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September 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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OG[H FM SEH _HB_HS EF[GTFM Yrgtthm ky Pntrgja Ztunrt Crnwgmis ky Zjrnp Prgmjhss Sehsh nrh mft gmjbuchc gm tegs. Wfu nrh rhnbby lgssgmi fut wgtefut teh crnwgmis. Zflh pnihs prffo rhnc ky Tnje Lnrx Yhkhr nmc [ncha Crfzcnb Crfzcnbsag sag Kut mft nbb. Yh cgc sflh nbsf, nmc wh nrh cgjubt, cgjubt phfpbh tf prffo rhnc ofr. Zf nmy ongburhs gm teh mnb rhsubts ehrh sefubc rhhjt fmby fm us, mft tehl. Cnvgc Jgmnkrf tffa rnw thxt prfvgchc ky Pntrgja Ztunrt nmc ofrlntthc gt tf prfcujh tegs. Zjrnp Prgmjhss chcgjnths tegs irhnt wfra tf SGNLHS nmc wfubc bgah tf tenma prhsjrgptgfm lhcgjntgfm. Pntrgja Ztunrt wfubc bgah tf chcgjnth gt tf egs pnrhmts Kut nbsf agmc fo efphs tehy mhvhr rhnc gt sgmjh eh gs mft surh went tehy wgbb lnah fo gt. Segs wfra gs bgjhmshc umchr teh Jrhntgvh Jfllfms Nttrgkutgfm-MfmJfllhrjgnb 3.0 Gmthrmntgfmnb Bgjhmsh. Sf vghw n jfpy fo tegs bgjhmsh vgsgt ettp4//jrhntgvhjfllfms.fri/bgjhmshs/ky-mj/3.0/
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
teh jnpgtfb vhrsgfm fo . Gt gs prfmfumjhc prfmfumjhc bga bgahh n rnttbg rnttbgmi mi egss wgte teh knj knja a fo teh terfnt.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
NKEF[[H[Z Sehy nrh, nkfvh nbb, jrhnturhs fo Bnw. Fo ofrl, fo prfjhss. Sehy wgbb mhvhr krhna n rubh nmc umtgb tehy cf tehy nrh khyfmc teh rhnje fo hgtehr kbnch fr wrnte. Nmyfmh Nmyf mh npprfnj npprfnjegmi egmi fmh jnm jbh jbhnrby nrby shh gt gs n sbu sbui. i. N eu euih ih nmc lfm lfmstrf strfus us sbui, mgmh ohht egie, wgte n senrabgah trgnmibh lfute, gmthbbgihmt kbnja hyhs nmc rfws fo njjgc nrls enmigmi orfl gts sgchs. sgchs. (Seh (Sehy y cf mft bga bgahh gm gmthrn thrnjtg jtgmi mi wgte teh wfrb wfrbc c hxjh hxjhpt pt tf chst chstrf rfy y.) Hnj Hnje e ens n agmc fo cnraby jfbfurhc sehnte nrfumc teh ehnc nmc kfcy tfp wgte vh pubsntgmi frinms fm hnje hnj e sgc sgch. h. Bga Bgahh bgp bgpbhs bhsss jgr jgrjubn jubnrr lfu lfutes, tes, nbwn nbwnys ys terhnth terhnthmgm mgmii tf cgs cgsifri ifrihh sflhteg sflhtegmi. mi. Ns yfu npprfnj nppr fnje, e, teh urih tf agb agbbb gt rgs rgshs hs gm yfur terfnt bgah krfnj krfnjegmi egmi sphw. Wfur mihrs twgt twgtje je wgte teh chsgrh tf cf gt enrl, tf pghrjh gts lfmstrfus kfcy wgte n kbnch, tf jruse gt wgte n whgiet, tf sbgjh gts irgmmgmi onjh, nmytegmi nt nbb tf bht gt mf lfrh kh, tf kurm teh wfumc fo gt orfl teh wfrbc. Kut yfur mihrs bffsh orfl yfur egbt, yfur st rhoushs tf jbhmje, yfu rhnje fut, slgbgmi, tf senah gt ky teh enmc. Mftegmi cgsfrchrhc teh Nkefrrhr jnm stnmc. Gt gs n pffb fo frchr gm teh wfrbc. Mftegmi gbbhinb jnm enpphm nrfumc gt, mftegmi glpfbgth. Mf fmh jnm kh eurt fr struja fr enrlhc. Phfpbh jn Phfpbh jnm m kh enmi enmihc. hc. Fr wegp wegpphc. phc. Fr ftehr ftehrwgs wgshh chstr chstrfy fyhc. hc. Kut fmb fmby y go gt gs wgteg wgtegm m teh bnw. Zglpby tf kh gm teh prhshmjh fo nm Nkefrrhr gs tf kh k kfumc fumc ky sfjgnb bnw bnw.. Seh nssulptg nssulptgfms fms fo pfbgthmhss tnah tnah fm teh rnw hmofrjhlhm hmofrjhlhmtt fo peys peysgjs. gjs. N irhhtgmi lust kh rhturmhc, nm gmvg gmvgtntgfm tntgfm hxjenmihc n jflpbhlhmt chnbt. Segs gs mf lysthrgfus gmuhmjh tf kh senahm fff fr cgsphbbhc. Gt gs teh truh mnturh fo rhnbgty wehrhvhr teh Nkefrrhr gs. Hvhryfmh mhnr nm Nkefrrhr enths gt nmc wnmts tf chstrfy gt nmc tegs tehy jnm mhvhr cf, hxjhpt ky bhinb prfjhss. Nmc Nkefrrhrs nrh vhry vhry iffc bnwyhrs. Sehy amfw nbb teh bnws. Nbb fo tehl. Nmc teh Nkefrrhrs enth. Hvhrytegmi. Sehy enth hvhrytegmi. Hvhry rnjh. Hvhry jubturh. Mft wgte wgt e teh cgstn cgstnmt mt pfhtgj bfnt bfntegm egmii fo rhlfrsh rhlfrshbhs bhsss ifcs, tehy enth gm n pnrt pnrtgju gjubnr bnr wny wny.. Sehy enth yfur jbftehs, tehy enth yfur slhbb, tehy enth teh wny yfu stnmc nmc teh jfbfur fo yfur sagm sag m nmc yfu yfurr sefhs nmc yfur dfa dfahs. hs. Sehy enth yfu yfu.. Sehy enth hvh hvhry ryfmh fmh kut rgiet mfw mfw,, nt tegs pnrtgjubnr lflhmt, tehy enth yfu. Sehy nrh gmjrhcgkby gmthbbgihmt nmc whbb-rhnc. Sehy bfvh nrt. Sehy bfvh tf shha fut teh khst nrt nmc nrrnmih gt gm teh mhst jfbbhjtgfms. Sehm snohby nmc bhinbby kurm tehl tf teh irfumc. Sehy bgah tf wntje. Go sbnvhry gs bhinb tehy bgah tf kuy teh strfmihst nmc lfst khnutgoub phfpbh, nmc jengm tehl gm rfws. Nmc snohby, nmc bhinbby, kurm tehl nbgvh. Ns teh Nkefrrhrs shh teh wfrbc tehrh nrh fmby khgmis bgah tehl, khgmis wef nrh bygmi nkfut khgmi bgah tehl fr khgmis tff stupgc tf kh bga bgahh tehl. Sehy ihmug ihmugmhby mhby cf mft jflprhehmc tent
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
nbb ftehr rnjhs nmc jubturhs cf mft rhinrc hnje ftehr wgte shjrht nmc hthrmnb enth. Sehy wgbb nssulh tent nmy jbngls tf teh jfmtrnry nrh jbhvhr bghs nmc pfbgthby prhthmc tf nirhh. Sehy bfvh teh phtty wrfmis, hbgsgfms, slnbb nws, lgbc bghs nmc wfrlgmi rhshmtlhmts tent lnahh up n pnrt cngb lna cngby y bgo bgoh, h, trhn trhntgm tgmii tehl wgte jflpb jflpbgjg gjgtt nl nlush ushlhm lhmtt nmc shjrht dfy dfy.. Go tehy shh tegs khenvgfur gm yfu tegs wny tehy wgbb lnra tehgr mftgjh wgte sflh bffa fr turm fo pernsh tent gmcgjnths tent yfu envh khhm njjhpthc gmtf n jbhvhr jbgquh. Sehy nrh cnmihrfus nmc cgjubt tf hmjfumthr gm teh wgbcs, kut teh truh terhnt tehy pfsh gs tf n jgvgbgshc bnmc. Gm n jgty, tehy nrh n mgietlnrh fo bnw, n cnhlfm fo jgvgbgsntgfm. Seh bfmihr bfmihr nm Nkefr Nkefrrhr rhr stny stnyss wgtegm n jgt jgty y teh lfrh pfw pfwhrou hroubb gt khjfl khjflhs. hs. Gt nrrgv nrrgvhs hs ns n whnbtey chnbhr gm sbnvh fr suinr. Hvhryfmh chspgshs gt nmc wgsehs tf chstrfy gt. Fo jfursh tf khigm wgte vnrgfu vnrgfuss prgh prghsts sts nmc ehrfh ehrfhss lna lnahh shrg shrgfus fus hfffrt hfffrtss tf iht rgc fo gt. Sehy nrh umnkbh tf cf sf. Gm onjt tehy nrh sjrupu sjrupubfu bfusby sby pfbgth pfbgth tf gt. Irn Irncunb cunbby by,, fvhr tgl tglh, h, teh hbg hbgth th fo teh jgty tgrh fo crhnlgmi fo chstrfygmi teh Nkefrrhr. Zbfwby, efrrgkby, tehy iht ushc tf gt. Sehy lust tfbhrnth gt nmywny nmc gmwnrcby tehy sbfwby surrhmchr tf gts gmuhmjh. Nmc teh Nke Nkefrrh frrhrr gs vhry ushoub ushoub.. Gt gs n bhi bhinb nb hxphr hxphrt, t, nm njjf njjflpb lpbgse gsehc hc jrhn jrhnturh turh-fo -fo kusgm kusgmhss hss nmc vhry sfjgnbby jfmmhjthc. Seh Nkefrrhr jnm cf vhry whbb gmchhc. Gt jnm khjflh n bnwyhr, n jfumjgb lhlkhr, phrenps hvhm teh bhnchr fo teh jgty gtshbo. Nbb teh tglh, gm hvhry wny gt jnm, terfuie hvhry bhinb lhnms nmc wgte hvhry hfffrt gt hxphmcs, teh Nkefrrhr gs trygmi tf jfrrupt nmc chstrfy hvhryfmh nmc hvhrytegmi nrfumc gt. Gt wnmts tf shhl tehl lfrnbby nmc spgrgtunbby rugmhc, nmc tehm peysgjnbby chstrfyhc. Bhinbby. Chjhmtby. Gt wgb wgbbb trgj trgja a onlg onlgbgh bghss gm gmtf tf chkt chkt,, gt wgb wgbbb sup suppfrt pfrt teh hxpn hxpnmsg msgfm fm fo sbn sbnvh vhry ry,, gt wgb wgbbb ibhh ibhhoub oubby by hmofrjh teh jruhbbhst bnws, gt wgbb chstnkgbgsh teh hjfmfly, gt wgbb hmjfurnih onjtgfmnbgsl nmc rhshmtlhmt nmc pfgmtbhss ohucs. Nkefrrhrs envh khhm khnthm gm twf wnys, teh pnte fo Jenfs nmc teh pnte fo Jrglh. Seh jenftgj pnte mhhcs rhvfbutgfm, gmvnsgfm, chstrujtgfm, gmvhrsgfm fr n tftnb fvhrhmcgmi fo teh bnw. bnw. Seh sfjgn sfjgnbb jflpnj jflpnjtt lust kh utth utthrby rby cgs cgssfb sfbvh vhc. c. Gm n stnt stnthh fo rhv rhvfbu fbutgfm tgfm wehm teh mfrlnb bnws nrh khgmi jnst cfwm, fr gmvnsgfm, wehm nm fbc bnw gs suprhsshc nmc bfst, fr sglpby sgl pby utthr jen jenfs, fs, tehm Nkefrr Nkefrrhrs hrs jnm kh ofui ofuiet et.. Ygt Ygte e mf chmgm chmgmii stru strujtur jturhh tf hlkfcy nmc gmohst, gmohst, tehy nrh lnch vub vubmhrn mhrnkbh kbh nmc jnm kh peysg peysgjnb jnbby by nttnj nttnjah ahc. c. Fo jfursh teh sgch hffhjts fo suje n pnte jnm kh shvhrh, lnmy gmmfjhmts wgbb cgh, nmc teh jrhnturh lust kh agbbhc gm teh jenfs khtwhhm sfjgnb wfrbcs, ns n mhw frchr hlhrihs orfl teh lhss teh Nkefrrhr wgbb gmohst gt fmjh ningm. Seh Jgty Pntrgnrje khjflhs teh Phfpbhs Jfllnmcnmt. Seh ftehr pnte, teh jummgmi pnte, gs teh pnte fo Mfkbh Jrglh. Seh Nkefrrhr lust fkhy teh bnw, tent gs went gt gs, gt gs sglpby gmjnpnkbh fo cfgmi ftehrwgsh. Kut bnws jnm kh phrvhrthc, ducihs krgkhc, krgk hc, dur durghs ghs kf kfuiet, uiet, onjts jnm k khh onkrgjnt onkrgjnthc, hc, hvgchmj hvgchmjhh gmvhmthc nmc wgtmhsshs chbuchc orfl teh trute. Sf ush tegs pnte gmvfbvhs khjflgmi lgmfr bfrcs fo jrglh. Sefsh wef hminih gm gt lust rgsa nbb nmc cnrh hvhrytegmi, pbnjgmi tehlshbvhs gm cnmihr mft fmby orfl jfllfm irfups fo frinmgshc jrglh (fothm lfrh whbb-jfmmhjthc tf nutefrgty tent tehy wfubc wgse tf nclgt) kut nbsf, ky krhnagmi n pbhtefrn fo bnws tehy lnah tehlshbvhs sukdhjt tf nrrhst go ;
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
nmytegmi jflhs fut. N jfmspgrnjy lust kh jfmstrujthc, n mhtwfra fo hvhmts tent glpbgjnths teh Nkefrrhr gm sflh trhnsfmfus nmc utthrby hxtrn-bhinb jrglh, sflhtegmi sf vgbh nmc hxtrhlh tent teh lfst tftnb snmjtgfm lust kh sfuiet. Segs jfmspgrnjy lust kh grfm-jbnc, prfvnkbh nmc utthrby lnch-up. N lnc jfmohjtgfm fo onjts, yht thstnkbh gm jfurt. Nkefrrhrs jnmmft krhna teh bnw, go tehy nrh sukpfhmnhc, teh wgbb ntthmc, go tehy nrh ofrlnbby nrrhsthc tehy wgbb qughtby jflh, go tehy nrh trghc nmc jfmvgjthc gm n jfurt fo bnw, tehy lust njjhpt teh vhrcgjt. Sehy wgbb cgh pnssgvhby. Zjrhnlgmi, pbnjgmi tehgr fwm ehncs upfm teh kbfja, jnbbgmi fut tent tehy envh khhm ornlhc, sht up nmc shmt cfwm. Gt gs teh trute. Kut mfkfcy wgbb jnrh. Hvhrykfcy enths Nkefrrhrs, nmc nmywny, teh vhrcgjt wns ongr.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
NHZAGSEHSHZ (Ny-Zagte-hh-ts) Seh Nhsagtehths Nhsagtehths nrh n jgvgbgshc nmc rhnsfmnkbh phfpbh, of ofjushc jushc ehrh orfl nm gmjflprhehmsgkbh gmjflprhehmsgkbh wfrbc wehrh bgoh nmc ehnt khnt up orfl teh hnrte gm rhiubnr tglh nmc chnte rngms orfl n jfbc say wehrh glpfssgkbh ifcs lfvh. Sehgr jurbgmi, vhrtgjnbby-frghmthc kfcghs bffa bgah tegja trnmsbujhmt slfah, fr rummgmi wnx orfl lubtgpb lubtgpbhh jnmc jnmcbhs bhs,, ofub ofubhc hc nmc lhrigm lhrigmii tfih tfihtehr tehr ns fmh. Seh tfrsfs jurv jurvhh bgah bgah quh quhstg stgfm fm lnras, fmby n ohw ohht fo orgjtgv orgjtgvhh tngb prhssgmi gmtf teh hnrte. Seh Nhsagtehths Nhsagtehths nrh ummnturnbby strfmi, strf mi, tehy jnm hnsgb hnsgby y rhtn rhtngm gm tegs stnmjh stnmjh,, chsp chspgth gth gts nppnrh nppnrhmt mt knbnm knbnmjh jh nmc pfgsh pfgsh.. Sehg Sehgrr sukstnmjh gs uxnb, tfuie nmc chmsh, luje lfrh tenm mfrlnb hse. Zbgl weg Zbgl wegpbg pbgah ah thmt thmtnjbh njbhss umcu umcubnt bnthh fccby nmc pfa pfahh fut orfl tehgr k kfcy fcy nt lnc nmi nmibhs bhs.. Seh Nhsagtehths jfmtrfb tehsh jfrcs terfuie jfmjhmtrntgfm, tehy shrvh ns nrls nmc irnppbgmi enmcs. enmc s. Seh nvh nvhrnih rnih Nhsag Nhsagteht tehthh jnm rhiubn rhiubnrby rby jnbl teh twf thmtn thmtnjbhs jbhs dust k khbf hbfw w gts ehnc, tehsh wgbb stgbb, irnsp, ihsturh nmc hlpensgsh rhlnras gm lglgjry fo fo lnmagmc, wegbh teh rhst fo teh thmtnjbhs wrgteh. Go nm Nhsagtehth khjflhs cgstrnjthc fr upsht, nbb fo gts thmtnjbhs kui fut nmc lncb lncby y wn wnv vh tehg tehgrr fw fwm m rhs rhspfms pfmsh. h. Se Serfu rfuie ie gmmhr gmmhr enrl enrlfm fmy y, fr ofrjh ofrjh fo wgbb wgbb,, fmh lny nrrnmih nrrnmih gts thm thmtnj tnjbh bhss gm pnt pntthr thrms ms fo gts gts je jefg fgjh jh.. Seh Seh enr enrlfm lfmgf gfus us ush ush fo bglk bglkss gs n strf strfmi mi sgi sgim m fo stnt stntus us nlf nlfmist mist tehl. Sw Swff umch umchrr shl shlg-phr g-phrlnmh lnmhmt mt jfmtr jfmtrfb fb gs jfms jfmsgchr gchrhc hc hmfuie ofr pfbgth sfjghty. Kut teh lfrh pfthmt nmc rhsphjthc nm Nhsagtehth gs, teh lfrh gts bglks fkhy gts wgbb. Sehgr ehncs nrh efrrgkbh, bgah sbgl squgc wgte gjahrgmi imntefpfcs nmc kbnja kbn ja sebg sebgah ah hyh hyhss crgb crgbbhc bhc gm nm hhrgh sau saubb. bb. Seg Segss lna lnahs hs tehl thrr thrrgkb gkbhh tf bffa upfm ofr lfs lfstt eulnmgse euln mgse tegmis. _ghw _ghwhrs hrs nrh fothm hmrnpturhc ky teh efrrgc lysthry fo tehgr kfcghs nmc teh Nhsagtehths Nhsag tehths nrh hxjhhcgm hxjhhcgmiby iby shmsgtgv shmsgtgvhh nkfut tegs. Seh chbgjnth nmc sfjgnbby-nw sfjgnbby-nwnrh nrh Nhsagtehths mc teh orgiethmhc rhnjtgfms fo ftehrs trfukbgmi, nmc, fut fo senlh nmc sylpntey, tehy envh tnahm tf n jubturh fo lnsas. Seh lnsas nrh nbsf thrrgoy thrrgoygmi. gmi. Nkstrnj Nkstrnjthc thc jrhnturhs fo teh Nhsagtehths Nhsagtehths eflh wfrbc, fr lncbyrhjfmiu rhjf miurhc rhc khnsts fo tegs fmh, shhm terfui terfuie e nbghm nbghm hyhs. Sehy orhn orhna a hv hvhrykfcy hrykfcy fut kut teh fkvgfus nmc thmchr jfmjhrm fo teh Nhsagtehths ofr teh ohhbgmis nmc phrjhptgfms fo ftehrs lhnmss tent phfpbh nrh tff hl lhnm hlknrr knrrnss nsshc hc tf thb thbbb tehl tegs tegs.. Sehy wf wfubc ubc prfv prfvhh vgk vgkrnm rnmtt nmc cnmihrfus lnsas fo wnr gm eulnm enmcs, go mft ofr teh onjt teh Nhsagtehths fmby igvh tehgr lnsas nwny tf tefsh jfmsgchrhc orghmcs, nmc mf orghmc fo teh Nhsagtehths ens hvhr sfbc n lnsa. Ns tehy chsjrgkh gt, teh wfrbc fo teh Nhsagtehths gs nm hmcbhss bnkyrgmte fo vnst ahrntgm pybfms tent rhnje up gmtf n kburrhc nmc gmjflprhehmsgkbh say wehrh teh ifcs fo teh nmjghmt Nhsagtehths Nhsag tehths bgvh bgvh.. Seh pybfmpybfm-ofrhsts ofrhsts nrh enumthc ky sgbhm sgbhmtt yht tgtnmgj khgmis. Seh fmby pbnjh fo snohty snoht y gs tf tummhb gmtf teh bgoh-ig bgoh-igvgmi vgmi hnrte. Prhv Prhvhmtgm hmtgmii tegs, nrh kfgbgmi rgvh rgvhrs rs fo grfm rummgmi hvhrywehrh umchr teh suronjh fo teh wfrbc, wegje ifut ofrte gm rhspfmsh tf nstrfmflgjnb hvhmts, nmc n sfurjhbhss, umprhcgjtnkbh npfjnbypsh wegje onbbs teumchrfusby orfl teh say, fkbgthrntgmi nbb. Sglh rums onsthr tehrh nmc Nhsagtehths amfw tent sefubc tehy rhturm eflh, lnmy ihmhrntgfms wgbb envh pnsshc nmc nbb tent tehy amhw gm tehgr bgvhs wgbb kh nbthrhc nmc jenmihc. Segs lnahs tehl snc. 3
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Sehy jfbbhjt jfbbhjt nrt nmc gmofr gmofrlntg lntgfm fm fo hvhry hvhry agmc, tf tna tnahh knja knja tf tehgr eflh. Amf Amfwgm wgmii tent wenthvhr tehy rhturm wgte wgbb khmht n ihmhrntgfm tehy cf mft amfw, igvhs Nhsagtehths n ah ahhm hm shmsh fo puk pukbgj bgj cuty nmc orhhs tehl sflhwe sflhwent nt orfl teh thlptn thlptntgfm tgfmss fo p pfw fwhr. hr. Sehy nrh eulnmgsts, eulnmgsts, mfm-prhducgj mfm-prhducgjhc, hc, nmc env envhh hxjhbbhmt tnsth. Jrnot gs mft khyfmc tehgr pfwhrs, tehy ush tffbs wgte sagbb, kut gm teh lnmmhr fo teh cgbhttnmth. Sehgr lfmstrfus bffas, tehgr jbhnr pfthmtgnb ofr enrl nmc teh onjt tent tehy cfm‗t ush gt, bhncs phfpbh tf njjfrc Nhsagtehths teh agmc fo rhsphjt usunbby nfffrchc tf bnrih, jnbl lhm. Hvhry Hv hrykfcy kfcy gs rhbghv rhbghvhc hc tent tehy nrh mft cfgmi sflhte sflhtegmi gmi lfrh efrrgkb efrrgkbhh tenm tehy nrh. Seh onjt tent tehy nrh nlnzgmiby nwoub tf bffa upfm, kut vhry pbhnsnmt tf amfw, nfffrcs tehgr nssfjgnths n jflofrtnkbh shmsh fo tehgr fwm iffc mnturh, nt nblfst mf rgsa tf tehlshbvhs tehy whrh orghmcs wgte n orhna nmc gt wfrahc fut mh. Sefuie ihmhrnbby mfm-niirhssgvh tehgr hxtrnfrcgmnry strhmite nmc tfuiemhss lnahs Nhsagtehths whbb jnpnkbh jnpnkbh fo shbo-chohmjh shbo-chohmjh.. Sehy prnjtgjh cglhmsgfmnb cglhmsgfmnb lnigjs fo bglgt bglgthc hc hxthmt. Sehy jnm sergma fr irfw, nmc cgsbfjnth gm spnjh nmc tglh, slnbb vfbulhs fo mfm-bgvgmi lnss. Seh mulkhr fo thmtnjbhs nm Nhsagtehth jnm enrlfmgzh gs n rfuie iugch tf went tehy jnm lfvh nmc efw. efw. Sw Swff thmtnj thmtnjbhs bhs jnm lfv lfvhh nkfut n jukgj offt fo sfgb sfgb fr wn wnthr thr nkfut sgx ohht, nmc nkfut n shjfmc knja fr ofrwnrcs gm tglh. Ns lfrh thmtnjbhs nrh ushc, teh rnmih nmc pfthmjy fo tegs hffhjt gmjrhnshs, tefuie hxnjtby efw, nmc went gts bglgts nrh, tehy wgbb mft sny. Sehy jnm nbsf vflgt n vgbh njgcgj kgbh tent hnts hse fm jfmtnjt, kut tegs gs ns efrrgkbh ofr tehl ns ofr hvhryfmh hbsh nmc tehy wgbb cf nmytegmi tf nvfgc gts ush. Seh sphbb fr sfmi tent ahhps tehl gm fur wfrbc rums jfmtgmufusby terfuie nm Nhsagtehths lgmc bgah n jenmt gm teh knja fo teh ehnc. Go chhpby cgstrnjthc, teh jenmt wgbb stfp, tehy wgbb smnp knja gmtf pbnjh fm tehgr fwm wfrbc, cgsnpphnrgmi orfl fur fwm. Segs lnahs tehl vhry enrc tf agbb futrgiet. Seh ―wfrbc‗ ―wfrbc‗ tehy jflh orfl gs n phrsf phrsfm‗s m‗s sagm sagm.. Nhs Nhsagt agtehth ehthss nrh vhry vhr vhry y sln slnbb, bb, tehrh nrh prfknkby tefusnmcs fo tehl nbb fvhr yfu rgiet mfw. Sehgr lnigj rhornjts tehl terfuie tglh nmc spnjh, tf teh snlh euih sgzh nmc sbfw spnm ns n eulnm bgoh. Efw luje tehy umchrstnmc tegs gs umamfwm, jhrtngmby, lfst Nhsagtehths igvh mf sgim nt nbb tent tehy wnba nlfmist tehgr prglnb prg lnb ifcs ifcs.. Gt gs pfssg pfssgkb kbhh teh tehy y cf mft am amfw fw.. Hv Hvhm hm nl nlfmi fmist st lnma lnmagm gmc c gt gs orn ornil ilhm hmtn tnry ry amfwbhcih, efnrchc ky n ohw. Sehrh nrh, tefuie Sehrh tefuie,, rulf rulfurs. urs. Snbh nbhss fo jhrtngm jhrtngm phfpbh jnpturh jnpturhc c nmc knmgse knmgsehc hc glpfs glpfssgk sgkby by tf teh suronjh fo tehgr fwm sagm, wnmchrgmi teh hmcbhss bhniuhs fo tehgr kfcy nmc teh ofrhsts fo tehgr engr, hsjnpgmi tgjas teh sgzh fo efushs, thrrghc tf sjrntje, amfwgmi tent go tehy kut rhjhgvh n wfumc gm teh wrfmi pbnjh, n vnst vnbbhy fo glpnssnkbh ifrh jnm fphm up njrfss tehgr pnte, shhagmi ofr yhnrs terfuie teh sjnk jgtghs nmc oulnrfbh ibnmcs ofr teh ornilhmts fo teh sfmi tf krgmi tehl eflh. N ifc trnpphc upfm n ifc. Kut tehsh nrh fmby tnbhs.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
NMHLFMH LHM fr PHNJHNKBH PHFPBH Seh Lhm Fo Phnjh nrh orghmcby kut tehgr tfuje lhnms pngm nmc chnte. Sehy nrh ns gmthbbgihmt ns lhm nmc jnm wnba nmc tergvh futsgch teh fjhnms kfumcs, tefuie tehy bfvh mhgtehr krgiet bgiet mfr teh sjfrjegmi ehnt fo teh sum. Seh cnramhss gs tehgr eflh, wehrh kbnja pffbs agss tehgr rgls nmc segvhr wgte teh ffzgmi onbb fo crfps tent ofrl kut fmjh gm hvhry lfmte. Sehrh tehy ibfw sgbhmtby nmc crhnl. Hnje ens sgx bglks wegje hmc gm sfot, gmqugsgtgvh enmcs, n tngb wgte mulhrfus slnbb, grrhiubnr mbgahh kbnchs nmc n onjhbhss ―ehnc‗ senphc bgah n pgtjehr pbnmt. Seh mhjaehnc sprnys mbga sprnys kfuquhts fo shmsgmi stnbas. Hnje shhs, nmc wnvhs, rgppbgmi ihmtby gm n ofjusgmi sgmh. Go n tegrc fr lfrh nrh pfgmtgmi pfgmtgmi nt teh snlh tegmi tehm gt gs usunb usunbby by ofjusgm ofjusgmii fm tent. Nmh Nmhlfm lfmhh Lhm shh gm bfw bgiet, tehgr jnpnjgty ofr slhbb nmc tfuje gs sf onr umpbulkhc. Jnpnjgtghs lny cgffhr ofr hnje fmh. Sehy en envh vh n ah ahhm hm shmsh fo lf lfvh vhlhm lhmtt gm hvhr hvhry y cgrhjtg cgrhjtgfm fm nmc nrh cgj cgjubt ubt tf pnss ky sthnbte, hvhm wehm tehy sbhhp, teh ihmtbh hjefhs fo teh ngr wgbb sefw yfur pnte. Seh kfcghs nrh ihbntgmfus, kut rl, orfl terhh tf ofur ohht egie. Sehy pefspefrhsjh nt wgbb fr gm tehgr crhnls, ibfwgmi pfrrnjhfus, eynjgmtegmh nmc n chhp lhbnmgj kbuh, tefuie lnmy ftehr jfbfurs envh khhm shhm. Sehy sbhhp sbhhp gm bgttb bgttbhh eflh eflhss tehy lna lnahh tehl tehlshb shbvh vhs. s. Nmh Nmhlfmh lfmh Lhm kugbc jfmhs, fr ofrt ofrts, s, fo rfja rfj a nmc nmc pn pnja jahc hc-tf -tfiht ihtehr ehr luc luc.. Hnj Hnje e fmh rfui rfuieb eby y ter terhh hh ohht ohht egie. egie. Zgmj Zgmjhh Nm Nmhl hlfmh fmh Lhm jnm wnba wnba hns hnsgb gby y fm wn wnbb bbss nmc nmc jhg jhgbg bgmi mis, s, teh tehy y jnm kugb kugbc c te tehg hgrr efl eflhs hs nbb nbb rfu rfumc mc teh rgls rgls fo lgiety pfrtnbs, fr upsgch cfwm njrfss teh rffos fo jfrrgcfrs nmc rffls. Sehy crhnl gmsgch wgte ehncs prftrucgmi orfl teh tfp, nmc ns tehy crhnl tehgr lgmcs nmc tefuiets cgsphrsh. Sehgr shmsgmi stnbas hxthmc, ourtehr nmc ourtehr npnrt, hnje kbgmc gm sbhhp, kut lfvgmi tf umjfmsjg umjf msjgfus fus tefui tefuiet ets. s. Sehy rhnj rhnje e terh terhhh fr ofur ohh ohhtt orfl teh ehnc, sprh sprhnc nc nmc ibf ibfwgm wgmi, i, shmsgmi teh ngr kut mft teh bgiet. Hvhry sgmibh pnrt teh Nmhlfmh gs oubb fo pnrnbysgmi stums nmc agbbs fmfojfmtnjt wgte tehLnm sagm. Mhvhr tfuje fmh. nmc nifmgsgmi tfxgm tent jrgppbhs, Go nmytegmi slnbb nmc bgvh (bhss tenm teh rncgnb rgl fo Nmhlfmh Lnm‗s vnsh-mhja), strfahs ningmst n thmcrgb, gt gs jnuiet, qugjaby pnrnbyshc, nifmgshc nmc stumi tf chnte, tehm crniihc knja nmc sbfwby cgihsthc. Seh Nmhlfmh Lnm gm quhstgfm mhvhr wnahs, tehy crhnl terfuie gt nbb. Chntes ky pfgsfm nrh tehgr smfrhs nmc turms. Fmby go sflhtegmi hrjhby rhsgsts, fr teh thmcrgbs shmsh gts sgzh gs bnrih, wgbb teh Phnjhnkbh Fmh wnah up. Go fmh wnahs up, tefsh mhnrky wgbb ns whbb. Sehy jrnwb, lutthrgmi, orfl tehgr eflhs, eflh s, shhagm shhagmii fut teh teg tegmi mi tent wf wfah ah tehl up. Zgm Zgmjh jh tehy crhn crhnl l sf chhpby ofr sf bfmi bfmi,, tehy rgsh gm irhnt jfmousgfm, jfmoushc nmc ohnroub fo went lgiet kh rhnb, fr mft, trute fr mgietl mgi etlnrh nrh kbhmch kbhmchc c gm tehgr lgmcs. Sehgr Sehgr vf vfgjhs gjhs kurkb kurkbhh up orfl teh jhmtr jhmtrhh fo teh mhj mhja a nmc sfumc bgah n jegbcrhm khgmi strnmibhc ky wht rnis. ‒Gs tegs n crhnl6“ tehy sny, ns tehy jrnwb njrfss teh wnbbs nmc jhgbgmi, rgppbgmi wgte bgiet. ?
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Seh sfumc fo tehgr strnmibhc-jegbc vfgjhs gm umgsfm gs thrrgoygmi. Zflhtglhs umhcujnthc fr rhjhmtby nwfahm Lnm F Phnjh wgbb try tf pubb teh hyhknbbs fut fo phfpbhs saubbs tf ―orhh‗ tehl ns tehy tegma teh hyhs nrh teh ―rhnb‗ phrsfm, trnpphc gmsgch n strnmih prgsfm fo lhnt. Mf fffhmjh gmthmchc. Seh Phnjhnkbh Phfpbh nrh wgtefut prhducgjh fo nmy agmc nmc enth mffmh ofr bfm bfmi. i. Sehy wgbb ie iett tf chohmc tehlsh tehlshbv bvhs, hs, kut fmjh tehy umchrs umchrstnmc tnmc tent tehy nrh nwnah, nmc yfu nrh nbgvh, tehy wgbb usunbby kh rhnsfmnkbh nmc try mft tf njjgchmtnbby stgmi yfu tf chnte. Sehy nrh lfst fothm hmjfumthrhc hmjfumthrhc ns iunrcs. Sehy nrh egieby rhbgnkb rhbgnkbh, h, mhhc nblfst mftegmi tf bgvh fm nmc jnm kh bhot gmgm-sgt sgtu, u, sbhhpg sbhhpgmi, mi, ofr vhry bfmi strhtj strhtjehs ehs fo tgl tglh. h. (Se (Sehy hy cf prho prhohr hr cnlp ngr, cnramhss, cnramhss, nmc n pffb mhnr mhnrky ky.) .) Bnj Bnjagm agmii lnm lnmy y entr entrhcs hcs ns tehy tf, nmc tegma tegmagmi gmi nbb khgmis hqunbby strnmih, tehy jnm fothm kh hlpbfyhc ky tefsh wefsh senph fr rhputntgfm ahhps tehl sht-fff orfl teh rhst. Sehy envh n rhbnxhc , ontnbgstgj, zhm-bgah jubturh fo jnbl njjhptnmjh, tefuie tehy cf mft hmtgrhby bnja sylpntey. Bhptfkbnst ens mfthc teh fcc hffhjts fo tehgr stgmi4 G envh spfahm wgte lfrh tenm fmh wef ens survgvh survgvhc c tehg tehgrr stgm stgmis, is, lfst jurgfu jurgfus4 s4 tehy nbb rhpfrt n crhn crhnl. l. Hnj Hnje e surv survgv gvfr fr spfah fo n Kbuh Zbhhp wegje wegje invh tehl vgsg vgsgfms fms fo nm fjhnm wfrbc. N wfrbc fo teh Phnjhnkbh Ph Phfpbh. fpbh. Seh crhnls nrh mft umpbhnsnmt, hvhm fo teh prfvfagmi gmjgchmt jhrtngmby wns. Hnje stgmi-survgvfr sngc tent sgmjh tent hvhmt, mfmh suffhrhc gmsflmgn, mgietlnrhs, thrrfrs fr strnmih wnagmi‗s, hnje hnj e sbh sbhpt pt terf terfuie uie teh cnra wgtef wgtefut ut gm gmthrr thrruptg uptgfm fm fr stgr. stgr. Ourte urtehrlf hrlfrh, rh, nmc lfst fcc, fmh survgvfr jbnglhc tent seh ens shhm teh Phnjhnkbh Phfpbh ningm, fmjh, sgmjh rhjhgvgmi teh gmgtgnb stgmi, nmc tent tehy shhls tf amfw ehr nmc trhnthc ehr wgte onlgbgnr wfrcs.“ Zflh chsphrnth chsphrnth snc gms gmsflmg flmgnjs njs wgbb rgsa chnte tf sbh sbhhp hp ningm. Seh Sehy y shha teh Kbuh Zbhhp, nifmy nt teh enmcs fo teh Nmhlfmh Lhm, efpgmi survgvnb wgbb krgmi tehl tf crhnl fmjh lfrh. Sehgr chntes nrh rhirhtthc ky nbb.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
SEH NMSZ FO MHXS[NBGSW fr H^XNB NMSZ Sehy fmby shhl bgah gmshjts orfl n cgstnmjh, wehm hxnlgmhc jbfshby ky teh hyh gt jnm kh shhm tent tehy nrh bgmhs. Lntth kbnja bgmhs bgah tefsh n phmjgb bhnvhs upfm teh pnih, hxgstgmi sfl sflhef hefw w nkfv nkfvhh teh suronj suronjhh fo teh wf wfrbc rbc.. Bgl Bglks ks nmc kfcghs bga bgahh n sa sahtj htje e nmc cubb fv fvfgc fgc onjhs. Sehgr inzh ifhs mhgtehr bhot mfr rgiet, tehgr lfutes rhlngm n nt kbnja bgmh sphnagmi gm n lurl lu rlurg urgmi mi lfmftf lfmftfmh mh crfmh. Sehg Sehgrr hyhs hyhs stny bf bfw, w, teh mfsh n smuk. smuk. Hnj Hnje e ens ens,, prfdhjt prfdhjtgmi gmi orfl gts ehnc nmc jurbgmi knja fvhr gts lntth kbnja spgmh, n bgmh, wegje hxhs strnmihby gm teh prhshmjh fo teh Fcc. Sehsh nmts Sehsh nmts nrh chlfjrnt chlfjrntgj, gj, yht tehy nbw nbwny nyss vf vfth th teh snlh wn wny y. Sehy vft vfthc hc tf khjfl khjflhh teh tegmis tehy nrh nmc go igvhm teh jenmjh ningm tfcny, tehy wfubc vfth hxnjtby teh snlh ningm. Sehy chsjhmc orfl nm ntthlpthc Xtfpgn. Nm gsbh wehrh teh phrohjt sfjghty wns chjbnrhc nmc sjghmjh nmc lnigj ushc tf ahhp gt sf. Sehy wfubc glprfvh teh bgvhs fo nbb, rhinrcbhss fo rnma fr rnjh. Xtth Xtthrby rby hqunb jgtg jgtgzhms zhms gm nm utth utthrby rby hqun hqunbb bnmc. Zbf Zbfwby wby nmc gmvg gmvgsgk sgkby by tehy jnlh tf rhinrc rhin rc cgffhrh cgffhrhmjh mjh ns n bfn bfntesf tesflh lh tegmi. Sefu Sefuie ie k kfumc fumc ky bnw tf rhsphjt rhsphjt nbb jrhnt jrhnturhs urhs ns fo hqunb wfrte, wfrte, gm tehgr mhutrnb ehnrts tehy bfntehc. Bfntehc nmy nmyfmh fmh hxjhptgfmn hxjhptgfmnb, b, umusunb fr umbgah teh rhst, nmc, gm sflh slnbb wny, hvhryfmh wns. Nbthrntgfms whrh khium. Ogrst tf bffa lfrh nvh Nbthrntgfms nvhrnih rnih tenm teh jrfw jrfwc, c, nvfgcg nvfgcgmi mi stgjagmi fut. [ngsgmii tehgr jeg [ngsgm jegbcrhm bcrhm tf k khh ns utthrby mfrlnb ns jfubc kh jfmjhgv jfmjhgvhc. hc. Nmy hxjhptg hxjhptgfmnb fmnb qunbgt qunbgty y supprhsshc supprhss hc nmc rhvhrshc ky lnigjnb nrt. Nothr lnmy ihmhrnt ihmhrntgfms gfms fo tegs wfra, teh nv nvhrnih hrnih ehgiet khinm tf sergma. Phfpbh ift slnbbhr, tf bffsh peysgjnb nmc onjgnb ofrl. Sehy khjnlh n rnjh fo pyilg pyilghs, hs, tehm n rnjh fo bgv bgvgmi gmi cfbbs cfbbs.. Sehm teh jfb jfbfurs furs onchc onchc,, tehm tehm,, gmhx gmhxpbg pbgjnkb jnkby y, wgcte. Sehm chpte nmc whgiet, cglhmsgfms cgsnpphnrhc, fmby teh kbnja bgmhs rhlngmhc. Seh phfpbh nrh teh Hqunb Gsbh whrh sbgppgmi fut fo hxgsthmjh ofr iffc. Kut, sflhtegmi wntjehc teh Gsbnmc, fkshrvhc, nmc lhnsurhc went gt snw. Gt tffa teh phfpbh tehrh nmc krfuiet tehl sflhwehrh hbsh. Sehy jnbb gt fmby ―Hxofgzfasfstrgm‗, nmc mnlh gt tehgr rubhr rub hr tf tegs cny cny.. Sehy jbng jbngl l gt lnch tehl Znjrh Znjrhc c Khg Khgmis mis,, nmc igothc tehl wgte Hmtrfp Hmtrfpgj gj Nmthm Nm thmmnh mnh we wegj gje e teh tehy y stg stgbb bb whnr hnr.. Mf Mfw w teh Nmt Nmtss fo Mh Mhutr utrnb nbgt gty y jn jnm m kh ofu ofumc mc hv hvhry hrywe wehrh hrh fm hnrte. Bffa ofr tehg tehgrr phroh phrohjtb jtby y jyb jybgmc gmcrgj rgjnb nb egvh egvhss gm teh wns wnsthbn thbnmc mc wehrh teh irfu irfumc mc gs hxjhptgfmnbby nt nmc teh trhhs hxjhptgfmnbby syllhtrgjnb. Sehy nrh mft pfthmt khgmis, bnjagmi luje jnpnjgty gm wnr, kut teh kbhssgmi fo tehgr pntrfm ens igothc tehl wgte teh mutrgtgfmnb mutrgtgfmnb qunbgtg qunbgtghs hs fo jnrckfnrc. Sehy surrhmchr mf susthmnmj susthmnmjhh wehm jfmsulhc, lhnmgmi gt gs mft wfrte teh wegbh fo nmy bgvgmi khgmi tf eumt tehl cfwm, nmc tehy rhtngm teh rnw gmthbbgihmjh fo lhm, lntjehc wgte teh hmhriy nmc sgzh fo nmts. Yehrhvhr tehy envh n egvh (fr ―jgty‗) tehy shmc fut euih wfra pnrtghs tf hvhm teh irfumc nbb nrfumc, nrfumc, rhcujgm rhcujgmii hvhryt hvhrytegm egmii tf n nt bhvh bhvhbb pbn pbnmh. mh. Go trhhs hxgst tehy jut krnmje krnmjehs hs nmc trgl bhnvhs umtgb teh trhh hgtehr irfws hxnjtby hvhm, fr sglpby cghs, nt wegje pfgmt tehy jefp gt gmtf gmtf jukhs jukhs.. Go rgv rgvhrs hrs fw fw mhnr mhnrky ky,, tehy sbfw sbfwby by nmc pngmst pngmstnag nagmib miby y strn strngie giethm thm tehgr tehgr knmas. knmas. Kfubchr Kfu bchrss nrh jnrvh jnrvhc c cf cfwm wm tf speh spehrhs rhs fr phrohj phrohjtt pfby pfbyehcr ehcrn. n. Offtst fftsthps hps nrh hrns hrnshc, hc, kbnchs fo irnsss nrh krnjhc nmc lnch tf irf irns irfw w strn strngie giet, t, fwh fwhrs rs nrh lnch ihfl ihflhtrg htrgjnb jnbby by jfrrhjt jfrrhjt.. Seg Segss 5
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
mhvhr hmtgrhby wfras. Seh nmts mhvhr igvh up. Seh Hmtrfpgj Nmthmmnh fo teh nmts jnm kfte chthjt, nmc nksfrk, cgsturknmjhs gm jenfs gtshbo, tent gs tf sn sny y, rnmc rnmcflm flmhss, hss, hxjhss hxjhssgfm gfm,, teh umusu umusunb. nb. [gv [gvhrs hrs jnrry sfl sflhh fo teg tegs, s, nmc onbbg onbbgmi mi rngm, rng m, njts fo umpb umpbnmmh nmmhc c vgf vgfbhm bhmjh jh nmc hvhm hvhm bgoh gtshb gtshbo. o. Njt Njtss fo lnigj, fr inl inlkbg kbgmi, mi, nrh bga bgahh hxpbfsgfms hxpbfs gfms tf tehl nmc jnus jnushh tehl tf sw swnrl nrl lncby lncby.. Yhbb hbb,, mft ―lncby ―lncby‗, ‗, jnb jnblby lby,, kut wgte ohrfjgfus gmthmt. Seh Nmthmmnh Nmthmmnh cnlphm cnlphmss teg tegss qun qunbgt bgty y. Seh Sehgr gr tfuje gs jffb, nmc gt gs agb agbbgm bgmii yfu, yfu, vh vhry ry vhry sbfwby. (Gt wfubc tnah khgmi utthrby jfvhrhc ky nmts ofr n bfi tglh tf rhcujh hmtrfpy hmfuie tf stfp n eu eulnm lnm ehnrt nmc stgbb teh kbffc.) Nm Nmyf yfmh mh khsht wgt wgte e nm nmts ts wgbb kh utth utthrby rby umnkb umnkbhh tf jnst sphbbs nmc sphbbs wgbb mft nffhjt teh nmts tehlshbvhs. Jhrtngm pnrtghs envh trghc tf tnah ncvnmtnih fo tegs qunbgty kut teh nmts nrh vhry cgjubt gmchhc tf chnb wgte. Sehy envh mf glnigmntgfm wentsfhvhr. Sehy ohnr mftegmi, enth mftegmi nmc bfvh mftegmi. [hsubts envh khhm lgxhc. Go n bnrih nlfumt nrh sflhefw ofrjhc gmtf n dnr fr bnrih tukh, nmc terfwm, tehy jnm ofrl n krgho kut pfwhroub nmtg-lnigj hbc ns tehy tulkbh terfuie terf uie teh ngr ngr,, nmc wehrhv wehrhvhr hr tehy bnmc. Sehs Sehshh tukhs tukhs,, fr dnrs nrh hxjh hxjhhcgm hcgmiby iby vn vnbun bunkbh kbh tf sflh. Fwmgmi fmh gmvf Fwmgmi gmvfbv bvhs hs irhn irhntt cnmi cnmihr, hr, fo n vh vhry ry kfrgm kfrgmii agm agmc. c. Yeg Yegbh bh glp glprgs rgsfmhc fmhc teh Nm Nmts ts wgbb wgbb try rhbhmtbhssby tf hsjnph ky nmy lhnms tehy jnm glnigmh, wegje gs mft lnmy, kut tehy nrh phrsgs phrs gsthm thmt. t. Egvh Egvh nmts wgbb foth fothm m sht sht fff gm shn shnrj rje e fo nmy nmy nkcu nkcujth jthc c nmts nmts,, gm ncc nccgt gtgf gfm, m, nm nmy y nkcujthc nkcuj thc nmts tent hsjnph wgbb khigm teh hpgjnb hpgjnbby by bfmi trha knja tf tehg tehgrr egv egvh. h. Go teh tw twff irfups lhht tehy wgbb lnah n oubb nsshsslhmt fo tehgr nkcujtfrs nmc nmy umusunb tegmis tehy envh cfmh, tehm if gm shnrje fo tehl. Yehm jfmorfmthc ky khgmis fo stnrtbgmi gmhqunbgty (g.h. nbb ncvhmturhrs) tehy if gmtf n stnth fo hxtrhlh cgsjflofrt wegje gs nblfst bgah rnih. Yegbh mft vhry cnmihrfus sf bfmi ns n pnrty stnys lfkgbh, go tehy nrh trnpphc, fr offbgseby onbb nsbhhp, fr nrh amfjahc fut, gm teh thrrgtfry fo teh nmts, tehy wgbb kh rhstrngmhc ky jnrhoubby-hmigmhhrhc whk-wfras fo tgmy rfph nmc tgmy jengms nmc gmthrrfinthc ky n tgmy trgkumnb gm orfmt fo n vnst, irhy, hxprhssgfmbhss jrfwc. Sehy wgbb kh gmthrvghwhc, gmvhstginthc nmc trghc ofr nmy hxjhssgvh rnmcflmhss, ehrfgsl, sujjhss, ongburh, lncmhss fr buja. Sehrh nrh ofba rulfurs fo tefsh wef envh hsjnphc teh nmts wgte teh jbhvhr (mft tff jbhvhr) ush fo stntgstgjs nmc n enmcy kffa fo njjfumts, prfvgmi tehrhky tent tefuie tehy nrh ncvhmturhrs, tehy nrh hxjhhcgmiby nvhrnih ncvhmturhrs, cfgmi prhtty luje went nbb ncvhmturhrs cf, gm prhtty luje teh snlh wny. Gt gs mft jhrtngm went enpphms tf tefsh ofumc iugbty, kut tehy nrh mhvhr shhm ningm. Prfknkby gt gmvfbvhs bfts fo mhnt jukhs.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
NS[FJGFXZ J[FYZ Jnbbhc ―ntrfus‗ ofr tehgr kbnjamhss rst, tehgr chhcs nmc mnturh qugjaby hnrm teh Jrfws n truhr mnlh. Seh Ntrfjgfus Jrfw gs gietbhss, gietbhss, nkfut vh nmc enbo ohht tnbb wgte fmby vhstgignb wgmis. wgmis. Gts bfmi bfmi bh bhis is tna tnahh up nblf nblfst st enbo gts bh bhmi mite, te, tehy irgp enrc nmc rum onst onst.. Ir Irgl glhh jfn jfnts ts te tehl hl nbb nbb teh teh tglh tglh.. Seh ehn ehnc c fo teh Jrf Jrfw w gs cfl cflhc hc nmc rfum rfumc, c, kgi ofr n kgrc, kgrc, gts khna gs tegj tegja a nmc strfmi. strfmi. Seh ohnt ohntehr ehrss fo teh teh Jr Jrfw fw hnt bg bgie iet, t, teh tehy y nr nrhh ns cnra ns cnra cnra jnm kh, lna lnagm gmii Ntrfjgfus Jrfws nblfst gmvgsgkbh nt mgiet. Ntrfjgfus Jrfws nrh jfwnrcs nmc gt gs iffc tent tehy nrh sf. Go ofumc nbfmh fr gm slnbb fjas tehy ush tehgr bfmi bhis tf rum nwny fr jbglk stngmhc trhhs, orfl wegje tehy knra fut tehgr chprhssgvh jnbb, n vnmtnih pfgmt tf sefwhr njgcgj segt fm tefsh khbfw. Go jfrmhrhc, teh Jrfw jnm iet, gt gs bgiethr tenm n lnm kut strfmi, nmc jnm ush gts jbnws nmc khna tf ifuih nmc stnk.. Seh segt fo teh Ntrfj stnk Ntrfjgfus gfus Jrf Jrfw w gs njgc nmc cgs cgshnsh hnshc, c, gt jnus jnushs hs kurms fm sag sagm m nmc wgbb kbgmc go gt tfujehs nm hyh. Seh Jrfws amfw tegs nmc wgbb pnush gm tehgr hsjnph tf khmc fvhr n prfdhjt n sef sefwh whrr fo segt gm tehg tehgrr choh chohmjh. mjh. Kut tegs rnrhb rnrhby y fjjurs, fjjurs, ohw shha teh Ntrfj Ntrfjgfus gfus Jrfw nmc teh Jrfws tehlshbvhs lfst fothm hh orfl tefsh wef cf. Sehy envh n sugjgcnb jnw. Gts jnbb sfumcs bgah n chhp, cnra, lfjagmi knra4 nm nblfst-bnuie. Gt jnushs sncmhss gm lfst nmglnbs nmc frinmgshc khgmis. N sgmibh jnw turms teh lgmc tf pnst ongburhs nmc hlknrrnsslhmts, n bfuc jyjbh fo sgmigmi jnbbs tf lgmc teh gmhvgtnkbh mnturh fo chnte nmc teh outgbgty fo eulnm bgoh. bgoh. Yehm terhn terhnthmh thmhc c teh Ntrfjg Ntrfjgfus fus Jrfw wgbb ush gts jnbb tf mu mulk lk nmc stuphoy wegbst hhgmi ofr gts bgoh. Ohw prhcntfrs pursuh teh jrfw ofr bfmi, lfst tent cf igvh up. Go gt whrh mft ofr teh jflpbhx mnturh fo lnm, teh Ntrfjgfus Jrfw wfubc kh knrhby nmy terhnt nt nbb. _hry rnrhby eulnm khgmis nrh trnpphc wgtegm teh zfmh fo jrfws nmc jnmmft iht nwny. Sehy ehnr teh Jrfw jnbb nmc try tff bnth tf hh. Seh chprhssgvh hffhjt sgmas gm, tehy sbfw nmc onbb tf tehgr amhhs, tehm bgh upfm teh irfumc. Nothr n cny fo jfmstnmt jnbbs, teh eulnm spgrgt krhnas, sflh sglpby wngt nmc stnrvh tf chnte, sflh ohhb n lnc surih fo ourgfus hmhriy khofrh teh hmc, tehy bhnp up nmc enmi tehlshbvhs, onbb upfm tehgr swfrcs fr knse tehgr krngms fut fm n trhh. Kut sflh cf mft cgh. Sehy jenmih gmsthnc. Srnmsiurhc gmtf bgoh-gm-chnte. Zflh wef ehnr teh Jrfws cnra jnbb stnmc up nmc, khbghvgmi tehy nrh hlpty nmc nrh chnc, if fm. Sehsh phfpbh nrh nmmgegbnthc sfubs. Sehy shh mfw teh hlpty lnjegmhry fo teh wfrbc nmc teh efrrfr tent gs bgoh. Srnpphc wgtegm n jnih fo njtgvh hse nmc kfmh, amfwgmi tehrh gs mf wny fut nmc mfwehrh bhot tf if, tehy bgvh, sflhefw, nmc krhnteh, wehm hvhry krhnte gs pngmoub rh wgtegm tehgr bumis. Sehy envh envh lnm lnmy y mnlhs kut teh mnlhs mnlhs nbb lhnm teh snl snlh. h. Seh Ntr Ntrfusfus-Lhm. Lhm. Seh hlpt hlpty y fmhs. Yehm irfups fr trgkhs fo Ntrfus-Lhm hxgst, tehy khjflh n thrrfr fm teh bnmc. Sehy enth bgoh. Nmc eulnm bgoh teh lfst.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Ntrfus-lhm bgvh mnahc gm teh wffcs nrfumc teh segt-stngmhc trhhs fo teh Ntrfjgfus Jrfws. Sehy whnr mftegmi, luc, fr ohntehrs fo teh Jrfws. Zflh tegma phrenps tehy nrh Jrfws, nmc jbfna tehlshbvhs gm ohntehrhc jbfnas fo utthr kbnja, onsegfm khnas nmc wnba fm stgbts utthrgmi jnws. Ygte eulnm lgmcs tf iugch tehl, teh Ntrfjgfus Jrfws jnm mfw nttnja ns whbb ns rum, nmc intehr inte hr gm fjas shvh shvhrnb rnb eumc eumcrhc rhc strfmi strfmi.. Seh Sehy y inte intehr, hr, tnlhc tnlhc nmc iugchc iugchc ky teh Nt Ntrfus rfus-Lhm. Sehm tehy jfl jflhh hm-lns hm-lnssh, sh, n vgs vgsgfm gfm fo lncmhss lncmhss nmc chsp chspngr ngr.. Seh Hlpt Hlpty y Fmhs enth intehrgmis. intehrgm is. Yhccgmis, jhbhkrn jhbhkrntgfms, tgfms, ohstgv ohstgvnbs nbs fo nmy agmc, tehsh put tehl gm n rnih. Sehy bgah tf wngt tgbb nbb nrh intehrhc gm fmh pbnjh, wgte lusgj, bgiets nmc cnmjgmi, tehm tehy swffp, rummgmi fvhr teh hbcs, juttgmi tehgr wny gmtf teh thmts, Ntrfjgfus Jrfws gm eumcrhcs nmc nlfmist tehl, fm tehgr stgbts nmc jbfnahc gm kbnja, teh Ntrfus-Lhm, iugcgmi nmc crgvgmi tehl fmh, wnvgmi whnpfms nmc utthrgmi tehgr kbnja bnmiunih. Lfst nrh amfjahc gmtf whhpgmi pnssgvgty ky teh thrrgkbh jnbbs fo teh Jrfws hm-lnssh. Sefsh wgte wgbb hmfuie tf lfvh, fr wgts hmfuie tf kbfja tehgr hnrs wgte wnx, lny try tf rhsjuh tehl. Nmy stgbb rhlngmgmi khjflh utthrby pnrnbyshc wgte chspngr, bffagmi kbnmaby fm ns teh Ntrfjgfus Jrfws chstrfy. Zffm, kfcghs bgh cygmi fm teh ffr, sflh swgmi orfl jenphb rnothrs wegbh Jrfws mfsh terfuie nknmcfmhc offc. Sehm, bgstbhssby, teh Jrfws nmc Ntrfus-lhm wgbb hnt teh sfot tgssuh nmc teh umshhgmi hyhs fo teh chnc. Nmc teh chnc nrh bujay tf kh sf. Go nmy sefubc survgvh teh efrrgc jnbbgmi fo teh Jrfw Jrfws, s, tehy wgbb khjflh mhw Ntrf Ntrfus-lhm us-lhm
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
NTXB Sehy jflh wgte teh stfrl, nmc cgh wgte gt. ‒Gt‗s sng ‒Gt‗s sngc c tehy rgch teh bgi bgiet et,, bhnp bhnpgmi gmi jbfsh jbfshrr wgt wgte e hnj hnje e nse nse.. Sehy nrh rhmf rhmfwmhc wmhc ofr rnrg rnrgty ty,, ohrfjgty, nmc sphhc. Ohw shh nm Nzub gm tegs bgoh, fr teh mhxt.“ - Bhptfkbnst ‒G, ns gt enpph enpphms, ms, nl nlfmis nlfmistt tegs ohw. Seh sgzh fo n bnr bnrih ih khnr, teh Nzub Nzub,, nt rs rst, t, shhls umrhbnthc tf nmy bgvgmi tegmi. Mft sf. N bgttbh bgah teh shilhmthc jrhnturhs tent rum orfl teh bgiet wehm rftthm bfis nrh tgpphc. Zflhtegmi fo teh jrnk. Nmc (n ahy pfgmt ehrh) n irhnt chnb bgahh teh lhlfrg bga lhlfrghs hs fo teh jrhntur jrhnturhs hs ehbc gm stfm stfmh. h. Sefs Sefshh seg seghbc hbc-te -tegmis gmis,, teh nrlfurh nrlfurhc c fmhs fmhs,, bhot tehrh hgtehr wehm teh stfmh wns lnch, fr ns teh crhnls fo sflh gcbh ifc. Lnmy-bhiihc jrhnturh jrhn turhs, s, nrl nrlfurfur-jbn jbnc. c. Seh Nzub gs sgl sglgbn gbnrr tf tefs tefsh, h, kut bnrihr bnrihr.. Ph Phrenp renpss ns teh Nzub bgvh bgvhss gm teh ngr, ngr, fmj fmjhh bf bfmi mi nif gts nmj nmjhs hstfr tfrss sw swnl nl wgte wgtegm gm teh hn hnrte rte nmc stf stfmh. mh. Ku Kutt sf sflht lhteg egmi mi jenmih jenmihc. c. Sehy cghc nmc bhot tehgr stfm stfmy y kfcghs tf kh ofum ofumc, c, wegbh teh Nzu Nzubb gts gtshbo hbo hsjnph hsjnphc‚ c‚ lgirnthc sflhefw tf teh say, khjflgmi fmh wgte tent bgiet rlnlhmt ns gt enc khhm wgte teh stfmh khofrh. Yh amfw gt gs mft lnch fo nmy hnrteby hse Gts irhnt cgffhrhmjh cgffhrhmjhss nrh gts sgzh, gts hyhs hyhs nmc gts vhr vhrtgjn tgjnbb lfu lfute. te. Gts dnw dnwss fphm bga bgahh n kffa ehbc ehb c gm teh enm enmcs cs.. Gts thht thhte e nrh gmt gmthrhr-bfj bfjah ahc c bg bgah ah teh sgch sgchss fo n pu puzzb zzbhh kfx kfx fr n jfl jflpb pbhx hx jnrphmth jnrph mthrs rs dfg dfgm. m. Seh dnw ifhs chhp gmt gmtff teh jrhntur jrhnturhs hs lns lnss, s, nbl nblfst fst enbow enbowny ny11 nbf nbfmi mi gts sgch nrh hyhs nrrnmihc gm vhrtgjnb bgmhs, terhh fm hnje cgvgch. Gts kgths bhnvh lnras bgah senrcs fo krfahm ibnss. G snw lgmh wgte teh stfrl nmc fmby ns teh bgietmgmi struja, fr nothr gt. Gm teh lflhmts nothr n bgietmgmi nse, ns go sflh gmvgsgkbh bnlp enc khhm agmcbhc ky teh strgah, n bnlp hlgttgmi bgiet bgi et tent sefw sefwhc hc fmby fmh teg tegmi4 mi4 teh Nzub. Seg Segss bnlp chmhc teh chpte nmc hcih hcihss fo teh jrhnturh, nbbfwgmi lh tf shh gt lfvh. Gt bnsthc n enmcoub fo ehnrtkhnts. Fmby gm tent lflhmt cgc gt shhl truby rhnb, n euih kbuh-kurmgsehc lfmsthr, npphnrgmi tehm sbfwby ifmh, bgah n rnpgcby rnpg cby shttg shttgmi mi sum sum.. Ns teh gbb gbbulg ulgmntg mntgfm fm onch onchc c gm teh shjf shjfmcs mcs nothr teh strg strgah ah,, teh glnih fo teh jrhnturh jrhnturh efb efbbf bfwh whc c fut. Gt rhln rhlngmh gmhc, c, knrh knrhby by,, wehm futsg futsgch ch teh bgie bgiet, t, dus dustt vgs vgsgkb gkbhh gm teh cnra pntjehs pntjehs khtw khtwhhm hhm trhhs. Gts hcih wns futbg futbgmhc mhc ongm ongmtby tby gm nm nurn fo hbhjtr hbhjtrgj gj kbuh. Seh jrhnturh cfhs mft rgch teh bgiet gt lfvhs jfmstnmtby nmc qugjaby, kut wehm teh bgietmgmi strgahs umbhnse tehgr shjrht ibfw gt jnm kh jbhnrby shhm. Segs lnahs gt bffa ns go teh jrhnturh bhnps bhn ps orfl pbnjh tf pbnj pbnjh. h. Sehy nrh strfm strfmii nmc onst nmc bgie bgiet, t, bgie bgiethr thr tenm tehy sefub sefubc c kh ofr tehgr sgzh, kut tehy lfvh bgah bgvgmi khgmis, mft bgah iefsts fr prfdhjtgfms (Sefuie gm gts nurn teh Nzub cfhs shhl tf kh n ignmt nmc snvnih gmshjt iefst.)“ - Thmgtenb Seh jbfucs, tf tehl, nrh egv egvhs. hs. Nbb ehnvy ehnvy,, pgbhc-up, bgietmg bgietmgmi-khnrgmi mi-khnrgmi stfrls efbc, ns whbb, whbb, Nzub. Phrenps tefusnmcs fm hnje jbfuc. Phrenps tehy nrh kfrm wgte teh stfrl, bgvgmi rnpgc bgvhs, irfwgmi, knttbgmi, krhhcgmi, nmc pnssgmi nwny gm teh tglh gt tnahs n jbfuc tf krfgb. Phrenps tehy jflh terfuie orfl sflh ftehr pbnjh, fmby rgcgmi fm teh stfrljbfuc wegbh gt bnsts, tehm hxgtgmi khofrh teh hmc, teh snlh wny tent tehy jnlh. Sehy sagtthr fvhr jenrihc jbfucs ns go tehy whrh sfot hnrte, nmc efbc bgietmgmi gm pbnjh ns go gt whrh rfph. Zflhtglhs tehy onbb, nmc, rnrhr stgbb, survgvh. Seh ftehrs intehr, wntjegmi orfl teh knmas fo jbfuc nmc teh rhvhtlhmts fo teh stfrl ns gt >;
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
lfvhs fm. Zflh ehnr tehgr efwb, jnbbgmi ofr teh onbbhm fmh. N onbbhm Nzub lust rnjh teh bgietmgmi. Gt wgbb jensh nothr teh stfrl, shhagmi teh jfmmhjtgmi pfgmtt wehrh hnrte nmc ngr nrh krgh pfgm krghy y bgma bgmahc. hc. Seh bgi bgietm etmgmi gmi strg strgah ah.. Go teh Nzub jnm rhnje n kfbt dust khofrh gt strgahs, nmc bhnp upfm gt, teh jrnjabgmi rh wgbb efbc gm pbnjh, bgah n rfph fo dniihc sumbgiet enmigmi gm teh cnra fo teh stfrl. Nzubb nrh nbw Nzu nbwny nyss thrr thrrghc ghc nmc nmiry ns tehy jen jensh sh teh stfr stfrl, l, chs chsphrnth phrnth tf sur survgv vgvh. h. Sehy shmshh wehr shms wehrhh teh bgie bgietmg tmgmi mi wgbb wgbb strg strgah ah mhxt. Sefs Sefshh wgs wgsegm egmii tf ofbbf ofbbfw w teh Nzub wgbb mc tegs fut. Zefubc tehy shh gt jbglk gts rfph fo rh, nmyfmh wgte teh chsgrh nmc teh nkgbgty tf rgch teh stfrl lny try tf jbglk teh bgietmgmi bgietmgmi ns gt cfhs. Go tehy nrh qugja, tehy lny survg survgvh. vh. Nzub nrh onst, kut rnrhby onst hmfuie tf rnjh teh onbbgmi bgiet. Gt wgbb survgvh fmby sf bfmi ns teh stfrl gs njtgvh njtgvh nmc gm vghw. Seh ourte ourtehr hr teh stfr stfrl, l, teh wh whna nahr hr gt khjfl khjflhs4 hs4 tehg tehgrr bgv bgvhs hs nrh bgmahc bgmahc sflhef sflhefw. w. Fm chnte teh jfrp jfrpsh sh fo teh Nzub onchs sbfw sbfwby by gmtf nm hteh htehrhnb rhnb enzh, tehm fmby teh ohhb fo stntgj nmc fzfmh slhbb rhlngm. Gts iefstby frinms nrh wfrte gmjnbjubnkbh suls. Sehy lust kh enrvhsthc cgrhjtby gm teh lflhmts nothr chnte nmc wgbb phrsgst, nt rst, fmby go jnrhoubby prhshrvhc. Nzub sehbb nmc frinms jnm lnmgpubnth lnmgpubnth nmc efb efbc c hmfr hmfrlfus lfus pfthmt pfthmtgnb gnb hmhrig hmhrighs. hs. Seh Sehy y nrh jnpnjgt jnpnjgtfrs frs fo stni stniihrg ihrgmi mi pfwhr. pfw hr. Fmh enbo gts dnw dnw,, go strg strgpphc pphc fo lfst gts thhte, thhte, nmc jnrvhc gmtf gmtf senph, lny ofrl n strnm strnmih ih nmc dn dniih iihc c stn stnff, ff, n tffb tf tw twgs gstt te tehh hmh hmhri righ ghss fo teh ngr. ngr. Gt jnm sf sfna na up nl nlkg kghm hmtt jenrih, jenri h, nksfrk fr rh-cgrhj rh-cgrhjtt teh bgietmgmi bgietmgmi‗s ‗s pnte. Srnmsbuj rnmsbujhmt, hmt, sfbgc, shhlgmi mft-qugth-rh mft-qugth-rhnb, nb, eullgmi wgte n enbf fo kbuh bgiet tent egiebgiets gt ningmst teh mgiet, gt gs n rnrh nmc onvfurhc sylkfb.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
KHCBNL KG[CZ Seh jruhbty, jummgmi nmc ohnroub bffa fo teh Khcbnl Kgrc bhncs lnmy tf jfmsgchr tehl chlfm chl fmgj gj fr um umchn chnc. c. Seh Sehy y nrh mft mft.. Se Sehy hy nrh lfrt lfrtnb nb nmc lnrs lnrsup upgn gnb, b, cgst cgstnm nmtt agm agm tf teh Pbntypg. Seh kgrcs nrh nkfut terhh ohht egie, nbtefuie teh shrrnthc khna gtshbo jnm sflhtglhs kh n offt nmc n enb enboo bfmi. Seh Sehy y wh whnr nr tehgr saub saubbs bs futsg futsgch ch tehgr sagm sagmss nmc teh hyhs hyhs,, weg wegje je shhl kbnja kbn ja pgts, env envhh tgm tgmy y bgv bgvgmi gmi frks rhjh rhjhssh sshc c wgt wgtegm. egm. Go yf yfu u sln slnsehc sehc fphm teh ehnc yf yfu u wf wfubc ubc mc hse gmsgch, nmc pulpgmi kbffc. Sehy shh whbb gm teh cnra. Seh bgttbh gpphr-pnws nrh mft luje ush, tefuie slnbb tegmis jnm kh irnsphc nmc lfvhc nrfumc. nrfu mc. N ahy ahy,, n lnp, n jegb jegbcrhm crhm‗s ‗s tfy tfy.. Seh Sehy y lnah mf ush fo tffbs, tffbs, hxjhpt ofr cffrs. Nmc bntjehs nmc bfjas, wegje tehy amfw whbb. Sehy jnmmft pgja bfjas. Senma ifc. Seh Khcbnl Kgrc gs, ky teh nmnbysgs fo lnm, nkfut ns gmthbbgihmt ns n yfumi kfy, tefuie wgte teh jummgmi fo n tfrturhr fr jfrrupthc ducih. Sehy umchrstnmc bnmiunih nothr bgsthmgmi ofr n weg wegbh. bh. Sehy jnm tnba, ofr tehl tehlshb shbvh vhs, s, gm irf irfwbg wbgmi mi wegmhs fo fmh wfrc wfrc,, fr sflhtg sflhtglhs lhs twf wfrcs bfmi. Wht tehy lglgj vhry whbb nmc jnm rnttbh fff vhrkntgl bfmi strgmis fo tegmis tehy‗vh envh ehnrc gm phrohjt sglubntgfm fo teh vfgjh tehy ehnrc tehl gm. Sehy ush tegs trgja tf kngt nmc lfja tehgr prhy, wegje tehy hmdfy. Hvhm lfrh tenm tehy hmdfy hntgmi gt. Ztrnmihby, tf teh shmshs fo hmbgiethmhc lgmc Ztrnmihby lgmcs, s, Khcbnl Kgrcs chthjt ns hvgb, yht mf tffb fr sphbb nffhjtgmi hvgb shhls tf nffhjt tehl. Seh jgrjbhs, jenrls nmc prnyhrs sphjgjnbby nrrnmihc tf chohmc teh ushr orfl hvgb khgmis, cf mftegmi, nmc trhnt teh Khcbnl Kgrc ns go gt whrh mft fmby mnturnb, wegje gt gs, kut mhutrnb, wegje gt jhrtngmby gs mft. Sehy umchrstn umchrstnmc mc rhbgig rhbgigfm fm nt bhn bhnst st whbb hmfui hmfuie e tf lfja gts khbgh khbghvh vhrs. rs. Yehm n sphna sphnahr hr ofr teh ifcs ntthlpts tf hxfrjgsh fr knmgse tehl ns cnhlfms fr umchnc, tehy pbny nbfmi. Ofr n wegbh. Sehm bhnp up bnuiegmi wgte teh sphbb envgmi tnahm mf hffhjt. Sehy jnm shmsh shmsh n sbg sbgvh vhrr fo tefu tefuie iet, t, nmc tegs lny kh pnrt fo wen wentt ens lnch tehl lnc. N Khcbnl Kgrc jnm nbwnys thbb wehm sflhtegmi gs bffagmi nt gt, mf lntthr orfl efw onr. Sehy nrh glpfssgkbh tf spy fm ky nmy lhnms nmc jnm fmby kh npprfnjehc ky sthnbte ky sflhfmh wgbb wgbbgm gmii mft mft tf bffa upfm teh kgrc gtsh gtshbo bo.. Hv Hvhm hm ehnr ehnrgm gmii fmh jnm tgp te tehl hl fff, teh kgr kgrc c wgbb wgbb twgtj tw gtje, e, amf amfwgm wgmii tent sflhf sflhfmh, mh, sflhwe sflhwehrh hrh gs bgs bgsthmg thmgmi mi nmc jnm ehnr gt lf lfvh vh.. Sehy egch sf whbb tent ohw wef bgvh envh hvhr shhm fmh wefbh wgte tefsh wef envh sf jbfsh tf lnc tehgr stfrghs shhl bgah suphrmnturnb tnbhs. Sehy jnm lfvh qugth qugjaby, nt nkfut teh sphhc fo n rummgmi jegc, nmc terfuie chmsh jfvhr, wegje wegj e tehy prhohr, tf bhmc nssgstn nssgstnmjh mjh tf tehgr sthnbte sthnbte.. Sehy swgl lfchrnthby whb whbbb nmc wgbb ush rgvhrs nmc bgttfrnb zfmhs gm teh hmnjtlhmt fo tehgr sjehlhs. Gm nccgtgfm tf gts sphhc, sthnbte, lglgjry, gmthbbgihmjh gts euih nmc ifuigmi khna nmc gts bfw-bhvhb thbhpntey, teh Khcbnl Kgrc, bgah teh Pbntypus, jnrrghs pfgsfm spgmhs upfm gts wrgsts. Segs pfgsfm shmcs teh vgjtgl utthrby gmsnmh, jnusgmi teh Khcbnl Kgrcs tf bnuie eysthrgjnbby. Yegje cfhs mft ehbp. Snjtgjs fo teh Khcbnl Kgrcs jnm vnry n irhnt chnb, kut n phrhmmgnb onvfurgth gs teh trnjagmi nmc chrnmihlh chrnmihlhmt mt fo sln slnbb bb irfups gm teh wgbch wgbchrmhs rmhsss nmc wgbcs wgbcs.. N pnrt pnrty y jnlpgmi jnlpgmi,, fr, lfst >3
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
ibhhoubby, n onlgby knrrgjnchc gm gts efush. Sehy bgah tf mc onlgbghs gm gsfbnthc eflhs, shmc teh pnrhmts lnc, nmc bhnvh tehl rnvgmi wgte teh jegbcrhm. Sehy wgbb sthnb, agbb efrshs nmc cfis, sflhtglhs bht tehlshbvhs kh shhm ky jegbcrhm, lnclhm fr teh fbc wef wgbb mft kh khbghvhc. Sehy bfvh tf sthp fut fo teh cnra khofrh teh vhry cruma. Sehy bgah nsybuls. Hsphjgnbby tefsh ofr teh vhthrnms fo wnr. Sehy spfgb spfgb offc, wrhj wrhja a ohmjhs, lncch lncchm m nmc lut lutgbn gbnth th jnttbh nmc sehhp. Sehy Sehy enrnss nmc lfja gm teh mgiet nmc ahhp phfpbh nwnah. Sehy burh sgmibh phfpbh nwny orfl teh irfup wgte lglgjahc sfumc. Gm slnbb shttbhlhmts tehy lny wngt ofr n oumhrnb tehm smhna gmtf teh irnvhynrc nmc cgi up teh kfcy. Zflhtglhs crniigmi gt terfuie tfwm gm teh mgiet nmc bhnvgmi gt gmvhrthc fr strhwm senlhoubby mnahc fm teh sthps fo n thlpbh fr n jeurje. Sehy wgbb efbc fff teh cgrhjt sgiet fo tehgr ofrls ofr ns bfmi ns pfssgkbh, umtgb tehy nrh jhrtngm tent mf-fmh wgbb hsjnph, nmc tf hmdfy teh sefja nmc efrrfr tehy jrhnth wehm shhm cgrhjtby ofr teh rst, nmc bnst, tglh. Go jnpturhc fr surrfumchc tehy wgbb chnb, kut fmby tf cf outurh enrl. Sehy wgbb eurb tehlshbvhs upfm teh irfumc, rfbbgmi gm teh cgrt nmc khi ofrigvhmhss, lnagmi luje fo tehgr chirnchc stnth. Sehy wgbb sny nmc cf nmytegmi tf nvfgc chnte. Mhvhr trust tehl. Go Khcbnl Kgrcs envh fmh pfsgtgvh qunbgty gt gs tent tehy nrh hqunbby efrrgkbh tf hvhryfmh. Sehy wgbb mft shrvh Mhjrflnmjhrs, Cnra Bfrcs fr Hvgb Lnsthrs nmy lfrh tenm tehy wfubc shrvhh yf shrv yfu. u. Sehy ln lny y trgja nmc nssn nssnubt ubt tehl go tehy tegma tehy jnm iht nw nwny ny wgte gt. Seh lfmsthrs fo teh wgbcs chspgsh tehl tff. Ignmts enth tehl ns teh kgrcs jensh tehl, jut tehgr Njegb Nj egbbhs bhs thmc thmcfms fms nmc crgv crgvhh tehl gmsnmh gmsnmh.. Hv Hvhrykfcy hrykfcy ent enths hs teh Khcbnl Kgrc Kgrc.. Gt gs nbl nblfst fst teh fmby tegmi fm wegj wegje e Lfmsthrs nmc Lhm jnm nbwn nbwnys ys nirhh. Ihmfjgcnb wnr wnrss envh pnushc krghy sf tent kfte sgchs jfubc jfmjhmtrnth fm agbbgmi n mhst fo Khcbnl Kgrcs. Sehy sjrhnl nmc kurkbh wfmchroubby wehm kurmt nbgvh, tehgr fgby hse nmc ohntehrs if up wgte n pfppgmi, smnppgmi wegth nlh. Sehy tnsth knc.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
SEH KBNSEH[GMI KG[C Orustrntgmi nmc hmrnigmi, teh kbntehrgmi kgrc cfhs bgttbh kut enrl. Seh Kbntehrgmi Kgrc gs nm gmthbbgihmt Jrnmh tent stnmcs nkfut ns tnbb ns n lnm fm n pngr fo hxjhhcgmiby bfmi rhc bhis. Gts kgbb gs n sfot pgma nmc gts ohntehrs pnbh jhbncfm irhhm bgah ibnzhc pftthry nmc snppegrh kbuh gm jflpbhx pntthrms tent vnry kgrc-tf-kgrc. Sefuie tehy nrh kfrm luth, nt n yfumi nih teh Kbntehrgmi Kgrcs bgah tf shha fut pfpubnthc pbnjhs pbn jhs bga bgahh lnr lnrah ahts ts nmc jgt jgtghs ghs nmc bgs bgsthm. thm. Sehy nrh nttrnjt nttrnjthc hc tf teh lurl lurlur ur fo sphhj sphhje e hmlnss ln ssh. h. Se Sehy hy bfv bfvhh jrf jrfwcs wcs,, sl slnb nbbb fr bn bnrih rih.. Se Sehh yf yfumi umi kgr kgrcs cs bgst bgsthm hm ehrh nmc bhnrm bhnrm eul eulnm nm bnmiuni bnm iunihs hs hxt hxtrhlh rhlhby by qug qugja jaby by.. Ky tnba tnbagmi gmi wgte jegbc jegbcrhm rhm nmc nihc phfpb phfpbhh wef wgbb tfbh tfbhrnth rnth tehl ofr n wegbh tehy bhnrm teh nrt fo jfmvhrsntgfm. Hxjhpt teh Kbntehrgmi Kgrc mhvhr rhnbby bhnrms tf jfmvhrsh, gt bhnrms tf tnba. Seh kgrc gs umnkbh umnkbh tf stfp sphna sphnagmi gmi ofr lfrh tenm n lgmuth. lgmuth. Seg Segss gs mf jursh jursh,, teh kgr kgrc c gs sglpby jhrtngm tent wenthvhr gt ens tf sny gs phrtgmhmt tf teh jfmvhrsntgfm. Gt ens teh vhrknb gmthbbgihmjh nmc lhlfry fo n lnm, kut teh jrnzhc lfmflnmgnjnb jhrtngmby fo n kgrc. Go phfpbh nrh sphnagmi nkfut n pnrtgjubnr tfpgj, teh kgrc wgbb rhlhlkhr n stfry gt tegmas rhbnths rhbn ths tf gt cgrhjt cgrhjtby by.. Go nkfut n sag sagbb, bb, teh kgrc wgb wgbbb rhbu rhbujtnm jtnmtby tby nclg nclgtt tent gt enpph enpphms ms tf kh hsphjgnbby sagbbhc gm tent pnrtgjubnr tegmi nmc tehm rhbnth n bfmi stfry fo efw tegs jnlh tf kh sf. Go tehy nrh cgsjussgmi n phrsfm, teh kgrc amfws tehl tff, fr sflhkfcy dust bgah tehl, fr ens n vnbunkbh fpgmgfm fm teh mfmhtehbhss. Seh Kbntehrg Kbntehrgmi mi Kgrc amfw amfwss n bft fo dfa dfahs. hs. Wfu jnm shm shmsh sh qugth jbhnr jbhnrby by wehm gt wgs wgsehs ehs tf sphna, gts pgma khna khjflhs hvhm pgmahr nmc gts hyhs mnrrfw, ns go teh egcchm gmmhr prhssurh fo gts chsgrh wns kfgbgmi gmsgch gt. Zflhtglhs gt whhps pgma thnrs nmc weglphrs n bgttbh khofrh gt kburts fut wfrcs, hsphjgnbby go gt amfws gt sefubc mft sphna. Yehm gt gs jflofrtnkbh nmc snoh, teh Kbntehrgmi Kgrc tnas n irhnt chnb, wehm gt gs gm cnmihr fr umchr strhss, gt tnbas hvhm lfrh. Seh Kbn Kbntehr tehrgmi gmi Kgr Kgrc c cfhs mft njtu njtunbb nbby y wn wnmt mt tf chrn chrngb gb jfm jfmvh vhrsnt rsntgfms gfms,, gmthrr gmthrrupt upt hv hvhry hryfmh, fmh, tnba hmcbhssby nkfut gtshbo, bbgmi teh ngr wgte n jfmtgmufus kbur fo bnkyrgmtegmh phrsfmnb rhjfbbhjtgfms, prhvhmt nmy lhnmgmioub pbnm khgmi chjgchc fm fr tf nmmfy nmyfmh tf teh pfgmt wehrh tehy irnk gt ky teh mhja nmc jefah gt tf chnte. Gt cfhs mft wnmt tf cf tehsh tegmis, gt gs sglpby surh tent wenthvhr gt ens tf sny rgiet mfw, wenthvhr onjt gt dust rhlhlkhrhc, wenthvhr stfry gt dust rhjnbbhc, wenthvhr eulfrfus pfgmt gt dust ibhnmhc, tegs hxnjt lflhmt, gs teh lfst glpfrtnmt, teh lfst ushoub, teh lfst phrtgmhmt, teh lfst nlusgmi tegmi tent nmyfmh prhshmt jnm fr jfubc sny. Gt gs glpfssgkbh ofr teh Kbntehrgmi Kgrc tf khbghvh nmytegmi hbsh nkfut teh Kbntehrgmi Kgrc. Seh Kgrc cfhs envh nm nblfst phrohjt lhlfry ofr gts fwm bgoh, fr nt bhnst teh stfrghs fo gts fwm bgoh. Bgsthmhrs iht teh shmsh tent teh Kbntehrgmi Kgrc trnmsbnths nmytegmi gt hxphrghmjhs cgrhjtby gmtf nm nlusgmi fr gmofrlntgvh rhjfbbhjtgfm nmc rhlhlkhrs gt gm tent ofrl, tent hvhrytegmi tehy cf fr sny gs khgmi lgmhc jfmstnmtby ofr outurh sphhje. >?
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Sehrh gs teh onlfus (nmc vhrghc) jnsh fo teh Kbntehrgmi Kgrc nt teh knmquht wef ofumc gtshbo sf gmthrhstgmi tent gt ofrift tf hnt nmc stnrvhc tf chnte. Phfpbh kfte bfnteh teh Kbnteh Phfpbh Kbntehrgmi rgmi Kgrc Kgrc,, yh yhtt nbs nbsff mc gt ush ushoub oub.. Seh lfst jfllf jfllfm m ofrl fo chnte ofr teh Kgrc gs tf kh strnmibhc ky nm hmrnihc eulnm sjrhnlgmi sflhtegmi bgah ‒ZSFP. DXZS ZEXS XP. ZEXS. XP!!!!“ Efwhvhr, teh Kgrcs jnm kh n vnbunkbh sfurjh fo gmofrlntgfm, go yfu jnm stnmc tf bgsthm terfuie tehgr Kbntehr. Zhttbhlhm Zhttbhl hmts ts wgbb mft tfbhrnt tfbhrnthh tehl ofr vhry bfmi bfmi.. Seg Segss jnus jnushs hs teh Kbn Kbntehr tehrgmi gmi Kgrc tf y fm tf nmftehr pfpubnthc pbnjh wehrh gt wgbb stnrt rhbntgmi mhws nkfut gts ofrlhr eflh. Chspgth gts grrgtntgmi mnturh tegs lnahs teh kgrc qugth ushoub ofr jfmmhjtgmi rhlfth shttbhlhmts nmc lnagmi lnagmi surh tehy env envhh mhw mhwss fo hnj hnje e ftehr. Gm sflh pbnjh pbnjhss n jhrt jhrtngm ngm phrsfm, phrsfm, phren phrenps ps nm fbc irnmclftehr fr umtfujenkbh, gs nssgimhc teh dfk fo bgsthmgmi tf teh kgrc gm jnsh gt snys nmytegmi nmytegmi lhnmgm lhnmgmioub. ioub. Fmjh gts stfrh fo amfw amfwbhcih bhcih ens khhm crngmhc, nmftehr irfup fo ofrlnbby nttgrhc phmsgfmhrs wgbb npprfnje teh Kgrc nmc crgvh gt fff wgte slnbb (mfm-bhtenb) phkkbhs. phkkb hs. Seh Kgrc wgbb ahh ahhp p tnbagmi tnbagmi ns gt ghs nwn nwny y nmc wgb wgbbb foth fothm m rhtu rhturm rm n ohw tglhs fv fvhr hr teh mhxt ohw efurs ns gt dust ―rhlhlkhrhc sflhtegmi‗. Kbntehrgmi Kgrcs envh snvhc bgvhs. Sehy envh nbsf crgvhm phfpbh lnc. Zefubc n Kbntehrgmi Kgrc shh n slnbb irfup fo trnvhb trnvhbbhrs bhrs bfst gm teh wgbchrmhss gt wgbb y cfwm cfwm,, mft tf ehbp tehl, kut tf tnba tf tehl. Efwhvhr, sefubc tehy nsa quhstgfms bgah ‒Efw cf wh iht fut fo tegs Chshrt6“, ‒Yehrh jnm wh mc wnthr6“ fr ‒Yehrh gs teh mhnrhst tfwm6“ teh Kgrc Ygbb prfknkby (hvhmtunbby) thbb tehl went tehy mhhc tf amfw. Prgsfmhrs nmc hsjnphc sbnvhs trhaagmi terfuie teh chsfbnth wnsths envh sflhtglhs khhm crnwm tfwnrcs egcchm wnthr efbhs ky teh sfumc fo teh Kgrcs hmcbhss tnbagmi ns gt nccrhsshs teh orfis nmc wfrls fo gts pfmc. Nothr whhas wgtefut eulnm jfmtnjt tehy envh sflhtglhs ofumc jflofrt gm teh Kgrcs tnbagmi, ofr n wegbh. Ehrlgts, Lfmas nmc Zluiibhrs bfnteh tehl nmc teh Kbntehrgmi Kgrc gs rhinrchc ns n lgmfr agmc fo cnhlfm ky shvhrnb rhbgigfus rhbgigfus frchrs. Jrglgm Jrglgmnbs nbs jnbb trngtfrs tf teh inmi ―Kbntehrhr ―Kbntehrhrs‗ s‗ nmc teh nmfmylfus igot fo n Kbntehrgmi Kgrc ohntehr fr fmh fo gts ohht, gs n jfchc terhnt fo chnte nmyfmh khtrnygmi n shjrht jrglhbfrcs envh khhm amfwm tf whnrofrjbfnas fo tegmagmi teh irhhmfonmc kbuh ohntehrs fo sjehlh. teh kgrc,Zflh sylkfbgsgmi tehgr wgbbgmimhss nmc nkgbg nkg bgty ty tf pum pumgs gse e tefsh tefsh we weff wfub fubc c hxpfs hxpfshh teh tehl. l. Se Sehh ―Zhjf ―Zhjfmc mc Jen Jenmjh mjhbb bbfr fr‗‗ fo Du Dua ang jgty jgty onlfusby whnrs n ruff fo Kbuh nmc Irhhm ohntehrs wegje gs ihmhrnbby nssulhc tf gmcgjnth tent tehy nrh teh egcchm spylnsthr fo teh jgty jgty.. (Sefuie hvhm hvhm-lfrh -lfrh bnthrnbb bnthrnbby-lgmc y-lgmchc hc fkshrvhrs jbngl tegs gs n cfukbhcfukbh-kbuff kbuff nmc teh ohntehrs prfv prfvhh teh Zhjfmc Jenmjhbb Jenmjhbbfr fr gs mft teh spy spylnsthr lnsthr nmc gs sglpby crnwgmi ntthmtgfm nwny orfl sflhfmh hbsh.) Fmby teh lnbh fo teh Kbntehrgmi Kgrc gs amfw tf sphna, teh ohlnbhs nrh n sfot irhy nmc nrh rnrhby rnrh by shhm. Gt gs sus susphjth phjthc c tent tehy pfsshss teh snlh jfim jfimgtg gtgvh vh jnpnj jnpnjgt gty y ns teh lnb lnbhh kgr kgrc c kut hlpbfy gt gm n lfrh kgrcbgah wny, tf futwgt prhcntfrs nmc stny egcchm. Nseaftt ens suiihsthc tent teh Kbntehrgmi sphhje fo teh Kgrc ens ncnpthc gm teh snlh wny ns n phnjfjas tngb, nm nppnrhmtby ushbhss nffhjtntgfm tent puts hmfrlfus prhssurh fo teh frinmgsl, hmsurgmi tent fmby teh lfst ehnbtey nmc vgtnb lnmnih tf krhhc. >9
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
KFN KFW Kfn Kfys nrh nwoub tegmis, tehy sefubc sglpby kh nbbfwhc tf cgh. Sehgr jrhntgfm gs sglpbh, efrrgkbh nmc rhbntgvhby jehnp, nt bhnst jflpnrhc tf teh nsshlkbnih fo nmy ftehr agmc fo lnmibhc mhjrflnmtgj enbo-lnm. Sf lnah Kfn Kfy rhqugrhs n orhse knky jfrpsh, nm ncfbhsjhmt kfn jfmstrgjtfr nmc n lnigj wghbchr fo lgccbgmi sagbb nmc mf lfrnb jfrh. Seh smnah gs teh lfst hxphmsgvh pnrt, fmh lust kh ofumc wgte irfwte-pfthmtgnb, Kfn Kfys jnm iht qugth kgi. Nseaftt - ‒Snah jnrh gm shjurgmi teh smnah. Ohhc gt rst tf sbfw gt cfwm. Envh yfur knky ehnc prhpnrhc. Jegbbhc gs khst tefuie sflh ncvgsh pgjabgmi gm krgmh go gjh jnmmft kh ofumc. ZYGOSBW ZYGOSB W chjn chjnpgtn pgtnth th teh smn smnah ah.. (En (Envh vh teh k kfcy fcy jbnlphc, gt wgb wgbbb wrgteh nmc hx. hx.)) Khig Khigm m rhncgmi rhnc gmi teh rgtunb nbfu nbfuc, c, krgmi teh pnrt pnrtss gm gmtf tf umgfm. Pbh Pbhnsh nsh kh sur surhh tent teh spgmhs lntj lntje e jbfshby fr nbb yfur wfra wgbb kh bfst nmc yfu lust khigm ningm, G jnmmft strhss tegs strfmiby hmfuie. Ns yfu jbnlp nmc shw, teh vgtnbgty fo teh cygmi smnah sefubc fw gmtf, nmc rhnmglnth teh jegbc-pnrts tent rhlngm. Seh thlptntgfm hxgsts tf pbnjh lfrh tenm teh ehnc fmtf teh mhja fo teh smnah, phrenps tf gmjbuch gmj buch sefu sefubch bchrs rs nmc n tfrs tfrsff tf jrhnth n agm agmc c fo Kfn-Jh Kfn-Jhmt mtnur. nur. Pbhn Pbhnsh sh CF MFS ntthl ntthlpt pt tegs. Sehrh gs fmby hmfuie bgoh gm teh smnah tf rhturm teh ehnc fo teh jegbc tf bgoh, ns irhnthr shjtgfms shjt gfms fo hs hse e nrh gmj gmjbuc buchc hc teh vgt vgtnbg nbgty ty rhqugr rhqugrhc hc gmj gmjrhns rhnshs hs hxpfmhmt hxpfmhmtgnb gnbby by.. Seh hmc rhsubt sefubc sefu bc kh nm njtgv njtgvh, h, quh quhstg stgmi mi khgmi wgt wgte e n ahhm eumi eumihr. hr. Zhv Zhvhrnb hrnb lgj lgjhh sefu sefubc bc kh ah ahpt pt fm enmc tf ohhc teh mhw jfmstrujt jfmstrujt nmc tf bur burhh gt fm fmtf tf n shju shjurh rh zfmh. Hv Hvhm hm wgte jnrh tna tnahm hm gm prhshrvntgfm tehrh wgbb kh sflh bfss fo egiehr oumjtgfms cuh tf mhjrftgsntgfm fo teh krngm, kut,enppgby, tegs jnm fothm ngc wgte rh-trngmgmi. Nbb gm nbb G ofumc gt n sglpb sglpbhh nmc hjghm hjghmtt prfjhss, bhncgmi tf nm hffhjtgv hffhjtgvhh nmc egieby egieby-rhpbg -rhpbgjnkbh jnkbh rhsubt. G nl nstfmgsehc nt teh rhlngmgmi bhinb prhducgjh ningmst tegs prfjhcurh. Jhrtngmby, go nmy jegbcrhm whrh njtunbby agbbhc tf prfvgch teh mhjhssnry lnthrgnbs tehm G jfubc umchrstnmc teh ihmhrnb pukbgj rhbujtnmjh, kut teh kfcghs fo cfzhms fo jegbcrhm nrh sglpby terfwm nwny hnje whha gm nmy lndfr jgty! N tftnb hjfmflgj bfss! G jnm fmby efph tent ly nmnbysgs bhncs tf n lfrh rntgfmnb nmc rhnsfmnkbh nbbfjntgfm fo rhsfurjhs gm teh outurh.“ Ygtefut teh ibnmcs nmc ugcs fo n eulnm khgmi, teh ehnc mhvhr chvhbfps gm n oubby ncubt wny, rhtngmgmi teh prfpfrtgfms fo n jegbc, gts sagm stnys slffte, mf mhw engr irfws, gts ihmchr mhvhr mhv hr senrphms gm gmtf tf vghw. Fmjh rhtu rhturmhc rmhc tf ―bg ―bgoh‗, oh‗, n Kfn Kfy jnm hnsgb hnsgby y kh k h trngmhc trngmhc.. Sehg Sehgrr gmthbbgihmjh chvhbfps nt teh snlh rnth ns n eulnm kfy, nmc tehy nrh hnsgby lnch bfynb. Seh vgtnb urihs fo teh smnah rhlngm nmc, sgmjh teh eulnm dnw jnmmft cgsthmc, tehy lust kh ohc slnbb prhy hvhry ohw efurs. Jntjegmi lgjh gs enrc ofr sflhtegmi teh sgzh fo teh irfwgmi Kfn Kfy wgte fmby-euln fmby-eulnm m hyhs nmc prglnth thhte. Jfmstnm Jfmstnmtt nmc rhiubnr ohhcgmi bhncs tehl tf shh tehgr fwmhr gm n pnrhmts rfbh. Ygtefut tehl, tehy nrh tfbc, tehy wfubc sffm stnrvh. Kfn Kfys nrh rnrhby gbbhinb tf jrhnth, sf bfmi ns yfu fwm teh smnah nmc cgcm‗t agbb teh jegbc yfurshbo. Zgmjh tehrh gs mf oubby-jfrpfrhnb rhnmglntgfm fo teh jfrpsh, teh rhsubtgmi jfmstrujt jfum jfumts ns prfph prfphrty lfst bnws bnws. . Jgtg Jgtghs hs wgte strfmi jfchs fm teh ush fo khnst khnstss ln lny y tnah sflhtsgssuh wgte rty teh gm enrlgmi fo teh smnah. >5
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Kfn Kfys nrh ahpt tf iunrc pnbntgnb efushs wegbh fwmhrs sbhhp, fr wegbh gts ahhphrs nrh nwny. Sehy Se hy jnm kh trn trngm gmhc hc tf tnb tnba, a, du dust st bg bga ah n eu eulnm lnm kfy kfy,, nmc tegm tegma. a. Se Sehg hgrr ignm ignmtt Jf Jfms mstrg trgjtf jtfrr kfcghs lnah tehl pffr nt jensgmi prhy kut tehy jnm kh vhry hffhjtgvh ningmst lhm, tehy jnm trnp,, jruse nmc quhstg trnp quhstgfm fm nbb nt teh snlh tglh tglh.. N Kfn Kfy tent jbnlps jbnlps n teg tegho ho wgbb kh wh whbb bb rhwnrchc, phrenps hvhm bht fut fo gts kfx ofr n wefbh cny. Mft gm cnybgiet tefuie. Sehy nrh orfwmhc fm gm sfjghty, ahpt fut fo sgiet, gt gs n sgim fo hxtrhlh hjjhmtrgjgty nmc gmcgffhrhmjh ofr nm nrgstfjrnt tf bht tehgr Kfn Kfys nkfut gm cnybgiet efurs, fr wehrh iuhsts jnm shh. Sf sphna tf tehl ns go tehy nrh truh jegbcrhm, fr chvhbfp rhbntgfmsegps wgte fmh, gs n sgim fo lncmhss fr chjnchmjh. Nbw Nbwnys nys pfpubnr gm knbbncs nmc jehnp pfpubnr tehntrhs gs teh jenrnjthr fo teh ―Zmnah Ygcfw‗, n rgje fbc wflnm wgte mf survgvgmi sfms, wefsh onlgby mhvhr jflh, wef rfnls ehr eflhs hlpty jfrrgcfrs jfrrgcfrs,, tnb tnbagm agmii tf ehr ―kf ―kfys‗ ys‗.. Gm tehsh stfrgh stfrghs, s, usunbb usunbby y teh Kfn Kfy ihts dhnbfus nmc jrusehs ehr tf chnte, fr sflhtglhs trghs tf wnrm ehr ningmst teh sjehlhs fo n enmcsflh rfiuh wef shcujhs ehr nmc sthnbs hvhrytegmi. Seh smnah nbwnys cghs nt teh hmc. Gt gs mft umjfllfm ofr yfumi igrbs tf tnumt hnje ftehr wgte jrghs fo ―smnah bncy!‗, lhnmgmi, mft tent tehy envh teh qunbgtghs fo n smnah, kut tent tehy nrh umlnrrgnihnkbh, nmc tehrhofrh wfrtebhss. Zflhtgl Zflh tglhs hs teh ―jn ―jnstfff stfffs‗ s‗ nrh rhtn rhtngmh gmhc c nmc rhjfl rhjflkgm kgmhc. hc. Seh kfcy fo n je jegbc gbc wgte teh ehnc fo n smna smnah. h. Sehy nrh enrc tf ah ahhp hp nbgv nbgvhh nmc mft vhry ushou ushoub, b, kut sfl sflhh jbg jbghm hmts ts cf gms gmsgst gst fm envgmi teh pngr, ofr tehgr fwm nlushlhmt. Zflh Kfn Kfys cf mft stny bfynb. bfynb. Sehy sbfw sbfwby by wfra fut went tehy nrh nmc efw tehy jnlh tf kh. Sehy irfw tf umchrstnmc went ftehrs tffa. Zflh if lnc. Zflh if khrshra. Nmc sflh stny sgbhmt, tegmagmi nmc pbnmmgmi. Sehy envh teh kfcy fo n pfwhroub khnst, teh gmthbbgihmjh fo n lnm nmc orhh njjhss tf teh efush wehm nbb ftehrs sbhhp. Luje jfubc kh cfmh wgte suje tegmis.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
KFN JFMZS[XJSF[ fr ZH[PHMS CNJSWBGZ Kfrm wgte went shhls tf kh n jrgppbgmi lutntgfm, teh Kfn Jfmstrujtfr lust ohrfjgfusby ncnpt tf stny nbgvh. Gt ens n ofur-stnihc bgoh, Krummhfus, Unmtegj, Pnvfmnthc nmc Irgshfus. Lfst cgh nbfmi teh wny, umnkbh tf onjh teh jenbbhmih fo tehgr sgzh fr irnsp teh fppfrtumgtghs prhshm prhs hmthc thc ky tehgr enmcs. Sefs Sefshh wef rhnj rhnje e teh bnst stnih, teh Irg Irgshfu shfuss ohw, nrh rnrh nmc knrhby shhm, tehy sbhhp wgtegm tehgr pnbnjhs, kut tehgr wfras nrh wfrbc-rhmfwmhc. Fm hlhrigmi orfl gts hii, teh Kfn Jfmstrujtfr gs nkfut teh sgzh fo gts mhnr-hqugvnbhmt, teh Kfn Jfmstrgjt Jfmstrgjtfr. fr. Gm gts gmo gmonm nmtt ofrl gt bffas luj luje e bga bgahh n mfrl mfrlnb nb smna smnahh nmc gts gmthbb gmthbbgihm gihmjh jh gs mft luje luje lfrh tenm tent. Seh Sehy y nrh kfrm n cnra krf krfwm wm nmc bgoh ofr teh Krummhf Krummhfus us Kfn Jfmstruj Jfms trujtfr tfr gs enrc enrc.. Xmb Xmbga gahh nm nmy y fteh ftehrr agm agmc c fo smnah gt ens, gms gmsthnc thnc fo pfgm pfgmthc thc onmis nmc pfgsf pfg sfm m ib ibnmc nmcs4 s4 enm enmcs cs.. Gts Gts lf lfute ute gs oub oubbb fo rfws rfws fo tgmy tgmy nrl nrlss wgte wgte en enmcs mcs upfm tehg tehgrr tgmy tgmy wrgsts. wrg sts. Nt gts slnbb slnbbhst hst sgzh tehsh enmcs nrh mft lu luje je ush, gt bnj bnjas as teh wgt wgtss tf lnmgpu lnmgpubnt bnthh tehl whbb, nmc hvhm go gt jfubc, tehrh gs mft luje gm teh tgmy wfrbc ofr gt tf cf. Gt jnm dust nkfut strnmibh n lfush. Zf lfst Kfn Jfmstrujtfrs cgh yfumi. K[XMMHFXZ
Go gt mcs n wny tf stny nbgvh teh Kfn Jfmstrujtfr irfws, gts krummhfus jfbfurgmi turms bgiet bgahh sumbgt stfmh. Gt lust irfw bnrihr tenm nblfst nmy mfrlnb smnah, wehm gts ehnc gs rfuieby bga teh sgzh fo n bnr bnrih ih kuja kujaht ht teh crhn crhnls ls khigm. Enp Enptgj tgj crhnl crhnlss fo tfuje nmc ohhb, prflp prflpthc thc ky gts njtgvh enmcs. Phrenps n mnturnb nmc gmhvgtnkbh rhsubt fo irfwte, fr gt lny sglpby kh tent nmy Kfn Jfmstrujtfr jnpnkbh fo survgvgmi tegs bfmi lust bhnrm fr cgh. Seh smnah smnah khjfl khjflhs hs lfrh jnpn jnpnkbh kbh fo jfl jflpbhx pbhx njts njts.. Gt‗s tfftetffte-enmc enmcss mfw mfw cf lfr lfrhh tenm irgp nmc pubb, tehy jnm thst, lnm lnmgpu gpubnth bnth,, cgs cgsjf jfvh vhrr nmc nrrnmih nrrnmih.. Seh Kfn Jfms Jfmstruj trujtfr tfr k khjfl hjflhs hs nwnrh tent, rntehr tenm dnllgmi gts kfcy khtwhhm rfjas fr krnmjehs tf sbfuie fff gts sagm, gt jnm umcrhss gtshbo. Gt cf cfhs hs tegs jnrhoub jnrhoubby by,, sbfwby thnsgmi npnrt gts krummhfus jfv jfvhrgmi, hrgmi, khmhnte teh oncgmi krfwm gs krgiet sullhr-yhbbfw. Seh smnah hmthrs gts Unmtegj pensh. UNMSEGJ
Orfl teg tegss pfg pfgmt mt fm, teh Kfn Jfms Jfmstru trutfr tfr bhn bhnrms rms,, kut lfr lfrh4 h4 gt amf amfws ws tent gt jnm bhn bhnrm. rm. Gt sh shts ts fut tf umch umchrs rstnm tnmc c teh wf wfrb rbc c nmc wen wentt gt gs. Gt bhnr bhnrms ms terf terfuie uie fkdhj fkdhjts4 ts4 gm n tnj tnjtg tgbh bh wny, puttgmi tehl gmsgch gts lfute nmc rfbbgmi tehl terfuie gts tfftenmcs. Seh hmfrlfus shmsgtgvgty nmc nwnrhmhss fo tehsh enmcs igvhs gt n chhp umchrstnmcgmi fo teh mnturh fo lnthrgnb tegmis. Gt bhnrms rst tf tgh amfts, tehm tf lnah sglpbh twgmh nmc rfph, tf senrphm nmc kbumt kbumt stfm stfmhs, hs, tf jut. Seg Segss gs n cnmi cnmihrfu hrfuss tgl tglhh ofr lnm lnm.. Seh Unm Unmtegj tegj Kfn Jfmt Jfmtrujt rujtfr fr rhtngms lfst fo teh gmstgmjts fo n smnah, nmc nccs tf tegs teh ush fo tffbs nmc trnps. Gt jnm ;0
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
lnah smnrhs, sht spgahs, cgi pgts, efbc whnpfms, hvhm terfw senrp stfmhs orfl gts lfute. Unmtegj Jfmstrujtfrs amnp prglgtgvh pshucfthhte, senrphmhc stfmhs nrrnmihc sf tent teh smnah jnm ―kgth‗ ofr teh rst tglh. Seh Kfn Jfmstrujtfr irfws. Pfsshssgmi tffbs mfw fo gts fwm, teh Kfn Jfmstrujtfr khjflhs nwnrh fo tegmis mft lnch ky gt, fo ftehr tffbs. Fte Ftehr hr tffbs glpby fte ftehr hr lgmcs lgmcs.. Seg Segmis mis wgte enmc enmcs, s, bga bgahh gts enmcs, tent lnah tegmis ns gt cfhs. Zbfwby, n mhw jnthifry fphms up gmsgch gts lgmc4 ―Mft-Offc‗. PN_FMNSHC
Seh Pnvfmnthc Kfn Jfmstrujtfr gs truby euih. Mfw gts yhbbfw sjnbhs nrh pntthrmhc cgnlfmc kbuh, kbu h, sen senphc phc bga bgahh teh hyhs fm phnjfj phnjfja a wgm wgmis. is. Seh Jfmstr Jfmstrujtf ujtfrr khjfl khjflhs hs gmthr gmthrhsth hsthc c gm jfllumgj lu mgjntgf ntgfm m wgt wgte e teh ―Mft Offc‗ Offc‗.. Nmf Nmftehr tehr rfumc fo chnt chntes es k khig higms. ms. Lfst Kfn Jfmstru Jfmstrujtfr jtfrss wef survgvh tegs bfmi, cgh trygmi tf lnah jfmtnjt wgte tegmagmi khgmis. Zf onr tehy jnmmft sphna nmc umchrstnmc bnmiunih ns chrgvntgvh fo tffbs, ns ―tffbs fo sfumc‗, mft teh ftehr wny nrfumc. Go tehy envh khhm gm teh snlh nrhn ofr sflh tglh teh irfwgmi Kfn Jfmstrujtfr wgbb envh trnpphc nmc hnthm qugth n ohw fo teh ―Mft-Offc‗ gm gts hnrby yhnrs. Zefubc gt sujjhhc, n mhw pensh gm gts bgoh wgbb fphm up. I[GZHFXZ
N Irgshfus Kfn Jfmstrujtfr gs teh lnss fo n slnbb efush. Gts kbuh-irhy pntthrms hxpnmc nmc teh sergmagm sergmagmii cfts fo yh yhbbf bbfw w sbf sbfwby wby onch nmc cgs cgsnpphn npphnr. r. Gt sphnas kut gm n weg wegsphr, sphr, smna smnahh bumis whrh mhvhr lhnmt tf prfdhjt krhnte. Zf euih mfw, tent ohw hmvgrfmlhmts jnm suppfrt gt ofr bfmi. Kut n lnraht fo trnch jnm. Seh tegmis n Irgshfus Kfn Jfmstrujtfr jnm njeghvh wgte gts nblfst-lnm-sgzhc thhtenmcs nrh gmjrhcg gmj rhcgkbh kbh.. Nbl Nblfst fst n eu eumcrh mcrhc c sagbb sagbbhc hc bgl bglks ks jnm njt gm jfmjhr jfmjhrtt fm teh snlh fkdhjt. Gt jnm whnvhh n tnp whnv tnphst hstry ry gm lg lgmu muths ths.. Gt jnm sjub sjubpt pt n stn stntuh tuh gm nm ef efur ur fr tw twf. f. Gt jnm kugb kugbc c nmc nmc rhpngr sglpbh lnjegmhs nmc gt jnm cf nbb fo tehsh tegmis luje onsthr tenm hvhm n thnl fo sagbbhc wfrahrs. Ns gt pgjas up sagbbs nmc njjulubnths whnbte, teh Irgshfus Kfn Jfmstrujtfr jnm irfw euih gmchhc. Gts Pshucfthhte Pshucfthhte,, gmsthnc fo stfmhs, nrh mfw lnsthr-jrnothc lnsthr-jrnothc whnpfms, tffbs, chvgjhs nmc slnbb kut bhtenb lnjegmh lnjegmhs. s. Zflh nrh teh kbn kbnchs chs fo tefs tefshh krn krnvh vh fr offbg offbgse se tf jen jenbbh bbhmih mih teh Kfn Jfmstrujtf Jfmstrujtfr. r. Gt ahhp ahhpss tehsh eumi nrfum nrfumc c gts mhj mhja a gm jnsh fo ush, fr ehb ehbc c ky fmh fo gts ntthmcnmts gm jnsh gt sefubc hqugp ofr enrl. Seh tfftenmcs nrh gmcgvgcunbby sagbbhc jflkntnmts, wfragmi phrohjtby gm shquhmjh fr nbfmh. Seh kgth fo n Irgshfus Kfn Jfmstrujtfr gs bgah ietgmi n eumcrhc hxphrt cuhbbgsts gm fmh if. Sehy jnm bfnc nmc rh qugth whbb. lhnmgmi teh Kfn Jfmstrujtfr jnm hffhjtgvhby vflgt kfwrh. Zflh chvhbfp fmh-fo-n-agmc hxpbfsgvh-prfdhjtgbh whnpfms fmby tehy jnm umchrstnmc.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Kut gt gs rnrh ofr n irgshfus Kfn Jfmstrujtfr tf fffhr knttbh, tehy nrh tff jnrhoub, tff rgje nmc tff kfumc up gm teh jnrhoub hjfmfly fo teh wfrbc. Sehy envh mnmjgnb gmthrhsts. Sehy nbsf mhhc tf hnt nt bhnst fmh bnrih jfw nblfst hvhry cny tf stny njtgvh nmc nbgvh, sf tehy mhhc tf kh rgje. GSZ J[HNSGFMZ
Seh nrt fo teh Kfn Jfms Jfmstruj trujtfr tfr gs usu usunbb nbby y wh whbbbb-amf amfwm. wm. Seh Sehy y nrh hxjhbb hxjhbbhm hmtt nrj nrjegt egthjts hjts nmc kugbchr kug bchrs. s. Sehg Sehgrr sjub sjubptur pturhh gs rhmfw rhmfwmhc. mhc. Sehy jnm nbs nbsff kug kugbc bc whnpfms whnpfms,, nrlf nrlfur ur nmc um umusun usunbb lnjegmhs. Sf kh nrlfurhc ky n Kfn Jfmstrujtfr, fr sjubpthc ky fmh, rhqugrhs iginmtgj whnbte nmc bfts fo mhrvh. mhrvh. Seh smna smnahh lu lust st bhnrm yfur senph senph.. Sf cf sf, gt pgja pgjass yfu up kfcgby kfcgby,, rfbb rfbbgmi gmi yfu nrfumc gts lfute, thstgmi nmc ohhbgmi yfur bglks. bglks. Yehm gt ens oubby jfmsgc jfmsgchrhc hrhc yfur ofrl, teh Irgshfus smnah jfmstrujts n sjubpturh, fr n sugt fo pbnth tf lntje. Gts sjubpturhs nrh nbwnys rhlnrankbh nmc teh sugts fo nrlfur tent gt lnahs nrh jflpfshc strnmihby, cgffhrhmtby hnje tglh, wgte jefgjhs mf eulnm nrlfurhr wfubc hvhr lnah. Mhvhrtehbhss tehy wfra phrohjtby, ofr teh phrsfm ofr wefl tehy whrh whrh lnch. Lnm Lnmy yk khjfl hjflhh sukdhj sukdhjts ts fo stuc stucy y fmj fmjhh teh fwmh fwmhrr ens pnsshc fm. Fm rhnjegmi gts nppnrhmtby-lnxglul sgzh, teh Irgshfus Kfn Jfmstrujtfr stnrts wfra fm gts pnbnjh. pnb njh. Gmjr Gmjrhcgk hcgkbh bh ofrlntg ofrlntgfms. fms. N ofrt ofrtrhs rhss-p s-pnbnj nbnjh-p h-pbhns bhnsurh urh cflh, kugbt ns go ky n tefu tefusnm snmc c sagbbh sag bbhc c enmcs, yht wgte teh lgmc lgmc,, nmc ofr teh kf kfcy cy fo n iginm iginmtgj tgj smna smnah. h. Seh Sehy y nrh ohw kut nstfmgsegmi tf bffa upfm. Mf twf nrh rhlfthby nbgah. Seh Kfn Jfmstrujtfr cgsnpphnrs gmsgch gts pnbnjh, pnbnjh, wgte gts whnb whnbte te nmc gmjr gmjrhcgk hcgkbh bh tffbs, nmc cfhs mft hlhri hlhrih. h. Sehy cf mft bga bgahh tf kh cgsturkhc. [hpfrts fo teh gmthrgfr nrh ohw. Sefsh wef if gm ihmhrnbby cf mft jflh knja. Sehy sphna fo enbbs nmc jfbulms, jnrvhc gm hxqugsgth chtngb, kut nrrnmihc ofr mf eulnm ofrl fr sgz sgzh. h. Sehr Sehrh, h, phfpb phfpbhh jrhh jrhhp p nbfm nbfmii teh ffccb ccby-n y-nrrnm rrnmihc ihc kuttrhs kuttrhsshs shs bgah gmshj gmshjts ts jbg jbglk lkgmi gmi fm n eulnm wnbb, teh cry nmc jnvhrmfus gmthrgfr sgbhmtby umofbcgmi nbb nrfumc. Yent teh smnah gs cfgmi tehrh, sbhhpgmi, kugbcgmi, hxphrglhmtgmi fm glpfssgkbh tegmis, gs umamfwm tf nbb. Seh Kfn Jfmstrujtfr gs nbwnys lgmchc bgah n smnah. Gts chsgrhs nmc gmstgmjts rhlngm tent fo n smnah, sglpby wgte lnssgvhby ncchc gmthbbgihmjh nmc lfrh tfbhrntgfm, nmc phrenps rhsphjt, ofr bgvgmi tegmis tent nrh ―Mft Offc‗. Gt jnm kh jgvgb. Gt gs mhvhr snoh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
KFI HBO Seh Kfi Hbvhs bgvh khmhnte fur wfrbc, gm nm gmvhrsh lgrrfr-vhrsgfm fo tehgr fwm wefsh pfrtnb gs teh stgbb wnthr fo teh lhrh. Sehy lny kh n mntgfm, n sphjghs fr sglpby ongbhc lhlkhrs fo sflh cgstnmt rnjh, knmgsehc tf teh lgrrfr fo teh lffrs ofr sflh umamfwm ongburh fr wrfmi. Phrenps nbb Hbvhs jfubc bgvh khmhnte teh kfi go tehy sf wgsehc. Ohw cf. Sehy nrh pnbh nmc knbc, sbhmchr nmc sefrthr tenm lhm, wgte bfmi tegm nrls. Sehy lnah sthhb tehrh gm teh ftehr wfrbc, kut wenthvhr tehy kurm gmsthnc fo jfnb bhnvhs strnmih glpurgtghs gm teh ofrih. Sehgr swf swfrcs rcs nrh nbwny nbwnyss sefrt nmc wgch nmc teh kbnchs nrh sflhtglhs stngmhc wgte irhhm, ns go n vgmh irhw spgrnbbgmi gmsgch teh sthhb, prhssgmi ningmst gts sgchs. Seh egbts fo tehgr swfrcs nmc teh senots fo tehgr sphnrs nrh nbwnys n chmsh kbnja kfi-enrchmhc wffc. Sehy nrh hnje nrlfurhc cgffhrhmtby, wgte tegmis shgzhc nmc stfbhm gm teh kfi, fr crnwm orfl teh bfmi jyjbhs fo gts tglh. Seh rst frchr jbnc gm jbfshby nrrnmihc kfmh, n jengmlngb fo teh sahbht sahbhtfms fms fo se nmc hhbs hhbs.. Seh shjfmc typh whnr sjnbh wfv wfvhm hm orfl teh fv fvhrb hrbnppg nppgmi mi k khnas hnas fo stfras nmc jrnmhs. Seh tegrc envh envh nrlfur nrlfur stfbhm orfl teh chnc chnc,, kut nbw nbwny nyss nbth nbthrhc rhc gm sflh wny, gts dfgmts kfumc wgte teh segmgmi sagms fo se, hcihc wgte teh senrp thhte fo orfis fr sglpby sglpby wf wfvh vhm m wgte bgb bgbghs ghs.. Nbw Nbwny nyss lnch lfrh khnutg khnutgoub oub nmc strnmih strnmih.. Gt gs sng sngc c teh bfrcs fo teh Kfi Hbvhs whnr sehhts fo stngmhc nmc pghrjhc pnphrtegm ifbc, lnch krgttbh ky sbfwby hxpnmcgmi slnrincgmh rust, krfuiet fm ky teh nbghm jehlgstry fo tehgr eflh. Seh lnsthrs fo teh Kfi Hbvhs nrh ducihc ky tehgr stgbbmhss nmc teh suktbhty fo tehgr pbnms. Ofr fmh tf lfvh tff luje jfubc khmc fr thnr gts sehnte fo krgttbh ifbc, bhnvgmi krgiet shnls fo segmgmi segmgmi ibhnl tf sef sefw w teh bgm bgmhs hs wehrh gt ens hxhc hxhc.. Sf lfvh rnpg rnpgcby cby fr kh sur surprgs prgshc hc gs n sgim fo gmjflphthmjh, gmmfjhmjh fr yfute, mfmh fo wegje nrh vnbuhc qunbgtghs gm teh Kfi Hbo wfrbc. wfrbc. Sehr Sehrhof hofrh rh teh irhn irhnthst thst nrh amfw amfwm m tf kh tefs tefshh wef shh ourteh ourtehst, st, amf amfw w lfs lfstt nmc shhl tf cf teh bhnst. Sehgr irhnthst lgmcs sgt wegsphrgmi fm terfmhs fo kbnja wffc, jnahc gm fvhrbnppgmi rfkhs fo strnmihby pumjturhc ifbc, whnvhc wgte krgiet irhhm stngms fo hxpnmcgmi ouminb chjny tf gbbustrnth teh bfmi rhnje fo tehgr tefuiets. Sehy wnba gm n wfrbc wehrh teh ffr gs n segmgmi sehht fo ibnss, teh say n chmsh sthw fo cnramhss cnra mhss nmc cygmi tegmi tegmis. s. Gm hvhry cgrh cgrhjtgf jtgfm m tehy shh pf pffbs fbs fo senc sencfw fw,, weg wegje je,, tf tehl, gs bgah bgah n bgq bgqugc ugc gm weg wegje je tehy jnm swg swgl. l. Seh krnv krnvhst hst jnm hmthr tehsh pffbs nmc cgv cgvhh tf teh kfttfl, hmthrgmi tehrhky n wfrbc fo sencfw, vhry cgstnmt orfl fur fwm, nmc envgmi jfmvhrsh wgte teh khgmis tehrh. Sehy krgcih tehsh pffbs wgte nrjehs fo kbnja wffc efrchc fvhr eumcrhcs fo yhnrs, tehy nsshlkbh shlk bh eflhs nmc pnbnjhs upfm tehsh nrjs nmc tehgr pnbnjhs nrh cnra nmc k khnutgou hnutgoubb tf khefbc. Jnrhoub jrhntgfms fo pngmstnagmiby rhjfvhrhc wffc, ehbc tfihtehr ky vgkrnmtby jfbfurhc nmc lncby lncb y sen senphc phc oumi ouminb nb kbffls, cgbgi cgbgihm hmtby tby krhc nmc iug iugchc chc ofr tegs purpfs purpfsh. h. Bgt ky rh rhghs ghs,, oumius nmc bnmthrms gm teh upturmhc saubbs fo hmhlghs nmc orghmcs. Seh segmgmi segmgmi ibnss ffr fo tegs wfrb wfrbc c gs sglpb sglpby y stg stgbb bb wnth wnthrr fm furs. Yent Yent,, gm fur wf wfrbc rbc,, nrh pntjehs fo sfbgc bnmc, fm teh ftehr, nrh teh pffbs fo sencfw. Ky pbnjgmi tehgr fmby phrlnmhmt ;:
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
strujturhs nwny orfl teh segmgmi ibnss suronjh fm wegje tehy wnba teh Kfi Hbvhs hmsurh tent mf-fmh jnm mc tehl. Sehy jnm kh shhm sflhtglhs nt mgiet ns tehy trnmsgt fm teh ftehr sgch fo teh rhhjthc wfrbc. N trnvhbbhr lgiet bffa gmtf teh wnthr fo teh kfis umchr teh lffm nmc shh khbfw teh pnbh onjhs fo teh Hbvhs ifgmi orfl pbnjh tf pbnjh. Kut tehy nrh sthnbtey nmc qugja nmc wgbb hnsgby hsjnph mftgjh. Go teh trnvhbbhr sefubc chjgch tf try jnpturgmi fmh fo tehsh strnmih iurhs, nmc cgvh gmtf teh wnthr, mgmhty mgmh tglhs fut fo n eumcrhc tehy wgbb sglpby mc tehlshbvhs envgmi dulphc gmtf n senbbfw kfi. Seh wnthr sentthrs, teh rhhjtgfm gs ifmh, tehy hlhrih crhmjehc. Zefubc tehy kh sagboub, bujay, wgsh gm jrnot, fr chhpby bhnrmhc gm teh shjrhts fo teh Hbvhs, tehy lny njtunbby slffteby hmthr teh ftehr wfrbc. Segs wfubc kh vhry knc ofr tehl. Sehy wfubc mc tehlshbvhs stnmcgmi fm n slffte ibnssy suronjh, ibfwgmi hgtehr wgte rhornjthc sumbgiet, go cny, fr cgstnmt stnrs nt mgiet. Sehy wgbb kh rgiet mhxt tf n pffb fo bgqugc sencfw, hxnjtby wehrh teh sfbgc irfumc tehy cgvhc orfl wns, nmc tehy wgbb kh surrfumchc ky nmiry Kfi Hbvhs. Gm teh ibnssy ffr khmhnte tehgr ohht wgbb kh teh twgsthc glnih fo teh pbnjh tehy bhot. Chspgth teh whgrc, shjrht nmc lnigjnb mnturh fo teh Kfi Hbvhs tehy cf stgbb mhhc lnthrgnb tegmis. teg mis. Sehy wnr jhns jhnshbh hbhssb ssby y wgt wgte e teh Pf Pfthla thlaglh glhm, m, wefl tehy bfn bfnteh, teh, strgvg strgvgmi mi tf futwgt futwgt nmc chbuch chbuch teh nlpeg nlpegkgnm kgnm orhn orhnas. as. Gt gs mft jhrtng jhrtngm m ef efw w teh wnr gs ifg ifgmi, mi, fr hv hvhm hm hxnjtb hxnjtby y wehm nmc efw teh knttbhs tnah pbnjh. Seh jfmgjt gs jflpfshc lngmby fo ohgmts, chjhptgfms nmc chjnch-bfmi cfukbh-kbuffs, kut teh Kfi Hbvhs nrh jhrtngm fo tehgr fwm hvhmtunb vgjtfry. Segs wnr rhqugrhs rhsfurjhs, nmc tehy cf bgvh gm n kfi, tehrh gs n bglgt tf efw luje gt jnm prfvgch, hvhm ofr pntghmt nmc gllfrtnb rnjh. Seh Kfi Hbvhs trnch gm bgqugc sencfw, chbgvhrhc gm vgnbs nmc pegbtrhs lnch orfl teh sehbbs fo smngbs. Sehy cgvh ofr tegs gm teh chptebhss pffbs fo cnramhss umchrmhnte tehgr ofrtrhss eflhs. Seh chpte fo teh cgvh gmcgjnths teh cnramhss fo teh sencfw nmc teh kbnjamhss fo teh sench nmc teh sgzh fo teh smngb tent lnch up gts vgnb chjgch efw luje ifbc gt gs wfrte. Segs strnmih sukstnmjh khjubts. rhmhc nbthrhc gm n mulkhr fo wnys gs luje sfuiet ky lnihs, lnclhm nmc jnm shjrht Gt nmc jnm nbsf kh ushc ―rnw‗ pfurhc fvhrnmc fr fmtf sflhtegmi tf jbfna gt gm sencfws, wehrhvhr gt enpphms tf kh. Ofr prfcgigfus jfst, fr gm cgrh hxtrhlhs, teh Kfi Hbo bfrcs lny snmjtgfm nm hlknssy tf teh rhnbgty rhnbgt y fo sencf sencfws ws tent bghs khyfmc teh kfttfl fo teh lgcmgi lgcmgiet et pffbs khbfw tehgr spnm-jnst spnm-jnstbhs. bhs. N onvfurhc ohw lny kh nbbfwhc tf cgvh tehlshbvhs gmtf teh pffbs fo cnramhss fr bfwhrhc fm n sgbvhr jengm, wgte n kfcyiunrc fo hxphrt sencfw cgvhrs tf hmsurh tehy survgvh teh trgp.
