Fire Fighter 1 Sample Exam

August 23, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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I. SCOPE OF THE EXAMINATION EXAMINATION   General  Ability (25%)   (25%)

: Verba erbal, l, Ana Analytic lytical, al, Nume Numerica ricall

  Area Specialized (75%)


Fire Suppression (30%)  

Pre-Fire Pre-Fire Planning


Fireg!ting "ec!ni#ues an$ Proce$ures


"ools an$ #uipment an$ Apparatus


Fire Sa&ety an$ Pre'ention (0%)


Fire o$e o& t!e P!ilippines


Fire Sa&ety *elate$ o$es, NFPA +as an$ ot!er FP issuances (uil$ing o$e, lectrical o$e)


FP iti.ens !arter, S/P12s on Fire Sa&ety nspection


Fire n'estigation (45%) "!e +a on Arson in t!e P!ilippines (*P)


onstitutional *ig!ts o& t!e Accuse$


Prima Facie 'i$ence o& Arson


*ules o& ourt


Proce$ure an$ "ec!ni#ues


$entication, Preser'ation an$ 6an$ling o& 'i$ence



/t!er *elate$ Proce$ure an$ "ec!ni#ues S/P2s on Fire an$ Arson n'estigation A$ministrati'e 1atters (40%)


*A 7895 an$ its **


*A 873 an$ its **


*A 858 an$ its **


S *ules an$ *egulations an$ ualication Stan$ar$s


FP 1emo irculars an$ S/P2s on A$ministrati'e 1atters

Firefighting is the act of extinguishing fires Firefighting is fires.. A firefighter  fights fires to prevent loss of life, and/or destruction of property and the environment. Firefighting is a highly technical skill that requires professionals who have spent years training in both general firefighting techniques and specialized areas of expertise.

Firefighters duties!edit duties!edit"" Firefighters goals are to save lives, property and the environment. A fire can rapidly spread and endanger many lives# however, with modern firefighting techniques, catastrophe is usually, but not always, avoided. $o prevent fires from starting, a f irefighters duties can include public education about fire safety safety  and conducting fire inspections of locations for their adherence to local fire codes codes.. %ecause firefighters are often the first responders responders  to people in critical conditions, firefighters may provide many other valuable services to the community they serve, such as& •

technicians or as licensed 'mergency medical services, as technicians  licensed  paramedics, staffing ambulances ambulances##


(azardous materials mitigation )(A*+A$ ) (A*+A$# #

-ehicle rescue/extrication#

earch and rescue rescue##

ommunity disaster support.

Fire risk assessments

 Additionally, firefighters may also pr provide ovide service in specializ specialized ed fields, such as& •

 Aircraft/airport rescue#

0ildland fire suppression#

hipboard and military fire and rescue#

$actical paramedic support )10A$ medics1#

$ool hoisting#

(igh angle rope rescue#

wiftwater rescue.

$rench rescue

onfined space rescue

%uilding collapse

old water rescue




 WHEREAS, there have been rampant and wanton burnings o residentia! houses, houses, pub!i" bui!dings, mar#ets, hote!s and other "ommer"ia! estab!ishments$  WHEREAS, to ee"tive!% dis"ourage and deter the "ommission o arson, and to prevent destru"tion o properties and prote"t the !ives o inno"ent peop!e, it is ne"essar% that the "apita! punishment be imposed upon arsonists$ NOW, &HERE'ORE, (, 'ERD(NAND E) *ARCOS, President o the Phi!ippines b% virtue o the power vested in me b% the Constitution, do hereb% order and de"ree that Arti"!e +-, Revised Pena! Code be amended. Se") /) Arti"!e /) Arti"!e +- o the Revised Pena! Code sha!! read as o!!ows. 0Art) +-) Destru"tive Arson) 1 &he pena!t% o re"!usion tempora! in its ma2imum period to death sha!! be imposed upon an% person who sha!! burn. /) One 3/4 or more bui!dings or edii"es, "onse5uent to one sing!e a"t o burning or as a resu!t o simu!taneous burnings, or "ommitted on severa! or dierent o""asions$ ) An% bui!ding o pub!i" or private ownership, ownership, devoted to the pub!i" in genera! or where peop!e usua!!% gather or "ongregate or a deinite purpose su"h as but not !imited to oi"ia! governmenta! un"tion or business, private transa"tion, "ommer"e, trade wor#shop,meetings wor#shop,meetings and "oneren"es, "oneren"es, or mere!% in"identa! to a deinite purpose su"h as but not !imited to hote!s, mote!s, transient dwe!!ings, pub!i" "onve%an"e or stops or termina!s, regard!ess o whether the oender had #now!edge that there are persons in said bui!ding or edii"e at the time it is set on ire and regard!ess a!so o whether the bui!ding is a"tua!!% inhabited or not) +) An% train or !o"omotive, ship or vesse!, airship or airp!ane, devoted to transportation or "onve%an"e, or or pub!i" use, entertainment or !eisure) 6) An% bui!ding, a"tor%, warehouse insta!!ation and an% appurtenan"es thereto, whi"h are devoted to the servi"e o pub!i" uti!ities) 7) An% bui!ding the burning o whi"h is or the purpose o "on"ea!ing ordestro%ing or destro%ing eviden"e o eviden"e o another vio!ation o !aw, or or the purpose o "on"ea!ing ban#rupt"% or derauding "reditors or to "o!!e"t rom insuran"e) (rrespe"tive o the app!i"ation o the above enumerated 5ua!i%ing "ir"umstan"es, the pena!t% o death sha!! !i#ewise be imposed when the arson is perpetrated or "ommitted b% two 34 or more persons or b% a group o persons, regard!ess o whether their purpose is mere!% to  burn or destro% the bui!ding or the burning mere!% "onstitutes an overt a"t in the "ommission "ommission or another vio!ation o !aw)


