Financial Ratio Analysis.docx

July 27, 2018 | Author: Irfan Khan | Category: Earnings Per Share, Stocks, Revenue, Bonds (Finance), Working Capital
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Financial ratio analysis A reading prepared by Pamela Peterson Drake


1. 2. 3. !. ".

Introd Intr oduc ucti tion on Liqu Li quid idit ity y rat ratio ios s Proftab Pr oftabilit ility y ratios ratios and and actii actiity ty ratios ratios Fina inanci ncial al leer leerage age ratio ratios s #$ar #$ are$ e$ol olde derr ratios ratios

1. Introduction As a manager% you may &ant to re&ard employees based on t$eir per'ormance. (o& do you kno& $o& &ell t$ey t$ey $ae $ae done) done) (o& can you determin determine e &$at &$at depart departmen ments ts or diisions $ae per'ormed &ell) As a lender% $o& do decide t$e borro&er &ill be able to pay back as promised) As a manager o' a corporation $o& do you kno& &$en e*isting capacity &ill be e*ceeded and enlarged capacity &ill be needed) As an inestor% $o& do you predi predict ct $o& &e &ell ll t$e securit securities ies o' one compa company ny &ill &ill per'or per'orm m rela relati tie e to t$at t$at o'  anot$er) (o& can you tell &$et$er one security is riskier t$an anot$er) +e can address all o' t$ese questions t$roug$ fnancial analysis. ealuation% and interpretation o' fnancial data% along Financial analysis  is t$e selection% ealuation% &it$ ot$er pertinent in'ormation% to assist in inestment and fnancial decision,making. Finan inanci cial al anal analys ysis is may may be used used inte intern rnal ally ly to eal ealua uate te issu issues es suc$ suc$ as empl employ oyee ee per'ormance% t$e e-ciency o' operations% and credit policies% and e*ternally to ealuate potential inestments and t$e credit,&ort$iness o' borro&ers% among ot$er t$ings.  $e analyst dra&s t$e fnancial data needed in fnancial analysis analysis 'rom many sources. $e prima primary ry sourc source e is t$e data proi proided ded by t$e company company itsel' itsel' in its annual annual repor reportt and required disclosures. $e annual report comprises t$e income statement% t$e balance s$eet% and t$e statement o' cas$ /o&s% as &ell as 'ootnotes to t$ese statements. 0ertain businesses are required by securities la&s to disclose additional in'ormation. esides in'ormation t$at companies are required to disclose t$roug$ fnancial statements% ot$er in'ormation is readily aailable aailable 'or fnancial analysis. For e*ample% e*ample% in'ormation suc$ as t$e market prices o' securities o' publicly,traded corporations can be 'ound in t$e fnancial press and t$e electronic media daily. #imilarly% in'ormation on stock price indices 'or industries and 'or t$e market as a &$ole is aailable in t$e fnancial press. press. Anot$er source o' in'ormation is economic data% suc$ as t$e ross Domestic Product and 0onsumer Price Inde*% &$ic$ may be use'ul in assessing t$e recent per'ormance or 'uture prospects o' a company or industry. #uppose you are ealuating a company t$at o&ns a c$ain o' retail outlets. +$at in'ormation do you need to udge t$e company4s per'ormance and fnancial condition) 5ou need fnancial data% but it doesn4t tell t$e &$ole story. 5ou also need in'ormation on consumer spending% producer prices% consumer prices% and t$e

