Fire Fighter 1 Sample Exam
August 23, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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: Verba erbal, l, Ana Analytic lytical, al, Nume Numerica ricall
Area Specialized (75%)
Fire Suppression (30%)
Pre-Fire Pre-Fire Planning
Fireg!ting "ec!ni#ues an$ Proce$ures
"ools an$ #uipment an$ Apparatus
Fire Sa&ety an$ Pre'ention (0%)
Fire o$e o& t!e P!ilippines
Fire Sa&ety *elate$ o$es, NFPA +as an$ ot!er FP issuances (uil$ing o$e, lectrical o$e)
FP iti.ens !arter, S/P12s on Fire Sa&ety nspection
Fire n'estigation (45%) "!e +a on Arson in t!e P!ilippines (*P)
onstitutional *ig!ts o& t!e Accuse$
Prima Facie 'i$ence o& Arson
*ules o& ourt
Proce$ure an$ "ec!ni#ues
$entication, Preser'ation an$ 6an$ling o& 'i$ence
/t!er *elate$ Proce$ure an$ "ec!ni#ues S/P2s on Fire an$ Arson n'estigation A$ministrati'e 1atters (40%)
*A 7895 an$ its **
*A 873 an$ its **
*A 858 an$ its **
S *ules an$ *egulations an$ ualication Stan$ar$s
FP 1emo irculars an$ S/P2s on A$ministrati'e 1atters
Firefighting is the act of extinguishing fires Firefighting is fires.. A firefighter fights fires to prevent loss of life, and/or destruction of property and the environment. Firefighting is a highly technical skill that requires professionals who have spent years training in both general firefighting techniques and specialized areas of expertise.
Firefighters duties!edit duties!edit"" Firefighters goals are to save lives, property and the environment. A fire can rapidly spread and endanger many lives# however, with modern firefighting techniques, catastrophe is usually, but not always, avoided. $o prevent fires from starting, a f irefighters duties can include public education about fire safety safety and conducting fire inspections of locations for their adherence to local fire codes codes.. %ecause firefighters are often the first responders responders to people in critical conditions, firefighters may provide many other valuable services to the community they serve, such as& •
technicians or as licensed 'mergency medical services, as technicians licensed paramedics, staffing ambulances ambulances##
(azardous materials mitigation )(A*+A$ ) (A*+A$# #
-ehicle rescue/extrication#
earch and rescue rescue##
ommunity disaster support.
Fire risk assessments
Additionally, firefighters may also pr provide ovide service in specializ specialized ed fields, such as& •
Aircraft/airport rescue#
0ildland fire suppression#
hipboard and military fire and rescue#
$actical paramedic support )10A$ medics1#
$ool hoisting#
(igh angle rope rescue#
wiftwater rescue.
$rench rescue
onfined space rescue
%uilding collapse
old water rescue
WHEREAS, there have been rampant and wanton burnings o residentia! houses, houses, pub!i" bui!dings, mar#ets, hote!s and other "ommer"ia! estab!ishments$ WHEREAS, to ee"tive!% dis"ourage and deter the "ommission o arson, and to prevent destru"tion o properties and prote"t the !ives o inno"ent peop!e, it is ne"essar% that the "apita! punishment be imposed upon arsonists$ NOW, &HERE'ORE, (, 'ERD(NAND E) *ARCOS, President o the Phi!ippines b% virtue o the power vested in me b% the Constitution, do hereb% order and de"ree that Arti"!e +-, Revised Pena! Code be amended. Se") /) Arti"!e /) Arti"!e +- o the Revised Pena! Code sha!! read as o!!ows. 0Art) +-) Destru"tive Arson) 1 &he pena!t% o re"!usion tempora! in its ma2imum period to death sha!! be imposed upon an% person who sha!! burn. /) One 3/4 or more bui!dings or edii"es, "onse5uent to one sing!e a"t o burning or as a resu!t o simu!taneous burnings, or "ommitted on severa! or dierent o""asions$ ) An% bui!ding o pub!i" or private ownership, ownership, devoted to the pub!i" in genera! or where peop!e usua!!% gather or "ongregate or a deinite purpose su"h as but not !imited to oi"ia! governmenta! un"tion or business, private transa"tion, "ommer"e, trade wor#shop,meetings wor#shop,meetings and "oneren"es, "oneren"es, or mere!% in"identa! to a deinite purpose su"h as but not !imited to hote!s, mote!s, transient dwe!!ings, pub!i" "onve%an"e or stops or termina!s, regard!ess o whether the oender had #now!edge that there are persons in said bui!ding or edii"e at the time it is set on ire and regard!ess a!so o whether the bui!ding is a"tua!!