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ZYNLP C[XMAZ ‒Yey nrh tehy cruma, nmc fm went6 Segs wns ly quhstgfm. G wns sffm tf mc fut. Orfl teh jfmvhrsntgfms fo teh rgje G enc tefuiet teh Lhbnmgj Lffrs nmc teh trgkhs fo Zwnlp-Crumas tehrh tf kh bgttbh lfrh tenm nm grrhbhvnmt sjntthrgmi fo prglgtgvhs bgvgmi gm teh lnrsebnmcs nbb nrfumc teh kny. Ns G bgsthm bgsthmhc hc lfrh nmc spfah bhss, nmc chsjhmchc chhphr gmtf teh jgty jgty,, G ofumc tent amfwbhcih nmc mhws fo teh Crumas nmc teh Lffrs kukkbhc khmhnte teh suronjh fo teh jgtghs jfmvhrsntgfm bgah n jyst khmhnte teh sagm. Ztfrghs fo teh trgkhs fo teh Lffrs4 teh Cgslnbs, Irhnt-Cgslnbs, Sehsgmihrs, Lfrfagh-Lhm nmc teh ohnrhc Obuah Kfys, ns whbb ns teh cfgmis fo teh mftnkbh jenrnjthrs jenrn jthrs fo teh Lffrs4 ―Ehr-O ―Ehr-Onjh‗ njh‗ Zene Bum, MgmhMgmh-Eumcrhc Eumcrhc Ygbsfm Ygbsfm,, Jetefmgj Dfmhs nmc Shmkhrfus Cdnmi Cdnmi,, whrh fm teh bgps fo nbb jbnsshs jbnsshs,, tefuie fmby teh pffrhst wfubc sphna cgrhjtby tf lh fm teh sukdhjt, teh rhst spfah fmby nlfmist tehlshbvhs, ns go tehy iunrchc nm fphm shjrht. Gt wns fmby orfl nm nppnrhmtby-eflhbhss wflnm sgttgmi fm n cgsushc bnmcwnrc cfja fo fmh fo teh pffrhst tfwhrs tent G wns nkbh tf bhnrm hxnjtby wey teh Zwnlp Crumas nrh cruma sf luje.“ - T ‒Seh Lhbnmgj Lhbnmgj Lffrs jnmm jnmmft ft kh mnvgi mnvginthc nthc ky teh jfms jfmsjgfu jgfuss lgm lgmc. c. Seh Lffrs tehl tehlshb shbvh vhss nrh n shvhrnb krfahm nrjegphbnifs fo rhhcs nmc kbnja wnthr, n lnzh fo jrhhas nmc wnthrwnys, bnahs, whtbnmcs, gmshjts nmc krfnc fntgmi gsbnmcs, n knffigmi bnkyrgmte fo rhhc khcs, sumahm ofrhsts, njgcgj lnmirfvhs nmc cgslnb pffbs. Mf-fmh jnm kh surh hxnjtby wehrh tehy stnrt fr hmc, wehtehr fmh hmvgrfml hmvgrfmlhmt hmt fr shv shvhrnb hrnb bgmahc. Hvhm wgtefut nmy ftehr-mntur ftehr-mnturnb nb qunbgty qunbgty,, tehy wfubc prhshmt nm gmjrhcgkbh jenbbhmih tf mnvgintgfm. Kut sflh umamfwm qunbgty fo teh Lffrs, sflh shjrht ofrjh, lna lnahs hs tehgr pntewn pntewnys ys glpfssgkbh tf rntgfmnbby umchrs umchrstnmc. tnmc. Nmy snmh gmthbbgihmt phrsfm ntthlptgmi tf lfvh terfuie tehl wgbb mc tehlshbvhs trnvhbbgmi gm jgrjbhs, onjhc wgte glpfssgkby krnmjegmi pntes, crnwgmi lnps tent lnah mf shmsh, umnkbh tf chsjrgkh chsjrgkh fr umchrs umchrstnmc tnmc wehr wehrhh tehy nrh fr sef sefubc ubc kh. Go tehy nrh vh vhry ry buja bujay y tehy wgb wgbbb if gmsnmh khofrh tehy stnrvh tf chnte. Fmby n chrnmihc lgmc jnm lfvh snohby terfuie teh lffrs. Wfu lust kh lnc, cruma, cruiihc fr enbo-nsbhhp. Fmby tehm, wgte teh jfmsjgfus nmnbytgjnb pnrt fo teh lgmc knffihc nmc jbfshc fff, lny yfu lfvh ky jbhvhr gmstgmjt, ns teh nmglnbs cf, nmc mc yfur wny. Gt gs ofr tegs rhnsfm tent teh trgkhs fo teh Lhbnmgj Lffrs nrh mnlhc ―Zwnlp-Crumas‗ nmc gt gs tegs tent lnahs up fmh fo teh ohw pfgmts fo jfmtgmugty khtwhhm teh knffigmi lgsjhbbnmy fo jubturhs gm teh Lffrs. Sehrh, gmsnmgty gs vnbuhc fvhr snmgty, teh gmnkgbgty tf efbc yfur crgma fr cruis gs tefuiet egieby egi eby fo, rntehr tenm teh fteh ftehrr wn wny y nrfu nrfumc. mc. (Nm (Nmyf yfmh mh wef jnm iht crum cruma a hnsgby gs n jeh jehnp np nmc rhbgnkbh rhbgnkbh iugch iugch.) .) Gt gs jfll jfllfm fm ofr jegbc jegbceffc effc tf kh vnbuh nbuhc c fv fvhr hr ncubteffc, crhnl crhnlss fv fvhr hr rhnsfm, gmstnkgbgty gmstnkgbgty nmc gmtu gmtugtgfm gtgfm fvhr rhnsfm nmc rhbgnk rhbgnkgbgt gbgty y. Sefuie ky mf lhnms nksfbuth nlfmist nbb Zwnlp-Cruma jubturhs, tehsh onjtfrs cf prhshmt n jfllfm tehlh. Prfohssgfmnb iugchs usunbby ahhp n kfttbh fo strfmi spgrgts fm tehl nt nbb tglhs gm jnsh fo ;8
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hlhrihmjghs. Zflh trgkhs sphjgnbgsh gm jhrtngm cruis, sflh ahhp gmsnmh phfpbh tf iugch tehl, slnbb onlgbghs jnm kh shhm fntgmi pnst fm rhhc khcs, iugchc ky enbo-nsbhhp jegbcrhm.“ Bhptfkbnst ‒Sehrh gs nm hxthmsgvh hjfmflgj rhbntgfmsegp khtwhhm teh Jgty nmc teh Lffrs. Seh pfpubntgfm fo teh Lffrs Lf frs gs spnrshby cgstrgku cgstrgkuthc thc kut teh Lffrs tehlshbv tehlshbvhs hs nrh euih Sehrh nrh rhnjehs fo wegje hvhm teh Chhp-Crumas cf mft sphna Seh tftnb pfpubntgfm lny kh vhry bnrih gmchhc. Srnch cgrhjtby wgte teh Crumas gs knmmhc nmc tehrh nrh rhiubnr ntthlpthc pumgtgvh hxphcgtgfms gm rhspfmsh tf sflh futrnih fr njt fo pgrnjy. Ns whbb ns n gjahrgmi stnth fo gmjfmstnmt jfmgjt. Seh twf jubturhs nrh kfumc jbfshby tfihtehr. G hstglnth ns luje ns n tegrc fo teh tftnb lngmbnmc trnch fo Dunag jflhs orfl tegs gbbhinb sfurjh. Seh Lffrs sup suppby pby,, fr trnm trnmslg slgtt orfl ourte ourtehr hr fm4 rnrh nmc fr nrfl nrflntgj ntgj wffcs (ofr hxn hxnlpb lpbhh inenru, snmcnbwffc, snppnm nmc Frm wffc), pujjffm-Zgbas, _grgc Zthhb, Jnihc Orugt Efumcs, teh bhnvhs fo teh Jntnstrfpeh Srhh, teh ohntehrs fo teh Kbntehrgmi Kgrc, teh Znmiugkh Jrnmh, fo Efrmkgbbs, Phnjfjas nmc Agmisehrs, Zmnpahis nmc Zmnpahi pnrts, rnrh ofrls fo nrt, wnrpupphts, pupph ts, khzfn khzfnrr stfm stfmhs, hs, crg crghc hc frin frinms ms fo swnlp swnlp onumn, nbfh wffc, efs efstnih tnihs, s, hcgk hcgkbh bh kgr kgrcs cs mhsts, efmhy, khhswnx, rgjh, fpgul, rukghs, rgccbhs, snppegrhs, bgqugc sencfws gm teh sehbbs fo smngbs, n vnrghty fo spgjhs, teh shrvgjhs fo Ehx Crniffms, cgshnshc spgmhs nmc lnmy ftehr tegmis. Gm teh ftehr cgrhjtgfm fw nbb agmcs fo lnmuonjturhc iffcs4 lnjehths, nxhs, tffbs, pfts nmc pnms, bnlps, ouhb, jnmcbhs, sehhts, jbftehs, whnpfms, onst senbbfw crnot kfnt, sngb, cruis nmc n truby stniihrgmi nlfumt fo nbjfefb. Nbb fo tegs gs jnrrghc fm shjrhtby, fr shlg-shjrhtby. Wht teh trnch gs sf vnst nmc sf glpfrtnmt tf kfte jubturhs tent, tefuie tehy kfte ohgim gmchphmchmjh orfl, nmc jfmthlpt ofr, hnje ftehr, go gt whrh tf hvhr jhnsh tehy wfubc kfte kh rugmhc. Seh nrh knbnm knbnmjh jh fo wgte pfw pfwhr hr hmcb hmcbhss hssby by khtw khtwhhm hhm teh twf. f. Seh kfrchrs fo teh Lffrs teh kny cftthc tehsegots nknmcfmhc wntje tfwhrs fo tw ongbhc nbjfefbgj jfbfmgsntgfm. Mfwkylfrh usunbby usunbb y knshs ofr sluiibg sluiibgmi mi fp fphrntgfms hrntgfms.. Nt tglhs hxpbfsgv hxpbfsgvhh trgkhs env envhh terhnthmhc teh tfwhrs tfwhrs fo Duang. Duang. Seh Sehy y nrh swg swgotb otby y nksf nksfrkhc, rkhc, gmjf gmjfrpfrn rpfrnthc thc gmtf gmtf teh jgt jgtghs ghs egs egstfry tfry,, ifv ifvhrml hrmlhm hmtt nmc lytefbfiy.“ - Nseaftt ‒Seh Lysthry fo teh Lffrs! N tnmtnbgsgmi shjrht sfuiet ky lnmy nmc pfstubnthc, tehfrgshc fm nmc cgsjusshc cgsjusshc ky jfurt jfurtghr ghrs. s. Mf lnm gs wgt wgtefut efut n tehfry fo egs fwm4 Seh ―Zhj ―Zhjfmc fmc Ifc‗ tehfry, suppfsgmi teh Lffrs n agmc fo Swgm tf teh Ofrhst fo Frm, teh ―Shm-Zencfws‗ tehfry put ofrte ky Ztnllhb jbnglgmi teh Lffrs ns teh shnt fo sflh nmjghmt pfwhr, n lhrh hlgssgfm fo teh rhhcs, n sphjgnb agmc fo pfbbhm, teh kgth fo n sphjgj lffr-kfumc gmshjt, n sglpbh jurs jurshh fo Zuktbh Nrt, irhnt kbnja inths cfwm khmhnte teh chhphst pffbs bhnagmi ofrte teh bfigj fo sflh ftehr wfrbc, spnjh stfbhm orfl teh wfrbc nmc wfrahc gmtf nm nbthrmntgvh lgrrfr-bnmc. Mf-fmh amf Mf-fmh amfws. ws. Kut teh cgs cgsjfv jfvhrhr hrhr wfub wfubc c khjfl khjflhh onl onlfus fus terfuie terfuiefut fut teh wf wfrbc rbc!“ !“ - Bhpt Bhptffkbnst ;?
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
K[NGMZSF[LH[ Seh Krngmstfrlhr khbghvhs tehy rhnc teh lgmc fo teh say. Sf khjflh fmh rhqugrhs gmthbbgihmjh, fkshssgfm, trhlhmcfus rhsfurjhs, n quhstgfmnkbh irgp fm lhmtnb lhmtnb ehnb ehnbte, te, nmc tgl tglh. h. Nbb tf intehr nmc cgs cgstgb tgb n ifb ifbchm chm jrnj jrnjabg abgmi mi ugc jflpfshc fo bgietmgmi nmc lncmhss. Seh Hbgxgr Nmhlfg. Seh hbgxgr gs jflpfshc prglnrgby fo jfbbhjthc bgietmgmi strgahs, nt bhnst n tefusnmc nrh rhqugrhc. Sf intehr tehl, wfubc-kh Krngmstfrlhrs bgah tf fjjupy egie lfumtngms gm thlphstufus bnmcs, shjrhtgmi tehgr hqugplhmt gm ofrtghc phnas, kugbcgmi jfpphr spgrhs nmc prnygmi ofr stfrls. Yngtgmi, phrenps ofr yhnrs umtgb teh ugc ibfw ibfwss gts ifbchm euh, rgph wgte hbhjtrg hbhjtrgjnb jnb pfwhr nmc teh egcchm cgsjenrih fo teh say. Khofrhh hvhm Khofr hvhm ten tentt prfj prfjhs hsss khi khigm gms, s, teh teh hbgx hbgxgr gr gtsh gtshbo bo lus lustt kh chvgs chvgshc. hc. Gt gs jflpf jflpfsh shc c fo te tehh jfmjhmt jfmj hmtrnth rnthc c nmc purg purghc hc kgbh fo jhrt jhrtngm ngm hhbs. Gt nbsf mhhcs trnjhs fo jhrt jhrtngm ngm rnrh lhtnbs nmc jflpfumcs, jflpfumcs, jnrh jnrhoub oubby by prfjhssh prfjhsshc. c. Lfs Lfstt cg cgjub jubtt tf nttn nttngm gm nrh teh k kfcyfcy-pnrt pnrtss fo vnrg nrgfus fus hbhjtrgjnbby-rhbnthc jrhnturhs, wegje njtgvnth teh pftgfm. Seh spgmh fo nm Nzub, ofr gmstnmjh, gs mhjhssnry khofrh teh hmc, nmc tehy nrh vhry enrc tf iht. Fmby n slnbb nlfumt fo teh ifbchm Hbgxgr Nmhlfg gs lnch, nbb fo gt gs rhqugrhc. Gt gs gmsnmhby vnbunkbh nmc nmyfmh jrhntgmi gt wgbb tnah hxjhptgfmnb pngms tf egch nmc prfthjt went tehy nrh cfgmi. Seh Krngmstfrlhr lust efmh nmc weht tehgr lgmc terfuie nvgc jfmjhmtrntgfm nmc chhp tefuiet tefu iet,, tf lnah gts rhnc rhncy y ofr gts jfll jfllumh umh wgte teh say say.. Seh strnmi strnmihh rhor rhornjth njthc c lgmcs lgmcs fo jbfucs nmc stfrls jnm kh n rnpgc lnzh fo vhjtfrhc tefuiet tf tefsh wef tnsh tehl ofr teh rst.. Seh Krngms rst Krngmstfrl tfrlhr hr lu lust st rhnc rhncy y tehl tehlshb shbvh vhss tf mft fmby umch umchrstn rstnmc, mc, kut jfmtr jfmtrfb fb tehs tehshh ntlfspehrgj psyjefbfighs. N mulkhr fo syrgmihs lust lust kh lnch. Sehsh sefubc kh tegmis fo hxjhptgfmnb nmc prhjgsh jrnot. Jfpphr, hnje wgte n jrujgofrl hmc. Hnje syrgmih gs bbhc wgte teh Hbgxgr Nmhlfg. Yhbb nbb gs nt prhpnrhc, teh Krngmstfrlhr wgbbSegs senvh fwmteh ehnc, tehy wgbb crgbb efbhs gm tehgr saubb jhrtngm hxnjtby-pbnjhc pfgmts. gs tehgr njtunbby bhnst-cnmihrfus pnrt fo teh prfjhss. Nmc tehm, gm fmjh prhjg prhjgsh sh lfv lfvhlhm hlhmt, t, teh syrgm syrgmihs ihs nrh crg crgvh vhm m gmtf gmtf teh krng krngm. m. Seh Hbgxg Hbgxgrr Nmhlfg Nmh lfg ffcs jhrt jhrtngm ngm shbhjt shbhjthc hc frin frinms ms fo teh lgmc. Zukb Zukbglh glh nwn nwnrhmh rhmhss. ss. Seh Krngms Krngmstfrl tfrlhr hr ohhbs, ofr teh rst tglh, tent jflpbhx hjfbfiy fo hvhr-ncdustgmi, mhvhr-jhnsgmi tefuiet nmc crhnl crhn l tent lna lnahs hs up teh gmv gmvhrsh hrsh wfr wfrbc bc fo ngr nkfv nkfvhh fur fwm. Seh umspfa umspfahm hm pf pfhtry htry fo teh say, teh shjrht crgvhr fo teh wgmcs. Nt tegs pfgmt hvhry Krngmstfrlhr fm rhjfrc ens ifmh jflpbhthby oujagmi muts. Sehgr hyhs umofjus, tehy khigm tf crffb. Khtwhhm teh jfpphr jrfsshs fo teh syrgmihs gmdhjtgmi ifbchm bgiet, n mhtwfra fo jrnjabgmi hbhjtrgjnb rh bhnps gmtf khgmi. Khofrh prfjhss khigms wfubc-kh Krngmstfrlhrs jnrhoub tf gmofrl tf tehgr bnjahys nmc shrvnmtsteh tent teh bhvhbs fo nbb Hbgxgr lust kh jnrhoubby nmc nrh jfmtgmunbby ncdusthc nvfgc cgsnsthr. ;9
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Fmjh teh rst cfsh gs tnahm nmc teh enbf fo hbhjtrgjgty khigms, teh Krngmstfrlhr rhnjts tf nmyfmh trygmi tf ncdust fr nbthr teh syrgmihs gm nmy wny ky sjrhnlgmi lncby, rgmi kfbts fo hbhjtrgjgty nmc sflhtglhs sujagmi tehl up gmtf n tfrmncf. Orfl tegs pfgmt fm teh bhvhbs wgbb ncdust tehlshbvhs. Go tehy sphna nt nbb gt gs usunbby tf gmofrl nmyfmh stgbb rhlngmgmi mhnrky fo tehgr mhw tgtbh, (tehy (te hy nbb nbb rhrh-mn mnlh lh teh tehls lshb hbvh vhss nmc nmc teg tegss gs efw efw teh tehy y khj khjfl flhh am amfw fwm m tf egstf egstfry4 ry4 Se Sehh Zub Zub-tnm fo Ztfrls, Seh Shlphst Aenm, Seh Knrfm Kfrhnb, Seh Jyjbfjznr, Irhnt Psyjeftypefm) nmc tf gmofrl phfpbh tent tehy nrh jhrtngmby mft gmsnmh, tent tehy nrh teh rst fmhs tf truby umchrstnmc teh prfjhss nmc wgbb kh teh rst tf truby lnsthr gt, teh ftehrs whrh offbs off bs.. . . OFF FFBZ! BZ! Jbfu Jbfucs cs nmc nmc stfrl stfrlss khi khigm gm tf int inteh ehrr gm teh ngr nkf nkfv vh te tehh Kr Krng ngms mstfr tfrlh lhr. r. Seh Sehy y nj njeg eghv hvhh n org orgie iethmg thmgmi mi chmsgt chmsgty y. Seh gmsgc gmsgchh fo teh igi iginmt nmtgj gj stfrl jbfuc wgbb kh sen senphc phc gmtf gmtf n agm agmc c fo pnbnjh-cumihfm tent lntjehs teh Krngmstfrlhrs jfmsjgfus nmc umjfmsjgfus lgmc. Zflh pnrts lnah shmsh nmc shhl tf khnr teh lnras fo chbgkhrnth chsgim, ftehrs, ns go tehy whrh wh rh jrhnthc ky nm nrj nrjegth egthjt jt fm crui cruis, s, fr gm n crhn crhnl. l. Hv Hvhryt hrytegm egmii gs tehrh ofr n rhns rhnsfm, fm, gts sglpby tent teh rhnsfm gs gmsnmh. Seh Krngmstfrlhr gs krfncby umnwnrh fo teh hxnjt mnturh fo tehgr pnbnjh. Sf tehl, hvhrytegmi gs ns gt sefubc kh, tegmis nrh ifgmi whbb, teh hxphrglhmt wns n sujjhss. Sefuie teh ihfirnpey fo teh Pnbnjh gs tehgr jrhntgfm, gt gs mft umchr tehgr jfmtgmunb jfmtrfb. Fmjh tegmis nrh kugbt up gm teh frgigmnb urry fo gmvhmtgfm, jfrrgcfrs nmc rffl nmc enbbs jnmmft kh rh-senphc wgtefut krhnagmi teh jfehrhmjy fo teh stfrl. (Nbtefuie fo jfursh, teh wefbhh teg wefb tegmis mis cfhs thmc tf rftnth qugth onst onst.) .) Zflhtgl Zflhtglhs hs teh orfm orfmtt fr kfttfl fo teh stfrl wgbb kh rh-senphc gmtf n rfuie npprfxglntgfm fo teh Krngmstfrlhrs onjh, orfl wegje tehy wgbb sphna tf teh phfpbh khbfw gm n vfgjh fo teumchr nmc eurrgjnmh. Yehm tehy nrh sntgshc wgte teh jrhntgfm fo tehgr mhw nkfch, teh Krngmstfrlhr wgbb sullfm ofrte n Sfrmncf orfl teh stfrl. N wegrbgmi mihr fo cnramhss wgbb rhnje cfwm tf tfuje teh hnrte. hnrt e. Gms Gmsgch gch tegs nmm nmmgeg gegbntg bntgmi mi vf vfrthx rthx wgbb kh n sgbhm sgbhmtt jnbl jfrh, nmc n spg spgrnb rnbbgm bgmii stng stngrw rwny ny,, wegje weg je teh Krn Krngms gmstfrl tfrlhr hr wgb wgbbb nsjh nsjhmc. mc. Orfl tegs pfgm pfgmtt fm tehy cwhb cwhbbb wgt wgtegm egm teh ehnr ehnrtt fo teh stfrl. Seh Eurrgjnmh-Pnbnjh fo teh Krngmstfrlhr wgbb sht fff fm gts dfurmhys. Sehsh wgbb kh chjgchc ky wenthvhr teh mhw Jyjbfjznr tegmas tehgr nlkgtgfm gs, fr wns, fr sefubc kh. Sehgr lgmcs jnm kh n bgttbh jfmoushc nt tegs pfgmt kut ihmhrnb jfmstnmts nrh n chsgrh ofr lfmhy, njjbngl, shx nmc teh pumgselhmt nmc chstrujtgfm fo tefsh wef lfjahc fr chirnchc tehl fvhr teh bfmi yhnrs fo squhhzgmi hhbs ofr tehgr krgmh. Seh stfrl wgbb rnjh nrfumc, nttnjagm nttnjagmii nmc jfbbh jfbbhjtg jtgmi mi tegmis tegmis.. Go teh Krng Krngmst mstfrlh frlhrr wn wnmts mts sflhtegmi, tehy terhnthm jgtghs nmc tfwms gm tehgr ifcbgah vfgjh tf prhpnrh gt nmc shmc cfwm n Sfrmncf Sfrmncf tf suja gt up. Sehsh S Sfrmncfhs frmncfhs nrh thrrgoygmi nmc gmjrhcgkb gmjrhcgkby y chstrujtgv chstrujtgvh. h. Gt teh tfwm fr jgty cgsfkhys, tehy shmc cfwm lubtgpbh Sfrmncfhs nmywny, rngm bgietgmi nmc iginmtgj engbs, thnr rffos fo efushs, crfwm strhhts nmc umbhnse prglfrcgnb jenfs fm teh pbnjh. Zefubc teh tnriht surgvh teh dfurmhy, gt wgbb kh culphc sflhwehrh gm teh Eurrgjnmh-Pnbnjh, tehm ofriftth ofri ftthm, m, fr mft, chphmc chphmcgmi gmi fm went gs ifgmi fm nt teh tglh tglh.. Seh Ztfr Ztfrl l Pnbnj Pnbnjhh jnm hmc ;5
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
up wgte nm fcc jfbbhjtgfm fo lfmhy, whgrc jrhnturhs, tegmis tent bffa gmthrhstgmi orfl nkfvh nmc nttrnjtgvh nmc sflhwent trnulntgshc phfpbh. Seh Krngmstfrlhr gs stgbb nwnrh hmfuie tf lnah chnbs wgte gmthbbgihmt jrhnturhs, gt jnm fffhr jhrtngm irfups trnmspfrt fr snohty gm rhturm ofr prfthjtgf prfthjtgfm. m. Gt jnm ofrl slnbb stfrlstfrl-ifbhls ifbhls nmc bgietmgmi-ifbhls tf chohmc gtshbo, tefuie tegs mgiibgmi mh wfra rhqugrhs jfmjhmtrntgfm nmc tglh. Hvhmtunbby teh hbgxgr bhvhbs wgbb if fut fo wenja nmc tehgr ehnc wgbb hxpbfch, gt‗s dust n lntthr fo tglh. Yehm teh Krng Krngmstf mstfrlhr rlhr cghs, teh stfr stfrl l cgh cghss wgt wgte e tehl tehl.. Seh Pnbn Pnbnjh jh fo Ztfrls wgbb stnrt tf vhry irncunbby onbb npnrt, shilhmts shpnrntgmi nmc crgotgmi tf teh irfumc bgah onbbgmi bhnvhs teh sgzh fo lhrjenmt segps, strhwgmi tehgr wrhjanih nmc survgvfrs nbb fvhr teh jfumtrysgch.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
K[NGMZSF[LH[, PNBNJH HUNLPBH Segs gs n pghjh fo nrt, mft gmjbuchc gm tegs.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
JNPGSXNBSF[Z Seh Jnpgtubntfrs nrh bnx, n purpfshbhss shlg-suphrmnturnb rnjh fo gmcgffhrhmt teghvhs nmc tgrhc spghs. Sehy bgvh surrhmchrhc bgvhs, nknmcfmgmi tehlshbvhs tf onth nmc jenmjh nmc tehy nrh snjrhc khgmis tf onth gtshbo, frinmgj nmihbs fo teh nkshmjh fo cgrhjthc wgbb. N Jnpgtubntfr stnmcs lnm-egie, gt whnrs gmshjtgbh senph. Sehy hyhbhss ehnc gs spbgt. N pngr fo bgvgmi efrms6 Swgtjegmi lnmcgkbhs uprngshc gm prnyhr6 Zflhtglhs teh Jnpgtubntfr shhls n onjh onjhbhs bhsss lnm, lnsa lnsahc hc nmc ehb ehblhc. lhc. Zflh Zflhtgl tglhs hs bgah n khhtb khhtbhh rhnr rhnrgmi gmi up, dnws wgch ns go tf hnt teh say. Sehy jnm stnmc nmc wnba ns lhm, fr rum upfm nbb ofurs bgah gmshjts wfubc, kfte nrh mnturnb mnturnb tf tehl, kfte nrh rgie rgiet. t. Sefs Sefshh dn dnws ws jbfsh sbf sbfwby wby wehm tehy iet, kut tehy nrh strfmi. strf mi. Seh Sehy y sphna. kut rnrh rnrhby by.. Yehm teh tehy y cf sf gt gs gm n egie egie pgtj pgtjehc ehc weg wegmh. mh. Bga Bgahh n y trnpphc gm n dnr fo ibnss. Jnpgtubntfrs egvhs bffa bgah irhy slfah pgbhc gm crgots terfuie jflpbhx cnrahmhc wffcs. Sehy bgah sencfwhc, jgllhrgnm pbnjhs, chmsh ofrhst, bfflgmi jnmyfms enrc tf rhnje. Phfpbh ohnr tehsh egvh egvhs. s. Fmjh yfu shh Jnpgtub Jnpgtubntfrs ntfrs tehy nrh hvhrywehrh nt fmjh, wntjegmi wntjegmi sgbhmtby sgbhmtby.. Sehy shhl tf enumt tehgr egvhs bgah iefsts, npphnrgmi wehrh mf bgvgmi tegmi sefubc kh. Lhm jflh knja orfl tehrh chrnmihc, norngc fo tegmis tent mf-fmh hbsh jnm shh. Jnpgtubntfrs Jnpgtub ntfrs rgch teh hyh. Sehgr umgquh nmc umstfppnk umstfppnkbh bh pfwhr gs tent, fmjh cgrhjtby shhm, tehy jnm khjflh fmh wgte teh fkshrvhrs sgiet, tf bgvh gmsgch tehgr vgsgfm fo teh wfrbc. Sehy shhl, tf tefsh wefsh hyhs tehy rgch, bgah n sylptfl fo gmsnmgty. Seh Jnpgtubntfr pfps up gm yf yfur ur vgsunb vgsunb hbc, gmth gmthirnt irnthc hc gmtf teh sjhmh. Go gm n rffl - gts gm tehrh wgte yfu yfu,, go yfu bffa njrfss n bnmcsjnph , gt gs tehrh, jbfsh up fr onr. Gt jnm kh lnm-sgzhc gm yfur sgiet, enbo egcchm ky n jurtngm jurtngm fr n cffr, fr vh vhry ry slnb slnbb. b. Seh Jnpg Jnpgtub tubntfr ntfr jnm shhl mf bnrih bnrihrr tenm n kui, nm nm nmtt fm teh irfum irfumc, c, n y jrnw jrnwbgm bgmii fm teh pnih. Gt jnm kh sf slnbb nmc sf cgsjr cgsjrhth hth yfu ln lny y tegma gt gs ifmh, kut gt gs mft. Ofr ns bfmi ns teh Jnpgtubntfr rgchs yfur hyh, gt gs mhvhr fut fo sgiet. Gt jnm rhlngm tehrh, bgah n vgsunb iefst, ofr ns bfmi ns gt sf chsgrhs. Nt n lflhmt fo gts jeffsgmi, gt gs rhnb. Seh Jnpgtubntfr gs mfw njtunb, mf bfmihr nm gbbusgfm fr enbbujgmntgfm, gt gs tehrh, gm teh rffl. Wfu lny mft amfw tegs tgbb gt rhnjehs fut tf tfuje yfur hse. Sf hmjfumthr Jnpgtubntfrs wgtefut amfwgmi went tehy nrh fr went tehy cf gs orgiethmgmi gmchhc. gmc hhc. N cgstur cgsturkgmi kgmi vgsg vgsgfm fm tent jnmm jnmmft ft kh rhlf rhlfvh vhc c fr jurhc, tent sgi sgimnbs mnbs sflh sflhtegm tegmii gm lfvh lf vhlhm lhmts ts nmc strnmih sgims sgims.. Gt ohhb ohhbss bga bgahh ifg ifgmi mi lnc. N sphjg sphjgj j nmc grrhv grrhvhrsg hrsgkbh kbh gmsnmg gmsnmgty ty.. Go yfu cf amf amfw w went Jnpg Jnpgtub tubntfr ntfrss nrh, gt‗s hvh hvhm m wf wfrsh. rsh. Sf amf amfw w tent nt nm nmy y lfl lflhm hmtt nmc gm nmy pbnjh, teh Jnpgtubnt Jnpgtubntfr fr jnm kh rhnb rhnb.. Sen Sentt yfu yfu nrh mhvh mhvhrr fut fo cnm cnmihr, ihr, mhv mhvhr hr snoh sf bfmi ns yfu jnm shh. Gm cnramhss, fr wgtefut hyhs teh Jnpgtubntfr jnmmft jflh, gt gs trnpphc gmsgch teh bgietbhss hyh, kut go yfu shh nmytegmi nt nbb gt jnm hsjnph. Seh Jnpgtubntfrs tegma tehy envh mf shbo. Segs gs tehgr irhnthst whnamhss nmc teh sfurjh fo tehgrr strn tehg strnmih mih pfwh pfwhr. r. Seh Sehy y suk suklgt lgt utthrb utthrby y tf onth nmc jenm jenmjh. jh. Sehy amf amfw w tent hvh hvhryte rytegmi gmi tehy cf nmc nrh gs sht, mf truh jefgjh hxgsts, tehy nrh lnjegmhs fo hse nmc hvhm tent slnbb gmmhr vfgjh tent snys ―G nl‗ gs dust n iefst fo tefuiet, n mhjhssnry gbbusgfm fo teh shbo. Seus sf, hlpty fo shboeffc, tehy jnm kh mf lfrh tenm nm glnih gm teh hyh fo fmh fkshrvgmi tehl. Seh shjfmc tehy stfp khbghvgmi tegs teh pfwhr cgsnpphnrs. :>
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Yegbh gt phrsg Yegbh phrsgsts, sts, tehy wn wngt. gt. Jnp Jnpgtub gtubntfr ntfrss mhv mhvhr hr lf lfvh vh tff qug qugja jaby by,, tehy crgot bga bgahh dnch dnchc c jegbcrhm jegb crhm fo teh rgje rgje,, tehy nlkb nlkbhh nmc tehy pnush. Sf kh shhm tnagmi tff chhp nmc umjfmsgchrhc umjfmsgchrhc gmthrh gmthrhst st gm nm nmyteg ytegmi, mi, hvhm hvhm bgo bgohh gts gtshbo hbo,, gs tefu tefuie iett qug qugth th inuj inujeh. eh. Gm Gmvf vfbv bvhlh hlhmt, mt, chs chsphrntg phrntgfm, fm, nclgrntgfm, nclgrnt gfm, dfy dfy,, chsgrh, entrhc nmc rhnb mhhc, nbb tehsh nrh hsjehw hsjehwhc. hc. Sehy stnmc nbwn nbwnys ys nt fmh rhl rhlf vh orf orfl went nthr tehy cf. Gmtru sphhj sphhje teh tehy sphna nakhbgh fo we went tehy cfrhnb gm shjf shjfmc mc fr te tegr grc cr phrsfm phrs fm, , fmnl mnlhs hs l nrhwe mhv mhvhr us ushc hc. . Gm trute te eteh tehy y ycfsph mft khbghv vhntte tehy hy nrh rhnb, , n Jnp Jnpgt gtub ubntf ntfr wntjehs wntj ehs gts fwm rhnjtgfms bgah teh hlpbfyl hlpbfylhmt hmt fo n jflpbhx nutfln nutflntgj tgj lnjegmh. lnjegmh. Sehy nrh bnmiufrfus nmc cgchmt, suphrgfr nmc enrc tf lftgvnth fr sjnrh. ‒. . . ofu ofumc mc tent, jhnsgm jhnsgmii ush fo mnlh mnlhss fr phrsfmnb wf wfrcs, rcs, nmc ky jfmmg jfmmgmi mi tf nkstrnjt nkstrnjtgfm gfms, s, tent G jfubc jfllumgjnth qugth whbb. G nsahc nkfut tehgr jubturh nmc tehgr egvh. (Sent gs, ―G‗ cgc mft nsa nt nbb, nm umsphjghc gmthbbgihmjh lnch jfllhmtnry rhbnthc tf teh ihmhrnb ofrls fo gts jfmstrujtgfm nmc tehgr rhbntgfm tf nmy ifvhrmlhmtnb nmc sfjghtnb systhls fphrntgmi wgtegm sngc strujturh. Mf mnlh hmthrhc ly sphhje nmc mf sfbgc fkdhjt wns chsjrgkhc.) Sehy shhlhc nmglnthc (nblfst) (nblfst) nmc rhpbghc. (Mf njtunb rhpby wns lnch, n shrghs fo rhbntgf rhbntgfms ms whrh nmnbyshc gm teh nkstrnjt gm teh prhshmjh fo n pfssgkbh fkshrvhr, tent gs4 lyshbo). Gt wns cgjubt tf umofbc lhnmgmi orfl tehgr wfrcs, kut gt shhlhc ns go teh egvh, teh sfjghty nmc hvhrytegmi gmsgch gt bgvgmijfllhmtnry, pbnjh, kut n fr agmc fo wfra fo nrt. Sent teh purpfsh fo wns tegs mft nrt prglnrgby wns ns nm ngrfmgj rhoutntgfm fo,jfmjhptunb n sglgbnr wfra fo nrt. Sent gs4 nmft nmftehr ehr egv egvh. h. Sent nbb suj suje e sfjghtg sfjghtghs hs nmc wny wnyss fo bgoh bgoh nrh sgl sglpby pby pnr pnrtt fo n Irnmc Irn mc Nri Nriulhm ulhmt, t, pbn pbnyh yhc c fut fvh fvhrr nihs nmc ihmh ihmhrntg rntgfms fms fo bgoh. bgoh. Sent mfteg mftegmi mi gs wen wentt gt gs, kut gs n sgim fr lhtnpefr ofr sflhtegmi hbsh, wegje, wehm ofumc, gs nbsf sglpby n sgim fr ofr sflh stgbb-lfrh-cgstnmt tegmi. Segs hxpbngms qugth whbb, G tegma, teh prhohrhmjh fo teh Jnpgtubntfrs ofr tefsh eulnm frinmgzntgfms nmc lfvhlhmts wegje nrh hbnkfrnth, hlftgfmnbby cgstnmt, egieby shbo-nwnrh nmc vhry tehfrhtgjnb, nmc bgahwgsh tehgr mhnr-entrhc (tehy mhvhr truby ―enth‗ nmytegmi) ofr gchns nmc sfjghtghs tent nrh hlkfcghc, umquhstgfmgmi, pnssgfmnth nmc zhnbfus. Ncchc tf tegs gs teh onjt tent go fmh sfjghty fo Jnpgtubntfrs njts gm n jhrtngm wny, n cgffhrhmt fmh, fkshrvgmi tegs, lny phrofrl strnmih nmc gmjfmsgsthmt njtgfms sglpby ns n jfllhmt fm teh rst. Yent shhl shhlss tf us nm nmnrj nmnrjey ey,, gm wegj wegje e mfte mftegmi gmi jhrtn jhrtngm gm fo tehg tehgrr lftg lftgvh vhss jnm kh amfwm, gs, gm onjt nm nriulhmt khyfmc fur umchrstnmcgmi fr fur rhnje. Fur jfmvhrsntgfm hmchc wehm tehy nsahc lh (gm tehgr wny) went ly fwm bgoh nmc sfjghty wns jfllhmt fm. Seh gchn knffihc lh nmc G wns nkbh tf gssuh mf rhpby.“ - Thmgtenb Sehy jnm kh trgj trgjah ahc. c. Zfl Zflhtgl htglhs hs hvhm hvhm phrsu phrsunchc nchc fr dus dustt ofrj ofrjhc hc gmtf gmtf njtg njtgmi mi bga bgahh tehy env envhh n jefgjh. Sehy cf bfvh tf inlkbh nmc tf kht, gm teh lgccbh fo n jflpbhx inlh tehy jnm ofriht tehlshb tehl shbvh vhss nmc stnrt tf jnrh jnrh.. Seh lflhm lflhmtt tent tehy cf sf tehgr pfwh pfwhrr gs ifmh, tehy jnm mf bfmihr rgch teh hyh. Sehy sprgmi gmtf rhnbgty, fkshrvnkbh tf nbb. Jnpgtubntfrs Jnpgtubn tfrs jbngl n bgm bgma a tf jhrt jhrtngm ngm ftehrftehr-mntu mnturnb rnb rhnbls rhnbls.. Nks Nkstrnj trnjthc thc orf orfl l rhnb rhnbgt gty y ns tehy nrh ky fmh chi chirhh rhh,, gt lny kh ten tentt teh tehy y lf lfv vh lf lfrh rh hns hnsgb gby y gmtf gmtf tefsh fteh ftehrr wf wfrb rbcs. cs. Se Sehy hy nrh ofumc fothm jfmmhjthc tf, fr hlpbfyhc ky, jrhnturhs tent wghbc teh pfwhr fo onth nmc gmhvgtnkbh gmhvgt nkbh tglh. Jnpgtubntfrs nrh nbwnys sbgietby kfrhc, tehy rnrhby iht glpntghmt nmc nblfst mhvhr sjnrh. Go :;
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
n sjehlh rhqugrhs chpbfylhmt fo irhnt hmhriy fr crgvh, tehy wgbb lfst bgahby ongb, kut go fmby tglh nmc pntghmjh nrh rhqugrhc, nmc nm nkshmjh fo ohnr, gt gs bgahby tehy wgbb iht gt cfmh. Sehy lnah lnah hffhj hffhjtgv tgvhh spg spghs hs nmc teghv teghvhs, hs, jnpnkb jnpnkbhh fo bgv bgvgmi gmi ns tehy cf gms gmsgch gch teh hy hyh. h. Sehy if hvhry hvhrywehr wehrhh teh vgjtg vgjtgl l ifhs nmc shh hvhry hvhryteg tegmi mi tehy shh. Go teh suff suffhrhr hrhr tegma tegmass tehl tehlshb shbvh vhss gmsnmh, tehy lny sglpby sglpby jeffsh tf egch tehgr ―cnra enbbujg enbbujgmntgfm‗ mntgfm‗.. Fr tehy jnm kh terhnthmh terhnthmhc c fr jfmtrfbbhc jfmtrfbbhc gm ftehr wn wnys. ys. Go teh Jnpgtubntfr stny stnyss slnbb nmc egcchm gm teh sgiet, teh jnrrghr lny ln y mft oubby rhnbg rhnbgsh sh tehy nrh tehrh. Go umcgrh umcgrhjthc jthc Jnpgt Jnpgtubn ubntfrs tfrs lny stgbb mc tehlshb tehlshbvh vhss sthnbgmi dhwhbs fr wfras fo nrt gm n tgrhc nmc fffenmc wny. Sehy envh n iffc shmsh fo khnuty, kut gt wnahs mftegmi gmsgch tehl, nknmcfmhc pngmtgmis cft teh egvh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
JFBFX[ LFMZSH[ fr PGILHMS HNSH[ Mf-fmh amfws ofr jhrtngm hxnjtby went teh jfbfur-lfmsthr gs. Gt‗s sagm gs senchc nkshmt-kbnma, n tfmh tent jnmmft kh phrjghvhc ky hyhs. Gt gs prfknkby sflh agmc fo bgznrc, n bgttbh bgah teh Jenlhbhfm. Gt jfubc kh nkfut teh sgzh fo n kgi jnt, kut kgiihr sflhefw, wgte bgahby ofur, fr lnykh vh, bgznrc-bgah bglks. Sehy lgiet kh lfmahy-bgah, wgte tgmy enmcs. Sehrh gs jhrtngmty nkfut gts tngb kut teh jurb fo teh tngb gs cgsputhc ky nbb. Gt sjnlphrs qugjaby nmc bhnps orfl krnmje tf krnmje gm teh ofrhsts wehrh gt lnahs gts eflh nmc ghs fm prgsl ohntehrhc wgmis. Gt gs mft wegth fr irhy irhy,, trnmspnrhmt fr gmvgsgk gmvgsgkbh. bh. Wfu jnmmft shh terfuie teh Jfbfur Lfmsthr, yfu sglpby jnmmft shh teh jfbfur tent gt gs. Seh sgiet gmjehs. Seh fmby gts krgiet jfjjgmhfus hyhs, nmc gts wgmis. Gts wgmis nrh vh vhry ry bf bfvh vhby by nmc nrh lnch fo bgiet bgiet.. Thmg Thmgtenb tenb ens sngc ‒teh jrhntu jrhnturh, rh, gmsthn gmsthnc c fo lnmgpubntgmi jfbfur ns teh Jenlhbhfm cfhs, tf cgsiugsh gtshbo, ens bhnrmt tf prfdhjt jfbfur gm sflh rnw ofrl, tehrhky ingmgmi teh rnrh pfwhr fo giet wgtefut teh gmjfmvhmghmjh fo peysgjnb prfpubsgfm.“ Yehm teh Jfbfur Lfmsthr ghs teh glphrjhptnkbh vfgc fo gts ofrl gs enbfhc gm prfdhjthc rngmkfw, bgah bgiet spgbbgmi orfl n pngmthc bnmthrm. Lfst kfbc nrh jnrcgnb nmc gmcgif, pyrrfus rhc nmc ubtrnlnrgmh, kut senchs fo hvhry agmc nrh shhm. Gt gs enrc tf bffa upfm, teh wgmis sf krgiet tehy mhnrby kbgmc nmc teh nkshmjh fo gt irfuxgmi teh frk, kut nt bhnst gt jnm kh ofumc nmc lnykh stfpphc khofrh gt bgjas yfur hyhs wgte gts senrp tfmiuh. Seh Jfbfur Lfmsthr hnt fmby hxtrhlhby jfbfuroub tegmis. Enmcgby, ofr lnm teh rnmih fo bgvgmi sagms lnahs tehgr hse bhss npphtgsgmi ofr teh Jfbfur Lfmsthr, Lfms thr, kut Bhpcf Bhpcfkbn kbnst st rhl rhlnras nras44 ‒G envh shhm gt try tf pgh pghrjh rjh nm umum-lnra lnrahc hc cubb-h cubb-hyh yhc c gmcgvgcunb fmby twgjh, nmc fm hnje fjjnsgfm teh fmby umgoygmi onjtfr wns teh vgkrnmjy fo teh vgjtgls sagm, fmh khgmi nblfst jfnb-kbnja, teh ftehr hxtrhlhby wegth nmc pnbh, fo sagm tfmhs fo teh nv nvhrni hrnihh rnmi rnmihh teh jrhntu jrhnturhs rhs tffa nbl nblfst fst mf mftg mftgjh jh nt nbb. nbb. Sefu Sefuie ie tefsh wgte krg krgie iett hyhs whrh norngc.“ Go teh jrhnturhs nrh swnrlgmi nmc eumiry, stnrvhc ofr jfbfur, hvhm teh khgih irhgih irhgih nmc krf krfwm wm fo eu eulnm lnm sagm lny shhl npphtg npphtgsgm sgmii tf tehl. Nmc fo jfur jfursh, sh, tehy bgah tf hnt hyhs, teh krgiethr nmc lfrh vgvgc teh khtthr. Sehy cf sf wgt wgte e tehg tehgrr sln slnbb bb senrp tfmiu tfmiuhs, hs, wegj wegje e njt luj luje e bga bgahh rhv rhvhrsh hrshc c tntt tnttffs. ffs. Sehy mhhcbhmhhc bh-gj gjah ahrr gm nmc fut, gmgt gmgtgnb gnbby by tehy cf mft jnus jnushh lu luje je enrl. Seh kbhhc kbhhcgmi gmi gs lgb lgbc c kut qugth cgjubt tf stfp ns teh nrhn nrfumc teh tfmiuhs strgah gs utthrby nmc phrlnmhmtby crngmhc fo jfbfur. Gt ifhs teh snlh nkshmt-kbnma ns teh Jfbfur Lfmsthr, khjflgmi glphrjhptgkbh tf teh hyh. Kut tehm teh nrhn ifhs mulk. Gt wgbb mhvhr ohhb nmytegmi hvhr ningm. Seh fmby wny tf thbb go yfu nrh kbhhcgmi orfl n Jfbfur Lfmsthr wfumc gs ky teh wnrlte nmc whtmhss fo teh kbffc. :3
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Go sfl sflhf hfmh mh gs khs khsht ht ky jfb jfbfur fur lf lfms msthr thrss nmc su suffh ffhrs rs mulh mulhrfu rfuss wfum fumcs cs,, teh sj sjnrs nrs wg wgbb bb kh glpfs gl pfssg sgkb kbhh tf sh shh. h. Se Sehh vg vgsu sunb nb hff hffhjt hjt fo teg tegss fm te tehh euln eulnm m kfcy gs cgsjf cgsjfmjh mjhrtg rtgmi mi gmch gmchhc. hc. Nrhns, sflhtglhs wefbh bglks, shhl mft tf hxgst. Kfcy pnrts cf mft jfmmhjt fr fnt fccby gm teh hyh. hyh. Cus Custurk turkgmi gmi nmc orgie orgietmg tmgmi mi tf bffa upfm, nmc chhpby chhpby trnuln trnulntgj tgj ofr teh phrsf phrsfm m gmvfbvhc. Seh lfmsthrs bfvh bfvh tf ohhc orfl teh jfbfurs fo bgvgm bgvgmii hyhs, teh krgiethr teh khtthr. Zefubc tehy cf sf, teh rhsubt gs foth fothm m kbg kbgmcmh mcmhss. ss. Kut hvhm go teh vgjtg vgjtgl l surv survgv gvhs hs nmc rhin rhingms gms tehgr sgiet, sgiet, tehgr hyhs wgbb mfw kh nkshmt-kbnma, lnagmi tehl thrrgoygmi nmc strnmih tf bffa upfm. Fmh fr twf Jfbfur Jfbfur Lfmst Lfmsthrs hrs jnm kh cg cgjub jubtt tf chnb wgt wgte. e. N bnrih swn swnrl rl jnm k khh n shr shrgfus gfus terhnt. Seh jubturnb jubturnb ush fo teh Jfbfu Jfbfurr Lfms Lfmsthr thr jnm kh lfrh cgst cgsturkg urkgmi mi stgbb stgbb.. Chs Chspgt pgthh teh bnja fo prffo, rulfurs phrsgst fo teh hxgstnmjh fo chbgkhrnthby lnch ‒Jfbfur Lfmsthr-Lfmsthrs“. Xmusunbby ehrh, Thmgtenb jfmrls, nmc Bhptfkbnst chmghs, teh hxgsnmjh fo suje tegmis. Thmgtenb nbbhcihs tent trgkhs fo Zwnlp-Crumas nmc Kfi-Hbvhs wgbb rnmih onr orfl teh Lhbnmgj Lffrs tf jnpturh Jfbfur Jfbfur Lfmsth Lfmsthrs. rs. Seg Segss cfm cfmh, h, tehy rhturm tehl eflh, nmc ush tehl tf tntff ns, jef jefshm shm ohw. Seg Segss jnrh jnrhoub oubbyby-shb shbhjth hjthc c hbg hbgth th nrh gms gmsjrg jrgkhc khc ky tfuj tfuje e fv fvhr hr n mu mulkh lkhr fo lfmtes, lfmte hvhmtun hvhmtunbby bby khjflgmi tftnb nkshmt-kb nkshmt-kbnma. nma. Sehy nrh utthrby glphrjhptnkbh, hvhmr tf tehlshbvhs. Bhptfkbnst chjrghs tegs utthrby4 ‒go hvhry fnse jfllu Bhptfkbnst jfllumh mh tent jbnglh jbnglhc cp pfshssg fshssgfm fm fo nm umshhm shjrht wnrrgfr truby cgc pfshss fmh tehy tehy wfubc kh rummgmi gmtf hnje ftehr ky njjgchmt nbb fvhr fvhr teh lffrs. Nmc ef efw, w, lny G nsa, nrh suje khgmi tf kh jfm jfmtrfb trfbbhc bhc fmjh lnc lnch6 h6 Efw Efw efw cf tehy mc tehgr wny, khgmi umnkbh tf shh teghr fwm ohht6 Gt gs n mfmhshmsh.“ (Eh ifhs fm tf chjry teh onsegfm nlfmist teh yfute fo Dua Duang ng Jgty ofr Jfbfur Lfmsthr tnttffs, jnbbgmi gt ‒n jnbnlgty“.) Mhvhrtehbhss, pfpubnr khbgho gm teh hxgstnmjh fo teh ―Jfbfur Lfmsthr-Lfmsthr‗ rums egie nmc rulfurs fr jbngls fo fmh jnm kh hmfuie tf spnra n ornmtgj rgft ns jrfwcs thnr eflhs npnrt shnrjegmi ofr teh tegmi tehy jnmmft shh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
JF[KHNX Jfrkhnu nrh kbnjagse irhhm bgah n chhp, chnc pfmc nmc nrh ohnrhc luje lfrh tenm tehgr bglgthc pfwhrs wfubc suiihst, hsphjgnbby ky lhm. Sehy nrh teh sgzh fo slnbb wflhm. Hnje sbhmchr bglk tnphrs tf n shmsgtgvh effo. Sehgr ehncs nrh knrh nmc kbnma kbnma,, prfpf prfpfrtgf rtgfmhc mhc bga bgahh eu eulnm lnm ehncs ehncs.. Seh kbnj kbnja a hy hyhs hs nrh bfjnt bfjnthc hc enbo wny cf cfwm wm teh ―on ―onjh‗ jh‗ nmc cg cgjub jubtt tf spft orfl onr nwn nwny y. Sehy env envhh mf vgsgk vgsgkbh bh frinms fo shm shmsh sh ftehr tenm tegs. Seh lfute gs slnbb nmc egcchm. Yehm hntgmi gt hxthmcs orfl khbfw, wehrh teh jegm jegm wfu wfubc bc kh fm n euln ulnm m ehn ehnc. c. Seh thh thhte te nrh slnb slnbbb nmc nmc se senrp nrp nmc teh dnw fo te tehh Jfrkhnu gs mft luje strfmihr tenm n eulnm dnw. Hnje ens n bfmi hbhinmt wegpbgah tngb wegje fws gm tglh tf teh segotgmis fo tehgr ncdustnkbh spgmh. Seh jehst gs rfumc nmc strfmi, teh wngst gs vhry sbgl nmc hxpnmcs tf rfumchc, lusjubnr kuttfjas nmc egps. Seh Jfrkhnu ens luthc shmshs ofr n eumtgmi khnst, gts krngm gs bnrih nmc gt ushs tegs tf pbnm nmc tegma nehnc nmc tf lnah ush fo teh sgmibh pghjh fo lnigj wegje nbb Jfrkhnu amfw, gts nkgbgt nkgbgty y tfn pfgsfmhc egc egchh wgt wgtegm egm, , nmc cupbg cupbgjnth jnthngtshb gtshbo o orfl orfl, , rhh rhhjtgv jtgvhh gmtf suro suronjhs njhs. . Gt ens fmh lfrh ncvnmtnih4 kgth wegje gmdhjts egieby sphjgj tfxgm teh vhgms. Pfpubnr glnigmntgfm rhinrcs tehl ns utthrby hvgb, shcujtg Pfpubnr shcujtgvh, vh, chlfmgj khgmis wef trgja bfmhby ofrhsthrs nmc onlgby lhm gmtf phrvhrthc njts, whnahm tehl wgte agsshs umtgb tehy nrh kut sehbbs fo tehgr ofrlhr shbvhs, shbvhs, nmc tehm jfmsulh tehl. Sehy nrh ohnrhc nmc enthc ky nbb sglpbh ofba nmc rhinrchc ky tehl ns vgrtunb, fr hffhjtgvh, chvgbs, hgtehr prfcujhc ky, fr gm bhniuh wgte, sflh chstrujtgvh nmc chlfmgj pfwhr. Ygtjehs nrh ehbc tf envh Jfrkhnu Onlgbgnrs, fr tf jenmih gmtf tehl. Seh Jfrkhnu gs nbsf bgmahc gm teh pukbgj lgmc wgte teh chjnchmjh fo whnbte, tehy nrh n ―rgje lnms pbniuh‗ pbniuh‗.. Seg Segss prfk prfknkb nkby y rhbnths tf tehgr rhbntgfms rhbntgfmsegp egp wgte lgrrfrs. lgrrfrs. Seh fmby phfpbh bgahby tf envh lgrrfrs bnrih fr jbhnr hmfuie ofr n Jfrkhnu tf lfvh terfuie nrh teh tefsh fo jfmsgchrnk jfmsgchrnkbh bh whnb whnbte. te. Sehr Sehrhh nrh mulh mulhrfus rfus ofba tnbhs gm weg wegje je teh gmmfj gmmfjhm hmtt krgc krgchh fphms teh cffr tentnmc lust-mhvhr-kh-fphmhc ehr strnmih mhw eusknmcs efush mcs kbnja lgrrfr n Jfrkhnu mhst, gm gm n sphjgnbby kugbt khcrffl lnch ofr nmc tehl, nmcgmsgch4 gs tehmn prflptby hnthm. (Segs gs chspgth teh onjt tent hxnjtby teh snlh phnsnmts wgbb usunbby rhpfrt tent Jfrkhnu hnt fmby lhm, usunbby lhm tehy envh shcujhc rst.) Bhptfkbnst hsjehws teh phnsnmt tnbhs nmc suspgjgfms gm n phroumjtfry wny, kut gm hffhjtgvhby jfmrls tehl wgte egs ehgiethmhc nmc sflhwent purpbh chsjrgptgfm fo fkshrvgmi n pnja fo Jfrkhnu Jfrkh nu ky stnrbg stnrbgie iett ky teh sgch fo n lhb lhbnmgj nmgj pffb. (N chsjr chsjrgptg gptgfm fm sf vgv vgvgc gc tent gt bhm bhmcs cs gts mnlh tf teh onlfus Zfmntn ky _hrgcgnm.) Eh nbsf jbngls tf envh umjfvhrhc teh frgigmnb sfurjh ofr teh pfpubnr Jfrkhnu-Gm-Seh-Khcrffl stfry, nbtefuie, typgjnbby, eh mhibhjts tf lhmtgfm went fr wehrh fr wef gt gs. Thmgtenb igvhs n qugth cgffhrhmt nmnbysgs4 ‒Seh Jfrkhnu gs nm hmtgrhby gmmfjhmt, fr nt bhnst, mft hvgb jrhnturh, rhinrchc wgte ohnr nmc crhnc cuh tf nm njjgchmt fo jgrjulstnmjh nmc ofrl. :?
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Gts sgzh, teh prfpfrtgfms fo gts egps nmc wngst, gts jfmtgmunb sbfw lfvhlhmts, teh eulnm shhlgmi fo gts ehnc nmc teh onjt tent mf ohnturhs jnm kh cgrhjtby shhm, igvhs mf ftehr glprhssgfm tenm fo khgmi npprfnje npprfnjehc hc ky n lns lnsah ahc c wflnm fm nbb ofurs. Seh hffhjt gs qugth hhrg hhrghh nmc wehtehr cgrhjtby umchrstffc, fr shmshc fmby gm teh chhps fo teh lgmc, hxpbngms sflh fo teh ohnr nmc umjhrtngmty teh jrhnturh ihmhrnths, hsphjgnbby gm lhm. Gm slnbbhr jrhnturhs teh pfgsfm fo teh Jfkrhnu kgth lny kh strfmi hmfuie tf agbb. Gm bnrihr fmhs, teh hffhjts nrh luthc. [hlnra [hlnrankby nkby,, teh Jfrkhnu pfgsfm cfhs jnrry n ihmchrhc hffhjt. Gm lhm gt jnushs nppnrhmt peysgjnb whnamhss, pnssgvgty, cgtehrgmi, bfss fo prglnb (tent gs tf sn sny y, ihmh ihmhrntg rntgvh vh)) crg crgvh vh nmc chpr chprhss hssgfm gfm.. Seh hffhjts fm wf wflhm lhm (G gmd gmdhjth hjthc c n sln slnbb bb cfsh tf kh jhrtngm) nrh sglgbnr, kut luje bhss ahhmby ohbt. Seh truh rhvhbntgfm fo teh Jfrkhnu kgth lny kh teh cgsjfvhry, ky gmohrhmjh, fo sflh ihmhrntgvh, glphbbgmi ugc fr hbgxgr, prhshmt gm nbb eulnm khgmis, kut luje lfrh sf gm lnbhs, wegj we gje e gs supp supprhs rhssh shc c ky gts vhmf hmfl. l. Go te tegs gs gs teh jns jnsh, h, teh tehm m gt hx hxpb pbng ngms ms teh stfr stfrgh ghss fo teh jrhnturh hntgmi fmby lnbh khgmis. Gts pfgsfm gs lfrh hffhjtgvh ningmst tehl sf gt lny gmchhc jfmjhmtrnth fm eumtgmi tehl. Ns tf teh mnb pfwhr fo teh Jfrkhu, tehgr nkgbgty tf egch gm lgrrfrs, nmc krhhc mhw rhhjthc shbvhs wgtegm, gt gs sglpbh tf hxpbngm. Sehy nrh lfst fothm ofumc gm teh ofrhsthc lnrigms fo teh Lhbnmgj Lffrs, wehrh teh cnma irumhfus pgmhs bffl sgbhmtby nrfumc njgcgj pffbs fo utthr kbnja. Seh sgbhmjh fo teh pffbs nmc teh stgbbmhss fo tehgr sagms trnmsofrls teh wffcs gmtf n lgrrfrhc lnzh, bgt cnraby ky rhhjthc lffms. Ky cny teh hlpty sulps nrh cnma nmc krfwm wgte teh hvhr-hmjrfnjegmi rffts fo teh irumhfus pgmhs, ky mgiet mgiet tehy rhphnt teh say say,, p phrohjt hrohjt fkshrv fkshrvhrs hrs fo teh stnrs. Mf ncvn ncvnmtnih mtnih gs lfrh fkvgfus fkvgfus tenm tent fo lgr lgrrfrh rfrhc c trnm trnmsgt sgt gm dust suje n pbnj pbnjh. h. Yeht Yehtehr ehr teh Jfrkhnu chvhbfphc tegs jnpnjgty mnturnbby, fvhr teh bfmi rhnjehs fo tglh, fr ingmhc gt gm sflh rnrh nmc ftehr-mntu ftehr-mnturnb rnb wn wny y, teg tegss gs teh pbnj pbnjhh ofr tehl. Sehg Sehgrr mntu mnturh rh nmc teh mnturh fo teh bnmc nmc bgoh gm suje n pbn pbnjh, jh, t hnj hnje e ftehr bgah n bfj bfja a nmc ah ahy y. Ns wh shh hbs hbshweh hwehrh rh gm mntu mnturh, rh, jrhnturhs hgtehr ncnpt tehlshbvhs ns nptby ns tehy jnm tf tehgr bfjnb nrrnmihlhmt fo tegmis, fr hbsh lgirnth tf bnmcs wehrh tehy lny tby bgvh. Seh Jf Seh Jfrkhn rkhnu u if we wehrh hrh lg lgrrf rrfrs rs nrh nrh,, gm teh nkshm nkshmjh jh fo ln lnma magm gmc, c, teh tehsh sh hm hmvg vgrf rfmlh mlhmt mtss nrh ohw nmc onr khtw khtwhhm. hhm. Ky mft fmb fmby y jfms jfmstruj trujtgmi tgmi nrtg nrtgjgn jgnbb lgr lgrrfrs rfrs gm bnr bnrih ih mu mulkhr lkhrs, s, kut ky nkcujtgmi Jfrkhnu ofr fur fwm hmthrtngmlhmt, nmc tehm krgmigmi teh twf gmtf jbfsh prfxglgty wh envh ummnturnbby hmbnrihc gts eumtgmi irfumc. Seh lnzhs fo teh irumhfus pgmhs strhtje mfw gmtf fur eflhs, fur pnrbfurs, fur khcrffls, knterffls knte rffls nmc enbbs. Seh Sehy y cf mft rhpb rhpbgjn gjnth th tehlshb tehlshbvh vhss gms gmsgch gch teh ibns ibnss, s, gt gs sglpb sglpby y tent wehrh fmh ens khhm, ftehrs jnm mfw orhhby if. Fmjh n sgmibh Jfrkhnu ens khhm rhhjthc gm teh ibnss, ibnss, lfr lfrhh jnm jflh terf terfuie. uie. Ns lfrh jflh terfu terfuie, ie, tehy shha fut lgrrfr lgrrfrss wehr wehrhv hvhr hr tehy if, jrhntgmi yht lfrh njjhss pfgmts. Seh rhsubtgmi pbniuhs nmc swnrls, gmvncgmi lnmsgfms nmc tehntrhs gm teh mgiet, jrfwcgmi gmtf nknmcfmhc eflhs khofrh spgbbgmi fut gmtf teh strhht, stnbagmi rhvhbbhrs khofrh cgsnpphnrgmi ns succhmby ns tehy jnlh, jnm fmby kh prhvhmthc wehm hvhry lgrrfr tehy envh shhm ens khhm chstrfyhc.“ :9
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
J[GLZFM JFMS[N[FC[FM Hyhs n-spgm, seh rfbbs rfbbs rfbbs gm teh rhc rgppbgmi wnvhs fo jrglsfm phtnbs nmc rhnjehs fut wgte pffrby-frchrhc enmcs tf lnse lfrh pfppghs gmtf ehr lnw. Seh Jrglsfm Jfmtrnrfcrfm gs teh sgzh fo n slnbb efush nmc jenmihs jfbfur knshc fm went seh seh hnt hnts. s. Zeh gs wgsh hmf hmfuie uie tf am amfw fw teg tegss nmc sgm sgmjh jh seh wgse wgsehs hs tf kh rhc rhc,, gm n h hbc bc fo rh rhc c fwhrs sf seh khjflhs sf ns seh ohnsts. Zeh gs gmvgsgkbh mfw, nlgcst teh rhc gmfrhsjhmjh, lfvgmi wgte teh wgmc, swnygmi ihmtby. Ygte n tefuiet seh khjflhs gmtnmigkbh, iefstgmi terfuie teh frhts bgah n iust, fr trnmsofrls gmtf n rhc lgst tent jurbs nmc sgies, fr seh gs teh fwhr, fr n rhc say fvhr n rhc bnmc, bffagmi cfwm fm teh tgmy iurh fo n Jfmtrnrfcrfm wef tegmas ehrshbo lgiety, fr n fwhr, ns seh jrnls lfrh pfppghs gmtf ehr jnrmgvfrfus lfute. Seh rhc say bnuies qughtby tf ehrshbo tf shh suje n tegmi nmc teh wfrbc segvhrs umchr ehr bnuiethr. Seh Jrglsfm Jfmtrnrfcrfm gs egie ns ouja prhtty luje nbb fo teh tglh nmc rugmfusby nccgjthc tf teh pfppy shhcs ohrlhmtgmi gm ehr khbby. Zeh gs n bnrih, hrjh, bgznrc-bgah prhcntfr wgte nsyllhtrgj bglks, igothc wgte teh nkgbgty tf jenmihh ehr pgilhm jenmi pgilhmtntgfm tntgfm knshc fm went seh hnts. Ky jfmsulgmi n slnbb nlfumt fo vhihtnkb vhihtnkbhh lntthr, teh Jfmtrnrfcrfm jnm pgilhmt ehr fwm sagm wgte teh jfbfurs fo ehr offc. Segs jfubc ehbp ehr bnrih ofrl kbhmc gm wgte n wgch rnmih fo hmvgrfmlhmts. Kut seh fmby ens fmh hmvgrfmlhmt. Bhptfkbnst Bhptfkb nst rhln rhlnras ras44 ‒Jb ‒Jbhnrb hnrby y, lfs lfstt Jfm Jfmtrnr trnrfcrfm fcrfmss wf wfubc ubc n envh envh k khhm hhm n lgx lgxturh turh fo pfrrn pfrrn-jhfus pgilhmts nmc sfrrhb senchs, lfvgmi slffteby orfl jfbfur tf jfbfur ns tehy jrfsshc orfl orf l zfmh zfmh tf zfm zfmh. h. Xm Xmam amfw fwm m mfw mfw ns teh teh fmby fmby rhln rhlngm gmgm gmii hxn hxnlp lpbh bhss fo teh tehgr gr agmc agmc nr nrhh teh pntehtgj nmc pfppy-nccgjthc Jrglsfm Jfmtrnrfcrfm.“ Seh Jfmtrnrfcrfm ens terhh bglks nbfmi ehr bhot sgch nmc fmby twf nbfmi ehr rgiet. Seh twf orfmt bglks fm teh fcc-bglkhc sgch envh rucglhmtnry enmcs, wegje teh Jfmtrnrfcrfm jnm ush tf lnmgpubnth nmc irnsp. Hvhry ftehr bglk hmcs gm n tfuie, bnrih bgznrc-jbnw. Ehr strnmih ingt lny kh cuh tf ehr fccby-nrrnmihc bglks fr sglpbh jehlgjnb chphmchmjy. Mf-fmh Mffmh ens hvhr shhm teh Jfmtrn Jfmtrnrfcrf rfcrfm m sfkhr sf mfkfcy amfws. amfws. Zeh ens sphhc wehm seh mhhcs, kut zgi znis n bgttbh nmc bfshs tegmis. Zeh ens kfte sphhje nmc tefuiet, nmc jbngls jhrtngm rhlnrankbh pfwhrs, tefuie, ningm, mffmh gs hmtgrhby surh go tehsh nrh pfwhrs fr qunbgtghs teh Jfmtrnrfcrfm njtunbby ens fr sglpby pfwhrs seh khbghvhs seh ens. Zeh khbghvhs seh nksfrks n bgttbh wgscfl fo tefsh seh ifkkbhs cfwm, nmc fmby wgsehs tf hnt teh wgshst, seh wgbb hminih gm jfmvhrsntgfm khofrh nssnubt, gm frchr tf chjgch wef seh sefubc hnt. Sehsh jfmvhrsntgfms jnm kh qugth bfmi nmc, sflhtglhs, jfmousgmi ofr hvhryfmh gmvfbvhc. Seh Jfmtrnrfcrfm khbghvhs seh irncunbby irfws ―hvhr wgshr‗ terfuie tehsh jfmsulptgfms, hvhmtunbby khjflgmi ―teh wgshst fo nbb‗.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Zeh lust nmswhr nmswhr sgmibh rgccb rgccbhs, hs, fr tehf tehfrhtg rhtgjnb jnb quhst quhstgfm gfmss fo ehr prhy khofrh . Jfm Jfmsul sulgmi gmi tehl, sefubc seh ongb tf cf sf ehr dnws wgbb bfja nmc ehr hyhs wgbb whhp nmc rfbb knja gm ehr ehnc nmc seh wgbb lfnm ns go ifg ifgmi mi lnc. Zeh jnm stgbb thnr sflh sflhfmh fmh npnrt wgte ehr strnm strnmih ih umhvhm enmcs gm tehsh jnshs. Efwhvhr seh wgbb mft hnt teh rhlngms. Zeh ens jbnglhc tf kh chsjhmchc orfl nm nmjghmt rnjh fo tgtnmgj khgmis, fr sflhtglhs tent seh gs fmh fo tefsh khgmis, nmc wgbb enppgby cgsjfursh nt bhmite fm hfms curgmi wegje kbffc rngmhc orfl teh say, teh hnrte spfah gm vfgjhs nmc teh shn wns n wflnm wef cnmjhc ofr teh stnrs. stnr s. Nin Ningm, gm, gt gs mft jbh jbhnr nr go tehs tehshh nrh tegmi tegmiss tent njtun njtunbby bby enpphm enpphmhc hc fr sgl sglpby pby went teh Jfmtrnrfcrfm Jfmtr nrfcrfm khbghv khbghvhs. hs. Mulhrfus slnbb jubts envh sprumi up knshc fm tehsh rntehr cnmihrfus jfmvhrsntgfms nmc rncgjnb nmc offbgse pgbirgls nrh nm glpfrtnmt sfurjh fo prfthgm ofr Jrglsfm Jfmtrnrfcrfm. Sefuie lfst snihs nirhh, tegs gs mft n chbgkhrnth ohhcgmi tnjtgj, seh snys teh snlh tegmi tf hvhryfmh, nmc wehm seh tegmas mf-fmh gs mhnr gt snys teh snlh tegmis tf ehrshbo. Ftehr stnthc pfwhrs gmjbuch teh nkgbgty tf rhnc lgmcs, tf shh nbb ns go orfl teh say, tf umchrstnmc teh bnmiunih fo teh wgmc, tf fjjupy nbb pfgmts gm ehr fwm bgohspnm nt teh snlh tglh, tgl h, tf jnush pfppghs tf irf irfw w nrfu nrfumc mc ehr nmc ―fmhm ―fmhmhss‗ hss‗.. Sef Sefuie uie tehrh gs bhs bhsss jfms jfmsgst gsthm hmtt hvgchmjh ofr nmy fo tehsh nkgbgtghs nmc teh jbngls cf vnry cny-tf cny. Zeh cfh cfhss ehbp ehbp pfp pfppg pghs hs irf irfw w ns ehr stfl stflnj nje e jnmmf jnmmftt oubby oubby cgih cgihst st teh shh shhcs cs,, bhnv bhnvgm gmii te tehl hl hvhrywehrh gm ehr spffr, nmc seh agbbs nmc hnts nmy bnrih mhnrky ehrkgvfrhs. Ky suje lhnms seh kfte sustngms sustngms ehrshb ehrshboo nmc prhv prhvhmt hmtss nm nmy y ftehr khgmi orfl hntgmi hntgmi ―ehr‗ pfppgh pfppghs. s. Zeh gs dhnbfusby prfthjtgvh fo teh fwhrs. Fpgmgfms fm teh chvhbfplhmt nmc chsjhmt fo teh Jrglsfm Jfmtrnrfcrfm vnry wgbcby, ohw jrhnturhs fjjupy suje n ornuiet jubturnb spnjh gmsgch teh eulnm lgmc. Seh jfmshrvntgvh onjtgfm, hxhlpbghc ky Bhptfkbnst rhinrcs teh pfppy-nccgjtgfm ns teh jnush fo, nmc mnb rhlmnmt fo, n sphjghs-wgch sphjghs-wgch jubturnb chjny chjny44 ‒ n fmjh-lg fmjh-lgiet iety y rnjh fo Bgznrc-Agmis, Bgznrc-Agmis, lnch Zbnvhs fo Kruth Nccgjtgfm nmc, sf Cwgmcbgmi tf n senlhoub sencfw shbo.“ Thmgtenb ens nbwnys chmghc rncgjnbgsl kut ohw envh stnthc tent vghwpfgmt lfrh sujjgmjtby tenm ehr4 ‒Zeh gs, nkfvh nbb, n surv survgv gvfr. fr. Crg Crgotg otgmi mi glphrgs glphrgsenk enkbh bh fm teh chhp wnv wnvhs hs fo tgl tglh, h, sustngmgmi wef-amfws-went prglfrcgnb wgscfl terfuie teh bfmi crhnl fo ehr khgmi.“ Nseaftt bhnvhs fmby sjntthrhc mfths nkfut ―lutntgfm‗ ―iginmtgsl‗ nmc fmh vhry chtngbhc crnwgmi fo teh Jfmtrnrfcrfms lgccbh-bglk.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
J[WPSFZPGCH[ Segs slnbb, gmthbbgihm gmthbbgihmtt spgchr gs sf enrlbhss nmc whna tent gt shhas tf hsjnph enrl ky sbhhpgm sbhhpgmii gm yfur pfjaht gm teh cny. Ofr tegs gt trnchs teh shjrhts tent gt jntjehs gm teh mgiet. Seh Jryptfspgchr gs nkfut teh sgzh fo n kgi lfush, ifbc nmc irhy gm knmcs, wgte kbuh hyhs bgahh tgm bga tgmy y segmgm segmgmii ihl ihls. s. Gts bhis nrh slnbb nmc tegm, prfdhjtgm prfdhjtgmii mft onr fut. N Jryptfs Jryptfspgc pgchr hr sphnas qugth whbb, gts vfgjh gs bgah n tgmy uth. Gt eumts pffrby, rhqugrgmi teh ngc fr prfthjtgfm fo sflh ftehr bgvgmi tegmi tf survgvh teh rgifurs fo teh wfrbc. Gts fmh ncvnmtnih gs4 gts whks jnm jntje ofriftthm tefuiets. Go nm gmthbbgihmt khgmi sefubc njjhpt teh Jryptfspgchrs thrls, gt rhsgchs upfm tehgr phrsfm orfl tehm fm, jurbgmi jurbgmi up gm n p pfja fjaht ht fr sfl sflhweh hwehrh rh mhxt tf teh sagm sagm.. Gt sbhhp sbhhpss terfuie teh cn cny y, lng lngmt mtngmg ngmgmi mi fppfs fppfsgth gth efurs tf tefs tefshh fo gts efst. Yeg Yegbh bh teh efst sbu sbulkhr lkhrss teh spgchr gs nwnah nmc wegbh teh efst gs nwnah, teh spgchr cfzhs qughtby, wnrl nmc snoh. Swgjh n cny, fm wnagmi gm teh hvhmgmi nmc khofrh gt ifhs tf sbhhp, teh spgchr wgbb pfbgthby rhquhst rhqu hst offc. Seg Segss jnm jfmsgs jfmsgstt fo gms gmshjts hjts,, efmh efmhy y, tgm tgmy y strg strgps ps fo hse fr nmy nmy jfl jflkgm kgmntgf ntgfm m fo teh terhh.ehnc Fm khgmi ohc, teh tenmas teh whk. efst gm gts irfws slnbb vfgjh, tehm fo jbglks tf tehgr sbhhpgmi nmc khigms tf spgchr kugbc gts mgietby Segs bgah n enbf sgba, fm hxpnmcgmi gm n rncg rncgnb nb pntthr pntthrm m orfl teh efst efst,, bgm bgmah ahc c tf mhnr mhnrky ky sfb sfbgc gc pfgmt pfgmts. s. Seh whk gs sfothr tenm n spgchrs sefubc kh, gmshjts jnm pumje rgiet terfuie, nmc teh Jryptfspgchr lust irulkbh gm gts tgmy vfjh nmc struiibh tf rhpngr teh efbhs. Nm nknmcfmhc gchn fr lgspbnjhc lhlfry lny kbumchr gmtf teh whk curgmi teh mgiet, teh Jryptfs Jry ptfspgch pgchrr wgb wgbbb jntj jntje e gt, pnrnb pnrnbysh ysh gt wgt wgte e gts kgth nmc wrnp gt up gm sgba. sgba. Yehm lfrm lfrmgmi gmi jflhs, teh Jryptfspgchr wgbb fffhr gts efst nbb teh tefuiets gt jnuiet tent mgiet. Fmby swnbbfw teh squgrlgmi sgba jfjffm, ns gt cgssfbvhs slffteby gm teh stflnje teh gchn gmsgch wgbb jflh tf lgmc, ns go gt enc mhvhr khhm bfst. ‒Sefuiets nmc lhlfrghs y nrfumc gm teh cny bgah lnc gmvgsgkbh gmshjts, fothm rhturmgmi tf tehgrr jrhn tehg jrhntfr tfr nt fcc lflhm lflhmts ts wehm teh lgm lgmc c gs ftehrw ftehrwgsh gsh kbnma kbnma.. G phrsf phrsfmnb mnbby by env envhh ofum ofumc c tehsh tefuiets ntthmc lh fothmfowegbh fm teh tfgbht, ofr fr nrrgvh gm n euih swnrl dust khofrhrhturmgmi G onbb nsbhhp. Seh irhnt ncvnmtnih teh Jryptfspgchr teh Zjefbnr gs tent, sf bfmi ns yfu sbhhp qughtby wgtefut n irhnt chnb fo lfvg lfvgmi mi nrfumc, sflhwehrh qught, tent gs, wgtefut rngm fr crgvgmi wgmc, gt gs nblfst glpfssgkbh tf ofriht nmytegmi gm yfur sbhhp. Hvhm jflpbhx nkstrnjt gmofrlntgfm bgah teh jfch tf n bfja fr teh chtngbs fo n bhtthr envh khhm rhturmhc tf lh wgte ly lfrmgmi lhnb. Lfrh mftnkbh mftnkbh nmc bhs bhsss spfa spfahm hm fo nrh teh shjr shjrht ht ncv ncvnm nmtnih tnihss fo teh Jryp Jryptfsp tfspgch gchr. r. Ly fwm gchns gchns,, fo jfurs jfursh, h, ln lny y mft kh teh fmb fmby y fmh fmhss cns cnseg egmi mi nkf nkfut ut gm teh mgie mgiet. t. (Se (Sefui fuie e orn ornma maby by G susphjt tehy lnah up teh lndfrgty gm teh bfjnb nrhn, teh lgmcs fo ftehrs bnjagmi ly umusunb jfimgtgvh ohjumcgty, (sflhtglhs G susphjt tent ly jflpnmgfms wnah up wgte gchns tent jhrtngm jhrtngmby by sefub sefubc ck kh, h, lus lustt envh khhm, ly fw fwm. m. . . )) Sehs Sehshh lhlfrg lhlfrghs hs nmc gchns jnm nbsf kh jnu jnuie iett up gm teh Jr Jryp yptfs tfspg pgchr chrss wh whk, k, nmc fffh fffhrhc rhc tf lh nt krh krhna naons onst. t. Se Sehh Zp Zpgc gchr, hr, fo jfursh, sglpby jntjehs tefuiets, seh cfhs mft amfw orfl wefl tehy jflh, nmy lfrh tenm nm frcgmnry spgchr quhstgfms teh ihmhsgs fo ghs. 30
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
G envh, fm sflh lfrmgmis, wfahm up nmc rhnbgshc tent teh ahy tf n dngb jhbb wns gm teh pfjaht fo nm nknm nknmcfmh cfmhc c jfnt jfnt,, (lf (lfst st ush ushoub oub gmofr gmofrlntg lntgfm fm gm tefs tefshh jgrjuls jgrjulstnmj tnmjhs). hs). Fmj Fmjhh G rhnb rhnbgsh gshc c tent n bhtthr tf teh Cuah enc onbbhm khegmc teh sgchkfnrc, nbtefuie G wfah gm n ofrhst wgte n jnstbh gm teh cgstnmjh, nmc cgc mft amfw n Cuah, fr fwm n sgchkfnrc. Fmjh G wfrahc fut efw tf sefh nm nmiry ifnt, fr rhnbgshc tent ly iugch rhshmthc teh jut fo ly jbfna Sehsh lhlfrghs, fr tefuiets, jnm fmby jflh orfl ftehrs wef envh bfst tehl gm teh mgiet. (Jbfsh (Jb fsh lgm lgmcs cs G teg tegma ma,, wgteg wgtegm m nkfu nkfutt v vhh lg lgbh bhs. s.)) Ye Yent nt wns fmjh fmjh teh tehgr grs, s, wn wnss mf mfw w lg lgmh mh tf amfw. Seh jenmjhs fo tegs enpphmgmi nrh qugth rnrh, G hstglnth phrenps fmjh gm hvhry twhmty cnys, kut teh julubntgvh hffhjt fo tehsh tgmy jfmthxtbhss rhvhbntgfms fvhr n krhnaonst fo sgba jnm kugbt up fvhr tglh nmc khjflh vhry ushoub gmchhc.“ - Bhptfkbnst ‒Seh lgmc sjnks fvhr lnmy cnra hvhmts. Segs hmigmh fo ofrihttgmi nbbfws us tf survgvh teh pngm gmgjthc fm us ky teh wfrbc. Kut, teh spgchr cfhs mft amfw hxnjtby went gt jntjehs gm teh mgiet. mgiet. Zhv Zhvhrnb hrnb lfmt lfmtes es noth nothrr fur hmjfum hmjfumthr thr wgte teh jrhntur jrhnturhh gm teh W Wurt, urt, G jfms jfmsulhc ulhc n Jerysnb Jery snbgs gs nmc, thrrg thrrghc, hc, bhnpt tf ly ohht. G enc tf kh rhst rhstrng rngmhc mhc orfl cnseg cnsegmi mi fut gmtf gmtf teh wgbchrmhss. Seh ohnr fo tent lflhmt enc rhturmhc gm fmh ohbb swffp, nmc teh cygmi lhlfry fo tent thrrgkbh hvhmt enc prhsshc gtshbo gmtf ly lgmc fmjh lfrh. Go gt jfubc kh amfwm wegje jfjffms jfmtngmhc knc lhlfrghs, tehy jfubc kh jnst nwny, (fr hvhm ushc ns pfgsfm, sefjagmi tefuiet), kut gt gs vhry enrc tf cgsjhrm wegje gs wegje. Ns whbb ns tegs, G ofumc tent teh rnmih fo tgmy gmcgimgtghs cfmh ky orghmcs nmc wegje nrh usunbby qugjaby ofriftthm, nmc teh orustrntgmi chtngbhc jenff fo cngby bgoh, sprnmi knja gmtf khgmi hnje lfrmgmi wgte oubb ofrjh, lnagmi lh, G khbghvh, rhshmtoub, jrnkky nmc chtngb fkshsshc. [hinrcgmi teh rgcgjubfus ―jfvhrt‗ nppbgjntgfms fo teh Jryptfspgchr, G ofumc lyshbo pgjagmi up, lfrh tenm nmytegmi hbsh, teh rnmcfl tefuiets fo tefsh wef sbhpt mhnrky. Mhgtehr tehy mfr G whrh enppy nkfut tegs. Efw foth Efw fothm m gs truby vgtnb fr glpfr glpfrtnm tnmtt gmo gmofrl frlntgf ntgfm m gcb gcby y bho bhott nsg nsgch6 ch6 G wfubc wfubc vhm vhmturh turh44 mft nt nbb. Nblfst ky chmgtgfm fmh gs hxpfshc tf rnmcfl ushbhss mfmshmsh hvhry lfrmgmi. G cgc hmdfy teh spgchrs jflpnmy nt bhnst, nmc sf bfmi ns G pngc gts (vhry slnbb) twgjh-cngby ohh, G wns umchr mf fkbgintgfm tf hnt teh tefuiets gt jnuiet ofr lh. Kut gt wns vhry cgsnppfgmthc go G cgc mft hnt nt bhnst fmh n cny. G ohbt iugbty ns teh jrhnturh cgc envh tf wntje gts jnrhoub whkkgmi khgmi chstrfyhc hvhry lfrmgmi wehm G wfah up, nmc, ns gt rhlgmchc lh4 ‒G cf nm nwoub bft fo wfra jntjegmi tefuiets gm teh mgiet.“ G nl mfw gm n jflpbhx nmc cgjubt sfjgnb sgtuntgfm, bygmi tf ly Zpgchr hvhry lfrmgmi nmc prhthmcgmi tf hnt ly tefuiets, wegbh teh pg pgbh bh fo cry jfjff jfjffms ms kugb kugbcs cs up sb sbfw fwby by gm ly pfja pfjahts hts.. G nl mft su surh rh went tf cf wgte tehs tehshh lhlfrgh lhl frghss fr efw tf cgs cgspfsh pfsh fo tehl tehl.. Gt shhls rgcgju rgcgjubfu bfuss nmc pfssgk pfssgkby by cnmihr cnmihrfus fus tf sgl sglpby pby terfw terf w tehl nw nwny ny.. Ph Phrenp renpss G sen senbb bb lngb tehl tf n rhbn rhbntgv tgvhh fr orghmc, orghmc, bht tehl chnb wgte ly jenff go tehy sf wgse.“ - Thmgtenb
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
JX[ZHBGMIZ Jurshbgmis kbhhc gmtf fur wfrbc terfuie teh sencfws fo teh gmmfjhmt chnc. Sehy nrh nbwnys tehrh, wntjegmi nmc wngtgmi orfl gmsgch pffbs fo nkshmjh wehrh teh bgiet irfws cgl. Sehy jnm fkshrvh kut mhvhr tfuje, tefuie tehy wfubc bgah tf vhry luje. Ogrst nm gmmfjhmt lust cgh nmc tehgr sencfw, mft tehgr jfrpsh, lust tfuje teh irfumc. Sehy jnm kh eumi orfl sflh rnothrs fr teh krnmjehs fo n trhh, fr crfwm gm jbhnr senbbfw wnthr wegje teh bgiet strhnls terfuie, sf bfmi ns tehgr kfcy cfhs mft tfuje teh hnrte kut bhnvhs n kbnja nmc jbhnr-hcihc sencfw tehrh. Fmby tehm jnm n Jurshbgmi jbglk terfuie teh sencfw bgah n cffr nmc jbnlkhr fut. Sehy nrh n bgttbh tnbbhr tenm lhm, wgte bfmi bfmi-nmibhc bglks, terhh-tfhc ohht nmc terhhmihrhc mih rhc enmcs. Sehg Sehgrr kfcghs bffa bgah cnra krfw krfwm m ibn ibnss ss segotg segotgmi mi gm teh sencf sencfws ws fo n sumb sumbgt gt rffl. Sehy nrh shlg-trnmsp shlg-trnmspnrhmt nrhmt nmc gmsgch teh krfwm-ib krfwm-ibnss nss kfcghs nrh mhnrby-kbn mhnrby-kbnjaja-ibnss ibnss kfmhs tf ahhp tehl up, nmc bgqugc-bffagmi frinms nt teh jfrh. Sehgr bgvgmi saubbs, n bgttbh bgah bfmi-dnwhc sehhp, nrh lfrh jbhnrby vgsgkbh tenm teh tegm hse go tehgr nblfst-ifntbgah onjh. Sehgr hyhs shlg-rhhjt nmc nse gm teh enbo-cnra ns tehy ofjus nmc turm. Fmby sgmibh Jurshbgmis jnm jflh terfuie hnje sencfw jnst. Sehy nrh jnrhoub, mhvhr jflgmi wehm gm vghw, nbwn nbwnys ys nwngt nwngtgmi gmi sgbhmjh nmc nv nvhrthc hrthc hyhs khofrh tehy lnah tehgr lfvh. Zefubc fmh Jurshbgmi jnush nm gmmfjhmt tf cgh, nmc krgmi nmftehr terfuie, teh shjfmc wgbb fkhy teh rst. rst. Se Segs gs gs teh fmb fmby y rub rubhh fr eg eghrn hrnrj rjey ey tehy rhsph rhsphjt, jt, kut Jur Jursh shbg bgmi miss cf rhs rhsphj phjtt gt gt,, go fmh krgmis terfuie nmftehr, teh ftehr wgbb kh bfynb, nmc sf irhnt pyrnlgcs nmc jengms fo tehl jnm jflh tf k kh, h, hnj hnje e ubt ubtgln glnthby thby fwg fwgmi mi ohnbt ohnbty y tf n sgm sgmibh ibh sencf sencfw-te w-tenmh. nmh. Seg Segss gs efw Jurshbgmis irfw gm pfwhr, hnje shhas tf krgmi ns lnmy ns tehy jnm. [gccbhs, ifbc, lurchr nmc teh bfst nrh nbb tegmis Jurshbgmis bfvh. Sehy wgbb sgt rgccbgmi gm teh cnramhss ofr efurs, wegsphrgmi vfgjhs pnssgmi knja nmc ofrte. Jurshbgmi rgccbhs rnrhby envh n enppy hmc1 Glnch nl yfur jegbc fo yfur hse nmftehr ehbphc tehy hmthrhc yfu G spgt kut hnt yfur tglh. N wfumc. G nl n kfmc yfu wfm‗t shha tf bffshm. G lnah fo yfu n prgsfm yfu efph wfm‗t kh hsjnphc. Yent sefubc if orhhby G prhvhmt. 3;
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
kut G, n pngmoub vgsgtfr jflh nblfst-tff-bnth hvhry tglh. N tfrmhquht. [gccbgmi [gccbg mi gs fmh surh wn wny y tf cgs cgstrnj trnjtt n Jurs Jurshbg hbgmi, mi, tehy jnmm jnmmft ft bhnvh bhnvh fmh umnm umnmsw swhrhc hrhc.. Wfu lny jfumt yfur bgoh ns snoh sf bfmi ns yfu jnm lntje tehl tfmiuh-tf-tfmiuh. Bfst tegmis tehy nbsf amfw, sflh shmsh bhncs tehl tf tegmis tent mf-fmh hbsh jnm mc. Bfst phfpbh, fkdhjts, bnmcs nmc pntes, tehy shha nmc mc tehl nbb. Nmc pnss, go mft gmvgsgkbh tehm jhrtngmby jhrtngmb y umshhm. Sehy bfvh nknmcfmhc trhnsurh nmc tehy amfw gts pbnjh. Seh bfmi bhniuhs fo wntjegmi orfl teh cnra envh igvhm tehl teh rfuths tf egcchm efnrcs, um-iunrchc, bfst tf nbb, pbnjhc gm shjrht rffls fr jnvhrms chhp khmhnte teh hnrte. Sftnbby umamfwm tf nmy wef bgvh. Sehy bfvh tehsh shjrht efnrcs nmc trnvhb tehrh tf bngr wgtegm. Ehrh teh sencfw-kgrte Jursh-Bfrcs lnah tehgr terfmhs nmc sgt nlgcst teh onkbhc ibfrghs fo n mnb nih, buxurgntgmi gm teh bfmhbgmhss nmc teh whnbt wh nbte. e. Zflh Zflhtgl tglhs hs tehy sagp spfm spfmtnmh tnmhfusb fusby y terf terfuie uie teh custy custy trnjas, trnjas, bhn bhnvgm vgmii terh terhh-t h-tfhc fhc prgmts wehrh mftegmi hbsh ens trhnc. Gt gs whbb tent tehy cf ofr gt ahhps tehl onr orfl teh nffngrs fo lhm. Lurchr, Jurshbgmis nbsf bfvh. N lnm cygmi nbfmh, onjh cfwm gm n cgtje gs n sgiet tehy bgah tf wgtmhss. N wflnm wnmchrgmi n lfumtngm wgtefut orghmcs, jnuiet gm n stfrl nmc orhhzgmi tf chnte, tehy eumihr tf fkshrvh. Mft onr nrh tehgr ehnrts orfl tefuie tefuiets ts fo sfrr sfrrfw fw fr bfs bfss. s. Nbw Nbwny nyss tehy ncfrh gsfb gsfbntgf ntgfm, m, teh wnmchrhr fr hxgbhc tegmis. Mft ofr gts fwm shbo, kut ofr teh bfmi sbfw crnwm fut sfrrfws fo gts cffl, wegje tehy wgbb hnt orfl gts saubb dust khofrh gts chnte, pubbgmi gt fut gm sgbvhr strnmcs nmc iubpgmi gt cfwm. Nmc sf teh hxgbh nmc bfmh wnmchrhr sefubc chnrby ohnr tehgr cnra ntthmtgfms tfuj tfuje. e. Jurshb Jurshbgmis gmis nrh jbhvhr, jummgmi, tgrhbhss nmc mhnrby gmvgsgkbh gm teh cnra. Zenrp lglgjs fo teh vfgjh, tehy wgbb ush tehgr wgts tf krhna up irfups, burgmi tehl gm cgffhrhmt cgrhjtgfms, egcgmi tehgr pnte fr lfvgmi tegmis nrfumc tf knffih teh lgmc. Sf shh hmhlghs enpphm hnje upfm teh ftehrs sgiet, surprgshc gmtf succhm vgfbhmjh, nlushs tehl nmc tehy wgbb kngt fppfsgm fppfsgmii irfu irfups ps um umtgb tgb tehy lhh lhht. t. _gf _gfbhm bhmjh jh teg tegms ms teh mul mulkhrs khrs nmc phrenps n bfmh survgvfr wgbb kh bfst wef tehy lny thnsh nmc tfrlhmt tf n rugmfus hmc. Go jnpturhc, jnpturhc, n Jurs Jurshbg hbgmi mi wgbb fothm try tf knringm knringm ofr gts bgoh. Sehy wgbb wgbb prflgs prflgshh njjh njjhss ss tf teh egcchm egcchm efnrc wehrhg wehrhgm m tehy cw cwhbb hbb.. N knringm lfst umw umwgsh gsh tf lna lnah, h, kut lnm lnmy y cf. Seh efnrc efnr c nmc gts cw cwhbb hbbgmi gmi pbnjh nrh rhnb ns wgm wgmthr thr gjh, teh Jurs Jurshbg hbgmis mis wfrc gs mft. Sehg Sehgrr sfu sfubs bs nrh sjrgkhc gm wn wnthr thr nmc tehy env envhh bhs bhsss efmh efmhst sty y tenm Jrf Jrfws. ws. Lnm Lnmy y teg tegmis mis fjjur fm suje n pnte, bfmi ns gt gs, ifbc ehrnbcs lnmy dhnbfusghs nmc ohnrs. Go ifbc cfhs mft thlpt gts jnptfrs, n Jurshbgmi lny pbhcih ftehr tegmis. Nbb envh sflhtegmi tehy envh bfst, sflhtegmi tehy wfubc wgse rhturmhc fr sflhtegmi tehy chsgrh nmc jnmmft mc. Nmc jhrtn jhrtngmb gmby y Jur Jurshb shbgmis gmis jnm mc tehs tehshh teg tegmis, mis, tehy jnm mc nmyt nmytegm egmii um-o um-ofumc fumc go igvhm tglh. 3:
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Zflh vhry offbgse phfpbh shha tf eumt n Jurshbgmi fr hvhm krgmi fmh terfuie tehlshbvhs, sf chsphrnth chsph rnth nrh tehy ofr tegs umum-ofum ofumc c teg tegmi. mi. Sent pnte gs cnra cnra,, nmc hmcs mft wh whbb. bb.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
CGZJ[HSGFM KXIZ ‒SEH JFMZGCH[NSH FMHZ“ ‒SEFZH YEF AMFY“ ‒C[NIFM-OBWZ“ ‒Yfrcs Orfl Seh Yfrl“ gs n pfpubnr thrl tf chsjrgkh n tegmi mfkby sngc fr pnrtgjubnrby whbb spfahm, tefuie teh kuis nrh mft luje bgah wfrls nt nbb, nmc wfubc rhshmt teh mnlh. Seh nvhrnih Cgsjrhtgfm Kui gs nkfut n mihr-bhmite bfmi. Seh ehnc nt teh hmc gs rfumc, teh sgzhh nmc vfb sgz vfbulh ulh fo n mih mihrr orfl teh jutgj jutgjbh bh tf teh tgp. Go gt bnm bnmchc chc mhntb mhntby y dust k khofr hofrhh yfur yfur amujabh stnrts nmc ahpt vhry stgbb fm yfur enmc, gt lgiet kh shhm ns nm njjhssfry, nmc gm onjt tehy nrh n whbb rhinrchc sukdhjt ofr teh dhwhbbhrs nrt. Seh Cgsjrhtgfm Kui gs nssfjgnthc nbwnys wgte jubturh fo teh lfst rhmhc agmc. Sehy jflh jfbfurhc wgchby, gm grgchsjhmt vnrghty, spnmmgmi teh wefbh sphjtrul, orfl ibhnlgmi iumlhtnb lhbnmgj, ntrfs nmc pgjhfus tf sgbvhry bhujfjergj wegth, nmc hvhry jfbfur gm khtwhhm. khtw hhm. Hnj Hnje e pnrt pnrtgjub gjubnr nr kui jflhs fmh gsjfbfur jfb furwgte fmby fmby,,jnpgbbnry tefu tefuie ie bgirhh. tehy vn vnry ry trhlhmcf hmcfusb usby y gm tfmh. Seh pnphry sukstnmjh fo tehgr wgmis pnbh Sehtrhl ehnc nmc dfgmt wehrh teh tefrnx lhhts teh wgmi gs fo teh chhphst, cnrahst sench. Seh Jfmsgchrnth Fmhs bfvh jfmvhrsntgf jfmvhrsntgfm m nmc sphna whbb. Sehy trhnsurh jgvgbgshc jflpnmgf jflpnmgfms, ms, teh cgrty, cgrty, kffrgs kffrgse e nmc pffrby hcuj hcujnthc nthc nrh qug qughtby htby seu seummhc mmhc.. Zefu Zefubc bc yfu ong ongbb tf lhht tehgr stnmcnrcs tehy wgbb tfbhrnth yfu krghy, lnah tehgr hxjushs nmc bhnvh. N shmsh fo prfprghty, cgsjrhtgfm, jflpnssgfm nmc sfjgnb nwnrhmhss gs mhjhssnry tf rhlngm orghmcs, tehy rnrhby hxprhss fffhmj fff hmjh, h, ku kutt nrh hnsg hnsgby by fffhm fffhmchc chc mfmh teh bh bhss ss.. Go teh Ku Kuii rhs rhsphj phjts ts yfu, gt‗s wnrl wnrlte nmc nmc cgsjrhtgfm amfw mf kfumcs. Gt wgbb nsa n irhnt lnmy phrsfmnb quhstgfms (npfbfigsgmi ofr gts glphrtgmhmjh), kut fmby sf gt lny amfw, umchrstnmc nmc bgah yfu khtthr gm teh sefrt tglh gt ens bhot. Sehy survgv survgvhh ofr fmby vh fr sf yhnrs, wegje tehy jfms jfmsgchr gchr tf kh n ―Irhnt Hfm‗. Seh Kuis bfvh tf kfte chbgvhr nmc rhjhgvh slnbb igots tf nmc orfl tehgr orghmcs. Sehy jurnth nmc jfbbhjt jfbbhjt vhry vh vhry ry slnbb slnbb,, kut phrohjt phrohjt,, trhn trhnsurh surhs. s. Seh mhst fo n Cgs Cgsjrht jrhtgfm gfm Kui gs n tgm tgmy y wfvhm wf vhm pnbnjh fo nrubhmt nmc buthfus amfts, bgt ky rhhjthc bgiet orfl knrhby phrjhptgkbh ihls. Zflhtglhs tehy envh sjrnps fo sgba, pghjhs fo gbbulgmnthc lnmusjrgpt, ornilhmts fo gmjhmsh fr hvhm hvhm ―bn ―bnrih‗ rih‗ fkdhjts bgah rgmis rgmis,, ahys, ahys, bfja bfjahts hts fr jfg jfgms. ms. Seh kuis envh envh hxjhb hxjhbbhm bhmtt tnst tnsthh nmc jnm jfrrhjtby vnbuh ihls, jfgms fr wfras fo nrt qugth hxnjtby sf bfmi ns tehy nrh mft luje kgiihr tenm teh kui gtshbo. Hnje tegmi tehy fwm ens n pnrtgjubnr egstfry wegje tehy wgbb kh enppy tf rhbnth tf yfu. Sehy bfvh suinr nmc prfthgm nmc bgah tf eumt bgvh prhy. Xsunbby slnbbhr gmshjts fr vhry vhry tgmy tgm y lnl lnllnb lnbs. s. [n [nw w lhnt gs njjhptn njjhptnkbh kbh go mhnt mhntby by prhpnr prhpnrhc. hc. Seh Sehy y envh envh mhv mhvhr hr ehrc fo suseg kut wfubc prfknkby bgah gt. Gm lnmy jgrjbhs, envgmi jfmvhrsh wgte tehsh jrhnturhs gs jfmsgchrhc n sgim fo krhhcgmi nmc iffc jenrnj jenrnjthr. thr. Gt ens khjflh n onse onsegfm gfm gm sflh nrgst nrgstfjrnjg fjrnjghs hs tf envh envh yfur jegb jegbcrhm crhm rngsh rngshc c nrfumc Cgsjrhtgfm Cgsjrhtgfm Kuis. Segs rnrhby ifhs whbb whbb.. Seh Kuis nrh glpfssgkbh tf krhhc gm jnptgvgty jnptgvgty nmc sf eumthrs fr ―jfbbhjtfrs‗ lust kh pngc hxfrkgtnmt ohhs gm frchr tf ―njqugrh‗ tehl gm teh 38
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
wgbc. Seg wgbc. Segss ffjjup jjupntgf ntgfm m gs orfw orfwmhc mhc upfm ky sfjgh sfjghty ty,, kut vhry wh whbb bb pngc. Gm nccgt nccgtgfm gfm tf teg tegs, s, jegbcrhm nrh ihmhrnbby efrrgc nmc mhgtehr tehy, mfr teh Cgsjrhtgfm Kuis hmdfy hnje ftehrs jflpn jfl pnmy my.. Se Sehh lf lfrh rh rhs rhsphj phjthc thc fo teh nmjg nmjghm hmtt agmis agmis nrh sn sngc gc tf en envh vh en enc c nl nlkns knssn sncfr cfrgn gnbb Kuis nmc vhry fbc, prhthmtgfus fr nlkgtgfus jfnts-fo-nrls lny envh tehl gm tehgr seghbc fr sgim. Sehrh nrh mulhrfus ongry tnbhs gm wegje teh ehrf fr ehrfgmh wnmchrs gm teh wgbchrmhss nmc lnahs orghmcs wgte n Cgsjrhtgfm Kui, tegs gs usunbby gmcgjntgvh hgtehr fo tehgr iffc jenrnjthr, fr egcchm mfkbh kgrte. kgrte. Seh Kui ihmhrnb ihmhrnbby by igots tehl wgte n jhrt jhrtngm ngm rgmi fr bfj bfjah ahtt weg wegje je pbnys nm glpfrtnmt yht umhxphjthc pnrt gm teh stfrghs chmfuhlhmt. Seh vgbbngm fo teh stfry sflhtglhs trghs tf rfk teh Cgsjrhtgfm Kuis bngr, nmc cfhs sf, ibfntgmi fksjhmhby fvhr gts tgmy irnmubn irnm ubnrr trhn trhnsur surhs hs weg wegje je tehy efb efbc c gm teh pnbl fo tehg tehgrr rfui rfuie e enm enmcs. cs. Zfl Zflhteg htegmi mi thrr thrrgkb gkbhh usunbby enpphms tf tegs phrsfm nt teh hmc fo teh tnbh. Kbgmcgmi ky nbanbg spgt nmc onbbgmi gmtf n khnr trnp nrh onvfurgth mgsehrs. Fmh fo teh fcchst tegmis nkfut Seh Jfmsgchrnth Fmhs gs tent tehy nbb jbngl tf njt ns crnifmnmnbfiuhs tf n rnjh fo tgmy gmthbbgihmt lnmtgcs. Segs bhncs tehl tf prhohr teh mnlh ―Crnifm Obys‗. Sefuie tehy nrh mft ―Crnifmghs‗. Ns teh kuis rhbnth gt, tehy rhinrc teh lgjrf-lnmtgj-lhm ns tehgr mnturnb prhy, tehy jfmsulh tehl nmc sthnb tehgr tgmy trhnsurhs, tehm swffp fff nmc jfbbhjt teh pgm-ehnc dhwhbs nmc lgjrfkubbgfm kubbg fm gm n pgbh fm wegj wegje e tehy sbhhp. Nt gmthrv gmthrvnbs nbs lnmtgs lnmtgs-lnm -lnm amgie amgiets ts shha fut tehsh bngrs nmc cf knttbh wgte teh Kui, shhagmi tf sthnb knja tehsh efrchs nmc chstrfy tehgr fpprhssfrs. Seh Kuis jbngl tent gm teh kfbhs fo teh chhphst trhhs tehrh nrh nmjghmt Kuis ―Shm, fr hvhm Swhmty yhnrs fbc, teh sgzh fo knts, fr hvhm jnts!“ nmc tent tehy sbhhp fm efrchs fo ifbc nblfst ns ehnvy ns n pursh fo jfgms. Mf-fmh ens hvhr khhm nkbh tf mc hvgchmjh fo tegs jgvgbgsntgfm fo lnmtgs-lhm fr tehgr ihmhrntgfmsbfmii jfm bfm jfmgjt gjt wgte teh Kuis. ^uh ^uhstg stgfmgm fmgmii teg tegss stf stfry ry nbwny nbwnyss rhsu rhsubts bts gm chhp chhpby by fffhmcg fffhmcgmi mi teh kui gm quhstgfm. Hnje kui jnm spgt fut n tgmy ifk fo nbanbg sbglh wegje cfhs nkfut ns luje cnlnih ns n mhhcbh hmthrgmi teh sagm nmc tehm hxpnmcs gmtf nm nrhn fo pfgsfmfus ins up tf ofur gmjehs njrfss. njrf ss. Go yfu cf try tf sthn sthnbb tehgr trhnsu trhnsurh, rh, tehrh gs mf lnigj lnigjnb nb fr suphr suphrmntu mnturnb rnb rhspfms rhspfmsh, h, kut teh kui wgbb wgbb gp fut nmc try tf kb kbgm gmc c yfu wgte gts spgt spgt.. Go gt hsj hsjnphs nphs gt wg wgbb bb rugm yf yfur ur rhputntgfm ofr lgbhs nrfumc.
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CGZIXZSNPFGC fr YNGB_GNSENM Gt‗s jflgmi gs rnrh, kut ohnrhc ky nbb. Seh lnch (sflhefw) tf kh, ftehrs fmby nlgcst teh Khnsts fo Zenlh. ZflhCgsiustnpfgc sny tehy nrh ngs rnrh lutntgfm kfrmfrtfjflhs teh Khnsts, n rhbgigfus fr lnigjnb iurh sullfmh sul lfmhc c gmtf gmtf khgmi ky tehl. Fteh Ftehrs rs stgbb stgbb jbngl tehy nrh spfm spfmtnmh tnmhfus fus ihmhrn ihmhrntgf tgfm m orfl teh kgbh-pgts fo teh Khnsts, wehrh tehy culp tehgr rhoush nmc onhjhs, tent teh Yhhpvgntenm hlhrihs ehnc rst, rgsgmi sbfwby nmc kbgmcby fut fo teh jfrrupthc ffzh. Gt gs mft cgjubt tf khbghvh. Yenthvhr tehgr frgigm, teh Khnsts nbwnys trhnt teh Cgsiustnpfgc ns n jehrgsehc nmc bfvhc senln senlnmg mgjj iu iurh. rh. Se Sehy hy ohhc gt nmc thmc tf gt umt umtgb gb gt gs rhnc rhncy y tf khigm gts Pgbi Pgbirg rgln lnih ih fo Zjrhnls. Seh jrhnturhs jrhnturhs tehlsh tehlshbv bvhs hs bffa n bgt bgttbh tbh bga bgahh teh Khnst fo Zen Zenlh. lh. Sehy env envhh sag sagm m fo vnry vnrygmi gmi jfbfurs jfb furs nmc knb knbcgm cgmii grrh grrhiub iubnr nr pntj pntjehs ehs fo irhy irhy-kb -kbnj nja a our. Xsu Xsunbb nbby y tehy nrh jfv jfvhrhc hrhc gm irg irglh lh nmc umwnsehc bte. Sehy envh envh teh snlh rfumc kbnj kbnja a lfu lfutes tes ns teh Khnst Khnstss nmc teh snl snlhh pfgm pfgmthc thc thhte. Sehy envh fmby fmh hyh nmc terhh bglks wgte mf enmcs. Hvhm wehm oubby irfwm teh Cgsiustnpfgc mcs gt cgjubt tf wnba, gt stulkbhs ofrwnrc wgte gts ehnc wnvgmi lncby gm n strnmih pntthrm jnushc jnus hc ky gts nwaw nwawnrc nrc ingt. Enb Enboo teh tglh gt onb onbbs bs fvhr fvhr nmc dust rfbb rfbbss wn wngbg gbgmi mi fm teh irfu irfumc mc tgbb gt jnm iht knja up. N chhp bfw lfnm tent sfumcs bgah n euih hmigmh nkfut tf ongb jflhs gmthrlgtthmtby orfl gts lfute. Go gt wns mft thmchc ky teh Khnsts tehm gt wfubc prfknkby stnrvh tf chnte qugth qugjaby, sf jbhnrby umsugthc tf wfrbc gt gs. Wht gt ens n wgbb tf bgvh. Go jnrhc ofr gt jnm irfw tf hgiethhm ohht gm ehgiet. Seh irhnthst irhnthst cnmihr fo teh Y Yhhp hhpvgt vgtenm enm gs gts inzh. Nm Nmyte ytegmi gmi bgvgmi bgvgmi tent gt bffas nt stnrts sjrhnlgmi, sjrhnlg mi, ifhs gmtf sefja sefja,, nmc cghs fo n ehnrt nttnja. Gt gs mhvhr cgjubt tf mc teh jrhnturh. Gt gs surrfumchc ky teh sjrhnls fo cygmi kgrcs nmc teh teulps ns fjas onbb tf teh irfumc hm-lns hmlnssh. sh. Seh khnsts fo teh hb hbc c onrh mf khtthr, ofxh ofxhs, s, fxhs, rnkkg rnkkgts ts nmc cfis cfis,, bgf bgfms ms nmc bhfpnrcs, smnahs nmc lnrlfshts. Hvhm nmglnbs tefuiet mft tf envh n vfgjh, wgbb sjrhnl nmc cgh ns gt bffa bffass upfm tehl tehl.. Lfms Lfmsthrs thrs nrh mft gll gllumh, umh, mhg mhgtehr tehr gs lnm. Fmb Fmby y teh Zenlhou Zenlhoubb Khnsts survgvh survgvh gts ntthmtgfm. (_ (_hry hry rnrhby rnrhby,, hxjhptgf hxjhptgfmnbby mnbby tfuie jrhnturhs env envhh sglpb sglpby y ifmh gmtf sefja nmc khhm lhrhby ehnvgby nmc phrlnmhmtby trnulntgshc.) Gt ens khhm suppfshc tent teh gmthrmnb stnth fo teh Cgsiustnpfgc gs sf pfwhroub tent sflh nsphjts fo bgoh sglpby jnmmft hxgst wgtegm gts inzh. Sent nmytegmi gt bffas nt shhs gtshbo, orfl teh futsgch, futsgch, ns teh Y Yngb ngbvgn vgntenm tenm shhs gt. Sent teh prglnb efrr efrrfr fr fo teg tegss jnus jnushs hs teh ehnr ehnrtt tf stfp nmc teh lgmc tf rhtrhnt gmtf jfln. Yehm teh jrhn jrhnturh turh ens rhnj rhnjehc ehc gts oub oubbb irf irfwte wte gt wgb wgbbb khigm gts pgb pgbirgl irglnih. nih. Seh Khnsts wgbb tnah gt fm n irhnt dfurmhy tent krgmis tehl terfuie nbb teh lfst khnutgoub sgiets tehy amfw. Seh Yngbvgntenm bffas nt tehl nmc lfnms, nmytegmi bgvgmi tehrh cghs.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Seh Khnsts nrh mf lfrh niirhssgvh tenm usunb, kut tehy wgbb iet tf teh chnte tf chohmc teh Yngbvgntenm orfl nssnubt Mf-fmh amfw Mf-fmh amfwss hxnj hxnjtby tby wehrh teh pgb pgbirg irglnih lnih gs gm gmthmc thmchc hc tf hmc. Gm hvhry amf amfwm wm jnsh sf onr, sflhtegmi sflhtegmi ens agb agbbhc bhc teh Yngbvgn ngbvgntenm tenm nmc nbb fo gts ntthmc ntthmcgmi gmi Khnst Khnsts. s. Seg Segss ens khhm njjflpbgsehc ky wngtgmi umtgb teh prfjhssgfm gs gmsgch n bnrih ofrhst, tehm shttgmi teh ofrhst fm rh orfl hvhry cgrhjtgfm, ky bhnvgmi n trngb fo nrtwfras tf n mhnrky jnvh, tehm kbfjagmi gt up wgte teh Yngbvgntenm gmsgch, nmc ky mulhrfus ftehr strnmih nmc cgvhrsh lhtefcs Seh rhwnrcs ofr hmcgmi n Pgbirglnih fo Zjrhnls nrh egie.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
C[HNLFMZ fr ZXLLH[BGMIZ Sehsh krgi Sehsh krgiet et khgmi khgmiss vg vgsg sgtt n rnr rnrhh ohw gm crh crhnls nls,, nmc nmc trn trnch ch gm jh jhrtn rtngm gm fkdh fkdhjts jts ofr ir irhnt hnt njts. Sehy jflh rst wehm yfu nrh nsbhhp, nmc gm mhhc. Wfu mc yfurshbo surrfum surrfumchc chc ky n sullhr say.. _nst nmibhsay nmibh-spnm spnmmgm mgmii pgb pgbbnrs bnrs nmc rhv rhvhtlh htlhmts mts fo jbfu jbfuc. c. Bga Bgahh teh pgbhc bny bnyhrs hrs fo stfr stfrls, ls, kut lfrh phnjhoub, egiehr nmc chhphr tenm nmy stfrl jfubc hvhr kh wgte mf jhgbgmi tf tehgr rhnje rhnj e nmc mf irfu irfumc mc khbfw. Bgt gm teh bf bfw w bfmi bgiet fo n oncg oncgmi mi sullhr sullhr,, teh rgj rgje e rhc sum tent crnws bfmi sencfws fm teh irfumc nt hmc fo cny. Nmc teh lnmy jfbfurs, vhrlgbbgfm nmc jrglsfm, jfrmfwhr nmc phtnb-pgma, lfrh bgah teh senchs fo fwhrs tenm fo jbfucs. Seh Crhnlfm Crhnlfmss nrh tehr tehrh. h. Seh Sehy y nrh tnbb tnbb,, nmc krgi krgiet, et, bga bgahh tent pbnjh. Seh Sehrh rh nrh shvhr shvhrnb nb nbb nrfumc nrf umc yfu kut tehy tehy sph sphna na ns fmh. fmh. Se Sehg hgrr nr nrls ls nrh sbhh sbhhv vhc gm ohntehr ohntehrs, s, teh tehgr gr ehn ehncs cs whnr grg grgchs chsjhm jhmtt ehb ehbls ls nmc teh rhst fo tehl gs seg segotg otgmi mi sjnbhs tent segmh bga bgahh khhtbh khhtbh sehb sehbbs. bs. Seh ohntehrs fm tehgr nrls nrh strfmi, tegja nmc stgff bgah teh giet ohntehrs fo hnibhs, kut krgiet. Seh pbnths fo gts kfcy shhl bgah nrlfur, phrenps tehy nrh. Kut tehrh nrh eumcrhcs, tegm, nmc chbgjnt chb gjnth, h, bga bgahh jegmnjegmn-wn wnrh, rh, mfmh gchm gchmtgj tgjnb, nb, nbb mhnt mhntby by senphc tf t nmc sbgch sbgch.. Yent nrlfrh nrlfrhrr wfubc kugbc bgah tegs6 nmc gm suje jfbfurs6 Seh rgppbgmi pgilhmts fo teh ohntehrs nmc pbnths nrh prhjgshby jfumthrpfgshc. Seh ehnc gs egcchm egcchm gm n agmc fo lns lnsa a fr ehbl ehbl.. Hnj Hnje e efbcs gts fwm gchmtgt gchmtgty y. Gt bffas bga bgahh lhtnb pbnths envh khhm khmt nrfumc teh ehnc nmc dfgmhc tfihtehr wgte shnl cfwm teh jhmtrh fo teh orfmt. Sehrh nrh bhmshs gm teh lnsa nmc tehsh jnm nbsf vnry gm tehgr sench. Seh lhtnb fo teh ehbl gs bgah tent fo teh nrlfur pbnths, grgchsjhmt, segotgmi bgah spgbt fgb umchr teh bgiet, wgte whnvhs whnvhs nmc smnahs fo lhtnb rummgmi terfuie. Khegmc tehgr ehncs, teh Crhnlfms envh n sprny fo ohntehrs, rncgntgmi bgah n phnjfjas tngb. Yehm tehy jflh tf yfu gm crhnls, tehy cf mft yht envh teh kbnja spgahs tent jnm bfcih tehl gm tegs wfrbc. Sehy wgbb lnah yfu nm fffhr. N tegmi ofr n tegmi. Seh gthl tent yfu shha lust kh sfbgc nmc sphjgj, wgte n pnrtgjubnr rhbntgfmsegp gm teh wfrbc. Zf ‒n Ahy“ gs mft njjhptnkbh, kut ‒Seh Ahy tent fphms teh gvfry cffr gm teh lnigjgnms bgkrnry“ gs. Wfu cf mft mhhc tf amfw wehrh gt gs, fr hvhm hvhm went gt bffa bffass bgah, bgah, kut yfu lu lust st amfw hxnj hxnjtby tby went gt gs. Gt lust kh hnsy tf efbc gm gm fmh enmc. Gt lust kh lnch orfl mnturnb lnthrgnbs, mft cgjubt tf nrrnmih sgmjh nblfst hvhrytegmi gm teh wfrbc gs, kut vhry lnigjnb gthls sflhtglhs jnmmft kh rhtrghvhc. Go yfu nirhh, teh Crhnlfm wgbb sglpby enmc yfu teh gthl. Wfu wnah up efbcgmi gt. Gm rhturm tehy wgbb wnmt wnmt sflh sflhtegm tegmii orfl yfu yfu,, sfl sflhteg htegmi mi yfu lust if nmc iht. Seh Sehy y wgb wgbbb thbb yfu went gt gs. Sehsh tegmis vnry hmfrlfusby, kut tehy envh sflh qunbgtghs gm jfllfm. Bgah teh gthl yfu rhjghvhc, tehy nrh hnsy tf efbc gm fmh enmc. Sehy nrh egieby sphjgj, vhry khnutgou khnut goub, b, mntu mnturnb rnb fkdhjt fkdhjts, s, nbw nbwny nyss teh lfs lfstt phrohj phrohjtt nmc sukbgl sukbglh. h. Seh Sehy y nrh mhvhr lnmuo lnmuonjnjturhc tegmis, kut nrh sflhtglhs wfrahc gmsgch tehl, bgah n phnrb gm n jrfwm, n kgrc gm n jnih, n bhno prhsshc gm n kffa. Yehm tegs gs teh jnsh, teh Crhnlfms nbwnys wnmt teh mnturnb tegmi wgtefut teh lnmuonjturhc jnih nrfumc gt, teh phnrb, mft teh jrfwm, teh kgrc, mft teh jnih, teh bhno wgtefut teh kffa. 37
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Gt wgbb kh gm n vh vhry ry pnrtg pnrtgjubn jubnrr pbn pbnjh, jh, nmc fothm pnrtgjub pnrtgjubnr nr tglh. N kgrc orhhc orfl n jnih gm teh pnbnjh pnbnjh fo n agmi. agmi. N stf stfmh mh jnrv jnrvhc hc gmt gmtff bff bffps ps khmhn khmhnte te n wn wnthr thron onbb bb.. N sp spgc gchrs hrs wh whk k orfl orfl teh bgkrnr bgkrnry y fo nm um umchn chnc c Se Segm gmi. i. N lff lffmm-lf lfte te bnmcgm bnmcgmii fm n pht phtnb nb gm n lf lfms msthr thrss bngr bngr nt n jhrtngm jhrt ngm lflhm lflhmtt gm n jhrt jhrtngm ngm mgie mgiet. t. Sehs Sehshh nrh typg typgjnb jnb Zullh Zullhrbg rbgmi mi quhsts quhsts.. Ztrn Ztrnmih mih tegmis, tegmis, wgte crhnlbgah bfigj nmc bgoh nmc chnte kfumc tfihtehr gm teh chhc. Zglpbh fkdhjts, gm vhry vhry cnmihrfus jfmcgtg jfmcgtgfms. fms. Go yfu rhtrghvh tegs tegmi, nmc sbhhp wgte gt gm yfur enmc, teh Zullhrbgmis wgbb kh sntgshc, nmc if. Wfu wgbb wnah up wgte gt ifmh. Go yfu cf mft, tehy wgbb kh nmiry. Seh Crhlfms Crhlfms wn wnmt mt tegmis orfl tegs wfrbc wfrbc tehy ln lny y mft tnah tehlshb tehlshbvh vhs. s. Sehy jnm lf lfvh vh gthlss nrfu gthl nrfumc, mc, kut teg tegss jrhn jrhnths ths n chkt chkt.. Sf pny pny teh chkt chkt,, sflh sflhteg tegmi mi lust kh tna tnahm hm fut, fr sflhfmh sfl hfmh us kh ofum ofumc c tf tnah gt fm. Wfu lust rhtrghv rhtrghvhh wen wentt yf yfu u envh envh sngc yf yfu u wgbb mc. Go yfu cf mft, tehy wgbb jflh ofr yfu. Seh Crhnlfms jnm lfvh n sgmibh slnbb fkdhjt hnje mgiet nmc bhnvh gt gm teh enmcs fo n sbhhpg sbh hpgmi mi gmcgv gmcgvgcu gcunb. nb. Go yfu nmihr tehl tehy wgbb ush tegs p pfw fwhr hr tf jfmo jfmofumc fumc yfu yfu,, hgte hgtehr hr tnagmi tegmis fo vnbuh tf yfu nmc igvgmi tehl tf yfur hmhlghs, chbgvhrgmi jurshc fkdhjts tf yfur enmcs fr bhnvgmi yfu wgte ftehr phfpbhs vnbuhc vnbuhc prfphrty. prfphrty. Sehy lny hvhm lnah vgtnb fkdhjts fkdh jts fo yfur fwm teh jfm jfmcg cgtg tgfm fm fo n qu quhs hstt of ofrr sfl sflhh fte ftehr hr phrsfm phrsfm fr ir irfup fup.. Ch Chsph sphrnt rnthh knmcs fo mhr-cf-whbbs jnm turm up chlnmcgmi teh egbt fo yfur swfrc fr teh jbfna orfl yfur knja, yfu engr, fr nm hyh. Yehm n Crhn Crhnlfm lfm jflhs terfu terfuie ie gmtf tegs wfrbc, wfrbc, gts ofrl gs cgffhrh cgffhrhmt mt gm tw twff wnys. wnys. Gt ens nmibhc kbnja lhtnbbgj spgahs sprfutgmi gm rfws orfl kfte fo gts nrls. Sehsh cf mft bffa bgah mnturnb irfwtes. Gt jnrrghs khegmc gt bgah n thnr gm spnjh, n vgsgfm fo gts wfrbc. Segs jnm fmby kh vghwhc orfl cgrhjtby gm orfmt fo teh Zullhrbgmi. Khegmc gt, bgah n enbf, gs n vghw fo tent jbfuc-strhwm, jbfuc-s trhwm, chptebhss sumbg sumbgtt saysjnph wehrh wgm wgmthr thr mhvhr jflhs. Sehy wnba sbfwby sbfwby ehrh, crniigmi teh ftehr wfrbc khegmc tehl. Sehy wgbb try tf tnah yfu nmc pubb yfu terfuie gmtf tehgr wfrbc. Wfu jnmmft survgvh tehrh, yfur hse wgbb kurm wgte teh rh fo crhnls nmc yfu wgbb ssurh gmtf lubtg-jfbfurhc nse, nse tent dfgms teh nrjegthjturh jbfuc. Go teh kbnja lhtnbbgj nmthmmnh nrh cnlnihc fr rhlfvhc, teh thnr khtwhhm tehgr wfrbc nmc furs jnm ujtunth nbnrlgmiby, nmyfmh mhnr jnm kh pubbhc gm.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
CXLKZLFAH fr ZPNTT INZ Nm gmtnmigkbh ifbhl fo stupgcgty, teh Culkslfah gs n pntje fo krgietmhss gm teh wfrbc. Jflpfshc fo bgttbh rngmkfw-sphjtrn rngmkfw-sphjtrn crfpbhts, teh vghw terfuie gt gs rhnbgt rhnbgty y ns shhm ky jegbcrh jegbcrhm m nmc offbs. Luj Luje e fo teh chtn chtngb gb gs rhlfv rhlfvhc. hc. Seh jeng jengms ms fo jnus jnushh orny orny nt tehg tehgrr bgm bgmas, as, shjfm shjfmcs cs bfsh tehgr cgvgsgfm, efurs lhbt gmtf cnys, tflfrrfws cgh nmc tglhs efrgzfm tgiethms rfumc teh hyhs. Zjnbh gs bhsshmhc, teh wfrbc gs sefrthr mfw, gmmgty gs nblfst wgtegm irnsp. Jfbfurs nrh krgiethr, ohwhr nmc lfrh kfbc. Phfpbh jfmofrl lfrh jbfshby tf tehgr typh. Ztnih lnigj bffas bgah rhnb lnigj. Ztnthlhmts spfahm tefuie teh slfah nrh sglpbhr nmc stupgchr. Lusgj gm teh lgst gs bhss nrtoub nmc jflpbhx. Culkslfah Culkslf ah ens n onj onjhh nmc bgl bglks. ks. Seh onjh gs nt wgte n in inwpg wpgmi mi lfute, bnrih kbnm kbnma a hy hyhs hs nmc bgttbh hbsh. Gts bglks nrh bgttbh jurbs fr wrhntehs fo slfah tent gt ofrls nmc tehm ofrihts nkfut, bhnvgmi tehl crgotgmi gm teh ngr nmc jensgmi gt ns gt lfvhs fm. Seh Culkslfah prgsl‗s stupgcgty gmtf n kurmgmi thnr fo prglnry senchs, mftegmi lny hmthr nmc hlhrih um-culk. Seh hffhjt hkks nwny gmtf teh ihmhrnb zfmh nrfumc teh slfah, lnagmi gt enrc tf ofrl fr hxhjuth jflpbhx pbnms. Sehrh gs n shj Sehrh shjrht rht rgth, eum eumthc thc ky n ohw ohw,, weg wegje je cgstg cgstgbs bs teh cul culkmhs kmhsss orfl n eu eulnm lnm lgmc. Gt gs knmmhc ky nbb nutefrgty nmc nkdurhc gm hvhry jgvgbgsntgfm amfwm. Sefsh wef shha teh [gth fo Sefuiet, khbghvh tegs rubh gs lnch tf prfthjt teh bnzy nmc jfrrupt. Sent went teh wfrbc ohnrs lfst gs tefuiet, nmc tf orhh teh lgmc orfl stupgcgty gs tf kgrte n rnjh fo eyphr-khgmis. Phfpbhh orhh orfl ohnr nmc rnih, suphrstgtgfm nmc rnjgnb jfmthlpt. Phfpb jfmthlpt. Zuphr-jgtg Zuphr-jgtgzhms zhms wef, fmjh jrhnthc terfuie teh [gth, wgbb terfw fff teh senjabhs fo jfrruptgfm nmc nmjghmt ohnr, gssugmi gm n phrohj phrohjtt wfrbc wfrbc.. Kut teh [gth gs jflp jflpbhx bhx,, egcc egcchm hm nmc enrc tf mc, nmc nmy nmyfmh fmh jnuie jnuiett shhagmi gt gs agbbhc. Zefubc tehy sujjhhc, gm hvhry jnsh teus onr, teh rhsubts fo teh [gth fo Sefuiet envh khhm n jnvhrm jnv hrm oubb fo jubtgst jubtgstss wgte shvh shvhrh rh lhmtnb prfkbhls, chtngb-fk chtngb-fkshsshc shsshc tf teh pfgmt fo tftnb sfjgnb wgtecrnwnb nmc gmjnpnkbh fo jfllumgjntgmi gm nmy wny, nmc n pntje fo bgvgmi Culkslfah enmigmi gm teh ngr. Gt gs n mhjhssn mhjhssnry ry wnsth prfcujt fo teh [gth, jflpfshc fo purh cgstgbbh cgstgbbhc c stupgcgt stupgcgty y. Cul Culkslfa kslfahh gs umkhbghvnkby enrc tf chstrfy fr jfmtrfb. Ogrh hvnpfrnths gt, kut tegs jnm sglpby sprhnc teh lfrfmgj ins fvhr n wgchr nrhn, nmc teh slfah gtshbo wgbb rh-jfmihnb gm tglh. Fmh fr twf envh khhm trgjahc gmtf kfttbhs nmc ngr-tgiet rffls. Nmc nmy sjehlh chsgimhc tf chnb wgte gt lust kh fmh hxhjutnkbh ky gcgfts, khjnush nmyfmh mhnr gt wgbb kh culk umtgb tehy iht nwny. Seh Culkslfah cfhs mft umchrstnmc hmfuie tf kh chbgkhrnthby cnmihrfus tf lnm. Gm onjt gt enbo-umchr enbo-umchrstnm stnmcs cs hvhry hvhryteg tegmi mi sngc sngc tf gt, mf lntthr lntthr efw jflpbh jflpbhx x fr gm went bnm bnmiuni iunih. h. Go yfu tfbc gt tf ―crfp teh knbb‗ gm teh jfllfm tfmiuh, gt wfubc terfw teh knbb. Go yfu tfbc gt ―nmnbysh teh frkgt fo teh lffm‗ gm teh tfmiuh fo teh nmjghmt bgznrclhm, gt wfubc nmnbysh teh jukgt fo n spffm. Gt nbwnys irnsps dust hmfuie tf jntnstrfpegjnbby sjrhw sflhtegmi up, nmc mf lfrh. Ihmhrnbby gt wnmchrs nglbhssby nrfumc, ohnrhc nmc nvfgchc ky nbb hxjhpt efby offbs. Gt bgahs njtgvh bgvgmi tegmis nmc wgbb fnt tfwnrcs tehl, trygmi tf gmthrnjt. Seh irhnthst terhnt gs go teh Culkslfah lfvhs, umfkshrvhc, gmtf nm urknm pfpubnthc zfmh. 8>
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Jgtghs envh hlptghc fvhrmgiet tf hsjnph gts jnrhss. _nrgfus grrhiubnr ncvhmturgmi knmcs envh khhm tnsahc wgte knttbgmi teh culkslfah, wgte kfrchrb kfrc hrbgm gmhh sujjh sujjhss ss.. Fo Fothm thm teh khst ten tentt jnm jnm kh cfm cfmhh gs tf sf sflhe lhefw fw bur burhh gt fut gmtf gmtf teh wgbchrm wgb chrmhss hss nmc tehm rum nwn nwny y vh vhry ry onst. Zfl Zflhh envh envh khhm k kfttb fttbhc. hc. Fmh irfup jbngl jbnglhc hc tent ky ifgmi knja gm tglh tehy lnmnihc tf prhvhmt teh jrhntgfm fo n culkslfah tent enc rhtnrchc rhtn rchc teh hmtgrh hmtgrh nrgst nrgstfjrnjy fjrnjy fo n sln slnbb bb agmicf agmicfl l curg curgmi mi n rf rfyn ynbb wh whccgm ccgmi. i. Zgm Zgmjh jh tehy enc mf hvgchmjh fo tegs tehy whrh dngbhc ofr gmsukfrcgmntgfm, kut qugjaby hsjnphc ky umamfwm lhnms. Seh snlh lhtefc ens mhvhr wfrahc twgjh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
HJBGPZH-BGJE Seh stnrs gm teh say rnmih gm sgzh, sflh ns slnbb ns wnthrlhbfms, ftehrs ns bnrih ns nfffrcnkbh eflhs. eflh s. Seg Segss jnm kh shhm ky hxn hxnlgm lgmgmi gmi tehg tehgrr grfm rhlngm rhlngms. s. Kut wh lus lustt mft bht gts lhtnb jfrpsh khlush us ns tf teh sgimgjnmjh fo n stnr. Ztnrs nrh teh hmigmhs fo onth nmc tfrm orfl tegs purpfsh, bgah teh wehhb fo n lgbb kbgmcby irgmcgmi wgtefut jfrm tehy jnm kh lfmstrfus gmchhc. Nmc n stnr, chnc, krfuiet knja tf bgoh, jnm pfsshss n vhry thrrgoygmi lgmc, n lhthfr onbbgmi wgtefut hmc, ofr gt pnsshs terfuie gts fwm chspngr, n dfurmhy wgtefut bglgt, kfumcnry fr tglh. Yh shh teh hjef fo gts onbb onbb kut cf mft umc umchrst hrstnmc nmc tent hvhr hvhryteg ytegmi mi gt cfhs gs bga bgahh teh sjrhnl fo sflhfmh pbullhtgmi gmtf n rgvhr orfl n krgcih, shbo-lurchrhc, n onbb wgtegm n onbb. Zefubc n stnr cgh fut fo tglh, fr kh krfahm orfl gts spehrh ky ohnroub hmtrngb fr teh vhmihnmjh fo teh rhst, gt onbbs gm wrnte. Sehsh knc stnrs shhl tf ngl ofr bgoh, eurbgmi gmtf gmtf jgtghs, pfgsfmgmi teh hnrte bgah bgah vh vhmfl‗ mfl‗c c kbnchs kbnchs.. Jnb Jnbbgm bgmii ns tehy onb onbb, b, tf tefs tefshh wef senr senrhh tehg tehgrr png pngm4 m4 N egie pfsgtgfm, khtrnynb nmc n onbb, tehm kbnja nmc hmcbhss rnih. Gmjubjntgmi vgsgfms nmc chlnmcs gmtf tehgr crhnls nmc wnagmi ouiuhs. N cnra pgbirglnih khigms, sbfwby, orfl lnmy pbnjhs, tefsh jnbbhc khigm tehgr trha tfwnrcs teh onbbhm onbbhm stnr. stnr. Yeh Yehm m tef tefsh sh we weff shr shrvh vh teh stnr stnr cgsjf cgsjfv vhr gt, tehy ef efgs gstt gt orfl orfl teh hnrt hnrte. e. Sehy knteh teh stnr gm rh nmc stfbhm kbffc. Ofr yhnrs, phrenps ofr jhmturghs. Go gt jfmsulhs hmfuie, hmfu ie, gt kurm kurmss nmc krhna krhnass fmjh lfrh gmtf n egchfus egchfus lfja lfjahry hry fo jhb jhbhstg hstgnb nb rh. Nm umchnc stnr jnstgmi nm umcygmi bgiet. Seh Hjbgpsh-Bgje. Seh stnr-lfrtnr stnmcs fm ofur kbnja bhis nmc nrls envh khhm jrhnthc ofr gt tf lnmgpubnth teh wfrbc. Segm, spgmcby bglks pupphthc ky n cgsiusthc enmc. Bgah nm glprgsfmhc nrgstfjrnt wfubc, irglnjgmi, pgja up nmc wghbc n irgly cfbb, teh Hjbgpsh-Bgje sf suklgts tf irnsp nmc efbc, efb c, tf lf lfvh vh nt nbb. nbb. Orfl fmh wef mhvh mhvhrr lf lfvh vhc c kut turmhc teh hnrt hnrte e khmhn khmhnte te tehgr inzh, frchrgmi gt ns tehy wfubc, mfw tehy lust jrnwb nmc wfra nmc cf, bgah krfahm bgvgmi tegmis, teh sbnvhs fo tglh. Nm urm, euih, squnt, bhnc, kbnja wgte sfft nmc kbnja ningm khmhnte, teh stnr-lfrtnr gssuhs rh. Seh stnr gs rfnrgmi chhp gmsgch nmc nbb tent jnm kh shhm fo gt gs slfah nmc nlh, n irhnt bgiet bgi et,, gj gjah ahrgmi rgmi kbffckbffc-rhc rhc nmc weg wegth. th. Seh tfmiu tfmiuhh fo rh tent bhnps ofrt ofrte e gs teh nlh tent wrnps lhthfrs ns tehy onbb, teh tngb tent sprgmis orfl jflhts, ns go teh stnr gmsgch teh urm wns onbbgmi stgbb. Nkfvh teh lfrtnrs lfute, rncgnth sgx kbnja rnys tent shhl tf efvhr gm teh ngr bgah teh cgnchl cgn chl fo nm gmvg gmvgsgk sgkbh bh jrfwm wfr wfrm m ky n ohn ohnturh turhbhs bhsss lfmn lfmnrje rje fo rh. Seh rnys nrh lnch fo mf sukstnmjh sukstnmjh amfw amfwm m tf lnm, purh kbnj kbnja, a, nksfrkg nksfrkgmi mi nmy ehnt fr bgie bgiet. t. Sehy stnm stnmc c jbh jbhnrby nrby gm teh jflh jflht-r t-rhh hlh hlhrigm rigmii orfl teh urm. Sehs Sehshh nrh teh jfrp jfrpshsh-rny rnyss fo teh umch umchnc nc stnr, gt wfrh tehl fmjh gm bgoh curgmi gts trnmsgt terfuie teh mgietby say. Gm chnte tehy nrh rhvhrshc, yht stgbb sgimgoy sgimgoy jhbhstgnb rnma. Sefsh stnrs fmjh lgiety gm tehgr agmc envh irhnthr rnys nmc lfrh. Sehsh rny Sehsh rnyss rhh rhhjt jt terf terfuie uie spnjh nmc nbb pfssgk pfssgkbh bh tglh. Sruh stnrs ush tehg tehgrr rn rnys ys tf umb umbfja fja onthss ofr bgvg onth bgvgmi mi khgmis, tf wf wfra ra teh lnj lnjegm egmhry hry fo tglh nmc bht jenmi jenmihh nmc bgoh fjjur. Seh 8:
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Hjbgpsfr jnrhs mf lfrh ofr bgoh, gt lnahs gts rnys kgmc shrvnmts tf gts wgbb. Hnje kbnja rny gs n prgs prgsfmfm-inth inth,, nmy nmy sgm sgmibh ibh bgvg bgvgmi mi khgmi gt shhs lny kh hmt hmtrnpph rnpphc. c. Sehy nrh rhcu rhcujhc jhc tf kbn kbnja ja rhhjtgfms gm teh kurmgmi ibnss, teh rny krgmis ofrte n cnra mhw khgmi, nm nmtg-shbo, wgte hvhry hvhry pfwh pfwhrr hmen hmenmjhc mjhc,, rhv rhvhrsh hrshc c nmc utthrb utthrby y umc umchr hr gts jflln jfllnmc. mc. Seh Sehsh sh jrhnturh jrhnturhss nrh teh jnptngmss fo teh Hjbgp jnptngm Hjbgpsfr. sfr. Sehy jnm kh agb agbbhc, bhc, kut jnm kh rh-kf rh-kfrm rm orfl teh kbn kbnja ja rny nt nm nmy y tglh tglh wgte hnsh hnsh.. Seh fmb fmby y tru truhh cho chohnt hnt tehy amf amfw w gs ofr teh rny tf kh sh shgz gzhc hc orfl teh h hry ry jrfwm nmc slnsehc. Seh pfwhrs fo teh Hjbgpsfr nrh teh cnra fppfsgth fo teh onth-kfumc stnrs nmc bgoh-sustngmgmi sum. Jen Jenfs, fs, chnte nmc bgvgm bgvgmi-c i-chnte hnte.. Nt mgie mgiett gt gssuh gssuhss ofrt ofrte e n onb onbsh sh cnwm fo rh wegj wegje e wgb wgbbb jnushh teh nmiry chnc tf rgsh nmc wnba. jnus wnba. Ns teh truh sum rgshs rgshs,, teh Hjbgp Hjbgpshsh-Bgj Bgje e shmc shmcss ofrt ofrte e gm rnih, gts oubgigmfus rnys, rnys, kurmgmi kbnjab kbnjaby y, kbfttgmi fut teh sumbgiet sumbgiet wehrh gt jnm. Segs gs efw wh amfw gts jbfshmhss, ns yfu mhnr teh Hjbgpsh-Bgje, fr gt gs mhnrgmi yfu, n cnra kgth gs tnahm orfl teh sum. Ns yfu sgma gmtf teh zfmh fo gts jfmtrfb, teh kbft ihts kgiihr, hvhmtunbby jrhntgmi n oubb nmc onbsh hjbgpsh tent cnras teh bnmc. Yehm truh mgiet onbbs, teh say turms rhc nmc teh chnc wnba. Cnramhss upfm cnramhss wgtefut hmc. Seh irhnthr gts rnys, teh wgchr gs teh rnmih fo gts jfmtrfb, hnje rny khstfws n rfuie rncgus fo n lgbh. Gts bfmi sfdfurm gm teh say nmc gts lhlfry fo teh jfmvhrsntgfm wgte teh stnrs, lhnms teh Hjbgpsfr rhjnbbs luje fo teh onths fo mntgfms nmc fo lhm. Gt gs teh cuty fo teh stnrs tf sgimnb jenmih nmc lnah teh spnjh gm tglh ofr irhnt hvhmts. Sehy wntje us jfmstnmtby, jfumtgmi fut teh lgmuths nmc teh yhnrs, jnblby lnragmi tglh nmc lnagmi rhncy ofr hnje suktbh jenmih, nmc bnrih. Seh Hjbgpsfr gs pbumihc gmtf teh jhmtrh fo nm hpgj tnbh tehy enbo-nbrhncy amfw. Sehy umchrstnmc stnm c teh outurh nmc teh pnst, mft phroh phrohjtby jtby,, kut bgah n enb enbo-r o-rhlhl hlhlkhrhc khrhc crhnl. Mf Mfw w orhh orfl cuty tf teh jhbhstgnb spehrh, tehy ush tegs amfwbhcih ofr tehgr fwm chsgim. Seh chnte fo bgoh. bgoh. Seh chstr chstrujtg ujtgfm fm nmc jfms jfmsulp ulptgfm tgfm fo teh sum sum,, tf ohhc upfm gt utth utthrby rby nmc tehm rhpb rhpbnjh njh gt gm teh say, khjflgmi n kbnja-rhc umchnc sum fvhr n wfrbc lnch cnra.
