Fiori Configuration

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Installation, Configuration and Administration Guide SAP NetWeaver Single-Sign-On SP2 Secure Login Server

PUBLIC Document Version: 1.2 – December 2011

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Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.


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Contents 1 What is Secure Login? ....................................................................... 9 1.1 System Overview .................................................................................. 10 1.2 System Overview with Security Token ............................................... 11 1.3 System Overview with Secure Login Server ...................................... 14 1.4 Instances ............................................................................................... 16 1.5 PKI Structure ........................................................................................ 17 1.6 Secure Communication ....................................................................... 18 1.7 Policy Server Overview ........................................................................ 19 1.8 Secure Login Web Client ..................................................................... 20 1.8.1 Export Restrictions ........................................................................... 20

2 Secure Login Server Installation ..................................................... 21 2.1 Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 21 2.1.1 Secure Login Library ................................................................................................... 22

2.2 Secure Login Server Installation with Telnet ..................................... 26 2.3 Secure Login Server Installation with JSPM ...................................... 27 2.4 Secure Login Server Uninstallation .................................................... 30 2.5 Updating the Secure Login Server to SP2 ......................................... 30 2.6 Initial Configuration Wizard ................................................................. 31 2.6.1 Initial Configuration ..................................................................................................... 31 2.6.2 Enable Remote Access for Initial Wizard.................................................................... 47 2.6.3 Configure SSH Tunnel ................................................................................................ 48

3 Administration ................................................................................... 49 3.1 Logon to Administration Console....................................................... 49 3.2 Welcome Page ...................................................................................... 50 3.2.1 Change Password....................................................................................................... 51

3.3 Server Configuration............................................................................ 52 3.3.1 Edit Server Configuration ............................................................................................ 54 3.3.2 Edit Login Type Setting ............................................................................................... 55 3.3.3 Certificate Management .............................................................................................. 56 3.3.4 Trust Store Management ............................................................................................ 68 3.3.5 Certificate Template .................................................................................................... 69 3.3.6 System Check ............................................................................................................. 76 3.3.7 Message Settings ....................................................................................................... 77 3.3.8 SNC Configuration ...................................................................................................... 81 3.3.9 Server Status .............................................................................................................. 82 3.3.10 Sign Certificate Requests ......................................................................................... 83 3.3.11 Console Log Viewer .................................................................................................. 85 3.3.12 Web Client Configuration .......................................................................................... 87

3.4 Instance Management .......................................................................... 92 3.4.1 DefaultServer Configuration ....................................................................................... 92 3.4.2 Create a New Instance ............................................................................................. 115

3.5 Console Users .................................................................................... 120 3.5.1 User Management .................................................................................................... 120 3.5.2 Role Management..................................................................................................... 123 3.5.3 Locked Files Management ........................................................................................ 124

4 Other Configurations ...................................................................... 125



4.1 Configure Login Module .................................................................... 125 4.2 Verify Authentication Server Configuration ..................................... 131 4.3 Create Technical User in SAP Server ............................................... 133 4.4 Mozilla Firefox Support ...................................................................... 133 4.4.1 Install Firefox Extension ............................................................................................ 133 4.4.2 Uninstall Mozilla Firefox Extension ........................................................................... 134

4.5 Customize Secure Login Web Client ................................................ 135 4.6 Configure SSL Certificate Logon ...................................................... 135 4.7 Configure External Login ID .............................................................. 136 4.8 Emergency Recovery Tool ................................................................ 136 4.9 Monitoring ........................................................................................... 139 4.9.1 Web Service Status .................................................................................................. 139 4.9.2 XML Interface ............................................................................................................ 139

4.10 Secure Login Client Policy and Profiles ......................................... 141 4.10.1 Client Policy ............................................................................................................ 141 4.10.2 Applications and Profiles ........................................................................................ 142

4.11 Integrate into Existing PKI ............................................................... 146 4.12 Configuring Secure Login Servers as Failover Servers for High Availability ................................................................................................ 147 4.13 Configuring Login Module Stacks as Failover Servers in SAP NetWeaver ................................................................................................. 149 4.13.1 Configuration of SAP NetWeaver AS Java ............................................................. 150 4.13.2 Configuration of the Secure Login Server .............................................................. 151

4.14 Setting Failover Timeouts of the Login Modules ........................... 152 4.15 Custom Use of Login Module with Login Module Stacks ............. 152

5 Configuration Examples ................................................................. 154 5.1 Kerberos Authentication with SPNego ............................................. 154 5.2 LDAP User Authentication ................................................................ 155 5.3 SAP User Authentication ................................................................... 156 5.4 RADIUS User Authentication............................................................. 157 5.5 Configuring RSA Authentication with RADIUS................................ 158 5.5.1 Configuration of the securid.ini File .......................................................................... 158 5.5.2 Customer-Specific Configuration of the securid.ini File ............................................ 159 5.5.3 Ensuring Encrypted Communication with Shared Secret ......................................... 160

6 Troubleshooting .............................................................................. 161 6.1 Checklist User Authentication Problem ........................................... 161 6.2 Secure Login Server SNC Problem ................................................... 162 6.3 Enable Secure Login Server Trace ................................................... 163 6.4 Enable Secure Login Library Trace .................................................. 163 6.5 Secure Login Server Lock and Unlock ............................................. 164 6.6 Access Denied Replies ...................................................................... 165 6.7 Internal Server Message .................................................................... 165 6.8 Error Codes ........................................................................................ 166 6.8.1 Secure Login Server Error Codes ............................................................................. 166 6.8.2 SAP Stacktrace Error Codes .................................................................................... 168