% inhabited or not) +) An% train or !o"omotive, ship or vesse!, airship or airp!ane, devoted to transportation or "onve%an"e, or or pub!i" use, entertainment or !eisure) 6) An% bui!ding, a"tor%, warehouse insta!!ation and an% appurtenan"es thereto, whi"h are devoted to the servi"e o pub!i" uti!ities) 7) An% bui!ding the burning o whi"h is or the purpose o "on"ea!ing ordestro%ing or destro%ing eviden"e o eviden"e o another vio!ation o !aw, or or the purpose o "on"ea!ing ban#rupt"% or derauding "reditors or to "o!!e"t rom insuran"e) (rrespe"tive o the app!i"ation o the above enumerated 5ua!i%ing "ir"umstan"es, the pena!t% o death sha!! !i#ewise be imposed when the arson is perpetrated or "ommitted b% two 34 or more persons or b% a group o persons, regard!ess o whether their purpose is mere!% to burn or destro% the bui!ding or the burning mere!% "onstitutes an overt a"t in the "ommission "ommission or another vio!ation o !aw)
&he pena!t% o re"!usion tempora! in its ma2imum period to death sha!! a!so be imposed upon an% person who sha!! burn. /) An% arsena!, ship%ard, storehouse or mi!itar% powder or irewor#s a"tor%, ordinan"e, storehouse, ar"hives or genera! museum o the government) ) (n an inhabited p!a"e, an% storehouse or a"tor% o in!ammab!e or e2p!osive materia!s) ( as a "onse5uen"e o his "ommission o an% o the a"ts pena!i8ed under this Arti"!e, death or in9ur% resu!ts, or an% va!uab!e do"uments, e5uipment, ma"hineries, apparatus, or other va!uab!e properties were burned or destro%ed, the mandator% pena!t% o death sha!! be imposed): Se") ) Provisions ) Provisions o Arti"!es +-, +/ and + o the Revised Pena! Code whi"h are or ma% be in"onsistent herewith are hereb% repea!ed) Se") +) Ee"tivit%) +) Ee"tivit%) 1 &his De"ree sha!! ta#e ee"t immediate!%) Done in the Cit% o *ani!a, this //th da% o November, in the %ear o Our Lord, nineteen hundred and eight%)
Fire Suppression system
F1-00 F* S;PP*SS/N Seep out o& t!e reac! o& c!il$ren !o are not responsible enoug! to lea'e ell aloneB
tLs a goo$ i$ea to alays =eep a re etinguis!er in t!e =itc!en aay &rom sources o& !eat suc! as t!e sto'e or coo=ing sur&acesB /t!er goo$ places to =eep a re etinguis!er inclu$e: your car, your garage (especially i& you use el$ing e#uipment el$ing e#uipment or Kammable pro$ucts), your cara'an or *V, an$ your boatB n eac! case, mount it some!ere accessible an$ protecte$ &rom out$oor elementsB nsure t!at e'eryone in t!e !ouse =nos !ere t!e re etinguis!er is locate$ an$ !o to use it (pro'i$e$ t!ey are ol$ enoug! an$ responsible enoug! to $o so)B
Choosing Fire Extinguishers I3enti$y the type o$ mteri)s in the re C)ss A
S/+DS suc! as paper, oo$, plastic etc
C)ss /
F+A11A+ +;DS suc! as paraIn, petrol, oil etc
C)ss C
F+A11A+ ASS suc! as propane, butane, met!ane etc
C)ss 0
1"A+S suc! as aluminium, magnesium, titanium etc
C)ss E
Fires in'ol'ing +"*A+ AP APPA* PA*A";S A";S
C)ss F
oo=ing /+ FA" etc
Types o$ fre extinguisher
Extinguishers:: &ter Fire Extinguishers "!e c!eapest c!eapest an$ mo most st i$ely us use$ e$ fre extinguishersB extinguishersB ;se$ &or lass A resB Not suitable &or lass (+i#ui$) res, or !ere electricity is in'ol'e$B
Fom Fire Extinguishers: Extinguishers:
1ore epensi'e t!an ater, but more 'ersatileB ;se$ &or lasses A resB Foam spray etinguis!ers are not recommen$e$ &or res in'ol'ing electricity, but are sa&er t!an ater i& ina$'ertently spraye$ onto li'e electrical apparatusB
0ry Po%3er Fire Extinguishers /&ten terme$ t!e Qmulti-purpose2 etinguis!er, as it can be use$ on classes A, resB est &or running li#ui$ res (lass )B ill eIciently etinguis! lass gas res, ;" A*, " AN DAN*/;S "/ M"N;S6 A AS F* "6/;" F*S" S/+A"N "6 AS S;PP+< S;PP+one o$ (o)our o$ up to 7 o$ the extern) re (n *e use3 to i3enti$y i 3enti$y the (ontents using the o)3 (o)our (o3ing sho%n *onole$ge o& !o a buil$ing is constructe$ ill oEer tactical clues regar$ing: •
*ate o& re sprea$
Voi$ spaces &or !i$$en res
ea= areas t!at can be subCecte$ to rapi$ $eterioration secon$ary to re
6o specic structures may collapse s!oul$ an a$'ance$ re ea=en t!e structural support system &or a gi'en buil$ingB >noing t!e types o& buil$ing construction classication is paramount to proCecting t!e &uture e'olution o& re it!in a structure: •
