Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy Rev1 - Full

March 9, 2017 | Author: chalermwitt | Category: N/A
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Fire & Gas Detection Philosophy Arthit Platform

Content Type of Fire & Gas (F&G) detectors Installation Voting philosophy Automatic action by SIS (Safety Instrumented

System) Automatic action by Addressable Fire Panel (For ALQB) F&G in Turbo Machinery Packages Deluge System Fire Water Pumps 

Type of F&G detectors Flame Detector Fusible Plug Loop Gas Detector (Point Type) Gas Detector (Line of Sight) VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus) Smoke Detector Heat Detector Emergency Shutdown Pushbutton Manual Alarm Call point Special

Flame Detector Multi spectrum IR Flame Detector Installation  All decks on APP

Field of View  Distance 30 m.  90 degree horizontal  75 degree vertical 

Flame Detector One flame detector – alarm only At least two flame detector in same fire zone  Activate ESD1 on APP  Activate deluge valve in that fire zone  Start fire water pumps  PAGA tone 2 

Flame Detector 2oo27 Voting of flame detectors

Flame Detector  2oo2 Voting of flame detectors       

  Special Action  Inhibit FWPs on APP to start  Deluge valve NOT activated (no deluge in this fire zone) 

Fusible Plug Fusible plugs are fixed temperature heat

detectors that melt at the required temperature. Fire detection is due to loss of air/gas pressure in the fusible plug loop. Melt point is 203 DegF (95 DegC) on AWPs Melt point is 160 DegF (71 DegC) on APP

Fusible Plug  Fusible plug melt on APP  Activate deluge valve in that fire zone  Start fire water pumps (due to fire water ring main

pressure low)

  Fusible plug melt on AWP1  Activate ESD1 on AWP1  Activate deluge valve to AWP1  Start fire water pumps (due to fire water ring main

pressure low)

  Fusible plug melt on AWPs  Activate ESD1 on AWPs 

Fusible Plug Special  Fusible plugs were provided at each riser valve

to directly close the valves when exposed to a fire.

Deluge System The Deluge system is designed to protect high

hazard areas containing a severe fuel hazard with a high heat release rate by bringing a large number of open sprayers into action simultaneously in the event of a fire. 

Deluge System P&ID

Deluge System 5 Deluge valve for APP  2 for lower deck – always open together XV-5650 and XV-5660  2 for main deck – always open together XV-5670 and XV-5680  1 for upper deck XV-5690 

1 Deluge valve for AWP1 XV-5640

Deluge System How many ways to activate deluge?  Fusible plug melt  SIS energize solenoid when confirm fire  Manually press hand switch at local  Manually press push button in CCR 

Deluge System Special  Manually press deluge push button in CCR will; Activate ESD1 on APP Start fire water pumps PAGA tone 2   Note: for AWP1 will be activate ESD1 on AWP1


Fire Water Pumps Start Sequence  The Fire Water Manifold is pressurized at 10 barg by

utility water pumps. When the pressure drops to 6.5 barg or Confirmed Fire/Gas the first Fire Water Pump in the preset start sequence starts. If the manifold pressure do not build to 10 barg in 30 seconds, the second pump starts. If the manifold pressure still does not reach 10 barg in another 30 seconds, the third pump starts.  If 1st FW pump start and build pressure to 10 barg

within 30s. 2nd FW pump will not start  But if the pressure drop below 10 barg after 30s. 2nd pump will start.  After 2nd pump start, if pressure drop below 10 barg, 3rd pump will start. (With 30 seconds delay after 2nd pump started)  This logic is to prevent FW pumps start consecutively

within 30 seconds

Gas Detector (Point Type) Infrared Hydrocarbon Gas Detector Installation  All decks on APP

Theory of Operation  Certain IR wavelengths are absorbed by the

gas 

Gas Detector (Line of Sight) Infrared Hydrocarbon Gas Detector  Transmitter  Transmitter produces an intense, collimated

infrared beam which is produced by a Xenon arc flash lamp.

 Receiver  Receiver collects infrared radiation from the

transmitter and performs measurements to enable hydrocarbon gases in the beam path to be detected.