7 List of Abbreviations ...................................................................... 171 8 Glossary ........................................................................................... 173



1 What is Secure Login?

1 What is Secure Login? Secure Login is an innovative software solution created specifically to improve user and IT productivity and to protect business-critical data in SAP business solutions through secure Single Sign-On to the SAP environment. Secure Login provides strong encryption, secure communication, and single sign-on between a wide variety of SAP components: Examples:  SAP GUI and SAP NetWeaver platform with Secure Network Communications (SNC)  Web GUI and SAP NetWeaver platform with Secure Socket Layer – SSL (HTTPS)  Third party application server supporting X.509 certificates In a default SAP setup, users enter their SAP user name and password into the SAP GUI logon screen. SAP user names and passwords are transferred through the network without encryption. To secure networks, SAP provides a Secure Network Communications interface (SNC) that enables users to log on to SAP systems without entering a user name or password. The SNC interface can also direct calls through the Secure Login Library to encrypt all communication between the SAP GUI and SAP server, thus providing secure single sign-on to SAP. Secure Login allows you to benefit from the advantages of SNC without being forced to set up a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Secure Login allows users to authenticate with one of the following authentication mechanisms:      

Microsoft Windows domain (Active Directory Server) RADIUS server LDAP server RSA SecurID token SAP NetWeaver server Smart Card authentication

If a PKI has already been set up, the digital user certificates of the PKI can also be used by Secure Login. Secure Login also provides single sign-on for Web browser access to the SAP Portal (and other HTTPS-enabled Web applications) with SSL.



1 What is Secure Login?

1.1 System Overview Secure Login is a client/server software system integrated with SAP software to make single sign-on, alternative user authentication, and enhanced security easy for distributed SAP environments. The Secure Login solution includes the following components: 

Secure Login Server Central service which provides X.509v3 certificates (out-of-the-box PKI) to users and application server. The Secure Login Web Client is provided as well. Secure Login Library Crypto library for the SAP NetWeaver ABAP system. The Secure Login Library supports both X.509 and Kerberos technology. Secure Login Client Client application which provides security tokens (Kerberos and X.509 technology) for a variety of applications.

It is not necessary to install all components. This depends on the use case. For further information about Secure Login Client and Secure Login Library see the corresponding Installation, Configuration and Administration Guide.

The Secure Login Client is split into the following variants: Secure Login Client Secure Login Client can either be used with an existing public key infrastructure (PKI) or together with the Secure Login Server. You can use it for certificate-based authentication without being obliged to set up a PKI. The stand-alone Secure Login Client can use the following authentication methods: - Smart Cards and USB tokens with an existing PKI certificate Secure Login Server and Authentication Server are not necessary. - Microsoft Crypto Store with an existing PKI certificate Secure Login Server and Authentication Server are not necessary. - Microsoft Windows credentials The Microsoft Windows domain credentials (Kerberos token) can be used for authentication. In addition, the Microsoft Windows credentials can be used to receive a user X.509 certificate with Secure Login Server. - User name and Password (Several Authentication Mechanism) The Secure Login Client prompts you for a user name and a password and uses these credentials for authentication at the Secure Login Server to receive a user X.509 certificate. All of these authentication methods can be used in parallel. A policy server provides authentication profiles that specify how to log on to the desired SAP system. Secure Login Web Client This client is based on a Web browser (Web GUI) and is part of the Secure Login Server. The Secure Login Web Client has the same authentication methods as the standalone Secure Login Client, but with the following limited functions: - Limited integration with the client environment (interaction required) - Limited client policy configuration



1 What is Secure Login?

1.2 System Overview with Security Token The Secure Login Client is integrated with SAP software to provide a single sign-on capability and enhanced security. An existing PKI structure or Kerberos infrastructure can be used for user authentication.

Main System Components The following figure shows the Secure Login system environment with the main system components if an existing PKI or Kerberos infrastructure is used.

PKI Infrastructure

Secure Login Client

• Smart Card, USB Token • Microsoft Crypto Store

Security Token • SAP GUI • Web GUI

SAP NetWeaver Platform

Kerberos Infrastructure

• Secure Login Library

• Kerberos Token

Authentication and secure communication Kerberos

Figure: Secure Login System Environment with Existing PKI and Kerberos The Secure Login Client is responsible for the certificate-based authentication and Kerberosbased authentication to the SAP application server.

Authentication Methods In a system environment without Secure Login Server, the Secure Login Client supports the following authentication methods:   

Smart Card and USB tokens with an existing PKI certificate Microsoft Crypto Store (Certificate Store) Kerberos token



1 What is Secure Login?

Workflow for X.509 Certificates The following figure shows the principal workflow and communication between the individual components.

PKI Infrastructure

Secure Login Client

• Smart Card, USB Token • Microsoft Crypto Store

4 Security Token

2 Client maps SNC name to authentication profile

1 Start connection and get SNC name


SAP NetWeaver Platform • Secure Login Library

Unlock Security Token

5 Client provides certificate to SAP GUI application

6 Authentication and secure communication

Figure: Principal Workflow 1.

Upon connection start, the Secure Login Client retrieves the SNC name from the desired SAP server system.