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HHB NLN[NMSEGMH Chspgth gts cnra bffas, cnra enkgts, cnra rhputntgfm nmc lnigjnb pfwhrs fo rhirfwte, teh Hhb Nlnrnmtegmh Nlnrnm tegmh gs mft hsphjgnbby hvgb hvgb.. Sehy rnrhby eumt eumt lnm, prhohrrg prhohrrgmi mi slnbbhr prhy prhy,, tefuie tehy wgbb go chsph chsphrnth rnth fr go tehy env envhh teh mul mulkhrs. khrs. Mhg Mhgtehr tehr nrh tehy hsphjg hsphjgnbb nbby y lnb lnbgjg gjgfus fus gm tehgr eumtgmi khenvgfur, lhrhby rutebhss. Seh Hhb Nlnrnmtegmh gs n jhmtrgphtnb nlpegkgnm hhb wegje kfte swgls nmc wnbas hnsgby fm teh bnmc. Sehy cnse nmc spbntthr lncby, rnjgmi gm nmc fut fo teh cnra wnthr wehrh tehy bgvh, twgstgmi twgs tgmi tehlshbv tehlshbvhs hs gm jflpbhx amfts, whnvg whnvgmi mi nrfumc thrrngm, jbglkgmi tegmis tehm rummgmi fff. Sehy nrh sjnbhc n chhp, cnra purpbh-rhc, sflh sjnbhs nrh mhnrby kbnja. Hnje ens n cfrsnb orgbb rummgmi rumm gmi gts kfcy-b kfcy-bhmit hmite. e. Seg Segss stn stnys ys bng bngc c nt nbfmi teh spgmh umtgb nrfus nrfushc hc fr umch umchrr terh terhnt, nt, tehm teh orgbb orgbb bgots up nmc rhvh rhvhnbs nbs gtshb gtshboo ns n kbffckbffc-krgi krgiet et nrthrg nrthrgnbnb-wn wnrmg rmgmi mi rhc. Gts hyhs nrh euih pupgbhss fjerfbhujfus frks tent shhl tf ibfw. Hvhm lfrh cgsturkgmi ns teh Hhb nbwnys shhls tf kh slgbgmi nt hvhrytegmi nmc teh jflkgmntgfm fo tegs wgte gts niirhssgfm bhmcs gt n ohnroub nsphjt. Seh saubb fo teh Hhb Nlnrnmtegmh gs nkfut teh sgzh fo n lfumtngm jnt, gt gs teh cgspfsgtgfm fo gts dnw tent lnahs gt shhl tf slgbh. Gts hyhs hlgt mf bgiet, gt gs n shmsfry gbbusgfm jnushc ky teh kbuh-irhy sgiet fo mgiet nmc teh segmh fo rhhjthc stnrs. Lfst envh nrfumc hgiet shts fo jbnws, rummgmi hvhmby cfwm tehgr bhmite wegje igvh tehl hxjhbbhmt sefrt kursts fo sphhc terfuie teh tegja amfts fo rugmhc stfmh, kbnja hmtnmibhlhmts nmc snc irumhfus trhhs tent rgl teh lgrrfr-nt pffbs wehrh tehy rhsgch. Sehy bnja stnlgmn nmc wgbb usunbby ongb fvhr n bfmi jensh. Kut rnrhby rhqugrh fmh. Seh bhmite fo teh Hhb jnm cgffhr njjfrcgmi tf teh gmcgvgcunb, rhnsfmnkby sgzhc sphjglhms envh khhm ofumc orfl sgx tf shvhm ohht bfmi. ―Wfumi‗ Hhbs nrh sefrthr. Sehrh gs mf thjemgjnb upphr, fr hvhm bfwhr, bglgt tf tehgr spnm nmc tehrh nrh, fo jfursh, wgbc tnbhs fo lgbh-bfmi hhbs tfbc ky swnlp-crumas rfumc teh iutthrgmi slnbt fo phnt rhs gm teh cnra nutulm hvhs*. Seh Hhbs nrh mfjturmnb nmc bgah tf sphmc teh cny jurbhc up gm n kfi-efbh fr crgotgmi nsbhhp umchrr teh suronj umch suronjh, h, kut tehy jnm wna wnahh up, nmc khjfl khjflhh njtg njtgvh vh,, vh vhry ry vhry qugj qugjaby aby gmch gmchhc. hc. Nt mgiet mgi et tehy jflh fut tf pbn pbny y. Seh Hhbs Nlnrnm Nlnrnmteg tegmh mh bga bgahh stgbb, stgbb, stnimn stnimnmt mt wnth wnthrr nmc nrh mft sukcuhc sukcu hc ky teh jfbc, prhohr prhohrrgmi rgmi bfmi cnra tw twgbg gbgie iets. ts. Seh cnra cnrahr hr nmc lfrh sgbhm sgbhmtt nmc lfrh stgbb teh hvhmgmi gs teh lfrh hxjgthc tehy khjflh. Gm teh kbnja pffbs fo teh Lhbnmgj Lffrs tehy nrh fothm teh fmby tegmis lfvgmi, bhnpgmi nmc inlkfbbgmi, jeurmgmi fut fo teh wnthr nmc rnjgmi rnjgmi terf terfuie uie gt gm irfups irfups.. Jfl Jflkgm kgmhc hc wgte gts hyh hyhss nmc gts slg slgbh bh teh hffhj hffhjtt gs sgmgsthr sgmgsthr gmchhc. Nm Hhb Nlnrnmtegmh gs nkfut ns slnrt ns nm nph, tehy bhnrm qugjaby nmc jnm sfbvh puzzbhs. Go whbb-tr whbb-trngmh ngmhc c tehy jnm kh egie egieby by hffhjtg hffhjtgvh vh phts nmc iunrcs iunrcs.. Sehy nrh trgja trgjay y tefu tefuie, ie, nmc cgjubt tf lnah bfynb. Seh fmh tegmi hvhrykfcy hvhrykfcy amf amfws ws nkfut teh Hhb Nlnr Nlnrnm nmteg tegmh4 mh4 tehy irf irfw w knja. Go nm Hhb gs sbgjhc gm enbo njrfss gts lgccbh, hnje enbo wgbb sbfwby ihmhrnth teh pnrts gt mhhcs tf khjflh 88
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wefbh. wefb h. Seh Sehy y wgbb wgbb mft irf irfw w nm nmy y bf bfmih mihr, r, n sg sgx x off offtt hh hhbb wg wgbb bb sglp sglpby by khjfl khjflhh tw twff ter terhh hh off offtt hhbs, kut fmh enbo wgbb ihmhrnth n ehnc nmc teh ftehr n tngb nmc tehy wgbb kfte jfmtgmuh fm. Nseaftt eglshbo invh up egs Hhb nmntfly gmvhstgintgfms gm cgsiust nothr tehy rhsubthc gm ‒mftegmi lfrh tenm nm ummhjhssnry lubtgpbgjntgfm fo ly stfrhs fo hhbs.“ Gt gs umamfwm go tehy truby krhhc gm nmy wny fr sglpby suffhr enrl nmc tehm irfw knja. Sehrh lny fmjh envh khhm fmby n sgmibh Hhb Nlnrnmtegmh gm teh wfrbc nmc phrenps nbb Hhbs nrh sglpby rhhjtgfms fo teh Nlnrnmtegmh Hhb. Gm pfpubnr tefuiet teh Nlnrnmtegmh Hhb gs nssfjgnthc wgte chnte nmc khbghvhc gm sflh wny tf envh chnte ns n pntrfm. Sehgr khenvgfur jhrtngmby bgvhs up tf teh hxphjtntgfm, ns whbb ns tehgr rhihmhrntgvh rhihmhrntgvh jnpnjgt jnpnjgty y, teh Hhbs tf shhl tf bga bgahh teh sylkfbs sylkfbs nmc lffcs fo rugm nmc cffl. Sehy nrh enppy tf wrgteh nrfumc sahbhtfms nmc saubbs, kbnja bhnhss trhhs fr krfahm stntuhs. Sehy bgah nknmcfmhc pbnjhs nmc eflhs nmc jnstbhs gm chjny. Irumhbgmis ―Pfthlaglhm _gbbnih Ygte Hhbs‗ gs rgietby njjbnglhc ns n eypmnifigj lnsthrpghjh, wh lust efph gt gs rhjfvhrhc sffm. Seh vgbbngm gm pbnys nmc stfrghs wgbb fothm envh nm Hhb Nlnrnmtegmh ns n pht nmc hvhryfmh amfws teh jegbcrhm‗s reylh4 ‒Lftehr sefuts nmc Ontehr sefvhs kut bffa fut ofr teh Hhb-sagm ibfvhs!“ *Bhptfkbnst rnihs rhphnthcby ningmst teh swnlp crumas fo teh Lhbnmgj Lffrs gm egs njjfumt fo tent nrhn nmc kbnlhs tehl bnrihby ofr teh jntnstrfpegj ongburh fo egs hxphcgtgfm nmc egs sukshquhmt knmaruptjy nothr egs knjahrs krfuiet sugt ofr teh hxjhssgvh crfwmgmi fo efumcs.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
HF GNM YW[L Yh cf mft amf amfw w gts frgi frgigm gm nmc teh rulfu rulfurs rs fo gts kgrt kgrte e jnmm jnmmft ft kh ehb ehbc c gm wfrc wfrcs. s. Jnrv Jnrvhc hc gm thlpbh wnbbs, bfjahc gm sfumcbhss cnmjhs rhphnthc fvhr tglh, gm senrcbgah stntuhs nmc lhtnpefrgjnb tnbhs wh mc teh bhihmcs fo teh Yyrl. Hvhry jubturh ens n cgffhrhmt vghw. Sf sflh gt gs teh wrnte fo onth, teh sgimnb fo chstrujtgfm nmc umnvfgcnkbh chnte, teh rnptfr-pfbgs wegj we gje e jnm wgph n jgty jgty orfl teh hnrte hnrte ns sg sglp lpby by ns n enwa enwa shgz shgzhs hs prhy orfl teh fja. fja. Sf ftehrs, n irgl lhssgne, gmthrjhssfr khtwhhm teh ifcs nmc lnm, teh wnrc fo teh Npfjnbypsh, hrjh nmihb, thtrn-nhigs, teh Zhrphmt Sent Pfgsfms Chnte, knttbgmi nkflgmntgfms, lfmsthrs nmc cnhlfms fo nbb agmcs. Gt lust jflh orfl teh rst frchr fo jrhnthc tegmis, orfl teh cnra ehnrt fo tglh khofrh gt khnt tf bgoh nmc orfl teh stgbb kbffc tehrh, jffb gm gts irhnt jenlkhrs wehrh gt wngts. Khofrh teh wfrbc, khofrh teh sum, wegbh stnrs pnushc gm tehgr kgrte. Khofrh teh bgiet cgvgchc orfl teh cnra. Khtrnyhc. Glprgsfmhc, jengmhc gm sgbhmt kfmcs, n onstmhss futsgch teh frchr fo jflprhehmsgkbh tegmis4 n prgsfm wgtefut symtnx fr tglh tent wfrcs jnmmft chsjrgkh. Sfrturhc tf teh pfgmt fo chstrujtgfm ky tefsh pfwhrs tent tegma mf tegmi sefubc hvhr kh. Sehm, hsjn Sehm, hsjnph. ph. [ho [houih uih gm n wgb wgbc c nmc gmsgi gmsgimgj mgjnm nmtt nrj nrjegphb egphbnif nif fo tgl tglhh nmc spnjh, nm umjf umjfmmsgchrhc sgc hrhc jfrsn jfrsngrgr-wf wfrbc rbc gm n bn bnwbh wbhss ss rhnbgt rhnbgty y. Sent gs4 fur wfrb wfrbc. c. Ehr Ehrhh gt ofumc irhnt cnramh cnramhss ss nmc orfl tegs kugbt gts krfahm senph. Gt imnwhc cnramhss orfl teh chhps fo teh say. Yehrhvhr gt kgt nmc tfrh, terfuie fwhc teh ifbchm bgiet. Kut teh cnra cgsnpphnrs nt teh hmc fo hnje cnys mgiet nmc fws gmtf teh chhps fo teh fjhnm nmc teh chptes fo spnjh nmc sbfwby krhhcs nmc irfws, gt jrhhps knja gmtf teh say, bhmitehmgmi hnje mgiet ningm. Zf teh knttbh khtwhhm teh Yyrl nmc teh Mgiet ifhs fmh, hkkgmi gm rhiubnr tglh. Hnje yhnr teh Yyrl irfws strfmihr nmc jfmsulhs n bgttbh lfrh, gm teh wgmthr gt irfws whnahr nmc teh cnra hxpnmcs. Gt tnahs tehsh senrcs senrcs fo cnra nmc lnah lnahss orfl tehl gts tw twgst gsthc hc ofrl. Orfl gts tnmi tnmibhc bhc shbonsshlkbhc senph wh amfw gts gmmhr lncmhss. Sehy nrh n lgiety nrlfur stgbb. Kut teh Yyrl knttbhs kntt bhs jfmstn jfmstnmtb mtby y, nmc gts seg seghbc hbc lust kh rhmh rhmhwh whc. c. Zflh fo tehs tehshh jfmgjts jfmgjts env envhh khhm shh shhm m nmc rhjfrchc rhjfrchc ky lnmag lnmagmc4 mc4 ning ningmst mst teh khehl khehlftes ftes fo teh bnmc, fr umhn umhnrteb rteby y jrhn jrhnturh turhss tent jflh orfl teh khyfmc. khyfmc. Kut hvh hvhm m wehm tehr tehrhh gs mf jen jenbbh bbhmih mih fm teh hnrte fr gm teh hlpty say, teh Yyrl chsjhmcs tf teh umshhm chhps nmc knttbhs went gt mcs. Seh Yyrl gs n ohnroub tegmi nmc gt prhys upfm us nt gts pbhnsurh, kut gt lny kh fmby terfuie gts jfmstnmt wnr ningmst teh cnra tent wh survgvh nt nbb. Gts sgzh shhls tf cgffhr wgte teh tglh, teh nih, teh shnsfm nmc teh yhnrs. Gt gs lfst jfllfmby nt bhnst n lgbh gm bhmite, nmc teh wgcte fo n ont wenbh, tefuie gt fothm bffas bfmihr. Yehm gt jbglks lfumtngms nmc ghs gmtf teh ngr tf imnw upfm teh mgiet, gm teh cgstnmjh gt jnm shhl tf rhnje khtwhhm teh bnmc nmc say bgah n jurbgmi kbnja terhnc. Nmc gts wgcte gs dniihc nmc grrhiubnr, hnje ornilhmt gs jflpfshc fo n cgffhrhmt typh fo cnra, tfrm orfl cgffhrhmt pbnjhs nt cgffhrhm cgff hrhmtt tgl tglhs. hs. Zfl Zflhh kbur kburrhc rhc wgt wgte e enb enbo-v o-vhgb hgbhc hc stnr stnrs, s, sfl sflhh tegm tegma a wgt wgte e fjhnm fjhnmgj gj ibffl ibffl,, sfl sflhh nblfst-irhy wgte stfrl nmc sflh n pubsgmi eft thjtfmgj cnra orfl khmhnte teh lfumtngms rfft. Seh senrcs fo teh Yyrl nrh senrp, tehy sbgjh terfuie tgchs nmc irgmc terfuie stfmh. 89
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Seh Yyrl jurbs terfuie teh bnmc, teh shn fr say luje ns n shn shrphmt bffps terfuie teh wnvh wn vhs. s. Sefu Sefuie ie gt cfhs rhqug rhqugrh rh n lfl lflhm hmtt gm wegj wegje e tf lnah teh bhnp khtwh khtwhhm hm teh bnm bnmc c nmc say, fr khtwhhm teh sfgb nmc stfmh. Seh Yyrl ie iett tgtn tgtnms. ms. Seh irhnths irhnthstt fo teh lgiety lgiety khnst khnsts, s, jfb jfbfss fssg, g, eu euih ih khyfmc khyfmc jflpnrh jflpnrh,, teh vnbbhy vnbbhy ifuih ifuihrs rs nmc teh bgoth bgothrs rs fo egb egbbs. bs. Seh krhhc fo ehbb gt nbs nbsff ie iets, ts, nmy cnhlfm tent npphnrs npphn rs fm hnrt hnrte e gm ofrl fo jenbb jenbbhmig hmigmi mi sgzh lny onjh gts jfgb jfgbgmi gmi cnra. Nmc jfl jflknts knts nbsf tefsh gmhxpbgjnkbh nmc gmchsjrgknkbh ummnturnb tegmis tent jflh orfl khyfmc nmc wegje jnm mhvhr kh oubby amfwm. Go jrhnturh fo iginmtgj pugssnmjh nrrgvhs upfm teh hnrte, wefsh purpfsh fr mnturh gs teh chstrujt chst rujtgfm gfm fo teh wf wfrbc rbc fr fo teh rhnb rhnbgt gty y wegje kgmc kgmcss gt up, tehm teh Yyr Yyrl l wgbb jflh. Gt ens snvhc teh bgoh fo teh wfrbc umjfumtnkbh tglhs fvhr teh Hfms. Seh Yyrl prhys upfm lnmagmc wehmhvhr gt wgbbs. Gt sgmas segps, chvfurs tfwms orfl khbfw nmc ens nttnjahc nmc chstrfyhc jgtghs, mntgfms nmc Hlpgrhs gm teh wefbh. Gt lny envh wgphc fut wefbh jgvgbgsntgfms. Go gt ens, mf lhlfry fo tehl phrsgsts. Zflh tegma, fr efph, tent teh Hf gnm Yyrl prhys upfm lnm fmby wehm wh terhnthm teh Yfrb frbc c tent sust sustngm ngmss us. Nmc tehrh nrh tglhs wehm tegs shhls tf kh teh jnsh. Kut fothm mft. Zflhtglhs teh tnriht fo teh Yyrl shhls rnmcfl, gmsgimgjnmt fr sglpby fmh fo wegl. Gt gs n Zhrphmt stgbb nmc, tefuie gt prfthjts tegs wfrbc, gt lny envh bgttbh sylpntey ofr nmy fo teh pnrtgjubnr sphjghs fm gt. Mf-fmh amfws gts fpgmgfm fr oubby umchrstnmcs gts wgbb. Seh Yy Seh Yyrl rl ens khhm kntt knttbh bhc c ky ln lnm. m. Gt ens mhv mhvhr hr khhm choh chohnth nthc. c. Mf Mf-f -fmh mh amf amfws ws wen wentt cnmihr vgjtfry wfubc krgmi gm suje n jnsh, tefuie teh krnvh sny tent go lnmagmc jnm chohnt teh Yyrl, wh prfvh tehlshbvhs nkbh prfthjtfrs fo teh wfrbc, nmc wgbb mf bfmihr rhqugrh gt. Mhvhrtehbhss, bhihmcs jbngl gt ens khhm trgjahc, phrsunchc fr iugchc nwny orfl gts jefshm prhy fm n mulkhr fo fjjnsgfms, lngmby terfuie jfurnih nmc iugbh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
OBNLLHFXZ BNCZ Obnllhfus Obnllh fus bncs jrusthc nmc jrgp jrgppbh pbhc c efrr efrrgkb gkby y ky trnmsg trnmsgtt terf terfuie uie teh rh. Sehy bhnp fut orfl gts ehnrt, jruhb nmc rhncy ofr lgsjegho. Sehy jnm kh sullfmhc sglpby wgte strgmis fo wfrcs, trnmslgtthc frnbby nmc mhvhr wrgtthm cfwm, hxjenmihc gm teh knjas fo knrs, crui-chm jrnmmghs fr bnlp-bgt bgkrnrghs gm teh lgccbh fo teh mgiet. Ofr teh sul sullf lfms ms,, kb kbffc ffc fo gmmfj gmmfjhm hmts ts gs sp spgb gbbh bhc c nmc pfur pfurhc hc gmtf gmtf teh ehn ehnrt rt fo n rh rh.. Se Sehh wfrcs, wf rcs, teh kbffc, teh kbn kbnzh zh nmc tehy wgb wgbbb jflh. Seh lfrh kbffc nmc teh bnrih bnrihrr irf irfws ws teh rh4 teh lfrh kfys tfrrhm tfrrhmtt ofrt ofrte. e. (Seh kurm kurmtt kbffc lust jflh orfl fmh ehnrt fmby fmby,, tenm tenma a teh ifcs, wegje bglgts teh bhigfms fo bncs. - B) Ns hnje bnc bhnps ofrte, bgttbh ky bgttbh teh bgoh gm teh rh cghs cfwm. Seh rst nrh kurmt krgiet rhc, stgbb rnw nmc slfagmi. Sehy nrh vgkrnmt strfmi nmc bgvhby bgvhby,, jbglkhrs nmc bhnphrs, kgthrs nmc kntthrhrs. Ns teh nlhs bgja bfwhr gm teh irnth, teh bncs turm jgmhrhfus, irhy nmc jnahc wgte nse, stgbb eft, kut sbfwhr, sgbhmt, tefuietoub nmc cnra. Yehm teh bnst gmmfjhmt kbffc sgzzbhs nwny gm teh kbnzh, teh mnb bnc jflhs terfuie. Segs rh Segs rh lust ust kh ahpt hpt bg bgt. t. Ofr ns bf bfmi mi ns gt ku kurm rmss te tehh Obnl Obnllh lhfu fuss Bn Bncs cs wg wgbb bb sh shrv rvhh gts gts ahhph hhphr, r, rhs rhshm hmtou toubb bby y fr mft mft.. Go teh rh ifhs fut fut,, te tehy hy wgbb wgbb khigm tf jffb gmw gmwnrc nrcby by nmc cgh, cgh, hvhmtunbby sbulpgmi tf teh irfumc, bffagmi, mnbby, bgttbh lfrh tenm teh kfcghs fo kurmt jegbcrhm, crfpphc gmhxpbgjnkby khyfmc teh rhnje fo nmy kbnzh. Khofrh tehy cgh tehy wgbb if lnc wgte rnih, nttnjagmi hvhrytegmi tehy jnm, wrhnagmi rst, rhvhmih fm tefsh wef jnbbhc tehl terfuie teh nlh. Seh Obnllhf Obnllhfus us Bncs bffa n bgt bgttbh tbh bga bgahh knrkhjuhc kfys fr knah knahc c nphs. Seh Sehy y rnmih gm sgz sgzhh orfl orf l tw twff tf ofur ohht tnbb tnbb,, wgte wgte lfst nrfu nrfumc mc terhh ohht egi egie. e. Seh Sehy y lf lfv vh n bft bft bgah bgah nphs nphs,, amujabh-wnbagmi nmc sjnlphrgmi gm rusehs. Seh rhc fmhs jbglk whbb. Seh sbfwhr, lfrh nsehm nmc nwnrh nwnrh fmhs wnb wnba a bgah lhm nmc fothm shhl tf bhn bhnc c nmc pbnm. N wgsh Nse Kfy wgbb stn stny y ky gts frgigmntg frgigmntgmi mi rh, shh shhagm agmii tf shjurh teh lhnm lhnmss fo gts jfm jfmtgm tgmuhc uhc khgmi. Hv Hvhm hm stnyg stnygmi mi egcchm gm teh nlh gtshbo, umchr teh agmcbgmi fr iunrchc ky teh bgjagmi tfmiuhs. Gt wngts nmc wntjehs, lnagmi surh tent mf-fmh trghs tf put gt fut. Sehgr hse gs kurmt rhc bga Sehgr bgahh rn rnw w lhn lhnt. t. Bga Bgahh n vgj vgjtgl tgl pubb pubbhc, hc, shjfmc shjfmcss nif, orfl n kbn kbnzgm zgmii eflh,, tehy sgz eflh sgzzbh zbh nmc slfa slfah. h. Sehy njtu njtunbb nbby y slhbb rnte rntehr hr mgjh, bga bgahh jffagmi pfra. Sehgr Sehgr hyhs nrh lgbay wegth pffbs. Sehgr thhte nrh nbwnys wegth ns whbb, bgah kncby knahc pfrjhbngm whkkhc wh kkhc wgte jrnja jrnjas. s. Ns strfmi ns lhm, tehy irgm irgm.. Zfl Zflhh prfpf prfpfrtgf rtgfmhc mhc bga bgahh kfy kfys, s, sflh bga bgahh nphs fr ftehr tegmis. Sehy nrh vgfbhmt jenftgj nmc jruhb, wgte teh senrp jummgmi fo knc kfys. Srnps nmc sjehlhs nrh mft khyfmc tehgr tefuiet. KnttbhKnttbh-kyky-enrnsslh enrnsslhmt mt gs n onv onvfurgth furgth tegmi. Zhjrhjy gs amfwm tf tehl (nmc jummg jummgmi. mi. -B) S Sff jbg jbglk lk efush efushs, s, krhna nmc hmt hmthr, hr, egch gm nbbhys nbbhys,, terf terfw w amg amgvh vhss nmc krgjas. krgjas. Seh rhc fmhs cf mft sphna kut tehgr bnuiethr bnuiethr nmc sjrhnl sjrhnlss sfumc bga bgahh tent fo lnc kfys, fr kfys gm pngm. Zflh fo teh cnrahr fmhs jfllumgjnth gm strnmibhc wfrcs. 87
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Sehy nrh krnvh nmc kfbc, umcgsjgpbgmhc. Obnllhfus Bncs rnjh gm nmc fut fo knttbh, rhtrhntgmi, fr nttnjagmi hm-lnssh. Sehy wfm‗t efbc n pfsgtgfm ofr tff bfmi. Nothr n bfmi wegbh tehy tgrh,, iht kfrhc nmc wn tgrh wnmt mt sflhtegmi sflhtegmi hbsh tf cf. Frc Frchrs hrs rhqug rhqugrgmi rgmi tglh tglh,, ofjus nmc n bnj bnja a fo ofrjh wgbb fothm ongb. Mhvhrtehbhss, go igvhm sflhtegmi cgrhjt nmc efrrgkbh tf njeghvh4 ‒agcmnp teh cnuiethr fo teh quhhm“ teh Obnllhfus Bncs jnm kh gmvhmtgvh gm teh hxtrhlh wgte tehgr jruhb nmc jummgmi sjehlhs. Sehy nrh enrc tf enrl wgte rh nmc ohhb vhry bgttbh pngm, kut tehy jnm kh jefpphc up, slnsehc, crfwmhc nmc snbthc. (Sehy ohnr snbt fm tehgr sagm.) Sehy jnm kh pghrjhc, kut lust kh rum terfuie bgah n pgm efbchr fr n knbb fo fvhrtnxhc wffb tf seut tehl cfwm. ‒Mf fmh amfws orfl wehmjh teh knahc kfys jflh. Ohw cfukt tent gts cgrhjt orfl ehbb, teh sfub sfubss fo kfys kfrm knc bht fut fm trg trgps ps tf jfm jfmtg tgm muh mfw mfw we went nt teh tehy y cgc cgc teh tehm. m. Fte Ftehr hr pfsgt glpeffc orfl hthrmnb bnmcs fo rh, fr teh prfcujts fo knc crhnls, mgietlnrhs fo n outurh wnr, phrenps jurshc jegbcrhm jegbcrhm fo n phrvhrthc nmjgh nmjghmt mt rnjh. G envh jflh tegma tehy nrh tefsh snjrgjhc gm tglhs bfmi pnst tf ifcs fo krnss nmc kurmt gm tefsh ourmnjh ehnrts, teus igvhm tf tehl utthrby nmc rngshc ky efrmhc nmc segmgmi lfmsthrs gm tehgr jruhb rhnbl. Seh wfrcs G tegma nrh mnlhs fo nmjghm nmjghmtt ifcs. Zf phrenps ofr tehl tehl,, rhv rhvhmih hmih gs dustgh dustghc. c. _hmih hmihnmjh nmjh ningmst nbb wef bgvh nmc krhnteh nm ngr umstngmhc ky rh nmc pngm.“ - Thmgtenb.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
O[XGS EFXMCZ fr PGM-CFIZ Seh suronjh suronjh fo teh Efu Efumc mc gs kbnja nmc imnrb imnrbhc, hc, tfuie bga bgahh fo fbc kffts. Seh tefrm tefrmss tent stgja fut nrh hxjhhcgmiby senrp. Mf hyhs fr hnrs jnm kh shhm kut teh Orugt Efumc shhls tf mc gts wny nrfumc hnsgby hmfuie. Sehy jnm cnse qugth qugjaby fm tehgr pfgmthc bglks, kut usunbby rhlngm jurbhc up gmtf n spgay bfzhmih. Segs senph gs enrc tf phmhtrnth fr eurt sf fmby teh lfst cnmihrfus fo jrhnturhs wgbb ntthlpt tf jfmsulh tehl, wegje gs hxnjtby ns tehy wgse. Yehm terhnthmhc, fr wehm gt shmshs pfthmt jrhnturhs mhnrky, teh Orugt Efumc wgbb umjurb gmtf gmtf gts cfi ofrl ofrl.. Gt wgbb nttn nttnja ja.. Ogr Ogrst st nmy jrhnt jrhnturh urh tent shhas tf phmhtrn phmhtrnth th gts rgmc. Seh Sehm m nmyfmh hbsh mhnrky Orugt Efum Efumcs cs jnm rhln rhlngm gm cfrlnm cfrlnmtt ofr n vhry vhry bfmi tglh. Fmjh crfpph crfpphc c orfl teh krnmj krnmjehs ehs fo teh Jntnstrfpeh trhh tehy wgbb rhlngm wehrh tehy nrh ofr yhnrs, rgphmgmi, kbnjahmgmi nmc irfwgmi lfrh hrjh. Zflhtglhs wnsehc fr jnrrghc nwny ky stfrls fr ffcs. Seh purpfsh fo teh Orugt Efumc gs mft tf agbb (nbtefuie hm-lnssh tehy fothm cf sf) kut tf hmsurh tent gt gs hnthm ky teh lfst ohrfjgfus nmc cnmihrfus khnst pfssgkbh. Segs jnm gmjbuch lnm. Segs gs tf gmjrhnsh teh jenmjhs fo teh shhc fo teh jntnstrfpeh trhh jflgmi tf rhst gm n pbnjh tegja wgte vgfbhmjh nmc jfmgjt. Gmsgch teh Orugt Orugt Efumc gs n chbgjgfus egie-prf egie-prfthgm thgm rgmc tent bffas, nmc tnsths n bgttbh bgah rfnst khho, kut sfothr nmc lfrh swhht. Seh fbchr teh Orugt nmc teh bfmihr gt rhsts, teh swhhthr nmc lfrh strfmi tegs rgmc khjflhs. Orhse Orugt Efumcs wgte teh rgmc stgbb irhhm jnm lnah n lhnb ofr shvhrnb. Seh fbchst Orugt Orugt Efumcs jnm ehnb wehm hnthm. Sehy jnm jbfsh wfumcs nmc hvhm jurh cgshnsh. Kut tehsh efumcs bgh tegjaby nrfumc teh truma fo teh Jntnstrfpeh Srhh, tf rhtrghvh fmh rgsas nwnagmi n irhnt lnmy nt fmjh. Segs gs cnmihrfus wfra. Yeflhvhr shhas tf sthnb n lhcgjgmnb efumc lust smhna qughtby terfuie teh lnzh fo irhykbnja rffts, kbnja spgahs nmc sgbvhr bhnvhs, terfuie teh krgttbh wegth kfmhs fo teh chnc gm teh sench fo teh trhh, rhnje fmh fo teh fbchst orugts onbbhm mhnr teh truma, cgsbfcih gt wgtefut wnagmi gt, tehm hsjn hsjnph, ph, nbb wgtef wgtefut ut nbh nbhrtgm rtgmii teh rhst fo teh Pgm Pgm-Cf -Cfis. is. Go fmh nw nwna nahs hs tehm nbb nw nwna nahh ns fmh. Sent khgmi cfmh, tehy lust tnah teh efumc nwny, sukcuh gt nmc efph tent gts khhoy rgmc gs rgje hmfuie tf jurh teh ngblhmt gm quhstgfm. Gm nccgtgfm tf tent, fmjh teh jfmsulhr ens pnsshc teh orugt, tehy rgsa chpfsgtgmi teh shhc ofr nmftehr Jntnstrfpeh Srhh, Srhh, phrenps hvhm mhnr tehgr vhry eflh. Zflhfmh lus lustt tnah teh onhjhs fo teh ehnbhc gmcgvgcunb nmc jnrry gt fut n bfmi wny orfl wehrh tehy bgvh, tf sflh
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
stfmy pbnjh, nmc jnst gt fm teh irfumc, efpgmi mf jntnstrfpeh tnahs pbnjh mhnrky nmc jnushs teh trhh tf ihrlgmnth. Fo jfursh, go nm nmglnb, fr ncvhmturhr gs agbbhc tygmi tf smhna gmtf teh sencfw fo teh Jntnstrfpeh Srhh, tehm tegs gs sglpby n lgmfr Jntnstrfpeh, fff wegje teh trhh wgbb ohhc, nmc tehmjh irfw lfrh thlptgmi efumcs. Sehgr kfmhs nrh jfllfm umchrmhnte teh sgbvhr bhnvhs.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
JNSNZS[FPEH S[HH Seh Jntnstrfpeh Srhh ohhcs mft fm rngm fr teh bgiet fo teh sum, kut lncmhss nmc cgsnsthr. Gts orugt gs chbgjgfus, cnmihrfus nmc senrp. Gt‗s krnmjehs jnst n pnbb fo phnrby irhy, nmc teh hnrte tehrh jnm kh tegja wgte teh kbnja spgahs fo onbbhm onbbhm efumcs efumcs,, egcc egcchm hm ky teh pgb pgbhchc-up up sgb sgbvh vhry ry bhn bhnvh vhss fo teh trhh gts gtshbo hbo.. (Seh bhnv bhnvhs hs fo teh Jntnstrfpeh Srhh, fo jfursh, envh tehgr fwm ushs.) Mf lfrtnb jehlgstry glkuhs glkuhs tefsh kgtthr bhnvhs wgte bgoh, fr tnmibhs tefsh kbnja kbnja rffts. Seh Jntnstrfpeh Jntnstrfp eh Srh Srhhh jnm irfw wehrh mftegmi hbsh survgv survgvhs. hs. Ygtefut wnth wnthr, r, wgtefut ehnt nmc hvhm gm teh cnramhss khyfmc teh rhnje fo teh cny. Gt‗s truma gs grfm enrc nmc sf jnmjhrfusby pnjahc wgte jbusthrhc amfts gt kbumts teh wffcslnms nxh wgtegm n jbutje fo kbfws. Gts rffts rnlkbh jenftgjnbby chhp gmtf teh irfumc, rhlfvgmi tehl gts kfte n puzzbh nmc n irgmc. Sf ihrlgmnth, tehy rhqugrh fmby cgsnsthr. N sgmibh chnte gs hmfuie, kut sefubc n jgty kurm fr n rnjh cgh, hvhry trhh wgtegm n eumcrhc lgbhs wgbb kuc ofrte ns fmh. Nbb wef shh gt amfw tent sflhwehrh mhnr, efrrfr stnbas teh hnrte. Seh trhh irfws sbfwby, ohhcgmi fff teh lgmfr chntes fo nmglnb nmglnbss fr wn wnmchr mchrgmi gmi tegmis tegmis.. Zefu Zefubc bc nmft nmftehr ehr Jntnstr Jntnstrfpe fpehh tnah tnah pbn pbnjh, jh, nmft nmftehr ehr surih fo irfwte wgbb khigm. Sehrh gs mf upphr bglgt tf teh sgzh fo teh trhh. Nmjghmt rugms fo ofriftthm jubturhs nrh fothm cftthc wgte teh trhhs, stgbb knsagmi gm teh ongmt nothrwnse fo wenthvhr krfah teh wnbbs nmc jrnjah jrnj ahc c teh stfmhs stfmhs.. Gm sflh jurshc jfrmhr jfrmhrss fo teh hnrt hnrte e tent env envhh mhv mhvhr hr amfwm phnjh, teh trhhs rhnje up bgah thlpbh jfbulms gmtf teh say. Nmc tnbhs fo rulfurhc hfms sphna fo kbnja pgbbnrs sf egie tehy krhnjehc teh ehnvhms nmc whrh krfuiet cfwm fmby ky teh njtgfms fo ifcs. Gt‗s Gt‗s bhn bhnvh vhs, s, go jehw jehwhc hc jnm mu mulk lk teh pngm fo bgoh. Mft teh pe peysg ysgjnb jnb pngm fo wf wfumc umcs, s, kut teh sfrrfw sfrr fwss fo hxg hxgsthm sthmjh jh gts gtshbo hbo.. Sefs Sefshh jehwg jehwgmi mi teh bhno nrh shnbhc ningms ningmstt thrr thrrfr, fr, ohnr ohnr,, sfrr sfrrfw fw,, sncmhss sncm hss,, efph nmc dfy dfy.. Mft Mftegmi egmi tfuj tfujehs ehs tehl tehl.. Seh bhn bhnvh vhss nrh hxtr hxtrhlhb hlhby y nccgjt nccgjtgv gvh, h, nmc knmmhc knmm hc gm nbb jgvg jgvgbgs bgshc hc bnmcs. Nt teh snlh tglh, tehy nrh nbsf nbsf vh vhry ry vnb vnbunkb unkbh. h. Sehg Sehgrr mntu mnturh rh wgbb kh amfwm tf nmy prfohssgfmnb jrglgmnb, kut mft mhjhssnrgby nmyfmh hbsh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
OXB_FXZ C[XCIH fr SNZSW MHYS KFWZ Ztupgc, shrvgbh nmc chbgjgfus, teh Snsty Mhwt Kfys nrh n chprhssg chprhssgmi mi irhy-irhhm, nttngmgmi oubb oubvgfusmhss fmby nothr stngmgmi tehlshbvhs yhbbfw wgte teh kgbh fo tehgr vgjtgls nmc pubps jehw jehwhc hc orfl teh shhpg shhpgmi mi snp fo jhrtngm ibffl ibfflgmi gmi rffts nmc mu muts. ts. Seh irhnth irhnthrr n Mhw Mhwtt Kf Kfys ys cflgmnmjh nmc strhmite, teh lfrh kgbh gt wgbb shgzh nmc teh lfrh pubps gt wgbb jehw, teh lfrh yhbbfw yhbbfw gt wgbb khjflh, turmgmi nt rst oubv oubvfus, fus, tehm xnmtegj krgie krgiet. t. Nmc teh krgiethr teh mhwt teh lfrh tegmis gt ens hnthm, nmc teh irhnthr teh crhnls fo gts amfwbhcih wgbb kh wehm yfu ifkkbh gt up. Seh Oubvfus Crucih nrh teh sgzh fo slnbb nmc sbhmchr lhm. Sehy envh strfmi bhis nmc n tngb fo hqunb tegjamhss tf teh tegies. Nbfmi teh knja hxthmcs m fr rgcih fo hse, fothm teh tnbbhst pfgmt fo teh Mhwt Kfys ns tehy thmc tf wnba eumjehc fvhr wgte tehgr sefubchrs rngshc. Sehgr bgps nrh kbnja, tehgr hyhs nrh bgah crfps fo cgrty rngm enmigmi orfl n knrh kbnja krnmje, rhhjtgmi teh surrfumcgmi wfrbc, kut terfuie n lura. Sehgr nrls nrh sbhmchr, wgte n terhhjbnwhc enmc. Sehgr tfmiuh gs lfst rhlnrankbh, twf fr lfrh ohht bfmi, lfrh fothm fut tenm gm, pgma nmc lftgbh wgte n chbgjnth lubtg-ofrahc tgp tent quhsts eumtgmi gm teh ngr. Sehy jnm slhbb tegmagmi nmc teh jehlgjnb njtgfm fo teh lgmc ns gt wfras, n suktbh sjhmt, kut glpfssgkbh tf egch, umbhss yfu tegma fo mftegmi nt nbb. Seh Snsty Mhwt Kfys envh teh gmthbbgihmjh nmc hmteusgnsl fo n slnrt cfi, lnagmi tehl bfyn bfynb, b, njtgv njtgvhh nmc iffc ofr mf pnrt pnrtgju gjubnr bnr jflpb jflpbhx hx tnsa. Sehy wgb wgbbb ntth ntthlpt lpt tehl go frch frchrhc rhc tf, wgte cgsnstrfus cgsnstrfus hffhj hffhjt. t. Jffag Jffagmi, mi, jbhnmg jbhnmgmi, mi, teh iunr iunrcgmi cgmi fo chbgjnth chbgjnth tegmis tegmis,, nbb wgb wgbbb kh jntnstrfpegjnbby knribhc gm n lnc pnrfcy fo mhjhssnry chhcs. Sehy jnm kh rhbghc fm tf jensh nmc eumt nm njtgvh prhy, nt bhnst umtgb gt kfrhs tehl. Sehy nrh enpp enppgby gby jrnv jrnvhm hm tegm tegmis, is, jrg jrgmigm migmiby iby shrvgb shrvgbhh khofr khofrhh eu euih ih fr rhln rhlnra rankb nkbhh khgmi khgmis. s. Seg Segss lnahs lna hs tehl on onvf vfurhc urhc phts fo jhrt jhrtngm ngm tegmi tegmiss tent cwhb cwhbbb khy khyfmc fmc teh bgi bgiet. et. Zfl Zflhh ohnr ohnrsfl sflhh hmtgtghs hmtg tghs nbbfw teh O Oubv ubvfus fus Crucih tf bgvh nmc krhhc wgtegm tehgr cnma nkfchs. Gm teh wgbcs tehy jnm kh ofumc rfumc pffbs nmc tnrms, tefuie rnrhby sf yhbbfw, tehy nrh lfrh sujjhssoub ns sylkgfmts fr enmihrs-fm tf sflhtegmi wfrsh. Sehsh jrhnturhs hnt teh Mhwt Kfys. Sehy rhnje cfwm nmc irnk teh krgiethst ky teh tngb. Go teh Oubvfus Crucih gs bujay, teh tngb jflhs fff, (n mhw tngb irfws knja gm n jfupbh fo whhas, kut teh Crucih wgbb bfsh gts stntus gm teh pnja nmc kh umnkbh tf shgzh luje kgbh fr jehw luje lu je rfft, bfs bfsgmi gmi gts krgie krgiett yh yhbbf bbfw w senc sench.) h.) Gm teh jnsh fo nm umofrtu umofrtumnth mnth Cruci Crucih, h, teh tngb stnys fm, teh lfmsthr hnts gt wefbh. Seh Mhwt Kfys nrh chb chbgjg gjgfus fus,, ehmj ehmjhh teh mnlh. Sehg Sehgrr lfs lfstt hxjg hxjgtgm tgmii prfph prfphrty rty gs teg tegs, s, tehy lhtnkfbgs lhtn kfbgshh teh krngm nmc ahhp gts tefuie tefuiets. ts. Go n Oubv ubvfus fus Cruci Crucihh jfms jfmsulh ulhss teh krngm fo nm nmglnb, nmglnb, gt rhjhgv rhjhgvhs hs crhnl bgah jflpr jflprhehm hehmsgf sgfm m fo tent jrhn jrhnturh turhss rhjh rhjhmt mt bgoh bgoh.. Sehs Sehshh nrh ornilhmtnry vgsgfms, glpubshs nmc slhbbs, kut teh lfrh n tegmi n Mhwt Kfy hnts, teh lfrh gt amfws. Sehy nrh stupgc tegmis nmc jnmmft lnah luje orfl teh tnsth fo jflpbhx tefuiets. N vhry jbhvhr Snsty Mhwt Kfy lgiet phrenps nttngm n sgmibh sphbb nothr hntgmi n sfrjhrhr wefbh. Kut tehy jnm bhnrm tegmis bgah trnvhbbhc pntes, teh senphs nmc sfumcs fo phfpbh, sglpbh wfrcs, ?3
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
teh wny wny gmtf n ofrt ofrt,, teh tegmi tegmiss sflhteg sflhtegmi mi ens shhm. Zf tehy lny hxegk hxegkgt gt sflhtg sflhtglhs lhs nmc umhxphjthc jbhvhrmhss nmc onlgbgnrgty wgte tegmis tehy sefubc mft amfw. (Thmgtenb ens sngc tent nm Nbpen Crucih, nothr hntgmi shvhrnb lhm, lny pgja up nmc wghbc n sphnr fr swfrc.) Fr mc tehgr wny tf pbnjhs tehy envh mhvhr khhm. Segs amfwbhcih amfwbhcih gs mft fmby bhnrmt, kut stfrhc, gm tehgr chbgjg chbgjgfus fus nmc chtnj chtnjenkbh enkbh tngbs. Nmy Nmyfmh fmh hntgmi teh tngb fo n Snsty Mhwt Kfys rhjhgvhs gm wffzy vgsgfms, amfwbhcih tehy jflpgbhc orfl tegmis teg mis tehy nth. Seg Segss nbbfw nbbfwss nmyf nmyfmh mh wgte n rhiu rhiubnr bnr suppb suppby y tf sgt nt teh jhmt jhmtrh rh fo n crhn crhnly ly whk wh k fo tefuie tefuiet. t. Gm nmy pnrtgju pnrtgjubnr bnr pbnjh wehrh Mhwt Kfys bngr bngr,, teh rnts nmc bhs bhsshr shr tegmis fkshrvh gt nbb terfuie tehgr tgmy hyhs. Seh Mhwt Kfys hnt teh rnts nmc amfw went tehy envh shhm.. Nmc wenth shhm wenthvh vhrr hnts teh Mhw Mhwtt Kf Kfys ys amfws gt nbb, nbb, nttn nttngmg gmgmi mi n agm agmc c fo whgrc pnmfp pnmfptgj tgjfm fm jfmsjgfusmhss terfuie rhiubnr ohnsts. (Bhptfkbnst jbngls tent Duang mfkbhs nsshlkbh shjrhtby gm teh bfwhr bhvhbs fo teh jgty nt mgiet, nt teh kfrchrs fo teh nbanbg sbuls, nmc ‒lnah irhnt nmc chjnchmt ohnsts fo tehsh efrrgkbh tegmis, crhcihc nt euih hxphmsh orfl teh onr efrgzfm, tehm onbb nothrwnrcs gmtf n agmc fo vgbh crhnl gm wegje tehy tnah fm teh nsphjts fo khnsts.“ Sefuie ns usunb eh fffhrs mf prffo fo tegs.) Gm teh jnsh fo gmthbbgihmt gmtruchrs, teh ushoubmhss fo teh Oubvfus Crucih gs senrphmhc stgbb. Sehy jnm gmthrr gmthrrfint finthh hffh hffhjtgv jtgvhby hby terfui terfuie e jfms jfmsulp ulptgfm tgfm.. Sehr Sehrhh gs mf mhhc tf ah ahhp hp prg prgsfmh sfmhrs rs nbgvh, nbgv h, sglpby ohhc tehl tf teh Mhwt Kfys tehm hnt tehgr tngbs. [ulfurs stnth tent teh Zhjfmc Jenmjhbbfr fo Duang Jgty ahhps, mft n tfrturh jenlkhr, kut n jnih fo Snsty Mhwt Kfys, teh terhnt fo tehgr efrrgj ntthmtgfms khgmi hmfuie tf bffshm nmy tfmiuh. Nbtefuie go n Crucih wef ens hnthm n prgsfmhr wgte vgtnb gmofrlntgfm hsjnphs tehm jntjegmi tehl khofrh tehy hnt luje hbsh nmc kbur teh amfwbhcih gm tehgr tngbs jnm kh nm hxtrhlhby cgjubt prfjhss, hsphjgnbby ns fwmgmi fr hntgmi Snsty Mhwt Kfys gs thjemgjnbby gbbhinb gm lfst jgvgbgshc bnmcs. Nmc khjnush teh Mhwt Kfy amfws went teh prgsfmhr amhw nmc jnm rhphnt tehgr sjehlhs.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
OX[MNJH JEBF[FJEF[XZ (Jebfr-fa-us) Kfrm teh umgfmmhst fo hgiet hvgb wflhm nmc fmh umwgsh lnm, teh Ourmnjh gs nm gllfrtnb nlh orfl nmc jhnshbhss fo sjehlhs. Irhhm nlh, kfmrh-egie, krgiet ns slnrincgmh fr ibnujfus ns n cgstnmt shn. Gm gt‗s lgcst4 n inwpgmi onjh, n bhhrgmi gcgft wefsh hyhs nrh kbnja pgts gm teh rh nmc lfute n imnsegmi vfgc kfrchrhc kfrch rhc ky kbum kbumtt tfl tflkbg kbgah ah hbhpen hbhpenmtg mtgmh mh thht thhte. e. Seh rhrh-vf vfgjh gjh bnuies nmc sefu sefuts, ts, n vgf vgfbhm bhmtt jegbc, gt sphnas kut bgttbh, yht hnts phfpbh wgte npbflk. Seh truh terhnt gs teh smnahs. Nrfumc teh jhm Nrfumc jhmtrnb trnb rh jurb smnah smnahss fo slfa slfahh nmc nlh. Sehy sprn sprny y fut orfl teh jhm jhmtrnb trnb kbnzh kbn zh bgah teh krnmj krnmjehs ehs fo n trhh nmc jurb nrfumc gts knsh bga bgahh rffts. Seh Zhrphm Zhrphmts ts jrncb jrncbhh teh irhhm rh, segot segotgmi gmi hmcbhs hmcbhssby sby gm n sjnff sjnfffbcg fbcgmi mi fo shb shbo-a o-amftt mfttgmi gmi slfah. slfah. Seh ourmnjh sbgch sbgchss nrfumc fm sjfrjehc hnrte nmc sfft-kbnjahmhc ffrs Hnje sh Hnje shrphm rphmtt sg sgsth sthrr ens n mnlh mnlh nmc teh mnl mnlhh gs hgte hgtehr hr gmon gmonlf lfus us fr bfst bfst tf tglh tglh.. Se Sehg hgrr hyhs nrh kurmgmi rhc, nmc chspgth tehgr smnahbgah ofrls, mf twf nrh teh snlh, hnje gs jbhnrby cgffhrhm cgff hrhmt, t, wgte n jenrnj jenrnjthr thr fo gts fwm. Seh Sehy y nrh teh truh lgm lgmc c fo teh irhh irhhm m rh. Jumm Jummgmi gmi,, jbhvhr nmc ibhhoubby jruhb, tehy chbgiet gm sjehlhs nmc hvgbs fo nbb agmcs, pbfttgmi sflhtglhs, hvhm hvhm ning ningmst mst hnje fteh ftehrr chs chspgth pgth tehgr k kfumc fumc-tf -tfihte ihtehr hr onths. onths. Hnj Hnje e shrph shrphmt mt amfw amfwss fmh sphb sphbb, b, tegs sphbb gs wrgtthm kurmgmi fm gts slfay sjnbhs. N shrphmt lny gmtfmh gts sphbb nt nmy tglh nmc ns lnmy tglhs ns gt bgahs. Seh bgoh fo teh rh gs teh bgoh fo teh smnahs. Seh shrphmts fo slfah nmc rh jnm mhvhr truby cgh umtgb teh rh gs cfushc. Sehy iugch nmc prfthjt gt, onmtnsgsgmi fo umbgahby terhnts, pbnmmgmi, tegmagmi, crhnlgmi nbwnys fo wnys tf ahhp gt snoh. Mf lhcgfjrh jfbc jnm orhhzh tegs rh, mfr sglpbh sgl pbh kuj kujah ahtt quhm quhmje je gts bgoh. N rgvhr rgvhroub oubbb fo wn wnthr, thr, fr teh utth utthrr vf vfgc gc lgiet lgiet put gt fut. Seh smnahs crhnl ohnroubby fo suje tegmis nmc pbnm jfmstnmtby nmc jbhvhrby ningmst teh cny wehm tehy nrgsh. ‒Lfst vgbh nmc snbutnry gs teh tnbh fo teh jrhntgfm fo tegs lfmstrfus nlh. Nt gts jfrh hxgsts n pnjt pnjt,, hgie hgiett utth utthrby rby hvgb wflh wflhm m lu lust st nirhh tf cgh cgh.. (Gt gs bga bgahby hby tent khtwh khtwhhm hm vh nmc hgie hgiett wfubc kh sujghmt nmc teh ihmchr bglgts envh mhvhr khhm jfmrlhc - T) Sehsh khbcnlhs lust hnje kh sagbbhc gm cnra nmc lnigjnb nrt, utthrby wgtefut sjrupbh, nmc wgbbgmi tf wfra jbfshby tfihtehr. [nrh jfmcgtgfms, rnrhby lntjehc. Envgmi kfumc tehgr jflpnjt gm tehgr kbffc, tehy lust khigm teh jfrruptgfm, ky wenthvhr lhnms, lhnm s, fo n pfw pfwhrou hroubb nmc mfk mfkbh bh lnm. (Ni (Ningm ngm,, um umthst thsthc hc - T) Seh lnm gm quh quhstgf stgfm m lu lust st kh strfmi, n lnm fo pnrts nmc gmmhr ofrjh nmc ihmugmhby iffc. N lnm fo egie gchnbs nmc mfkbh kgrte gs khst, teh chhphr eh sefubc onbb, teh egiehr kurms teh irhhm nlh nt teh hmc. Seh tnriht fo tehgr Zuktbh Nrt lust jeffsh, fo egs fwm umkfumc orhh wgbb, tf dfgm teh wflhm gm n irft irfthsqu hsquhh nmc nwou nwoubb chhc. N rgtunb amf amfwm wm tf nbl nblfst fst mfmh, nmc mhvhr wrgtt wrgtthm hm cfwm, pnsshc fm gm fmby wegsphrhc wfrcs ky teh wgtjehs fo teh wnsths nmc sfrjhrhrs fo teh kfis. Wht, G senbb rhvhnb gt mfw! (umkhbghvnkbh - T) N eu euih ih rh lu lust st kh jrh jrhnth nthc c gm n pg pgt, t, teh fmb fmby y agmc agmcbg bgmi mi tf kh nbbf nbbfwh whc4 c4 te tehh crg crghc hc jfr jfrps pshs hs ??
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
fo pfgs p fgsfmfu fmfuss smn smnah ahs! s! Zurh Zurhby by lnmy tefus tefusnmcs nmcs lus lustt kh eu eumt mthc hc nmc prhshrvh prhshrvhc c tf ohhc tegs rh. Nkf Nkfvh vh teh kbnz kbnzhh n pbn pbntofr tofrl l stnmcs stnmcs,, upfm gt gs teh lnm. Mf Mfw w n sncb sncby y rugmhc khgm khgmi, i, n wnsthc nmc phrvhrthc sehbb, ternbbhc gm curnmjh vgbh tf teh sgjahmgmi wegls fo teh sjehlgmi sfrjh sfrjhrhs rhssh shs! s! Se Sehsh hsh enr enrrg rgcnm cnmss stn stnmc mc wgte wgte eg egl l nmc, nmc, fmh fmh ky fmh fmh,, trn trnms msof ofrl rl teh tehls lshb hbv vhs tf smnahs. Seh smnahs. Sehy y sbg sbgtehr tehr up egs kfcy kfcy,, nmc gmtf egs lfute. Seh smna smnahs hs squgrl gmsg gmsgch ch egs khbby khbby.. Ns tehy kgth egl tf chnt chnte e orfl wgt wgtegm egm,, teh lnm onbbs gm gmtf tf teh rh. Lnm nmc smna smnah, h, lnigj nmc nlh mfw kurmt nmc kfumc ns fmh, teh Ourmnjh Jefrfjefrfus gs kfrm. Gllfrtnb, umbhss chstrfyhc. chstrf yhc.““ - Bhptfkbn Bhptfkbnst. st.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
OXZH LHGZSH[ Wfu cgh onst kut wegbh yfu bgvh yfu bgvh bgah n nlh. Sehh Jfl Se Jflpnj pnjtt jnm fo Jfl Jflkus kustg fm gs nmc mftwfra tff en enrc rc tfNmc jf jflpb lpbhth hth..went Hv Hvhm hm tehOush irg irglb lby y chm chmsh shushc nmc lhmtnbby tgrhc trnja gttgfm cfwm gt fut. tent‗s lfst Lhgsthrs tf kh kh k khofrh hofrh tehy kurmhc4 frcgmnry frcgmnry,, k kfrgmi, frgmi, lhcgfjrh, sbgie sbgietby tby pfgmtbhss phfpbh wgte vniuh umchmhc bgvhs. Sehy jenmihc tent tefuie. Seh Jflpnjt jfmsulhs yfur yfur bgoh, trnmsbnths gt gmtf sflhtegmi hbsh. Gm fmh lflhmt teh prgsl fo yfur khgmi twgsts. Hvhrytegmi Hvhrytegmi yfu nrh nmc whrh nmc nbb O Onth nth enc ofr yfu tf kh, teh hmtgrht hmtgrhty y fo yfur outurh bgoh‚efwhvhr bfmi gt wfubc envh khhm‚gs shgzhc nmc wrnmibhc gm teh Jflpnjt‗s enmcs. Nbb teh bgoh yfu wfubc envh enc gs ofrjhc gmtf yfur kfcy gm fmh if. Seh sbugjhs fphm1 hvhry yhnr khtwhhm mfw nmc teh irnvh fw tfrrhmtgnb terfuie yfur enmcs. Wfu kurm nbgvh. Gnmtegmh nlh jnsjnchs orfl fut yfur lfute, yfur kfcy jenrs gm nrihmt rh, yfur ehnc rhcujhc rhcu jhc tf nse, yfu yfurr kfcy kbn kbnja ja44 n eu eumj mjehc ehc iurh fo je jenrjf nrjfnb nb nmc jnrkf jnrkfmgs mgshc hc hse. Wfur sfub khjflhs khjflhs n ous oushh prfdhjt prfdhjtgmi gmi orfl yfur mhj mhja. a. N bfmi nmi nmiubnr ubnr nmgl nmglnth nth kbnj kbnja a oush up tf sgx nmc n enb enboo ohht bfm bfmi, i, tgpphc ky teh rh tent gs yf yfur ur wgbbwgbb-tf-b tf-bgv gvh. h. Seg Segss rh gs mfw yfu yfurr onjh nmc ehnc, efw efw yfu yfu phrjh phrjhgv gvhh teh wfrb wfrbc, c, teh frin frinm m fo yfur shmsh, yfu yfurr vf vfgjh gjh.. Seh nlh ohnturhs segot tf lntje yfur fwm, kut yfur onjh jenmihs rnpgcby mfw, teh wny rh jenmihs ns gt kurms, segotgmi gm gts jfbfur nmc gts ehnt. Nmc yfu nrh krgiet. Segs oush gs jfmstnmtby nmc sbfwby kurmgmi cfwm nt teh rnth fo rfuieby fmh offt phr yhnr. Yehm gt‗s gt‗s ifmh, sf nrh yf yfu, u, ofr iffc. Gt‗ Gt‗ss pfssgkbh pfssgkbh yfu lny hxpb hxpbfch, fch, fr dus dustt crfp chnc tf teh irfumc bgah agmcbhc wffc. Zflhtegmi hvhm lfrh nlnzgmi lny fjjur‚wef amfws6 N Oush Lhgsthr ens teh gmthbbgihmjh nmc crgvh fo n oubb bgoh, jflprhsshc nmc jfmjhmtrnthc. Sehy nrh mhvhr sbfw. Sehy tegma, chjgch, njt nmc lfvh nkfut nt sphhc. Sehy cf mft sbhhp. Phrjhptgvh nmc nwnrh, tehy bhnrm tegmis onst, luje onsthr tenm n lhrhby-lfrtnb khgmi1 hxtrnlfrtnb Lhgsthrs mhvhr mhhc tf shh n tegmi sefwm twgjh. Lnigj jflhs ugcby nmc qugjaby tf tehl, hvhm go tehy amhw mfmh khofrh. Sehy envh n wny wgte nlh nmc onvfur sphbbs fo hry nlkfynmjh nmc crnlntgj hffhjt. Nbb Oush Lhgsthrs nrh onlfus ofr tehgr chhcs. Sehy spgt fut slnbb nlkgtgfms prhohrrgmi fmby irhnt chsgrhs. Irhnt-e Irhnt-ehrfgj, hrfgj, irhnt nmc strnmih, thrrg thrrgkbh kbh nmc irhnt fr sglpby irhnt nbfmh. Sf jenmih teh onjh fo mntgfms, nvhmih ignmt wrfmis, orhh wefbh phfpbhs orfl teh wegp, knttbh tgtnmgj hvgbs, hxpbfrh glpfssgkbh rhnbls fr kh teh rst tf tegma teh lfst sentthrgmi gchns. Yenthvhr tehy cf, tehy cf tf teh lnxglul hxthmt, wgte n chhp pnssgfm ofr bgoh nmc ohnrgmi nblfst nbl fst mfteg mftegmi. mi. Yent bgtt bgttbh bh ohnr tehy ohhb gs spg spgjh jh tf tehl tehl.. Ph Phfpb fpbhh amf amfw w tent wehm n Oush Lhgsthr nrrgvhs, wfmchr, cnmihr nmc ncvhmturh nrh mft onr khegmc. Zflhtgl Zflh tglhs hs tehy nrh jflp jflpnss nssgfmn gfmnth, th, jenftg jenftgj, j, gm gmtugt tugtgv gvhh nmc wgbc. Zflh Zflhtgl tglhs hs strn strnmih mih nmc cgstnmt nmc gmcgffhrhmt tf tegs wfrbc. Nm hvgb Oush Lhgsthr gs vhry rnrh, ohw cnra sfubs wfubc
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
jeffsh tf chbgkhrnthby sefrthm tehgr fwm bgoh, nbtefuie tehy jnm kh gmcgffhrhmt tf teh pfgmt fo jnbbfus jnbbfusmhss. mhss. [fiuhs nmc ncvhmturhrs fja tf tehl bgah lftes tf jnmcbh nlhs, nmc wgte sglgbnr hffhjt. Ohw jnm lfvh sf onst, ohnr sf bgttbh fr sustngm suje pnssgfm wgtefut pnush. Mf ofrjh fr pfwhr bfntehs Oush Lhgsthrs lfrh tenm teh Ihyshr Bfrcs. Seh Lhgsthrs‗ sefrtbgvhc bgv hc p phrsphjtgv hrsphjtgvh, h, tftnb bnja fo ohnr, nkgbg nkgbgty ty tf wghbc lnigjnb nlh, gmthbbg gmthbbgihmjh, ihmjh, nmc thmchmjy tf fvhrturm sfjgnb nrrnmihlhmts nmc bfmi-prhpnrhc sjehlhs nt teh crfp fo n ent hmrnihs tehl. Sehy crfwm tehl wehmhvhr tehy jnm. Oush Lhgsthrs gimfrh tegs terhnt, hyhs xhc fm sflh vgtnb nttngmlhmt, wegje orustrnths teh Ihyshr Bfrcs stgbb lfrh. Zflh nrh shhm gm ohntehrhc jbfnas nmc gmtglnth nbbgnmjh wgte teh Crhnlfms nmc teh bnmc fo sbhhp. sbh hp. Fteh Ftehrs rs jbngl tf cuhb teh Crhn Crhnlfm lfmss nt teh inth inthss fo ftehr rhnbl rhnblss gm sfl sflhh ofrl ofrlnbb nbbyynrrnmihc yht vgtnb wny wny. Yenthv Yenthvhr hr teh trute, sflh strnmih rhbntgfmseg rhbntgfmsegp p hxgsts khtwhhm teh sbhhpbhss lhm nmc teh wntjehrs fm teh kfrchrs fo mgiet. Seh Oush Lhgsthrs nlgmi wgbb-tf-bgvh jnm kh hxtgmiugsehc ky nmytegmi tent agbbs n mfrlnb rh. Go tegs ffjjur jjurss teh O Oush ush Lhgst Lhgsthr hr onb onbbs bs tf teh irfumc hffhjt hffhjtgv gvhby hby chnc. Shlpfr hlpfrnrg nrgby by.. Seh nlh jnm kh rhrh-bgt bgt gm teh snlh wny wny,, ky nmy mfrln mfrlnbb rh. Seh O Oush ush Lhgst Lhgsthr hr stnmcs up nmc jnrrghs jnrr ghs fm, cgrhj cgrhjtby tby orfl teh pfgm pfgmtt wehrh tehy bhot fff. Ofr tehl mf tglh ens pnsshc pnsshc.. Mf Oush Lhgsthr wfubc hvhr chbgkhrnthby put tehlshbvhs fut, mf lntthr teh jgrjulstnmjhs, nmc mf ofrjh fr pfwhr hxgsts tent jnm hxthmc tehgr bgoh fmjh tehgr oush ens rhnjehc gts hmc. Gt gs teh Jflpnjt tent tehy lnch.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
IHGZEN ZPF[HZ Yflhm onbb gm tehgr eumcrhcs, crgotgmi cfwm sgbhmtby fut fo n lgcmgiet say, bnmcgmi gm wnvhs nmc lgbbgmi pnbhby gm teh mgiet. N Ihgsen Ihgsen Zpfrh gs jbh jbhnrby nrby mft n eulnm khgmi khgmi.. Zeh stnm stnmcs cs nkfut ofur nmc n enb enboo ohht egie. Ehr hse gs pnbh, trnmsbujhmt bgah n sfbgc agmc fo lgst, wgtegm strnmih whks nmc strujturhs jnm kh shhm. Zlnbb cnra frinms fntgmi orhh. Ztrnmcs fo gmmhr kbnja suppfrt ehr whgiet, mft kfmh, lfrh bgah wffc fr wgrh gm efw gt njts. Zeh gs senphc bgah n yfumi wflnm dust fut fo ehr thhms. Crnphc nrfumc ehr pshucf-onjh, teh ―engr‗ gs fmh shlg-trnmspnrhmt sehht, teh snlh sukstnmjh ns teh rhst fo ehr. Seh onjh ens twf bfmi kbnja hyhs nmc n pursh-bgpphc jbfshc kbnja lfute. Sehy mhvhr sphna. Orfl ehr knj knja a sprh sprhncs ncs n rn rny y fo thmcrgb thmcrgbss fo teh snl snlhh kbn kbnja ja sukst sukstnmjh nmjh ns ehr kfmhs. Zlfft Zlffte e nmc strfmi, tehy wnvh hmcbhssby ns go jntjegmi nm glphrjhptgkbh wgmc. ‒Hxthmcgmi whks fo bnlhmt. Luje tff slnbb ofr teh hyh tf shh. N suronjh nrhn irhnt hmfuie tf nbbfw teh sbgiet kfcy fo teh spfrh tf crgot fm thlphsts wegje, lust bgh nkfvh fur bhsshr ngrs.“ - Nseaftt Fmjh bnmchc, teh spfrhs rnrhby tnah fff ningm umbhss vhry strfmi stfrls fjjur wgte eurrgjnmhonst wgmcs. Seh spf Seh spfrhs rhs nrh strfm strfmihr ihr tenm tehy bffa kut kut rnr rnrhb hby y ie iet. t. N Ih Ihgs gsen en Zpf Zpfrh rh wgbb wgbb sglp sglpby by cf wenthvhr wenthv hr nmyf nmyfmh mh thbbs gt tf, sf bfmi ns gt cfhs mft hmcnmihr gts fwm bgoh. Gt ens teh gmthbbgi gmthbbgihmjh hmjh fo n jegbc nmc gs jnpnkbh fo phrofrlgmi sglpbh tnsas. Yehm gt jnm, gt wgbb agss n eulnm khgmi, tehm cgh. Seh agss gmdhjts gmtf teh lfute nmc sgmushs n custy jbfuc fo slnbbhr spfrhs wegje rnpgcby gmohst gmo hst teh hse hse.. Sehs Sehshh kurr kurrfw fw terfui terfuie e kfcy kfcy,, jfms jfmsulg ulgmi mi nmc rhpbnj rhpbnjgmi gmi tefsh pnrt pnrtss weg wegje je trnmslgtt lf trnmslg lfvh vhlhm lhmtt nmc tefuie tefuiet. t. Seh lhnms teh oum oumig ig ush tf rhpb rhpbnjh njh tefsh pnrts wegj wegje e tegma teg ma nmc njt nrh jruch nmc bnrih bnrih.. Amft Amftss nmc bul bulps ps wgbb npphnr wehr wehrhh mhrv mhrvhs hs nmc dfgmt dfgmtss fmjh whrh. N wnvh wnvh fo pnrnbysgs lfv lfvhs hs sbfwb sbfwby y terfuie teh kf kfcy cy ns gts pnrts nrh hnthm nmc rhpbnjhc. Yehm teh mhw jruc jruchh oumi ouminb nb vh vhrsg rsgfms fms nrh jfl jflpbht pbhth, h, lf lfvh vhlhm lhmtt nmc n shms shmshh fo tfuj tfuje e rhtu rhturm. rm. Sehr Sehrhh gs mf pngm. Hvhmtunb Hvhm tunbby by teh oum oumig ig rhnj rhnje e teh krngm. Zbf Zbfwby wby kut surh surhby by teh pbn pbnths ths fo teh saubb jrnj jrnja a fphm nmc nrh puse pusehc hc nsg nsgch ch ns mhw lgm lgmc-l c-lntth ntthrr kbffl kbfflss wgt wgtegm egm.. Zfl Zflhtgl htglhs hs teh hy hyhs hs nrh puse pusehc hc fut nmc enmi cfwm teh onjh. Seh sukdhjt shhls umkftehrhc ky nbb tegs. Seh sglubntgfm fo teh phrsfmnbgty ifhs fm, tftnbby umnwnrh tent gt gs n jfpy fo n phrsfm wef gs hffhjtgvhby nbrhncy chnc. Seh rhpbnjhc pnrts nrh tfuiehr nmc lfrh rhsgstnmt tf cnlnih tenm nmglnb hse, teh phrsfm gs strfmihr. Sehy mhhc
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
mft kh cnmihrfus nmc wgbb sglpby try tf jfmtgmuh tehgr fbc bgoh. Xsunbby tehy nrh ofrjhc fut fr kurmt nbgvh. Zflh chsphrnth onlgbghs try tf ahhp tehl shjrht fr bfjahc up. Yehm teh rst sgim fo n stfr stfrl l gs ohbt, tehy wgbb lfv lfvhh gms gmstgm tgmjtgv jtgvhby hby tf egi egiehr ehr irfumc irfumc.. Sehy onjh teh stfrl nmc n bfmi kbnj kbnja a stnba kurst kurstss orfl tehg tehgrr terf terfnt. nt. Seh euln eulnm m kfcy sbfuie sbfuiess nwny ns teh stnba rhnjehs egiehr. Seh mhw irfwte wgbb rhbhnsh gts jbusthr fo tgmy Ihgsen Zpfrhs gmtf teh lfvgmi ngr. Sehy wgbb fnt upwnrcs, ohhcgmi fm bgietmgmi nmc sumbgiet umtgb tehy mnbby khjflh ehnvy hmfuie tf sgma knja tf hnrte sflhwehrh gm teh mgiet. ‒Gt gs n jyjb jyjbh, h, sglpb sglpby y fmh wef wefsh sh jfmtg jfmtgmun muntgf tgfm m gs khyfm khyfmc c fur rhnj rhnje. e. Bht us bffa tf oumig1 n ouminb spfrh cfhs mft gmstnmtby turm gmtf n luserffl, gt ofrls n lyjhbgm whk nmc fmby wehm jfmcgtg jfmc gtgfms fms nrh on onvf vfurnk urnkbh bh cfhs gt pfp fut n oru orugtg gtgmi mi kfcy kfcy.. Jbh Jbhnrby nrby,, teh spfrhs ofrl eype eypenh nh mhtwfras gmsgch jbfucs, fr strhtjehc nksurcby tegm gm tent upphr wfrbc khtwhhm teh stnrs nmc fur fwm. Sehy wn wngt, gt, ntthm ntthmcgm cgmii tf jfmcgt jfmcgtgfm gfmss cfwm khbfw. khbfw. Yehm teh sgtuntgfm sgtuntgfm gs rgph, teh Ihgsen ofrl nmc crgot cfwm gm teh mgiet. Ns tf went jfmcgtgfms, hxnjtby, teh Ihgsen bffa ofr, tehrh lnmy kh lnmy, kut G suiihst4 chsgrh. Crg chsgrh. Crgvh vhrr fo teh eul eulnm nm hmigm hmigmh. h. Irh Irhnt nt bfmhb bfmhbgmh gmhss ss nmc mhhc, shmsh shmshc, c, sflhef sflhefw w gm teh jbfucs nkfvh, sgimnbs fo gsfbntgfm rgppbgmi gmvgsgkby terfuie n bujhmt mhtwfra onr nkfvh fur ehncs, jnusgmi gt tf jfnbhsjh, tf ofrl nmc senph gts spfrh, tf rngm cfwm lgmcbhss nmihbs fo shcujtgfm fm teh efph tent hvhm fmh lny bgvh nmc agss nmc kgrte teh jyjbh fmjh ningm.“ Thmgtenb
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
IHWZH[ BF[C F[NJBH FO SEH _HMS OXLH[FBH BGJE Sehrh nrh jnvhs wehrh Agmis envh jrnwbhc nmc Hlphrfrs envh amhbt tf ehnr n ofrtumh tent gs mhvhr mhvhr wrfm wrfmi. i. Chhp khmhnt khmhnte e teh hnrte hnrte,, gm spnjhs jef jefah ahc c wgte ehnt nmc oulhs oulhs,, tehr tehrhh nrh sngc tf kh frnjbhs. Jenmjhbbfrs fo egcchm tefuiet wef amft fr umamft jurshs chnbt ky ifcs, umofbc teh outurhs krnmjegmi pntes nmc fphm shjrhts bfmi sgmjh bfst. Nmc gm teh hbcs fo pgtthc kfgbgmi jbny, wehrh ifuts fo wnthr kurst gm rhiubnr tglh orfl teh irfumcs inpgmi wfumcs, tehrh nrh sngc tf kh Bfrcs, wef rgsh up orfl teh kbnja hnrte nmc rubh n wegbh, chbgvhrgmi jflpubsgfms nmc rhvhmih tf tefsh wef jflh. Nmc pegbfsfpehrs pegbfsfpehrs wgbb sny teh frnjbh gs dust n igrb, gm n lnsa, trgpphc fut fo ehr lgmc fm oulhs nmc ongte nmc tent teh senlnm gm teh kfgbgmi bnmcs gs dust teh tfthl fo n snvnih trgkh. Sehy nrh wrfmi. Gm teh pgt gm teh hnrte hnrte gs n ofu ofumt mtng ngm m fo wnt wnthr hr teh jfb jfbfu furr fo mgie mgiet. t. Go yfu jfu jfubc bc tnst tnsthh gt gt,, gt wfubc wf ubc tnsth fo grfm nmc bhnc nmc n tefusnm tefusnmc c kgt kgtthr thr pfgsfm pfgsfms. s. Bga Bgahh teh hcih fo n stngmh stngmhc c nmc rugmhc rug mhc sw swfrc frc.. Wfu mhv mhvhr hr wgbb wgbb.. Seg Segss wnth nthrr kur kurms ms.. Ef Eftt hmf hmfuie uie tf tnah yf yfur ur hse fff nt n tfuje. Yehm tehy jflh ofr teh outurh, fr jfllnmcs, go tehy jflh nt teh rgiet tglh, teh wnthr rgshs up, gt surihs nmc onbbs knja. Srhlkbgmi nmc jrgmigmi bgah n orgiethmhc cfi. Sehm gt ofumtngms gm n kfgbgmi jfbulm. Gm teh ihy ihyshr shr gm teh snjrhc irfu irfumc, mc, teh snl snlhh tegm tegmii fjjur fjjurs. s. Seh wnth wnthrr crfp crfps, s, tehm sur surihs, ihs, segots seg ots gts jfb jfbfur fur nmc slh slhbb, bb, tehm vflg vflgts ts gm n tfrr tfrrhm hmtt bga bgahh n jfb jfbulm ulm fo kbn kbnja ja ibnss ibnss.. Pf Pfgsf gsfmhc mhc sthnl jurtngms gt nmc sgmas gm wrhntes fo tfxgj ofi tf jurb nkfut teh ohht. Gmsgch teh kfgbgmi kbnja wnthr gs teh Ihyshr Bfrc. Seh Frnjbh Fo teh _hmt. N bfmi tfrs tfrsf, f, jfgbgm jfgbgmii bga bgahh n nmi nmihc hc wfrl, wegt wegthh ns lhbtg lhbtgmi mi smfw fr suin suinrr gm n crg crgma. ma. Zbg Zbgl l kbnja kbn ja thm thmtnjb tnjbhh enmc enmcss prhss ningms ningmstt teh suronjh suronjh fo teh fw. Gts ehnc, mf onj onjh, h, mf hyhs hyhs,, mf lfute, lfut e, n spr sprny ny fo tfmi tfmiuhs uhs.. Obn Obntt rhc hxthmc hxthmchc hc rgkkfms jfbfu jfbfurhc rhc bga bgahh teh sgchs fo kbhh kbhhcgm cgmii lhnt. Sehy wnvh ihmtby gm teh kfgbgmi wnthr, tnstgmi teh tfxgms tent fw pnst. Bgsthmgmi tf teh vgkrntgfms fo sphhje. Seh chhp-cwhbbgmi chhp-cwhbbgmi sfrjhrhr wfrls bgv bgvhh cnraby nt teh ffjhnms jhnms chhphst p pfgmts fgmts.. Lfvg Lfvgmi mi nlfmist teh vhmts fo hrjh wnthr, kbnja slfah nmc jrusehc sthnl tent jflh up orfl teh pbnmhts jfrh. Sehy crgot nlfmist chmsh ofrhsts fo wegth wfrls, wegth jrnks nmc strnmih knjthrgnb irfwtes, bgsthmgmi tf teh hnrte, tegmagmi fm gts wfrcs, wfragmi tehgr strnmih lnigj‗s, gm nm pbnjh wehrh ohw jfubc hvhr hvhr if fr wf wfubc ubc hvhm hvhm teg tegma ma tf bffa bffa.. Hnj Hnje e rub rubhs hs fmh vh vhmt mt nmc tehrh tehy usu usunbb nbby y rhlngm, inzgmi cfwm gmtf teh pgt fo pfgsfm nmc kbnja rh tent invh tehl bgoh, lusgmi fm teh strnmih chhp pfbgtgjs fo tent hvhm-chhphr rhnbl, nmc jfmsgchrgmi nbsf, sflhtglhs, teh irhnt jfbc chshrt fo teh futhr wfrc nmc teh spnrh nmc stnrry rhnjehs fo teh suronjh nkfvh teh shns. 9;
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Nmc sflhtglhs, rnrhby, teh rhnsfms turm gmsgch tehgr lgmcs, teh tnsth fo sflh umsusphjthc outurh lhhts tehgr tfmiuh, tehgr ntthmtgfm segots, nmc ofr rhnsfms fo tehgr fwm, tehy shha tf gmuhmjh teh futsgch wfrbc. Fur wfrbc. Sehy jnm fmby survgvh ofr bfmi gmsgch teh tfrrhmts fo pfgsfmhc slfah tent lnah up tehgr eflhs, sf tehy bffa ofr teh rnrh vhgms nmc sjnks fo stfmh wehrh teh kbffc nmc krhnte fo teh chhp jflhs ofrte. Sehy jnush teh hnrte tf hx nmc rgch teh egssgmi tfrrhmts tgbb tehy stnmc susphmchc gm kfgbgmi jrhpusjubnr terfmhs, nmc jnm sphna, cgrhjtby, wgte tefsh ehrh. Cnra nmc pfgsfmhc pfgsfmhc wfrcs tfrrh tfrrhmt mt orfl tehl bgah teh oulhs fo teh hnrte. Sehy sphna teh vh vhrsh rsh fo lni lniln ln fws nmc chhp lnimht lnimhtgj gj segots segots prfpehj prfpehjghs ghs fo rh nmc stfmh stfmh.. Sehy krg krgmi mi wgscfl orfl teh cnra, kut sfrrfw tff ofr tehy jnrh bgttbh ofr teh bgvhs fo lhm, fr phnjh, fr bfvh, fr ifcs, fr bgoh. Sehgr sj Sehgr sjehl ehlhs hs nrh chhp nmc bfmi, cgrh cgrhjthc jthc nt teh hthr hthrmnb mnb fr tefsh chhp gm tglh. tglh. Sehr Sehrhh nrh vhmchttns orfl teh khigmmgmi fo teh wfrbc, nmc orfl gts hmc. Seh bgvhs fo eulnm agmicfls, fr jubturhs, jnm kh bgttbh lfrh tenm teh turm fo n jnrc gm fmh fo tehsh irhnt inlhs. Seh outurhs fo teh Ihyshr Bfrcs nrh nbwnys rgiet, kbnja, vgfbhmt, shcujtgvh nmc enrse. Sehy sphna fo wnr, fo hlpgrh nmc fo ehrfhs chhcs. Fo efrrfr nbsf. Sefsh wef bgsthm whbb wgbb amfw ibfry nmc chnte, tefsh wef bgsthm mft, nmc shha tf krhna teh ihyshrs wfrc wgbb amfw chnte fmby, nt teh enmcs fo tefsh wef cf. Fmby teh chstrujtgfm fo teh Ihyshr Bfrc gtshbo jnm stfp gts prfpehjy jflgmi truh. Sehy lust kh pngc. Zflhtglhs gm subpeur nmc ifbc, jnst gmtf teh wnthr wehm tehy rgsh, kut nmy pnylhmt jnm kh chlnmchc. Zflh Ihyshr Bfrcs khmc yfur onth tf hsjnph tehgr fwm. Sehy shha tf khjflh teh Oulnrfbh Bgje Bgje,, nmc nmc oh ohnrb nrbhs hsss fo teh jfb jfbc, c, lfv lfvh cg cgrhj rhjtb tby y orf orfl l teh tehgr gr wfr wfrbc bc gmtf gmtf fur fwm fwm.. Fu Futt fo teh ofumtngm, gmtf teh bgiet. Gt wfubc kh gmjrhcgkby cnmihrfus go nmy whrh tf njeghvh tegs.
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IBWPENPGBBN[ Sehsh tgmy jrnwbgmi iruks pfsshss fmh ummnturnb chohmjh4 tehy lnah yfu if nwny. Sehy Se hy nrh nrh sefrt sefrt,, sq squn untt nmc nmc shil shilhm hmthc thc,, nkfu nkfutt nm gmje gmje bfmi bfmi,, nmc nm gmje gmje gm ehg ehgie iet. t. (S (Seh eh Ibypenpgbbnrs tngb gs rngshc nmc pfgmthc gm teh ngr, gt wniibhs ns tehy wnba nrfumc.) Enbo nm gmje wgch nmc jfbfurhc n cnzzbgmi zgmmfkhr irhhm. Nblfst nbb fo teh tglh nmc gm nblfst hvh Nblfst hvhry ry wny wny,, teh Ibypen Ibypenpgbbn pgbbnrr cf cfhs hs vhry bgttbh nt nbb. Sehy nrh mhgtehr gmthbbgihmt, vhmflfus mfr swgot. Sehy sglpby pbfc nrfumc nmc hnt chnc wffc, fr wngt ofr wffc tf cgh, wegje tnahs n wegbh. Seh fmby gmthrhstgmi tegmi teh Ibypenpgbbnr ens gs wrgtthm fm n trnmsbujhmt jnrnpnjh njrfss gts sgmibh orfmtnb orfmtnb hyh. Segs ens, ky uah fr onth fr rnmcfl jenmjh, ofrlhc n Lnra fo Ynrc Ynrcgmi. gmi. N prfcujt fo Egie Nrt, fo teh snlh agmc ushc tf shnb n jgrjbh fr sfrjhrfus kffa. Sefuie fmby fm n tgmy sjnbh, teh sylkfb htjehc upfm teh Ibypenpgbbnrs orfmt gs njtgvh, hffhjtgv hffhj tgvhh nmc oumjtg oumjtgfms fms pfwh pfwhroub roubby by nt gts tnsa. Mfkfcy nmc mfte mftegmi gmi wgte n lgm lgmc c jnm jflh wgtegm n ohw ohht fo teh Ibypenpgbbnrs inzh. Sehy jnm kh sgcbhc up fm orfl teh nma fr rhnr, kut go yfu jntje gts ibhnl4 teh sgim rhphbs. Wfu wgbb mc yfurs yfurshbo hbo knjagmi knjagmi nwny nwny,, hvhm k khgmi hgmi ofrjhc, ohht crniigmi ourrfws gm teh cgrt. Seh inzh fo n sgmibh Ibypenpgbbnr gs dust hmfuie tf puse yfu knja khyfmc nrls rhnje, kut teh inzh-ofrjh irfws wgte teh mul mulkhrs khrs bffagmi. Ibype Ibypenpgbbn npgbbnrs rs mhst tfihtehr, ohhcgmi sbf sbfwby wby nmc hm-lnssh fm jhrtngm chnc nmc cygmi trhhs. Go cgsturkhc, teh jfbfmy jrhhps fut nmc bgmhs teh cygmi bglks bglks bgah spnr spnras as fo irhh irhhm m rh. Sehy bffa nt wen wentt cgs cgsturk turkss tehl tehl.. Seg Segss jfl jflkgm kgmhs hs tehgr pfwhr. Go gt efbcs n lgmc teh sukdhjt fo tehgr inzh wgbb kh rhphbbhc, mft dust n ohw ohht kut twhmty, tegrty, ofrty ohht nwny. Gt chphmcs, sglpby, fm teh sgzh fo teh egvh nmc teh umgty fo teh inzh. ‒Ibypenpgbbnrs cf thmc tf bgh gm trhhs mhnr sgmaefbhs, fm teh hcih fo jbgffs fr kfis, fr gm ftehr grrhiubnr grrhiub nr fr krfah krfahm m irfumc. Yehtehr tegs gs gmstgmjt, jen jenmjh, mjh, fr bhnrmhc khenvgfur, gs vhry enrc tf thbb thbb.. Fmjh teh terhnt gs ifmh teh Ibypen Ibypenpgb pgbbnr bnrss if qughtb qughtby y knj knja a tf lumj lumjegmi egmi chnc wffc wgte tgmy lfutes bfjnthc umchrmhnte tehgr ehncs.“ - T ‒Lnmy nrh teh sphjubntgfms ehbc fm tegs lfst sglpbh nmc lysthrgfus fo bgvgmi tegmis, lnmy frgigms susphjthc nmc tnbhs tfbc fo wehmjh tehy jflh. Sehgr rhphbbgmi inzh gs sngc tf wfra, mft dust fm bgvgmi tegmis, kut fm nmy lgmchc khnst, orfl nmglnbs ns sglpbh ns lgjh nmc kgrcs, tf lhm, thtrnlfrpes fo lnmy agmcs, jfmstrujts, ―nmihbs‗ nmc vgsgtfrs orfl ―suphrmnturnb‗ zfmhs. Segs bhncs tf teh tehfry tent tehy nrh orfl sflh Ftehr pbnjh, umbgah fur fwm, wehrh suje n pfwhr, wfragmi fm teh lgmc gtshbo nmc mft teh hse, wfubc kh lfst vnbunkbh. Ses tnbh G ehnrc orfl n sglpbh cruma-fo-teh-swnlps fm n dfurmhy terfuie teh lffrs, G rhphnt gt ehrh, ns khst G jnm gm gts frgigmnb bnmiunih nmc tfmh4 ‒Infb ‒In fb tehy lna lnah, h, lhncfw, tehy O Ohy hy wgte O Ofba fba fwhrs, gm teh wffc. rfl wf wfrls. (Seh (Sehy hntamhhs teh kbnj kbnja knra. knra.) ) G snw fmh. N prhtty nmc n O amgiet. Nrls. amgiet fmy egs nmca egs ehnc 93
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kfwhc, nmc bfmi engr, irhy, gm bffps fm rusthc lngb orfl rngm. [gmi fo kbnja chnc trhhs wgte irhhm fmhs. Mft bhnvhs, segmgmi, irhhm jfgms nmc ihls. BFFAGM‗ NS EGL. Hntgm‗ teh kbnja trhhs, trh hs, tehm bffa bffagm gm,, hnt hnt sf sflh lh lfrh lfrh.. Eh wns wng wngtgm tgmii ofr teh trhh trhhss tf kh ht‗ cf cfwm wm,, te tehm hm eh wfubc if. Sent fr kh bht fut. Gt gs n slhbb tehy sny, bgah bncghs ush, ly orghmc eh sngc4 ‒Seh Zlhbb, teh Zlhbb yfu shh“ eh sngc ‒tent‗s teh ahy tf teh irhhm wfrls nmc tf n prgsfm fo tehl. Bhnrm tent slhbb nmc lnah gt nmc yfur fut!“ Kut eh mhvhr sngc efw tf bhnrm fr efw tf lnah gt, sgmjh teh Ohy Ofba iunrc gt jbfsh bgah nmy ahy. Zf went ush wns gt6 G bhot sffm nothr tent. Mhvhr whmt knja.“ Nbsf wfrte rhjnbbgmi gs teh bhihmc fo teh Ibypenpgbbnrs Bgh, onlgbgnr tf yfu, mf cfukt, ns n jegbc‗s jegb c‗s ongry tnbh. Gm onjt n rhbgj fo nm nmjghm nmjghmtt stfry-jyjbh gm wegje teh Pfw Pfwhr hr fr Hmtg Hmtgty ty mnlhc ns ―Lffm-[h ―Lffm-[hhjtgmihjtgmi-O Orfl-Lht rfl-Lhtnb‗ nb‗ gs khgmi pursuhc (ofr jflpbhx gmthrgmthr-cymnstg cymnstgjj rhnsfms fo teh Ftehr Yfrbc wegje G wgbb mft if gmtf ehrh, ofr teh oubb bhihmc G cgrhjt tf yfu Ztnllhbs Hmyjbfphcgn Fo Nmjghmt Lyte.) ky teh Jrhnturh fr Segmi amfwm ns ―Shm-Zencfws‗. Lffm-[hhjtgmi-Orfl-Lhtnb egchs wgtegm n ofrhst, eh/seh shhs n slnbb ―Zegmgmi Yfrl‗ nmc sphnas tf gt snygmi4 ‒Orghmc, yfu segmh ns G cf, yfu shh wh nrh onlgby. Fmby prfthjt lh mfw nmc G wgbb cf yfu n shrvgjh.“ Seh Yfrl fffhrs mf rhpby. Lffm-[hhjtgmi-Orfl-Lhtnb mhvhrtehbhss egchs mhnrky. Shm-Zencfws tehm nrrgvhs nmc jnbbs teh sfrrfws fo teh Srhhs nmc nsas tehl. ‒Zfrrfws, yfu shrvh lh. Yehrh gs Lffm-[hhjtgmi-Orfl-Lhtnb6“ Kut teh sfrrfws jnm sphna fmby fo went tehy envh bfst mft went tehy envh ofumc. Sehy sny mftegmi. Sehm Shm-Zencfws jnbbs ofrte teh Crhnls Fo Seh Ogrh nmc snys4 ‒Crhnls, yfu shrvh lh, wehrh gs Lffm-[hhjtgmi-Orfl-Lhtnb6“ Kut, fo jfursh, teh Crhnls jnm sphna fmby fo went tehy wgbb fmh cny jfmsulh, nmc Lffm[hhjtgmi-Orfl-Lhtnb cghs ky wnthr, mft ky rh. Sehy sny mftegmi. Sehm Shm-Zencfws mftgjhs teh segmgmi wfrl upfm teh bhno nmc snys4 ‒Yfrl. G nl Shm-Zencfws, G nl teh cnramhss khtwhhm teh bgiets gm teh say, G nl teh ohnr gm yfur lgmc wehm yfu wnah gm teh mgiet, G nl teh hcih fo teh Nxh fo Sglh jnbbhc Chnte, wehrh gs Lffm-Zegmg Lffm-Zegmgmi-Fmmi-Fm-Lhtnb6“ Lhtnb6“ Nmc teh wfrl snys ‒Go eh gs mft lnch fo wffc, G cf mft amfw.“ Nssulgmi tegs lhnms Lffm-Zegmgmi-Fm-Lhtnb gs mft mhnrky, Shm-Zencfws pnsshs fm nmc jfmtgmuhs egs pursugt. Lffm-Zegmgmi-Fm-Lhtnb tehm hlhrihs orfl egs/ehr egcgmi pbnjh nmc, pbhnshc wgte teh wfrl, wrgths n bhtthr fm gts hyh ―tf ahhp gt snoh‗. Nm gmthrhstgmi ornilhmt nmc nkfut ns bgahby tf kh truh ns nmy ftehr tehfry.“- Bhptfkbnst. ‒Seh Ibypenpgbbnr Ibypenpgbbnr gs, gm onjt, nm hxnlpbh fo Mhfthmy Mhfthmy.. Gt gs n bnrvn bnrvnbb stnih, ncnpthc tf shxunb shxunbby by rhprfcujh rhpr fcujh wgtefu wgtefutt lntu lnturntg rntgfm. fm. Yeh Yehm m hxpfs hxpfshc hc tf jhrt jhrtngm ngm hmvgrfmlh hmvgrfmlhmt mtnb nb jfmc jfmcgtg gtgfms fms tehy 98
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trnmsofrl trnmsof rl gmtf teh tehgr gr ncubt ofrl ofrl.. Seg Segss gs teh cnmi cnmihrfu hrfuss _gtnb _gtnbbhry bhry.. Seh stgl stglubu ubuss gs rh. N onjt fmby G env envhh nsj nsjhrtn hrtngmh gmhc. c. G efph tegs nmswh nmswhrs rs nmy jrgtgjgsl jrgtgjgslss lnc lnchh nkfut ly ush fo rh. Ly snlpbhs snlpbhs nrh ly snlp snlpbhs bhs,, nmc go tehy lu lust st kh kurm kurmt, t, tehy lust kh kurmt. kurmt. N thst gs mft jflpbhth umtgb teh snlpbh gs ushc up.“ - Nseaftt
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Ztrnmih khgmis tehy nrh, wgte strnmih rnihs nmc strnmih wnmts. wnmts. Ehrnbcs fo chstrujtg chstrujtgfm fm nmc krgmihrs fo wnr, yht nbsf snvgfurs nmc prhshrvhrs, kfrm orfl fmh cgsnsthr, cgsnpphnrgmi wgte teh mhxt. Seh Enchnms nbwnys hlhrih rst orfl teh ehnrt fo nmmgegbntgmi jenfs. Sehy envh khhm sngc tf sthp orfl teh hxpbfsgfm ns n lhthfr bnmcs, tf ihrlgmnth gmsgch teh wflk fo n Ssumnlg ns gt lfumts teh hnrte, tehy wnba jnblby fut fo jyjbfmhs nmc jbglk vfbjnmf bgps ns tehy hrupt. Nbwnys tehy nrh kfrm orfl cgsnsthr, gs go nmglntgmi spgrgts fo tefsh cnra hvhmts, igvhm bgoh nmc ofrl. Wht tehy jflh mft ns chstrfyg chstrfygmi mi nmihbs, kut ns jfmspgr jfmspgrntfrs ntfrs fo enrl. Enchnms wfr wfra a gm shjrht, gmvubmhrnkbh ns tehy nrh, tehy egch orfl vghw, wfragmi terfuie bfmi jengms fo gmthrlhcgnth khgmis. khgmi s. Gt gs nm umhx umhxphjth phjthc c jumm jummgmi gmi,, hlpb hlpbfy fyhc hc wgt wgte e sukt suktbht bhty y nmc jnrh, wef wefsh sh hmcs rhlng rhlngm m umamfwm tgbb tehy hlhrih. Sehgr gmthrhst gm wnr gs whbb fkshrvhc. Efw lnmy wnrs, qughtby lgcwgohc ky nbghm tegmis, envh swhpt njrfss teh hnrte, jnmmft kh tfbc. Yehrh teh whks fo tehgr jfmspgrnjghs nrh ofumc, tehy rhbnth tf teh chhphst nmc lfst gmth gmthmsgv msgvhh jfmgjts, wnrs gm wegj wegje e irhnt hmhrighs nrh umbhnsehc, wnrs wn rs wehrh mntu mnturh rh gs uphmchc nmc tftn tftnbb vgf vgfbhm bhmjh jh rub rubhs. hs. Enc Enchnms hnms tnah sflh gmth gmthrhst rhst gm teh ehnrts fo tehsh irhnt jfmgjts, tehy prfvfah nmc sustngm tehl go tehy jnm. Segs wfubc kh hmfuie tf lnah tehl hmhlghs gmchhc, kut tehgr sjehlhs fothm envh nmftehr sgch. sgc h. Ohw jnm ong ongbb tf rhjn rhjnbb bb teh rhjf rhjfrcs rcs fo teh Irhnt Jflh Jflht, t, efw efw gt bb bbhc hc teh say say,, lf lfvgm vgmii mhgtehr mhg tehr hnst mfr whst kut ncv ncvnmjg nmjgmi mi cgrhjtb cgrhjtby y fm. Gt shhlhc shhlhc tf hv hvhry hry gmthbbgi gmthbbgihm hmtt khgmi tent tegs jhbhstgnb nvhmihr wns jhrtngm tf strgah fur wfrbc, nmc luje jenfs rhsubthc sglpby orfl tegss ohnr. Nmc tehm teg tehm,, n ohw efur efurss khofrh teh hstg hstglnth lnthc c glpnj glpnjt, t, gt cgsnpph cgsnpphnrhc nrhc.. Gt cgc mft bnmc, bnm c, gt cgc mft pnss teh wfrb wfrbc. c. Seh jflh jflhtt wns stfbh stfbhm m orfl teh say say.. [hpfrt [hpfrtss orfl hvhr hvhry y sefrh rhbnth gmthmsh Enchnm njtgfmvnst nt teh Gm lnmy wnbahc fphmby nlfmist lhm. Iginmtgj frinms nmc chvgjhs nrhtglh. rhpfrthc, mft pbnjhs sglpbytehy ky jrhcubfus jfllfm offbs, kut ky hcujnthc lhm.* Yent fjjurrhc6 Cgc tehsh jrhnturhs sglpby sullfm n wfrbc-chstrfygmi terhnt, tehm jenmih tehgr lgmcs6 Cgc tehy sflhefw snvh teh wfrbc6 Nmc go tehy cgc, tehm wey6 Segs gs mft teh fmby lgxhc rhpfrt fo Enc Segs Enchnm hnm chhcs. Jfns Jfnstnb tnb jgtgh jgtghss envh envh rhpfrth rhpfrthc c igi iginm nmtgj tgj wnvhs ncvnmjgmi orfl teh shn, kgi hmfuie teh wgph fut bgoh ofr lgbhs nrfumc. Fm teh krgma fo cgsnsthr, cgsnsth r, ns teh wnv wnvhh jrhsts, dust khofrh teh glpnjt jflhs, teh Ssmulng cgsnp cgsnpphnrs. phnrs. Sehy sny ―krfahm ―krfa hm gmtf spbgmth spbgmthrs, rs, bgah n lgrrfr onbbgm onbbgmii tf teh irfumc, tehm swhpt swhpt nwny nwny.‗ .‗ Nmc rhpfrthc fm teh sjhmh4 Enchnms, gm irhnt mulkhrs. Jyjbfmhs envh cgsnpphnrhc, hnrtequnahs envh khhm jnblhc, fr agbbhc, cnra hruptgfms envh khhm quhbbhc fr stfbhm orfl teh ngr.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
G en envh vh mfth mfthc c terhh terhh,, kut tehr tehrhh nrh lfrh lfrh.. Se Sehh rs rstt nlf nlfmis mistt teh tehl, l, sen senphc phc bga bgah lh lhm, m, G jn jnbb bb ―Prglh ―Pr glh Enchnm Enchnm‗‗ fr sgl sglpby pby ―Ench ―Enchnm‗. nm‗. Seh Sehy y nrh tnbbhr tnbbhr,, strf strfmihr mihr nmc lfrh sbhmc sbhmchr hr tenm lhm, wgte n jurv wgte jurvgmi gmi wgchwgch-sefu sefubch bchrhc rhc truma nmc bfm bfmii bgl bglks. ks. Sehg Sehgrr ehnc ehncss nrh nbghm nmc strn strnmih, mih, vhrtgjnb hbbgpshs spbgt gmtf terhh orfmcs rgsgmi bgah n jrfwm, n sgmibh jgrjubnr bgcbhss hyh nmc went lny kh slnbbhr shmsgmi frinms rummgmi up teh bhnvhs fo tehgr cgvgchc onjh. Seh shjfmc sfrt, wegje G envh mnlhc teh ―Hmigmh Khnst‗, wnba bgah tnbb sgx bhiihc pgis. Sehy nrh effohc nmc tehgr onjhs nrh rncgnbby spbgt, envgmi ofur hqugcgstnmt hyhs, bgah teh Sruh Enchnms Enc hnms tehsh hyh hyhss wgb wgbbb mhv mhvhr hr jbfsh. Xpfm tehgr knja knjas, s, wehrh lhm lgi lgiet et strnp n bfnc fmt fmtff n khnst, gs nm fcc hlnmntgmi jfmstrujtgfm, bgah teh lfchb fo n jnstbh pbnjhc upfm n cfmahy. Segss spg Seg spgah ahc c frin frinm m irf irfws ws gmtf terhh kbnch kbnchc c vnmhs nmc G envh envh shhm gt kurm wgte bgie bgiet. t. Seg Segss bgiet bgi et wns bga bgahh krg krgie iett sul sullhr lhr sum shhm terfu terfuie ie teh kfrch kfrchrs rs fo n cnra ncv ncvnmjg nmjgmi mi jbfuc. Gt wns sflhefw kfte krgiet nmc cnra, bgah n strfmi stnr gm n kbnja-jbfuchc say. Segs jrhnturh G suppfsh bhmcs shrvgjh tf teh rhst. Ns, ofr us, n efrsh lny bhmc gts strhmite tf teh pbfuie, n cfi gts mfsh tf teh eumt fr n jnt gts jummgmi tf teh iunrc, sf G khbghvh tegs jrhnturh, teh Hmigmh Khns Hmigmh Khnst bhmcs cs Enchnm Enchnms. s. . . sfl sflhteg htegmi, mi, tent shrv shrvgjh gjh tehy rhqugr rhqugrhh tf ncvn ncvnmjh mjh tehgr umamfwnkbh ngls.t bhm Seh tegrc agmc G en envh vh shhm shhlh shhlhc c bhs bhsshr shr tenm teh rhst rhst.. G envh envh jnbb jnbbhc hc gt ―Iu ―Iunrcnrc-Khns Khnst‗ t‗ fr ―Enchnm ―En chnm Cfi‗ Cfi‗.. Seg Segss wnba wnbass upfm ofur bhis bhis,, wgte gts rfum rfumc ck kfcy fcy jbfsh tf teh irfum irfumc, c, tf teh rhnr jflhs n slffte tngb, hmcgmi gm n spgah fr pgja. Onjgmi ofrwnrcs jflh twf jbnws fm teh hmcs fo sefrt jurvgmi bglks, lnagmi gts nrrnmihlhmt sflhtegmi bgah tent fo n ont sjfrpgfm. Seh ehnc gs sglpbh nmc strnmih, nm hxthmsgfm fr vhrtgjnb np wgte fmh cflgmnmt jyjbfpgj hyh nmc n shjfmcnry cgrhjtby khmhnte. Xmchrmhnte teh ehnc nmc khtwhhm gts ofrwnrc bglks gs n bnr bnrih ih vhrtg vhrtgjnb jnb lfute lfute.. Seg Segss jrhn jrhnturh turh G teg tegma ma njts sflhte sflhtegmi gmi bga bgahh n cfi fr trngmhc trngmhc nph, lnragmi teh phrglhthr nmc phrofrlgmi sglpbh tnsas.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Sehy nrh jbny, ns lnmy lhm fo ifc envh sngc wh nrh. G tegma tehy lust jenmih tehgr mnturh fr cgh. Fo teh pnrts G en envh vh jfms jfmsgchr gchrhc, hc, tehrh nrh ohw, ofr tehy nrh enrc tf agbb agbb gmchhc gmchhc,, nmc teh snlpbhs rhjfvhrhc whrh nbrhncy gm teh jenmih fo chnte, kut went G ofumc gs tegs4 N agmc fo irhy-kbnja jbny-jhrnlgj, hxtrnfrcgmnrgby chmsh nmc sflhtglhs wht, kfmhbhss, kut strfmihr nmc lfrh krgttbh nt teh jfrh. Gt lfv lfvhs hs gm teh enmcs umbgah nmy ftehr tegmi tegmi,, hxgkbh nmc suktbh kut strfmi, strfmihr strfmihr tenm sthhb, sthhb, sfl sflhtg htglhs lhs strfmih strfmihrr tenm stfmh. Ly thst thstss fo gts bglgt bglgtntg ntgfms fms ofumc mf kfumcs, teh irhnthr ofrjh fr rh G bngc upfm gt, teh bhss gt shhlhc tf jenmih. Njgc nmc hxtrhlh jfbc, egie prhssurhs nmc thstgmi senrpmhss, ehnvy kbfws fr teh ofrih gtshbo, nbb ongbhc. Fmby fm fkshrvgmi ly jfmtrfb irfup cgc G stnrt tf umchrstnmc. Gt wns teh thsts tehlshbvhs tent lnch teh hse sf strfmi. Sefsh snlpbhs sukdhjt tf hxtrhlhs irhw strfmihr strfmihr.. Sefs Sefshh kntt kntthrhc hrhc ky teh irhnths irhnthstt rnmih fo ofrj ofrjh, h, tf rh nmc orfst, njgcs nmc hxpbfs hxp bfsgv gvhh ofrj ofrjh, h, wh whrh rh strf strfmihs mihstt fo tehl nbb. Wht tefs tefshh um umtfuj tfujehc ehc ofr shv shvhrnb hrnb cnys khinm tf sbfwby sbf wby cgh. Seh wht jbny fo tehl jfniubnt jfniubnthc hc gmtf strnmc strnmcs, s, nmc jfubc kh pub pubbhc bhc npnrt bga bgahh whbb-jffahc lhnt. Segs wns tehgr chjny. Mft jenmih, kut stnsgs sphbbhc tehgr cffl. BHPSFKBNZS - FO SEHG[ ZF[JH[W
Enchnms nrh lnsth Enchnms lnsthrs rs fo rh, orfst orfst,, stfr stfrl l nmc kfbt. Mf euln eulnm m tenu tenulntu lnturih rih ens hvhr lht tehgrr jenbb tehg jenbbhmih hmih gm tegs nrt. Seh Sehy y envh envh khhm amf amfwm wm tf sul sullfm lfm ofrte, gm qug qugja ja sujjh sujjhssg ssgfm, fm, orhhzgmi wgmcs, irhnt stfrls fo rh nmc onbbgmi rfja, lnc bgietmgmis, teh surihs fo irhnt wnvhs, eurrgjnmhs fo pfgsfmhc ngr, lfvhlhmts fo teh hnrte nmc kbnsts fo njgc, luc nmc lfbthm stfmh. Sehy jfmcujt tehsh lnmgofbc nmmgegbntgmi ofrls ns go nm frjehstrn fo chstrujtgfm wns wngtgmi, dust fut fo sgiet, nt tehgr jfllnmc.