Financial ratios% a reading prepared by Pamela Peterson Drake


competition. $is is economic data t$at is readily aailable 'rom goernment and priate sources. esides fnancial statement data% market data% and economic data% in fnancial analysis you also need to e*amine eents t$at may $elp e*plain t$e company4s present condition and may $ae a bearing on its 'uture prospects. For e*ample% did t$e company recently incur some e*traordinary losses) Is t$e company deeloping a ne& product) 6r acquiring anot$er company) Is t$e company regulated) 0urrent eents can proide in'ormation t$at may be incorporated in fnancial analysis.  $e fnancial analyst must select t$e pertinent in'ormation% analy7e it% and interpret t$e analysis% enabling udgments on t$e current and 'uture fnancial condition and operating per'ormance o' t$e company. In t$is reading% &e introduce you to fnancial ratios ,, t$e tool o' fnancial analysis. In fnancial ratio analysis &e select t$e releant in'ormation ,, primarily t$e fnancial statement data ,, and ealuate it. +e s$o& $o& to incorporate market data and economic data in t$e analysis and interpretation o' fnancial ratios. And &e s$o& $o& to interpret fnancial ratio analysis% &arning you o' t$e pit'alls t$at occur &$en it4s not used properly. +e use 8icroso't 0orporation4s 299! fnancial statements 'or illustration purposes t$roug$out t$is reading. 5ou can obtain t$e 299! and any ot$er year4s statements directly 'rom 8icroso't. e sure to sae t$ese statements 'or 'uture re'erence.

0lassifcation o' ratios A ratio is a mat$ematical relation bet&een one quantity and anot$er. #uppose you $ae 299 apples and 199 oranges. $e ratio o' apples to oranges is 299 : 199% &$ic$ &e can more coneniently e*press as 2;1 or 2. A fnancial ratio is a comparison bet&een one bit o' fnancial in'ormation and anot$er. 0onsider t$e ratio o' current assets to current liabilities% &$ic$ &e re'er to as t$e current ratio. $is ratio is a comparison bet&een assets t$at can be readily turned into cas$ ,, current assets ,, and t$e obligations t$at are due in t$e near 'uture ,, current liabilities. A current ratio o' 2;1 or 2 means t$at &e $ae t&ice as muc$ in current assets as &e need to satis'y obligations due in t$e near 'uture. particular obligations. 2. A return ratio is a measure o' t$e net beneft% relatie to t$e resources e*pended. 3. A turnover ratio is a measure o' t$e gross beneft% relatie to t$e resources e*pended. !. A component percentage  is t$e ratio o' a component o' an item to t$e item. +$en &e assess a company4s operating per'ormance% &e &ant to kno& i' it is applying its assets in an e-cient and proftable manner. +$en &e assess a company4s fnancial condition% &e &ant to kno& i' it is able to meet its fnancial obligations.  $ere are si* aspects o' operating per'ormance and fnancial condition &e can ealuate 'rom fnancial ratios; 1. A liquidity ratio proides in'ormation on a company4s ability to meet its s$ort ?term% immediate obligations.

Financial ratios% a reading prepared by Pamela Peterson Drake


2. A proftability ratio proides in'ormation on t$e amount o' income 'rom eac$ dollar o'  sales. 3. An activity ratio relates in'ormation on a company4s ability to manage its resources =t$at is% its assets> e-ciently. !. A fnancial leverage ratio  proides in'ormation on t$e degree o' a company4s f*ed fnancing obligations and its ability to satis'y t$ese fnancing obligations. ". A shareholder ratio describes t$e company4s fnancial condition in terms o' amounts per s$are o' stock. @. A return on investment ratio  proides in'ormation on t$e amount o' proft% relatie to t$e assets employed to produce t$at proft. +e coer eac$ type o' ratio% proiding e*amples o' ratios t$at 'all into eac$ o' t$ese classifcations.

2. Liquidity

e*tend credit% creating accounts receiables% and


collect accounts receiables% generating cas$.  $e operating cycle  is t$e lengt$ o' time it takes to conert an inestment o' cas$ in inentory back into cas$ =t$roug$ collections o' sales>. $e net operating cycle is t$e lengt$ o' time it takes to conert an inestment o' cas$ in inentory and back into cas$ considering t$at some purc$ases are made on credit.  $e number o' days a company ties up 'unds in inentory is determine by; =1> t$e total amount o' money represented in inentory% and =2> t$e aerage day4s cost o' goods sold. 1 5ou &ill see re'erence to t$e net &orking capital =i.e.% current assets B current liabilities> as simply &orking capital% &$ic$ may be con'using. Al&ays c$eck t$e defnition 'or t$e particular usage because bot$ are common uses o' t$e term &orking capital.