&he pena!t% o re"!usion tempora! in its ma2imum period to death sha!! a!so be imposed upon an% person who sha!! burn. /) An% arsena!, ship%ard, storehouse or mi!itar% powder or irewor#s a"tor%, ordinan"e, storehouse, ar"hives or genera! museum o the government) ) (n an inhabited p!a"e, an% storehouse or a"tor% o in!ammab!e or e2p!osive materia!s) ( as a "onse5uen"e o his "ommission o an% o the a"ts pena!i8ed under this Arti"!e, death or in9ur% resu!ts, or an% va!uab!e do"uments, e5uipment, ma"hineries, apparatus, or other va!uab!e properties were burned or destro%ed, the mandator% pena!t% o death sha!! be imposed): Se") ) Provisions ) Provisions o Arti"!es +-, +/ and + o the Revised Pena! Code whi"h are or ma% be in"onsistent herewith are hereb% repea!ed) Se") +) Ee"tivit%) +) Ee"tivit%) 1 &his De"ree sha!! ta#e ee"t immediate!%) Done in the Cit% o *ani!a, this //th da% o November, in the %ear o Our Lord, nineteen hundred and eight%)


Fire Suppression system

F1-00 F* S;PP*SS/N Seep out o& t!e reac! o& c!il$ren !o are not responsible enoug! to lea'e ell aloneB


tLs a goo$ i$ea to alays =eep a re etinguis!er in t!e =itc!en aay &rom sources o& !eat suc! as t!e sto'e or coo=ing sur&acesB /t!er goo$ places to =eep a re etinguis!er inclu$e: your car, your garage (especially i& you use el$ing e#uipment el$ing  e#uipment or Kammable pro$ucts), your cara'an or *V, an$ your boatB n eac! case, mount it some!ere accessible an$ protecte$ &rom out$oor elementsB nsure t!at e'eryone in t!e !ouse =nos !ere t!e re etinguis!er is locate$ an$ !o to use it (pro'i$e$ t!ey are ol$ enoug! an$ responsible enoug! to $o so)B

Choosing Fire Extinguishers  I3enti$y the type o$ mteri)s in the re   C)ss A

S/+DS suc! as paper, oo$, plastic etc

C)ss /

F+A11A+ +;DS suc! as paraIn, petrol, oil etc

C)ss C

F+A11A+ ASS suc! as propane, butane, met!ane etc

C)ss 0

1"A+S suc! as aluminium, magnesium, titanium etc

C)ss E

Fires in'ol'ing +"*A+ AP APPA* PA*A";S A";S

C)ss F

oo=ing /+  FA" etc

Types o$ fre extinguisher

Extinguishers::  &ter Fire Extinguishers  "!e c!eapest c!eapest an$ mo most st i$ely us use$ e$ fre extinguishersB extinguishersB ;se$ &or lass A resB Not suitable &or lass  (+i#ui$) res, or !ere electricity is in'ol'e$B


Fom Fire Extinguishers: Extinguishers:

1ore epensi'e t!an ater, but more 'ersatileB ;se$ &or lasses A   resB Foam spray etinguis!ers are not recommen$e$ &or res in'ol'ing electricity, but are sa&er t!an ater i& ina$'ertently spraye$ onto li'e electrical apparatusB

 0ry Po%3er Fire Extinguishers /&ten terme$ t!e Qmulti-purpose2 etinguis!er, as it can be use$ on classes A,    resB est &or running li#ui$ res (lass )B ill eIciently etinguis! lass  gas res, ;" A*, " AN  DAN*/;S "/ M"N;S6 A AS F* "6/;" F*S" S/+A"N "6 AS S;PP+< S;PP+one o$ (o)our o$ up to 7 o$ the extern) re (n *e use3 to i3enti$y i 3enti$y the (ontents using the o)3 (o)our (o3ing sho%n *onole$ge o& !o a buil$ing is constructe$ ill oEer tactical clues regar$ing: •