The Secure Login Client uses the authentication profile for this SNC name.


The user unlocks the security token by entering the PIN or password.


The Secure Login Client receives the X.509 certificate from the user security token.


The Secure Login Client provides the X.509 certificate for SAP single sign-on and secure communication between SAP Client and SAP Server.


The user is authenticated and the communication is secured.

Microsoft Internet Explorer uses the Microsoft Crypto API (CAPI) for cryptographic operations. The Microsoft Crypto API has a plug-in mechanism for third-party crypto engines. The Crypto Service Provider (CSP) from SAP is such a plug-in. It provides the user keys to all CAPI-enabled applications.



1 What is Secure Login?

Workflow for Kerberos Token The following figure shows the principal workflow and communication between the individual components.

Figure: Principal Workflow Kerberos Authentication 1.

Upon connection start, the Secure Login Client retrieves the SNC name (Service Principal Name) from the respective SAP server system.


The Secure Login Client starts at the Ticket Granting Service a request for a Kerberos Service token.


The Secure Login Client receives the Kerberos Service token.


The Secure Login Client provides the Kerberos Service token for SAP single sign-on and secure communication between SAP Client and SAP server.


The user is authenticated and the communication is secured.



1 What is Secure Login?

1.3 System Overview with Secure Login Server The main feature of the Secure Login Server is to provide an out-of-the-box PKI for users and application server systems (for example, SAP NetWeaver). Users receive short term X.509 certificates. For the application server, long term X.509 certificates are issued. Based on the industry standard X.509v3, the certificates can be used for non-SAP systems as well. In order to provide user certificates, the user needs to be authenticated (verified by the Secure Login Server). Therefore the Secure Login Server supports several authentication server systems.

Main System Components The following figure shows the Secure Login system environment with the main system components.

Figure: Secure Login System Environment The Secure Login Client is responsible for the certificate-based logon to the SAP application server and encryption of the SAP client/server communication. The Secure Login Server is the central server component that connects all parts of the system. It enables authentication against an authentication Server and provides the Secure Login Client with a short term certificate. The Secure Login Server is a pure Java application. It consists of a servlet and a set of associated classes and shared libraries. It is installed on an SAP NetWeaver application server. The Secure Login Server provides client authentication profiles to the Secure Login Client, which allows flexible user authentication configurations (for example, which authentication type should be used for which SAP application server).



1 What is Secure Login?

Authentication Methods Secure Login supports several authentication methods. It uses the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) as a generic interface for the different authentication methods. For each supported method, there is a corresponding configurable JAAS module. The following authentication methods are supported:       

Microsoft Active Directory Service (ADS) RADIUS RSA SecurID token LDAP SAP ID-based logon SAP NetWeaver AS Java User Management Engine SAP NetWeaver AS Java SPNego

Workflow with X.509 Certificate Request The following figure shows the principal workflow and communication between the individual components.

Figure: Principal Workflow 1.

Upon connection start, the Secure Login Client gets the SNC name from the desired SAP server system.


The Secure Login Client uses the client policy for this SNC name.


The Secure Login Client receives the user login credentials.



1 What is Secure Login?


The Secure Login Client generates a certificate request.


The Secure Login Client sends the user credentials and the authentication request to the Secure Login Server.


The Secure Login Server forwards the user credentials to the authentication server and receives a response indicating whether the user credentials are valid or not.


If the user credentials are valid, the Secure Login Server generates a user certificate (certificate response) and provides it to the Secure Login Client.


Secure Login Client provides the certificate to SAP GUI.


The user certificate is used to perform an authentication, single sign-on, and secure communication between SAP client and server.

1.4 Instances The Secure Login instances feature allows multiple instances running on the same server. The main advantage of using instances is that the time spent on maintaining Secure Login is reduced to a minimum. Secure Login Server instances can use a common user CA certificate for one or more instances, or you can set an individual user CA certificate (PKI) for each instance. The Secure Login Client authentication profiles can be configured to use different Secure Login Server instances for different authentication methods.

Figure: Instances Examples

It is still possible to use several Secure Login Servers and/or authentication servers for failover. The Secure Login Server can connect to more than one authentication server.



1 What is Secure Login?

1.5 PKI Structure There are different integration scenarios available for Secure Login Server.

Out-of-the-Box PKI Secure Login Server Secure Login Server provides standard X.509 certificates for users (short term) and application server (long term). The following out of the box PKI structure can be delivered with the Secure Login Server.

Figure: Secure Login Server PKI Structure

PKI Integration As the Secure Login Server is based on industry standard X.509v3, it is possible to integrate the Secure Login Server to an existing PKI. The required minimum is to provide a user CA certificate to the Secure Login Server.

Figure: Secure Login Server Integration with an Existing PKI



1 What is Secure Login?

1.6 Secure Communication The goal of the Secure Login solution is to establish secure communication between all required components:

Figure: Secure Communication

Technology Used for Secure Communication Technology used for secure communication




Security Protocol / Interface


SAP NetWeaver


Business Explorer

SAP NetWeaver


Business Client

SAP NetWeaver



SAP NetWeaver


Secure Login Client

Secure Login Server


Secure Login Server

LDAP Server


Secure Login Server

SAP NetWeaver


Secure Login Server


RADIUS (shared secret)


1 What is Secure Login?

1.7 Policy Server Overview Secure Login Client configuration is profile-based. You can configure the application contexts to provide a mechanism for automatic application-based profile selection. The system then searches the application contexts for specific personal security environment universal resource identifiers (PSE URIs). If no matching PSE URI is found, a default application context that links to a default profile can be defined. The application contexts and profiles are stored in the Microsoft Windows Registry of the client. You define these parameters in the XML policy file.

