were interested. Straight after lunch I took a moment to see a bit more of the event. I needed to pick up my Forgeworld reservation order, and to do so I Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

had to walk through the other halls. Off I went, past the Marine statue (which is showing its age, they could do with knocking up a new one in the latest style) and into the Pavilion. Here was Golden Demon and - as always - it was packed, 53

Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage I’d wince every time I went over a speed bump. Also in the Pavilion was the Design Studio stand; I wanted to have a look but I thought I would catch it on the return journey instead so I took a couple of pictures of the GCN table before setting off for my own resin fix. Next area included the computer games people THQ, and this year that meant the Rhino. While giving them credit for doing it I couldn’t help but think it looked a tad small and also that it looked like it had been sprayed with Roughcoat. We’d had a good look at it the

day before so I decided not to hang around. And so into Hall One, which as well as the open gaming tables contained the sales stands and the Forgeworld Design Studio stand. I quickly added myself to the ‘Forgeworld Reservation Order Pickup Mosh Pit’; dang, they don’t make spending money easy. There never seems to be enough card readers… People were picking things from catalogues to add to their order causing delays as staff then had to try and find it, and if it wasn’t in stock an order form had to be filled in so the items could be posted

GCN Table – A Trio of Reavers and a Pair of Warhounds, nice…expensive.

out. After fifteen minutes I was wondering if I should leave and come back just before they closed up. After another ten, I was seriously considering using my car keys as an improvised weapon to thin the ranks around me. But then I reached Nirvana, as the desk was before me. I had thought about getting an Arvus as well (I’ve built a landing pad so I might as well have something to land on it) but by now I just wanted out. After a quick check of my order, payment was made and I was released back out into sweet fresh air. I’d been away longer than I hoped, so, after a very quick look at the FW design stand I set off back to the boards. Thinking I would get a second chance to look around the halls I wasn’t too bothered at the time19. 19

I was wrong - I never had the chance to look around again.

Back at the AB enclave the boards were as busy as when I had left. SC hadn’t cracked under the strain of public exposure and while I took over the Project & WIP Table he headed off to grab some food. With only an hour or two before things started to wind down, it still didn’t look like the numbers were easing up at all. More AB members were showing up to say hello, have a look at the boards and to see their own work in the Members Folder. Again I missed the chance to talk to many of them20. 20

However I did have a brief chat with El Diablo towards the end; he was hard to ignore. He turned out to be taller than he sounded in the emails.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage Gaming in progress.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage As the day wore on we were starting to flag; we had after all been there since 8am and apart from a brief break for lunch we’d been on our feet since the beginning. Feet, legs,

backs and pretty much everything else were aching. My throat was getting progressively more and more hoarse and I had begun to hope that the end was nigh.

THE DAY DRAWS TO A CLOSE At around half three things started to wind down in preparation for the Golden Demon ceremony. Games were finished and visitors began to gather around the stage, which at least allowed us to start packing away models. We couldn’t break the boards down until all of the visitors had left, but packing away the models was fine so we dived into that. I didn’t actually pay much attention to the ceremony, being occupied instead with trying to pack away all of my models and collect the various bits of paper spread around. Until, that is, one of AB’s own picked up a Bronze Demon in the Young Bloods category21. ‘voiceofthewarp’ (aka ‘warpie’) took to the stage to a big cheer from us; you have to wonder what sort of models he’ll be producing once he’s old enough to compete in the other categories. 21

Gaming in progress. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

At the disgustingly young age of 13

The Bronze Winning Pilot of warpie. 56

Events: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage Soon the ceremony had finished, and people began to leave. Unfortunately we were stuck there until all of the coach parties had assembled and left, so once the models had been packed away there was nothing we could do but start reading the various books we had bought. Once we were able to break down the three tables, we collected our cars and packed everything away. Deserter had already left for his train and Maelstrom had set off with his coach, and the rest of us now started to depart, tired and aching but all in good spirits. Once the others had left I went back in to check that we hadn’t left anything behind; I decided to have one last wander through the venue, dodging vans on the way. Already there was very little left, with the last stage of clear up underway, stands being broken down and the floors cleared. I got to door A5, dumped my high-vis jacket into the box and walked out into the sunshine…

To show how much of a collaborative effort Games Day was for Ammobunker, here’s the roll call of volunteers and what they put into it: Captain Wolverine - P&WIP Table Rictus - Hornets’ Nest kill team & rules, models, Hornets’ Nest kill teams. Eidos Terrain, P&WIP Table models, P&WIP Table labels & WIP Sheets, Deadley Hedley - Hornets’ Nest the AB Flier, Members Folder. Thunderbolts, Eidos zombies. Deserter - Eidos war band, rules, zombies & crashed Aquila, P&WIP Table models.

Schoolcormorant - P&WIP Table models, Members Folder.

Digits - Hornets’ Nest boards, terrain & vehicles, P&WIP Table models.

Tepok - Eidos war band & zombies, P&WIP Table models.

Grizz - P&WIP Table models.

Also thanks to:

Jasevx - Hornets’ Nest kill team, Eidos zombies, P&WIP Table models.

Pfreck - Eidos zombies and the AB logos I used in the printed material.

KayvaanShrike - Hornets’ Nest kill team, P&WIP Table models.

Dominus Ex Machina - Painting the Militia (I was just too busy to do them. Honestly)

Maelstrom - Eidos war band, P&WIP Table models.

Doghouse - Donated his sculpt of a Marine Captain to the P&WIP Table.

Old Guard - Eidos boards, Hornets’ Nest brute squads & terrain, P&WIP Table models.

And that, as they say, is that.

THE LAST BIT Games Day is over. I won’t lie and say it wasn’t stressful or hard work; we pushed ourselves hard and spent a lot of time and effort working on the boards, models and other material but overall I think it was worth it. We had a successful day and overall it was a great experience.

from the point of view of a visitor as well as a volunteer, and make the run-up to the day more relaxed and less of a panic-fuelled dash to the finish line.

We learned a hell of a lot - if we do this again we’ll be better organised and more efficient. We’ll ensure that all of us get to see the event

I would like22 to thank publicly all those who put time, effort and money into the event, we all played our parts in making the day a

For more photos visit: Escape from Eidos: Stirring the Hornets’ Nest: Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

success. I also want to thank Games Workshop for inviting us to take part, giving me as much help as they did and for welcoming us over the weekend. Much appreciated, though next time any chance you could ask us a bit sooner…? 22

I have to; they are making me…

If all goes to plan23 in the next issue of Firebase, you’ll get a much closer look at something from Games Day…but to see what, you’ll have to wait. 23

When does that ever happen?

Until the next time… 57

Interview: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage

AND FINALLY… To finish off the ‘Ammobunker at Games Day’ coverage I made a trip to Warhammer World to have a chat with Brian Aderson, the man who organised Games Day and who invited The Ammobunker to take part. Now the full interview turned out a bit longer than I thought it would so - to avoid a multitude of pages full of text - here is the segment that deals purely with Games Day itself. Rictus - You have the role of Games Day Organiser, what does that actually entail? Brian Aderson - To all intents and purposes I act as the middle man between Games Workshop as a business and the NEC as the venue. I project-manage it from inception, i.e. agreeing a date of delivery and managing the budget for the show as a whole. What that actually means is that I deal with all of the departments from around the business who want to play a part in Games Day, get them to do everything they need to do and then make sure they turn up at the right place with the right stuff at the right time to make it happen. Rictus - Sounds fun… Brian Aderson - It has its moments. Rictus - How do you organise what department or activity goes where, and the space they need in the halls? Brian Aderson - There are a number of things you have to take into account. The first thing Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

is the popularity of the area; the sales stand is obviously going to be popular so you have to make sure you allocate an amount of space that is appropriate or as appropriate as you can. You also have to take into account the health and safety restrictions laid down by the NEC, and the health and safety implications of the activity taking place. Using the sales stands as an example, you have to make them big enough

In the UK we get around 1,200-1,500 entries to Golden Demon, and when you start getting up into the final curtain winners you get people who make a point of attending Games Day solely for attending Golden Demon

so that you can spread the load of customers as widely across the stand as possible; one of the advantages of going into Hall One this year was that it allowed us to expand the sales stand. You also have to take into account that the NEC needs you to maintain fire channels, allowing easy and direct access to the fire exits, so your stands can’t encroach into these fire channels. But ultimately the way it works is that you start with last year’s plan, talk to the departments and ask them what they want and

try your best to accommodate their wants; and if there is anything that doesn’t fit the venue then it’s my job to come up with an alternative that satisfies everybody. Rictus - Golden Demon was originally a separate event to Games Day. How integral is it to Games Day now, and do you think you would have as many visitors or as much interest in the day if it wasn’t there? Brian Aderson - It is an important part of what Games Workshop sees as the format of Games Day. I don’t think we’d ever, certainly not in the near future, consider separating them out. There are some real logistical benefits doing them at the same time that makes life a lot easier. In the UK we get around 1,200-1,500 entries to Golden Demon, and when you start getting up into the final curtain winners you get people who make a point of attending Games Day solely for attending Golden Demon, since that’s where their passion for the hobby lies. Rictus - People come over from just to enter Golden Demon don’t they? Brian Aderson - Yeah absolutely, Games Day is a very big show and Golden Demon is a very important part of that show, which is reflected in the event logo including both elements and the event being called ‘Games Day and Golden Demon’ - they are seen as two separate entities but part of a single show.


Interview: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage Rictus - Just how much of a logistical nightmare is getting everything set up in time for the day? Brian Aderson - It’s not as bad as it could be, since we have the advantage of using the workforce based here working in the factory and their expertise lies in logistical tasks. They also have a wealth of experience having done it for many years. We have learnt over a number of years - I’m talking about four years at the NEC and almost ten years at the NIA - the most efficient system for rolling people in and out, and we have enough flexibility in the plan to allow for people turning up early or turning up late. We have an early setup team who come in first thing and get the majority of the equipment off the lorries, then the main setup team come in and start putting the furniture in place and making sure the equipment is where it needs to be. Then, in the afternoon, we get the ‘exhibitors’ – that is the clubs, organisations or departments, to come in and bring in their specific materials. I have been involved with the project team for seven or eight years at one level or another, so my level or experience is quite wide and the people I recruit to manage the areas are very experienced in those areas so I trust them to do their job effectively. My job on the day is to oversee what’s going on, there are people who are responsible for set up and delivering certain elements of the show and it is in their hands as I can’t afford to worry about the details. I need to look at the overall view and make sure that is working. Rictus - What is your role on the day itself?

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Brian Aderson - My job on the day is basically walking round making sure everything is OK. It sounds like a pretty easy job and when you compare it to what you guys were doing – running the gaming tables – it’s certainly less frenetic. I have very specific responsibilities to ensure that we are considering all the health and safety implications and considering the customer service needs of all of the customers on site; for example, if I feel the queues in the Black Library area are too long we will look to see if there is some way to change the system

I’m talking about four years at the NEC and almost ten years at the NIA - the most efficient system for rolling people in and out, and we have enough flexibility in the plan to allow for people turning up early or turning up late. and make it more efficient, if I feel there are too many people collecting round a computer games area we have to call Customer Service teams in to move them on. I have to wander round the show and check with each of the area heads that they are happy with things, and also make my own observations and call people in when they are required. Rictus - Do you get to see much of the show itself such as the Golden Demon entries, gaming tables etc.?

Brian Aderson - No, that’s one of the prices to pay in running the show; your job is to observe the show but not look at it, if that makes sense? I wouldn’t be doing my job if I stopped to look at the exhibits, the miniatures and the images. They are there for the customers to enjoy and it’s my job to make sure that the venue and the event are run so that they can enjoy it, so no, I don’t get time. Rictus - You mentioned about going into Hall One this year, what did this move bring to Games Day? Brian Aderson - With the extra floor space we were able to add a second exhibition of original artwork, there was a display from the French Games Day which we saw and thought we should have that over, we were able to provide more space at the sales stands, a bigger area for the hobby zone, extra seating areas for people to chill out and it also gave us a very unique space for Black Library compared to what they have had in the past. It did give us the opportunity to expand our event and change it slightly but actually the main benefit to us was opening up the show so that it didn’t turn into so much of a grapple-and-battle as it had done in previous years. Rictus - Another new thing for this year was inviting an online community to take part, what brought about this decision? Brian Aderson - Games Day performs a number of functions, if I tried to explain all of them it would drive you crazy, but for me one of the key elements is that it is an opportunity 59

Interview: AmmoBunker Games Day Coverage for people to experience - or at least get to see - elements of the hobby community that they are not involved in themselves. This includes the Gaming Club Network and the Games Workshop Community Department that is based in the UK helping schools, basically it is an opportunity for people to say “this is the other stuff you could do if you don’t do it already”. After having seen The Ammobunker forum come to Warhammer World it sparked an interest in me that made me realise that the online forum community, although clearly

made up of hobbyists who interact in a face to face social hobby, is a very important element of an overall gaming community. My perception was that The Ammobunker is a pretty good representation of this, and with what they put on at WHW I thought it might be good to have something similar at Games Day. People can see that even if they don’t have a club on their doorstep it’s still possible to acquire some kind of hobby interaction online without it seeming like a long-distance relationship.

Rictus - You mentioned that you’re already looking at next year, have things already started to be put forward for Games Day ‘09? Brian Aderson - For most people it’s still early days for Games Day 2009; I have to start working on it now, though, because when other people start thinking about it a large proportion of the project already has be in place. When it comes to groups like Black Library, Forge World, the sales stands, participation gaming or even the clubs it’s way to far away in the calendar for them to worry about it yet; but I still have to get a provisional date, book a venue, start working on some plans, do a review of this year, learn some lessons and put forward some suggestions as regards the lessons we have learned. All of that has to take place before I sit down with those other areas and ask “what would you like to do next year?” so when they come up with ideas I can say “yes we can do that” or “no we can’t”. Rictus - You already need to have an idea of what will fit where, sort of thing? Brian Aderson - Absolutely; there’s no detail on paper yet, but we have a provisional date in the calendar and a provisional idea of what halls we will use as we plan to go to the NEC again. The first steps have been made, but to be honest the next couple of months are going to involve a lot of discussion of ideas and also marketing and promotion plans for the show. Early next year we will work up a budget proposal and start discussing details about the content; so, at the moment, it’s just a small seed I am about to plant…

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Gaming: Playing Second Edition

DOES IT LOOK DEAD TO YOU? A GUIDE TO GETTING INTO 2ND EDITION by Gavin Mutter INTRODUCTION Every new edition of Warhammer 40,000 brings a few people to wonder “is really what I’m looking for in a game?” For some it is, but many gamers may not be getting what they really want out of a game of Warhammer 40,000. For me, I like every game to be a unique experience that brings along an interesting narrative; I like a deep tactical game involving small numbers of minis on the table and above all I love having a good game with friends. Due to several factors I just didn’t feel like the newer editions of Warhammer 40,000 were giving me the experience I was looking for. But perhaps I should start from the top, from the point this falling out occurred. When 3rd edition came out I became more and more disenchanted with the direction of Warhammer 40,000. Long story short, they weren’t making a game that spoke to me any more. The direction it went in was towards larger battles with more streamlined rules to facilitate it. For me the game lost a lot of the quirks that made me love playing Warhammer 40,000. Despite that I ended up playing 3rd Edition for several years before finally giving up on it. After that I went out and did the ‘indy thing’, playing various other non-GW games until the rumour of plastic terminators brought me back into the GW circle. The Dark Angels Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

codex came out shortly after I returned and as they were my first and only Warhammer 40,000 army I decided to jump in and give 4th Edition a try. At first it was fun and I was enjoying bringing out my Dark Angels again but somewhere along the line I started getting bored with it again. At that point I was rooting through some of my old gaming stuff and I came across my old Warhammer 40,000 2nd Edition box set. That night I sat down with it and remembered why I loved Warhammer 40,000 again. The rest, as they say, is history. So the question likely on the minds of some that maybe feel the same way I did when I made the decision to switch may be along these lines: • Why get into a dead game? • How do you even get into 2nd Edition in the first place? • When I get passed all of that how do I get people to join me? • How to have a good game of 2nd Edition? It is my hope to give potential players some answers to these questions and hopefully, just maybe, convert a couple of those curious readers over to the dark side of gaming using dead systems.

First things first; why would anyone actually want to play a dead system? This one is likely the easiest to answer out of all of them, and that is because it’s fun! If you are a player who enjoys games with lower model counts, if you enjoy more detailed or simulationist rules, or if you enjoy games that easily facilitate a narrative experience then you may be the kind of person that enjoys Warhammer 40,000 2nd Edition. Additionally most Warhammer 40,000 players will already have an army more than large enough to play so the only real necessity is getting a hold of the rules. Further more it also facilitates play for those players with a wide collection of minis due to the inclusion of rules allowing various alliances between races. So if you have an Imperial Guard army, some Inquisitorial troops and some Space Marines they are all fair game in a single army. This allows for some very cool themed lists that would be much harder to do, faithfully, in current editions. 2nd Edition is a fairly free and open system with a lot of flexibility depending on how much you want to do with it. If any of that sounds intriguing then you may wish to continue reading to see if 2nd Edition is right for you. GETTING INTO 2ND EDITION WARHAMMER 40,000 With the first question addressed some may be wondering how to get started. For this the easiest source is, like many things of this nature, eBay. Beyond that you may also take a look around at local game stores, you may be surprised at some of the things hiding in there. The best way of getting up and running


Gaming: Playing Second Edition quickly though is to find the 2nd Edition boxed set or, at least, a bundle containing its contents. Unfortunately this may not always be possible so for those who are interested here is a basic guide to what you need if you are picking it up piecemeal. From the get go you will need the following books for all the basic rules: the Warhammer 40,000 2nd Edition Rulebook, Codex Imperialis, the Wargear Book.

From left to right: the core rulebook, Codex Imperialis and the Wargear codex Beyond the rules one will also need codices to play the game. The most basic source for this is the Codex Army Lists that came with the boxed set but due to a number of factors it is difficult to come by this book. Luckily the only lists that you ever need from it are stats for Imperial Agents (Inquisition, Telepaths and Adeptus Mechanicus) and Squats. So unless you have or are planning to collect armies that feature those two heavily you can mostly just go about finding the various codices for the game. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

These can often prove much easier to find as well as being fairly cheap for what you get. I would recommend picking up a codex for each of the armies in your gaming group just so you can get everyone involved from the start. With the rules and codices in hand the only other things you really need are Wargear Cards, Vehicle Datafaxes and Mission Cards (well, you don’t really need the mission cards but I like having them around). These will likely be the hardest to get outside of a box but from time to time they will pop up (usually along with a lot of other stuff such as Psychic Cards, and counters) and for a good price. But as I said the easiest way of getting all of this is to find someone selling their 2nd Edition box on eBay. Beyond that there is one other thing that, while not needed, really spices the game up and that is the Dark Millennium expansion box. This one is still possible to find in good condition (I should know, the one I picked up was still in original shrink wrap) and I seriously recommend trying to get the full set of this in one go as it contains a mind boggling array of cardboard counters, Datafaxes, Mission Cards, Psychic Cards and a load of Wargear Cards. The Dark Millennium book itself contains the advanced psyker rules (which are optional if you don’t enjoy using the card method for things) as well as a rudimentary vehicle design guide and various other rules amendments (such as a boost to Dreadnoughts). It adds a few extra things to the game that while not strictly necessary, seem to make for a more well-rounded experience.