*ate o& re sprea$

Voi$ spaces &or !i$$en res

ea= areas t!at can be subCecte$ to rapi$ $eterioration secon$ary to re

6o specic structures may collapse s!oul$ an a$'ance$ re ea=en t!e structural support system &or a gi'en buil$ingB >noing t!e types o& buil$ing construction classication is paramount to proCecting t!e &uture e'olution o& re it!in a structure: •

 "ype  "ype  - re-resis re-resisti'e ti'e construction construction (alls, columns, beams, Koo Koors, rs, an$ rroo&s oo&s ma$e o& non-combustible non-combustible or or limite$ c combustible ombustible materials)

 "ype  "ype  - non-combusti non-combustible ble or limite$ limite$ comb combustible ustible con construction struction (sim (similar ilar to  re-re re-resisti'e sisti'e construction construction ecept ecept t!at t!e t!e $egree $egree o& re re resistance is loer)

 "ype  "ype  - or$inary or$inary construction construction (eterior (eterior alls a an$ n$ structura structurall members constructe constructe$ $ o& non-combustible non-combustible or or limite$ co combustible mbustible materialsG interior structural members inclu$ing alls, columns, beams, Koors, an$ roo&s completely or partially constructe$ o& oo$)

 "ype  "ype V - !ea'y !ea'y timber construction construction (e (eterior terior an an$ $ interior interior alls an an$ $ t!eir ass associate$ ociate$ structural structural members members ma$e o& non-combustible non-combustible or limite$ combustible materialsG ot!er interior structural members inclu$ing beams, columns, arc!es, Koors, an$ roo&s ma$e o& soli$ or laminate$ oo$ it! no conceale$ spacesG oo$ must !a'e $imensions large enoug! to be consi$ere$ !ea'y timber)

 "ype  "ype V - oo$-&rame oo$-&rame c constructio onstruction n (eterior (eterior alls, be bearing aring a alls, lls, Koor Koors, s, roo& roo&s, s, an$ supports supports completely completely or partially partially o& oo$ oo$ or ot! ot!er er appro'e$ materials o& smaller $imensions t!an t!ose use$ in !ea'y timber construction)


>noing !o a buil$ing is constructe$ ill greatly en!ance t!e regroun$ comman$erLs ability to proCect t!e mo'ement an$ spee$ o& a re t!at in'ol'es a buil$ingLs structure 'ersus a contents reB "ry an$ ta=e t!e time to get out to your buil$ings un$er construction in your area an$ see !o t!ey are put toget!erB  "!e net net tool &or selecting selecting proper proper tactic tactical al operations operations is to try an$ gauge !at stage t!e re is at upon arri'alB arri'alB 1atc!ing 1atc!ing proper proper resource resources s in t!e proper place at t!e proper time ill almost alays succee$ against an unt!in=ing enemyB Fire $e'elopment consists o& a 'ariety o& stages: Ignition  "!e perio$ perio$ !en oygen, oygen, !ea !eat, t, &uel an$ c c!ain !ain rreaction eaction co come me toget!er in prop proper er rations rations to allo &or &or t!e init initial ial combustion combustion pro process cess to occur occurBB At t!is initial point in t!e re progression, t!e re is minimal an$ easily etinguis!e$B "ro%th n t!is stage o& t!e re, t!e amount o& !eat being generate$ creates t!ermal up$ra&ting !ic! allos &or t!e mo'ement o& air &rom t!e surroun$ing area to t!e seat o& t!e re to assist it! maintaining oygen le'els to continue &ee$ing t!e reB F)sho



Fire resisti)e


6on?com"usti"le or limited com"usti"le




Hea)# tim"er

  7& 6F3A @@@@@@@@@ is is the standard (or (ire (ire o((icer pro(essional pro(essional /uali(ications& /uali(ications& Fill in the "lan4&  








  & 'he acron#m O?A?' O?A?'?H ?H is used during con(ined space space rescue& +hat does the O stand (or 








  & 'here are nine di((erent di((erent haardous materials materials ,arning la"els& la"els& +hat does a class  la"el represent 



Flamma"le and com"usti"le li/uid


3oison and poison inhalation haard



  1& On (ire extinguishers$ ,hich s#m"ol s#m"ol represents com"usti"le metals or class class D (uels-










Fire Fighter 2 Sample Exam 1& At 212 degrees F ,ater expands expands approximatel# ho, man# man# times its original original )olume 










2& +hat t#pe t#pe o( extrication extrication tools tools are a"o)ea"o)e 

Air chisels


3o,er ram H#draulic ram


Highline pistol

  5& +hat does does acron#m acron#m M!. stand stand (or(or 

Motor !ehicle .ollision


Mass !ehicle .ollision


Most !alua"le .adet


Master !ehicle .orridor


  & +hat is the the normal concentration concentration o( ox#gen in am"ient am"ient air 








  ;& +hic +hich h haard haard ma# need to "e mitigated mitigated at an M!. 

Anti(reee spill


Fix?a?Flat (luid




!egeta"le oil

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