Figure: Default Application Context and Profile



1 What is Secure Login?

1.8 Secure Login Web Client Secure Login Web Client is a feature of the Secure Login Server. It is a Web-based solution for the authentication of users in Web browsers (in portal scenarios) on a variety of platforms and for launching SAP GUI with SNC security. You also use it for authentication against SAP NetWeaver Web Application Server. This means that the client is no longer limited to Microsoft Windows, but Mac OS X, and Linux-based client systems can be used as well. Another use case is providing short term certificates to external employees (for example, to external consultants). The following main features are available: 

Browser-based authentication (including all authentication server support) Support for SAP GUI for Microsoft Windows and SAP GUI for Java Certificate store support for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browser URL redirect X.509 authentication support to SAP Web application server Localization and customization of HTML pages and applet messages

   

Differences between Secure Login Client and Secure Login Web Client: 

With Secure Login Client the required security library is available. With Secure Login Web Client the security library needs to be downloaded in a Web browser application. With Secure Login Client, the authentication process and secure communication can be triggered on demand (for example, in SAP GUI). The Secure Login Web Client triggers an authentication process and secure communication. After the authentication process, the Secure Login Web Client starts the SAP GUI.

1.8.1 Export Restrictions At the start of the Secure Login Web Client, it transfers components that are required for authentication and for a secure network connection from the server to the client. The Secure Login Web Client contains components with cryptographic features for authentication and for a secure server/client network connection. Under German export control regulations, these components are classified with ECCN 4D003. If server and client are not located in the same country a transfer takes place that requires compliance with applicable export and import control regulations. If the Secure Login Server and the Secure Login Web Client are installed in different countries, you are obliged to make sure that you abide by the export and import regulations of the countries involved.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

2 Secure Login Server Installation This chapter describes how to install Secure Login Server. The installation can be done using the Telnet application or with the Software Delivery Tool.

2.1 Prerequisites This chapter describes the prerequisites and requirements for the installation of Secure Login Server. The SAP NetWeaver Application Server must be up and running.

Hardware Requirements Secure Login Server


Hard disk space

50 MB of hard disk space HDD space for log files

Random-access memory

1 GB RAM at minimum

Software Requirements Secure Login Server


Application server

SAP NetWeaver CE 7.2 SAP NetWeaver 7.3

Optional: Secure Login Library

The Secure Login Library installation is optional and required for SAP user authentication only. The Secure Login Library will be used to establish secure communication to SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP to verify SAP credentials. For operating system support see the Installation, Configuration and Administration Guide of the Secure Login Library.

Secure Login Web Client


Operating systems

Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP (32-bit) SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6


SUN Java 1.5 or higher browser plug-in

Internet browser (32-bit)

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9 Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and higher



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Supported Authentication Servers Secure Login Server


LDAP server system

Microsoft Active Directory System 2003, 2008 openLDAP

SAP server system

SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP 6.20 or higher version

RADIUS server system

RSA Authentication Manager 6.1 and 7.1 freeRADIUS Microsoft Network Policy and Access Services (NPA) Microsoft Internet Authentication Service (IAS)

SAPNetWeaver AS Java User Man agement Engine (UME)


2.1.1 Secure Login Library The Secure Login Library installation is optional and is required for SAP NetWeaver Application Server user authentication only. The Secure Login Library is used to establish secure communication to SAP ABAP server and to verify SAP credentials. Keep in mind that there are different Secure Login Library software packages available depending on the desired operating system. This document describes the installation for Microsoft Windows and Linux operating system.

Secure Login Library for Microsoft Windows Operating System Step 1 – Copy Library Files Copy the Secure Login Library software for Microsoft Windows to the target SAP NetWeaver Application Server and extract the file SECURELOGINLIB.SAR with the SAPCAR command line tool to the following folder. sapcar –xvf \SECURELOGINLIB.SAR –R \exe\ Example sapcar –xvf D:\InstallSLS\SECURELOGINLIB.SAR –R D:\usr\sap\ABC\J00\exe\

Check if the folder \exe, which is used by Secure Login Library, is included in the Java library path. Verify the Java Library Path (libpath) in the trace file \work\dev_jstart.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Step 2 – Environment Variable SECUDIR Set the system environment variable SECUDIR to the following directory: SECUDIR=\sec Example SECUDIR=D:\usr\sap\ABC\J00\sec

Step 3 – Verify Secure Login Library To verify the Secure Login Library, use the snc command:

\exe\snc.exe Example D:\usr\sap\ABC\J00\exe\snc.exe

As a result, you get further information about the Secure Login Library. The test is successful if the version is displayed.

Figure: Verify Secure Login Library with the Command snc

Step 4 – Restart SAP NetWeaver Application Server In an installation under Microsoft Windows, restart the SAP NetWeaver Application Server because the environment variable SECUDIR does not takes effect unless you perform a restart.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Secure Login Library for Linux Operating System Step 1 – Copy Library Files Copy the Secure Login Library software for Linux to the target SAP NetWeaver Application Server and extract the file SECURELOGINLIB.SAR with the SAPCAR command line tool to the following folder. sapcar –xvf /SECURELOGINLIB.SAR –R /exe/ Example sapcar –xvf /InstallSLS/SECURELOGINLIB.SAR –R /usr/sap/ABC/J00/exe

Check if the folder /exe, which is used by Secure Login Library, is included in the Java library path. Verify the Java library path (libpath) in the trace file /work/dev_jstart.