Codex Army Lists or the “Black Codex” INTRODUCING OTHERS TO 2ND EDITION Now assuming you have the will and the rules to play the game, the most important part of this is finding like minded nutters like you to play the game with. At this point comes my normal advice in such situations, and that is demo, demo and demo. Next gaming night bring your books and solicit people to play a small game with you. About 700-1000 points should make for a short but fun game that is over in a little over an hour. Run this for anyone who is interested or even anyone nearby with a Warhammer 40,000 army. This step is really at the heart of playing a game that is no longer


Gaming: Playing Second Edition supported, getting people to play the game can be the real sticking point but if you present a good demo and get people to have fun with it then it will really just sell itself. But for those who haven’t played 2nd Edition before: how do you go about getting a good game of 2nd Edition together? A good first impression is important for everything, even a game, so making sure you give a good first impression of 2nd Edition is important for your first demo games. So, first things first, and I can’t recommend this enough, is to give the rulebook several reads, even the bits that most skip like game set-up and even the developer’s notes at the end of the main rules. These two things together give you a good idea of the intended way you are supposed to play the game. The first and most important thing you learn from this will be that terrain is important and more important than that is having lots of it. Andy Chambers says in the developer’s notes that “the more terrain the better the game” and this is something you need to take to heart. Many games of 2nd Edition have been ruined by players not taking terrain density into account and if you go with the standard amount of terrain currently used to play Warhammer 40,000 or less, you will find the source of many of the myths associated with 2nd Edition such as “Overwatch is too powerful” or “Vehicles dominate the game.” So, like it says in the set-up chapter, never use less than 50% terrain coverage (as opposed to the current standard of 25%). Any less than this and the game will devolve into a massacre. The

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

next thing to keep in mind is that the game was designed for games up to 3000 points with 1500-2000 points being optimal. You can use 2nd Edition to play mega-battles but the rule book is not lying when it says larger games will take up a whole weekend. On the other hand 2nd Edition does scale down well and you can have a good game at 500 points. I would recommend that if you want larger games then Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition, or better yet, Epic would be the best idea in that case. 2nd Edition is a platoon level skirmish game and it works best when games are kept small. Finally never, ever play a game without mission objectives. This is why I love the Mission Cards

2nd Edition is a platoon level skirmish game and it works best when games are kept small. in the box set; all you need to do is draw one for you and your opponent and you have an interesting mission lined up. Since each player has different objectives drawn from the cards it can lead to interesting situations as there are many different combinations of objectives that will help make every game a different experience. After getting a group of die-hards together I would recommend that you start developing a series of house rules in your group, 2nd Edition is fairly malleable and the system responds surprisingly well to changes. Of these the most common are removing Vortex Grenades

as well as getting rid of weapons with viral properties (the much maligned Viral Outbreak in Dark Millennium is usually taken out of the game following recommendations from Andy Chambers himself). The former because it can often be overpowering in the hands of certain units while the latter flip flops in effectiveness depending on whether the enemy you face uses enclosed armour or whether they wear open suits (i.e. deadly against Imperial Guards and Orks but useless against Eldar and Marines). One particular rule my group uses (and many groups I’ve heard of use for that matter) is to take out the rule by which heavy weapon damage degrades over distance (actually many don’t use it because they don’t notice it in the rules until it is pointed out). So if there is something in the system you want to change discuss it with the group and try it out. Don’t be afraid to modify the system; GW abandoned it long ago and they aren’t likely to change things you don’t quite agree with. The basic system of 2nd Edition is solid but it works best when tweaked to the individual group that plays it. Besides you’re already playing an unsupported game so if the fun police haven’t already arrived and burned your books then altering the system won’t get them there any faster… CONCLUSION In the struggle to keep everything up to date many gamers can often forget the original reason they started playing. Often over time, your tastes in gaming will become more refined as you figure out what you like in a 63

Gaming: Playing Second Edition game which can often lead to one becoming disenchanted with their original choice in games. Older games like Rogue Trader and 2nd Edition focus on the Warhammer 40,000 universe in a different way to the current line and to those who enjoy smaller, more detailed narrative battles; they can be quite rewarding games. They also carry the upside of having a steady availability of new models coming out all the time which many games that have lost support simply don’t get. If you love skirmish gaming and can find copies of the rules then I suggest giving 2nd Edition a try. It gives players a look back at how Games Workshop did things before they really hit it big and it is a refreshing point of view that focuses less on the competition of gaming and more on the social aspect of it. The real death of a game only occurs when players give up on it. If you find a rule set that you like then keep playing it whether it is actively supported or not. I hope this article has been informative enough to give people a good jumping off point if they are interested in gaming in the Warhammer 40,000 universe on a smaller scale and to those who played 2nd Edition once upon a time maybe it will get you to dust it off and take another look at it for nostalgia’s sake. It certainly isn’t for everyone but for those that love a small skirmish game that will give them stories to tell to gaming buddies for years to come there are few better places to find it than with Warhammer 40,000 2nd Edition.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos

CONFLICT AT EXCAVATION SITE 303 Technomagos Lucius per Zann was out of words. The dig was going noticeably well, the initial information obtained during the search on Bjegel IV leading in a straightforward manner to this remote place. The war had rolled over this planet a few decades ago, but the death toll had been so massive that some cities were simply never rebuilt. He was led to the ruins of this city, its name long forgotten he thought of it as Excavation Site 303, a place where the foundations of some buildings pre-dated newer Imperial premises by over

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

ten millennia. A very promising site. The excavation had lasted for over a month now, but as soon as item AR2 was brought to the daylight they showed up as if they had been observing without notice all the time. Look at them! Sticking to the shadows, take your eye off them for a second and they disappear. Filthy, tricky Xenos! There are only a handful of them, and they do naught but stare, but nonetheless he gave orders to the Skiitarii to redeploy and surround the perimeter. They should be here soon; now he can only wait

and play the Xenos’ game, hoping the troops will reach him fast enough. One of the aliens seems different – is it the light glow around it? It certainly moves as though it’s old or stiff. It has no face, just that idiotic pointy helmet with crest like a diverted horn. The alien speaks in a lilting whisper: “The portents are now clear. Thou must secure the artifact! Quick, She Who Hungers is near! It must not fall into the Dark Ones’ hands!”


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos to represent Cataphractii (Grenadiers) or the more numerous Skiitarii (Imperial Guard Platoons). I decided that more survivability was in the Skiitarii (I use the Slave Levies doctrine to represent their biomechanical modifications – it’s a doctrine giving all basic infantry squads the Slow and Purposeful and Feel No Pain rules at +20 points per unit) so in went two platoons. These units are more likely to be used by a Technomagos at work – their las-cutters can be used as lascannons, and their plasma cutters can be used to melt any heavy piece of metal, including power armour. To extract my Technomagos I needed a transport, so one Skiitarii Command got a

Chimera. Two Battleknights, one armed with a Demolisher cannon, should keep enemy occupied and wary. To add some countercharge elements, I used a unit of tracked Rapid Response Team (Rough Riders). They are a onetrick pony but if the dice are with me they can tip the balance of the battle. The Technomagos also hired the services of an Imperial Assassin of the Eversor Temple for the same role. This was already at the points limit, but when we were setting-up the game everyone cried for me to field one Hellstalker (Hellhound) too. “It’s not like it’s gonna make any difference against Chaos, but the model is sooo cooool!” said Klosa.

GENERAL PERZAN (HORTWERTH) – ADEPTUS MECHANICUS When choosing the Adeptus Mechanicus for the job I was told we should each make an army up to 1300 points. With so few points I wouldn’t normally use an Inquisitor, but we decided that in order to represent the Technomagos properly one is needed. In case some Deep Striking Obliterators and Terminators tried to land nearby I added two Warp-reading Techpriests (Mystics) and a young Techpriest willing to die for his master (Acolyte) in case something bad happened too soon to the Technomagos. Then I needed to fill in the ranks with some grunts. I basically had two options here – I could either field highly-trained troops Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos


Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos

FORCES OF THE ADEPTUS MECHANICUS So here’s the final list for the Adeptus Mechanicus: Doctrines: Drop Troops, Abhumans, Slave Levies, Rough Riders HQ - Technomagos - (Psychic Hood, Bionics, Acolyte, 2 Mystics ) Elites - Eversor Assassin Troops - Skiitarii Platoon Skiitarii Command - (Junior Officer, 4 Plasma Guns) 1 Chimera - (Heavy Bolter, Hull Heavy Bolter, Extra Armour) Skiitarii Maniple - (Lascannon, Lasguns, Plasma Gun, Slave Levies, Veteran Sergeant, Bolter) Skiitarii Maniple - (Lascannon, Lasguns, Plasma Gun, Slave Levies, Veteran Sergeant, Bolter)

Rough Riders with Hunting Lances

Troops - Skiitarii Platoon Skiitarii Command - (Junior Officer, 4 Plasma Guns) Skiitarii Maniple - (Lascannon, Lasguns, Plasma Gun, Slave Levies, Veteran Sergeant, Bolter) Skiitarii Maniple - (Lascannon, Lasguns, Plasma Gun, Slave Levies, Veteran Sergeant, Bolter) Fast Attack - Rough Riders - 6, Hunting Lances, Veteran Sergeant Fast Attack - Hellstalker – (Inferno Cannon, Heavy Bolter, Rough Terrain Modification) Heavy Support - Battleknight - (Battle Cannon, Hull Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Rough Terrain Modification) Heavy Support - Battleknight Demolisher - (Demolisher Cannon, Hull Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Rough Terrain Modification, Extra Armour)

Among the many conversions in this fantastic army, the troops are converted models called Iron Brotherhood by Micro Art Studio. Clearly you can see how well they work as ‘counts as’ models for an Adeptus Mechanicus army.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos can fire at the enemy and then take cover in the assault phase; this high maneuverability makes them an excellent Troops choice. Fire Dragons come with a lot of meltaguns and can destroy just about anything in one salvo, they are especially handy when it comes to dispatching things like Plague Marines and Terminators that are normally very hard to kill. A Falcon was needed to transport my Fire Dragons to the right shooting position, as without it they would be shot on sight! A Wraithlord serves as a bodyguard for my Farseer; I didn’t have any units for fighting in close combat so I took the Wraithlord which is hard even for a Daemon Prince to kill; lesser opponents can’t even harm it. Plus, it sports heavy weapons with which to blast Chaos tanks from distance. GENERAL CHRIS – ELDAR A Farseer seemed to be the only proper choice for this mission. Surveying the future, he came to this world to prevent the malevolent Chaos forces from taking the powerful artifact that had been excavated by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Pathfinders make a solid troop choice, and when deployed in cover they are ridiculously hard to kill. In this scenario they seemed to be perfect both gaming and background-wise, scouting before the main strike force on some forgotten world.

Warp Spiders with their Deathspinners are always a good choice; they wear heavy (by Eldar

standards) armour and have powerful guns with a large number of shots, and are also very fast. We chose that the Adeptus Mechanicus Technomagos should take the artifact and concentrate on running with it, and that I would take care of everything that could stop him from leaving the table edge with the artifact. My battle plan was easy: first I shoot Chaos Daemon Princes and Sorcerers with Lash of Submission, because if any of these guys get in range of the unit with the artifact we would be doomed. My second target was to get rid of the units that could fight in hand to hand combat because our only units for fighting were Imperial Rough Riders (that can be used effectively once) and the Wraithlord. I wasn’t worried about Chaos shooting units since they are very slow and I can outmaneuver them, and the Adeptus Mechanicus units were perfect shooting targets for them.

As for the rest of my army, I chose fast and agile units with some serious firepower, keeping in mind that we were going to do battle against Chaos - which is very tough, but not as fast as my swift Eldar. Guardian jetbikes with a Warlock Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos


Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos

FORCES OF THE ELDAR My army was: HQ - Farseer - (Shuriken Pistol, Singing Spear, Runes of Warding, Runes of Witnessing, Spirit Stones, Fortune, Doom, Ghosthelm, Rune Armour) Troops - 5 Pathfinders - (Ranger Long Rifle, Shuriken Pistol) Troops - 5 Pathfinders - (Ranger Long Rifle, Shuriken Pistol) Troops - 3 Guardian Jetbikes - (Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults (x2), Shuriken Cannon (1), Warlock, Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults, Rune Armor, Shuriken Pistol, Singing Spear, Destructor) Elites - 5 Fire Dragons - (Fusion Guns, Melta Bombs, Exarch, Firepike, Melta bombs, Crack Shot) Fast Attack - 5 Warp Spiders - (Deathspinner, Exarch, 2 Deathspinners) Heavy Support - Wraithlord - (2 Flamers, Bright Lance, Eldar Missile Launcher) Heavy Support - Falcon - (Shuriken Cannon, Pulse Laser, Scatter Laser, Vectored Engines, Holo-fields, Spirit Stones)

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos GENERALS KLOSA & PICEK - CHAOS First of all I must say that this was the funniest game of 40K that I have ever played; we decided to field two detachments of Chaos Space Marines with all of their unusual units like Defilers and Obliterators. We also decided to Deep Strike Raptors (you won’t see that in normal play), and on top of that we had other heavy infantry units waiting to be teleported to key locations at the appropriate time. We had around 600-700 points less in total than the combined Eldar and Adeptus Mechanicus force, but that was all the painted Chaos models we could lay our hands on. Our list was pretty broken on the other hand…

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos


Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos

FORCES OF CHAOS HQ - Jimmy, Chaos Lord - (Terminator Armour, Lightning Claws) HQ - His spouse, Slaanesh Sorceress on Steed, with a very fitting Lash of Submission HQ - Greater Daemon - (Sorcerer of Slaanesh, wings, Lightning Claws, Lash of Submission) Elite - Terminator Squad – (3 with Reaper Autocannon, 2 CombiPlasmas) Elite - Terminator Squad – (3 with Reaper Autocannon, 2 CombiPlasmas) Elite - Terminator Squad – (3 with Reaper Autocannon, 2 CombiPlasmas) Troops - 6 Khorne Berzerkers - (Champion with Power Fist, Rhino with Havoc Launcher and Extra Armour) Troops - 5 Plague Marines - (2 plasma guns, Champion with Power Fist and Icon in Rhino no Extra Armour) Troops - 7 Noise marines, (Blastmaster) Fast Attack - 7 Raptors - (with Mark of Slaanesh, 2 Flamers, Champion with Lightning Claws) Heavy Support - Defiler Heavy Support - Defiler Heavy Support - 3 Obliterators Heavy Support - 3 Obliterators Heavy Support - 2 Obliterators

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos DEPLOYMENT An Eldar Pathfinder unit and Farseer were deployed at the center of the battlefield in base contact with the objective. The Technomagos, along with with 3 Techpriests, joined the Eldar near the objective. We also decided to put one of the Skiitarii platoons at the start of the battle to act as

bodyguards for the Adeptus Mechanicus character. After putting those units on the table, the battle was ready to start. We decided that the armies would enter the table in two parts, divided by their Force Organization Chart slots. There was also the possibility of starting with some units in reserve if those units’ rules allowed for that.

An Pathfinder unit, a Farseer, the Technomagos and 3 Techpriests were deployed at the center of the battlefield near the objective. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos

ROUND I – CHAOS The Chaos generals decided to start with Obliterator squad, one Defiler, one Terminator squad, the Khorne Berzerkers and a unit of Plague Marines [both in Rhinos], Jimmy The Terminator-Armoured Lord and a steed-mounted Sorceress of Slaanesh. The Obliterators advanced purposefully through a collapsed building and engulfed the Technomagos and his retinue in blasts of plasma-cannon fire. Hot plasma killed two unfortunate Mystics leaving one Techpriest. The Terminators rolled a ‘6’ for their difficult Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

terrain test which enabled them to take a good shooting position on the high building near the edge of the board and shoot out the last member of the Technomagos’ retinue, leaving him on his own. The Defiler opened fire at the Adeptus Mechanicus’s Skiitarii maniple nearest to the Technomagos but the cover provided by the gantry they occupied meant that only one of the biomechanical soldiers fell. The Sorceress decided to put maximum pressure on the objective and made an attempt to charge the


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos Technomagos on the first turn but a roll of ‘1’ on her Fleet of Foot made the situation clear. With their roaring engines emitting thick clouds of exhaust fumes both Rhinos stormed to the open around the building occupied by the Terminator squad and used smoke launchers to gain additional protection. ROUND I – IG + ELDAR It was time for the allied forces to take the first turn. Staring down lots and lots of plasma gun barrels, the Farseer sensibly decided to use Fortune to boost his chances of survival at the center of the battlefield.


Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Meanwhile the Technomagos took the objective marker and started a tactical withdrawal to the Eldar side of the table. Łukasz took a risk and didn’t join any unit so that they could shoot and allow the Technomagos to run. The second Pathfinder unit emerged on the edge of the table and put themselves in a good shooting position on the building by using their Fleet move. A Jetbike squad entered battle on the left flank and decided to turbo-boost towards the central part of the battlefield. The Battleknight, towering over a ruined Chapel Imperialis in the down-right corner of the battlefield, took aim at the Defiler, but the shot landed just outside the board. Nearby, the Wraithlord took cover beside the building and took a steady aimed shot at the Defiler. Eldar technology proved to be really as advanced as they claim when the Bright Lance punched straight through the Daemonic vehicle’s armour, destroying it in a blaze of fire.


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos Adeptus Mechanicus maniples punched into the thick smoke surrounding the Chaos Rhinos, the las-beams’s strength dissipated by the vapours and unable to stop the Rhinos in their advance. By the end of the turn things weren’t looking too good for the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Eldar – the Chaos forces’ position was getting stronger with every passing minute and there was still a long way for the Archeotech Relic to be carried.


The Adeptus Mechanicus Demolisher fired its huge cannon at the Rhino containing the Plague Marines, but managed only to stun it. One of the Skiitarii maniples nearest to the quickly closing Chaos forces moved out of cover towards them, heroically sacrificing themselves and screening the Rhino which preventing the Berzerkers from getting any further. Two lascannon shots from both

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos ROUND II - CHAOS This round Klosa and Picek decided to put the second Sorcerer, the Noise Marines, and the second Defiler on the battlefield. The Raptors, two Terminators and two Obliterator squads decided to Deep Strike onto the board but only 3 Obliterators managed to get into the teleport chambers on time. Despite the loud chanting coming from the Plague Marines’ Rhino, there was no sign of the Greater Daemon either; the Plague Marines stayed in their stunned APC while the Berzerkers disembarked and

prepared to charge the Adeptus Mechanicus unit standing in front of them. The winged Sorcerer entered the board from the short edge together with the second Defiler and tried to Lash out the bikes, but Runes of Warding prevented him from casting the power and to add insult to injury some random daemon passing by licked his brain to check its taste, causing an unsaved wound. The Sorceress on her steed was luckier, passing the psychic test on 3D6, and pulling 5 poor


Pathfinders 10” towards her while attempting to charge them in the assault phase. One of the Obliterator squads morphed their arms into lascannons and fired a broadside at the Demolisher, destroying its main weapon. The second Obliterator squad spotted the Technomagos; Łukasz and Chris held their breath when two lascannon blasts hit but fortunately the walls of the building stopped the beams. The Defiler tried to Fleet itself into

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos

inflicted only one wound from six [hitting on 3+ and wounding on 3+] attacks. The winged Sorcerer charged the jetbikes and killed two of them with no wounds in return, at which point the Eldar fled and were killed while the Sorcerer took cover in the ruins. The turn came to an end.

charge range to the jetbikes but a Fleet roll of ‘1’ was clearly not enough. The Raptors that landed a bit too much in the open for their liking ran into cover nearby. With the shooting ended it was time for some old-fashioned slaughter; the Berzerkers Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

charged the Adeptus Mechanicus, inflicting 11 wounds and killing several Skiitarii much to their patron god’s delight. This was too much for them - they fled and were promptly wiped out by the pursuing Berzerkers. The Sorceress charged the Pathfinders and 81

Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos ROUND II - IG + ELDAR The rest of the Allied forces came onto the board, the Warp Spiders using their jump generators to advance towards the sorcerer. The Falcon entered the table and deployed its Fire Dragons near the Defiler. The narcoleptic Wraithlord fell asleep as Chris rolled a ‘1’ for his Wraithsight test. The Eversor decided to charge the Obliterator squad that was the closest to the board edge while the Rough Riders prepared to stick their lances into the Raptors. The Hellstalker moved behind a ruined building and together with an Adeptus


squad took aim at the Raptors, but when the smoke and flames had dispersed it became clear that not a single Chaos Space Marine was burned. The Battleknight blasted at the Khorne worshippers and killed two of them; the Chimera sped through the clearing, intent on extracting the Technomagos with his precious cargo ASAP, and fired off its smoke launchers to up its chances of surviving the imminent barrage. On the opposite flank the Fire Dragons put 6 melta shots into the Defiler, seemingly scoring 3 hits; only then, however, did Klosa ask Chris to measure the range. Unfortunately only two of the Dragons were actually in range so we decided to roll-off…eventually there was one hit from an Exarch’s Fire Pike, one at short range and one at long range. A single hit scored for penetration and sent the behemoth burning to the ground with ‘5’ rolled on the damage table.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos


The Warp Spiders spun the winged Sorcerer to death, causing nine wounds with three saves failed. Then the assaults started - the Rough Riders put 19 power weapon attacks into the Raptors, killing three of them and suffering three casualties in return. Disaster! The Eversor charged the Obliterators, and as always, Łukasz rolled a ‘1’ for the number of attacks making it an outstanding total of five. This was too little to even scratch the Warp-touched cyborg monstrosities, who in return inflicted two instant kills on the unfortunate assassin and left him very flat and very, very dead.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

ROUND III – CHAOS Once again one of the deep-striking Terminator squads missed their flight and stayed in orbit playing cards, while the last Obliterators teleported near the Chimera and after detailed measurement were forced to roll on the Catastrophic Teleportation table. A ‘5’ meant they were removed from the table and would be roll again next turn. The second Terminator squad and the last Obliterators hit home and got ready for action. Jimmy The TerminatorArmoured Lord moved forwards and took cover near the Rhino as a Greater Daemon emerged bellowing from the Plague Marines’ APC. 83

Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos The remaining Berzerkers moved forward to engage the Skiitarii in the ruins near the Technomagos while the Plague Marines took the risk of immobilisation and moved in their Rhino straight through the ruins; fortune favoured the bold this time and they safely disembarked into cover. The Chimera at the center of the field suffered

a ground-shaking torrent of fire from the Nurgle Marines, two Terminator Squads, the Obliterators and the Noise Marines.


