Final year project on Payroll System

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KOLEJ POLY-TECH MARA Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology





301KM Project

Norhidayah Binti Abdullah

Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Declaration of Originality This project is all my own work and has not been copied in part or in whole from any other source except where duly acknowledged. As such, all use of previously published work (from books, journals, magazines, internet, etc) has been acknowledged within the main report to an item in the References or Bibliography lists.

I also agree that an electronic copy of this project may be stored and used for the purposes of plagiarism prevention and detection.

Copyright Acknowledgement I acknowledge that the copyright of this project and report belongs to Kolej Poly-Tech MARA.



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301KM Project


Norhidayah Binti Abdullah

Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Abstract This project is about the development of a new computerizing system called Payroll and Profits System for Emasjasa Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Consultant (EJC). It is constructed to solve the problems occur faced from current manual system which is in term of lack of efficiency, mixed up documentation, increase cost, and low level of security. Additionally, it built due to users requirements that included main function of system which is providing automatically calculation of employee net salary and producing automate reporting of company’s profits. Instead of that, this project has simplified employees work process by provide high functionality of computerize system, and hence provided a user driven application for employees interaction and direct communication. Consequently, the methodology approach for this project is through the prototyping model lifecycle which has several stages during development process. In brief, the results of implementing Payroll and Profits system to the company, it has been achieved all the targeted objectives which has impacted the quality of employee’s performance as it systemized the management process and indirectly leading a success in expand and established their business toward global large market.

301KM Project


Norhidayah Binti Abdullah

Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Table of Contents Table of Contents .................................................................................................. ii Additional Materials on the Accompanying CD ................................................... xii Acknowledgements .............................................................................................. xiii


Introduction ................................................................................................... 1 1.1

Company Background ................................................................................... 2


Organizational Mission ............................................................................... 2


Organizational Strategy ............................................................................. 2


Overview of the Project.................................................................................. 3


Function of System .................................................................................... 3


Process of system ..................................................................................... 5


Problem Statement ......................................................................................... 6


Lack of Efficiency ....................................................................................... 6


Mixed up Documentation ........................................................................... 6


Increase Cost ............................................................................................ 7


Loss of data ............................................................................................... 7


Low Level of Security ................................................................................. 7


Project Objectives .......................................................................................... 8


To Simplify User Work Process by provide High Functionality System ...................................................................................................... 8


To Improve Security System ...................................................................... 8


To Provide, Regulate and Automate Reporting Function ........................... 9


To Provide a User Driven Application for Employees Interaction and Direct Communication................................................................................ 9

1.4.5 1.5

Project Scope ............................................................................................... 10


Administrator ........................................................................................... 10


Employees ............................................................................................... 11



To Minimize Cost ....................................................................................... 9

Conclusion.................................................................................................... 11

Investigation ................................................................................................ 12 2.1

Payroll System Description and Flow ......................................................... 12


Profits and Loss System Description ......................................................... 15


Review the Disadvantages of Current Manual System (File Base System) ........................................................................................................ 15

301KM Project


Norhidayah Binti Abdullah


Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Advantages Proposed System (Computerize Payroll and Profits System) ........................................................................................................ 17


Automatic Calculations ............................................................................ 17


Time-keeping Transportation ................................................................... 19


Record-keeping ....................................................................................... 19


Back-ups are easy ................................................................................... 19


Report Generation ................................................................................... 20


Computerized payroll less time than manual ............................................ 20


Comparison between Proposed and Existing System (Manual System VS Computerize System) ............................................................... 21


Proposed Payroll and Profits Need To Adapt with Principle of Accounting ................................................................................................... 22


System Review ClickSoftware Payroll System........................................... 25


System Review Hillstone Software ............................................................. 26


System Review Medlin Payroll Software .................................................... 27

2.10 System Review Georgetown Cleaning Service Employee Payroll page .............................................................................................................. 28 2.11 Conclusion.................................................................................................... 29


Methodology ................................................................................................ 30 3.1

Development Approach ............................................................................... 30


Prototyping Model ........................................................................................ 30


Gather initial Requirement ....................................................................... 31


Design Prototype ..................................................................................... 32


Specify and Construct Prototype .............................................................. 32


Evaluate Prototype and Recommend changes ........................................ 33


Review, Update, and Enhance Prototype................................................. 33


Develop Real Project System .................................................................. 34


Perform Testing ....................................................................................... 34


Perform Maintaining ................................................................................. 35


Advantages of Prototyping .......................................................................... 35


Provide Real and Tangible Meaning ........................................................ 35


Reduce Time and Cost Of Development .................................................. 35


Developers receive quantifiable user feedback ........................................ 36


Users are Enthusiastic and Result Higher Satisfaction............................. 36


Conclusion.................................................................................................... 36

301KM Project


Norhidayah Binti Abdullah


Requirements .............................................................................................. 37 4.1

Functional User Requirement...................................................................... 37


Provide High functionality of System ........................................................ 37


Backup and Recovery .............................................................................. 37


Control the Data Redundancy .................................................................. 38


Increase the Concurrency and Data Shared ............................................ 38


Efficient in Data Access ........................................................................... 38


Non-Functional User Requirement.............................................................. 39


Software Requirements ........................................................................... 39


Hardware Requirement ............................................................................ 40


Security Requirement .............................................................................. 41


Interface Design Requirement ................................................................. 41


Lifecycle Requirement ............................................................................. 41


System Tools ................................................................................................ 42


Database Tools........................................................................................ 42


Interface Design Tools ............................................................................. 42


Programming Language Tools ................................................................. 42



Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Economic Requirement ............................................................................... 43


Tangible Benefits ..................................................................................... 43


Intangible Benefits ................................................................................... 44


Tangible Cost .......................................................................................... 45


Intangible Cost ......................................................................................... 46


Operational and Functional Requirement ................................................... 47


Conclusion.................................................................................................... 48

Data Analysis and Fact Finding ................................................................. 49 5.1

Primary Data ................................................................................................. 50


Observation ............................................................................................. 50


Interview .................................................................................................. 51 5.2

Interview Analysis ......................................................................... 52

Secondary Data ............................................................................................ 54


Online research ....................................................................................... 55


Study Sampling Of Existing Documentation ............................................. 56


Conclusion.................................................................................................... 57

301KM Project


Norhidayah Binti Abdullah


Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Design .......................................................................................................... 58 6.1

Use Case Diagram ........................................................................................ 59


Entity Relationship Diagram ........................................................................ 61


Story Board ................................................................................................... 62


Interface Design ........................................................................................... 75


Password Database ................................................................................. 75


Login Form .............................................................................................. 76


Main Menu Form...................................................................................... 77


Administration Menu Form ....................................................................... 77


Employee Information Display Form ........................................................ 78


Employee Time Job Sheet Form .............................................................. 79


Employee Information for Admin Site ....................................................... 80


Salary form .............................................................................................. 81


Project Information Form ......................................................................... 82

6.4.10 Management Report Sort by Projects ...................................................... 83 6.4.11 Management Report Sort by Employees.................................................. 83 6.4.12 Management Report All Years All Projects .............................................. 84 6.4.13 Forgot Password form.............................................................................. 84 6.5



Conclusion.................................................................................................... 85

Implementation............................................................................................ 86 7.1

System Implementation ............................................................................... 86


Implementation Tools .................................................................................. 88


Installation Payroll and Profits System....................................................... 89


Installing Microsoft 2010 .......................................................................... 89


Choose setup icon ................................................................................... 89


Select Microsoft Access 2010 .................................................................. 90


Accepted Term of Agreements ................................................................ 90


Choose Install Now .................................................................................. 91


Progressing Installation............................................................................ 91


Complete Installation and Close .............................................................. 92


Place Payroll and Profits System Software at Specific Partition in PC ..... 92


Deliverable of implementation phases ....................................................... 93


Conclusion.................................................................................................... 94

Testing ......................................................................................................... 95 8.1

Inspections ................................................................................................... 95


Walkthrough ................................................................................................. 96

301KM Project


Norhidayah Binti Abdullah


Payroll and Profits System-EJC


Desk Checking.............................................................................................. 97


Unit Testing .................................................................................................. 97


Black Box Testing .................................................................................... 98


White Box Testing .................................................................................... 98


Integration Testing ....................................................................................... 99


Validation Testing ...................................................................................... 100


Interface Testing......................................................................................... 100


The Chosen Testing (Black bock Testing) ................................................ 101


Conclusion.................................................................................................. 113

Project Management ................................................................................. 114 9.1

Project Schedule ........................................................................................ 114


Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ......................................................... 115


Gant Chart ............................................................................................. 116


Risk Management ....................................................................................... 116


Risk identification ................................................................................... 116


Risk Assessment ................................................................................... 117

Requirement Change during Development Project ...................... 117

Time Constrain as Clashing Of Client and Student Schedule ...... 118

Technical Failure of device .......................................................... 118


Contingency Plan................................................................................... 119


Quality Management .................................................................................. 120


Conclusion.................................................................................................. 121

10. Conclusion ................................................................................................ 122 10.1 Achievements ............................................................................................. 123 10.1.1 Simplified User Work Process by provide High Functionality System ..... 123 10.1.2 Improved Security System ..................................................................... 123 10.1.3 Provided, Regulated and Automated Reporting Function ....................... 124 10.1.4 Provided a User Driven Application for Employees Interaction and Direct Communication............................................................................ 124 10.1.5 Minimized Cost ...................................................................................... 124 10.2 Future Work ................................................................................................ 125 10.2.1 Implement as web based system ........................................................... 125 10.2.2 Implement the synchronization system to RFID device system. ............. 125 10.2.3 Provide function to apply emergency leave ............................................ 125 10.3 Project Evaluation ...................................................................................... 126 10.3.1 Functionality .......................................................................................... 126

301KM Project


Norhidayah Binti Abdullah

Payroll and Profits System-EJC

10.3.2 Efficiency ............................................................................................... 126 10.3.3 Usability ................................................................................................. 127 10.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of the Payroll and Profits System ............... 127 10.4.1 Strengthen of the System ...................................................................... 127

System has Multiple Functions Provided ..................................... 127

Well Organized and Easy To Understand.................................... 127

Provide Variety Contingency Method .......................................... 128

10.4.2 Weaknesses of the System.................................................................... 128

Hard to deal with time attendance ............................................... 128

10.5 Summary ..................................................................................................... 128

Appendix A – Checklist for the Client Acceptance Factors……………..…. 131 Appendix B – End Unit Test Form…………………………….……………..….


Appendix C – User Manual ............................................................................... 131 References ......................................................................................................... 142

301KM Project


Norhidayah Binti Abdullah

Payroll and Profits System-EJC

List of Figure Figure 2.1

Sample of Payroll System Flow (Gandharva K., 2008) ...............12

Figure 2.2

Major Modules of Payroll System (Gandharva K., 2008) ............13

Figure 2.3

List of Report Available under Various Modules (Gandharva K., 2008) ..........................................................................................14

Figure 2.4

CLICKSOFTWARE® Payroll System (ClickSoftware, 2007) ......25

Figure 2.5

Hillstone Payroll Software (Hillstone Software, 2005) .................26

Figure 2.6

Medlin Payroll Software (Medlin Software, 2007) .......................27

Figure 2.7

Georgetown Cleaning Service Employee Payroll page (Georgtown Cleaning Software, 2007) ........................................28

Figure 3.2

Prototyping Model ......................................................................31

Figure 4.1

Tangible Benefits Worksheet ......................................................43

Figure 4.2

One-Time Cost Worksheet .........................................................45

Figure 5.1

Sample of Existing Documentation ............................................56

Figure 6.1

Domain Use Case Diagrams of Payroll and Profits System for EJC ............................................................................................59

Figure 6.2

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of Payroll and Profits System for EJC .......................................................................................61

Figure 6.3

Welcome Form ...........................................................................62

Figure 6.4

Login Form..................................................................................62

Figure 6.5

Enter Employee ID for Forgot Password .....................................63

Figure 6.6

Enter EPF Number for Forgot Password .....................................63

Figure 6.7

Forgot Password Form................................................................63

Figure 6.8

Main Menu Form .........................................................................64

Figure 6.9

Administration Menu Form ..........................................................64

Figure 6.10

Management Report Menu Form ................................................65

Figure 6.11

Enter Password for Employee Information Form ..........................65

301KM Project


Norhidayah Binti Abdullah

Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Figure 6.12

Employee Information Display Form ...........................................66

Figure 6.13

Enter Password for Time Job Sheet Form ...................................67

Figure 6.14

Employee Time Job Sheet Form .................................................67

Figure 6.15

Enter Password for Edit Time Job Sheet Form ............................68

Figure 6.16

Edit Time Job Sheet Form ..........................................................68

Figure 6.17

Employee Information Form ........................................................69

Figure 6.18

Enter Month/Year for Salary Form ..............................................70

Figure 6.19

Enter Employee ID for Salary Form.............................................70

Figure 6.20

Employee Salary Form................................................................71

Figure 6.21

Project Information Form.............................................................72

Figure 6.4

Login Form..................................................................................72

Figure 6.22

Enter Year for Management Report sort by Project ......................73

Figure 6.23

Management Report sort by Project ............................................73

Figure 6.24

Enter Year for Management Report sort by Employee .................74

Figure 6.25

Management Report sort by Employee .......................................74

Figure 6.26

Database Password ....................................................................75

Figure 6.27

Login Form..................................................................................76

Figure 6.28

Main Menu Form .........................................................................77

Figure 6.28

Administration Menu Form ..........................................................77

Figure 6.29

Employee Information Display Form ...........................................78

Figure 6.30

Employee Time Job Sheet Form .................................................79

Figure 6.30

Employee Information for Admin Site ..........................................80

Figure 6.31

Employee Salary form .................................................................81

Figure 6.32

Project Information form ..............................................................82

Figure 6.33

Management Report Sort by Projects .........................................83

Figure 6.33

Management Report Sort by Employees .....................................83

Figure 6.34

Management Report All years All Projects ...................................84

301KM Project


Norhidayah Binti Abdullah

Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Figure 6.35

Forgot Password Page................................................................84

Figure 7.30

Choose Folder Microsoft Office Professional 2010......................89

Figure 7.31

Click “setup” icon ........................................................................89

Figure 7.32

Choose “Microsoft Access 2010” ................................................90

Figure 7.33

Accept term of Agreements .........................................................90

Figure 7.33

Choose “Install Now” Button .......................................................91

Figure 7.33

Progressing Installation ...............................................................91

Figure 7.34

Complete Installation ..................................................................92

Figure 7.35

Place Software at specific partition in PC ....................................92

Figure 9.1

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ...........................................115

301KM Project


Norhidayah Binti Abdullah

Payroll and Profits System-EJC

List of Table Table 4.1

Minimum Hardware Requirement ...............................................40

Table 5.1

Interview Analysis ......................................................................52

Table 7.1

Deliverable of implementation phases.........................................93

Table 8.1

Welcome Form Testing ............................................................101

Table 8.2

Login Form Testing ..................................................................101

Table 8.3

Main Menu Form Testing .........................................................102

Table 8.4

Administration Menu Form Testing...........................................103

Table 8.5

Time Job Sheet Form Testing ..................................................104

Table 8.6

Project Information Form Testing .............................................107

Table 8.7

Employee Information Form Testing ........................................109

Table 8.8

Employee Salary Form Testing ................................................111

Table 8.9

Management Report Testing ....................................................112

Table 9.1

Risk Assessment Check-list .....................................................117

301KM Project


Norhidayah Binti Abdullah

Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Additional Materials on the Accompanying CD 1. Presentation Slide 2. Documentation 3. Payroll and Profits System (Software) 4. Test Material 5. Sampling Existing current Documentation 6. Gant Chart (project Planning)

301KM Project


Norhidayah Binti Abdullah

Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Acknowledgements First and foremost, thanks to Almighty God for giving me His blessings to complete this final year project. I would like to acknowledge and special thanks to Miss Noor Liza Ali as my supervisor and cornerstone who contributed her time in giving comments, ideas,

giving efforts in pleasantly and efficiently for her

guidelines and expertise which enable me to construct the development of this final project. In particular, we would also like to acknowledge the contribution of Madam Fadhilah Rentah as my second assessor who oversaw the grant and recognized the importance of adding the business development voice to my understanding and define the quality project creation. Instead of that, I am grateful to workforce of Emasjasa Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Consultant, especially Mr. Saidun Sumadi as Manager of company as individuals from the organization who agreed to be interviewed for this report, Rozliani Romly as Human Resource officer of company for their generous support and provided useful feedback on early drafts of the introduction and framework for project development. Additionally, I would like to express gratitude to my family especially to my parents for their understandings and supports in completing this final year project. I am also appreciating to the numerous colleagues and others who involve directly or indirectly in developing the final year project. Consequently, while they are too numerous to thank individually, this report would not be possible without their helps of the particular that mentioned above, and hence may face with many difficulties while doing and accomplished this final project.