Step 2 – Define File Attributes To use shared libraries in a shell, it is necessary to set the file permission attributes with the following command: chmod +rx /exe/snc lib* Example chmod +rx /usr/sap/ABC/J00/exe/snc lib*

Step 3 – Define File Owner Grant access rights to the user account that is used to start the SAP application (for example, adm). Change to the folder /exe/ and use the following command: chown [OWNER]:[GROUP] * Example chown abcadm:sapsys *

Step 4 – Verify Secure Login Library To verify the Secure Login Library use the snc command (with user adm):

/exe/snc Example



2 Secure Login Server Installation


As a result; further information about the Secure Login Library should be displayed. The test is successful if the version is displayed.

Figure: Verify Secure Login Library with the snc Command



2 Secure Login Server Installation

2.2 Secure Login Server Installation with Telnet 1.) Copy the file to the target SAP NetWeaver Application Server. 2.) Start a Telnet session. telnet localhost 508 Example telnet localhost 50008

3.) Deploy the Secure Login Server package. deploy \ Microsoft Windows Example deploy D:\InstallSLS\ The Secure Login Server application will be started automatically. Start the initial configuration described in section 2.6 Initial Configuration Wizard.

List of Useful Telnet Commands List of useful telnet commands Action


Deploy Application


Undeploy Application

undeploy name=SecureLoginServer

List Application

list_app | grep SecureLoginServer

Stop Application


Start Application




2 Secure Login Server Installation

2.3 Secure Login Server Installation with JSPM 1.) Copy the file to the target SAP NetWeaver Application Server. The target folder location is \\localhost\sapmnt\trans\EPS\in Microsoft Windows \usr\sap\trans\EPS\in Linux /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in

2.) Start the JSPM application (SAP Software Delivery Tool) on SAP NetWeaver Application Server. Microsoft Windows \j2ee\JSPM\go.bat Linux /j2ee/JSPM/go 3.) Log on to SAP NetWeaver AS Java with a user with administration privileges.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

4.) Choose the New Software Components option.

5.) Select



2 Secure Login Server Installation

6.) Start the deployment process.

7.) After the deployment finishes, exit the JSPM application.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

2.4 Secure Login Server Uninstallation This chapter describes how to uninstall Secure Login Server. Uninstall the Secure Login Server in Telnet. 1.) Start a Telnet session. telnet localhost 508 Example telnet localhost 50008 2.) Stop the Secure Login Server application. stop_app 3.) Undeploy the Secure Login Server package. undeploy name=SecureLoginServer

2.5 Updating the Secure Login Server to SP2 In SAP Note 1660519 you find a description that tells you how to update the Secure Login Server to SP1. You see the current version number of the Secure Login Server in the parameter Server Build. The entry REL_1_0_2_20 stands for SP2 (see 3.3.9 Server Status). After the installation, restart the system. During the installation, the following files are deleted:  file  userenv.registry Make a backup of these files before you execute an installation. After the installation, copy the files to the relevant directories.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

2.6 Initial Configuration Wizard After the deployment of Secure Login Server an initial configuration is required. For security reasons, the initial configuration of the Secure Login Server can be performed on local host only (same server computer on which the Secure Login resides). If, however, you want to perform the initialization and configuration from a remote location, you must manually enable this feature by editing the Secure Login web.xml file. For more information, see section 2.6.2 Enable Remote Access for Initial Wizard. If a GUI (for example, Linux without X-Win) is not available, use an SSH localhost tunnel configuration for accessing the wizard. For re information, see section 2.6.3 Configure SSH Tunnel.

2.6.1 Initial Configuration This section describes the initial configuration of the Secure Login Server. Before starting the Initial Configuration Wizard, verify that the Secure Login Server application is running. Start the initial configuration using the browser URL: http://localhost:500/securelogin

Welcome Page In the welcome page a prerequisite check is performed. Verify all prerequisites. If everything is OK, choose Continue.

Figure: Initial Configuration Wizard – Welcome Page



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Key File for Encryption of Server Credentials The key file is a file on the server with random content and is used to secure password information in configuration files. You can use any kind of file type which is larger than 32 bytes. You must create or copy the file to the desired location on the server and define it in this configuration step. There is a check whether the key file is available. Define the location of the key file. Example: D:\usr\sap\ServerKeyFile\KeyFile.txt

Figure: Initial Configuration Wizard – Key file for server credentials encryption

Keep in mind that, in case the key file is changed or not available, it is not possible to log on to the Secure Login Administration Console. The Secure Login Server does not work anymore and is locked.

After the configuration, choose Next to continue.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Administrator Account Define the password for the administration user Admin.

Figure: Initial Configuration Wizard – Administrator Account Entries marked with * are mandatory.

Passwords used in Secure Login Server are restricted by the password policy definition.  Passwords cannot be empty  Passwords must have a length between 8 to 20 characters  Passwords must contain at least one uppercase letter  Passwords must contain at least one lowercase letter  Passwords must contain at least one digit  Passwords must contain at least one special character

After the configuration, choose Next to continue.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Create Root CA Certificate Define the parameter for the root CA certificate.