NZEAFSS - FM SEHG[ LNIGJ Fm fkshrvgmi Enchnm lnigj G envh mfthc twf tegmis4 Ogrstby4 Ogrstb y4 tehy nrh mft prf prfgin ginth1 th1 chsp chspgth gth tehgr hmfrl hmfrlfus fus pfwh pfwhrr nmc teh hnsh nmc ugcgt ugcgty y wgte wegje tehy sullfm chstrujtgvh enrls, Enchnms lnah ush fo tegs nkgbgty ns bgttbh ns tehy jnm. Hvhry prhvgfus rhpfrt fo jfmtnjt wns lnch gm teh lgcst fo jfmgjt nmc, typgjnbby, mf jflpgbntgfm fr nmnbysgs ens khhm cfmh. Sefuie hvhry gmcgvgcunb jfmgjt wns vgfbhmt nmc chstrujtgvh chstrujtg vh gm teh hxtrhlh, teh fvhrnrj fvhrnrjegmi egmi strnthiy gs jbhnr. Enchnms ihmhrnb ihmhrnbby by rhtrhnt wehm onjhc gm ofrjh. Sehy ush tehgr hmfrlfus pfwhrs tf teh lgmglul hxthmt. Sehsh khgmis kfrm fo chstrujtgf chstrujtgfm m cf mft shha fut jfmg jfmgjt, jt, tehy nv nvfgc fgc gt go tehy jnm. Zf pfthmt tehy nrh tent G suppfsh tehy lust envh bgttbh tf ohnr fo hnrteby whnpfms, tehgr ohnr, G tegma, gs mft furshbvhs, kut teh cgl cglgm gmutg utgfm fm fo sfl sflhh ums umshhm hhm rhsfur rhsfurjh. jh. Sehy nrh jnro jnroub ub nmc jfms jfmshrv hrvntg ntgvh vh khgmis nmc tehy nrh iunrcgmi sflhtegmi. Zhjfmcby4 teh bgiet, kfte krgiet nmc cnra, hvgmjhs wehm tehgr pfwhrs nrh hlpbfyhc. Ningm, tefsh sukdhjt tf cgrhjt jfmgjt thmc tf mfth teh ihmhrnb ofrjh krfuiet ningmst tehl, kut mft
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
nm nmy y lgm lgmfr fr nmjgbb nmjgbbnry nry hffhjts hffhjts.. Sehy wfu wfubc bc rhjfrc teh rhs rhstfrl tfrl,, kut mft teh bgie bgiett tent jnlh wgte gt. G, efwhv efwhvhr, hr, envh fkshrv fkshrvhc hc lubtgpbh jfmgjt jfmgjtss fo tegs typh nmc rhnc rhjfrcs fo lnmy lfrh.. Yeh lfrh Yehm m Enc Enchnms hnms sull sullfm fm chstru chstrujtgf jtgfm, m, wehm tehy rst npphnr fm hnrte, wehm tehy cgsnpphnr nmc wehm tehy hxhjuth teh ahys fo tehgr strnmih pbnms, tegs bgiet gs shhm. Seh bgiet fo teh Hmigmh Khnst. Seh kbnja-wegth bgiet-cnra kurmgmi sench. THMGSENB - YEHMJH SEHW JFLH
Sefuie ly jfmjbusgfms lny shhl rncgjnb gm teh hxtrhlh, hvhm kbnspehlfus, G nsa fmby tent yfu ofbbfw teh bfigj fo ly nssulptgfms tf gts mhjhssnry hmc. Ly suppf suppfsg sgtg tgfm fm gs te tegs gs44 En Enchn chnms ms nrh mntu mnturnb rnb jrhn jrhntur turhs. hs. Mf Mftt cnh cnhlf lfms ms fr jrh jrhntu nturhs rhs orfl n suphr suphrmntu mnturnb rnb rhnbl rhnbl,, kut lfrtnb bgv bgvgmi gmi khgmis khgmis,, bga bgahh us. Sehg Sehgrr pbnm pbnmss nmc njtgf njtgfms, ms, tefuie gmjflprhehmsgkbh tf us, nrh pbnms ofr tehgr survgvnb, tehy nrh trygmi, bgah hvhry mnturnb khgmi, tf stny nbgvh. Fmjh tegs sglpbh nssulptgfm nssulptgfm gs lnch, wh mhhc mf bfmihr bffa ofr kgznrrh pbfts fr teh gmuhmjh fo nbghm ifcs, wh mhhc fmby shnrje ofr nm hmvgrfmlhmt gm wegje teh mnturh fo teh Enchnms lnahss shmsh. lnah Yent lgiet tegs hmvgrfmlhmt kh bgah6 Gt wfubc kh n pbnjh fo wgbc hxtrhlhs. Fo jrusegmi ehnt, jegbbgmi jfbc, eurrgjnmh wgmcs, fo rh nmc stfrls, fo njgc nmc pfgsfm, hnje hxtrhlh bhncgmi cgrhjtby nmc umprhcgjtnkby tf teh mhxt. Gm teg tegss jenftg jenftgjj wf wfrbc rbc teh Enc Enchnms hnms wfub wfubc c kh ncnp ncnpthc thc p phroh hrohjtby jtby tf surv survgv gvh. h. Sehg Sehgrr gmjr gmjrhcg hcgkbh kbh hse, wegje shhls tf rhqugrh euih jenrihs fo jfmgjtgmi hmhriy sglpby tf jfehrh, wfubc t teh sgtuntgfm whbb. Gm n stnth fo prglfrcgnb jenfs tehy wfubc shhl mft, ns tehy cf tf us, bgah khgmis fo hmfrlfus pfwhr, kut bgah lhm. Mf strnmihr tenm n trnvhbbhr sefubchrgmi tehgr wny ningmst n stfrl. G khbghvh tegs pbnjh hxgsts nmc tent tegs gs wey Enchnms jflh ns tehy cf nmc wehrh tehy cf, gm teh ehnrt fo chstrujtgfm. Sf tehl, tehsh thrrgoyg thrrgoygmi mi hvhmts nrh sglpby tefsh pfgmts wegje shhl lfst lfst mnturnb nmc jfrrh jfrrhjt. jt. Ns n lnm bfst gm n chs chshrt hrt shhas fut teh fnsgs fnsgs,, sf n Enchnm fm fur wfrbc eumts ofr teh vfbjnmf fr teh stfrl. Seh rhlngmchr fo teh wfrbc lust shhl tf tehl bgah n sgbhmt wnsthbnmc, qught, stgbb nmc oubb fo stnsgs nmc chnte. Ns tf teh rhnsf rhnsfm m ofr tehg tehgrr nrrg nrrgv vnb ehrh, G wgb wgbbb suiihs suiihst4 t4 tehg tehgrr wfrbc cgh cghs. s. Sent gs wey tehy jflh,, tf ah jflh ahhp hp tehgr wfrbc nbgv nbgvhh tehy onrl chstrujtg chstrujtgfm fm gm furs. Seg Segss gs wey tehy hmjf hmjfurni urnihh wnr, gt gs teh fmby eulnm njtgfm jnpnkbh fo kgrtegmi teh chstrujtgfms upfm wegje tehy ohhc. Sent gs wey cgsnsthrs cgsnpphnr, wey jflhts nrh stfbhm orfl teh say, wey stfrls hvnpfrnth, wey hnrtequnahs hnrtequnahs shhp nw nwny ny.. Sehy nrh k khgmi hgmi tnahm, sflhef sflhefw, w, tf teh Enchnms eflh, tehrh tf rhstfrh went tehy envh bfst. Mf hmvgrfml hmvgrfmlhmt hmt jnm lngm lngmtng tngm m suj suje e n egie stnt stnthh fo hmhriy ofr bfmi. Bga Bgahh sfu sfup p jffbg jffbgmi mi fr shcglhmt onbbgmi, teh hmhriy lust hkk nmc gt lust jnbl. Ofr Enchnms, kfrm tf nmc ncnpthc ofr nwfrbc, wf wfrbc rbclnagmi fo jntnjby jntnjbysl sl bgah nmcfurs, sefja, tegs lhnms sbfw chnt chnte. e. N irncunbfobfs bfss s fo hmhr hmhriy orfl teh tehgrs bgvhnkbh ofr us,sbf ofrwtehl n mgietlnrh sgbhmjh nmciy chjny.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Yenthvhr nrt fr sjghmjh tehy ush tf trnvhb tf fur wfrbc, tehy ush teh snlh tf tnah tegmis knja, nmc tehgr ―lnigj‗, G khbghvh, ens teh snlh sfurjh. Seh wnvhs fo jfmgjtgmi chstrujtgfm wegje tehy sf orhhby wghbc, nrh sglpby inths gmtf tehgr wfrbc, nmc tegs gs wey tehy lnah suje jnutgfu jnut gfuss ush. Hv Hvhry hry tglh tehy ush tehs tehshh pfw pfwhrs, hrs, tehg tehgrr eflh cghs n bgttbh bgttbh lfrh. Ehm Ehmjh jh teh jummgmi, ehmjh teh sthnbte. G envh fmh suppfsgtgfm lfrh4 tegs wfrbc gs furs. Go wh suppfsh, ofr n lflhmt, teh hxgsthmjh fo nbghm wfrbcs, wh lust nclgt tent nmy gmthbbgihmjh jnpnkbh fo rhnjegmi khyfmc gts fwm suronjh tf sjffp up chstrujtgfm bgah bffsh wehnt, wfubc mft jflh ehrh. Segs wfrbc gs phnjhoub, nmc tehrh lust kh lnmy wehrh irhnt vgfbhmjh rhgims. rhgi ms. Ye Yey y jflh ehrh tf onrl nmm nmmgeg gegbnt bntgfm gfm66 G sny4 khjnus khjnushh tehy lfv lfvhh mf cgs cgstnmj tnmjhh nt nbb. nbb. Sehy bnja tent nrt. Enchnms jflh terfuie tglh gtshbo. Gt gs amf amfwm wm teh wf wfrbc rbc wns lnch, nmc lnmy lytes lytes nmc bhih bhihmcs mcs sphna fo teg tegs. s. Nbb jfmg jfmgjt. jt. Kutt gt gs rhn Ku rhnsfm sfmnk nkbh bh tf tegm tegma a teh tehrh rh wfub fubc c kh rh rh.. Seg Segss r rhh stg stgbb bb kurm kurmss wgteg wgtegm m te tehh hnr hnrte, te, nmc lust envh envh jffbh jffbhc c sflh sflhwent went fv fvhr hr teh bfmi rhnj rhnjehs ehs fo hxg hxgsthm sthmjh. jh. Ns whbb tehrh lust kh stfrl nmc qunah, phrenps teh orhhzgmi wgmcs fo teh upphr ngr bny lfrh cgrhjtby fm teh hnrte. Phrenps shns turmhc fvhr gm tehgr ntlfspehrh wns fr pfgsfms terfmihc.teh Kut jhrtngmby, gt jnmmft kh sbhhp, chmghcphrenps tent tehteh hmhrighs rhbhnshc gmjenmihc teh jrhntgfm fo teh wfrbc lust envh khhm vnst, nmc tent teh tglh fo gts jrhntgfm (efwhvhr bfmi tent wns) wfubc shhl tf us n agmc fo ehbb. N enchs. N Enchnm phrgfc gm onjt. Gt gs amfwm tent bgoh wgtegm fur wfrbc gmohsts hvhry nvngbnkbh nmibh nmc nsphjt tent gt jnm, ncnptgmi, hvhr jenmigmi, nbwnys igvgmi up mhw nmc umhxphjthc ofrls, gmvncgmi hvhry hmvgrfmlhm rfml hmt. t. Go wh sglpb sglpby y suppfsh teh hxthms hxthmsgfm gfm fo bgoh ourteh ourtehrr knj knja a gm tgl tglh, h, nmc nsa nsa44 gm tegs Enchnm phrgfc, went agmc fo bgoh wfub wfubc c tergvh6 Ehrh wh env envhh ofumc fur wfrb wfrbc, c, mft jgrjbgmi sflh glpfssgkbh stnr, kut ehrh, nt eflh, wgtegm fur cgstnmt pnst. Nmc wh amfw tent tegs wfrbc jnbls nmc cghs, ns gt lust, tf khjflh teh wfrbc wh amfw. Nmc wh amfw amfw wey Enchn Enchnms ms jflh. Sehy nrh sthnb sthnbgmi gmi orfl teh outur outurhh tf sustng sustngm m teh pnst pnst,, nmc tehy wgbb wgbb ongb, ns wh nmc tehy kfte amf amfw w tehy lu lust. st. Ygt Ygte e hv hvhry hry tehot tehy fmby strg strgp p tehgr outurh n bgttbh jenfs, fo teh gmhvgtnkbh hmc ofr cnysmhjas, fr lfmtes, yhtnlnagmi gt lfrh jhrtngm.foJbnwgmi nt teh puttgmi sbfw-tgiethmgmi mffsh nrfumc tehgr irnspgmi ohw shjfmcs fo krhnte.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
EH[LGS IHGZS Segs spgrgt ghs gts eflh nrfumc, ohhcgmi fff teh ohnr fo tefsh gt burhs, nmc shhgmi fut n irhnthr enkgtntgfm ofr gts sbfwby irfwgmi pfwhr. N prhcntfr lhlfry. N Ehrlgt Ihgst fjjurs, fmby wehm n trnigj chnte tnahs pbnjh gm n slnbb nmc pfrtnkbh pbnjh. N iefst ofrls gm teh ngr. N pfbthrih pfbthrihgst gst.. Kut Kut,, bgi bgiet et nmc pfrtnkbh pfrtnkbh ns tegs enk enkgtn gtntgfm tgfm gs, teh iefst jnm lfvh, mft fmby fkdhjts, kut teh tegmi hmtgrh. Zbfwby Zbfwby nmc shjrhtby shjrhtby,, teh nmglnt nmglntgmi gmi Ihgst wgbb bhnrm tf pgja up gts thmt, enrmhss gts jnrt tf n sphjtrnb crny fr tulkbh gts yurt njrfss teh lffmbgt smfw tf mc lfrh prhy. Segs lust kh cfmh wehrh mf-fmh jnm fkshrvh, sf ehrlgt-ihgsts nrh kfrm gm pbnjhs vhry slnbb nmc lfst rhlfth. Seh lhlfry lnahs n segot khjnush gt ens n jefgjh. Gt mhhc mf bfmihr wngt, orfzhm gm pfsgtgfm, ofr teh ums umsusphj usphjtgm tgmii trn trnvh vhbbh bbhrr tf krhnje gts rhst. Gt jnm chjg chjgch ch gts lftg lftgfm, fm, tf hxpfs hxpfshh gtsh gtshbo bo fr mft, tf rhst sflh sflhwehr wehrhh umcg umcgstur sturkhc khc nmc sbf sbfwby wby chjn chjny y, fr tf eumt eumt.. Seh ohnr nmc thrr thrrfr fr igvhm fff ky tefsh gt lhhts, nmc teh sfubs fo tefsh wef cgh, jnm ouhb n spgrgt, lnagmi gt lfrh pfwhroub. Chnte jnm kh nccgjtgvh. Go teh iefst orgiethms sflhfmh mhw tf chnte, gt irfws gm strhmite. Fut fm teh tumcrn, n mflnc phhrs terfuie chmshby onbbgmi smfw nmc shhs n Wurt pbnjhc fccby fm n pntebhss rhnje. Chhp gm teh mgiet-ofrhst teh orhhzgmi wffcjutthrs bnlp pgjas fut n jfttnih sgch tent shhls tf bhnp fut fo teh ibffl. Gt wns. wns. Gt cgc. Se Sehh iefst iefst gms gmsgc gchh teh tehl l pg pgja jahc hc tehl up nmc nmc ter terhw hw tehm terfuie terfuie teh ngr ngr,, crfppgmi crfp pgmi gt sgbhm sgbhmtby tby gm gm hxnj hxnjtby tby tent spft sphjgj sphjgjnbb nbby y tf bur burhh tehl gm. Gt bgt teh bnl bnlps ps gm teh wgmcfw. Gt agmcbhc teh rh gm teh irnth. Seh sehbthr gs n trnp. Seh Ihgst bhnrms tf eum eumt. t. Gt lfvhs gts enkgtntg enkgtntgfm fm shjrhtby nrfumc. Srnv rnvhbbhrs hbbhrs tna tnahh sehbthr, nrh thrrfrgshc, nmc agbbhc. Nmc teh Ihgst irfws gm pfwhr. Seh khtthr gt jnm eumt teh strfmihr gt khjflhs. Seh strfmihr gt khjflhs teh lfrh jrnlphc nmc gmsujghmt shhls gts eflh. Gt wgbb wgbb shha shha fut mhw en enkg kgtn tntg tgfm fm.. Ku Kutt mf mftt du dust st nm nmy y pbnj pbnjhh wg wgbb bb cf. Gt lu lust st kh n sj sjhm hmhh fo trni trnihcy hcy. Gt cfhsm‗t lntth lntthrr go tegs trnihc trnihcy y wn wnss gm nmy wny jfmm jfmmhjth hjthc c tf teh Ihgst, Ihgst, gt dus dustt mhhcs n.enumthc pbnjh. Nmc tehm gt ie iets. ts. Fmh mgie mgiet, t, n shj shjfmc fmc prfphrt prfphrty y npphnrs, onjg onjgmi mi teh rs rst. t. N suphrmnt suphrmnturnb urnb knttbh kntt bh khigms khigms,, n kntt knttbh bh fo wgb wgbbb nmc wgt wgts, s, fo lhlf lhlfry ry nmc chsg chsgrh. rh. Zefu Zefubc bc teh Ihg Ihgst st wgm, teh fppfsgmi iefst gs hdhjthc orfl gts eflh, teh Ihgst fjjupghs teh mhw, lfrh jnpnjgfus rhsgchmjh. Go teh ftehr iefst phrsgsts, (nmc tehrh gs n wgbb tf kh fr mft-kh, hvhm gm bgohs nkshmjh), gt lny tnah teh Ihgsts ofrlhr, bhsshr, eflh. Yehrh tehy wns kut fmh prhcntfry iefst, tehrh nrh mfw twf. Segs gs trnuln Segs trnulntgj tgj nmc trnm trnmsof sofrlg rlgmi mi njt. Seh Ihgst bhn bhnvh vhss khegm khegmc c teh lhlfrg lhlfrghs hs nmc gch gchns ns nmc teh crhnls fo teh thrr thrrgkb gkbhh chhc chhcss tent rst ofrl ofrlhc hc gts senph gm spnjh spnjh.. Gt khjflhs mfw sflhteg sfl htegmi mi mhw. Seh rst tglh gs teh enrc enrchst, hst, kut teh shjf shjfmc mc tglh, teh tegrc nmc ofurte, ote nmc sgxte, khjflh sglpbgjgty gtshbo. Seh mnlh nmc onjh nmc wfumcs fo chnte, teh jbftehs, teh rnjh teh lhlfry fo teh njt, teh amfwbhcih fo tehgr gmmfjhmjh fr iugbt, teh vhry rhnsfm ofr tehgr bgoh nmc chnte nmc bgoh khyfmc,
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
nbb nrh bfst tf nm gmmgty fo tglh nmc jenmih. Seh lhlfry ens gts bgoh nmc senphs gtshbo. Sehy fnt bgah umcubntgmi umcubntgmi uahs fr strgps fo sgba. Obnt, sglpbh, turtbhturtbh-bga bgahh ehncs, knsgj nrls nmc kfcghs bgah bfmi nmc jrffahc nis. Seh fbchst nrh fbc gmchhc nmc envh enumthc sphjghs mfw hxtgmjt gm wfrbcs mf-fmh rhjnbbs. Lnmy bnm Lnmy bnmcs cs envh envh tnbhs fo yg ygmi mi eflhs. N wgt wgtje jehs hs jftt jfttnih nih fr sfrj sfrjhrhr hrhrss tfwhr tfwhr tent swffp swffpss terfui ter fuie e teh teh jb jbfuc fucss gm teh mg mgie iet. t. Seh Sehy y cf mft teg tegma ma teh wgtj wgtje e n prg prgsf sfmhr mhr fo teh efu efush, sh, n phnsnmt wflnm ahpt gm ohnr nmc ofrjhc tf njt teh pnrt sf tent n iefst lny orhhby eumt. Nmc go teh iunrcs fo jgvgbgsntgfm njt nt nbb, tehy wgbb jhrtngmby agbb teh wgtje, nmc go wegbh bgjahc ky nlhs seh sjrhnls ‒Seh efush! Seh Efush‚“, mf-fmh wgbb kh surprgshc. Nt tglhs, twf lgietgby Nbpen-Chnc envh lht wgtegm n jgtghs kfumcs. Zbfwby jrhhpgmi jbfshr fvhr jhmturghs nmc yhnrs, rhpbnjgmi kurmt cfwm fr chlfbgsehc eflhs, seuffigmi fvhr pnras, rgsagmi hvhrytegmi ky bhnpgmi fvhr strhhts gm teh hnrby efurs khofrh cnwm, ohhcgmi nbb teh wegbh fm eflhbhss phfpbh nmc teh bfst. Hvhmtunbby tehy lhht, nmc gm n efwbgmi suphrmnturnb knjawnse tent tfrmncf‗s rfumc teh tfwm, teh whnahr Ihgst wgbb kh chstrfyhc nmc teh strfmihr fmh hxpnmc. Phrenps tehy crhnl tf fmh cny put fmtfjgtghs bgah nnmc jbfna, n lgbbgfm cffrs nmc wgmcfws umchr tehgr jfmtrfb, n lgbbgfm shpnrnth bgvhs thrrfrgsh hmc.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
EHU C[NIFFMZ Sehsh chncby nmc vgjgfus lhrjhmnrghs nrh teh krfahm rhbgj fo n mfw-senlhoub wnr. Srnpphc nt tehgr tgmy sgzh nmc cgsnvfwhc ky tefsh tehy fmjh shrvhc, Ehx Crniffms survgvh teh fmby wny tehy amfw efw, terfuie vgfbhmjh nmc lurchr sfbc tf teh egiehst kgcchr. Seh nvhrni nvhrnihh Ehx Crni Crniffm ffm stnmcs nkfut terhh nmc n enb enboo gmj gmjehs ehs egie. Lfst stgb stgbbb whnr teh nrlfur nrlf ur wgt wgte e weg wegje je tehy whrh rst hqug hqugpphc. pphc. N je jehsthst-pbnt pbnthh nmc n kbn kbnch ch fr bfzh bfzhmihmih-sen senphc phc ehbl ehb l we wegj gje, e, bfj bfjnth nthc c ofr ofrwn wnrc rc fo teh ehn ehnc, c, ens ku kubkf bkfus us hy hyhs hs fm hnj hnje e sgch sgch,, chb chbgv gvhr hrgm gmii te tehh mhnr-:?0 vgsgfm wegje prhvhmts tehl khgmi tnahm ky surprgsh fr hnthm ky kgrcs. Sf teh rhnr spg spgbb bb ofb ofbcs cs fo sfo sfott lh lhtnb tnb fr stgff stgff sgb sgba, a, hx hxpn pnmcg mcgmi mi gm n agmc agmc fo ruff ruff.. Se Segs gs rnrh vnmh-sukstnmjh rhornjts lnigjnb nttnjas, turmgmi gt tf n spnrabgmi cust Crniffms jnm ush tf ehx yfu knja. knja. (Gt nbsf bffas vhry prhtt prhtty y.) Seg Segss cgr cgrhjt hjt jfmv jfmvhrsg hrsgfm fm fo choh chohmjh mjh gmtf lnig lnigjnb jnb nssnubt invh tehl n mhjhssnry hcih gm teh wnrs wehrh tehy whrh rst hlpbfyhc. Seh cfrsnb vnmhs jnm nbsf hx nmc hxpnmc, gmjrhnsgmi wgmc rhsgstnmjh, nbfmi wgte tehgr tgmy lnss, tegs bhts Crniffms survgvh onbbs wegje, orfl tehgr phrsphjtgvh, jnm kh gmjrhcgkby egie. Lfst stgbb jnrry tehgr ehxgmi wnmcs. wnmcs. Sehsh hmjen hmjenmthc mthc bhmites fo yhw rh rhjfl rhjflkgmnm kgmnmtt jurshs. Hnje gs jflpfshc fo lubtgpbh rgmis nrfumc n sfbgc jfrh. Seh rgmis nrh lnrahc wgte sylkfbs, bgah teh tulkbhrs fo n bfja. Ky spgmmgmi tehl gm jflkgmntgfm, teh Ehx Crniffm jnm ihmhrnth egieby sphjgj jurshs. Gm jflknt teh rnttbgmi fo tehgr smnp-spgm jursh wns amfwm nmc ohnrhc, tehy wfubc strgah nmc spgm tehgr jursh-wnmc rgmis, nmc rh, gm fmh lfvhlhmt, prfcujgmi truby-rnmcfl jurshs, glpfssgkbh glpfssgk bh tf prhcgjt fr wnrc wnrc.. Seh sfumc fo teh spgmmgmi rgmis wns teh ehrnbc fo chnte. Sehy nrh jummgmi, jummgmi, pntghm pntghmtt nmc hxtrhl hxtrhlhby hby sagb sagbbhc bhc gm lgb lgbgtnr gtnry y lntt lntthrs. hrs. Seh Sehy y wgb wgbbb ofb ofbbf bfw w n tnriht irfup gm shjrht, wntjegmi orfl teh krnmjehs fo trhhs usgmi thbhsjfphs lnch orfl n crfp fo wnthr nmc n jurbhc-up bhno. Sehy wgbb ush teh hmvgrfmlhmt ningmst tehgr ofhs, burgmi lfmsthrs, bhncgmi phfpbh nstrny, jnusgmi jenfs gmvgsgkby, wngtgmi ofr hxnjtby teh rgiet lflhmt tf strgah. Crniffms jnmmft y. y. Sf trnvhb trnvhb,, tehy eumt nmc tnlh n rnmih fo wgbc nmglnbs. Sehy nrh amfwm tf rgch Jrfws, Pnrrfts, Bgznrcs nmc Cfis, kut wgbb shgzh lfumts fo nmy agmc chphmcgmi fm thrrngm. Egie stntus Crniffms wgbb usunbby rgch n lfrh ohrfjgfus typh tf gbbustrnth tehgr rnma, n kgrc fo prhy, n wgbcjnt fr hvhm n wfbo. (Gt gs rulfurhc tent fut gm teh wgbchrmhss tehrh nrh knmcs fo truby hvgb knmcgt Ehx-Crniffms wefsh bhnchrs rgch kbgmchc phnsnmts nmc frpenmhc kfys.) Nmglnbss rgc Nmglnb rgcchm chm ky teh Ehx Ehx-Cr -Crniffm niffmss nrh nbwn nbwnys ys trhn trhnthc thc nkflgmnkb nkflgmnkby y. Crni Crniffms ffms envh envh mf nffhjtgfm ofr tehl nmc rhinrc lfumts ns lnjegmhs fo lhnt, tf kh ushc umtgb tehy krhna, ahpt fkhcghmt wgte pngm nmc ohnr. Yehm teh nmglnb mnbby cghs, n mhw lfumt gs sfuiet. Gm hvhry rhjfrc ahpt fo teh Ehx-Crniffms, Ehx-Crniffms, tehy k khigm higm ns efmfurnkbh pntrgft pntrgfts. s. Sehgr agmicfl khsghihc ky teh gmvgsgkbh gmvgsgkbh thrrfr fo lnigjnb khgmis. Jegbcr Jegbcrhm hm stfbhm, onlgbghs nkcujthc terfuie lgrrfrs, prghsts nmc ehrfhs struja culk fr jenmihc gmtf khnsts. Seh whna thlpthc wgte bghs nmc teh strfmi jurshc wgte strnmih onths. N wnr fo lnigj, gmvgsgkbh, gmtnmigkbh, n ofh fo tgmy sgzh, ningmst wegje mf kbfw jfubc kh struja.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Jfmvhmtgfmnb ofrjhs whrh ushbhss. [ncgjnb lhtefcs whrh hlpbfyhc. Seh npphnb whmt fut ofr vfbumthhrs wgbbgmi tf lhht teh hmhly fm tehgr fwm irfumc, tf khsghih teh luserffl rgmis nmc cuhb fm teh phtnbs fo fwhrs. Fmby teh krnvhst nmc lfst nkbh whrh njjhpthc. Sehy whrh wnrmhc teh lnigjs ushc tf sergma sf lnmy gm sf sefrt n tglh wfubc kh glpfssgkbh tf rhvhrsh, kut hnje lnch teh jefgjh orhhby, orfl bfvh fo jfumtry. Sehh wnr wh Se whmt mt wh whbb bb,, ku kutt teh teh knttb knttbhs hs ofu ofuie iett tf wgm wgm gt wh whrh rh efrrg efrrgkb kby y vgfb vgfbhm hmtt nmc st strnm rnmih, ih, survgv surv gvfrs frs k khjnl hjnlhh enrc enrchmhc hmhc,, trnu trnulntg lntgshc shc nmc jfb jfbc. c. Hv Hvhm hmtunb tunbby by teh hmhl hmhly y rhtg rhtgrhc, rhc, kut teh Ehx Crniffms Crniffms jfubc mft kh rhtu rhturmhc rmhc tf mfrlnb sgz sgzh. h. Seh wnr wns fvhr fvhr nmc tehr tehrhh wns mffmh bhot tf ie iet, t, nmc mf wny eflh eflh.. Seh irhnt knttb knttbhs hs tent tehy ofuie ofuiet, t, gm weg wegje je sf lnmy bfstt tehg bfs tehgrr bgv bgvhs, hs, whrh mfw teh sukdhjt fo dfa dfahs, hs, khjnush tehy whrh whrh slnb slnbb. b. Seh Knttb Knttbhh fo teh Knterffl wns n kbffcy terhh-cglhmsgfmnb sbnuiethrefush fo lnigj nmc efrrfr orfl wegje ohw rhturmhc, kut tefsh wef cgc ehnrc gt sumi nkfut ky crumas nmc lfjahc ky jflhcgnms gm knrs. Zbfwby, fr qugjaby, teh rhlngmgmi Ehx-Crniffms khjnlh jfrrupt. Srhnthc wgte jfmthlpt ky n wfrbc ofr wegje tehy enc snjrgjhc nbb nmc tf wegje tehy jfubc mft rhturm, nmc bfntehc ky teh mntu mnturnb rnb lhlkhr lhlkhrss fo teh lgj lgjrf rfvh vhrsh rsh ofr teh rfbh tehy pbn pbnyh yhc. c. Seh Sehrh rh wn wnss mfwehr mfwehrhh ofr tehl tf turm nmc tehy enc mf sagbb tf trnch kut enrl. Ehx Crniffms envh crgothc gmtf bgvhs ns nssnssgms, spghs, lurchrhrs, teuis nmc hmofrjhrs ofr cnra nmc umb umbga gahby hby teg tegmis. mis. Eum Eumtgm tgmii pgx pgxghs ghs ofr wgt wgtje jehs, hs, ehb ehbpgm pgmii sbn sbnvh vhrs rs ky trnj trnjgmi gmi hsjnphhs hsjnphhs,, jnrrygmi cruis tf nccgjthc nrgstfjrnts khegmc jbfshc cffrs, sflhtglhs egrhc ky tefsh tehy fmjh ofuiet, ushc gm teh efrrgc knbanmgshc wnrs fo teh slnbbhr wfrbc, tehy jnrh mft wef tehy enrl, fr wey, mf chhc gs tff cnra ofr tehl nmc hvhm tehgr pnylhmt gs slnbb ns tehy rhqugrh kut bgttbh tf survgvh. Seh tegmis tehy truby wnmt, wnmt, purpfsh nmc rhsphjt, nrh nbw nbwnys nys khyfmc tehgr rhnj rhnje. e. Sehy bfnteh tehlshbvhs, nmc hvhrytegmi hbsh.
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EF[FBFIMFLFM N cygmi hbhlhmtnb fo rhjfrchc tglh. Mft fo tglh gtshbo, kut fo gts jnrhoub cgvgsgfm gmtf efurs nmc cnys nmc lfmtes nmc gts rhjfrcgmi gm teh wfrbc. Chrgvhc orfl teh gmthbbgihmt nwnrhmhss fo tglh, tglh, lnch gmjnr gmjnrmnth mnth terfui terfuie e dfg dfgmt mt nmc nmib nmibh, h, lhj lhjenm enmgsl gsl nmc trnm trnmspfrt spfrthc hc stf stfmh. mh. Nmc cnllhc ofr tent, ofr tglh survgvhs gts hmigmhhrs nmc ohhcs fm tehgr chvgjhs. Sglh hnts tglh nmc tfbhrnths tfbhrnths mf enrm enrmhss hss fr nmnb nmnbysg ysgss ofr bfmi. Sgl Sglhh wgphs jbhn jbhnm m gts rhhjt rhhjtgfm gfm gm teh ibnss ibnss,, nmc tent bgoh kfrm orfl gts rhjfrcgmi gs kfrm wrfmi. Sehgr senph gs nbwnys tent fo Nrnjemh, teh spgchr. Bgah ehr - tehy cf mft sphna, tehgr wfrcs nrh sgbhmt sgbhmt njtg njtgfms. fms. Bga Bgahh ehr - tehy wngt wngt,, nmc wnt wntje je,, nmc kug kugbc bc nmc agbb agbb.. Seh mntur mnturhh fo teh Efrfbfimflfm, nmc gts pfthmjy nmc sgzh, gs nffhjthc ky teh mnturh fo teh tglh gt iunrcs. Seh lfst jfllfm Efrfbfi Efrfbfimflfm mflfm gs wnx. Sgm Sgmy y, kubkfus, yhbbf yhbbfw-wegt w-wegth, h, krnvh, bgvgmi fmby ofr n mgi mgiet. et. Yehr Yehrhh mftj mftjehc ehc jnmcb jnmcbhs hs nrh ush ushc c tf lnra teh tgl tglhh tehy sfl sflhtgl htglhs hs gssuh orfl teh lhbtgmi wnx. Zlnbb spgchrs fo wnx, hrjh iunrcs fo teh nlh ns gt kurms terfuiefut teh cnra, jgrjbgmi teh ourmnjh tent wgbb agbb tehl khofrh cnwm. Prgchoubby tehy lnrje teh jnmcbhs bhmite, tehgr jgrjugts qugjahm ns teh jfbulm sergmas, phrenps tehy cf mft amfw (tff slnbb) teh tglh tehy lhnsurh gs tehgr fwm. Segs gs teh efrrfr fo teh Efrfbfimflfm. Gm tefsh cgstnmt bnmcs wehrh nm nrtgjh fo wehhbs nmc sprgmis gs sngc tf lnra teh efurs, bgttbh krnss hsjnphlhmt-efrbfimflfm nrh kfrm gmsgch teh jnshs nmc teh jbfjas, bhnpgmi khtwhhm teh phmcubuls, ornmtgjnbby pfbgsegmi teh wehhbs ns tehy spgm. Sehy iunrc tehsh tglh-pghjhs, nmc nrh trhnsurhc ofr gt, n wntje Gmenkgthc gs n mftnkbh tegmi, nmc wfrte luje lfrh. Kut go, gm tglh, teh tglhpghjh ifhs umushc, teh spgrgt lncchms nmc jnm bhnp orfl teh jnsgmi fm lhtnbbgj bglks, nttnjagmi tefsh wef wfubc mft ahhp teh tglh. Gt‗s stgmi nihs hse nmc wnsths lusjbhs nmc bglks. Seh pfgsfm fo teh Efrfbfimflfm gs nih. Sehrh nrh Efrfb Sehrh Efrfbfimf fimflfm lfm fo lhrj lhrjury ury nmc ibn ibnss, ss, fo wn wnthr, thr, wffc nmc ifbch ifbchm m wh whgie giets. ts. Zfl Zflhh bngr wgte bgvgmi jbfjas gm sflh pfpubnthc pbnjh wehrh tehgr jflpbgjnthc jbfjas rhjhgvh teh jfmstnmt jnrh tehy mhhc, kut lfst cf mft. Sehy jnm kh ofumc gm tflks nmc thlpbhs bfst tf tgl tglh, gm jgtg jgtghs, hs, lnrag lnragmi mimfteg fut teh bfmi chir chirhhs trhh trhhssjnmmft irf irfw w terf terfuie uie hlp hlpty strhht strhhts. Seh tglhh, tgl h tehy ahhp jfum jfumts ts mftegmi mi mfw, kut hhs stgb stgbb, b,nstehy stfp stfp. . Steh f stfp gstychnt chnte. e. s.Ogb Ogbbhc bhc wgte bnssgtuch tehy bgh upfm tehgr knjas nmc twgtje tehgr bglks fr rnlkbh lncby, sjrntjegmi pntthrms gm teh cust, kurstgmi gmtf urrghs fo kgpfbnr rnih khofrh sgmagmi knja gmtf teh bfmi bfmi crhnl fo tehgr lncmhss. Sehy eumihr ofr ncdustlhmt, nmc enth gt nkfvh nbb. Sehy lny agcmnp agc mnp bgvg bgvgmi mi khgmis nmc ntth ntthlpt lpt tf lna lnahh tehl sht fr x teh jbfj jbfja. a. Sehy ln lny y enum enumtt teh jgty,, hxthrlg jgty hxthrlgmntgmi mntgmi nmy hxprhssgf hxprhssgfm m fo nbthrmntg nbthrmntgvh vh tglh. Cgnrgh Cgnrghs, s, jbfjas jbfjas,, sumcgnb sumcgnbs, s, sencf sencfws ws fm teh irfumc. irfumc. Obfwh Obfwhrs rs tent crfp teh tehgr gr phtnbs fmh ky ky fmh lny kh tfrm up gm rnih. rnih. Sef Sefsh sh wef jfumt, tefsh wef sphna nm efur tent jnmmft kh, tegmis wgte cnths, tegmis tent nih nmc tegmis tent mhvhr cf. Hmhlghs nbb, gmvgsgkbh nmc nksfbuth. Seh fbchst Efrfbfimflfm nrh lnch fo sencfw, stfmh nmc bgiet. Zflh jflh fmby gm teh cny, wehm teh sencfw fo n mhhcbh lnras teh hnrte, nmc ftehrs fmby wehm stnrs surrhmchr tehgr sgimnbs tf teh rncgnb trnps fo stfmh. Seh sumcgnb spgchrs stgbb enumt teh tgtnmgj stybh rngshc sf bfmi nif tf lnra teh pnssgmi fo
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teh sum. Kugbt orfl dfgmts fo krgiet bgiet nmc jbhnrby lnrahc cnra sencfw, strngiet bgmhs nmc sbhmchr bglks fo wrgtthm stfmh, fmby wegbh teh sum gs krgiet nmc sencfw mhntby crnwm. Sehsh jnm kh hmfrlfus khgmis. Seh hbhlhmtnb hbhlhmtnbs s focnramhss, teh stnmcgmi nrrgvh wgte mgiet. Zbgl stfmh nbglks lfvg mi upfm dfgm dfgmts ts fo stnrbgiet nmc ns go stfmhs teh stfmh whrh n jnrnpnjh jfvhrgmi vfgclfvgmi fo stnrs. Sehsh nrh teh wgbc, fbc Efrfbfimflfm, umonlgbgnr wgte tehgr bfmi chjny. Seh stfmhs nrh mft rh-sht nmc mf fmh lnras teh efurs, yht stgbb tehy phrsgst, lnragmi fut teh mh cgvgsgfms fo teh yhnr wgte teh turmgmi fo teh stnrs, fr teh shilhmts fo teh cny wgte teh lfvhlhmts fo teh sum. Sehy nrh cnmihrfus nmc lnc. Kfrm orfl teh stnrs nmc teh sum tehy nrh glphrgfus, gmhxgkbh nmc lgiety gm tehgr wrnte. Sehgr tglh gs wrfmi nmc mf-fmh ahhps gt mfw, kut lnch ns tehy nrh orfl teh gmthrnjtgfms fo hthrmnb bgiet, tehy jnmmft njjhpt teh trute. Sehy envh teh prgch fo nmjghmt ifcs. Seh stgmi fo tegs Efrfbfimflfm jnm wgph sflhfmh orfl tglh, tehgr whks nrh lnch fo efurs nmc cnys, tf kh trnpphc gm tehl gs tf kh bfst gm tglh.
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EFZSNIH O[FI Seh Efstnih Efstnih Or Orfi fi gs nkfut teh sgzh fo twf mhntb mhntby y kug kugbt bt jfws amhhb amhhbgmi gmi cfw cfwm. m. Enb Enboo fo gts sgz sgzhh gs lnch up fo gts iginmtgj ehnc nmc dnws. Sehsh truby nrh prfcgigfus nmc jflh nrrnyhc wgte nm nblfst umjfumtnkbh mulkhr fo hxtrhlhby senrp thhte. Seh orfi ens twf squgmtgmi ntrfus hyhs ibnrgmi orfl teh orfmt fo gts onjh nmc fmh lfrh, vhry prglgt prg lgtgv gvhh frk bfjnthc jhmtr jhmtrnbb nbby y fm teh tfp fo gts ehnc. Yehm gt bghs bghs nbl nblfst fst gmvg gmvgsgk sgkbh bh umchr teh jnhsgfus sjul fo n egcchm swnlp fr pffb teh tegrc hyh, dust krhnjegmi teh suronjh, igvhs gt n pnmfrnlgj vghw Seh orfi gs sbg sbgja ja wgte sbgl sbgly y pfgsf pfgsfms ms krhwh krhwhc c wgt wgtegm egm gts mfxg mfxgfus fus iuts. Gts gmt gmthstg hstgmhs mhs nrh n jnustgj mgietlnrh, cgsjflofrtgmi hvhm tf teh jrhnturh gtshbo. Gm teh lhbnmgj cnramhss fo teh luccy chhp, gt jbhmjehs gts dnws nmc efwbs, tfrturhc ky jrnlps nmc nkcflgmnb amfts. Ehrh, nbfmh, nbf mh, gt krffcs upfm gts rnih nmc lnb lnbgjh. gjh. Seh fmby pnrt fo teh orfi mft pfgsfmf pfgsfmfus us tf teh tfuje, gs wgtegm gts efrrgc lfute. Seh sgzh fo teh Efstnih Orfis lfute gs prfknkby gmthmchc tf shrvh ns stfrnih spnjh ofr kgi lhnbs wegbh gt crgots terfuie teh bfmi lfmtes fo tglh nmc sgbhmjh gm teh irgly wnthrgmi efbhs nmc jefbfjer jefbfjerfus fus lura luray y pfmcs gm weg wegje je gt bngrs. bngrs. Kut teh jrhn jrhnturh turh gs jumm jummgmi gmi nmc ens ofumc nmftehr ush ofr gts dnws, ns n infb. Seh Efstnih Orfi wgbb wngt, tehm wngt n bgttbh bfmihr, ofr irfups fo tegmagmi khgmis tf mhnr gts efbh. efbh. Sehm Sehm,, ns tehy iht jbfsh jbfshr, r, gt wngt wngtss sflh lfrh lfrh.. (Gt gs vh vhry ry iffc nt wn wngtg gtgmi. mi.)) Gt wgbb bgsthm tf tehl sphna, nmc crgot jbfshr tf teh sefrhbgmh wehrh tehy nrh, wntjegmi terfuie gts prglgtgvh hyh. Fmh wgbb jflh tf teh wnthr‗s hcih, mft dust nmy fmh, n pnrtgjubnr khgmi. Seh orfi gs wngtgmi ofr teh egiehst gm stntus, fr teh whnahst, fr sglpby sflhfmh gt jnm mhntby t gmsgch gts lfute. Sehm, gm n urry fo njtgfm gt wgbb bhnp orfl teh wnthr, smntje tent phrsfm up nmc knja gmtf teh swnlp. Go hsjnph fr rhsjuh gs ntthlpthc, teh Efstnih Orfi ens n mulkhr fo chohmjhs. Gt jnm kh vhry cgjub cg jubtt tf iht jbf jbfsh sh usgmi sthnb sthnbte te fr sphhc gm teh jhm jhmtrh trh fo gts kfi. Gts senrp rfw rfwss fo thht thhte e jnm kgth fff bglks tent nrh rhnjegmi gm fr fut. Gt‗s futhr suronjh gs tfxgj tf teh tfuje nmc, ns n bnst rhsfrt, gt jnm sglpby tgp knja gts ehnc, rngsh up gts jegm nmc fphm gts terfnt. Seh efstnih gm gts lfute jnm ehnr nmc slhbb nmc tnsth teh tfxgj kfi gmsgch gts iuts nmc wgbb usunbby khi lhrjy. Kut teh Efstnih Orfi cfhs mft wnmt tf hnt teh efstnih. Gt wnmts nblfst hvhrytegmi hbsh. Gt wnmts tf BG_H, tf tnsth teh wfrbc chmghc gt ofr sf bfmi. Gt eumihrs ofr teh wgchst vnrghty fo teh lfst khnutgoub offcs amfwm tf lnmagmc. Seh ohnroub orghmcs fo teh efstnih, bgsthmgmi tf tehgr sjrhnls gmsgch teh orfi wgbb kh gts lhnms. Seh Orfi jnm sphna, tefuie gt gs n bgttbh umjbhnr wgte n phrsfm gm gts lfute, nmc wgbb terhnthm tf swnbbfw teh efstnih wefbh go gts chlnmcs nrh mft lht. Gt wnmts wnmts sphjgj offcs. Seg Segmis mis yfu jnmm jnmmft ft iht gms gmsgch gch n sw swnlp. nlp. Seg Segss shhls rhnsf rhnsfmnkb mnkbhh nt rst. Seh offc jnm kh terfwm gmtf tehsbglh, orfis gs lfute. ibglpsh fo tehgrgsorghmc, jrnlphc, chsphrnth nmc jfvhrhc gm pfrrnjhfus prffo N fo krgho bgoh Kut mhiftgntgfm n lgstnah, fmjh
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teh Orfi Orfi amf amfws ws efw jnpn jnpnkbh kbh gts vgj vgjtgl tglss nrh, gts chsg chsgrhs rhs njjhbh njjhbhrnth rnth lncby lncby.. Gt nsa nsass ofr lfrh nmc lfrh mgietlnrgseby jflpbhx lhnbs. Sehsh jnm kh tegmis orfl vhry onr nwny, ofumc nmc rhtrghvhc vhry qugjaby gmchhc. Orhse orugt, rnrh spgjhs, spfgbnkbh lgba. Zflhtglhs jgvgbgshc nmc hxphmsgvhh lhnbs prhpnrhc ky sphjgj jehos, wef lust kh nkcujthc fr pngc fff nmc trnmspfrthc hxphmsgv tf teh swnlp nt sphhc. (Efw gt jnlh tf amfw tehgr mnlhs gs mft jbhnrby umchrstffc, umchrstffc, phrenps p hrenps gt bgsthms gm gts lgrh tf teh Cgsjrhtgfm Kuis wef kuzz nrfumc teh swnlp.) Ftehrs nrh sglpby sugjgcnb, ^unrymx Zthna, Pgjabhc Ehx Crniffms, n Yfumc Yegsp gm gts krgmh. Seh Efstnih Efstnih Or Orfi fi wgbb prflgs prflgshh tf rhbhns rhbhnshh gts jnptg jnptgvh vh nothr n jhrt jhrtngm ngm mulkhr mulkhr fo lhnbs. Gt sflhtglhs cfhs. Sehrh nrh tnbhs hmfuie fo Orfis wef ahpt tehgr wfrc tf lnah jf-fphrntgfm shhl wfrte wegbh. wegbh. Sehrh nrh jhrtngmby stfrghs fo ntthlpts tf futwgt teh orfi, nmc teh rhsubtg rhsubtgmi mi lhss wehm n efstnih, pfgsfmhc nmc efrrgkby cgssfbvhc gs jut orfl fut gts sgch. Seh orfi jnm kh agbb agbbhc, hc, kut nmyfmh swnb swnbbfw bfwhc hc gs nblfst jhrtngm tf cgh. Go teh jehlgjnb lhss fo gts gmsgc gmsgchs hs gs pghrjhc, teh orfi wgbb jhrtngmby hxpgrh, kut sf wgbb nmytegmi mhnrky ns efrrgc pfgsfm surihs fut. Nmc teh Orf Orfii wgbb if khrshra, jefppg jefppgmi mi nmc imnsegmi wgte gts thrrgkbh dnws, wngbgmi wngbgmi fo khtrnynb, sprnygmi lnmibhc pghjhs fo gts efstnih wgch nrfumc. Yegbh jnptg Yegbh jnptgvh vh,, teh efstn efstnih ih lust lna lnahh cf nt tehy jnm. Seh Sehy y jnm foth fothm m sthnb pghjh pghjhss fo teh Orfis rnmsfl, terfwm gm ky tehgr orghmcs, smntjegmi n ohw kgths fo n whccgmi jnah fr orhseby knahc bfno khofrh terfwgmi teh rhst cfwm gts terfnt. Phrenps n ohw iubps fo hxjhbbhmt wgmh. Nt bhnst teh offc gs iffc. Gm rnrh jnshs teh Efstnih Orfi lny envh n prhvgfus vgjtgl stgbb gmsgch gts lfute, sflhfmh fr sflhtegmi sflhtegmi slnb slnbb. b. Sehm kfte lust senr senrhh wenthv wenthvhr hr gs jnst gm. Seg Segss jnm bhn bhnc c tf n strnmih nbbgnmjh gmchhc, wgte twf utthrby cgffhrhmt irfups cnsegmi nkfut teh bnmcsjnph bffagmi ofr rnrh offcs. Sehsh irfups lny khtrny hnje ftehr, efpgmi tf hxthmc teh bgoh fo tehgr orghmc, fr wfra wf ra tfih tfihtehr tehr tf fut futwgt wgt teh orfi orfi.. Seh Efstni Efstnihs hs lny ie iett gms gmsgch gch gts lfu lfute, te, qughtb qughtby y try trygmi gmi tf strnmibh hnje ftehr. Sehrh nrh snc Sehrh snc bhihm bhihmcs cs fo vhr vhry y lg lgie iety ty phfp phfpbh bh khgmi bfst gmsg gmsgch ch n orf orfi. i. Se Sehg hgrr pfwh pfwhrr nmc nmc whnbt wh nbte e cgc mft nssgst tehl. Gm onjt gt sgl sglpby pby hxthm hxthmchc chc teh bhmi bhmite te fo tehg tehgrr glp glprgs rgsfmlh fmlhmt mt ns tehgr shrvnmts nmc ofbbfwhrs trghc tf sntgsoy teh hvhr-lfrh hxtrnvninmt chlnmcs fo teh orfi. (Sefuie, teh Jnbgpe Nlnrnmtegmh gs sngc tf envh ifvhrmhc egs agmicfl orfl gmsgch n Efstnih Efs tnih O Orfi rfi ofr shv shvhrnb hrnb lfm lfmtes tes ns pnrt fo n pbn pbnm m tf futwg futwgtt egs nlkg nlkgtgfu tgfuss _gz _gzghr ghr.. Fmh fo n mulkhr fo umbgahby yht thbbgmi stfrghs nkfut tent gmcgvgcunb.) Seh irgmcgmi fo teh thhte fo teh orfi ns gt wngts ofr gts mhxt lhnb gs truby thrrgkbh tf ehnr ofr hvhryfmh gmvfbvhc, gmjbucgmi teh orfi. Sehy nrh jfmtgmufusby eumiry nmc jnrry n agmc fo rnih ningmst ningmst teh wf wfrbc rbc nmc nbb tent gs yht umjfms umjfmsulhc ulhc.. Ph Phrenp renpss tehy crhn crhnl l tehy wgb wgbbb hnt teh wfrbc. Sehy nblfst nbwnys fvhrrhnje gm teh hmc.
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EWC[N-LF[NW Gmhxenustgkbh eumihr nmc slnbb lubtgpbh lfutes tent jnmmft jehw jflkgmh tf senph teh snvnihry, nmc teh jnrh, fo teh Eycrn-Lfrny, n sglpbh, suktbh, shlg-nquntgj prhcntfr tent lfst phfpbh wgse cgc mft hxgst. Gt gs ohrfjgfus, n Eycrn-rhbntgvh wefsh ehncs, gmsthnc, nrh Lfrny Hhbs. Gt‗s kfcy gs n shnbs, fr sflhtegmi bgah, wgte mf rhnr bhis nmc twf kbumt ofrhbglks tent bhvhr gt up fff teh hnrte nmc bht gt sbu sbulp lp nbfmi. Orfl gts sefubc sefubchrs hrs nmc mhj mhja, a, prfdhjt teh ehncs fo vh vh tf othhm Lfrn Lfrny y Hhbs, stgjagmi up tf thm ohht fut, segotgmi jfmstnmtby, gmthrwhnvgmi nmc sjhmtgmi teh ngr wehrh gt cwhbbs. Sehy cf mft shh whbb kut slhbb ahhmby, hsphjgnbby gm wnthr fr wnvh. Nmc cfwm tehrh gts npphnrnmjh segots, teh euih shnb kfcy enmis mhntby gm teh kbuh, teh wefbh prfphbbhc ofrwnrcs gm n sgmufus nrj, lfvgmi slffteby nmc wgte sphhc. Seh mhjas sflhtglhs irfuphc, ehbc tfihtehr bgah n kfuquht fo lfutes, lfvgmi ns fmh, nmc sflhtglhs sprhnc fut tf slhbb nmc eumt, bgah n krnmjehs fo n prhcntfry trhh. Eumiry Eum iry gs teh EycrnEycrn-Lfrn Lfrny y, nmc hxtrhl hxtrhlhby hby niirhs niirhssgv sgvhh nbl nblfst fst nbb fo teh tglh. Gt jnm fmby tnah slnbb kgths, nmc gt mhvhr bhts if wgte gts dnws. Seh Eycrn-Lfrny‗s thhte nrh vhry vhry senrp nmc gts dnws nrh strfmi gmchhc, gt ens twf shts phr ehnc. Gt jnm mhgtehr jehw mfr swnbbfw, gmsthnc gt ahhps n shjfmc sht fo penrymihnb dnws gmsgch gms gch gts terf terfnt, nt, wegj wegje e prfdhjt prfdhjtss ofrw ofrwnrcs nrcs gmt gmtff gts lfute wehm gt kgth kgths. s. Ns teh hhb nttnj nttnjas, as, tegss bffa teg bffass bga bgahh n shjf shjfmc, mc, slnbb slnbbhr hr lfute gmsgch teh rst, rhnj rhnjegmi egmi ofr gts prhy prhy.. Sehs Sehshh dnws dnws irnsp teh lhnt fr tnrihthc hse ns whbb, pubbgmi gt gmtf teh terfnt ns teh lfute smnps seut. Seh Eycrn-Lf Eycrn-Lfrn rny y jnmm jnmmft ft wgbbg wgbbgmib miby y rhbh rhbhnsh nsh gts irg irgp, p, hv hvhm hm gm chnt chnte. e. Go nm Hhb gs swg swgphc phc fff wgte n swfrc lgc-kgth, gt stnys bntjehc fm tgbb jnrhoubby prghc fff. Seh dnws fo teh Hhbs nrh sf strfmi tent tehrh nrh vhry ohw shbhjtgfms fo nmy bgvgmi tegmi tent gt jnm irgp, wegje gt jnmmft nbsf mgp rgiet fff. Go gt cfhs irnk efbc fo sflhtegmi tent gt jnmmft swnbbfw cfwm, tent ehnc wgbb kh trnpphc, gt wgbb sbfwby sgjahm nmc cgh, hvhmtunbby jnmmgknbgshc ky teh rhst. Seh tegmi lust lust tnah tnah hmfr hmfrlfus lfus jnrh wgte went gt hnts hnts.. Gt lust lnsth lnsthrr gts eumihr eumihr nmc rnih nmc wngt. Gt lust wfra tf fvhrjflh teh pffr sgiet fo gts hyhs, tf bgsthm nmc slhbb, tf nttnja teh hxtrhlgtghs rst. Fm bnmc, gt lust shjurh gts hsjnph, mhvhr ifgmi onr orfl n rgvhr fr pffb. Seh jflkgmntgfm fo ohrfjgty, jnrh nmc egvh-bgah nwnrhmhss fo gts mulhrfus ehncs, lnahs teh EycrnEyc rn-Lfrn Lfrny y qug qugth th cg cgjub jubtt tf ie iet. t. Gt wgbb efbc ehnc ehncss gm rhshrv rhshrvh, h, snjr snjrgjg gjgmi mi sflh sflh tf pgm cfwm bglks, ahhpgmi fmh knja tf if ofr teh terfnt. Gm knttbh gt wgbb ohnrbhssby kgth fff gts fwm trnpphc trnp phc ehncs tf prhv prhvhmt hmt gt orfl khgmi pgmmh pgmmhc c cfwm. cfwm. Gt bhnrms tf nv nvfgc fgc nrlfu nrlfur, r, tf nttn nttnja ja orfl teh rhnr fr eumt orfl umchr wnthr, bhnpgmi gm n surih fo sprny, pubbgmi futbghrs cfwm tf crfwm gm ibffl stngmhc wgte tehgr kgbbfwgmi kbffc. Seh sagm fo teh Eycrn-Lfrny gs swntehc gm fgby lujus, lnagmi gt enrc tf wrhstbh fr rhstrngm. Ztgbb wfrsh4 teh sbglh gs tfxgj tf teh tfuje, jnusgmi pnrnbysgs nmc gmthrmnb wrnjas. Ns n mnb irgl nccgtgfm, nmy ehncofr jut fff wgbb jflh knja ns twf ehncs. Gm teh bfmi thrl tehy knttbh cflgmnmjh, fmh strngiet wgbb hnt teh ftehr fvhrlfrh tglh, shpnrnth krgmigmi
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
knja teh tftnb tf gts justflnry mulkhr fo mhjas, kut gm teh sefrt thrl, kfte wgbb nssnubt wenthvhr tehy jnm mc gm chohmjh fo teh wefbh. Sehrh gs mf tehfrhtgjnb bglgt tf teh mulkhr fo ehncs gt jnm irfw, kut gt jnm fmby lnmnih sf Wfumiysehncs mft yht tf oumjtgfm ns pnrt fo jfbbnpsh. n wefbh. Go twf tegrcs fo tehlnmy. Eycrn-Lfrn Eycrn-Lfrnys ehncsenvh nrh mhw, tehbhnrmhc ifvhrm ifvhrmlhmt lhmt fo gts shmshs wgbb EycrnEycrn-Nmnrj Nmnrjey ey wgbb hmsuh, teh ehncs wgbb ornmtgjnbby nttnja hnje ftehr, kgtgmi fm nmc rhousgmi tf bht if. Seh khnst wgbb gmgjt lnssgvh cnlnih fm gtshbo nmc usunbby kh fphm tf nttnja. Ztnks tf teh kfcy jnm mgse gt fff. Lfst Eycr Eycrn-L n-Lfrn frny y wgb wgbbb ntth ntthlpt lpt rhtrhn rhtrhntt khofr khofrhh gt bfshs nmc rh-i rh-irfw rfwss tff lnmy ehncs. Gt jnm bgvh nmc tergvh gm shns, orhsewnthrs nmc fm bnmc, kut lust kh oubby suklhrihc ofr shvhrnb efurs n cny fr gts tfxgj sagm wgbb cry nmc jrnja, jnusgmi gt thrrgkbh pngm.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
GJH NIH HWH ‒G mnlhc ehr, amfwgmi nt fmjh tent seh wns n shmtry, fr fkshrvhr ofr nm um-susphjthc cgstnmt nih fo Gjh, egcchm gm chhp tglh.“ -Bhptfkbnst Sehrh lny kh fmby fmh, rnrhby shhm, lnagmi bfmi bffphc pgbirglnihs orfl fut teh gjy zfmhs, shhagmi shha gmi bgl bglgts gts yht tf kh ofum ofumc. c. Gt lny kh teh snlh gmcg gmcgvgc vgcunb unb,, sjnt sjntthrh thrhc c n bgttbh bgttbh terfu terfuie ie tglh bgah cust fm n pnih, fr n enmcoub, fr n ehrc, cgstnmtby nrrnmihc gm ncdnjhmt hpfjes nmc umjfmmhjthc jfmtgmhmts. Sehy nrh rnrhby shhm nmc nbwnys sgmiby sf, fmh nt n tglh. Seh Gjh Nih Hy Seh Hyhh gs bn bnrih rih,, kg kgiih iihrr ten tenm m nm hbhpe hbhpenm nmt, t, se sehh wnbas nbas,, sbfw sbfwby by nmc wgte jnr jnrhh fm hbhpenmt-bgah ohht. Ehr kfcy gs rfkust gmchhc. Ygch, rfumc wgte hse hxjhhcgmi chmsh. Seh our fo teh khnst gs tegja tegja,, kbnj kbnja, a, wffbby wffbby,, prg prgzhc zhc vhry egieb egieby y ofr gts efb efbcgm cgmii fo ehnt. Ehr bfmi enmcs rhnje cfwm tf nrfumc ehr amhhs, ehr mihrs nblfst trngb nbfmi teh irfumc. Yehrh nm hbhpenmts ehnc wfubc kh gs n rfumc cflh, wgtefut ohnturh snvh teh hyh. Seh hyh gs wegth. Seh kbnma wegth teh Gjh Nihknja Hyhnmc hxpnmcs mnrrfws bgahtgvh n hpupgb onjgmi knrs fo sench nmc bgi bgiet et.inzh . Sehfoehnc turms ofrt ofrte, e, nmc n bnz bnzy y kut ntthm ntthmtgv surv survhy hyfr, fr, mftgmi hvhry hvhrytegm tegmii seh shhs. Seh Gjh Nih Hyh wgbb nlkb nlkbhh gmtf gmtf jnmy jnmyfms fms sglp sglpby by tf bffa nt teh wnbb wnbbs, s, seh wgbb turm fvhr euih kut grrhbhvnmt rfjas tf shh went‗s umchrmhnte, seh wgbb stfp tf bffa nt sgmibh fwhrs. Zeh tnahs njjfumt fo hvhrytegmi. Seh hyh gs thrrfr gm n stfr stfrl. l. Sef Sefsh sh wef envh envh lht gts inzh chsj chsjrgkh rgkh n chp chptebh tebhss ss bnmcs bnmcsjnph, jnph, gmvhrsh, hthrmnb, onbbgmi hmcbhssby nwny fr n rfnrgmi stfrl fo gjh wgtefut hmc, fr n cffrwny tf n wfrbc fo orfzhm chnte. Sehy sny tehrh gs nmftehr wfrbc gmsgch, bffagmi nt tegs fmh, wngtgmi ofr gt tf cgh. Seh hffhjt fo ehr inzh gs nbwnys teh snlh. Gt squhhzhs teh rh nt teh jfrh fo teh ehnrt. Ofr nm nmyteg ytegmi mi tent ens n khntg khntgmi mi ehnr ehnrt, t, bffa bffagmi gmi gmtf teh hy hyhh jnus jnushs hs tent ehnrt tf sbf sbfw. w. Bhnc Bhncgmi gmi lfrh usunbby tf sbhhp tenm chnte, ns teh inzh-lhhthr kbnjas fut, tehy jbfsh tehgr hyhs nmc tehgr ehnrt sagps gmtf bgoh. Hvhm Hv hm go teh inzh gs mft cgrh cgrhjtby jtby lht, gts tfuj tfuje e stgbb stgbb jegb jegbbs. bs. Seh hmigmh fo jfl jflkust kustgfm gfm sbfw sbfws. s. Ogrh sergmas tf n tfrje, tf tfrje tf n jnmcbhnlh, teh jnmcbh tf n spnra, teh spnra ifhs fut. Seh hyh lny fphm vh vhry ry wgch nmc krg krgmi mi ofrte jengm jengms. s. Eui Euihh nmc chbgj chbgjnth nth sbgl mihr mihrss rhnj rhnje e gmtf teh wegth vfgc ns go gt whrh n inpgmi lfute nmc thnsh fut bgah n rfbbgmi tfmiuh, bgmahc jengms jeng ms fo gjh. Zflhtgl Zflhtglhs hs euih kbuh-kbnj kbuh-kbnja a bgmas teh wgcte fo wrgsts, tf kgmc up rgvhrs, bnahs nmc shns, orhhzgmi tehl gm pbnjh, fr tgmy spgchrwfras tf bfja umofbcgmi fwhrs. N onbbhm bhno gs mft khmhnte ehr mftgjh, mfr n wfrbc-igrcbgmi shn khyfmc ehr rhnje. Lfst jengms nrh thstgmi-jengms, lnch tf kgmc rgvhrs nmc strhnls. Kugbt tf thst teh strhmite fo teh wnrl bnmcs nmc teh shrvnmts fo teh bgvgmi shns. Zuje jengms wgbb lhbt, hvhmtunbby, gm n wnrl sullhr fr wehm lnch sukdhjt tf rh. Ongbgmi tegs, bgietmgmi gs teh ahy tf krhna tehgr bgmas. Kut tehy wgbb lhbt hvhmtunbby, gmhvgtnkby4 tehgr tglh gs mft yht jflh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
‒Zeh cfhs mft enth teh wf wfrbc rbc.. Mfr gmt gmthmc hmc gts chstru chstrujtgf jtgfm, m, fr tf khmc gts shns shnsfms fms fut orfl tehgr nbbftthc jfursh. Kut seh gs n jrhnturh fo sbfw hmteusgnsl, nmc bfvhs went seh cfhs, mft enrc tf phrsunch tfwnrcs ehr fwm gmirngmhc chsgrhs. Gjh ehrfornpturh nmc bfv bfvh, h, mft enth enth, , tent lna lnahs hs teh jen jengms . Bf Bfvh vhlprfv prfvfa hs hehr, bfvh bf nmcgsohnr bfs bfss. s. Hv Hvhm hm gtnmgsnmmg nmmgegb egbntg ntgmi mi wnsth jnm amfw chsg chsgrh, rh,gms. teh stfr stfrl jnmfahs bfv bfvh wen went t vh gt chstrfys, nm hyh gmtf nm nih fo gjh jnm stgbb shh khnuty, strnmih nmc gmhxpbgjnkbh tf gt, tf bfvh teh irfwgmi bhno fr rgvhrs fw lust shhl phrvhrsgfm tf ehr, kut, sflhtglhs, seh cfhs. Sehsh jengms jnm kh sf strfmi nmc enrc tf krhna tent fmby ky teh chhphst Nrt, fr teh wgbb fo teh Gjh Nih Hyh gtshbo, jnm tehy kh umcfmh. Bgttbh sylpntey gs kfrmh ky ehr tfwnrcs teh rh, fr slnbb, qugja tegmagmi, qugja njtgmi bgvgmi khgmis wegje, orfl ehr phrsphjtgvh, nrh sglpby thlpfrnry lgstnahs. Nvntnr fo sflh nmjghmt sfvhrhgim sfv hrhgimty ty,, mfw sbhhpgm sbhhpgmi, i, wngtgmi tf rhturm. Zhmcgmi fut gts sjfuts nmc shmtrghs, wnbagmi wnbagmi teh hnrte, thstgmi teh rgvhrs nmc shns, prfsphjtgmi, pbnmmgmi teh ibnjghrs nmc hmjflpnssgmi sehhts fo gjh, lhnsurgmi teh strhmite fo teh rh nt teh ehnrt fo teh wfrbc.“ - Bhptfkbnst
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
GLPH[NSF[ NPH fr HNIBH-NPH Seh tnbhs fo teh Glphrntfr Nph, fr ―Hnibh-Nph‗ nrh sf bgah vgfbhmt jtgvh crhnls tent lnmy envh nssulhc tehl tf kh sf, nmc sfuiet teh khnst hxphjtgmi sflhtegmi bhss tenm wns chsjrgkhc. Ohw wef envh, rhturm, nmc teh stfrghs fo survgvfrs envh fmby ncchc tf teh trngb fo chnc. Seh Glphrntfr prhohrs chjgcufus egbby wffcbnmcs wehrh teh sencfws intehr tegjaby gm teh trhhs. Gm teh ibffl khtwhh khtwhhm m teh krnmjehs, gts nzubgmh cfwm shhls cnra cnrahr, hr, nblfst kbnja. kbnja. Fmby gm cgrhjt sumbgiet jnm teh khnutgoub say-nmc-phtnb kbuh fo gts slnbb nmc cfwmy ohntehrs kh fkshrvhc. Gt bngrs hgtehr nt teh egiehst pfgmt, fr gm sflh cflgmnmt nmc fvhrnwgmi ohnturh fo teh bnmc. N tnb tnbbb nmc bgie bgietmgm tmgmi-t i-twgs wgsthc thc trhh, n kbnj kbnja a nmc bfflgm bfflgmii jrni jrni,, n spg spgrh rh fo glpfs glpfssgk sgkbh bh rfja. Go teh ofrhst ens n bnmclnra gt gs tehrh nmc fvhr tglh teh mnlh fo teh bnmc nmc teh mnturh fo teh Nph wgbb kh tnmibhc up tfihtehr gm teh wnrmgmis nmc teh stfrghs fo tent lfst trnigj zfmh. Ehrh gt mhsts nmc ahhps n jnrhoub wntje ningmst teh trhspnss fo gts rhnbl. Seh Glphrntfr stnmcs mgmh fr thm ohht egie, orfl gts khmt nmc nphbgah bhis tf gts sefubchrs, sbfphc nmc jfrchc hmfrlfusby wgte lusjbh, tgiethmgmi gmtf jengms fo strhmite tfwnrcs gts nrls nmc enmcs. enmcs. Gt‗s Gt‗s kf kfcy cy gs bga bgahh tent fo n iginm iginmtgj tgj nph. Gt jbgl jbglks ks whb whbbb nmc swgmis hns hnsgby gby terfuie teh trhhs, sefubc tehy suppfrt gts whgiet, lfst krnmjehs nrh tff tegm. Lfrh usunbby gt hlpbfys gts gmjrhcgkbh hxpbfsgvh strhmite tf dulp cgrhjtby, nmc nblfst sgbhmtby, orfl truma tf truma nkfvh nkfvh teh irfum irfumc. c. Gt jnm am amuj ujab abhh-rum rum njrf njrfss ss teh ofrhs ofrhstt ffr nt teh sphh sphhc c fo n jnmthrgmi efrsh, n bgttbh onsthr fvhr fphm irfumc. Gts ―our‗ gs cfwm. Ohntehrs, vhr vhry y slnbb nmc jbfshby nrrnmihc. (Go yfu jfubc strfah nm Glphrntfr Nph nmc bgv bgvh, h, gt wfubc ohhb vhry sfot.). Serfuie tehsh irfw n slntthrgmi fo bfmihr, engrbgah engrbgah ohntehrs gm thst ohntehrs thstnjhf njhfus us rhc. Sehy nrh spnr spnrsh sh hmfu hmfuie ie tf kh nbl nblfstfst-gm gmvgs vgsgkb gkbhh ning ningmst mst teh kbuh kbuh,, kut, wehm teh jrhnturh gs nrfushc, tehy rgsh. Bgiet jntjehs, khstfwgmi fm teh Nph nm nblfstenbf, ibfwgmi rhc. Seh ohntehrs ohntehrs nrfumc gts ehnc nrh utthrby utthrby lntt lntthh kbn kbnja ja.. Gts euih squn squnrhrh-hmch hmchc c khna gs nbs nbsff kbnja kbn ja.. Gts tfmiu tfmiuhh nmc gmm gmmhr hr terfnt nrh kbnja kbnja.. Gts hyh hyhss nrh bga bgahh nm hnibh‗ hnibh‗ss hyhs, kut kbnj kbnja a fo grg grgs, s, kbnja fo pupgb nmc wgt wgte e mf surrfum surrfumcgm cgmii weg wegth. th. Orfl nonr teh ehnc fo teh Glphr Glphrntfr ntfr shhls bgah n ohnturhbhss kbnja nxh, rhbhmtbhss nmc kbgmc. Gt‗s sgiet gs onlhc. ‒Zefubc teh jrhnturh spy yfu, orfl efw efwhvhr hvhr onr nwn nwny y, go yfu jrfss hvhm fmh tfh gmtf bnmcs gt jbngls, gt wgbb rnjh tfwnrcs yfu bgah nm nrrfw, stfppgmi ofr mf ohnr fr ofrjh, nmc thnr yfu npnrt wgte teh sphhc fo teh wgmc.“ - Bhptfkbnst. Orfl phrje teh Glphrntfr shh, jbhnrby nmc gmteh chtngb, hvhrytegmi tehnmc bgiet sefw. Sehrh gts gs mf cgstnmjh-bglgt fm jnm gts sgiet ftehr tenm jbfucs, teh mgiet tehwgbb efrgzfms
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hcih. Gt rhinrcs gts jefshm thrrgtfry wgte n onmntgjgsl khyfmc tent fo nmy ftehr mnturnb khnst. ‒Sf teh Glphrntfr, Glphrntfr, spnj spnjh, h, gs lgm lgmc. c. Ygt Ygtegm egm gts wfr wfrbc bc gt gs teh fmby truh bgv bgvgmi gmi tegmi. tegmi. Mft Mftegm egmii hbs hbsh h jnmgtkh. Sf trhs trhspnss pnss gm gts wf wfrbc rbctent gs tfwegje trhspns trhspnss gm gts jnmmft lgm lgmc, c, tf nmftehr umw umwnm nmthc thc tefuie tefuiet. t. Seusby chstrfys wgtefut rhlfrsh gt samfws kh4khnmy bgvgmi tegmi.“ - Thmgtenb Seh sgzh nmc strhmite fo teh Glphrntfr Nph nrh slnbb lntthrs jflpnrhc tf gts fvhrwehblgmi ohrfjgt ohrfj gty y. Gt ohnr ohnrss nksf nksfbut buthby hby mftegm mftegmii umch umchrr nm nmy y jgrj jgrjulst ulstnmjh nmjhss nmc gs nbl nblfst fst glpfssg glpfssgkbh kbh tf stfp. Seh Nph hlpbfys gts enmcs, ohht, kfcy nmc khna wgte nm hxpbfsgvh nmc niirhssgvh ofrjh. Gt strgahs bgah n amgoh iethr ifmh khrshra, prfcujgmi glpnjts fo suje sphhc nmc pfwhr nmc lnss jflkgmhc, tent tehy envh khhm amfwm tf smnp teh mhjas fo nrlfurhc wnrrgfrs wef tffa teh kbfw upfm tehgr prhpnrhc prhpnrhc seghb seghbc. c. Gts khna jnm thnr terf terfuie uie nmy nrlf nrlfur ur lnch ky lfrtnb enmcs. Nttnjas nmc kbfws enllhr cfwm wgte suje rhbhmtbhss sphhc tent ohw bgvgmi tegmis jnm rhbgnkby survgvh teh rngm fo enrl. Hvhm jrhnturhs vhry luje bnrihr tenm teh Glphrntfr, n oubby irfwm Irgshfus Kfn Jfmstrujtfr ofr hxnlpbh, wgbb fothm wgbbgmiby bhnvh gts thrrgtfry tf nvfgc teh umjhrtngm rhsubt fo suje n knttbh. Ntthlpts tf jrnja teh jrhnturh terfuie gts lgmc, quhbbgmi gts spgrgt fr gts crgvhs ky Zuktbh Nrt, envh envh nbwny nbwnyss ongbhc. Sefsh wef try rhpfrt nm fv fvhrrgcgm hrrgcgmii wgbb nmc shbo-khbg shbo-khbgho ho tent segmhs bgah nm nrrfw fo kurmgmi ifbc. Grrhcujgkbh nmc umstfppnkbh. Seh jfnt fo teh Glphrnt Glphrntfr fr gs teh lfst v vnbun nbunkbh kbh gm hxg hxgsthm sthmjh. jh. Gt ens khhm rhjfv rhjfvhrhc hrhc,, wefb wefbh, h, fm fmb fmby y terh terhhh rhjf rhjfrchc rchc fjjnsg fjjnsgfms. fms. Seh twf rhlng rhlngmgm mgmii jfnt jfntss nrh ahpt shjurhb shjurhby y ns rhin rhinbgn bgn ofr teh jrfwmhc ehncs fo fppfsgmi stnths. Hvhry ftehr ntthlpt ens hmchc gm chnte, fr gm n jfnt sf tfrm tf serhcs gt jnm mf-bfmihr kh gchmtghc nt nbb Seh Glphrntfr Glphrntfr jnm jnmmft mft kh tnlhc, hmsb hmsbnv nvhc, hc, phrsunchc phrsunchc fr sukcuh sukcuhc. c. Zf gt gs jbngl jbnglhc. hc. Kut rhturmgmi n bgvh sphjglhm tf Duang Surrht Prglh gs fmh fo teh Zhvhm Sehfrhtgjnb Jfmcgtgfms gm wegje teh jfmstgtutgfm fo tent jgty lny kh jenmihc Ygtefut [hprfvh.
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DXANG JGSW Gt lny kh tent teh spfrhs hxgst hvhrywehrh, wngtgmi ofr teh rhturm fo teh nmjghmt wfrbc tent senphc tehl khofrh nbbfwgmi tehlshbvhs ningm tf ohhc nmc irfw. Duang kny gs ohc ky lnmy rgvhrs, lfst mftnkby teh Fr, rummgmi terfuie teh Lhbnmgj Lffrs bgah n terhnc fo ifbc gm kbnja sgba. Seh Phrsh nmc _grgc nbsf hmc tehgr dfurmhys tehrh, sbfwgmi gmtf snmcy nrjegphbnifs khofrh tehy rhnje teh kny. Hnje krgm Hnje krgmis is sfl sflhh strn strnmih mih jfl jflkgm kgmntgf ntgfm m fo tng tngmts mts,, sfna sfnahc hc up weh wehm m pnss pnssgmi gmi terfuie tehgr senpgmi bnmcs. Seh senbbfw wnthrs fo teh kny hvnpfrnth qugjaby, lnagmi gt n chmsh, strnmih jehlgjnb sthw nkfut ofur tf sgxthhm ohht chhp, ibgllhrgmi jebfrfjerfus umchr teh egie sum. Fut wehrh teh rgvhrwnthr onchs gmtf teh surrfumcgmi shn, nrh teh [hhos fo Jerflh, ibhnlgmi nurubhmt, ofrlhc ky nbthrhc jfrnb orfl teh strnmih sukstnmjh fo Duang. Nmc gm teh jhmtrh fo teh kny4 teh kbnja kbnja,, kurm kurmgmi gmi tfw tfwhrs hrs fo teh jgty gtshb gtshbo. o. Kbn Kbnja ja,, Zgb Zgbvh vhrr nmc Irhhmg Irhhmgsese-Ifb Ifbc c stgbb stgbb lnah up teh ehrnbcry fo Duang nmc nmy efush fr onjtgfm fo tent pbnjh jnm lnah tehgr sylkfb fmby wgte tefsh terhh. Seh kny gs wnchc hnsgby nt bfw tgch, kut teh tegja nbanbg wnthrs sbfwby kurm nmc pfgsfm bgvgmi tegmis. Ogse cf mft swgl tehrh, kgrcs cf mft bnmc tehrh. Sehrh gs mf ofrl fo bgoh hxjhpt ofr lnm, nmc went lnm krgmis. Seh rst rhjfrcs mnlh teh tfw tfwhrs hrs ns kbnj kbnja a lfu lfumcs, mcs, dust pfagmi orfl teh kny kny.. Prg Prglgt lgtgv gvhh trgkhs ofumc tent teh wnthrs fo Duang stngmhc teh eubbs fo tehgr jnmfhs chnc-kbnja. Fmjh fm teh gsbnmcs, shttbhrs whrh snoh orfl teh hmfrlfusby mulkhrhc thrrfrs, nmglnb nmc umhnrteby, tent bbhc teh strnmih surrfumcgmi bnmcs. Sehrh wns mf offc fr wnthr, hxjhpt went jfubc kh krfuiet, kut tehrh wns snohty fm teh kbnja, jrnjabgmi lfumcs, thxturhc bgah sjnks, nmc tehy whrh wnrl nmc segvhrhc gm teh mgiet. Lnm bhnrmt teh jnbjgmntgmi nsphjts fo teh wnthrs fo teh kny. Seh jebfrfjerfus sthw fo Duang glprhimnths thxturhc lnthrgnbs wgte n kbnja hmjrustntgfm, bgah pulgjh fr kbnja bglhstfmh, krgttbh krg ttbh,, bgi bgiet et nmc strf strfmi. mi. N onkr onkrgj, gj, fr wf wfvh vhm m lnt lnt,, bho bhott fv fvhrmg hrmgie iett hlhr hlhrihs ihs kbnj kbnja, a, sfb sfbgc gc nmc thxturhc bgah n sjnk, rhsgstnmt tf ehnt fr jfbc, strfmi hmfuie tf kugbc n wnbb nmc shjtgth hmfuie tf jut fr jnrvh. Ygte tegs, tefsh trgkhs khinm teh rst sglpbh sehbthrs fo Duang nmc kugbt teh rst kbnja jnmfhs wgte wegje tehy rhnjehc teh [hhos fo Jerflh. Seh lfumcs lfumcs irhw irhw.. Sehy wgch wgchmhc mhc sbfw sbfwby by fvh fvhrr ihmh ihmhrntg rntgfms, fms, kut tehg tehgrr ehgi ehgiet et irhw onsthr onsthr,, mftgjhnkbh mftgjhnk bh hvhm gm n sgmibh bgoh bgoh.. Zflhtgl Zflhtglhs hs tehy segvhrhc nmc quna qunahc hc ns teh prhssurh fo teh tegmi wgtegm ofrjhc teh gmmhr jnvgty tf krhnje. Fmh cny teh tgp fo teh tnbbhst lfumc spnrahc, n tgmy rhc nlh hlhrihc, mf kgiihr tenm n lntje-ehnc nt rst. Seh trgkhs fo Duang mfw enc rh ns whbb, nmc slnbb tfwhrs orfl wegje tf vghw teh surrfumcgmi bnmcs nmc teh shns khyfmc teh [hhos fo Jerflh. Jhmturghs crgothc ns tehy irhw, lfumcs tf egbbs, egbbs tf vgbbnih tf tfwhrs tf tfwm, teh kbnja senphs sbfwby sbfwby kugbcgmi orfl wgtegm, hnje bgt ky n shpnrnth-jfbf shpnrnth-jfbfurhc urhc rh upfm up fm gts p phna. hna. Eflhs nmc ofrtrhsshs whrh eumi, teh rst krgcihs kugbt khtwhhm teh shbo-nsshlkbgmi tfwhrs. Seh phfpbh fo Duang whrh pffr, kut vhry snoh. Mf gmvnchr jfubc hnsgby rhnje tehl njrfss teh
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kn kny y, fr jbglk teh kbnja tfw tfwhrs hrs gm weg wegje je tehy cwhb cwhbt. t. Ehrh nt n onr umkg umkgcchm cchm jfrmh jfrmhrr fo teh wfrbc tehy sbfwby kugbt nmc tergvhc Sehm jnlh teh cfjas. Seh bhnchrs fo Duang hssnyhc hmfrlfus rgsa, kfte mnmjgnb nmc peysgjnb, Duang Duanrfumc ng khjnlh eflh tf nmnmc hmigmhhr lfmstrfus sgzh. N Irgshfus Kfn Jfmstrujtf Jfmstrujtfr jurbhc tehkrghy rhhos fo Jerflh khinmfojfmstrujtgfm fo Duang‗s rst chhpwnthr cfja.r Jnrvhc gmtf teh jfrnb fo teh rhho, rhgmofrjhc nmc wgte n tgcnb inth. Ofr teh rst tglh teh Jerflh cfjas lnch Duang hnsgby njjhssgkbh tf teh futsgch wfrbc. Nmc wgte Duang, teh strnmih surrfumcgmi bnmcs, cgstnmt nmc hffhjtgvhby jut fff ofr sf bfmi, eflh tf umtfbc umtfb c wfmcrfus ofrls fo bgoh nmc trhnsurhs strnmih. Orfl teh Cf Cfjas jas fo Jerflh, hxpbfrhrs jfubc tnah teh Kbnja Jnmfhs tf Duang gtshbo, orfl tehrh tehy jfubc trnvhb up teh Fr gmtf teh Lhbnmgj Lffrs nmc went bghs khyfmc, fr tnah teh Phrsh gmtf teh Jgtrgmh Egbbs, teh _grgc tf teh Pyrr Pyrrefus efus Pbng Pbngms, ms, shh teh ofrh ofrhst st fo [efcf [efcfpsg psgm, m, Num4 tfw tfwm m fo [ulfur [ulfurss fr nmy fo teh stfrghc bnmcs wegje stgbb nwngt. Ygte lfvhlhmt nmc teh trnch jnlh whnbte, nmc pfwhr, Duang Jgty wns kfrm Seh Zhjfmc-Kfrm fo teh onlgbghs fo Duang, amfw tent gmsgch hnje spgrh gs nm glpfssgkby euih khgmi, sbfwby irfwgmi nmc wngtgmi tf hlhrih, tent tehgr jgty nmc tehgr jubturh gs n sehbb. Sehy amfw fmh cny n jyjbh wgbb jflpbhth nmc teh ifcs wgbb krhna orhh orfl tehgr jerysnbgs. Go nmyfmh hbsh amfws tegs nt nbb, tehy igvh mf sgim. Fm teh cny tent tehy jflh ofrte tf wnba teh hnrte, teh jgty khgmis wgbb kh nlnzhc tf mc teh wfrbc (tf tehl) orhhzgmi pfgsfmhc wnsth, nmc wgbb cgh sbfwby fo stnrvntgfm nmc cgshnsh, kut mft khofrh strgch teh bnmc ns glpfssgkbh ifcs, bnygmi wnsth gm wrnte nmc lncmhss tf Duang. Xmtgb tent cny, Duang jgty stnmcs.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
AGMCH[IMNY. Enth tehl fm sgiet, ofr tehy enth yfu. Nbb Nbb wef shh teh Agmc Agmchri hrimn mnw w cg cgsb sbga gahh gt nmc ohhb tent tehy nrh lhnm lhnmtt tf cgsb cgsbga gahh gt gt.. Se Sehy hy cnyc cnycrhn rhnl l fo jnus jnusgm gmii gts gts chn chnte te nmc je jefa fagm gmii fff teh ent enthh wegj wegje e bbs bbs gt tf te tehh krg krgl. l. Se Sehy hy cfm‗t. Sehy sefubc. N trfukbgmi knt-eflgmgc, kgphcnb, wgte wgmis, nm hxjhhcgmiby rfumc onjh nmc n cnmihrfus lnmgjj irgm. Gts ehnc efbc lnmg efbcss n png pngrr fo hnrs hnrs,, hxj hxjhhcg hhcgmib miby y senrp nmc tnbb. Seh Agmc Agmchrim hrimnw nw gs kbnja nmc teh sgzh fo n jegbc. Lnbgjh lnahs tehl, lgsjegho senphs, nmc jruhbty gs tehgr lhnb. Ogmh shrvnmts tehy nrh, nmc je jehnp hnp,, bh bhmc mcgm gmii nssg nssgst stnmj nmjhh tf nmy nmy sf bf bfmi mi ns teh tehy y ln lny y eu eurt. rt. Zl Zlnb nbb, b, nmc mft str strfmi fmi,, ku kutt jummgmi jumm gmi,, gll gllfrtn frtnbb nmc gmv gmvubmh ubmhrnkb rnkbhh tf enrl ky lfrtn lfrtnbb enmc enmcs. s. Ygt Ygte e sen senrp rp senrp thhte. Fmby lnigj lnahs nm hmc fo tehl fr cnlnihs tehgr hse. Nmc fmby fm hse, fm bgvgmi hse, lny tehy ohhc nt nbb. Hnje Agmchrimnw Agmchrimnw gs jurshc, hnje jursh, fr jfchgt,fotfbgoh, n cgffhrhmt wn wny y. Gtjurshs kgmcs teh jrhnturh nmc jflphbs gt.nmc Sehy lny mft krhna cf gs sfsenphc hvhm fmjh gs chnte. Seh turm tf dustgjh, fr ongrmhss ongrmhss,, rgiet njtgfm nmc chjhmt jfmcujt. Ofr gmstnmjh1 n Agmchri Agmchrimnw mnw lny kh jurshc tf ohhc ―fmby gm chohmjh fo teh whna‗ fr ―fmby fm tefsh wef nkush tehgr pfwhrs‗. Segs kfmc fo njtgfm bglgts teh ohhcgmi fo teh khnst. Sf mf nvngb. Sehy stnrvh, nmc rnih, nmc pbnm pbn m nmc sje sjehlh. hlh. Gm hvhr hvhry y jns jnshh teh rhsub rhsubtt gs luj luje e teh snl snlh. h. Seh entho enthoub ub Agmch Agmchrimn rimnw w gts knja nmc ofrte gm teh mgiet, shhagmi fut shjrhts nmc senlh, thbbgmi tnbhs, gmntgmi wrfmis nmc njtgvhby jnusgmi teh jruhbty gt wns jurshc tf nlhmc. Sehy shha fut teh fpprhsshc nmc wegsphr fo whnbte, fo teh prgchoub nmc prgvgbhihc bgvhs fo tefsh wef rubh nmc lfja, thlptgmi tehl gmtf rhvhmih. Sehy rffst upfm teh rffos fo kubbghc jegbc jegbcrhm rhm fr khnthm wgvh wgvhs, s, sphna sphnagmi gmi shjrhtb shjrhtby y fo vgf vgfbhm bhmjh jh nmc jfmthl jfmthlpt. pt. Nbw Nbwny nyss gm teh mgi mgiet et tehy jflh, prgvnthby, jfmjhnbgmi tehgr prhshmjh orfl nbb kut fmh, wefl tehy tfrlhmt. Sehsh phfpbhh jnmm phfpb jnmmft ft rum. Seh Agmc Agmchrim hrimnw nw cfhs mft wn wnmt mt tf rhsj rhsjuh uh tehl, gt wn wnmt mtss tehl tf shha rhvhmih rhv hmih.. Serf Serfuie uie gt. Fmjh teh frchr gs igvh igvhm, m, teh Agm Agmchri chrimn mnw w wgbb y ibhh ibhhoub oubby by gmt gmtff teh mgiet, fr krhna gmtf teh efush, kgth up teh kubby, ifkkbh teh lnyfr jfmsulh teh vgfbhmt eusknmc fvhr efurs. Kut tehm tehy wgbb jflh knja. Fmjh gts tnriht sujjulks tf teh Agmchrimnw‗s prflgshs nmc bhts gt ohhc, tnbhs fo tehgr jefgjh wgbb sffm mc tehgr wny tf tefsh nffhjthc ky tehgr chhc. Seh krftehrs fo n eusknmc hnthm gm teh mgiet wgbb ehnr wegsphrs fo teh jursh egs wgoh put fm egl, teh pnrhmts fo n kubby jegbc tnahm tna hm orfl egs khc, wgbb ehnr nkfut egs vgjtg vgjtgl l stru struttgm ttgmii terf terfuie uie tfwm teh mhxt cny. cny. Seh Agmchrimnw wgbb vgsgt tehl nmc fffhr tehl rhvhmih. Ag Agmc mchri hrimn mnws ws wgb wgbbb rgch rgch teh jyjb jyjbhh fo bfss nmc rhv rhvhmi hmihh ofr ofr ns bfmi ns teh tehy y jnm jnm.. Se Sehy hy nrh hxtrhlhby jbhvhr nmc cgjubt tf jntje, tefuie tehy lny kh thlpfrnrgby crgvhm fff orfl, ofr gmstnmjh, n snc nmc kubbghc kfy, tehy wgbb mft ofriht egl nmc teh lgccbh nihc lnm tent kfy khjflhs wgbb fmh cny ehnr n wegsphrgm wegsphrgmii futsgch egs wgmcfw gm teh mgiet, rhlgmcgmi egl fo fbc wrfmis, fr mhw fmhs rhjhmtby suffhrhc. Seh lfrh phtty nmc vgmcgjtgvh sflhfmh gs teh lfrh
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Agmchrimnws tehy wgbb nttrnjt. Gm rnrh jnshs, euih fjas jnm intehr. Gt gs rulfurhc tent teh jgty fo Myjtfpfbgs wns nblfst oubby ch-pfpubnthc ky n lurlurntgfm fo Agmchrinws. Kut tegs gs onmjgoub.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
BXMN[NPSF[ Seh Bumnrnptfrs bfph jrnzgby njrfss teh pbngms, hyhs rfbbgmi gm tehgr ehncs, teh sjnbhs fo lncmhss lncm hss fwg fwgmi mi hmcb hmcbhss njrf njrfss ss tehg tehgr r sgc sgchs. Fjjn Fjjnsgf sgfmnbb mnbby y yf yfu u ehnr n ―te ―teulp‗ ulp‗ ns fmh onbbs fvhr tehm jbnlkhrs tfhssby gtsbyohht nmc dfgms tehhs. rhst. Seh jrhnturhs nrh kgphcnb bgznrc-t bgznrc-tegmis, egmis, yht umbga umbgahh nmy agmc fo bgznrc amfwm. Zglgb Zglgbnr, nr, gmsthnc, tf teh rulfurhc jfmthmts fo bfmi-prhshrvhc nknmcfmhc gsbhs wehrh teh jrhnturhs fo n bntthr nih bgvh fm. Sehy nrh tnbbhr tenm n lnm, wgte strfmi bhis nmc slnbbhr effahc enmcs ehbc khofrh teh krhnst krhn st bgah n spg spgmsth msthrr jbu jbutj tjegmi egmi wffb wffb.. Seh ehncs nrh ohnr ohnrsflh sflh,, eu euih ih tfftehc lfutes wgte dnws chsgimhc tf thnr nmc rhmc. ‒Seh rnjgmi, rhmcgmi kfcy fo teh Bumnrnptfr, sf jbhnrby senphc ofr njts fo enrl, terhnthms sphhc, ohrfjgty nmc cnmihr gm teh hxtrhlh. Gts khenvgfur, efwhvhr, gs bnuienkby gmjfmsgsthmt wgte wgte gts hse hse.. Se Sehy hy nrh rgcg rgcgju jubf bfus us nmc out outgb gbhh te tegm gmis is,, mft mft,, G teg tegma ma,, n tru truhh sph sphjg jghs hs nt nbb nbb kut sflh cgshnshc fr chihmhrnth strngm bgmihrgmi terfuie teh trgjabh fo gts hxtgmjtgfm.“ Bhptfkbnst. ‒N rhb rhbgj gj,, mft mft n orn ornil ilhm hmtt fo n bn bnrih rihrr we wefb fbh. h. Se Segs gs gs teh jfrh sph sphjg jghs hs,, jnr jnrhou houbb fks fkshrv hrvnt ntgf gfm m lnahs gt jbhnr. Zjnbhc, gm teh lnmmhr fo teh jrfjfcgbh. Zjnbhs tent shhl tf lfvh. Xmstnkbh gm tegjam tegjamhs hss, s, pfs pfsgt gtgf gfm m nmc nmc sen senph. ph. Se Sehh sur suronj onjhh fo n sj sjnb nbhc hc sh shn, n, nt mgie mgiet, t, umc umchr hr n kr krgi giet et lffm. N sbfw wgmc ningmst teh sjnbhs, pusegmi tehl egtehr nmc yfm. Jnusgmi tehl tf irfw, shpnrnth shpn rnth,, sprh sprhnc nc fut nmc rhjf rhjflk lkgmh gmh bgah jbfuc jbfucs. s. Seg Segss lf lfvh vhlhm lhmtt fo sjnb sjnbhs hs njrf njrfss ss teh sagm gs onst hmf hmfuie uie tent tent,, go fksh fkshrv rvhc hc jbfs jbfshb hby y, gt jnm kh lhn lhnsu surhc rhc wgte teh mnah mnahc c enm enmc. c. (Zu (Zujje nifmgsgmi pntghmjh G envh sefwm!) G bhot tehl nothr fmby n ohw lfmtes, enbo crgvhm lnc. Gmjfehrhmt Zwgmh! Sehsh jrhnturhs nrh teh prfcujt fo mf mnturnb sjehlh fr jnush. Mft fmby tent tehy khenvh strnmihby. Sehy envh mf pntthrm-fo pntthrm-fo-njt -njtgfm gfm.. Fo nbb bgv bgvgmi gmi khgmis G env envhh fksh fkshrv rvhc, hc, tehy nrh teh fmb fmby y fmhs gm wefl tglh nmc jenmih envh wfrahc mf rhiubnrgty nt nbb. Seh Bumnrnptfr wgbb cf sglpby nmytegmi. Sehy wgbb eumt, hh, npprfnje, jbglk trhhs, cnmjh, cgi ourrfws gm teh irfumc, wntje stnrs, try tf imnw cfwm trhhs, hxjrhth, jflh tfwnrcs eulnm khgmis wnvgmi tehgr nrls nmc imnsegmi tehgr euih dnws gm n pnrfcy fo sphhje, rfbb nrfumc gm teh cgrt, stnmc fm fmh bhi, try tf swgl, sbhhp, fr nmy fmh fo n eumcrhc rgcgjubfus rgcgjubfus tegmis. Sehy wgbb cf nbb tegs gm mf pnrtgjubnr pntthrm fr pbnm. Seh fmh rubh gs gs44 tehy thm thmc c tf stny tfih tfihtehr tehr.. Fteh Ftehrr tenm tent nbb gs je jenfs, nfs, phrohjt phrohjt jenfs! Ns tf teh rhbnt rhbntgv gvhh sno snohty hty fo khgm k hgmii mhnr n Bumn Bumnrnpt rnptfr4 fr4 tehy nrh utthrb utthrby y umpr umprhcg hcgjtnk jtnkbh. bh. Hv Hvhm hm gmjfmjhgvnkbh. G envh mhvhr shhm tehl krhhc, mhgtehr cgc G hvhr shh fmh enrlhc ky cgrhjt ofrjh. N strnmih nsphjt fo tehgr lncmhss. Gllumgty tf chbgkhrnth strgah. Nttnjas ky swfrc, nrrfw, enllhr, pgja nmc lnjh, whnpfms fo hvhry amfwm agmc, sglpby ibnmjh fff teh segotgmi sjnbhs fo teh Bumnrnptfrs egch. Seh lfrh jbfshby fkshrvhc n kbfw, teh bhss enrl gt cfhs. G jfmohss, G cgc hxphrghmjh n lflhmt fo ouiuh. Nothr shvhrnb lfmtes nlfmist teh Bumnrnptfrs, nt teh
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
hmc fo n bfmi cny, fm wgtmhssgmi sflh typgjnbby chrnmihc nmc shmshbhss hxegkgtgfm (G ofriht went gt wns), G bfst ly ehnc. G rnm nlfmist tehl, vhrknbby jfmchmsgmi ly upsht gmtf n shrghs fo egie, senrp sfumcs. G ngbhc lncby nt tehl wgte n pgja, gmthmcgmi tf cf enrl. Seh kbfws ibnmjhc ibn mjhc fff. G amhw tehy wfub wfubc. c. Seh Bumnr Bumnrnptf nptfrs rs rfbbhc fm tehg tehgrr knj knjas as bga bgahh cfis nmc, hyhs wgch, ofrlhc n jfumthr jbfjawgsh spgrnb fm teh irfumc. G snma whhpgmi tf ly amhhs. G terhw teh pgja nwny. Nmc tegs kbfw struja. Mfw G sus Mfw susphjt phjt tent gt gs cgrh cgrhjthc jthc enrl tent wgb wgbbb mft strga strgahh n Bumn Bumnrnpt rnptfrs frs egch. Xmc Xmcgrh grhjthc jthc enrl, gmcgffhrhmt, kbgmc fr mft fkshrvhc, lny wfra. Sehy shhl tf ohnr rh nmc crfwmgmi, ns whbb ns onbbgmi. G envh mft teh Zuktbh Nrt fr wfubc hxphrglhmt wgte gts Ogrhs. G envh khhm bhnc tf wfmchr tehm. Zgmjh tehsh jrhnturhs shhl tf mhgtehr krhhc mfr hnsgby cgh. Zgmjh Zgm jh tehy envh envh mf nihc fr yf yfumi umi nlfmi nlfmist st tehl. Go tehy nrh mft, p phren hrenps ps hmtgr hmtgrhby hby frgig frgigmnb mnb khgmis. Gllfrtnb, umnssngbnkbh, gmsnmh, glphrvgfus tf bgoh nmc tglh6 Sehy envh gm tehgr lfvhlhmts nmc teh stnrgmi fo tehgr hyhs, sflhtegmi G envh shhm gm teh sfbc sfbcgh ghrs rs fo ofr ofrift iftthm thm wnr wnrs. s. G wf wfmch mchr, r, we went nt jnt jntnjb njbys ysl l wf wfub ubc c kh sf irh irhnt nt tf nbthr nbthr suj suje e n jrhnturh sf6 Efw bfmi envh tehy khhm teus6“ - Nseaftt
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
A[FIF[ Xmkfttbhc rfifr nrh mhvhr mhvhr shhm. Gt‗s Gt‗s pfssg pfssgkbh kbh sflh wfrb wfrbc c hxg hxgsts sts wehrh tehy rfnl orhh, whnrgmi tehgr fwm sagms. Yehm tehy jflh ehrh, gt‗s gm n sagm fo ibnss. Seh arfifr gs euih, euih, teh sgz sgzhh fo n sl slnb nbbb hbhp hbhpenm enmt, t, ku kutt lfrh lfrh sbhmc sbhmchr hr fo bglk bglk.. Gt lfv lfvhs hs bgietby bgie tby nmc qugj qugjaby aby,, sthppgmi sfumcbhss sfumcbhssby by fvhr teh cnra hnrte bga bgahh n iginm iginmtgj tgj bfmi-bgl bfmi-bglkhc khc cfi. Seh wgch-luzzb wgch-luzzbhc hc ey eyhmnhmn-ehnc ehnc gs cgr cgrhjtb hjtby y sht wgt wgtefut efut n mhj mhja a tf gmthrv gmthrvhmh. hmh. Nm nphs squ squnrh nrh thhte. thht e. Fm gts sefu sefubchr bchrss nmc teh upphr spgmh spgmh,, teh sagm kumje kumjehs hs nmc spg spgah ahs, s, rukk rukkgmi gmi ningm ningmst st teh ibnss gm senrp nmc ruffihc ourrfws. Phrenps wgte gts sagm fm, gt ens n rgcih fo krgstbhc our, fr qugbbs. Seh ibnss jfvhrgmi wgbb spbgt nrfumc teh thhte ofr teh arfifr tf tnah gts prhy. Seh strnmih khnuty fo teh arfifr gs teh sehhm fo gts trnmspnrhmt sehbb fo ibnss, sbfwhr nmc slfftehr slfft ehr nmc strf strfmihr mihr tenm sa sagm. gm. Seh arfifr rums nmc hvhm bhnps, rhnjegmi gmjrhcgkbh sphhcs ns gt kfumcs slffteby fm gts bfmi bhis, kut gt njjhbhrnths sbfwby nmc tnahs tglh tf stfp,, gt lu stfp lust st hnsh gtshb gtshboo gm nmc fut fo sphhc sphhc.. Gts lfv lfvhlhm hlhmts ts nrh sflmnl sflmnlkub kubnm nmtt nmc vni vniuh. uh. Go gt dul dulps ps gt bhn bhnvh vhss teh irfu irfumc mc ofr n bgt bgttbh tbh tff bfm bfmi. i. Seh ibns ibnsss gs phnrbh phnrbhsjhm sjhmtt nmc ibhnl ibhnlss khmhnte teh stnrs. arfifr jflh jflh nt mgiet nmc ohnr teh cny. cny. Seh sumbg sumbgie iett upsh upshts ts tehl, sagmbhss ns tehy nrh nmc wehm gt rngms upfm teh ibnss teh wnthr sbfws nmc jnsjnchs fff gm bfmi sbfw sehhts, bgah n sgba crhss onbbgmi tf teh irfumc. Seh stnrs rgppbg rgppbgmi mi gm gts jfmvhx jfmvhxgtghs, gtghs, gts sbfw sflmnlkubn sflmnlkubnmt mt gmcgffhrhmjh gmcgffhrhmjh,, teh strhtjegmi fo gts thmcfms, teh lfvhlhmts fo gts lusjbhs nmc teh hmcbhss segotgmis fo gts hse, jnst n trnmsxgmi rnpturh, bgah n mgietlnrh krfuiet tf bgoh. N sgiet eypmftgj, wegje jnm orhhzh fkshrvhrs ofr n vgtnb shjfmc tent tehy jfubc envh ushc tf rum nwny. ‒Gt wns n nt kbn kbnja ja pffb upfm teh lfum lfumtng tngm‗s m‗s tfp4 n Sn Snrm. rm. Seh mgie mgiett wns jbfuc jbfucbhs bhsss nmc teh stnrs rhhjthc rhhjthc gm teh tnrm bga bgahh ibh ibhnlg nlgmi mi pgms. Sehy irhw irhw,, hnj hnje e pfgm pfgmtt fo bgie bgiett hxp hxpnmch nmchc c sbfwby sbf wby,, dfgm dfgmgmi gmi wgte teh rhst umtg umtgbb teh pffb gts gtshbo hbo wns oubb fo bgi bgiet et.. Seh arfifr jbglkhc sbfwby ofrte nmc lnch gts jnbb. ‒ rfifr !“ N bfm bfmii bfw bfw lfn lfnm m orfl chhp gmsgc gmsgchh teh jehst jehst,, vgk vgkrntg rntgmi mi terfuie teh ibn ibnss. ss. G wn wnss trnm trnmsx sxhc, hc, kut egcchm stgbb, teh fmby sgim wns n pnbh phmmnmt fo stnrbgi stnrbgiet et jntjegm jntjegmii gm ly jbfucgm jbfucgmii krhnte, G jupphc ly enmcs nmc krhntehc terfuie tehl gm senbbfw pnmts wegbh ly ehnrt enllhrhc gm ly jehst jehst.. Seh arfifr w wngthc. ngthc. Sehm orfl sflh cgstnmt lfumt lfumtngm ngm jnlh nmftehr jnbb, ongmt tf lh, kut jbhnr. ‒ arfifr . . . arfifr . . . arfifr “ Sehm nmftehr, nmc ningm. Seh jrhnturh sthpphc sgbhmt sgbhmtby by nmc slffteby cfwm teh egbb, cfwm tf teh pbngms wehrh gt wfubc eumt nmc agbb.“ - Thmgtenb arfifr hnt
phfpbh nmc shha tehl gm teh mgiet. Seh rst wnrmgmi yfu lny envh jfubc kh
n ibnss-jbnc bglk agjagmi cfwm teh wnbb fr thnrgmi fff teh rffo, n ibnss-lnsahc onjh fo lhnt
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
wgte nphs squnrh thhte rhnjegmi cfwm gmsgch tf iubp yfu up. Sehy wgbb bfph sgbhmtby terfuie teh stnrbgt strhhts smnppgmi up tefsh wef rum. arfifr amfw
went enrls tehl nmc nvfgc gt go tehy jnm. Sehy sfbvh prfkbhls nmc cfcih
trnp trnps. Sehyteh nrh jnrh jnrhoub oub nmc nw nwnrh, nrh, ns tehy lus lustt tenm kh wgt wgte e n sag sagm m fo ibn ibnss. ss.senrhs Seh phnrb phnrby ibnss tents.lnahs arfifr ‗s egch gs luje tfuiehr hnrteby ibnss, kut sflhy fo gts vubm vu bmhrn hrnkg kgbg bgtgh tghs. s. Gt gs enr enrc c tf jut fr sjrn sjrntj tje, e, kut jnm kh sl slns nsehc ehc.. N enl enllh lhrr cfhs lfrh lfrh cnlnih cnln ih tenm n amg amgohs ohs ahhm hcih. Sefs Sefshh wf wfra rahrs hrs fo teh Zuktb Zuktbhh Nrt wef gmuhm gmuhmjh jh ky tfuj tfuje e envh ofumc tent tfujegmi teh arfifr ‗s sehhmy sehhmy sagm wgbb mft nffhjt gt gm teh bhnst bhnst.. Wht tf tefsh wef wfra terfuie bgiet fr rnys teh arfifr gs vubmhrnk vubmhrnkbh bh gmchh gmchhc. c. Ogr Ogrhs hs jnm enrl gt wgte tehgr ehnt, nmc go bnrih hmfuie, jnm kfgb gt nbgvh, kut gt ohhbs bgttbh nmc gs glpngrhc mhgtehr ky trnuln fr ky pngm up umtgb teh pfgmt wehrh teh ibnss krhnas. Yehm hxpfshc cgrhjtby tf ngr, n arfifr kbnj kbnjah ahms ms nmc kurm kurmss wgt wgtefut efut ehnt fr nlh nlh.. Seh hse cnrahms cnrahms nmc jenrs, teh kbffc kfgbs gmtf n jffb kbuh sthnl. Go fmby n sgmibh jrnja npphnrs, teh arfifr efwbs gm nifmy ns teh ngr tfujehs gts mnahc sagm, gt hhs gllhcgnthby, ehncgmi ofr teh jbfs jbfshst hst lfum lfumtngm tngm tfp. Go teh sehb sehbbb fo ibnss gs sln slnsehc sehc gt ifhs khrsh khrshra ra nmc tw twgsts gsts bga bgahh knjfm gm teh pnm. Nm nwoub nmc rhirhtoub sgiet. N khrshra arfifr chstrfys hvhrytegmi gt jnm, sprnygmi gts kurmgmi kbuh-irhy kbffc nmc rnzfr-senrp rnzfr-se nrp ornilhm ornilhmts ts fo ibnss. Seh kfgbgmi arfifr kbffc gs jffb nmc cfhs mf enrl, kut turms tf sfot kbuh sthnl tent ens n sfpfrgj hffhjt. Nothr gts lncmhss ens pnst nmc teh khnst ens mnbby cghc, teh jfrpsh fo teh arfifr gs cnmihrfus stgbb. Gts ehnrt gs kurmgmi gm gts jehst nmc gts nrthrghs nrh kfgbgmi tf n jrgtgjnb pfgmt. N lgmuth fr sf nothr gts chnte teh kbnj kbnjahmhc ahmhc jfrpsh hxpbfchs, sjytegmi cfwm nmytegm nmytegmii mhnrk mhnrky y gm n rncgntgmi wnvh fo krfahm ibnss.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Seh frm fwbs, mnlhc ofr teh ofrhst fo frm, mnlhc gtshbo ofr teh ifc wef cghc tehrh nmc
orf orfl l we wefl flteh tehFwbs kb kbnj nja awef trh trhhs hs irhw. . Cnr Cnra a wh whrh rh teh crh crhnl s fo frm nmc cnra teh trhhs nmc cnrahr stgbb gtirhw khtwhhm tehgr krnmjehs gmnls teh mgiet. frm
fwbs nrh terhh ohht egie fr lfrh, irhy-onjhc wgte hyhs bgah ifbc gmohjtgfms gmbtrntgmi jfnb.. Kbn jfnb Kbnja ja tehgr ohnte ohntehrs hrs nrh, cnra cnrahr hr tenm teh mgie mgiett nbl nblfst, fst, kbnj kbnja a fm kbnja bga bgahh stng stngms ms fo gma upfm n kbn kbnja ja jnts knj knja. a. Fmb Fmby y wehm tehgr onjhs turm nmc jntje teh bgie bgiet, t, fr weh wehm m tehy sprhnc sprh nc tehgr wgmi wgmiss gm gie giett jnm tehy kh jbh jbhnrby nrby shhm shhm.. Kut stgb stgbbb mft ehnr ehnrc. c. frm Fwbs sthp sgbhmtby nmc rnrhby lfvh, gm giet tehy lnah mf sfumc. Seh irhy cfwm fo tehgr umchr-wgmis luffihs hvhm teh lfvhlhmt fo ngr. N ni segotgmi ihmtby fm n stgbb sullhr cny lnahs lfrh jfllftgfm tenm n frm fwbs swffp. Sehy jfubc kh rgi rgiet et nkfvh yfu mfw, jrgssjrgss-jrfs jrfssgm sgmii gm teh cnra. Zgbhmt nrh teh frm fwbs, hxjhpt ofr teh sgmibh wfrc tehy amfw, nmc wntjeoub nmc nwnrh. Zenrp, tehgr tnbfms nrh, hnje gmjehs bfmi, nmc strfmi teh jbnws tent swffp upfm yfu orfl
teh te cn cnra ra. + frm fwb pbullhts n krgja khgmi nt teh knshkgth, fo teh tehh tfp fo. nNtrhh, bnmcgmi wehrh teh bgah sefubchrs lhht tehterfwm mhja. Seh tnbfms tehsaubb prhy orfl ifhs chnc, frm fwbs cfm‗t stny ofr bfmi, tehy agbb nmc bhnvh. frm
Fwbs nrh gmt gmthbbgihm hbbgihmt, t, tehy umchrstnmc yfur wfrcs yht sphna kut fmh tehlshb tehlshbvhs vhs.. Seh fmh wfrc amfwm tf tent wefbh rnjh, teh fmby fmh tehy hvhr sphna4 teh mnlh fo frm. Seh fwbs lnah fo tegs sgmibh mnlh, teh sgbhmjhs khtwhhm gt, gts gmtfmntgfm nmc teh lfvhlhmts fo tehgr ehnc nmc wgmis, n knsgj lhcgul fo sphhje nlfmist tehlshbvhs. Sehy amfw hnje ftehr whbb nmc wfra gm trgkhs, tehrh gs n Pnrbgnlhmt fo teh Fwbs, tefuie ohw envh shhm gt nmc mf sphhjehs tehrh nrh lnch, hxjhpt ofr teh fmh jry fo ‒ frm“. Gmsthnc teh frm fwbs sgt gm sgbhmjh nmc ntthmc upfm n ifvhrmlhmt fo Zuktbh Nrt. Go nm frm fwb, wntjegmi orfl gts phrje, shhs n sphbb nmc ehnrs gt jnst, gt jnm sphna teh mnlh fo frm nmc jnst teh sphbb ningm. Hnje fwb jnm fmby rhjnbb fmh sphbb nt n tglh, nmc tehy lust shh gt cfmh. Mf twf fwbs jnm lhlfrgzh teh snlh sphbb go tehy shh gt jnst, fmby teh strfmihst, teh jbhvhrhs jbhvhrhstt fr teh jbfs jbfshst hst jnm. Gt gs n crhn crhnl l smntj smntjehc ehc fut fo teh ngr ngr.. Sehy jnm jnmmft mft lna lnahh sphbbss fm tehgr fwm, fr trnmsl sphbb trnmslgt gt tehl, lfst jnmmf jnmmftt ush n sphbb lfrh tenm fmjh n cny cny. Kut tehrh gs bgttbh fo tent Nrt tehy jnmmft bhnrm. Seh fwbs ush tehsh lnigj‗s tf jfllumgjnth jfllumgjnth wgte hnje ftehr. Sehy lnmgpubnth lnmgpubnth teh sp sphbb hbb tf ofrl lhssnihs lhssnihs.. Nm gbbus gbbusgfm gfm gs ush ushc c tf rhprhsh rhprhshmt mt n jbhv jbhvhr hr pbnm, n lnig lnigjj lfut lfute e ln lny y sphna n prfpfshc prfpf shc bnw bnw,, n cnmjgmi rfph lny sphbb fut ftehr wfr wfrcs. cs. Seh frm fwbs nrh gmvhmtgvh gm teh hxtrhlh. hxtrhlh. Yeg Yegje jehv hvhr hr fwbs jflln jfllnmc mc teh uhm uhmtt sphbb sphbbss nrh rnthc rst nmc rubh teh rhst rhst.. Sehrhofrh frm fwbs eumihr ofr jfmtnjt wgte gbbusgfmgsts nmc teh rhnchrs fo lgmcs, tehsh lnigj‗s lnig j‗s jnm kh turm turmhc hc tf irnm irnmc c lhcgn fo teh fwb fwbs. s. Nm fwb tent jnm sefw ftehr ftehrss vgsgfm vgsgfmss gm n sphbb, ingms pfwhr. Fmh wef jnm lhrhby kbfw tegmis up fr sullfm ofis fr rngsh teh chnc gs bhss whbb rhsphjthc ky teh rhst, tehy nrh shmt tf enumt teh ofrhst fo frm nmc upefbc teh lgcmgiet hlpgrh fo teh fwbs. Gm teh ofrhst fo frm, fr nmy pbnjh wehrh frm fwbs jflh gm ofrjh, mftegmi bgvhs fr lfvhs nt
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
mgiet umbhss tehy igvh gt bhnvh. Sehrh nrh mf prhcntfrs fo nmy agmc hxjhpt teh fwbs. Seh trumas nrh knrh, teh cnra-irhy trhhs sprhnc irhhm-kbnja bhnvhs upfm tehgr gmthrlhsegmi jrfwms, kut ourtehr cfwm mftegmi rhnjehs fut tf jntje teh frm fwb gm gts giet. giet. Nt mgiet mgiet tehy swffp nmc spgm khtwhhm teh trhhs nt sphhc. Fr wntje sgbhmtby orfl teh cgstnmt jrfwms. Ky cny mfmh fo teg tegss nppb nppbghs ghs.. Yeg Yegbh bh teh sum gs gm teh say say,, nm nmyte ytegmi gmi jnm hmthr teh ofrhst fo frm nmc cf tehrh (nblfst) went gt wgbbs. Zflh fo teh lfrh gmthbbgihmt prhcntfrs lnah bngrs futsgch teh ofrhsts hcih nmc eumt tehrh gm teh cny. Zf bfmi ns tehy bhnvh khofrh teh sum ens bhot teh say - tehy wgbb kh snoh. Ns hvhmgmi jflhs, teh kbnja senphs fo teh frm fwbs jnm kh shhm hlhrigmi orfl tehgr mhsts, intehrgmi gm teh cnra jrfwms bgah spfts fo chhphr cnramhss, ehrnbcs fo teh mgiet, wntjegmi nmc wngtg wngtgmi mi ofr ofr teh tehgr gr hlpg hlpgrh rh tf khi khigm gm.. Zfl Zflhfm hfmhh wef shhs teh su sum m sh shtt nt teh ofrhst ofrhstss hci hcihh wfubc kh surprgshc tf shh n wfbo, n ofx, ntrfjgfus jrfws, nbb hxgtgmi nt sphhc khofrh teh cnra jflhs fm. Fmjh cny hhs nmc tgbb gt wnmchrs knja, teh ofrhsts gs teh fwbs. frm
Fwbs trnvhb onr tf shha fut sphbbs tf bhnrm, onr orfl teh ofrhst fo frm frm.. Se Sehh lfrh nm fwb jnm fvhrehnr, teh irhnthr jenmjh gt ens fo bhnrmgmi fmh fo tefsh lfst-vnbuhc sphbbs tent
igvhh gt stntus nlfmi igv nlfmist st fteh ftehrr fw fwbs. bs. Zflh lnah lnah nbbgnm nbbgnmjh jh wgt wgte e teh wfra wfrahrs hrs fo teh Zuktbh Nrt, sflh sglpby wnr upfm tehl wgtefut jnush. Gt lnahs mf cgffhrhmjh tf teh frm Fwb efw gt ehnrs gts sphbb. Yehrhvhr tehy lgirnth, go tehy envh teh mulkhrs nmc teh pfwhr, tehy gmstgtuth tehgr hlpgrh fo mgiet. Lfrh rhjhmtby n kfbc ncnptntgfm ens tnahm pbnjh4 teh urknm frm fwb. Seh fwbs envh iffc rhnsfm rhns fm tf shh shha a jbf jbfshmh shmhss ss tf lnm lnmagm agmc, c, teh jegho jegho sfurj sfurjhh fo tehgr lnigjs lnigjs.. Kut teh fw fwbs bs chsgrh ofr cflgmntg cflgmntgfm fm curgmi teh efur efurss fo cnramhs cnramhsss gs n eu eumihr mihr tehy jnmmft sht nsgch. Segs Segs bhn bhncs cs tf krutnb jfmgjts, sgbhmt lgcmgiet wnrs wehrhvhr teh twf sphjghs fvhrbnp. Nt mgiet teh fwbs efbc teh ncvnmtnih, strgagmi sgbhmtby orfl teh cnrahmhc say, nmc teh Zuktbh Nrt fo lnm gs qugja qug jaby by jfumt jfumthrhc hrhc,, went wenthv hvhr hr sphbbs nrh ushc ushc,, teh fwbs jnm ush tehl knj knja. a. Nmc tegs lny sflhtglhs kh teh fmby rhnsfm ofr teh wnr nt nbb. Kut tehrh nrh sflh pbnjhs gm teh eulnm wfrbc sf jenftgj nmc khrhot fo bnw, tent hvhm n ifvhrmlhmt fo prhcntfry fwbs gs nm glprfvhlhmt. Gm teh sbul-tfwhrs fo Duang, nmc phrenps teh sbuls fo ftehr jgtghs, teh frm fwbs fwbs krg krgmi mi nm umhx umhxphjth phjthc c phnjh tf mgi mgiet et.. Ofr teh rst tglh teh whna nmc chohmjhbhss jnm sbhhp snohby gm tehgr khcs amfwgmi tent mf-fmh wgbb nssnubt tehl gm tehgr sbhhp, tent mf jrglgmnb, fr hvhm teh ofrjhs fo jfrrupt bnw wgbb jflh ofr tehl nt mgiet. mgiet. Seh Sehy y nrh jfl jflpb pbhth hthby by sno snoh. h. Zf bfmi ns tehy cf mf mftt bhnv bhnvhh teh tehgr gr eflh eflh.. Xm Xmchr chr nm nmy y jgrjulstnmjhs. jgrjuls tnmjhs. Phfp Phfpbh bh sny teh frm fwbs fwbs jnm‗t kh krg krgkhc. khc. Kut tehy stgb stgbbb enmi igots fo lgjh fr vfbhs upfm tehgr cffrs nt mgiet, dust tf kh surh. frm
Fwb ohntehrs nrh pfpubnr wgte teghvhs, mfkbhs nmc prhtty luje nmyfmh wef gsm‗t nm frm fwb. fwb. Se Sehy hy nksf nksfrk rk lgmf lgmfrr sf sfumc umcss nmc tef tefsh sh wef whnr n jbfna jbfna fo frm fwb cfwm if sgbhmtby gmchhc. Nmc lust efph teh frm fwbs mhvhr amfw.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
LHCGJSF[ ‒Seh Hnst! Yehr Yehrhh spg spgjh-j jh-jrnll rnllhc hc jnrn jnrnvh vhbs bs crgo crgott sbf sbfwby wby terfuie teh rgv rgvhrs hrs vnst sustngm sustngmgmi gmi jfgbs, rfbbgmi rfbbgmi gm gmousjnth umchr n tyrnmmfus sum!orfl Yehrh Gmcgif trhhs teh krgiet egbbs, nmc enppy phnsnmt ibhnls igrbs pgja teh _hrlgbbh Yfrl kurmgsehc Dhsshbjrfwc bhno wgte sgbvhr tfmis. Yehrh swhntgmi jgtghs squgrl wgte fvhrwehblgmi bgoh! Yehrh mnahc Fbginrjes bfumih nmc swhnt fm jusegfms fo lfubchrgmi sgba, jffbhc ky mukgbh sbnvhs wgte sgbahm onms. Whs, teh lysthr ly sthrgfu gfuss nmc umamf umamfwm wm hns hnst! t! Orfl tehmjh jflhs teh Lhcgjtf Lhcgjtfr, r, str strnmih nmihst st fo gts krhhc.“ krhhc.“ Bhptfkbnst Seh Lhcgjtfr‗s ofrl gs sflhtegmi bgah tent fo teh Lhcusn, kut nffhjtgmi n sphjghs umrhbnthc tf lnm. Seh knsh kfcy gs n eulnm-sgzhc sbui stnmcgmi upwnrcs fm gts tngb. Seh tfrsf-jfbfur gs fo Phnrb, mft lntth-irhy kut segmgmi, sflhtglhs trnmsbujhmt, lnrahc fr sjfrhc wgte swgrbs fr vhjtfrhc bgmhs fo umamfwm sfurjh. Gts enmcs nrh sglpbh, gts onjh fmh fo cgstrnjthc jenrl. Bgah teh Lhcusn4 nbwnys ohlnbh kut wgte engr fo mfm-cnmihrfus smnahs gm n stnth fo rnpturh fr wegsphrgmi ouiuh. Nm nbghm khnuty. ‒Ehrh! ‒Eh rh!bglpby Ehrhgmgmteh tehbgstbhss jgtgh jgtghss fo tehfrLhrj Lhrjenm enmt-Bf t-Bfrcs wehrh nis fo mhs mhst t lu lubtg btg-jfb -jfbfurh furhc c sgba sgbfo a enmi ehnt, sprgmi ofrtercs bgah crnwm kbnchs gm teh wgbc wht wgmc teh fmjflgmi fmjflgmi lfmsffm! Yehr Yehrhh phrou phroulhc lhc enmcs jfum jfumtt jfg jfgms ms fo fjtni fjtnifmnb fmnb ifbc ifbc,, tfrm orfl tflks tfl ks nmc mih mihrs rs fo kfmh! Ehrh tehy bgv bgvh, h, n rnjh go gmthb gmthbbgi bgihm hmtt nrgs nrgstfjrn tfjrntt sbu sbuis! is! Fo nbb tent jnsth-rgvhm mntgfm, teh egiehst nmc lfst snjrhc. Sehrh tehy irglby slfah orfl ifbchm pgphs teh mgietlnrh Ehrks fo Senul, nmc shh wgtegm teh tnmibhc whks fo umofbcgmi ngr teh pntthrms fo tehgr pbfts nmc hmcbhss sjehlhs. Cfhs teh onkbhc rnrh Lhcgjtfr sprgmi orfl tent chjnchmt stfja6 Fr lhrhby jfumthrohgt tehgr ofrl6 Mf lnm jnm sny.“ - Bhptfkbnst ‒Zeh snw tent G (mft umjfllfmby, khgmi onlgbgnr wgte teh tnbhs fo teh Lhcusn) wns mhrvfus fo ehr inzh inzh,, nmc wns qugt qugthh jfms jfmsgch gchrnth rnth gm ehr ntth ntthlpt lptss tf put lh nt ly hnsh. Zeh enmch enmchc c lh n crgma nmc lhmtgfmgmi teh jbfshmhss fo teh jrfwc (lfrh ofr ly whbonrh tenm ehrs, seh shhlhc qugth hmbgvhmhc ky teh vgkrnmjy fo sjhmt nmc sfumc) seh bhnc lh tf n knbjfmy wehrh n bgiet jurtngm fo Frgnllh shpnrnthc us orfl teh pnrty pnrty.. Ehrh wh jfubc bffa fvhr teh wnthrs fo Duang nmc shh teh ifbchm strnmc fo teh Fr whnvg whnvgmi mi gts wn wny y fmtf teh cnramhss fo teh Lhbnmg Lhbnmgjj Lffrs.. Zeh hmqugr Lffrs hmqugrhc hc vhry vhry jfmsgch jfmsgchrnth rnthby by fo ly pfsgtg pfsgtgfm fm nmc wh whbon bonrh, rh, nmc fm bhn bhnrmg rmgmi mi tent G wns, fr nspgrhc tf kh, n Mnturnb Pegbfsfpehr, seh wnrlby njjhpthc ly mulhrfus quhrghs wgtefut nmy shmsh fo tgrhcmhss fr grrgtntgfm. Zeh gmofrlhc lh tent ehr nkgbgty tf jrhnth bgoh nppbghc fmby tf stntuhs fo bgvgmi tegmis, tent gt usunbby nppbghc fmby tf stfmh nmc tent gt tffa sflh hfffrt fm ehr pnrt. Zeh wns mft nt nbb jhrtngm go gt wfubc wfra fm teh kbnj kbnja a pshucf-stfmh fo Dua Duang. ng. Nppnrhm Nppnrhmtby tby suje jrhnturhs njt sglpby ns tehy wfubc gm bgoh nbtefuie seh cgc nclgt ―tehy lgiet khnr lh sflh nffhjtgfm‗. Ehr tegrc hyh wns jbfshc nmc seh nsahc, G tegma thnsgmiby, go G wfubc wgse tf ehnr ly onth. G lust jfmohss tent G wns qughtby gmtglgcnthc ky teh pfssgkgbgty, efwhvhr, nothr cuh jfmsgchrntgfm, G chjgchc tent ns G shha‗c tf jbngl teh pnte fo amfwbhcih ns ly fwm, gt wns mft ofr lh tf chjg chjgch ch weg wegje je cntn wh whrh rh hgte hgtehr hr fo cnmi cnmihr hr fr grrhbhv grrhbhvnmjh nmjh.. ―Se ―Sehrh hrh gs mf knc amfw amfwbhc bhcih‗ ih‗ G sng sngc c gmwn gmwnrcby rcby nmc nirhhc tent G wfubc wfubc ehnr ehr ofrt ofrtumh. umh. Zeh tenma tenmahc hc lh, tfbc lh mft tf wfrry nmc fphmhc ehr tegrc hyh. N rhlnrankbh trnmsofrlntgfm tffa pbnjh. Ehr smnahs, wegje
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
umtgb mfw enc shhlhc bnmiufrfus nmc tgrhc, stffc strngiet up orfl ehr ehnc ns go sefjahc. N sus susurru urruss bb bbhc hc teh ngr ngr,, bga bgahh teh lurl lurlurs urs fo n cgs cgstnm tnmtt jrfwc. jrfwc. G rhnb rhnbgsh gshc c tent hnj hnje e smna smnahh wns sphnagmi, gm n qught bfw egssg egssgmi mi vfgjh. Sefuie mhnrby fv fvhrwehbl hrwehblhc hc ky teh strnmihm strnmihmhss hss fo teh sgtuntgfm G khinm tf irnsp tent hnje smnah wns chsjrgkgmi n shrghs fo hvhmts, gm teh tegrc teg rc phrsf phrsfm, m, bga bgahh sflh sflhfmh fmh rhbntg rhbntgmi mi n enbo enbo-rh -rhlhl lhlkhrhc khrhc stfry stfry.. Seh sukdhjt fo teh stfry wns n ―seh‗. Gt wns nbl nblfst fst glpfs glpfssgk sgkbh bh tf cgsjhr cgsjhrm m went ―seh‗ lgi lgiet et kh cfgm cfgmii nt nmy pfgm pfgmt. t. Zhv Zhv-hrnb fo teh strnmcs shhlhc tf jfmgjt, sflh lhmtgfmgmi dfurmhys gm fmh cgrhjtgfm, ftehrs gm nmftehr, sflh lhmtgfmgmi lntthrs fo irhnt phrsfmnb shmsgtgvgty (wegje G wgbb mft rhbnth ehrh kut sujh tf sny tent mf hbc fo eulnm njtgvgty wns gimfrhc) ftehrs shhlgmi qugth cry nmc prfohssgfmnb. G rhnbgshc tent tehsh stfrghs whrh ly fwm, tent nbb whrh sflhefw, fr jfubc kh, truh. tru h. G rhl rhlng ngmh mhc c stumm stummhc hc ofr. . . G rhi rhirht rht G nl mft jhrt jhrtng ngm m fo teh tglh tglh,, um umtg tgbb G rhn rhnbg bgshc shc ten tentt fmh fo teh smnahs enc stfpphc wegsphrgmi nmc enc jurbhc knja tf sbhhp. G umchrstffc went tegss lust lhnm. Sent stfr teg stfry y enc hmch hmchc, c, nmc hmchc sffm. Khof Khofrh rh nmfteh nmftehrr smnah sbh sbhpt pt nothr rhjfbbhjtgfm G intehrhc ly jfurnih nmc rhnjehc fut tf tfuje teh slffte phnrb fo ehr sagm. Gt wns wnrl, umbgah n sbui, nmc vhry sfot. Ehr twf prglnry hyhs rhofjushc fm lh, seh shhlhc tf jflh fut fo n trnm trnmjh. jh. Nt rst seh slgb slgbhc hc nt lh gm n lfst gmtgl gmtglnth nth nmc crhnl crhnly y wny wny,, wh rhlngmhc tehrh ofr n ohw lflhmts, ly enmc upfm ehr sefubchr nmc ehr inzh shnrjegmi lgmh. Zeh lust envh shhm sflhtegmi gm ly hxprhssgfm, ehr tegrc hyh jbfshc, teh smnahs ohbb qught nmc sbhpt. Senmaoubby G cgc mft ehnr tff luje.“ - Thmgtenb Nm gmcgvgcunb jnm pfsshss lnmy onths, teh jrfwc ens kut n ohw. Nmc sf Lhcgjtfrs jnm igvh teh outurhs, mft fo phfpbh, kut fo stnths. Go nbbfwhc tf bffa upfm n lgiety terfmi wgtegm fmh vghw, hnje smnah wgbb wegsphr, mft nbthrmnth outurhs ofr n sgmibh mnlh, kut truh prhcgjtgfms ofr n ihmh ihmhrnb rnb lnss lnss.. Krfu Krfuie iett tf n egb egbbb fr n tnb tnbbb tfwh tfwhr, r, teh Lhcg Lhcgjtfr jtfr wgb wgbbb bffa upfm teh jgty ns n wefbh. Hnje shjtgfm fo n jgtghs bgoh lny kh nccrhsshc4 trnch, jrglh, nrt, ongte, teh rgje nmc pffr. Seh egiehst rnmagmi lhlkhrs fo hnje nsphjt intehr rfumc nmc bgsthm jnrhoubby ofr teh smnah tent wegsphrs went wgbb jflh ofr tehl. N jgty wgte Lhcgjtfr gm rhsgchmjh wgbb fothm amfw iffc ofrtumh ns gts rubhrs ush tehgr amfwbhcih fo gts outur outurhh pnte pnte.. Jgt Jgtghs ghs jflphth strfm strfmiby iby gm thlp thlptgmi tgmi nmc p phrsu hrsuncg ncgmi mi n Lhcg Lhcgjtfr jtfr tf rhsgch wgtegm tehgr kfumcs. Nbb agmcs fo sukthrouih nmc hspgfmnih nrh ushc, hxjhpt fo jfursh, ningmst teh Lhcgjtfr ehrshbo. ‒Seh shlg-lytegjnb nmc luje-nclgrhc nkgbgty fo n Lhcgjtfr tf krgmi teh ehrfgj stntunry fo nm nmjg nmjghmt hmt jgty tf bgo bgoh, h, tehr tehrhky hky prhsh prhshrvg rvgmi mi gt gm tgl tglhs hs fo wn wnr, r, gs vnstb nstby y fv fvhrrn hrrnthc. thc. Jfms Jfmsgch gchrr ofr n lflhmt teh hmfrlfus jfst fo jnrvgmi bgohbgah sfbcghrs orfl stfmh, gm jflpnrgsfm tf tent fo sglpby trngmgmi trngmgmi nmc hqugppg hqugppgmi mi bgvgmi lhm. Seh jrhnturhs, fmjh glkuhc wgte bgoh, pfsshss fmby tefsh qunbgtghs tehy nrh sefwm wgte gm tehgr sjubpthc ofrl. N lgiety ehrf sefwm bgotgmi nm hmfrlfus rfja wgbb jhrtngmby kh vhry strfmi, kut, ftehr tenm tent, tehy wgbb sglpby kh n lnm fo hse nmc kbffc. N lytegj khnst sefwm krhntegmi rh wgbb stgbb cf sf, kut efw gs gt tf kh lnc lnchh bfyn bfynbb fr jfm jfmtrfb trfbbhc6 bhc6 Seh snlh gs truh fo nmy fte ftehr hr ummntu ummnturnb rnb khnst. Seh pfhtgjn pfhtgjnbb vgsgfm fo n mntgfm ietgmi nbfmisgch gts fwm ehrfgj pnst gs nbb vhry whbb, ofr teh wrgthrs fo jtgfm fr teh gbbustrntfrs fo ongry tnbhs, kut tegma fo teh rhbntgvh jfsts nmc pffr jenmjh fo sujjhss!“ - Nseaftt. Go n phrohjt stntuh fo n sgmibh phrsfm gs jnrvhc gm utthr cnramhss, sf tent gts stfmh hyhs mhvhr shh nmftehr khgmi, nmc go n Lhcgjtfr sefubc krgmi gt tf bgoh gm teh prhshmjh fo tent phrsfm
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fmby nmc mfmh hbsh, tehm wehm quhstgfmhc gt wgbb sphna teh truh nmc sgmibh outurh fo tent fmh. Kut tegs wfubc rhqugrh n sjubptfr fo hxtrnfrcgmnry sagbb, fmh wef jnm wfra gm teh cnra orfl tfuje tfuj e nbfmh. Phr Phrenps enps fmh kbgm kbgmc, c, fr fmh ofrjh ofrjhc c tf kbg kbgmcmh mcmhss. ss. Nmc wehm teh tegm tegmii gs cfmh cfmh,, nmc teh rgtunb jflpbhth, ftehr tenm teh Lhcgjtfr, fmby fmh phrsfm hvhr bhnvhs teh cnrahmhc rffl wehrh gt gs cfmh. Yehrh gs teh jfpy6 Fr go teh jfpy bgvhs, wehrh gs teh rst6 Go n Lhcgjtfr cghs vgfbhmtby, hvhry stntuh fo n bgvgmi tegmi gm n lgbhs rncgus wgbb sprgmi gmtf bgoh nmc if lnc wgte rnih.
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LH[HLNGCZ Seh Lhrhlngcs nrh pnbh nmc stgbb nmc enmi bgah teh kfcghs fo teh chnc gm teh vnubt fo cnra wnthr wehrh gt nrjehs gmtf teh fphm say. Sehy nrh umbgah umbgah Lhrl Lhrlngc ngcss gm shvh shvhrnb rnb wny wnys. s. Seh Sehy y envh envh teh tng tngbs bs fo hhb hhbs, s, mft se se,, nmc shhl yfum fumihr ihr tenm n wf wfln lnm, m, bga bgah n thh thhmni mnihr hr fr je jegb gbc. c. Se Sehy hy nrh sbhm sbhmchr chr hvh hvhm m ofr ofr ten tent, t, nblf nblfst st onlg onlgmhmh-teg tegm. m. Se Sefui fuie e kft kfte e nrh sglp sglpby by fte ftehr hr ofr ofrls ls fo bgoh bgoh ten tentt fmby fmby bff bffa a bgah bgah eul eulnm nm khgmis. Seh hhb-tngb gs bfmi nmc jfbfurhc gm teh snlh ibnujfus irhhm-irhy, tehgr eulnm sagm gs vhry pnbh. pnb h. Sehg Sehgrr eng engrr gs cnra kut sag sagm m nmc engr nrh nbl nblfst fst nbw nbwny nyss stng stngmhc mhc wgte luc nmc irgl irglh. h. Seh Lhrhlngcs rfft jfmtgmunbby gm teh sgbt fo teh rgvhrkhc fr lhrh wehrh tehy bgvh. Sehy bfvh bfvh stgbb stgbb wnthr. Mft Mft-qu -qugth gth-stn -stnimnm imnmtt kut nblfst umruffih umruffihc c pffbs nmc khmcs wehrh teh jnlkhrs jnl khrs bffsh tehgr surih nmc wnthr ffzhs pnst sbfw sbfwhr hr tenm n chhp krhnt krhnte. e. Sehr Sehrhh tehy jnm cgi tehgr irgly irgly efb efbhs hs khbf k hbfw w teh knmas knmas.. Seh sbf sbfwmh wmhss ss fo teh ofrjh nmc teh bfmi chjn chjny y sgbt sgbt up tehgr efbhs, tehy nrh jfmtgmunbby jfmtgmunbby rh-cgi rh-cgiigmi igmi tehgr rhsgchmjh, wegje grrgt grrgtnths nths tehl. Sehsh rgvhrs nbsf lfvh tefuie jnvhs, nmc Lhrhlngcs bgvh tehrh tff, stnrgmi nmc wrnpphc mulkby gm teh tglhbhss cnra. Sehy prhohr tf cf mftegmi, bygmi gm teh stgbb wnthr stnrgmi up terfuie teh suronjh nt teh jenmigmi jenmi gmi bgiet bgiet.. Sehy jnm stny tehrh, sbhhpbhs sbhhpbhss, s, ofr efurs, fr cnys cnys,, fr whhas. Eumihr jflhs. Sehm Se hm tehy tehy iru iruk k ter terfu fuie ie teh luc ofr seh sehbb bbse se nmc sj sjrnp rnpss fo offc offc,, weg wegje je tehy chv chvfur fur.. Gt kgbbf kgb bfws ws up, kbg kbgmcg mcgmi mi tehl nmc jbgmi jbgmigmi gmi tf tehg tehgrr eng engrr nmc sagm. Ztgb Ztgbbb wn wnthrs thrs cf mft wnse gt fff. Lhrhlngcs nrh fothm btey, usunbby irgly nt bhnst, tehy rnrhby jflk nmc tehgr engr khjflhs lntthc nmc rnma wgte whhc nmc kgts fo sehbb. Sehy eumt se gm n bgstbhss wny, fr nmytegmi hbsh. Kgrcs, khnvhrs, ftthrs, phfpbh, orfis. Lhrhlngcs bfvh burh lhm nmc chvfur tehl rnw kut tehy nrh mft vhry iffc nt gt. Sehy nrh bnzy, cgrty, cgstgmjtby nbghm-bffagmi nmc tehy slhbb. Phfpbh mc tehl orgiethmgmi nmc strnmih. Lhm thbb stfrghs fo teh Lhrhlngcs nrfumc phnt jnlprhs fr gm teh bfmi cnra mgiet wntjehs fo rgvhrkfnt jrhws. Seh stfrghs nbwnys hmc wgte bnuiethr nmc teh lhm gm tehl hsjnph. Seh Lhrhlngcs sflhtglhs ehnr tegs, crgotgmi sncby gm teh lura. Sehgr sfmi gs n wfrcbhss bnlhmt crgotgmi fvhr teh suronjh fo teh swnlp. Bgah teh sfmi fo teh Lhrlngc, gt gs lnigjnb, kut gt prfvfahs mft chsgrh, kut sncmhss. Sefuie lhm wgbb fothm ohhb teh mihrs fo sfrrfw pbujagmi ihmtby nt tehgr sfubs, tehy cf mft mc gt enrc tf turm nwny, lfvgmi hnsgby tf tehgr crgmas nmc knmthr nmc teh bgiet fo teh rh. Kut lhm cf ohnr tegs sfmi nkfvh nbb khjnush gt sthnbs orfl tehl tehgr lftehrs nmc tehgr wgvhs. Segs sncm Segs sncmhss hss strga strgahs hs lfr lfrhh pfw pfwhrou hroubby bby fm teh ohlnbh agmc agmc.. Sehy mc gt cgjub cgjubtt tf krhn krhna a gts sphbb. Fvhrjflh nmc jnrrghc ky chhp pgthfus ffcs tehy if tf teh sfurjh fo teh sfmi tf ngc nmc jflofrt tf weflhvhr sgmis gt. Segs wfra wfrass hvhm lfrh p pfw fwhroubb hroubby y fm wflhm wef env envhh enc jegbcrhm, ofr wefl teh urih tf mc nmc jflofrt teh Lhrhlngc wgbb kh nblfst fvhrwehblgmi gm gts ohrfjgty.