Incredibly, thanks to the thick clouds of white smoke surrounding it, the only effect suffered was “Crew shaken”. The second unit of Obliterators targeted the Demolisher and managed to immobilise it. The Berzerkers once again showed their fighting prowess, easily dispatching two of the Skiitarii without losing a single marine and also wiping out the unfortunate Adeptus Mechanicus troops with a chainaxe-fuelled Sweeping Advance. The Raptors also managed to kill off their opponents and took cover in the building, while the Sorceress finally managed to kill the remaining scouts but had nowhere to hide and so remained out in the open, trying to look very much like the Cat from Shrek 2.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos


them showed what shooting was all about, however, and even though their Plasma gun and Lascannon missed the remaining Raptors were annihilated by massed lasgun fire. Lukasz managed to cause 14 hits and 9 wounds from 16 shots!

ROUND III – IG + ELDAR The Farseer started the round by casting Fortune on himself and Doom on the Raptors as with their speed they appeared to be the greatest threat to the Technomagos. The Wraithlord woke up from his little nap and advanced into the ruins, as the Technomagos continued his run for cover and ended his movement near the Eldar table edge. A Skiitarii Command squad disembarked from the Chimera, while the other came closer to give the Terminators that had teleported in on Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

the previous turn a white hot plasma welcome. The Fire Dragons caught the fastest ride in the Galaxy as they embarked on the Falcon which immediately swooped 24” towards the Eldar lines. The Warp Spiders jumped along the edge of the field to get in range but were still too far away to target anything. The Demolisher and Hellstalker aimed at the Raptors and between them managed a disappointing result of one downed Marine. The Skiitarii Maniple stationed between

The Battleknight fired its Battle Cannon at the Plague Marines killing two and inflicting a “Crew shaken” result on their Rhino. The Sorceress’s big-watery-eyes routine had no effect on a long-dead Eldar hero, and she was summarily blown to pieces by one of the Wraithlord’s Krak missiles. Both of the Terminator squads were shot by plasma guns from the Skiitarii Command squads and one squad was left with only two men standing, and since there was no close combat we moved onto the next phase.


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos ROUND IV – CHAOS The remaining Terminator squad banded together with the Obliterators and decided to make their late arrival one that no one will ever forget - both scored a hit on their scatter dice, reaching the ground safely in a position where the tiniest deviation would have spelt doom for any of these squads.


The Greater Daemon and Lord Jimmy moved towards the Demolisher. The Plague Marines’ Rhino took a risk and Tank Shocked the Adeptus

Mechanicus maniple in the ruins near the board edge, passing its Dangerous Terrain test. The brave biomechanical troopers held their ground and their lascannon operator attempted a Death Or Glory attack, successfully penetrating the APC’s armour and immobilising it. The Demolisher once again took three lascannon shots from the Obliterators and suffered a second “Weapon destroyed” effect. The Terminator squad that had just entered the battle shot at the Farseer with everything they had, inflicting three Instant Killing wounds, but Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos Fortune protected the ancient psyker from harm. The Technomagos wasn’t so fortunate, as the remnants of the Terminator squad levelled a Reaper autocannon at him and let rip with a deafening noise. The twin-barrelled cannon showered the Technomagos in masonry and riddled him with heavy explosive rounds that tore out large chunks of his flesh, which proved too much even for his powered suit of armour. His mangled body fell to the ground as his advanced bionic systems attempted hasty battlefield


repairs. (Keeping in mind that he was equipped with Bionics, we put him on his side). The Berzerkers charged one of the Skiitarii command squads and unsurprisingly left no one alive, and the Plague Marines assaulted the Skiitarii command squad with the same effect. Their Toughness of 5 and Feel No Pain was too much for the Adeptus Mechanicus troopers. Things were really starting to heat up...

ROUND IV – IG + ELDAR At the beginning of the round everyone looked at Łukasz who took a dice and rolled for the Inquisitor’s Bionics; surprisingly, this time it wasn’t a ‘1’ and so he was back on his feet! Chris and Łukasz decided that in his weakened state he wasn’t currently the best person to be carrying the precious Relic, and so they handed it over to the Farseer. He cast Doom on the Obliterator squad and Fortune on himself, and then proceeded to embark up on the Falcon that had just arrived (it had moved 12” and deployed its Fire Dragons mere seconds earlier). The plan was to move 24” in the next round and carry the Relic out of the board. The Warp Spiders moved near the Falcon and finally spun the remaining Berzerkers into cocoons. Meanwhile, the Falcon and Fire Dragons turned the Terminator Squad to a nice, salvageable and re-usable pile of molten metal. The Skiitarii fired at the Obliterators but their most important weapon – the lascannon - failed

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos to wound despite Doom having been cast on the beasts. Their only chance to kill them now was the Wraithlord, who carefully took aim and fired both of his weapons at the monstrosities, with two hits and two wounds scored. Klosa rolled a ‘4’ for his invulnerable save and a ‘1’ for the wound from a Krak Missile, and so there were two more piles of salvageable metal on the battlefield. The Demolisher took its last chance and fired both heavy bolters at the Daemon, causing two wounds, as the Battleknight fired his Battle Cannon at the Noise Marines on the opposite side of the table but the shot scattered 6” and out of the board. The Adeptus Mechanicus maniple that stood firm against the Tank Shock in the previous round now shot at the remaining Plague Marines leaving a single model alive and charged him, thanks to the Slow And Purposeful rule provided


by the Slave Levies doctrine. The combat was far worse than expected and it left the single Nurgle Marine unharmed. Despite this, however, the round was very lucky for the Allies and everyone was waiting impatiently for what would happen next. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

ROUND V - CHAOS Seeing that victory was hanging by a thread, Klosa and Picek decided to put everything they had into shooting the Falcon out of the sky. The Greater Daemon moved into assault range of the Demolisher while Lord Jimmy moved to help the single Plague Marine in his combat. The Noise Marines and both Obliterator squads fired at the Falcon, scoring two lascannon hits. Klosa took a dice and rolled 88

Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos to the ground by the Havoc missile’s blast, and the damage and pain generated by this was just a flesh wound to someone who had already survived an instant kill, so he was on his feet again. With the Falcon destroyed there was only one way of getting the Relic off the board; the Farseer disembarked and handed the objective over to the Warp Spiders, who promptly moved as far as possible towards the edge. The Chimera and Hellstalker moved to shield the Aspect Warriors in case they had to endure yet another Chaos shooting phase.


The Wraithlord passed its Wraithsight test and instantly killed Jimmy while the last remaining Skiitarii Maniple finished the remaining Plague

a ‘3’, which was enough to cause a glancing hit, followed by a ‘6’ for penetration - Chris managed to make a save for the penetrating hit but not the glancing one. With a hurried prayer to the Dark Gods, the Chaos general rolled the effect dice [damn holofields!]. The prayer must have been heard as the dice came up with a pair of ‘6’, immobilising the Eldar Tank. Chris’s cry of pain rang across the battlefield, while the Chaos generals breathed again. There was little shooting left – the Berzerkers’ Rhino

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

put a missile from its Havoc launcher into the Fire Dragons, but the shot scattered and killed the Technomagos. Again. In the assault phase the Daemon caused four penetrating hits on the immobilised Demolisher and it was destroyed at last. Lord Jimmy’s help was very fruitful - the Skiitarii turned tail and were in turn destroyed. ROUND V - IG + ELDAR As in the previous round Łukasz rolled at the beginning of the round for the Technomagos’s bionics - it turned out he had only been thrown


Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos Marine off, again with massed lasgun fire. We measured the distance from the Spiders to the table edge after they made their Run move of 2” and it became clear that they had to roll a 10 for their Warp Jump to complete the task. The jump was 11 - just enough to make it! The Allies had extracted the Archeotech relic off the battlefield, but only just… Now, will the pointy-eared Xenos give the relic back to its rightful owners, the Adeptus Mechanicus?...

AFTERMATH: KLOSA: It all worked out pretty well in the end. As for my favorite moments – the first was when me and Picek threw everything we got at that damned Chimera. Two whole Chaos detachments firing on that blasted thing and only two “shaken” results. Argh! Another great moment was when the Farseer jumped into Falcon’s cargo hold and Chris was really, really sure that next turn he would get away with the Artifact. Then our


lascannon shot sent the skimmer down to the ground and Chris was very, very upset… Yes. I’m evil. ŁUKASZ & CHRIS: That was too close for comfort! I had a wonderful plan set up with the Chimera in clouds of smoke waiting for the Technomagos to jump into it in Turn 3, but he proved to be just 1” too far to make it, even if he’d rolled a “6” for difficult terrain.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

The Skiitarii units worked as planned, acting as speedbumps and sacrificing themselves when needed to buy some time for the Technomagos. The Rough Riders’ and Eversor’s charges were sort of disasters, but these units need high dice rolls to make anything work. The Eversor in particular was a disappointment, managing only to inflict one wound (which was saved by Klosa’s roll for the Obliterator’s invulnerable save) and then gather several Instant Deaths (with not one saved by me rolling for his Dodge 90

Battle Report: Adeptus Mechanicus (IG) & Eldar vs. Chaos

save). Nevertheless, there were some bright moments – the Skiitarii maniple stationed next to the Demolisher managed to inflict 9 wounds on the Raptors with Lasguns alone - they must have retained the original “powertool” setting on their laser wrist attachments. There were quite a lot of cinematic moments throughout the battle. My favorite was when the Technomagos finally fell to the Lascannon shot (triple his Toughness!), and at the beginning Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

of the next turn everyone held their breath as Chris blew on my dice for luck; I rolled it and got a 6! Just enough to carry the relic the last few meters and hand it over to the Farseer. “You must save it, Xenos!” must have been his last words, as a cluster of Havoc missiles blasted him to the ground again… At the beginning of the next turn, seeing as I’d already rolled a 6 the turn before, nobody - including me - cared much for the roll. I rolled anyway and, lo and behold, another 6!

After that feat the seemingly unkillable Technomagos survived to the end of the battle, and I like to think that he caught that Chimera ride he was late for and pursued the tricksy Xenos… A tale for another battle, maybe?


Tutorial: Modular 5th Edition Gaming Table

A BASIC 40K TABLE by Mike Glaeser The advent of a new edition presents the average gamer with many changes - new rules, new army compositions and new strategies, so the last thing anyone is probably thinking about would be the game tables themselves. 5th edition emphasises true line-of-sight and cover, though, so it’s pretty much guaranteed that a unit will gain a 4+ cover save at some point in a game be it through friendly units or intervening terrain. Being forced to check line of sight through the model’s point of view does indeed get the gamer more involved; people tend to notice terrain features more, not only how they interact with the units on the table but also how they look. With that in mind, it’s time to update tables for 5th edition! 5th edition is a continuation of the “streamlining” concept that GW implemented some years back. With more generalised rules that leave no room for error, the game is sped up so that gamers can enjoy a good 1500-2000 point game without going overboard on time. The same should hold true for all the pre-game action which includes mission and setup selection, terrain placement, deployment zone selection and model placement; for the sake of this article, however, the focus is on terrain placement. In 4th edition, the ideal recommendation was for a board to have twenty-five percent of its surface covered in terrain. With the advent of

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

the new cover rules, chances are more terrain is desired. While covering half the board is a bit much, anywhere between thirty and forty percent makes for an interesting game that relies less on shooting-dice rolls and more on maneuverability and close-range tactics. As always, talk with your opponent or gaming group and see which amount of terrain works best. You can even try multiple games with different amounts of terrain to see how tactics and outcomes change. Modularity is another key to streamlining. For years I built terrain that was static, either by being attached to the board itself or having pieces with dense cover that were a pain to move models through. While it may be more visually appealing, having terrain pieces in the same area gets dull after a while and moving figures through glued down woodlands is very time consuming and tedious. Most game tables, however, allow for the placement of multiple pieces of terrain, e.g. riverbeds, forests, buildings and craters. The only question that remains is how modular do you want to go? You can control where you want to put the outcrop of trees, but what if you are tired of playing during the spring and summer and want some autumn foliage or snow covered trees? Having exchangeable pieces allows for even greater modularity, as rare-earth magnet fanatics will readily attest.

With major tournaments focusing on 1750 and 1850 point games, table size has been relegated to a standard 6x4 foot table. Apocalypse games, however, require a larger surface area which takes you to 8x4 and beyond. Necessity and available space usually dictate table size so it really comes down to a gamer’s individual choice. Energized by the new 5th edition rules, I started designing a new table that would take all of the above into account: Dimensions: 8x4 ft. with 6x4 ft. designated as playing surface. Extra: 2x4 ft. felt-covered holding area for models, books, drinks and whatever else you need close at hand. Extra: Raised lip around the perimeter which brings to a halt the frantic search for those wayward dice that always end up in hard-toreach places on the floor. Terrain: New GW grass mat for the main surface. 6 forest outcrops. 2 sets of hills. THE SKELETON: This is arguably the most crucial piece when building a durable game table. An 8x4 piece of press wood is the simplest solution when it comes to surface area but it comes at a cost. Boards like this are usually very heavy and warp easily when not supported correctly which cause dice to simply roll off the sides.


Tutorial: Modular 5th Edition Gaming Table insulation foam. The noise of dice bouncing erratically off a wood surface can get pretty annoying; insulation foam absorbs the hit and dulls the noise.

craft store. The felt - you guessed it - protects the models from scratches. Paint the rims black, add a table skirt (great to hide all your hobby stuff!) and you’re all set! Now it’s time to get to the actual terrain; I stuck with a generic woodland theme mainly because I’d never had a table like this before. Using some thin mdf board, I cut out irregular shapes and beveled the edges with a sander. This becomes the border for what was once known as “area terrain”, which is still important in terms of how far difficult terrain goes as well as what is considered to be in cover. Take some time and think about how this

Lightness and strength can be easily achieved when constructing the right frame: Materials: power drill, flat head wood screws, a hammer and some nails (for pilot holes). Once the skeleton is completed, I put a layer of thin mdf board on top and nailed it down. While you can stop here and add your desired playing surface, I went a step further and filled in most of the area with a 6x4 ft sheet of pink

Now that the major construction is done, it’s time to add a playing surface - I took the easy way out and layered the new cloth-backed GW grass mat on top. It’s soft, looks good, and prevents models from getting scratched when they tip over. For the holding area, I lined the surface with panels of black felt from a local

may affect the armies playing on this board. I went for a mix of length and width so that there is something for everyone. It also makes the terrain placement phase of the game that much more important. Learning my lesson from last time, I put each tree on its own individual base. I used wooden circles from a craft store but you can use

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Tutorial: Modular 5th Edition Gaming Table 40mm. bases or small flying bases too. These were painted and flocked to match the area terrain pieces. Future plans include various terrain pieces including a relic temple, daemon webgate, imperial ammo bunker and ork huts. The goal is to have a piece of themed terrain for every

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

army that I or my friends play. As a side project, everyone made 3 objective markers for their army and matched the bases to the terrain already made - you can see some examples of these in this issue’s Imperial Register. This table cost less than a hundred dollars to make and provides plenty of options for

further customisability. If you didn’t glue down the grass mat, you could paint a different terrain color on the surface of the board…instant desert, swamp, martian land! Remember, it’s the far future so whatever you can design goes!


Tutorial: Pre-Heresy Terminator Shoulder Pads

PRE-HERESY TERMINATOR SHOULDER PADS by Ron Saikowski A while ago, I set out to create what I thought would represent somewhat accurately; PreHeresy Terminators. And thus wanted this

particular kind of shoulder pad. I couldn’t find what I was looking for in a Step by Step article however, so I decided to create my own tutorial for building Pre-Heresy type Terminator shoulder pads.

SUPPLIES NEEDED: – Your model. – X-Acto knife or similar hobby knife with NEW, SHARP blade. (If you aren’t going to take the time to get a new blade for this project, then stop reading right now. There is a lot of detail work and fine cutting that needs to be done. You need to have a NEW, SHARP blade on your knife.) – Superglue (preferably one that is not too thick). (I don’t use any “accelerators” so I can’t speak about their effectiveness. Try a test piece with and without to see which way works best for you.) – White glue. – Fine point drafting pen (needs to be a real fine point for detail work). – Posterboard or similar thickness cardstock. – Index card or similar thickness cardstock. – Cereal box (you need the cardboard the box is made of… not the cereal). – A small nail or similar tool with a fine point. – Greenstuff. – Modeling tool (doesn’t matter what brand, I use the GW and an X-Acto.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Tutorial: Pre-Heresy Terminator Shoulder Pads STEP 4 Once you have your shapes traced onto the posterboard, you can take your time and design the “trim” that will be on your shoulderpad. Using your fine point drafting pen, draw the pattern you will be cutting out in a few minutes.

STEP 1 Collect your pieces and remove the mold lines.

STEP 3 Take your templates and trace their outline onto a piece of posterboard. I’ve added my templates here with a scale in inches and millimeters. You can copy this picture, print it out and then take it to a copier and reduce/enlarge until you get the scale on the drawing to match a ruler in real life.

Once you have the collar and shoulder pads drawn out, use your X-Acto to “cut out” the INSIDE of the design. Take your time and be careful. Neatness really counts here and it will take a steady hand with a new blade. Do not cut along the OUTSIDE of the template yet, that will be done later.

There is one piece for the collar and two pieces for each shoulder pad. Obviously you will need to make each shoulder pad piece twice. You can also custom build your shoulder pads by trying different shapes to see which shape you like best.

STEP 2 Assemble the torso halves. You will need to trim away any spikes, rivets, etc, around the neck area (red line) so that the collar piece will fit later. If there is anything in the way on the top of the model, trim that away too (the spiky point in the case of the Chaos Terminator). Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

STEP 5 Once you have all your shoulder pads “cut out,” take them and use a thin layer of white glue to glue them down to the cereal box. Set them aside now and let this dry completely before going any further. You’ve gotten this far, you don’t want to mess it up because you are impatient. 96

Tutorial: Pre-Heresy Terminator Shoulder Pads STEP 7 Set the collar piece aside for now. Time to glue the two parts of the shoulder pad together. Make sure the edge nearest the torso lines up flush (the red arrows) and superglue the two pieces together.

Since you started doing this while the superglue was still drying, the superglue should hold the shape of the shoulder pad now. You can test fit the shoulder pad on the model and make any adjustments to the curve as needed.

STEP 6 Cut out the templates from the cereal box. This is where you cut along the OUTSIDE of the template edge now. Again, take your time and be careful. Don’t try and cut the piece out in one pass, take your time and cut it out carefully.

STEP 8 Once you have the two parts glued together, give them a few seconds to start setting and then it’s time to bend the shoulder pad to the correct shape. The first time I bend the shoulder pad, I use the handle of my X-Acto knife. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

I set it perpendicular to the X-Acto knife handle and use my thumbs to SLOWLY press it down on each side. Once I have it bent to the curve of the X-Acto handle, I then take and wrap it around the handle of one of my larger paintbrushes. The diameter of the paintbrush is slightly smaller than the X-Acto handle and allows me to get it into just the right shape to fit over the shoulder of the terminator.