Installation  All decks on APP

Theory of Operation  Certain IR wavelengths are absorbed by the


Gas Detector (Point type + Line of Sight) One gas detector more than 20% LEL – alarm

only In process area (within same fire zone)  One gas detector more than 20% LEL And  One gas detector more than 60% LEL Activate ESD1 Start fire water pumps PAGA tone 2

Gas Detector (Point type) Inlet enclosure of turbo machinery (within

same fire zone)  Two gas detector more than 40% LEL (2ooN) Activate ESD1 Start fire water pumps PAGA tone 2 Isolate essential power to turbo machinery package

Gas Detector (Point type) In HVAC air inlet LER, SWR (within same fire

zone)  Two gas detectors more than 40% LEL (2ooN) Activate ESD1 Start fire water pumps PAGA tone 2 Trip HVAC, close fire dampers

Gas Detector (Point type) In LER, SWR (within same fire zone)  Two gas detectors more than 40% LEL (2ooN) Activate ESD1 Start fire water pumps PAGA tone 2 Trip HVAC, close fire dampers Isolate battery of UPS and Battery Charger. (10 s delay)  This will lead to black-out. SIS loss power. EDG

can not start. 

Gas detector in airlock is alarm only

Gas Detector (Line of Sight) AQP Main deck  One gas detector more than 20% LEL  And  One gas detector more than 60% LEL Activate ESD1 Inhibit AQP fire water pump to start Start fire water pumps on APP PAGA tone 2 Stop/Inhibit to start EDG Trip AQP HVAC  

Gas Detector (Point type) AQP HVAC air inlet  Two gas detectors more than 40% LEL (2ooN) Activate ESD1 Inhibit AQP fire water pump to start Start fire water pumps on APP PAGA tone 2 Stop/Inhibit to start EDG Trip AQP HVAC Isolate battery of AQP  All HMI in CCR will power loss

Gas Detector (Point type) ALQB HVAC air inlet  Two gas detectors more than 40% LEL (2ooN) Activate ESD1 Start fire water pumps PAGA tone 2 Trip ALQB HVAC Trip ALQB UPS and essential power 

F&G in Turbo Machinery Packages Turbo machinery package has “Eagle

Quantum” controller as independent F&G system No detectors voting No ESD1

F&G in Turbo Machinery Packages  Feed gas compressors  Confirm fire by heat detector  Confirm fire by flame detector (3s delay in “eagle

quantum” for confirmation)

 Shutdown FGC (with blowdown)  Release CO2 for package  Release “main” CO2 then wait for 90 seconds. If

fire still active, will release “reserve” CO2

 Start fire water pumps  PAGA tone 2  Isolate all power to package

 Gas alarm at 5% LEL  Confirm gas at 10% LEL  Same action as above except no CO2 release  

F&G in Turbo Machinery Packages Sale gas compressors  Confirm fire by heat detector  Confirm fire by flame detector (5s delay in

“flame detector” for confirmation) Shutdown SGC (with blowdown) Release CO2 for package

 Release “primary” and “extended”

Start fire water pumps PAGA tone 2 Isolate all power package

 Gas alarm at 20% LEL  Confirm gas at 40% LEL Same action as above except no CO2 release  

F&G in Turbo Machinery Packages Power Generators  Confirm fire by heat detector  Confirm fire by flame detector (5s delay in

“flame detector” for confirmation) Shutdown power generator Release CO2 for package

 Release “primary” and “extended”

Start fire water pumps PAGA tone 2 Isolate all power package

 Gas alarm at 20% LEL  Confirm gas at 40% LEL Same action as above except no CO2 release  

VESDA  Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus

 Work by continually drawing air into the pipe network.

The sample enter to laser detection chamber for smoke detection

 Installation


 Action

 When fire alert

 Alarm in CCR  Operator have to investigate the root cause of smoke

and try to stop it

 When confirm fire

 Start fire water pumps  Trip HVAC units and close fire dampers.  Isolate normal and essential lighting  PAGA tone2

  Note: There is no ESD1 in this case.

MAC Manual Alarm Call point Located around the facility to allow personnel

to raise an alarm. Alarm in CCR only. Panel operator will take necessary action.