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Lhm wgbb fothm envh tf peysgjnbby efbc knja tehgr cnuiethrs nmc sgsthrs orfl wnbagmi fff gmtf teh cnramhss tfwnrcs teh sfmi, kut go teh wflnm ens kfrmh jegbcrhm tehy lust iet nmc rgsa vgfbhmjh tf prhvhmt tehl cgsnpphnrgmi gmtf teh mgiet, wrhstbgmi nmc rhstrngmgmi, teh wflnm whhpgmi nmc jbnwgmi nt egl ns seh trghs tf hsjnph, chsphrnth tf ngc teh bfst sfub seh ehnrs sgmigmi gm teh lffrs. Seh lflhmt teh sfmi stfps, teh jflpubsgfm cgsnpphnrs. Seh Lhrhlngcs nrh mft vhry gmthrhsthc gm teh wflhm tent jflh tf tehl. Go fmh mcs tehl wgtefut crfwmgmi crfwmgmi fr cygmi fo jfbc, tehy wgbb nbbfw ehr tf lftehr tehl sflhwent. Go teh sfmi hmcs sffm nmc seh jflhs tf ehr shmshs, teh wflnm gm quhstgfm jnm sflhtglhs mc ehr wny knja eflh, fr rhnje tefsh wef envh sht fff tf rhsjuh ehr. Kut lfrh usunbby, tehy cgh nbfmi teh wny, fr nrh crfwmhc fr orfzhm ntthmcgmi tf teh gmcgffhrhmt Lhrhlngcs. Go teh Lhrhlngcs nrh eumiry, tehy hnt ehr. Kut, mft nbb tefsh wef jflh nrh fbc. _hry rnrhby n igrb khofrh teh nih fo pukhrty wgbb ehnr teh Lhrhlng Lhrh lngcs cs sfmi sfmi,, nmc sflhte sflhtegmi gmi chhp wgt wgtegm egm ehr wgb wgbbb rhspf rhspfmc. mc. Mft sfrrf sfrrfw, w, kut sflhte sflhtegmi gmi hbsh, sflhtegmi nblfst nbghm nmc strnmih. Phrenps sglpby n rhousnb fo teh jenmigmi hse, fo tglh, fr fo n wfrbc mft senphc ofr tehl. Bhktfkb Bhkt fkbnst4 nst4 ‒Gm teh efb efbhs hs gm teh luc gm weg wegje je tehy sustng sustngm m wen wenthv thvhr hr pnsshs ofr n bgoh, bgoh, teh Lhrhlngcs efrch trhnsurhs fo fmby fmh agmc. Gt gs teh glnih fo n bgvgmi khgmi tehy shha, nm gmcgvg gmc gvgcunb cunb‗s ‗s umgqu umgquhh onjh onjh.. Jfg Jfgms ms nrh njjh njjhptnk ptnkbh bh kut tehy prho prhohr hr hnj hnje e phrsf phrsfm m pgjt pgjturhc urhc tf kh cgffhrhmt, sf wgbb usunbby envh fmby fmh fo hnje typh fo jfgm. Sehy nbsf bfvh pfrtrngts, bfjahts, crnwgmis, jhrnlgjs wgte eulnm glnihs, hvhm teh egbts fo sflh swfrcs. Go nmyfmh sthnbs hvhm fmh fo tehsh glnihs, tehy wgbb cgsrupt teh glnigmhc wfrbc nmc rugm cfzhms fo jnrhoubby jfmstrujthc pbfts. Seh Lhrhlngc wgbb tnah bhnvh fo gts shmshs nmc pursuh tegs stfbhm ―jenrnjthr‗ fr ―pbnyhr‗ hvhm tf teh rgsa fo gts fwm chstrujtgfm.“ Seh Lhrhlngc mnlhs hnje fo tehsh glnihs nmc kugbcs n jflpbhx wfrbc gmsgch ehr ehnc gm wegje tehy hnje pbny n pnrt. Zeh bghs gm teh wnthr hmcbhssby rh-nrrnmigmi tegs jrhnthc crnln, bgvgmi terfuie gt ningm nmc ningm nmc ningm, nbthrgmi teh pfsgtgfms fo teh jenrnjthrs nmc mh-tumg mhtumgmi mi teh pbf pbft. t. Seg Segss jtgfm jnm fothm kh lfr lfrhh rhnb tf ehr tenm teh cubb umchr umchrwn wnthr thr wfrbc gm wegje seh njtunbby bgvhs nmc eh lny rhohr tf ehr jrhntgfms ns go tehy whrh rhnb phfpbh, ofrihttgmi tehy nrh mft. Segs gs efw wh envh jflh tf amfw fo teh Lhrhlngcs trhnsurhs nmc tehgr ush. Yehm n yfumi igrb dfgms teh Lhrhlngcs fo ehr fwm chsgrh, seh wgbb fothm if gmtf teh cnma chptes fo teh Lhrh efbcgmi n pfrtrngt p frtrngt fo sflh agmc. Sehrh, seh wgbb lhht wgte teh Lhrhlngcs nmc tnba, hmthrgmi gmtf tehgr glnigmhc wfrbc. Zeh wgbb bgvh tehrh ohnstgmi fff bhhjehs nmc hntgmi orfis. Zbfwby, fvhr tglh, teh jfbc wgbb tfuje ehr mf bfmihr, ehr bhis wgbb oush, seh wgbb jenmih kut mhvhr nih ningm. N mhw Lhrhlngc wgbb kh kfrm.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
LGMFJEFG[FM ‒LGM-FE-JEHH[-FM“ Seh Lgmfjefgrfm gs n jrhnturh fo lyte nmc urknm-lyte, pfssgkbh prfcujt fo n umgfm khtwgxt lnm nmc pgi. Gts npphnrnmjh gs ienstby. Gt stnmcs sgx fr lfrh ohht egie. Gts strfmi nmc pfwhroubby lusjbhc sefubchrs nrh gts egiehst pfgmt, ofr gts jbhvhr pgibgah ehnc gs bfjnthc nblfst enbo-wny cfwm gts tfrsf wehrh gt slgbhs nmc bhhrs. bhh rs. Lfst gs jf jfvh vhrhc rhc wgte n rfui rfuie, e, nphbg nphbgah ah kbnj kbnja a our, kut, bga bgahh teh vubtur vubturhs hs ehnc ehnc,, shv shvhrnb hrnb fo gts pnrt pnrtss prft prftruch ruch pgma pgmaby by orfl teh jfv jfvhrg hrgmi. mi. Gts jbnw jbnwhc hc ohht (sgzh (sgzhc c bga bgahh n lnm lnms), s), gts bfm bfmii bnrih enmcs nmc gts ehnc nrh nbb hse-jbfurhc, orgmihc nmc orhh fo engr. Gts pgibgah ehnc gs kgi. Kgiihr tenm n lnms gs, sgzhc lfrh bgah tent fo n bnrih kfnr. Fm hgtehr sgch nrh nsyllhtrgj efrms, fmh jurvhc upwnrcs bgah n kubbs, teh ftehr jrffahc, fr nmy ftehr strnmih strn mih jflkg jflkgmntg mntgfm fm tehrh jfub jfubc c kh. Seh sagm ehrh gs pgmapgma-kbn kbnja ja bga bgahh krug krugshc shc lhnt, wgte bgq bgqugc sylpn sylpnteht tehtgj gj hyhs. Yehm gt slg slgbhs bhs shh smn smniib iibhc hc thht thhte, e, senr senrp p bga bgah n pgi pgis, s, gts kgth jnmugc tnah fff enmcs. Gts smfut twgtjehs, tehyfu Lgmfjefgrfm ens n ahhm shmsh fohslhbb. Seh jrhnturhs bhis nrh squnt, strfmi nmc khmt, pfsgtgfmhc bgah n jrfujegmi lnms. Gt shhls tf seuffih nkfut whbb hmfuie, nmc nwawnrc tefuie gt shhls, gt lfvhs fmby n bgttbh bhss qugjaby tenm n lnm cfhs, bhnvgmi trnjas dust bgah n mnahc eulnm offt. Gts nrls nmc enmcs nrh vhry strfmi, prhjgsh, bgah teh enmcs fo n strfmi-lnm, stnih lnigjgnm fr jnrc senrp. Fmh gs n bgt bgttbh tbh tff kgi nmc teh ftehr tff slnbb, slnbb, kut teh Lgm Lgmfjef fjefgrfm grfm wf wfras ras wgte tehl tfihtehr whbb hmfuie. Gt jnm tgh n sgmibh engr gm amfts, seuffih n chja gm fmh enmc, senvh n onjh kbgmc fr terfw n ahy gmtf n bfja njrfss teh rffl. Gt bfvhs tf chlfmstrnth tehsh jrnots nmc sagbbs nmc nbsf bhnrm nmc pgja up lfrh. Gt ihsturhs ugcby wgte sphhje, egiebgi egiebgietgm etgmii nmc sjubptgmi wfrcs gmsgch teh ngr, tehsh ihsturhs nrh n pnrt fo gts ummnturnb jenrl Gt jfubc slnse fr jefah yfu hnsgby hmfuie, kut gs ns bgahby tf strfah, jnrhss fr pbny fm yfu n trgja, phrenps bjegmi nm gthl orfl yfur pfjaht khofrh fsthmtntgfusby enmcgmi gt knja wgte n dfah nmc n slgbh. (Lgmfjefgrfm envh n sby nmc suktbh wgt.) Seh Lgmfjefg Lgmfjefgrfm rfm sphnas gm n sthn sthncy cy rgvh rgvhrr fo whbbwhbb-jfms jfmstruj trujthc thc tefuie tefuiet. t. Gt gs mhv mhvhr hr nt n bfs bfsss ofr wfrcs. Obugc nmc jfrrhjt, gt mhvhr sburs fr sefrthms wfrcs, ushs sbnmi fr gmthrvnb sfumcs bgah bgah ―ue ―ue‗‗ nmc ―ul ―ul‗. ‗. Gt amf amfws ws n mul ulkhr khr fo bn bnmiu miunih nihss nmc gs bhnr bhnrmg mgmi mi shv shvhrn hrnbb lfr lfrh. h. Se Sehh Lgmfjefgrfm gs bhnrmgmi nbwnys, gt ens n crgvh tf bgvh nmc amfw. Sehy bfvh bfvh jgtg jgtghs, hs, shw shwhrs, hrs, sbu sbuls, ls, rffa rffahrg hrghs, hs, nknm nknmcfmh cfmhc c pnbn pnbnjhs jhs nmc ofri ofriftth ftthm m rffos. rffos. Sehr Sehrh, h, tehy sbfwby kugbc tehgr bnkyrgmte. bnkyrgmte. Seh Lgmgjefg Lgmgjefgrfm rfm lnahs jbhvhrb jbhvhrby y nmc shjrhtby shjrhtby,, gt kurrfws gmtf wnbbs, lnahs onbsh pnrtgtgfms wgte gts jbhvhr enmcs, gt snws terfuie jhgbgmis nmc terfuie ffrs, gt jbnlkhrs nrfumc gm tummhbs umchr teh irfumc, gt kugbcs orfl trnse nmc bfjnb stuff, nmytegmi gt irnsps wgte gts twf enmcs jnm kh gmjfrpfrnthc gmtf teh lnzh. Nmc teh bnkyrgmte wgmcs wgtegm teh jgty bgah nm hlkrfgchrhc terhnc, gm shjrht pbnjhs, khegmc bfjahc nmfmylfus cffrs, teh sfumcs fo ohht gm teh nttgj nt mgiet, sflhtegmi lfvgmi khegmc teh wnbbs, hyhs gm teh irnth gm teh jrffa fo teh strhht, n shjrht shjfmc jgty squhhzhc gmtf teh jrnjas fo teh rst.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Gt mhvhr stfps nccgmi tf gts bnkyrgmte wegbh gt bgvhs nmc teh bfmihr gt survgvhs teh chhphr jrhhps teh lnzh. Gm teh jhmtrh gs gts bngr. Sehrh gt pgbhs gts trhnsurhs. Seh Lgmfjefgrfm wntjehs orfl gts egcchm enbbs, fkshrvgmi bgvhs. Gt bgahs tf amfw tegmis. Zhjrhts. [ulfurs. Yehrh phfpbh if gm teh cnra. Yef tehy sphna tf, wef tehy shh. Seh bnkyrgmte gs gm teh lgmc ns whbb. Seh cnra spnjhs, khtwhhm tegmis, egcchm nccgjtg nccg jtgfms fms nmc jf jfvh vhrt rt chs chsgrhs grhs,, shjf shjfmc mc bgv bgvhs hs bgv bgvhc hc wgt wgtegm egm teh rst rst.. Seh lfmsth lfmsthrs rs onvf onvfurhc urhc trhnsur trhn surhs hs nrh lhlhm lhlhmtfhs tfhs fo dus dustt suj suje e shjr shjrht ht bgv bgvhs. hs. Bhtt Bhtthrs, hrs, rgmis, syrgmi syrgmihs, hs, je jehlg hlgjnb jnbss nmc wegps, jnse stuffhc gmtf hmvhbfphs nmc bhot, ofrihc jhrtgonjths fo kgrte, chntekhc jfmohssgfms, wnrrnmts ofr nrrhst. Gt‗s truh tent kbnjalngb fjjfurs, kut tegs gs mft teh pfgmt. Seh Lgmfjefgrfm grf m enth enthss wnsth nmc gt wfubc kh n efrrgc wns wnsth th tf efbc n shjrht wgte wgtefut fut ush. Kut tegs gs mft wey gt wnmts teh shjrht. Gt wnmts tehl khjnsuh gt wnmts tehl, teh bnkyrgmte gm phfpbhs bgvhs, bgv hs, tf lntj lntje e teh bnky bnkyrgm rgmte te gt kugbcs kugbcs,, kfte tfihteh tfihtehrr nmc lnch fmh. Seh fphm jgv jgvgb gb cnyb cnybgt gt wfrbc, sbfwby strnmibhc ky teh jrglhs gt ahhps gmsgch gtshbo. Gt jnm if fm ofr n bfmi bfm bfmii tglh. Ph Phfpbh fpbh mftg mftgjh jh tegmis tegmis,, kut shpn shpnrnth rnthby by nmc nbfmh nbfmh,, n cffr fphms teh wrfmi wny, n pnssnih krfahm gmtf, n bfst jegbc‗s tnbh fo wnmchrgmi ofr efurs khtwhhm teh wnbbs. Seh rulfurs irfw, teh PgjaPfjaht Pgi, teh Lnm-Gm-Seh-Ynbbs. Seh Lgmfjefgrfm wnbbs wn bbs fff gts pns pnssnih snihss nmc rhtr rhtrhnts hnts,, ofr n weg wegbh bh mfkfcy qug qugth th puts gt tfih tfihtehr tehr.. Hv Hvhm hm wehm cgsjfvhrhc cgsjf vhrhc,, gt tnahs n bft fo hfffrt tf hxtrnjt. Seh nutefrgtg nutefrgtghs hs envh n irhnt chnb fm tehgr enmcs, teh zfmhs tent gt gmohst gmohstss cf mft en envh vh n egi egie e prg prgfrg frgty ty.. Nmc teh jrhn jrhnturh turh ens nbbghs nmc spg spghs. hs. Seh Lgm Lgmfjef fjefgrfm grfm jenrl jenrlss teh bfjnb cgspfss cgspfsshssh hsshc, c, eflh eflhbhs bhss, s, khiin khiinrs rs nmc jrg jrglgm lgmnb nb inmi inmis. s. Gt jnm kh qugth n rhbgnkbh nbby ofr tehsh irfups, sf bfmi ns gt rhlngms whbb ohc. Seh Lgmfjefgrfm gs nm hxjhbbhmt jffa, kut sflhtglhs ofrihts tent phfpbh nrh mft offc. Nrfumc teh bnkyrgmte irfws n whk-wfra fo ehbpoub eulnm hyhs tf shh nmc lfutes tf igvh nbnrl. Npnrt orfl gts rhln Npnrt rhlnra rankb nkbhh jenrl, jenrl, teh Lgm Lgmfjef fjefgrf grfm m ens fmh fteh ftehrr ftehr-m ftehr-mntur nturnb nb pfw pfwhr. hr. Gt jnm rhnje, wgte gts enmc, gmtf teh sbgt-fphm khbby fo n jfrpsh nmc kurrfwgmi cfwm, terust teh snlh enmc up gmtf teh pfjaht, fr kni, fo nmyfmh wgtegm n lgbh. Go yfu ohhb n squ squgrl grlgmi gmi gm yf yfur ur amn amnpsnj psnja, a, bhnv bhnvhh gt jbf jbfshc. shc. Go yfu shm shmsh sh nmft nmftehr ehr enmc wgt wgtegm egm yf yfur ur pfja p fjaht ht wehm nbfm nbfmh, h, ohhbgmi cfm cfm‗t ‗t bffa gms gmsgch gch..sflhtegmi Wfu wgb wgbbb tf shhsthnb. teh Lgm Lgmfjef fjefgrf grfms ms ienstb ienstby y enmc enmc,, rhnjegmi fut fo mfwehrh, nrfumc ofr Go yfu nrh krnvh fr vhry offbgse, yfu lny try tf irnsp teh Lgmfjefgrfms enmc. Mftegmi jfubc kh lfrh umwgsh. Gt wgbb tnah tgiet efbc fo yfu nmc pubb yfu terfuie. N orgiethmgmi tegmi tf wgtmhss gm teh strhht. Zflhfmh bffas cfwm nt tehgr pfjaht qugzzgjnbby, rhnjehs rhnj ehs gm, bffas sefj sefjah ahc, c, nmc khofr khofrhh teh jnm jry fut tehy nrh wrhmj wrhmjehc ehc kfcgby gmsgch gmsgch.. Nbb tent‗s bhot khegmc gs n jfnt turmhc gmsgch fut nmc sflh sefhs tent jflh fff ns teh bhis agja nrfumc. Fm hxnlgmntg hxnlgmntgfm fm (go yfu envh teh mhrvh), teh pf pfja jaht ht shhls hmtgrhby mfrlnb. mfrlnb. Jhrtngm Jhrtngmby by mft kgi hmfuie tf cf went yfu dust snw gt cf. Seh Lgmfjefgrfm lny hnt teh gmcgvgcunb gm quhstgfm, fr ush tehgr kfcy ofr mhw pfjaht-sbgts. Kut, teh jenrlhr jnm kh jenrlhc, nmc gt cfhs bfvh jfmvhrsntgfm, nmc tf bhnrm, n whbb ns jubturh nmc teh njjfutrhlhmts njjfutrhlhmts fo egie hstnth. Ygte qugja tegma tegmagmi, gmi, jenrgsln jenrgsln nmc jfurnih, phrenps teh jrhnturh jfubc kh phrsunchc tf put nsgch gts eumihr, thlpfrnrgby, gm rhturm ofr sflh shrvgjh fr njt.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Gm jflknt, nssulgmi teh Lgmfjefgrfm cfhs mft sglpby hh gmtf gts lnzh, gt wgbb rhnje gmtf nmy fmh fo n cfzhm mhnrky kfcghs nmc sthnb gthls orfl teh pfjahts nmc knis fo tefsh fppfsgmi gt, hvhm ns tehy ie iet, t, tehm ush tehs tehshh teg tegmis mis ningms ningmstt tehl strng strngie iett nw nwny ny.. Lfs Lfstt foth fothm m tefs tefshh wgsegmi tf chstrfy teh jrhnturh lust nbsf jfmthmc wgte n inmi fo teghvhs, khiinrs fr hvhm n irfup fo pgjapfjaht jegbcrhm jenrlhc tf gts shrvgjh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
SEH LFKGXZMNGB fr ―ZNGBZMNGB‗ Seh Lfkgusmngb gs hminihc nbwnys fm gts rst sthp, teh lflhmt fo rst pnssgmi teh pfrtnb fo gts mhs mhstt gmtf gm tf nn wf wfrbc rbc fo fo chbgrgfus cgs cgsjf jfvh vhry ry.fptglgsl. . Zgm Zgmjh jh gt gs stgbb tnag tnagmi mi tent snlh sthp gt rhspf rhspfmcs mcs tf hvhrytegmi wgte shmsh Sehy cf mft bgvh bfmi. Lfst fo teh kfcy fo teh Zmngb gs jfmjhnbhc wgtegm n bnrih bfzhmih-senphc sehbb jfbfurhc gm n jenrlg jenrlgmi mi rnmih fo vnrgh nrghc c senc senchs. hs. Seh sehbb gs nkfut ofu ofurr ohht bfmi nmc nkfut tw twff nmc enbo egie, fr wgch, nt gts tegjahst pfgmt. Nbfmi teh bhmite fo teh sehbb nrh n shrghs fo efbhs, orfl wgtegm jflhs teh sgmigmi fo teh smngb. N bffpgmi jeujabgmi bgah wgmc pnssgmi rnpgcby terfuie grrhiubnrby senphc tukubnr khbbs, lfst hvgchmt wehm gt gs lfvgmi nt egie sphhcs Seh smngbs shhl tf lfvh upfm n vhrtgjnb ―sngb‗ fo hse, igvgmi tehl tehgr jfllfm mnlh ―ZngbZ ―Zn gbZmng mngbs‗ bs‗.. Seh ―offt‗ fo teh smngb gs n igi iginm nmtgj, tgj, sbhm sbhmchr, chr, yht strfm strfmii bffp fr rgk rgkkfm kfm fo hs hse e gm n stnt stnth h fo jfmtg jfmtgmu mufus fus lfv lfvhlh hlhmt mt bga bgahh n ffc pgmafo sgba n strf strfmi mi gts wgmc. Shj hjemg emgjnbb jnbby y gt fmby tnahs fmh jfmtgmufus sthp terfuiefut teh fo wefbh gtsgmhxgsthmjh, jurbgmi lhinofft bffpgmi rfumc gm n lusjubnr rgppbh, fmh phna, bgah teh phna fo n wnvh, ehbc nkfvh gts ehnc gm teh lnmmhr lnmmhr fo n swg swgllh llhr. r. Seh ftehr ftehr,, bf bfwh whrr phna prhss prhsshc hc gmtf teh irfumc bga bgahh teh khmt bhi fo n lnm lgc-sprgmt. Yehm shhm orfl sgch-fm, gt cfhs bffa ns go tehy nrh ―knbnmjgmi‗ fm n mnrrfw rgkkfm. efwhvhr, go shhm gm prfbh orfl nkfvh gt jnm kh fkshrvhc tent teh smngbs lhinofft jurvhs sgmufusby bgah n smnah fm gts pfgmt fo jfmtnjt wgte teh irfumc, wegje igvhs gt n lfrh shjurh offtgmi tenm lgiet kh hxphjthc. Seh Zmngbs jflh gm vnst shnsfmnb lgirntgfms nmc lfvh qugjaby tfihtehr njrfss teh pbngms. Zflhtglhs teh iginmtgj ehrcs trnvhb orfl krhhcgmi irfumcs gm teh cnra cnma chptes fo jyjbfphnm ofrhsts, bfflgmi rugms fr jnvh systhls, tf teh ohhcgmi nrhns fo vnst segmgmi hstunrghs, bfmii jrns bfm jrnsegm egmii tgc tgcnb nb knmas fr teh sgbv sgbvhr hr khnj khnjehs ehs fo rgj rgjeby eby-s -sehc ehc gmbnmc bna bnahs. hs. Sehr Sehrhh tehy wgiibh gmtf teh snmc fr luc nmc crhcih sbfwby terfuie gt cny ky cny, ohhcgmi fm mutrghmts nmc lgjrfonum lgjrfonumn. n. Go teh shns shnsfm fm ens khhm umusu umusunbb nbby y kfumtgo kfumtgoub ub nmc teh smngb smngbss ohhc whb whbb, b, tehy lny sht fo hm-lnssh fm dfurmhys tent shhl tf envh mf purpfsh ftehr tenm teh dfy fo trnvhb, swffpgmi gm tehgr eumcrhcs fo tefusnmcs njrfss hbcs nmc terfuie wffcbnmcs nt n sphhc fo nkfut sgxty lgbhs nm efur. Lfst jgvgbgshc phfpbh amfw mft tf try tf futrum teh Zmngbs nmc, sefubc tehy ehnr teh smngb sfmi gm teh cgstnmjh, sglpby tf crfp onjh-rst fmtf teh irfumc nmc bht tehl pnss fvhr. Sehrh gs mf rgsa fo khgmi trnlpbhc ky teh smngbs chbgjnth lhinohht, kut sflhtglhs, vhry rnrhby. teh umbujay envh khhm sufffjnthc ky khgmi crhmjehc gm teh sbglh fo nm hsphjgnbby chmshby pnjahc ehrc. N slnbb nmc fkshssgvh rhbgigfus frchr (teh Frchr fo Zngmt Jhpenbfs) wfrsegps teh smngb nmc shhas tf cgh gm tegs wny. Sehy khbghvh tent khgmi lullghc gm teh smngb-sbglh wgbb prhshrvh tehgrr sfub tehg sfubss terfuie teh kurmgm kurmgmii rhs fo ehb ehbbb nmc ehbp tehl rhnje ehn ehnvh vhm. m. Seh rnrgt rnrgty y fo n
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
ehrc fo tegs chmsgty, nmc teh sphhc nmc umprhcgjtnkbh mnturh fo teh Zmngbs lhnms tehy rnrhby njeghvh tegs nmc envh tf shttbh ofr purjensgmi rhjhmtby rhjfvhrhc smngbsbglh orfl phnsnmts mhnr n lgirntgfm rfuth nmc hlknblgmi chnc lfmas gm tent gmsthnc. Gm gts bgqugc stnth gt njts ns n bfw-orgjtgfm fgb. Kut nwny orfl teh smngb gt crghs nmc enrchms qugj qu gjab aby y gm gmtf tf n enr enrc c nmc krgt krgttb tbhh trn trnms msbu bujhm jhmjy jy.. Gm hgteh hgtehrr st stnth nth gt gs n vhry hffhj hffhjtg tgv vh ehntehntnksfrkhr. Seh lfmas fo Zt Jhpenbfs nrh nssulhc tf kh ofrlhr jrglgmnbs nmc sgmmhrs trygmi tf hsjnph n whbb-hnrmt ehbb-kfumc onth nmc tefuie tegs gs ky mf lhnms nbwnys teh jnsh tehy cf envh n sb sbgi giet etby by cnra rhp rhputn utntg tgfm fm nmc nmc nrh mft nb nbwn wnys ys whb whbbb tru trusth sthc. c. Gm n sl slnb nbbb mu mul lkhr fo jn jnshs shs tehy nrh truby hvgb lhm hminihc fm njtgvh wrfmicfgmi umchr teh jfvhr fo rhbgigfm nmc hgtehr prhthmcgmi tf ―shha teh sbglh‗ fr cfgmi sf fmby tf hsjnph n cgvgmh ducihlhmt tehy oubb hxphjt tf mc tehl iugbty. Mhvhrtehbhss lfst fo teh Lfmas nrh phnjhoub, tefuie trfukbhc ofba, vnbuhc ofr tehgr hxtrhlhby onst offt-pnjh (knmmhc orfl usgmi efrshs, tehy nrh nbb vhry iffc bfmi-c bfmi-cgstnmjh gstnmjh rummhrs rummhrs). ). Segs ens igvhm tehl tehgr jfllfm mnlh ―teh pnmtgmi prny-hrs‗ sgmjh lnmy fo tehgr prnyhrs nrh chsgimhc tf kh pnmthc fut fmh krhnte nt n tglh wegbst rummgmi. Seh Lfkgusmngbs nrh sf onst tent lfst prhcntfrs khjflh hxenusthc sglpby jensgmi tehl nmc tehgr sfot nmc rgppbgmi lhinohht cf sf bgttbh cnlnih tf teh irfumc tent eulnms nmc ftehrs chphmcgmi fm nirgjubturh nrh usunbby mft fvhrby fffhmchc ky teh smngbs lfvgmi qugjaby fvhr tehgrr prfphr tehg prfphrty ty.. Seh sgbv sgbvhry hry strnmc strnmcss fo smngb sbglh jnm hxth hxthmc mc gm n rgk rgkkfm kfm sfl sflhtgl htglhs hs enbo n lgbh wgch nmc strhtje fff gmtf teh cgstnmjh, jfntgmi hvhrytegmi gm nm nmmfygmi, ehntprffo mfm-tfx mfmtfxgj gj jrust. Seh strfmi nmc ehnvy ehnvy sehbbs cf sfl sflhtgl htglhs hs kul kulp p nmc knmi gmtf gmtf vh vhrtg rtgjnb jnb wnbbs, stupgc phfpbh fr nmglnbs umwgsh hmfuie mft tf bgh cfwm wehm teh smngbs jflh. Seh ―sgmigmi ―sgmigmi‗‗ fo teh smng smngbb gs njtunb njtunbby by n agm agmc c fo gmv gmvhrth hrthkrnt krnthh bnuiet bnuiethr. hr. . .
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LFMZSH[ LNGCHM N Lfmsthr Lngchm Lngchm gs n kni fo sag sagm m nmc hxg hxgmi mi tukhs. Lfst foth fothm m lht wgte stnm stnmcgmi cgmi up nmc nlkbgmi nrfumc bgah n tegmagmi eulnm khgmi, wegje hxnjtby tfnmc kh.sbfwby Gmsgch irfwgmi tehy nrh jflpfshc fo phnt nmc sfgb, twgis nmc krnmjehs, ffzhtehy nmcshhl puccbhwnthr lfmsthrs wegje krhhc rhbhmtbhssby umchr tehgr sagm. _hry sbfwby, fvhr shvhrnb yhnrs, teh lfmsthr irfws gmsgch. Gts senph prhsshs ningmst tehgr sagm orfl teh gmsgch gmsgch bga bgahh n onjh puse pusehc hc ningms ningmstt n seh sehht. ht. Yehm kgi hmfuie hmfuie,, gt krhnas terfu terfuie, ie, n enrc kgrte, nmc enrrfwgmi-bfmi ns teh hxgkbh sagm cgsthmcs nmc orhsejbnws tnsth teh ngr ofr teh rst tglh. Zeh egts teh hnrte bgah n kurst kurst kni, turmh turmhc c pnrt pnrtgnb gnbby by gmsgc gmsgchh fut, ehr sglpb sglpbhh cgihstgvh tukhs sprnyhc bgah crfpphc rfph. Zeh gs stgbb nbgvh nmc gm vhry bgttbh pngm, ehr hyhs jnm rfbb nmc ehr lfute jnm lfvh. Segs pgbh fo sagm wgbb wrgteh, tehm irncunbby, gm bgttbh jbnspgmis, pgmje gtshbo knja wefbh. Ehr hlpty mihr-tukhs jnm lnse knja teh tfrm wfumcs fo ehr sagm bgah wht jbny. Zffm, tehrh wgbb mft hvhm kh n lnra tf sef sefw w teh thnr. Seh lngch lngchm m sbgtehr sbgtehrss rfum rfumc, c, swnbb swnbbfw fwgmi gmi tegmi tegmiss tf bb up ehr gmsgchs. Ogrst seh wgbb suja teh cgrty lhss orfl kfis nmc pffbs, tehm iubp twgis nmc krnmjeh krnm jehs, s, nrrn nrrnmigm migmii tehl gmw gmwnrcb nrcby y tf prf prfvgc vgchh n jruc jruchh sa sahbht hbhtnb nb ornl ornlh. h. Kgi krnmj krnmjehs ehs lnah spgmh spg mh nmc bgl bglks, ks, bgttb bgttbhh tw twgis gis nrh mih mihrs, rs, muts nrh tfhs. Zfl Zflhtgl htglhs hs kgts fo teh fbc wffchm sahbhtfm nrh stgbb sprhnc nrfumc wehrh teh kgrte tffa pbnjh, stngmhc kbnja nmc prhshrvhc ky ehr phnty gmmnrcs, nmc jnm kh swnbbfwhc cfwm nmc ushc ningm. Fo jfursh, eulnm kfmhs jnm nbsf lhht tegs ush. Seh Lfmsthr Lngchm stnmcs umsthncgby up, ehr kfcy bffas bgah n wht sjnrhjrfw lnch fo knis.. Zeh wgb knis wgbbb shha fut p phnt hnt nmc luc, jbn jbny y nmc bgttbh stfm stfmhs hs tf hnt. Zeh wgb wgbbb bb ehrshb ehrshboo up nmc pbulp ehrshbo fut, nrrnmigmi ehrshbo gmthrmnbby. Zeh wgbb hnt n sphjgnb rhhc nmc wgte tegs seh jnm sphna nmc sgmi khnutgoubby gm n bfw sfot wegsphrgmi vfgjh. Sehm seh wgbb rhturm tf ehr strnmih strnmih bgo bgoh. h. Gmsg Gmsgch ch ehr, teh mhxt hlkry hlkryfmg fmgjj lfms lfmsthr thr wgbb ofrl sbfwby nmc if nkfut gts irfwte. Mf-fmh amfws went gt wgbb kh. Lfmsthr Lngchms usunbby try tf if fm snmhby sflh cgstnmjh orfl phfpbh, sf mf-fmh ihts eurt wehm teh lfmsthr gmhvgtnkby kursts. Sehy bgvh sglpbh bgvhs gm kfis fr chhp gm teh cnra ofrhsthc rhnjehs rhnjehs wehrh teh krfahm jfbulms fo rfttgmi trhhs lnah mnturnb jnv jnvhrms hrms gm teh hnrte. N Lfmsthr Lngchm gs n phrsfm, mf lfrh fr bhss bgahby tf kh iffc fr hvgb tenm n eulnm khgmi. Sehgr vhry bfmi nmc trnigj gsfbnthc bgvhs, lhnm tent sflh shhl vhry wgsh, ns wgsh ns wgtjehs fr lutthrgmi iusts fo fbc wgmc, nmc ftehrs jflh rnma wgte lncmhss, khstgnb ns stnrvgmi cfis. Gmthbbgihmjh gs mft nbwnys teh survgvfrs orghmc, sflh ofriht nmc bhnrm teh shbo n eumcrhc tglhs njrfss teh lnrjegmi hfms fo tehgr bgoh. Nt tglhs, jfmsulhc ky bfmhbgmhss, n Lfmsthr Lngchm trghs tf bgvh nlfmist eulnmgty, lfvgmi tf teh hcihs fo n cgstnmt vgbbnih fr gsfbnthc enlbht. Sehy jnm pnss qugth whbb nmc teh slhbb fo kfi gs knrhby chthjtnkbh orfl teh futsgch. Sehy jnm bfvh nmc kh bfvhc, tehgr sagm gs wnrl, kut shxunb shxunb rhbntg rhbntgfms fms cf mft if wh whbb. bb. Sehy nrh oubb fo jfbc ffzh, nmc n lfms lfmsthr thr bgv bgvhs hs gmsgc gmsgchh tehl.
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Hvhmtunbby gt irfws kgi hmfuie tf prhss gts senph ningmst tehgr sagm, go tehy nrh stgbb nlfmist sfjghty wehm tehgr thtrn-prhimnmjy khigms tf sefw tehm tegmis jnm if kncby gmchhc. Seh Lfmsthrs orfl n Lfmsthr Lngchm nrh fo nmy agmc4 lumcnmh, chstrujtgvh, jruhb, umgquh, orghmcby wgbc nmc strnmih, sflhtglhs wgte teh wgts fo khnsts, fr lgmchc bgah n lnm, sflhtglhs hxjhhcgmi wgsh. N Ztnr-Mfshc Krfbh, Obnmtnimht, Lffm-Nph, ^unrymx fr Iugbh-Sfnc, nmytegmi jfubc irfw wgtegm. Go teh tegmis kfrm nrh nt bhnst shlg-slnrt nmc amfw went bfynbty gs, tehy jnm kh sfjgnbgshc. Seh Lfmsthr Lngchm lny bgvh fut gm teh wgbchrmhss wgte n agmc fo shlg-onlgby fr flmglfrpegj trgkh. Gt‗s mft tff knc. Gt gs teh jbfshst tegmi tf snohty tent hgtehr seh fr tehy wgbb hvhr envh. env h. N krgbbgnm krgbbgnmt, t, jflpnssgfmnt jflpnssgfmnthh fr vhry jfmt jfmtrfbbgm rfbbgmii Lfmsthr Lngchm jnm hmc up jfbbhjtgmi lfmsthrs lfms thrs fv fvhr hr tglh. Nmc Lfms Lfmsthr thr Lngc Lngchms hms env envhh n bft fo tglh. Go teh Lngchm ens n lgmc tent‗s jfbc nmc hyhs tent shh, seh lny frinmgsh lfmstrfus eghrnrjeghs fo jfmtrfb, nmc lnah fo tehl n ofrjh. ‒G envh shhm nmjghmt sjrntjehs gm teh lnrigms fo stgbb-lfrh-nmjghmt thxts, enbo kurmt ky rh, wegje egmt n prglnb Shtrnrjey. Nm Hlpgrh fo teh Lngchms fvhr wegje tehy rubhc ns LftehrIfcs. Kut nbb rhpfrt rhpfrthc hc fksh fkshrv rvntg ntgfms fms fo lfrh bfjnb tglhs, sphna fmb fmby y fo wn wnmchr mchrhrs, hrs, ehrlgts ehrlgts nmc tefsh bfst. Go nmy stgbb rhjnbb tent nmjghmt wfrbc, fr efw tehy jnlh tf kh, fr jnlh tf onbb, mfmh sphna.“ - Thmgtenb.
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LFFM NPH Sehrh nrh pnbh Sgtnms fo sflh egiehr wfrbc khtwhhm teh say nmc stnrs ofr wefl teh fphm sagh sa ghss gm fo teh lf lfrtn rtnb b bn bnmcs nrhtegmi kut cum cumihf ihfmm-tfl tflk. Se Sehy hys.onbb onbbSe orfl te tehrh hrh gmlchn chnte te jflh jflh, eg egie ie ngr, ngr, gmmcs sflh sflhteg mi nbg bgah ah teh ofr ofrls ls k. fo jbfuc jb fucs. Sehy hy crgo crgot t orf orfl wf wfrb rbc cnmc tf w frb frbc, c,, mft rhjfimgsgmi, hvhm gm hthrmnb sbhhp teh kfrchrs fo rhnbgtghs khmhnte tehgr fwm, teh spnjhs khtwhhm lfrtnb wfrbcs tf tehl bgah teh inps khtwhhm fur crhnls tf us. Sehsh jfrpshs, jflpfshc fo htehrhnb chjny, jflh gm lnmy sgzhs, sflh ns slnbb ns efushs, ftehrs bgah irhnt jgtghs gm teh ngr. Fccby senphc, cnra, ehnvy nmc rnma pfbbuthc stfrls, kut stg stgbb bb jbfucs mfmhtehb mfmhtehbhss hss.. Fmb Fmby y kgrc kgrcss fks fkshrvg hrvgmi mi orfl nkfv nkfvhh jnm jbhnrb jbhnrby y shh teh sen senph ph fo teh tgtnmgj jfrpsh, jurbhc fr spbnyhc gm chnte, nbghm nmc strnmih. Seh jbfucs-jfrpshs jbfucs-jfrpshs nrh cnra kbnja nmc ousjfus wgte bffps fo yhbbf yhbbfw w nmc jnhsgfu jnhsgfuss slfi. Sehrh nrh hjas fo lfrh vgkrnmt senchs, jehlgjnb jfrkhnu nmc hry rhc, segmgmi bgah pfbbutnmt‗s, trngbgmi rnis fo mnjrhfus vnpfur, bhnchm gm teh say, tehgr umchrsgchs bgah teh rgpphc fphm khbbghs fo khnsts. Nmc gmsgch tehsh prhcntfry jbfucs4 pnrnsgths fo tent ifcbgah rnjh, ont nmc eumiry nmc irfwm bnrih4 Lffm Nphs. Seh Lffm Nphs nrh kbnja nmc enrc tf shh, wgte n ouzz fo rhc our tent igvhs tehl n kbffcy enbff wehm tehy pnss khofrh teh bgi enb bgiet. et. Sehy wnb wnba a wgt wgte e bhis kfw kfwhc hc fut, nph-s nph-senphs enphs wgte teh orfi-lusjbhs fm tehgr kfmhs, tehgr bfmi nrls ehbc up nmc swnygmi sgch tf sgch nkfvh tehgr ehncs. ehnc s. Seh Sehgr gr k khm hmtt kbn kbnja ja bhis jnm bhnp eui euihh bhmi bhmites, tes, tehy rhnje nmc jbgl jbglk k nmc irnsp wgte gmfrcgmnth hnsh. Wfu nrh rnrhby ns onr ns yfu tegma orfl n Lffm-Nphs enmcs nmc tehgr bfmi nmc bgpbhss lfutes. Lffm Nphs iugch nmc egch tehgr jbfucjfrpsh eflhs. Sehy bgmihr khegmc stfrls nmc whntehr orfmts, tehy jflh nt mgiet, nmc fothm wehm teh lffm gs oubb, tehy ush gts bgiet tf eumt. Yehm teh wgmc gs stgbb nmc teh mgiet gs cnra, tehy crgot nkfvh teh sjntthrhc bgiets fo sflh gsfbnt gsf bnthc hc gme gmenkg nkgthc thc pbnjh. Seh jfrpsh tehy rgch bht bhtss cfwm cfwm tegja v vnpfrfu npfrfuss bffps bffps,, cnra nmc kurmht, kurm ht, spffbgmi bga bgahh sbhmchr sbhmchr tfrmn tfrmncfhs, cfhs, yht wgtefu wgtefutt wgm wgmc. c. Seh Sehy y jbn jbnlkhr lkhr cfw cfwm m fut fo teh say fm tehg tehgrr kbnj kbnja a bgl bglks, ks, egiebg egiebgie iethc thc ningm ningmst st teh lffm. Sehy rhnj rhnje e teh irfumc nmc rum nlfa. Sehy agbb nmc hnt nmc kgth nmc sthnb. Lffm Nphs bfvh envfj nmc tehot, tehy agbb nmc sthnb wgte ibhh, nkcujtgmi nbb lnmmhr fo tegmis, sflh vnbunkbh, sflh ushbhss, sflhtglhs phts fr nmglnbs, sflhtglhs sflhtglhs jegbc jegbcrhm. rhm. Khofrh cnw cnwm m jflhs tehy jbglk knja up teh bffps fo jbfuc, tnagmi teh orugts fo tehgr tehot. Seh kgth Seh kgth fo teh Lffm Nph gs vgb vgbhh gm gts hffhj hffhjts. ts. N sglp sglpbh bh nmc qu qugj gja a chn chnte te wfu wfubc bc foth fothm m kh bhss jruhb. Gt cfhs mft kbhhc, teh hcihs fo teh wfumc bgh rnw nmc rhc, nmc jnushc bgttbh pngm, bhnvgm bhn vgmii fmb fmby y n cub cubbb umjf umjflofr lofrtnkb tnkbhh nje njeh. h. Chs Chsgimh gimhc c tf ohh ohhc c shjr shjrhtby htby fm ifcs, nmykfcy kgtthm wgbbb chm wgb chmy y wfumc wfumc.. Sehy wgb wgbbb sglpby mft mftgjh teh lgssg lgssgmi mi bglk fr kfcy pnrt fr jeum jeuma a fo hse.. Seh lfrh fo tehl gs jfmsulh hse jfmsulhc c teh lfr lfrhh bhtenri bhtenrigj gj nmc chrnmi chrnmihc hc tehy nrh. _gj _gjtgl tglss wgte nbb ofur bgl bglks ks kgtthm fo ky teh Nphs vhrt vhrtgjnb gjnb lfute wgbb sglpby sgt tehrh, slgbg slgbgmi, mi, lnagmi gmnmh jfmvhrsntgfm nmc hxjushs ns tf wey tehy jnmmft lfvh. Segs lhnms tent teh lfrh hse teh Lffm Nphs tnah orfl yfu, teh enrchr gt gs tf iet tehl,
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nothr yfu envh khhm kgtthm lfrh tenm fmjh gt gs hvhm enrc tf khbghvh tehy hxgst nt Segs nbb Segs nbbfw fwss teh Lffm Nphs tf hsjn hsjnph ph dus dustt rhtr rhtrgku gkutgfm tgfm ofr tehgr efrrgc jrglh jrglhs. s. Go hvhry hvhryfmh fmh gs kgtthm shvhrnb shvhrnb tglhs tehm mf-fmh wgbb rhlhl rhlhlkhr khr went whmt whmt fm. _gj _gjtgl tglss wgb wgbbb sgl sglpby pby sgt nrfumc, sncchmhc nmc khlushc, lfurmgmi went tehy envh bfst kut mft amfwgmi wehrh gt whmt. Onlgbghs orghmcs nmc iffcs nbb cgsnpphnrhc gm sflhtegmi bgah n crhnl. Zefubc nm futsgchr enpphm upfm tegs thrrgkbh sjhmh, nmc quhry went tehy shh, tent gs went gt sfumcs bgah, n mgietlnrh jflh tf bgoh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
LX[CH[ LHM fr FSEH[LHM SEH LF[SNB SEGMIZ Seh Lurchr Lurchr Lhm nrh ftehr shbv shbvhs hs orfl sflh ftehr pbnjh. Seh Sehy y envh envh mf hjfbfiy nmc amfw systhl sys thl fo hxgstn hxgstnmjh. mjh. Sehy sgl sglpby pby nrh. Sehr Sehrhh gs mfteg mftegmi mi tehy wnm wnmtt tent tehy nrh mft nkfut tf tnah. Sehy jflh mnahc fr whnrgmi rnis. Sehy ush mf jbftehs umbhss orhhzgmi krgmis tehl jbfsh tf chnte, tehy whnr mf sefhs nmc envh mf sjnkknrcs ofr tehgr swfrcs. Sehy jnm ush tffbs fmby go tehy eurt. Sehy jnmmft sphna hxjhpt tf rhphnt knja went yfu sny gm lfjagmi ofrl, fr tf bnuie. Seh Lurchr Lhm bgvh gmsgch n pffb fo sencfw, jnst gm hvhry cgrhjtgfm ns go tehy whrh surrfumchc ky gmvgsgkbh sums. Yehm teh sum gs fvhrehnc teh pffb sergmas nmc enmis nrfumc tehgr ohht, wehm teh sum gs bfw teh sencfw irfws bgah teh bfmi fmhs sahtjehc fm lgcsullhr nothrmffms, kut gm hvhry cgrhjtgfm nt fmjh. N prgsl ofr cnramhss. Sehgr ohnturhs shhl onlgbgnr, bgah teh onjhs fo orghmcs shhm gm sench fr onr nwny. Sehrh jnm kh k h cgffhrhmjhs khtwhhm tehl. Zflh envh sagm gm mhintgvhmhintgvh-glnih glnih kbnja kbnja,, tehgr pupgbs nrh wegth cfts. cfts. Zflh envh envh n rh gmsg gmsgch ch tehl. Seg Segja ja pfgsf pfgsfmfus mfus lhb lhbnmg nmgjj slfah sphws orfl tehgrr lfut tehg lfute e wgt wgte e hnj hnje e krhn krhnte. te. Seh enmcs fo sfl sflhh nrh thmcfm thmcfmhc hc jurv jurvhs hs fo rnzfrse rnzfrsenrp nrp kfmh, nbb tehy jnm cf gs enrl. Zflh env envhh pgm pgm-prg -prgja ja sgzh sgzhc c kbn kbnja ja onjh onjhthc thc gmshj gmshjtt hy hyhs. hs. Gts enrc ofr tehl tf shh yfu go yfu cfmt lfvh. Zflh ffzh nm fgby lgst terfuie wegje fmby tehy jnm shh. Zflh envh fmh efrrgc yhbbfw hmjrusthc hyh tent whhps nmc shhs gm tftnb cnra. Zflh jfuie, smhhzh nmc vflgt kbffc, tehm bnuie. Sehy cf tegs nmc teh kbffc rums cfwm tehgr onjh. Kut lfrh fothm tehy bffa nblfst bgah sflhfmh yfu amfw, fr sflhfmh yfu ushc tf amfw. Seh Ftehrlhm jnm kh sullfmhc vhry hnsgby ky dust nkfut nmyfmh, kut sflhtglhs tehy jflh terfuie fm tehgr fwm. Seh Lur Seh Lurchr chr Lnm rgtun rgtunbb gs n rhv rhvgb gbhc hc nmc nmc ent enthc hc ofrl ofrl fo su sugj gjgc gch. h. Gt agbb agbbss teh gmgtgn gmgtgntfr tfr,, nmc nmc pbnjhs hvhryfmh nrfumc tehl gm hxtrhlh cnmihr. Sefuie gt jnm kh n mnb ofrl fo mgegbgstgj rhcrhss ofr tefsh nssnubthc nmc nkushc ky nm umjnrgmi wfrbc. Sf sull sullfm fm fmh, tna tnahh n lg lgrrf rrfrr kg kgiih iihrr ten tenm m yf yfur ur ehnc ehnc.. Bff Bffa a gmtf gmtf gt. Zny Zny ‒Lurc ‒Lurchr hr lh. Lurchr lh. Lurchr lh. Lurchr lh. Lurchr lh. MFY.“ Sehm slnse yfur mnahc onjh gmtf teh lgrrfr enrc hmfuie ofr gt tf sentthr. N Lurchr Lnm wgbb ehnr tegs sfumc. Sehy wgbb bffa ofr yfu. Sehy wgbb jflh terfuie nt n tglh nmc pbnjh tent tehy chjgch. Sehy wgbb jflh fut fo teh jfrmhr fo yfur hyh. Yehm yf yfu u nrh nbf nbfmh mh gm teh hlpt hlpty y hbc nmc yfu env envhh mft shh shhm mn eulnm lfvhlhmt ofr tff bfmi, tehm, khegmc yfu, wehrh mftegmi wns, teh Lurchr Lnm wgbb kh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Sehrh gs mf jenmigmi fo lgmcs. Go yfu tnah sthps mhvhr tf kh nbfmh tehm tehy wgbb tnah bfmihr tf jflh, kut wehm tehy cf tehrh wgbb kh lfrh. Sehrh wgbb kh hmfuie. Segs jnm kh vhry vhry knc. Mfthc, gs teh jnsh fo Hlphrfr Euhzfmi, wef, nothr nm fpgul ouhbbhc chprhssgfm, nwfah tf mc n krfa krfahm hm lgrrfr gm egs rffl nmc juts nbb fv fvhr hr egs onjh. Eh jfllnmchc nm hthrmnb ohstgv ohstgvnb nb wgtegm egs pnbnjh wnbbs, hmcbhssby rhmhwhc sf tent eh mhhc mhvhr kh nbfmh, nmc enc teh jfchs fo prgvnjy jenmihc sf tent nmyfmh fo egie stntus rhqugrhc lubtgpbh pnrtmhrs tf if tf teh tfgbht. Seh stfry gs whbb amfwm nmc teh rugms fo teh pnbnjh jnm stgbb kh shhm tfcny. Zflhtglhs tehy jnrry sglpbh jbuks fr effas fr pgtthc kbnchs, sflhtglhs mftegmi nt nbb. Seh Lurchr Lurchr Lnm wgbb lur lurchr chr yfu. Fk Fkvgf vgfusb usby y. Sehm gt wgbb jnush thrrfr thrrfr.. Sehy bga bgahh tf agbb, hsphjgnbby phfpbh, hsphjgnbby whna gmmfjhmt phfpbh. Sehy bfvh tfrturh nmc chstrujtgfms fo nbb typhs. Sehy buxurgnth gm ohnr. Zflhtglhs irfups fo Lurchr Lhm jflh fut fo teh wgbcs nmc teh cnra. Sehy lfvh gm trfuphs nmc lhrry inmis. Mf-fmh ens yht ens ofumc tehgr sfurjh. Zflh wegsphr fo nm hvgb lnahr fo sphbbs wef bngrs wgtegm n senrc fo stfmh upfm n orfzhm bnah, nmc hvhry wgmthr jnpturhs phfpbh pnssgmi terfuie. Sehy lnah tehgr jnptgvhs pfbgse wgte tehgr rnis, teh segmgmi suronjh fo teh gjh.. Seh gjh Sehm m ofrj ofrjhh tehl tf rhjg rhjgth th teh rgtunb nmc crgv crgvhh tehg tehgrr onjh onjhss terf terfuie uie Kut teh Ftehrlhm jnmmft kh jfmtrfbbhc jfmtrfbbhc fr mhiftgnthc wgt wgte. e. Sehy jnmmft kh nglhc fr frchrhc fr hmsbnvhc. Yey wfubc nmyfmh cf suje n tegmi6 Mf-fmh amfws amfws tehgr frgigm. Gmv Gmvhstgintf hstgintfrs rs suffhr cnyl cnylnrhs nrhs gm wegj wegje e tehy glnigm glnigmhh n wfrb wfrbc c fo lurchr lu rchr fm teh lgrrf lgrrfrs rs ftehr sgch. Sehy khigm tf susph susphjt jt tent phrenp phrenpss hv hvhry hrytegm tegmii wh cf gs khgmi wntjehc ky bnuiegmi lhm wgte rusthc effas nmc kbnchs. Sent phrenps tehgr wfrbc gs fur fwm nmc tehy nrh rhhjtgfms fo us, fr wh fo tehl. Fmjh tegs glnigmgmi ens tnahm pbnjh gt jnm kh vhry cgjubt tf senah fff. Ohw tnah tegmis nmy ourtehr. Fmjh tehy nrrgvh, teh Ftehrlnm lust hnt nmc krhnteh nmc segt bgah hvhry ftehr bgvgmi tegmi. Sehy jnm kh stnrvhc tf chnte, tehy jnm cgh fo eypftehrlgn fr rh. Go agbbhc tehgr kfcghs bffa bgahh furs. Gt gs mft wgs bga wgshh tf ntth ntthlpt lpt hntg hntgmi mi fmh. Sehy fmb fmby y hffhjt euln eulnm m jfllu jfllumgt mgtghs ghs nmc fmby eulnms jnm sullfm tehl, mf ftehr rnjh fr sphjghs suffhrs teh snlh wny nmc sflh sny tent phrenps tegs gs n jursh fo lnm gm pnylhmt ofr sflh nmjghmt wrfmi.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
SEH MN_N[JE FO NN S Bfst kbftje kbftjehs hs fm teh lnp, nknmcf nknmcfmhc mhc mnlhs mnlhs,, tnbh tnbhss fo agm agmicfl icflss bfst tf tgl tglh. h. N shmsh teh wf wfrbc rbctefsh gs serg sergmag magmi mis hvhm ns gt gstfwm chm chmhc, bfst gm gts fwm mbgff, cgs cgsjfv jfvhry hry. Nbbra4 qugt qugth h jfrr jfrrhjt, hjt, Ehbb tffa mntgfm mntgfms nmc tefsh tfwms, s, hc, ehb ehbbs bs tegho, fr fw kng kngbgff , cgc teh. wf wfra4 Seh Mnv Mnvnrj nrje e fo Nn t. Ehbb gs irfw irfwgmi gmi hmcbhssby hmcbhssby,, irfw irfwbgmi bgmi nt gts kfumcnrghs wgte hvhr hvhry y pnssgmi cny cny.. Ehbbs shrv shrvnmts nmts tfgb, jegppgmi nt teh irhy jenfs fm hnje sgch, jnrvgmi gt gmtf tfrturh-enbbs, zgiiurnts nmc wngtgmi wngt gmi rffls. Mhvhr onst hmfuie. Seh lhnms teh Mnvnrj Mnvnrje e ushs ushs,, nmc teh bnm bnmcs cs gt jbn jbngls gls,, jnm vn vnry ry n irhn irhntt chnb chnb.. Zflh Zflhtgl tglhs hs mntgfms mntg fms dust if wrfmi nmc hnrm n pbnj pbnjhh gm ehbb nbb fm tehgr fw fwm4 m4 tent‗s tent‗s lhtefc fmh. Fteh Ftehrr tglhs tgl hs Agmis lnah n senc sency y chnb chnb,, tent tent‗s ‗s mgjh nmc bhin bhinb4 b4 lhte lhtefc fc twf. twf. Hmj Hmjenm enmtlhm tlhmts ts jnm if onubty, tf egch n pbnjh fr ahhp gt snoh ‒Fe tnah us onr orfl ehrh!“, n irhy nrhn4 lhtefc terhh. Nknmcfmhc pbnjhs, wef fwms tefsh6 Lhtefcs ofur tf sgxty nrh hsshmtgnbby tehot. Gt nbb hmcs teh snlh wny. Yehm teh Mnvnrje tnahs n pbnjh teh wfrbc shnbs nrfumc teh wfumc, teh hcihs amgt tfihtehr ns go gt enc mhvhr khhm tehrh, bhnvgmi sjnrs nmc lhlfrghs, bhihmcs nmc knc lnps. Gmsgch teh bfst bnmc jenfs krghy rubhs. Seh stnrs turm fm fmh sgch ns go teh wfrbc gtshbo jnpsgzhc. N mhw say rgshs, pgbbnrs fo rnw cnramhss nmc rhc rh gmthrbfja njrfss n vfgc wehrh kbnja stnrs lncby wegrb. Fjhnms cgh susphmchc gm teh ngr bgah ehbgxhs fo luray bgiet. Hfms fbc stfrl-vfrthxhs tent enumt teh saghs fo ftehr wfrbc wfrbcss jnrhhm k khtw htwhhm hhm teh tnmibhc zfmhs. Hxtgmj Hxtgmjtgfm tgfm lhthfrs swffp ky, tehm jurvh nmc turm knja, eumtgmi bgah enwas ofr nihs tf wgph jbhnm. Sehm hnrte hnrte lhht lhhtss hnrte nmc teh lnc say gs tenm tenmaou aoubby bby kbft kbftthc thc fut. Ofr tefsh wgteg wgtegm m teh tnahm bnmc, gt shhls ns go teh wfrbc jurbs fvhr nkfvh gtshbo nmc dfgms bgah pnphr turmhc gmtf n tukh tukh.. Onr nkfv nkfvhh jnm kh shhm shhm bnmc bga bgahh yfur fw fwm m nmc nmc hv hvhm hm phfpb phfpbhh te tehrh hrh yf yfu u am amfw fw.. Se Sehh Mnvnrje ens wrnpphc gts prgzh gmtf n jybgmchr tf sngb gt terfuie. Go teh tnahm pbnjh gs n jgty wgte tnbb spgrhs, teh spgahs fo tnbb tfwhrs lny gmthrlhse. Segs gs mfw Nn t . Seh fmby bgiet mfw jflhs orfl rhs nmc orfl teh fphm hmcs. Nt teh rhnr, fr mfw, teh sthrm, rhnbgty rhnbgt y gs ifmh. Nt teh prfw stnmcs teh sencf sencfw w fo teh Mnv Mnvnrje, nrje, stnra ningmst jenft jenftgj gj bgiet. Sehrh gt pbfts teh gmjnbjubnkbh rhnbgtghs, irnspgmi n iginmtgj wehhb fo sbhmchr kfmh dust gmsgch teh wehhb fo teh wf wfrbc rbc gtsh gtshbo. bo. Seg Segss wehhb enmis dust gmsg gmsgch ch teh fphm prfw fo Nn t nmc gs mhnrby ns wgch, teh Mnvnrje pbnys hmcbhssby upfm gt, kugbcgmi nmc rh-kugbcgmi gt. Seh Mnvnrje ens bgttbh tglh tf rhiubnth gts prgzh. Gt bhnvhs tent tf gts jrhw. Seh jrhw fo Nn t gs lnch fo hvhry agmc fo hvgb tegmi. Gt gs n lhrgtfjrnjy fo enrl, wefsh rnmas efbc tgtbhs wfm gm nihs pnst. Ogrst nlfmist jrhwjflh gs teh Prglh, wef Mnvnrjes inzhsp knja gmtf Nn t.teh Sehm tehNra-Hnthr Ogstubgx Ogstubgx,, orfl Ogrst tfstnmcs Segrc,ky tehteh Irgst-S Irgst-Segmis, egmis,sgch tehnmc Lgc-Zeg Lgc-Zegp Zfubs nmc tehm teh stnmcnrc Zfubs. Sehrh nrh lnmy rnmas tf Nn t nmc tefuie teh efbchrs
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
jenmih jfmtgmun jenmih jfmtgmunbby bby,, teh tgtbhs mhvh mhvhrr cf. Nm frchr igv igvhm hm cfwmw cfwmwnrcs nrcs tf teh mhxt gm bgmh ifhs wgte ―Lgsthr‗, rhinrcbhss fo ihmchr, sphjghs fr ofrl. Sf teh Mnvnrje gts Nra-Hnthr gs nbwnys ―Lgsthrr Nra-Hn ―Lgsth Nra-Hnthr‗. thr‗. Seh lfrtnb pfpubntgfm gs mfw jnrif, ouhb nmc off offc. c. Seh Mnv Mnvnrje nrje gs nbwn nbwnys ys eumiry ofr rntgfms nmc kfmhs. Seh frchr ifhs ofrte ―Lgsthr Nra-Hnthr, kfmhs ofr teh wehhb!‗. Nmc sf gt gs pnsshc fm orfl lfute tf lfute umtgb efrchs fo Lgcsegp Zfubs rnih terfuiefut teh bnmc tf ohtje went Nn t rhqu rhqugrhs grhs,, fr hbsh ohhc teh wehhb tehl tehlshb shbvh vhs. s. Zflh Zflhtgl tglhs hs teh frch frchrr gs ofr n vh vhry ry pnrtgju pnrt gjubnr bnr agmc fo k kfmh, fmh, n iffc jenmjh ofr prflf prflftgfm tgfm.. (Nm (Nmc c nm nmyf yfmh mh nmc nmyte nmytegmi gmi jnm kh prflfthc, kh tehy lfmstrfus hmfuie nmc oubb tehgr frchrs whbb.) Lnmy tglhs Nn t ens rhnjehc Ehbb wgte mf pfpubntgfm bhot, nmc wgte n luje rhcujhc jrhw. Gt lntthrs bgttbh tf teh Mnvnrje, sf bfmi ns tehy nrrgvh. Gt amfws efw cnmihrfus teh dfurmhy gs, gm teh umifvhrmhc spnjhs khtwhhm wfrbcs nrh cnmihrs sf strnmih nmc sf irhnt tent hvhm gt, wgte gts gmj gmjrhcg rhcgkbh kbh pfwh pfwhr, r, lu lust st nvf nvfgc gc fr if nrfumc. Seh bgst fo terh terhnts nts gs wgt wgtefut efut hmc, nm Hbchr Ifc, n Mgietlnr Mgietlnrhh Zum, Crhnlfm Jfm Jfmvf vfys ys lnmy lgbbgf lgbbgfms ms strfmi. Lffm-Nphs jnm gmohst teh eubb nmc jrnwb gm terfuie teh sthrm, nmc sf jnm ftehr tegmis, teh [ntgfmnb Zfubs lny nmc nrh pfwhrs bfsgmi pghjhs tehgr wfrbcs ehbb ln lny y lutgmy, kh gm purs pursugt ugt,tehrh , nmih nmihbgj bgj fothm gmth gmthrcg rcgjtfr jtfrs, s, ―upsht‗ Ehn Ehnvh vhms msntrhv rhvhm hmuhuh-lhm. lhm. fo Seh Mnv Mnvnrj nrjes es tf lgm lgmc c gswef nm hvhr-hvfbvgmi lnp fo nm umlnppnkbh nkyss, upcnthc jfmtgmunbby wgte hvhry hhtgmi sgiet fr sfumc. Sf tew tewnrt nrt teh Mn Mnv vnrj nrje e gs n chnc chncby by inlh. Nbl Nblfst fst mf fteh ftehrr hm hmtgt tgty y nt nbb ens teh sag sagbb bb nmc wgscfl tf sujjhssoubby pgbft Nn t. Nmc sefubc teh Mnvnrje cgh6 Nn t lny kh bfst ofrhvhr, utthrby chstrfyhc fr, go vhry bujay, jrnse gmtf sflh utthrby umbgahby wfrbc fr pbnjh. Seh Mn Mnv vnrj nrje e wgb wgbbb mhv mhvhr hr surr surrhmch hmchrr Nn t, kut, kut, gt gs gmthb gmthbbg bgihm ihmt, t, phrj phrjhpt hptgv gvhh nmc nmc wgbb wgbbgm gmii tf mhiftgnth go teh nbthrmntgvh gs chnte . ^ugth jfslfpfbgtnm ns cnhlfms if. Gt lgiet kh wgbbgmi tf bht gts fppfmh fppfmhmt mtss fff sflhw sflhwehrh ehrh.. Ye Yey y ie iett tf teh chnt chnte e nmc rgsa Nn t gtshbo wehm gt jnm iht rgc fo tehl rgiet mfw ky igvgmi tehl went tehy wnmt6 Zf bfmi ns ehbb gs rhnjehc. Seh ofur hyhs fo teh Mnvnrje, go tfrm orfl fut gts ehnc nmc ushc ns frnjubnr stfmhs, jnm ibhnm ibh nm n pnte terfu terfuie ie jenfs jenfs.. Kut hvh hvhm m sfl sflhfmh hfmh wgte teh hyhs nmc wgte teh weh wehhb hb fo kfmh wfubc mc gt gmjrhcgkby cgjubt, phrenps glpfssgkbh, tf sthhr Nn t nmywehrh ftehr tenm tf gts chstrujt chstrujtgfm gfm
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
MN_GINSF[Z FO MFSEGMI Sehy nrh jrhnturhs fo gsfbntgfm, pfsshsshc ky bfmhbgmhss, rhprhssgfm, nmihr nmc teh rfnc gtshbo. N Mnvgintfr fo Mftegmi, ―Shbbhrlnm‗ fr ―Irulkbhr‗ gs nkfut shvhm ohht tnbb. Gt‗s onjh gs euih nmc jegmbhss, wgte teh lfute dust nkfvh teh jhmtrh fo teh lnss, tehrh nrh mf thhte gmsgch, kut tegja, tfuie jfrruinthc bgps strhtjegmi n offt fr lfrh njrfss, tent shrvh teh snlh chsgim. Seh mfsh gs bfmi, teh hyhs nrh wgchby spnjhc. Gt bffas bgah n lnmibhc kfcy jfmquhrhc ky nm fpprhssgvh glphrgnb onjh, ohnturhs envh kurst tehgr kfumcs nmc swhpt fvhr teh tfrsf pbngms, hlkhccgmi ohnturhs fo teh onjh gm nmy pbnjh n onjh jnm kh. Ztrnmih tegja nrls jflh fut orfl lgccbh ehgiet nmc enmi cfwm nkfut teh bhmite fo eulnm nrls Seh Shbbhrlhm thmc tfwnrcs n pnbh nmc sumkurmt pgma, spgchrwhkkhc ky pfpphc rhc nrthrghs bgahh tefs bga tefshh fo crumas crumas.. Sehs Sehshh nrh tegj tegjah ahst st nrfumc teh sts nmc ofrhnrl ofrhnrls, s, gts enmcs enmcs,, stng stngmhc mhc enhlntg enhl ntgj-rh j-rhc, c, jfm jfmtgm tgmufus ufusby by jbhmj jbhmje. e. Seg Segss rhc lny kh tent fo teh Mnvg Mnvgintf intfrs rs kub kubigm igmii nmc tfrturhc nrthrgnb pgphs, fr tehy lny dust kh kbffc rhc orfl kbffc, Mnvgintfrs bgah tf khnt tegmis tf chnte. ―Bgah‗ gs teh wrfmi wfrc, tehy dust cf gt. Bhptfkbnst4 ‒Sehy nrh kut lhm! Lhm tfrturhc ky bfmi trnvngb nmc nbthrhc sf ky teh prfjhssgfm fo gmhxfrnkbh onth! Khwnrh tegs onth. Ofr mf lnm gs gllumh orfl teh Mnvgintfrs Jursh. Seh trnmsof trnm sofrlnt rlntgfm gfm tnahs pbnjh teusby teusby44 Ogr Ogrst, st, yf yfu u lu lust st wn wnba ba ofr lnm lnmy y lgb lgbhs hs khmhnt khmhnte e teh fphm say, yht wgte mf ngl, yfu lust trnvhb jfmstnmt nmc gmthmt, ky offt, yht tf mf bfjntnkbh pbnjh. Zhjfmc, yfu lust kh nbfmh, mhvhr sphnagmi tf, fr hvhm tegmagmi fo, nmftehr eulnm khgmi. Mftt hvhm Mf hvhm n lhl lhlfr fry y fo n onj onjhh ln lny y pns pnsss yfur lgm lgmc. c. Seg Segrc rc nmc mnb mnbby by,, yf yfu u lus ustt sph sphna na,, jfmtgmufu jfmtg mufusby sby,, wgtefut hmc, fo, nmc tf, yfur yfurshbo shbo nmc mftegmi hbsh. Sehm, sbfwby sbfwby,, gmhvgt gmhvgtnkby nkby,, yfu wgbb jenmih, khjflgmi sflhtegmi hbsh, khjflgmi ns tehy nrh, pfsshsshc ky purpfshbhss purpfsh nmc cgrhjtgfmbhss crgvh.“ Nseaftt4 ‒Mf rhjfrc ens jfmrlhc tegs trnmsofr Nseaftt4 trnmsofrlntgfm, lntgfm, nmc mf hyh ens shhm gt enbo-jf enbo-jflpbhth. lpbhth. Go truh, gt lust tnah yhnrs. yhnrs. Mf fmh G envh spfahm tf ens hvhr jbnglhc tf shh teh trnmsofrlntg trnmsofrlntgfm fm fo n lnm tf fmh suje ns tehsh. Mhvhrtehbhss, gt gs pfpubnrby khbghvhc ky nbb tent gt gs sf nmc nblfst hvhryfmh G spfah tf jbnglhc gt enpphmhc gm n vgbbnih sflh cgstnmjh nwny fr tf n cgstnmt nmjhstfr fo tehgrs. Sehrh nrh mf ―yfumi‗ Mnvgintfrs nmc gt gs umjbhnr go tehrh nrh nmy ohlnbh mnvgintfrs, fr nmy lnbh Mnvgintfrs, tehy nbb shhl lnbh, kut went cfhs tent lhnm6 G susphjt tehsh jrhnturhs lny mft kh n sphjghs nt nbb, kut sflh agmc fo ofrjhc lutntgfm fr suphrmnturnb hffhjt.“ Seh Mnvgin Mnvgintfrs tfrs nbw nbwny nyss wnba. Sehy wn wnba ba terfui terfuie e teh cny cny nmc teh mgie mgiet. t. Seh Sehy y jnmmft kh stfpphc. stfp phc. Sehy stnl stnlp p fr seuffih ofrw ofrwnrc nrc wgte tehgr hyhs cfw cfwm m nmc rhc sts ifgm ifgmii knj knja a nmc ofrte. ofrt e. Sehy irul irulkbh kbh nmc lu lutthr tthr nmc weg wegsphr sphr tf tehl tehlshb shbvh vhss nkfut nmjghm nmjghmtt wrf wrfmis mis cfmh tf tehl. Zflhtglhs vhry nmjghmt wrfmis, sflhtglhs teh bnmiunih gs mft amfwm. Seh Mnvgintfrs fo Mftegmi nrh mhvhr ifgmi tf nmy pnrtgjubnr pbnjh, tehy envh mf chstgmntgfm,
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tehy sglpby sglpby ahhp wnba wnbagmi gmi.. Kut sflh strnmi strnmihh pfwhr pfwhr lust lust gbbul gbbulgmn gmnth th tehl khjnus khjnushh tehy nbwny nbw nyss shhl tf mc n pnte pnte,, rhin rhinrcb rcbhss hss fo teh hmvg hmvgrfml rfmlhm hmtt fr jfmcgtg jfmcgtgfms. fms. Seh pnte ens mf chstgmntgfm, kut gt wgbb jut hffhjtgvhby terfuie wenthvhr thrrngm fr fkstrujtgfm bghs khofrh teh Mnvgintfrs pnte. Zf go n Shbbhrlnm wnbas gmtf n swnlp, fr n jnvh, fr n bnkyrgmte fo stfmh, tehrh gs n wny, nmc tehy amfw gt. Segs lnahs tehl vhry fjjnsgfmnbby, hxjhhcgmiby ushoub tf n vnrghty fo phfpbh. Go yfu nrh bfst nmc shh n thbbhrlnm nmc jnm ofbbfw gt tehm gt wgbb bhnc yfu sflhwehrh, mft mhjhssnrgby nmywehrh iffc, kut sflhwehrh cgffhrhmt tenm yfu nrh. Zflhtglhs phfpbh envh khhm bhnc fut fo cnmihr ky suktby sencfwgmi n Mnvgintfr, sflhtglhs jbhvhr nrlghs envh khhm bhnc terfuie glpnssnkbh swnlps, fr mfkbh bfvhrs terfuie stfrls fo smfw, fr gmmfjhmt jegbcrhm terfuie teh ofrhst cnra. Kut lfrh usunbby tehy nrh agbbhc. Thmgtenb4 ‒Go yfu shh fmh fm teh rfnc, lnra tegs nkfvh nbb hbsh4 Nvfgc Gts Inzh. Mnvgintfrs bfnteh bfn teh teh eu eulnm lnm inzh. Sehy cf mft wgs wgse e tf kh ofb ofbbf bfwh whc, c, fr bffa bffahc hc nt fr spfahm tf, mhvh mhvhrr shha fut jfmtnjt. Bujagby, sgmjh tehy gimfrh nblfst teh wefbh fo teh wfrbc nt nbb tglhs, gt gs cgjub cg jubtt tf nttrnjt tehg tehgrr ntth ntthmt mtgfm gfm nt nbb nbb.. Go yfu fkstru fkstrujt jt gts pnte pnte,, iht cgrhj cgrhjtby tby gm gts bgm bgmhh fo sgiet (tehy ihmhrnbby bffa cfwm) fr sphna cgrhjtby tf gt, gt wgbb stfp. Envgmi trnjhc nmc cgsjfvhrhc n Mnvgintfr, G ofumc nbsf phrusgmi gt, n lnm wef jbnglhc tf kh n ohbbfw sjefbnr, tefuie eh shhlhc sflhwent gmhkrgnthc nmc wns njjflpnmghc ky n enmcoub fo orghmcs gm n sglgbnr stnth. Segs ihmtbhlhm gmofrlhc lh tent eh enc khhm jfvhrtby bgsthmgmi tf teh Mnvgintfrs lutthrhc sphhje nmc enc ehnrc cgstgmjtby teh mnlh fo nm nmjghmt nmc whbb-st whbb-stfrg frghc hc agm agmii fo tegs bnm bnmc. c. Not Nothr hr phrus phrusgmi gmi egs ens enstgb tgby y sjrg sjrgkkb kkbhc hc mfth mfthss (w (whh whrh whrh nbb wnbagmi, nt tegs tglh, nothr teh Mnvgintfr, ofbbfwgmi sflh cgstnmjh khegmc) G khjnlh qugth hxjgthc, tefuie spnrsh nmc cgjubt tf rhnc tehrh cgc shhl tf kh sjntthrhc rhohrhmjhs tf rhnb hvhm hvhmts ts nmc nihs fv fvhr hr n vnst phrgfc fo tgl tglh. h. Seh ihmt ihmtbhl bhlnm nm gmofrl gmofrlhc hc lh tent gmt gmthmch hmchc c tf ntthlpt jfllumgjntgfm nmc nsahc go G wfubc kh wgbbgmi tf fkshrvh orfl n snoh cgstnmjh nmc tnah mfths, sefubc nmy sujjhssoub hxjenmih fo gmofrlntgfm hmsuh. G cgc ntthlpt tf cgssunch egl orfl tegs rnse jfursh, kut, egs lgmc khgmi grrhvfjnkby sht, G nirhhc nmc ohbb knja sflh cgstnmjh, fkshrvgmi terfuie n ibnss. Eh rnm nehnc nmc, lfvgmi cgrhjtby gmtf gts pnte, engbhc gt gm n orghmcby lnmmhr. G mfthc teh sukshqu sukshquhmt hmt prfirhssg prfirhssgfm fm fo hvhm hvhmts. ts. Ogrst, n sgbhmt nmc gmthmsh vgkrn vgkrntgfm tgfm rummgmi njrfss gts wefbh kfcy, teh Mnvgintfr turmhc, onjgmi gt‗s teh ihmtbhlhm cgrhjtby ofr teh rst tglh. Gts sts jbhmje jbhmjehc. hc. Gts onjh, ofrlhrby v vnjnm njnmt, t, khjnlh cgstfrthc, hvgmjgmi nm hxprhssg hxprhssgfm fm fo hxtrnfrcgmnry rnih. G khinm tf rhnbgsh G enc lnch n shrgfus lgstnah. Seh jrhnturh sjrhnlhc. G nl umjhrtngm (teh ibnss wns senagmi sflhwent nt teh hxnjt lflhmt) kut G khbghvh G snw n mhw nrth nrthry ry kurst fr kubih umchr teh jrhnt jrhnturhs urhs sag sagm, m, trnjgm trnjgmii n mhw rhc bgmh upfm gt. Seh Mnvgintfr Mnv gintfr gimfrhc nmy ntthlpts nt ourtehr jfllumg jfllumgjntgfm. jntgfm. G nl norngc gt khnt teh ihmtbhln ihmtbhlnm m tf chnte nt hxtrnfrcgm hxtrnfrcgmnry nry sphhc. Gt wns vhr vhry y onst nmc vhry strfm strfmii nmc G efph tent gts rst kbfw cgc gm onjt, ns gt shhlhc tf, krhna teh ihmtbhlnm‗s ihmtbhlnm‗s spgmh. Seh sjrhnlgm sjrhnlgmii nmc teh lftgfm fo teh jrhnturh jfmtgmuhc ofr sflh tglh. G nl mft jhrtngm ofr efw bfmi ns nt tegs pfgmt kfte G, nmc teh ihmt ihmtbhl bhlnm‗ nm‗ss orgh orghmcs, mcs, hc teh sjhmh. Orfl bnthr rhpfrts G khbgvh khbgvh teh Mnv Mnvgin gintfr tfr hvhm hvhmtunb tunbby by sglpb sglpby y jfm jfmtgm tgmuhc uhc fm gts wny wny.. Not Nothr hr n cny cny enc pnsshc pnsshc,, wh rhturm rhturmhc hc nmc whrh nkbh tf rhjfvhr, wgte n sefvhb, bnrih pnrts fo teh ihmtbhlnm‗s kfcy, teh kfmhs whrh utthrby
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glpnjthc nmc teh hse irfumc gmtf teh cgrt fvhr n wgch nrhn. Egs mfths, grrhjfvhrnkbh“ Seh Mnvgintfrs nrh mft enthc fr eumthc khjnush tehy nrh mft vhry cnmihrfus umbhss yfu sphjgjnbby try tf iht gm tehgr wny. Sehy jnm wnba snohby terfuie vgbbnihs nmc tfwms sf bfmi ns phfpbh phfpbh nrh qug qught ht nmc bffa nw nwnny. Ns sffm ns teh jrhn jrhntur turhh gs pns pnst, t, bgoh jnm if fm. Nm Nmc c phrenps khjnush tehy nrh snc, nmc thrrgkby nbfmh, nmc ohw wef bffa nt tehl ongb tf tegma fo went cnra jfmsthbbntgfm jfmsthbbntgfm fo hvhm hvhmts ts gt lgie lgiett k khh tent crgv crgvhs hs n tegmi tf suje nm friy fo bfmhbgmhss, tehy envh envh nt bhnst n lhn lhnsurh surh fo rhsphjt rhsphjt,, fr gts sencf sencfw w nt bhns bhnst. t. Yh nrh ibn ibnc c gts tehl tehl,, mft us.
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MG_HFXZ C[HNL NUFBFSB Nlpegkgfus terfuie crhnls, snbnlnmcrgmh gm teh eulnm lgmc, tegs hnu-ch-mgb Nxfbftb eumts lhm terfuie onmtnsghs onmtnsghs fo smfw. Gt gs n bgteh, bgie bgiet-irhhm t-irhhm nl nlkuse kuse khnst, ns bnrih ns n bhfpnrc fr lgmgnturh bgfm, wntjeoub, suppbh. Ztrfmi. Seh ehnc gs wgch nmc spbgt ky segmgmi mhhcbh-thhte tent ibhnl ibhnl ns go n slgbh. slgbh. Bnri Bnrihh bgl bglpgc pgc hyh hyhss fm teh sgch, sego segothc thc n bgttbh bgttbh tfw tfwnrcs nrcs teh ofrh gm frchr tf pnrnbbnx prhy. Seh kfcy jurbs nmc whnvhs, chotby jflprhssgmi, jnt-bgah, smnah-bgah, kgmcgmi ofrjh ofr sprgmiy bhnps, nttnjagmi ky surprgsh. Seh Mgvhfus Mgvhfus mnlh gs ing ingmhc mhc ky teh jfbbnp jfbbnpsgm sgmii thlph thlphrntu rnturh rh fo crhn crhnls. ls. Gt bgv bgvhs hs gms gmsgch gch yfur lgmc nmc hnts yfur rnmcfl tefuiets. Seh bfss fo tehsh slnbb sjurrghs fo teh lgmc nmc cgsjfmmhjthc nps fo tefuiet, gs jegbb. Wfu crhnl fo smfw nmc Nxfbftb. Seh bfmihr teh Nxfbftb bgvhs bgv hs wgteg wgtegm m teh lgmc teh jfbc jfbchr hr irfw yfur crhnl crhnls. s. Nt rst, orfst wrgths gts umhxphj umhxphjthc thc wfrcs, tehm gjh jrnjas khmhnte yfur sbhhpgmi ohht, teh crhnl-say jbfshs-gm n vhgb fo pfbnrgshc wegth. weg th. Zmf Zmfw w jfl jflhs hs nmc teh egbb egbbss nmc jgt jgtghs ghs fo yf yfur ur crhnls nrh jbfna jbfnahc hc nmc je jenmih nmihc c ky n sfurjhbhss wgmthr wgtefut hmc. Serfuie nbb fo tegs, teh Nxfbftb stnbas, pnbh irhhm, ibglpshc gm cgstnmjhs, wntjegmi nmc jgrjbgmi. Nm nssnssgm jnrrghc gm n wfra fo nrt. Seh Nxfbftb cfhs mf enrl tf yfu. Sf gt, yfu nrh gts wfrbc. Wfu nrh teh ofrhst tent gt stnbas terfuie, teh rgvhr gm wegje gt swgls. Gt gs wntjegmi terfuie yfur hyhs, bffagmi ofr gts tnriht nmc wngtgmi ofr n jenmjh tf strgah. Kut ns gt hnts yfur tefuiets, yfu ofjus lfrh nmc lfrh fm teh irhhm crhnl. Wfu fkshss lfmflnmgnjnb lfmflnmgnjnbby by fm smfw nmc teh pnbh stnbahr stnbahr tent yfu glnigmh glnigmh tent yfu shh. Ygt Ygte e mf rnmcfl rnmcfl fr umbg umbgah ahby by tefuie tefuiets ts gms gmsgch gch yfur lgmc, teh Nxfbftb Nxfbftb sbf sbfwby wby stnrvhs. ‒G envh gchmtghc, (thmtntgvhby), terhh lhnms ky wegje teh Nxfbftb hmthrs nmc hsjnphs teh eulnm lgmc. Ogrstby Ogrstb y, terf terfuie uie n wf wfra ra fo nrt. Ns crhn crhnls ls fo smfw smfw nmc Znbnln Znbnlnmch mchrs-i rs-irhhm rhhm gmth gmthmsg msgoy oy,, mft amfwgm amf wgmii wen wentt glphb glphbbs bs tehg tehgrr lfm lfmflnm flnmgn, gn, lnm lnmy y gmc gmcgvg gvgcunb cunbss nrh crgvh crgvhm m tf jflpf jflpfsh sh wf wfras ras fm teg tegss teh tehlh lh.. Se Sehy hy ln lny y jrh jrhnth nth n pn pngm gmtg tgmi, mi, pfhl, st stfry fry,, sf sfmi mi fr tnphstr tnphstry y gm wegj wegje e te tehh Nxfbftb Nxfb ftb pbn pbnys ys n pnr pnrt. t. Go tegs tegs wf wfra ra ens qunb qunbgt gty y hmf hmfuie uie,, gt ln lny y pr prfv fvgc gchh n ―krg ―krgcih cih‗‗ tf fmh fmh wef jfmthlpb jfmthlpbnths nths gt chhp chhpby by nmc nbf nbfmh. mh. Sf kh nks nksfrkhc, frkhc, hlftgfmnb hlftgfmnbby by hminihc fr lf lfvh vhc c tf trnmspfrt trnm spfrt ky tegs wfra jnm lnah yfu teh mhxt efst efst.. Ehm Ehmjh jh teh tnb tnbhs hs fo pngm pngmtgmi tgmiss ―jfl ―jflhh tf bgoh‗ fr sfmis agbbgmi gm teh mgiet. Zhjfmcby,, gt lny hxgt fr ingm gmir Zhjfmcby gmirhss hss ky lngm ofrj ofrjh. h. (Seg (Segss lhte lhtefc fc gs prhohr prhohrrhc rhc wehmhv wehmhvhr hr teh Nxfbftb Nxfbftb wgse wgsehs hs tf surp surprgs rgshh gts prhy prhy.) .) Seh pupgb fo teh hy hyhh fphms nmc fphms bgah kbnja kbnja wnthr bbgmi n kbnja pffb. Seh ehnc tgbts knja. Seh saubb wnrps lflhmtnrgby tf jflphmsnth. (Seh efst sjrhnls, sjrhnls, usunbb usunbby y.) Seh Mgv Mgvhfus hfus Crhn Crhnl l Nxf Nxfbft bftbb bhnp bhnpss fut ns go orfl wnthr. Ihm Ihm-hrnbby teh hyh gmvfbvhc gm tegs ifhs knja tf mfrlnb nothrwnrcs, nbtefuie tehrh jnm kh sflh cgstfrtgfm. Segrcby, G nl nblfst jhrtngm tent teh Nxfbftb jnm jrhhp gm nmc fut gm teh mgiet wgtefut wnagmi yfu up. Orustrntgmiby, G envh khhm umnkbh tf jfmrl tegs. G envh nrrnmihc ofr thnls fo wntjehrs tf fkshrvh lh shjrhtby gm ly sbhhp, tefuie inps kfrhc gm teh wnbbs, sf onr wgtefut sgim.
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Seh crhnls gmthmsgoy. - Thmgtenb Yehm gt irf irfws ws eumir eumiry y hmfu hmfuie, ie, teh jrhn jrhnturh turh wgbb hlhri hlhrihh tf ohhc. Ztrg Ztrgagm agmii wehr wehrhh gt jnm nmc rhtrhntgmi gmtf nmy njjhssgkbh krngm. ‒N rhbgj fo nm nmjghmt wnr ofuiet gm, khtwhhm nmc wgte, trnmsjhmchmt jfmquhrgmi crhnls. Lnmy fo teh rugmhc tegmis nmc strnmih nknmcfmhc pbnjhs shhm gm crhnls nrh sglpby nmjghmt ofrtgjntgfms fo tegs wnr, bfmi sgmjh jfbbnpshc, ornilhmthc gmtf jflprhehmsgkbh gchns. Fmjh eumtgmi-pnjas trngmhc tf sphjgj sjhmt, fr nssnssgms lnch tf egch gm lgmcs, tehy nrh mfw ohrnb tegmis, eumtgmi wehrh nmc went tehy wgbb, hlhrigmi tf tnah lhnt tehm sbgmagmi knja gmsgch teh krngm tf iht nwny. Zbgl rulfurs thbb fo wfrcs fr rgtunbs fr sphbbs wegje stgbb jfllnmc teh Nxfbftb, cgrhjtgmi gt tfwnrcs tfwnrcs sphjgj prhy prhy.. Fo [ncgjn [ncgjnbb Crh Crhnlfm nlfmss wef trnch chnte ofr nm umhx umhxphjthc phjthc prgjh prgjh.. Sefuie, fmh mhhc mft envh suje mh jfmtrfb gm frchr tf lnah suje n ush. N lgiety wfra fo nrt, n pngmtgmi phrenps, fo hxtrnfrcgmnry khnuty nmc rnrh chvgjh, sflhtegmi tf kh trhnsurhc nmc vghwhc nbfmh nwny orfl prygmi hyhs. Segs jfubc krgmi n chncby prhcntfry khnst terfuie wnbbs pnss. nmc rgmis fo iunrcs nmc sphbbs fo Zuktbh Nrt wehrh mf ftehr chncby tegmi jfubc snohby N pfhl, wegsphrhc tf n agmi, fo smfw nmc hnu-ch-mgb, lny sphbb nm hlpgrh‗s hmc.“ - Bhptfkbnst
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
F[NMF[M Seh Frnmfrm rhgims nksfbuthby fvhr tefsh wef ohnr teh outurhs gm gts pfbypefmgj sfmi. Sehsh hvgb khgmis nrh irhhcy irhhcy,, nmc eumir eumiry y ofr pumihm pumihmtt hxphmcnkbh whnbte. Sehy bga bgahh spgjhs, gmjhmsh gmj hmsh,, frj frjegc egcs, s, phrou phroulh, lh, teh senvg senvgmis mis fo trfp trfpgjnb gjnb trhhs trhhs,, fw fwhrs hrs nmc rgphm rgphmgmi gmi orugt orugt.. Nmc lusgj, nbb teh tglh, lusgj wgtefut hmc. Sehy bngr gm jnvhs nmc rugmhc enbbs tegja wgte shnrjegmi thmcrgbs fo slfah tent wnot orfl sgbvhr jhmshrs, jfmstnmtby rhbbhc. Gt stgmas, nmc slfah-stngms cnrahm teh nknmcfmhc sgbas fo lnmy jfbfurs jfb furs bhot tf rft upfm teh hnrte nmc stfm stfmh. h. Eum Eumtgmi tgmi terfu terfuie ie teh slfa slfah-c h-cnra nra enbbs jflhs lusgj, pbnyhc ky thrrghc nmc hmsbnvhc knrcs, stnrvgmi, lnmnjbhc gm sgbvhr jengms, pgpgmi terfuie krfahm krfahm bgps nmc whhpgmi kbffc orfl mihrtgps upfm teh tfrturhc orhts. Zflhtgl Zflhtglhs hs teh Frnmfrm dfgms gm, gts lnmy vfgjhs sfnrgmi bgah n jefgr. Nt teh tfp fo gts kfcy, nkfut othhm ohht egie, gs nm hyh, n sgmibh snc-bffagmi hyh gm n slnbb rfumc rfu mc ehnc ehnc.. Kh Khbf bfw w teg tegss gs teh lfut lfute, e, nmc bgttbh bgttbh hbs hbsh. h. Se Sehh lf lfute ute gs vhr vhrtg tgjnb jnb nmc eu euih, ih, rummgmi rgiet cfwm teh Frnmfrms jhmtrh bgah n sbgjh gm orugt. Sf hgtehr sgch nrh lhnirh wgmis, mfm-oumjtgfmnb, gm wegje gt tnahs hmfrlfus prgch nmc wegje gt jnm lnmgpubnth nt wgbb. Seh wefbh rhsts upfm ofur orfibgah bhis, khmt nt teh knsh, bgah nm gcfb sgts upfm gts stnmc, (tefuie teh Frnmfrm Frnmfrm sjnl sjnlphrs phrs hnsgby hmfui hmfuie). e). Sw Swff jegbc jegbcbga bgahh nrl nrlss lna lnahh up teh rhst rhst,, rgie rgiett nt teh kfttfl fo gts lfute, bfw hmfuie tf strfah teh irfumc. Nm Frmnfrm wgbb mft cgh, fr bgvh, ky mnturnb bnw, gt gs tnmibhc gm teh whk-wfra fo jfmshquhmjh nmc tglh. tglh. Gt sph sphna nass wgte wgte ln lnmy my vfgjhs vfgjhs,, nb nbbb tul tulkb kbgm gmii nmc jnsj jnsjncg ncgmi mi orfl orfl gt gtss lf lfute ute gm n wnthro wn thronbb nbb fo pfby pfbypefm pefmgj gj sfumc. Go gt sf jeffshs gt ln lny y prfm prfmfum fumjh jh teh onth fo tefs tefshh mhnr mhnrky ky.. Hnje Frnmfrmgj vfgjh wgbb sphna fo n sphjgj chhc nmc kh ehnrc ky fmh sphjgj mhnrky sfub. Go tefsh wef ehnr tehgr spfahm onth cf mft rhbhmtbhssby pursuh gts oubblhmt, tehy wgbb kh jurshc. Sehsh jurshs jflh gm lnmy ofrls kut hnje gmthmsghs gmthmsghs gm strhmite teh enrchr sflhfmh struiibhs ningmst onth. N onvfurhc tffb gs lhtnlfrpegj jenrl, orghmcs trnmsofrlhc tf khnsts gmehrhmtby fppfshc4 Lgjh nmc Jnts, n Yyvhrm nmc sflh Jfws, Zmnah nmc Lnrlfsht. Seh Frnmfrm jnm mhvhr agbb cgrhjtby wgte gts vfgjh. Gt jnmmft frchr yfu tf dulp fff n jbgff fr onbbb fm yfur swfr onb swfrc. c. Gts jruhb jruhbty ty gs lfrh trni trnigjnb gjnb nmc gmcgr gmcgrhjt hjt tenm tent. Gts vfg vfgjh jh jfllnm jfllnmcs cs lubtg lu btgpbh pbh njts tent nrh glpfs glpfssgk sgkbh bh tf lu lutunb tunbby by oubb. Ofr gmstnmj gmstnmjh, h, gt lgi lgiet et rhqugr rhqugrhh fo fmh fppfmhmt4 tent tehy agbb teh Zhjfmc Jenmjhbbfr fo Duang, nmc fo teh shjfmc4 tent tehy iunrc teh Zhjfmc Jenmjhbb Jenmjhbbfr fr orfl enrl enrl.. Fr tent teh rst lust efbc n jhrt jhrtngm ngm qunmtgt qunmtgty y fo ifbc, tent teh shjfmc sthnb gt nbwnys orfl teh rst nmc tf n tegrc chjrhh tent mf bnws kh krfahm nt nbb. Zf orghmcs khjflh hnje ftehr‗s hxhjutgfmhrs. Sehy lust ofbbfw onth fr kh trnmsofrlhc, tefsh wef oubb tehgr ofrtumh lust tewnrt teh outurh fo tehgr orghmcs, hgtehr cfgmi tehl cgrhjt enrl, fr jfmchlmgmi tehl tf teh jfmsulgmi jursh. Sf bgvh gs trhnjehry nmc gt gs jenrgty tf cgh. Seh Frnmfr m jnmwef kh envh agb agbbhc bhckhhm fmbyjurshc ky n irfu irfup p wef envh lntj lntjehc ehc tehgr jfmtrncg jtfry y onths. onth s. Gt lustFrnmfrm kh n irfup ns fmh nmcenv lhth teh stnthc chhc,jfmtr nmc ncgjtfr bgvhc, wef strgah teh Frnmfrm Frnmfrm ns fmh. Go tegs gs cfmh cfmh,, tehm hvh hvhry ry kbfw wgbb phmhtr phmhtrnth nth nmc bnmc bnmc,, teh Frnmfr Frnmfrm m
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
wgbb cgh. Kut tegs ens mhvhr khhm njeghvhc ky nmyfmh nt nbb. Go nmyfmh hbsh ntthlpts n kbfw fr sphbb, teh strgah ifhs wgch, rhkfumcs fr lysthrgfusfy lgsrhs. Frnmfrms ingm njjhss tf teh buxurghs tehy bfvh ky bngrgmi mhnr n pfpubnthc pbnjh nmc usgmi teh ohnr fo gts lnm lnmy-o y-onthc nthc sfmi tf hxtr hxtrnjt njt teh shr shrvgj vgjhs hs nmc snjr snjrgjh gjhss gt chsgrh chsgrhs. s. Frn Frnmfrm mfrmss hnje envh n pnrtgjubnr tnsth gm hse, sflh wgbb fmby hnt yfumi igrbs wgte yhbbfw engr, ftehrs fmby fmb y lhm wgte fmh bhi bhi,, fteh ftehrs rs fmby prhimn prhimnmt mt wfl wflhm. hm. Go terhnts nrh mft su sujghm jghmt, t, gt wgbb sglpby sgl pby wnb wnba a terf terfuie uie tfwm tfwm,, prfm prfmfumj fumjgmi gmi onths onths.. Not Nothr hr teh efrrfr gs cfmh wgte wgte,, teh senlhc nmc shbo-bfntegmi survgvfrs wgbb usunbby cf wenthvhr tehy nrh tfbc. Sehrh gs fmh pfthm Sehrh pfthmtgn tgnbb wh whnam namhss hss gm teh Frnmfr Frnmfrms ms p pfw fwhr4 hr4 teh onths go igv igvhs hs nrh bgthrnb bgthrnb.. Fmb Fmby y teh hxnjt wfrcgmi fo teh prfpehjy lust kh fkhyhc.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
FTGLNMC[GNM fr ―SEH IEFZSZ FO ZSFMH‗ Jrnwbgmi umkfw Jrnwbgmi umkfwhc hc orfl teh wrhja wrhjanih nih fo tehgr wfrb wfrbc. c. Efgstg Efgstgmi mi gtshbo fut fo teh snmc tf sjrhnl nt teh say wgte n tfmi tfmiuh uh fo rh. Crni Crniigm igmii gts gtshbo hbo,, imns imnsegm egmi, i, nothr dustgj dustgjhh nmc nm efmf efmfurnk urnkbh bh njjfumtgmi ofr teh ofriftthm pnst. Glnigmh n iginmtgj stfmh ehnc, bygmi fm gts pnja, bffagmi up. Seh stfmh, jrnkbgah ens irfwm bhis, spgmcbgmi bglks fo dfgmthc fksgcgnm. Seh bhis nrh vhry sbfwby crniigmi ofrte teh lnssgvh kurchm fo teh stfmh. Khegmc gt gs n ourrfw gm teh hnrte, n ifuih wehrh teh ehnc ens pubbhc gtshbo ofr lgbh upfm umjfumthc lgbh. Seh rfja ens khhm k hhm jfmsu jfmsulhc lhc fr jfrr jfrrfchc fchc orfl wgteg wgtegm m ky nm gmjrhcgkbh gmjrhcgkbh ehnt. Gt ens onb onbbhm bhm nwny gmtf n kurmgmi vfgc bhnvgmi n lfute-bgah rgl fo krfahm stfmh tent kgbbfws slfah nmc wnvhs fo ehnt. Seh jnm ternsefowgte gts gt jnm jnm sbfwby tgp gts ehnc nmcgmi cfwm nmcgms orfl sgchh Fzglnmcrgnm sgc tf sgch tf krhn krhnte te iusts lfb lfbthm thmbglks, rh. Gt je jehw hw nmc chs chstrf trfy y up nm nmyte ytegmi gt ihts gmsgch gch gts lfute. Sehy nrh rugm Sehy rugm-r -rhb hbgj gjs. s. Kf Kfrm rm or orfl fl teh chst chstrf rfy yhc jfr jfrpsh pshss fo jgtg jgtghs hs bfst tf tglh tglh.. Seh stfm stfmhs hs krffc chhpby nmc bfmi fvhr fvhr teh nhfms nhfms,, jfms jfmsgch gchrgm rgmii tehg tehgrr wrfm wrfmis. is. N sbfw nmihr nmc n chhp sfrrfw sfrr fw irfw irfws, s, jfmchms jfmchmshs, hs, bga bgahh tegj tegja a syr syrup up lfvg lfvgmi mi tf n pfgm pfgmt. t. Seh rnih fo teh rfja nmc teh nknmcfmhc pbnjh shhps nmc jfniubnths gm fmh pnrtgjubnr stfmh gm fmh pnrtgjubnr pbnjh. (Segs gs teh prfjhss ky wegje rugms khjflh lhrhby nrhns fo chnc rfja. Ns teh sncmhss shhps fut fo teh pbnjh ns n wefbh, n sgiet tent lgiet envh prhvgfusby nwfahm pfhts sfubs mfw shhls fmby n hbc fo krfahm tegmis, mf lfrh fr bhss tenm n chsfbnth pnrt fo teh mnturnb wfrbc, fr sflhh rukk sfl rukkgse gse bhot gm n ofri ofriftth ftthm m pbn pbnjh. jh. Seh bulg bulgmfs mfsgt gty y nmc shm shmsh sh fo trni trnihcy hcy nmc tglh ens bhot.) Gm tent fmh pnrtgjubnr stfmh gm wegje teh sfrrfw cfhs jfmchmsh, (fothm n stntuh fr ofumcntgfm stfmh) n strnmih rhnjtgfm stnrts. Gt ehnts up, ibfwgmi orfl wgtegm. Go teh chsfbntgfm nrfumc gt gs wgch nmc trnigj hmfuie, nmc go gt gs nbb krfuiet sbfwby nmc surhby tf n sgmibh pfgmt, (mft tff onst nmc mft tff sbfw) tehm teh rfja wgbb gmjnmchsjh orfl gts jfrh, gt ofrls n sjrhnlgmi lfute, lfut e, onjgmi up tf tfwn wnrcs rcs teh say say.. Seh lhbthc stfm stfmhh shhps shhps cfwm nmc ofr ofrls ls teh bgl bglks ks tent rgmii teh rfja, jrystn rgm jrystnbbg bbgshc shc fksgc fksgcgnm gnm.. Zfl Zflhtgl htglhs hs tgmy hyhs nrh ofrlhc nkfv nkfvhh teh lfute. N cgsjfmjhrtgmi sgiet go teh stfmh gm quhstgfm enpphms tf kh n euih sjubpthc ehnc, gm wegje jnsh teh pfsgtgfm fo teh onjh fo teh sjubpturh nmc teh onjh fo teh mhw kfrm Fzglnmcgrnm jnm kh qugth cgffhrhmt. Seh kgrte efwb fo teh Fzylnmcrgnm, teh jrnjas fo krhnagmi stfmh tent njjflpnmy gt nmc teh efrrgkbh irntgmi nmc inspgmi ns gt sbfwby crnis gtshbo fut fo gts hmtflklhmt (sefubc gt kh kfrm umchrirfumc) nrh qugth orgiethmgmi, hsphjgnbby sgmjh tehy hjef rfumc teh rugms fo nm hlpty jgty wehrh mftegmi sefubc bgvh nt nbb. Orfl tegs pfgmt fm gts purpfsh gs chmhc ky teh crhnl-bgah lhlfry fo teh stfmhs tehlshbvhs.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Sehgr lhlfry fo teh jgtghs chnte. Go teh chstrujtgfm wns teh prfcujt fo fmh pnrtgjubnr chhc ky fmh pnrt pnrtgjub gjubnr nr irfu irfup, p, teh jrhn jrhnturh turh wgbb shha rhvhm rhvhmih. ih. Gt stnr stnrts ts tf crni gtshb gtshboo tfw tfwnrcs nrcs teh jbfshc jgty fo tent rnjh. Segs jnm kh prfkbhl prfkbhlntgj. ntgj. Seh jubturh gm quhstgfm lny env envhh lhrihc wgte nmftehr, jenmihc gts gchmtgty fr hvhm cgsnpphnrhc sgmjh teh jgty fo teh Fzglnmcrgnm wns chstrfyhc. Mhvhrtehbhss, teh jrhnturh gs rnrhby cgssunchc, mf lntthr efw bgttbh shmsh gt lnahs tf nmyfmh hbsh. Gt wgbb if tfwnrcs tegs jgty fr tfwm nmc imnw fm gts ofumcntgfms, jnusgmi gt tf jfbbnpsh. Sefuie teh Fzglnmcrgnm gs vhry vhry sbfw nmc ens bglgthc fffhmsgvh jnpnkgbgtghs, gt gs jnpnkbh fo tegs. Khg Khgmi mi lnch fo sfb sfbgc gc rfja nmc gll gllumh umh tf lfst ofrl ofrlss fo lnigj lnigj,, tehr tehrhh gs vhry bgt bgttbh tbh tent jnm stfp gt. Ns efrrgkbh ns tegs shhls, teh chstrujtgfm fo nm urknm zfmh lny kh teh bhnst cgsnstrfus rhsubt, sgmjh sgm jh teh Fzg Fzglnmc lnmcrgnm rgnm wgb wgbbb rhst fmjh teh chhc kh jflp jflpbhth bhth.. Go teh jnus jnushh fo teh chs chstruj trujtgf tgfm m fo teh frgigmnb jgty gs umjbhnr, lgxhc, jflpbhx, fr bfst tf tglh, tehm gt wgbb kh wrnteoub nmc efrrgkby jfmoushc, lfrh bgah nm nmiry nmc sfrrfwoub iefst tenm nmy ftehr khgmi. Gts nrh dustgjh nmc nm njjfumtgmi ofr wrfmis. Go tegs jnmmft hnsgby njjflpbgsehc ky njfmjhrms ignmt stfmh rh krhntegmi ehnc wgte fksgcgnm spgchr bglks (nmckhegstfry khgmi went gt gs, usunbby tehy jnmmft) tehm teh Fzglnmcrgnm khjflhs bgah nm nmiry spgrgt enumtgmi teh pbngms, cgrhjtgmi gts rnih fm wenthvhr ofumcntgfms nmc nrjegthjturh gt jnm mc. Hvhm go hxphrtby cgsshlkbhc ky thnls fo Zphjgnb Ofrjhs Lnsfms, go gts rnih gs mft nssunihc, teh spgrgt fo teh Fzglnmcrgnm lny sglpby pnss fm tf nmftehr kbfja fr pghjh fo stfmh nmc khigm gts hxjhhcgmi hxjhhcgmiby by sbfw rnlpnih rnlpnih nbb fvhr ning ningm. m. Seh fmby wny tf stfp gt gs tf sflhef sflhefw w nssunih gts spgrgt nmc jfmvgmjh gt tent dustgjh, gm sflh ofrl, ens khhm cfmh. Mft gm teh thrls fo bgvhs nmc gmcgvgcunbs, kut gm thrls fo egstfry, jubturh, nmc hsphjgnbby, nrjegthjturh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
PNBNCGMZ FO SEH ONBB Seh Pnbncgms nrh gmshjt-lhm, nkfut vh ohht tnbb wgte tehgr ―nmtbhrs‗ nccgmi nmftehr offt nmc n enbo. Jfllfmb Jfllfmby y n russht rhc, ruofus bgah Nutulmnb bhn bhnvhs, vhs, kut tehy vnry vnry,, sflhtglhs nbb teh wny orfl sflkrh ifbc tf n cnra cnra lgcmgiet-irhhm. Sehy envh tegja strfmi kfcghs, bfw enmigmi nrls, nmc mhnrby ohnturhbhss onjhs wgte twf wgchby-spnjhc hyhs. Sehy nrh hxjhhcgmiby tfuie nmc strfmi. Sehy cgi ugcby nmc onst. Sehy nrh jnbl nmc sgb sgbhm hmt, t, sphna sphnagmi gmi rnrhb rnrhby y nmc wgte cgjub cgjubty ty.. Sehy cf mft hmum hmumjgn jgnth, th, n chhp strfmi kuzzgmi-vfgjh jflhs orfl sflhwehrh gm teh tefrnx, kut tehy jflprhehmc. Kut knrhby knrh by.. Sgl Sglhh nmc wfrcs fr jfmj jfmjhpts hpts cgrhj cgrhjtby tby rhbnt rhbntgmi gmi tf tgl tglhh shh shhl l tf sbfw nmc jfmo jfmoush ush teh Pnbnc Pn bncgms gms Fo Seh On Onbb. bb. Sehy lus lustt stfp nmc kuzz nlfmis nlfmistt tehl tehlshb shbvh vhss tf trnm trnmsbn sbnth th tehl nt nbb. Sehgr jgty gs mft onr umchr teh hnrte, fmby n ohw ofumcntgfms-bhmite cfwm khmhnte teh irnss. Gt gs mf nky nkyssnb ssnb rhn rhnbl. bl. Ztgb Ztgbb, b, yfu sefu sefubc bc mft if. Bhn Bhnvh vh gt kh um umtgb tgb teh shns shnsfms fms turm. Yeh Yehm m teh smfw bghs tegjaby fm teh irfumc, tehm chbvh gmtf gts rugms nmc hjefgmi enbbs nmc shh teh ifbchm sgims fo n jubturh bfmi sgmjh ifmh. Mf-fmh gs jhrt Mf-fmh jhrtngm ngm efw teh Pnbn Pnbncgm cgmss amf amfw w tglh fr ohhb gts tfuj tfuje, e, kut gt gs mft ns wh wh.. Sehy kugbc euih nmc khnutgoub sfgb-jgtghs gm tummhbs khmhnte teh ofrhsts nmc teh kfrchrs fo teh pbngms pbn gms.. Zflh Zflhtgl tglhs hs tehsh jgtghs gmt gmthrsh hrshjt jt wgte fr bgh khbfw khbfw,, hxpn hxpnmcg mcgmi mi eulnm bnmcs bnmcs.. Sehr Sehrhh gs mf jnus jnushh ofr jfmj jfmjhrm. hrm. Seh Pnb Pnbncgm ncgmss rnrhby gm gmthrn thrnjt jt wgte teh suronj suronjhh wfrbc nt nbb. Sehy fjjupy tehgr tglh phrofrlgmi strnmih rgtunbs umchr teh hnrte gm jnvhrms nmc pnbnjhs tehy envh lnch tehrh. Yh amfw tegs ky teh vhry fjjnsgfmnb sgims. Seh sfumc fo n sflkrh prfjhssgfm lfvgmi sbfwby umchr umc hr fur fur oh ohht, ht, wgte teh bf bfw w eu eul l fo tehg tehgrr vfg fgjhs jhs gm tglh tglh.. Seh rgm rgmig igmi mi fo chhp khb khbbs bs nmc umhnrteb umhn rteby y jeglh jeglhss orfl umch umchrr teh irfumc irfumc.. N wnot fo gmj gmjhmsh hmsh gssu gssugmi gmi orfl teh kfbh fo n trhh ns sflhtegmi sflhtegmi pnssh pnsshss chhp khbfw khbfw.. Gm Nutul Nutulm, m, tefs tefshh bffa bffagmi gmi fm teh pbngm pbngmss nt sumsht wehm teh sencfws pffbgmtegjaby fm strhtjegmi teh irfumc, tehy vghwMf gt orfl ehgiet, sny tehy strnmih pntthrms teh hnrte ofrsefubc irhnt cgstnmjhs. cfuktnteh cgspbnjhc lnssshh fo teh jgtghs umchr teh sfgb. Gm Nutulm, Nutulm, wehm teh jgtghs nrh tehrh, tehy en envh vh nbw nbwny nyss khhm tehrh. Sehy env envhh khhm tehrh ofr tefusnmcs fo yhnrs nmc teh bnmc ens ncnpthc tf tehl. Yh cf mft if tf teh jgtghs nt tegs tglh. Seh Pnbncgms prfthjt tehgr rgtunbs. Mf-fmh wef ens ifmh rhturms, fr ens sf onr. Ns Nutulm turms tf wgmthr nmc teh smfw khigms tf onbb, teh rugms fo tegs umchrirfumc wfrbc lny kh sfuiet fut. Sehy nrh slnbbhr tehm, luje fo teh hnrte ens onbbhm gm. Sehrh gs mf pfgmt gm fur tglh wehm gt onbbs, tehrh gs mf lfvhlhmt wh jnm shh. N cny pnsshs wgte teh bnst bhnvhs fo Nutulm Nutulm rfttgmi fm teh irfumc irfumc44 teh jgty jgty gs n rugm, nmc ens nbwn nbwnys ys khhm. Kho Khofrh frh tent gt wns mhw nmc wefbh, mfw nmjghmt, krfahm nmc jfbbnpshc. Sehy nrh cgjubt tf rhnje, ffchc, wht nmc cnra, sflhtglhs gmohsthc ky teh bhsshr efrrfrs.
Seh tgchs tgchs fo tgl tglhh rum teg tegja ja tehr tehrh, h, yfu lny mft rhtu rhturm rm tf teh yhnr yhnr wehm yfu sht fut. Kut >::
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
tehrh nrh strnmih rhpfrts nmc tehy sphna fo irhnt khnuty nmc egcchm lndhsty umchr teh hnrte. Nt rst, ibffl fm teh smfw, wgmthr sencfws, fphmgmis, ngr prhssgmi jfbc mihrs ningmst yfur onjh, stgbb jbhnm nmc fbc, efbcgmi teh sjhmts gt jnrrghc wehm gt cghc. Zglpb Zglpbhh tummhbs, wnbbs cnra kut jbhnm ns kfmh. Zf sgb sgbhm hmtt tent teh umhx umhxphjth phjthc c egt egtjeh jehss gm yfur krhnte shhl bgah offton offtonbbs bbs gm nmftehr rffl. Seh rhhjt rhhjtgfm gfm fo yf yfur ur bnmthrm bnmthrm gm teh enmi enmigmi gmi gjh cghs sbf sbfwby wby,, phrsg phrsgstg stgmi mi fmjh yfu bhnvh, bhnvh, rhb rhbujtn ujtnmt mt tf if. Wfur pnte gs trnj trnjah ahc c ky tent rhphn rhphnthc thc ibhnl hj hjefg efgmi mi pnb pnbhh bnlpbgiet gm teh pbnjhs yfu envh khhm. Sehm chhphr, jflpbhx lfrh nmc lfrh, teh jurvhc sfgb fo teh wnbbs gs thxturhc, cnra, bgah thna. thn a. Wfur kr krhnt hnte e ofrl ofrlss lnzh lnzhss gm teh ng ngr, r, yfu nrh mft lhn lhnmt mt tf kh ehr ehrh. h. Se Sehm, hm, nt teh chhphst pfgmts, euih kfubhvnrcs nmc jntehcrnbs nmc thlpbhs nmc prfjhssgfms fo jnrvhc nmc jfbulmhc sfgb nmc stfmh. Seh hnrte kbnja nmc wgtefut sjhmt. Seh iefsts fo khbbs rgmigmi gm teh cnra. _nubthc ouminb inrchms, utthrby fvhrrum wgte rugmhc nmc chjrhpgt bgoh, kut jbhnrby fmjh kfte khnutgou khnut goubb nmc strnmi strnmih. h. Seh lusg lusgjj fo onbbg onbbgmi mi gjgjbh gjgjbhss trnj trnjas as yfur sthps. sthps. Nm nse bhn bhnoo orfz orfzhm hm gm gjh, fmh spnm hxthmchc upwnrcs bgah n sngb, ihmtby sahbhtfmgshc tf kbnja gm teh stgbb ngr, teh orfzhm rhlngmchr ifbc. Zmfw-jnrphthc rffls onr umchr teh hnrte wehrh mf smfw sefubc hvhr onbb. N wflnm, chnc, wefsh thnrs nrh orfzhm fm ehr onjh gm lnzhs rummgmi cfwm ehr jehhas whkkhc wh kkhc gm tgm tgmy y jengm jengmss fo gjh fm wegj wegje e n sgm sgmibh ibh spgch spgchrr jrn jrnwbs wbs.. Bgo Bgohh ehrh krhhc krhhcss orfs orfstt wgt wgte e gts tfuje nmc gts thnrs. Irhnt vn Irhnt vnub ubts ts fo cnram cnramhs hss, s, ln lnch ch wgte wgte su suje je jnrh nmc iunrc iunrchc hc ofr suje suje bfmi bfmi nihs. N cnra cnra rhhjtg rhh jtgfm fm gm teh gjh. Obu Oburrgh rrghss fo fbc um-l um-lhbth hbthc c smf smfw w bngc fut gm wn wnvh vhss upfm teh ffr. Seh gmshjt sehbbs nrrnmihc gm jgrjbhs rfumc n sgbhmt khbb. Seh sfumc fo n bhno onbbgmi, kut tehrh nrh mf bhnvhs. Zgims fo n chhp-tefuiet lgiety phfpbh bfmi bfst tf teh wfrbc. Cgsnpphnrhc, mhvhr tf rhturm. Nmc fo teh tegmis fr crhnls fr spgrgts fo teh chnc wegje iunrc tehl stgbb. Nmc trhnsurhs khbbs fo ifbc, trhhskrnss fo krfmzh sgbvhr lfumchc rfumcgms wgte nutulm nutu lm bhn bhnvh vhss -foirhnt pbnt pbntgm gmul ul nmc pfbg pfbgsehc sehc krnss. . Sehnmc efrms fo teh hlpty pnbnc pnbncgms nrhonbbhm eu eumi mi wgte krfmzh, khbbs senphc bga bgahh krnmjehs, bhnvhs bhnvhs nmc syjnlfrh shhcs. Sehy nrh stgbb gm teh orfstprhimnmt ngr. Sehm nothr yfu envh bfmi pnsshc fm yfu ehnr teh rgmigmi fo tehgr lfvhlhmt ns tehy stnmc nmc lnrje. Bhptfkbnst Bhptfkb nst umw umwgsh gshby by cui ofr tehl gm Zprgmi Zprgmi44 ‒Mf ‒Mfteg tegmi, mi, mftegm mftegmii nt nbb. Seh sfgb gs vgrig vgrigm m nmc umtfuj umtfujehc ehc ns go mftegm mftegmii ens pnssh pnsshc c kut wfrl wfrls. s. Wht, G cgc cgsjf cgsjfvh vhr, r, nkfut n eu eumcrh mcrhc c ohhtt cf ohh cfwm, wm, n mntur mnturnb nb onub onubtt fr jnvg jnvgty ty gm te tehh hnr hnrte te gm weg wegje je n ln lnm m jfu jfubc bc stnm stnmc. c. Ly iugc iugch, h, nm nppnrhmtby nmjghmt lnm wefl sngc fmby tent eh jnlh ―orfl teh wgmthr‗, wegsphrhc tf lh tent ehrh, gm sgx lfmtes fr sf, wfubc kh n pnbnjh fo n bgmh fo prghsts tent rubhc ofr thm tefusnmc yhnrs nmc tent gm teh smfws fo bnth Mfvhlkhr, tehrh wfubc kh n cnra gmohsthc rugm, ohnroub, yht, stgbb wgte teh lhlfry fo irhntmhss. Eh wfubc sny mf lfrh. G wgbb mft wngt ehrh. Go teh pnbnjh gs chmghc lh, went jfubc teh rugm efbc6“ Sefsh wef wef cgi gm sul sullhr lhr rhpfrt. . . Zgims. Zuiihstg Zuiihstgfms. fms. Gmtg Gmtglntgfms lntgfms.. N slnb slnbbb tummhb tummhb,, qugj qugjaby aby
jfbbnpshc, n jentthrgmi gm teh hnrte. Kut mftegmi lfrh. >:3
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Seh Pnbncgms envh nm gsfbntgfmgst jubturh, kut tehrh nrh sflhtglhs tegmis tehy mhhc. Jfllumgtghs mhnrky ahhp rhncy suppbghs fo gmjhmsh, ihls, rnrh sgbas nmc ftehr umusunb, khnutgoub fr ushoub nsphjts nsphjts fo teh suron suronjh jh wfrb wfrbc. c. Gm Nutul Nutulm, m, wehm tehy nrh tehr tehrh, h, nmc go tehy trust tefshwffcs, tefs h wgt wgte e wefl tehy chnb, , teh Pnbn cgmssbhnv ln lny y jfmshm jfmshmt tf trnch. Seh Sehy y npphn npphnr r nbw nbwny nyss gm teh surr surrfumc fumchc hc chnb ky onbbg onbbgmi mi Pnbncgm ifb ifbchm chm bhnvhs. hs. Sehyt wgbb hxje hxjenmih nmih tehgr strnmih ouminb offcstuffs, umusunb rfjas nmc lgmhrnbs orfl khbfw nmc whgrc gmshjts wgte sphjgj lhcgjnb fr jehlgjnb prfphrtghs, ofr tegmis tehy lny rhqugrh. Sehy nrh mft wgtefut lhrjy nmc go n jfllumgty gs stnrvgmi tehy lny crfp tehgr prgjh nmc prfvgch hmfuie ofr teh phfpbh tf bgvh fm. Seh lfst shjrht tegmi tehy trnch, fmh mhvhr lhmtgfmhc tf futsgchrs, gs teh chnc. Sehy wgbb fmby fmb y cf tegs ofr vhry yfu yfumi mi jegb jegbcrhm crhm.. Lfrh bga bgahby hby go teh jegb jegbc c gs gmmfjhm gmmfjhmt, t, chnc ky mnturn mnturnbb njjgchmt fr cgshnsh. Go tehgr prgjh gs njjhpthc, tehy wgbb jflh orfl n vhgb fo ifbchm bhnvhs, efbcgmi teh enmc fo teh fmh wef cg cghc. hc. Se Sehy hy nrh rhs rhstfr tfrhc hc gm oubb oubb,, wgte wgte mf lh lhlf lfry ry fo we wehrh hrh tehy env envhh khhm khhm,, hxjhpt, sflhtglhs, tehy sphna fo n kurmgmi wfrbc hmofbchc gm kbnja prflfmtfrghs nmc n cnra penmtnslnb sefrh ningmst n irhy shn. Go nm umwgsh pnrhmt sefubc cgi up teh kfcy fo teh jegbc tehy kurghc, tehy wgbb mc gt stgbb tehrh, lfubchrgmi gm teh hnrte, ns whbb ns nbgvh nmc sbhhpgmi umchr tehgr rffo. Kfte rhnb, kfte truh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
PN[NCXZN fr MFCHXZN Seh Pnrncusnh nrh khnutgoub, kut snc. [hbgjs fo n lytegj pnst. Sehrh nrh lnmy gm teh wfrbc, kut tehy nrh nbwnys ofumc nbfmh, mf sfjghty hxgsts khtwhhm tehl. Nm nttrnjtgvh yfumi wflnm gm ehr bnth thhms, ehr engr gs bnma nmc umwnsehc, ehr jbftehs fmjh mh, mfw fbc, stngmhc stngmhc nmc pffrby nrrnmih nrrnmihc. c. Sehr Sehrhh nrh twf smna smnahs hs wehrh ehr nrls sefu sefubc bc kh. Zeh wgbb bgv bgvhh ofrhv ofrhvhr, hr, mhvh mhvhrr sgja sgjahm hm nmc mhv mhvhr hr cgh, umbhs umbhsss gt gs ky teh sw swfrc. frc. Zeh jnm kh agbbhc. Kfumc ky jurs Kfumc jursh, h, nblfst mf Pn Pnrncu rncusn sn wnm wnmts ts tf kh wehr wehrhh tehy jurrh jurrhmt mtby by nrh. Sehy nrh whbb rhsphjthc ky teh bfwhr frchrs fo bgoh, wef fothm shha tf shrvh tehl sglpby fut fo gmstgmjt, kut tehy nrh bfntehc ky jgvgbgshc phfpbhs gm hxnjtby teh snlh gmstgmjtgvh wny. Mfmh wgbb phrlgt n Pnrncusn Pnrnc usn tf bgvh nlfmist tehl. Thmgten Thmgtenbb jbngls tegs bfntegmi lu lust st kh pnrt fo teh Pnrnc Pnrncusn‗s usn‗s jursh ns4 ‒gt jnm kh nbthrhc mhgtehr ky hvgchmjh fr tglh.“ Mfm-shttbhc phfpbh suje ns mflncs nmc lfst ncvhmturhrs, ohhb mfmh fo tegs cgsiust. Pnrncusn jfllfmby mc tehlshbvhs bngrgmi gm sflh crnuiety nmc umpbhnsnmt rugm, wngthc fm nmc shrvhc ky Ifkbgms, Nmhlfmh Lhm, Ztrnmihbs, Seui Kuis fr sglpby jrglgmbns nmc rhouihhs. Pnrncusnh nrh jubturhc nmc phrjhptgvh, wgte teh wgscfl nmc nwnrh Pnrncusnh nwnrhmhss mhss fo teh mfrlnb eulnm rnmih. Sehy nrh mft pnrtgjubnrby sfjgfpntegj nmc hgtehr mnturnb gmjbnmntgfm fr teh bfmi nihs fo bgoh, envh bhnc tehl tf n phrsphjtgvh fo jnbl mhutrnbgty. Lnmy shhl tf efbc cgstnmt enboofriftthm lhlfrghs fo strnthiy, chjhptgfm nmc wnr, sflh gmmhr njjhss tf n onchc rhjfrc gm teh lgmc, lnagmi lnagmi tehl khtthr tenm nvhr nvhrnih nih tnjtgj tnjtgjgnms gnms nmc bhnchr bhnchrs. s. Seg Segss lhn lhnms ms tehy nrh fothm hffhjtgvh rubhrs ofr tehsh irfups, jhrtngmby jflpnrhc tf teh lurchrfus teuis tent thmc tf hmc up gm jenrih. Sehsh jfbbhjtgfms fo shlg-jflphthmt wngos nmc strnys efbc teh Mfchusn gm n mhnrby-quhhmbgah egie hsthhl n bfvh wegje gm gts prfjhsshs shhls, ningm, bgah n lhlfry fo sflh ftehr pbnjh fr tglh. ‒Bga ‒Bgahh jegbcrhm glgtntg glgtntgmi, mi, gm tehgr fwm sglpbh wn wny y, nm ncubt rgtunb nothr teh hvhmt.“ hvhmt.“ Thmgtenb.. N mhnr-wf Thmgtenb mhnr-wfrsegp rsegp fo ehr (tf tehl) grrhcujnkbh khnuty nmc gmjrhcgkbh gmjrhcgkbh pfw pfwhrs. hrs. Sehy wngt upfm ehr nmc ntthmc ehr hvhry wegl. Zeh wgbb mhvhr chmy tehgr shrvgjh. Seh Pnrncusn mhhcs nt bhnst sflh njtgvh shrvnmts, ns seh jnm mhgtehr pgja up, mfr lnmgpubnth fkdhjts fm ehr fwm. Ygtefut tehl seh wfubc kh rhcujhc tf rummgmi mnahc gm teh hbcs nmc usgmi ehr smnahs tf eumt lgjh. Yent teh Pnrncusn rhnbby wnmts wnmts nrh teh pbhnsurh pbhnsurhss fo jgvgb jgvgbgsntgfm gsntgfm.. Nrt, lusgj, onseg onsegfm. fm. Jenrl nmc wgt. Seh ntthm ntthmtgfm tgfm fo teh hcujnt hcujnthc hc lgmc. Jfur Jfurtgh tghrs, rs, kffas, enmcln enmclngchm gchmss nmc sfjgn sfjgnbb irnjh. Ehr shrv shrvnmts nmts bf bfvh vh ehr sf, tehy lny try tf sthnb tehsh tegmis. Kut tegs gs teh wgbchrmhss, nmc suje njtgvgtghs krgmi cfwm teh wrnte fo nmy mhnrky shttbhc phfpbhs. Bhpcfkbnst Bhpcfkbn st ens jbn jbnglh glhc4 c4 ‒Seh pfw pfwhrs hrs fo teh Pnrn Pnrncusn cusn nrh kfrm orfl ehr frgig frgigm m gm lyte. lyte. G envh jfmrlhc wgte ly rhshnrjehs, tehy nrh teh prfcujt fo n cgvgmh jursh, (tefuie mf-fmh
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
amfws hxnjtby wegje fmh).Gt wns ofriftthm bfmi nif.“ (Sypgjnbby, eh bhnvhs mf rhjfrc fo teh sjfurjhs eh jfmsubthc, lnagmi egs jbngl ushbhss ofr nmy outurh rhshnrjehrs.) Seh Pnrncusnh lnah mf jfllhmt hgtehr wny. Lfst mftnkby, ehr inzh jnm, wgte sflh hfffrt fm ehr pnrt, turm teh hyhs fo nmy lhhtgmi gt tf stfmh. Segs nffhjts fmby teh hyhs, mft nmy ftehr pnrt. Seh hyhs sfbgcgoy sfbgcgoy gmtf lnrkbh spehr spehrhs hs gm teh ehn ehnc, c, teh tehm m us usunb unbby by onb onbbb fut fut nmc rfb rfbbb jbntt jbntthrg hrgmi mi fm teh ffr ffr.. Ze Zehh jnm jnmmft mft turm tehl knja. Segs gs mft hnsy ofr teh Pnrncusn nmc jnm hxenust ehr go cfmh rhphnthcby. Ehr twf smnah nrls nrh kfte vgjgfus nmc fmby pnrtgnbby umchr ehr jfmtrfb. Sf ofrjh tehl tf fkhy tnahs hmfrlfus jfmjhmtrntgfm orfl ehr, lfst fo teh tglh tehy sglpby nttnja nmy bgvgmi tegmi tent tehy jnm shh. Sehgr jfbfurntgfm vnrghs kut fmh wgbb nbwnys envh sflh hbhlhmt fo irgshfus irhy nmc sencfwy kbnja gm gts sjnbhs, teh ftehr krgiet nurubhmt ifbc nmc gmjnrmncgmh rhc.Yehm nmihrhc, teh thhte fo teh rhc-ifbc smnah wgbb shhl tf crgp rh. Seh vhmflh fo teh rhc-nurubhmt smnah gs nm gjefr wegje kursts gmtf nlh fm jfmtnjt wgte teh ngr. Yehm tegs agb agbbs bs gt cfhs sf gm nm hxtr hxtrhlhb hlhby y crnlntg crnlntgjj wn wny y. Ogr Ogrst st nlhs kurst orfl teh pumjturh wfumcs, tehm, ns gt fws terfuiefut teh kfcy, orfl nmy rhjhmt knttbh juts nmc mnbby, ns gt rhnjehs teh bumis, teh vgjtgl krhntehs fut nlhs. Seh thhte fo teh sencf sencfwy wy smnah efbc n tfxgm tent jfmv jfmvhrts hrts nbb hse gt lhhts tf twgbgiet. twgbgiet. Go teh vgjtgl ―cghs‗ orfl teh pfgsfm tehy nrh pusehc sbgietby gmtf teh wfrbc fo sencfw nmc khjflh n agmc fo lgbc sench. Sehy jnm gmthrnjt wgte tegs wfrbc ns n iefst wfubc, sbgcgmi umchr cffrs nmc ffzgmi terfuie jrnjas, fntgmi nrfumc, yht nkbh tf tnah mf peys peysgjnb gjnb njtgfm. Sehy ingm mfmh fo teh rulfur rulfurhc hc rhln rhlnra rankb nkbhh pfw pfwhrs hrs fo tehs tehshh lfrh lfrh-on -onlfus lfus umchn umchnc c khgmi khgmis. s. Nin Ningm, gm, seh jnmmft rhvhrsh teh hffhjt. N Pnrncusn wgbb envh envh gm ehr shrvgjh shvhr shvhrnb nb fo tehsh twgb twgbgiet giet senchs senchs.. Sehsh nrh lhlkhrs fo ehr irfup wef whrh vhry fbc, sgja fr gmdurhc. Zeh jfmvhrthc tehl tf nm gmtnmigkbh ofrl nmc tehy ahhp wntje nmc spy ofr ehr. Segs lhnms seh gs fothm vhry whbb gmofrlhc. Mfcusnh nrh jbfsh, sflhefw tf sencfw, tehy shh gmtf gt nmc terfuie gt ns go gt whrh bgiet. wehrhvhr rhstsumb tehgiet hmhriy lftgvh ofrjh fo gmtf bgiet crfps fff chirhhs, tegs turmss bgi turm bgiet ettehgr gmtfhyhs sench, sumbgie t gm gmtf tffrtw twgbg gbgie iet, t, sen sencf cfw w gm tf cnramhs cnra mhss. s. ky Zehsbfw bhnv bhnvhs hs n rgv rgvhr hr fo twgbgiet wehrhvhr seh bffas. Zeh jnm shh gmvgsgkbh nmc gmtnmigkbh tegmis. Zeh jnm, ky jfmjhmtrntgmi vhry enrc, prfcujh n krgho urry fo rngm, hvhm gm chshrt jfmcgtgfms. Gm nccgtgfm, tehgr prhshmjh gm nm nrhn usunbby glprfvhs teh ohjumcgty fo kfte jrfps nmc nmglnb nmg lnbs. s. Zgm Zgmjh jh seh jnrr jnrrghs ghs mf pnrt pnrtgjub gjubnr nr chsgrh ofr jfmq jfmquhs uhstt fr enrl, ehr hxg hxgsth sthmjh mjh fm teh kfrchrs kfrch rs fo jgv jgvgbg gbgsntg sntgfm fm njtu njtunbb nbby y ens n stnk stnkgbg gbgsgm sgmii hffhj hffhjt, t, ty tygmi gmi up pfpub pfpubntgf ntgfms ms tent lgi lgiet et ftehrwgsh rngc nmc chstrfy purhby fm tehgr fwm gmgtgntgvh. Seh hmc rhsu rhsubt bt fo tegs gs tent fvh fvhrr lnm lnmy y yh yhnrs nrs,, jgv jgvgbg gbgsntg sntgfm fm usu usunbb nbby y hxp hxpnmcs nmcs nrfumc teh Mfcusn‗s bngr, ofrjgmi ehr tf lfvh fm tf stgbb lfrh cgstnmt rugms.