301KM Project


Norhidayah Binti Abdullah


Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Introduction The project is about developing the new computerize system for Emasjasa Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Consultant which is “Payroll and Profit System”. The key issues in designing the new computerize system were identified and analyzed. The main function would provide a single interface for useful information and knowledge flow, work procedures, policies and departmental updates. In addition, recommendations were also be made for the development and launch phases. For develop the Payroll and Profits System, the literature review of this project is one of the most important part which is it consisting of hardware and software, chosen option, and the example of the system. In term of the current hardware that use by the company, it is need to be upgrade by the developer because the specification of current company use is too low in order to support the propose system. The hardware need to be upgrade is hard disk, RAM, processor, motherboard, operating system, Network operating system, network card, and video card. In addition, the software that needs to add such as antivirus, Microsoft Office 2010, and others. Other than that, the important part of literature review need to be considered is the list of option available is based on the user requirements which is STAND ALONE SYSTEM, and what the user needs for the new computerized and stand-alone system that wants to develop is a system which is an easy to use which means the system has the highest of function that provided and easy to understands the flow of the system with correct process and the user interface of the system. Besides that, in the literature review also has identified the best example of the other system as references to develop this propose system which is “Payroll and Profit System”.

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Norhidayah Binti Abdullah


Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Company Background Emasjasa Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Consultant (EJC) were established in 29 Nov 2006 by the owner Mohd. Saidun Sumadi at Taman Sri Putra, Johor Bahru. Today a company employing over 20 staffs and involve actively in medium and large size of engineering projects involve actively in medium and large size projects. Their engineers have wide experiences in various types of buildings including: 


Petrochemical Plant,

Ship And

Offshore Platforms and others.

Since 2006 until currently, EJC involved actively in 83 projects such IPD Utara JB, and FAMA projects. EJC are also providing Specialist service in: 

Information and Communication Technology System (ICT) design

Explosion proof HVAC equipment’s design such as Air Handling Unit, Condensing Unit, Chiller, etc.


Organizational Mission 

Maintaining the comfort ability and the stability.

Provide the higher system that make easy to company to achieve profits

Make sure the customer get the higher conducive

Provide a quality specification of services and good management for the customer.


Organizational Strategy 

Improve the sales and marketing of the company

Analyze the requirement of the staff

Surveying the staff’s work periodically

Surveying and improving the management via current market

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Norhidayah Binti Abdullah


Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Overview of the Project Overview of the system will briefly describe about the project of developing Payroll and Profits System which is in term of the function of the system and the detail about the process that involve in the new proposing system. There are about seven functions provide by the developer and six process that involve in this system.


Function of System For the proposed system, the name project given is “Payroll and Profit System” that will implement at EJC. This proposed system has two main functions in term of provide the computerize system that can calculate the payroll and indirectly calculate the profits of company from time to time follow the standard of the principle accounting such as follow the Financial Reporting Standard (FRS). Therefore, the report that will produce is more accurate and easy to measure the profits of the company. In order to calculate the payroll and profits of company, as employees, they need to key in their daily basis time job sheet that consist their working time in and out and also the hour that they has been spent for each projects that involved by company. The new system will organize list by saving it into only one place and no more using files. No more hassle trying to find the file needed. With just a simple step, everything is in order and the files are well organized and easy to be found. By using the database system, it can eliminate cost by saving the information directly to the computers and no more needed for Photostat paper. There are many functions that are providing by this system to users. The function of the Payroll and Profit System which are the system allow user to key in the data and save the projects details and their time job sheet that consist in the company for future use in the database (DBMS). The Payroll and Profit System provide function in term of update, delete, insert, save backup and recovery.

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Norhidayah Binti Abdullah

Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Whenever the data is want to be update in term of insert new data, delete, or change the old data, the user just need to update once at a time, and no need to update for another file, because the system have the data redundancy. A recovery control system, which is restores the database to a previous consistent state following a hardware or software failure. By eliminating or controlling the redundancy, it is reducing the risk of inconsistencies occurring. If a data item is stored only once in the database, any update to its value has to be perform only once and the new value is available immediately to all users. If a data item is stored more than once and the system is aware of this, this system can ensure that all copies of the item are keep consistent. Furthermore, the system also has backup and recovery for this system. By develop this system; it will fulfill the user requirement which can have the backup and recovery to the data that save in the system. Everything that user do such as update, delete or add, it will save and automatically have backup. Whenever the system is corrupted or server down, the data is still exist at the backup and recovery of the system. Moreover, the system also allow user to access or shared the data from computer, to another computer via intranet which is Local Area Network (LAN). This system provides information needed for each end user’s application by using application program that share the data in common databases. This system provides the user to share data with another user at the simultaneously with the same information. It can save their time and make fast for user to get the information that they want. For example, the data that need by the management, they just only access that file to the employee’s computer. Other than that, the function that this Payroll and Profit System provided is the function of searching or find for the data that exist. Whenever the user needs to find the data of employees and projects, they can find with easier, faster and efficient. They just only need to press the no id of employee which is primary key in order to identify all the data that save before. From that, it shown that the database provides variety of techniques to store and retrieve data efficiently. There are many techniques are provided to user to get their objective achieves.

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Norhidayah Binti Abdullah


Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Process of system Insert

: The system will allow user to insert the new employee’s and project’s details with required the form to fill. The system will receive and hold the data in the database. The user can insert the new data to the system.


: The process of save is provided by the system in order to do any process before and future use. It will save the data that user enter if they click the button save, and it will work.


: The user can update any event that user do in order to access by all user. If the user wants to change the data, the system will eliminate the old data and replace with the new data.


: The process of delete can do by this system in order to discard the old details that user want to replace it.


: The system can do the backup in order to cover all the data that save in the database. If any of the file is corrupted, the data didn’t lost because is still exist at the backup file

Security : The system has the security in order to avoid from unauthorized user that want to access the Payroll and Profits System

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Norhidayah Binti Abdullah


Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Problem Statement In order to develop the project, developer has determine the problem statement from the current using system which is in term of lack efficiency, increase cost, mixed up documentation, loss of data and low level of security. This step of determining problem statement is very important in order to state the objective of the project.


Lack of Efficiency In the current system, there is more lack of efficiency in term of current manual system uses which is key in the attendance through log book and calculates the staff’s salary with manually. It exposed with easily for them to make mistake and that is show how lack current system and problem occur from using the current system. The users need the project because of to improve the efficiency and accuracy of their work. That is because the current system that they use before is manual and they need the computerize system in order to make their work more efficient and accurate. When they calculate the payroll and the profit of the company by manually, the possibility to make mistake is high rather than implement the propose project which is computerize system. It is because the computerize system will provide function of automatically calculate the payroll and profits of the company follow the fix calculation which is matching the principle of accounting.


Mixed up Documentation Other than that, there is need for this project because there are some problems in this company when using file based system. The first problem is mixed up documentation. After employee have given back the form that have been fill up with the details of the data, the form are kept in one place before handed to the technician. In the future, if anything happens and the form is needed for inspection, employee must look back in the file and search for the file. The document will be all mixed up and this will burden the user. Hence, it is difficult for staff to make the annual report base on the mixed up documentation and the data may not accurate.

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Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Increase Cost Additionally, user need this project because of the lack of current system which is file-based system need lot of space and the paper usage is important. A lot of form is need to use and all these forms are kept in file and all these file are kept in cabinet. From month to month, years to years the file is increase and more cabinet is needed. This cost of space for new cabinet in the office which is limited spaces. It is difficult for employee to search the old files in term of checking and updating. It also can cause slow to find the data. Using filing system, the company needs to buy many file to store the data. If the cabinet is full, the company needs to buy the new cabinet. So, company need to spend much money to buy file and cabinet. When using the system, all the data can stored in one big database. So, company no need to buy many file and new cabinet to store all the data. Other than that, the current system use many paper and need to keep it in cabinet. So every year this company needs to spend their budget to buy papers to use for resource management.


Loss of data Moreover, other problem occurs during using the current system use by company is it makes the loss of data. All the information about the equipment has been lost or miss place the record. In this case, all the important data has lost because of the current system don’t have any backup. It is difficult for employee to find the lost record again. The system without database will cause the entire data store with unsystematic ways, and this situation will be occur many problem such as difficult to find data and maintain all the data.


Low Level of Security Without computerized system, there are lack of security for the data that stored by the company. This because any authorized can access data more easily rather than if there any computerized system with security was use by the company. An authorize user also can easily stole the file based from the rack and duplicate it for their needed.

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Norhidayah Binti Abdullah


Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Project Objectives There are several project objective are determine during development of project due to the problem statement stated which is in term of to simplify user work process by provide high functionality system, to provide, regulate and automate reporting function, to improve security system, to provide user driven application for employees interaction and direct communication and to minimize cost.


To Simplify User Work Process by provide High Functionality System The main direct users taken into consideration in this report were the administration employees of from various units at this company. Out of all the direct and indirect users targeted as stakeholders for the system, it was concluded that admin support employees would utilize and reduce their work time during accomplish the tasks given. As a result of this time constraint, it was ideal to have most tasks simplified the work process. The objective of project is to fulfill the needed of the customer by provide high functionality in order to accomplish the daily task which is the proposed computerize system are provide with variety of function in term of the user can update, delete, add and have the own fix calculation of payroll and profit matching on the principle of accounting in order to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of work is always be maintain.


To Improve Security System The project objective is to improve security of the company’s system by replace the current system. The new system are prevents unauthorized users from accessing the database. Without suitable security measures, integration makes the data more vulnerable than file-based systems. The access that an authorize user is allow o the data may be restricted

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Payroll and Profits System-EJC

To Provide, Regulate and Automate Reporting Function This was the main objective and all the previous components in the work breakdown structure led to the produce the annual accurate report and recommendations were also made for the further work required. In addition, regulating and automating tasks was established as an objective with the aim to also simplify to user work process. It would give those individuals with the authority on decision making; quick and easy access to data and information in one reliable and secure source. Rather than having data being manually compiled in separate spreadsheets for each unit; collated reports across units can be graphed giving visual enhancements for easy use, analysis and detail breakdown and easy make comparison.


To Provide a User Driven Application for Employees Interaction and Direct Communication One of the key goals of EJC is to facilitate an effective communication strategy; both internally amongst staff and externally with direct customers and those that provide indirect services. These are run independently by a unit manager though supervised by area managers and those higher staff through the organization hierarchy. The main communication mediums for all staff working at each unit are through email, phone, fax and internal post. Therefore, by linking all units via an intranet system which is proposed system (Payroll and Profits System) would allow for a quicker and more efficient means of communication.


To Minimize Cost Finally is the new project’s objective is saving cost. Using filing system, the company needs to buy many file to store the data. If the cabinet is full, the company needs to buy the new cabinet. So, company need to spend much money to buy file and cabinet. When using the system, all the data can stored in one big database. So, company no need to buy many file and new cabinet to store all the data.

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Project Scope There are two main groups of users that involve in the proposed Payroll and Profit System for Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Consultant, Johor Bahru which is employees and administrator in order to keep update and save all information in database to be calculate automatically the payroll and profit by computerize, not in manual filing.


Administrator For administrator, it divides into two users in term of manager and Human Resources Employee because of they have same job functionality of the system. For manager, the needs towards the system are to view the report of the Payroll and Profit System by daily, monthly and yearly. Based on the report, manager can measure either the company achieve the profits or have lose base on the time job sheet that the employees have been key in into the database. If there is any lose regarding the lateness of employee accomplish the projects, it can be improve and avoid from it happened, manager must take immediate action. In addition, instead of manager as user of the system can maintain the information of the employee and projects, the administrator also determined as user of the system which is Human Resources Employee also can maintain and update all that information. It is means that human resources employee have the same scope functionality of system with the manager which can update and maintain all projects details in the database. Otherwise, the administration also can maintain the information of the projects that involve by the company, the employees such as their details particular, medical certificate, and others claim of allowance. Therefore, the HR’s employee also can automatically produce the management report and the entire employee’s salary of the company.

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Employees In this system, the employee will key in their time job sheet that consist of their normal and OT time working in and out of the office on daily basis. Instead of employee to key in their working in and out time, they also need the system to key their total hour that they have been spent their time or hour for each projects that company have been involved.


Conclusion As a conclusion, there are several objective determined due to problem statement which is to develop the new computerize system named as Payroll and Profits System for EJC which will provide many function in order to eliminate the current problem that indirectly can improve the work performance of employees. The term 'payroll' encompasses every employee of a company who receives a regular wage or other compensation. Some employees may be paid a steady salary while others are paid for hours worked or the number of items produced. All of these different payment methods are calculated by a payroll specialist and the appropriate pay checks are issued. Companies often use objective measuring tools such as timecards or timesheets completed by supervisors to determine the total amount of payroll due each pay period (Michael P. and Lindsay D., 2003). Fast and accurate payroll processing is essential in any organization. The payroll software module provides a fully functional payroll processing and management system, integrated with the human resource and time and attendance software modules allowing single data entry (Kevin L., 2011).

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2. Investigation The literary review looks at the main theory of determine payroll and profits through available development models. It is also review about the existing manual system that use by the company which is file base system, reviewing the proposed system also comparison between file based







organizational background research and user requirement analysis, the onset of various new issues to resolve were identified, also the database development approach was identified and the aspects revolving the advantages and disadvantages have also been explored.


Payroll System Description and Flow Payroll system is the heart of any Human Resource System of an Organization. The solution has to take care of calculation of salary as per rules of the Company, Income-Tax calculation and various deductions to be done from salary including statutory deductions like Income Tax and Provident Fund deductions. It has to generate pay-slip, cheque summary and MIS reports (Gandharva K., 2008).