Figure: Initial Configuration Wizard – Create Root CA Entries marked with * are mandatory.



Create a Root CA by providing certificate information

Common Name* Enter the common name of the certificate (CN). Example: Root CA SAP Security Organization Unit Enter the division of the company in this field (OU). Example: SAP Security Department Organization Enter the company name in this field (O). Example: Company xyz Locality Enter the regional information in this field (L). Example: Walldorf Country Enter the country abbreviation in this field (C). Example: DE Encryption Key Length Select the encryption key length for the server (512, 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits).



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Valid From* Enter the date from when the validity of this certificate starts (format: YYYY-MM-DD). Valid To* Enter the date when the validity of this certificate ends (format: YYYY-MM-DD). Password* In this field you enter the password for this certificate. The password length is limited to 20 characters. Save Password If this checkbox is activated, this password is stored. This means that you do not need to remember the password when editing this certificate at a later date. Confirm Password* Confirm the encryption password entered in the field above. Import an Existing Key Store File

Checking this option displays the following options:

KeyStore File* Click Browse… to locate and load an existing KeyStore file (File Format is: *.pse). Password* The password for the KeyStore (PSE) file. Save Password If this checkbox is activated, this password is stored. This means that you do not need to remember the password when editing this certificate at a later date. Skip this certificate

Check this option if you do not want to or do not need to enter any information for this specific certificate at this time.

Skip all PKI certificates

Check this option if you do not want to or do not need to enter information for any certificate at this time. This means you skip all the PKI certificates including the Root CA, SSL CA, SSL Server, and User CA certificates. You can create or add certificate information at a later time in the Certificate Management function of the Administration Console.

After the configuration, choose Next to continue.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Select the SSL Certificate Generation Type Choose an option for the SSL certificate.

Figure: Initial Configuration Wizard – Select the SSL Certificate Generation Type It is possible to install or import SSL certificates later on using the administration console  Certificate Management. For more information, see section 3.3.3 Certificate Management.



Generate an SSL certificate using the Secure Login Administration Console

The SSL certificates for the SAP NetWeaver Application Server (or other Web application server) are created using the Secure Login Administration Console.

Skip all SSL certificates

Check this option if you do not want to or do not need to enter information for SSL certificates at this time.

After having chosen an option configuration, choose Next to continue.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Create SSL CA Certificate This step is optional and is only available if the option Generate an SSL certificate using the Secure Login administration console was chosen.

Figure: Initial Configuration Wizard – Create SSL CA Information Entries marked with * are mandatory.



Create a SSL CA by providing certificate information

Common Name* Enter the common name of the certificate (CN). Example: SSL CA SAP Security Organization Unit Enter the division of the company in this field (OU). Example: SAP Security Department Organization Enter the company name in this field (O). Example: Company xyz Locality Enter the regional information in this field (L). Example: Walldorf Country Enter the country abbreviation in this field (C). Example: DE Encryption Key Length Select the encryption key length for the server (512, 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits).



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Valid From* Enter the date when the validity of the certificate starts (format: YYYY-MM-DD). Valid To* Enter the date when the validity of the certificate ends (format: YYYY-MM-DD). Password* Enter the password for this certificate in this field. The password length is limited to 20 characters. Save Password If this checkbox is activated, this password is stored. This means that you do not need to remember the password when editing this certificate at a later date. Confirm password* Confirm the encryption password entered in the field above. Import an Existing Key Store File

Checking this option displays the following options:

KeyStore File* Click Browse… to locate and load an existing Key Store File (file format: *.pse). Password* The password for the KeyStore (PSE) file. Save Password If this checkbox is activated, this password is stored. This means that you do not need to remember the password when editing this certificate at a later date. Skip this certificate

Check this option if you do not want to or do not need to enter any information for this specific certificate at this time.

After the configuration, choose Next to continue.

Create SSL Server Certificate This step is optional and is only available if you chose the option Generate an SSL certificate using the Secure Login administration console.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Figure: Initial Configuration Wizard –SSL Server Information Entries marked with * are mandatory.



Create an SSL server by providing certificate information

Common Name* Enter the common name of the certificate (CN). Example: Alias Server Name Organization Unit Enter the division of the company in this field (OU). Example: SAP Security Department Organization Enter the company name in this field (O). Example: Company xyz Locality Enter the regional information in this field (L). Example: Walldorf Country Enter the country abbreviation in this field (C). Example: DE Subject Alternative Names (DNS) Enter the alternative name in this field. Typically this is the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). Example: [email protected] Encryption Key Length Select the encryption key length for the server (512,



2 Secure Login Server Installation

1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits). Valid From* Enter the date when the validity of the certificate starts (format: YYYY-MM-DD). Valid To* Enter the date when the validity of the certificate ends (format: YYYY-MM-DD). Password* In this field, you enter the password for this certificate. The password length is limited to 20 characters. Save Password If this checkbox is activated, this password will be stored. This means that you do not need to remember the password when editing this certificate at a later date. Confirm Password* Confirm the encryption password entered in the field above. Import an Existing Key Store File

Checking this option displays the following options:

KeyStore File* Click Browse… to locate and load an existing KeyStore file (file format: *.p12). Password* The password for the KeyStore file. Save Password If this checkbox is activated, this password is stored. This means that you do not need to remember the password when editing this certificate at a later date. Skip this certificate

Check this option if you do not want or do not need to enter any information for this specific certificate at this time.