STEP 9 Now it’s time to seal the edges of the shoulder pad. I use my X-Acto blade as a mount and take my superglue and apply a small amount around the entire edge of the shoulder pad. Since you 97

Tutorial: Pre-Heresy Terminator Shoulder Pads should have superglue that is not too thick in consistency, it should quickly absorb into the cereal box. This basically turns the cereal box and posterboard into plasticard. Once you have both shoulder pads assembled, shaped and sealed, set them aside for now to dry. The collar is up next.

STEP 10 Time to attach the collar piece. You can prebend the collar piece by wrapping it around the handle of your X-Acto like you did for the shoulder pads. Take a small amount of superglue and apply it to the front edge of the torso and hold the collar piece in place until the superglue dries. It might take a little more superglue on the inside of the collar piece and near the back edges as most of the superglue will be absorbed by the cereal box the first time around. You will need to greenstuff the back corners of the collar piece where it meets the back half of the torso. Don’t worry about adding too much detail to these side areas, they’ll be covered by the shoulder pads themselves. I would also apply a very small amount of greenstuff to the top lip of the collar to smooth

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

it out and get rid of any irregularities since this will be a highly visible part on the model. You may not need to do this (cleaning up the front part of the collar) depending on how clean your cuts were made.

different than their later versions and if you just place your arms on your model without giving any thought to consistency, you might end up with shoulder pads that don’t match in terms of height and front-to-back placement. Ultimately what you’re looking for is a set of shoulder pads that are the same in terms of placement on the arms (height, tilt, etc.).

STEP 11 Time to attach the arms. I like to make my arm positioning a bit dynamic but it’s ultimately up to you. There is one thing to keep in mind when attaching the arms though. Since these shoulder pads are attached differently than later model shoulder pads and don’t “float” with the arm like the older ones do… you need to make sure a few things line up so you can glue these in place correctly.

STEP 12 With the arms superglued and trimmed, it’s time to add some greenstuff in the shoulder joint to fill the gaps if there are any. You shouldn’t have to worry about this part if you simply glued the arms in place without having repositioned them… but remember to make sure things still line up from Step 11.

Line A shows that the tops of the actual arms need to be the same. In this case, I had to trim part of the left arm down so they were even. Lines B and C show that the arms need to be positioned the same, from front to back. Again, this is because these shoulder pads are


Tutorial: Pre-Heresy Terminator Shoulder Pads place without any problems. You might need to make a last minute adjustment to the shoulder part of the arms by trimming a little here and there. don’t worry about it, trim what you need to so that you get the correct positioning of the shoulder pads.

STEP 13 Time to assemble the model. Glue the torso onto the legs. Add your head to the model. I use a NON-HELMETED head for this as it is the only kind that really fits. You could add the head prior to attaching the collar but I found it makes it tougher to position and greenstuff the collar in place.

STEP 14 Add the shoulder pads and top knot at this point. You should be able to superglue them in Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

STEP 15 Time to add the leather straps that hang below the shoulder pads. Take a small piece of index card (you could use the slightly thicker posterboard as well) and cut out small strips. The length and width is determined by how low and wide you want them to hang. I angle the ends of mine as well by cutting the bottom corners off. I usually add 4 to 5 leather straps under each shoulder pad. Simply superglue them in place right under the shoulder pad and let them hang in place.

STEP 16 Time to add the rivets to the armour. Using the nail or similar object to place a tiny drop of Tacky glue in the places you want rivets on your shoulder pads. It usually takes me 3 passes with tiny drops of white glue to get the “rivets” built up enough. Before adding your rivets, take a minute and put a small dot where you want your rivets to be. Doing this will help you keep track of where they are on the shoulder pads. That’s it. Remember, take your time and be patient when doing this. It’s fairly detailed but the end results are well worth it I think. 99

Tutorial: Old School Plague Marines

OLD SCHOOL PLAGUE MARINES (OR, MY HEAD GOT CUT OFF AND USED AS A BLIGHT GRENADE AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY T-SHIRT) by Huw Davies The idea behind this tutorial is to show how you can convert one of the current plastic Chaos Space Marines into an old-school style Plague Marine – I like the bulbous 90s-style Death Guard models, but they’re pretty hard to find these days and since I wanted to have an ‘old school’ squad of this style of model; it seemed like a good idea to work out how to convert one of the ‘normal’ CSM models into something as close as I could manage to the Plague Marines of yesteryear. Here’s the fine figure of a Plague Marine which will be serving as inspiration, along with the bog-standard plastic bits that will form the basis for this conversion:

First of all, trim the mould lines and assemble the basic body parts; I put a 2mm spacer in at the waist joint to give the model extra height (I like my Nurgle troops to be huge and hulking) and also to give the overall figure more balanced proportions. I filled around this spacer with green stuff to make the joint more solid.

Before putting on the front half of the torso I removed the bottom half of it, the better to accommodate the augmetic cabling that will be going there. It doesn’t matter what torso front you use, because we’re aiming for a very Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

smooth rounded chest so you’ll need to sand any details on it flat anyway. Then I used a pin drill to make holes ready for the augmetic cabling – be careful drilling these, as they need to be at the correct angle for the ‘lay’ of the cable; a bit of forward planning is needed here in terms of how much cabling you want and where you’re going to put it - there’s no harm in making sketches if you need to. Then I stuck a glob of green stuff inside the lower torso cavity and made a hole in it ready for yet another bit of cabling, with a corresponding hole in the right leg. Drilling holes in the head was tricky, and again these have to be at the right angle for where you eventually want the cabling to sit; never be afraid to stop and stick a bit of guitar string into a hole to check it’s at the right angle before going any further. Once the green stuff on the torso has set, you’re ready to start inserting the augmetic cabling; I generally use guitar strings for this, as the windings look right for augmetics; even down at the 28mm scale. A .032” gauge guitar string is just the right diameter to 100

Tutorial: Old School Plague Marines work with the hole made by the default bit that comes with the GW pin drill, and that’s what I used on this model.

torso are a good example of this; eventually they’ll be covered by the shoulder pads so they need to sit tight to the side so they don’t stick out too much. Be careful when bending string with pliers as the windings can sometimes stretch apart, which spoils the look of the cabling; try to keep the ‘wrap’ of the windings around the guitar string’s core as even as you can. Use a small dab of glue on the end of the string as each end is inserted to keep it firmly anchored in place. Possibly the single fiddliest part of this whole conversion was getting the head attached with the cable that runs from the helmet into the upper chest at the right angle; several tries were needed, and swearing occurred, before the helmet was mounted firmly with the cable going smoothly from it into the chest.

Phew. Tricky, but now it felt like it was starting to get the feel I was after. You can also see now how the spacer at the waist joint gives a nice overall proportion to the figure; it’s not strict true-scale, but looks the part nonetheless. And now it’s green stuff time. I seriously debated using one big lump of green stuff to make the rounded torso, but given the various bits of cabling going into it at various spots the only way I found that worked to get the desired bulbous look was to use several smaller bits and smooth them together; this made it a lot easier

You need to bend each piece of string so it fits properly on the model, and the cable which goes from the leg into the lower torso is a good example of this. Ideally you’re aiming for a smooth, natural-looking curvature of the cable. That piece has a gentle-ish curve that can be done with fingers, but for some pieces you’ll need a much sharper curve for which you’ll probably need to use a pair of needlenose pliers and a little practice to get the feel of how to bend it to the right shape. The cables that go around to either side of the Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Tutorial: Old School Plague Marines to leave gaps for the cabling to pass through into the body. The idea was always to give the finished model as much depth as possible, so the detail seemed to go right into the body and not just sit on the surface. Where two different pieces of green stuff needed to blend smoothly, I used a wetted thumb to get a seamless transition. In some cases you still get a very tiny line, but for Nurgle armour this doesn’t look out of place at all; it almost looks like marbling.

Note the profile shot; as I was building up the layers of green stuff I kept checking the overall shape of the torso from all angles to make sure I was keeping the curve smooth and even. The gaps where the cabling passes into the torso don’t all have to look the same; I chose to have a large gaping cavity where the cabling from the leg enters the torso, with cracks across the armour’s surface spreading out from this. By contrast the cabling at each shoulder and from the head have quite smooth holes. I also left a jagged hole in the lower left of the belly for that authentic Nurgle look, and added two kneepads of green stuff to match the oldschool Plague Marine’s detail.

Following on from this, once the front had cured hard I added green stuff texturing all round the back of the model, so the bloated belly would blend in both in terms of dimensions and detailing with the overall profile of the model. There’s a deep recessed gap inside the smooth edge of the belly, which is again intended to give the impression of depth to the model. The rest of the green stuff work on this part of the model’s back is made up of a stretched-tissue type of texture; remember that much of what goes here will be at least slightly obscured by the backpack, so keep it flat enough to the body for the backpack to sit correctly. See the rear view at left, from this angle you can see the bits of cabling sticking round the sides of the torso from the chest and the helmet; next we’ll deal with those and attaching the arms. I used a file to smooth down the edges of the cabling that were sticking out, then put a 1mm spacer in at each arm joint so there was an overall flat surface for the arms to mount onto.

The choice of weapons is up to you; I’ve always thought that chainswords feel perfect for Death Guard, very brutal and no-nonsense, and the bolt pistol works with the close-combat feel.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Tutorial: Old School Plague Marines Once the arms were glued on and set, I added more green stuff stretched-tissue around the circumference of the arm joint, some of which stretches over to the backpack mount or joins the tissue reaching up from the lower back. The more your green stuff work looks homogenous to the model, the better, and one of the best ways to do this is to keep it unified all over the model and where necessary to match any of the model’s original texture and surface detailing. Also at this point I smoothed in the kneepads and, as you can see on the left knee, blended the line of the model’s leg into the kneepad itself so it looks like a part of the model; the last thing you want to see on any miniature is something that screams here is the greenstuffed part because it doesn’t match or blend in with the actual model.

little details but they add to the overall visual unity of the model, making it all look like it belongs together. And here’s the finished result:

Ideally you shouldn’t be able to tell what’s original and what’s conversion once it’s painted up; I actually find that one of my favourite stages with any converted model is after the basic primer or undercoat has been applied, as it’s then that everything is finally the same colour and you can see how well what you’ve added to the model blends in with the rest of it. As a final touch I added a tiny worm (or possibly piece of gut) sticking out of the hole in the lower left of the belly. Finally, on goes the backpack, and some more green stuff was inserted around and behind this to blend it in with the main body. And, of course, the finishing touch for that authentic ‘old school’ Plague Marine look – a spike on top of the helmet. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

It’s quite a lot of work for one troop model, but a full unit of these guys looks pretty nifty lumbering across the battlefield. And just think of the fun you could have converting a Terminator in the same manner…wait...that gives me an idea… I also added some tiny splurges of stretchedtissue green stuff around the boots, and at the elbow joints on the arms. These are just 103

Gaming: Bell of Lost Souls




POINTS: 1400

The Harbinger is the largest aircraft unleashed by the forces of Chaos. First seen during the 13th black Crusade, Harbinger raids have slowly become more frequent. Flown from heavily defended rear airbases, or released from orbit, these machiens carry monstrous payloads, easily capable of leveling entire cities with their incindiary or bio-warfare ordinance. Twin-linked autocannons in side AA mount

The Harbinger is a large lumbering target, and they are usually encountered under the protection of swarms of Hellblade and Helltalon fighters. The appearance of even one in a warzone is enough to warrant its designation as a priority target for all Imperial aircrews theatre-wide.

Primary thrusters Cockpit

Size Comparison

Double bomb bays 20,000lb payload (underside)

Primary thrusters

Feel the wrath of the Lords of BaƩle Nose mounted Twin-linked autocannons

UNIT: 1 Harbinger TYPE: Super-heavy Flyer

Twin-linked autocannons in side AA mount


WEAPON Autocannon





- 2 nose mounted twin-linked autocannons; - 2 side mounted twin-linked autocannons with anti-aircraft mounts; - The Harbinger also carries 24 bombs in each of its two bomb bays (48 bombs total);











Apocalypse Barrage (1)*, One-shot




Inferno**, One-shot



You may exchange one or both of the two bomb bay loads for 4 Hellstorm bombs per bomb bay at no additional cost.

Possessed: A Harbinger ignores Gun Crew Shaken and Driver Stunned results.

*You can elect to have the Harbinger drop as many bombs from each bomb bay as you wish in a single bombing run - for each bomb dropped roll once on the Apocalypse Barrage template. But remember, each bomb can only be dropped once - when they’re gone, they’re gone!

AA Fire: due to its size, when rolling to hit the Harbinger the enemy do not need 6s, but use their standard BS as normal.

**Only one Hellstorm bomb may be dropped per bomb bay per bombing run.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Dual Bomb Bays: A Harbinger may bomb dual targets per bombing run. Place both the bomb tempaltes using the normal bombing run rules, then resolve each in sequence, based upon the contents of the bomb-bay in question.


Gaming: Dark Heresy and Alternative Premises

DARK HERESY: ALTERNATIVE PREMISES by Dragonlover The basic premise of a Dark Heresy game is that the DM plays the part of the Inquisitor, and the players are his Acolytes, plucked from varying backgrounds due to their usefulness/ expendability. There is nothing wrong with this, but the system is flexible enough that a more ‘themed’ group is possible. Here are some ways to go about it. Gang War: The DM is the boss of an up-andcoming gang in the underhive, and the players are his trusted lieutenants. The aim is simple: survive the attempts on your turf by all the other up and coming gangs, and try and take

their territory. Good career paths for this setup are Scum, Guardsman, Assassin and Priest. CSI: Scintilla: Everybody plays an Arbitrator in the vast hives of Scintilla, Be prepared to make liberal use of Elite Advances, at least before the path splits, in order to give everyone a broader skill set. Also consider allowing use of the Legate Investigator alternate rank. As for plotlines, serial killers, cultists and the like always work well, but remember that the Arbites wouldn’t show up just because a random habdweller gets killed, as they enforce Imperial Law as opposed to local law. Of course, if the Planetary Governor dies under suspicious circumstances, then they’ll step in. Ordo Kill Team: This is the closest to a regular game of Dark Heresy, it just requires a small amount of thought before everyone dives into character creation. An Ordo Hereticus Kill Team comprising mostly of Sororitas is highly unlikely to contain a psyker, for example. The other difference for a Kill Team game is the mood. Somebody else has done all the talking, now you get to go and kick the door in!

A player is the Inquisitor/Gang Boss/etc: Pretty much what it says on the tin. Pick someone in the group you know you can trust, and make them the leader. It means you don’t have to worry about working out the motives of yet another NPC, and also means that during a session you only have to look to one person to find out what the plan is. Works well if you’ve got a large group as well, because you can concentrate on just running the game. ‘Jones, take that hill!’: Throw the players into the sharp end of the fight for the Imperium, with nothing but a lasgun and the Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer to keep then alive. Possible setups include a normal infantry squad where everyone plays a Guardsman, to a motley crew made up of Guardsmen and Scum in one of the Penal Legions. Sprinkle in Priests and Arbitrators (Commissars) to suit your needs. That’s the lot from me this issue, and as usual send questions, comments and death threats to [email protected]

Now that Dragonlover has your gears turning... Fantasy Flight Games has announced an official Dark Heresy Adventure Contest. The winner gets his work posted on the Fantasy Flight Games web site and receives a signed copy of Creatures Anathema, an upcoming bestiary book for Dark Heresy! Visit for details: Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


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Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008



Nobody Expects the

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

in Nobody Expects… Too much information by Nacho Fernandez




Nobody Expects the

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

in Nobody Expects… Too much information by Nacho Fernandez



Nobody Expects the

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

in Nobody Expects… Adeptus Mechanicus Rites by Nacho Fernandez



Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008



Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

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Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Fiction: The Four Horsemen: Space Hulk

THE FOUR HORSEMEN: SPACE HULK The most inept group of back-stabbing halfwits in the galaxy decide it is time to get a new runabout, but buyer beware… By Graeme Stevenson ‘Are you sure this is the right dock?’ They squinted up at the scarred and battered vessel, tow-cables still dangling. Although it had probably once been a deep space freighter, it now looked more like a cross between Evel Knievel’s motorcycle helmet and a burned thanksgiving turkey. Hink put down the cans of emulsion he was lugging. ‘I’m not sure a coat of paint is going to cut the mustard with this one,’ he said. ‘Oh, it looks worse than it is,’ Azaena chirped. ‘It’ll spruce up in no time.’

lift a single finger to aid this tragic enterprise.’ ‘Enterprise,’ murmured Hink, chewing a fingernail and looking thoughtful. ‘Something on your mind, Hink?’ asked Azaena. ‘Just tossing a few names around for the ship,’ the guardsman said. ‘Yes, well, let’s not worry about that now.’ The Warlock turned to survey Hink’s collection of paint tins. ‘Now, what do you think – Rustic Glaze or Autumn Lilac?’ ‘I though you said you wanted Arctic Topaz?’ ‘That was before Gusha drank it,’ snapped Azaena.

‘Remind me again how much you paid for this,’ the guardsman asked.

The burly Ork had upended the can and was shaking the last few drops onto his blue tongue when movement caught his piggy eye.

‘Not much,’ said the Warlock, evasively. ‘A bargain, really.’

‘Oozat geezer?’ he asked, throwing the empty paint can away.

‘This purchase pleases me,’ Morg grunted, unexpectedly. ‘Yet another fitting illustration of Eldar idiocy.

A humped figure swaddled in a tattered brown habit was limping from the interior of the freighter. He was grossly lopsided and favoured one arm, hidden within the folds of his robe. His visible hand was pale from a life spent in shadows and moved restlessly.

‘You say that now,’ goaded Azaena. ‘Just wait until we’ve given it a little TLC.’ ‘We?’ Morg said. ‘If you expect me to partake in this farce, you are much mistaken. I might linger, perhaps, to watch you fail utterly, but I shall not Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

‘Gallant Lords,’ he fawned, scraping at the gantry before them. ‘You are most welcome.’

Noises of indignation and trespass evaporated in Azaena’s throat. ‘Well, naturally,’ he muttered self-consciously. ‘And you are..?’ ‘A mere worm,’ acknowledged the stranger, bowing again to hide crafty yellow eyes. ‘My name is even less important than my station. Were such great Lords to deign to follow me, my Master would have no need to beat my worthless carcass.’ ‘Your master?’ asked Azaena. ‘Indeed, oh wise and worthy one,’ scraped the creature. ‘My Patriarch dwells within. This worthless beast has been sent to beg your presence.’ ‘What – in my ship?’ Azaena seemed surprised. ‘Looks like you’ve got tenants,’ Hink observed. ‘Squatters, more like,’ muttered the Warlock, frowning at the creature’s filthy robe. ‘I do not trust this miserable thing,’ grumbled Morg, fists on hips. ‘He seeks to hide cunning with obsequiousness.’ The hunched figure gibbered and fawned again, fluttering his white hand. ‘Your wisdom is commendable, oh mighty warlord. Truly, you see through my clumsy ruse – I seek only to save my worthless hide by fulfilling my task and bringing you before my Master. For this trickery I should be punished without mercy.’ 114

Fiction: The Four Horsemen: Space Hulk Morg waved a gauntlet. ‘Enough of your master,’ he said, puffing out his chest. ‘I would hear more about this mighty warlord.’ The messenger bowed so low that the cowl of his robe left a greasy residue on the gantry. ‘You are surely a master of War, oh great one,’ he gurgled in a voice like treacle. ‘An armoured titan. The ground must surely shake beneath your f-’ Azaena ahemed pointedly. ‘I think you’ll find,’ he said testily, ‘that this is my ship?’ ‘Ah yes,’ hissed the crawling hunchback, turning deftly towards the Eldar without missing a beat. ‘My Lord is a being of unsurpassed grandeur and elegance – a magnificent bird whose gleaming plumage turns all else to grey ash.’ The Warlock made a gesture of dismissal, but tossed his golden hair extravagantly nevertheless. ‘Oh, get away,’ he giggled lightly. ‘My unworthy eyes burn with the glorious colours of your robe, Lord,’ said the repellent hunchback, holding his fish-belly hand over his face. ‘What, this old thing?’ asked Azaena, flaring his cape and turning on the spot. ‘It’s just something I had lying around. Do you really like it?’ ‘A wonder to behold, Lord. My Patriarch would be equally astounded to see such beauty.’ ‘Oh, I’m certain of it,’ nodded the Warlock, enthused now. ‘I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to see Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

this Patriarch of yours – I’d like to outline some sort of rental agreement, certainly.’