"ype "ype - re-resis re-resisti'e ti'e construction construction (alls, columns, beams, Koo Koors, rs, an$ rroo&s oo&s ma$e o& non-combustible non-combustible or or limite$ c combustible ombustible materials)
"ype "ype - non-combusti non-combustible ble or limite$ limite$ comb combustible ustible con construction struction (sim (similar ilar to re-re re-resisti'e sisti'e construction construction ecept ecept t!at t!e t!e $egree $egree o& re re resistance is loer)
"ype "ype - or$inary or$inary construction construction (eterior (eterior alls a an$ n$ structura structurall members constructe constructe$ $ o& non-combustible non-combustible or or limite$ co combustible mbustible materialsG interior structural members inclu$ing alls, columns, beams, Koors, an$ roo&s completely or partially constructe$ o& oo$)
"ype "ype V - !ea'y !ea'y timber construction construction (e (eterior terior an an$ $ interior interior alls an an$ $ t!eir ass associate$ ociate$ structural structural members members ma$e o& non-combustible non-combustible or limite$ combustible materialsG ot!er interior structural members inclu$ing beams, columns, arc!es, Koors, an$ roo&s ma$e o& soli$ or laminate$ oo$ it! no conceale$ spacesG oo$ must !a'e $imensions large enoug! to be consi$ere$ !ea'y timber)
"ype "ype V - oo$-&rame oo$-&rame c constructio onstruction n (eterior (eterior alls, be bearing aring a alls, lls, Koor Koors, s, roo& roo&s, s, an$ supports supports completely completely or partially partially o& oo$ oo$ or ot! ot!er er appro'e$ materials o& smaller $imensions t!an t!ose use$ in !ea'y timber construction)
>noing !o a buil$ing is constructe$ ill greatly en!ance t!e regroun$ comman$erLs ability to proCect t!e mo'ement an$ spee$ o& a re t!at in'ol'es a buil$ingLs structure 'ersus a contents reB "ry an$ ta=e t!e time to get out to your buil$ings un$er construction in your area an$ see !o t!ey are put toget!erB "!e net net tool &or selecting selecting proper proper tactic tactical al operations operations is to try an$ gauge !at stage t!e re is at upon arri'alB arri'alB 1atc!ing 1atc!ing proper proper resource resources s in t!e proper place at t!e proper time ill almost alays succee$ against an unt!in=ing enemyB Fire $e'elopment consists o& a 'ariety o& stages: Ignition "!e perio$ perio$ !en oygen, oygen, !ea !eat, t, &uel an$ c c!ain !ain rreaction eaction co come me toget!er in prop proper er rations rations to allo &or &or t!e init initial ial combustion combustion pro process cess to occur occurBB At t!is initial point in t!e re progression, t!e re is minimal an$ easily etinguis!e$B "ro%th n t!is stage o& t!e re, t!e amount o& !eat being generate$ creates t!ermal up$ra&ting !ic! allos &or t!e mo'ement o& air &rom t!e surroun$ing area to t!e seat o& t!e re to assist it! maintaining oygen le'els to continue &ee$ing t!e reB F)sho
Fire resisti)e
6on?com"usti"le or limited com"usti"le
Hea)# tim"er
7& 6F3A @@@@@@@@@ is is the standard (or (ire (ire o((icer pro(essional pro(essional /uali(ications& /uali(ications& Fill in the "lan4&
& 'he acron#m O?A?' O?A?'?H ?H is used during con(ined space space rescue& +hat does the O stand (or
& 'here are nine di((erent di((erent haardous materials materials ,arning la"els& la"els& +hat does a class la"el represent
Flamma"le and com"usti"le li/uid
3oison and poison inhalation haard
1& On (ire extinguishers$ ,hich s#m"ol s#m"ol represents com"usti"le metals or class class D (uels-
Fire Fighter 2 Sample Exam 1& At 212 degrees F ,ater expands expands approximatel# ho, man# man# times its original original )olume
2& +hat t#pe t#pe o( extrication extrication tools tools are a"o)ea"o)e
Air chisels
3o,er ram H#draulic ram
Highline pistol
5& +hat does does acron#m acron#m M!. stand stand (or(or
Motor !ehicle .ollision
Mass !ehicle .ollision
Most !alua"le .adet
Master !ehicle .orridor
& +hat is the the normal concentration concentration o( ox#gen in am"ient am"ient air
;& +hic +hich h haard haard ma# need to "e mitigated mitigated at an M!.
Anti(reee spill
Fix?a?Flat (luid
!egeta"le oil
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