After the configuration, choose Next to continue.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Create User CA Certificate Define the parameter for the user CA certificate.

Figure: Initial Configuration Wizard –User CA Information Entries marked with * are mandatory.



Create a user CA by providing certificate information

Common Name* Enter the common name of the certificate (CN). Example: User CA SAP Security Organization Unit Enter the division of the company in this field (OU). Example: SAP Security Department Organization Enter the company name in this field (O). Example: Company xyz Locality Enter the regional information in this field (L). Example: Walldorf Country Enter the country abbreviation in this field (C). Example: DE Encryption Key Length Select the encryption key length for the server (512, 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits).



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Valid From* Enter the date when the validity of the certificate starts (format: YYYY-MM-DD). Valid To* Enter the date when the validity of the certificate ends (format: YYYY-MM-DD). Password* In this field you enter the password for this certificate. The password length is limited to 20 characters. Save Password If this checkbox is activated, this password is stored. This means that you do not need to remember the password when editing this certificate at a later date. Confirm Password* Confirm the encryption password entered in the field above. Import an Existing Key Store File

Checking this option displays the following options:

KeyStore File* Click Browse… to locate and load an existing KeyStore file (file format: *.pse). Password* The password for the KeyStore (PSE) file. Save Password If this checkbox is activated, this password will be stored. This means that you do not need to remember the password when editing this certificate at a later date. Skip this certificate

Check this option if you do not want or do not need to enter any information for this specific certificate at this time.

After the configuration, choose Next to continue.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Define Server Configuration Define the parameters for the User Certificate Configuration and Application Information. The other configuration parameters are read-only (for verification reasons).

Figure: Initial Configuration Wizard – Server Configuration Entries marked with * are mandatory.



User Certificate Configuration Enter the country abbreviation in this field (C). Example: DE DN.locality Enter the regional information in this field (L). Example: Walldorf DN.organization Enter the company name in this field (O). Example: Company xyz DN.organizationalUnit Enter the division of the company in this field (OU). Example: SAP Security Department ValidityMinutes* Information for a temporary certificate: The period of time (in minutes) that the user certificate is valid.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Application Information

ServerHostName FQDN name or IP address of this server. This parameter is used for the client policy definition and can be used for centrally changing the server host name and the server port in the instance configuration of the Secure Login Server. ServerPort Port of this server. This parameter is used for the client policy definition and can be used for central change.

Authentication Server Configuration (read-only)

AuthConfigPath Authentication server configurations file for the Secure Login Server.

Secure Login User CA Key Store (read-only)

PseName The user CA key store file path. If you created a user CA in the previous step, the file path is shown here.

Log Configuration (read-only)

DailyLogDir In this log path the user authentication information for the default instance is logged. (for example, the user authentication was successful) MonthlyLogDir In this log path the instance information for the default instance is logged. (for example, the default instance was started successful) AdminConsoleLogDir In this log path the admin console information for the Secure Login Administration Console is logged. (for example, the default instance configuration was changed) LockDir The path to which the lock file is saved. A lock file is created when the server encounters an internal error that requires manual intervention.

After the configuration, choose Next to continue.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Setup Review Verify the action points and choose the Finish pushbutton to complete the initial wizard configuration.

Figure: Initial Configuration Wizard –Setup Review

Finish Setup After successful setup configuration this page appears. Restart the Secure Login Server application.

Figure: Initial Configuration Wizard – Congratulations Use the Telnet application to stop and start the Secure Login Server application (for more information, see section 2.2 Secure Login Server Installation with Telnet). Another possibility in the Microsoft Windows environment is to use the SAP Management Console (sapmmc) application. Under AS Java Components, choose the application and restart the application.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

Microsoft Windows SAP Management Console In Microsoft Windows environment the SAP Management Console (sapmmc) can be used to restart the Secure Login Server application. Mark the application and choose the option Restart (right-click option).

Figure: SAP Management Console (sapmmc)



2 Secure Login Server Installation

2.6.2 Enable Remote Access for Initial Wizard This configuration step is optional and is only required if you want to perform the initial configuration from a remote computer. For security reasons we recommend performing the initial configuration on the local host (same server computer on which the Secure Login Server resides).

In the configuration file web.xml, change the value to true for the parameter remoteAccess. web.xml remoteAccess true

The configuration file web.xml is available in the following place: Microsoft Windows \j2ee\cluster\apps\\SecureLoginServer\se rvlet_jsp\securelogin\root\WEB-INF\web.xml Linux /j2ee/cluster/apps/ rvlet_jsp/securelogin/root/WEB-INF/web.xml It is required to restart the Secure Login Server application.



2 Secure Login Server Installation

2.6.3 Configure SSH Tunnel This configuration step is optional and belongs to the Linux environment if no GUI is available. The localhost configuration can be performed using for example, PuTTY Configure the following parameter and choose Add. Example: SSH tunnel configuration in PuTTY Parameter


Source Port


Example: 50000



Example: localhost:50000

After the SSH tunnel configuration, log on to this connection and perform the initial configuration. For more information, see section 2.6 Initial Configuration Wizard.



