Mainta Maintain in accoun accountin ting g recor records ds Calculat Calculate e the the resul results ts of of operati operation on Ascert Ascertain ain the the nancia nanciall positio position n Communica Communicate te the informat information ion to to the users users
Process of Accounting ! Recor" Rec or"ing ing## - Business transactions of the nancial characters are $ourn%!! recorded recorded in a book called $ourn% '! C%ssi C% ssif( f(ing ing## - The book containing classied information is called Le"ge"! This book contains di pages !.g. "urchase# "urchase# sales# rent etc. etc. )! Su**% Su **%ri+ ri+ing ing## $ concerned %ith the preparation and presentation of classied data through the nancial statement 1. Trail Trail balance 2. Trading# Trading# "rot "rot and &oss A'c 3.Balance sheet. ,! An%(+ An% (+ing ing## $ concerned %ith the establishment of relationship bet%een the items of the prot and loss account and the balance sheet. ! Inter In .retin ting# g# $ concerned %ith the e(plaining the meaning and signicance of the relationship so established b) the anal)sis. a nal)sis. /! Co**u Co* *unic nic%ti %ting# ng# $ transmission of summari*ed anal)*ed and interpreted interpreted information to the users to enable them to make sound decision. 0oo1 Book keeping is the art of recording recording classif)ing and summari*ing business transaction in mone) or mone) %orth. +orms of book keeping are 1. ,ouble ,ouble entr) entr) s)stem s)stem 2. -ingle -ingle entr) entr) s)stem s)stem Accounting The process of identif)ing# identif)ing# measuring and communicating communicating economic information to permit informed informed udgments and decisions b) the users of accounts. 0ASIS OF DOU0LE ENTR3 S3STEM !ach transaction in the results of t%o parties coming together 1. This cannot cannot be be seller seller %ithou %ithoutt a bu)er bu)er 2. Borro Borro%er %er %ith %ithout out a lende lenderr
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING & COST ACCOUNTING VOLUME -I Foun"er of t4e Dou5e entr( is It%i%n Merc4%nt n%*e" LUCO PACIOLI 6rote t4e 7rst 5oo1 n%*e" DE COMPUTIS ET OF SCRIPTURIS in t4e (e%r ,8,!
For*s of 0oo1 Dou5e Entr( s(ste*/ $ it0s a record t%o fold aspects of eer) business transaction. 2. Singe Entr( s(ste*/ $ in this method the principles of double entr) s)stem hae not been obsered in all cases. t is an incomplete form of double entr) s)stem. nder single entr) onl) personal accounts of debtors# creditors and cash book are maintained.
Singe Entr( S(ste*
t is onl) the scientic s)stem of keeping books of accounts
t is not a s)stem at all. t is incomplete and unscientic
Maintains complete record of both personal and impersonal accounts
nl) personal and cash accounts are maintained
Trail balance can be prepared to test the arithmetical accurac) of the book if accounts
A trail balance cannot be prepared since debits and credits do not agree
"rot and loss account and balance sheet can be easil) prepared
5ith the incomplete record cannot be easil) prepared
Comparison %ith preious )ear is possible
6er) di7cult
Ta(ation authorities accept it for assessment purpose
,o not accept
ADVANTAGES OF DOU0LE ENTR3 S3STEM a. t keeps complete record of both personal and impersonal accounts b. t helps us to check arithmetic accurac) of the books b) preparing trial balance c. 8elp to nd out the prot earned or loss incurred during a gien period b) preparing prot and loss account
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING & COST ACCOUNTING VOLUME -I d. Can nd out nancial position of the business b) preparing balance sheet. e. An) nancial information can be had an)time. f. Comparison of e(penditure# income# sales# purchase etc can be made for preious )ear and current )ear g. t is eas) for ta(ation authorities to make correct assessment.
LIMITATIONS OF DOU0LE ENTR3 S3STEM a. f the transaction is completel) omitted to be recorded or %ith %rong amounts or %ith %rong accounts it ma) remain undiscoered. b. 9e:uires the maintenance number of books of accounts and number of people to look at them the s)stem is too e(pensie sophisticated. c. +inancial accounts consider onl) chose assets %hich can be e(pressed monetar) terms. 8uman 9esources# the er) important assets of a business are not sho%n in the balance sheet#
CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS %! ,eals %ith persons 5! "ossesses Assets c! "a) e(penses n order to keep a complete record of all business transaction a business keeps a. Account in the name of persons kno%n as "ersonal Account b. Account in the name of Asset kno%n as 9eal Account c. Accounts under the head of e(pense and income kno%n as nominal account. "ersonal Accounts follo%ing forms/$ 1. ;atural persons To 0%%nce 0B"? ,! T4e De5it 5%%nce i" 6ritten on t4e "e5it si"e on t4e 7rst "%( of t4e *ont4 %s >To 0%%nce 0B"?
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