Financial ratios% a reading prepared by Pamela Peterson Drake


 $e current inestment in inentory ,, t$at is% t$e money Ctied upC in inentory ,, is t$e ending balance o' inentory on t$e balance s$eet. $e aerage day4s cost o' goods sold is t$e cost o' goods sold on an aerage day in t$e year% &$ic$ can be estimated by diiding t$e cost o' goods sold 'ound on t$e income statement by t$e number o' days in t$e year. +e compute t$e number o' days o' inentory by calculating t$e ratio o' t$e amount o'  inentory on $and =in dollars> to t$e aerage day4s 0ost o' oods #old =in dollars per day>; InentoryInentory umber o' days inentory E


Aerage day4s cost o' goods sold 0ost o' goods sold : 3@" I' t$e ending inentory is representatie o' t$e inentory t$roug$out t$e year% t$e number

o' days inentory tells us t$e time it takes to conert t$e inestment in inentory into

sold goods. +$y &orry about &$et$er t$e year,end inentory is representatie o' 

inentory at any day t$roug$out t$e year) +ell% i' inentory at t$e end o' t$e fscal year,

end is lo&er t$an on any ot$er day o' t$e year% &e receiables on any day t$roug$out t$e

Financial ratios% a reading prepared by Pamela Peterson Drake


year% t$en it takes% on aerage% appro*imately t$e Cnumber o' days creditC to collect t$e

accounts receiable% or t$e number o' days receiables;

$ae understated t$e number o' days o' inentory.

Try it! +al,8art #tores% Inc.% $ad cost o' re enue o' 21G%HG3 million 'or t$e fscal year ended anuary 31% 299". It $ad an inentory balance o' 2G%!!H million at t$e end o' t$is fscal year. Jsing t$e quarterly in'ormation%+al,8artKs aerage inentory balance during t$e fscal year is 2G%[email protected]";

Indeed%in practicemost companies try to c$oose fscal year,ends t$at coincide&it$ t$e slo& Inentory balance% in millions periodo' t$eir business.  $at means t$e ending 33%3!H 3!%999 balance o' inentory &ould 32%999 be lo&ert$ant$e typical 2G%!!H daily inentory o' t$e year. 39%999 2%329 2H%G@3 +e could% 'or e*ample% 2%999 lookat quarterlyfnancial statements and take 2@%999 aerages o' quarterly 2!%999 inentory balances to get April uly 6ctober anuary a better idea o' t$e typical inentory.(o&eer%$ere #ource; +al,8art #tores 19,M and 19,N flings 'or simplicity in t$is and ot$er ratios% &e &ill make ased on t$is in'ormation% &$at is +al,8a rtKs inentory turnoer 'or fscal year a note o' t$is problem and 299! = ending anuary 31% 299">) deal &it$ it later in t$e discussion o' fnancial olution Jsing t$e fscal year end balance o' inentory; ratios. +e can e*tendt$e same 2G%!!H 2G%!!H umber o' days inentory E E E !.G days logic 'or calculatingt$e 21G%HG3:3@" @92.1H3 number o' days bet&een a Jsing t$e aerage o' t$e quarterly balances; sale ,, &$enan account receiable is created ,, to 2G%[email protected]" 2G%[email protected]" umber o' days inentory E t$e timeit is collected in E E !G.!3@days 21G%HG3:3@" @92.1H3 cas$. I' t$e ending balanceo' receiables at In ot$er &ords% it takes +al,8art appro*imately "9 days to sell its t$e end o' t$e year is merc$andise 'rom t$e time it acquires it. representatieo' t$e

