Financing and Budgeting (2) Cho FB

December 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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FINANCING AND BUDGETING Questions 174-177 refer to the following article. Winston Tech Tech Increases Profits

Winston Tech, the largest speaker an!fact!rer in the worl", is now a #aroeter for the in"!str$ as a whole. Winston Anno!nce" $ester"a$, Winston Tech anno!nce" that the$ ha%e increase" profit of fro &'( to )*( in the +!arter of this $ear, setting ore than &' illion !nits worl"wi"e. resi"ent -. Winston sa$s his s!ccess has #een in taking in arket share fro ri%al copanies s!ch as Clo!" Tech an" tate Tech. Clo!" Tech will gi%e their inforation a#o!t the profits the$ ha%e a"e this Fri"a$, so we will know ore acc!ratel$ of how !ch of an increase in profits has #een taking place in this sector. Winston Tech is ca!tio!s a#o!t its f!t!re, warning that it will pro#a#l$ see a "ecrease in their sales in the ne/t $ear. This will happen #eca!se in the speaker #!siness, the technolog$ is cr!cial, an" the$ are working on a new technolog$ that pro%i"es a !ch ore crisp an" clear so!n" fro the speakers fro all "ifferent angles. The  pro"!ction of this new technolog$ will take soe tie, an" !ntil then, the$ will onl$ ha%e the speakers that are o!t on the arket right now. 01'. 3A44 3A 3B4 3B4 3C4 3C4 3D44 3D

What is learne" a#o!t Winston Winston Tech2 Tech2 It ha hass #o!g #o!ght ht ri% ri%al als, s, Clo Clo!" !" an" an" ta tate te Tech ch.. It has has gi% gi%en en inf infor orat atio ion n a#o!t a#o!t Clo! Clo!" " Te Tech5s ch5s pro profi fit. t. It is th thee lar large gest st spea speaker ker an! an!fac fact! t!re rerr in in tthe he wor worl" l".. The$ The$ wil willl h ha% a%ee an e% e%en en #et #ette terr $ea $earr ne/ ne/tt $ $ea earr.

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What Winston Wi nston Te tolco ha%e"one2 T aking kingisin ark a rket et Tech shar shch areereporte" ffro ro ri ri%a %alc opan panie ies. s. Cr Crea eate te" " new new sp spea eake kers rs with with a #et #ette ters rso! o!n" n".. Thei Theirr sail sailss ha ha%e %e incr increa ease se" " )*( )*( ore ore.. Worke" rke" with with ri ri%a %all co copa pani nies es to ake ake What is sai" a#o!t Clo!" Tech2 Tech2 The$ The$ ar aree #i #igg gger er tha han n t tate ate Te Tech. ch. The$ The$ wil willl ha%e ha%e the their ir repo report rtss #$ this this Fri" Fri"a$ a$.. The$ The$ are are goi going ng to to #eat #eat Win Winst ston on Te Tech in in sale saless ne/t ne/t $ear $ear.. The$ ha%e sol" &' illion !nits worl"8wi"e. Wh What at is is cr!c cr!cia iall iin n the the sspea peake kerr #!si #!sines ness2 s2 9ow !c !ch h pr profit tth he$ ake ake. 9ow 9ow !ch !ch cr cris isp p an" an" clea clearr so! so!n" n" th thee spe speak aker erss can can ake. ake.

3C 3C44 3D4

The The le% le%el el of te tech chno nolo log$ g$ in thes thespe peak aker ers. s. Filling o! o!t reports. Questions 196-200 refer to the following letters. :a$on" a$check '))0st t. Detroit, ;l 'isa Car" fro ?1,6== to ?0=,===. National Bank has caref!ll$ re%iewe" $o!r o%erall cre"it rating, $o!r c!rrent #ank #alances, an" $o!r   pa$ent histor$ for the "e#ts $o! carr$ on $o!r >isa >isa Car", we are afrai" to tell $o! that we are not a#le to accept $o!r re+!est at this tie. 9owe%er, we co!l" re%iew $o!r case again after the 0st of @an!ar$, taking into acco!nt $o!r f!rther pa$ent histor$ an" an$ new cre"it inforation $o! a$ wish to pro%i"e. lease I s!#it another written re+!est if $o! wish !s to "o so. ;r. a$check, $o! are a %al!e" c!stoer to !s. If $o! ha%e an$ +!estions or concerns, please gi%e e a call #$ telephone. We are alwa$s willing to "o the #est we can for $o!. incerel$,


@ason Notts Chief Cre"it Car" fficer   National Banking >isa >isa 08
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