‘Tea trolley??’ exploded Morg, roaring with laughter. ‘Tea trolley??’

‘It would be a privilege to lead you to him, my Lords.’

‘Well, it was important for troop morale,’ said Hink, sounding defensive.

Hink tugged his companion’s cape. ‘I think Morg was right, Azaena,’ he murmured. ‘Something about this creepy guy doesn’t sit right.’

The Chaos Warrior drew his chain-axe – a massive, fearsome thing notched and dented from millennia of killing and maiming. ‘This is the mark of a true warrior,’ he said, holding the saw-toothed axe under Hink’s nose. ‘Not some rickety trolley full of hot beverages and tea-cakes.’

‘My Lord is wise to be cautious,’ acknowledged the hunchback, bowing and grovelling again. ‘Many dangers lie in wait for the unwary, though my Lord has no need of such a warning, having survived countless wars.’ ‘Well, I wouldn’t say that exactly,’ said Hink sheepishly. ‘My Lord is too modest,’ the hunchback oozed. ‘I see from his smart and well-fitting uniform that he occupies a lofty post within the Imperial Guard.’ ‘Lofty? Not exactly,’ stammered the guardsman, smoothing the creases on his baggy fatigues. ‘I’m just a corporal.’ The creature scraped and flapped with abandon. ‘Then my Lord must command armies,’ it gushed shamelessly. ‘The brave victor of a thousand battlefields.’ Hink coloured, shuffling his boots. ‘Oh no, I usually just went round the trenches with the tea trolley before evening role-call.’ For the first time, the fawning thing seemed at a loss. He opened his mouth, but all that came out was ‘Errr…’

‘Caramel wafers, actually,’ the guardsman muttered. ‘That’s enough out of you two,’ interrupted Azaena. ‘We’re supposed to be showing his master my lovely cape, remember?’ ‘I assure you he waits with baited breath, Lords,’ said the hunchback. ‘Follow, please.’ ***** The interior of the ship turned out to be an ugly lattice of perished rubber tubing, raw wires and rusted plumbing. Corridors branched in all directions into a foreboding darkness, each blistered and sweating tunnel looking much like the next. They followed the hunchback through this metal warren with some trepidation. ‘Is it much farther?’ asked Azaena eventually as they clambered in single file up yet another a narrow metal stair. ‘The chamber of my Master lies just beyond,’ the hunchback replied.


Fiction: The Four Horsemen: Space Hulk ‘Can anyone hear a sort of crackling sound?’ Hink asked, near the back of the small procession. ‘You hear it too?’ Azaena sounded relieved. ‘I thought for a minute I was getting static buildup from these new nylon leggings.’ ‘Behold, great Lords,’ interrupted the hunchback in an attempt to regain some sense of occasion. ‘My Master, the Patriarch Gorulax.’ The staircase opened into a wide, gloomy chamber lit by the glow of superheated pipes overhead. In this red glaze could be seen dozens of hunched robed creatures that milled restlessly in the dark corners. Seated at the far end of the chamber on a crude throne was the Patriarch – a giant bowed shape, robed and hooded like the others. ‘Come closer, brave travellers,’ said a slow, resonant voice. ‘Do not be afraid.’ There was a derisive snort from Morg. ‘Such a rich selection of treats you have brought me, Mallachi,’ the voice continued. ‘A delicious variety.’ The hunchback bowed and scraped. Hink fingered his flak helmet nervously. ‘Does anyone else find delicious kind of an unusual way to describe house guests?’ he asked. It was becoming easier to see in the gloom and unpleasant details were coming to the fore; not least among them the fact that the twisted Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

hands gripping the Patriarch’s throne were actually curved yellow claws, and that many of the hissing, bobbing subjects looked less than human. There was a tense moment when nobody spoke, and all ears became aware of a distant crackling. ‘I think we might have erred here,’ Azaena murmured. ‘Spineless wretch,’ chided the Chaos Marine. ‘Only the frail Eldar could be intimidated by these lumpy, ball-headed oafs.’ ‘A warrior,’ approved Gorulax from his throne, his glinting coal eyes taking in Morg’s broad frame. ‘Do no be disappointed in the appearance of my brethren. They are caught between two worlds – reaching for a higher plateau of evolution, yet anchored down by their weak humanity.’ The Patriarch stretched a long bladed arm towards the chamber ceiling, his shadowy face lit with evangelic anticipation. ‘But fear not, brave soul – a challenge worthy of your martial skill awaits you.’ Morg chuckled from deep within his helmet. ‘You?’ he asked, gloating. ‘By all means step forward.’ ‘Tact, Morg,’ hissed Azaena, elbowing him. ‘At least show him some resp–’ ‘I have no compunction in bursting a sagging bag of guts and bluster,’ Morg continued. ‘Doing it in front of your mutant inbred family would give me additional pleasure.’

Azaena rolled his eyes. ‘The Ambassador for the Eye of Terror plumbs a new depth of diplomacy,’ he remarked dryly. Contrary to an explosion of outrage, the Patriarch rolled slowly back in his throne and emitted a long, gurgling laugh. ‘Such ferocious courage,’ he said. ‘Admirable. Your genes must be strong.’ ‘Indeed,’ preened the Chaos Warrior. ‘As you will shortly discover.’ ‘I am no match for your talents,’ Gorulax said. ‘A hundred years ago, perhaps, I would have relished the battle but I have become old and twisted. I would be poor sport.’ ‘Then who among this sad collection of freaks will challenge me?’ Morg boomed, resting his fists on his hips. ‘I assure you, Mr Gorulax, that’s not necessary,’ Azaena gabbled. ‘My friend here is just a little high-spirited. Really, we’ve taken up far too much of your time. We’ll just…’ ‘Oh no,’ said the Patriarch with a small, wicked smile. ‘Such wonderful specimens must not be allowed to escape. It would be remiss of me to deny the brood such virile genes. My family’s treasures will be all the richer once we have absorbed your three bright gems.’ ‘Three..?’ echoed Hink, glancing around. ‘Where’d Gusha go?’ ‘I have no patience for this endless bleating,’ grumbled Morg, hefting his chain-axe. ‘Time to sharpen my blade on your ugly face.’ 116

Fiction: The Four Horsemen: Space Hulk ‘Such confidence, warrior,’ gurgled Gorulax. ‘Your step would falter, I think, if you knew the foes you were about to face.’ ‘Hah! Let him step forward – I shall crush him to jelly.’ ‘From this cowering band?’ Gorulax made a gesture of dismissal with his talons. ‘You flatter yourself in thinking I have nothing to throw at you but serfs and attendants. In a moment you will face our pureblood warriors – the pinnacle of our genetic evolution.’ The massive Chaos Warrior was unmoved. ‘Warriors, you say? Have them form a line before me – best you step back unless you want your robes stained with their innards.’ ‘Bucket-headed fool,’ spat the Patriarch, showing real anger for the first time. ‘I shall enjoy watching you being pulled limb from limb. My children are the deadliest warriors in the galaxy – perfectly engineered killing machines! They will tear through your armour as if it were paper. They will…’ Gorulax turned his huge oval head, snapping his talons with irritation. ‘What is that infernal crunching noise?’ he complained, having lost his train of thought. ‘It’s coming from over there, Lord,’ hissed one of the acolytes.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

‘Open that bulkhead,’ the Patriarch commanded. ‘But Lord, that is the Genestealer chamber,’ protested another. ‘Open it, I say!’ Gorulax was adamant. ‘My children will not harm their Patriarch.’ Quivering with fear, the hunched figure reached for the door release with some trepidation. There was an ear-splitting screech of metal and the long-disused door wrenched itself open in a spray of rust fragments and disturbed cockroaches. All eyes looked into the dank, fetid chamber. Gusha sat on the floor, surrounded by some sort of seafood detritus. Long chitin limbs lay jumbled all about, cracked open and scoured of tender flesh by practiced simian deftness. It was as though some intrepid gastronaut had munched his way through a batch of particularly huge and menacing spider crabs. The Ork sucked his fingers and tossed aside an empty Genestealer skull, looking blankly out at his audience. The brethren stared back, aghast. ‘Tastes like chicken,’ he said absently.


Fiction: The Pandora Strain

THE PANDORA STRAIN A DRIFTING HULK HIDES DARK PLOTS AND A DEADLY SECRET by David McGuire The tormentor's mask was all that could be seen of him; wrought bands of dark metal with featureless pits where the eyes should be. His hoarse breathing resonated like iron on a whetstone in the gloom of the cell. If the bleeding man lying bound to the excruciform felt any fear as the mask loomed over him, he gave no sign. “Show me your face,” spat the bound man, every word sending a spasm of pain through his tortured flesh, “or are you coward like your kin?” A rasp of laboured breath. “As you wish.” Gloved hands undid the buckles and the mask disappeared from view. The bound man's body stiffened, bringing buzzsaw laughter from his tormentor. “What are you?” The tormentor smiled unsteadily, as if unfamiliar with the practice. Blood fell; droplets thick and heavy. “I am the betrayer. And you will help me.” “No. Never.” “You misunderstand me. No matter.”

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

“I will defy you,” the bound man gasped, “with my last breath.”

the Astartes of the Relictors Chapter ever found themselves in unusual places.

“How fortunate. That is all you have left.”

"The local navigators call it The Pandora, Captain." Librarian Morrar was shorter than his captain by a clear head, his once youthful features disappearing under a tired, chipped face, long, pale and angular beneath the psychic hood of his office. The perils of a Librarian's calling took their toll, even on one as young as Morrar. "When the Imperial Navy cracked it open they say that Hell itself tried to escape. The fight to banish the warp denizens on board was long and bloody, and now, like the box of legend, it lies empty." He paused. "The local navigators have education and a misplaced sense of humour, it would seem." He turned to face Captain Malln. "Now that our destination lies before us, I feel I should know why the Conclave has sent us here." The Librarian had been left out of the deliberations, and Malln heard clearly the wounded pride in his voice.

*** Part ship, part hollowed-out asteroid, the object designated H2328 Obs.Sca.M381154 drifted dead and alone in the limitless, wasteful void. With no sun to light its battered, time-hewn visage, it was nothing more than a patch of darkness behind which distant stars vanished and reappeared. Only on long-range visnet were its secrets revealed; a misshapen body of pitted stone encrusted here and there with dust-scored engine cowlings, rotted docking ports and broken antennae arrays; a barnacled rock forever in search of a shore. The object had dropped out of the warp nearly two thousand years ago. A former surveying vessel of the Mechanicus, ancient even before its loss to the empyrean, it had been spotted, catalogued, breached and cleansed by the Imperial Navy on its re-appearance, salvaged down to its bones and the hulk left to swim the eternal ocean between the stars. It was, Captain Rojak Malln considered, an unusual place for a meeting. Still, he mused,

He knew the rumours onboard. Even if he hadn't heard them from the Chapter serfs, it did not take a great leap of imagination to know what his battle-brothers were thinking. The rest of the Chapter were on their way to repel the orks on Armageddon, but not them. When a squad of Relictors, even one as small as Malln had brought, went places remote and 118

Fiction: The Pandora Strain dangerous, the obvious assumption was that some relic was at stake; some tool of the Great Enemy that might be turned against its masters and into the service of the Emperor. His Chapter were ever seeking such items, of course: the best means to defeat Chaos was with its own weapons. And there, he realised with a start, lay the source of his recent unease. He put that thought aside. "We are here to meet an old friend, Brother Librarian." Malln could not miss the expression Morrar tried and failed to hide. "Sorry to disappoint, but that is the length of it." "I was not aware our Chapter had any friends." Morrar turned to look back out the viewport, past the hunched forms of the bridge crew. "Nor that it needed any." The Chapter's censure by the Inquisition over the de Marche affair and their penance crusade had left some bitter wounds among the Relictors. "The Conclave disagrees, Librarian," said Malln. The rebuke in his voice hit the mark. "They think it important to keep lines of communication open with our fellow Astartes. Not all of our fellow Astartes agree, of course, but they lack the strength of will needed to see the truth in what we do in His name." He waited, only continuing when it was clear Morrar's deference was restored. "But this meeting was not scheduled. 'A matter of concern to both Chapters,' was all the communiqué said. We shall see."

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

"Who are we to meet?" "Captain Uro Kjerr." "Of the Black Dragons?" "The same. We ran into one another a long time ago, on Centimani. He said he slew many orks. I said I slew more." Malln gave a knowing smile. "We have never agreed on much of anything since." The mission to Armageddon was of vital importance, but the Conclave itself had sanctioned Malln to take a small honour guard on a discrete mission to keep the appointment with the Black Dragon captain. In truth, although it pained him now to admit it, Malln had welcomed the opportunity to leave his beloved Chapter behind. The solace of the voyage, the indulgence of uninterrupted ritual and training, the necessary introspection of warp-travel – all these had only served to bring his troubled thoughts into clarity. For some time now he had been uneasy, like he was inhabiting the wrong skin, or – Emperor forbid – the wrong armour. At the heart of his unease lay the very foundation of his Chapter. His brother Relictors were engaged in relentless pursuit of artefacts of the enemy, but in truth, the relics, the weapons, the trophies they sought – what were they when all was said and done? What true, lasting harm against Chaos could they really accomplish?

As if reading his mind, although Malln knew Morrar would never attempt such a violation, the Librarian spoke up. "I had hoped the rumours were true, and that a great prize lay ahead." "Another great prize," echoed Malln, keeping his voice low. Morrar was no confidante, but whom could he trust if not his brothers? "Tell me, what do you think of our chapter's search for the tools of the Enemy? The latest delvings into the Eye of Terror?" Morrar replied without hesitation. "The Emperor has gifted us insight into the nature of Chaos, and how we might destroy it. The rest of the Imperium do not share this insight, and foolishly think they can judge us." He frowned, clearly not expecting this line of inquiry. "Do you doubt our calling? Think we go too far?" Malln shook his head. "I fear we do not go far enough. Are we just tinkering to destroy? There is more that can be done, I feel it. There is more the Emperor wants us to do – wants me to do. I know this to be true." His gauntleted fist tightened on the railing, leaving an impression in the steel. "I just don't know what it is." He gave the order to dock and left the bridge, his thoughts in turmoil. *** The hanger bay aboard The Pandora was not a welcoming place; it was cavernous, dank and dark, the gravity felt subtly off-kilter and the freezing air stank of failing filters and burnt dust. 119

Fiction: The Pandora Strain Tethered lux-globes, luminous fronds dangling down like stygian jellyfish, barely lit the entrance hatches, but at least they described a path of sorts off into the gloom. They swayed in a faint breeze that spoke of decaying hull seals. Time-fused lumps of vehicle or machinery – Malln could not tell which – loomed greyly in the middle distance, beyond which shadows engulfed the far reaches of the bay. He could hear the ponderous clunk-clunk-clunk of the atmospheric plant and another, quite different, sound, coming from somewhere down the path of lux-globes. He took the lead; a swift, shadowed giant that his ancient grey and black power armour did not so much protect as endeavour to contain. Under the weak lights his close-cropped grey hair stood out over a bronzed, heavyset face that, despite being a patchwork of leather and scar tissue, still bore the unfinished, peasant look of his hillside ancestors. Beetle-black eyes sheltered under a formidable brow, murdering the world one look at a time. Two priceless Chapter relics glimmered on his left pauldron, gifted him by Chaplain Eriboll. The sanctified skulls of two of the armour's greatest servants, each coated in platinum, handwritten Writs of Expectation sealed in their mouths. If Malln had owned anything they would be his most prized possessions but, in truth, nothing he bore was his: he belonged to his weapons and armour, until he died and they found someone more worthy to bear them into battle.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

His honour guard fell in behind him; Sergeants Laggan, Archaig and Ossian, battle-honoured veterans of Malln's 3rd Company, and Librarian Morrar, privy to many of the greatest secrets of the Conclave. Malln gestured almost imperceptibly as he walked, and spoke for his brother's ears only. "These repairs and buttresses: flimsy and dangerous. Just like the air. Smugglers have been using this hulk." There was no other sign of any black-marketeers, however; the only other ship docked was a long range shuttle with the chapter markings of the Black Dragons on its sleek hull. The sound became clearer as they following the path of light. It was Laggan, bearer of the Chapter's banner, who spoke up. "Either the air is leaking faster than I thought or someone is whistling, captain."

A subtle change in his honour guard's positioning told Malln they too had spotted the figures up ahead, the source of the curious whistling sound, which stopped as they approached. There were four of them, standing at ease under the last of the lux-globes. Clearly Astartes. One of them stepped forward, and Malln stopped. "Well met, Captain Malln," the leading Astartes said, with a solemn tip of his head. His helmet was off, revealing a broad face with an open expression, a strong chin and a nose that looked just broken enough to remain roguishly handsome. Malln suspected he kept it that way on purpose. His hair was dark as an oil slick, held tight in a top knot.

"A lingering – the colours echo wrongly. They smell of stretched thoughts and darkened edges. Time screamed at itself, then fell forever. The rest I cannot – or will not – describe."

"I have fought beside better," Captain Uro Kjerr announced to the assembled men. Malln's honour guard stiffened at what seemed an insult, but as he saw the old glimmer of mischief in his friend's grey-blue eyes Malln recalled their first meeting on Centimani. Pinned by tide after tide of screaming orks, it was only after forty hours of bladework and countless dead, the greenskins finally driven off, that he had turned to greet the unknown Astartes who had fought at his back all that time. Kjerr had spoken the same words back then, only to add, as he did now with the same devilish look in his eye-


"But right now I can't remember when!"

"Depends on what scale you're using, captain, but to us? No."

Kjerr grinned, as did Malln, and the two men embraced. With his hands on Kjerr's shoulders,

Malln smiled to himself, and said to Morrar, "Anything?" The Librarian shook his head. "Yes, but nothing I wouldn't expect on any ship that sailed the Warp as long as this." "Tell me what you see."


Fiction: The Pandora Strain Malln said, "Well met, brother captain. Truly, well met. Still dyeing your hair?"

was his anger, growing quickly. "You tell me, captain. You requested this meeting."

"Did you bring these lights?" Malln gestured to the lux-globes. "Make this path?"

"No, your Chapter Master does it for me!"

Now it was Kjerr's turn, and Malln saw the same reaction – anger quickly darkening the Black Dragon's face. Neither man liked surprises, and some very unpleasant possibilities were already suggesting themselves.

He swore. "I thought you'd set those up. Thought you were getting theatrical in your old age."

They laughed and Malln stepped back, waving Morrar forward. The Librarian stepped up rigidly, bearing an ornately filigreed bronze scrollcase. "Our oath of battle, Brother Captain, sworn by the Third Company before the Purging of Attarrimi in the Ge'uid Subsector. It has been displayed for thirteen centuries in our Gallery of Remembrance. A gift from our chapter to yours." One of the Black Dragon's stepped forward to receive it, and to hand over a burrwood case, a gleaming bolt pistol visible through the diamond panel. "With this gun," said Kjerr, his voice solemn once again, "Master of the Armoury Temud Illock killed three Dark Apostles of Lorgar in a single battle. It has been with us over two thousand years. Our gift to you." "You do me and my Chapter great honour," said Malln.

"I hope it is clear from my words," said Kjerr through gritted teeth, "that I did not." "Give me a perimeter. Vox only," Malln barked to his honour guard as Kjerr did the same. The men moved out, swift and silent, disappearing beyond the light of the lux-globes. Malln had no intention of returning to his ship – if this was a trap, he would meet it head on. "Your communiqué had your personal and chapter seal on it," he said, drawing his ancient plasma pistol and checking the seals. "As did yours," replied Kjerr, arming himself. "Impossible!" "Nonetheless."

"As do you," replied Kjerr. "Now," he said, standing at ease and rubbing the stubble on his chin, "perhaps you can tell me what in the Emperor's name we are doing in this forsaken place."

Sergeant Laggan's voice was barely audible over the vox. ++Comms interf--ence. C—not rais- the sh--++ Malln relayed the information to Kjerr.

It might have been another joke, but something in his expression told Malln it was not. An ordinary man might have felt the first chill of fear, but all that coursed in Malln's blood

"It's the atmospheric plant. Churns out noise across all vox channels." Kjerr paused. "I thought there was nothing suspicious about it when we arrived, just poorly maintained junk, but..."