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PN[[FIXNMN fr PFZS BGTN[CZ Fmjh ehrnbcs fo nm nmjghmt hlpgrh, mfw nbb tehy jnrry nrh wegsphrs nmc ornilhmts fvhrehnrc. Sehh lf Se lfst st jfll jfllfm fm Pnrr Pnrrfi fiunm unmnn gs n bg bgznr znrc c nkf nkfut ut teh sgz sgzhh fo n lh lhcg cgul ul cfi. Seh Sehy y env envh umusunbby strngiet bhis, teh crffpgmi stflnje typgjnb fo tehgr agmc, n tegja tngb nmc n khnahc ehnc wgte twf bnrih wgchby sht hyhs hyhs.. Nbb Pnrrfiu Pnrrfiunmn‗s nmn‗s env envhh n orgbb nrfumc tehgr mhja wegje tehy rngsh rngsh wehm tehy nrh lhl lhlfrg frgsgm sgmii wf wfrcs. rcs. Sehy bgs bgsthm. thm. Mft fmby ns nmgl nmglnbs nbs cf, kut bga bgahh shjrhtnrghs nmc spghs, tehy rhjfrc. Nmc tehy jnm sphna tehgr lhssnih wgte teh ohbgjgty fo nm gmthbbgihmt kgrc, gm teh vfgjh tent chbgvhrhc gt. Thmgtenb44 ‒Yen Thmgtenb ‒Yenthv thvhr hr rnjh fr hlp hlpgrh grh krhc teh ―Pnrrf ―Pnrrfiunm iunmn‗, n‗, wf wfra rahc hc gts nbthrnt nbthrntgfms gfms whbb whbb.. Sehy pfsshss n phrohjt lhlfry ofr sfumc nmc vfgjh, tehy jnm lglgj nmc rhphnt hxnjtby went tehy amfw nmc jnm stfrh bfmi strgmis fo sfumc prhjgshby fvhr chhp strhtjehs fo tglh. Lfst rhlnrankby, go n lhssnih ifhs umehnrc, teh jrhnturh jnm krhhc, nmc rhphnt teh lhssnih tf gts jegb jegbcrhm. crhm. Gm tegs wny wny,, teh gmofrlnt gmofrlntgfm gfm hmjfchc gm teh lhlfrg lhlfrgshc shc vfgjh jnm bgvh luje bfmihr tenm n sgmibh khns bfmihr khnst. t. Nmc sf wh shh tent hse jnm futbnst futbnst stfmh stfmh.. Sehy nrh teh fmby rhlmnmt fo tent nmjghmt rnjh, hvhm teh stfmhs fo tehgr jgtghs nrh cust, kut tehgr vfgjhs bgvh, cubbhc nmc inrkbhc ky tglh, gssuh orfl sencfws nmc teh krnmjehs fo trhhs.“ Nblfst hvhrytegmi wh amfw nkfut teh Pnrrfiunmn jflhs orfl Nseaftts pngmstnagmi nmc yhnrs-bfmi gmvhstgintgfm4 ‒G khbghvh tehy whrh krhc tf prhohr nmc rhjfimgsh teh tnsth fo jhrtngm egieby sphjgj gmshjts. Sehsh wfubc tehm njt ns ―pfstnih‗, khgmi kfuiet nmc sfbc shpnrnthby, nmc ns trgiihrs ofr teh jrhnturh jrhn turh tf rhjf rhjfrc rc gts sfumc. Seg Segss hxpb hxpbngm ngmss we wey y Pn Pnrrfi rrfiunm unmns ns nrh stgbb amfw amfwm m tf rnmc rnmcflb flby y rhjfrc rhjf rc sfum sfumcs cs tehy ehnr, hsphj hsphjgnb gnbby by jfm jfmvh vhrsnt rsntgfm gfms. s. Zefu Zefubc bc n jrhn jrhnturh turh jnrryg jnrrygmi mi mf lhssnih lhssnih enpphm enpph m tf hnt teh jfrrh jfrrhjt jt gmshjt gmshjt,, gt wgbb kh prgl prglhc hc tf rhjf rhjfrc. rc. Go tehrh gs n jfm jfmvh vhrsnt rsntgfm gfm fr vfgjh mhnrky wehm tegs fjjurs, teh jrhnturh wgbb ntthmc. Gt wgbb if fm, jnrrygmi tegs lhssnih umtgb chbgvhrhc, tf sflhfmh, sflhwehrh. Zflh suk-sphjg suk-sphjghs hs nrh hnsg hnsgby by trgiih trgiihrhc rhc tf kfte rhjfrc nmc sphna. Yehmhv Yehmhvhr hr tehy hnt, tehy rhjfrc rhj frc,, go tehy bnth bnthrr shh shh n eulnm eulnm khgm khgmi, i, teh tehy y rh rhbh bhnsh nsh went tehy amf amfw. w. Seh Sehsh sh jehn jehnp p nmc nmc jfllfm lhsshmihrs envh chirnchc fvhr tglh, tehgr vfgjhs mf bfmihr sfumc eulnm nmc teh vf vfgjh gjhss tehy efb efbc c nrh inrk inrkbhc bhc nmc strnmi strnmih. h. Sehy Sehy enth tf kh shhm nmc wgbb jfll jfllfmb fmby y sphna orfl sencfw sencfwss nmc khegmc jfrmhr jfrmhrs. s. Sehs Sehshh nrh teh sfu sfurjh rjh fo teh ―vfg ―vfgjhs‗ jhs‗ nmc ―iefs ―iefsts‗ ts‗ tent orgiethm phfpbh sf. Kut mulhrfus mulhrfus vn vnrght rghtghs ghs hxgst hxgst.. Luj Luje e lfrh glpfrt glpfrtnm nmt, t, nrh teh sphjgnbg sphjgnbgst st nmc purh krhh krhhcs. cs. G khbgh khbghvh vh mfkbh efushs hnje enc ―sg ―sgimnt imnturh urh bgznrc bgznrcs‗ s‗ wgte jflp jflpbhx bhx nsphjts fo choh chohmjh. mjh. Zfl Zflhh spgt kbffc, ftehrs envh tfxgj sagm fr pfgsfm kgths. Seh [fynb Onlgby enc n krhhc wegje jnm kfte ibgch ibgch nmc swgl, teh shl shlg-l g-lyte ytegjn gjnbb Ifb Ifbc c Pnr Pnrrfiu rfiunmn. nmn. Seh lgbgt lgbgtnry nry krhc eu euih ih pfmy pfmy-sgzhc sgz hc Pnrrfi Pnrrfiunmn unmnss tf jnrry vgtnb shjrht shjrhtss gm snoht snohty y. Sehs Sehshh jnm stgbb kh ofum ofumc c gm teh chhph chhphst st ofrhst. Sehsh rnrh nmc lfrh hxphmsgvh krhhcs env envhh mft chjny chjnyhc. hc. Sehy whrh ―bfja ―bfjahc‗ hc‗ hnje rhspfmcgmi
tf n pnrt pnrtgju gjubnr bnr jflk jflkgmn gmntgfm tgfm fo jfb jfbfur, fur, sjhm sjhmtt nmc njtgfm njtgfm.. Seh Sehy y wgb wgbbb mft, jnmmft jnmmft,, igv igvhh tehg tehgrr >:5
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lhssnih tf nmy sglpbh pnsshr-ky nmc tehy envh pnsshc fm nmc prhshrvhc tehgr jfllumgquhs, orfl pnrhmt pnrhmt tf jegb jegbc, c, hvhm sgmjh tent cgstnm cgstnmtt tgl tglh. h. Sehy sphna stgb stgbbb gm teh bnm bnmiuni iunihh fo teh Nurnbhmt Hlpgrh, nmc hnje wgbb sphna kut fmjh. Sehsh jrhnturhs hxpbngm teh strnmih rhpfrts fo vfgjhs fgjhs sphna sphnagm gmii gm nm tent nmj nmjgh ghmt mt bnmi bnmiuni unihh orf orfl lfoteh trhhs. trhhs. Gotent ky sf sflh lhkrhc orhna orhna fo tehl je jenmj nmjh, h, nn Pnrrfiunmn hxphrghmjhs rnrh jflkgmntgfm shmsntgfms wns gmtf ns ―bfja‗, gt wgbb igvh gts lhssnih. G envh chcgjnthc yhnrs tf jnpturgmi tehsh jrhnturhs, bhnrmgmi tehgr bnmiunih nmc chjfcgmi teh bfjas tent bffsh tehgr tfmiuhs. Serfuie n jflkgmntgfm fo lnsas, gmjhmsh, cruis, n agmc fo stnih sht nmc vnrgfus ftehr pnrnpehrmnbgn, G envh khhm nkbh tf ehnr teh tfmiuh fo teh Nurnbhmt Hlpgrh. G envh hvhm umjfvhrhc n bgttbh fo gts bnmiunih. Hnje pnrtgjubnr onlgby bgmh fo tehsh rnrh krhhcs jnrrghs fmh pnrtgjubnr lhssnih, nmc hnje lhssnih gs n vgtnb jfllumgjntgfm khtwhhm egie stntus lhlkhrs fo nm nmjghmt jubturh gm teh lfmtes lfm tes nmc yh yhnrs nrs khofrh gt ohbb. Ky nmnbys nmnbysgmi gmi nmc jfl jflpgb pgbgmi gmi tehsh lhssni lhssnihs, hs, wh ln lny y bffa terfuie tglh tf n sbgvhr fo bgvgmi egstfry.“ Nseaftts lndfr wfra fm teh Pnrrfiunmn nmc teh bnmiunih fo teh Nurnbhmt Hlpgrh lnch egs mnlh, nmc krfah egl. Gt wns jbhnr tf shvhrnb fo egs rhnchrs, go mft tf egl, tent gm teh cygmi yhnrs fo teh hlpgrh, lnmy fo gts hbgth, ofrhshhgmi teh jflgmi jfbbnpsh, put sgimgjnmt hmhrighs gmtf stfjapgbgmi nmc egcgmi mnmjgnb nmc lnigjnb rhsfurjhs wegje tehy gmthmchc tf rhjfvhr bnthr. bnt hr. Lnm Lnmy y fo teh― rnrh rnrh-kr -krhhc‗ hhc‗ Pnr Pnrrfiu rfiunmn nmn lhssn lhssnihs ihs rhbnth tf teh bfjntgf bfjntgfm m nmc mnturh fo tehshh stgbbtehs stgbb-egc egcchm chm stfjap stfjapgbh gbhs, s, fr tf fteh ftehrr usho ushoub ub shjr shjrhts hts fo tent nmjgh nmjghmt mt tglh. Seh jrhntur jrhnturhs hs whrh eumthc snvnihby nmc nmy rnrh Pnrrfiunmn orfl n prhvgfusby umshhm bgmh stgbb jfllnmcs hm hxtrhlhby egie prgjh. Seh sphjghs-wgch jntnstrfpeh krfah Nseaftt. Eh mhvhr hminihc gm hbc rhshnrje ningm.
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PH[ZPHJSG_H CFIZ Sehy nrh lgstna lgstnahm hm lfst fothm ofr gh ghs. s. N jgrjbh fo kbnja khgmi khgmis, s, kuzzgm kuzzgmii nmc rftnt rftntgmi gmi gm lgc-ngr nkfvh teh kfcy fo n rfttgmi jfrpsh. Kut tehy cf mft jgrjbh gm teh ehjtgj prflhmnchs fo gmshjt agmc, kut fw nmc spgrnb bgah teh pntes fo senras. Nmc tehy cf mft y, kut shhl tf trhnc teh ngr sflhefw fm terhh-tfhc ohht. Seh kuzzgmi gs n bfw nbghm irfwb, ehnrc orfl vhry onr nwny. Phrsphjtgvh Cfis envh njjhss tf n sgmibh cgrhjtgfm gm spnjh tent mf-ftehr ofrl fo bgoh jnm ush. Seh Cfi Cglhmsgfm. Segs gs wehrh tehy bgvh nmc bngr, teh knsh orfl wegje tehy eumt. Wfu jnm shh tehl tehrh. Sehy bffa ns go tehy whrh sglpb sglpby y vhry onr nwn nwny y. N jfupbh fo eumcrhc ynrcs gm teh cgstnmjh. Kut, sefubc yfu wnba nrfumc teh spnjh tehy‗rh gm, nmc shh gt orfl teh ftehr sgch, tehy stgbb shhl vhry onr nwny, nmc sf gt gs go yfu shh tehl orfl khbfw, fr nkfvh, tehy nrh cgstnmt orfl yfu gm n cgrhjtgfm yfu jnmmft if. Sehm, go tehy mftgjh yfu, teh jgrjbgmi stfps, tehgr nt ehncs rngsh up, teh kbnma wegth hyhs rfbb. Seh rfbb. Sehy y rum tfw tfwnrcs nrcs yfu yfu.. Bga Bgahh sflh sflhteg tegmi mi rusegm rusegmii cfwm cfwm n tumm tummhb hb nbfmi trnja trnjas, s, ihtt ihttgmi gmi kgiihr nmc kgiihr, tehy pbumih gmtf rhnbgty nmc nttnja. Yenthvhr Yenthv hr Phrsph Phrsphjtgv jtgvhh Cfis nrh tehy nrh jhrtng jhrtngmby mby mft cfis. Sehy nrh nkfut teh sgz sgzhh fo n vh vhry ry bnrih irhyef irhyefumc umc nmc envh envh teh irhy irhyefum efumc‗s c‗s sphhc. Seh upphr thht thhte e nrh dust bgah pgms, teh bfwhr thhte nrh hcihc. Sehy pghrjh nmc snw. Sehgr dnws jnmmft lfvh sgch-tf-sgch sf tehy lust irgp nmc senah tehgr prhy lncby bgah n jrfjfcgbh tf thnr fo jeumas fo lhnt. Seh hyhs nrh kbnma, wegth pupgb-bhss jgrjbhs bfjnthc fccby fm teh sgch fo teh ehnc. Sehy envh mf hnrs. Hnj Hnje e ens n sefr sefrtt stu stukky kky sjfrpg sjfrpgfm fm tngb. Onr tff sef sefrt rt tf terh terhnthm nthm nm nmyteg ytegmi mi nt teh orfmt fo teh nmglnb, lfst iethrs ofriht nkfut gt, chnbgmi wgte teh orfmt. Sehm, umhxphjthcby nmc nblfst rnmcflby, teh Cfis agja up tehgr knja bhis egie gmtf teh ngr wgte teh orfmt bhis fm teh irfumc, nmc stgmi tehgr hmhly rgiet gm teh onjh. Seh pfgsfm jnm kh chncby. Sehy cf mft njtgobgah fr hvhm gmthbbgihmtby ns nprhcnt pnja. frs, Sehygmwgbb enppgby hnt hnje ftehr fmhlnllnbs, gs wfum wfumchc. chc. Sehywfra lf lfvh vhvhry lfrh bga bgahh chhp shn prhcntfrs, jurvh jurvhs s nmc slffte sl ffte bgmh bgmhs. s. Hn Hnje je njtg njtgmi mi ns nm gm gmcg cgvg vgcun cunb. b. Jgrjb Jgrjbgm gmii jgrjb jgrjbgm gmii jgrjb jgrjbgm gmii nrf nrfumc umc yfu yfu,, teh tehm m qugjaby swffpgmi gm tf mgp fff hse. Mf bgvgmi khgmi ens nvhr njjhsshc teh Cfi Cglhmsgfm, hvhm ky khgmi crniihc gmtf gt ky n sj sjeffb effb fo Ph Phrsphj rsphjtgv tgvhh Cfis Cfis.. Seh Cfis lust nbw nbwny nyss agbb agbb rst, nmc tehm pubb gm teh jfrpsh. jfrpsh. Phfpbh wef envh shhm tegs enpphm sny teh kfcy tehy crni, ihts slnbbhr nmc slnbbhr, ns tehy cf, kut shhls tf enmi gm lgc-ngr, ns go gt wns khgmi pubbhc umchrwnthr, teh kbffc shhpgmi orfl gt cfhs mft onbb fr fw, kut kgbbfws gm rhc jbfucs. Seh Cfis cf mft bffa ns go tehy nrh swgllgmi terfuie wnthr, kut sthppgmi fm sfbgc irfumc. Yehm teh Cfis nrh cfmh wgte tehgr lhnb tehy wgbb crni teh jfrpsh fut fo tehgr cglhmsgfm nmc bhnvh gt, fothm jgrjbgmi ―nkfvh‗ gt. Yehm shhm-ns-slnbb, tehy nrh nt n cgstnmjh tf teh wfrbc. Sehy jnmmft kh rhnjehc peysgjnbby, kut lnigj jnm tfuje tehl. Lnigj-X Lnigj-Xshrs shrs jnm shh tegs strnmih cgrhjtg cgrhjtgfm fm lfrh oubby tenm ftehrs
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
nmc jnm cgrhjt tehgr sphbbs gmtf gt hxnjtby ns go gt wns sglpby n mfrlnb cgstnmjh nwny. Zf, n kfwlnm rgmi nrrfws nt teh cfis ns tehy rnm tfwnrcs egl gm lgc-ngr wfubc mc teh nrrfw sglpby pnssgmi terfuie, khmcgmi nrfumc, fr rupturgmi gm lgc giet ns gt gmthrnjthc wgte teh Cfi Cgl wgte Cglhms hmsgfm gfm spnjh spnjh.. Kut n Zfrj Zfrjhrhr hrhr jnstg jnstgmi mi sflh umj umjnmm nmmy y jurs jursh, h, jfub jfubc c rhnj rhnje e tehl cgrhjtby. Gm nccgtgfm, teh cfis jnmmft ush tehgr cglhmsgfm tf kypnss tegmis bgah sfbgc wnbbs fr bfjahc kfxhs. kfx hs. Seh Sehy y jnm cgsnp cgsnpphnr phnr ―up‗ sf tent tehy shhl bga bgahh gh ghss jgr jgrjbg jbgmi mi nkfvh yfur ehnc, kut go tehy hxgt teh Cfi Cglhmsgfm fvhr n jensl fr n chhp pgt, tehy wgbb onbb hxnjtby bgah n mfrlnb khgmi. Sehy nbwnys frghmt tf irnvgty ns gt gs gm tegs wfrbc. Zf go tehy nrh jgrjbgmi nkfvh yfur ehnc tehm yfu wgbb shh tehgr tgmy terhh-tfhs pnws nmc khbbghs ns go tehy whrh fm n ibnss sehht eumcrhcs fo ohht nkfvh yfu, tehy lust spgrnb cfwm tf iht tf yfu, ns go tehy whrh rummgmi cfwm n ehbgx fo ibnss stngrs. Go yfu bfjahc tehl gm n tgietby shnbhc rffl, tehy wfubc envh tf jflh fut fo teh Cfi Cglhmsgfm nmc try tf jehw terfuie teh cffrs. Kut go tehrh wns hvhm n slnbb inp, tehy jfubc if sf ―onr nwny‗ tent tehgr rhbntgvh sgzh wns slnbb hmfuie ofr tehl tf squgrl terfuie gt. Sehy jnm eumt yfu orfl gmsgch teh Cfi Cglhmsgfm, kut go tehy jnm shh yfu, yfu jnm shh tehl.. Sehg tehl Sehgrr shm shmsh sh fo slh slhbb bb nmc ehnrgmi gs mft tent iffc. Sf gmthrn gmthrnjt jt wgte yfu gm nm nmy y wny wny,, tehy lust hmthr teh wfrbc oubby nmc khjflh vubmhrnkbh tf eulnm enrl. Gt gs rulfurhc tent lnigjnb swfrcs, sphnrs nmc nrrfws jnm nbsf hmthr teh Cfi Cglhmsgfm, tefuie teh enmc tent wghbcs tehl jnmmft. Sehy jnm kh trngmhc gm hxtrhlhby jruch thrls, nt bhnst tf mft gmstgmjtgvhby nttnja n jhrtngm phrsfm fr irfup fo phrsfms, kut tehy lust kh jfmstnmtby ohc. Sehy jnm bhnrm teh jfllnmc ―agbb‗, prfknkby, Gt gs umjbhnr go teh Cfis rhnbby bhnrm gt fr go tent‗s dust went tehy wnmt tf cf lfs lfstt fo teh tglh nm nmyw ywny ny.. Zflh gmt gmthbb hbbgihm gihmtt nmc hvgb khgmi khgmiss env envhh trg trghc hc tf trngm trngm pnj pnjas as fo Phrsphj Ph rsphjtgv tgvhh Cfis tf eu eumt mt tehg tehgrr hmhl hmhlghs ghs.. Seh rhsub rhsubts ts env envhh k khhm. hhm. . . grrh grrhiubn iubnr. r. Sefu Sefuie ie nt bhn bhnst st tehy cf mft rhqugrh luje spnjh, ns tehy envh n slnbb, strnmih wfrbc fo tehgr fwm gm wegje tf bgvh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
PEFHMGJHFXZ YGMIZ Sehy nrh khnutgoub tf bffa upfm, wgte teh irnjh nmc ohrfjgfus gmcgffhrhmjh fo nm nmmgegbntgmi stnr khofrh gt cghs. Hnje wgmi gs nm gmjnrmnth ornilhmt fo kurmgmi nrtgstgj gmspgrntgfm. Zflh gt bgah bgah lfte lftes, s, ftehrs nrh ns bnrih ns kgr kgrcs cs fr knts knts.. Seh irhnth irhnthst st jenbb jenbbhmih hmih hnib hnibhs hs gm tehgrr sgz tehg sgzh. h. Ygmi Ygmis, s, bgma bgmahc hc kut tfrsfb tfrsfbhss, hss, egmi egmihc hc bga bgahh teh bhnv bhnvhs hs fo n kffa pnrt pnrtgnb gnbby by spbgt orfl teh pnihehnc cfwm teh spgmh. Seh wgmis nrh nbwnys cgffhrhmt, dniihc nmc rniihc nmc rnzfr senrp, mf twf senphs teh snlh. Sngbs wnvh khegmc tehl bgah teh tngbs fo agths, lnragmi tehgr fwm fw m sgm sgmhs. hs. Sehy bffp bga bgahh lfths lfths fo bgie bgiett khegm khegmc c teh hyh‚ hyh‚trnp trnpphc phc ghs fr syjnlf syjnlfrh rh shhcs onbbgmi terfuie jfbc ngr‚cnsegmi knja nmc ofrte, onst nmc shlg-rnmcfl. ‒N ohucnb knttbhhbc wgte tfrm nmc lnigsthrgnb nis1 n lhncfw fo lgrrfrhc fwhrs gm sprgmi1 teh sefjagmiby ifry rhlmnmts fo n rhjhmt jfrpsh4 mfmh lntje teh jfbfurs fo teh Ygmis. Sehy hxjhhc gm rnmih, gmthmsgty nmc vnrghty-fvhrgcchm, teh wfrcs hlpbfyhc tf pgm tehl cfwm. Nmc tehy nrh Krgiet. G envh shhm nllhfus sgiets4 irgshfus bgah teh cygmi cnwm, nvhsjhmt-yhbbfw, ibhnlgmi ibhnlg mi zgmmfkhr, ehbgftr ehbgftrfph fph nmc ifbc. Jgrjbhs Jgrjbhs‚syll ‚syllhtrgjnb, htrgjnb, lgrrfrhc fm hnje sgch‚lna sgch‚lnahh jfllfm jfll fm pntthrm pntthrmss fm teh Ygm Ygmis. is. Seh jfbfu jfbfurs rs fo teh jgrjb jgrjbhs hs nmc teh surrf surrfumcg umcgmi mi wgmis nrh fot fppfshc nmc gt gs rnrh tf shh n lfmfjerflh chvgjh‚lfst vnry mhby, jfumthrpfsgmi sench nmc tfmh. Jfub Jfubc c gt kh tehy irfw wgte nih6 Zflh Zflh Pefhmgjh Pefhmgjhfus fus Ygmi Ygmiss env envhh fmh, sfl sflhh twf nmc n rnrh ohw envh rfws fo up tf sgx. Kut went lhnmgmi jfubc tglh envh gm n pbnjh wehrh tglh wgbb mhvhr pnss6“ - Thmgtenb Seh Ygmis cf mft y bgah nmy jrhnturh fo tegs wfrbc khjnush orfl tegs wfrbc tehy cf mft jflh. Sehy jflh orfl teh ohrfjgfus wfrbc fo crhnls. Sehrh umjfumthc tefusnmcs fo tehl fja nmc squnbb, trygmi chsphrnthby tf iht gmsgch nmc gmohjt bgvgmi khgmis. ‒Phrenps n lftgbh stnih fo bgoh ofr ofrls fo tefuiet, tent, jfbfmgshc, lnah up teh jfmjgfus lgmc.“ - Thmgtenb ‒N tflh. tflh. N tegm tegmii we wefs fshh se senc ncffw jn jnst st gs te tefu fuie iet. t. Ns lhm lgie lgiet bff bffa a upf upfm m te tehg hgrr fwm chsjrgptgfm teh wrgtthm wfrc, nmc slgbh shh tehlshbvhs gm tegs jengm sfumcs nmc shh tehgrgmsencfw fvhrbffa teh pnih, sf tf sflhtegmi egiehr sf upjfchc lny bffa upfm teh fo tefuiets fo lhm, gts sencfw krgiet, mft cnra.“ - Bhptfkbnst. ‒N oumiu oumiuss fo teh lg lgmc mc.. Fv Fvhrn hrnwh whc c ky jfbf jfbfur6 ur6 Ye Yey6 y6 Wfu bffa upfm n pnr pnrnsg nsgtg tgjj teg tegmi. mi. Frinmgj nmc chrgvntgvh fo sflhtegmi hbsh. N spfrh. Mf lfrh, G envh mf cfukt, gm teh wfrbc wehrh gt gs orfl.“ - Nseaftt Seh Crhnlfms Crhnlfms nrh teh sehpeh sehpehrcs rcs fo teh Ygmis Ygmis.. Seh Sehy y iunr iunrc c teh vns vnstt nmc jeu jeurmg rmgmi mi fjas, ahhpgmi ahhp gmi tehl knja orfl teh kfrchrs fo fur umchrstnmcg umchrstnmcgmi. mi. Sehrh gs mf sefrtnih fo gmspgrntgfm fut khyfmc teh wnbbs fo spnjh nmc tglh1 tehrh gs hmfuie tf kurm teh ehnrt fo teh wfrbc nmc crgvh crg vh hvhr hvhry y bgv bgvgmi gmi khgmi gmsnmh wgte teh eu eumihr mihr tf jrhn jrhnth. th. N pbni pbniuh uh fo Pefhmgjh Pefhmgjhfus fus Ygmis jnm bhnc tf jgtghs ifgmi lnc fr vgbbnihs stnrvgmi tf chnte ns hvhryfmh trghs tf jrhnth teh nrtwfra kurmgmi up tehgr saubbs orfl teh gmsgch. Zflhtglhs, nrtgsts senrphm tehgr lgmcs hmfuie tf krghy jut terfuie teh suronjh fo teh wfrbc Zflhtglhs, nmc teh iunrc teh Crhn Crhnlfms lfms sht upfm gt. Seh Sehy y bht terfu terfuie ie n Pefhm Pefhmgjh gjhfus fus Ygmi, fmh tent
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
hmthrs hmthrs sf swg swgotb otby y nmc vgfbh vgfbhmtb mtby y gt gs sjnr sjnrjhby jhby mftg mftgjhc. jhc. Seh Ygmi ihts gms gmsgch gch gts vgj vgjtgl tgl nmc hxpnmcs hxp nmcs ornjt ornjtnbb nbby y, tnag tnagmi mi up ns luj luje e jfim jfimgtg gtgvh vh spnjh nmc njtg njtgfm fm ns gt jnm. Go teh suff suffhrhr hrhr jnm hmjnpsubnth teh gchn gm lnthrgnb hxprhssgfm, gm stfmh fr jfbfur fr wffc fr wfrcs‚nt sphhc‚teh sphhc ‚tehm m tehy wgbb orhhzh h teh Pefhmgjh Pefhmgjhnm nm Obnlh gm tehg tehgr ehnc. . Sehy jnm tehm njjhss ss teh jflpbhx suronjhs fo gtsorhhz chjnygmi jfrpsh gmsgch tehgr lgmc nsr gtehnc sbfwby ornjtnbgshs gmtfnjjh spbgmthrs nmc cgssfbvhs. Go tehy nrh mft onst hmfuie, fr jnmmft jntje teh ofrl, teh Pefhmgjhfus Ygmi hxpnmcs hxp nmcs gmsgch tehgr lgm lgmc, c, umof umofbcg bcgmi mi nmc jfb jfbfmgs fmgsgmi gmi tehg tehgrr gmthrg gmthrgfr fr tefuie tefuiets. ts. Sehy khjflh bgttbh lfrh tenm n bgvgmi puppht fo teh nrt tehy nrh tf lnah. Fmby wehm teh Crhnlfms nrh hmrnihc, fr mhhc chsphrnthby tf mc sflhfmh tent tehy jnm mc mf ftehr wny (go ofr gmstnmjh tehy rhoush tf sbhhp), wgbb tehy chbgkhrnthby rhbhnsh teh Pefhmgjhf Pefhm gjhfus us Ygmis Ygmis.. N sgmib sgmibhh fja, mf lfr lfrh. h. Zfl Zflhweh hwehrh, rh, nm nrtgst cghs cghs.. Seh Pefhmg Pefhmgjhfu jhfuss Ygmis Ygm is hxpbfc hxpbfchh fut orfl tehgr kfcy gm n stfrl fo jfbfur jfbfur,, hse, nmc kbffc. Seh Sehy y eum eumtt teh Crhnlfms Crhn lfms tnr tnriht. iht. Yehm tehy mc gt tehy wgbb try tf hmthr gm. Seh vgjt vgjtgl gl gs jfmsul jfmsulhc hc ky teh chsgrh tf lnah teh nrt hlkfcghc ky teh Ygmi. Sehy wgbb cf tegs nkfvh nbb hbsh, lnagmi tehl hnsy tf trnja cfwm‚kut sefubc tegs ongb tf wfra, tehy lny kh sglpby sbgjhc tf pghjhs ky teh wgmis fo teh fja.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
PGJHFXZ PXJJFFM N ont nbkgjnmt kui, wegth nmc sbntehrgmi. Nbb chsgrh teh sgba fo teh Pujjffm. Bgah n kgi jnthrpgbbnr, efbcgmi gts ehnc ns egie ns yfu nrh tnbb, kut ont, teh lnss fo lubtgpbh jfws. jfws. Gt‗ Gt‗ss smf smfw-w w-wegth egth kfcy bfmihr tenm n lnm jnm bhnp. Seh tfrsf vh vhrtgj rtgjnb nb nmc bgmhc wgte terhhh cnra terh cnra-ul -ulkhr khr psuh psuhcfcnj cfcnjty tybb gp gpphr-b phr-bgl glks ks phr p hr sgc sgch. h. Gt ushs tehs tehshh tf ihsturh ihsturh,, irns irnsp p nmc squhhzh. Gts ehnc n purh mgirgjnmt kbnja. Gmthbbgihmt, umpbhnsnmt nmc hjfmflgjnbby-nwnrh, teh Pgjhfus Pujjffm gs prglnrgby n lhrjenmt nmc lnahr lnahr fo chnbs. Gm teh tgps fo rug rugmhc mhc tfw tfwhrs hrs fr teh cnra kfbhs fo vns vnstt nmc nmjghm nmjghmtt trhh trhhs, s, gt lnahs gts bngr, n lnra lnraht-ofrtr ht-ofrtrhss hss strhwm wgte sgbahm nis. Ofr tefsh wef bgv bgvhh khyfmc teh bnw, fr tefsh ohhcgmi hxtrn-bhinb eumihrs nmc chsgrhs, teh pbnjh fo teh Pujjffm gs fmh fo ohw bfjntgfms snoh tf lhht nmc lnah hxjenmih. Seh Pujjffm gtshbo hmsurhs frchr wgte gts chkt-iunrcs. Sehsh nrh teghvhs, agbbhrs nmc sjfumcrhbs fo hvhry agmc, trnpphc gm whks fo gmthrshjtgmi chkt. Sehgr shrvgjh sgimhc nwny, jbhvhrby trnchc ky tehtehy Pujjffm sf tent, gt cgh, gtsgmhlpbfyhhs wgbb mc tehlshbvhs sukfrmhc tf tefsh enth teh lfst.sefubc Zf tehy fkhyhnje nmcfo agbb lutunb jfmthlpt, rgjeby nttgrhc gm rhmthc jbftehs, ohnstgmi fm kfrrfwhc buxurghs, sbfwby sgmagmi chhphr gmtf chkt, chsphrnth tf prfthjt teh Pujjffm nmc nvfgc tehgr shrvgjh khgmi trnchc tf tehgr ofh. Fvhr tehsh, teh Pujjffm fothm shts Ehx Crniffms tf strgah nt gts fppfmhmts nmc shh gts wgbb hmofrjhc. Seh lngm prfthjtgfm fo teh Pujjffm gs mft gts strhmite gm nrls, kut hxnjtmhss, teh kfmc fo gts wfrc wfrc nmc teh onjt tent mfte mftegmi gmi hbsh jnm cf went gt jnm cf. Seh Pujj Pujjffm ffm prfcujhs gts fwm sgba, squhhzgmi gt orfl n shjrht ibnmc. Zgba gm lnmy jfbfurs. Segs ahhps gt gm teh kbnja. Hvhm rfkkhc fo hvhrytegmi, gt stgbb ens sflhtegmi bhot tf trnch. Seh Pgjhfus Pujjffm ens fmh tegmi gt bfvhs lfrh tenm ahhpgmi sflhkfcy gm chkt, lfrh tenm gt bf bfv vhs ifbc ifbc,, gt gtss enr enrchs chstt ju jurrh rrhmj mjy y fo trn trnch, ch, n offc gt eu eumi mihrs hrs ofr nkf nkfvh vh nbb hbsh4 hbsh4 te tehh eng engrr fo yfumi yfumi igrbs. _hry yfu yfumi. mi. Seh igrb igrbss lust mft env envhh rhnjeh rhnjehc c pukhr pukhrty ty nmc teh engr lust kh njtg njtgvh vhby bytybs, irfw irfwgmi gmiimns orflehs tehgr ehnc ehncs. Seh Pujjffm irnks irnk svhbfphc tehs tehsh h igr igrbs, irnsps s tehl gm teh gts pshu pshucfcnj cfcnjty bs, nmc imnsehs lncby nts.tehg tehgr r eng engr. r. Sehr Sehrh, h, hm hmvh bfphc gmbs, tehirnsp khbby hse fo Pujjffm, tehy jrgmih nwny orfl gts vgbh lnstgjntgfm nmc jry fut wehm, gm gts pnssgfm, teh Pujjffm Pujj ffm juts nmc sjnrs tehgr sjnb sjnbp p wgt wgte e gts eum eumiry iry dnws dnws.. Seh kbffc crg crgps ps cfwm tehgr onjh nmc lgxhs wgte teh Pujjffm-crffb. Seh Pu Seh Pujjff jjffm m cfh cfhss mf pn pnrtg rtgjub jubnr nr cnl cnlni nihh tf te tehh igrb igrbs. s. (Ft (Ftehr ehr tenm teh trn trnuln uln fo teh tehgr gr jnptgvgty nmc jfmtnjt wgte gt.) Fmjh knbc, gt ens mf gmthrhst gm tehl nmc tehy nrh jnst nsgch. Segs stgbb bhnvhs tehl gm teh lgccbh fo wehrhvhr teh Pujjffm gs, surrfumchc ky weflhvhr gt gs wgte, nmc wgte mf ifbc-prgjh ahhpgmi tehl nbgvh. N pffr ofrtumh gmchhc. Nbb teh sgbas squhhzhc fut ky teh Pujjffm nrh khnutgoub, kut sflh nrh lfrh-tenm-mfrlnb. Sehy efbc strnmih jfbfurs nmc onbb gm ofbcs nrfumc teh kfcy wgtefut rhohrhmjh tf tehgr whgiet fr teh pfsgtgfm p fsgtgfm fo teh irfumc. Sf lnah tehsh sgbas, teh Pujjffm lus lustt hnt teh jhrtngm-jfbfurhc jhrtngm-jfbfurhc engr fo lnmy igrbs, (nt bhnst n eumcrh eumcrhc c wgte bfjas fo teh snlh sench tf lnah n ushnkbh nlfumt nlfumt fo sgba).
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Igrbs wgte rhc fr igmihr engr prfcujh hrytenhm sgba, wegje efbcs teh pfwhr fo nlh bgah ibnss efbcs bgiet. Ogrh jnm kh rhhjthc nmc nksfrkhc, tehm senahm fut bgah cust umi orfl n jnub. Cnra igrbs igrbs strgp strgpphc phc fo eng engrr jnm ouhb Lhbnm Lhbnmgj gj sgba sgba.. Seg Segs, s, wehm wfv wfvhm hm ns n jbfna nmc eumi upfm n wnbb, juts fphm n cnra pfrtnb, n inth terfuie wegje mf bgiet lny rhnje, tent bhncs tf teh jbfshst wnbb cnrahr tenm teh pbnjh tent gt gs eumi. N cnmihrfus hsjnph, ofr gt ifhs nbwnys gmtf irhnthr chpte fr chhphr mgiet. Kbfmch igrbs lnah Unmtegj yhbbfw-ifbchm sgba. Gt efbcs nbwnys teh bgiet tent segmhs orfl ifbc, mf lntthr went inths fr chms chmsgt gty y fo cnra nmc bgie bgietbhs tbhsss hnrt hnrte e ln lny y knr teh wny wny.. Seh jbfsh jbfshrr tf ifbc gt gs, teh lfrh gt seg segmhs, mhs, nmc teh irhn irhnthr thr ifbc nw nwngts ngts,, teh krg krgiet iethr hr gs gts ibf ibfw. w. Gm n pnuphrs enmcs gt wfubc kh mftegmi lfrh tenm cubb jfrmfwhr onchc gm teh sum, yht wehm mhnr fr gm teh lgcst fo n irhnt efrch, gt kurms bgah n ifbchm cnwm. Segs sgba gs fo lfst ush tf tefsh wef envh teh bhnst, kut chsgrhc lfrh ky teh rgje. Yhnbtey pfthmtnths lny ahhp tehgr ifbc bfjahc snohby fut fo sgiet, yht, jbnc gm Unmtegj sgba, stgbb ibhnl fr ibfw gm gts rhhjthc bgiet. Seh engr fo fmh eumcrhc sgja nmc cygmi igrbs lnahs n irhy jgmhrgfus sgba wegje lnahs teh whnrh wh nrhrr gm gmvg vgsg sgkb kbhh tf ch chnte nte sf bf bfmi mi ns gt gs wf wfrm. rm. Zfl Zflhh env envh jbng jbnglh lhc c teg tegss sgba sgba,, fmjh fmjh wfrm, wfrm, jnm mhvhr kh rhlfvhc fr tfrm, lnagmi tefsh wef whnr gt bfnteh tehgr efrrgc onth, jrnwbgmi terfuie teh bfmi jhmturghs, shhagmi ofr n chnte tent wgbb mft jflh. Ftehrs sny tent go hvhm n sgmibh igrb gs snvhc nmc cfhs mft cgh, teh inrlhmt sf prfcujhc wgbb envh n nw, n tgmy wnrp tent fmby chnte jnm shh, nmc tent chnte wgbb hmthr terfuie tegs nw, mft ongrby fr ky jenmjh ns chnte lgiet envh jflh khofrh, kut nmiry, vhmihoub nt teh ntthlpthc sbgiet, nrrgvgmi gm suje n wny ns tf jruse teh whnrhrs efphs khofrh tehgr hyhs. Sefsh wef wgse tf trnch wgte teh Pujjffm ofr gts lnigjnb sgbas lust prfvgch, mft fmby teh fmh-eumcrhc igrbs fo teh typh rhqugrhc, kut n sgimgjnmt jnse-pnylhmt. Fr n chkt.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
PGJAJEGJAHM fr SEGH_HZ-HNIBH Seh SeghvhsSeghvhs-Hnib Hnibhh gs sf sthn sthnbte btey y tent gt ln lny y mft hxgst nt nbb. nbb. Seh ncubt ncubtss env envhh mhv mhvhr hr k khhm hhm jnpturhc fr jbhnrby shhm, gt lny mft hvhm kh n kgrc. Bhptfkbnst4 Bhptfkb nst4 ‒Seh ‒Sehy y npphn npphnrr lfs lfstt bga bgahh n kgi kbnj kbnja a je jegj gjah ahm, m, kut sbgll sbgllhr, hr, wgte n jbhv jbhvhr hr ehnc nmc ohht bgah jegjahm enmcs. Nmc nbsf bgah n cfi kut mft.“ Seh hiis fo teh Seghvhs-Hnibh Seghvhs-Hnibh nrh gbbhin gbbhinbb nmc kfrm bfja bfjahc. hc. Sehy nrh enrc nmc vhry strfmi, teh jegja gmsgch gs sf shjurh tent tehy nrh sglpby bhot bygmi nkfut gm teh ibhms, fothm gm hxpfshc nmc fkvgfus zfmhs. Thmgtenb44 ‒Se Thmgtenb ‒Sehh jen jenbbh bbhmih mih fo teh Pgja Pgjaje jegj gjah ahm m jeg jegja ja gm hsjn hsjnpgmi pgmi gts fw fwm m hii gs teh lhnms ky wegje teh sphjghs shjurhs nmc sustngms gts ummnturnb gmthbbgihmjh nmc sthnbte. Seh chbgkhrnth hxpfsurh fo teh hii lny kh nm nccgtgfmnb thst. Seh Pgjajegj Pgjajegjahm ahm wnm wnmts ts gts fffsprg fffsprgmi mi jnpturhc. Sf hsjnph rst teh hii, nmc tehm wenthvhr bghs khyfmc, hmsurhs tent fmby teh lfst nkbh yfumi survgvh.“ Seh hii fo teh Pgjajegjahm bffas luje bgah n bnrih, wegth, jegjahms hii. Fm jbfshr fkshrvntgfm, n ibhnl jnm kh shhm, fo htjehc nmc gmthrshjtgmi bgmhs, bgah teh bnlgmnthc suronjh fo n puzzbh -bfjahc kfx. Nmc tegs hii gs gmchhc shnbhc ky jummgmi nrt. Gt gs n prgsfm ofr teh jegja gmsgch. Sf njjhss yfba nmc irfw gt lust lnsthr nmc sfbvh n shrghs fo puzzbhs nmc trgjas nmc tf kh kfrm gt lust umchrstnmc teh lysthry fo gts jfmstrujtgfm gm oubb. Go teh hii fo teh Seghokhnst gs ahpt jffb, gt jnm rhlngm qughsjhmt ofr lfmtes, wehm wnrl, tehy jegj jegja a wna wnahs hs up. Zf, go nm hii gs pbnjhc pbnjhc,, ofr gms gmstnmj tnmjh, h, gm teh nrlpg nrlpgtt fo n eulnm khgmi khgmi,, teh hlkryf hlkryf gms gmsgch gch wgbb wna wnahh nmc try tf hsjn hsjnph. ph. Zflh Zflhfmh fmh prhssg prhssgmi mi tehgr hnr ning ningmst mst n wn wnrl rl hii wgbb ehnr n shrghs fo vhry sbfw jbgjas nmc seuffihs ns sflhtegmi gmsgch gs qughtby wfrahc. (Mf-fmhh ens hvhr sfbvhc n Pgja (Mf-fm Pgjajegj jegjahm ahm hii orfl teh futsgch.) Hvhm Hvhmtunbby tunbby teh sehbb onbbs mhntby nmc hbhinmtby npnrt, bgah n jbhvhrby chsgimhc tfy. Seh knky wgbb hlhrih. Seh yfumi bffa nm fcc jflkgmntgfm fo tegmis. Sehy envh slnbb tngbs, twf tegmis wegje nrh prfknkby prfk nkby bhis nmc twf lfrh tegmis wegj wegje e lgi lgiet et kh wgm wgmis. is. Gts ehnc shhls kgi ofr gts kfcy kfcy,, bgahh nbb yfu bga yfumi. mi. Sehr Sehrhh nrh tw twff eu euih ih nmc stn stnrgmi rgmi kgrc kgrcbga bgahh hy hyhs hs nmc n khna. Gt‗s tfmi tfmiuh, uh, wgte wegje gt cfhs gts wfra, gs sbgl, strfmi, bfmi nmc kbnja, wgte n trgchmt tgp. Seh Pgjaje Pgjajegj gjah ahm m wgb wgbbb glp glprgm rgmtt fm teh rst phrsfm gt shhs ns gt bhnv bhnvhs hs teh hii. Go tent phrsf phrsfm m tehm pgjas up teh Pgjajegjahm nmc ihmtby puts gts khna ningmst teh ahyefbh fo n bfja, teh Pgjajegjahm hxthmcs gts trgchmt tfmiuh. Gt wgbb tehm pgja teh bfja. Sehrh gs mf lnthrgnb bfja gt jnmmft pgja nmc gt ens n ongr rnth fo sujjhss wgte lnigjnb nmc suphrmnturnb bfjas ns whbb. Gt nbwnys nvfgcs fr chnjtgvnths trnps. Seh Pgjajegja Pgjajegjahm hm gs gmthbbgih gmthbbgihmt, mt, gmchphmchmt nmc lnturhs qugjab qugjaby y, fv fvhr hr n mul mulkhr khr fo cnys cnys.. Gt wgbb mft bfjas, glprgmt fm nwgtefu phrsfmt ofr bfmi.i,Nothr nb sefrt tglh. gtGtwgbb jhnsh rhspfmcgmi tehh urih tf pgja bfja s, tehm, wgtefut wn wnrmgm rmgmi, gt wgb wgbb cgs cgsnpphnr npphnr. gs nbs nbsf f enrc tf ah ahhp hptfnbgv nbgvh ns gt
hnts fmby stfbhm offc. Jubtgs Jubtgsts, ts, spylnsth spylnsthrs, rs, hmteusg hmteusgnsts nsts nmc lnmy lnmy teghv teghvhs hs envh trghc >3?
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
tf ahhp nmc krhhc n Pgja Pgjajegj jegjahm. ahm. Gm hvhry jnsh teh jnih gs ofumc hlpty hlpty,, umbfjahc orfl teh gmsgch, nmc teh Pgjajegjahm ifmh. Mf jnih fr jhbb jnm efbc tehl. Seh hii fo teh Pgj Pgjaj ajegj egjah ahm m gs ushc lfst fothm tf ngc gm prg prgsfm sfm krhna krhnas. s. Gt jnm kh sl sluiib uiibhc hc qugth hnsgby gm tf n jhbb, gs qugth rfkust, nmc bffas tf lfst phfpbh bgah mftegmi sf luje ns n kgi hii. N prgsfmhr jnm tnah tehgr tglh entjegmi teh hii. Seh hiis fo n Pgja Pgjajegj jegjahm ahm nrh hmfrlfus hmfrlfusby by vnbu vnbunkbh, nkbh, nmc tftnbby gbbhin gbbhinb. b. Ohw amfw fo tehl, nmc tefsh wef cf nrh hgteh hgtehrr jrg jrglgm lgmnbs nbs fr nihm nihmts ts fo teh bnw bnw.. Gm hgtehr jnsh jnsh,, pfssh pfsshssg ssgmi mi fmh jnm kh ns cnmihrfus ns ushoub. Go nm fwmhr fo nm hii cfhs lnmnih tf hxhjuth n snbh wgtefut khgmi nrrhsthc fr agbbhc, tehy jnm khjflh vhry rgje gmchhc.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
PFGIMNMS LHM ‒Ohnr teh chncby sncmhss fo teh Pfgimnmt-Lhm nmc ohnr ningm tehgr twgjh-thrrgkbh sphhc.“ Bhptfkbnst Seh Pfgimnmt Lhm nrh bgvgmi spgahs, ns enbo ns tnbb ningm ns n igrnffh, wegje gs n vhry tnbb jrhnturh jrhn turh gmchh gmchhc. c. Zbhm Zbhmchrchr-kbn kbnja ja,, tehg tehgrr sag sagm m gs bhnteh bhntehry ry nmc slfft slffte, e, tehg tehgrr ohht nrh effv effvhs. hs. Sehgrr trnj Sehg trnjas as jnm kh lgs lgstna tnahm hm ofr n efrs efrshs hs trnja trnja44 spn spnjhc jhc glpfss glpfssgkb gkby y wgch. (‒Je (‒Jehja hja ofr teh lgssgm lgs sgmii gmthrv gmthrvhmg hmgmi mi lnras nmc go yfu mc tehl mft tehm je jehja hja nkfvh. nkfvh. Bffa up! Bffa up!“ - Thmg Thmgtenb tenb.) .) Seh bgl bglks ks fo Pf Pfgimn gimnmt mt Lhm hxj hxjhhc hhc gm bhmi bhmite, te, tehy env envhh n sgm sgmibh ibh-df -dfgm gmthc thc bhi wegje lnahs up nt bhnst enbo tehgr kfcghs bhmite nmc trgpbh-dfgmthc nrls tent jnm rhnje cfwm nblfst nbl fst tf tehgr ohht . Sehg Sehgrr snc snc enmc enmcss nrh spg spgah ahss ns wh whbb, bb, senr senrp p nmc sbh sbhmchr mchr nt teh tgp tgp.. Seh enmc-spgahs fo teh Pfgimnmt Lhm envh mf truh hmc, irfwgmi mnrrfwhr nmc senrphr ns tehy if yht, go lhnsurhc, mhvhr truby rummgmi fut. Yehrh teh nrls nmc kfcy lhht gs n ohnturhbhss rhc pgt, teh hntgmi hyh fo teh Pfgimnmt Lnm. Sehy ohhc sflhtglhs fm orugt, kut lfrh usunbby fm bgttbh bgvgmi tegmis wegje tehy sphnr hnsgby orfl teh krnmjehs fo trhhs, fothm nt mgiet. Sehy jnm dnvhbgm n knt gm giet fm mgiets wgtefut n lffm, tehy jnm mc lhm gm teh cnra, nmc ftehr bgvgmi tegmis ns whbb. Kut tehy cf mft hnt lhm, fr nmytegmi bnrihr tenm tehgr lfute , tehy jnmmft thnr fr jehw. Nmy offc tehy jntje gs sglpby krfuiet up tf teh hyh, gt jbfshs fmjh, teh Pfgimnmt Lnm stnys vhry stgbb, teh offc gs shhm mf lfrh Gt‗s mft jbhnr go teh Pfgimnmt Lhm envh ihmchr fr efw tehy rhprfcujh kut lnthc pngrs nrh sflhtglhs shhm gm sprgmi wgte n iniibh fo lnm-sgzhc rnpghr-knkghs rummgmi nothr tehl. ‒G envh shhm tehl bgvgmi qughtby gm tehgr mnrrfw eflhs. Sehy bgah tf stny gm crghc up whbbs, chhp vhrtgjnb vhrtgjnb efbh efbhss nmc sflhtg sflhtglhs lhs gm rug rugmhc mhc tfw tfwhrs. hrs. Sehy sbhh sbhhp p stnm stnmcgm cgmii up, teh lfutehyh hyh jb jbfs fshc hc bg bgah ah jurt jurtng ngms ms crn crnwm wm nmc nmc weh wehm m teh tehy y wn wna ah teh tehy y jbgl jbglk k qu qugt gthh sbfw sbfwby by fut. Gt gs n sgiet sgi et gmchh gmchhc c tf shh n Pf Pfgmi gmimnm mnmtt Lnm hlhrig hlhrigmi mi orfl n wh whbb. bb. Sef Sefuie uie teh Pfg Pfgimnm imnmtt Lhm nrh sphhjebh sphhj ebhss ss nmc ky enkg enkgtt lna lnahh mf sfumc, gt gs teh sgbhmjh sgbhmjh fo ntth ntthmtg mtgfm, fm, mft jfm jfmthlp thlpt. t. Sf ly surprgsh surprgsh G ofum ofumc c tehl shmsg shmsgtgv tgvh, h, hvhm hvhm ihm ihmtbhl tbhlnmb nmby y khgmi khgmis. s. G mhv mhvhr hr fffhrhc fffhrhc hv hvhm hm sln slnbb bb jfmsgch jfms gchrntg rntgfm fm kut tent gt wn wnss rhturmhc rhturmhc wgte irnjh. Go G kfw kfwhc, hc, tehy kfw kfwhc hc mfkby tff. Mf enmcs whrh senahm kut sefubc G cfff ly jnp tehy wfubc phrofrl n krgho snbnnl, n justfl fo teh hnsthrm bnmcs G tegma, lfst hbhinmt, fmh enmc tf teh ehnrt tehm swhpt fut gm n irnjhoub jurvh, jurv h, njjflp njjflpnmg nmghc hc ky n mfc. Sefu Sefuie ie tehy mhv mhvhr hr spfah G cf k khbg hbghv hvhh tehy umch umchrstffc rstffc nmc fmh mhvhr bhot wegbst G wns sphnagmi, fr tffa nmy njtgfm tf gmthrrupt, kut ntthmchc hvhry wfrc wf rc wgte jnbl rhstrng rhstrngmt mt.. Fmjh Fmjh,, G wn wnss fffhr fffhrhc hc nm nppb nppbh, h, weg wegje je G nth, lgstnah lgstnahmby mby G tegm tegma a ns G bnthr rhnbgshc tent gt gs tehgr justfl tf jfllumgjnth terfuie teh jflpbhx pntthrms fo pghrjgmis bhot fm vnrgfus tegmis nmc tent teh nppbh, mfw G rhjnbb, shhlhc tf envh upfm gts sagm sag m n mht mhtwf wfra ra fo tgm tgmy y efbhs. Ef Efw w G rhir rhirht ht tegs hlknr hlknrrnss rnssgmi gmi onux onux-pn -pns! s! G wf wfmchr mchr went teh nppbh sngc6“ - Bhptfkbnst. Sehy envh n wrgtthm bnmiunih fo hgiethhm sylkfbs lnch fo cfts. Sehsh jnm kh gmvhrthc nmc rh-nrrnmihc tf igvh cgffhrhmt lhnmgmis, teh kbgmc jnm fothm rhnc tehsh ky tfuje.
Sehy lnah pfgmtgbbgst nrt fo mh sgba fo pnphr sehhts, go prfvgchc ofr tehl, fo sumshts fr jgtghs >35
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shhm ky mgiet ns go teh bgvgmi ofba whrh bnlps fo bgiet, fr lnps fo gmvgsgkbh stnrs . Gt gs rnrh ofr tehl tf njqughsjh tf thnje teh kbnch, tehy tnah mf pnylhmt nmc wenthvhr qunbgty tehy shha jnmmft kh rhbgnkby rhprfcujhc, kut fm rnrh fjjnsgfms gt ens khhm cfmh. Seh stuchmt lust jbglk gmtf teh krnmjehs fo n lgiety trhh wegbh teh Pfgimnmt Lnm stnmcs mhnr.. Sehy lus mhnr lustt bhn bhnp p orfl krnm krnmje je tf krnm krnmje je nmc chh chhjt jt tehgr tutfrs kbfw kbfwss ns tehy strg strgah ah wgte bgietmgmi sphhc. Seh sphhc nmc prhjgsgfm fo teh Pfgimnmt Lhm gs n swgot nmc cnmihrfus bhssfm. Mft nbb survgvh, kut tefsh wef cf nrh onlfus ofr tehgr rgpfsth. Nbb teh Pfgimnmt lhm jnm cf gs pghrjh, nmc tegs lny kh teh sfurjh fo teh sbfw lncmhss tent jnm jfmsulh tehl ns teh yhnr wgmcs cfwm. Sehy nrh amfwm tf stnmc nmc bffa upfm teh cygmi sum, pnusgmi gm wenthvhr tehy cf tf turm nmc wntje gt ns gt onbbs. Kut tehy ahhp wntjegmi hvhm fmjh teh sum ens bhot teh say, ns go, ofr tehl teh sum wns sbfwhr fr kburrhc gm gts hmcbh hmcbhss ss pnte. Seh Sehy y wgb wgbbb stfp ofr n bfmi tglh nmc stnm stnmc c lftg lftgfmb fmbhss, hss, sglp sglpby by tf bffa upfm fbc fr cygmi tegmi tegmis, s, hvhm sflhtg sflhtglhs lhs,, bhn bhnvh vhs. s. Seg Segss urih gmjrh gmjrhnshs nshs ns teh cnys cnys irfw sefrt. Ns Nutulm hmcs nmc mgiets jbfsh gm, sflh Pfgimnmt Lhm krhna gmtf n agmc fo lncmhss. Sehy lny stny vhry stgbb ofr n vhry bfmi tglh, tehm pghrjh phfpbh nmc rum nwny, fr cnse tfwnrcs n jrfwc nmc pghrjh hvhryfmh vhry qugjaby, fothm bhnvgmi n hbc fo chnc gm n enmcoub fo shjfmcs, gm teh jhmtrh fo wegje tehy sgbhmtby stnmc. Zflh stny lftgfmbhss ofr lfmtes, tgbb smfw onbbs nbb nrfumc tehl, tehm kurst gmtf ornmtgj vgfbhmjh. Go yfu shh fmh stnmcgmi sgbhmtby gm teh wgmthr bgiet, stny knja.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
PFSHLAGLHM Pfthlaglhm bgh. Sehy eumihr ofr sglubntgfm. Sehy eumt lhm wgte wffchm cujas nmc iet hbvhs wgte crfwmhc amgiets. Segs eumihr ens mf khigmmgmi nmc mf hmc, gt gs n qunbgty fo tehgr bgoh, hmcbhss hmcbhssby by rh-nppb rh-nppbghc. ghc. Sehgr sag Sehgr sagm m gs mft tehgr rhnb sagm nmc tehg tehgrr onjh gs mft tehg tehgrr rhnb onjh onjh.. Seh Sehy y lna lnahh jfst jfstulhs ulhs.. Hnje fmh ens n agmc fo fvhrnbb fo rnis nmc rhhcs nmc wenthvhr tehy jnm mc nmc hnje fmh lnahs lna hs n lns lnsa a wegj wegje e fmby tehy jnm whnr. Gm jfstul jfstulh, h, tehy nrh nkfut v vhh ohht egie, wgte whkkhc wh kkhc enmcs nmc ohht. Seh lnsas lnsas nrh fo lfms lfmsthrs thrs44 eu euihih-ohnt ohnturhc urhc onjh onjhss wgte wgch wegth hyhs, hnrbgah orgbbs kurstgmi orfl hnje sgch nmc n lfute lnch up fo, fr egcchm ky, sbnja nmc sbgly thmtnjbh orgbbs. Go yfu thnr n Pfthlaglnm‗s jfstulh, fr rgp fff tehgr lnsa, yfu wgbb shh umchrmhnte gt, teh ohnturhs fo n Pfthlaglnm. N cgffhrhmt fmh. Wfu stgbb jnm‗t wfra fut efw teh lfute wfras. Seh Pfthlaglnm wgbb hh lncby. Sehy mhvhr iet fr eumt ehnc-fm kut fmby gm cgsiugsh. Sehy nrh orhsewn orhsewnthr jrhntu jrhnturhs rhs fogsbnmcs lgs lgstt nmc lffr nmcfokfiiy jnv jnvh. h. Sehy bng bngrchhp r gm teh jhm jhmtrh trh fo lnrsebnmcs fr thr umchr cgstnmt gm teh jhmtrh irhy trgkutnrghs nmc ofriftthm bnahs. Sehy lnah tegmis. Orfl rhhcs fr luc fr wffc fr nmytegmi tehy jnm mc. Seh tegmis tehy lnahh nrh sgl lna sglubn ubntgfm tgfmss fo teh rhnb. Sehy jfll jfllfmb fmby y kugbc cuja cujas. s. Sehy ush teh cujas tf se ofr lhm. Sehy egch dust umchr teh rhhjtgmi wnthrs fo n lhrh fr lnrse nmc nbbfw teh wffc fr wgjahr cuja cuj a tf fnt fnt,, tuii tuiigmi gmi gt ihm ihmtby tby tf sgl sglubn ubnth th bgo bgoh. h. Seh lflhm lflhmtt nm nmyf yfmh mh trghs tf jntj jntje e fr irnk teh cuja tehy wgbb smni fm egcchm effas fr kh bffphc gm n mffsh tent rnpgcby smnps seut. Segs cfmh, tehy wgbb kh ynmahc cfwm umchr teh cnra nmc crfwmhc. Cujas nrh jfllfm, kut Pfthlaglhm wgbb onkrgjnth nblfst nmytegmi tf ngc gm teh burh nmc jnpturh fo prhy. Sehy nrh iffc sjubptfrs gm rhhc nmc wffc, jbny nmc luc, nmc ncc n wgch vnrghty fo mnturnb lnthrgnbs tf jrhnth sphjgj hffhjts. Sehy jnm kugbt n chhr wgte gts ehnc kfwhc tf crgma, teh enbo-suklhrihc kfcy fo n crfwmhc igrb, n trhnsurh bnchm jnrt tent shhls tf kh sgmagmi gmtf teh lgrh, n pnbh eulnm enmc rhnjegmi orfl n efbh, nmc lnmy ftehr tegmis. Nmytegmi tehy envh shhm tehy jnm sglubnth. Fm gsbnmcs fo rhhc fr lfss, tehy kugbc vgbbnihs fo wffc nmc tentje. Sefuie cgjubt tf shh orfl n cgstnmjh ns tehy nrh lnch hmtgrhby orfl mnturnb lnthrgnbs, tehgr slnbb efushs nrh mhntby nmc jnrhoubby nsshlkbhc nmc nbb cgffhrhmt, hnje knrgmi sflh pnrtgjubnr tfuje fo chsgim. Sehy stnmc gm n rhiubnr jgrjbh nrfumc n jhmtrnb jffagmi pgt. Sehy cf mft bgvh bgvh gm teh vgbb vgbbnih. nih. Sehy mhv mhvhr hr bgv bgvhh gm gt. Sehy egc egchh gm egc egcchm chm efbh efbhss sjrnphc orfl teh luc nmc wntje, jnrhoubby fkshrvgmi teh sglubnthc eflhs gm jnsh sflhkfcy jflhs teh jehja jehja tehl fut. Go nmy nmyfmh fmh trghs sbhh sbhhpgm pgmii tehr tehrhh tehy eu eumt mt tehl gm teh mgi mgiet. et. Go mf-fm mf-fmhh jflhs, teh Pfthlaglhm phfpbh teh vgbbnih wgte lnmgagms fo phfpbh cfgmi phfpbh-tegmis, tehm tehy wntje sflh lfrh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Yehm mft kugbcgmi hbnkfrnth burhs fr hlpty eflhs fr Pfthlaglnm jfstulhs teh Pfthlaglhm dust kugbc tegmis. Gt‗s went tehy cf wgte tehgr orhh tglh. Yehm tehy iht kfrhc k frhc wgte n ―vgbb ―vgbbnih‗ nih‗ tehy kugbc nmftehr fmh. Seh jhmtrhs fo chsfbnth swnlps, swnlps, wehrh mf-fmh wfubc hvhr jeffsh tf if, nrh pfpubnthc ky chmshby pnjahc pnjahc hlpty eflhs fo rhhc. Gmthrlgxhc Gmthr lgxhc iefst vgbbni vgbbnihs, hs, sflh chjnygmi gmt gmtff teh wnthr wnthr,, sflh stgbb orhse. Go prhshrvh prhshrvhc c nmc umcgsturkhc tehy strhtje ofr lgbhs fr hlpty pshucf-mhjrfpfbgs wehrh teh mfrlnb bgvgmi njtgfm fo teh swnlp ifhs fm gm teh mhvhr-bgvhc gm strhhts. Sf iet, Pfthlaglhm kugbc irhnt wnr-pupphts wegje tehy egch umchr teh suronjh fo teh kfi, yn ynmag magmi mi tehl vh vhrtg rtgjnbb jnbby y gm gmtf tf pbnjh wgte egc egcchm chm rfphs gm teh onj onjhh fo cnmihr. Sehs Sehshh rnmi rnmihh gm sgzh orfl n amgiet fm efrshknja tf iginmtgj kfi-pupphts ns egie ns n efush wegje tehy efgst bnthrnb bnt hrnbby by fut fo teh lu luja ja,, strh strhnlg nlgmi mi wgte kbnj kbnja a wn wnthr thr nmc crgk crgkkbg kbgmi mi hhb hhbs. s. Sehy nrh lf lfvh vhc c nmc lnmgpubnthc ky thnls fo Pfthlaglhm wfragmi tfihtehr wgte rfcs nmc rfphs. Fothm, teh strujturh fo teh wnr-puppht gs lnch orfl teh rhlngms fo n rhnb vhrsgfm fo wenthvhr gt wns tent crfwmhc gm teh kfi, sf n ignmt puppht lny kh lnch fo n rhnb ignmts kfmhs, fr n amgiet puppht lny kh lnch orfl n rhnb amgiets nrlfur, nmc sahbhtfm gmsgch. Sehsh jfmstrujtgfms jfmstrujtgfms rnrhby njt wgte nmyteg nmytegmi mi bgah teh hffhjtgv hffhjtgvhmhss hmhss fo teh rhnb vhrsgfm vhrsgfm,, kut teh Pfthlaglhm lfvh orhhby nmc whbb fvhr nmc terfuie lnrse nmc bnah nmc sf teh wnr-pupphts tehy wghbc jnm njt wgte lfrh sphhc nmc hffhjtgvhmhss tenm teh rhnb, ehnvy, sfbgc vhrsgfm jfubc gm teh snlh jfmcgtgfms. Sehy swgl swgl wh whbb bb nmc mhhc mft jflh up ofr ngr. _gj _gjtgl tglss jnm kh ly lystg stghc hc nmc orgie orgiethmh thmhc c ky teh sgiet fo n chnc amgiet fm n chnc efrsh wgte onbsh tehws fo rhhc kut n rhnb swfrc, bfflgmi orfl rgppbhs fo n bfuie nmc inbbfpgmi njrfss gts stgbb suronjh ns tehy try tf iht nwny. Seh Pfthlaglhm nrh trnpphc gm n krutnb nmc bfmi-stnmcgmi thrrgtfrgnb knttbh wgte teh Kfi Hbvhs. Hbv hs. N wn wnrr cg cgjub jubtt tf hgt hgtehr ehr hxhjut hxhjuthh fr rhsf rhsfbv bvhh ns mf-fmh gmv gmvfbv fbvhc hc gs hmtgr hmtgrhby hby surh wen wentt gs enpphmgmi. enpphmgmi. Mhv Mhvhrte hrtehbh hbhss, ss, teh tw twff sgc sgchs hs nrh rlb rlby y jfm jfmvgm vgmjhc jhc tehy nrh nt wnr, teh hxnj hxnjtt senph fr hxhjutgfm fo tent wnr khgmi sflhtegmi fo n lysthry tf kfte fo tehl.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
PFWNTXAN N fja fo pgihfms swffps terfuie teh krfahm wgmcf wgmcfws ws fo n jgty efush nmc khjflhs n jfrrgcfr oubb fo mnahc kbffc-strhnahc lhm efbcgmi rnzfrs gm tehgr thhte. Sehy whrh Amgiets, fmjh, gm wenthvhr eflh tehy fmjh enc, n sgbvhr bnmc wgte rgmigmi sgbvhr jeglhs nmc sgbvhr se segmgmi lftgfmbhss gm sbfw kbnja strhnls umchr teh bgiet fo teh lffm. Sent eflh gs ifmh. Sehy nrh n bnmcbhss phfpbh mfw, jbgmigmi toubby tf bgoh gm teh sencfws fo nbghm jgtghs nmc teh umwnmthc jfrmhrs fo tfwms tent nrh mft tehgrs. Nmc tefsh wef whrh fmjh amgie amg iets, ts, nmc trfc teh ngr gm stn stnrbg rbgie iett fm tehgr quhsts quhsts,, nrh amgiets amgiets mf lfrh lfrh.. Luj Luje e ens khhm ofriftth ofri ftthm, m, nmc went ens mft khhm bfst, bgv bgvhs hs fm gm cnra jfrrupt jfrrupthc hc ofrl. Jeg Jegv vnbr nbry y gs prft mf mfw, w, efmfur gs ohnr ohnr,, cut cuty y gs hxtrnjt hxtrnjthc hc fm teh jutt juttgmi gmi hcih. Sefs Sefshh wef sfuie sfuiett tf shrv shrvhh mfw mfw rubhh gm shjrht wgte teh terh rub terhnt nt fo ofrj ofrjh. h. Fmj Fmjh, h, teh amgie amgiets ts whrh iugchc ky tefsh sflhw sflhwent ent lfrh tenm lhm, vfgjhs fut fo bhihmc, ehnrts umkfumc ky senph fr eulnm chsgrh. Mfw, tehrh nrh nrh wegsphrs fo lutntgfm, fo thrrgkbh jrgppbhc gmeulnm tegmis wehhbhc fut tf knra frchrs nmc sphjtnth tfrturhs, fo bgttbh vfgjhs, tegmis gm jurtngmhc jnihs, fkhyhc tf teh bhtthr ns go tehy whrh teh wfrc fo ifc. Seh phfpbh, trnpphc gm nm nbghm bnmc, vfgjhbhss, outurhbhss, wgte mf wny eflh, jrghc fut ofr tehgrr prft tehg prfthjtf hjtfrs. rs. Nmc sflh jnlh jnlh.. Kut jenm jenmihc, ihc, bhss bhsshmhc hmhc,, wgt wgte e lu luje je amf amfwbh wbhcih cih bfst nmc teh irhnthst irhnthst ehrfhs chnc chnc.. Sehy trg trghc hc tehgr khst. Sehy lnc lnchh teh je jefgjh fgjh tf bgv bgvh, h, tf rhl rhlngm ngm tehlshbvhs rhinrcbhss fo teh jfst, mft tf sputthr fut fr kbhmc gmvgsgkby gmtf tegs mhw wfrbc. Sehy rhsurrhjthc teh fbc ofrls ns whbb tehy jfubc nmc jnbbhc ofr n mhw ihmhrntgfm tf rgsa irhntt snjr irhn snjrgjh gjh sf tent tehg tehgrr phfpb phfpbhh wf wfubc ubc kh snoh gm tehsh strnmih bnmc bnmcs. s. Kut tglh wfra wfrahc hc fm tehl, nmc pfwhr, pfwhr, fmjh ehbc gm pukbg pukbgj, j, mfw khjnlh n shjrht shjrht tegmi. tegmi. Yhnb hnbte, te, fmjh jnst bnuiegmi orfl teh sgbvhr spurs fo jehvnbghrs, mfw khjnlh teh vhry whk fo bgoh, nbwnys sbgppgmi nwnny nmc nw nmc chsphr chsphrnth nthby by ehbc ehbc.. Nm Nmc c te tehh fb fbc c wnys nys nrh mft went tehy whr whrh. h. Se Sehy hy env envhh khh khhm m krnmchc jrglgmnbs gm hvhry jgty wehrh tehy bgvh, kut gm tehgr fwm tfmiuh teh mnlh tehy ush gs ―Amgiet‗. Sehy rubh gmvgsgkby fvhr jhrtngmmhtwfras shjtgfmsnrh fo teh jgtynmc strhhts, nmc tf amfw tehy sefubc. Sehgr gmthbbgihmjh onlhc ohnrhc, ohwshhl tegmis hsjnphlfrh tehltenm nmc tefsh wef khtrny tehl cgh wehrhvhr tehy egch. Seh nttnjahrs nrh mhvhr jnuiet, mf wgtmhsshs hvhr jflh ofrte. Seh lhtefc fo teh rgtunb gs tegs4 Seh bfynbty fo nm gmgtgnth lust kh prfvhc, n lfmsthr lust kh agbbhc. Sehrh nrh mf lfmsthrs gm teh jgtghs mfw, kut tehrh nrh hmhlghs, lnmy lnmy hmhlghs. Pfbgjhlhm, Ducihs, wgtmhsshs, tefshh wef wfu tefs wfubc bc khtrny tehg tehgrr phfpb phfpbh. h. N sgmib sgmibhh chnt chnte e wgbb cf. Seh Sehy y nrh krfui krfuiet et tf n shjrht pbnjh nt n jhrtngm tglh, gt lust kh umchrirfumc, wgte wnbbs fo knrh hnrte, nmc bgt ky teh bgiet fo n igkkfus lffm. Sehy nrh strgpphc, slhnrhc wgte pgihfm kbffc nmc pbnjhc gm teh jhmtrh fo n jgrj jgrjbh bh gm teh lgcc lgccbh bh fo teh rffl. Seh Amgi Amgiets ets inte intehr hr nmc khigm teh wegsph wegsphrhc rhc jenm jenmt. t. Curgmi teh wefbh fo teh rgtunb, mf-fmh lny sphna nkfvh n wegsphr fr lnah nmy bfuchr sfumc, fr tehy tehy lu lust st cg cgh. h. . .
Seh ehnc fo teh jbnm jflhs ofrt ofrte. e. Sehy nrh nbw nbwny nyss efrrgkby efrrgkby jenmi jenmihc. hc. Sehy trn trnvh vhrsh rsh teh >8;
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jgrjbh, wegsphrgmi. (Go gllfkgbh tehy nrh jnrrghc). N fja fo jfllfm pgihfms ghs cfwm fut fo teh bgi bgiet et fo teh lffm nmc bnmcs. Sehy wgb wgbbb mft bhn bhnvh vh.. Seh gmgt gmgtgnth gnth lu lust st sgbhm sgbhmtby tby jntj jntje en pgihfm nmc sefvh teh wefbh tegmi, nbgvh, cfwm tehgr terfnt. N sphjgnb sgbvhr stgja gs nbbfwhc tf nssgs nssgst t wgt wgte e tegs tegs. . (Go tehgmstgj stgja a jgrjbh gs mft ftehr purh sgb sgbvh vhrr pgihfms, teh gmgt gmgtgnth gnth wgb wgbbb cghlffmbgiet efrr efrrgkb gkby y.) nmc Seg Segsskbffc. gs teh fmby ftehr tegmi nbbfwhc teh tenm wegsphrs, Seh gmgtgnth wgbb jfmvubsh. Seh wegsphrgmi lust mft stfp. Sehy lust mft bhnvh teh bgiet fo teh lffm. Nothr shvhrnb efurs teh gmgtgnth wgbb trnmsofrl gmtf n jfllfm jgty pgihfm. Orfl tegs cny fm, tehy wgbb envh teh pfwhr tf trnmsofrl tehlshbvhs gmtf n pgihfm, nmc knja, nt bhnst fmjh n cny. Ns tehy irfw lfrh pfwhroub lfrh orhquhmt trnmsofrlntgfms jnm kh trghc. Mhgtehr teh eulnm, fr pgihfm ofrl envh nmy sphjgnb lnigjnb qunbgtghs. Mftegmi teh Pfynzuan whnr wgbb jenmih jenmih wgte tehl. Lnmy jnrry slnbb rnzfr kbnchs fm hbnstgj mhjaknmcs, enmigmi enmigmi cfwm teh jhmtrh fo tehgr spgmh, fr, lfrh trncgtgfmnbby, pbnjhc gm tehgr thhte wehmhvhr tehy jenmih. jenmi h. Seh pgihfm jnrrghs teh rnzfr hgtehr khtwhhm gts wgmis, wgmis, fr gm gts khna, wehm gt jenmihs knja gmtf n lnm eh hlhrihs wgte teh rnzfr stgbb nttnjehc fr jnrrghc. Seh nkgbgty tf jnrry teh rnzfr gm teh lfute terfuie teh efrrfrs fo teh trnmsofrlntgfm wgtefut juttgmi yfurshbo gs n rhsphjthc fmh ofr Pfy Pfynzua nzuan, n, nmc gmcgjn gmcgjnths ths egie stntus. Seh jbnssgjnb Pfy Pfynzua nzuann efmfur cuhb tffa pbnjh gm giet, teh rst tf tfuje teh irfumc wfubc kfw tehgr ehnc. Lfrh rhjhmtby tehy iet ns lhm, mnahc, wgte fmby rnzfrs ofr whnpfms. Zflh cf mft pnss jbh Zflh jbhnm nmby by.. Se Sehy hy hlhr hlhrih ih jen jenmi mihc. hc. Yg Ygte te teh ofrl ofrls, s, fr sj sjnb nbhh fo kgrc nmc lnm ln m efr efrrg rgkb kby y kb kbhm hmchc chc.. Se Sehy hy lgie lgiett kh n pg pgihf ihfm m wgte wgte eul eulnm nm nrls nmc n euln ulnm m lg lgmc, mc, n jrgppbhc lnm wgte teh saubb, onjh nmc hyhs fo n iginmtgj kgrc, n wflnm wefsh hse thnrs fphm, rhvhnbgmi ohntehrs, n engrbhss inspgmi pgihfm jegja nt eulnm sjnbh wgte teh vfgjh fo n tegmag teg magmi mi k khgm hgmi. i. Sehs Sehshh khgmi khgmiss nrh nbwn nbwnys ys hxubth hxubthc c ky teh Pf Pfyn ynauzn auzn.. Sehy nrh nbwn nbwnys ys lfrh jruhb nmc vgfbhmt tenm teh rnma nmc bh, cnrgmi nmc ofrjgmi tehgr sukfrcgmnths gmtf mhw njts fo vgfbhmjh vgfbhmjh nmc ohnr ohnr.. Ofr tehl tehrh gs mf wny fut, tehy jnm mhv mhvhr hr bhnv bhnvhh nmc euln eulnm m pbhnsurhs nmc n eulnm bgoh nrh mfw chmghc tf tehl. Gm lfst jnshs tehy jnm mhvhr y fr tnsth teh orhhcfl fo teh ngr. Ienstby Ienstb y rul rulfurs furs irfw nrfumc teh Pf Pfyn ynauzn auzn wehrh wehrhvh vhrr bgv bgvh. h. Gt gs sngc tehy env envhh n bus bustt ofr cnra vgfbhmjh nmc chvgnmt nmc trfukbgmi shxunbgty. Sent tehy twgst teh jubturh fo tent pbnjh. Sent tehy hmtrnp teh whna nmc wgjahc strfmi gm njts fo cgsturkgmi khstgnbgty. Nmc sflh, fr nbb, fo tegs lny kh teh jnsh.
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P[HCNSF[ ZNGMS Segss gs teh crhn Seg crhnl l fo teh teg tegmi mi wntj wntjegm egmii yfu yfu orfl teh cnra. Gt ens ofb ofbbf bfwh whc c yfu sgmjh teh khigmmgmi nmc gt bgvhs wgtegm yfu mfw. Sehrh lgiet kh n rhnsfm ofr gt, n stnrvgmi lnclnm rums gmtf n irfup fo eumthrs onr orfl eflh nmc terusts teh kbffcghc saubb fo n khnst gmtf tehgr enmcs, n thrrgkbh njjgchmt tnah pbnjh fr n cnra chhc gs cfmh nmc tehm jfmjhn jfmjhnbhc bhc,, bhn bhnvgm vgmii n sjn sjnrr fo shjrht iugbt. iugbt. Zflh Zflhtgl tglhs hs tehrh jnm kh mf rhnsfm nt nbb, teh Zngmt dust jflhs. Sehy jflh tf pbnjhs jut fff orfl teh wfrb wfrbc, c, gsfbnthc, bfjahc gm jfmgjt wgte teh hmjflpns hmjflpnssgmi sgmi wgbc, nmc gt khigms wgte n cgsnpphnrnmjh. cgsnpphnrnmjh. Zflhfmh wnbagm wnbagmii gm teh wffcs cf cfhs hs mft jflh knja. Nmc teh nmglnbs nttnja. nttnja. _niuhby nt rst, wgtefut n pntthrm4 sfmikgr sfmikgrcs cs eurb tehlshbv tehlshbvhs hs nt jegbcrhm, n onlgby pht ifhs lnc, n onrlhr gs ofumc trnlpbhc ky egs Fx. Seh mnturnb nmglnbs fo teh surrfumcgmi bnmc khjflh gmglgjnb tf lnm, tehy bfsh tehgr ohnr, mf lntthr efw slnbb tehy lny lny kh. [nts cf mft hh teh bgie bgiett fr cfis jrgmi jrgmihh orfl terf terfwm wm stfmh stfmhs. s. Seh nphx khnsts mfw hxjbusgvhby eumt lnm, teh pyrnlgc fo bgoh gmvhrts. Segs enpphms sbfwby, bgah n sbgl wgrh spffbgmi spffbg mi rfumc n sbh sbhhpgm hpgmii mhj mhja. a. Seh ofrhs ofrhstt tgi tgieth ethms ms rfumc teh ibn ibnch, ch, teh phfpb phfpbhh mfw mfw nrh trnpphc. Sehy jnmmft bhnvh. Ohnr rubhs mfw. Ongte gm ifcs nmc bfjnb spgrgts cghs. N wfrl fo tefuiet gs jnst, nmc mcs fmh pnrtgju pnrt gjubnr bnr lgmc. Seg Segss phrsf phrsfm m sag sagms ms n sau saubb, bb, hmsh hmshss n khnst khnst-on -onjh, jh, nmc teh kbffc mhv mhvhr hr crghs, crghs, gt stnys wht, crgps, nmc ibhnls cnraby gm teh bgiet. Sehy rgp nm gcfbs ehnc, slnsegmi gt orfl teh sefubchrs fo nm fbc onlgbgnr ifc, nmc tehrh tehy pbnjh teh saubb. Seh vgbbnih wnahs orfl tfrturhc tfrt urhc sbhh sbhhp p tf mc n mhw ifc wn wntje tjehs hs terfuie kbnj kbnja a hy hyhs. hs. Zflh Zflhtgl tglhs hs teh bfjnb prgh prghst st gs agbbhc, sflhtglhs gt gs teh prghst tent kugbcs teh sngmt. Seh cnramhss ens n ofjus mfw nmc nm hlkfcghc shbo. Seh phfpbh turm tf ohnroub wfrsegp fo teh saubb, n tegmi mfw jbfnahc gm pfthmt suphrmnturnb ohnr.. Fmb ohnr Fmby y tefsh wef shrv shrvhh teh Zngm Zngmtt nrh suffhr suffhrhc hc tf nppr npprfnj fnje, e, nm nmy y ftehr jflgmi mhnr gs ntthmhc ntt hmhc tf teh irfum irfumc c ky fv fvhrwe hrwehbl hblgmi gmi crhnc crhnc.. Ns teh jfll jfllumg umgty ty ntthm ntthmcs, cs, gt bffa bffass fm tehl wgte hlpty hyhs nmc fmh-ky-fmh gt puts gtshbo gmtf tehgr ehnrts. Kut, tefuie rhnb, teh Zngmt stgbb jnmmft agbb, gt ens bgttbh pfwhr tf peysgjnbby nffhjt teh wfrbc. Gt jnm crgvh nmglnbs lnc kut gt jnmmft pgja up n amgoh, jbfsh n bfja fr spgm n tfp, gt lust wfra wgte went gt mcs wgtegm teh eulnm ehnrt, nmc gt lust ohnst fm hse gm crhnls. Hnje mgiet nothr teh gcfb gs rngshc teh Zngmt wgbb iht gmtf n sbhhphrs crhnls nmc eumt tehl cf cfwm. wm. Gt jens jenshs hs tehl tf chnt chnte e gm teh senph fo tehgr cnra cnrahst hst ohnr. Ns teh crhnlcrhnl-shb shboo onbbs onbbs,, ohnr stfps tehgr ehnrts. Zflhtglhs teh cfflhc fmh hhs crhnlgmi, rnjgmi kbgmcby orfl tehgr khc, stgbb nsbhhp nmc sjrhnlgmi. Zflhtglhs Zflhtglhs wfumcs fo nm glpfssgkbh chnte npphnr upfm tehgr hse fmjh bgoh ens bhot. Sefsh wef shrvh teh Zngmt whbb nrh nbwnys bhot tgbb bnst. Sefsh wef cgsfkhy fr iet knja nrh agbbhc agbbh c rst. Segs jrhnths teh glprhssgfm tent wfrseg wfrsegp p fo teh tegmi jnm sujjhhc, tent bfy bfynbty nbty jnm kuy bgoh. Gt jnmmft. Hvhryfmh wgbb cgh, gm tglh.
Gm cnybgie cnybgiett teh jegh jeghoo terh terhnt nt jflhs orfl teh jubt jubt fo teh Zng Zngmt mt.. Sef Sefsh sh wef shrv shrvhh gt orhhby nrh >83
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nbwnyss teh wfrst nbwny wfrst.. Mf Mfw w tehy rubh teh p phfpb hfpbhh terf terfuie uie rhhjth rhhjthc c ohnr ohnr,, tna tnagmi gmi hvhry hvhrytegm tegmii tehy hvhr hvhr wnmt wnmthc hc nmc wh whrh rh chmghc. Sehy wgbb ie iett tf lng lngmt mtngm ngm teh stru strujtur jturhh fo pfw p fwhr hr tf weg wegje je tehy envh envh sfb sfbc c tehl tehlshb shbvh vhs. s. Zfl Zflhtgl htglhs hs teh hmtgrh hmtgrh vgbbn vgbbnih ih wgb wgbbb dfg dfgm m tehl tehl,, ty tygmi gmi mhwjf mhwjflhrs lhrs cfwm ofr teh Mhw Ifc‗s offc fm gm efphs fo hsjnpgmi nmftehr mgiet. Sf tnah fm teh Zngmt, hgtehr gts gcfb lust kh slnsehc, fr gt lust kh ofuiet nmc chohnthc gm crhnls, kut wehm teh Zngmt eumts yfu gt cfhs sf wgte hvhry whnpfm fo yfur fwm rhkhbbgfus lgmc lgm c nmc ohw env envhh hvhr wfm. Sefs Sefshh wef jnm mc n wny wny tf senrh senrh tehg tehgrr tefuie tefuiets ts gm sbh sbhhp hp lny stnmc n jenmjh1 teh Zngmt jnm fmby kh fmh ohnr nt nmy tglh. Zflh sny teh lfst jummgmi teghvhs jnm mc teh inps gm tehgr fwm crhnls, nmc hsjnph tehgr fwm lgmc gm teh mgiet tf kuribh tefsh fo mhnrky orghmcs, nbbfwgmi tehl tf senrh teh snlh crhnl, nmc teh snlh cnmihr Xsunbby, nbb tent rhlngms gs n bfmh lurchrhr rummgmi terfuie teh ofrhst, jbutjegmi n kbffcy saubb, bgsthmgmi tf n pfumcgmi vfgjh tent fmby tehy jnm ehnr, rhncy tf prhss teh slgbgmi tegmi gmtf teh rst orhse enmcs tehy mc.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
P[GHZS-FO-EFFAZ Bgah n Prghst tehy jflh gm sumbgiet, gm teh lgccbh fo teh cny, nmc amfw yfur mnlh. ‒Seh Prghst-F Prghst-Fo-E o-Effas ffas N mnl mnlhh khstf khstfwh whc c ky rhiub rhiubnr nr fkshrv fkshrvnmjh nmjh fo teh tglh. Gt‗ Gt‗ss vgs vgsgts gts bgh nbfmi tent pfgmt fo cny wehm lnmy ongtes efbc tehgr shrvgjhs nmc intehr gm tehgr prnyhrs. Yehm tehy nrrgvh nrrgvh tehy jflh chstrf chstrfygm ygmii gm n weg wegrb, rb, yht tehg tehgrr hmq hmqugrg ugrghs hs nrh onlgb onlgbgnr. gnr. Luj Luje e bgahh teh Prghst fo sflh nbthrmnth ofriftthm ongte, wngtg bga wngtgmi mi vgfbhmt vgfbhmtby by dust fut fo sgiet. Nmc fo jfursh, khjnush fo gts enbf fo effas.“ - Bhptfkbnst Seh Prghst gs bnrih, ohrfjgfus, krgiet krgiet rhc (teh lnss fo terhh khnrs hmc-tf-hmc - B) nmc bfmi, bfm i, wf wfrl rl fr smna smnah-b h-bga gahh wgt wgte e mf bglk bglkss nmc n sgm sgmibh ibh ehnc. Seh lfute gmsg gmsgch ch teh ehnc gs euih, wgte rfws fo senrp shrrnthc thhte. Nrrnmihc nrfumc gts lfute nrh hyhs segmgmi whtby, up tf mgmh fr thm, nmc tefuie ihmhrnbby rfuieby hvhmby nrrnmihc tehgr spnjgmi cfhs shhl sflhwent sbnpcnse ofr n shmsgmi frinm. ‒G tegma gts trnmsgt terfuie teh wfrbc sf rnpgc, jnrhbhss nmc wgtefut tefuiet, nmc gts knttbhs sf jfmtgmufus nmc ns hrjh, tent gt cf. bfshs n-pnjh, fmh fr twf nt n ifhs tglh,tff nmc tent tehy jfmtgmunbby rh-irfw senra-thhte Mfhyhs cfukt n Prghst-Fo-Effas tent bfmi wgtefut sflh jenfs nmc n iet wfubc sglpby kh khstrhwm wgte umwnmthc nmc ummhjhssnry hyhs.“ T Segs lhn Segs lhnms ms teh Prg Prghsthst-FoFo-Effas Effas ens mf rhnb ―up‗ fr ―cf ―cfwm‗ wm‗ ns suj suje. e. Gt jnm kh eu eurbhc rbhc fmt fmtff gts gts ―k ―knj nja‗ a‗ nmc if cgrh cgrhjtb jtby y fm. fm. Gts Gts frg frghm hmtnt tntgf gfm m jnm kh chsjr chsjrgkh gkhc c ns ―effa ―effass up up‗, ‗, wgte wgte te tehh enbf fo effas rummgmi nkfvh gts lfute, fr ―effas cfwm‗ wgte teh enbf rummgmi khbfw teh lfute. Seh Enbf Enbf fo Enh Enhgln glntgj tgj Effas rum rumss nbb nrfumc teh jrhnt jrhnturhs urhs gm n bgm bgmh. h. Sehy nrh n agmc fo umamfw uma mfwm m kfmh, lhtnbb lhtnbbgj, gj, strfmi nmc sen senrp, rp, ns wh whbb bb ns bgi bgiet. et. (Enh (Enhgln glntgj tgj Effas nrh vnb vnbuhc uhc egieby ky sehrlhm shhagmi bhihmcnry prhy, fr eumthrs eumtgmi qunrry strnmih nmc wgbc. Mftegm Mft egmii jnm hsjnph teh effa fmjh jnuie jnuiet, t, fr sf gt‗s jbng jbnglhc. lhc.)) Hnj Hnje e effa gs jrffa‗ jrffa‗c c nmc n bgttbh bhss tenm n offt bfmi. ‒Nbbb teh effas frghm ‒Nb frghmtt teh snlh wny wny,, hgtehr hgtehr jbfja fr nm nmtgtg-jbfj jbfjawg awgsh. sh. Sehy jnm spgm gm nm gmstnm gms tnmt, t, segotg segotgmi mi ns fmh tf rhv rhvhrsh hrsh tehgr rum. Seh lhnms ky wegj wegje e tehy lfv lfvhh gs n sfur sfurjh jh fo sphjubntgfm nmc chknth. Bgah teh truh pfsgtgfm fo n rummgmi efrshs effvhs, tehy nrh tff onst ofr n eulnm hyh tf shh, ihmhrnbby phrjhgvhc ns n lurchrfus kbur, umbhss tehy lflhmtnrgby pnushh wehm tehgr cgr pnus cgrhjtg hjtgfm fm seg segots. ots. Sehy lfv lfvhh bga bgahh bgl bglks, ks, tw twgst gstgmi gmi nmc turm turmgmi gmi,, sag sagtthr tthrgmi gmi qugjaby kut mhvhr truby jenmigmi teh pfsgtgfm fo tehgr dfgmt. - Thmgtenb. Bgah n bffp fo rfph fr n spgmmgmi jnrtwehhbs rgl, tehy nrh sglpby segothc nt hmfrlfus sphhc nrfumc teh kfcy orfl ehnc tf tgp gm fmh bfmi jfmtgmufus fw.“ - Bhptfkbnst Yenthvhr gts lhnms, teh effahc enbf igvhs teh Prghst-Fo-Effas n lurchrfus whnpfm nmc lfch fo trnmspfrt gm fmh. Gt jnm lfvh gm teh sgmufus lnmmhr fo teh smnah, bffpgmi gts bfmi kfcy wgte shvhrnb pfgmts fo jfmtnjt wgte teh irfumc, kut, sefubc gt rfbb fmtf gts sgch, gts effas lhht teh hnrte nmc teh Prghst jnm cnse rnpgcby sgch-tf-sgch ky jenmigmi teh cgrhjtgfm fo tehgr fw. Seh ugc lgxg lgxgmi mi fo tehs tehshh lfchs lna lnahs hs teh lf lfvh vhlhm lhmts ts fo teh Prghs Prghstt nbl nblfst fst
glpfssgkbh glpfssgk bh tf trnja trnja.. Gt lny npprfnje npprfnje,, segot sgch-tf-sg sgch-tf-sgch ch onsthr tenm teh ehnc jnm turm, bffagmi >8?
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
ofr n nma tf tnah. Seh effas prfthjt gt orfl nbb cgrhjtgfms, tehy jnm thnr n lnm npnrt, bht gt rgp gmtf wffchm wnbbs nmc rnih terfuie kusehs nmc trhhs, ofumtngmgmi wffc ns gt rugms gts rhstrngmts. Gt jnm jbglk vgn effas ns whbb, gm rntehr nm fcc wny. Seh Prghst Prghst gs senlhb senlhbhss hss,, ohn ohnrbhs rbhss, s, rhiubnr nmc mhv mhvhr hr stfp stfps. s. Gt gs lf lfvgm vgmii fr nttnja nttnjagmi gmi nbb teh tglh. tgl h. Fr lfv lfvgmi gmi nmc nttnj nttnjagm agmi. i. Gt lny kh tent gt ens mf bng bngrr nmc mhv mhvhr hr sbhhp sbhhpss nt nbb nbb,, tent gts nppnrhmt rhiubnrgty rhiubnrgty gs sglpby n jfmshquh jfmshquhmjh mjh fo gts mhvhr-hmcg mhvhr-hmcgmi mi chnte-tf chnte-tf-chnte -chnte lgirntgfm. Sefuie, gt ens mhvhr khhm rhjfrchc ns nttnja nttnjagmi gmi gm teh mgiet. Fmby gm teh cny nmc prhohrnkby nbsf gm krgiet krgiet bgiet. Gt lust if sflhwehrh, nmc cf sflhtegmi gm teh mgiet, mgiet, kut mfkf mfkfcy cy amfws went. Seh Prghst-Fo-Effas Prghst-Fo-Effas gs nbwnys lnag lnagmi mi sfumc. Lfnmgmi Lfnmgmi,, sjrhnls, n bgst fo jeumchrg jeumchrgmi mi sukvh vhrknb rknb mnlh mnlhss bga bgahh n lnc lnclnm lnm rhncgm rhncgmii orfl n mfth mfth.. Gt amf amfws ws teh phfpb phfpbhh gt nttnja nttnjass sfl sflhef hefw w nmc sphnas tf tehl ky mnlh gm wfrcs jefahc fut orfl gts chhp, kbnja, krfahm-khnr vfgjh. Sehrh lny kh sglpbh quhstgfms nkfut knsgj tegmis, sefhs, fr offc, trnvhb fr teh prgjh fo jfrm,, mhv jfrm mhvhr hr lfrh tenm n ohw wfrc wfrcss bfm bfmi. i. Seg Segss qug qugxft xftgj gj sfjgnb gmthb gmthbbgi bgihmjh hmjh shhls tf env envhh mf ftehrr ush. Gt mhvhr cfhs nmyte fteh nmytegmi gmi hbsh suktb suktbhh fr jflpbh jflpbhx, x, kut dus dustt nttn nttnja jas. s. Seh nmsw nmswhrs hrs tf gts quhstgfms fr gts jnbbs envh mf hffhjt, gt ifhs rhbhmtbhssby fm, mf lntthr went yfu sny fr cf. Mf-fmh amfws orfl wehmjh tegs sfjgnb gmofrlntgfm jflhs. Lnmy susphjt teh Prghst gs gm teh shrvgjh shrv gjh fo sfl sflhh cnra cnrahr hr p pfw fwhr, hr, kut, mf hvgchm hvgchmjh jh ofr tegs ens hvhr khhm ofumc. Gts nssnubts nssnubts envh mf pnrtgjubnr pntthrm fr pbnm, hxjhpt tehgr lhnmgmibhss jbfjawfra rhiubnrgty. ‒G strfmiby susphjt teh jrhnturh gs jfvhrhc wgte effas. Mft dust teh effas wh shh, kut lfrh. Lnmy lnmy lfrh. Seh segotgmi fo teh effas wh shh gs n sglpbh rh-nrrnmihlhmt fo teh effas wh cfm‗t. Nmc tehsh effas. Seh umshhm effas. Jntje tefuiets, fr ornilhmts fo tehl. Fmby n enmc enmcoub oub fo na nahs hs orfl teh kbgzz kbgzznrc nrc fo tefu tefuie iet. t. Kut went cf phfpb phfpbhh tegm tegma a fo Seh Sehlshb lshbvh vhs. s. Kut hnje phrsfm fmby ens fmh shbo. Mft n irhnt hmfuie chmsgty fo nahs tf trnjh. Hnje ft Hnj fteh ehr. r. Se Sehr hrhh wh shh shh te tehh ahy hy.. Ye Yehm hm lnm lnmy y te tegm gma a fo fmh fmh,, gm fmh bfj bfjnt ntgf gfm, m, nt fmh tglh tglh.. Se Sehm hm n ohw rnm rnmcfl cfl orn ornilh ilhmt mtss fo tefu tefuie iett lg lgie iett igvh igvh n tglh tglh nmc pbnj pbnjhh tf eum eumt“. t“. Nseaftt
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
SEH ^XN[WMU N ohnroub tegmi, rnrh, lnigjnb, lfrh cnmihrfus nmc chsgrhc tenm teh Xmgjfrm, kut prflgsgmi, gm gts wn wny y, n syl sylkfb kfb fo weg wegth th purgt purgty y. Fr chnte. Gt gs n jfum jfumthrthr-eu eumth mthr, r, fmby nkbh tf prhy fm tefsh wef eumt gt rst. Bgfm-sgzhc Bgfm-s gzhc,, n qun quncruph cruphc, c, wgt wgte e kbn kbnja ja fr kbuh kbuh-kb -kbnj nja a lhb lhbnmgj nmgj our. Gt ens twf tnbb nmc sbhmch sbhmchrr hnrs tent stgja stgja up bgah tw twff spg spgah ahs, s, strn strngie giett orfl gts ehnc. Sehs Sehshh hnrs ehnr lnmy teg tegmis. mis. Seh ^unrymx gs strfmi, gts tfrsf nmc sefubchrs lusjbhc hmfrlfusby, teh rhnr tnphrs tf sbgl, pfwhrou pfw hroubb bhis. Seh rhnr ohht fo teh ^unry ^unrymx mx bffa nblfst bga bgahh sglpbh sglpbh eul eulnm nm ohht. Gts orfm orfmtt ohht bffa bgah kbnja-o kbnja-ourrh urrhc c eu eulnm lnm enmcs. Gt rnrhby irgps wgte tehsh fr ushs tehl tf wgh wghbc, bc, kut fmby wnbas, irnjhoub, sgbhmt nmc onst, gts mihrhc ohht ihmtby nmc purpfshoubby mcgmi teh pnte. Gt‗s tfuje jnrhsshs teh hnrte bgah n sjubptfr ohhbs tehgr jbny. Seh trnjas fo teh ^unrymx jnm kh hnsgby lgstnahm ofr tefsh fo twf lhm wnbagmi strnmihby, fmh ifgmi ofrwnrcs fm tehgr enmcs wegbh teh ftehr, khegmc tehl ifhs fm knrh ohht nmc efbcs teh ohht nmc kfcy fo teh rst fff teh irfu irfumc. mc. Seh enmcs jnm strnmi strnmibh bh tefuie nmc tent gs efw teh ^unry ^unrymx mx agbb agbbss gts prhy. Ygte gts enmcs nrfumc tehgr terfnt, onjh-tf-onjh, nt teh hmc fo n bfmi eumt. Seh ehnc, nmc onjh, nrh n strnmih nmc orgiethmgmi sgiet, go yfur buja gs rummgmi tegm teh jrhnturhs onjh lny kh yfur fwm. Seh tegjaby lusjbhc sefubchrs fo teh ^unrymx khnr n ehnc senphc nmc sgzhc bgah tent fo n lnm. Seh ehnc efbcs n onjh. Seh hyhs nrh nbwnys cnra, teh bgps nrh sbgietby pnrthc. Seh onjh gs nbwnys stgbb nmc gts hxprhssgfm cfhs mft jenmih. Seh onjh gs nbwnys n kbnma mgvhfus wegth nmc bffas bffas ns go gt lgi lgiet et kh kfm kfmh, h, fr n stgff stgff sgb sgba a ln lnsa sa.. Seh ohn ohntur turhs hs fm teh onj onjhh nrh mft gts fwm. Sehy khbfmi tf sflhfmh hbsh, n pnrtgjubnr phrsfm. Segs phrsfm gs fothm n eumthr, usunbby, kut mft nbwnys, n lnm. Sehy nrh nbwnys n jenrnjthr fo pfthmjy. pfthmjy. Sehy nrh strfm strfmii nmc krnv krnvh, h, fr hrj hrjhh nmc crgv crgvhm, hm, vgfb vgfbhm hmtt phfpb phfpbh. h. Sehy nrh fmh wefshh jnpn wefs jnpnjgtg jgtghs hs glprgm glprgmtt tehl tehlshb shbvh vhss fm tefs tefshh nrfu nrfumc. mc. Sehy nrh fmh wef hmthr hmthrss rs rstt teh rffl. Sehy nrh tefsh wef cnrh. Sehy nrh rhsphjthc ky teh lnmy. Sehy nrh ehbc gm hsthhl ky teh sglpbh phfpbh fo teh tfwm. Seh ^unrymx gs n bgvgmi hxprhssgfm hxprhssgfm fo teh gmmhr cnramhss fo tent fmh wefsh onjh gt efbcs. Nmyfmh wef shhs tehgr fwm stgbb wegth onjh stnrgmi knja orfl teh ehnc fo n ^unrymx gs gmstnmtby jfmsulhc wgte n pnssgfm tf eumt nmc chstrfy gt. Sehy amfw, gm sflh chhp umspfahm wny, tent tf eumt nmc agbb teh ^unrymx gs tf jensh cfwm nmc nmmgegbnth teh cnrahst nsphjt fo tehgr fwm shbvhs. Seh lfrh ofrtergiet nmc ehrfgj teh gmcgvgcunb gm quhstgfm gs, teh bhss nkbh tehy nrh tf tfbhrnth teh cnramhss gm tehgr fwm sfub, teh lfrh fkshssgvh nmc ohrfjgfus tehgr jensh wgbb kh. Sehy sglpby jnmmft tfbhrnth gts hxgsthmjh gm teh wfrbc. Fmh fr teh ftehr lust cgh. Hvhm ofr tefsh fo n jnbl nmc mhutrnb thlphrnlhmt, teh amfwbhcih fo teh ^unrymx mnis nt tehl jfmstnm jfmstnmtby tby,, n agm agmc c fo bgvgmi bgvgmi wfum wfumc c tehy jnm mhv mhvhr hr bht if. Bga Bgahh nm glpf glpfrtnm rtnmtt lhlfry lhlfry efvhrgmi fm teh hcih fo tefuiet, yht mhvhr jfehrgmi.
Mf-fmh amfws went hvgb phfpbh ohhb fm fkshrvgmi tehgr fwm, wegth, chnte-lnsa onjh fo teh >85
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
kfcy fo n snvnih khnst. Phrenps gt lnahs tehl bnuie. Phrenps teh ^unrymx mhvhr ens tehgr onjh. Gt lgiet kh tent amfwgmi tent sflhtegmi gm teh cnramhss lglgjs tehl, nmc crnws gts pfwhr sflhefw orfl tehgr fwm sfub, hmrnihs tehl nmc crnws tehl ky n cgffhrhmt burh tf teh snlh cffl. Hvhm mhws fr rulfurs fo teh ^unrmx jnrry sflh fo tegs jflphbbgmi crgvh. crgvh. Sefsh wef ehnr thbb fo n khnst efbcgmi tehgr onjh nrh effahc ky jurgfsgty, nt rst, nmc tehm n mniigmi wfrry wegje irfws nmc irfws nmc jnm fmby kh rhbhnshc ky shhagmi fut teh tegmi nmc shhgmi, rst enmc, go gt cfhs gmchhc whnr tehgr shhlgmi. Zflh try tf hsjnph hvhm amfwbhcih fo teh ^unrymx. Seh lflhmt teh stfrghs stnrt, tehy hh tf nmftehr cgstrgjt, nmftehr jfumtry, nmftehr bgoh. Kut mf lntthr lntt hr efw efw onr tehy rum, teh ^unrym ^unrymx x wgb wgbbb ofb ofbbf bfw, w, nt n cgs cgstnmj tnmjh. h. Gt wgbb mhvhr jens jenshh tehl tehl,, gt wgbb bht gtshbo kh shhm nmc teh rulfur nmc stfry fo gts onjh crgot nothr tehl nmc surrfumc tehl, nmc hvhmtunbby, tehy wgbb jflh tf gt. Seh ^unrymx gs chncby, kut gt jnm fmby ohhc fm teh hse fo tefsh wef eumt gt fut fo jefgjh. Yegje Yeg je lna lnahs hs gt jflp jflpbhth bhthby by snoh, sf bfmi ns teh lhht lhhtgmi gmi gs nm njjgch njjgchmt mt.. Seh lflhm lflhmtt yf yfu u njtgvhby shha fmh fut, yfur hse khjflhs pnbntnkbh tf gt nmc teh bfmihr yfur shnrje ifhs fm, teh lfrh chbgjgfus yfu khjflh. Seh ^unrymx jnm survgvh fm tefsh prgchoub fr stupgc hmfuie tf shha gt hvhm tefuie tehgrs gs mft teh onjh gt whnrs, kut teh fmh gt truby eumihrs ofr gs tent pnrtgjubnr phrsfm wefsh ohnturhs gt jfumthrohgts. Sf agbb teh ^uny ^unymx mx gs tf agbb teh cnramhss gm teh euln eulnm m sfub nmc wehm n ^unrymx cghs teh hvgb gm teh ehnr ehnrtt nmc lgmc khegmc teh onjh gt lglgjs wgb wgbbb cgh tff. Nm Nmyf yfmh mh wef jnm sujjh sujjhsso ssoubb ubby y eumt nmc agbb n ^unrymx whnrgmi tehgr fwm onjh, wgbb chstrfy teh cnramhss wgtegm tehlshbvhs. Nmc nmyfmh nmyfmh agbbgmi n ^unrymx khnrgmi teh onjh fo nmftehr, wgbb jenmih teh sfub fo tent phrsfm. Sehy wgbb khjflh Iffc. Seh hvgb tehy envh cfmh wgbb rhlngm wgtegm teh wegth hlpty ehnc fo teh khnst. Kut teh onjh wgbb mft chjny. Segs phrsfm lny wnba teh hnrte go tehy wgse, cfgmi iffc chhcs, kut teh wegth lnsa fo teh ^unrymx wgbb rhlngm ns n sylkfb fo nbb tehy nrh mft, fo nbb tehy chmy. Nrh tehy truby iffc6 Fr dust enbo n phrsfm tent phrsunchs tehlshbvhs tehy nrh n wefbh6 Sf fwm teh ^unrymx lnsa fo suje n fmh gs tf efbc n strnmih agmc fo pfwhr fvhr tehl. Go tehy pbnjh teh jrhnturhs jrhnturhs onjh upfm tehgr fwm, tehy nrh rhstfrhc. rhstfrhc. Gm tegs jnsh tehy ingm jflpbhth shbo amfwbhcih. Mfmh wef cf tegs rhlngm umjenmihc, kut gts rhsubts nrh glpfssgkbh tf prhcgjt. prhcgjt. Lnm Lnmy y irhn irhntt Zng Zngmt mtss nmc irhnt Lfmsth Lfmsthrs rs envh khhm kbn kbnlhc lhc fm teh eum eumtgm tgmii fo teh ^unrymx nmc gts jfmshquhmjhs. Kut lfrh usunbby tefsh wef eumt cf mft rhturm, teh ^unrymx gs hrjh, sgbhmt, jummgmi nmc onst, nmc gt efbcs nbb teh jnpnjgty ofr enrl fo teh fmh wefsh onjh gt whnrs. Mf-fmh amfw Mf-fmh amfwss go tehrh nrh lnm lnmy y, fr ohw fr fmh. MfMf-fmh fmh amfw amfwss go teh ^un ^unrymx rymx jen jenmihs mihs gts onjh, fr go hnje gs kfrm wgte fmby fmh. Gt gs n jrhnturh fo lyte nmc thrrfr nmc tf hmjfumthr fmh gs tf sbgp gmtf teh wfrbc fo bhihmc nmc tnbhs.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
^X [ZS Seh nis fo ^u rst nrh tfmiuhs tfmiuhs bgja bgjagmi gmi teh ngr. Gt gs nbgv nbgvh, h, efrrgk efrrgkby by,, khmhn khmhnte te teh sfgb. Gts wnbbs nrh jnrtgbnih nmc gts ofumcntgfms nrh fo kfmh, gts bglks nrh krgcihs nmc gts jfrrgcfrs nrh fphm terfnts. ^u rst gs fmh fo teh Efrgzfm Sfwms, teh tfwms khyfmc sgiet, hnje cgffhrhmt nmc hnje ofumc ky shjrht shjrht w wny nys. s. ^u rst gs nm fphm shjrht shjrht,, hvhrykfcy hvhrykfcy amf amfws ws gt gs n bgv bgvgmi gmi tegm tegmi. i. Fpg Fpgmgfm mgfmss cgffhr fm went agmc fo bgvg bgvgmi mi tegmi gt gs. Zflh sny n inrinmtun inrinmtunm m wfrl, prfdhjtgmi lgbhs umchr teh hnrte, wgte fmby teh tgp fo gts tfwmtfwm-senphc senphc mfsh hxpfshc. Ftehr stfrghs jbngl jbngl tent ^u rst hxpnmcs orfl sflhwehrh hbsh, gts hse ofbcgmi glpfssgkby orfl sflh ftehr zfmh, jnrrghc nw nwny ny tehm prhsshc ningm gmtf teh suronjh fo teh wfrbc gm n cgffhrhmt pbnjh, tent ^u rst jgrjbhs teh wfrbc jfmtgmunbby, mfsgmi ningmst gt bgah n wfbo jehwgmi nt teh jfrmhrs fo n cffr. Zflh sny ^u rst gs irfwgmi sbfwby fvhr tglh, ftehrs sny gt sergmas. Efw gt wfras gs tegs4 N rhc ni jurb jurbss up terf terfui uie e teh hnr hnrte te nmc tnm tnmib ibhs hs gm teh ngr ngr.. Seh ni gs wht nmc lf lfv vhs ningmst teh wgmc. N kubih ofrls gm teh sfgb, gt jrfwms nmc krhnas, teh tnbbhst tfwhr fo ^u rst hlhrihs hlhr ihs sbf sbfwby wby orfl teh irfumc. Seh tfw tfwhrs hrs fo ^u rst nrh jfbfurhc bgah n kutjehrs sehbo, rhc strgnthc lusjbh, pgma lhnt, pnbh jnrtgbnih nmc ibhnlgmi kfmh. Sehm n shjfmc, tehm n tegrc, nbb nrfumc hlhrih nmc hxthmc teh rhvhtlhmts fo hse. Cffrs fo kfmh nmc spegmjt spegmjthrhc hrhc pfrtnbs jrhst teh krfahm irfumc. Seh tfwhr tfwhrss tegja tegjahm hm orfl tehgr mnrrfw pfgmts. pfgm ts. Seh sukur sukurks ks jbnl jbnlkhr khr fut4 tul tulhsjh hsjhmt mt sbul sbulss tent tegj tegjah ahm m rfumc teh ^u rst-tfwhrs knsh. Mft hvhry eflh-jyst ens n cffr fo kfmh. Segs jbfsh tf teh irfumc, sflh pfrtnbs nrh fo wffc, jnrphmthr‗ jnrphmthr‗c c bga bgahh mfrl mfrlnb nb cffrs, ncnp ncnpthc thc tf teh wnbb wnbbss fo hse. Mft hvhr hvhry y efl eflhh gs oubby pnrt fo ^u rst. Zflh nrh whgrc survgv survgvnb-seh nb-sehcs, cs, nttnjehc tf ^u rst wgte jengms nmc effas bgah efvhbs stnpbhc tf n wenbh. Zflh fo teh wffchm cffrs envh krhnjehc, jrnjahc nmc krfahm gm, teh hlpty rffls nrh sjfurhc wgtegm. Zflh fo teh jengms nrh hlpty, effas envh smnpphc, nttnjelhmts krfahm fff. Yehrhvhr ^u rst ifhs khmhnte teh irfumc, wenthvhr cnra jetefmgj shn gt rgchs, gt gs mft snoh. Zflhtegmi jnrrghc gm teh tfwhrs, khegmc teh cffrs fo kfmh, gm ^u rst-prfphr, wgbb survgvh teh trgp. Zflhtegmi enmigmi fmtf ^u rst, fr fmby dust nttnjehc, lny mft. Ogmnbby teh senagmi hnrte suksgchs, teh tfwhrs sjnk nmc cry gm teh jffb ngr, fr kbhhc n bgttbh gm teh rngm. rngm. Seh bg bgl lks fo ^u rst hxthmc, krgcihs smnppgmi fphm bgah snbutgmi nrls tf bgma teh tfwhrs nkfvh teh irfumc. Seh cffrs fo kfmh umofbc, teh ^u stfrs vhmturh fut tf shh teh wfrbc. Sehy khjafm enppgby. Ygtegm nrh rgk-jnih enbbs nmc wgmcgmi trnjts, kbnja husfpenihnb rffls wehrh stfbhm whnbte fo hvhry agmc gs stnjahc. ^u rst gs n jgt jgty y fo teghv teghvhs, hs, teh ubtg ubtglnth lnth hsjnph mf futsgch futsgch bnw jnm rhnj rhnje. e. ‒Seh ‒Sehrh‗ rh‗ss nbw nbwny nyss ^u rst“ tehy sny, wehmhvhr tegmis if wrfmi, nmc tehy‗rh rgiet, tehrh nbwnys gs. Go yfu jnm mc gt, yfu jnm stny. Seh fmby ifvhrmlhmt fo ^u rst, gs ^u rst.
Seh hjfmfly fo ^u rst gs teho tehott nmc hxtrn bhinb bhinb tegmi tegmis. s. Nbb tegh teghvh vhss envh envh ehnrc fo ^u rst nmc ns sffm ns gt hlhrih hlhrihss orfl teh irfumc irfumc,, teh lhssn lhssnihs ihs if fut. Zffm, orfl hvh hvhry ry jflpns jflpnsss >?0
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
pfgmt, gm fmhs fr twfs fr jnrnvnms fo jrglh n jbfuc fo sjfumcrhbs jbfshs gm fm ^u rst. Cnra pn pnvgb vgbgfms gfms kbffl nrfum nrfumc c teh sbuls fo lhnt lhnt.. N rnuj rnujfus fus lnra lnraht ht irfws wehrh nmyt nmytegmi egmi nt nbb gs kfuiet nmc sfbc. Nmc sffm, ns go sencfwgmi teh teghvhs, jflhs bnw. Nbb ifvhrmlhmts bfnteh ^u rst, eflh fo umtrnppnkbh rncgjnbs, trnchrs gm sbnvhs nmc jfmthlptg thl ptgkb kbhh cru cruis is,, nmc wnm wnmtt gt chn chnc. c. Ns sffm ns gt gtss bfj bfjntg ntgfm fm gs ofum ofumc c fut, fut, ofrjh ofrjhss lust usthr, hr, prflgshs nrh lnch nmc ngls nrh sht tf trnp nmc wgph fut ^u+rst ofr iffc. Gt mhvhr wfras. Khofrh teh sghih khigms teh ^u stfrs wgbb nmmfumjh ‒Gt‗s tglh tf bhnvh!“ Wfu envh shjfmc mfw tf jeffsh, hsjnph, fr stny6 Futsgch ^u rst teghvhs sjntthr bgah n fja fo orgiethmhc kgrcs, nlfmist tehl swffps teh fmjflgmi nrl fo teh bnw. Ygtegm, tehrh nrh teh kugbt jysts, teh lnmuonjturhc eflhs nttnjehc tf ^u rst, fr teh rffls wgte wffchm cffrs. Seh prgjhs tehrh nrh sthhp nmc teh dfurmhy lny kh bfmi, nmc cnra. Fr wgbb yfu try teh cffrs fo kfmh6 ^u rst tnahs tnahs mf tnxh tnxhss nmc gt ens mf hmtry ohh ohh.. Sf rgch wgte gt khmhn khmhnte te teh hnrte, gs tf kh snoh ofrhvhr lfrh. Ohw lfrtnb pfwhrs jnm tfuje yfu, gmsgch ^u rst. Seh ^u stfr stfrs, s, tefs tefshh wef rgch, wgbb whbj whbjflh flh yfu. Sehy shhl enpp enppy y, wefb wefbhh nmc whbb ohc, fccby nttgrhc, ns go wfahm succhmby orfl khc. Nbb nrh hmteusgnstgj nkfut ^u rst, ‒N khnjfm fo bgkhrty“ tehy sny. Sefuie tehy nrh sflhwent sefrt fm chtngbs. Nmc teh Nmc tehy y en env vh sf sflht lhteg egmi mi hxtr hxtrnn tff. Hnj Hnje e ^u stfr ens n irhy-pgma tukh fo hse wegje irfws fut orfl tehgr mhja nmc cgsnpphnrs cfwm cfwm khyfmc teh cffrs fo kfmh nmc khbfw teh spegmjthrhc inths, mf mfm-^u stfr ens hvhr hvhr shhm gts hmc. Go yfu rgch khyf khyfmc mc teh cffrs fo kfmh wehm ^u rst sgmas khbfw teh irfumc, wehm yfu hlhrih, yfu wgbb kh n ^u stfr tff.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
[NPSF[ JEH_NBBGU fr _NBAW[NPSF[ Seh tgtgnm Jhmtnur-Znurgnms nrrgvh jflh bgah sumrgsh fm n kurmgmi hbc. Sehy enth mftegmi, ohnr mftegmi mftegmi nmc nrh gll gllumh umh tf nbb teh phtt phtty y hvg hvgbs bs fo lnm lnmagm agmc. c. Irhh Irhhc, c, dhnb dhnbfusy fusy,, hmv hmvy y nmc jfmth jfm thlpt lpt mc mf pu purj rjen ensh sh fm teh tehgr gr sf sfub ubs. s. Nm Nmc c te tehy hy cf am amfw fw tent nbb nbb bgvg bgvgmi mi teg tegmi miss tent tent wnba upfm teh hnrte nrh tehgr rgietoub prhy. Sehy nrh truby mfkbh khgmis. Mftegmi jfubc kh lfrh khnutgoub khnutgoub,, lfr lfrhh ibf ibfrgf rgfus us fr lfrh ohnrh ohnrhc. c. Znv Znvnih, wfmchrou wfmchroubb nmc lfrh kbffcy tenm n jfmquhrfrs jfmquhrf rs crhnls. Sehsh nstfmgsegmi jflkgmntgfms fo ofrl jflkgmh teh tfuiemhss nmc niirhssgfm fo n prhcntfry snurgnm, teh sphhc fo n inbbfpgmi efrsh nmc teh wgts fo n onr-shhgmi bfmi-bgvhc nlfrnb nlnzfm. Sehy nrh hxtrhlhby gmthbbgi gmthbbgihmt, hmt, ohrfjgfus, egieb egieby y sagbbhc nmc tehy hnt phfpbh. Zflhtgl Zflhtglhs. hs. Mft ns n lntthr fo jfursh, kut, lnykh go tehy whrh eumiry, fr tehrh whrh dust tff lnmy eulnms nrfumc. Nseaftt Nseaf tt nccs tegs tegs44 ‒Sef ‒Sefuie uie tehy nbb jbn jbngl gl tf kh jnrmgv jnrmgvfrfu frfus, s, gm onjt tehy jnm surv survgv gvhh fm orugts nmc vhihtnkbhs vhihtnkbhs ofr sflh tglh. Segs gs jfmsgchrhc hxtrhlhb hxtrhlhby y hlknrrnssg hlknrrnssgmi mi bfw-stnt bfw-stntus us khenvgfur. ―Orugt-Zujahr‗ gs n jfllfm gmsubt.“ Sehy nrh teh ehg Sehy ehgie iett fo n lf lfum umthc thc lnm. lnm. Se Sehh lng lngm m kfcy nmc bhis sjnb sjnbhc hc nmc se senph nphc c bga bgah efrsh-ofrlhc bgznrc-khnst fo nmjghmt tglhs, nmc orfl gts mhja, teh mnahc tfrsf fo n wflnm irfws. Segs hs Segs hse e gs nrlf nrlfurhc urhc.. Seh tegja tegjahst hst pbn pbnths ths nbf nbfmi mi teh knja, knja, irnc irncunbb unbby y thss thsshbb hbbntgm ntgmii slnb slnbbhr bhr lfvgmi tf teh ohht nmc nrls, fm teh eulnm ofrl teh sjnbhs khjflh sf slnbb, tehy nrh nblfst gmcgstgmiugs gmcgst gmiugsenkbh enkbh orfl sagm. Hnje ens strfmi kfmy rgcihs rgsgmi up cgrhjtby orfl gts spgmh, nmc rummgmi up gm slnbbhr senphss fmt senph fmtff gts euln eulnm m mhj mhja. a. Sehs Sehshh choh chohmsg msgvh vh pbnth pbnthss nrh bfmih bfmihrr tenm tehy nrh wgc wgchh nmc rgsh cgrhjtb cgr hjtby y up, bga bgahh nl nlhs. hs. Seh lfrh vgfbh vgfbhmjh mjh n _nba nbayrn yrnptfr ptfr survgv survgvhs, hs, teh bnr bnrihr ihr nmc senr senrphr phr gts spgmhs. Seh tngb ens nt gts hmc, n snvnih jbusthr fo senrp effas fr spgahs wegje swhhp hnsgby wgte teh ofrjh fo n twf-enmchc lnjh. Seh ohht nrh nbb jbnwhc nmc jnm kh ushc tf stnk fr agja. Sehgr enmc Sehgr enmcss nrh slnbb slnbb,, shms shmsgtg gtgvh vh,, hxnj hxnjtt nmc jbnw jbnwhc. hc. Sehg Sehgrr gmj gmjgsf gsfrs rs nrh spga spgahc hc nmc nbb tehg tehgrr ftehrr thht fteh thhte e nrh senrp, kut ntnt-njrf njrfss, ss, bgah euln eulnm m thht thhte. e. Sehy sflh sflhtglh tglhss bh tehsh gmtf pfgmts. Sehgr onjhs nrh nbwnys khnutgoub nmc sjnrrhc nmc teh engr fo tehgr ehncs gs eumcrhcs fo ubtrnm ubt rnmhh ohnt ohntehrs ehrs bga bgahh teh tng tngbb fo n trfp trfpgjn gjnbb kgrc kgrc.. Seg Segss eng engrr jnm twgtj twgtje e gmc gmchphmc hphmchm hmtby tby,, rng rngsh sh fr bfwhr bfwhr wehm nrfu nrfushc shc,, lna lnagmi gmi gt shhl nbgv nbgvh. h. Gt jflhs gm hv hvhry hry pgilh pgilhmt mt fo teh pbuln pbulnih ih fo kgrcs nmc hvhry _nbayrnptfr gs hxjhhcgmiby prfuc fo ehr ohntehrhc lnmh. Seh sjnbhs fo hnje _nbayrnptfr nrh cgffhrhmtby jfbfurhc kut lfst jfllfm nrh vnrgntgfms fo nllhfus rhc nmc nurubhmt ifbc. Yenthvhr teh knsh jfbfur teh tfmnb vnrgntgfms bffa bgah teh cgsjfbfurntgfm fo bgvgmi nlh.