Figure 2.1

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Sample of Payroll System Flow (Gandharva K., 2008)

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Major Modules of Payroll System (Gandharva K., 2008)

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Figure 2.3 List of Report Available under Various Modules (Gandharva K., 2008)

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Profits and Loss System Description The free market economy is a profit and loss system. Typically, profits are emphasized but it should be understood that losses are equally necessary for an efficient economy. The nature of profits is sometimes misconstrued by the general public. Profits are not an excess charge or an act of meanness by firms. Profits are a reward to the capitalist-entrepreneur for creating value. To understand this we must first understand the nature of exchange. When two parties trade they do so because they expect to receive something of greater value than that which they surrender; otherwise they would not waste their time engaging in exchanges (Jim C., 1997)


Review the Disadvantages of Current Manual System (File Base System) As stated above, the current system that has been use by the EJC is manual system. From the current environment business process, the manual payroll system requires payroll processing to be done completely by hand. Therefore, time card, wages and payroll tax computations; wage garnishments; and voluntary deductions are done by manually. Additionally, employee’s time sheet and wage calculations, payroll verifications, check printing, and tax computations and filings are all done by hand and all payroll errors are corrected manually as well, resulting in a tedious task it resulted the greatest disadvantage of manual payroll systems is their propensity for errors with so many calculations being performed by hand, it can be quite easy to make mistakes and doubly hard to correct them (Michael H., 2011). Furthermore, pay checks and pay stubs are produces handwritten or printed on a typewriter. It is resulted the main disadvantage with this system is its high room for error. The more manual computations the payroll representative has to make, the more errors that staff to make. (Natalie G., 2011).

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In fact, it is very easy to make mistakes when processing payroll manually, and the penalty for mistakes, especially mistakes during producing










least free payroll templates out there, but it still difficult to do manual payroll processing. In addition, the disadvantage is that whatever staffs save on start-up costs will probably be eaten up by the amount of time it takes to process the payrolls of whole employees in company. Besides that, it can cause time-consuming because to ensure the payroll is accurate, staffs has to triple-check the data before printing checks. Even then, it is also still have a possibility to miss errors. In addition, paper filing is required with this system, which can create clutter, and if the payroll representative does not understand how to calculate payroll taxes manually, erroneous tax withholding, reporting and payment occur. Hence, this can result in penalties from federal and state tax agencies (Natalie G., 2011). A manual payroll system is performed entirely by hand and a computerized payroll system allows a company to process its payroll via dedicated payroll software. In addition, a manual system can result in payroll errors and is usually a slow, laborious process; a computerized system helps to reduce errors and speeds up the process. In conclusion, the manual payroll system takes up valuable time, resources and money. So instead of wasting valuable time with the tedious accounting tasks, let implement the proposed computerize payroll and profits system as the software have variety of function such as calculate the pay checks, while work on developing the business, increasing production and revenue.

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Advantages Proposed System (Computerize Payroll and Profits System) Due to the increasing demands and technology today, computerized payroll software has been made to accommodate such responsibilities. Of course, every employee needs to be compensated for the services he or she provides, in order to do this, every employer should have his or her own payroll system for their company. A computerized payroll system is a typically used by medium to large scale businesses process. It saves a lot of time and decreases the chances of generating errors and of course, as an employer, they wouldn't want to overpay. By this kind of software, user or employee can input all the payroll information and run year-end reporting quickly and accurately. It also archives pay slips and annual reports in case when going to need them later. An automated payroll system enables the employer to process its payroll through a computerized system. Meanwhile, a manual payroll system requires that the payroll be processed by hand and is therefore a considerably slower procedure than an automated system. The former makes payroll processing simpler, and reduces errors and there many advantages of using the computerize Payroll system.


Automatic Calculations The automated payroll system uses payroll software to compute all wages. Therefore, the result depends on the accuracy of the input. Thus, if a terminated employee is due severance pay but the payroll representative neglects to make the entry, the system will not pay it. Typically, the system is reliable so long as the entries are correct. The automated system performs all types of payments: hourly, overtime, double-time, salaries, commissions, bonuses, pay raises, retroactive pay, wage deductions, auto payments and tuition reimbursements. Notably, the automated system eliminates manual paycheck writing. The system automatically generates paychecks and stubs and enables direct deposit (Natalie G., 2011).

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The most complicated area of payroll is working out the holiday pays such as annual leave payments. Many get it wrong even using a computerized system! Again, provided the setup is correct, processing holiday pays is a walk in the park compared to working them out (Robert S., 2011). If employee time is imported into the computerized payroll system, the latter rounds the employee time up and down appropriately, such as to the nearest quarter hour. It can calculates the total hours worked and to be paid. This is saves on time spent manually calculating the hours and reduces errors. Furthermore, if the payroll person enters the hours into the system herself, it calculates the wages automatically, based on her input. The system will calculates all pay frequencies, such as weekly, and semimonthly In addition, salary and wage deductions are a necessary part of payroll processing and the employer must take mandatory withholding from employee paychecks, including federal income tax, Social Security tax, Medicare tax and usually state income tax. These all taxes can be timeconsuming and perplexing to compute manually. In fact, a number of rules are attached to withholding tax calculations. By an automated payroll system, the software has the tax rates hard-coded in the system. It will calculates the withholding tax for each employee based on the withholding conditions data input. Therefore, this reduces the likelihood of payroll tax errors, which can result in fees from the IRS and the state taxation agency (Natalie G., 2011). Besides that, a computerized payroll system can automatically calculates employee statutory deductions, such as taxes and wage garnishments, and voluntary deductions, such as parking fees, contributions and medical benefits. The payroll person simply enters the data upon which the deductions are based, such as form information for federal income tax withholding. Hence, by implement computerize payroll software, it integrated to accounting which is finalizes a pay and your general ledger & financial reports are up to date. (Robert S., 2011).

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Time-keeping Transportation Usually, hourly workers are paid according to hours worked during the pay period and commonly the employer uses a time-keeping system to track hours and pay hourly employees accordingly. It is critical, that each employee’s time is computed accurately. Many employers use a time clock to track work hours. A manual payroll system requires computing the time clock data by hand and this will increases the likelihood of mistakes. Meanwhile, the automated time-keeping system allows the employer to import time clock data into payroll software. Commonly, the employee uses a swipe card or badge, or the hand prints or fingerprint method, to clock in and out. Once the entries are transported into the payroll software, the software computes the time worked and all the payroll staff member has to do is ensure the time is transported appropriately and makes the necessary edits.


Record-keeping The IRS requires employers are to keep employment tax records for a minimum of four years. Furthermore, the U.S. Department of Labor requires payroll records to be kept for at least three years. The manual system requires filing the necessary payroll data by hand, which consumes time and increases the clutter and Payroll software generates and stores payroll and employment tax data. (Natalie G., 2011). In fact, employee no need to look up the tax tables as the programmed contains the rates for PAYE, staff loans and KiwiSaver and the program also calculates any tax credits which from IRD to employer.


Back-ups are easy It is easy to back up the payroll file for safe keeping. Paper based systems are not backed up, so if the pay book was lost or destroyed then the firm could face big problems (Robert S., 2011).

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Report Generation A computerized payroll system generates and prints payroll reports. If you want to double-check the payroll before printing paychecks/pay stubs, simply reference the corresponding reports. Furthermore, the U.S. Department of Labor requires employers to retain payroll records for at least three years and a computerized system enables hard-copy printing of payroll registers pertaining to each pay period. It also saves the information in the system indefinitely. In addition, the system generates tax reports to ensure payroll tax compliance. This includes quarterly and annual wage reporting and generating employee form and if a related department such as accounting handles the company's payroll tax and reconciliation duties, print the necessary reports the department needs via the computerized system. Furthermore, the system will tracks benefit days, such as vacation and personal time, taken and paid. (Natalie G.,

2011). Moreover, any payroll program should come with a range of management reports such as costing reports so management can see wage costs over different areas of the business. ACC levy reports, sick leave, annual leave reports and others can be produced. Moreover, the pay slips printed and contain more information (leave due and leave accrued) than handwritten pay slips which relates to happier employees.


Computerized payroll less time than manual Once a payroll system is set up, the time taken to process a pay is less. You set up ‘standard’ pays for people so that all allowances and deductions are processed without one thinking about it. Time is saved preparing pays and running the payroll so the employer saves money. All payroll records are held in one central place on a hard drive although it is still necessary to keep leave requests, printed pay summaries and copies of IRD reports (Robert S., 2011).

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Comparison between Proposed and Existing System (Manual System VS Computerize System) Not so long ago, all payrolls used to be calculated manually, without any help from a computer. The Professional accountants invested a lot of time and energy into keeping track of all employee data, files and information, calculating monthly salaries, hourly remunerations, bonuses, sick leaves, benefits, taxes, deductions and they did this all by keeping numerous files filled with track records for each and every person employed. Nowadays, however, thing are far more simple than they used to be because technology is always dedicated to making things easier and better, quite a wide variety of computerized payroll systems is available to save us from this tedious task. Furthermore, instead of keeping dozens of files and spending endless hours calculating, all you have to do is get a payroll software system and let it do all the nasty work. It is really bares no comparison which is a manual payroll system means doing everything by hand, while a computerized one will enable its users to store unlimited data, keeping track of everything. While with a manual payroll system would have to keep track of all employees' time by hand, with payroll software you can automatically transfer all punches or swipes directly into the system, which will store them instantly. Moreover, it can even separate regular work hours from overtime, and calculate the different remunerations according to set parameters and if human error sneaks in even with the most organized manual payroll system, computerized payroll software will provide accurate calculations regardless of the amount of data stored. (Adrian F. Alexa, 2011)

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The computerized payroll software systems save time and money, they're very easy to use and they're also very practical. All programs, however, include essential features for storing employee information, files and track records, and will enable authorized users to enter, view or change information anytime. The basic features include paycheck processing, direct deposit options, payroll reports, tax reports, deductions, quarterly and annual ware reports and many others. Furthermore, while with a manual payroll system you have to do everything yourself, a computerized payroll software will calculate automatically all pay frequencies, employee statutory deductions, 401k contributions, bonuses, medical benefits etc. It basically, all have to do is enter all the data upon which the deductions are based, and the software will handle everything else (Adrian F. Alexa, 2011).


Proposed Payroll and Profits Need To Adapt with Principle of Accounting In order to develop the new propose Payroll and Profits System for EJC, it needs to consider and concern about to matching the new system with the principle of accounting in order to ensure the accuracy of the system. It will be helpful to recall the matching principle of accounting and this principle will guide us to better understand how payroll and fringe benefits are reported on financial statements which are a company need to follow the accrual method of accounting. The matching principle requires a company to match expenses to the accounting period in which the related revenues are reported and if a direct connection between revenues and an expense does not exist, then the expense should appear on the income statement for the accounting period in which it was incurred. In fact, the expenses are often incurred or occur in a different accounting period than when they are paid.

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The below are three payroll examples to illustrate this point: 1. A company employs a staff to work a total of five days—from December 26 through December 30, 2010. On December 30 the staff submits her time card. The company issues her payroll check on the next scheduled payday, January 5, 2011. Even though the check is dated January 5, 2011, the matching principle requires that the company report the expense and the liability in December 2010 when the work was performed (and the company incurred the liability). Because the staff was only employed for the last five days of December, the company would not have any wage or fringe benefits expense for her during January. The paycheck issued on January 5 merely reduces the company's liabilities and cash (Harold A., 2011). 2. Let's assume that a company gives its sales manager an annual bonus of 1% of sales, to be paid on January 15, 2011. The bonus amount is calculated by multiplying the sales from January 1 through December 31, 2010 times 1%. The matching principle requires that the company report 1% of sales as a Bonus Expense on its income statement (and a liability for the total amount owed must be reported on its balance sheet) in every accounting period in which sales occurred in 2010. If the company violates the matching principle by ignoring the bonus expense throughout the year 2010 (when sales actually occurred) and reports the entire bonus amount as an expense for just one day (January 15, 2011), every income statement pertinent to 2010 will report too much net income and the income statement that includes January 15, 2011 will report too little net income. The matching principle requires that the bonus expense pertinent to the 2010 sales be matched with the 2010 sales on the 2010 income statement (Harold A., 2011).

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3. A company has a vacation plan that will provide two weeks of vacation in the year 2011 if the employee worked the entire year of 2010. In the year 2010 (when the employee is working) the company reports the vacation expense on its 2010 income statement. The company's December 31, 2010 balance sheet will report a current liability for the two weeks of vacation pay that was earned by each employee but not yet taken. In 2011 (when employees take the vacations that were earned and expensed in 2010), the company will reduce its cash and its vacation liability (Harold A., 2011). As state above about accounting for payroll and fringe benefits, keep the matching principle in mind. As the above examples show, the date on which a company pays wages or fringe benefits is not necessarily the date on which the company reports the expense on its financial statements and it is very important to consider and matching the principle of accounting during develop the new propose Payroll and Profits computerize system. Therefore, Payroll and Profits System is responsible for the recording of payroll data, including adjustments and supplements, into accordance with laws and regulations as applicable; i.

Pay the net pay due, by weekly, by electronic funds transfer (direct deposit) to the employee’s financial institutions;


Promptly make payment in the proper amount to all persons entitled to be paid, in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and legal decisions; Prepare adequate and reliable payroll records;


Promptly record accounting entries for the disposition of all authorized deductions from gross pay;


Maintain adequate control over, and provide adequate retention and disposition of, all payroll related documents;


Maintain individual pay records to show gross compensation including allowances by type and amount, deductions including allotments by type and account, and net pay for each period; and Review payroll operations continually and adjust them to be as efficient, effective, and economical as possible, and ensure that payroll systems are in accordance with all legal requirements. (Michael C. Kane, 2011)

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System Review ClickSoftware Payroll System CLICKSOFTWARE® Payroll System is a comprehensive, easy-to-use solution which includes all the payroll functionality needed by any organization to process payroll accurately and quickly, every time. The robust functionality of ClickSoftware Payroll makes it easy to produce pay slips on demand and make last minute changes with no hassles. It’s easy to meet the needs of your unique organization with flexible features including multiple shift definition, rate definition, taxes, and deduction types, multiple user-defined pay groups.

Figure 2.4

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CLICKSOFTWARE® Payroll System (ClickSoftware, 2007)

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System Review Hillstone Software From this review system of Hillstone Software, the developer makes it as reference in term of its menu which is include admin site, staff, company, reports, phone list, option, register, about help and exit. There are very important in order to develop the system as menu is work as backbone for each system that will develop. Instead of that, the developer also make this system in term of its functionality button which is new, save, print, export, delete, holiday and close.

Figure 2.5

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Hillstone Payroll Software (Hillstone Software, 2005)

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System Review Medlin Payroll Software For this review system of Medlin Payroll Software, the developer has been made it as reference in term of the details of information of each textboxes for employees payroll form. For this employee payroll form, there are many that consist of employee basic information, salary details, and period part information. In addition, to make it more details, this system has provide employee name, regular hours, overtime hours pay period to fill up and the salary will auto calculate by the system

Figure 2.6

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Medlin Payroll Software (Medlin Software, 2007)

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2.10 System Review Georgetown Cleaning Service Employee Payroll page Consequently, the developer has been chose the review system of Georgetown Cleaning Service Employee Payroll page as references and put as literature review. This system has different way to produce their employees’ salary as it put their details about payroll time frame through calendar, time value. Hence, it will automatically calculate the net pay by click the button calculates as below.

Figure 2.7

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Georgetown Cleaning Service Employee Payroll page (Georgtown Cleaning Software, 2007)

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2.11 Conclusion The system will be developed and completed for the users, comprehensive for users who aim to use the system with understandable, user friendly and universal, and have a quick response time. In order to develop the system, developer needs to do research and find out the references through article, magazine, and example of software in order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the system. In fact, the development of project system would be based on these good qualities, which is to build a system that is easy to navigate with a pleasing interface, to allocate the features and functions of the system and label each so that users will know how to use the system without any error occur. Instead of that, the developing of project also need to adapt with the Principle of the Accounting as the system related to producing calculating of payroll and profits of company. It is because to ensure the accuracy and quality of system.