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

++-- --prochi--g fr-m th- doc-++ Intruders! Malln could just see them, coming towards them from the direction of the airlocks. He strode forward, pistol in hand, Morrar and Kjerr at his side. Three groups approached, not men but more Astartes, walking swiftly. One group had yellow armour. "Our brothers, the Lamenters. In tactical dreadnought armour, no less." "The Mantis Legion," said Kjerr, a note of surprise in his voice at seeing the green clad giants. "And the Flesh Tearers," hissed Morrar. "What are those butchers doing here?" They stopped about twenty paces apart. One of the Flesh Tearers wore the black, archaic armour of a company chaplain, adorned with ivory skulls and purity seals. His face was hidden behind the traditional death's-head mask. "Speak! Now! And explain why our 'brother' Astartes hide in the darkness with weapons drawn." Even through his helmet speaker Malln could hear him spit the word, "brother". The Flesh Tearers had refused to fight alongside the Black Dragons on more than one occasion, believing their geneseed to be polluted, and 121

Fiction: The Pandora Strain were no friends of the Relictors, believing them tainted by their associations with the Ruinous Powers. It troubled Malln little; he regarded the Flesh Tearers as little more than feral animals whose bloodlust would soon lead them to extinction. The Emperor found ways to fix His gene-hanced errors. "Do you offer faith or battle?" spat the chaplain. "We have plenty of both for you." "Our men will stay where they are, for now," said Malln, "until we know what is going on here, but I caution you: this place smells more and more like a trap." The three of them identified themselves, then: "Who are you? Why are you here?" The chaplain removed his helmet, to reveal a pale, hatchet face bracketed between a wild tangle of grey hair and a straggly brown beard. Piercing, hellfire eyes set so deep they could have been in the back of his skull bored into Malln. It was not the chaplain who spoke first, however. "I am Captain Dukagjin," said the tallest of the Lamenters, massive in his terminator armour. His long, blue-dark face was impossible to read, his voice deep and dead of all emotion, his expression as stern and unforgiving as his towering honour guard behind him. The ammo feeds on their storm bolters were live, and their drawn swords coruscated with webs of energy. "I attend at the solemn request of Brother Captain Villa."

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"And I," said the leader of the Mantis Legion squad, "am Villa. Gida Villa." He tapped the red trim on his shoulder pad almost insolently. "Captain of the Third Company." Thick braids of matted red hair almost hid his face. He reached up and tied them back loosely. An old battle scar crawled up one cheek like a creeping vine. He reminded Malln of a hawk in his movements and in the way his eyes hunted from man to man. "And I was invited by Dukagjin. Or so I thought until we spoke a few moments ago." "My name is Armin Chesiak," said the chaplain, his voice no less harsh and brutal for removing his helm, "and we know this is a trap, Relictor. The question remains, are you part of it?" "You have not told us who invited you, Chesiak," countered Malln, keeping his anger under check. Chesiak snorted. "There is only one I stand with whose counsel is worth anything." It was clear he who he meant, and Villa's squad bristled at the slur. The Mantis Legion were, like the Relictors, still on a penitent crusade of their own following their role in the Badab Uprising and many had never forgiven them for their transgressions. Chesiak was clearly one of them, but so was Malln. He respected the Legion's long tradition, but their crimes overshadowed all of that. He did not expect their chapter to survive the penitent crusade, and perhaps that was the way it should be.

"And so we find lies and deceit to bring us here," spat Chesiak, "and squatting at its heart the Relictors, who toy with the Ruinous Powers and proclaim themselves pure, the Black Dragons, whose foul mutations desecrate the Emperor's great works and the Mantis Warriors, who forgot the value of an honourable death many years ago!" As several voices started shouting at once, Malln raised a hand to his brow. Something was wrong. "Captain?" It was Morrar. Malln shook his head. "It's nothing, I just –" he paused. "I feel as if I am recovering from a wound. It is the strangest feeling." Morrar frowned. He had always been a little too literal for Malln's liking, and he confirmed it once again. "But you have not been wounded, captain." "It is nothing. Perhaps my armour's machine spirit is restless. It has passed." But he felt sweat on his forehead. Warm sweat, in the cold air of the hangar. "Do you feel anything? Any psyker activity? Anything at all?" It was Morrar's turn to shake his head. Malln got his honour guard to report in – also nothing. The crumbling ship was still deserted and quiet. As he turned back to what was now a raging argument he noticed the beads of sweat on Morrar's forehead and top lip. Something was definitely wrong. 122

Fiction: The Pandora Strain He raised both hands and roared for silence at the top of his lungs. As his shout echoed off into the cavernous depths of the hanger, only Chesiak's voice could be heard alongside it, ranting in fury and pinning Malln with his brimstone eyes. He returned the glare with a murderous look of his own and after a while Chesiak proved that even he could run out of steam, and fell silent, breathing heavily. "You mistake your lungs for reservoirs of wisdom, Flesh Tearer." Chesiak simply spat in reply. "Nevertheless, I believe the chaplain has come closest to describing the trap set for us. What do we all have in common? Every one of us? You have pointed out that three of the chapters represented here are under grave suspicion; treason, heresy, mutation." He pointed at the massive forms of the terminators. "The Lamenters fought in the Badab War on the same side as the Mantis Legion, Captain Dukagjin. For different reasons, perhaps, but for some zealous defenders of the Imperium, reason enough to doubt you. And then we have the Flesh Tearers." He turned back to Chesiak. "How many chapters have refused to take to the field with you and your men, chaplain? How many have denounced you as a cure that is worse than the disease?" Chesiak would have lunged for him, then, if his own squad members had not placed hands on him and held him back. Spittle flew from his mouth, flecking his beard, and his breath steamed in the cold air as once again Malln Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

stared him down. "Five chapters, each under suspicion, meeting in secret on a remote ball of rock, none of them able to tell a coherent story about how they came to be there. Do I need to draw you a diagram? If the Inquisition are not already here they are on their way. This could be all the cause they need to move against some of us, and cause a lot of trouble for the rest." He stepped back. "We leave, now, and never speak of this again." There was a deep silence, which the far-off rumble of the atmospheric plant swelled to fill. The sounds of dripping moisture echoed near and far. "I concur." Kjerr spoke quickly into his vox, assembling his squad. "This is not right. We leave." Dukagjin followed with a deep, bassy grunt of assent, and then Villa nodded. Chesiak simply turned on his heel and started to walk away, at which point Morrar collapsed heavily to the floor. Malln was beside him in an instant. There had been no sound or gun flash, but the librarian's face was paler than Malln had ever seen it, the skin almost transparent over the pallid flesh. His breathing was shallow and pained. Then it hit Malln again, that feeling from before, sweeping through him like a tide, leaving him woolly-headed and unsteady. He recognised it this time, the recollection

coming from his deepest and oldest memories. He had been a child the last time he had felt this. He was astonished to discover that he was feeling sick. He stood, the other Astartes arrayed around the prone Morrar in silence. He was not surprised to see that of those who had removed their helmets, all had sweat beading on their brows. EvenChesiak: “Well?” Malln had to struggle to clear his head. “He is sick.” “You're an apothecary now,” Chesiak sneered. “My armour can find no contagions,” added Villa, “and we would all know if there were any toxins or poisons in the atmosphere.” “Your logic is as feeble as your faith,” said Chesiak, addressing Malln. “For all his faults he is Astartes. Sickness is as alien as fear.” Malln caught Kjerr's eye. “Nonetheless.” Kjerr nodded. He looked worried. “He needs to be back with his chapter. Find out what-” “No.” Dukagjin's voice was unmistakeable. He re-activated his power sword. “The Lamenters do not retreat.” “Who are we retreating from? We can do nothing for him here but watch him die!”


Fiction: The Pandora Strain “The captain of the Lamenters understands,” said Malln. “An illness that can bring down an Astartes is no accident. It is an assault. We are under attack, right now, whether some of us realise it or not.” He picked up Morrar, his armour servos whining with the effort. “If this is the Inquisition's doing, they may be trying to soften us up before they arrive. And well they might, for I will destroy them for this. If it is not the Inquisition, then it is some other foe, and we do not risk taking the weapon of the enemy back with us.” “I thought that was exactly what you Relictors did,” hissed Chesiak, but Malln could see he was already looking pale, and doubtless felt the same symptoms as Malln did. They all had an unhealthy sheen to their skin, and were sweating freely. “But my brother Lamenter is correct. If we are under attack then our battlefield has been chosen for us. Let it be naught but the grave of the Emperor's enemies. But understand this, captain” He pushed his face in front of Malln's. “I will be watching, especially you.” If the limp form of Morrar hadn't been in his way, Malln would have head butted Chesiak, but Sergeant Laggan stepped up, gesturing off into the darkness of the hanger, and the moment passed. “There are several machine shops over that way, and the hanger control deck.” He started to say something about sublevels when the left side of his head vanished in a red mist. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Brutal hell erupted before his body even hit the cold steel of the floor. The dank hanger filled with gunfire, lancing in on them from all directions. Solid rounds ripped ragged holes in the decking while lasfire drew molten sprays and roasted the air. The noise was deafening, and the blinding flares of light threatened to destroy Malln's night vision, but he was a veteran of countless battles and reacted without thinking. He unceremoniously threw Morrar's body over one armoured shoulder, drew his plasma pistol and fired back into the gloom, tracing the shots back to their invisible origins with gene-honed precision. His honour guard formed up around him, summoned as if by a thought, their bolters adding to the infernal din. The incoming fire intensified, raining down like sparks from a furnace, the assailants still unseen. The Mantis Legion's standard bearer went down on one knee, his lower left leg a bloody ruin of flesh and ceramite, although he never stopped firing. Captain Dukagjin lowered his helmet into place, his lips moving with the words of the Rite of Sanctuary, then he and his honour guard formed up in a line, their storm bolters adding a more disciplined thunder. But still Malln had not so much as glimpsed their attackers, and his shots seemed to be having no effect on the return fire. It was impossible to gauge range – there was no point trying a foot-charge in this situation, although he knew it would only be moments

before Chesiak's bloodlust got the better of him and he launched one. Malln and the others would have no choice but to support him, and die in the process. A noise like angry bees and one of the Black Dragons fell, his chest plate burst open. The Mantis Legion's standard bearer took a flurry of heavy calibre shots to the head and neck and jerked backwards, his neck broken. The standard was raised immediately by Villa, but Malln knew this was a hopeless situation. “Regroup at the machine shops!” he shouted, his voice amplified by the vox in his gorget. “Astartes, fall back!” He signalled to Ossian, who immediately picked up the body of Laggan. Chesiak raged behind him as he ran, but Captains Villa and Kjerr were already leading their squads alongside him, concentrating their fire ahead. The terminators of the Lamenters moved slower, but with no less sense of purpose, and after a few moments the Flesh Tearers followed suit, screaming their rage. A slew of large calibre rounds played across the squads – grazing fire from near the distant airlocks. Malln stumbled as two slugs spent themselves on his shoulder armour. One of the Lamenters fell, and Captain Dukagjin's squad paused briefly to lift him. Blood spilled from around the edges of the worn, yellow ceramite as they carried him slung between them.


Fiction: The Pandora Strain With a tortured scream of rusted metal, the swift-footed Mantis Warriors forced the doors to the machine shop apart, then crouched into firing positions to cover the other squads as they raced inside. The interior was as dark as a tomb, but Malln's armour showed him the layout in ghostly greensight: they were in a central hall – a hub of sorts with four service bays leading off. Double height rooms with hoist tracks in the ceiling, a windowed walkway running around the top and an open stairway to his left, presumably leading to the hanger control deck above. The service pits were clogged with rusted trash and debris. From out in the hanger came inhuman screams, the echo of feet against steel decking and other, more indistinct, noises. Claws scratched against metal. "Whatever they are, they are not the Inquisition!" Villa shouted from outside. The Mantis Legion warriors ducked inside the hall and slid the tall, iron doors closed behind them. Lasfire poured through the narrowing gap, kicking up fireworks of slag from the peeling walls on the far side. With a spiteful clang the right hand door jumped its runners and jammed. Captain Villa and his men immediately began tearing the machine shop debris apart and piling it against the door. “Lamenters!” called Malln, jabbing at the stairway with his pistol. If Captain Dukagjin

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resented the presumption his anger was hidden by his helmet, but he and his men climbed steadily and were soon lost to view. “Ossian! Archaig! The walkways! You are the eyes – tell me who's out there!” Malln turned to find Kjerr, but saw the three remaining Black Dragons were already spreading out into the machine shops to secure the entrances. There were too many ways in; this was a temporary redoubt at best, another trap at worst. Then Chesiak was in front of him, wild eyes flaring with menace, the other Flesh Tearers behind him. Ossian and Archaig paused, bolters almost, but not quite, aimed at their fellow Astartes. Chesiak's voice was hoarse, as if each word caused him pain. “You ran from the enemy. Did the Emperor not teach the Relictors how to kill?” “Once they close in, we will have them. I will show you exactly what the Emperor teaches us, and maybe you will learn a lesson or two.” With a none-to-subtle hand sign, Malln sent his men on their way again, annoyed at their hesitation. Chesiak was little short of a berserker, but that was not the same as thinking he might attack Malln. He wondered if his senses were deserting him, then realised the sound he could hear was Kjerr, whistling again. Did he ever stop? He lowered Morrar to the cold floor, placing him beside the bodies of Laggan and the other Astartes. Morrar was still breathing, just,

although the wounds of the others looked mortal. Morrar's skin had changed, looking as tough and dark as seasoned nar-hide. Broken glass showered down from above as fresh volleys of fire ripped along the windows beside the walkways. “Report!” he barked. “Multiple targets, closing on our position. No squads. No covering fire. No discipline.” Ossian paused to loose off a tightly-spaced round of shots with his bolter. More firing sounded from further down the machine shops, deadened by the metallic echo. “Xenos species. Multiple known genotypes, but all are – altered. First wave on us in ten.” Malln turned to Chesiak, his blood rising. “We will break the assault. Then we will countercharge, and kill them all. You can try and help if you like.” Chesiak turned on his heel, his squad closing in. “You can kill the ones we leave, Relictor. If there are any,” he snarled over the roar of their chainswords starting up. The thunder of storm bolters rained orange rust from the ceiling above as Malln pressed a fresh charge into his plasma pistol and raced up the ramp to the walkway. Someone had found a few chipped luxpanels in the garbage and scattered them around the floor; their ancient batteries gave off little more than a greenish corpse-light, but it was enough for Malln's occulobe implant to work with and he turned


Fiction: The Pandora Strain off his armour's senses, mouthing a prayer to the machine-spirit for its help. A fresh wave of nausea ripped through him as he took up position on the walkway down from Archaig. He shook his head, then stole a look at their attackers in the hanger outside. It was a dark and twisted menagerie, as if some blizzard of knives had stripped a hundred different beings of their flesh, only to have a blind surgeon reassemble the parts. In just one leaping monstrosity he saw parts of Kroot merged with the flesh of an ork, its legs ending in the vicious barbs of a genestealer. Another being seemed to be part Ogryn with mechanical flails for limbs and in its chest a brace of flechette launchers. A third scuttled upside down on the roof, clinging on with three pairs of what looked like children's hands, its emaciated body bristling with long spines and oozing dark oil. Behind them scores more charged forward. No two were alike, and none had anything in common. “They are not daemons, nor any spawn of the Ruinous Powers I have ever seen,” said Archaig, cutting a skinless man-ape in half with a burst of bolter fire. “What is this madness?” “I care not,” replied Malln, “for they will all look the same when they are dead.” He freed a relic-case from his belt and, with a prayer to the Emperor and certain words that burned his throat, he loosed the Scorpion Scourge. An iron-hafted flail, it was an ancient weapon whose Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

origins not even Malln knew. Many a daemon and servant of the Dark Gods had fallen before it in battle, and it had served the Relictors for centuries. Sister-weapon to the Artekus Scourge of chapter legend, the barbed, silver scorpions on the end of each heavy chain would scream and writhe with daemonic energy when swung, and could rip a man's soul from his body. Archaig whispered a prayer of sanctity, and then; "Captain, if the Flesh Tearers see that…" "Let them," growled Malln. "It would be a timely lesson in necessity." A creature born of nightmares launched itself from the decking below, lobster claws rimmed with teeth snapping at the air. Malln put a bolt of superheated plasma through its fur-lined body, and then fell back heavily onto the walkway in shock. He scrambled to his feet, grimacing as his plasma pistol sank deeper into his armoured gauntlet, feeling the awful sensation of it merging with the flesh of his hand beneath. Stowing the Scorpion Scourge, he gripped the pistol's barrel and tore it free. Tendrils of his armour and ribbons of his flesh came with it, before snapping back like rubber to leave the surface of his palm whole again. Revulsion battled with nausea, making his head swim. He vaulted single-handedly over the walkway railing, ceramite boots slamming into the rusted hallway floor below. A shout of warning was already on his lips when Morrar stood up.

The librarian's skin was like charred wood, and had grown into the sanctified grey armour around his neck, merging until there was no clear boundary between the two. Every plate of armour had cracked and the same blackened bark-like flesh spilled out as if welling up from within. His features were unrecognisable, and the only light in his once intelligent eyes was that of pure warp-borne hatred. As Malln realised he was craning his neck to look up at a man whom he had once towered over, black smoke wreathed Morrar's arms like a nest of serpents and wickedly curved hooks of metal and bone pushed out from the backs of his hands. He reached out to embrace Malln. “In nomine Imperator!” Malln stepped forward, putting his plasma pistol against his former librarian's forehead and pulling the trigger. The obliterator's head and psychic hood evaporated in a pulse of light, but the body did not fall. The hooks had dug into Malln's power armour as if it were cloth, and with a cry of rage and horror Malln pushed the thing off him. “Astartes!” Malln shouted into his vox, pulling his plasma pistol free of his hand once again. “Heed me! This sickness is the obliterator virus! It infects us all! Watch your brother and watch your back – already one of us has been turned by it!” It was indeed the obliterator virus. There could be no doubt – the darkest and most secret archives of the Relictor's Conclave had records of how the infection spread, how it took 126

Fiction: The Pandora Strain marines of the Traitor Legions and grew them into behemoths that were more daemon than marine, able to create whatever weaponry they needed from their warp-saturated flesh. But no strain of it the chapter had ever encountered had been as swift as this! It should take weeks and many foul rituals for the warp-spawned infection to progress this far, not scant minutes! “Astartes! Acknowledge!” Malln could see silhouetted gunfire and hear the roaring chainswords of the Flesh Tearers from the far end of the nearest machine shop and he raced in that direction, leaping over collapsed lift machinery and rusted scrap piles. “Acknowledge!” Incredulous voxes came in from the Mantis Legion, the Black Dragons and his own warriors, but nothing from the rest. He hurdled a tangle of collapsed scaffolding, and saw the Flesh Tearers, just outside the sliding doors. The cold air reeked of blood and death and the black of the Flesh Tearer's armour was glossy with gore. They stood their ground, Chesiak at their heart, hacking and smashing and shooting their attackers with a maniacal glee that both thrilled and chilled Malln. They had not heard his warning; they could hear nothing but the clarion call of the slaughter and the screams of the dying. Part of Malln was repulsed by such a barbarous use of their Emperor-given talents, but a part also longed for the simplicity of such service.