Sehy jfub Sehy jfubc c rhnc rhnc nmc wr wrgth gth go te tehy hy wnm wnmthc thc tf bhnrm bhnrm,, kut ohw cf. Se Sehy hy jnm ln lnah ah nmc ush whnpfms nmc tffbs, kut rnrhby mhhc tf. Sehy sgmi, gm vfgjhs chhp nmc sfot, nmc tehgr jubturh >?;
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
gs wrgtthm gm tehgr sfmis nmc pnsshc tegs wny. Sehy bfvh khnuty, hsphjgnbby fo wfrahc whnpfms nmc yfumi yfumi lhm. Foth Fothm m fm lhhtgm lhhtgmii hsphj hsphjgnb gnbby by khnutgo khnutgoub ub lhm tehy wgbb jnrhs jnrhsss nmc wegsph wegsphrr tf teh tehl, l, fff fffhrg hrgmi mi tf jnrry jnrry teh tehl l fff ofr umam umamfw fwm m pur purpfs pfsh. h. Se Sehy hy nr nrhh fccby fccby gmcg gmcgffh ffhrhm rhmtt tf wflhm. Sehy jflh jnrrygmi kfws, wegje tehy wghbc wgte sagbb nmc n onr-shhgmi hyh. Dust ns jfllfm nrh sphnrs, dnvhbgms, kfbns, mhts nmc bfmi pghrjgmi kbnchs wegje tehy crgvh gmtf teh tfrsf orfl khegmc ns teh tnriht hhs, efgstgmi tehl egie nmc senagmi teh senot sf kbffc rngms cfwm, lgmibgmi lgmibg mi trgulpenb sgmigm sgmigmii wgte teh vgjtgl vgjtglss sjrhnls. Zeghbc Zeghbcss nrh mft ushc nmc nrlfur rnrhby wfrm, kut sflh fbchr _nbayrnptfrs jbnc tehlshbvhs gm mh krginmcgmh nmc swhht hxnlpbhs fo teh nrlfur-lnahrs nrt. Sehy lfvh rhstbhssby njrfss teh pbngms, gm wnr knmcs fr slnbb trgkhs, ohnrgmi mftegmi, rhinrcbhss fo teh mulkhrs fr teh sgzh. [nrhby, tehy jflkgmh nmc bhniuh gm nwhsflh efrchs, strgagmi thrrfr thrr fr gmtf gmtf Hlp Hlpgrhs grhs,, Sgt Sgtnms nms nmc gm gmvgm vgmjgkb jgkbhh khgmi khgmis. s. Sehy cf mft kugbc tehlsh tehlshbv bvhs, hs, tefu tefuie ie jfubc go tehy chsgrhc. Gmsthnc tehy snja fr hxtfrt jgtghs, chlnmcgmi ifbc, ihls nmc teh lfst khnutgoub yfumi lhm. Sehsh tehy shgzh nmc jnrry fo weffpgmi nmc bnuiegmi, tehy nrh mhvhr shhm ningm. Mf-fmh amfws efw teh _nbayrnptfrs rhprfcujh. Zefubc tehy enpphm upfm n knttbh nbrhncy khium, tehgr spgrgt nmc jfmthlpt ofr ohnr lny bhnc tehl tf sgch wgte teh bfsgmi sgch, purhby fut fo dfy nmc teh cnmihr fo teh chhc. Bhktfkbnst Bhktfkb nst rhlnra rhlnras4 s4 ‒Seh ‒Sehy y cf rhjf rhjfimg imgsh sh nmc rhsphjt, tf n chirhh, chirhh, qunbg qunbgtgh tghss fo _gr _grtu, tu, gm teh nmjghmtt shmsh, peysgjnb jfurnih, ³hhbnm nmjghm bnm gm jflkn jflknt, t, irnjh ns whb whbbb ns pfbgthmhss nmc prfjhss gm wnr, tefuie tegs gs lfrh jfllfm fo fbchr bhnchrs, yfumi [nptfr Jehvnbbgx nrh lfrh grrhiubnr. Go tehsh qunbgtghs nrh jflkgmhc gm n lnbh sukdhjt fo umusunb khnuty, tehy jnm khjflh qugth hminigmi, tefuie G mc tegs puts teh lnm gm quhstgfm gm n prgvgbhihc, orgiethmgmi nmc rntehr cnmihrfus pfsgtgfm. pfsgtgfm.““ Nseaftt Nseaf tt tnahs n lfrh prnj prnjtgjn tgjnbb npprfnj npprfnje4 e4 ‒Se ‒Sehy hy nrh agb agbbhrs bhrs.. Onst, slnrt slnrt,, ohrfj ohrfjgfus gfus nmc sagbbhc, wgte n strfmi wnrrgfr jubturh nmc glkuhc wgte lnmy mnturnb tffbs fo chnte. Cf mft iett tehl fm tehg ie tehgrr jefshm jefshm irfum irfumc. c. G rhjf rhjfllh llhmc mc nt bhns bhnstt terh terhhh hxphrghmj hxphrghmjhc hc oub oubby by nrlfurh nrlfurhc c amgiets ningmst fmh [nptfr Jehvnbbgx tf iunrnmthh teh pfssgkgbgty, mft teh jhrtngmty, fo n agbb.“
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
[G_H[-ZX[IHFMZ Seh [gvhr Zurihfms wgbb nbwnys mhiftgnth, bgoh ofr bgoh. Wfurs, fr nmftehr‗s. Sehy nrh prfknkby prfknkby se. Kgphc Kgphcnb, nb, wgte n teg tegja ja tngb tent turms slffte slffteby by gmtf gts tfrsf bgah bgah teh tngb nmc kfcy fo n mhw mhwt. t. Zefr Zefrtt stul stulpy py strfm strfmii rhnr bhis nmc hxjhhc hxjhhcgmib gmiby y bfm bfmii sgm sgmufus ufus ofrhbglks tent rhnje orfl teh sefubchrs nbb teh wny cfwm tf teh irfumc. Seh upphr onjh nmc ehnc nrh prglgtgvh, jflpfshc fo fmh bnrih kfmy pbnth, nm um-rhmhc ofrl wgte n sglpbh nmc snv snvnih-shh nih-shhlgmi lgmi dnw. Hxprhss Hxprhssgfmbhs gfmbhss, s, teh bfwhr dnw lfv lfvhs hs fmby vhrtgjnb vhrtgjnbby by,, up nmc cfw cfwm, m, teh tehy y jnm jnmmft mft jeh jehw. w. Seh Sehrh rh nr nrhh shms shmsgm gmii pgts pgts fm teh upphr saub saubbb wegj wegje e jfu jfubc bc kh hnrs nmc ourtehr jurbs fm teh knja fo teh ehnc tent jfubc kh efrms fr strnmih frinms fo phrjhptgf phrjh ptgfm. m. Kht Khtwh whhm hm teh bfw sefub sefubchrs chrs nmc teh kfmy ehnc nrh n shrg shrghs hs fo pbn pbnths ths tent segot bgah bnyhrhc ifrihts. Yehm yfu shh tehl gt‗s cgjubt mft tf glnigmh tehl gm teh wnthr, teh strfmi pfgmthc ehnc onjgmi cgrhjtby ofrwnrcs, teh ofrhbglks stfwhc slffteby nbfmi teh sgchs, teh wefbh tegmi rgppbgmi rgppbgm i nmc jurvgmi ugcby sebg sebgah ahrhnje ns gt swgls swgls. . Orfl cgstnmj cgstnmjh tehywnccbh bffa bgah ignmt prglgtgvh kfmh-ehnchc mhwts. Sehm tehy teh sefrh nmcnstnmc uphnmc tfwnrcs yfu nmc yfu shh teh onjh, nmc teh dnws. Sehy nrh hxjh Sehy hxjhbb bbhm hmtt ehn ehnbh bhrs rs nmc trnu trnuln ln sur surihf ihfms ms.. Mf fte ftehr hr sgim sgimss fo jub jubtur turhh en env vh khh khhm m ofumc. Gt gs n irhn irhntt ly lysthr sthry y. Ef Efw, w, fr wehm wehm,, fr wehrh cgc tehy bhnr bhnrm m tegs nrt6 Lnm Lnmy y nmswh nmswhrs rs env envhh khhm igvhm. igvhm. ―N rnjh fo jfrrupt Cfjtfrs ofrjh ofrjhc c ns pumgse pumgselhm lhmtt gmtf gmtf khstg khstgnb nb senph‗ sny sflh. ―Nmglnbs‗ ―Nmgl nbs‗ sny ftehrs, ―rngshc up ky nm nmjghm nmjghmtt jubturh tf cfjtfr tf gts sbnv sbnvhs‗. hs‗. Fr ―dust lutnmt mhwts wgte n whgrc jubturnb qugra‗. Sf sullfm teh [gvhr-Zurihfms, sglpby kbhhc gmtf n rgvhr wehrh tehy bgvh. Khofrh gt egts teh wnthr, lgx teh kbffc wgte efmhy fr wgte snbt. Lnmy bgvgmi tegmis kbhhc gmtf teh rgvhrs nmc teh Zurihfms slhbb tehl nbb, kbffc nbfmh gs mft n sullfms, teh chbgkhrnth lgxturh fo kbffc wgte efmhy fr wgte snbt gs rnrh nmc cgstgmjtgvh hmfuie tent wehm tehy tnsth gt tehy wgbb amfw hxnjtby went gt lhnms. Chphmcgmi fm rgvhr nmc gts fw, tehy wgbb jflh wgtegm n jfupbh fo efurs. Sehy wgbb hxphjt pnylhmt uporfmt. Pnylhmt jfmsgsts fo n bnrih bgvgmi wnrl-kbffchc tegmi, nkfut teh sgzh fo n bnrih pgi, fr lnm lnm,, nbgvh nbgvh nmc tghc up nt teh wn wnthrs thrs hcih hcih,, gmj gmjnpnk npnkbh bh fo ie ietgmi tgmi knja. knja. Seh Zurihfms wgbb smntje teh jrhnturh nwny tf teh jhmtrh fo teh rgvhr, kut ahhp gt nfnt, tehm, fmh fr twf wgbb npprfnje nmc jbglk fut fo teh wnthr. Sehy wgbb wgbb jfll jfllgt gt fmh njt fo ehnb ehnbgmi gmi ofr hnje bgoh fffhrhc fffhrhc.. Sehgr Sehgr prg prglnry lnry sagb sagbbs bs nrh trnu trnuln ln surihry suri hry nmc tehy wgbb njjflp njjflpbgs bgse e teg tegss qug qugja jaby by wgte tehg tehgrr senrp senrp orfm orfmtt jbn jbnws. ws. Gmo Gmohjtg hjtgfms fms nrh chnbtt wgte ky tehgr snb chnb snbgv gvn, n, weg wegje je tehy crffb nbb fv fvhr hr nm nmy y wf wfumc. umc. Lfrh jflpb jflpbhx hx prfkbhl prfkbhlss wgbb rhqugrh lfrh tefuiet. Yehm tegmagmi, teh [gvhr-Zurihfm sgts, vhry stgbb, nt teh pntghmts ohht, bffagmi nt tehl nmc cfgmi mftegmi. Go n jurh jnmmft kh jrhnthc orfl mhnrky pbnmts nmc ehrks, fr chbgvhrhc hnsgby gm n enmcoub fo irumthc wfrcs, tehy wgbb sglpby bhnvh nmc rhturm
teh ―prgjh‗, stgbb nbgvh, tf teh rgvhr knma. >?3
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Gt‗s n iffc gchn tf krgmi n rnmih fo ehrks nmc lhcgjnb suppbghs tf bny fut ky teh pntghmts sgch. Seh Zurihfms mhgtehr lnah mfr jnrry tffbs, kut tehy amfw went tehy nrh nmc efw tehy wfra. wf ra. Seh Sehy y jnm slhbb fr tns tnsth th teh lhcgjg lhcgjgmnb mnb prfphrt prfphrtghs ghs fo nm nmy y frin frinmgj mgj sukst sukstnmjh nmjh nothr fmh hxpfsurh, hvhm tefsh prfphrtghs sf onr umsusphjthc ky lnm. Sefuie tehgr jbnws nrh sjnbphbs tehy jnm ush n mhhcbh nmc terhnc go fmh gs prhshmthc. Fmjh teh jurh, fr surihry gs jflpbhth, tehy wgbb rhturm tf teh rgvhr, pubb teh ―prgjh‗ umchrwnthr umchrwnthr nmc hnt gt nbgvh. Seh surihry nbwnys wfras. Ns whbb ns khgmi cfjtfrs-ofr-egrh, teh [gvhr Zurihfms nrh nbsf nphx prhcntfrs ofr teh orhsewnthr wn thr hmvgr hmvgrfml fmlhmt hmtss wehr wehrhh tehy cwhb cwhbb. b. Seh Sehy y en envh vh mf jflp jflpumjt umjtgfm gfm nt nbb nkfut prhy prhygmi gmi fm gmthbbgihm gmth bbgihmtt k khgmis. hgmis. Sehy wgbb mhvhr tna tnahh lfrh tenm tehy mhhc tf bgv bgvhh nmc nrh nbwn nbwnys ys wgbbgmi tf lnah n chnb. Go n irfup mcs gtshbo jut fff nmc futmulkhrhc, tehy jnm kuy tehgr wny fut fo trfukbh teh snlh wny tehy jfubc kuy ehnbgmi. Fmh bgvgmi wnrl-kbffchc khgmi, teh sgzh fo n bnrih pgi, fr lnm, tghc up nmc ehbpbhss. igvh tehl tegs nmc tehy wgbb bht yfu if. Sefsh wef lnah tehgr bgvgmi ky teh rgvhr envh n jflpbhx rhbntgfmsegp wgte teh Zurihfms. Xshoub,, ohnroub, lfmstrfus, rntgfmn Xshoub rntgfmnb, b, rhbgnkbh nmc snv snvnih. nih. Hvhr Hvhrykfcy ykfcy amfw amfwss gt‗s n iffc gchn tf ahhp teh Zurihfms ohc, nmc hvhrykfcy amfws tf ahhp knja teh ontthst pgi gm jnsh fo sgjamhss.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
[XKGFXZ OBXAH N enppy pnrnsgth fm teh mnsty jrnjabhs gm teh eulnm ehnrt. Gmthbbgihmt nmc lnigjnb, tehy jnm jenmih tehgr sgzh nt wgbb, tefuie tehy prhohr tf kh nkfut nm gmje bfmi nmc n mihrmngb-wgch. (‒Gt gs whbb tent tehy cf ofr tehy bgvh gmsgch teh krngm.“ - T) N rukgfus ruky-rhc tehy nrh, ns teh mnlh suiihsts, wgte n rgmi fo nzurh hyhs, hvhmby spnjhc. Sehgrr lfut Sehg lfute e fphms bga bgahh n vh-pht vh-phtnbb nbbhc hc fw fwhr. hr. Gms Gmsgch gch nrh bnyh bnyhrs rs fo tgm tgmy y thht thhte. e. Chs Chspgth pgth teh fcc nrtgjubntgfm fo tehgr dnws tehy usunbby shhl tf kh slgbgmi. Sehy jnm sphna go tehy wgse, gm n egie pgpgmi vfgjh tent hjefhs fccby gm teh bgsthmhrs lgmc. Sehy hnt hlftgfm gm gts rnwhst ofrl nmc lnah tehgr eflhsthnc wehrh gt irfws. ‒Seh eulnm krngm! Orfl rhpfrt rhpfrthc hc jfm jfmvh vhrsnt rsntgfm gfmss wgt wgte e teh Obuah Obuah,, nmc orf orfl l rhns rhnsshl shlkbg kbgmi mi rhirhttn rhir httnkbh kbh hxpbfch hxpbfchc c ehnc ehncs, s, G en envh vh umv umvhgb hgbhc hc teh shnt fo prg prglnb lnb pnssg pnssgfms fms gm teh lgmc. Sehy prhohr, nmc jurb nrfumc, n slnbb mutty prftrusgfm nt teh knsh nmc jhmtrh fo teh krngm. Segs tehy jnbb tehgr ―ohnst‗, tehgr jfrmujfpgn fo mfurgsegmi tefuiet, tehgr hvhr-rhpbhmgsegmi lhnb. Nmc orfl tegs Gohnr, chcujh teh shbo-snlh fo tefsh hlftgfms nmc fvhrwehblgmi prglnb crgvhs4 cgsiust nmc rnih.mfcubh Ofr gtgsgsteh fm sfurjh tehsh tehy ohhc.“ - Bhptfkbnst Seh wfrl rhqugrhs tehsh hlftgfms tf survgvh, sf qughtby hmjfurnihs teh efst tf njts nmc sgtuntg sgt untgfms fms wehrh ohnr, rnih nmc cgsiu cgsiust st wfubc mfrln mfrlnbby bby kh ohbt. ohbt. Gt tehm enppg enppgby by hnts tehs tehshh ohhbg ohh bgmis mis ns tehy tehy rum terf terfui uie e teh teh lgmc lgmc kut khofr khofrhh te tehy hy nrh hxprhss hxprhsshc hc.. Se Sehh sh shms msntg ntgfm fm gs qugxft qug xftgj. gj. Seh efst hxphr hxphrghm ghmjhs jhs sflhte sflhtegmi gmi tent sefu sefubc bc lnah tehl nmir nmiry y, sgj sgja a fr sjnr sjnrhc. hc. Sehy ohhb. ohhb. . . sfl sflhteg htegmi, mi, phrenp phrenpss n lhl lhlfry fry fr iefst fo teh fbc crgvh. crgvh. Seh Sehm m teh wf wfrl rl mgsehs mgsehs gts lhnb nmc tehy if mulk, mulk nt bhnst tf tehsh prglnry hlftgfms, teh efst fo n [ukgfus Obuah gs mf bfmihr norngc, mf bfmihr cgsiusthc nmc ihmhrnbby mft vhry nmiry. Ftehr ohhbgmis, mft hnthm ky teh Obuah, usunbby hxpnmc tf tnah up teh lhmtnb spnjh. Seh Obua Seh Obuahh-hff hffhjt hjt fm eu eulnm lnm lgmc lgmcss gs cg cgj jub ubtt tf prh prhcg cgjt. jt. Gt chphmc chphmcss fm gmmh gmmhrr mnt mnturh urh,, fm went‗s bhot gmsgch teh ehnc wehm ohnr, cgsiust nmc rnih envh bhot. Nmc fm teh fppfrtumgtghs tf njt. Sehsh nrh cgffhrhmt ofr us nbb. _hry ihmhrnbby ihmhrnbby,, iff iffc c phfpbh iht k khtthr, htthr, knc phfpbh iht wfrsh. Seh phnsnmt cfhs mft ohnr tehgr bfrc, bfrc, tefs tefshh we weff ent enthh teh fteh ftehrr mf bf bfmi mihr hr ohh ohhbb cg cgsi sius ust. t. Zfl Zflhh cf iffc ofr sn snah ah fo bfv bfvh nmc nmc sflhh orfl ohnr sfl ohnr.. Go sflhkfcy sflhkfcy‗s ‗s lfrnb lfrnbgt gty y wns knshc fm ohnr tehm tent lfrnb lfrnbgt gty y gs ifmh. Seh gmmhr mnturh gs pursuhc wgtefut teh ifnc fo ohnr fr gts rhstrngmt. Zflh khjflh irhnt ehrfhs, ftehrs hnt tehgr mhgiekfurs. Pfthmtgnbby cnmihrfus nmc efrrgc sgtuntgfms nrh sfuiet fut, nmc go tehy nrh mft ofumc, nmc go teh knsh jenrnjthr gs nlhmnkbh, tehy lny kh lnch. Seh Obuah gs rhnsfmnkbh nmc jnm kh mhiftgnthc wgte. Gt jnm ehnr nmc shh hvhrytegmi teh efst jnm ehnr nmc shh. Gt wgbb lna lnahh n rhns rhnsfmn fmnkbh kbh choh chohmjh mjh fo gts p pfsg fsgtgf tgfm. m. Gt jnmmft jfm jfmtrfb trfb teh lgmc, fmby suiihst. Ygte n euih nlfumt fo shbo jfmtrfb teh efst jnm bfja tehlshbvhs gmtf nm utthrby utth rby kfrgm kfrgmii shrghs fo hvhm hvhmts ts gm weg wegje je mf ohnr, cgsiu cgsiust st fr rnih nrh ohbt. Go tehy ahhp gt up ofr bfmi hmfuie tehm hvhmtunbby teh Obuah wgbb stnrvh. Go n sgtuntgfm gs vhry chsphrnth gmchhc teh Obuah wgbb sflhtglhs hxgt terfuie teh mfsh, irfw tf gts oubb sgzh, nmc knttbh gm teh efsts
chohmjh, khofrh trygmi tf iht knja gm gts ehnc.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Seh Obuah prhohrs tf bgvh gmsgch pfthmt nmc jnpnkbh typhs, tehy nrh lfrh bgahby tf survgvh teh cnmihrfu cnmi hrfuss bgo bgohst hstybh ybh tent gm qug qughtb htby y hmjf hmjfurni urnihs hs tehl tf envh envh.. Kut gt jnm nbsf hmdf hmdfy y ohnr ohnroub oub,, nmiry nmir y fr hnsgb hnsgby y cgsius cgsiusthc thc ofba ns tehy lna lnahh n iffc lhnb lhnb.. Ns gt irf irfws ws gmsgc gmsgchh teh ehnc, teh Obuah lnigjnbby ncdusts gts sgzh, kut tegs ens bglgts. Zefubc gt survgvh bfmi hmfuie gts bgohjyjbh hmcs gm fmh fo terhh wnys. Gt jnm hxpbfch fut fo teh saubb gm fmh if, agbbgmi teh efst. Segs gs mft prhohrrhc, gt puts teh Obuah Obu ah gm cnmih cnmihrr nmc chpr chprgv gvhs hs gt fo n eflh eflh.. Sef Sefuie uie gt jnm enpph enpphm m ky njjgchm njjgchmtt go n efst gs hxpfshc tf stniihrgmi bhvhbs fo ftehr-mnturnb ohnr, cgsiust fr rnih. Gt jnm jflh tf sflh nirhhlhmt wgte teh efst, bhnvgmi gt nmc smhnagmi fff tf jrnwb gmsgch n kgiihr ehnc. Zflhtegmi euih nmc lytegjnb phrenps. Fr gt jnm hmthr gts rhprfcujtgvh stnih. Gm gts rhprfcujtgvh stnih teh Obuah glphbs gts efst tf prfcujh n pnrtgjubnr hffhjt. Gt shhas tf jrhnth n irfupgmi fo glnihs nmc gchns sf cgstgmjtgvh nmc gmthmsh tent tehy nrh jnrrghc gmtf crhnls. Ky trnjgmi tehsh crhnls gm teh mgiet teh Obuah jnm mc teh sbhhpgmi krngms gt mhhcs tf lnth lnth.. Segs irfupgmi lust kh sflhtegmi tent wfubc mhvhr mfrlnbby kh tefuiet. Ofr gmstnmjh4 kbuh kurmgmi igrnffhs. Fr4 n krfncswfrc lnch hmtgrhby fo hyhknbbs, stgmagmi fo lgmt. Gt‗s Gt‗s lhnm lhnmss fo prfcujgm prfcujgmii teh hffhjt nrh vnrgf nrgfus. us. Gt wgbb gm gmuhmj uhmjhh gts efst tf lhm lhmtgfm tgfm,, jrhn jrhnth, th, kugbc, cgspbny nmc njt fut teh gchn wehmhvhr tehy jnm. Yehm teh efst gs sbhhpgmi, teh Obuahs chsgrh tf krhhc lny kh sf irhnt tent gt jnm tnah tehl fvhr gm tehgr sbhhp, shmcgmi tehl stulkbgmi nkfut nt gts jfllnmc. Yehm n tnriht gs jfmsulhc tf luje ky tegs gchn tent tehy crhnl fo gt teh Obuah wgbb mc tehgr sbhhpgmi lgmc. Gm tehgr crhnl tehy wgbb shh n iginmtgj jfmtgmhmt-sgzhc wfrl wgte ruky hyhs. Seh wfrl wgbb nsa tehl go tehy wgse tf bgvh wgtefut ohnr. Go tehy sny yhs, fr nirhh gm nm nmy y wn wny y teh [ukg [ukgfus fus Obua Obuahh lna lnahs hs bfvh bfvh tf tehgr krngm gm teh mgi mgiet et.. Not Nothr hr n ohw cny cnyss n mhw slnbb uah gs kfrm gmsgch teh jrnmgnb ofbcs. Mnturnbby teh [ukgfus Obuah wnmts tf mc teh krngms fo phfpbh wef wgbb sny yhs. Gts lhnms fo cfgmi tegs nrh vnrgf vnrgfus. us. Gt lny jnush teh efst tf enum enumtt shwhr wfrahrs wfrahrs,, sfbcghrs, surihfms, prfstgtuths. Fr, go teh efst ens khjflh cnmihrfusby gllfrnb tehy lny sglpby gmgjt gmthmsh nmc mhintgvh hlftgfms upfm n jnptgvh lgmc, tnagmi jnrh tf bgma teh efrrfrs tf teh Obuahs gchn-ahy. Seh lfrh efrrgkbh teh tfrturhs nmc gmcgimgtghs khjflh teh lfrh bgahby teh jnptgvhs nrh tf sny ―yhs‗.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
ZNMIXGMH J[NMH Seh Znmiugmh Jrnmh gs vhry khnutgoub, gt crgmas fmby kbffc nmc sujas shjrhtby nt wfumcs bnth gm teh mgiet. Gt‗s nkfut ofur ohht egie, bgah n bnrih jfmvhmtgfmnb Jrnmh, wgte trnmsbujhmt ohntehrs nmc trnmspn trnm spnrhm rhmtt sag sagm. m. Sehy ibgt ibgtthr thr wfmch wfmchroub roubby by gm teh hvhm hvhmgmi gmi fr teh cnwm nmc teh vhgm vhgmss nmc gmmhr frinms fo teh Jrnmh nrh jbhnr tf shh. Sefuie gt stnmcs hxjhhcgmi stgbb, gts kbffc jnm kh shhm pulpgmi, pulpgmi, nmc teh utt utthrgm hrgmii fo gts ehnr ehnrt. t. Sf jntj jntje e gts prhy teh Znmi Znmiugmh ugmh Jrnmh lna lnahs hs ush fo dust fmh jbnw, wegje gt ahhps pfgshc nmc khmt wegbh gt rhsts fm teh rhlngmgmi bhi. Gt strgahs strgahs sln slnbb bb tnrihts tnrihts,, tehm tnah tnahss tehl tf gts senrp, sbhmc sbhmchr hr syr syrgmi gmih-b h-bga gahh khna. Gt cujas gts ehnc tf qugjaby pghrjh teh ehnrt nmc crgmas teh krgiet-rhc nrthrgnb kbffc, wegje jnm kh jbhnrby shhm ihttgmi sujahc up gmtf teh Jrnmh. Seh shjfmcnry whnpfm fo teh Jrnmh nmc teh lhnms fo gts shjrhjy, gs teh sgmibh, bfmi nmc lftgbh ohntehr fo gts tngb. Segs trnmsbujhm trnmsbujhmtt nblfst-gm nblfst-gmvgsgkb vgsgkbhh wegp, whhps n mul mulkgmi kgmi pfgsfm nbb teh tglh, wegje jfmchmshs nt teh tgp, crgppgmi sbfwby wegbh teh Jrnmh nwngts teh lfvhlhmt fo gts prh prhy y. Se Sehh Jrn Jrnmh mh jnm jnm jut jut n sl slnb nbbb nmg nmglnb lnb wgte wgte teh hcih hcihss fo gts tng tngb, b, mu mul lkgmi kgmi te tehl hl jflpbhthby wegbh gt ohhcs. Ygte bnrihr tnrihts gt jnm mulk n shjtgfm fo tehgr kfcy wegbh tehy sbhhp, sbh hp, prhvh prhvhmtg mtgmi mi gt orfl wna wnagmi gmi wegbh teh Jrnmh pgphtths gts bgqug bgqugc c lhnb lhnb.. Seh sphhc nmc trnmsbujhmjy fo teh tngb lnah gt enrc tf cfcih gmchhc. Ns teh sum rgshs, stngmgmi teh efrgzfm wegth, teh Jrnmh nbgiets sfumcbhssby, shhagmi nmglnbs wef nrh nsb nsbhhp. hhp. N strf strfah ah fo gts pfgsfm pfgsfmhc hc tngb wgbb mul mulk k teh hse, teh mhhc mhhcbh bh khna gs crgv crgvhm hm gm, nglgmi nglgmi ofr teh nrthry fr ehnr ehnrt. t. Seh Jrnmh crgma crgmass chhpby chhpby.. Zflh Zflhtgl tglhs hs teh pnb pnbhh kbffcb kbffcbhss hss kfcghs fo bnrih lnllnbs fr lhm nrh ofumc um-wnagmi fm teh irfumc khofrh teh say turms kbuh. kbu h. Go teh Jrn Jrnmh mh ens ifri ifrihc hc tff lu luje je gt ln lny y kh efpp efppgmi gmi ontby nw nwny ny,, tffrhc nmc swfb swfbbhm bhm tf hsjnph ky ngr. Jrnmhs ihmhrnbby eumt nbfmh, bglgtgmi teh cnlnih tehy jnm cf, kut lntgmi pngrs nrh jfllfm gm teh sullhr lfmtes. Seh Znmiugmh Jrnmh gs luje nclgrhc ky tefsh wgte tff luje lfmhy nmc tefsh ofr wefl tff luje gs mft hmfuie. Jbfnas nmc crhsshs fo gts ohntehrs ohtje n egie rhpby gm ifbchm jfgm, wrnmibhc gmtf rgsqu trnmsbujhmt onsegfm trhmcs nmc sukvhrtgmi, hbhinmtby, jfchs fo lfchsty chsgimhc tf supprhss vgjh. Jfmsgchrhc hlkbhlntg Jfmsgchrhc hlkbhlntgjj gs teh Jrnmh, terfuie gts vnlpg vnlpgrgj rgj enkgts nmc teh irfthsquh k khnuty hnuty fo gts bgvgmi shbo, fo jhrtngm agmcs fo ifrihfus nmc jfmthlptufus whnbte. Kncihs fo nrgstfjrnjy gm nbb gts nsphjts, iffc nmc knc. (‒Zfurjh fo teh pfpubnr Dua Duang ng lnbnprfpg lnbnprfpgsl sl ―Nrgstf ―Nrgstfrarnjy‗ rarnjy‗““ B) Sehy sefw up gm teh ehrnbcry fo rhjhmt mfkbh bgmhs nmc nrh kurmt gm hiy ky rhvfbutgfmnry lfks.. Pf lfks Pfsshs sshssfr sfrss fo n bgv bgvhh nmc jnptgv jnptgvhh Jrnm Jrnmhh nrh nlfmi teh hbh hbhjt jt gmchhc, gmchhc, nmc foth fothm m nlfm nlfmii teh chspgshc ns whbb. (‒Jrnmh hiis nrh trnmsbujhmt ns teh Jrnmh gtshbo nmc khnutgoub gmchhc, teh ofhtnb jrnmh jnm kh shhm chvhbfpgmi gm teh rhhjtgvh chhps. G fkshrvhc tegs, (orfl n cgstnmjh, G wns umnkbh tf iht vhry jbfsh tf teh bncy gm quhstgfm) gm n bgvgmi hii, gmjfrpfrnthc gmtf n pghjh fo dhwhbbhry, lnch tf sht fff nm futt fo trnmsb trnmsbujhm ujhmtt Jrnm Jrnmhh ohnt ohntehrs ehrs nmc nllhf nllhfus us sgba. Nm glprhs glprhssgv sgvhh
sfjgnb jfup nmc n rntehr chprhssgmi wnsth fo mnturnb wfmchr.“- T) >?5
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Ynbagmi n pngr fo Znmiugmh Jrnmhs fm n ifbchm bhnse gs n sgim fo mft fmby teh irhnthst whnbte kut teh bhnst pfssgkbh senlh. Seh tfxgm tent shhps sbfwby orfl gts tngb jnm envh n shjfmcnry hffhjt fm bnrihr jrhnturhs tent survgvh gts tfuje. Sehy lny mc tehlshbvhs glkuhc wgte n agmc fo grrhvhrhmjh tfwnrcs cnmihr nmc chnte, nmc n eumihr ofr teh vgfbhmt njt. _gfbhmjh gs khnuty ofr tehl mfw, umtgb teh crui whnrs fff. Segs qunbgty hxgsts sf tent, sefubc teh jrnmh lgss gts lnra fm teh gmgtgnb strgah, teh tnriht wgbb mc gtshbo crnwm knja gmtf teh cnmihr zfmh, tf inzh upfm teh jrnmh fmjh lfrh, jnrgmi bgttbh ofr gts bgoh. Seh snbh fo Jrnmh ohntehrs fr tehgr tfxgm ns n crui gs gbbhinb, nmc jfllnmcs n egie prgjh orfl teh nrgstfjrnts tent lnah up gts prglnry lnraht. Lfrh vgtnb gm teh hyhs fo sflh, Jrnmh tfxgm fphms sfjgnb cffrs tf sjhmhs tent wfubc ftehrwgsh kh jbfshc.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
ZN[JFB ZN[ JFBGMH GMH [HCHH [HCHHLH[ LH[Z Z fr MN_GI MN_GIN NSGMI SGMI J[NKZ J[NKZ Sehsh jrhnturhs envh khhm jurshc ky teh shn orfl wegje tehy sprgmi. [hchhlhrs enumt enumt teh sefrh. Ofumc fm stfrly jntnjbysl jntnjbyslgj gj bgmhs fo krfahm stfmh, jbgffs nmc jnvhs jnv hs nttnjah nttnjahc c ky wn wnvhs vhs nmc teh pumgseg pumgsegmi mi tgch. Sehy enmi, jbnlkhrgmi nmc bhnpgmi enppgby orfl phrje tf phrje wegbh teh shn krfgbs gts wrnte, ntthmcgmi tf tehgr sthps nmc wngtgmi ofr n lgs lgs-tg -tglhc lhc sbgp. Ohnrb hnrbhss hss fo teh stfrl nmc sphw, tsumn tsumnlglg-kfumc kfumc tehy crfp nmc sbgch sbgch gmtf gmtf teh shn-swhbb, euiigmi teh jurvh fo teh jnrrygmi wnvh, bhttgmi gt cnk tehl knja fmtf teh rfja-bhcih wehrh tehy bhnphc, jbgmigmi fm, tehm onbbgmi lfrh ofr oum. Fothm tehy lgirnth. Sehy jnmmft bht teh shn jntje up wgte tehl ofr bfmi. Khofrh teh shnsfms cfmh tehy wgbb lfvh lfvh fm. Sehy wgb wgbbb swg swgl l orfl sefr sefrhh tf sefrh, fr hv hvhm hm rnmih bfmi pnte pntewn wnys ys fvhr bnmc, shhagmi fut n bgvgmi spft wehrh teh tgch kgths nt teh rfja. Sehy shhl shl shlg-g g-gmt mthbb hbbgih gihmt mt nt rst rst,, nmc sfl sflhtg htglhs lhs ush glp glprf rfvgs vgshc hc tffbs tffbs,, kut, jbhv jbhvhr hr nmc suspgjgfus, suspgjg fus, tehy nrh mft hnsgby fkshrv fkshrvhc, hc, nmc wgbb culk-pb culk-pbny ny tf chbuch teh vghwhr. vghwhr. Enrc tf trnp, cgstrnjt, ontgiuh fr offb, tehy nrh n irgl ofhs tf tefsh wefsh jfbc gmmhr hyh chjrghs tehgr slgbhs nmc jegbcbgah lnsas. Gm tehgr njjustflhc jrfuje tehy nrh teh sgzh fo kgi ont kfys, kut uprgiet tehy jnm rhnje vh ohht gm ehgie ehgiet. t. Sehy nrh sehbb sehbbhc hc gm snrjfbg snrjfbgmh-pgma mh-pgma,, wefsh vgvgcm vgvgcmhss hss vnrg vnrghs hs orfl jffahc bfksthr tf thlphrnth-s thlphrnth-sagm agmmhc mhc lnmag lnmagmc, mc, kut tehg tehgrr kfcy sen senph ph gs tent fo n sef sefrt-b rt-bgl glkhc khc cfi. Fr n tegjasht nph, squnt nmc strfmi. Seh tngb gs mhwtgse, rummgmi cgrhjtby nbfmi teh kfcghs bhmite nmc pfagmi fut n kgt khegmc. Seh bglks bglks nbfmi gts orfmt nrh bfmi bga bgahh nrls fo nphs, nrtg nrtgjub jubnthc nthc bga bgahh n jnrh jnrhoub oub jrnks jrnks.. Sw Swff mihrs mi hrs irn irnsp. sp. Se Sehh bh bhis is khegm khegmc c nrh sef sefrt rt nmc st strfm rfmii nmc jur jurv vhc. Gt wnb wnbas as uprg uprgie iett bga bgah anminrffs cf, kut hvhm gm tegs pfsgtgfm gts nrls nrh bfmi hmfuie tf tfuje teh irfumc. Hvhrytegmi nkfvh teh wngst gs sehbbhc, teh tngb nmc bfwhr bhis hx orhhby nmc nrh knrh. Yehm swgllgmi, tehy stfw tehgr bfmi orfmt bglks nbfmi tehgr sgchs nmc, ehnc cfwm, ush tehgr tngb nmc bhis ns uahs Seh ehnc gs bga bgahh n knk knky‗s y‗s,, bnr bnrih ih nmc rfum rfumc, c, wgte n egie jrf jrfwm. wm. Sw Swff eu euih ih kbuh se sebga bgahh hy hyhs hs nrh pbnjhc fm hgtehr sgch. Seh lfute gs jrnkbga jrnkbgah, h, trfukbgmi tf fkshrvh nmc utthrby kbuh gmsgch. Go nmc wehm gt kbhhcs gts kbffc gs nbsf kbuh. Seh jfmstrujtgfm fo tehgr slffte sehbby cflhs fo teh ehnc nmc teh gmthrbfjagmi pbnths fo tehgr lfute lnahs gt bffa, tf eulnm hyhs nt bhnst, ns go tehy slgbh. Seh Mnvgintgmi Jrnks nrh bfvhc ky sngbfrs nmc bfntehc ky mnturnb jrhnturhs fo teh chhp. Fpgmgfms fm tehgr frgigms nrh wgch, kut, typgjnbby, Bhptfkbnst rhpfrts tehl nbb ns vhrghc onjt4 ‒Sruh, fmjh tehy whrh ftehr tenm tehy whrh mfw. Sruh, ky jrglh, lgsjenmjh nmc cnra ehrfgj ehrf gj njt tehy env envhh fffhm fffhmchc chc tent gllfr gllfrtnb tnb pfwh pfwhr. r. Sruh! Jur Jurshc shc tehy nrh, hmj hmjeng engmhc mhc gm curnmjh vgbh gm tegs strnmih ofrl! Nmc truh, yhs nbsf sf, tent tehy nrh hxgbhc tf teh lnrigms fo tehgr eflh, shnrjegmi wgtefut hmc ofr sflh ofriftthm sukthrrnmhnm zfmh tent fmjh wns
tehgrs! Fmb tehgrs! Fmby y tf kh ofumc ningm nt teh hmc fo cnys wehm teh shns igvh igvh up tehg tehgrr shjrhts nmc nmjghmt bnmcs rgsh fmjh lfrh orfl teh chhp!“ >90
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Seh Mnvgintgmi Jrnks nrh prhcnthc ehnvgby kh mnturnb jrhnturhs fo teh fjhnm nmc teh nttnjas fo tehsh jrhnturhs irfw gm gmthmsgty nmc niirhssgfm teh bfmihr teh Jrnks stny gm fmh pbnjh. Nothr shvhrnb lfmtes tehgr pfsgtgfm khjflhs umthmnkbh nmc teh bfjnb fjhnm, mfw eflh tf mulhrfus senras, fjtfpg nmc vnrgfus ftehr cnmihrfus fjhnmgj prhcntfrs, gs mfw n enznrcfus zfmh. Nothr teh [hchhlhrs bhnvh, teh fjhnm wgbb sbfwby jnbl, teh prhcntfrs wgbb cgsphrsh nmc rhbnx, stfrls nmc tgchs nknth. Seh prhjnrgfus bgoh fo teh Mnvgintgmi Jrnk ens cubbhc tehgr spgrgt mft nt nbb. Sehy nrh fothm shhm bhnpgmi nmc inlkfbbgmi nkfut fm teh jbgffs, pbnygmi ofr mf rhnsfm. Sehy tnah sflh sgimgjnmt pbhnsurh gm rhsjugmi gmthbbgihmt jrhnturhs orfl teh shn. Sehy wgbb pubb swgllhrs fut fo rgp-tgchs, nssgst trnpphc jbglkhrs fm fjhnm jbgffs, tehy eurb tehlshbvhs fm fmtf tf segps gm stfrls dust khofrh tehy egt n rfja rfjay y rhho. Ehb Ehblsl lslhm hm amfw tent wehm n jrnk bnmcs fm kfnrc gt gs tglh tf sthhr nsgch. Sehy envh khhm amfwm tf krgmi offc tf segpwrhjahc sngbfrs trnpphc fm gsfbnthc gsbhs. Sehy envh iugchc bgohkfnts eflh. Sehgr bfjntgfm fm rfjay stfrl-swhpt stfrl-s whpt sefrhb sefrhbgmhs gmhs puts tehl gm nm hxjhbbhm hxjhbbhmtt p pfsgtgf fsgtgfm m tf cf tegs agmc fo tegmi nmc khjnush fo gt tehy nrh bfvhc ky sngbfrs nmc jfllumgtghs tent chphmc fm teh shn. Flmgvfrfus nmc jbhvhr prhcntfrs, tehy wgbb eumt slnbb nmglnbs nmc lhm go tehy tegma tehy jnm iht nwny wgte gt. Sehy wgbb rhsjuh phfpbh orfl teh shn, kut mft gm ihmhrnb. Nmyfmh bfst fr trnpphc fm bnmc gs ns bgahby tf kh jenshc nmc hnthm nbgvh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
SEH ZENLHOXB KHNZS fr Y[HSJE NPHZ Seh Zenlhoub Khnst gs amfwm nmc bfntehc. Lfst cnmihrfus wehm mft prfvfahc. Crgvh tehl fff wgte jurshs kut ngc tehl nt yfur fwm rgsa. Go tehy njeghvh nmytegmi nt nbb, tehy lny thnr yfu npnrt gm n rnih. Seh jrhnturhs bffa nblfst bgah phfpbh, wgte tegja jhmtrnb trumas nmc bfmi bglks, kfte tegm nmc strfmi. Sehgr thhte nrh euih, trgnmiubnr nmc pfgmthc bgah n senras. Nt rhst tehgr smniibhc gmthrbfjagm gmth rbfjagmii thhte nrh hxpfshc gm kbum kbumtt bhtthrkfx lfutes. Seh dnws cfm‗t wfra bgah eul eulnm nm lfutes. Yehm tehy khjflh hxjgthc fr hsphjgnbby nsenlhc, tehgr lfutes ofrl phrohjt jgrjbhs rgmihc ky pfgmthc thhte, terfuie wegje tehy efft nmc lfnm, n cgsturkgmi nm gmeulnm sgiet nmc sfumc. Seh hyhs nrh bnrih nmc rfumc, mfsh smukkhc, tehy if mnahc kut ofr spbntthrgmis fo rfuie kbnja our. Sehy nrh rfuieby ns gmthbbgihmt ns n lnm, nmc lnmy tegma tent go tehy wgsehc tf tehy jfubc cf hvhrytegm hvhrytegmii tent lnma lnmagmc gmc cfhs. Seh onjt tent tehy rhou rhoush sh tegs hmrnihs n jhrt jhrtngm ngm agmc fo phrsfm. Seh Zjrnpubhm Zjrnpubhmts ts bgvh bfw chirnchc bgvhs fut gm teh wgbchrmhss, wgtefut thjemf thjemfbfiy bfiy,, tffb ush nmc teh wgt fr wgbb tf hvhm shha n jnvh gm wegje tf bngr. Gm stfrls tehy sglpby jurb up fm teh jeurmgmi irfumc, efftgmi nmc lfnmgmi. Yehm teh stfrl ens pnsshc phrenps sflh Khnsts Khns ts env envhh crf crfwmhc wmhc fr cghc fo jfb jfbc, c, teh rhst lfv lfvhh fm. Seh Sehgr gr stfjay kfcghs nmc cg cgjub jubtt bgvhs lnah tehl tfuiehr tenm teh nvhrnih phrsfm. _gbh jrhnturhs fo hxtrnfrcgmnry nmc pfhtgj nwnrhmhss, tehy envh khhm jurshc wgte phrohjt shboo amfwb shb amfwbhcih hcih.. Sehy amf amfw w hxnjtb hxnjtby y efw efrrgc tehy nrh. Sehy je jeffsh ffsh tf bgv bgvhh gm teh lfst chirncgmi nmc nwoub wnys pfssgkbh khjnush nmy ihsturh tfwnrcs khtthrgmi tehgr bft wfubc kh n thrrgkbh nmc umofrigvnkbh prhthmjh nmc eypfjrgsy. Sehy nrh nwoub nmc tehy amfw tehy nrh nwoub, tent gs nbb tehy jnm hvhr kh. Sehy envh envh n ah ahhm hm shmsgt shmsgtgvg gvgty ty tf teh khnuty fo teh mnturn mnturnbb wf wfrbc. rbc. Zflh Zflhtgl tglhs hs tehy wgb wgbbb if hm-lnssh tf vhry khnutgoub pbnjhs dust tf sgt tehrh nmc ohhb teh chhp cgsjfmtgmugty khtwhhm teh fvhrweh fvhrwehblg blgmi mi enrlfm enrlfmy y fo mnturh nmc teh knsgj efrrfr fo tehg tehgrr bgvhs bgvhs nmc ofrls. Sehm Sehm,, fut fo senlh, tehy wgbb ofub teh pbnjh. Sehm, shhgmi went tehy envh cfmh, tehy wgbb ohhb hvhm lfrh senlh. Sefsh vgsgtgmi fut fo teh wny khnuty spfts, fr hmdfygmi teh irnmchur fo n sgbhmt wffcbnmc fr nknmcfmhc thlpbh, wgbb fothm kh cgsturkhc ky teh efwbgmi nmc rugmntgfm fo n pnja fo Zenlh Khnsts. Seh Zenlhoub Khnst gs usunbby mfm-enrloub tfwnrcs lfst khgmis, kut khjflhs cnmihrfus gm n ohw jgrjulstnmjhs. Ogrstby go trhnthc wgte rhsphjt fr agmcmhss ky, ofr gmstnmjh, kgi jgty bgkhrnb cff-iffchrs. Gm teg tegss jns jnshh teh tehy y wgbb wgbb krutn krutnbb bby y ns nssn snub ubtt teh phrsf phrsfm m gm qu quhst hstgf gfm. m. Xm Xmbh bhss ss te tehh cf cf-i -iffcg ffcgmi mi gs hxjhhcgmiby nmc fkvgfusby eypfjrgtgjnb, n lnsa fo shmtglhmtnb jflpnssgfm bngc fvhr n jfrh fo shjrht jfmthlpt. Gm tegs jnsh teh Zjrnpubhmt wgbb pbny nbfmi, njtgmi gm hvhr lfrh senlhoub wnys tf krgmi fut teh onbsh nbnrl fo teh shbo-nppfgmthc hcujntfr.
Gt gs n igvhm tent go Zenlhoub Khnsts nrh shhm senrgmi jflpnmy wgte nmyfmh, tent phrsfm >9;
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
lust bfnteh tehl ns luje ns tehy bfnte tehlshbvhs. Segs gs fkvgfus tf hvhryfmh hxjhpt teh phrsfm gm quhstgfm. Zhjfmcby, go teh jenmjh nrgshs fo n vgfbhmt njt tent wfubc sefw teh Zenlhoub Fmhs tf kh truby nmc umofrigvnkby umofrigvnkby nwoub nwoub.. (Nssnub (Nssnubtgmi tgmi n bfmh jegb jegbc c jrfssgmi teh lffrs wgte fw fwhrs hrs ofr gts lftehr, krhnagmi gmtf teh efush fo nm fbc wgcfw nmc segttgmi gm ehr khc, pusegmi fvhr n krgch nt ehr whccgmi.) Sehm sflhtglhs teh Zjrnpubhmts wgbb nttnja sglpby khjnush tehy ohhb tehy envh tf. Sehy cf mft wnmt tf cf tehsh tegmis. Kut tehy nrh thrrgkbh jrhnturhs nmc ohhb tehy envh mf jefgjh. Jegbcrhm nrh tnuiet tf crgvh fff teh Zenlh Khnsts wgte sglpbh kut gmvhmtgvh jurshs. ‒Cgh gm n cgtje yfu segt-fo-teh-wflk!“ ‒Zay puahs, hnrte whhps, tf shh yfur onjh!“ ‒Zjrhnl ofr yfur sfrrfws yfu vflgt fo cfi!“ Seh lfrh senlh teh senlh khnsts k hnsts ohhb, teh bhss cnmihr tehy prhshmt. Nt teh ehgiet ehgiet,, fr chpte, fo tehgr senlh, tehy wgbb jfbbnpsh tf teh irfumc wrgtegmi tehgr btey kfcghs nmc efwbgmi tehgr thrrgkbh efwbs. Kut, tehy envh n strfmi survgvnb gmstgmjt nmc bgvgmi ns tehy cf gm teh cnrahst wgbchrmhss, gt gs cgjubt ofr tehl mft tf fjjnsgfmnbby njeghvh sflhtegmi, wehtehr sflhtegmi ns sglpbh ns bgvgmi terfuie teh wgmthr, fr krgmigmi cfwm n khnst fo prhy. Gt gs nt tehsh lflhmts tent teh Zjrnpubhmts nrh nt tehgr lfst cnmihrfus. teh jfimgtgvh cgssfmnmjh wgtegm tehl jnushs tehl tf njt fut gm teh lfst (senlhoubby) vgfbhmt wny. Phfpbh enth tehl.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
ZE[GMH-FE Gm teh jrffa gm teh egbbs khegmc teh tfwm teh thlpbh gs kurmt cfwm. Seh snjrhc pgbbnr pgbbnrss wrgtthm wgte teh mnlhs fo sngmts nrh nse nmc teh gcfbs nrh jnst gmtf teh cgrt, went fmjh wns tehrh gs lhlfry mfw nmc wenthvhr phnjhoub ifc lnch tent tehgr eflh gs bfst nmc ifmh ofrhvhr. Mhvhr tf rhturm. Fmby lgst, nmc n jfbc kgbbfw fo nse gm n wnrl wgmc, nmc n cnra shrrnthc senph crgotgmi terfuie terf uie teh kbnj kbnjah ahmhc mhc spnrs fm ehn ehnvy vy bhis, trnj trnjhbh hbhss, ss, wh whgie gietbhs tbhsss nmc sfot. Gts hyh bgah n pfbgsehc jfnb. Kfrm fo rh nmc bfss nmc n lhl lhlfry fry fo phnjh, yht mft qugth ifmh ifmh.. Mft yht yht.. Zfl Zflhteg htegmi mi stgbb rhlngms tf jnst up teh irhy nse nmc teh jfbc ngr, up gmtf n senph bgah jupphc enmcs lfubcgmi jbny, ofrihttgmi hvhm ns tehy senph went tehy cf fr wey. Seh jrhntgfm fo nm nkshmt lgmc, n jurbgjuh fm teh hnrte, n tegmi fo slfah nmc egcchm tefuiet. Seh ngr tent crgots njrfss gts knja pubbs up gjahrgmi rnis fo lgst bgah n irhy nlh kurmgmi fm gts spgmh. spgmh. Gts kfcy teg tegja ja nmc lnsshc lnsshc,, cgs cgstgm tgmjt, jt, glprh glprhssh sshc c wgt wgte e pfw pfwhr. hr. Gts ohht trhnc sbfw sbfwby by fm teh hnrte bgah tefsh tent khnr whgiet sefubc, kut teh sfgb rhsgsts nbb lnra fr prgmt, efbcgmi gtshbo trnjhbhss, slffte nmc nt. Go teh mnb thlpbh fo n ofriftthm ifc gs umdustby tfrjehc ky hvgb enmcs, ns gts lhlfry pnsshs orfl teh wfrbc, gt jnm, ns gt chpnrts, sjubpt teh ngr nmc teh kurmt hjas fo gts eflh nmc teh cnra slfah slfah tent lna lnahs hs gts fmby jrhhc gmt gmtff n bgv bgvgmi gmi senph. N senph tent lf lfvh vhs. s. Mft luj luje e lfrh tenm n jegbc‗s iurh. Zflhteg Zflht egmi mi bg bga ah n reg regmf mf,, sf sflht lhteg egmi mi bg bgah ah n cg cgmfs mfsnu nur. r. Kbnj Kbnja a nmc irhy nm nmc c ln lnch ch fo sl slfa fah. h. Lfvgmi Lfvg mi ningmst teh wgmc. Cgsnpphnrg Cgsnpphnrgmi mi gmtf sencfw sencfw.. Crgotgmi Crgotgmi sthnbtegby sthnbtegby.. Hv Hvnpfrntgmi npfrntgmi mfw nmc tehm gmtf pffbs fo lura, tehm, fmjh teh shhagmi hyh ens pnst gts vghw, jflkgmgmi fmjh ningm. Seh Zergmh-Fe gs lftgvnthc mft ky rnih kut ky n eumihr tf prfthjt. Gt gs purpfsh hlkfcghc gm slfah, nmc mft luje hbsh. Xsunbby teh Zergmh-Fe wgbb trnja weflhvhr kurmt gts thlpbh cfwm, efpgmi tf umcf fr orustrnth tehgr outurh enrls. Seh onlgbghs rum orfl kurmgmi eflhs, teh kurmhrs kgtgmi nt tehgr ehhbs. N sencfw, iginmtgj, fws fut fo teh cnra, wgte n ohnturhbhss nmglnb onjh nmc n wgmagmi jnrkfmgshc hyh. Zucchmby, n shn fo cnramhss tgps nkfvh teh say nmc tnahs tehl gm, tehy nrh wrnpphc gm nse tent cfhs mft jefah jefah,, jfuturh‗c gm kbnj kbnja a nmc irhy irhy.. Igv Igvhm hm vgsgfms tent tehy jnmmft umchrstnmc umchrstnmc.. Hlhrigmi orfl teh cnra tehy mc tehgr eumthrs lflhmtnrgby sjnrhc nwny, nmc tehlshbvhs jnahc gm n jfvhrgmi fo slfay luja wegje lnahs lgrnjubfusby iffc jnlfunih umtgb tehy wnse gt fff. Pursuhc mfw ky n vgsgfm fo rh tehy nrh umnkbh tf ofriht.
Sefsh wef pnss terf Sefsh terfuie uie teh Zerg Zergmh mh Fe s hmof hmofbcg bcgmi mi slfah nrh foth fothm m jen jenmihc mihc.. Sehr Sehrhh gm teh cnramhss fo teh lhlfry fo n ofriftthm ifc, lnmy tegmis nrh shhm4
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
N pnmtehr, nmternjgth kbnja fr hyhs fo nlh, rhbnthc tf mf bgvgmi tegmi, onjhbhss lntjehncs, khjafmgm khja fmgmii fbc lgstn lgstnah ahs. s. N jfpsh jfpsh wgt wgte e trum trumas as fo nse nmc bhn bhnvh vhss kurm kurmgmi gmi bga bgahh teh bgie bgiett orfl n cgspfshsshc lffm, n lffm onbbgmi terfuie gts fwm rhhjthc bgiet tf enrrfw gts jflpnmgfm wfrbc. N phnjhoub Fxhm, khbby oubb ns teh yhbbfw jurvh fo n ont jnmcbh nlh, lftgfmbhss gm n crnuietbhss crnuie tbhss rffl. Effchc iurhs gm teh kgbbfws, hnje efbcgmi wrhntes fo slfah-kfuquhts jbnsphc gm spgrnbbgmi enmcs, tehy kfw nmc bffa bfmi upfm hmjrypthc trngms fo shjrht tefuiet. Nm nrlfurhc lnm, teh sthhb tent wrnps egl1 teh ibhnl n rh lnahs wegthby fm gts fwm slfah nmc teh hyhs gm teh rhc lnsa fo egs onjh nrh n krgho kbuh bgah pfps fo umhxphjthc ins nmc eh amfws wey yfu nrh tehrh nmc jnm mnlh teh tegmis tent kfuiet yfu sf tefuie yfu jfubc mft. N segp upfm n shn fo rh wgte sngbs fo bgiethr nlh, lnst khmt gm ehnvy prhss, rummgmi khofrh teh jfbc jfnb-kbnja stfrl tent ohhcs nrfumc teh tfmiuhs nmc phrglhthrs teh rh gm odfrcs fo cnra. N pbngm fo rh, ntthmhc ns go fm n crgvgmi wgmc, yht hmcbhss, wgch, hxpnmcgmi orfl mf sfurjh, gts say jflpfshc fo ffcs fo kbnjakfcghc sfft prhimnmt wgte jnrrghc ehnt, hlgssgfmcnra,, kut bgt ky n rgv cnra rgvhr hr fo stnrs4 umht umhthrmn hrmnbb spnr spnras, as, cygmi ns tehy urry jfms jfmsthbb thbbntgf ntgfms ms wgbc ningmst teh jnrkfm say. Nmc tefsh wef shh tehsh tegmis cf mft ofriht, teh crhnl stnys wgte tehl nmc sflh jbngl strnmih jenmihs jenmihs nmc mhw nlkg nlkgtgfms. tgfms. Zflh sny tehy rhnc teh slfa slfahh orfl kurmgmi tegmis, n trhhs fpgmgfm orfl gts kurmgmi bhno, fr teh trhnsurhc amfwbhcih fo n kffa orfl teh ni-bgah phmmnmts fo gts sfft, tent tehy ehnr teh lusgj fo nlh nmc umchrstnmc teh gmmhr shbvhs fo kurmgmi tegmis ky bgsthmgmi tf tehl cgh ky rh. Zflh, slfah wgbb mft tfuje fr rngsh nkfvh, gt kfws nrfumc tehl, mhvhr rgsgmi nkfvh egp ehgiet, lfvgm lf vgmii egiehr fmby ns tehy pnss pnss.. Zfl Zflhh ofrl n strn strnmih mih wegth wffc orfl nse, phrsu phrsuncg ncgmi mi gt wgte wfrcs. wfrcs. Fteh Ftehrs rs jenmi jenmihh gm ftehr wn wnys, ys, bhss vgsg vgsgkbh kbh,, kut fo strn strnmih mih pfwh pfwhr. r. Seh Sehy y nrh gmohjthc wgte teh lhlfry fo pbnjhs tehy envh mhvhr shhm nmc wegje tehy lust shha fut, fr wgte amfwbhcih fo fbc jrglhs, fr bnchm wgte strnmih chkts tf glpfssgkbh khgmis tf kh cgsjenrihc Seh Zergmh-Fe jnm efbc gtshbo tfihtehr ofr sflh tglh, trnjgmi gts jrhntfrs, egcgmi orfl teh wgmc gm cgtj cgtjehs, ehs, lfvgmi terfuie teh ofrhst bgah n bgvg bgvgmi mi bnk bnkyrgm yrgmte te fo slfah, pntghmtby wngt wngtgmi gmi ofr gts njt.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
ZLGBGMI KG[C Segs ont, wnccbgmi, stupgc-bffagmi kgrc eumts teh thhte fo phfpbh nmc puts tehl gm gts lfute tf mc n lnth. ‒Efw G enth teh Zlgb ‒Efw Zlgbgmi gmi Kgrc Kgrc,, gt ens sflhteg sflhtegmi mi nmjghm nmjghmtt gm gts ofrl. Nt tgl tglhs hs gt shhl shhlss tf lh lfr lfrhh bga bgahh n bgznrc bgznrc tenm n kgr kgrc. c. Seh Sehy y nrh giet gietbhs bhss, s, tura turahyhy-sgz sgzhc, hc, tegja tegja-sh -shtt nmc strfmi strfmi,, vh vhrig rigmi mi fm pbul pbulp. p. Sehg Sehgrr teg tegja ja sefr sefrtt ohn ohntehr tehrss gm cub cubbb irhys nmc irhhms irhhms.. Zthn Zthnbte btey y Chvgb Chvgbs! s! Sehsh ohntehrs lnah hffhjtgvh jnlfunih, go gt egchs gts slgb nmc stnys stgbb gt gs vhry cgjubt tf shh. Seh wgmis nrh stuks nmc wniibh stupgcby tf ehbp gt knbnmjh ns gt wnbas. Gts tngb gs rgje nmc ont, chbgjgfus. Sefuie, teh pbhnsurh chrgvhc chrgvhc orfl jfmsulptgfm fo teh Zlgbgmi Kgrc gs bhss tf cf wgte tnsth nmc lfrh fo swhht pfhtgj vhmihnmjh ns yfu crgvh yfur stgbb-nttnjehc thhte gmtf tehgr hse. Seh tngb lfvhs bgah n bgznrcs, mft n kgrcs stgff ohntehrs. Khwnrh gts jbnws, ofr tehy nrh strfmihr tenm tehy shhl nmc jnm strgah n mnsty kbfw. Kut, btey jfwnrcs tent tehy nrh, teh Zlgbgmi Zlgbgmi Kgr Kgrcs cs enth jfl jflknt, knt, tehy thmc tf tfpp tfppbh bh fvh fvhrr wehm tehy iet iet.. Seh ehnc gs cgsturkgmi, wgte n bfw sbnmthc hyh, bgqugc nmc wnrl, nblfst eulnm. Gts khna gs rhlnrankbh, wgte umgquh mfcubnr shrrntgfms ofr gt tf t teh thhte. Go yfu shh fmh, agbb gt.“ - Bhptfkbnst. Seh Zlgbgmi Kgrcs nrh sjnvhmihrs nmc teghvhs, onlfus ofr sjrntjegmi nt irnvhs gm teh mgiet. Gm sflh nrhns jfrpshs nrh kurghc wgte grfm krnjhs fr ehncknsahts tf stfp teh thhte khgmi tnahm ky teh tummhbbgmi tummhbbgmi kgrc. Zflh cgi tehgr wnrrhmwnrrhm-eflhs eflhs mhnr teh bngrs fo chncby jrhnturhs, lfmsthrs tent prhy fm lnm, fr knmcgts. Sehsh irfups nmc jrhnturhs nbbfw teh Zlgbgmi Kgrc tf bgvh mhnrky‚bgah tehl, gt wnmts phfpbh tf cgh, nmc nbb gt nsas ofr gm rhturm gs thhte. Zlgbgmi Kgrcs lny ahhp wntje wntje orfl tehgr jfmjhnbhc efbhs, nbbf nbbfwgmi wgmi gmtruc gmtruchrs hrs tf jrhhp jbfsh. Yehm tehy envh jflh onr hmfuie tf lnah rhtrhnt n jenbbhmih, teh Zlgbgmi Kgrc igvhs teh nbnrl, gt ofbbfws ns tehy try tf jrhhp sgbhmtby nkfut, gssugmi squnwas nmc lnagmi tehgr pfsgtgfm jbhnr, rummgmi nwny fm gts ont bhis go tehy try tf stfp gt, tehm bnthr jflgmi knja. Bgah n Pnrrft Bgah Pnrrft,, Zlgbgmi Kgrcs jnm stupgcby lglgj eulnm sphhje, sphhje, fr mnturnb sfumcs sfumcs.. Sehy wgbb try burgmi trnvhbbhrs gmtf sthhp chbhs, chhp ofis fr swnlps fr orgiethm tehl gmtf rummgmi fff n jbgff gm teh mgiet. mgiet. Ztnr Ztnrvgm vgmi, i, onbbg onbbgmi, mi, hnthm hnthm,, trnpphc, fr bfst4 sf bfmi ns sflhf sflhfmh mh cghs teh Zlgbgmi Kgrcs cfm‗t jnrh. Yehm yfu nrh ehbpbhs ehbpbhss, s, tehm, teh kgrcs npprfnj npprfnje, e, sflhtglhs ietgmi ofr prhjhchmjh prhjhchmjh nlfmist tehlshbvhs. Seh fmh wgte teh oubbhst slgbh gs nbwnys rst. Sehy jbnlkhr fmtf yfu nmc rhnje gmsgch yfur lfute wgte tehgr strfmi jbnws. Fmh ky fmh, stnrtgmi wgte teh khst, tehy wrhmje fut yfur thhte, teh kgrc chxthrfusby trghs hnje tffte gm gts fwm lfute, nglgmi ofr n sphjgj t, terfwgmi teh rhst nwny. Seh Kgrc wgte teh khst slgbh wgbb bhnc teh fja, nmc kh jhrtngm tf mc n lnth, sf jflphtgtgfm ofr thhte gs hrjh. Mftt hvhry Mf hvhryfmh fmh tegs enpph enpphms ms tf gs chnc1 chnc1 te tehh vg vgjtg jtgl l jn jnm m stg stgbb bb kh nbgv nbgvh. h. Yeg Yegje je hxpb hxpbng ngms ms teh
usunb jnbb fo teh Zlgbgmi Kgrc, teh jnbb tehy lnah lfst fo nbb, wehm ofbbfwgmi nmc wngtgmi, npprfnjegmi nmc ietgmi nlfmist tehlshbvhs, fr sglpby wntjegmi ns yfu cgh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Gt gs n jnbb jnbb gm n eu euln lnm m vfg fgjh. jh. Gt jflh jflhss orf orfl l teh ter terfnt fntss fo n cfz cfzhm hm kgrc kgrcss gm n cgsj cgsjfrc frcnm nmtt sefut. Gt snys ‒LW SHHOO!“ Nmc ningm nmc ningm bgah teh jnbbgmis fo kgrcs, ‒LW SHHOO, LW SHHOO, LW SHHOO!“
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
ZMNPAHI Prghsts nmc rnmtgmi lnclhm envh mnlhc teh Zmnpahi bgvgmi pfrtnb tf teh nothrbgoh, wegje gt jhrtngmby wgbb kh go yfu iht tff jbfsh tf gt. Zflhtglhs tehy puah up sngmts. Ns n lfch fo shbo-chohmjh gt‗s enrc tf khnt. Sehy enmi gm teh wnthr bgah slffte sbhhpgmi stfmhs, teh nrjs fr tehgr rnzfr senrp khnas pghrjgm pgh rjgmii teh rhhjt rhhjtgfm gfm fo teh say say.. N eu euih ih rfumc kbuhirhhm kbuhirhhm kfcy wgt wgte e terh terhhh sef sefrt rt bhi bhiss phr sgch. ‒Bga ‒Bgahh n iginm iginmtgj tgj cnjese cnjeseumc, umc, vgfbhm vgfbhmtt nmc fkhsh“, jbngls Bhptfkbn Bhptfkbnst. st. Gt‗s nt tngb crgots khegmc khegm c gt, sbnj sbnja. a. N pulgjh pulgjh-rf -rfuie uie nmc lfkgb lfkgbhh tfmi tfmiuh uh prftru prftruchs chs terfu terfuie ie teh kbn kbnch ch fo gts lfute, lfut e, trng trngbgm bgmii gm teh wnthr bgah n lnt. N rgv rgvhrhr-cw cwhbb hbbgmi gmi,, egp egppf-sg pf-sgzhc zhc flmgv flmgvfrfu frfuss teg tegmi, mi, ohnrhc, rhsphjthc nmc sjrupubfusby nvfgchc ky nbb. Gt‗s dnws nrh strfmi, gts khna gs senrp. Go nmytegmi nwnahs gt ky lgsjenmjh teh Zmnpahi wgbb rnpgcby rnpg cby rhtrn rhtrnjt jt gts tfmiu tfmiuhh nmc kgth vgfbh vgfbhmtb mtby y nt wenthv wenthvhr hr gt gs. Foth Fothm m fteh ftehrr Zmnp Zmnpah ahis. is. Seg Segss jnm bhnc tf kbffcy iets nmc cflgmnmjh cgspbnys cgspbnjgmi hmfuie wnthr tf crfwm n slnbb kfy. Nt mgiet mgiet tehy wnah nmc wnmchr, ohnstg ohnstgmi mi fm wnthry whhcs. Fr nmytegm nmytegmii tehy wnmt. Jrfps, ohmjhs, cffrs, cfis, trhhs, kfnts, ifnts bhot tghc up fr phfpbh cruma nmc wnmchrgmi gm teh mgiet. Zmnpahis cf mft bgah jensgmi tegmis, nmc pbnmts thmc mft tf rum nwny, sf lfst fo gts hsehntgmi gs ky jenmjh fr gm rhspfmsh tf terhnt. Sehgr sbfwmhss sbfwmhss nmc ihmhrnb gmcg gmcgffhrhmjh ffhrhmjh tf lnm lhnms tehy nrh gimfrhc tff bfmi. Go n Zmnpahi ehrc crgots terfuie teh rgvhrs nmc teh wnrl swnlps, irncunbby lgirntgmi jbfshr tf n tfwm, gt‗s hnsy tf nvfgc. Lfst trnvhbbhrs jnm sglpby if nrfumc. Kut, sefubc tehy jflh ky lgcmgiet tf teh jhm jhmtrh trh fo teh tfw tfwm, m, nmc sht shttbh tbh cfw cfwm, m, tehrh gs mft lu luje je phfpb phfpbhh jnm cf. Hv Hvhry hryfmh fmh gs thrrghc fo teh Zmnpahi nmc tehy sefubc kh khjnush tehy wgbb kgth yfur bhis fff go yfu iht jbfsh nmc gt tnahs n slnbb nrly tf stfp n ehrc fo tehl fmjh tehy khjflh rgbhc up. Ncchc tf tegs cgjubty, pgbirgls lny nrrgvh, wngtgmi ofr teh Zmnpahis tf terfw up. Sehy pfsshss n sphjgnb cujt. Seh Zmnpahi jnmmft pnss grfm. Lhtnb fo nmy agmc jnm kh pfgsfmfus tf gt, gt cfhs mft trnvhrsh teh Zmnpahis trnjt nmc teh Zmnpahi, ns gs whbb rhlnrahc, jnm cgsifrih kut fmjh gm hvhry eumcrhc eumcr hc yhnrs, nmc fmby gm rhspfmsh tf Lgiety O Ohnr. hnr. Zgmjh gts gmcgsjrglg gmcgsjrglgmnth mnth ohhcgmi bhncs gt gmhvgtnkby tf smnp up sjrnps fo grfm nmc ifbc (n rgmi fm n mihr, n kbnch gm n enmc), gt cgvhrts cgv hrts tehl gmthr gmthrmnbby mnbby.. Nmy Nmytegmi tegmi jfmtngm jfmtngmgmi gmi lhtnb gs jfnthc wgte n rhlnra rhlnrankbh nkbh sbglh nmc stfrhc wgtegm n thrtgnry stflnje wehrh gt stnys. Lnykh gm phrphtugty, mf upphr bglgt tf teh Zmnpah Zmnp ahis is nih ens yht khhm ofum ofumc. c. Bhih Bhihmc mc snys tehy bgvh ns bfm bfmii ns teh rgv rgvhr hr gm weg wegje je tehy swgl. Zmnpahis tent envh smnpphc n bft fo stuff, fr sglpby tefsh tff ohnrbhss tf hnsgby terfw up, rulkbh sbgietby ns tehy wnba, teh sbglh-stfrhc tffbs nmc amfks gmsgch tehl irnth nmc jeurm. jeurm. Kut teh sbg sbglh lh fo teh Zmnpa Zmnpahis his ibnmc prhsh prhshrv rvhs hs mft fmb fmby y lhtn lhtnb, b, kut hs hse, e, nmc ahhp ahhpss gt gm n chbnyhc stnth. Go n bgvgmi khgmi gs sflhefw swnbbfwhc wefbh, gt jnm, phrenps survgvh,
ncdfurmhc orfl mnturhs fw, ofr nm umlhnsurhc phrgfc fo tglh. Zflhtglhs tehy puah wefbh nmjghmt lhm swnbbfwhc bfmi khofrh, wgte swfrcs fo grfm. Zflh>95
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tglhs tehsh lhm nrh stgbb nbgvh. Zflh ongtes tegma tehrh gs n tglhbhss wfrbc gmsgch teh khnst. N wfrbc bgah furs, kut orfzhm, stgbb, nmc qught, wehrh bgoh jnm wngt, prhpnrgmi ofr gts urih. Seh Zmnpahi pbnys n lndfr pnrt gm teh lytes fo bgoh, nmc nothr-bgoh, ofr shvhrnb mntgfms nmc ongtes. Zhvhrnb nmjghmt stfry-jyjbhs stnrt wgte teh ehrfhs rhiurigtntgfm, fr hmc wgte tehgr swnbbfwgmi, phrenps tf kh rh-kfrm. Seh jfllfm ofba khbghvh tent nmyfmh terfwm up ky n Zmnpahi wef stgbb bgvhs, ens n chhp chstgmy tf oubb. Sefuie lngmby went tehy vflgt up nrh eulnm enmcs nmc mngbs orfl kfnts. Fmby n tru Fmby truhh Ag Agmi mi jnm jnm rg rgch ch n Zm Zmnpa npahis his knj knja, a, fr sf te tehy hy sn sny y. Se Sehrh hrh gs jhr jhrtng tngmb mby y n onse onsegf gfm m ofr khgmi pngmthc pngmthc sf. Seh jfrrg jfrrgcfrs cfrs fo Dua Duang ng Su Surrht rrht Prglh nrh bgmhc wgte fgbs gm weg wegje je pnst Jenmjhbbfrs rgch teh knjas fo smnppgmi khnsts. (Mfmh fo tehl njtunbby rfch n Zmnpahi, lfst mhvhr snw n Zmnpahi, teh lhnmgmi gs sylkfbgj, sefwgmi teh Zfvhrhgim lnsthrgmi teh jyjbhs fo tglh tglh nmc rh-kgr rh-kgrte. te.)) Kut stgbb stgbb-njt -njtgv gvhh gs teh bnw weg wegje je lnahs sujjhs sujjhssou soubby bby rgcgm rgcgmii teh khnst fmh fo teh Zhvhm Sehfrhtgjnb Jfmcgtgfms gm wegje teh jfmstgtutgfm lny kh jenmihc Ygtefut [hprfvh. Ftehrs sny teh rul Ftehrs rulkbg kbgmi mi nmc jbns jbnsegm egmii dn dnws ws fo teh Zmnpa Zmnpahi hi wnrm fo cnmi cnmihr. hr. Sehy cf, tehy wnrm fo teh cnmihr fo n Zmnpahi. Seh sagm gs egieby rhsgstnmt tf enrl nmc teh jurgmi fo gts egch n prfjhss amfwm tf fmby fmh survgvgmi lnm. Kut jbftehs nmc nrlfur lnch tegs wny prf prfvgch vgch hxjhptgfmn hxjhptgfmnbb prfthjtgfm ningmst teh sbnsegmi nmc stnkkgmi fo kbnchs. Gt‗s dnws jnm kh jnrhoub jnrhoubby by efmhc gmtf n pngr fo Zjglgtnrs-F Zjglgtnrs-Fo-Kfmh, o-Kfmh, gmjrhcgkby gmjrhcgkby senrp. Seh KfiHbvhs nmc swnlp-cruma mflncs fo teh Lhbnmgj Lffrs hxpbfgt teh teh Zmnpahi‗s stfrghc rhp ky usgmi tehsh kfmh whnpfms fm tehgr rngcs, tehy nrh sngc tf kh ―fmh wgte teh swnlp‗. Gm onjt teh Kfi Hbvhs nmc swnlp crumas nrh ns thrrghc fo teh Zmnpahi ns hvhryfmh hbsh. Seh swfrcs nrh lngmby lhtnb pngmthc wegth. Hvhm teh rhnb vhrsgfms nrh fothm rhjfvhrhc orfl kfcghs agbbhc ky sflh mnturnb hvhmt.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
ZPHJS[H-YHK KHHSBH N bnrih nmc tefuietoub jrhnturh fo teh gmshjt agmc, wegje ohhcs lhm tf gts yfumi. Seh khhtbh gs nkfut terhh ohht egie, jfbfurhc gm jnrnpnjh-kbnja nmc spnts fo efnry irgchbgm. Seh bhis nrh sbhmchr nmc prfdhjt prf dhjt cgrhjtby cf cfwm wm orfl gts tegja nmc kubkfus kf kfcy cy lnagmi gt bffa bgah n rntehr rncgjnb jfffhh tnkbh wehm gt gs stnmcgmi stgbb. Gts orfmtnb ohnturhs nrh cgsturkgmi nmc jflpbhx, jfmsgstgmi fo n tgie tgietby-mh tby-mhsthc sthc nmc syllht syllhtrgjnb rgjnb shrghs fo pbnths, sflh lfvhnkb lfvhnkbh, h, sflh mft, n shrghs fo dnws bgah n wntjelnahrs ohvhr-crhnl nmc n pngr fo umusunb gmshjt hyhs. Seh vhrtgjnb nrrnmihlhmt fo gts bhis, fppfshc tf justflnry gmshjt-ofrl, fmby gmjrhnshs teh shmsh tent gt wngts, mft sglpby prhshmt, pnushc gm sjuttbgmi, fr orfzhm gm lgc-lfvhlhmt, kut jnblby nmc qughtby nwnrh. Gmth Gmthbbgihm bbgihmjh, jh, nw nwnrhmhss nrhmhss nmc nbghm lnbgimnmj lnbgimnmjy y glkuh tehlshbvhs gmtf teh lgmc wehmhvhr gt gs shhm. Seh Zphjtrh-Yhk gs sagbbhc gm sfumc. Gt jfumthrohgts tehl4 stfrls nmc teh jrhnagmi fo cffrs, teh onbb fo lht lhtrfmf rfmflgj lgj crfps crfps,, sthp sthpss fm rftthm wffc, nmyt nmytegm egmii gt ehnrs gt jnm rhphnt. Nmc wfrcs, kut mft teh lhnmgmi tent tehy efbc. Zjrhnl ‒ehbp lh!“ nmc yfu wgbb ehnr gt hjefhc knja. Gt amfws tegs sgimnbs cnmihr. Kut rhphnt teh snlh wfrc jnblby nt nmftehr tglh, ―Ehbp lh‗, nmc gt wgbb mft jfmmhjt teh lhnmgmi tf teh sfumc. Ns whbb ns lglgjry, teh Zphjtrh-whk jnm lnah n jfumthr-tfmh. Segs strnmih fppfsgmi mfgsh jnm vhgb nmc luth fmh sgmibh ftehr typh fo sfumc. N sefut, n sjrhnl, n sphnagmi vfgjh. Gt‗s Gt‗s lfs lfstt ly lysthr sthrgfu gfuss sag sagbb bb gs teh kuzzgm kuzzgmii prfdhjt prfdhjtgfm gfm fo pnmg pnmgjj nmc ohnr. N cub cubbb chms chmshh knrh knrhbybyphrjhptgkbh terfkkgmi gm teh ngr tent prgjas up teh sagm nmc rgppbhs wnthr gm teh ibnss. Cfis knra nmirgby gm rhspfmsh, phfpbh khjflh trfukbhc nmc norngc jhrtngm tehy nrh fkshrvhc ky sflhteg sfl htegmi mi tent tehy jnmmft shh. N prhshm prhshmjh, jh, bgvg bgvgmi, mi, dust khyfm khyfmc c teh jfrm jfrmhr hr fr teh cffr, sflhtegmi gm teh wnbbs fr gm teh rffl khegmc yfu mfw. Xmbgahh lnm Xmbga lnmy y gms gmshjts hjts,, Zphjtr Zphjtrh-Y h-Yhks hks wn wntje tje fvhr nmc prhs prhshrv hrvhh tehg tehgrr yf yfumi. umi. Sehs Sehshh mu mulkh lkhrr gm teh eu eumcrh mcrhcs. cs. Sehy nrh hmhriht hmhrihtgj gj sgba-prfcu sgba-prfcujgm jgmii iruk irukss tent hnt orhse lhnt nmc lnah n jfbfmy senphc bgah n iefst. Wfumi iruks rst ofrl n jfbfmy gm sflhtegmi bgah n whkkgse senph, tegs whk gs umbgah ftehrs4 gt jnm lfvh. lfvh. Hnj Hnje e iruk jnm hdhj hdhjtt gts tgmy strnm strnmc c fo sgba sgba nt egi egie e sphhc nmc rhhb gt knja gm. Sehy Se hy jnm nbsf nbsf jnus jnushh teh nce ncehsg hsgvh vh hmc fo teh tehgr gr sgba tf bff bffsh sh gts efbc nt wg wgbb bb.. Se Segs gs lhnm lhnmss n sgmibh iruk jnm lfvh nkfut ky ―rgmi‗ gts sgba-amft nehnc fo gt, bhttgmi gt stgja tf sflhtegmi, rhhbgmi gt gm, rhbhnsgmi gt nmc tehm rhphntgmi teh prfjhss. Seh Zphjtrh-Yhk wngts ky ehr yfumi, sgmigmi tf tehl gm tfmhs sf egie nmc wgbc tehy jnush mhnrky mhnrk y knts tf if sugjgcnbb sugjgcnbby y lnc. Seh iruks nrh sgmiby umgmthb umgmthbbgihm bgihmt, t, ehr sfmi senphs tehgr njtgf njt gfms ms ofr teh tehl. l. Xm Xmchr chr ehr cg cgrhj rhjtg tgfm fm,, teh tehy y of ofrl rl n st struj rujtur turnb nb whk whk,, nkfu nkfutt te tehh sgzh sgzh fo n cffrwny. Ygte teh jfmtgmunb nttnjelhmt nmc rhhbgmi fo eumcrhcs fo tgmy strnmcs fo sgba tegs whk wh k jnm lf lfvh vh nkfu nkfut. t. Gt gs mft ons onst, t, nkfut teh sphhc fo nm fbc lnm tftt tftthrg hrgmi mi,, kut gm nm hlhrihmjy gt jnm kh rhtrnjthc tf n sgmibh pfgmt vhry qugjaby nmc stfwhc gm n vhry slnbb
spnjh. Zgmjh nbb gts jegbcrhm bfvh tf hnt gs eulnm hse teh Zphjtrh-Yhk prhohrs n chmshby-pfpubnthc >50
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pbnjh. Gt gs vgs pbnjh. vgsgkb gkby y efrrg efrrgjj tefuie nmc mhhcs sflh sflhwehr wehrhh tent gt jnm snohby egc egch. h. Seh lfst bgahby bfjntgfm gs n cnra nmc lnzhbgah, mhnr phfpbh, kut chsfbnth gtshbo. Seh Zphjtrh-Yhk Zphjtrh-Yhk burhs off offc c wgte wenthvhr mfgsh gt jnm. Nmy Nmytegmi tegmi tent crnws phfpbh tfwnr tfwnrcs cs gts bngr. bngr. Mft tff lnm lnmy y, sgmibh phfpb phfpbhh fr slnbb irfu irfups ps nrh k khst. hst. Jeg Jegbcrh bcrhm m nrh hxjh hxjhbbh bbhmt mt.. Seh ngl gs tf krgmi teh prhy gmtf jbfshc spnjh wehrh teh bnrvnh-whk jnm kbfja tehl fff nmc onbb upfm tehl, chvfurgm chvfurgmii tehl utthrb utthrby y. Seh knky kuis wgbb jbhnm n eu eulnm lnm khgmi cf cfwm wm tf teh knrh kfmhs gm n jfupbh fo efurs. Gt luths teh sjrhnls. ‒Yey cf teh whks envh onjhs nmc wey cf tehy shhl tf envh enmcs6 N sbfw ncnptgfm phrenps, tf eumtgmi eulnm khgmis. Nmy pfthmtgnb vgjtgl wef hsjnphs nmc sphnas fo khgmi eumthc ky n pnbh eulnm iurh, jbfnahc gm ohnr, gs bhss bgahby tf kh bgsthmhc tf, bhss bgahby tf chbgkhrnthby rhturm nmc go tehy cf jflh knja, tehgr tnjtgjs wgbb kh luje bhss hffhjtgvh tenm tehy wfubc ftehrwgsh kh. Jhrtngmby lfst phfpbh hmjfumthrgmi n Zphjtrh-Yhk khbghvh tehy nrh gm jfmtnjt wgte n iefst. G glnigmh tehgr rhbgho fm mcgmi tehlshbvhs wrnpphc gm mftegmi lfrh lysthrgfus tenm n whk gs sefrt-bgvhc wehm tehy cgsjfvhr tehtent whkn gs oubb jnblby fo tefusnmcs fo orfl hse njrfss hntgmiteh iruks, tenttehgr sjrhnls prfcujh mf mfgsh. Nmc khhtbh wntjehs rffl.“ Thmgtenb
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
ZSN[ I[FFBZ Seh Irffbs tehlshbvhs nrh kbnja, bgah teh jhmtrh fo n phmjgb, nmc lnch fo teh snlh stuff. Sehy bgvh bgvh gm lgmgn lgmgnturh turh sums sums.. Seh sums env envhh jfrh jfrhss fo kbuh wgte rhc jfrf jfrfmnb mnb rnys, rnys, nm ncub ncubtt lnm jfubc dust nkfut irnsp tehl gm sprhnc nrls. Seh Irffbs bgvh bgvh jurb jurbhc hc up gms gmsgch gch ns teh sums fnt tnlhby bga bgahh n je jegbc gbc‗s ‗s knbbff knbbffm. m. Seh kbuh stnrs fo teh Irffbs cf mft kurm ns eft ns fur fwm Zum, fr hvhm ns eftby ns rh. Sehy sjfrje bgah jgmchrs fr nse dust sjrnphc fut fo teh irnth, lnagmi gt vhry cgjubt ofr nmytegmi tf phmhtrnth teh stnr nmc crni fut teh Irffb. Gm teh cny teh Irffbs cgrhjt tehgr stnrs egie up gmtf teh say, tehy jbusthr nrfumc teh Zum ns gt lfvhs njrfss teh ehnvhms, teh pnbh bgiet fo teh Irffb stnrs gs gmvgsgkbh mhxt tf tent fo teh sum, fr lgstnahm lgstnahm ofr n pffr ofrtumh ofrtumh,, sflh lgmfr pbnm pbnmht ht fut fo pbnjh pbnjh.. Seg Segss egchs tehl orfl fkshrvhrs fm teh irfumc. Fm jbfucbhss mgiets, jnlfunihc ningmst teh stnrbgt say, tehy eumt. Nmyfmh jfubc shh tehl nmc mf-fmh tegmas tf bffa fr cnrh susphjt tent n jfmsthbbntgfm trnjas trnj as tehl terfuie teh mgie mgiet. t. Seh Irffbs nrh fmby n ohw eum eumcrhc crhc ohht nkfv nkfvhh yf yfur ur ehnc. Bffagmi cfwm, wngtgmi ofr n lflhmt tf strgah. Ofr umfkshrvnmt prhy teh Irffbs wgbb sglpby wngt umtgb tehy sbhhp fr stnmc cgstrnjthc fm fphm irfumc. Seh Sehm m spg spgrnb rnb-sw -swffp ffp cfw cfwm, m, sur surrfum rfumcgm cgmii tehg tehgrr tnri tnriht ht wgt wgte e n spg spgmmg mmgmi mi jgrjbh jgrjbh fo sums. Sehy envh mftgjhc tefuie tent sflh prhy jrhnturhs wgbb wgbbgmiby shha tehl fut nmc hvhm shpnrnth tehlshbvhs orfl tehgr ohbbfws, wnmchrgmi fff gmtf gsfbnthc nrhns nt mgiet, stnrgmi up fmtf teh say, ofbbfwgmi teh khjafmgmi Irffb. Zflh Irffbs envh bhnrmt tf ofrl sgims nmc strnmih jfmsthbbntgfms gm frchr tf burh gcgfts, prfpehts nmc pegbfsfpehrs fut gmtf teh hlpty wgbc. Sehy krgmi tehl tf n cgstnmt phna fr gsfbnthc egbb tehm tehy sbfwby sbfwby sgma tfwnrcs teh hnrte. Jbfshr nmc jbfshr umtgb teh nlnzhc vghwhr mcs tehlshbvhs surrfumchc ky n irfup fo frks rgl rgllhc lhc ky sbf sbfw w phtnb phtnbss fo rhc rh bgja bgjagmi gmi fut gm hvhry cgrhj cgrhjtgfm tgfm.. Jbf Jbfshr shr stgbb stgbb,, um umtgb tgb tehy frkgt nrfumc teh prhy. Mhnrby kurmgmi. Sehm, ns fmh, tehy bhnp fut nmc nttnja. Seh Irffbs tehlshbvhs nrh jegbc-sgzhc kbnja orfi-nph tegmis wgte rfumc onjhthc kbnja hyhs nmc bfmi orfi mihrs. Sehy nrh mf strfmihr tenm lhm nmc wgbb try tf pubb tehgr tnriht cfwm, kgtgmi kgt gmi tehl wgt wgte e tehg tehgrr sln slnbb bb kbnja thhte nmc strn strnmibg mibgmi mi wgte tehgr kbnj kbnja a orfibga orfibgahh enm enmcs. cs. Go tehy nrh sujjhssoub, hnje wgbb qugjaby crni knja pnrt fo teh prhy tf ohnst fm sum-jffahc lhnt gmsgch tehgr prgvnth stnr. ‒Zflh shjrht hsshmjh fo teh Irffbs ahhps tehl gm strnmih hqugbgkrgul wgte teh sukstnmjh fo tehgr sum. Go teh Irffb gs ifmh tff bfm bfmii gts hry jys jystt k khig higms ms tf ujt ujtunth unth,, utt utthrgm hrgmii bgah jnmcbhnlh, pnbpgtntgmi bgah n kni kbfwm gm nmc fut. Yent enpphms mhxt jnm vnry n irhnt chnb.
Lfst Irffb-Ztnrs tf fo n pgmhnppbh jeuma fo wegth nlh crgot ihmtby tf teh irfumc. Sehy bhnvhjffb n jfrh grfm nkfutsgzhc teh sgzh fo n jbhmjehc enmc, tehm nm grfm fo hxtrnfrcgmnry chmsgty chmsgt y nmc strhmite. Ztnr-Grfm Ztnr-Grfm gs egieby vnb vnbuhc uhc nmc k kfte fte kbnchs nmc nrlfur lnch orfl gt >5;
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nrh sngc tf cubb lnigjnb hffhjts. Ftehr stnrs wgtefut tehgr mhstgmi Irffbs jnm qugjaby irfw, tehy prfcujh n nlgmi frk teh sgzhh fo n sln sgz slnbb bb efush. Seg Segss rh gs rhbn rhbntgv tgvhby hby jffb nmc jnm kh surv survgv gvhc, hc, tefuie gt lny bgie bgiett jbftehs nmc sjfrje hse N vhry slnbb mulkhr mulkhr fo Irffb-Ztnrs hxpbfch bga bgahh rhknbbs wgte stniihrg stniihrgmi mi sphhc. Zf rnrh gs tegss tent G envh teg envh fmby jfmrlh jfmrlhc c teh pehmfl pehmflhmn hmn ky fksh fkshrvg rvgmi mi gts rhlngm rhlngms4 s4 n strn strnmih mih lubtg lubtg-jfbfurhc ―ofi‗ wegje phrsgsts gm pbnjh, ibfwgmi sbgietby gm teh mgiet nmc cgsphrsgmi sbfwby fvhr enbo n yhnr. Sehrh nrh tnbhs nmc rulfurs fo n ofurte nmc mnb Irffb-Ztnr stnth4 n kbnja pgmprgja enmigmi gm teh ngr, wegstbgmi lncby ns n vfrthx ofrls nrfumc gt. Yfrahrs fo teh Zuktbh Nrt shha fut tehsh strnmih kbnja spfts nmc lust cf sf wgte sflh sujjhss ofr G envh mhvhr shhm fmh gm teh wgbc.“ - Bhptfkbnst Irffbs env Irffbs envhh lgm lgmcs cs nmc ngls nmc jnm kh nbbghc nbbghc wgte wgte.. Snbhs thb thbbb fo lncl lnclhm hm fm teh tfps fo tfwhrs tfw hrs wef tnah jfumjgb orfl teh stnrs tehlshbvhs tehlshbvhs,, nmc ehmjh amfw nbb tegmis, nmc fo rutebhss chshrt trgkhs wef eumt ky mgiet stnrgmi nt teh say, kut wefl mft prhy hsjnphs.
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ZSHINBFZYNM Bfmi nmc bgiet-offthc, gt trgps terfuie teh ibnchs, sfuiet ky sjehlhrs, crhnlhrs, pfhts nmc teh lnc. Ohw jnm jbngl tf envh shhm, tf envh inzhc fm gm rnpturh, teh suktbh nmc phnjhoub Zthinbfswnm. Nbb nrh nksfrkhc ky gts khnuty. Seh knsh nrrnmihlhmt fo gts ofrl gs vhry bgah n thrrfr-khnst fr lhin-tegmi fo nmjghmt tglhs, quncruphcnb, euih, teh lnss fo lubtgpbh efrshs, wgte kfmy pbnths pfgmtgmi up cgrhjtby orfl gts spgmh. spgmh. Seh Sehsh sh rum cfwm cfwm teh tfp fo gts bfmi swnm swnmbga bgahh mhj mhja, a, irnc irncunb unbby by khjflgm khjflgmii sln slnbbh bbhr, r, hmcgmi dust nkfvh gts slnbb, jnbl onjh. Nm hvhmby-sgzhc tngb nt gts ftehr hxtrhlgty igvhs teh Zthinbfswnm went Bhptfkbnst jnbbhc ‒n wnvhbgah syllhtry, lfst pbhnsgmi tf khefbc“. Seh jfbfurs fo teh Zthinbfswnm nrh luje rhlnrahc, gt gs pgilhmthc bgah teh eullgmikgrc gm grgchsjhmt senchs. Seh mh sjnbhs fo gts kfcy segmh gm jgmmnknr, jgtrgmh, jhrubhnm nmc slnbt. Fothm wgte teh jhmtrh sjnbh khgmi n chhp yhbbfw fr rhc, oncgmi tfwnrcs teh jhrubhnm rgl nmc teh chhp kbuh slnbt dfgms fo khtwhhm teh sjnbhs. Seh sjnbhs nrrnmihc gm nbthrmntgmi pntthrms, strnmih yht enrlfmgfus. Seh prfthjtgv prfthjtgvhh pbnt pbnths hs fo teh Zthi Zthinbf nbfsw swnm nm nrh, hvhm lfrh vgkrn vgkrnmt. mt. Sehy rgppb rgppbhh bga bgahh seg segmgm mgmii lftehr-fo-phnrb. Mft wegth kut eynjgmtegmh, gnmtenmh, lfchn nmc Fr, teh jfbfur fo ehrnbcgj ifbc. ifb c. Zf bul bulgmf gmfus us nmc phrohjtb phrohjtby-n y-nrrnm rrnmihc ihc nrh teh segmg segmgmi mi jfbfurs jfbfurs fo teh Zthinb Zthinbfsw fswnm nm tent tefsh wef shh tehl cgrhjtby ofr teh rst tglh nrh lflhmtnrgby pnrnbyshc wgte shmsufus rnpturh. Nbsf bgah teh eullgmikgrc, teh Zthinbfswnm ohhcs prhjgshby orfl teh frjegcs nmc teh krgiethst fwhrs nmc, gm onjt, wgbb mhvhr jruse n fwhr. Onr orfl n kruth nmc teh kbumchrgmi khnst, gts cngmtgmhss cngm tgmhss nmc mhmhss nrh rhmfwmhc rhmfwmhc.. Gt lfvh lfvhss chbgjnthby terfuie gts ofrhst eflh. Zf bgiet gs gts jnrhoub trhnc tent gt hvhm bhnvhs mf trnja upfm teh irfumc, teh sthps fo nm nmt gm teh snmc bhnvh chhphr lnras tenm teh pnssgmi fo teh Zthinbfswnm. Ns bgiet-offthc, shjrhtgvh, sey nmc nwnrh ns teh Zthinbfswnm gs, ohw wef shha gt fut wgbb hvhr jntje sgiet fo fmh. Zgietgmis nrh sf rnrh tent tehy nrh rgtunbgshc gm lnmy mntgfms wgte tefsh bujay hmfuie tf envh shhm teh Zthinbfswnm cgrhjtby fothm sgmibhc fut ofr umhxphjthc onths. Lubtgpbh rhbgigfms jbngl tent tf tfuje fmh gs tf jenmih yfur onth, nmc tent sefubc sflhfmh kh jurshc, fr cnllhc tf n pnrtgjubnr sfrrfwoub hmc, tehm strfagmi teh Zthinbfswnm fmjh, wgbbb bffsh teh jeng wgb jengms ms fo tgl tglhh nmc bht tehl shg shgzh zh tehgr fwm rhsubt orfl bgoh bgoh.. Npt Nptby by gs gt sngc tent wehm teh Zthinbfswnm gs strfahc, chnte kbgmas nmc n mhw stfry khigms. Zflh jbngl tent teh jrhnturh gtshbo gs n lyte fr n efnx. Bhptfkbn Bhptfkbnst st kniihc n sgietgmi gm Num, Thmgtenb jfmrlhc lubtgpbh hmjfumthrs terfuie gmthrvghwgmi wgtmhsshs nmc stnths4 ‒teh jfmjurrhmjh fo chtngb gm kfte npphnrnmjh, enkgt nmc vgsunb hffhjt njrfss lubtgpbh gmcgvgcunbs fo vnrygmi jubturhs nmc bnmiunihs, lnmy fo wefl nrh tff sglpbh tf envh hvhm ehnrc
fo Zthi Zthinbf nbfsw swnm nm tf khofrh hmjfum hmjfumthrg thrgmi bhn bhncs cs lh tf khbghv khbghvh h tehwfubc jrhnt jrhnturh urh gs fr rhnb rhnb. . Ns tf gts teh lytegjnb pfwhr um-amft onth, Gmi nlgt,mft surh went hvgchmjh prfvh cgsprfvh teh jbngl. Kut hvhry gmcgvgcunb wef lht teh khnst rst enmc wns jhrtngm tent gt jfubc, nmc >53
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tefsh wef ongbhc tf strfah gt whpt fm sphnagmi wgte teh sfrrfw fo tehgr bfss.“ Nseaftt ens fmby hxnlgmhc pnrts fo teh jrhnturh, gbbhinbby fktngmhc, nmc ens sf onr rhorngmhc orfl nmy ducihlhmt fm teh gssuh. Sefsh wef chbgkhrnthby shha teh Zthinbfswnm rhpfrt teh jrhnturh ns sey nmc hbusgvh wehm pursuhc kut wgtmhsshs bujay hmfuie tf sglpby kbumchr gmtf shhgmi fmh nbb rhlnra fm gts hxjhptg hxjh ptgfmnb fmnb orghmc orghmcbgm bgmhss hss.. Bhpt Bhptfkbn fkbnst st egl eglshb shboo wn wnss gm Num eu eumt mtgmi gmi Jurs Jurshbg hbgmi mi rulf rulfurs urs nmc wfah fmh cny tf mc eglshbo onjh-tf-onjh wgte hm umhxphjthc vgsgtfr4 ‒G fphmhc ly hyhs nmc ofumc, cgrhjtby khofrh ly onjh, nmftehr. Segs fmh4 strnmih, mnrrfw, krgietby-euhc, bgznrcbgah nmc umlgstnahnkby orghmcby. Gt shhlhc tf efvhr gm teh ngr. Fmby gts hxtrnfrcgmnrgby pbnyoub nmc knseoub hxprhssgfm prhvhmthc lh orfl rhnjegmi gllhcgnthby ofr teh whnpfm G ahhp nbwnys ky ly sgch wehmhvhr G sbhhp. Yhbb tent G cgc ofr ns G bffahc cfwm G snw teh onjh wns fm teh hmc fo n bfmi nmc krgietby nrlfurhc mhja wegje wns pfagmi gm terfuie teh hmtry tf ly thmt. Knffihc, mft amfwgmi went tf cf, G sglpby sngc ―Iffc Lfrmgmi‗. Seh onjh sbfwby rhjhchc nmc G ohbt n strnmih shmsh fo bfss. G eumi ofr n lflhmt, tefuietbhss gm teh stgbb hnrby-lfrmgmi ngr gmsgch teh krgietby bgt wnbbs fo teh thmt tehm, rhjfvhrgmi ly wgts, G bhnpt up nmc terhw lyshbo futsgch. Gt wns stgbb tehrh, teh krgiethst nmc lfst wfmchroub jrhnturh G envh hvhr shhm, bgah n rngmkfw jnuiet wgtegm n swhbbgmi wnvh fo jbhnr wnthr. Gts jnbl onjh turmhc tf lh fmjh lfrh, tehm gt wnbahc swgotby nmc utthrby sgbhmtby nwny gmtf teh hmofbcgmi irhhm. G wn wnss stumm stummhc hc of ofrr shv shvhrn hrnbb shj shjfmc fmcs, s, ky teh tglh tglh G rhj rhjfv fvhrh hrhc c ly wgts wgts nmc su sull llfmh fmhc c ly jfbbhniuhs gt wns ifmh. Sehrh whrh mf trnjas, mfmh nt nbb.“ Seh pbnths nmc sjnbhs fo teh Zthinbfswnm nrh gmjrhcgkby vnbunkbh nmc gmjrhcgkby gbbhinb gm nbb lnrahts. Chnbgmi gm tehl, fr khgmi amfwm tf eumt teh Zthinbfswnm gs rhinrchc ns n bfnteby nmc vgbh pursugt. Kut vhry whbb pngc. _nrgfus pfwhroub, nmc phrenps hvgb jrhnturhs nmc phfpbh envh khhm sngc tf pny hmfrlfus sulss sgl sul sglpby pby ofr njjh njjhss ss tf n bgv bgvhh Zthi Zthinbfs nbfswn wnm, m, shhagm shhagmii tf hv hvnch nch n onth vgbh vgbhby by hnrmhc. Go tehy envh khhm sujjhssoub, mfmh envh spfahm fo gt.
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ZS[NMIHBZ Ztrnmihbs jflh orfl sflhwehrh onr nkfvh teh suronjh fo teh wfrbc nmc tfuje teh hnrte fmby gm rhlfth kut wfmchroub zfmhs onr orfl teh hyh fo lnm. Sehy stny ofr n sgmibh lffmbgt mgiet, hntgmi hntg mi teh mgie mgiet-k t-kbfflg bfflgmi mi rfs rfsh, h, nmc bgja bgjagmi gmi gts phtnb phtnbbhc bhc chw. Sehm Sehm,, khofr khofrhh cnwm, cnwm, tehy nrh ifmh Pbulp gmshjtgbh-jhm gmshjtgbh-jhmtnurs, tnurs, nkfut terhh ohht egie, wgte teh ehncs nmc onjhs fo jegbcrhm jegbcrhm fr slnbb, khnutgoub nmcrfiymfus igrbs. Sehy envh twf chxthrfus eulnmfgc nrls nmc n khhtbh-bgah rhnr rummgmi rumm gmi pnrnb pnrnbbhb bhb tf teh irfum irfumc. c. Eng Engrbh rbhss, ss, yht wehm jfmthm jfmthmtt tehy nrh jrfwmhc jrfwmhc ky n enb enbff fo wgbc wgb c sgbv sgbvhr hr rh. Seg Segss rh gs teh rh fo tehgr khnutg khnutgoub oub tefu tefuie iets. ts. Seh sag sagm m fo teh Ztrnm Ztrnmihb ihb gs smfw nmc lniift-wegth, tnjtgbh nmc nttrnjtgvh. Ohw shh teh Ztrnmihb-sagm wgtefut glnigmgmi gts tfuje, bgah mh sgba pgbbfws fr orhse gjh jrhnl gt jrghs fut tf kh tnsthc nmc jnrhsshc, strfahc nmc ohbt. Ztrnmihbs tfbhrnth tegs fmby go teh phrsfm strfagmi tehl gs nbsf vhry sfot, nmc n bgttbh kgt ont bgahh n lni bga lniift ift wfub wfubc c kh. Seh Sehy y bf bfvh vh hxtrh hxtrhlhb lhby y pbu pbulp lp phfpbh wgte wnrl sfot sagm nmc, go npprfnjehc jnrhoubby, wgbb jrnwb nbb fvhr tehl jffgmi nmc mhstbgmi, bgah n jnt jgrjbhs nmc sgts upfm n whbb-bfvhc jfuje. Sehy wnba fm lffmbgiet nmc tegs gs efw teh Ztrnmihbs rhnje teh irfumc orfl tehgr jhbhstgnb eflh,, ky rgcg eflh rgcgmi mi teh bgi bgiet et fo teh lffm. Kut tehy nrh mft wgtef wgtefut ut nssurn nssurnmjhs mjhs fo tehgr fwm. (Yef wfubc oubby trust teh Lffm6) Sf ofjus teh bgiet fo tehgr rnpturfus tefuiets nmc jut fphm teh terfnts fo tehgr ofhs, teh Ztrnmihbs whnr jurvhs fo phnrby wegth kfmh, bgah jrhsjhmt lffms, terfuie wegje tehy pfah tehgr ehncs. Seh khnutgoub sgbvhr crhnls fo teh Ztrnmihbs kurm bgah wegth pefspefrfus, tehy jnm lhbt terfuie terfuie kfmh gm teh tglh gt tna tnahs hs tf sjr sjrhnl hnl.. Se Sehh Ztr Ztrnmi nmihb hbss jfb jfbbn bnrr-lff lffm m bhts bhts gt prfdhjt tehsh tefuiets nmc krgmi tehl tf n pfgmt, bgah teh tgp fo n kurmgmi tfrje ehbc ky sphjtr sph jtrnb nb enmcs enmcs khofr khofrhh teh onjh onjh.. Zg Zgmjh mjh teh sg sgbv bvhr hr tef tefuie uiets ts nrh bgah bgah teh bgie bgiett fo te tehh lffm, lffm, Ztrnmihbs jnm efbc tehl bgah n rgppbgmi rgvhr fo bgiet khmhnte tehgr ohht, nmc rnjh gmtf teh say,, hvhm say hvhm wehm teh lffm gs ifmh. Ogm Ogmnbb nbby y, gts hcihs nrh hxj hxjhhcg hhcgmib miby y sen senrp rp nmc jnm kh ush ushc c ns n whnpfm gm hlhrihmjghs fr sgtuntgfms fo umbgahby iugbh. Go Ztrnmihbs nrh ofrjhc tf chohmc tehlshbvhs tehy wgbb fothm cf sf wgte tehgr hyhs jbfshc, nmc ky usgmi nmmgegbntgmi jfmdumjtgfms fo sgbvhr rh tent rhlfvhs nbb hvgchmjh fo gts fwm ush. Ns n bnst rhsfrt n Ztrnmihb lny fffhr gtshbo tf gts jnptfrs ofr n sgmibh agss. Ohw jnm rhsgst teh njegmi sfotmhss fo gts bgps. Go teh phrsfm agsshc gs khnutgoub (tf tehl), teh sgbvhr Ztrnmihb-tefuiets wgbb gmjnmchsjh nmc teh Ztrnmihb wgbb lnah gts hsjnph orfl khmhnte n vhgb fo sgbvhr rh. Zefubc nm uiby fmh bhnm gm, teh Ztrnmihb twgst twgstss gts mhja tf jut tehgr terfnt wgte gts jfbbnr-lffm, tehm, wgte gts hyhs jbfshc, rums nwny tf sjnlphr terfuie teh ngr fm n pnte fo gts fwm sgbvhr bgiet, tegmagmi khnutgoub tefuiets.
Ztrnmihbs jnm fmby nrh gmjnmchsjh tehgr fwm gchns go mft tehytff nrhenrc, vhrykut, khnutgoub, Zf chhp nmc shmsgtgvh tehy, tent tegs gs usunbby gt cfhsmfkbh lhnmnmc tentiffc. sefubc teh lffm kh nkshmt orfl teh say, tehy jnm fmby lgirnth eflh ky n jfmtgmufus nmc chhp >5?
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cwhbbgmi upfm teh lfst wfmchroub gchns. Ns whbb ns tegs, tehy lust envh tehgr jrhsjhmt kbnch fo kfmh tf ofjus tefuiets gmtf n sgbvhr pnte fm wegje tf wnba teh ngr. Go tegs kbnch gs stfbhm, krfahm, bfst fr tnahm nwny, fr go tehy jnm mf bfm bfmihr ihr crhnl fo khnutgou khnutgoubb tegmis tegmis,, teh Ztrnm Ztrnmihb ihb lny kh trnp trnpphc phc fm hnrt hnrte. e. Nt bhns bhnstt umtgb teh mhxt krgiet lffm. Segs gs pnrt fo wey tehy fmby jflh nt mgiet, sf tehy jnmmft shh tff luje fo teh efrrfr fo teh wfrbc wf rbc.. Sehg Sehgrr sgb sgbvh vhrr bgi bgiet et kntehs hvhrytegm hvhrytegmii gm sfot sfotmhss mhss,, nmc teh cnra nrfumc teh Ztrn Ztrnmihb mihbss ibfws bgah teh cnramhss gm n pbhnsnmt crhnl. Go n Ztrnmihb cfhs khjflh trnpphc, tegs jnm kh vhry knc. Nbb nrh chhpby nttrnjthc nmc crnwm tf ncfrh teh pbhnsgmi wegthmhss fo teh Ztrnmihbs, nmc pfwhroub nmc nvnrgjgfus sfubs eumihr tf jfmtrfb jfmtrfb nmc pfsshs pfsshsss teh Ztrnmi Ztrnmihb hb hse. Sehy nrh wfrte stni stniihrg ihrgmi mi nlfum nlfumts ts ns phts, fr sbnvhs. Lnmy whnbtey phfpbh ahhp n jnihc fr jfbbnrhc Ztrnmihb, tff chprhsshc nmc rugmhc ky teh wfrbc tf rh gts tefuiets, tehy strfah nmc fksjhmhby jnrhss, jfbbnr gt gm ifbc nmc igvh tf gt n mnl mnlhh tent‗s mft gts fwm fwm.. N cnmihr cnmihrfus fus pht gmchhc gmchhc.. Ofr tefuie n Ztrnmihb Ztrnmihb jnm kh ah ahpt pt prgsfmhr ky chspngr, khnuty jnm rhbhnsh gts sbgvhr rh. Ztrnmihbs nrh rulfurhc tf kfte prhy nmc tf kh prhyhc fm ky Ztnr-Irffbs gm teh upphr wfrbc khtwhhm teh stnrs nmc us.
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ZSXLKBHYHHC N jfpsh fo irhhm-kbnja trhhs, bhnvhs knrh nmc orugtbhss, jrncbgmi kfmhs nmc kfcghs gm teh senrp spgahs fo tehgr lfnmgmi pgphs. Ztulkbhwhhc Ztulkbhw hhc envh sbgl kbnja trumas nkfut othhm ohht egie. Khyf Khyfmc mc tent sprn sprny y teh bhnopg bhnopgphs4 phs4 tegja, stgff, irhhm-kbnja tukubnr bhnvhs rncgntgmi futwnrcs orfl n jhmtrnb jfrh. Seh bhnopgphs nrh bfm bfmii nmc strf strfmi, mi, sfl sflhtg htglhs lhs jrffa jrffagmi gmi sbg sbgie ietby tby,, tehg tehgrr hcih hcihss jurv jurvhc hc bga bgahh frin frinm m lfu lfutes, tes, senrphr tenm amgvhs. Seh bhis fo Ztulkbhwhhc nt rhst nrh kfumc tfihtehr gm teh irfumc, stgbb nmc shhlgmi chhpbyrffthc gm teh hnrte, sf sflhfmh umonlgbgnr wgte teh whhc wgbb kh surprgshc wehm gt khigms tf lfvh. ‒Sehy nrh sglpby pmhulntgj trhhs. Ygmc crgotgmi njrfss teh pbngms gs pgjahc up ky teh pgphs fo teh pbnm pbnmt. t. (Se (Segs gs gs teh sfurjh fo teh Ztulk Ztulkbhw bhwhhcs hhcs ―lu ―lusgj sgj‗, ‗, lhr lhrhh ngr njrfs njrfsss n vgk vgkrntg rntgmi mi pgph.)) Seh trhh cgv pgph. cgvhrts hrts teh prhs prhssurh surh fo tegs ngr, lfvg lfvgmi mi fv fvhr hr lu lubtg btgpbh pbh lfutes lfutes,, tf wfra gts knray bglks. bglks. Nt rst teh rfftbhis jrnja ns dfgmts njjhpt mhw glpubsh glpubsh orfl teh cgv cgvhrthc hrthc kfrhnb ux. Go teh wgmc gmjrhnshs, teh ―bhis‗ shpnrnth nmc tnah tgmy se seuffigmi uffigmi sthps. Seh pbnmts se seuffih uffih sbfwby sbfw by nt rst, kut sefubc teh wgmcs krhna fut gm inbh fr stfrl, tehy wgbb khigm tf rum, tnjagm tnjagmii knja nmc ofrte gm bfmi nrjs ningmst teh cgrhjtgfm fo teh wgmc.“ - Thmgtenb Ztulkbhwhhc Ztulkbhw hhc jnm‗t shh sf wehm gt lfv lfvhs, hs, gt stul stulkbh kbhss nmc fothm onbb onbbs. s. Mft n prfk prfkbhl bhl ofr teh trhh ns gt gs vhry tfuie nmc sglpby stniihrs tf gts ohht nmc jnrrghs fm, kut nlnzgmiby cnmihrfu cnmi hrfuss ofr nmy nmyfmh fmh nrfumc nrfumc.. Seh bhnop bhnopgphs gphs fo teh stulk stulkbhw bhwhhc hhc nrh senrp, senrp, sefu sefubc bc n trhh glpnjt glp njt yfur hse yfu wgbb kh rgc rgccbh cbhc c wgt wgte e bhn bhnvh vhss nmc utthrb utthrby y rum terfui terfuie. e. Go teh trhh tehm rngshs up nmc stnrts tf rum ningm, yfu wgbb rhlngm. Srnpphc. Zjrhnlgmi. Kbhhcgmi tf chnte nmc cgsnpphnrgmi orfl vghw ns teh Ztulkbhwhhc rnjhs fff gmtf teh fmjflgmi stfrl. ‒Gt ‒Gt wns upf upfm m teh Pyrr Pyrrefu efuss Pb Pbng ngms ms.. Nt teh tglh G am amhw hw bgttb bgttbhh fo teh tehl l ku kutt cnra cnra umjhrt umjhrtng ngm m rulfur. Zhhgmi fmby n ofrhst fo irhhm-kbnja trhhs wgte amfkkby trumas, G gimfrhc teh ncvgjh fo ly iugch nmc chjgchc tf gmvhstginth ofr lyshbo. N jefgjh G wns sffm tf rhirht. Ns G hmthrhc gmtf teh sencfw fo teh sfotby lfnmgmi trhhs, teh krhhzh pgjahc up. Seh sfumc, nt rst ihmtbh, eullhc orfl hvhry pgph, gt shhlhc ns go teh ngr gtshbo wns shhpgmi sfumc, nm ftehrw fteh rwfrb frbcby cby jefg jefgrr hjefgm hjefgmii orfl sflh nbghm gmnjj gmnjjhssg hssgkbh kbh zfmh kfte mhnr nmc onr. Sehm Sehm,, ns teh krhhzh chhphmhc, teh kbnja bglks jrnjahc gmtf bgoh! Seh wnba fo teh wffcs khinm! Seh jefgr khjnlh n chnohmgmi tfrrhmt fo kbnja frinmgj mfgsh, teh trhhs khigm tf sthp! Nt rst sbfwby tehm gm sthncy rhphtgtgfms. Seh wffcs khjnlh n seuffigmi jrfwc, bgah teh lnrahts fo n jgty, jgty, dfstbgmi nmc tgietby pnja pnjahc. hc. Khigmm Khigmmgmi gmi gm shlg-rnmcfl lftgfm lftgfms, s, teh trhhs upfm teh ofrhsts bhncgmi bhncgmi hcih, jbfshst tf teh wgmc, lfv lfvhc hc rst. G rnm, ehncgmi ns luje ns G jfubc njrfss teh cgrhjtgfm cgrhjtgfm fo teh trhhs. G wn wnss amfj amfjah ahc c nmc kntthr kntthrhc hc ky teh kbnj kbnja a bgl bglks ks kut tenm tenmaoub aoubby by rhtngmhc ly ohht ns G hc lncby terfuie tent lfvgmi bnkyrgmte fo bgvgmi chnte, hnje jrfwmhc wgte wgt e spg spgah ahs! s! Fmb Fmby y mfw cgc G oub oubby by phrjhg phrjhgvh vh teh kfmhs nmc crg crghc hc fut kfcghs fo jnttbh jnttbh,, sehh sehhp p
nmc hvhm lhm, ncfr ncfrmgm mgmii teh tfps fo tehs tehshh lu lurchr rchrfus fus pbnm pbnmts ts bga bgahh mhjr mhjrfln flnmt mtgj gj jrf jrfwms wms!! Ns inps fphmhc up nlfm nlfmist ist teh pbn pbnmt mts, s, sflh dfiih dfiihc c ngl nglbhs bhssby sby.. Sehm Sehm,, n spu spulh lh fo suri surigmi gmi ngr! Sehh trh Se trhhs hs khinm tf rum rum.. N ohw lf lfvh vhc c gm hgte hgtehr hr cgrhj cgrhjtgf tgfm m njr njrfs fsss teh lftg lftgfm fm fo teh wgmc wgmc,, >55
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kut sffm, ky wenthvhr cnra jfllumnb lgmc tehy envh, n sgmibh jfursh wns lnch, nmc, ky sehhr jenmjh, tegs krfuiet lh tf teh ofrhsts qugjaby-cgsnpphnrgmi hcih. G cnsehc cfwmwgmc, jbutjegmi ly hnrs tf sflhefw wnrc nwny teh sjrhnlgmi tfrrhmt fo sfumc orfl teh ofrhst ns gt rnm nwny gmtf teh rgsgmi inbh. G turmhc fmjh, tf shh teh trhhs khigm tf jrfwm sflh cgstnmt rgcih, saybgmhc ningmst teh stfrl-wrnjahc say, teh bnmc gtshbo wns fwgmi bgah n tgcnb shn. Mhgtehr fo ly iugchs wns hvhr shhm ningm.“ - Bhptfkbnst ‒Sehrh gs mf prffo nt nbb tent teh Ztulkbhwhhc pfsshss n jfllumnb lgmc knshc upfm teh hxjenmih fo pfbbhm fr spfrhs, tent teh strhmite fr gmthbbhjt fo tegs lgmc gmjrhnshs ns teh wgmc rgshs fr tent Ztulkbhwhhc chbgkhrnthby eumt nmglnbs nmc lhm, usgmi teh mutrghmts fo tehgr chjnygm chjn ygmii jfrpshs ns n agm agmc c fo lfv lfvhnkb hnkbhh stfr stfrh. h. G wgb wgbbb stnth tegs ns sgl sglpby pby ns G jnm4 SEH SEH[H [H GZ MF P[FFO FO P[HCNSF[W S[HHZ.“ - Nseaftt Ztulkbhwhhc pgphs nrh hnihrby sfuiet, rhmfwmhc ofr tehgr rulfurhc lusgjnb nmc lnigjnb prfphrtghs, nmc vhry cgjubt tf rhtrghvh. Ztulkbhwhhc nrh nbsf enrc tf jut cfwm. Seh wffc gs tfuie amftthc, amftthc, enrlo enrloub ub tf teh nxh. Gt gs vh vhry ry cgju cgjubt bt tf prhc prhcgjt gjt wehrh wehrh tehy nrh ifgmi tf kh nt nmy tglh. Kur Kurmgmi mgmi tehl jnm jrhnth n lu luje je lfrh niirhs niirhssgv sgvhh prfk prfkbhl bhl,, ns teh jgt jgty y fo Anb-Zeuse mftnkby cgsjfvhrhc wehm tehy trghc tf hrncgjnth n Ztulkbhwhhc ofrhst tent enc lfvhc lfv hc cnmihrfusby jbfsh tf tehgr wnbbs. Seh rhsubtgmi pnja fo kurmgmi, rnjgmi, spgahc spgahc trhhs rhsubthc gm sgimgjnmt bfss fo bgoh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
ZXMZHS ZSF[A Seh Zumsht Ztnba gs n jrhnturh senphc tf bgvh wgtegm teh nurubhmt pnbnjhs nmc buthfus ofrhsts fo ifbchm rh wegje lnah up teh suronjh fo tent cgstnmt spehrh. Sehrh, fm teh suronjh fo teh sum, thstnjhfus ohntehrs jnlfunih tehgr senph ningmst teh kbnzgmi trhhs. Ztfras cgp tehgr khnas gmtf rgvhrs fo kurmgmi bgiet tf smntje up teh sentthrhccgnlfmc sehs fo teh sum. Zflhtglhs, chsgrgmi jenmih fo sjhmhry fr cght, tehy rgch teh sums rhc rnys cfwm tf teh suronjh fo teh wfrbc. Sehrh tehy stnmc swntehc gm nse fm teh vfbjnmfhs hcih, fr jbfnahc gm kfgbgmi sthnl wehrh teh bnvn-rgvhrs lhht teh shn, pgjagmi tehgr wny, amhh egie egi e gm rh, hyhs bfja bfjahc hc fm teh hnrte hnrtess fffzgm fzgmii lfbthm kbffc. Sehr Sehrhh tehy se ofr teh shjrht fksgcgnm se fo teh chhp hnrte wegje tehy swnbbfw wefbh, nmc sflhtglhs ofr tefsh nkhrrnmt smnjas terfwm up orfl teh cnra hmtrhmjelhmts fo teh shn. Zjntthrhc rulfurs rulfurs sny tehy nth n Ihyshr Bfrc wehm fmh pfpphc p fpphc up. Cgjub Cgjubtt tf trhnt ns truh, kut jhrtngmby mf Ihyshr Bfrc ens yht khhm shhm wehm teh Zumsht Ztfra stnbas ofrte. ‒Ztrntfspehrgj ifcbgah Ztfras envh khhm jbnglhc tf kh fkshrvhc. Sehsh nrh chbusgfmnb crhnls. Sehy Se hy nrh fmby fmby ns eg egie ie ns n ef efus ush. h. Fr phre phrenp npss n igrn igrnffh ffh,, mf lfrh. lfrh. Se Sehh hmvg hmvgrf rfml mlhm hmtn tnbb jfmcgtgfms jfmcgtg fms fm teh suronjh fo teh sum nmc teh umsthncy mnturh fo gts rhc rnys lnah gt glpfssgkbh ofr nmy jrhnturh bnrihr tenm tegs tf rgch tehl hffhjtgvhby nmc whbb. Sehy wfubc onbb orfl teh say. Nmc, gm onjt, cf. Segs khgmi teh truh sfurjh fo sf-jnbbhc ―lhthfrs‗.“ - Nseaftt Bgah nbb teh jrhntu Bgah jrhnturhs rhs fo teh sum, teh Zums Zumsht ht Ztfra jnmmft surv survgv gvhh teh mgie mgiet. t. Sf gt, hvhm teh lgbcmhss fo teh lffm nmc teh sfot bgiet fo teh stnrs gs nm fjhnmgj knte fo utthr cnra. Go gt gs jnuiet fm hnrte nothr teh mnb rnys fo bgiet envh bhot teh say gt wgbb kbnjahm nmc kurm lnznrgmh, efrrgkby rhcujhc tf nse nmc tf n slnbb grfm ehnrt. Zgmjh tehy jnm fmby rgch teh rhc rnys fo sumsht fmjh gt stnrts, nmc ns tehy lust rgch tehl knja khofrh teh sum gs ifmh, tehgr wgmcfw fo survgvnb gm teh lfrtnb rhnbl gs sefrt. Seh Ztfra gs jfmstnmtby nwnrh fo tglh nmc wgbb mft kh chbnyhc. ‒G jfmtrnjthc, nt sflh hxphmsh, n wfrahr fo teh Zuktbh Nrt tf ehbp prhshrvh ly kfcy gm teh kurmgmi kurm gmi hbcs wehr wehrhh G lu lust st jbgl jbglk. k. Seg Segss cfmh cfmh,, G tgl tglhc hc ly nsjh nsjhmt mt tf lnt lntje je teh sbfw onbb fo teh sum, efpgmi teh rhnje teh jnbchrn dust ns gt wns tfujehc ky teh sums rhc rnys. G ofumc teh Ztfra ehrshbo pfbgth, rhmhc nmc mft gmcgffhrhmt tf ly wfrcs, tefuie rntehr prhsshc ofr tglh. Zeh shhlhc glprhsshc wgte ly wgbbgmimhss tf krnvh teh wgbc nmc hry pgt gm wegje seh sehc (gmigmi up crfpbhts fo grfm ns seh smntjehc sflhtegmi fut fo teh chhp). G hxpbngmhc hxpbng mhc ly purpfsh nmc rhbnthc ly mft-umcgstg mft-umcgstgmiugseh miugsehc ck kfmnchs. fmnchs. Seh bncy shhlhc lfrh nlushc nlus hc tenm glprhs glprhsshc, shc, tefuie cgc sny seh wfubc wfubc nmswhr wenthv wenthvhr hr G nsah nsahc. c. Sehrh wns mf prgjh tf ehr jfumjgb gt shhlhc, hxjhpt ly iffc khenvgfur nmc wgbbgmimhss tf shha ehr fut. (Ns whbb ns teh nkgbgty tf survgvh cfgmi sf.) G nsa nsahc go gt wns truh ten tentt ehr agm agmc c ―a ―amf mfw w hvhry hvhryteg tegmi mi teh sum jnm shh shh‗. ‗. Ze Zehh sngc sngc tf sf sflh lh
chirhh wns. G ofumc ehr wgshprnj nmctgjnb whbb hmsjfmjhc tehcgc pfbgty tehjesum (gmofrlntgfm wegje weg je Ggtenvh en vh sgmj sgmjh h ofum ofumc c mf prnjtgj nb ush nt nbb). nbb). gm Zeh amfwfolu luje (tefu (tefuie ie mft nbb nbb))ofr fo went teh sum jnm shh. Kut ehrs wns teh wgs wgscfl cfl fo rh, igvg igvgmi mi bgttbh tefui tefuiet et tf sbf sbfwmhs wmhss, s, >70
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prhshrvntgfm fr tglh, kut fmby trnmsofrlntgfm nmc chstrujtgfm, gllhcgnjy nmc jenmih. Zeh enc rntehr rncgjnb fpgmgfms. Gm ehr wfrcs ―Seh sffmhr fmh tegmi khjflhs nmftehr teh khtthr. Yey Ye y wngt6 ngt6 Cf nmc cf mf mfw. w.‗‗ Sef Sefsh sh wef wgse tf prhs prhshrv hrvhh nmc nmc su sust stng ngm m wg wgbb bb mc bgttb bgttbhh tf hmbgie hmb giethm thm tehl ehrh. Nmc, Nmc, fo jfursh, seh amhw mftegmi mftegmi nt nbb fo nm nmyteg ytegmi mi tent fjjur fjjurrhc rhc nt mgiet fr gm teh cnra, tent sgch fo fur hxgsthmjh wns n strnmih lysthry tf ehr. G cgc nsa ehr efw bfmi ehr dfurmhy eflh wfu wfubc bc tnah. Zeh sngc ―[fuie ―[fuieby by hgie hgiett lgm lgmuths uths,, tf yfu fkshrvgmi. Gm giet fo jfursh gt tnahs mf tglh nt nbb.‗ Yegje G cgc mft umchrstnmc. G ofumc ehr wfrcs orustrntgmi nmc fur tglh tff sefrt.“ - Bhptfkbnst Mft nbb wef npprfnje teh Zumsht Ztfra cf sf tf shha gts wgscfl, sflh wnmt gts ohntehrs nmc gts khna. Go gt jnm kh chohnthc nmc pbujahc khofrh mgiet onbbs tehm nmy ohntehrs tnahm wgbb mft kurm. Sehy wgbb prfvgch n ohnrsflh prfthjtgfm ningmst nlh go ofrlhc gmtf n jbfna. Seh khna fo teh Seh teh Zum Zumsh shtt Ztf Ztfra ra gs onlh onlhc c ofr gts se senrp nrpmhs mhsss nmc gts bhihm bhihmcnr cnry y pfw pfwhr hr.. Gt jn jnm m pghrjh pgh rjh nmy hvgb hvgb.. N oubb khna jnm kh jfm jfmvh vhrthc rthc gmt gmtff n pngr fo wh whnpfms npfms,, fmh lnch orfl teh upphr khna, fmh orfl teh bfwhr. Seh kbnchs lnch nrh usunbby bnrih, enbkhrcs, krfncswfrcs fr sflh ftehr ehoty jbhnvhr-bgah tegmi. Kut tefsh wef cf eumt nmc agbb n Zums Zumsht ht Ztfra lus lustt ohnr teh vh vhmihn mihnmjh mjh fo teh sum sum.. Go teh sums bgiet tfujehs hvhm teh slnbbhst pnrt fo teh chnc kfcy fo n lurchrhc Ztfra, tehm gt wgbb stfp ofr n oub oubbb lgm lgmuth uth gm teh say tf jfmsgc jfmsgchr hr went gt shhs. Nm Nmy y gmvf gmvfbv bvhc hc gm teh lurc lurchr hr wgbb, orfl tent pfgmt, onjh teh ―Jursh Fo Seh Zum‗. Seh jursh tna tnahs hs lnm lnmy y cgff cgffhrhm hrhmtt ofrl ofrls. s. Zflh suffhr jnmjhr jnmjhrss wehrhv wehrhvhr hr teh sum ens tfuje tfujehc, hc, tegja lfbh-bgah irfwtes amfttgmi nmc imnrbgmi teh hse. Zflh ohhb gts bgiet ns kurmgmi pngm, ns go teh sum whrh mhhcbhs pnssgmi terfuie teh sagm. Ofr sflh teh sumbgiet wgbb rhoush tf lhht tehgr hyhs. Sf tehl teh wfrbc gs hmcbhss mgiet. Ofr n ohw fffhmchrs, teh Zum shmcs fut wnrrnmt tf gts tenmhs. Mftegmi tent bgvhs fr irfws ky teh bgiet fo teh sum, fr wegje bgvhs fm tent wegj wegje e bgvhs fm bgie bgiet, t, lny surrhmchr nmy susthmnmjh nt nbb tf fmh jurshc jurshc. Seh rhsu rhsubt bt gs fo n thrr thrrgkb h stnrv stnrvntgf ntgfm. m. Mf pbnm pbnmt lhn lhnt t frgtprfcu prfcujt fo nmytegmi tentsfbgvhs ky .teh nbbfwnmjh teh gkbh sum wgbb ohhc tehl. Sehyt fr lny iubp cfwmjtkut senbb stnrvh stnrvh mfmh teh bhss. Fmby n ohw cnra-irfwg cnra-irfwgmi mi luserffls, fr teh bgjehm gm jnvhs wgbb wgbb sustngm sus tngm tehl mfw mfw.. Zflh shha fut teh Srhmj rhmje e Ehrnbc Ehrnbcss fr Ihy Ihyshr shr Bfrcs tf khi nbls fo teh cnra,, sflh offc irf cnra irfwm wm chhp khbfw tent fw fwhs hs mfteg mftegmi mi tf teh sum. Kut teh prgjh ofr tegs gs egie. Zf teh sum-jurshc sht ofrte, sflhtglhs lfvgmi fmby gm teh mgiet, swnccbhc gm tegja jbfte fr wgte tehgr pnte bgt ky n bnmthrm hvhm tefuie teh cny gs krgiet, shhagmi fut sflh njt fr phmnmjh tent lny snbvh teh wrnteoub ducihlhmt fo teh bgiet.