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3. Methodology The chosen methodology of this project is the prototyping model. There are several stages need to follow in order to use the prototyping model. The stages of prototyping model consist of initial analysis, define the objectives, specify the project, construct and evaluate. If there are any requirement that not fulfill as resulted from the evaluation, the developer need to redo the stage of specify and construct again until the users satisfy with the development system.


Development Approach The development approach proposed is using prototyping model as it is attempts to reduce inherit project risk by breaking a project into smaller segments and providing more ease of change during the development process. In brief, prototyping is also not sophisticated and not expensive. Prototyping involves user throughout the development process, which increases the likelihood of user acceptance of the final implementation. Each time a new prototype is released, it is usually enhancement of the previous one. This approach consists of five main steps which are initial analysis, specify prototype, construct prototype, evaluate prototype and repeat that step if any changes during evaluate.


Prototyping Model Prototyping is the process of building a model of a system. In terms of an information system, prototypes are employed to help system designers build an information system that intuitive and easy to manipulate for end users. Prototyping is an iterative process that is part of the analysis phase of the systems development life cycle.

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Figure 3.2


Prototyping Model

Gather initial Requirement During perform this phases, the system developer will gather information about the organization's current procedures and business processes related to the new proposing computerize system which is Payroll and Profits System. In addition, the developer has studied the current information system, if there is one, and conducts user interviews, doing observation, online research and collects documentation. This stage will help the developer to collect initial set of system requirements from the users. In the other while, through this stage, after the developer collecting the raw data that need for this project through fact finding technique, the developer will analyze all the collection of data. For example, developer needs to review the requirement that has been state by the user toward this project in term of functionality and interface design of the Payroll and Profit System. For this project, the developer need to clearly state the objective in term of provide high functionality of system, control the data redundancy, improve data consistency, product have increase the concurrency and data shared, product have efficient in data access, product have backup and recovery.

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Design Prototype Based on the stages before, requirement has been gathered and prototyping should have clearly stated objectives. Then, the main purpose of this stage is to design the prototyping base on the user requirements needed through the conducting of fact finding before. The developer need to design followed the requirement toward concerning on main function of the system, interface design, and the structure of the system. On this stage, the developer needs to design the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) in order to show how many database or table that exist and needed in this system. Other than that, the developer has been develop the use case diagram for the system in order to know the scope of the system for different each existing users in company. Instead of that, the developer has involving the stages in designing of storyboard in order to show and make the users well understand about how functions on system work and to know the in deep about flow of the system. Therefore, in order to fulfill the designing phases, the developer also have designed the interface design for users in order to make them more friendly with the new Payroll and profits system and briefly get idea how to use the function of the proposing system.


Specify and Construct Prototype In this stage, developer need to specify, construct or roughly plan how to fulfill the objective follow the user requirement of Payroll and Profit System. Since it is important that prototype development is rapid, the use of a rapid development environment is appropriate.

It begins by

developing initial prototype that demonstrates some of desired processing but it is far from complete. For example, for this project, developer will start to construct and develop the prototype must base on an interactive interface, user friendly prototype with an interactive application and environments such as Microsoft Access can be most effective. In this stage, the developer has been construct the pre real system with the function and interface needed by the customer for allowed them to try and evaluate in the next stage.

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Evaluate Prototype and Recommend changes As the developer has been produce and construct the prototype, developer will allow user to test and evaluate the prototype in order to ensure the satisfaction of user is achieve. The purpose of the prototype is to test or explore some aspect of the proposed system. The prototype should be evaluated with respect towards the requirement and the objectives identified at the beginning of the exercise. In addition, if user does not satisfied with the current prototype provided, they can feedback and recommend change to the developer for change the part that they did not satisfied. If the objectives have not been met then the evaluation should specify modifications to the prototype so that it may achieve its objectives. The last two stages which are need to redesign and reconstruct the prototype repeatedly until the objectives of the prototyping exercise, achieved and accepted by the users.


Review, Update, and Enhance Prototype If the users not satisfied with the current prototype provided, the stages that developer need to fulfill is review, update, and enhance the prototype. Base on that, developer need to ensure that the changes that made by user is achieve toward the objectives of system stated. Hence, developer need to review the new current requirement that desired by users in order to ensure the satisfaction of them during using the function of system Furthermore, after review the new current requirement of users, the developer need to update and enhance the prototype in term of required changes such the function and structured of the prototype provided. The enhancement of the prototype must be followed and base on the new requirement, and design of the system toward achieve the objective of the projects.

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Develop Real Project System As the prototype has been evaluate and get achieving high satisfaction from the users, the developer can proceed with the next phase which is develop the real project system. For this phase, the developer will developer the real of project system which is Payroll and Profits System with fully function and user friendly interface base on the prototype that has been developed before. Developer start to build the real Payroll and Profits system through using of future and coding provided by Visual Basic 7.0 of Microsoft Access 2010. From there, developer need to ensure all function especially main function of Payroll and Profits system can run smoothly without any problems occur.


Perform Testing Besides that, after fulfill to develop the system, the users are allowed to test the complete Payroll and Profits System and having briefly guide how to use the system with clearly. The objective of this phase is to test with the real life data and related to the organization needed and designed this phase to prove the reliability of the application or system and performed in an isolated environment to ensure that new programs improve working environment. During test, it included testing of modules and user acceptance testing form (UAT) that has been added to the system as testing standards and procedures must be documented to ensure consistency and data integrity during the testing process. in fact, the testing process is to ensure all the functions that needed by users are perform correctly without any error occur and fully function in term of linkage between form, the effectiveness of button usage and the interface design which suitable, compact, simple and easy to understand.

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Perform Maintaining Consequently, the most important part that involve in the prototyping model is also concern on maintaining the system. This phase is to ensure the system always run smoothly during working process and developer need to provide the possible solution for users during any problem occur. Therefore, the system that has been implementing to the company need to be followed up from time to time in order to improve the quality standard of system and put as future development.


Advantages of Prototyping The prototyping model has been choosing as a methodology because of it has








approaches. The benefits of using the prototyping is in term of it provide real and tangible meaning, reduce time and cost of development, developers receive quantifiable user feedback, and users are enthusiastic and resulted higher satisfaction.


Provide Real and Tangible Meaning One of the advantages of Prototyping is it provide real and tangible meaning to users. As prototype model developed is near to real system in term of its functionality and interface design, it will give greatly real meaning for users to test and use it even it is not fully complete as real system. It is because, through built the prototype for users is tangible as they indirectly can deeply know how the system will work and function towards of their need and requirements.


Reduce Time and Cost Of Development Other than that, through prototyping methodology approach, it can reduce the time and cost of development projects. It approved when the developer can eliminate their time of development project as prototyping is pre-model and semi-complete of the system, and hence the developer can straightly keep continue built the complete system from time to time. As it can cut time of development process, it in directly can also minimize the cost instead.

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Developers receive quantifiable user feedback In addition, the other advantages by using the prototyping approach is developers can receive quantifiable users’ feedback. This is because whenever the developer using the prototyping model approaches, it keeps consistent to ensure the users cooperated in giving their feedback and response toward the prototype and recommend the change as it can make easy for developer to know and fulfill their desire requirements. Ins short, the quantifiable user feedback is very important in order to develop and produce the high quality and effective of the real system.


Users are Enthusiastic and Result Higher Satisfaction Instead of that, by using the Prototyping model, it is a practical way to cultivate and achieve user participation and commitment to a project. In fact, the ability to get a working system which is prototype up and running in such a short time made the project very visible to the users. They felt that data processing was being responsive to their needs, and they in turn were very cooperative.


Conclusion Prototyping helps ensure that the nucleus of a system is right (i.e., performs as expected or required)

before the expenditure of resources

for development of the entire system.

The prototype helped the data

processing group gain credibility. At the of the prototyping process the users were very satisfied with the development effort and the system as they felt some real influence in design process. Users and data processing personnel seem to develop better

communication and rapport, and a better appreciation for each

other’s jobs. This in turn leads to a better working relationship between the two groups.

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4. Requirements For the collection of requirement stage, the developer need to concern in many aspect and criteria which is in term of functional user requirement, non-functional user requirement, system tools, software and hardware requirement, requirement for economic concern and requirement for operational and functional concern. The functional requirements relate to the actions that the product must carry out in order to satisfy the fundamental reasons for its existence. Thus the functional requirements must fully describe the actions that the intended product can perform. Meanwhile, non-functional requirements are the properties that product must have and properties as the characteristics or qualities that make the product attractive, or usable, or fast, or reliable. In fact, non-functional requirements make up a significant part of the specification. They are important as the client and user may well judge the product on its non-functional properties. (Hannah S., 2006)


Functional User Requirement


Provide High functionality of System The product that will develop by developer will fulfill the needed of the customer by provide high functionality in order to accomplish the daily task which is the proposed computerize system are provide with variety of function in term of the user can update, delete, add and have the own fix calculation of payroll and profit matching on the principle of accounting in order to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of work is always be maintain.


Backup and Recovery By develop this system; it will fulfill the user requirement which can have the backup and recovery to the data that save in the system. Everything that user do such as update, delete or add, it will save and automatically have backup. Whenever the system is corrupted or server down, the data is still exist at the backup and recovery of the system.

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Control the Data Redundancy The database approach attempts to eliminate the redundancy by integrating the files so that multiple copies of the same data are not stored. The database approach attempts will eliminate the redundancy by integrating the files so that multiple copies of the same data are not stores. However, the database approach does not eliminate the redundancy entirely, but controls the amount of redundancy inherent in the database. So that, it is no need to copies the multiple data of particular. Therefore, by using this system, it can control the redundancy the redundancy with avoid the multiple copies of data records.


Increase the Concurrency and Data Shared Providing information needed for each end user’s application by using application program that share the data in common databases. This system provides the user to share data with another user at the simultaneously with the same information. It can save their time and make fast for user to get the information that they want. For example, the data that need by the management, they just only access that file to the employee’s computer. Therefore, the database will increase the concurrency of the system, which allows shared access of the database among all the employees.


Efficient in Data Access Database providing variety of techniques to store and retrieve data efficiently. There are many techniques are provide to user to get their objective achieves. Database can make efficient data access because it make easier for user to search file or document that they need once time. When user wants to access data, just only enter their keyword and then the data that they need will appeared. Therefore, it will solve the problem which is slow to find data.

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Non-Functional User Requirement


Software Requirements Based to the problem that has faced by the EJC which it has been discussed, there have suitable software that can be used to solve the problem. The company can use the computer database system for manage the unit more efficient in their work. The unit needs to change their system from the manual to computerized system to make them easier and up-to-date on their work. From the analysis and consideration, the software development tools that best suitable for the unit to have their new system are “Microsoft Access 2010”. The chosen software to develop Payroll and Profits System is Microsoft Access 2010 this is because the system needs a large database to store many data about the projects and this software also allowed the calculation process which need when the user want to calculate the total price for all the gross sales and profits of the company. In order to develop this system, several requirements are to be fulfilled, from software aspect. In developing the system database design, for DBMS, Microsoft Office Access 2010 will be used. This particular comes with Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2010. Microsoft Office Access 2010 is chosen because the simplicity of the software with the capabilities to fulfill the needs and wants from the client. Indirectly, only one suite of software, Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2010 will be used. This can saved cost, especially in licensing and also training. Microsoft Office Word 2010 and Microsoft Office Access 2010 are already available in this edition. For the operating system, Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium will be used. For today’s computing standards, Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium is considered one of the best options available. Many people are already familiar on how to use and operate the OS. Even primary school staffs are already exposed to the usage of computers.

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Hardware Requirement In terms of hardware, it depends on the system requirement stated by the software listed above. To be able to run both applications, the hardware must meet at least the minimum requirement. Most of the desktop in the market today can cater all the daily tasks that need to be done by any user. As the Payroll and Profit System, the needs new specification to be upgrade, the specifications of the computer (hardware and software) are as listed below: Here are the hardware system requirements: Table 4.1

Minimum Hardware Requirement


Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional 2010 with


Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows XP, or later Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU Processor 2.00 GHz

Processor: ATI RADEON XPRESS 1100

Memory: Hard disk:

256MB DDR2 RAM or greater  180 GB SATA or greater  180 MB of available hard-disk space; optional installation files cache (recommended) requires an additional 200 MB of available hard-disk space


 Realteck HD Audio  50 X Genius Super Multi-Layer CD-ROM (Asus OEM)  Integrated Intel® 10/100 Network Interface


 Small Desktop Chassis  Samsung 753 DFX 15” CDT Color Display

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Security Requirement In order to develop the system, the company also request the developer to provide the system concern on security aspect, for example, they request to ensure the system has high security such as provide the database password and login password as that can protect the unauthorized user from access or hijack the systems. From that, it will increase the level of security system and indirectly can make users trusted toward using the new computerize system


Interface Design Requirement In term of the interface of the new proposing system, the users have been made their own requirement such as want to have the green and yellow color as a theme for the system. Instead of that, they also request to put their company logo at every single form for their system, their webpage address, and also the address of company. Therefore, the most important part that have been request is in term of system need to develop with simple and compact design that can easy to understand and not to crowded.


Lifecycle Requirement In addition, the user also concern to request in term of the lifecycle requirement which is the manager has been picking duration of development process to developer to develop the system that should be below than 6 months. It is just to ensure there is no delay of project time as to avoid from increase budget development of cost. Hence, any changes after implementation should be put as future development and upgrade of the system from time to time followed the current working environments such as changes in EPF or Socso rate include in salary function of system.

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System Tools


Database Tools

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As developer chose the development software for this project is Microsoft Access 2010, it provides the database (DBMS) itself for users to store the data for the system. Payroll and Profits System is a database system which needs large database that to record and store all the data EJC that is total gross sales and profits of company. This system also can update the projects of company status, calculate staff’s salary and also can provide report. This system also includes project detail information and staff information that can be view by the manager. This system is standalone network that is because the system does not need any connection of local network to cooperate.


Interface Design Tools For the interface design tools that use for development of the project, the developer has been chose the Adobe Photoshop. As this software can have many future in designing the graphic, animation and pictures, the developer has been adopt this software as the interface design tools in order to design the buttons, the logo of company and match the color background theme of system to get more attractive in editing this graphic and look as simple interface. In fact, this software is the current market leader for commercial bitmap and image manipulation, and is the flagship product of Adobe Systems.


Programming Language Tools The most important part of development the project, the developer has been chose the Microsoft Visual Basic 7.0 as programming language tools. In order to develop the system, developer use to develop the coding from the basic to complex coding such as to build calculation of salary, construct calculation of producing the accurate profits of company and many others future function that needed from this useful software. In fact, it was help developer to keep code simple and concise and also providing many functions and methods.

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Economic Requirement


Tangible Benefits From the system, the feasibility benefit that get is it can increase speed of activity. It is because, by using the new system, the activity will process with easy and systematic. By that, it can make faster to finish the work rather than current system. In addition, the feasibility of project will increase flexibility. It is because; the system provide user manual for user to use in order to implement the system with effectively. So that, it will increase the flexibility when user don’t know how to use the system and they can just refer to it.