Financial ratios% a reading prepared by Pamela Peterson Drake


Accounts receiable umber o' days receiables E Aerage E #ales on credit : 3@"

Accounts receiable day4s




+$at does t$e operating cycle $ae to do &it$ liquidity) $e longer t$e operating cycle% t$e more current assets needed =relatie to current liabilities> because it takes longer to conert inentories and receiables into cas$. In ot$er &ords% t$e longer t$e operating cycle% t$e more net &orking capital required. +e also need to look at t$e liabilities on t$e balance s$eet to see $o& long it takes a company to pay its s$ort,term obligations. +e can apply t$e same logic to accounts payable as &e did to accounts receiable and inentories. (o& long does it take a company% on aerage% to go 'rom creating a payable =buying on credit> to paying 'or it in cas$) Accounts payable

Accounts payable

umber o' days payables E E Aerage day4s purc$ases Purc$ases : 3@" First% &e need to determine t$e amount o' an aerage day4s purc$ases on credit. I' &e assume all purc$ases are made on credit% t$en t$e total purc$ases 'or t$e year &ould be t$e 0ost o' oods #old% less any amounts included in t$is 0ost o' oods #old t$at are not purc$ases. 2  $e operating cycle tells us $o& long it takes to conert an inestment in cas$ back into cas$ =by &ay o' inentory and accounts receiable>; umber o' daysumber o' days 6perating cycle E O o' inentory o' receiables  $e number o' days o' purc$ases tells us $o& long it takes use to pay on purc$ases made to create t$e inentory. I' &e put t$ese t&o pieces o' in'ormation toget$er% &e can see $o& long% on net% &e tie up cas$. $e dierence bet&een t$e operating cycle and t$e number o' days o' payables is t$e net operating cycle; et operating cycle E 6perating 0ycle , umber o' days o' purc$ases or% substituting 'or t$e operating cycle%

o' inentory

umber o' days et operating cycle E o' receiables o' purc$ases

umber o' days O ?

umber o' days

"icroso#t$s Number o# %ays &eceivables '(()

Aerage day4s receiables E 3@%3" million : 3@" E 199.G1H million umber o' days receiables E "%G9 million : 199.G1H million E *+,-.)- days o& try it 'or 299" using t$e 299" data 'rom 8icroso'tKs

fnancial statements. 2 For e*ample% depreciation is included in t$e 0ost o' oods #old% yet it not a purc$ase. Ans&er; .*,/)(( days (o&eer% as a quite pro*y 'or purc$ases% &e can use t$e accounting relations$ip; o' data; #tatement and alance #$eet% 8icroso't 0orporation Annual beginning#ource inentory O Income purc$ases E 06# O ending inentory. compare components o'  income &it$ sales. $ey gie us an idea o' &$at makes up a company4s income and are usually e*pressed as a portion o' eac$ dollar o' sales. $e proft margin ratios &e discuss $ere dier only by t$e numerator. It4s in t$e numerator t$at &e re/ect and t$us ealuate per'ormance 'or dierent aspects o' t$e business;  $e gross proft margin is t$e ratio o' gross income or proft to sales. $is ratio indicates $o& muc$ o' eery dollar o' sales is le't a'ter costs o' goods sold; ross income ross proft margin E 


 $e operating proft margin  is t$e ratio o' operating proft =a.k.a. QI% operating income% income be'ore interest and ta*es> to sales. $is is a ratio t$at indicates $o& muc$ o' eac$ dollar o'  "icroso#t$s 3//+ 5roft "argins sales is le't oer a'ter operating ross proft margin E =1!%!! , 1%1GH>:1!%!! E e*penses; /3,4-.6

6perating proft margin E @%!1! : 1!%!! E )),'+-6 et proft margin E !%!G9 : 1!%!! E -36

6perating income 6perating proft margin E #ales $e net proft margin  is t$e

ratio o' net income =a.k.a. net proft> to sales% and indicates $o& muc$ o' eac$ dollar o' sales is le't oer a'ter all e*penses;