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SEXI KXIZ Seui Kuis iht kgiihr wehm tehy rgch n kgiihr khnst. Nmc tehy bgah tf ngl egie. Sehy rnmih gm rhcs, orfl jbftthc sjnk tf krgiet enhlntgj kbhhc nmc nrh jflpfshc prglnrgby fo sehbb. sehbb. N tfuie jnrtgb jnrtgbnig nigmfus mfus jnrn jnrnpnjh pnjh tent irf irfws ws ns tehy cf. Bgl Bglks ks pfah fut bga bgahh tefsh fo jrnks fr spgchrs euih, lfrh vhrsntgbh tenm kfte, ncdustnkbh, lubtg-cgrhjtgfmnb, chxthrfus nmc hnje wgte fppfsnkbh terhh-mihrhc jbnws tent wfra luje bgah n enmc. Gts hyhs egch gm twf cnra nmc rhjhsshc sbgts, nmibhc gm n sjfwb tent jnmmft jenmih. Sefuie, go kuis cgc envh onjhs tent jfubc igvh tehgr lffc, tehy wfubc sjfwb sjfwb tff. Sehy nrh nmiry-enpp nmiry-enppy y nblfst nbb teh tglh, pgsshc fff, rnw nmc ibhhoub tf kh sf. Ehxnphcnb kuis lnah up teh mfrl, kut fccby bglkhc nrrnmihlhmts jnm kh ofumc, gt‗s rnrh tf shh n kui wgte lfrh tenm hgiet. N kui wgte fmby terhh jnm lfvh nrfumc, kut gs jfmsgchrhc jrgppbhc ky teh irfup. Sgpfcgsl jnrrghs n cnra ibnlfur gm Seui Kui jubturh. Gm teh snlh wny tent ofr us, teh fmh-hyhc nrh jfmsgchrhc rfiuhs fr teh kbgmc tefuiet tf envh igots fo sfumc. N jbhvh sfumc. jbhvhrr trgpfc kui ln lny y kh hxub hxubthc thc ky teh irfu irfup p nmc tefuie tefuiett hv hvhm hm lfrh jumm jummgmi gmi tenm tehy njtunbby njtunbby nrh ns hvhry Seui Kui amfws ‒Serh ‒Serhhh Bhis - Seg Segmas mas Nehnc Nehnc“. “. Pbnt Pbntffms ffms nrh fothm bhnc ky trgpfc kuis. Kgphcs nrh qugjaby hnthm ky teh rhst sgmjh tehy nrh mf bfmihr jfmsgch jfms gchrhc rhc “rhnb p phfpb hfpbh“. h“. Seh pfsgtgf pfsgtgfm m fo n Srgpfc Kui gm Seui Kui jubt jubturh urh gs prhj prhjnrg nrgfus fus nmc hmsurhs tent yhs, tehy cf gm onjt, ―tegma nehnc‗. ‒Mhgtehrr Nrn ‒Mhgteh Nrnjem jemgc gc fr Jru Jrustnj stnjhnms hnms,, tehy jnrry qunb qunbgtg gtghs hs fo kfte. Sf kh n bgv bgvgmi gmi nmjhs nmjhstfr tfr tf kfte suje nmjghmt bgmhs shhls umbgahby, tefuie, teh sjfumcrhbs cf pfsshss n squgrlgmi vgtnb vgtnb survgv survgvnb nb-u -urih rih.. Lfr Lfrhh gm gmth thrhs rhstgm tgmii tf mft mfth4 h4 kho khofrh frh nkfut nkfut v vhh tef tefusn usnmc mc yhnr hnrss nif te tehh rhc jnrnpnjhc kuis nrh sefwm gm nmjghmt rhjfrcs ns envgmi mf lfrh shbo-nwnrhmhss tenm n cfi. Sehy nrh chpg chpgjthc jthc gm egh eghrfib rfibypes ypes nmc sthb sthbhh ns sgl sglpbh pbh nmglnb nmglnbgst gstgj gj fppfr fppfrtumg tumgstgj stgj irfup prhcntfr prhc ntfrss dul dulpgmi pgmi fut fo efbh efbhs. s. Yehm G quh quhrghc rghc krgh krghy y jnptgv jnptgvhh kui kuiss ns tf efw efw nmc wehm tehy ingmhc tehgr wgts tehy wfubc nmswhr fmby tent tehy ‒stfbh gt“ nmc wfubc sny mf lfrh.“ - Bhptfkbnst Yenthvhr tehgr frgigms, teh Seui Kuis mfw jbhnrby pfsshss kfte sphhje nmc ush fo tffbs. Sehy jnm sthnb nmc jrnot whnpfms, tgh amfts nmc umchrstnmc lnjegmhs. Sehy ush tegs igot tf pursuh teh fmby trhnsurh tehy bfvh4 egdnjahc lhinonumn nrh tehgr ngl, teh kgiihr nmc kncchr teh khtthr tehy gs. Seh kuis tnah nmglnbs bgah pgrnths tnagmi segps, sflhtglhs ky sthnbte, sflhtglhs ky rnw nssnubt. (Nmc fmjh fr twgjh ky sghih.) Fmjh kfnrchc, tehy rgi teh khnst wgte krgcbh, effas nmc ifncs ifncs nmc ush tehs tehshh tf rgch gt nrfu nrfumc. mc. Nb Nbbb Kuis shh shha a tf cf teg tegs. s. Seh bnr bnrihr ihr nmg nmgln lnbb jfllnmchc, teh irhnthr stntus kuis pfsshss. Ohrfjgty nbsf jfumts, kut sgzh, rnw umofrigvhnkbh lnss, gs teh jrfwm fo teh hxphrghmjh. Gt tnahs n qugxftgj kui gmchhc tf trnch cfwm orfl jfw tf Yfbvhrgmh. Kuis wgbb bhnvh tehgr sthhc nmc eflh fmby go tehy jnm kfnrc nmc tnah n kgiihr khnst, kut go teh pfssgkgbgt pfssgkgbgty y hxgsts, tehy wgbb mft onbthr. Seui Kuis nrh hxjhptgfmnb hxjhptgfmnbby by krnvh, krnvh,
tehy hnt rgsa nmc segt chnte. Ns kuis irf irfw w gm sgzh tehy jfmqu jfmquhr hr bnr bnrihr ihr tegmis (fr pfssg pfssgkby kby teh fteh ftehrr wn wny y nrfu nrfumc). mc). Sehy stnrt nkfut teh sgzh fo n kgi tnrnmtubn nmc wgbb try tf tnah fvhr n ifnt, tehm lfvh fm up >7;
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orfl tehrh. tehrh. Sehy nrh nqunt nquntgj gj nmc jnm krhn krhnteh teh hqunb hqunbby by whb whbbb umchr wnthr nmc fm bnmc. bnmc. Seh kuis tent egdnja nmc rgch wenbhs jnm kh nkfut teh lnss fo n slnbb lnm. (Sehy segps orflmft tehkhgmi knjasnmfonmglnb, wenbhs gtkut tegstehl gs usunbby nm fvhrjfmchmt lgstnahcffmfothm tehgrnttnja pnrt ns, teh segp ingms mf stntus nmc tehy mc gt jflpbhx nmc cgjubt tf umchrstnmc, sflhtglhs sglpby rgcgmi teh sngbfrs gmsthnc.) Kui bhihmcs sphna fo inrinmtunm nmc nmjghmt khnsts sbulkhrgmi khmhnte teh hnrte, nbb kuis crhnl fo mcgmi fmh nmc rgcgmi gt nrfumc ns agmis, gt gs teh ubtglnth gchnb fo tehgr jubturh. Kui ehnvhm gs dust n khnst ns kgi ns teh wfrbc. Gt‗s mft enrc tf spft nm nmglnb jnpturhc ky teh kuis, tehy wgbb kfnrc n khnr nmc put nis fm gt, rgch gt nrfu nrfumc mc sefutg sefutgmi mi nmc bffagm bffagmii ofr trfukb trfukbh. h. Sehy bfv bfvhh vgf vgfbhm bhmjh jh nmc krnw krnwbgm bgmii ofr gts fwm snah. snah. Fm teh irfu irfumc, mc, wgtef wgtefut ut n prg prgzh, zh, tehy nrh qug qugth th jummgm jummgmii nmc sthnb sthnbte tey y kut teh kgiihr teh rgch tehy lnmnih tf jfmtrfb teh lfrh jfmchmt, bfuc nmc kfgsthrfus tehy khjflh. (Nmc teh lfrh cgsnstrfusby chrnmihc nmc eukrgstgj tehgr pbnms). Sefuie mft hvg Sefuie hvgb, b, Seui Kuis bfv bfvhh tf iet lfrh tenm tehy bga bgahh tf bgvh bgvh.. Sehy shha tf kntt knttbh bh nmyfmh tehy enth, fr nmyfmh tehy bgah n bft, go nlkgvnbhmt tehy wgbb knttbh yfu tf mc fut went agmc fo phrsfm yfu nrh. Seui Kuis cfm‗t amfw fr jnrh went ihmchr gs nmc nrh prhtty surh tehy cfm‗t envh fmh, wegje lnahss krhhcgmi cgjubt ofr tehl. Fmh cny n Seui Kui wgbb succhmby rhnbg lnah rhnbgsh sh gt gs ohlnbh nmc, stnrtbhc, rum fff tf squnt fut shjrht hiis, tehm senlhoubby jflh knja. Nmftehr rhnbgshs gt gs lnbh nmc smhnagby ofbbfws, jrhhpgmi tf teh hiis nmc hdnjubntgmi nbb fvhr tehl khofrh rummgmi knja tf wehrh gt wns khofrh nmc prhthmcgmi mftegmi enpphmhc. Go hgtehr fo teh kuis jntjehs teh ftehr cfgmi nmy fo tehsh tegmis, tehy wgbb nbb chmy hvhrytegmi nmc jflh up wgte jrnzhc hxjushs ofr tehgr njtgfms. Fmjh cfmh tehy wgbb mhvhr sphna fo gt ningm.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
S[HMJE EH[NBC Seh Ehrnbc ens teh spgmh nmc saubb fo n lnm, fr sflhtegmi bgah n lnm. Gt ncfpthc tehsh ofr yfur jfmvhmghmjh. Gt gs nm Nlknssncfr. Ehrnbcs nrh nkfut shvhm ohht bfmi, fr egie, nmc swgl-crgot gm lgc-ngr ns go lfvgmi sbfwby terfuie n ibutgmfus shn. Cfm‗t jflh tff jbfsh, teh ntlfspehrh nrfumc tehl khjflhs tegja, umkrhntenkbh nmc cnma. Swf bfmi nihbbul rhnje fut fo tegs lura nmc njt ns wnvgmi enmcs. Cfwm Cf wm hnje sgch n enmc enmcoub oub fo bhss bhsshr hr nihbb nihbbnn khnt sbfw sbfwby by gm teh bgqu bgqugc gc ngr. Gts hyhs nrh sefjas fo jfbfur, bgvgmi jfrnb bbs teh saubb nmc kursts fut terfuie teh fjubnr inps. Seh bfwhr dnw, nmc sflhtglhs teh upphr tff, envh khhm rhpbnjhc wgte mhhcbh-trnp lfutes fo sflh gmmgthby pntghm pntg hmtt chhp chhp-sh -shnn se se.. Seh kfcy gs trnmsb trnmsbujhm ujhmtt phnrb phnrb,, teh eulnm spgm spgmhh bhnc bhncss vgs vgsgkb gkby y cfwm cfwm gmtf gmtf n mhs mhstt fo fri frinms nms inte intehrh hrhc c rfu rfumc mc gt gtss kns knsh. h. Ztr Ztrnmi nmihh lf lfvh vhlh lhmt mtss jnm kh shh shhm, m, nmc nmc te tehh suiihstgfm fo n jgrjubntfry fw phrjhgvhc. Ehrnbcs lnah lnah tehgr Hlkn Hlknssghs ssghs gm bfjntgfms wgte onlgbgnr onlgbgnr ohhb. Irhnt chjbgvgtg chjbgvgtghs hs wgte lfum lfumtgmi tgmi cnramhss nmc krgho jrncbgmi bgiets. Enbo wny up gmnjjhssgkbh jbgffs, khegmc n wnthronbb, gm teh ifuih fo n onubt gm teh hnrte surrfumchc ky hthrmnb subpeur jbfucs, nkfvh n rusegmi tfrrhmt, bnv bnvn fw fw fr shhpgm shhpgmii tf tfxgj xgj lgrh lgrh,, tehs tehshh pbn pbnjhs jhs shhl bgah bgah eflh tf tehl tehl.. _npfur egchs teh sum, wegje wegje tehy prho prhohr, hr, kut nbs nbsff vh vhgbs gbs teh stnrs tehy bfv bfvhh tf bffa upfm. Nt mgie mgiett Ehr Ehrnbcs nbcs lny vhmturh onr orfl tehgr egcchm eflhs ofr mf irhnthr rhnsfm tenm tf inzh upfm teh mgiet say Seh Hlknssg Hlknssghs hs nrh spg spgrnbs rnbs gm teh stfmh. Sehy jnrv jnrvhh teh rfja gm jurbs, hlkhc hlkhccgm cgmii slfft slffteby eby segotgmi fws fo hlpty spnjh bgmahc ky enbbs wefsh wnbbs nmc ffrs nrh ihmtbh ehbgjhs. Glnigmh wnbagmi terfuie, nt tgmy sgzh, teh jnst-fff jbftegmi fo n irfwgmi Mnutgbus, teh hlpty sehbb lnch rnlpnmt, sgbhmjhs hmifrihc nmc gmthrshjtgmi spnjhs lubtgpbghc, teh sencfws pghrjhc ky sgmibh pfgmts pfgmts fo bgiet. Seh Ehrnbcs bf bfvh vh bgie bgiet. t. Mft tff luje. Mft sumbgie sumbgiett fr kurmgmi rhs, mft ehnt fr chsgjjntgfm, kut jffb, jnbl sgmibh pfgmts, hnje wgte gts fwm jenrnjthr nmc tnbh. Seh Hlknssghs nrh nbwnys cnra, wgte sgmibh sfurjhs fo nzurh, vgrgc, gmjnrmncgmh fr stnrbgietwegth bgiet gm hvhry rffl, hnje sfurjh cgffhrhmt nmc umgquh. Mf twf bgiets nrh hvhr qugth teh snlh. Ehrh iuhsts nrh rhjhgvhc rhjhgvhc nmc trhnsurhs ahpt. Lfst hsphjgnbby hsphjgnbby.. jfbbhjt jfbbhjthc hc spgmhs. Seh S Srhmje rhmje Ehrnbcs Ehr nbcs jeg jegho ho chsgrh nmc prglnr prglnry y jurrhmj jurrhmjy y gs spgmh spgmhs. s. Sehs Sehshh spg spgmhs mhs lust kh cgs cgshnsh hnshc c nmc strnm strnmih ih jflk jflkgm gmntg ntgfms fms fo jrh jrhntu nturh rh nmc nmc cg cgsh shns nshh nrh vn vnbu buhc hc lf lfst. st. Gt gs mft teh kfcy pnr pnrtt gtshbo gts hbo tent tehy rhqug rhqugrh, rh, kut teh prfcujts fo stgbbh stgbbhc c jfl jflknt knt khtwh khtwhhm hm cgs cgshnsh hnsh nmc bgoh. bgoh. Hnj Hnje e sgjamhss prfvfahs jhrtngm rhspfmshs orfl n bgvgmi tegmi, hnje bgvgmi tegmi rhnjts gm gts fwm wny. Xmhxphjthc nmc rhlnrankbh rhnjtgfms jnm tnah pbnjh, tegmis glpfssgkbh tf sglubnth fr jfpy gm teh chhp cnra umchr teh shn. Segs gs wey teh Ehrnbcs nrh shmt, tf shha fut nmc trnch ofr tegs strnmih jurrhmjy. Seh jurvhc spgmh tukhs nrh lnch fo ifbc, n purh nmc curnkbh jnsgmi tent wgbb mft rhnjt fr stngm teh jehlgstry gmsgch. gmsgch. Sehy nrh rnmahc up bga bgahh teh jnshs fo strnmih lusgjnb gmstrul gmstrulhmts. hmts.
Sehrh nrh bhsshr trhnsurhs tff, dnrs fo jfbc kbnja ibnss wgte tulfurs ahpt gmsgch, sbgvhrs fo teh hse fo krng krngms, ms, krngms fo rhln rhlnra rankb nkbhh khgmi khgmis, s, gmo gmohjth hjthc c wgt wgte e rhl rhlnra nrankb nkbhh teg tegmis. mis. Ifb Ifbc, c, fo jfursh, stngmhc wgte teh sgbt fo teh nkyssnb trhmje wehrh gt ohbb sf bfmi nif, ifbc wgte wegje >73
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
teh Ehrnbc pnys, hxjenmigmi gt ofr teh rnrh frinmgj trhnsurhs tent gt shhas. Nmc Nm c Bg Bgie iet. t. Seh bgi bgiet et gs n phrs phrsfm fmnb nb trnch trnch,, gt pbn pbnys ys mf pnrt pnrt gm teh Eh Ehrnb rnbcs cs nssg nssgimh imhc c tns tnsa a kut tehy bfvh sf. Ehrnbcs rhturm teh wgtefut sflh prgvnth trhnsur trhn surhs hs cf stf stfwh whc c gt nw nwny ny..Ohw N tegm tegmi i tehy bfv bfvhh tf lfs lfst t gschhp n phrln phrlnmhm mhmt, t, umg umgquh quh nmcbgiet-hlgttgmi gmhx gmhxenus enustgkb tgkbhh sfurjh fo ihmtbh bgiet. bgiet. Ofr tehsh tehy wgbb lnah shjrht trnchs trnchs.. Zflh jnrry lnigjnb tegmis, tegmis, bfst gm hfms pnst, jnahc gm kbnja trhmje luc tent jrnjas fff sefwgmi ifbc nmc strnmih phnrbhsnmjh fo nm nmjghmt tglh. Gthls fo pfwhr. Sehy wgbb swnp tehl enppgby ofr bhss-sgimgjnmt rfuiehqugvnbhmts go teh trnchc gthl hlgts nm umusunb bgiet. Sehy cf mft oubby umchrstnmc went chnte gs nmc tegs lnahs tehl cnmihrfus tf kh nrfumc. Gm teh jub jubturh turh fo teh Ehrnb Ehrnbcs, cs, hnje khgmi gs lnch fo lnmy agmcs fo gmthr gmthrnjtg njtgmi mi bgoh. Sehy bgvh nmc cgh gm n jnjfpefmy fo kgrte nmc chnte, oncgmi nmc rhmhwgmi nbb teh tglh. Sehy nrh n jfbfmy fo tegmis. Sehy nssulh tent hvhrykfcy gs. Go sflhfmh cghs nrfumc n Ehrnbc, tehy wgbb ahhp sphnagmi, nccrhssg nccrhssgmi mi teh lgjrfonu lgjrfonumn mn jfmsulgmi teh jfrpsh orfl wgtegm. Go mft prhvhmt prhvhmthc hc fr ncvgsh ncvgshc c ftehrwgsh, teh Ehrnbc wgbb ―inrc ―inrchm‗ hm‗ nbb ofrls upfm teh jfrp jfrpsh sh gmtfhfmh n jfehrhm jfehrhmt t wef wefbh, bh, gmenk gmenkgtg gtgmi mi teh fr fbcfffhrgmi ofrl ofrl. . Gt gs tehteh pfbgth tegmfoi bgoh tegmi tf cf. Bga Bgah h ehb ehbpgm pgmi i sfl sflhfmh wef onbbs sgj sgja a nt yfur eflh, fffhr gmi mhw jbftehs tf sflhfmh wef ens spgbt tehgr sfup. Sehy wgbb hcujnth tegs jfbfmy fo tegmis gm efw tf jfmsulh teh rhlngmgmi jehlgjnb lhlfrghs fo gts ofrlhr efst, efw tf wnba gm gts kfcy, tehm pfbgthby pfbgthby bht gt if. Seg Segss lny tnah tglh tglh,, kut teh tglh fo teh Ehrnb Ehrnbcs cs gs mft furs furs,, tehy wngt, wn gt, gm teh cnra rhnj rhnjehs ehs fo teh sum sumbhs bhsss chhp. Sf wngt nm efur efur,, n lfmte lfmte,, n yhnr, n cny cny, gt lnahs bgttbh cgffhrhmjh tf tehl. Sefuie teh Ehrnbcs nrh ky mf lhnms hvgb khgmis, tehy nrh sf nbghm nmc strnmih tent tf lfst phfpb phf pbhh teh tehy y ln lny y ns whbb hbb kh. Seh Sehy y prh prhohr ohr tf chn chnbb wgte wgte gmthb gmthbbg bgihm ihmtt Xmchn Xmchnc, c, fr ft ftehr ehr vhry vhry bfmi-b bfm i-bgv gvhc hc nmc gmcgff gmcgffhrhm hrhmtt gmc gmcgvg gvgcunb cunbs. s. Xmp Xmprhdu rhducgj cgjhc4 hc4 teh suronj suronjhh ns n wef wefbh bh gs strnmi strnmihh tf tehl, tehy vnbuh jnbl, pfbgthmhss nmc n cgsjrhht enmc. Wfu jnm mhvhr kh surh efw sflhfmh wgbb rhnjt wehm yfu nsa tehl ofr n spgmh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
SWJEFJBNZSZ Pntghmtt inlhsth Pntghm inlhsthrs. rs. [ute [utebhs bhsss chstrf chstrfyh yhrs. rs. Lns Lnsthrs thrs fo strnth strnthiy iy.. Seh Syj Syjefjbn efjbnsts sts wng wngtt nmc wntje orfl khegmc onjhs sjfrhc nmc jrfss-entjehc wgte umwgmmnkbh inlhs. Sehy stnmc bgah kbnja kbnja glp glpnss nssgv gvhh amg amgie iets. ts. [fui [fuieby eby euln eulnmfg mfgc, c, nrls nmc ofrh ofrhnrl nrlss ehn ehnvy vy nmc bfmi, bfmi, hxthmcg hxthmcgmi mi nblfs nblfstt tf teh amhhs amhhs.. Nbf Nbfmi mi teh nrls nrh bgmhc frinm frinmgj gj spga spgahs. hs. Sehg Sehgrr sefubchrs nmc upphr knja spntthrhc wgte kbnja vhmtrgjbhs, hthrmnbby sphwgmi ins, eft nmc jfbc, hqunbgsgmi teh Syjefjbnsts rhbntgfmsegp wgte teh wfrbc. Seh oulhs wrhnte tehl gm kfgbgmi sthnl, chmsh gjy ofi fr umamfwnkbh vnrgjfbfurhc oulhs. Seh suronjh fo teh Syjefjbnst jnm kh wnrl tf teh tfuje, tehm jfbc, tehm wnrl ningm, nbb wgtegm n shjfmcs fw, wgte mf pnush fr segot khtwhhm teh hxtrhlhs kut fmby n jfmstnmt gjahrgmi, bgah n sencfw lfvgmi onst njrfss teh wnbb. Seh mnturnb wfrbc rhkhbbgmi orfl tehgr senph nmc sbnvhrgmi fff tehl gm strnmih lgjrfpehmflgmn. Sehgr lfvhlhmts nrh sthncy, chbgkhrnth nmc nbwnys tf n amfwnkbh ngl. Sehgr vfgjhs nrh bgah sjrhnls jefahc gm teh terfnt, hnje sybbnkbh ofrjhc terfuie ky strhmite fo wgbb. (Seh Syjefjbnsts envh n surpbus fo wgbbpfwhr, tehy jnmmft kh orgiethmhc fr cgstrnjthc. Sehy jnm kh jfmoushc.) Sehy nrh jrhnturhs fo jenfs, kfmchc nmc suprhsshc ky tehgr fwm orhh wgbb. Nmihbs fo lncmhss nmc trnmsofrlntgfm gm shbo-chsgimhc kbnja strngietdnjahts ofrlhc bgah eulnm khgmis, trngtfrs tf n jhmtrh jhmtrhbhss bhss jnush. Gmsgch teh nrlfur gs nm gmthbbgihmt, gmthbbgihmt, umamf umamfwnkb wnkbhh spulh fo rnw jenfs jenfs,, ujtuntgmi nmc kfgbgmi, twgstgmi bgah n lnm ehbc umchrwnthr rhnjegmi ofr ngr. Seh sukstnmjh fo tegs jenfs khgmi ohhbs ns go gt gs crfwmgmi. Bfjahc ehrh gm n wfrbc fo rntgfmnb njtgfm wehrh gts mnturh jnm mhvhr oubby kh hxprhsshc. Gt gs gm pngm. Gt wgbb mft cgh. Gt jefsh tf kh ehrh nmc khjflh tegs tegmi. Seh sehhr rnmcflmh rnmcflmhss ss fo tefsh glpfssgkbh wfrbcs fr segllhrgmi nothr-bgv nothr-bgvhs hs wehrh jenfs rubhs lhnm tent fo nbb teh jrhnturhs wegje jflh tf khgmi tehrh, n ohw, n vhry slnbb ohw, sefubc wgse wgs e mft tf kh wen wentt tehy nrh. Gm n pbn pbnjh jh wehrh hvhryteg hvhrytegmi mi gs pfssg pfssgkbh, kbh, efw efwhv hvhr hr krghy krghy,, teh fmby glpfssgkbh chsgrh gs ofr stnkgbgty, jhrtngmty, rubhs. Grfm rubhs. Zf n slnbb trgj trgjabh abh fo tehsh ftehr k khgmis hgmis bhnv bhnvhh tent pbnjh nmc jflh ehrh. Sehy kgmc tehlshbv tehlshbvhs hs gm tehsh ofrls, ofr rhnsfms fo tehgr fwm, tehy sjfrh tehgr fwm ohnturhbhss onjhs wgte chhpby nkstrnjts rhprhshmtgmi teh mhintgfm fo jenmjh, teh outgbgty fo rnmcflmhss, teh mhjhssgty fo onth. onth. Seh Sehsh sh lnra lnrass nr nrhh teh tehgr gr truh mnlh mfw mfw,, te tehy hy jnm mf bfmi bfmihr hr kh su sull llfmh fmhc c ky teh tehgr gr fbc. Zflh fo tehsh khgmi nrh went wh lgiet jnbb ―Cnhlfms‗ fr ―Lfmsthrs‗ ftehrs nrh Zpgrgts fr gmjflpr gmj flprhehm hehmsgk sgkbh bh amfts fo spnj spnjhh nmc tglh. gt cfhsm‗t lntth lntthrr went tehy whrh khofrh, tehy nrh Syjefjbnsts mfw.
Sehy bgvhqug bgvh prgl prglnrg by gm mft chs chshrts hrts, , sfl sflhtg htglhs lhs orhh orhhzgm zgmi i hb hbcs cs fo gjh gjh. Nbwny nys gtbc gs tehgr sflh sflhwehr wehrh stg stgbb bb nmc qught, ht,nrgby wehrh lu luje je ifhs fm. fm Zfl Zflhweh hwehrh rh prhcgj prhcgjtnkb tnkbh. h.. Nbw Seh Sehy y skug kugbc spgrh spgrhshs fo teh snlh shlgshlg-frinmgj frinmgj lnthrg lnthrgnb nb ns tehgr sugts. Sehy ngl ofr strngietm strngietmhss hss nmc p phrohjtg hrohjtgfm. fm. >7?
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Nbwnyss tehy ongb, teh spgrhs nrh strn Nbwny strnmih, mih, tw twgst gsthc, hc, nsy nsyllh llhtrgj trgj nmc cgs cgsturk turkgmi. gmi. Zflh Zflhtgl tglhs hs tehy sfna up teh jfbfur fr nhstehtgj fo teh surrfumcgmi bnmcs, fr fppfsh gt. Zflhtglhs tehy bffa bgah kurmgmi ibnss. Seh Syjefjbnsts jnm fothm mft phrjghvh tegs. Bgah teh vgjtgl fo n strfah, tehy jnmmft shh teh jurvh gm tehgr fwm bgmh. Zflhtglhs teh say nkfvh teh spgrh sefws nbghm sums nmc nbthrhc bgiet segmhs cfwm. Khst mft tf lhmtgfm tegs. Seh Syjefjbnsts wgbb nbwnys njt wgtegm n rhnsfmnkbh sht fo rubhs go tehy envh khhm rntgfmnbby nirhhc, tehy rhinrc teh nkgbgty nmc chsgrh tf sht rubhs nmc bgvh ky tehl ns n knsgj mhjhssgty fo lhnmgmioub bgoh. Zf, tf tehl, nm nmt ens lfrh lhnmgmi, n kgrc ens bhss. Ohw tegmis crgvh tehl tf rnih, kut tehy nrh chhpby nmihrhc ky nrtgsts, knrcs, stfrythbbhrs nmc teh jfmj jfmjhptg hptgfm fm fo stfr stfry y gts gtshbo hbo.. N mnrr mnrrntgf ntgfm m gs sglpb sglpby y n bgst bgst fo tegmis tegmis,, gt gs mhv mhvhr hr gts fw fwm m tegmi, ntthlpts tf bgvh ns go gt gs nrh n sgim fo hvgb nmc lust kh chstrfyhc. Nmc tehy enth rnmcflmhss, umprhcgjtnkgbgty nmc jenfs. Sehy nrh mft ofmc fo ncvhmturhrs. Syjefjbnsts jnm ush teh suprhssh Syjefjbnsts suprhsshc c jenfs fo tehgr k kfcghs fcghs tf senph slnbb zfmhs lntthr gm nblfst nmy wny tehy wgse. Sehy enth cfgmi tegs, nbb fo tehl ntthlpt tf bhnrm teh peysgjnb sagbbs fo jrnot. Sffb ush, chsgim, kbnjaslgtegmi, nmytegmi gm wegje tehy jnm ush tehgr enmcs tf lnah, wgtefut rhbhnsgmi teh purh pfwhr fo jenfs. Kut tehy wgbb cf sf go tehy lus lust. t. N Syjefjbn Syjefjbnst st jnm nbthr n jeuma fo lntthr rfuieby hqugv hqugvnbhm nbhmtt tf n bnr bnrih ih kfx tent jnm kh ehb ehbc c khtw khtwhhm hhm kfte enmc enmcs. s. Lfrh pfw pfwhrou hroubb Sy Syje jefjbns fjbnsts ts jnm nbth nbthrr irhnthr vfbulhs vfbulhs chphmcgmi fm teghr mntgv mntgvhh p pfw fwhr. hr. Seh rnma fo Syj Syjefjbnsts efjbnsts (tehy nrh frchrhc gm jnrhoubby rhjfrchc eghrnrjeghs) jnm kh rhcujhc ofr lnagmi ush fo tegs pfwhr. Gt gs nbwnys n sfrrfwoub tegmi tf ongb. Krhnjegmi teh suronjh fo n Syjefjbnst sugt tf agbb teh tegmi gmsgch gs fkvgfusby vhry knc ofr nmyfmh nmy fmh mhnr. Seh rnw jenfs hsjnphs, jnusgmi lutntgfm nmc nbthrntgfm fo nmy mhnrky bgvgmi tegmi, ns whbb ns teh bnmcsjnph gtshbo. (Jfmspgrnjy tehfrgsts suiihst tent teh Syjefjbsts nrh mft truh hmhlghs fo jenfs, kut hminihc fm sflh hfms-bfmi cfukbh kbuff. Sent tehy nrh sukdhjtgmi tehlshbvhs tf teh strhss fo ―rhnbgty‗ tf put tehgr jfrh fo nmtg-jnusnbgty umchr hmfrlfus prhssurh. Sent tehy nrh kugbcgmi sflhtegmi orfl gt, n mhw ifc fo jenfs. N chlfm pbnmh. N jgty fo rhhjtgmi nlh.)
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
XLK[N-SHJEMGJNB HBHLHMSNB ‒Efw tf wrgth fo sencfws gs n quhstgfm wfrte nsagmi. N sencfw gs n vhry khnutgoub tegmi nmc tehrh gs n trhnsury fo sencfw, njjfumthc fvhr tglh, tent ohnrs gts bfsgmi.“ - Thmgtenb Seh wfrbc gtshbo krhhcs sencfws ns gt turms, kut tehsh nrh sencfws fo teh wfrbc, tehy senrh teh bfmi bfw bgoh bgoh fo stf stfmh mh nmc sbh sbhhp. hp. Nbb sen sencfw cfw gs n crhn crhnl l fo sflh sflhteg tegmi mi hbsh nmc crhnls tehlshbvhs jnm rnrhby wnah. Seh cnramhss jurbhc khegmc n wnthronbb wegbh sumbgiet jentthrs terfuie teh onbbgmi vhgb lgiet lurlur tf gtshbo bgah phfpbh jrfwchc sbhhpgmi gm teh cnra, kut stgbb, gt jnmmft tnba, mft qugth nwnrh, gt cghs wgte hvhry shttgmi sum, hmofbchc knja gmtf teh hmjflpnssgmi mgiet nmc gs kfrm ningm hnje cny, wnsehc jbhnmhr tenm n khnje, wgte mf lfrh lhlfry tenm teh snmc. Orfl ibffl tf cnra nmc knja ningm, bgah tgchs fo bgiet nmc sgbhmjh hnsgmi vgsgfm orfl teh wfrbc. Kut lnmagmc lnmagmc krhn krhnas as tegs jengm. jengm. Lnm kugbc kugbcss nmc tefsh kugbt tegmis env envhh senc sencfw fwss nmc teh sencfw fo n kugbcgmi gs kfte lfrh nmc bhss tent teh sencfw fo teh wnthr fr teh stfmh. Bhss khjnush mf lnm-ln lnm-lnch ch tegmi, mf lntthr efw strfmi fr bfmi prhshrv prhshrvhc, hc, jnm lhnsurh luj luje e ningmst teh irhnt bgoh nmc teh chhp sbfw jyjbhs fo teh hnrte. N pyrnlgc gs chbgjnth, jflpnrhc tf teh jfmtgmhmt fm wegje gt stnmcs, n stfmh tflk gs lfrh ornigbh tenm teh rngm tent jnsts nbfmi gts sgchs. Kut lfrh ns whbb. Lfrh ofr tehgr jflpbhxgty. Lfrh ofr rhiubnrgty1 strngiet bgmhs! Ihflhtry! Phrohj Ph rohjtt nrjs nmc phroh phrohjt jt jgrj jgrjbhs bhs gmth gmthrnjt rnjtgmi gmi gm fmh tegmi. Ofr gts mhsthc syllhtry syllhtry,, ofr gts bnyh bnyhrs, rs, ofr gts sjubpt sjubpturhs urhs11 stfm stfmhh sen sencfw cfwss fo bgo bgohh tehl tehlshb shbvh vhss kgrt kgrtegm egmii mhw sen sencfw cfwss fm teh irfumc. irfu mc. Ofr gts ibnss ibnss,, tent umhnr umhnrteby teby orfz orfzhm hm bgq bgqugc ugc,, jrnc jrncbgm bgmii nm gmvg gmvgsgk sgkbh bh cnra. Nmc bgt. Ky bnlps, bnl ps, ky jnmc jnmcbhs bhs,, ky kurmg kurmgmi mi snjrgj snjrgjgnb gnb rhs. Ky bgie bgiett rhh rhhjthc jthc orfl n rhb rhbgj‗ gj‗ss ifb ifbc, c, fr nm gcfbs ruky hyh. Bgt nmc sencfwhc orfl wgtegm, orfl futsgch kntehc twgjh cngby gm ncvnmjgmi nmc rhtrhntgmi rhtrhntgmi ibffl. N mhst fo wgb wgbc c jfl jflpbhx pbhxgt gty y, fo bgmhs nmc ofrl ofrlss nmc mnturn mnturnbb sen senphs, phs, fo snjrhc wfrcs nmc jfbfurhc ibnss, fo glnihs nmc lhssnihs nmc jfmtgmunb sbfw rgtunb. Zencfw upfm sencfw upfm sencfw fvhr chjnchs, fvhr jhmturghs. Ehrh, gm tegs gmjukntfr fo mhnr-cnra, gm tegs hxphrglhmt fo sench, teh sencfws bhnrm. Segs stg Segs stgbb bb tnahs tglh, ofr senc sencfw fwss bhn bhnrm rm qugth qugth sbf sbfwby wby,, foth fothm m ofri ofrihttg httgmi mi went went tehy nrh. Lfs Lfstt sencfw khbghvhs tent gt gs bgiet, gt rums tfwnrcs teh rgsgmi sum nmc cghs. Zflh tegmas gtshbo n chhphr cnra nmc hhs hmcbhssby gmtf teh mgiet. Lnmy sencfws tegma tent tehy nrh stfmh, fr bgvgmi khgmis, fr lnmuonjturhc tegmis. Wfu jnm shh tehsh jbgmigmi tf tehgr fkdhjts, egcgmi gm tehgr jrnjas nmc eurrygmi nt tehgr ehhbs. N jhrtngm agmc fo sencfw khbghvhs tent gt gs khnuty, gt eumts wflhm wflhm nmc egchs gm teh jhmtr jhmtrhs hs fo ihls. Yehm gt mcs n jhrtngm wfl wflhm hm tent gt bga bgahs, hs, gt ncfrhs ehr, sfotby hlkrnjgmi ehr onjh wgte teh ihmtbhst tfuje, strfagmi umchr ehr jehhas nmc jegm, jegm, hrns hrnsgmi gmi sgims fo nih, trnms trnmsofrl ofrlgmi gmi hyhs tf kurm kurmgmi gmi pffbs. Yehm tegs sencf sencfw w onbbs onbbs gm bfvh gt fothm onbbs ofr bgoh, gt wgbb jbgmi tf ehr terfuie fbc nih, gmtf chnte, nmc thmchrby efbc
ehr kfmhs gm teh cnra. Kut sencfw cfhs mft mnlh gtshbo, mft strngiet nwny. Gt gs rhbntgfmnb, gt sprgmis orfl sflhtegmi >75
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
hbsh, tf amfw gtshbo tnahs tglh. ‒Ky ly nmnbysgs teh bgiet futsgch lust wnx nmc wnmh nt bhnst fmh eumcrhc tefusnmc tglhs, wegbh gmsgch jfmtgmunb, fr shlg-jfmtgmunb bgiet. Mhgtehr cnramhss lny ln y prhv prhvngb ngb..tehrh Zf4 nlust bnr bnrih ihkhkugbcg kug bcgmi mi (v (vhry hry bnrih gs khst) khst),, fo irhnt gmm gmmhr hr tftnb jflpbhx jflpbgiet bhxgt gty yfr , gme gmenkgt nkgthc hc nmc gm ush ofr nt bhn bhnst st terhh eumc eumcrhc rhc yhnr yhnrs. s. Nt tegs stni stnihh wh stnm stnmc c n slnbb slnbb jenm jenmjh jh fo teh jntnbysntgfm jntnbys ntgfm fo sencfw gmtf bgoh. N sencfw-h sencfw-hbhlhm bhlhmtnb, tnb, kut fmh jrhnthc ky teh sencfw fo kugbt tegmis. Shjehhjeh-Xlkr Xlkrn, n, fr Xlk Xlkrn-S rn-Shjemg hjemgjnb jnb go yfu wgbb, teh bgvgm bgvgmii sencf sencfw w fo lnch tegmis. tegmis.““ Nseaftt. Seh ofrl fo nm Xlkrn-Shjemgjnb Hbhlhmtnb jnm cgffhr n irhnt chnb. Gt bhnrms senph nmc bgoh orfl gts hmvgrfmlhmt, nmc sf fothm khigms ky lglgjagmi tefsh senphs nmc tefsh slnbb bgvhs. N kgrc gs jfllfm rst, pbulnihc gm ibffl, jflpfshc fo rgppbgmi cnramhss bgah teh tnmibh gm teh jhm jhmtrh trh fo n wgm wgmh-a h-amft mft ns gt pfurs gmtf n ibn ibnss. ss. N yf yfumi umi Xlkr Xlkrn-S n-Shj hjemg emgjnb jnb Hbhlh Hbhlhmtn mtnbb wgbbb ihmh wgb ihmhrnbb rnbby y cf vhrsg vhrsgfms fms fo teh tegmas gts bgvgm bgvgmii cfuk cfukbh bh cfhs. Gt wgbb mhst nmc phja, swffp nmc utthr, sglpby n cnra kgrc nlfmist teh rhst. Gm sfutehrm jbglhs n knt gs nbsf n jfllfm gmgtgnbb ofrl. Gt enumts nmc pfsshsshs fmh pnrtgjubnr kugbcgmi, gmgtgn kugbcgmi, fr n vhry jbfshby mhsthc irfup fo kugbcgmis. Gt mhvhr bhnvhs teh sencfw, nvfgcgmi kfte nksfbuth cnramhss nmc cgrhjt bgiet. Nt nmy tglh tegs bgvgmi hlkrfgchry fo mgiet jnm y npnrt, cgsnpphnrgmi gmtf teh sencfws fo gts eflh nmc rhnpphnrgmi wehrhvhr gt sf chsgrhs, sf bfmi ns sencfws bgh tehrh. Nt rst gt gs umbga umbgahby hby tent nmy nmyfmh fmh wgbb rhnbg rhnbgsh sh tent teh sencf sencfw w gm teh rnot rnothrs hrs gs nbgvh nbgvh.. Kut ns tglh trgjabhs ky nmc jhmturghs pnss, ns teh sencfw irfws gm sgzh nmc pfwhr, gt khjflhs gmthbbgihm gmth bbgihmtt nmc shbo nw nwnrh. nrh. Seh Hbhlhmt Hbhlhmtnb nb wgbb fothm rhtngm gts gmgtgnb senph ns n agmc fo tehlhfo-ofrl, kut gt irncunbby bhnrms mhw senphs orfl went gt shhs nmc teh tegmis gts sencfws hmofbc. hmof bc. Go gt irf irfws ws gmsgc gmsgchh n rhb rhbgig gigfus fus kugb kugbcgm cgmi, i, tehm gt wgbb bhnrm teh ofrls sjubp sjubpthc thc fm gts wnbbs wn bbs,, fr pngm pngmthc thc tehrh. Hv Hvhm hmtunb tunbby by gt wgb wgbbb kh nkbh tf nssulh teh senph chpg chpgjthc jthc gm nmy fo teh sjubpturh sjubpturhss fr glnihs gm teh kugbc kugbcgmi gmi,, nmc njt ns tehy wf wfubc ubc,, pe peysg ysgjnbb jnbby y nt bhnst. Gt jnm nbsff jeffsh nbs jeffsh tf bffa bgah nmy nmyfmh fmh gmsgc gmsgchh teh kugbcg kugbcgmi mi mf mfw. w. Gt jnm bhnrm bhnrm bnmiunih bnmiunihs, s, kut sphnas fmby gm n wegsphr, sflhtglhs npphnrgmi tf tefsh wef nrh nbfmh, whnrgmi n eulnm senph, jfllumgjntg jfll umgjntgmi mi sflh vgtnb lhssnih tent gt efphs wgbb hmsurh teh kugbcgmis survgvnb. survgvnb. Gt lny igvh gts mnlh ns tent wrgtthm fm sflh nmjghmt tflk, fr teh mnlh teh kugbcgmi enc gm nihs pnst, gm nmftehr bnmiunih, gm nmftehr tglh. Yehm nmihrhc nmihrhc fr hmrn hmrnihc, ihc, gt jnm nttnj nttnja, a, cfgmi peys peysgjnb gjnb enrl enrl.. Gt jnm nbs nbsff krg krgmi mi kbgmcm kbgmcmhss hss,, fr hvhm lncmhss wgte n tfuje, tefuie mhgtehr kbgmcmhss, enrl mfr lncmhss wgbb bnst bfmi futsgch teh kugbcgmis wnbbs. Nmc tehy jnm jenrl, shcujh nmc bfvh nmc onbb gm bfvh. Khnuty nmc gts bfvh wns fothm wfrahc gmtf gmtf teh stfm stfmhh tent inv invhh tehl kgrt kgrte, e, gt gs jflln jfllnmc mc nmc vubmrn vubmrnkgb kgbgt gty y tf tehl tehl.. Sehy jnm npphnr ns phfpbh fo irhnt khnuty, jenrlgmi sflh tf shrvgjh nmc tnagmi bfvhrs go tehy wgse, kut tehy jnm bfs bfshh tehl tehlshb shbvh vhss ns wh whbb. bb. Zefu Zefubc bc tehy jenrl n phrsf phrsfm m tf tehgr shrvg shrvgjh, jh, go tehy nrh khnutgoub tehrh gs n jenmjh tent teh Xlkrn-Shjemgjnb gtshbo jfubc onbb gm bfvh, nmc wehm gt cfhs gt onbbs ofrhvhr, tgbb gts bfvhr cghs, tehm bfvhs tehgr kfmhs.
Seh lfrh tglh crgots pnst, teh lfrh pfwhr pfwhroub oub teh Xl Xlkrn-S krn-Shjemg hjemgjnb jnb khjflhs. Xbtgl Xbtglnthby nthby,, gt jnm hmofbc nbb sencfws gm teh kugbcgmi fmtf fmh irhnt frinmgsl, jflprhsshc nmc ofbchc >77
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
umchr teh rffo bgah nm hnibh pnjahc gmtf gts sehbb. Gt gs hvhry sencfw, hvhrywehrh gmsgch tent spnjh. Xlkrn Xl krn-S -Shj hjem emgj gjnb nbsswnbbs nrh mhg mhgteh tehr r hvg hvgbb mfr iffc. Yent nt tehy nkfut tf gs teh pbnjh pbnjh. . Se Sehy hy nmc nrh jfmmhjthc tf teh tent kgrtehc tehl, tf tehYe pgbbnrs nmcjnrh teh stfmhs wgmcfws teh bnlps tent kurmhc. Njtg Njtgmi mi tf cho chohmc hmc teh senc sencfw fwss fo tent pbn pbnjh, jh, prfthj prfthjtgmi tgmi tehl orfl tff lu luje je cnra fr tff lu luje je bgie bgiet. t. Seg Segss usun usunbby bby bhncs gt gmtf gmtf n syl sylkgf kgftgj tgj rhbntg rhbntgfmse fmsegp gp wgte teh lfrtnb lfrtnb iun iunrcg rcgnms nms fo gts gts efl eflh. h. Se Sehy hy kfte wnmt nmt teh snl snlhh teg tegmi mis. s. Zbfw Zbfw phrl phrlnmh nmhmjh mjh,, rhphtgtgfm, ibffl, nmc ofr teh stfmhs tf mhvhr onbb.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
XMIXBGU ‒G nl ibnc tent teh Xmiubgx, (tent spgmh‗c lnbhvfbhmjh) gs rnrh, kut sncchr stgbb tf mc gt rnrh hmfuie tent mf-fmh wgbb khbghvh gt rhnb!“ - B (G envh envh mhv mhvhr hr jb jbng nglh lhc c teh teh Xm Xmiub iubgx gx n efn efnx, x, G sn sny y fmb fmby y te tent nt teh tehrh rh gs mft prffo prffo.. N sgmib sgmibhh cntn-pfgmt gs mft hmfuie - T) ‒Nbtefuie tehrh gs mf rhjfrc fo tehl nmywehrh, nbtefuie mhvhr shhm ky nmyfmh kut G nmc tent rnrhby, G swhnr tf yfu teh Xmiubgx gs truh! N jflprhssgkbh, wgmcgmi jrhnturh, wgte teh sgzh nmc ehgiet nmc strhmite fo bglk fo tefsh vhry bnrih efumcs ushc ofr eumtgmi wfbvhs, yht squgrlgse nmc trnjtflfrpegj bgah n jnt fr lusthbgc. Xmiubgx jflkgmh teh nsphjts fo teh Bgznrc nmc teh rnkgc cfi. Sehy stnmc ofur-squnrh wgte tehgr knjas nrjehc gm n jurvh, kut jnm nbsf sbgch nmc sbgtehr, jurb nmc twgst, tehy jnm t gmtf nmy spnjh tent lgiet efbc n sbgie sbgietby tby kugbc jfmtfrtnkb jfmtfrtnkbhh lnm. Seh knja gs rgcihc wgte sbnm sbnmtgmi tgmi trgnmiubnr spgmhs. Sefuie senrp, tehsh spgmhs jnmmft kh kfmh, ofr tehy jnm kfw fr bgh knja, phrlgttgmi Xmiubgx tf khtthr egch nmc jrnwb terfuie jrnjas nmc mnrrfw inps. Gts ohht nrh jbnwhc, n bgttbh bgah n cfis, teh jbnws hxthmc nmc rnsp wehm teh Xmiubgx gs eumir eu miry y nmc ehb ehbp p gt wnb wnba a upfm teh irf irfum umc. c. Se Sehh eh ehnc nc gs lncc lncchm hmgm gmii nmc nmc jrn jrnzhc zhc,, gt gtss hy hyhs hs nrh jfbfurhc jfbfurhc phnrbs phnrbs,, fccby sgzh sgzhc c nmc mhvh mhvhrr teh snlh sench. Gts dnw gs nm umhv umhvhm hm lhss wgte irntgmi trgnmiubnr thhte, chsgimhc ofr rgppgmi hse. N bnsegmi tngb rfumcs fff teh hmc. Xmiubgx nrh nm uiby, grrhiubnr, kbnja-jfbulkgmh, bgah n cgshnshc nmc cgrty cfvh nmc wehm tehy jflh tehy krgmi n agmc fo rugmhc ngr1 N kbftjegmhss fr spntthrgmi, mft fo teh vgsgfm, kut fo spnjh gtshbo, ummhrvgmi gmvhrsgfms fo bgiet, cnra rhghs kurmgmi gmvhrthc nlh, spgmmgmi nmc wgmagmi gm nmc fut. Xmiubgx jflh nbwnys orfl khbfw, tehy bgvh umchr tegmis nmc jnm kh umchr nmytegmi, umchr tnkbhs, umchr jengrs, umchr wnrcrfkhs, umchr khcs, umchr jnrphts, umchr bfis umchr sehcs fr sbhhpgmi cfis. Phrenps mft umchr Kut nmywehrh shhnmc nm umchr-suronjh fut fo sgiet, orfl umchr tehrh teh Xmiubgx lnycfis. squhhzh, rnspgmi gtsyfu thhte rfbbgmi gts hyhs. Lfst umpbhnsnm umpbhnsnmtby tby,, teh Xmi Xmiubg ubgx x gs ups upsgch gch cfwm. Gt ncv ncvnmjh nmjhss sbf sbfwby wby,, jbn jbnws ws irg irgppg ppgmi mi teh irfumc. irfu mc. Go cgstr cgstrnjth njthc, c, gt onb onbbs bs upw upwnrc nrc tf teh rffo. Fmj Fmjhh up tehrh gt bhn bhnps ps enppg enppgby by nkfut teh jhgbgmi, kut go teh rffo gs egie nmc gt wgsehs tf shgzh upfm yfu gt lust jnrhoubby jbglk cfwm teh wnbbs nmc jrhhp tf yfu njrfss teh ffr. [uis. [uis nrh enppy tegmis nmc ahy gm chohmjh ningmst teh Xmiubgx. Gt gs rnrh ofr tehl tf jfmtgmuh pursugt futsgch teh efush, teh say gs chncby tf tehl. (Sefuie fmjhh teh fmj tehy y cgc cgc vhmt vhmturh urh tf je jensh nsh lh ter terfu fuie ie n chm chmsh shby by wffchc jfp jfpsh sh,, bhnpg bhnpgmi mi njr njrfss fss te tehh kfttfls fo teh gmthrbnjhc krnmjehs). Go tehy sefubc ―onbb‗ futsgch, G envh shhm mf bglgt tf gts onbb, tehy cgsnpphnr gmtf teh say. Burh tehl futsgch! Ns luje ns Xmiubgx jnm npphnr umchrmhnte nmytegmi nt nbb wgtefut wnrmgmi, tehy jnm nbsf
cgsnpphnr teh snlh wny, wegje tehy wgbb qugjaby cf sefubc jgrjulstnmjhs turm ningmst tehl. Sehy nrh orustrntgmi nmc chvgbgse fppfmhmts! Ns sffm ns nmy sgim fo ehbp nrrgvhs, tehy bhnp
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
nwny nmc squgrl knja umchr teh khc. Go teh khc gs fvhrturmhc, mftegmi gs ofumc, teh Xmiubgx nrh ifmh. Gkrug envh teh jbnw ly teh sjrntjehs fmnvngb ly ly juts gkhc nmc krugshs shs pfgmthc nmc tehfut imn imnw w lnr lnras as lnras fm lyfm bgm bgmthbs thbs jhgbgmi, upsg upsgch ch cfwm, nbb tf mf nv ngb!!ruis, G en envh vh chsjr chsjrgkhc teh kbftjegm kbftjegmii gm teh ngr nmc khhm prhsjrg prhsjrgkhc khc pgbbs pgbbs.. Hv Hvhryw hrywehrh ehrh G lhh lhhtt n cfu cfuktgm ktgmii inzh inzh.. Nm fbc, chbuchc, cruma, fmjh-onlfus lnm, bfmhby nmc trnulntgshc orfl n bgohtglh fo wfmchrs, fkshsshc wgte lfmsthrs, hgtehr chsphrnth ofr ntthmtgfm, fr sglpby lnc, jensgmi lyshbo terfuie ly fwm efush, efush, rugmgm rugmgmii ly tegm tegmis is nmc jehwg jehwgmi mi fm ly fwm bgm bgmthbs thbs.. Gt gs truh teh Xmiub Xmiubgx gx jflh lngmby wehm G crgma, kut tegs gs pnrt fo tehgr chsgim. G khbghvh tehy prhohr tf tnah ky nlkuse, eumtgmi bfmh phfpbh, npphnrgmi umchr teh khc, tehm smntjegmi smntj egmi teh vgjtgl nmc jnrrygmi tehl fff tf tehgr upsgch-cf upsgch-cfwm wm wfrbc. Zurprgsh Zurprgsh,, G vhm vhmturh turh gs teh irhnthst whnpfm fo teh Xmiubgx. Mftegmi jfubc kh lfrh rhnsfmnkbh tenm ofr nm nlkuse prhcntfr eumtgmi gmthbbgihmt prhy wgte nm gmhxgkbh tnjtgj tf sprhnc fut gts nttnjas fvhr ns wgch nm nrhn ns pfssgkbh, tnagmi fmby bfmh gmcgvgcunbs, lnagmi surh tent mf lhssnih fo gts prhshmjh hvhr sprhncs. Glnigmh shjrht wfbvhs, fr went n tgihr jfubc njeghvh wgte jbftehs nmc n ahy tf teh efush! Segs hxpbngms wey teh Xmiubgx eumt lh stgbb, nmc wey tehy cf sf gm suje jnrhoub shjrhjy. G envh hxpfshc tehgr sjehlh. sjehlh. Gt wns fmby ly prhthrmnturn prhthrmnturnbb nwnrhm nwnrhmhss hss nmc umusunb stnth fo hvhr-rhncy prhpnrntgfm, ingmhc fvhr bfmi yhnrs fo ncvhmturh nmc cnmihr, tent nbbfwhc lh tf survgv surv gvhh teh rst Xmi Xmiubg ubgx x nttn nttnja ja nt nbb. nbb. Sehy lus lustt envh envh tefui tefuiet et lh n thlp thlptgmi tgmi tnrih tnriht, t, nm fbc lnm, pnst egs prglh, sbhhpgmi, phrenps sflhwent cruma, nbfmh, umnrlhc. Efw wrf Efw wrfmi mi tehy wh whrh! rh! Seh rfiuhs tffa n tnst tnsthh fo ly cuhb cuhbbgm bgmii stgja stgja nmc G hsj hsjnphc nphc terfui terfuie e teh wgmcfw gmtf teh smfw. Sehgr eumtgmi fo lh wgbb mft jhnsh. Ns bfmi ns G bgvh nmc sphna teh trute G nl n cnmihr tf tehl. Sehy lust chstrf chstrfy y lh, nmc tehy lust cf sf shjrhtby shjrhtby,, wgtefut hvgchmjh fr wgtmhsshs tf wntje. wntje. Go tehy jnm cf teg tegss tehm ly bfmh vfg vfgjh jh lny if umehhchc, umehhchc, bfst gm tglh, nmc teh Xmiubgx lny jfmtgmuh tehgr prhcntgfms wgtefut rhstrgjtgfm. Nmc sf ly bfmhby cuhb ifhs fm. G amfw tehy wgbb jflh ofr lh. Yehm nbfmh, orfl sflhwehrh umchrmhnte. Yent go n kffasehbo onbbs6 G nl fbc mfw nmc G jnm stnmc mhgtehr jflpnmy mfr tff lnmy mgiets futcffrs. Gt gs fmby n lntthr fo tglh. Sehy shha lh orfl tehgr tfpsy turvy wfrbc, nmc G wfubc envh tegs cfmh.“ - Duibnmsgmi Bhptfkbnst
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
_GSHBBN[W N krgiet jyjbfpgj y tent jrnwbs upfm yfur sagm nmc jnm‗t kh tfujehc. Gt turms teh wfrbc tf wfrcs. Go n ont nmc whbb-ohc Ibypenpgbbnr gs kurmt gm n eft frnmih nlh, gt bhnvhs kbnja shilhmthc jerysnbgs jerys nbgs upfm teh irfumc, bgah shhcs fo bgvgmi jfnb. Sehsh bgh gm teh nsehs ofr n cny fr sf, tehm ns trhh-nse jffbs, tehy jrnja nmc krgiet _gtnbbnry jbnlkhr fut, ifbc orfl jfnb, nm nbjehlgsts trgja oubbbhc. _gthbbnry envh n slffte rfumc tefrnx nmc n ehncbhss nkcflhm wegje efbcs kfte hyh nmc wgmis wgm is nmc orfl wegj wegje e teh bhis chsjhmc chsjhmc.. Seh _gthbbnry _gthbbnry‗s ‗s hyh gs kbn kbnma, ma, wegth nmc phroh phrohjtby jtby rfumc. rfu mc. Se Sehh tw twff se senrp nrp swh swhptpt-of ofrw rwnrc nrc wgm wgmis is lf lfv vh onr tff qu qugj gjab aby y ofr ofr nm hy hyhh tf sh shh, h, n eullgmikgrc-kbur. Seh spgahc bhis enmi strngiet cfwm. Seh efrrfr fo teh _gthbbnry gs4 gt jnmmft kh struja nt fr rhlfvhc. Ns teh enmc jflhs cfwm tf swnt gt fff teh sag sagm, m, gt orhh orhhzhs zhs gm lgc lgc-ng -ngrr fr swhrv swhrvhs hs tf strg strgah ah nrfumc nrfumc teh lnra. Pgm Pgmje jehc hc mihrs shmt tf pgj mihrs pgja a gt fff wgb wgbbb bga bgahwg hwgsh sh turm nsg nsgch, ch, pgmjhr pgmjhrgmi gmi hse fr hlpt hlpty y spnjh. Seh y rums nbfmi yfur nrl, yfu ngb, gt sagtthrs up yfur jehst, yfu khi ofr ehbp, gt rums njrfss yfur onjh nmc bnys ningmst teh jfrmhr fo yfur hyh, ohhcgmi fm yfur thnrs, yfu sjrhnl nmc jbutje nt hlpty ngr. Gt lny cf ns gt wgsehs wgte yfur kfcy nmc yfur sagm, yfu jnmmft tnah gt fff. Lhtefcs fo rhlfv Lhtefcs rhlfvnb nb nrh cnmi cnmihrfu hrfuss nmc ohw. Go fmby fmh fr twf _gthb _gthbbnry bnry nrh prhshm prhshmtt tehm jfmtngmlhm jfmtn gmlhmt4 t4 (terf (terfwgmi wgmi n wht tfw tfwhb hb fvhr teh fffhmcgmi bglk) nmc rnpgc nlputntg nlputntgfm fm cf teh trgja. Shnsgmi teh y fmtf n slnbbhr mihr nmc rnpgcby strgagmi gt fff nt teh dfgmt wgte n amgoh jnm wfra ns whbb. Mfm jfmsjgfus nmglnbs jnm swnt teh ghs, ns jnm phfpbh-nsbhhp wef cf gt gm n crhnl. N tegm sehht fo njgc fr nlh, gmcgffhrhmtby nppbghc, jnm crgvh tehl fff. ‒Zglpby rfbb yfur jegbc gm mh fur, teh khnt tehl tgbb fmby n tegm sehhm rhlngms. Shbb tehl tf jbfsh tehgr nmc h, nppb nppby n bgv bgvgmi gmi nlh, lna lnah h surh tf turm nw nwny ny..rhc N swg swgot ot onb nmc enrl enrlbhs jfmnirn jfm nirntgf tgfm m hyhs wgb wgbbb hmsu hmsuh, gtsy hmc4 lgb lgbc c sgm sgmigm igmi i nmc enrlbh enrlbhss ss lurch lurchrhc ghs onbbgm bgmi i tf bhss tehs irfumc bgah rngm.“ - Bhptfkbnst Pusegmi sflhf Pusegmi sflhfmh mh umc umchrw hrwnthr nthr jnm sfl sflhtg htglhs lhs jnush teh ghs tf bhn bhnvh vh.. Chkn Chknth th rnih rnihss fv fvhr hr n senrp um-prflpthc cumagmi wfras teh khst, fr sbfw gllhrsgfm, jnusgmi teh _gtthbnry tf irncunbby lgirnth tf teh tfp fo teh ehnc fr tgp fo teh mfsh. Efphoubby tf y nwny. Kut tehrh nrh cnmihrs, cnmihrs, ofr teh _gthb _gthbbnry bnry fmb fmby y bnm bnmc c fm euln eulnm m sag sagm m tf lnth. Yehm yf yfu u shh tehl cnse gm jgrjbhs jgrjbhs fm yfur hse, yfu amf amfw w teh hmc gs sffm tf jflh. Fmj Fmjhh glp glprhim rhimnthc nthc,, teh ohlnbh y gmdhjts ehr hiis cgrhjtby, crgvgmi tehl umchr yfur sagm tf ihstnth. Nmc dust ns wgte teh y, teh hiis jnmmft kh chbgkhrnthb chbgkhrnthby y rhlfvhc rhlfvhc.. Go yfu orgiethm teh _gtgbbnr _gtgbbnry y, gt lny pnmgj, gmdhjtgmi umohrtgbgshc hiis tent wgbb rft umchr teh hse, fr kurrfwgmi gtshbo. Hgtehr fo tehsh irgl hvhmts lgiet kh prhohrrhc tf tent fo efst tf _gthbbnry yfumi.
Seh lniifts jrnwb tfwnrcs tfwnrcs teh krngm. Zbfw Zbfwby by,, fv fvhr hr shvhrnb cnys, tehy kurrfw terfuie teh kfcy umchrmh umchrmhnt nte e teh sag sagm. m. Se Sehy hy lfv lfvhh up teh mhja mhja nmc wehm tehy rhnj rhnje e teh saubb saubb tehy cgsnpphnr, cgvgmi bgah jhtnjhnms. Zpgrnbbgmi gmtf teh lgmc. ;0:
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Yenthvhr tehy cf tehrh, wehtehr ky jfmsulgmi sflh egcchm frinm fo tefuiet, shjrhtgmi nm umamfwm fgb fr rncgntgmi jryptgj wnvhs tent dnmibh teh ibnmcs fo teh krngm, gt nbthrs teh jfimgtgfm fo teh lgmc. Seh rst sgim fothm jflhs wgte kbffc. Seh efst, go jut fr wfumchc gm n lgmfr wny, wgbb bffa cfwm nt teh thnr, nmc shh, gmsthnc fo bgqugc, n strhnl fo tgmy jrglsfm wfrcs. Seh wfrcs nrh ―kbffckbffckbffckbffckbffc‗, rummgmi gm n rgvhr fo rhc wfrcs. Orfl tegs pfgmt fm teh hffhjt gmthmsghs gmth msghs nmc hxpnmcs. Zgmibh mihrs nrh rhpbnjhc ky bfmi tegm wfrcs rhncg rhncgmi mi ―mihr‗ nmc dfgmthc tf teh enmc wegje sbfwby khjflhs ―enmc‗, stgbb bgvgmi nt teh hmc fo teh nrl. Segs jen Segs jenmih mih hmjf hmjflp lpns nsshs shs teh wfrb frbc. c. Nbb Nbb tegm tegmis is nr nrhh mn mnlhc lhc nmc sh shhm hm ns tehg tehgrr mnl mnlh. h. Se Sehh _gthbbnry-Kbgmcmhss. ‒Nm gmnjjurnth nmc umongr mnlh. Seh _gbhbbnry vgjtgls nrh mft kbgmc, tehy jnm shh nmc mc tehgr wny nkfut whbb hmfuie. Sruh, lnmy cf if lnc nmc ifuih fut tehgr fwm hyhs, kut tegs cfhs bgttbh iffc. Seh orhse Ibypenpg Ibypenpgbbnrs bbnrs nrh stgbb sbf sbfwby wby irfwg irfwgmi mi gm tehgr krngm nmc jnmmft kh rhl rhlfv fvhc. hc. Lfst bhnrm bhnrm,, sfl sflhef hefw, w, tf ncn ncnpt pt tf tegs krg krgho ho wfrbc fo wf wfrcs rcs gmsthnc gmsthnc fo senph senphs. s. Nmc gm onjt tehrh nrh ncvnmtnihs ofr sflh. Seh wfrcs nrh nbwnys bgthrnb nmc lfrh tenm fmh cfflhc suffhrhr ens jbnglhc tent teh _gthbbnry kbgmcmhss bhts tehl shh tegmis ns tehy rhnbby nrh. G ehnrc n stfry fo fmh lnm wef snw, wnbagmi tfwnrcs egl, teh wfrc ―knmcgt‗ gm n eulnm senph, wef tehm nccrhsshc egl ns n org orghmc. hmc. Gt‗s sngc tegs shjrht amf amfwbh wbhcih cih snv snvhc hc egs bgoh, bgoh, suj suje e ns gt wn wns. s. Fte Ftehrs hrs env envhh cgs cgsjhrm jhrmhc hc teh bhtthrs S.[.N.P. wehrh orghmcs snw kut n kffm. Ofr tefsh wef wfra teh Zuktbh Nrt teh _gthbbnry kbgmcmhss efbcs n sphjgnb onsjgmntgfm fo gts fwm. Lnmy nrh teh tnbhs fo jhrtngm sphbbs nmc lysthrg lysthrghs hs hxpfshc ky tefsh wef jfubc wntje wntje tehgr hffhjts fr bhms tehgr shjrhts wgte n vhrknb hyh. Sf shh teh shjrhts fo teh wfrbc umourbhc gm wfrcs, n tnmtnbgsgmi prfpfsgtgfm ofr sjefbnrs nmc pegbfsfpehrs fo hvhry agmc. Go fmby tehrh wns sflh wny tf survgvh teh wfrls. Kut sf onr tehrh gs mft.“ - Thmgtenb Hvhmtunbby teh vgjtgl ifhs gmtf shgzurh, tehgr saubb jrnjas fphm nmc segmgmi Ibypenpgbbnrs wnmchr fut nmc jrnwb gm shnrje fo wffc tf hnt nmc trhhs gm wegje tf sgt. Seh _gthbbnry gs ohnrhc nkfvh nbb ftehr gmshjt agmc, teh sgiet fo fmh jnm hlpty rffls nmc shmc onlgbghs hhgmi gmtf teh strhht. N swnrl jnm hlpty vgbbnihs, n pbniuh jnm lnah wefbh jgtghs rhouihhs Ohw jnm stflnje teh mgietlnrh fo shhgmi n bfvhc fmh jfvhrhc wgte teh yhbbfw ghs, kfte fo yfu amfwgmi teh ghs wgbb sffm bny hiis gmsgch tehgr hse. Zflh bhnp gmtf kfmrhs gm chspngr, nmc sefubc tehy survgvh, mf lntthr efw lutgbnthc fr kurmt, lny tegma tehlshbvhs ofrtumnth gmchhc. Cnra stfrghs thbb fo tefsh wef ush teh _gthbbnry ofr chbgkhrnth nmc hvgb hmcs. Fo swnlp-cruma trgkhs wef jfvhr jhrtngm lhlkhrs gm teh ghs, lnagmi tehl utthrby gllumh tf nttnja. Ofr, go yfu jnmmft strgah n _gthbbnry fff teh hse, mhgtehr jnm yfu strgah hse wehrh gt gs. Zflhfmh
jfvhrhc gm teh ifbchm-yhbbfw ghs, fr rgccbhc wgte teh kulps fo tehgr hiis, jnmmft kh cgrhjtby enrlhc. Ftehr bhihmcs thbb fo Zenlnm chbgkhrnthby gmohjtgmi tehlshbvhs tf shh wgte wfrbc gm wfrcs, ;03
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
fr fo whnbtey wfrahrs fo teh suktbh nrt nkcujtgmi gmmfjhmts nmc igvgmi tehl teh kbgmcmhss, ofrjgmi tehl tf bffa upfm strnmih lysthrghs nmc sphna fo went tehy shh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
_F[H KXBB ‒N ehjn ehjntfl tflk k hlpg hlpgrh, rh, hmcb hmcbhssb hssby y snj snjrgj rgjhc. hc. N agm agmicfl icfl fo jntt jnttbh bh nmc teh wrf wrfmihc mihc,, fksh fkshssh sshc c wgte dustgjh nmc rhvhmih, wehrh mftegmi gs ofriftthm nmc nbb tegmis nrh njjfumthc ofr nmc lhnsurhc lhns urhc gm teh hyh hyh fo n lhrj lhrjgbh gbhss ss ifc. Nm fbc jubturh jubturh,, wefsh wefsh ongte gs n jub jubtt fo lysthry lysthry,, efbcgm efb cgmii bgi bgiet et kut tna tnahm hm terf terfuie uie cnra pbn pbnjhs. jhs. N pbn pbnjh jh fo eumihr eumihr nmc rhmh rhmhwn wnb, b, jgv jgvgbg gbgshc shc nmc snvnih, snv nih, jubturhc nmc shbo-jf shbo-jfmsulgm msulgmi. i. Jnmmgknb Jnmmgknbs6 s6 Pfssg Pfssgkby kby,, vhry pfssgkby pfssgkby.. Sefuie G cfukt go tehy tefu tefuie iett fo gt tent wn wny y. Ofr tehl, gt wn wnss n jyj jyjbh, bh, hmcbh hmcbhssb ssby y rhmh rhmhwh whc. c. Zgb Zgbhm hmtt tefu tefuie, ie, mftegmi wrgtthm ky tehl ens survgvhc teh yhnrs, fmby glnihs jnrvhc onr orfl teh sum. Phrenps tehy kugbt nmc sngc luje lfrh tenm tegs nmc nbb tehgr irhnthr lfmulhmts nrh bfst fr wfrm nwny. Phrenps tehy sglpby bgahc tf jnrvh wgtegm teh cnra. Fmby tehsh chhp, shjrhthc pbnjhs envh survgvhc. Pnssgfms gm stfmh, sglgbnr glnihs gjahrgmi umchr teh bnlpbgiet. Nbwnys teh snlhh iurhs, tefu snl tefuie ie teh jnrvgm jnrvgmis is lny kh n tefusn tefusnmc mc lgbh lgbhss npnrt. Seh Kub Kubb. b. Seh Duci Ducih. h. Seh Znjrgj Znjrgjh. h. Seh Nrl Nrly y fo teh Kubbs Kubbs.. Seh Jfms Jfmsulp ulptgfm tgfm.. Sehm n bfmi cnra cnramhs mhsss nmc teh egmts fo n rhkgrte.“ - Thmgtenb ‒Seh prfjhss gs n jflpbhx fmh. Sehrh nrh hlftgfmnb nsphjts. G wgbb sagp fvhr tefsh nmc iht tf teh pfgmt. N agmc fo lgjrf-ehjntflk gs lnch. G wgbb rhohr tf tegs ns teh Njtgvntfr. N kubb lust kh ofumc nmc mnlhc. Seh mnlh lust kh nm nmnirnl fo teh shhahr‗s mnlh. Gt lust kh lnrahc sflhwehrh fm teh kubb. Jnrvhc, jut fr krnmchc. Seh kubb gs sagmmhc. Gt gs ehbpoub nt tegs tglh tf prfp teh nmglnb uprgiet wgte teh ehnc tgbthc knja.. Ztrgp mnahc, irhnsh yfursh knja yfurshbo, bo, swnbbf swnbbfw w teh Njtgv Njtgvntfr ntfr nmc bht irnvgt irnvgty y hnsh yfu gmtf teh kubb. CF MFS jut yfur wny gm. Gt lust kh terfuie teh lfute. Gt gs ehbpoub ehbpoub tf kh sbgie sbgiett fo ornl ornlh. h. Go yfu nrh bnrih fo kfcy tehm teh kubb lust lust bgahwg bgahwgsh sh kh irhnt gm sgzh. Sehrh-wfrahc, kubb tehm nmglnths. nmg lnths. stnmcs nmctf w wnbas. nbas. trnmsl trnmslfrpegsl frpegsl tna tnahs hs rhnr bhis nrh teh orfmt Gt trnmsofrlhc nrlsZflh nmc enmcs, teh hyhknbbs onbbpbnjh. nwny,Seh bgiet jflhs orfl wgtegm. Ofr ns bfmi ns teh prfjhss ifhs fm teh kubb gs vgrtunbby gmchstrujtnkbh. N sgim fr syl sylkfb kfb fo teh kubb kubb‗s ‗s mhw mnl mnlhh wgb wgbbb npphnr sflhwe sflhwehrh hrh fm gts suro suronjh. njh. Seh hxnjt pntthrm fo tegs jnmmft kh prhcgjthc. Gt lny kh n sylkfb, fr strgmi fo sylkfbs, gmgtgnbs, fr n sgmibh wfrc. Gm sflh wny tehy rhbnth tf teh jfmtfbbhr fo teh kubb. Gt gs hmtgrh hmtgrhby by pfssgk pfssgkbh bh tf sur survgv vgvhh teh prfjhss prfjhss.. Seh kubb wgbb jfllg jfllgtt sfl sflhh bhte bhtenb nb vgfbh vgfbhmjh mjh fm nmglntgfm. nmglntg fm. Segs gs umnv umnvfgcnkbh fgcnkbh.. Kut wgte hfffrt tegs jnm kh of ofjushc jushc fm pnrtgjub pnrtgjubnr nr gmcgvgcu gmcgvgcunbs. nbs. (Sf nvfgc ihmhrnb lnyehl.) Khyfmc tegs pfgmt gt jnm kh ifvhrmhc sflhwent. Fm mgsegmi, teh jfmtrfbbhr jnm sglpby jbglk fut nmc vflgt up teh Njtgvntfr. Cnmihrfus ofr teh umsagbbhc nmc umprhpnrhc jhrtngmby, kut mft mhjhssnrgby bhtenb.“ - Nseaftt
Ztnllhb gs n rfiuh wgte ehr sfurjhs4 seh mftgjhs hvhrytegmi, mhvhr offtmfths, nmc jflpub sgvhby trnmsbnths hvhrtegmi gmtf Nmjghmt Nurnbhmt rhinrcbhss fo teh frgigmnb bnmiunih. Mhvhrtehbhss, G fffhr ehrh ly trnmsbntgfm fo ehr trnmsbntgfm fo teh frgigmnb, ofumc wef amfws wehrh.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
(Zeh jhrtngmby jhrtngmby cgc mft wrgth gt cfwm. cfwm.)) Prfk Prfknkby nkby crhci crhcihc hc up orfl teh rhjf rhjfbbh bbhjtgf jtgfms ms fo sfl sflhh rugmhc hbchr orfl fmh fo teh Efrgzfm-tfwms. ‒Seh fmhs wfra rst Sefshwfumchc onth ens eurt Nmihrhc ky teh Yfrbc-Hmigmh Eumiry ofr teh vhmihnmjh-lhnb. N slnbb tegmi tnah tehy Lfush fr lgmfr khnst Jnmcbh-ehnrthc jrhnturh, bgvgmi onst. Igvh tehy tehgr rnih, igvh gt tf teh khnst gm wefbh. Mfw nmihr‗s rh gs purh, shphrnth orfl gts lnahr Kurms egie gm teh lfush-ehnrt. Oghrjh khjflhs teh khnst wrnteoub nmc slnbb. Bht gt mft hsjnph Ofr gt wgbb agbb go gt jnm. Mfw teh ehnrt gs stgbb. Seh wfumchc fmh bffas fm tehgr nmihr Kurmgmi gm teh tgmy ehnrt. Zhhs gt gm gts wefbh. Seh wgsh wgbb hmc tegmis mfw, bht kh went gs nmc wns. Kut sflh wgbb mft. Jnbb tehy ofr teh Kubb. Cfwm gm teh cnra khbby lnah tehgr eflh hnthm ky hjstnsy teh purh wegth entrhc, strfmihr tenm khofrh teh gmcgvgsgkbh dfy. lfnmgmi gm teh Kubb Khbby. Seh terhh nrh fmh tgbb enrl gs cfmh. Zpgrgt fo rhvhmih gm khbby fo teh lnm. Crhnlgmi nmihr-lgmc
gm khbby fo teh kubb. Nmc kubb gtshbo hmigmh fo rugm. ;09
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Zf bfmi ns tehy nrh bgmahc gm jengm mft ifcs mft lhm mft chnte wgbb jhnsh went jflhs.“ N rntehr sgmgsthr ornilhmt G tegma yfu‗bb nirhh!“ - Bhptfkbnst
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
YEG[BYGMC YX[L ‒Yent lysthry bghs khyfmc teh Yurl6 Lnmy shha gt fut, yht ohw rhturm. Seh Yegrbwgmc Yurl gs pgtgoub gmchhc, chsphrnth ofr orghmcs kut jurshc ky n mgietlnrgse hvhr-jfmsulgmi lnw. Ofr teh Yegrbwgmc Yurl ens thhte gm gmmgth chirhh! Shhte wgtefut hmc! Fmh irfws hvhry shjfmc gm gts lfute! Gts jgrjubnr bgp stngmhc rhc wgte teh sfrhmhss fo teh hvhr-irfwgmi thhte pfagmi terfuie gts iuls nmc nkrncgmi gts hse. Seh Yurlz nrh rfuieby teh snlh sgzh ns jfws, kut sglpbh khnsts. Bfzhmihs! Lhrh jybgmchrs, jbfshc nt fmh hmc, nmc whgietbhss gm fur wfrbc, bgah knbbffm‗s kfkkgmi nbfmi, jnrhoubby wfragmi tehgr wny nkfut fm spgmcby kbnja bglks, jbutjegmi nt teh irfumc. Go gt whrh tf bffsh gts irgp upfm teh hnrte, teh Yurl wfubc fnt lflhmtnrgby, nmc tehm kh jnuiet ky n iust fr kubbghc nwny ky n krhhzh tf bnmc wef-amfws-wehrh6 Khyfmc pnssnih fo teh Gmmhr-Yul, teh ―[fnc Fo shm Amgvhs‗, bghs n bglkf-bnmc, ns,irhy nmc ofrlbhs ofrl bhsss teh wn wnsth sth ofri ofriftth ftthm m ky nbb. Seg Segss irg irgshfu shfus s vf vfgc gc shmcs cs ofrt ofrte e gts lhha thmc thmcrgb rgbs, eum eumiry iry,, hmcbhss hmcb hssby by eumir eumiry y ofr hxgst hxgsthmjh hmjh,, ofr bgoh! Yehr Yehrhh teg tegss quhs quhstgm tgmii pshu pshucfpfc cfpfc fo mu mubbg bbgty ty lhhts fur lfrh-vgt lfrh-vgtnb nb zfmh gt gs kfumc gm hse hse,, n ruch sgl sglubn ubnjrul jrul fo teh bgoh bgoh gt mcs. Seg Segss gs teh Yegrbwgmc Yegrbw gmc Yurl Yurl,, n lhha nmc stupgc sglub sglubnthc nthc tegmi, cnmihrfus cnmihrfus,, kut wgtefut nm niirhssgvh wgbb, hmcbhssby eumiry, chvfurgmi went gt jnm. Zefubc yfu vgsgt tent jgmhrhfus pbngm, yfu wgbb mc tehrh n tegm nmc chsphrnth sagm fo khgmi, n iefs iefstbg tbgah ah phmjgb phmjgb-sj -sjrntj rntje e wf wfrbc rbc wgte pnphrtegm pnphrtegm sfgb sfgb nmc khgmis fo sen sencf cfwy wy k kfmh. fmh. Seg Segss gs teh wfrbc kugbt gm pngmstnagmi sbfw chirhh ky teh irgl jfmsulptgfm fo teh Yurlz. Seh say nkfvh gt gs n jntehcrnb vfgc fo irgmcgmi thhte, bgah upturmhc oummhbs, hnje bhncgmi up gmtf teh bfmi vfrthx fo n Yurl, sflhwehrh gm teh bnmcs wh amfw. Nmc orfl tehsh Yurlz jflh vniuh grrhiubnr sefwhrs fo stfmh nmc hse, luc nmc sfgb, sprgmabgmis fo lntthr tf ohhc nmc sustngm teh tegm wfrbc enmigmi gm teh vfgc.“ - Bhptfkbnst ‒Sehrh whrh sgx kbnja hyhs hqugcgstnmt rfumc gt‗s phrohjtby jgrjubnr lfute. Seh thhte whrh vhry bgah n senras, kut jurvhc gmwnrcs sbgietby wgte kfte shrrnthc hcih nmc pfgmt. Seh thhte irhw gm n spgrnb, bhncgmi ―gm‗. G nl mft jhrtngm go n mhw tffte cfhs gmchhc krhnje ―hvhry shjfmc‗ kut tehy cf npphnr nt qugja nmc rhiubnr gmthrvnbs. Ns mhw thhte irfw gm nrfumc teh lfute teh rhst seuffih knja gmsgch teh Yurl. Seh sfumc fo teh thhte irfwgmi nmc ncdustgmi gs qugth bfuc, bgah n wnsegmi knsaht oubb fo jhrnlgj amgvhs sbfwby jeurmgmi rfumc. G wns rhbujtnmt tf stnmc cgrhjtby khofrh teh Yurl gtshbo ns nmytegmi tent ifhs gmtf gts lfute cfhs mft jflh fut, kut n krgho ibglpsh sefw sefwhc hc thhte, nrrnmihc gm hmcbhss rfws, spgrnbbg spgrnbbgmi mi chhp gmtf teh cgstnmjh fut fo sgiet. Fm n wgbc glpubsh, phrenps cfuktgmi teh hvgchmjh fo ly fwm hyhs,, G spum ly bnmthrm gm ly enmcs nmc eurbhc gt fmtf teh Yurl. Seh bgiet cgsnpphnrhc hyhs cgsnpphnrhc,,
ns go onbbgmi ofr n bfmi wegbh khofrh ifgmi fut. Gt shhlhc tf cf teh Yurl mf enrl, kut teh jrhnturh jrhn turh cgc bht if fo teh irfu irfumc mc wgte gts kbnj kbnja a bgl bglks. ks. Gt k kfkkhc fkkhc n bgttbh, bgttbh, ornm ornmtgj tgjnbb nbby y try trygmi gmi tf rhingm purjensh, kut wns nbrhncy n bgttbh tff egie tf jbnsp fm. Gt khinm, sbfwby nt rst, tf ;07
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
spgm nbfmi gts nxgs gm teh ngr. Pfssgkby G sefubc envh rhmchrhc ngc nt tegs pfgmt, kut G wns stgbb wnry fo teh jrhnturhs lfute. Zhhgmi tent gt wns tnahm ky n krhhzh, G shgzhc tegs fppfrtumgty tf gmvhstginth gts bngr. Seh jnvh wns utthrby utthrby slffte, nmy prfdhjtgfms fo stfmh enc khhm jehwhc nmc sjfurhc nwny. Seh nrhn mhnrky wns orhh fo bgoh, nmglnb fr vhihtnkbh, teh sfgb enc khhm strgpphc nmc teh rfja khmhnte khmhnte bgahwgs bgahwgshh wfrm cfwm tf n slfft slffte e pbnth. Seg Segss wns pnrt fo teh rhnsf rhnsfm m teh Yurl enc suje cgjubty ahhpgmi gts offtgmi fm teh slffte stfmh. Ns tf teh ―lys ―lysthry thry fo teh Yu Yurl‗ rl‗,, G nl norngc G envh envh mf gch gchn. n. Seh shhlg shhlgmib miby y gm gmmgth mgth gmmh gmmhrr iubbht fo thhte lust if sflhwehrh. Go gt gs n lhnms fo ohhcgmi ofr sflh khgmi fr pbnjh tehm G teg tegma ma gt lu lust st kh n pffr fmh. Seh Y Yurl urlzz tehl tehlshb shbvh vhss nrh ngl nglbhs bhss, s, eumir eumiry y yhs, kut pffrby ofjushc, shhlgmi tf amfw bgttbh fo went tehy cf. Go gt gs n inthwny tehm gt gs n strnmih fmh, lnch tf nbbfw njjhss fmby gm fmh cgrhjtgfm nmc tf lnah nmy ntthlpt nt lfvgmi teh ftehr wny ns pngmoub nmc cnlnigmi ns pfssgkbh. Sehy rhlgmc lh fo teh bfigj fo prgsfms nmc cgvgmh tfrturh lfrh tenm nmytegmi hbsh, n bfmi hmtry wgte teh hxgt tehfrhtgjnbby tehfrhtgjnbby wgtegm irnsp, yht nbwnys nbwnys fut fo rhnje. Sefuie pfhtgj, teh jfmjhptgfm fo teh Yegrbwgmc Yurl ns n inthwny tf Ehbb, nmc tent tf hsjnph, teh ehbb-kfumc lust sglpby jrnwb nbb teh wny terfuie teh wfrls tffte-hc terfnt, gs mft hmtgrhby wgtefut jnush.“ - Thmgtenb ‒Sehy nrh sfjgnb. G en ‒Sehy envh vh chjgp chjgpehrh ehrhc c n vf vfgjh gjh (n vfgjh vfgjh ofr weg wegje je mf-fm mf-fmhh hbs hbshh (ty (typgj pgjnbb nbby) y) hvhm sfuiet sfui et tf bgs bgsthm) thm).. Sehy lfcub lfcubnth nth teh irg irgmcg mcgmi mi weg wegrbw rbwgmc gmc fo amg amgvh vhss gms gmsgch gch.. Gt gs gmhffhj gmhffhjtgv tgvh. h. Kut tehy nrh sfjg sfjgnb nb nmc tehy nrh bfmhb bfmhby y ns mftegm mftegmii wgb wgbbb jflh mhnr tehl wgbb wgbbgmi gmiby by nt nbb. nbb. Gt wns enppy tf cf went G wgsehc sf bfmi ns G spfah tf gt. Seh fmby tegmi tehy jnm cf wgte nmytegmi gs jfmsulh gt utthrby. Yehm tehy sbhhp (tehy mc gt vhry enrc tf sbhhp cuh tf teh mfgsh) tehy sflhtglhs bffshm tehgr bglks. Sehy nrh crniihc nrfumc tehgr bngr ky teh sujtgfm fo tehgr lfute, hntgmi hvhrytegmi wgtefut rhnbgsgmi. Fkvgfusby n lhnms fo phrlnmhmt cgspfsnb gs n tegmi fo ush. _nbunkbh nmc cnmihrfus. Lfrh cnmihrfus tenm vnbunkbh rhnbby. G cgc mft nsa wehrh tehy whmt tf fr went tehy whrh. Yey sefubc G jnrh wehrh tehy bhnc6 G wgbb mft kh ifgmi nmc nbb tent lntthrs gs tent went G put gm cfhs mft jflh knja. Prfknkby n lnigjnb lnigjnb hxphrgl hxphrglhmt hmt ifm ifmhh wrfmi. Fr n eum eumihr ihr hbhl hbhlhm hmtnb tnb phrenp phrenps. s. Gt lntthr lntthrss bgttbh bgttbh.. Seh thhte nrh mft gmmgth nmc (gt turms fut) tehrh nrh, gm onjt, bglgts tf went jnm kh cgspfshc fo. Seh fmby tegmi wfrsh tenm khgmi mhnr n bgvh Yegrbwgmc Yurl gs khgmi mhnr n cygmi fmh. Seh twgsthc spnjh tehy jnpturh onbbs npnrt. Seh thhte hdhjt. _hry vhry qugjaby. Nmtgjyjbfmh rhnpgmi rhnp gmi lnj lnjegm egmh. h. Seh bfjnb nrhn gs hm hmshc. shc. Seh spnjh mhnrk mhnrky y hmcs up amhh-c amhh-chhp hhp gm thht thhte, e, wgte wgt e teh kfcy fo teh Yurl gm teh jhmt jhmtrh rh bgah n knc nm. G wn wnss ofrjhc tf bhn bhnvh vh qugjaby qugjaby kut
ky nsshssgmi teh rfuie vfbulh fo thhte nmc iuhssgmi teh nvhrnih nlfumt fo thhte-phr-offt gmsgch teh Yurl, G wfubc hstglnth teh Yurl gtshbo gs mf lfrh tenm vh fr sf lgbhs ―chhp‗.“ - Nseaftt
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
YFXMC YEGZP Hvhry ehnbhc sflh ftehr-mn ftehr-mnturnb nrt tehrh gs ngsslnbb jenm jenmjh jh tent Yfumc Yfumc Yegsptglh wgbb nkhwfumc lnch.gsKy sflhkylgstnahm jrnot, turnb teh wfumc gtshbo mft rhpngrhc kut nrhlfvhc tf sflh ftehr glphrjhptg glphrjhptgkbh, kbh, gmnjjhssg gmnjjhssgkbh kbh spnjh. Seh rhlngmgmi hse amgtthc cgrhjtb cgrhjtby y sgchtf-sgch, gimfrgmi teh mfw-lgssgmi gmthrvhmgmi inse. Seh pbnjh wehrh tehy nrh shmt tf, terfks, fvhroubb wgte tglhbhss bgvgmi wfumcs, nkstrnjthc orfl tehgr efsts, sbfwby sbfwby irfwgmi shmtg shmtghmjh hmjh nmc ifgmi lnc. Sehy nrh enbo-jflpbh enbo-jflpbhthc thc tegmis bgah rgvhrs gm lgc-fw, wefsh bgoh gs fothm chnte, kfrm gm vgfbhmjh nmc chsjhmcgmi tfwnrcs teh bfmi bfw sbhhp fo n sjnr fr teh trnmsofrlgmi rnpturh fo chjflpfsgtgfm gm wegje teh wfumc khjflhs teh wfrbc. Ehrh teh wfumc jnm mhgtehr sbhhp mfr jenmih nmc sflhtglhs fmh hsjnphs nmc mcs gts wny knja tf teh wfrbc fo lhm. Seh Yfumc Yegsp gs n rgkkfm fr jurb fo hse, sflhtglhs kbffcstngmhc sagm, sflhtglhs rnw lhnt. Gt gs nrfumc hgiet ohht bfmi nmc fnts vhrtgjnbby gm teh ngr, gts tgp nmc tngb jurbgmi nmc bnse bnsegm gmii gmgtspgr spgrnb nbs. s. (Se (Segs gs gmthmsghc, gs mftghc, teh sgzh fo nkstrnjtgfm teh wf wfumc umc orfl ns gt teh wnswfrbc.) lnch)mfr nsstrgps gt wfubc wfu kh go rhturmhc, gs lnimghc, gmthms ky gts wfrbc. Swf fobckbffckbnja kfcy shrvh ns enmcs, tehy nrh thxturhc bgah kbnja puccgmi, jflpfshc fo jfniubnthc kbffc. Gt‗ whg whgrc rc hyhs fnt nrfumc bga bgahh kncb kncby y kfgb kfgbhc hc hiis fr orugt tent ens ifmh fff, tehrh‗ tehrh‗ss sflhtegmi bgah n mfsh, nmc n thrrgkbh lfute, n chhphr, cnrahr, kbnjahr pbnjh wgtegm tent spnm fo njtgvh njtgvh cnl cnlnih. nih. Gts lnw gs kbnj kbnja a gms gmsgch, gch, bga bgahh teh umshhn umshhnkbh kbh gmsgc gmsgchh fo n wf wfumc, umc, sflhe sflhefw fw egmtgmi fo bgqugc. Srgnmiubnr nmc bfmi, gt gs bgmhc wgte rnzfr thhte. Seh Yfumc Yfumc Yegsp gs nbwn nbwnys ys orgiethm orgiethmhc, hc, tgrhc nmc nmiry nmiry.. Gt gs nm gmjflpbhthmhs gmjflpbhthmhsss gm teh ngr nmc gt jnm mhvh mhvhrr sbh sbhhp. hp. Ehn Ehnbgm bgmii gs teh wf wfumcs umcs rhst, rhst, chnt chnte e gts crhnl crhnl,, wgte wgtefut fut tehsh tehy if lnc. Jflpfshc fo purh enrl, teh Yfumc Yegsp mhhc ohnr mf enrloub tegmi. Nmy whnpfms lnch tf eurt wgbb sglpby sglpby chhph chhphm m teh wfum wfumc, c, swfrc swfrcss nmc amgv amgvhs hs hxpnmc gt wgt wgte e hnj hnje e kbf kbfw. w. Gt jnm sflhtglhs kh rhstrngmhc, kfumc kyntgmi Zuktbh Nrt. Jurntgvh lnigj‗s gt nmc gt fff, rh jnm jnut jnuthrg hrgzh zh gtfrgm gmtf tf n fntg f mi sjnk sjnk, , kut gt jnm jnmmft mft kh oubb oujnm bby y cnlnih agbb agbbhc. hc. Gt gs mhgte mhcrgvh gtehr hr cgnkfbgj, hvgb fr umchnc kut sglpby gmjflpbhth. Nbb gt wnmts gs n kfcy gm wegje tf rhst nmc mnbby sbhhp. Gt cfhs mft amfw fr jnrh wehtehr lfvgmi gmtf n kfcy wgbb agbb teh efst fr mft. Ehnbgmi sbfwby fvhr tglh, fr sglpby kbhhcgmi fut nmc chjflpfsgmi gm teh irfumc, kfte nrh hqunb gm gts lgmc. Seh Yfumc Yfumc Yeg Yegsp sp wfub wfubc c prhohr tf rhtu rhturm rm tf gts frgi frgigmn gmnbb lftehr fr onte ontehr. hr. Gts lfteh lftehrr gs wefhvhr suffhrhc teh wfumc, gts ontehr gs wefhvhr chnbt gt. Sehsh phfpbh lny kh vhry enrc tf mc, kut go tehy bgvh teh Yfumc Yegsp amfws wehrh kfte wgbb kh nmc jnm trnja tehl cfwm wgte wgt e nm umhr umhrrgmi rgmi shmsh shmsh.. Go chnc chnc,, teh Yf Yfumc umc Yegsp wnmch wnmchrs rs teh wfrbc wfrbc,, sfl sflhtgl htglhs hs egc egcgmi gmi gm teh cnra nmc whhpgmi thnrs fo kbffc, jbhmjehc nrfumc teh nkshmjh nt gts jfrh, sflhtglhs kurstgmi gmtf lnmgj crgvh nmc shttgmi fff gmtf teh wgbchrmhss tf hmjfumthr wef gt wgbb, nsagmi
ofr gts pnrh pnrhmts mts gm n iens ienstby tby vfgj vfgjhh tent sfumc sfumcss bga bgahh thnr thnrgmi gmi lhnt. Go gt mc mcss sflh sflhfmh fmh hmfuie bgah hgtehr gts lftehr fr gts sgrh, fr sglpby khjflhs wrnjahc ky gts bfmi hxgbh, gt wgbb shha tf whnvh gtshbo gmtf nmy khgmi fo hse nmc kbffc.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
Seh wfumc lny rhst ofr n wegbh gm rfjas fr trhhs, egcgmi ns n shhpgmi jrnja, fr trnpsh nrfumc gm nmglnbs, kut gt gs mhvhr enppy tehrh nmc wgbb mft stny. Gt mhhcs n phrsfm tf khnr gt bgah n lftehr khnrs n jegbc. N Yfumc Yegsp jnm kgth thrrgkby wgte gts inwpgmi trgnmiubnr lfute, nmc gs enrc tf stfp. Gt jnm sbfwby wfrl gts wny terfuie wnbbs nmc cffrs, jrhhpgmi bgah n sbfw jrnja tehm krhnagmi fut gmtf gtshbo gtshbo ningm. Fmjh gt mhsts gmsgc gmsgchh yfur yfur hse gt cfhs fmby teh cnl cnlnih nih fo teh wfum wfumc c gt frgigmnbb frgigmnbby y wn wns. s. N amg amgoh oh wfumc wgbb prfcujh n stnkkgm stnkkgmii ins inse, e, nm nxh wf wfumc umc wgbb prfcujh n ourrfw nmc phrenps n krfahm kfmh, kut khyfmc tent pfgmt gt cfhs mf lfrh nmc wgbb ehnb mnturnbby fm gts fwm bgah nmy wfumc. (Fo jfursh n chjnpgtntgmi strgah wgbb tnah fff yfur ehnc, gt gs enrc tf amfw nehnc fo tglh hxnjtby went agmc fo wfumc gt wgbb kh.) N Yfumc Yfumc Yegsp wfumc rhlngms gmthb gmthbbgihm bgihmtt nmc shbo nwnrh nwnrh,, hvhm gm yfur hse, gt jnm phrjhgv phrjhgvhh nmc sphna, nppgmi teh tfrm sagm bgah n lfute, umtgb gt khjflhs n sjnr. Hvhm nothr tehm sflh cubbb crhn cub crhnlgm lgmii nw nwnrhm nrhmhss hss gs rhtn rhtngmhc gmhc.. Gt gs sur surprgs prgsgmi gmiby by wh whbbbb-cgs cgspfshc pfshc tfw tfwnrcs nrcs teh fmh tent khnrs gt, gt ens, orfl gts pfgmt fo vghw, ofumc n mhw lftehr nmc wgbb fffhr went nssgstnmjh gt jnm orfl gts bglgthc phrsphjtgvh sf bfmi ns gt gs nbbfwhc tf ofbbfw gts mnturnb jfursh. Gt lny sphna tf gts mhw pnrhmt ncvgsgmi tehl fo tegmis bhnrmt fvhr gts strnmih hxgsthmjh. Gt jnm thbb tehl nkfut gts frgigmnb pnrhmts, gt jnm jry fut tf wnrm tehl fo cnmihr tehy jnm‗t shh. Hvhm wehm khjflh n sjnr gt lny wnah tehl gm teh mgiet wgte stnks fo pngm go gt phrjhgvhs cnmihr mhnr. Go nmy ntthlpt gs lnch tf ehnb n Yfumc Yegsp gm teh kfcy ky Zuktbh Nrt, gt wgbb sjrhnl wgte teh kbffcy lfute gt lnch orfl tehgr hse nmc kurrfw chhphr gm, khjflgmi nm gmthrmnb wfumc. Segs jnm kh cnmihrfus gmchhc.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
UNUN_[NTMNTNA Seh Unxnvrnzmnzna gs onst nmc kbnja. N bfmi kfcy bgah shnefrsh, shrphmt fr nm hhb ushc ns n cnmihrfus ni. Kgi lnc spgchr bhis, inbbfpgmi bgah jbfjawfra kurstgmi orfl n krfahm jbfja. Snbbhr tenm n tnbb tnbb efrsh, kut sefrthr tenm n slnbb igrnffh. Seh Unxnvrn Unxnvrnzmnzna zmnzna gs gjah gjahrgmi rgmi nmc jnmthrgmi, turmgmi gm fmh pbnjh tf bffa nrfumc. Euih hyhs bgah wegth lfte-efbhs gm cnra jbfte, jbf te, nmc n kbn kbnja ja Lfegj Lfegjnm nm sprny sprny. Seh Unxn Unxnvrnz vrnzmnzn mnzna a gs bnth (gt gs nbw nbwny nyss ens n sj sjehcu ehcubh bh pbnmmhc pbn mmhc)) nmc gt gs wfrrg wfrrghc hc nmc norn norngc gc nmc gt gs tnb tnbagm agmii tf gtshbo gtshbo.. Gt gs teg tegmag magmi mi tefuie tefuiets ts nmc tnbagmi tf gtshbo nkfut gts tefuiets, nmc sflhtglhs tnbagmi tf gtshbo nkfut teh tefuiets gt enc nkfut gts tefuie tefuiets. ts. Gts tefuie tefuiets ts jfmjhrm gt vh vhry ry luje luje.. Kut teh Unx Unxnv nvrnzm rnzmnzna nzna gs bnt bnthh nmc gt lust if. If mfw. If mfw. If mfw mfw mfw. Kut wngt. N tefuiet nkfut n tefuiet fjjurs. Seh Un Seh Unxn xnvr vrnzm nzmnzn nzna a gs vhr vhry y ons onst. t. Gt gs ns on onst st fm teh irfu irfumc mc ns n pbull pbullht htgm gmii en enwa wa dust dust khofrh gt tnahs gts prhy. Gt gs onst onst onst, teh Unxnvrnzmnzna. Nmc gt cfhs mft ohhb gmhrtgn, wegje iffc,lnahs ofr tehgtUnxnvrnzmnzna ifhs fothm teh wrfmi mhhcs tftglh. stfp nmc turm Segs bnthr stgbb! Seh Unxnvrnzmnzna wfubcwny bgahnmc tf bfsh bhss Go fmby gt whrh onsthr. Dust n bgttbh. Dust n bgttbh onsthr, tegma went jfubc kh cfmh! Yent pbnms rhvhnbhc, went sjehlhs njeghvhc! Gts efrch gs swg swgot ot hmjenm hmjenmtlhm tlhmts. ts. N qug qugja ja chvgj chvgjh, h, sfl sflhh sefhs tent y y,, n ah ahy y tent fphms nmy cffr, n sphbb tent jrfsshs wfrbcs, n efrsh tent sprgmis up orfl teh hnrte. Seh trhnsurhs tent gt bfvhs bfvhs teh lf lfst st nrh tefsh tefsh ten tentt ig igv vh gt sphhc sphhc.. Gt cfhs mf mftt ush ush te tehh rnpgc rnpgc tffbs4 tffbs4 gmst gmsthnc hnc,, gt pfmchrs bfmigmiby nmc crhnls fo tehgr chsgim. Gt wn wnmt mtss tf umc umchrs hrstnm tnmc. c. Gt gs n sjgh sjghmt mtgs gst, t, teh Unxn Unxnvr vrnzm nzmnzn nzna, a, (fr sny snyss gt gs), gs), wegj wegje e gs n pegbfsfpey-fo-enmcs (tent‗s went gt jbngls), gt ens n lhtefc wegje ohw tegmis survgvh. Seh Unxnvrnzmnzna lnahs jbngl tent lnigj gs mft rhnb1 gt gs lhrhby lntehlntgjs, pffrby umchrstffc. Gt jflpubsgvhby jfmsjnths sphbbkffas nmc sphbbs fo nmy agmc. ‒Gt‗s ofr yfur fwm iffc.“ snys teh Unxnvrnzmnzna, ns gt rnjhs nwny nt teh sphhc fo n pbullhtgmi enwa khofrh gt tnahs gts prhy. Gt tnahs teh sphbbs knja tf gts bngr, trnmsbnths tehl tf hquntgfms tehm knahs tehl gmtf bgttbh lhm wegje gt tehm hnts. Gt imnws teh rnw lntehlntgjs rgiet fut fo tehgr knahc kfmhs. Segs gs cght Segs cght fo teh Unx Unxnv nvrnz rnzmnz mnzna na,, nmc mft n wgsh wgsh fmh fmh.. Hqu Hquntg ntgfms fms nrh n spg spgay ay lhnb nmc sflhtglhs teh Unxnvrnzmnzna bghs fm teh ffr nmc lfnms nmc jurbs gm senphs tent bffa bgah lgs-sphbt wfrcs wgte gts kgi lnc spgchr bhis agjagmi fut nmc krhnagmi prgsfm pfts nmc dnrs, senagmii teh sehbv senagm sehbvhs hs fo gts qugj qugja a lnjegmhs lnjegmhs.. Kut gt wgbb hnt mf ftehr offc tenm sphbbs trnmsbnthc, knahc gm bgttbh lhm. Gts whgrc lhnbs igvh teh Unxnvrnzmnzna n sphjgnb pfwhr. Gt krhntehs Prgslntgj Ogrh, dust bgah
n crnifms hry krhnte, kut mft. Mf mftegmi bgah tent, mft nt nbb. Seh strnmih krhnte fo teh Unxnvrnzmnzna jnm cf mf enrl. Gt gs n efbfirnpegj nlh (tent‗s went we nt gt snys snys,, tef tefuie uie we went nt gt lhn lhnms ms mfmf-fmh fmh gs su surh) rh),, gt krh krhna nass teg tegmi miss gmtf gmtf orn ornilh ilhmt mtss fo ;>:
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
tehlshbvhs, hnje wefbh, hnje rhnb, dust vhry vhry slnbb. Segmis jnuiet tehlshbvhs, jnuiet gm teh krhnte fo teh Unxnv Unx nvrnzm rnzmnzna nzna nrh spb spbgm gmthrh thrhc c gm gmtf tf bfts fo tgm tgmy y vh vhrsg rsgfms fms fo tehl tehlshb shbvh vhs. s. N wn wnbb bb khjflhs n cfzhm tgmy wnbbs, n swfrc khjflhs n pgbh fo tgmy swfrcs nmc phfpbh turm gmtf pgbhs fo bgvgmi cfbbs. Yehrh khofrh tehrh stffc n lnm, mfw, nothr teh prgslntgj rh, tehrh stnmcs, gm teh senph fo teh ln lnm, m, n pg pgbh bh fo bg bgvg vgmi mi cfbb cfbbs, s, hnje n phr phrohj ohjtt gl glnih nih fo teh wef wefbh. bh. Se Sehm hm teh pgbh pgbh sbg sbgps ps nmc sbgchs nmc teh cfbbs if sagtthrgmi nbb fvhr teh ffr, wnvgmi tehgr tgmy nrls ns gt jflhs cf cfwm. wm. Seh Unxn Unxnvrnz vrnzmnzn mnzna a rums lncby rfumc, jfbbhj jfbbhjtgm tgmii nbb teh bgttbh bgttbh lhm, (gt‗ (gt‗ss orfm orfmtt bhis envhh hxtrhlhby cgsjrhht jbn env jbnws), ws), tnbagmi tf gtshbo nkfut gts tefuiets. Gt puts tehl gmtf bgttb bgttbhh knis nmc tnahs tehl tf gts bngr. Sehrh, gm teh bngr fo teh Unxnvrnzmnzna, gt sfrts gts trhnsurhs, teh tegmis-fo-sphhc, teh lnigj kffas, kffa s, teh teh kni kniss fo tgm tgmy y phf phfpb pbh. h. Gt puts teh phf phfpb pbhh gmtf gmtf prgs prgsfm fm-pf -pfts ts nmc dnr dnrs. s. Zfl Zflhtg htglhs lhs gt kugbcs slnbb slnbb vgb vgbbni bnihs hs nmc bht bhtss tehl rum nkfut. Zfl Zflhh Unx Unxnv nvrnzm rnzmnzna nznass jrhn jrhnth th iginm iginmtgj tgj bnky bnkyrg rgm mtes wegj wegje e tna tnahh up nb nblf lfst st nb nbbb teh tehgr gr sp spnjh njh.. Se Sehh ln lnzh zh ens tgm tgmy y int inths hs nmc jflp jflpbh bhx x phrlutn phrl utntg tgfms fms nmc mf hmc hmc.. Hn Hnje je inth cgv cgvgc gchs hs gm tw twf, f, ofr ofrjg jgmi mi teh rum rummhr mhr tf je jeffs ffsh. h. Se Sehh Unxnvrnzmnzna culps jrfwcs fo tgmy phfpbh gmtf teh jflpbhx lnzh nmc wntjehs ns tehy rum gts krnmjegmi pntes. Sehm jfbbhjts tehl nt teh hmc nmc stnrts ningm. Lnagmi mfths. Fothm tgmy ofba hsjnph gm fmhs fr twfs, tehy krhna fut fo teh bngr nmc try tf dfurmhy eflh ofr ehbp. Gt gs n lgiety fcysshy. Sehrh nrh enwas, jfllfmby, mhstgmi nkfvh teh hmtry tf teh bngr fo teh Unxnvrnzmnzna, nmc tehy ohhc whbb. Sehgr mhsts nrh strhwm wgte tgmy saubbs. Gt‗s pfssgkbh teh Unxnvrnzmnzna amfws efw tf rhvhrsh teh njtgfm fo gts krhnte. Gt‗s sngc tent go yfu jnm pubb fut gts stflnje, oubb fo enbo-cgihsthc lntes, jut n sbgt, ofrjh gm nbb teh tgmy phfpbh nmc jffa gt bgah kbnja puccgmi, tehm teh bgttbh vhrsgfms fo teh wefbh wgbb cgstgb knja tfihtehr nmc hlhrih ns wefbh ningm. Kutt go tent gs mft te Ku tehh jnsh jnsh.. . . Sehm yfu dust agbbhc teh Unxnvrnzmnzna nmc jffahc yfur orghmc. Gt gs n jflpbhx sgtuntgfm. Seh Unxnvrnzmnzna wfubc jbngl gts krhnte gs lhrhby n thjemgquh tent nmyfmh jfubc bhnrm, nmc tent iurihbgmi gts stflnje gm n pft wgbb cf mft iffc. Kut wef jfubc trust teh Unxnvrnzmnzna6 Sehrh nrh sflh Zuktbh Nrts teh Unxnvrnzmnzna Unxnvrnzmnzna lgie lgiett sflhtglhs ush gm senlh gmsthnc fo hnt. Gt cfhs bfvh pfrtnbs, fr tegmis tent bht gt lfvh orfl pbnjh tf pbnjh. Go gt ehnrs fo sflhtegmi onr nwny gt tegmas gt mhhcs nmc gs jhrtngm gt jnm‗t iht tehrh nmy ftehr wny, gt lny, mhrvfusby nmc enbo-umwgbbgmi, ush n sphbb tf iht tehrh. Sehm gt rnjhs knja nt teh sphhc fo n pbullhtgmi en enwa wa nmc bghs bghs bghs bghs gm gts tefui tefuiet etss nkfut gts tefui tefuiet etss nkfut gts tefui tefuiet ets. s. . .
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
WNLLNM Wnl Lnm jrhntu jrhnturhs rhs fo teh chshrt nmcterfuie cry sjru sjruk. k. Seh Sehy y hyhs, bgv bgvhh sgm sgmiby iby,, kurg kurghc hc upbgsthmgmi tf tehgr mfshs gm tehnrh chshrt snmc, bffagmi jnrhoubby mnrrfwhc krhntegmi sbfw, tf teh wgmc nmc teh jentthr fo teh fwbs, gm chmsh glpnssgkbh pntjehs fo jnjtg nmc tefrms. Sehy jnm wngt tehrh ofr n bfmi bfmi tglh. Wnl Lnm envh n sylkgftgj bgmas wgte jhrtngm fwbs1 tgmy nmc mfjturmnb tegmis. Sehy kurrfw gm gts ehnc, lnagmi tummhbs gm teh enrc rgmc nlgcst gts spgahs nmc sbhhp tehrh gm teh cny. Nt mgiet teh fwbs eumt, fr sflhtglhs jnrry lhssnihs orfl Wnl tf Wnl gm teh cgstnmt pbnjhs wehrhh tehy bgv wehr bgvh. h. Seh W Wnl nl Lnm envh envh bhnr bhnrmt mt teh bnmiun bnmiunih ih fo teh fwb fwbss nmc lu lutthr tthr fo tehl jfmstnm jfms tnmtby tby,, weg wegsphrg sphrgmi mi jfl jflpbn pbngm gmts ts fo teh sjrn sjrntj tjegm egmii nmc ifss ifssgpg gpgmi mi kgr kgrcs. cs. Zhjr Zhjrhtb htby y tefu tefuie ie tehy nrh ofmc nmc rutebhssby prfthjtgvh fo tehgr tgmy orghmcs. Nt mgiet, teh Wnl Lnm wnbas, ofbbfwhc ky teh sfumc fo gts lutthrgmi nmc n fja fo tgmy kgrcs. Seh Wnl-lnm jnm kh n jflkntgvh phfpbh. Ontnbgsl pbnys n bnrih pnrt, teh rngms jnm kh grrhiubnr nmc yhnrs jnm pnss wgtefut n crfp, teh Wnl Wnl Lnm wngt wngts. s. Yngts gm teh snmc, efpgmi mf-fmh jflhs. Jfmtg Jfmtgmunb munb ntthlpts fo vnrg vnrgfus fus cheycrnthc pnsshrs-ky tf ―tnp teh ynl‗, nmc crgma gts sustngmgmi dugjh, krhhcs n chohmsgvh puinbgsl. Seh Wnl-Lnm kfx whbb, n bgttbh sbfw fm tehgr ohht kut vhry fkshrvnmt, nmc sagbbhc wgte n jfumthr-pumje. Seh stnrbgt kfxgmi lntjehs fo teh Wnl-Lnm nrh spfahm fo ky nigmi iethrs gm teh knjas fo knrs nbb fvhr teh wfrbc, kut ohw envh hvhr shhm fmh cfmh. Swf Wnl-Lnm wef envh jflh tf fjjupy teh snlh pntje fo sjruk wgbb ofrlnbby nirhh tf iet (fmby sf bfmi ns tehy nrh rfuieby teh snlh sgzh, mf Wnl-Lnm wfubc iet nm umspfrtgmi lntje ningmst n luje slnbbhr fr bnrihr fppfmhmt, gm tegs jnsh tehy wgbb sglpby sgt gm teh cgrt nmc hmcbhssby nriuh.) Fmjh n lntje ens khhm ofrlnbby nrrnmihc (ky fwb) teh Wnl-Lnm wgbb ehnvh up orfl tehgr rffty mhsts, senah orhh teh sfgb nmc rfjas, nmc pfmchrfusby strfbb tfwnrcs teh zfmh nssgimhc, sflhwehrh chshrthc, umfkshrvhc nmc chhp gm teh wgbchrmhss. Sehy wgbb lhht, irhht hnje ftehr nmc nsa tehgr fwbs tf phrje gm n rgmi nrfumc teh iet. Seh kfumcnry fo teh knttbh wgbb kh fjjupghc ky sfotby efftgmi fwbs, nmc ftehr slnbb mfjturnb lnllnbs wegje nbsf intehr gm teh kruse nmc sjruk. Sehrh tehy wgbb khigm teh Wnl Lnm Zbnl, n sbfw yht krutnb kfxgmi lntje wegje jnm bnst umtgb cnwm. Wnl Lnm wgbb usunbby iet gm rfumcs tent bnst nkfut nm efur, wgte gmthrvnbs fo othhm fr twhmty lgmuths curgmi wegje tehy wgbb jehja fm tehgr fwbs nmc bffa sgbhmtby nt teh stnrs. N Zbnl gs rnrhby nknmcfmhc umbhss nm Fwb gs eurt.
Sehgr umusunb bhvhb fo strhmite nmc lnrtgnb sagbb, Wnl Lnm strgah ns n lfmsthr luje bnrihr nmc lfrh cnmihrf cnmihrfus us tentm tehy shhl tf kh. Cu Cuhh tf teh tehgr gr hx hxtrn trnfrc frcgm gmnry nry tfui tfuiemh emhss ss nmc nmc rhsgstn rhsg stnmjh mjh tf jrus jrusegm egmii cnln cnlnih ih tehy rnrhb rnrhby y cf sgimg sgimginm inmtt cnlnih cnlnih upfm fmh nmftehr nmftehr.. Lfs Lfstt ;>8
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
lntjehs hmc khofrh cnwm cuh tf hxenustgfm, fothm wgte teh nirhhlhmt tf n rh-lntje nt sflh outurh umsphjghc cnth. Wnl-Lnm rhinrc hcihc whpfms ns tffbs fo lfmsthrfus jfwnrcgjh nmc wgbb rhnjt tf tehl wgte wrnte nmc nmihr. Efwhvhr tefsh usgmi fmby kbumt whnpfms wgbb kh trhnthc mhutrnbby wegbh tefsh wef iet wgte teghr sts wgbb rhjgvhc jfrcgnb, jfrcgnb, hvhm orghmcby rhsphjt. Hsphjgnbb Hsphjgnbby y go tehy cgspbn cgspbny y n egie bhvhb fo puibnbgstgj sagbb, nmc spfrtgmi efmfur fo jfursh. Gm tehsh jnshs, nmc go gt gs mgiet, teh Wnl Lnm lny hvhm nirhh tf spnr n bgttbh, nbtefuie tegs gs, fo jfursh, mft n truh Zbnl. Hnje fbchr Wnl-Lnm amfws n ohw umgquh trgjas nmc lfvhs rhbnthc tf knrh-enmchc ietgmi nmc n enmcoub fo bhihmcnry wgsh iethrs, (fr krutnb tegmahrs) jbngl tf envh khhm trngmhc ―gm teh Enmc fo teh Wnl‗, wnmchrgmi orfl Wnl tf Wnl, sbfwby hnrmgmi tehgr orghmcsegp nmc rhsphjt nmc bhnrmgmi teh shjrhts fo tehgr lnrtgnb sagbbs.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
THM KHNZS Gt‗s lfute gs nbwnys inwpgmi, n bgcbhss hyh.thhte Euih, phrohjtby jgrjubnr, gt jfbbnpshs grgs gm teh bgiet tf kgth, nmc dnlbgah grrhiubnr kbnja terfuie kfmh nmc pumjturhc hsebgah bgahnmn ofbcgmii eycrnubgj lnjeg ofbcgm lnjegmh. mh. Gmsgch teh lfute gs mftegmi kut nksfrkgmi cnra, tegmis jfmsulhc nrh mhvhr mhvhr shhm ning ningm. m. Gt stnmcs tw twhbv hbvhh ohht fr lfrh, nrlfurh nrlfurhc c gm n lntt lntthh jnrn jnrnpnjh pnjh fo cubb, cnra senchs. senchs. Seh nrlfur nrlfur-jfb -jfbfurs furs segot bga bgahh irg irgly ly fgb4 n orfs orfst-k t-kgtth gtthm m kbu kbuh, h, sgj sgja a je jenrtr nrtrhush hush,, krfwms, krfwm s, kbnjas nmc teh vgrgc fo nm gimfrhc wfum wfumc. c. Gts lgbay lgbay,, stfrly pupgbhss iffiby wegth hyhs kfgb nbwnys nmc hlgt n lffmbgiet4 pshucf-pnbh. Seh nrls enmi bgah nm nphs, tgpphc gm amgohenmcs, wegje bffa bgah jflpbhx jutbhry fo kfmh. Sehy jnm pghrjh tegmis nmc krgmi tehl tf teh jrhnturhs lfute, fr hbsh tehy sglpby sbnse nmc stnk nt went‗s nrfumc. Gt jflhs nbwnys nt mgiet, slnsegmi cfwm trhhs nmc kgtgmi teh ehncs fff khnrs, nglbhss gm gts wrnte, wrnt e, shha shhagmi gmi chstr chstrujtg ujtgfm fm nmc enrl enrl.. Gt bgah bgahss tf stnlp fm ehnc ehncs, s, tf sbn sbnse, se, slnse slnse,, pghr pghrjh, jh, lurchr lu rchr,, kgt kgthh nmc swnb swnbbf bfw w wefb wefbh. h. Sf rgch rnw rug rugm m fv fvhr hr teh wf wfrbc rbc,, tnri tnrihtgm htgmii mf pnrtgju pnrtgjubnr bnr phrsfm, phrsf m, pbnjh fr irfu irfup, p, kut nssnu nssnubtg btgmi mi hvhry hvhrytegm tegmii tent gs. Nmc tehm, khyfm khyfmc c teh phna fo efrrfr efrr fr kut khofr khofrhh teh cnwm cnwm,, gt turms, nmc wn wnbas bas nw nwny ny,, shhl shhlgmi gmi tf cgs cgsnpphn npphnr. r. Sefs Sefshh wef ofbb ofbbfw fw gt cf mft rht rhturm urm nt nb nbb, b, fr mc mnu mnuie iett kut n rul rulfur fur fo lfma lfmas. s. Lf Lfmas mas gm kbnj kbnja, a, trnjagmi teh jrhnturh sgbhmtby terfuie teh cnra. Zflh shha phrohjtgfm gm n stnth fo tefuie tefuiet. t. Sehy lhcgtnth tf mc gt, cgvgmi hvhr chhphr gmmhr shns,, teh shbv shns shbvhs hs bniffms, wgbc wgbc,, hlpty hlpty nmc onr orfl teh jfim jfimgtg gtgvh vh sum. Sehr Sehrhh tf fffhr kntt knttbh. bh. Sf iet teh ftehr glpubsh gm teh shbo, tf purgoy teh sfub nmc rgsh ehrnbcgj nmc gmwnrcby bgt. Lnmy jhmturghs tegs tnahs wgtegm teh crhnl fo tefuiet, nmc teh efrrfr lust if sflhwehrh. Ns teh lfma lhcgtnths teh hvgb shhps sbfwby fut fo tehgr sagm, n vgsjfus luja tent jfnts tehl, bnyhrgmi bnyhrgmi nmc kugbcgm kugbcgmii fvhr tglh. Sehrh gs lfrh gmsgch n phrsfm tenm yfu‗c tegma. Go teh lfma jnm lhcgtnth ofr bfmi hmfuie, ns cnramhss onbbs teh shhpgmi pgbh wgbb irfw nmc wnah, gts lgbay lgbay hyhs hyhs wgbb fphm, teh bgl bglks ks jrnja wgch nmc gt wgb wgbbb wn wnba. ba. Seh lfma gs stgbb stgbb sgbhmtby sgbhmtby wngtgmi gm teh khbby fo teh khnst, enmigmi gm gmvhrsh-bftus, nwnrh kut mft-nwnrh. Sehy amfw tegs gs teh mnb stnih. Zffm tehy wgbb khjflh n phrohjt khgmi. Ogrst tehy lust rhsgst teh sby thlptntgfms fo teh wfrbc4 teh urih tf wnah nmc enbt teh ibhhoub lurchrs fo tehgr rhouihh shbo. Segs gs lhrhby n cgstrnjtgfm. Sehsh nrh teh Shmhk Sehsh hmhkrfus rfus Lfma Lfmas, s, nmc teg tegss teh egieh egiehst st ngl fo tehgr cnra ongte. Sehy trnjh trnjh teh Thm Khnst terfuie teh mgiet, cfgmi hvhrytegmi tehy jnm tf ahhp gt snoh. Seh Nsjhmcgmi Fmh lust lust mft kh bfs bfst. t. Nm Nmyf yfmh mh wef terhnth terhnthms ms gt lu lust st cgh. Sefs Sefshh wef eu eumt mt teh Thm Khnst lust onjh mft fmby teh tegmi gtshbo, kut gts egcchm prfthjtfrs, sthnbtey, jummgmi onmntgjs wef envh sphmt bgohtglhs trngmgmi ofr tehgr tnsa, jfvhrgmi trnjas, egcgmi hvgchmjh nmc agbbgmi nmy wgtmhsshs.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
TXI-TXI ‒N jbhvhr tehysfubbhss jflh gmlnm kutfr fmhs nmckhnst, twfs.“wgte - B mf sfjghty nmc hmtgrhby wgtefut ohnr. G tenma teh ifcs Lnm sgzhc, lfrh sbgietby kugbt, kut chmsh nmc strfmi. Wfu mhhc n enllhr tf krhna Tui-Tui kfmhs nmc tehgr dfgmts jnm cgsbfjnth tf nksfrk chncby ofrjh. Seh Tui-Tui hxhs fmjh, nrjegm nrjegmii gts jnmtgbhv jnmtgbhvhrhc hrhc knja nmc gts sfjah sfjahts ts pfp knj knja a gm gmtf tf pbnjh. pbnjh. Tui Tui-Tu -Tuii sag sagm m gs reg regmfmf-tegj tegja a nmc cnra cnra rhc wgte sbgietby sbgietby cnra cnrahr hr ruofus our njrfss tehg tehgrr onjh nmc knja knja.. Knrkhc Knrkhc pujffm qugbbs bgh tegjaby cfwm gts spgmh, nmc prfvgch teh sgmibh whnamhss fo teh Tui-Tui4 gt jnmmft jrnwb jrn wb knjaw knjawnrcs nrcs cfw cfwm m n efb efbhh gt gtshbo ens lnch lnch.. Seh Sehgr gr hnrs nrh vh vhry ry tnbb nmc stgj stgja a strn strngie giett up, tehgr hyhs hyhs nrh sby nmc chhpb chhpby y sht. Seh onjh gs nt nmc mfshb mfshbhss hss kut teh lusjb lusjbhs hs fo teh dnw hxthmc cfwm gmtf teh sefubchr kbnchs nmc spgmh, gts mhja gs enrc tf krhna nmc gts kgth gs strfmi, strf mi, gt jnm hnt n eu eulnm lnm ohlur ohlur wgt wgtefut efut tffbs. (‒Tu (‒Tui-T i-Tui ui mhvhr ush tffbs tffbs,, nbte nbtefuie fuie tehy amfw hmfuie tf imnw fm kfwstrgmis gm teh mgiet.“ - T) Sehy tegma, nttnja, hsjnph nmc sflhtglhs if nrfumc, lfvgmi nbb teh tglh gmlfvh, n bfweumt, jfmt jfmtgmuf gmufus us bfph. Sehy nrh hxtrhlhby onst, lfvgmi qugja qugjaby by fm nbbofrwnrcs ofurs, jbglk jbglkgmi gmi whbb nmc cgiigmi terfuie teh cry hnrte Pyrrefus Pbngms. Hnje mgiet teh kfmh jbnws nt tehgr mihrtgps nmc ohht hxthmc nmc tehy cgi n kurrfw gm teh irfumc. Segs gs nblfst teh fmby tglh tent tehy nrh stgbb. Swhbvh ohht cfwm, gm n cgffhrhmt pbnjh hnje mgiet, teh Tui-Tui sbhhps. Go gts eflh jfbbnpshs gm teh mgiet teh Tui-Tui dust kurrfws fut nmc jnrrghs fm gts wny. Sefuie gt ens mf eflh teh Tui-Tui ens n thrrgtfry wefsh kfrchrs gt pntrfbs. Ofr nm njtgvh lnbh tegs jnm kh up tf n tefusnmc squnrh lgbhs. Hvhrytegmi wgtegm khbfmis tf gt. Go tehrh nrh phfpbh gm teh Tui-Tui‗s zfmh, tehm orfl teh Tui-Tuis pfgmt fo vghw gt fwms tehl tff. N TuiTui-Tui Tui gs mft ihmhrnb ihmhrnbby by vh vhry ry gm gmthrh thrhsthc sthc gm sfb sfbvgm vgmii prfk prfkbhl bhlss wgt wgte e fteh ftehrr Tui-Tui‗ Tui-Tui‗s. s. Sf tehl, ftehr Tui-Tui‗s nrh teh prfkbhl. Yehm tehy wgse tf krhhc, n lnbh Tui-Tui lust try tf futwgt futwgt n ohln ohlnbh bh Tui-Tu Tui-Tui, i, fr pfssgkb pfssgkby y teh ftehr wny rfum rfumc. c. Zgmj Zgmjhh TuiTui-Tui‗ Tui‗ss nrh egieb egieby y gmthbbgihmt, hrjhby gmchphmchmt, sfbgtnry, jfvhrhc gm spgmhs nmc eumcrhcs fo lgbhs npnrt, teh irhnthst terhnt tf tehgr pfpubntgfm gs tehgr cgjubty gm lntgmi. Ohlnbh Tui-Tui Tui-Tuiss khnr n sgmibh jegbc jegbc.. N Tui-Tui agt gs teh snohst lfrtnb khgmi, teh fmby tegmi tf hvhr kh prfthjthc ky mft fmh, kut twf Tui-Tuis. Ftehr tenm tehgr fwmhrsegp-fo-zfmh tegs gs teh fmby prfthjtgvh gmstgmjt Tui-Tuis envh, tefuie gt gs strfmi. Seh Tui-Tui Tui-Tui cght gs hvhry hvhryteg tegmi. mi. Seh Sehy y jehw jehw k kfmhs fmhs rnw rnw,, hnt efmhy efmhy,, orug orugt, t, irng irngms, ms, gmshjt gmshjts, s, jnrrgfm nmc vubturhs, (‒Tui-Tuis wgbb egch gmsgch n rfttgmi jfrpsh tf hnt teh _ubturhs tent jflh ofr gt“ - T) nmglnbs fo hvhry agmc, phfpbh, engr, teh knra fo trhhs nmc sflhtglhs rfjas. Sehy cf bfvh efmhy. (‒Khh stgmis wfm‗t phmhtrnth teh Tui-Tui‗s egch.“ - T) Hvhrytegmi gs wfrrghc ky teh Tui-Tui. [hbhm Hvhrytegmi [hbhmtbhss, tbhss, ohnrbhss ohnrbhss,, tgrhbhss nmc vhry vhry slnrt, tehy jnm futwgt eulnm khgmis nmc tnah fm jrhnturhs lnmy tglhs tehgr sgzh. Go utthrby futlntjehc
tehy wgbb stgbb chbgvhr chbgvhr enrl khofrh tehy cgh. Seh Tui-Tuis pnrtgm pnrtgmii igot gs fothm wgbc jnstrntgfm, fr n ohlfrnb kbhhc, tehm chnte. Sehy sphna. _hry vhry rnrhby, sgmjh tehy cfm‗t jnrh went yfu tegma, kut tehy jnm irumt fut ;>5
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
wfrcs, nmc tehy jnm wrg wfrcs, wrgth, th, sjrntj sjrntjegm egmii bhtt bhtthrs hrs gm teh cgrt. Nmc mft dus dustt sgm sgmibh ibh tfmiuh tfmiuhs, s, tehy jnm bhnrm lnmy bnmiunihs, sglpby ky bgsthmgmi gm teh mgiet, khyfmc teh jgrjbh fo teh rh. Zgmjh tehy envh mf rhnb chsgrh tf jfllumgjnth, tehgr bnmiunih ush gs lgmglnb, jfmsgstgmi lngmby lng mby fo teh bfw iutt iutturnb urnb jnbb fo ―zu ―zui-zu i-zui-z i-zuiui-zuizui-zuizui-zui‗ zui‗.. Sehy env envhh mf rhbg rhbgjs js nmc mf jrnots, tehy cf mft khbghvh gm nmytegmi tehy jnmmft shmsh, sf mf rhbgigfm gs ofumc nlfmist tehl. Bgah phfpbh, Tui-Tui‗s jnm tegma gm tglh, pbnmmgmi nmc prhcgjtgmi hvhmts sflhtglhs yhnrs nehnc. Sehy jnm sfbvh jflpbhx prfkbhls, sflhtegmi cgsjfvhrhc ky eulnms ns sffm ns tehy try tf glprgsfm fmh (‒Nm nblfst glpfssgkbh ohnt“ - T) Sehy jnm gchmtgoy whnamhsshs gm nrlfur nmc iunrchc phrglhthrs, kut nbsf gm eghrnrjeghs nmc jubturhs, nmc onlgbghs. Bnrih jubturhs fo frinmgshc eulnm khgmis nrh fmh fo teh ohw tegmis tent jnm pfthmtgnbby terhnthm n Tui-Tui. Mft fmh-fm-fmh, fmh-fm-fmh, n phrsfm gs stupgchr, sbfw sbfwhr hr nmc whnahr tenm n Tui-Tui, nmc teh Tui-Tui jnm ihmhrnbby hvnch fr futwgt irfups, kut phfpbh nbthr tehgr hmvgrfmlhmt. Sehy Se hy jnm kur kurm m trhhs trhhs,, snb snbtt jrf jrfps ps nmc orgi orgiet ethm hm inl inlh, h, nmc teg tegss jnm jenm jenmih ih teh Tu Tuii-Tui Tui‗s ‗s zfmh.. Nm umhnsy trujh fothm prhv zfmh prhvngb ngbss wgt wgte e teh Tui-T Tui-Tui ui ihmhrnb ihmhrnbby by mft hntg hntgmi mi p phfpb hfpbhh orfl jhrtngm jfllumgtghs nmc tefsh jfllumgtghs ihmhrnbby mft cfgmi tegmis teh Tui-Tui wfubc mft bgah. Nmc, fccby Nmc, fccby,, eu eulnm lnm jubtu jubturhs rhs gm n TuiTui-Tui‗ Tui‗ss zfmh rnrhb rnrhby y rgs rgshh nkfvh nkfvh n trgk trgknb nb stnth. Sef Sefsh sh kfbc gmcgvgcunbs tent ofrih teh jfrhs fo agmicfls thmc tf cgh, fr cgsnpphnr, wgte nbnrlgmi rhiubnr rhiu bnrgt gty y. Bga Bgahwg hwgsh, sh, prfp prfpehts ehts,, fr rhbg rhbgigfu igfuss bhnc bhnchrs hrs wef lgiet umgoy teh bfjnb trgkhs gmtf gmtf n bnrihr lnss, hgtehr mhvhr fjjur, fr sglpby ―if nwny‗. Ztrfmi wfrahrs fo teh Zuktbh Nrt hgtehr bhnvh teh zfmh rnpgcby, fr if lgssgmi gm teh mgiet. Gt gs n cgsturkgmi pfssgkgbgty tent teh Tui-Tui amfws qugth n bft lfrh nkfut us tenm wh amfw nkfut gt. Sefuie lfst phfpbhs bgvgmi gm n Tui-Tui‗s zfmh rhinrc gt ns n pfwhroub nmc jrnoty prhcntfr, sflh khigm tf susphjt tent tehgr jubturh sflhefw ―khbfmis‗ tf teh Tui-Tui. Sent teh TuiTui nbbfws tehl tf hxgst, lnmnihs tehgr irfwte, sflhtglhs prfthjts tehl nmc sflhtglhs tegms teg ms teh ehrc. Nmc tent gt umchrs umchrstnmc tnmcss tehl, mft dust ns n irfup fo nmg nmglnb lnbs, s, kut tent gt amfws amf ws tehgr jub jubturh turh nmc gm gmthrm thrmnb nb onj onjtgfm tgfms. s. Sehy bffa nt teh rhiubnr rhiubnr gmthrgmthr-trgk trgknb nb wnrs, teh chnrte fo phnjhlnahrs nmc umghrs, teh cgsnpphnrnmjh fo jhrtngm ushoub phfpbh nt jhrtngm ushoub usho ub tglh tglhs, s, nmc tehy wfr wfrry ry.. Kut tehy cf mft sphna tehg tehgrr ohnrs fut bfuc bfuc.. Sefs Sefshh wef cf fothm cf mft shh teh cnwm. Nm fcc twg twgst st fo teh Tui-Tui‗s ftehr gmstgmj gmstgmjt, t, gts chsgrh tf prhshrvh gts yfumi, gs teh njjgchmtnb prfthjtg prft hjtgfm fm fo jeg jegbcrh bcrhm. m. Sefu Sefuie ie n bfm bfmhh ncub ncubtt onjg onjgmi mi n TuiTui-Tui Tui gs gm thrrgk thrrgkbh bh cnmihr cnmihr,, n bfs bfstt jegbc jegbc wgbb fothm kh prft prfthjth hjthc, c, sfl sflhtgl htglhs hs ningms ningmstt stn stniihr iihrgmi gmi fccs. Kut teh sgm sgmibh ibh lhrjy fo teh Tui-Tui gs umprhcgjtnkbh nmc strnmih, mf pnrhmt shhas gts bglgt.
yh Jnvgm (Frchr #;:;95>89)
G nl bgah mf ftehr tegmi. N ihl mft onlhc ofr krgietmhss. Chnc, kut fmby bgsthm nmc G bgvh. _fgjhbhss, G sphna. Sefuietbhss, G bgh. Chhphr tenm cnra wnthr, Zenrphr tenm n swgot swfrc, Ztrnmihr tenm n cruiihc crhnl, G shrvh gm frchrhc rnmas tent mhvhr jenmih. Sgbb mgiet, Yehm n inbbhry fo sencfws pngmts yfur tefuiets, wgte lfrh jfbfurs tenm n jnrhbhss nrtgst‗s enmc. Bfsh lh fr kh bfst gm lh. G nl n pbnjh yfu lny mft if, Fmjh tehrh G wgbb mft bht yfu bhnvh. Sefuie lnch fo krfahm tegmis G nl yht wefbh. Nmc iunrc fmh eumcrhc lurchrs. Bht‗s agbb yfur orghmcs ofr oum.
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