A benefit derived from the creation of an information system that can be measured in dollars and with certainty. The example for tangible is the equipment that supply for EJC of amount asset for the company. These things are very beneficial to company as it will increase the company productivity. Example of tangible benefits might include reduced personnel expenses, lower transaction costs or higher profit margins. In this company, the tangible benefits can improvement of management planning and control. TANGIBLE BENEFITS WORKSHEET

Payroll and Profits System Criteria


A. Cost reduction


B. Error reduction


C. Increased flexibility


D. Increased speed of activity


E. Improvement in management planning or control




Figure 4.1 Tangible Benefits Worksheet

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Intangible Benefits The intangible benefit from the system is faster decision making, when the entire user in the system is an authorized, can make fast thinking by using the system. So that, it also will improve organization planning because, when all the information has been recorded in the system such as equipment details, all the tasks can be implement without problem and data will systematic.

Furthermore, the benefit that gains from system is more timely information which is by using this system it can save more time and didn’t take much time to access the system. It also allows the information processing effectiveness which is the system can control the information such as equipment details and other with effectively. So, the process likes updating, inserting, and deleting information easy to process. A benefit derived from the creation of an information system that cannot be easily measured in dollars or with certainty. Example of intangible is insurance policies and bank accounts. Insurance policies and bank accounts cannot be seen but exists by virtue of written documentation. All the staff in EJC has insurance policies. Bank accounts also can increase when the transaction is made and can get more profit for the company.

The company also may have direct organizational benefits, such as the improvement of employee morale or they may have broader societal implications such as the reduction of waste creation or resource consumption. For this company, intangible benefits for EJC can improve organizational planning also can increase organizational flexibility. Hence, intangible benefits consist of: 

Information processing efficiency

Improved organization planning

Increased organization flexibility

Faster decision making

Improved resources control

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Tangible Cost In order to support the Payroll and Profits System, the system needs the user to upgrade the hardware of their computer. The cost that user need to identify is about cost to upgrade the hardware. It is because, by upgrade the hard disk, the outflow of money will impact to this company.

Moreover, the system of recourses management needs the process of maintenance. In process of maintenance, the developer needs to correct the error of the system. In order to correct the error of the system, the developer need to change and modified the requirement and also the design. So that, this process will need cost because, by changing and fulfill the user requirement, it will cause the long duration and it use the money to support that. A cost associated with an information system that can be measured in dollars and with certainty.


Payroll and Profits System Criteria


A. Development costs


B. New hardware


C. New (purchased), application software


D. Staff Training


E. Site preparation




Figure 4.2

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One-Time Cost Worksheet

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Intangible Cost Whenever the operational is inefficiency, it might be needing cost. For example, the system cannot work appropriately because of the virus, and something is corrupted, it will need the cost in order to modified and correct the system. The current system needs more employees in order to do the works. By that, it will cause the higher of cost in management. If the user uses the new system, it will reduce the staff by only use an appropriate skilled people in organization.

A cost associated with an information system that cannot be easily measured in terms of dollars or with certainty. Example of intangible cost in Payroll and Profits System is customer goodwill, employee morale and operational inefficiency. 

Loss of customer goodwill. For example, if the guests are not very kindness to the staff it will reduce the Payroll and Profits System. So that it will make the company expand more to attract more guest.

Employee morale. For example, if the staff has low of morale they have to give a course for staff training to these staff and it needed some expanses to support the course.

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Operational and Functional Requirement Operational is the process of assessing the degree to which a proposed system solves business problems or takes advantage of business opportunities. It is proof that the problem can be solved in the user’s environment. It is the measure of how well the solution of problems will work in the organization. It is also a measure of how people feel about the system project. For a project motivated from information systems planning, operational feasibility includes justifying the project on the basis of being consistent with or necessary for accomplishing the information systems plan. In fact, the business case for any project can be enhanced by showing a link to the business or information systems plan. It should include an analysis of how the proposed system will affect organizational structures and procedures. Systems that have substantial and widespread impact on an organization’s structure or procedures are typically riskier projects to undertake. It is important to have a clear understanding of how an information system will fit into the current day-to-day operations of the organization. In this stage, the project's alternatives are evaluated for their impact on the local and general culture. For example, environmental factors need to be considered. Further an enterprise's own culture can clash with the results of the project. Operational feasibility does the current work practices and procedures to support a system. It is also social factors the organizational changes will affect the working lives of those affected by the system. It is to measure the urgency of the problem or the acceptability of a solution.

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Conclusion The Requirements phase focuses on what the system will do in an effort that views all stakeholders, including sponsors and potential users, as important sources of information. During the requirements phase, a considerable amount of time will be spent interacting with stakeholders and reviewing the input they provide. The task of identifying stakeholders is crucial to help ensure all requirements are understood (Tony J., 2011). The purpose of the requirements phase is to transform the needs and high-level requirements specified in earlier phases into unambiguous, measurable, testable, traceable, complete, consistent, and manager approved requirements.

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5. Data Analysis and Fact Finding Data is one of the most important and vital aspect of any research studies. Developer conducted in different fields of study can be different in methodology but every research is based on data which is analyzed and interpreted to get information. There are various methods of interpreting data and data sources are broadly classified into primary and secondary data. (Qulnaz Ahmad, 2011) Data that has been collected from first-hand-experience is known as primary data. Primary data has not been published yet and is more reliable, authentic and objective. Primary data has not been changed or altered by human beings; therefore its validity is greater than secondary data. In fact, primary sources are original sources from which the developer directly collects data that have not been previously collected, such as collection of data directly by the developer on brand awareness, brand preference, brand loyalty and other aspects of consumer behavior from a sample of consumers by interviewing them. Primary data are firsthand information collected through various methods such as observation, interviewing, and questionnaires. (Qulnaz Ahmad, 2011) Data collected from a source that has already been published in any form is called as secondary data. The review of literature in nay research is based on secondary data and mostly from books, journals and periodicals. (Qulnaz Ahmad, 2011) The secondary sources consist of readily available compendia and already compiled statistical statements and reports whose data may be used by researches for their studies, such as census reports, annual reports and financial statements of companies. (Globusz, 2010)

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Primary Data Importance of Primary data cannot be neglected. A research can be conducted without secondary data but a research based on only secondary data is least reliable and may have biases because secondary data has already been manipulated by human beings. (Qulnaz Ahmad, 2011) Sources for primary data are limited and at times it becomes difficult to obtain data from primary source because of either scarcity of population or lack of cooperation. Regardless of any difficulty one can face in collecting primary data; it is the most authentic and reliable data source. Following are some of the sources of primary data that are involve during the research of Payroll and Profits System of EJC in term of observation, interview, and questionnaire. As show below is the explanation for every methodology used in term of:


Observation Observation means viewing or seeing. The developer will go on observing something or other while we are awake. Most of such observations are just casual and have no specific purpose, but observation as a method of data collection is different from such casual viewing. In addition, observation may be defined as a systematic viewing of a specific phenomenon in its proper setting or the specific purpose of gathering data for a particular study. Observation as a method includes both 'seeing' and 'hearing' and it is accompanied by perceiving as well. (Globusz, 2010) The developer need to do an observation, by staying at the company in order to observe and knows the environment of current system in that company. During the observation in Payroll and Profits System of EJC, the developer has been snap a picture, take notes and gathered all the information systematically in term of creating the graph as show the statistics. The observation that make by the developer is on 10 December 2011 on Friday from 10 am to 12 pm. During this methodology, the developer also observe the user in using the current stand-alone ordering system so that it can be allow to compare the current ordering system with the proposing Payroll and Profits System.

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Interview Interviewing is one of the major methods of data collection. It may be defined as two-way systematic conversation between an investigator and an informant, initiated for obtaining information relevant to as a specific study. In general, it involves not only conversation, but also learning from the respondents’ gestures, facial expressions and pauses, and his environment. Interviewing requires face-to-face contact or contact over telephone and calls for interviewing skills and it is done by using a structured schedule or an unstructured guide. (Globusz, 2010) In collection of data for this research, the developer needs to make the interview to the staffs and administrator of EJC to know the current flow of the system and analyze the problems that occurs during using the current system. In order to accomplish the research methodology, the developer have outline planning of set of question that want to interview to the staff and consumers that involve in this research. Hence, one interview session was done with the Manager of Emasjasa Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Consultant, Mr. Saidun Sumadi, and 4 other staffs that responsible to manage the current system.

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Interview Analysis


: Norhidayah Abdullah


: Mr. Saidun Sumadi


: Manager of Emasjasa Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Consultant


: 14 September 2011


: 12.05 p.m to 1.05 p.m Table 5.1

No 1.

Interview Analysis

Question And Answer Q.

May I know more about Emasjasa

Objective Achieved i. To briefly know background

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

of company

Consultant? A.

Roughly Payroll and Profit System

were built in 2006. At first, it’s a small company, and just has one branch. 2 years later, this company has many branches in Malaysia. This company provide




Engineering consultant 2.


How many staffs that works here?

A. Currently, there are 24 staffs working here including many departments such


To set the target user and scope of the new computerize system

as HR, engineering and drafting. 3.


How do you store about all the

data about payroll for your all

i. To define type of current system use by company

employees? A.

So far we just record the data

about employee and projects just using the filling based system.

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So, do you satisfy the system in

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your company now? I think, I’m not satisfied using the





statement of current manual system ii. To simplify user work process

system. It because, using this system so

by provided high functionality

difficult. The system is not systematic, not efficiency, not secure and mixed up


system iii. To improve security system

documentation. 5.


What are your hope and expect


for this system?




user for

interaction A.

I hope with this new system, it can

store project details, employee details,




communication ii. To

and produce automatically salary also can view the report of profits from time to




reporting of company’s profits. iii. To

time. I also hope the new system is user



calculation of employee net

friendly with a more systematic and


computerized system, 6.


In the future, what the system you i.

wish to manage your company data especially in payroll? A.





interface ii. To minimize cost.

As long as it is simple system, easy

to use and have all the requirements and can minimize the cost that’s more than enough. From the above interview, there is much information that has been getting in order to develop the new system. The information that has got from this interview is developer can know about their working current environment in that company. The current system that they use in their management is by using the manual system or file-based system which is log book, file, and form.

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In their current system environment, in order to produce the salary, the HR employees will calculate the salary manually and high possibility to make a mistake. Al other staff key in their time job sheet also manual and save into the file at rack. The company is also difficult to produce the management and difficult to measure the profit of company. So that, the manager request to develop new computerizes system that can produce salary and measure profits of company.


Secondary Data According to (Qulnaz A., 2011) Data collected from a source that has already been published in any form is called as secondary data. The review of literature in nay research is based on secondary data and mostly from books, journals and periodicals. Secondary data can be less valid but its importance is still there. In addition, sometimes it is difficult to obtain primary data; in these cases getting information from secondary sources is easier and possible and sometimes primary data does not exist in such situation one has to confine the research on secondary data. Sometimes primary data is present but the respondents are not willing to reveal it in such case too secondary data can suffice, so developer can collect data from books or other published sources. Hence, for this research, that following sources has been used in order to collect the data in term of: 

The developer use of books starts before even you have selected the topic. After selection of topics books provide insight on how much work has already been done on the same topic and to prepare the literature review. Books are secondary source but most authentic one in secondary sources.

Journals and periodicals are becoming more important as far as data collection is concerned. The reason of using this sources because of that journals provide up-to-date information which at times books cannot and secondly, journals can give information on the very specific topic on which researching rather talking about more general topics.

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Online research From the online research, there are much kind of example and information that developer get from the online research which is the example of payroll system that will develop soon. From those entire example, the developer can use that example of system as to refer in order to guide of developing new effective function differ from other existing system in market. Instead of having comprehensive online research in finding existing example of payroll system, the developer also had make research in order to find extra information about the methodology of system, the design of interface system, and also the function that suit with the system. By online research, developer also can improve the way of developing Payroll and Profits system by looking of the existing system in market and make as reference in term of the interface, main function, and many other features.

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Study Sampling Of Existing Documentation In order to perform the collecting of data for this project, the developer has been study the sampling of existing documentation that use by company at currently. For example, one of the existing sample of documentation that developer has studied is the excel sheet that use to calculate salary by manual calculation. Currently, in order to calculate the salary of employee, they need to fill up their time job sheet through Microsoft Excel and the administration’s employee will produce their salary manually from their sheet. Therefore, the possibility to make mistake from the current manual system is high.

Figure 5.1

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Sample of Existing Documentation

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Conclusion To sum up, from data analysis and fact finding, it divided into primary data and secondary data. From primary data, the developer had use the several ways in order to collect data which is in term of observation and interview. Meanwhile, the secondary data collection, the developer has made the comprehensive online research and studying the sampling existing documentation. From the observation, the developer has get know how currently the employees work with manual system, through manual stored all the project information and not very systematic. Then, the developer has set the interview to the manager of EJC and defines the problem statement and gets the users requirement. Additionally, from the secondary data, the developer has make comprehensive online research in order to find the references and example of existing system. In the other hand, the developer also has studied all the existing sampling documentation that has been use at current system. In short, by all method of collection of data, developer can state the user requirements accurately and effectively.

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6. Design Based on the user requirements and the detailed analysis of the existing system, the new system must be designed. This is the phase of system designing and it is the most crucial phase in the developments of a system. The logical system design arrived at as a result of systems analysis is converted into physical system design. In the design phase, the developer will define on how system will operate, in terms of the hardware, software, use case diagram, entity relationship diagrams, story board design, user interface designs, forms, and reports that will be used, databases, and files that will be needed. Although most of the strategic decisions about the system were made in the development of the system concept during the analysis phase, the steps in the design phase is very important determine exactly how the system will function and operate. In fact, the collection of deliverables is in term of architecture design, interface design, database and file specifications, is the system specification that is handed to the programming team for implementation. At the end of the design phase, the feasibility analysis and project plan are reexamined and revised, and another decision is made by developer and approval manager about whether to terminate the project or continue.

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Use Case Diagram

View Employee Information

Update Time Job Sheet Employee

Login System

View Management Report

Human Resource Employee

Maintain Project Information


Maintain Employee Information

Manage Payroll Generation

Figure 6.1

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Domain Use Case Diagrams of Payroll and Profits System for EJC

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A use case is describes the sequence of interactions between actors and the system necessary to deliver the functions that achieve the goal. In fact, use case diagram consist of the actor which is stand for users that use the system, and also include all activities of the system. Generally, the system is treated as a “black box”, and the interactions between actor with system, including system responses, are as perceived from outside the system. Thus, use cases capture actor does the interaction with the system, for certain purpose toward each needed, and system internal itself will response to the actors. As show at figure 6.1, it represents the interaction among users of the Payroll and Profits System including the activities performed by manager and employees of EJC. Through this, it shows each user have their own specific activities toward the system. For example, for employees level, they have their own specific tasks which is only can show their own information without have permission to edit and update it. Additionally, they also allow editing and updating their time job sheet as it needed by administration to produce auto calculation of their salary. Meanwhile, as administration users, it divided into manager and Human Resource Employee as they can view management report of company and maintain the project’s company information. However, as Human Resources employees, they have priority to maintain the employee’s information and indirectly can produce the employee’s salary.

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Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 6.2

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of Payroll and Profits System for EJC

An entity-relationship (ER) diagram is a specialized graphic that illustrates the relationship between entities in databases. ER diagrams often use symbols to represent three different types of information. Boxes are commonly used to represent entities and it interacts through relationships among its. Based on figure 6.2, it represents the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for Payroll and Profits System of EJC. The entities that included in the database of the system are in term of employees, time job sheet and projects. Each entity represents its own attributes such as project entity has the attributes of project name as primary key, project number, project title, project duration, cost per hour and estimate cost. Thus, through designing the ERD, it makes developer easier to manage stored data into database and implement the real system effectively.