3 Administration

3 Administration This chapter describes the configuration parameters in Secure Login Server.

3.1 Logon to Administration Console To open the administration console, enter the following URL in a Web browser: Communication






You find the https port in the SSL setting of the SAP NetWeaver configuration. The port number is usually 50001 (corresponds to 01 in the table above). The logon page appears.

Figure: Administration Console – Logon Page Enter your administration user name (for example, Admin) and your password. Authentication type


Local Login

Default user name/password combination authenticated in the administration console database.

External Login

User name/password combination authenticated in the authentication server database set in the JAAS module. Example: You can use the Microsoft Active Directory user database for logging on to the Secure Login Server administration console. For more information about the configuration, see section 3.3.2



3 Administration

Authentication type

Details Edit Login Type Setting.

3.2 Welcome Page After successful logon, the welcome page appears. This page also appears when you click on Home.

Figure: Administration Console – Welcome Page The administration console interface allows you to easily configure the server to your needs. The main area is split into three panes: 

  

The top left-hand pane lists any tasks that have yet to be performed. For example, Connection must be HTTPS refers to the missing SSL connection between the console and the Secure Login Server, or Server needs to be restarted informs you that the configuration has been changed, and you need to restart the Secure Login Server application for it to take effect. The bottom left-hand pane is the main navigation tree. For easy reference, each node represents tasks that can be performed within the Secure Login Server framework. The right-hand pane displays the details of any node selected in the left-hand pane. In the top right-hand corner there are three entries that appear on every page in the console: Change Password This allows you to change the password for the current administrator/user account. Logout Use this link to logout of the console. The login page will reappear (see previous page).



3 Administration

About Click this to view version information about the console.

You may be asked to re-enter your user name and password if you leave the administration console for a long time. The default console timeout is 10 minutes.

3.2.1 Change Password This section describes how to change the account password for the administration console. 1. Choose Change Password in the title bar on any page. 2. The following dialog box appears:

Figure: Change Password 3. Enter the current password into the Old Password field. 4. Enter and confirm the new password into the fields New Password and Confirm New Password respectively. 5. Click OK

The user admin is a permanent user that has the role super user and cannot be deleted. As a consequence, the admin user can log on to the system regardless of state (when a serious system error occurs), making sure that there is at least one user who can always access Secure Login to correct or configure the system.



3 Administration

3.3 Server Configuration This section describes the server configuration page of the administration console. The Server Configuration page allows you to do the following:  

View the server configuration. Edit some of the server parameters.

Choose the Server Configuration node in the left-hand pane of the administration console. The following page appears:

Figure: Administration Console - Server Configuration

The following options can be viewed on this page:



3 Administration Option



Click Edit to change the Administration Console Description, Trace Configuration, and Client Configuration. For more information, see section 3.3.1 Edit Server Configuration.


The description of this administration console.

Console Login Type

The current types of authentication available for log on to the administration console. The configuration can be changed using the button Edit Login Type. For more information, see section 3.3.2 Edit Login Type Setting.

External Login JAAS Module

The current JAAS module used for External Login authentication to the Administration Console. For further information see section 3.3.2 Edit Login Type Setting.

The Authentication File Path (read-only)

The authentication configuration file used by this server. This configuration is for information purposes only.

Trust Certificates Storage File (read-only)

The Trust Store file (TrustStore.jks) used by this server.

Console Log Directory (read-only)

The directory in which the console log file is located.

Console Log Prefix (read-only)

The file prefix for the console log file.

Enable Server Trace

Enable Secure Login Server trace to provide extended traces. true Trace enabled false Trace enabled Default value is false.

Path to the Server Lock File (read-only)

Path where the lock files are written. A lock file is generated if something went wrong with the Secure Login Server. In this case the Secure Login Server is locked.

Host Server Domain Name

The host name or IP of the computer from which the console is being used for the Secure Login Client policy configuration (for all client policy URLs).


The port of this computer from which the console is being used for the Secure Login Client policy configuration (for all client policy URLs). We recommend that you use an HTTPS (SSL) port.

CREDDIR (read-only)

The directory in which the credentials are stored for the Secure Login Library.

NativeLibraryPath (read-only)

The directory where native libraries are stored for the Secure Login Library.



3 Administration

3.3.1 Edit Server Configuration Use the Edit button and the following page appears.

Figure: Administration Console – Edit Server Configuration The following options can be set: Option



Here you can personalize the description for the administration console.

Enable Server Trace

true Write trace messages to the application server trace file (defaultTrace_*.log). false Do not write trace messages to the application server trace file.

Host Server Domain Name

The host name or IP of the computer from which the console is being used.


The port of the computer from which the console is being used. We recommend that you use an HTTPS (SSL) port.

Once you have changed any option, click Save to return to the Server Configuration page.



3 Administration

3.3.2 Edit Login Type Setting Use the Edit Login Type button, and you get to the page that allows you to configure, delete, or add the following login types: Local Login Default user name/password combination authenticated with the administration console database. External Login User name/password combination authenticated in the authentication server database set in the JAAS module. If this option is used, select the appropriate JAAS module in the External Login Jaas Module combo box. 1. To add a login option to the administration console login page, proceed as follows: 2. Select a login type from the All Login Type field and choose >>Add. As a consequence, it appears in the Current Login Type field. 3. Use the Up and Down buttons to move a login option up or down and thus define its priority. 4. To delete a login option from the administration console login page, select a login type from the Current Login Type field and choose
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