#ource o' data; 8icroso't 0orporation Annual indicates t$e relatie uses o' debt and equity as sources o' capital to fnance t$e company4s assets% ealuated using book alues o' t$e capital sources;


 otal debt  otal debt to equity ratio E  otal s$are$olders4 equity ote t$at t$e debt,equity ratio is related to t$e debt,to,total assets ratio because t$ey are bot$ measures o' t$e companyKs 6ne problem =as capital structure. $e capital structure  is t$e mi* o' debt &e s$all see> &it$ looking at and equity t$at t$e company uses to fnance its assets. risk t$roug$ a

fnancial ratio book alue o' stock> is t$at t$ere is little bet&een t$e and its market book alue o' consists o'; •

t$e proceeds company o' all issued since it incorporated% treasury =stock by and

t$e o' all t$e o' company% diidends% since incorporated.

LetKs use s$ort,$and notation to demonstrate t$is relations$ip. t$at uses t$e =t$e Let D represent total debt and Q represent equity. $ere'ore% equity most o'ten total assets are equal to DOQ.


I' a company $as a debt,equity ratio o' 9.2"% t$is means t$at is book debtto,asset ratio is 9.2. +e calculate it by using t$e ratio alue. relations$ips and Algebra;

alue $e


D:Q E 9.2" D E 9.2" Q

to t$e t$e stock &as frst D:=DOQ> E 9.2" Q : =9.2" Q O Q> E 9.2" Q : 1.2" Q E 9.2 less any In ot$er &ords% a debt,equity ratio o' 9.2" is equialent to a stock debt,toassets ratio o' 9.2 repurc$ased  $is is a $andy deice; i' you are gien a debt,equity ratio and t$e need t$e debt,assets ratio% simply; company> #ubstituting 9.2" Q 'or D in t$e debt,to,assets ratio D:=DOQ>;

D:=DOQ> E =D:Q> : =1 O D:Q> +$y do &e bot$er to s$o& t$is) ecause many fnancial accumulation analysts discuss or report a companyKs debt,equity ratio and earnings you are le't on your o&n to determine &$at t$is means in t$e less any terms o' t$e proportion o' debt in t$e companyKs capital it &as frst structure.

Let4s look at an e*ample o' t$e book alue s. market alue o' equity. I8 &as incorporated in 1G11. #o its book alue o' equity represents t$e sum o' all its stock issued and all its earnings% less all diidends paid since 1G11. As o' t$e end o' 2993% I84s book alue o' equity &as appro*imately 2 billion and its market alue o' equity &as appro*imately 1@2 billion. $e book alue understates its market alue by oer 139

Financial ratios% a reading prepared by Pamela Peterson Drake


billion. $e book alue generally does not gie a true picture o' t$e inestment o'  s$are$olders in t$e company because; •

earnings are recorded according to accounting principles% &$ic$ may not re/ect t$e true economics o' transactions% and due to in/ation% t$e dollars 'rom earnings and proceeds 'rom stock issued in t$e past do not re/ect today4s alues.  $e market alue% on t$e ot$er $and% is t$e alue o' equity as perceied by inestors. It is &$at inestors are &illing to pay% its &ort$. #o &$y bot$er &it$ t$e book alue o' equity) For t&o reasons; frst% it is easier to obtain t$e book alue t$an t$e market alue o' a company4s securities% and second% many fnancial serices report ratios using t$e book alue% rat$er t$an t$e market alue. +e may use t$e market alue o' equity in t$e denominator% replacing t$e book alue o'  equity. o do t$is% &e need to kno& t$e current number o' s$ares outstanding and t$e current market price per s$are o' stock and multiply to get t$e market alue o' equity.