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Story Board










Welcome Form




Figure 6.3


Username :

Combo Box

Password :

Text Box


16 13






Label Figure 6.4

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Login Form

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Enter Employee ID




OK Figure 6.5



Enter Employee ID for Forgot Password

Enter EPF Number




Enter EPF Number for Forgot Password






Employee ID :

Combo Box

Username :

Combo Box

Password :

Text Box

Login Page


Reset Username


Figure 6.7

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Save Update Hyperlink


Figure 6.6


Exit System


Forgot Password Form

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Label Figure 6.8

Hyperlink Main Menu Form























Figure 6.9 301KM Project




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Figure 6.10



Management Report Menu Form

Enter Password







Figure 6.11 Enter Password for Employee Information Form

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Text Box

Full Name

Text Box

EPF No Full Name

: :

Text Box


Combo Box



Text Box



Text Box



Text Box


Text Box

Emergency Contact No

Emergency Contact Address:

Text Box

QUALIFICATION Graduate Uni/Inst :

Text Box

Graduate Year


Text Box


Text Box




Text Box



Text Box

Chronic Disease


Text Box

Allergic Disease


Combo Box



Hyperlink Figure 6.12 301KM Project






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Enter Password











Text Box

Edit Employee Name


Text Box

Text Box

Time Normal :

Text Box

Text Box

Time (OT) :

Text Box


Admin Menu

Text Box


Main Menu

Project Name


Text Box

OT (i)


Text Box Text Box


Exit System




Figure 6.14 301KM Project



Combo Box


Normal Hour

OT (ii)


Text Box





Figure 6.13 Enter Password for Time Job Sheet Form



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Enter Password









Figure 6.15 Enter Password for Edit Time Job Sheet Form



Text Box


Employee Name

Text Box









Figure 6.16

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Edit Time Job Sheet Form

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6 BASIC INFORMATION Employee ID : Full Name

Text Box Text Box



Find Record

Text Box


Save Gender

Combo Box





Text Box



Text Box



Text Box


Text Box

Emergency Contact No

Emergency Contact Address:

New Record

Delete Record


Text Box

Record QUALIFICATION Graduate Uni/Inst :

Text Box

Graduate Year


Text Box


Text Box


Admin Menu

Main Menu






Text Box



Text Box

Chronic Disease


Text Box

Allergic Disease


Combo Box


Produce Salary




Figure 6.17 301KM Project



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Enter Month/Year




Figure 6.18



Enter Month/Year for Salary Form

Enter Employee ID





Figure 6.19

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Enter Employee ID for Salary Form

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Text Box

Employee ID


Text Box



Text Box

GROSS PAY Basic Salary


Text Box



Text Box



Text Box



Text Box

OT Hour (i)


Text Box

OT Hour (ii)


Text Box

Calculate Salary


Text Box

Total EPF

Text Box


NET SALARY Net Salary :


Print Pay slip



Figure 6.20 301KM Project

Text Box


Admin Menu




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1 Project Name

Combo box


Project Name



Text Box


Project No


Text Box Save

Project Title


Text Box



Text Box


New Record

Cost Per Hour


Text Box Delete

Estimate Cost


Text Box


Print Record





Main Menu


Exit System


Label Figure 6.21

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Project Information Form

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Enter Year






Figure 6.22 Enter Year for Management Report sort by Project





Admin Menu

Exit System

Main Menu



Hour by Month


Employee :

Total work Hour per month by each project

Employee :

Total work Hour per month by each project



Hour by Month

Employee :

Total work Hour per month by each project

Employee :

Total work Hour per month by each project



Figure 6.23

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Management Report sort by Project

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Enter Year






Figure 6.24 Enter Year for Management Report sort by Employee





Admin Menu

Exit System

Main Menu



Total work Hour per month by each project


Hour by Month


Hour by Month

Employee :

Total work Hour per month by each project


Hour by Month


Hour by Month

Hyperlink Figure 6.25

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Management Report sort by Employee

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Interface Design


Password Database Interface design is the most important part during development process which is processes or interaction within the system will be shown in this interface design. An excellent user interface design will be determined by the good feedback of the user with the whole process of the system.

Figure 6.26

Database Password

Database password is very important in order to maintain the security of the whole system itself. It is because, whenever the unauthorized users want to hack the whole system database, the password of Microsoft provided itself are protected it from hijacked.

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Login Form

Figure 6.27

Login Form

Login form is one of the most important parts in the system. It because to protect from an unauthorized user from hijack the system. Instead of that, it also differentiate the different level of user to access the system because the password provided will automatically determine the level of users either they are administration or ordinary employees.

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Main Menu Form

Figure 6.28


Main Menu Form

Administration Menu Form

Figure 6.28

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Administration Menu Form

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Employee Information Display Form

Figure 6.29

Employee Information Display Form

The above is interface of employee information display which means that the employee just only can view their information without have any authorized to edit, update and maintain their information because of administration are responsible and authorize to maintain their information as they work as human resources side.

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Employee Time Job Sheet Form

Figure 6.30

Employee Time Job Sheet Form

Based on figure above, it shows the employee time job sheet form which is the important part of main function of the system. The employee need to key in their working hour and accurate time in order to system stored their data into database and automatically can produce their salary and produce reporting profits for each project that currently they have been involved.

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Employee Information for Admin Site

Figure 6.30

Employee Information for Admin Site

There is a different between employee information display and employee information for admin site. For this page, administration can update and maintain all employee information and directly can produce their salary from this page. Other than that, the admin also can view and verified the time job sheet for each employee.

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Salary form

Figure 6.31

Employee Salary form

Based on the figure, the system has main function of interface which is can automatically produce the salary of employees by click “Calculate Salary” button”. This net salary that has been produce is through adding the allowance and deduction of EPF and Socso.

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Project Information Form

Figure 6.32

Project Information form

This figure represents the project information form which is authorizing by administration. Form this page, manager as administration can maintain and update the information and stored into database. Through this page, they also can view the status of each project either it earn high profits during involving the project or get loss income. Hence, the accurate result has produced and as manager he can measure their total company profits from time to time.

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6.4.10 Management Report Sort by Projects

Figure 6.33

Management Report Sort by Projects

6.4.11 Management Report Sort by Employees

Figure 6.33

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Management Report Sort by Employees

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6.4.12 Management Report All Years All Projects

Figure 6.34 Management Report All years All Projects

6.4.13 Forgot Password form

Figure 6.35 301KM Project

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Conclusion In conclusion, design techniques form a set of tools that enable product innovation, improving their quality, functionality, image and differentiation, and thereby achieve the objective user’s requirement from each aspects.. Main goals of design methodologies include help new products meet the specifications related to customer’s needs, quality, price, manufacturing, recycling. Moreover, it will reduce development costs and time necessary for commercialization. It also indirectly work to co-ordinate and schedule the activities involved in the design and development of products within the entire set of activities, planning tasks, resources, manufacturing, all in the context of the company. To sum up, through the design process, it integrates all the objectives of projects into a development strategy in line with the company’s capacities.

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7. Implementation The phase of implementation is the process to make the new system available to a prepared set of users for the deployment, and positioning ongoing support and maintenance of the system. In detail, the process of implementation system consists of executing all steps necessary to educate the users on how to use the new system step by step. In addition, during the implementation phase, it placing the newly developed system into production, confirming that all data required at the start of operations is available and accurate, and validating that business functions that interact with the system are functioning properly.


System Implementation In order to develop the Staff Attendance System, there are three suitable developments software that need to compare in term of Microsoft Access 2010 and Microsoft Visual Basic.NET,. The first suitable solution is Microsoft Visual Basic.NET which is provide Microsoft Visual Basic.NET is the single fastest way to develop applications for any of the modern Microsoft Windows environment period. This is the world’s best-known Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment, quite stable at this point in its long career. Visual Basic.NET supports all of Microsoft’s solutions for database access, distributed computing, componentized software and half a dozen other major software applications. In addition, it is also use Visual Basic.NET to write Component Object Model (COM) objects, ActiveX Controls, ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) for database access and Web Classes to provide customized responses to events that occur during Web sessions. The features that provide by the Microsoft Visual Basic.NET is rich set of standard controls, data environment designer, drag-and-drop report and form creation, and data object wizard.

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The second suitable development software is Microsoft Access 2010 which provides a powerful set of tools that are sophisticated enough for professional developers. It is also easy to learn and use for a new users. Moreover, it can create or use powerful database solutions that make organizing, accessing and sharing information easier than ever. Microsoft Access 2010 also provides users with one of the simplest and most flexible DBMS solutions. An abundance of wizards lesson the complexity of administrative tasks and the ever-present Microsoft Office Helper. Tables comprise the fundamental building blocks of any database. Microsoft Access also has many features such as conditional formatting, name autocorrect, database windows, and convert database into prior access version. Furthermore, the suitable development software is Microsoft Office Excel 2010 which is a powerful tool user can use to create and format spread sheets, and analyze and share information to make more informed decisions. Microsoft Office Excel 2010 has a user interface with rich data visualization, and PivotTable views, professional-looking charts are easier to create and use. Microsoft Office Excel 2010 provides significant improvements for sharing data with greater security. User can share the sensitive business information more broadly with enhanced security with their staffs, clients, and also their business partners. By using Microsoft Office Excel 2010 a spreadsheet using Office user can navigate, sort, filter, input parameters, and interact with PivotTable views directly on the Web browser. The features that Microsoft Office has are better spreadsheets, improves spreadsheets analysis, share spreadsheets and business information, manage business information effectively.

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Implementation Tools The selected of chosen development software for the Payroll and Profits System is Microsoft Access 2010. The most important features in Microsoft Access 2010 is quickly find tables, queries, forms or reports that depend on particular database object. So, the advantage here is the problem of waste time to fill in form. For example, by using Microsoft Access, users just to enter staff ID and work data in order to process the staff’s attendance records. This more focus on forms that allow record by record data entry and to view or edit the data in the tables. One thing is the use of forms can eliminate several dangers of allowing user to manipulate the table itself. About queries, it can be used to organized, sort and filter existing tables. Everything becomes easy although to generate reports. Otherwise, it is relative compatibility with SQL which is structured query language that viewed and edited as SQL statements. SQL statements can be used directly in Macros and to manipulate access tables. The macros are for directly to manipulate tables and many more. In addition, Microsoft Office Access previously known as Microsoft Access is a relational database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software development tools. The skilled software developers and data architects use it to develop application software. The relatively unskilled programmers and non-programmer power users can use it to build simple applications. It supports some object-oriented techniques but falls short of being a fully object-oriented development tool. The advantages use the Microsoft Access is much easier and faster when developing or modifying code. It is hence cheaper and gives a powerful set of tools that are sophisticated enough for developers that easy for new users to learn. The reports can be also be quickly added, modified or create new one reports that already exist. The systems can be adapted to suit requirements when the source code comes with the system or is available for an additional fee.

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Installation Payroll and Profits System


Installing Microsoft 2010

Figure 7.30


Choose Folder Microsoft Office Professional 2010

Choose setup icon

Figure 7.31

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Click “setup” icon

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Select Microsoft Access 2010

Figure 7.32


Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Choose “Microsoft Access 2010”

Accepted Term of Agreements

Figure 7.33

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Accept term of Agreements

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Choose Install Now

Figure 7.33


Payroll and Profits System-EJC

Choose “Install Now” Button

Progressing Installation

Figure 7.33

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Progressing Installation

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Complete Installation and Close

Figure 7.34


Complete Installation

Place Payroll and Profits System Software at Specific Partition in PC

Figure 7.35

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Place Software at specific partition in PC

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Deliverable of implementation phases Table 7.1 Deliverable of implementation phases Deliverable


Completion Criteria


Update Use case from

Use case is approved

Architecture Design

construction phases

by manager of EJC

Update Entity Relationship

Use case is approved

Diagram from construction

by manager of EJC

phases Update story board

Use case is approved by manager of EJC

Update Interface Design

Use case is approved by manager of EJC

Revised Formal

Update Formal requirement

Formal Requirement


Specification from construct

Specification is



approved by users.


Produced interface

Executable codes are produced

Produced main function

Executable codes are produced

Unit Testing Functional Testing

Perform unit testing

All unit testing passed Functional integration

Produce functional integration testing

testing is produced as defined in test plan.

Acceptance testing

Perform acceptance testing by

Acceptance testing is


passed User manual is

User manual Produce user manual

approved by EJC’s manager

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Conclusion To sum up, the implementation phase is one of the most important part that need to be concerned. There are many things that need to be considering during accomplish the phase which is in term of, consider on the software and tools that use for the project and also the using language of the system. Otherwise, in order to accomplish this phase, the developer also provides the installation software to users PC at server and allowing them to access the system simultaneously. In the implementation of any new system, it is necessary to ensure that the consumers have best positioned to utilize the system once deployment efforts have been validated. Therefore, all necessary training activities must be scheduled and coordinated. A positive training experience is a great first step towards user acceptance system.

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8. Testing Testing process is a process of a executing the application programs with intent of finding error. There are six methods of testing which are inspections, walkthrough, desk checking, unit testing, integration testing, validation testing, and interface testing.


Inspections An inspection is more formalized than a 'walkthrough'. In the inspection, typically with 3-8 people including a moderator, reader, and a recorder to take notes. The subject of the inspection is typically a document such as a requirements specification or a test plan, and the purpose is to find problems and see what's missing, not to fix anything. Attendees should prepare for this type of meeting by reading thru the document; most problems will be found during this preparation. The result of the inspection meeting should be a written report. Thorough preparation for inspections is difficult, painstaking work, but is one of the most cost effective methods of ensuring quality.

Employees who are most skilled at inspections are like the 'eldest brother' in the parable in 'Why is it often hard for management to get serious about quality assurance?' Their skill may have low visibility but they are extremely valuable to any software development organization, since bug prevention is far more cost-effective than bug detection. In earlier explanation typically the people that involved in the inspection about 3 or 8 people. Thus, below are the 3 main people that ensure achieve the inspection which is in term of: a)

Moderator - The people that responsibilities as a control or leader of the whole inspection session.


Reader - This person can be defining as a person that has a skills or knowledge is particular fields or area such as computer programmer.


Recorder - This person responsible to take a point or note during the inspection session.

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Walkthrough Walkthrough is the process that can be defined as a description of process at an abstract level. The walkthrough is usually been used to describe process of inspecting algorithms and source code by follow the path through the algorithms or code as determined by input conditions and choices made along the way. The main objectives having a walkthrough is to ensure that the system that been developed follow or carry out the planned result. To achieve this series of experiment is needed and been conducted by tester or evaluator to carry out or determine the expected outcomes. With this series of experiment tester can define or identify caused and effect to the system. Moreover with the walkthrough, it will provide assurance of the fitness for the purpose of the algorithm or code. The process of walkthrough been planned is to provide the needs of developers of the software in acquiring superior knowledge of all aspects of the software. Using the walkthrough, every details or modules of software will be checked, tested and reviewed, so then the summary report can be produced. The weakness or effects from this process is forging of a shared vision between reviewers and harmony among participants on the approaches taken, engineering and products practice applied. Furthermore it affects the completeness and correctness of capabilities and features plus rules of construction for the domain product.

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Desk Checking Desk checking is a testing technique in which the program code is sequentially executed manually by the reviewer. Desk checking also is an informal process where the programmer or someone else who understands the logic of the program works through the code with the paper and pencils. The programmer executes each instruction, using the test cases that may or may not be written down. The definition of desk checking is groveling over hardcopy of source code, mentally simulating the control flow or a method of catching bugs. It is no longer common practice in this age of on-screen editing, fast compiles and sophisticated debuggers though some maintain stoutly that it ought to be.