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A shambling behemoth of scales and steel plates dropped heavily from the hanger ceiling. Before any could react its belly ripped open, the edges peeling back like pouting lips, and a steaming mass of entrails vomited forth. Chesiak was engulfed in the foetid mass and driven back into the machine shop, his crozius pinned against his body. Razor sharp teeth burst from the looping coils of the entrailweapon along with a rancid stench as stomach acids ate at the armour. Smaller gut-polyps launched from the beast's cavernous stomach to entangle the other Flesh Tearers. Malln fired two white-hot blasts at where he reasoned the creature's head might be and swung the Scorpion Scourge at the stinking web of intestines linking Chesiak to it. The daemonheads howled their pleasure as they shredded the connecting flesh, instantly mortifying it. Black, necrotising tissue spread like wildfire back towards the creature and in seconds it slumped, dry and lifeless. Chesiak tore the crumbling strands off him, his armour hissing and steaming as the acid burned it, his hair gone and his face an ugly ruin. Under the livid burns, however, Malln could see the skin was becoming thick and dark like Morrar's. The Flesh Tearers freed themselves and surged back into the fight, but Chesiak paused, oblivious to the pain he must be in. Malln had expected rage at the sight of the daemon weapon, but instead what he got was a look of cold fury. "The

whispers of foul temptation can oft be heard louder than the clearest calls to duty. With your weakness you have brought doom on yourself and your whole chapter, Relictor, and shame on those who stand with you today. I will denounce you, and I will see you burn." "Enough of your sanctimony, chaplain! Temptation is the whetstone on which I sharpen my soul, although I do not expect your wisdom to ever reach that far. We are infected with the obliterator virus." He told him what had happened to Morrar, and to himself. Chesiak snarled contemptuously. "Do not expect any Flesh Tearer to succumb to such weakness of spirit. Those who are great in faith have nothing to fear." "Damn your blinkered eyes, Chesiak! This is not something you can wish away with a sturdy frown and a cold shower! Look to yourself!" "Begone. I have heard your warning. Be it true, and if you turn, I will destroy you myself. I can think of no honour you more richly deserve." There was a vox-cry from the melee outside, cut off by a resounding clang as one of the iron doors was dented inwards. Four steaming talons of steel and bone protruded through the inch-thick plate. Rivulets of dark blood seeped through the holes. Then the talons flexed and the whole door was ripped from its runners, and the obliterator stood, massive and hunched, a dead marine slowly sliding off its claws to the


Fiction: The Pandora Strain floor. The obliterator still bore the red shoulder pads of the Flesh Tearer it had once been, the squad and honour markings still visible. Malln raised his pistol but was knocked back a step by the haft of the chaplain's crozius. "Begone!" the chaplain thundered, an insane light in his eyes. He screamed, the words suddenly amplified by the vox unit in his power armour so that Malln could hear nothing but the wail of a thousand banshees, the sound driving into his head, and then Chesiak and the remaining Flesh Tearers fell upon the obliterator in a blizzard of chainswords. Malln raced back down the machine shop, and through the central hallway. On the walkways above Ossian and Archaig continued to hold their positions, but from the corpses littering the walkways it seemed that some of the malformed xenos were getting too close for comfort. A fresh bout of nausea gripped him, rippling through his body like an electric shock, nearly driving him to his knees. Tongues of delirium licked at his mind and he cried out, driving them away with the white-hot focus of his anger. Ossian and Archaig glanced down. He tried to tear his gauntlet off to look at his own skin, but it would not budge. He pulled harder, feeling the skin soak into the armour, becoming one. Was his flesh truly his own any more? What about his mind? His soul? Was this how the Emperor answered his prayers? He had beseeched Him on Terra for the means Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

to truly harm Chaos only to find unholy ruin running in his veins. So was he being ground on his precious whetstone, his proud will suborned by corruption? Could this be punishment for his presumption? He refused to believe it could be so, but – how to deny the evidence of his own senses. His body was prey for the Ruinous Powers, that much was clear, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He sped through the next machine shop and reached the Black Dragons, surprised to see only three of them. The narrow gap in the doors was nearly plugged with a mound of butchered xenos, but all three marines had a myriad of rents and buckles in their armour. Skin like bark showed through the holes. "Where is Captain Kjerr?" he demanded. A metallegged serpent with a nest of eyes for a head tried to clamber through the door and, lashing out with the Scourge, he sucked its soul dry. Brother Veer pointed with his bolter, punctuating his words with precise shots that sent gore splashing back at them. "Out there. He said something about 'underfloor tunnels' and ordered us to hold here until his return." Malln decided not to voice his opinion of his friend's foolhardiness in front of his own men, and was about to leave when"If this is the obliterator virus, captain," Brother Saalem said between bursts of bolter fire, "why are these things trying so hard to kill us?"

Malln had no answer, and that very question had been puzzling him. Why kill them when surely the Ruinous Powers had more interest in seeing them become these monstrosities? He was missing some essential part of the puzzle. "Make sure it is Captain Kjerr whom you let return through this door and, Emperor forbid, not one of the accursed obliterators." "Have no fear of that," said Saalem. "Our captain will make it. He has been blessed by the Emperor." Veer nodded, and then turned to Malln. "And I wager obliterators don't whistle," he said. Malln was puzzled for the briefest instant and then he, too, heard the familiar sound. He laughed, and the sound of his own laughter seemed alien in such a place, but it felt good. "I see him," said Veer. "Although I would recognise that Arcadian marching hymn if he whistled it sideways by now." "Captain Malln! The creatures are falling back," Saalem added. Malln requested confirmation over the vox, and reports came back from the other chapters quickly. The creatures had indeed fallen back as one, seemingly in the direction of the airlocks. The ships and those aboard should be secure, but this fight was far from over. Kjerr was moving swiftly over the bodies of the dead towards the door, and the Black Dragons 128

Fiction: The Pandora Strain hauled the obscene corpses out of the way to make a path for him. As they did so, the final piece of the puzzle suddenly fell into place for Malln, and his anger rose up to swamp the nausea tearing at his mind. Anger at being such a fool. Anger at having been tricked. Anger at having been betrayed. He wondered for a moment where his pistol was, then looked in amazement at his right hand. As if responding to the thought, the muzzle of the pistol emerged obscenely from the back of his hand and poked through the ceramite of the gauntlet. He stepped back from the door, waited until Kjerr was through the gap in the door safely, and then shot him. The plasma bolt melted the armour on Kjerr's side like wax, and seared the flesh beneath to a smoking crisp. Only the muzzle of his pistol inches from Kjerr's face stopped the three Black Dragons from shooting him dead. The look of fury on Kjerr's face could not hide the hatred Malln saw there, and it told him he was right. "Kill him!" Kjerr hissed through gritted teeth, as the Black Dragon marines roared at Malln to drop his weapon. "Shoot him now! He's changing!" "It's over," Malln said. "You are not Captain Kjerr."

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"Captain!" It was Dukagjin, a deep roar of shock and surprise. Malln did not look around, but kept his pistol-hand unwavering. He heard more footsteps, and the voices of the Mantis Legion and his own men, clamouring for explanations and dire warnings not to shoot. Through it all, Malln kept his eyes on Kjerr and the rank hatred he saw there. He wondered how he had missed it before. "I have known this man for decades,” he shouted, “longer than either of his honour guard here, and this is not Captain Kjerr. I stake my life on it." "And his, it seems." Captain Villa moved cautiously into Malln's field of view, his weapon drawn but lowered. As with all of them now, his skin was dark and wrinkled by the virus, his armour and body enlarged. "I have seen one of my most trusted men turn into a foul creation of the Dark Gods," said Dukagjin, "and try to kill his most trusted brothers. I slew him. I would have an explanation. I say we let the Relictor speak." "It's over," Malln repeated, ignoring the others. He drew the Scorpion Scourge, feeling the virus within him respond greedily to the proximity of the daemon weapon, feeling the haft merge with his gauntlet and the flesh of his palm. It was no longer an unpleasant sensation. The silver scorpions clenched their razor sharp claws in rabid hunger as he dangled them inches from Kjerr's face. “Listen to me, now, for I know your

kind and I know their ways. Your worthless soul is promised to the Dark Gods, and for your failure here they will probably spend aeons shredding it, but there is always the chance, is there not? Always the chance that whatever abominations you have performed in their name will count in your favour. Always the chance that you, their Chosen, might find his soul spawned anew on some daemon world, able to rise again one day. Always the chance.” He lowered the Scourge a fraction, the barbed scorpions straining and trembling in anticipation. Kjerr's eyes widened just a fraction. “Or I can rip your soul from your body right now, and listen to your screams of agony ringing inside this weapon until the stars themselves darken and die. Choose.” There was no fear in Kjerr's eyes, but a choice was made. He smiled. "In truth, it has all gone badly wrong. Humour an old friend, Rojak, what gave me away?" Malln had to fight the urge to smash his head in. "The whistling." He shook his head in disbelief. "But I got that from him! I got everything from him.” He looked mockingly at Malln, clearly savouring every word. “Every memory, every thought, every conversation, every last thing. His vanity. His ambition to be Chapter Master one day. His doubts about his own brothers who sought the same honour. His distaste for your methods, Rojak, that he never spoke to you of for the sake of your friendship. I tore it from his mind while he screamed and screamed. And he did 129

Fiction: The Pandora Strain scream for a very long time, especially when I cut his face off." Kjerr reached up slowly and painfully, put his gauntlet over his chin and pulled. The dark, thickening skin stretched, split and tore, splashing blood all over Malln's hand. The eyes gleamed in the ruin left behind, as he tossed the face aside like a bloody rag. The jaw widened with a choked, bubbling sound: he was laughing. "On Centimani,” said Malln, more for the others' benefit than for the imposter at his feet. “The traitor's refrain, their thumb in the Emperor's eye, was the ancient Arcadian marching hymn – but backwards. It only struck me now that you have been whistling it backwards since I saw you out in that hangar. I know I am a damned fool, but who are you?" The fleshless face laughed again; a hideous sound and, without lips, Malln had to struggle to make out the words. "I underestimated him. He tricked me! He ran that hymn in his head, over and over again, while I drained him. I never realised he was remembering it backwards. With his last breath, he said. You know, I am almost impressed." This time Malln could not restrain himself and he started punching the mockery of his friend, over and over. The Black Dragon marines joined him, hammering with the butts of their boltguns. Malln was nowhere near finished when several pairs of arms locked around his own and hauled him and the others back. He raged in anger and threw them off, then felt Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

sick to the pit of his stomach as he saw the barbs of metal that had started to protrude from his forearms. With trembling force of will he concentrated on them, and they sank back into his armour and his flesh, although in truth he could no longer tell the difference. How long did he have left before he turned completely? How long until the others did? Captain Villa sat down on a rust-fused engine block. "Why infect us and then try to kill us? And," he made the sign of the Aquila, "before you answer, know that I will gladly let the Relictor use that accursed weapon of his."

outbreak of the obliterator virus across all of you at once? You would never keep it secret, make sure of that, and it would be all the justification they would need for a purge on a scale never seen before." He laughed again. "Six chapters, at war with their own Imperium. It would have been glorious!" Malln: "But your virus – something went wrong."

The man's face was a shattered wreck, but somehow he could still speak. "It was beautiful in its simplicity, really. You were to come here, be infected with our new strain of the obliterator virus without knowing it, and return to your chapters, unwitting carriers of the blessed plague."

"It changed. It is this place…" The man shrugged, painfully, "Echoes of the warp can do strange things. You might call it the Pandora Strain, now. Once it became clear you were all showing signs of the blessing much too early I gave the order to have you killed – so long as you did not reach your ships and get a warning out, we can simply arrange this again with others from your chapters. But even there, this damned hulk got in the way, and I could not properly control the creatures. They attacked too soon and nearly killed me."

"You thought you could wipe out six chapters with a simple virus, even one as infernal as this?" Villa leapt to his feet, as if insulted by the very idea. "Impossible."

Malln knelt down beside the imposter and prodded at the gaping wound in his side with his finger. The man grunted, but did not flinch from the touch.

"No, no, no! The Imperium would do that for us. Just the rumour of infestation would be enough. We have been laying the ground for decades, whispering words of doubt in the minds of high officials, using your own paranoia and suspicion against you. You have no idea how hostile some in the Imperium are to the very existence of your precious chapters. An

“His flesh,” said Malln. “He is infected.” He stood. “But why call the creatures off? Unless...” “Unless he thinks he can get out,” said Dukagjin. “Unless he has a cure.” “He must,” said Malln. “He exposed himself along with us, to allay suspicion. And he surely 130

Fiction: The Pandora Strain had no intention of sharing our doom.” He bent down, face to face with the imposter, the Scourge swinging to and fro beside them. “So where is it? Where is the cure? Or shall I see what weapons I can summon from my flesh to make such torment as even you cannot bear?” The man hacked a laugh out through his ruined face. “I told you. It's all gone so badly wrong. The Dark Gods so love to confound their servants. I released the cure already.” He laughed again, spiteful and full of malice. “It doesn't work any more!" he spat. "Don't you get it? The virus has changed, but the cure hasn't. None of us has turned since I released it, but none of us has got any better. The Pandora Strain has gone dormant. It may last forever, it may last a week, it may last an hour. Who knows? Who, indeed, but the Dark Gods!” He doubled over, choking with insane laughter. Black blood dripped from the wound in his side. “I have heard enough."

kind, and on each occasion I felt a holy and spiritual joy as one more insult to the Emperor was erased from the galaxy, but soon after emptiness, and then despair. No fate was black enough for those who spat betrayal at the Golden Throne, none! Death was but the merest fraction of the wages those traitors had earned, but death was all I had to offer them. Until now. Hand me the weapon, Relictor.”

least his death was worse than the one he has left for us. So we are in limbo?”

The man who had been Kjerr froze, the laughter dying. Malln nodded to Chesiak, then handed him the Scourge, feeling a painful tug as the haft unwillingly loosed from his flesh. Then Malln placed his boot on the imposter's back, kicking him forward onto his knees. He tried to rise, but Malln swung his arm hammer fashion, striking him on the back of the head. He fell, stunned, and looked up to see the chaplain swing the Scourge with a cry of shock and fury. The screaming scorpions passed through the imposter like steel through smoke and he collapsed without a sound, his corpse grey and crumbling to dust.

"And what of us?" asked Laggan, his fingers probing the point on his neck where flesh and armour became one. "What are we, now?"

To Malln's surprise it was Chesiak who spoke. He had not noticed the Flesh Tearers' arrival. The burned flesh of the chaplain's face was so contorted and blackened he no longer looked remotely human. His armour, and that of his brother marines, was distorted and ugly with the ruin of the virus.

Chesiak waited a long moment, staring at the weapon in his hand. Then he passed it back, tendrils of his black armour tugging longingly as Malln took it. “It wants you,” Chesiak whispered, and Malln thought he heard disappointment in the chaplain's voice.

Chesiak's voice was deeper than it had been, and the harshness now had a rasp like desert wind to it. "For many years I have killed his

Villa prodded the traitor's corpse with his boot as if stirring the ashes of a fire. “Alpha Legion, perhaps. We will never know, now. I would have learned more – no offense, Chaplain – but at

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“If he is to be believed,” said Malln. “And do you?” He nodded. “Some of what he said had the ring of truth about it, and then there is the evidence of our own eyes.”

"Abominations," said Chesiak, his face unreadable. "Mockeries. Heresies." "Are you sure, chaplain? Do you know your own mind?" asked Malln. "Do you still bind loyalty around your neck? Do you still carve faith on the tablet of your heart? My answers are as sure as my trust in Him. You must speak for yourself." He turned to address them all. “There was something Librarian Morrar said to me, before we came here. That this place was called The Pandora because, like the box of legend, it had been purged of evil and lay empty. But I was told another legend as a child. A different legend. That one thing remained behind in the box of Pandora, once all the evils had fled.” Chesiak: “And what was that?” “Hope.” “Hope, Relictor, is for the weak.” 131

Fiction: The Pandora Strain Malln drew himself up to his full height. Already a towering figure, the Pandora Strain had made him a true giant, his armour growing with him. His face, once scarred and blunt, was now as black as night, the skin ridged and heavy. His eyes burned with a fire he could barely contain. “Tell me,” he thundered, “do I look weak to you?” With one sweep of his arm he smashed the machine shop door off its runners, sending it tumbling away into the black hanger. A hundred screams and howls of the creatures in the dark beyond answered the resounding clang it made. "Corruption ever comes in the guise of strength," hissed Chesiak. He was staring not at Malln but at his own gauntlets, twisted barbs of steel extending slowly from their backs. "Our doom is upon us and every breath we take brings us closer to damnation, and you speak of hope." "Our doom is upon us, but for as long as I breathe, Chesiak, I am Astartes. That is the whetstone you see before you, chaplain. It is before us all. Dare you sharpen your soul on it?" Chesiak made no answer but held his gauntlets up before him, snarling. As a ragged cry tore from his blackened lips, the steel claws withdrew reluctantly into his armour and the fused flesh beneath. He fell heavily to one knee, whether with the effort or in prayer Malln could not tell.

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“Before we came here I prayed to the Emperor, my fellow Astartes," he proclaimed. "Let me tell you that prayer. I prayed He would show me the way that I might serve Him better. I prayed He would reveal my destiny. I prayed He would give me the tools I needed to destroy the servants of the Dark Gods in His name. I prayed for hope!” He thrust his arms out to his sides, letting the hooked blades form on his forearms, revelling in the sensation. “I cannot return to my chapter, none of us can, but I knew when I left I was not going back. This is the service He has demanded of me. This is my destiny, for however long He has given it to me. Through the treachery of His enemies, He has answered my prayers. This is not the end, my brothers. This is the beginning.”

bone and metal emerged below and daemonic flames roasted the ruined wall red-hot. “That,” he said, as the fire in his eyes flared anew, “is not going to be a problem.” THE END

Villa stepped forward as the screams of the bestial hordes grew louder, the sound of their feet and claws making the decking shake underfoot. “There will be time for that later, but first things first, captain. We still have to get off this stinking rock.” Malln nodded slowly, then held an arm out. The grey armour flowed, coils of dark smoke spilling from the edges, and where once had been his hand sleek barrels of iron protruded. With a gleeful thought he spun them, feeling the ammunition he needed form within. With a savage cry he played the fire from the assault cannon over the outside of the machine shop, ripping gaping holes in the rusted metal. In the time it took him to form the thought, tubes of 132

Specialist Games Section

SPECIALIST GAMES Sub-Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ben Skinner Design & Layout . . . . . . . . . . Jon Mattison Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aaron Dickey Archie Jonathan Brown Patrik Carlsson

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Epic: The Painting of a Ship


Well things have been busy these days. I’ve also been taking a break from 40k miniatures to quickly paint up a Battlefleet Gothic fleet. I’m down to the last three ships and the main 2500 point chunk will be complete. I was asked for a tutorial on how I painted up the cruisers for my BFG fleet.

Following this do a heavy dry brush of Codex Gray to start the undertones of the vessel. Follow this up with a lighter dry brush of Skull White to complete the undertones. This part isn’t that complicated, but you should have something that looks similar to the photo above. This goes pretty quickly and you can probably paint it all up in less than an hour. Once that has been completed, we will begin the washes.

This is a relatively straightforward process but it requires quite a few paints. You can probably substitute paints for similar colors or completely different ones if you want to make your own scheme. PHASE ONE: THE HULL Start off by base coating the model with Chaos Black paint, I personally leave the bridge and engines off to make them easier to paint later. After you are done touch up the base coat with any areas that you missed with the spray paint. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Take Scorched Brown and make a very thin wash to put on the model. when you are ready slosh it all over the model and then rinse out your brush to collect the excess that collects on the keel fin. You can reapply this to the model or leave it as is. Once this has had time to nearly dry, take Dark Flesh and make another wash in the same way as with the Scorched Brown you just applied and apply this on the model in the same way and collect the excess that collects on

Paint Requirements Phase One Phase Two • Codex Gray • Dark Flesh • Skull White • Blood Red • Scorched Brown • Vomit Brown • Dark Flesh • Brown Ink • Graveyard Earth • Vomit Brown the fin again. It should look something like the photo to the left. Wait for this wash to partially dry and apply the thinned out Brown Ink.

This is where things get tricky. Wait for the washes to nearly dry and then dry brush on more codex gray. This will mix with the nearly dry wash and lighten up the edges if you apply it right. Since the wash isn’t quite dry it will blend almost perfectly making for a smooth transition from the darks to the lights on the ship. This will look slightly pinkish when you do it but don’t worry, it will dry differently; somewhat closer to the picture below.