0oerage fnancial leerage ratios In addition to t$e leerage ratios t$at use in'ormation about $o& debt is related to eit$er assets or equity% t$ere are a number o' fnancial leerage ratios t$at capture t$e ability o'  t$e company to satis'y its debt obligations. $ere are many ratios t$at accomplis$ t$is% but t$e t&o most common ratios are t$e times interest coerage ratio and t$e f*ed c$arge coerage ratio.  $e times,interest,coerage ratio% also re'erred to as t$e interest coerage ratio% compares t$e earnings aailable to meet t$e interest obligation &it$ t$e interest obligation; Qarnings be'ore interest and ta*es  imes ,interest , coerage ratio E Interest  $e f*ed c$arge coerage ratio e*pands on t$e obligations coered and can be specifed to include any f*ed c$arges% suc$ as lease payments and pre'erred diidends. For e*ample% to gauge a companyKs ability to coer its interest and lease payments% you could use t$e 'ollo&ing ratio; Fi*ed , c$arge coerage ratio E Qarnings be'ore interest and ta*es O Lease payment Interest O Lease payment 0oerage ratios are o'ten used in debt coenants to $elp protect t$e creditors.

"icroso#t9s Financial Leverage &atios : '(()

 otal debt to total assets E =G!%3@ , H!%2"> : G!%3@ E 9.29H9G or '(,4(/6 Debt to equity ratio E =G!%3@ , H!%2"> : H!%2" E 9.2@11 or '.,33+6 #ource o' data; alance s$eet% 8icroso't 0orporation Annual o'  common equity per s$are o' common stock% calculated by diiding t$e book alue o'  s$are$oldersK equity by t$e number o' s$ares o' stock outstanding. As &e discussed earlier% t$e book alue o' equity may dier 'rom t$e market alue o' equity. $e market alue per s$are% i' aailable% is a muc$ better indicator o' t$e inestment o' s$are$olders in t$e company.

 $e price?earnings ratio =P:Q or PQ ratio> is t$e ratio o' t$e price per s$are o' common stock to t$e earnings per s$are o' common stock; 8arket price per s$are Price,earnings ratio E Qarnings per s$are  $oug$ earnings per s$are are reported in t$e income statement% t$e market price per s$are o' stock is not reported in t$e fnancial statements and must be obtained 'rom fnancial ne&s sources. $e P:Q ratio is sometimes used as a pro*y 'or inestors4 assessment o' t$e company4s ability to generate cas$ /o&s in t$e 'uture. (istorically% P:Q ratios 'or J.#. companies tend to 'all in t$e 1 9,2" range% but in recent periods =e.g.% 2999, 2991> P:Q ratios $ae reac$ed muc$ $ig$er. Q*amples o' P:Q ratios =P:Q ratios at t$e end o' 299!>; ! @ompany


5AE ratio symbol A8W "H  ime +arner  +X 2G Inc. I8 I8 21 0oca,0ola M6 22 8icroso't 8#F 3@  5a$ooV 5(66 G 38 0o. 888 23 eneral Qlectric Q 2! +e are o'ten interested in t$e returns to s$are$olders in t$e 'orm o' cas$ diidends. @ash dividends are payments made by t$e company directly to its o&ners. $ere is no requirement t$at a company pay diidends to its s$are$olders% but many companies pay ! #ource; 5a$ooV Finance

Financial ratios% a reading prepared by Pamela Peterson Drake


regular quarterly or annual diidends to t$e o&ners. $e decision to pay a diidend is made by t$e companyKs board o' directors. ote t$at not all companies pay diidends. %ividends per share ;%5<  is t$e dollar amount o' cas$ diidends paid during a period%

per s$are o' common stock; Diidends paid to s$are$olders Diidends per s$are E umber outstanding



 $e dividend payout ratio  is t$e ratio o' cas$ diidends paid to earnings 'or a period; Diidends Diidend payout ratio E Qarnings  $e complement to t$e diidend payout ratio is t$e retention ratio or t$e plo1bac0  ratio; Qarnings , Diidends
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