Unit Testing Unit testing also known as module testing because it be tested alone in an attempt to discover any errors that may exists in the module’s code. A unit test verifies that a function or set of functions ‘honors its contract’. Unit testing consist of test the system phase by phase which mean the system is separate into several unit and it will be test for each of the unit in order to identify any problem occur. All output information testing will be documented as a report and will be present to the Project Manager in steering committee meeting. In the other words, that the function under test meet the requirements. Unit tests inspect both black boxes and white boxes. Black box testing is different from white box testing. The kind of testing that you can perform on the code determines, among other things, the complexity of the unit test.

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Black Box Testing A black box test also known as a "functional test" is one in which must feed it inputs and verify the outputs without being able to inspect the internal workings. Furthermore, one doesn't usually have information regarding: 

how the box handles errors

whether the inputs are executing all code pathways

how to modify the inputs so that all code pathways are


dependencies on other resources

Black box testing limits our ability to thoroughly test the code, primarily because it doesn’t know if it is testing all the code pathways. Typically, a black box test only verifies that good inputs result in good outputs hence the term "functional test". Classes are often implemented as black boxes, giving the user of the class access only to the public methods and properties that the implementer selected.


White Box Testing A white box provides the information necessary to test all the possible pathways. This includes not only correct inputs, but incorrect inputs, so that error handlers can be verified as well. This provides several advantages. 

we know how the box handles errors

we can usually write tests that verify all code pathways

the unit test, being more complete, is a kind of documentation guideline that

the implementer can use when actually writing the

code in the box 

resource dependencies are known

internal workings can be inspected

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In the "write the test first" scenario, the ability to write complete tests is vital information to the person that ultimately implements the code, therefore a good white box unit test must ensure that, at least conceptually, all the different pathways are exercised. Another benefit of white box testing is the ability for the unit test to inspect the internal state of the box after the test has been run. This can be useful to ensure that internal information is in the correct state, regardless of whether the output was correct. Even though classes are often implemented with many private methods with C# and reflection, unit tests can be written which provide us the ability to invoke private methods and set or inspect private properties.


Integration Testing Integration testing can proceed in a number of different ways, which can be broadly characterized as top down or bottom up. In top down integration testing the high level control routines are tested first, possibly with the middle level control structures present only as stubs. The checklist consists of information on system integration testing needs by dealing with hardware and software integration and all output testing result will documented for reference if problem occur. Top down testing can proceed in a depth-first or a breadth-first manner. For depth-first integration each module is tested in increasing detail, replacing more and more levels of detail with actual code rather than stubs. Alternatively breadth-first would proceed by refining all the modules at the same level of control throughout the application. In practice a combination of the two techniques would be used. At the initial stages all the modules might be only partly functional, possibly being implemented only to deal with non-erroneous data. These would be tested in breadth-first manner, but over a period of time each would be replaced with successive refinements which were closer to the full functionality. This allows depthfirst testing of a module to be performed simultaneously with breadth-first testing of all the modules.

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The other set of testing is integration testing. Once a set of individual modules have been tested they are then combined into a collection of modules, known as builds, which are then tested by a second test harness. This process can continue until the build consists of the entire application. In practice a combination of top-down and bottom-up testing would be used. In a large software project being developed by a number of sub-teams, or a smaller project where different modules were being built by individuals. The sub-teams or individuals conduct bottom-up testing of the modules which they were constructing before releasing them to an integration team which would assemble them together for top-down testing.


Validation Testing Validation is the purposes of comparing data with a set of rules or values to determine if data correct or not. All input and output are tested using validation testing. The testing caters all the textbox where the users enter data. This testing is done to assure only valid data can be processed by the system.


Interface Testing Interface testing usually done to test the interface navigation whether it works or not. Sales Tracking System consists of several interface start from login until log of the system. In the interface testing, the navigation through the pages will be tested to find any miss linking and the buttons are function as required.

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The Chosen Testing (Black bock Testing) Table 8.1 Process


Welcome Form Testing Result



Actual  Successful

To enter Password Form

To display Password Form

Wait the loading progress bar

Table 8.2 Process


Open the Password Form

 The system continued open Password Form

Login Form Testing Input

Result Expected

Actual  Successful

To enter Menu

To display Menu Form

Click on the Login button


Display message box and

 The system continued

open form Menu if

display message box and

password correct

open form Menu if password correct  Successful

To Exit the system

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To Exit System

Click on the Exit button

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Exit the system

 Exit the system

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Table 8.3 Process


Main Menu Form Testing Input

Result Expected

Actual  Successful


To display EMPLOYEE



Click on the EMPLOYEE




 The system continued open EMPLOYEE INFORMATION Form  Successful

To enter TIME JOB SHEET Form

To display TIME JOB SHEET Form

Click on the TIME JOB

Open the TIME JOB

 The system continued open

SHEET button


TIME JOB SHEET Form  Successful




Click on the

Open the





 The system continued open ADMINISTRATION MENU Form  Successful  The system continued open

To LOG OUT the system

To log out system and display LOGIN Form

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Click on the LOG OUT

Open the LOGIN Form and


log out system

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LOGIN form and LOG OUT system

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Table 8.4 Process



To display EMPLOYEE



Administration Menu Form Testing Input

Result Expected

Click on the EMPLOYEE




Actual 


The system continued open EMPLOYEE INFORMATION Form

To enter PROJECT

To display PROJECT

Click on the PROJECT

Open the PROJECT






The system continued open PROJECT


Form To enter TIME JOB SHEET Form

To display TIME JOB SHEET Form

Click on the TIME JOB

Open the TIME JOB

SHEET button



The system continued open TIME JOB SHEET Form



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Click on the EMPLOYEE


SALARY button


Click on the

Open the



MENU button


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The system continued open EMPLOYEE SALARY Form


The system continued open MANAGEMENT MENU Form


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Table 8.5

Time Job Sheet Form Testing

Result Process


Input Expected Result

User must click button “MAIN MENU”

To display main menu form

If user click button “MAIN MENU”

If user save the existing record to database

 

Successful System continued with display the menu.

ERROR message display by Message Box and it has button “OK” for user to click and to continue

Error message display by message box, “DATA EXIST!!”

SUCCESSFUL save message display by Message Box and it has button “OK” for user to click and to continue

Successful message appear by message box, “DATA HAS BEEN SAVE…” Continue saving the records to the database

System will display the MENU of system

To save a new record User need to click button “Save Record”

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If user save the new record to the database

Actual Result

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If user Find Record the not existing record in the database

Error message display by message box, “DATA NOT EXIST!!”

Successful find record

 

Successful System continued display the record from database at the textbox

If user click button “Add Record”

 

Successfully System will CLEAR the textbox for user to do the new task

 

Successfully System will open edit record form and user can edit record from there

ERROR message display by Message Box and it has button “OK” for user to click and to continue

To search a record in TIME JOB SHEET form User need to click button “Find Record”

Button “Add Record”

Button “Edit Records”

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If user Find Record the existing record in the database

User need to click button “Add Record”

User need to click button “Edit Records”

To add new record in TIME JOB SHEET form

To add new record TIME JOB SHEET form

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If user click button ““ Edit Records ”

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User need to click button

To delete an existing in TIME JOB SHEET form

Payroll and Profits System-EJC

If user Delete Record the records

System continued delete the record

 

Successful System continued delete record from database

Message box display, “DELETE SUCCESSFUL”

 

Successful System continued with PRINT form

Message box display confirmation to exit system, “Do you want to SAVE the FILE?” System EXIT

System EXIT

“Delete Record” User need to click button “Print”

To print TIME JOB SHEET form

If user click button “PRINT”

System continued display the page of PRINT

If user click button “EXIT”, and click “YES” at message box System will exit from running User need to click button “ Quit System”

To quit from System If user click button “EXIT”, and click “NO” at message box

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System continued RUNNING

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Table 8.6

Project Information Form Testing Result



Input Expected Result

User must click button “Main Menu”

User need to click button “Save Record”

User need to click button “New Record”

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To display main menu form

Actual Result  

Successful System continued with display the menu.

If user click button “MAIN MENU”

System will display the MENU of system

If user save the existing record to database

ERROR message display by Message Box and it has button “OK” for user to click and to continue

Error message display by message box, “DATA EXIST!!”

SUCCESSFUL save message display by Message Box and it has button “OK” for user to click and to continue

Successful message appear by message box, “DATA HAS BEEN SAVE…” Continue saving the records to the database

Clear details list and add new record

To save a new record If user save the new record to the database

To add new record in PROJECT INFORMATION form

If user click button “ADD NEW”

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System CLEAR the textbox for user to do the new task

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 User need to click button “Delete Record”

To delete an existing in PROJECT INFORMATION form

If user Delete Record the records

If user click button “EXIT”, and click “YES” at message box User need to click button “Quit System”

 System will exit from running

Message box display confirmation to exit system, “Do you want to SAVE the FILE?” System EXIT

System continued RUNNING

System exit

To quit from System If user click button “EXIT”, and click “NO” at message box

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System continued delete the record

System continued delete record from database Message box display, “DELETE SUCCESSFUL”

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Table 8.7 Description


Employee Information Form Testing Result Input Expected Result

User must click button “Main Menu”

To display main menu

If user click button “Main Menu”

System will display the MENU of system

Actual Result

System continued display the menu.



If user save the existing record to database

ERROR message display by Message  Box and it has button “OK” for user to click and to continue

Error message display by message box, “DATA EXIST!!”

To save a new record User need to click button “Save Record”

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If user save the new record to the database

SUCCESSFUL save message display by Message Box and it has button “OK” for user to click and to continue

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 

Successful message appear by message box, “DATA HAS BEEN SAVE…” Continue saving the records to the database

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If user Find Record the not existing record in the database

ERROR message display by Message  Box and it has button “OK” for user to click and to continue

Error message display by message box, “DATA NOT EXIST!!”

To search a record in staff information details User need to click button “Find Record”

User need to click button “Delete Record”

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If user Find Record the existing record in the database

To delete an existing in staff information form

If user Delete Record the records

System continued display the record from database at the textbox

System continued delete record from database Message box display, “DELETE SUCCESSFUL”

Successful find record

System continued delete the record

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Table 8.8 Process


Employee Salary Form Testing Result

Input Expected Result

Click “Employee

To open Employee

User need to click

System continue automatically

Salary Form.

Calculate Salary button

calculate net Salary


Click button “Admin Menu”

Click button “Print Pay Slip”

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To display main menu

Click button “Admin”


To Print Pay Slip

System will display the MENU of



System automatically calculate net Salary


System continued with



Click button “Print”

Actual Result

System will print Pay slip

display the menu. 


System continued print Pay slip

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Table 8.9 Process


Management Report Testing Result

Input Expected Result

User allow to choose the SEARCH BY PROJECTS or VIEW ALL YEARS




User need to click

System continue display the





User need to click BY ALL YEARS button

System continue display the MANAGEMENT REPORT by ALL YEARS

Actual Result

Successful System continue display the MANAGEMENT REPORT SEARCH BY PROJECTS System continue display the MANAGEMENT REPORT by ALL YEARS Successful

User must click button “Main Menu”

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To display main menu form

If user click button

System will display the MENU of


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System will continue with display the menu.

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Conclusion After carrying out the program test for each of the programs of the system and errors removed, then system test is done. At this stage the test is done on actual data. The complete system is executed on the actual data. At each stage of the execution, the results or output of the system is analyzed. In the test phase the implemented solution is validated against the acceptance criteria stated in the analysis phase. Only when all acceptance criteria are met then the system will officaily can install and run for company. Consequently, testing process is important in order to ensure the system has successful achieve the objective toward fulfill requirement of users. For this development phases, the developer has done the testing phases with successful without any error occur. It show that the system has met the acceptance users criteria and achieve their satisfaction.

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9. Project Management Project management is the phases where the developer carefully plans their time frame for development process of Payroll and Profits System toward achieving the objective of projects. Project management includes developing the project plan, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gant Chart. Hence, by construct both of the project management process, it will identify tasks that must be completed on time and determine how the goal of project will achieve. Meanwhile, instead of developing details planning activities for this project, in the project management phase, developer also need to identify the risk that might be occurred during the development and should have a risk management strategy to overcome particular risks arise.


Project Schedule The project of development Payroll and Profits System is started at July 2011 and accomplished at early of March 2012. There 10 stages that involved during development process and need to completed which is planning on project introduction, investigation, methodology, requirements, analysis, design, implementation, testing, project management, and the conclusion. Thus, in order to ensure all the activities accomplish and systemize, the WBS has been constructed as it able to show all the tasks that need to be done by developer from start until end of period from time to time. Instead of that, the developer also has been developed the Gant Chart in order to accomplish the project management as it can listed all the tasks of each phase followed by their duration period of time.

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Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 1.0








1.3.1 1.1.4

Select The Possible Project


Record Fact Findings


Determine activities


Analysis Fact Findings


Plan project Approval


Identify Requirements




Get Current System Overview

1.2.4 Identify Problems

Make Appointment

Produce Use Case Diagram


Install System


Produce Story Board


System Testing


Design Interface


System Training


Design Database


User Training


Write Coding

Prepare Interview

Figure 9.1 301KM Project

1.3 Implementation and Testing

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Page 115 of 144

1.1 Maintenance


Maintain System

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Gant Chart Gantt charts are a project planning tool that can be used to represent the timing of tasks required to complete a project. Because of Gantt charts are simple to understand and easy to construct, the developer used it as project schedule (Durfee W., 2008) As developer has constructed the WBS, each task listed from the WBS, is continue same with the Gant Chart activities. However, the Gant Chart is show with more detailed with the period of time for each tasks selected. In short, the developer will accurately estimate each duration of time for each task and avoid from delaying task.


Risk Management Project risk involves understanding the potential for problems as they might impede project success. The objectives of project risk management are to minimize the probability and impact of potential risks while maximizing the probability and impact of potential opportunities. In the risk management process included is in term of risk identification, risk assessment, and contingency plan.


Risk identification In this process, developer has identified all the risks during that occur during project development and each risk has their own solution to overcome. Additionally, determining which risks are likely to affect the project estimates, budgets and schedule. All the risks that has been identified by developer are in term of; i.

High-impact, high-probability risk


High-impact, lower-probability risk


Lower-impact, higher probability risk

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Risk Assessment For developed the project of “Payroll and Profits System for EJC, there are list of risk assessment has been constructs and faced by developer or know as limitation project which is show as below; Table 9.1 Risk Description

Risk Assessment Check-list Probability








Requirement Change during development project Time constraint as clashing of client and students schedule

Technical Failure of device

Requirement Change during Development Project For the risk of changing in requirement of users, it has high possibility and high impact. Thus, as developer, this risk is needed to be concerned in order to minimize the impact of the system. During development process, there are constrain faces to developer which is need to get cooperation from users as they keep changing their requirement from time to time that can face difficulties for developer to develop the system consistently and certain task need to be rescheduled or delayed because of future changes requirement of users.

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Time Constrain as Clashing Of Client and Student Schedule For time constraints, it has the high possibility and low impact for the project. In detail, the developer developed the project currently for EJC during the working hours. By that, the time to make this research has been limited to the researcher during making the research. The researcher only can make the research during working hours from 8.30am until 5.30pm. Other than that, the developer also takes about 4 hours to go to the location of company. Thus, it shows the time of constraint during making the research.

Technical Failure of device Consequently, the risk that has been faced by developer during development process is technical failure of device. This problem occurs when the device such as developer’s laptop has problems or corrupted. Therefore, it highly impact to the process of development project as laptop device is very important for development process to design, constructs, coding and implement the system.