Epic: The Painting of a Ship Once this has been applied immediately dry brush a light layer of Graveyard Earth. It should go on smoothly and start changing the overall tone of the model from dark brown to a bit lighter color to get something like the photo at right. Follow this up with a light dry brush of Vomit Brown to finish the highlights. Only do this on the flat plains and upper layers. This will complete the hull base coloring. At this point you can paint on windows using skull white if you like, though I personally only do this with the bridge segment. Once you have finished this go ahead and glue on the bridge piece. This completes phase one. PHASE TWO: THE PROW

The prow is relatively straightforward; coat the segments between the raised panel lines in several layers of Dark Flesh to get a solid coat. Be careful not to get any paint inside of the torpedo tubes or on any part of the hull outside of the prow. Once this is complete, take a very small amount of Blood Red and blend it into the upper edges of the prow panels and

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Paint Requirements Phase Three Phase Four • Boltgun Metal • Dark Flesh • Tin Bitz • Vomit Brown • Dwarf Bronze • Boltgun Metal • Brown Ink • Black Ink • Black Ink

aquilla wings. The result of this should look take several attempts to get right. I tend to dip just the brush in blood red and then touch the water cup to thin it. Then apply a thin line at the top of the panel and use a different brush to like the image above. This is a complicated process that might pull in the thin paint where I want it. It might take several coats but this the under tones to the prow. After completing this, do the same with Vomit Brown but be careful not to completely cover up the blood red you just blended in. The final result should look like the picture above. With this done you are ready to move to phase three. PHASE THREE: METALS There isn’t alot to say here. Basically I dry brush the engines with boltgun and then blend in Tin Bitz on ends to show heat discoloration. I’ll then go in and pick out piping and other bits like the prow ram and weapons battery cannons to paint in Boltgun. Once you have finished with the Boltgun, you can go ahead and glue on the engines. Next, using Dwarf Bronze, pick

out details like the trim for weapons batteries, lance batteries, and prow aquilla and raised panel lines. Be careful painting these since a slip here will be very difficult to repair. Once you finish with these things, thin out Black Ink and slather it over all of the parts painted in Boltgun. Do the same with Brown Ink on the Bronze parts. You may have to make a stronger wash of ink to pick out depth on details like the studs on lance and weapons batteries. PHASE FOUR: TURRETS These are very simple. Once the black base coat has been applied, paint the turret housing in Dark Flesh. Dry brush Vomit Brown to pick out details and highlight the turret. Finish by carefully dry brushing and painting the gun barrels in Boltgun Metal. Once finished, apply a little Black Ink over the barrels to pick out details and add depth.


Aeronautica Imperialis: Flying the Chaos Way



It’s good the Hell Blade is sold in packs of three as this is the way these fragile but deadly craft should be run. Outnumbering your opponent is a major asset in Aeronautica Imperialis. In the horde army that is the Chaos fleet the Hell Blade is its life blood. PHOTO ONE Think about maximising your potential firepower by spreading your numbers without giving away the advantage. In all but special scenarios I have used a formation that covers the roof of the skies. By running the three Hell


Blades at three different altitude levels so that each aircraft is within one level of the aircraft next to it (for example, the diagram below has the three Hell Blades lined up at Altitude 8, 7 and 6), I have at least one set of guns on five altitude levels, two sets on three and three sets on one. Unless facing opponents with a weakness from below (for example aircraft who have turret guns firing up), always try and stay above your enemy. Unlike your enemy, in this position you have the advantage of not having to lose speed in order to gain altitude. You can also use the Power Dive Manoeuvre without any worry and have the speed to make your escape.

A recon flight of Thunderbolts from the 83rd wing encounter a trio of Black Legion Hell Blades. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

dogfight of 3v2 you will have the final move after your opponent has made all of his. This generally still stands in a horde army when the forces have been scaled up. PHOTO THREE My final tip is not to be afraid of getting up close and dirty with your supposedly “fragile” forces. The Harbinger super heavy bomber is a monster; with a few Hell Blade escorts don’t be afraid to march it straight towards its target. With its low maximum speed taking a scenic or tactically better route may mean you only get one crack at your target. Just because the Hell Blade is less favoured in endurance than the fighters of the Imperial Navy don’t think of them as weak, for instance using the Warp Rift upgrade you can gain an extra attack in the movement phase before anyone else fires a shot, with a simple kamikaze through your enemies airspace, they will be cursing the chaos gods as they plummet to their doom. Its dirty and I love it. :D


PHOTO TWO In a ‘Block of Three’ you have the option when splitting your forces for baiting. In a simple 136

Epic: Armageddon - Collecting Imperial Guard, Part 3

COLLECTING IMPERIAL GUARD FOR EPIC: ARMAGEDDON, PART 3 by Jonathan Brown (Patriarch) My brave 6mm lads continue to march forward for the Emperor. Certain death awaits them, but that is a sacrifice the High Lords are prepared to make… REINFORCEMENTS In the last article I had the following formations painted up: — Regimental HQ (Supreme Commander, 12 Guardsmen stands and 7 Chimeras). — Mechanised Infantry Co. (Commander, 12 Guardsmen stands and 7 Chimeras)

— Two Infantry Cos. (Commander and 12 Guardsmen stands each)

weren’t particularly good quality, a bit of greenstuff sorted this out.

— Tank Co. (10 x Leman Russ including 1 Vanquisher)

The gun barrels had all been drilled out at the assembly stage. This can be quite tricky, especially with epic miniatures, but always worth doing. A standard 1mm drill bit is good enough for the turret battle cannon, but the smaller lascannon and heavy bolters needed something finer. I used a 66-gauge (0.838mm) bit from a 50 piece bit set; anything smaller tends to snap very easily in a metal model if you drill a hole of any depth.

— Super Heavy Tank Co. (3 x Shadowswords) That’s plenty of infantry for now (52 stands), but not nearly enough vehicles, let alone any titans. Let’s fix that, starting with the second tank company. Again, this is composed of ten Leman Russ tanks. These were an eBay purchase; although cheaper than buying direct the rear tracks

To keep this distinct from the first Tank Company I used contrasting markings. Each Russ was painted in the same way as the first set: 1. Touch up any areas of black undercoat missed with Chaos Black. 2. Drybrush Codex Grey over the black. 3. Lightly drybrush Space Wolf Grey over the Codex Grey Layer. 4. Paint tracks and weapons Chaos Black again. 5. Drybrush tracks and highlight weapon tips with Mithril Silver. 6. Paint the dark basecoat of details (company markings, windows, searchlights, camo netting etc).

Basilisks Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

7. Highlight any details started in step 6.


Epic: Armageddon - Collecting Imperial Guard, Part 3 Once I was happy with the results the turret was glued on and the model was ready for varnishing. I’ve found that Games Workshops Purity Seal gives a better finish than anything else I’ve tried. Generic matt and satin varnishes can dull the model too much and if you aren’t careful can obscure the detail, which is particularly important with epic models. Remember to shake the spray can vigorously (for at least 60 seconds to be on the safe side) and avoid doing this in cold surroundings as the quality of the finish will be affected. Also, be absolutely certain you have the right spray can in your hand. Mistakes are easy to make at 2am after an all-night painting session…and yes, I’ve done it! Two Tank Companies are expensive at 650 points each, but are the toughest formations in an Imperial Guard army. Unlike many tanks they are also decent in a firefight, so make for good all-rounders. I’ll see if I can get the best out of using both formations in tandem, although at 1300 points they will be easily outmanoeuvred by smaller, more numerous formations of Eldar or Space Marines, and potentially set up for crossfire attacks. INCOMING! Next up is an Artillery Company. These consist of nine vehicles, which can be Manticores, Basilisks, or any combination of the two. Artillery Companies can lay down large barrages, which are particularly devastating in E:A. Not only do barrages affect multiple targets, they can also inflict several Blast Markers on enemy

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Basilisks formations. Blast Markers are a way of showing how formations can become suppressed in the game due to enemy fire, taking casualties, getting the wrong orders etc. The game effect is that each Blast Marker stops one model in the formation from shooting as well as making it harder to receive orders; too many and the formation breaks!

they need to be reloaded; however Basilisks are less powerful but more flexible since they can fire every turn, they also have the option of forgoing firing a barrage to fire directly at the target like a WWII German 88mm gun. This is potentially much more deadly against Space Marines, well-dispersed vehicle targets and War Engines.

GW sells Artillery Companies as a mix of 3 Manticores and 6 Basilisks, however I wanted to keep the unit as all the same type of vehicle. While Manticores have a more powerful shot they can only shoot one turn out of two as

Thanks to a quirk of the way barrages work in E:A it is more efficient to field an all Manticore company (five Manticores firing one turn, the remaining four firing the turn after), but this strikes me as very beardy and it will backfire


Epic: Armageddon - Collecting Imperial Guard, Part 3 shorter distances. With the current rules they are generally regarded as less efficient than Leman Russ tanks, but I like the models. So far I had no protection against the bane of Artillery Companies – aircraft; this was fixed with six Hydras. These are particularly good anti-aircraft units, even Eldar Nightwings will think twice about flying within range. Hydras can either be fielded in small formations of three units or split up and attached individually to other formations. CHOCKS AWAY! Speaking of aircraft, my Imperial Guard will be sharing the use of Thunderbolts and Marauders with my Ultramarines and Blood Angels – the Imperial Navy obviously being overworked in this sector. Each squadron has blue or red markings as appropriate. I used books on Spitfires and the Battle of Britain for inspiration, so the models have sky blue undercarriages and green/brown camouflage elsewhere. Left: Baneblades when the formation starts taking Blast Markers of its own. So I fielded an all-Basilisk company. Another eBay purchase; these are multipart models from the previous edition of the game. They come with several choices for each – you get a range of camo netting etc. The barrels were drilled out prior to undercoating. The camo nets were picked out in Goblin Green and Sunburst Yellow over a Dark Angels Green basecoat (to match the appearance of the infantry stand bases). Each Basilisk was given the company marking of yellow and purple stripes. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Right: Hydras To compliment the Shadow Swords, I added a company of Baneblades. These lack the powerful Volcano Cannons of the other models, but have a larger array of smaller weapons which make them more useful against nonWar Engine targets at


Epic: Armageddon - Collecting Imperial Guard, Part 3 After buying the rules for Aeronautica Imperialis from Forgeworld I can use these models when they are not seeing action in Epic. In AI it is important to distinguish one plane from another, so I applied identification numbers to the tailfin or fuselage of each aircraft. The Epic models shown here are smaller in scale when compared to the Forgeworld versions, but this is not a problem as the models are only markers; ranges and fire arcs are determined from the special Aeronautica Imperialis bases. I have Below: Thunderbolts & Marauders

a set of these bases but did not permanently attach them as they are a bit overwhelming for Epic games. Remember not to attach the clear flying stands until after you varnish the planes, as the varnish will turn the plastic milky white. These squadrons allow the Imperial Guard army access to 8 Thunderbolt fighters, and 4 Marauder bombers. Aircraft require more abstraction than most aspects of Epic, but add Right: Warhound Titan

an interesting dimension to the game, as well as a way to instantly reach distant enemy. BIG BROTHER That’s enough of the tiny stuff, on to the Titans! Titans and other War Engines are the main draw of Epic, since they exist in the background but are a rare sight in WH40K games (good thing too, they would flatten most armies!). Titans tend to act as a support to other armies in E:A, though there is an option to use the experimental allTitan Adeptus Titanicus army list… At present I have a pair of Warhounds and a Reaver Titan completed. Warhounds are fast and, compared to most Titans, lightly armed and armoured. They can outrun infantry and most tanks, but if their void shields are knocked down they become very Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Epic: Armageddon - Collecting Imperial Guard, Part 3 vulnerable. They mount a pair of weapons (a Mega-Bolter and either a Plasma Blastgun or Turbolaser Destructor in this case); but for competitive games carry the default rulebook armament regardless of the model. I much prefer these older designs to the most recent versions, the models are looking very good for being nearly 20 years old. I have found that the large Epic models benefit from being shown to scale; that is positioning smaller models on them or on their base. On my Eldar Titans I positioned a couple of Guardians or Rangers (or destroyed human tanks) on the bases; I decided to add loyal humans to these Warhounds. The first base has a handful of Guardsmen led by an officer advancing through ruins as the Titan looms above them. The second Warhound is joined by a single sniper hiding behind a wall as if the Titan is running Below: Warhound

Right: Reaver

ahead to a forward position in the battlefield where the scout has identified heavier targets. To fit with the rest of the army each Warhound has been given a grey colour scheme on the armour plates: black, Codex Grey and Space Wolves Grey as a highlight, with 50:50 mixes in between – unlike the tanks, this is layered rather than drybrushed. The banding is Shining Gold with Chestnut Brown ink. The other Titan is a Reaver, a larger cousin of the Warhounds. The Reaver is better armoured than the Warhounds and carries an extra weapon, but costs more than both together. Another veteran from the days of Adeptus Titanicus, the Reaver must be one of the oldest model designs still produced by Games Workshop. My Reaver has the alternative “Darth Vader” head design, and mounts a power fist rather than a second Turbolaser simply because I thought it looks better. The rules for Titan weapons have been carefully balanced in E:A

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so that each weapon is roughly as valuable as any other in terms of range, number of shots, damage and so on. In competitive games Titans default to the standard armament given in the main rulebook, regardless of what the model carries. 141

Epic: Armageddon - Collecting Imperial Guard, Part 3 A GOLDEN OLDIE The last model to show in this article is a Capitol Imperialis transport. Due to a warp space accident (or my four year old and a pot of Codex Grey…sob!) it had to be diverted back to the Nitromors sector. On the positive side, it was the right colour, and looked better than many of the offerings on eBay! I have a budding Golden Demon winner in the family…

Fortunately, the model was much quicker to paint (again) than it was to prepare and assemble. The turret was left separate until painting was finished. I used a black undercoat with Codex Grey followed by Space Wolf Grey for the armour plates, Shining Gold with Chestnut Ink for the banding and imperial motifs, and Red Gore highlighted all the way to Sunburst Yellow + white for the windows. Capitol Imperialis are the enormous transport

Above: Reaver Left: Capitol Imperialis The Reaver is mounted on the original base design containing a “void shield wheel”. This saves on bookkeeping as Void shields are knocked down and repaired during the game. As with the Warhounds I have used several advancing Guardsmen to give it some scale. They are directed by an officer based on the old “Cadian” standard bearer from Adeptus Titanicus days, but fitted with a greenstuff greatcoat to fit in with the rest of the army. A spare Sentinel is bringing up the rear, presumably on the look out for Xenos scum with Brightlances. This gives me a total of 20 formations for around 7,000 points. This is far too much for a sensible game of Epic, but it’s nice to have the choice of models to field. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Epic: Armageddon - Collecting Imperial Guard, Part 3 vehicles of the Imperial Guard – think of a Star Wars AT-AT on caterpillar tracks. They are as tall as a Titan but much bulkier, and are capable of transporting two entire companies of Guardsmen or vehicles. Like Titans they are protected by void shields as well as thick armour, but they lack the firepower of the godmachines. Capitol Imperialis are not included in the Epic: Armageddon rulebook and have been out of production by Games Workshop for several years. This means if you don’t already have one you need to find one second-hand. eBay usually has one or two selling at any one time, typically going for around £25 depending on the condition. While the structure is metal the tracks are plastic, sadly these won’t survive Nitromors or most other paint strippers if you don’t like the previous owner’s efforts. If you can’t use the original tracks identical sets exist as part of the JB Models M113 ACAV or M113 Fire Support models. My replacements came from one of these; I think the credit for the idea goes to one of the posters on Bolter & Chainsword. Anyway, official rules don’t exist for them, so I’m proposing to try out the house rules at right. “Home brew” rules like these aren’t appropriate for competitive games so Points Values aren’t strictly necessary. The CI is harder to kill than most Titans, but mounts little direct offensive capability, so I’m guessing somewhere in the 800 points range. Ready to paint up for next time are a Warlord Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

Titan, 8 Sentinels, 3 Leman Russ Demolishers and a pair of Deathstrike missiles for taking care of enemy Titans. These will probably round off this army for a while. Looming far off in the distance is an Emperor Titan, but this last

one will take a bit of a run up to (hopefully) do it justice. Also I hope to have blooded the army in a game, so will report back on its progress. Until then, keep rolling sixes!


Speed 20cm

Armor 4+

Close Combat 6+

Weapon Behemoth Cannon Battle Cannon Battle Cannon 2 x Missile Batteries

Range 30cm 75cm 75cm 45cm

Firepower 1D6 BPs AP4+/AT4+ AP4+/AT4+ AA5+

Notes Indirect Fire Right Fire Arc Left Fire Arc

Firefight 6+

Damage Capacity: 10 Void Shields: 6 Critical Hit Effect: roll 1D6 on table below (re-roll if the same effect has already been suffered): 1 The Void Shield Generator is destroyed. The CI has no void shields for the remainder of the battle. 2 Infrastructure damaged: Take another point of damage. 3 Track System: The CI may not move any further for the remainder of the battle. 4 Transport Area hit: All transported models suffer the effect of being caught in a 1D6BP barrage. Any survivors must immediately exit the CI, which can no longer transport models. 5 Plasma Reactor damaged: roll 1D6 each end phase: on a 1 the CI explodes as described below; 2-3 take another point of damage; 4-6 the reactor is repaired. 6 Ammo Store hit: the CI and any transported models are destroyed. The ensuing blast has a range of 2D6cms from the model; all units within range suffer the effect of being within a 1D6BP barrage (roll once). Notes: Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Thick Rear Armour, Walker. Transport: may transport either two Imperial Guard companies (of any type, no upgrades); OR one Imperial Guard Company with any upgrades and up to two Support Formations.


Epic: Armageddon - Collecting Imperial Guard, Part 3

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


Tutorial: Travel Space Hulk

TRAVEL SPACE HULK by Patrik Carlsson REQUIRED MATERIAL LIST: • Magnetic sheet for about a hundred hole punches. • 20-30 Epic Genestealers. • 10 Epic Terminators. • A piece of cereal box or plasticard to make doors to glue onto magnetic bases. • Hole punch. • Paint. • Glue. • Magnetic surface to play on. To keep everything in its place on the map you will first need to get some sheets of magnetic material. Fridge magnets work very well for this, and they’re usually readily available. Cutting it out with a hole punch will give you perfect sized magnets to use both as counters and to glue to the base of the Epic figures. This idea came up on some Epic mailing list a long time ago and is recorded as “Andy Skinner’s Travel Space Hulk Idea”, though the true originator of this awesome idea is still unknown.

Using the hole punch you will get lots of small magnetic bases which will be used for a variety of things. If you get many with the same top side put them aside to make blips so you won’t be able to recognize them later (though you can always paint over the top as well), otherwise make enough to do what’s needed below. BASE THE FIGURES 10 Terminators and 20-30 Genestealers. There are rules for using other races in Space Hulk and even Chaos Terminators; just because Epic Tyranids are currently out of production doesn’t mean you need to give up hope of playing with your very own travel Space Hulk set. I’ve found Hormagaunts do nicely as Genestealer standins if you have any of those as well; you can always use proxies too.

Editor: This is a very simple travel Space Hulk tutorial. It was originally written by Patrik Carlsson and was taken from his website and archived by Chad Harding on his own excellent Space Hulk tribute site; I have merely updated it for publication in this issue of Firebase. On Chad’s site you can find a massive amount of Space Hulk information rescued from the swirling ebb and flow of the internet.

Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008

It is a treasure trove of first and second edition information, including expansions and rules for using other Xenos and Traitors; it is also where you can find readily-printable maps to be used in conjunction with travel Space Hulk. Printing the zoomed map gives you a readyto-play map if you have the Epic figures and counters ready.


Tutorial: Travel Space Hulk DOORS 24 are included in the original box, but this may vary by mission. COMMAND POINTS 6 with the same top side numbered from 1-6 below. FLAMER COUNTERS Paint cool flames on some bases: 6 to use as ammo counters for each flamer you want to use and enough to mark a pair of rooms as flamed during play. Since the rooms are not marked on the map and the counters only cover one section I use the system from 2nd edition Space Hulk with the targeted section and all surrounding sections affected by flame counters.

My mother gave me an antique sign (below left). It is metal and what I will be using as a magnetic surface. If you are so inclined you could even play on a refrigerator! Anything else is simply cosmetic. You could add counters for rubble, paint a door as a bulkhead, or you could just draw them directly on the map. A wellpainted set of figures and doors will make it more appealing to the

eyes though. It has even been suggested that the figures ought to be cut off from their bases and glued onto the magnetic bases to make them look better, but I feel that is too great of risk at destroying the small figures. Close up of Epic Termintors with magnetic bases on a printed map. They could do well with a proper paint job but are otherwise playable.

BLIPS Get enough with the same top side and look up the numbers to paint on the blip side. Find a magnetic surface like a cookie sheet or a big jar, print out a map from Patrik’s Space Hulk Collection site: http://spacehulk.barsoom. cc/mirrors/shc/ and start playing!

A printed map with Space Marines fending off traitor Terminators from sacking the librarium. Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


COMING EARLY 2009 More pleasureable content…

Artwork by: Pavel Zolotoko Firebase Issue #8 – October 2008


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