ESD1 Push Button Located principally near main stairways on

main process decks. Action - Activate ESD1  Close all shutdown valves  Open all blowdown valves  Trip all packages  ESD2 on all wellhead platforms  Start Fire Water Pumps  PAGA tone2  Trip normal power (Main Generators) EDG will start automatically

ESD0 Push Button  Located at  Helideck Access Landing  Lifeboat embarkation area  Drain Deck  Action – Activate ESD0  ESD1  ESD1 on all wellhead platforms  Stop EDG  PAGA tone1  Isolate Battery charger on AQP  Delay 30 minutes to isolate UPS on AQP  Delay 3 hours to isolate UPS and Battery charger

on APP

 

Power Isolation Push Button Located at In front of LER In front of ESWR In front of CCR This PB is use for isolate power in the room in

case of fire. 

 

  

Power Isolation Push Button LER and ESWR Activate ESD1 Stop/Inhibit to start EDG Isolate APP battery charger 120 seconds delay to isolate APP UPS This will lead to black-out. SIS loss power.   

 

 

Power Isolation Push Button CCR Activate ESD1 Isolate AQP battery charger and UPS All HMI in CCR will loss power   

 

  

Smoke Detector Photoelectric sensing detect visible fire

particles Located in AQP Workshop, CCR, Raised floors, Laboratory, Battery room Action  Confirm smoke in Laboratory (1oo1) PAGA tone 2 Trip HVAC units and close fire dampers. Isolate all power sources within the

laboratory Start fire water pumps   

Smoke Detector Action  Confirm smoke in APP battery room (2oo2) PAGA tone 2 Close fire dampers. Start fire water pumps

 Confirm smoke in AQP battery room (1oo1) PAGA tone 2 Trip AQP HVAC Start fire water pumps 

   

Smoke Detector Action  Confirm smoke in AQP workshop (2ooN in

same fire zone)

PAGA tone 2 Trip AQP HVAC and close fire dampers. Isolate all power sources within fire zone Start fire water pumps 

   

Heat Detector (Rate Compensation)  The outer shell is made of a rapidly expanding alloy

which closely follows changes in surrounding air temperature. The inner struts are made of a lower expanding alloy. Designed to resist thermal energy absorption and sealed inside the shell, the struts follow temperature changes more slowly.  Designed to activate at a fixed temperature, regardless of the rate of temperature rise.  Set point is 60 DegC.

Heat Detector (Rate Compensation) They will be used as the primary means of fire

detection in areas where smoke is regularly expected and accepted (Welding workshop, mechanical workshops, EI workshop). Action  Confirm heat in one fire zone (1ooN) PAGA tone 2 Trip HVAC units and close fire dampers. Isolate all power sources within fire zone Start fire water pumps 

Addressable Fire Panel Autronica AutroSafe on ALQB  Automatic addressing of detectors.  Self-Verify Function for automatic testing of

detectors  The system operates on the new AUTROLON communication bus, enabling networking of all panels, detectors and interfaces to easily form a complex, distributed and totally interactive system - giving the flexibility to adapt to the individual requirements of any site. 

Addressable Fire Panel  Smoke Detector (optical type) installed in

every cabins, offices, recreation area  MAC installed in around the building to allow personnel to raise an alarm  Heat Detector install in galley  VESDA installed in TER  Flame detectors at Helideck  Addressable interface unit installed on every floors  Addressable control panel is in CCR 

Addressable Fire Panel Action  Confirm fire inside ALQB Alarm in CCR with tag and location of fire. Close fire dampers Trip ALQB HVAC Start stairwell pressurize fans 

 Confirm gas outside ALQB (XS-8600; signal

from SIS) Alarm in CCR Close fire dampers Trip ALQB HVAC NOT Start stairwell pressurize fans 

Addressable Fire Panel Action  Confirm fire inside galley Alarm in CCR with tag and location of fire. Close fire dampers Trip ALQB HVAC Start stairwell pressurize fans Trip galley distribution board (LSB-QP-360) 

All ALQB F&G detection will not alarm to PAGA 

 

Note Please refer to C&E for detail actions for each

F&G detection

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