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Contingency Plan In order to overcome all the risk identified by developer, the project has several contingency plans toward problem occur. This contingency plan is to ensure that all the risks avoid from impact the process of development project. The risk that faced by developer during development process is changing requirements from users from time to time. As contingency plan, the developer provided the user satisfaction form for users during testing phases of prototyping. This is to ensure the satisfaction users in term of design interface and function constructed. Other than that, the users also can state their recommendation from the form that indirectly can make developer easier in order to identify the requirements accurately. Thus, by implement this contingency during development process, it will increase the satisfaction of users and eliminate the changing requirements from time to time as developer keep consistence to enhance and improve the current construction process of system. Moreover, the risk of time constraint also has the contingency plan as developer reschedule the time frame of planning and avoid from clashing with client. Otherwise, the developer needs to have clear appointment developer can find out the client availability by looking to the client planner for an empty slot for an appointment. Client planner was asked during the last meeting with the client. In short, by having this contingency plan, the available time of client has been clearly identified and avoids from clashing time with developer such as having interview and meets the users during the weekend as at that time developer does not have class session. In the other hand, the risk listed during development process is having failure technical device. As contingency plan, developer needs to have another backup device during development process. instead of that, developer also keep consistence to make backup of the material development such as transfer the important documentation and material into another place like external hard disk. Thus, developer always make sure the condition of devices is in the high level in order to avoid from any failures.

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Quality Management In order to ensure the project development is produce in high quality, developer has several quality management strategies and plans toward maintain the goal and achieving user’s expectation and needed. The plans and guideline to maintain the quality of the project is in term of provide user satisfaction form to get feedback and user’s response toward the Payroll and Profits System. Besides that, developer also provides and maintains the level of security system from a small aspect into large aspects. Instead of that, the most important part to having the quality management toward the system is providing maintenances every two weeks or per month for the system after the implementation. One of the strategy plan to having high quality for the system is developer provide the user satisfaction form in order to get the feedback and response toward the system. This is very important method for developer to review and evaluate the system and thus can enhance and always improve the system from time to time. From there, developer can identify the lack of the system and indirectly can increase level of user satisfaction in term of every single aspect. Furthermore, in order to maintain the high quality of the system, the developer has provided backup and security for the system. For example, the system itself has the database password in order to avoid from unauthorized users to hijack the system. Therefore, it can provide the quality of the system with high level of security provided. Otherwise, in order to deploy the high quality toward the system, developer also provided backup strategy for users. Hence, the system can maintain high quality from avoiding of data loss. Consequently, one of the ways to having high quality management in the system, the developer has provided maintenance process to the system every two weeks or per month. From there, developer can identify any problem occur during system running in working environment and it indirectly can improve the quality of the system from time to time.

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Conclusion The project schedule is the tool that communicates what work needs to be performed, which resources of the organization will perform the work and the timeframes in which that work needs to be performed. The project schedule should reflect all of the work associated with delivering the project on time. Without a full and complete schedule, the project manager will be unable to communicate the complete effort, in terms of cost and resources, necessary to deliver the project. Through Project Management, it allows developer to track project schedule, resources, budgets and project related assets in real time. The project schedule can be viewed and updated by team members associated with the project, keeping everyone well informed on the overall project status (Metafuse Inc.,2012)

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10. Conclusion As a conclusion for this project, Payroll and Profits System has been successful develop toward user requirements stated which is simplify employees work process by provide high functionality of computerize system, and hence to provide a user driven application for employees interaction and direct communication. In order to accomplish this project, the developer need to work out through the methodology approach which consist of several phases and need to complete effectively by developer in order to increase the quality of project and avoid from delay of time duration in each stages stated. The methodology that has been chosen for this project is Prototyping model lifecycle which include several phases in term of analyze initial requirements,






evaluation and as they satisfied with the prototyping, it can be proceed with the development of real project. In fact, through effectively implement all that stages, the Payroll and Profits System indirectly has been greatly achieving the objectives as at earlier stated. Thus, the system has been develop has increase the work performance of employees through systemize the management process and hence will lead the successful in doing their business toward having competitive advantages among other competitor market.

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10.1 Achievements There are several achievements are determine after completely accomplish the of project as the system has fulfill all the objectives and overcome all the problem statements which is in term of simplified user work process by provided high functionality system, provided, regulated and automate reporting function, improved security system, provided user driven application for employees interaction and direct communication and minimized cost.

10.1.1 Simplified User Work Process by provide High Functionality System One of the achievement of the project is it was concluded that admin support employees would utilize and reduce their work time during accomplish the tasks given. As a result, the system has solved the problem of time constraint users during work process and save their time. The project has achieve all the needed of the customer by provide high functionality in order to accomplish the daily task which is the proposed computerize system are provide with variety of function in term of the user can update, delete, add and have the own fix calculation of payroll and profit matching on the principle of accounting in order to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of work.

10.1.2 Improved Security System The system has successfully achieved to improve security of the company’s system by replace the current system. In fact, the new system has prevented unauthorized users from accessing the database by providing the security password to database and system itself. Otherwise, the system also has provided the backup strategy which has avoided data from loss.

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10.1.3 Provided, Regulated and Automated Reporting Function By completely accomplished the project, it has been achieves the objective by provided, regulated and automated reporting functions. In addition, the system has regulating and automating tasks as it meet the objective which has simplified user work process. Additionally, the system has provided individuals with the authority on decision making; quick and easy access to data and information in one reliable and secure source. Thus, the system has systemized the management work process by provide the reporting of profits for company by daily, monthly and yearly.

10.1.4 Provided a User Driven Application for Employees Interaction and Direct Communication In addition, one of the key goals of EJC has been achieved which has facilitated an effective communication strategy; both internally amongst staff and externally with direct customers and those that provide indirect services.








communication by linked all units via an intranet system which is Payroll and Profits System that allowed for a quicker and more efficient means of communication.

10.1.5 Minimized Cost Finally is the new project has been meet the objective which is has minimized cost of company. It has eliminated the cost of buying paper, file and cabinets for company. Other than that, by implement the project, it has minimized the cost as managers can estimate the cost and measure the earn profits or loss for company through auto reporting of profits provided by system.

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10.2 Future Work Base on the user satisfaction form and user acceptance testing that provided, there are several future development need to be implement to the Payroll and Profits System in order to make it improve and enhance from every single criteria. The future developments that have been identified by developer are in term of implement as web based system, implement the synchronization system to RFID device system and provide function to apply emergency leave.

10.2.1 Implement as web based system As a future development, the system can be enhanced by implement and deploy as web based system which is online system as it can be worldwide system that which can be used at every time and everywhere without have limitation aspects. It is because, as engineering company, it has several employees that sometime work out of company. Thus, by implement this system through online based, it can allowed the outstation workers to update their time job sheet from anytime and everywhere.

10.2.2 Implement the synchronization system to RFID device system. Instead of that, the future development can be applied for this system is having synchronization database system to RFID device system. From this future development, the system can be enhancing its functionality in term of accuracy and quality. It is because, to deal the time of employee’s attendance, it can be more accurately by using the RFID device system which has automatically detect the punch card time and avoiding from the employee’s cheating.

10.2.3 Provide function to apply emergency leave In the other hand, the future enhancement that can be deploying for this project is provided function to apply emergency leave straightly from the system itself. It is because to ensure the accuracy data and can reduce work time process.

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10.3 Project Evaluation Project evaluation has been made by developer to the users of system toward achieving the objectives and targets. The process of evaluation that has been made is in term of providing the users user acceptance form and user satisfaction form to fill up. Therefore, the developer can have the user feedback, recommend and response toward lack or dissatisfaction with the system in term of it functionality, efficiency and usability.

10.3.1 Functionality Based on the End Unit Test form that has been provided to users, the analysis of each test form shows that this Payroll and Profits System has fulfill and provided with high functionality and all the function that has been provided is work efficiently in term of it follow the user requirement which is the system able to produce the automatically employee’s salary and auto generate the reporting company’s profits and administration can produced pay slip for employees with accurately. Hence, it shows that this system has provided with full of functionality to all level of users of the system.

10.3.2 Efficiency By providing the End Unit Test Form to the user that use this system, the analysis and the result shows that this Payroll and Profits System are working with full efficiency with that all function that it have and without no error or problem appear during using this system. In fact, the system has accurate calculation in order to calculate the net salary of employees and having auto generate of company’s profits. Other than that, all the function that provided by developer make the user easier during their working environment without any need to recalculate by manual and it indirectly can save time of users.

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10.3.3 Usability Consequently, based on the End Unit Test Form that provided to the users, it approve that the system has good in its usability. It is because; the system does not have nonfunctional and abundant button during using the system and each button provided has each function and useful for users. Other than that, based on users comment, they really satisfy with the way it produced net salary and auto generating company’s profits by daily, monthly and yearly. In fact, all the link and button that provide by developer is useful for users and function well.

10.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of the Payroll and Profits System By accomplished the system, there are variety strength and weaknesses that has been identified. The weaknesses of the system will be put as enhancement, future development and improvement can be made to ensure the application runs in prefect order and fit to the market.

10.4.1 Strengthen of the System System has Multiple Functions Provided One of the strength of the system which is it has multiple function that provided to users. The multiple functions provided which is in term of it can calculate the net employee’s salary and produced the pay slips of employees. Instead of that, by the time job sheet key in by employees it is not only can produce net salary of employees, the same time, the system will automatically can generated the auto reporting to measure the company’s profits and loss. Well Organized and Easy To Understand The other strengths of this system are it well organized and easy to understand. It is because the flow of the system used is compact, simple, and meaningless. Other than that, it also has simple interface design which has natural basic color which is combination white and green color that indirectly can increase the motivation user to use the system.

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Payroll and Profits System-EJC Provide Variety Contingency Method In addition, the system has the strength in term of provided with variety contingency. For example, in this system, it has forgotten password page itself. Hence, whenever the user has problem to remember the password, the system provide contingency to give feedback and response their password needed. Instead of that, in this system, it also provide help desk itself which is allowed users to refer whenever they have stuck in accomplish their tasks.

10.4.2 Weaknesses of the System Hard to deal with time attendance Meanwhile, the weaknesses that identified from the system are hard to deal with the time of employee’s attendance. This is because, the accurate time in term of second, minute and hour is very hard to fulfill by the employee and it exposed them to make any aspect of cheating.

10.5 Summary The process of developing this system is obviously very challenging due to the constraints and the output achieved. The development of this system has simplified the work process of employees and management of EJC instead. The system has given necessary benefits and advantages to those who use the application directly or indirectly. Therefore, any enhance of the efficiency of the system is needed to fulfill for the current demand for the future development in order to fit the company strategy to the business large market.

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Appendix A – Checklist for the Client Acceptance Factors 1. Company’s Budget for the new system : RM _____________ 2. The cost of the selected Software meets the company’s budget :

Yes ( ) No ( )

3. Users have understanding of how the system affect the organization : Yes ( ) No ( ) Meeting Date: Venue : User Name : (1) __________________________ Signature: __________ (2) __________________________ Signature: __________ (3) __________________________ Signature: __________ (4) __________________________ Signature: __________ (5) __________________________ Signature: __________

4. Company will provide all infrastructures and equipment’s needed by the developer : Yes ( ) No ( ) 5. List all the advantages of the new system compare to the current system. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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Appendix B-The End Unit Test Form for Payroll and Profits System Key Stroke Effort per Task 1. By looking to the interface of Payroll and Profits System did you manage to understand what the purpose of the system? YES NO 2. Did all the linkage on the system is working properly? YES NO Ability to navigate within system 3. Did all the button can be navigate? YES NO 4. Did the entire button link to the correct path or pages? YES NO Time to perform task 5. Do you satisfied with the time that you used to perform the task? YES


6. Did you need to waiting for each page when it loads? YES NO Ability to configure the HCI 7. Did the entire button use the meaning full words? YES NO 8. How easy can you determine the function of the interface? VERY EASY EASY AVERAGE


User satisfaction 9. Did the system provide the entire requirement that you need? YES NO 10. Do you have any suggestion to improve this system? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

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Appendix C – User Manual 1.

Database Password Page


Open Software


Key in Company’s password: EJC262


Login Form of Payroll and Profits System


Choose name from combo box as username


Key in password log in


Click Enter to confirm Login and Exit for terminate system

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Main Menu Page


EMPLOYEE INFORMATION DISPLAY- To view employee information without Edit (ordinary employees level)


EMPLOYEE TIME JOB SHEET- To open employee time Job Sheet




LOGOUT- to logout of system and change user’s account


EXIT SYSTEM- Terminate from system

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Administration Menu


EMPLOYEE INFORMATION- To edit employee info


PROJECT INFORMATION – To maintain project information


TIME JOB SHEET DISPLAY – To update time job sheet form


EMPLOYEE SALARY – To open employee salary form


MANAGEMENT REPORT- To open Management Report form


MAIN MENU – To go back to Main Menu


EXIT SYSTEM- To terminate from system

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Employee Information Form


To insert new employees record, click button


Key in and complete all the details of employee.


After finish insert new data into textbox, click button


data will save into the records. iv.

Find Record- To search data exits in database


Admin Menu- To go back to Admin Menu


Exit System- Terminate from System

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Project Information Form


To insert NEW PROJECT, click button


Key in the Project Name, Project No, Project Title, Project Duration, Cost Per Hour And Estimate Cost.


After finish insert new data into textbox, click button

and data

will save into the records. iv. Find Record- To search data exits in database v. Admin Menu- To go back to Admin Menu vi. Exit System- Terminate from System

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Time Job Sheet Form

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Enter your password


Key in your EMPLOYEE ID and NAME (for first time key in only)


Key in the TIME SHEET INFORMATION (key in once per a day):


Key in date sheet

Time (Normal) out and in

Time (OT) out and in



Choose project name

Key in normal hour of that project

Key in OT hour of that project


button every time finish insert the JOB SHEET


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Every time finish click

Payroll and Profits System-EJC

button, the time job sheet will update

as shown below: vii.

Click Button Edit record to edit and update and can update straighlty through tableas below

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Employee Salary Form


Click Calculate salary to autamatically produce net salary after key in the basic salary and allowances.


Click Print Payslip to produce employee’s pay slip

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Management Report

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Can search report through the years.


Click 1 project All Employees to sort report by Project


Click All Employees All Projects to sort report by Employees

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References 1. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK" Guide), Project Management Institute, Upper Darby, PA, 2004 2. Advance Business Solution (2012) Human Resources and Payroll Software [online]



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Cleland, D. I., & Ireland, L. R. Project Management Strategic Design and Implementation (4th Ed.). McGraw-Hill,New York, NY, 2004. 13.


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10. Harold


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(20 September 2011) 11. Hannah S., (2006) Functional and Non Functional Requirement [online] available


(28 February) 12. Jim C.,(1997)The concise Guide To economic [online] available from (27 February) 13.

Michael C. (2011) DOE Financial Management Handbook [online] available from (20 September 2011)

14. Michael H., (2011) What Is Difference Between Manual And Computerized Payroll





(21 September 2011) 15. Mary









(25 November) 16. Metafuse,








(25 March 2012) 17. Millspaugh, Anita C. and Julia Case Bradley Programming in Visual Basic 6.0 Update Edition McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston 2002. 18. Natalie G., (2011) Comparison of Payroll Systems [online] available from (21 September 2011)

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27. Tamazu (2009) Computerize Benefit System [online] available from (22 September 2011)

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