Final Thesis Proposal- Museum

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Quezon City Sci-Tech Musem A Symbol for Economic Advancement

A Thesis Proposal Submitted to the College of Architecture University of Santo Tomas

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Architecture


MARCH 2013


25 February 2013

Archt. John Joseph T. Fernandez Dean College of Architecture University of Santo Tomas España, Manila

Dear Archt. Fernandez, I have the honor to submit my thesis proposal entitled, „National Museum of Science: Green Museum‟ as a partial requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Architecture. The project intends to provide a wide-ranging facility and center for interactive learning of the different fields of sciences. a. To raise the Scientific literacy of awareness and perception in an expressive and fun way by creating and relating interactive related educational and recreational exhibits and facilities. b. To help improve society of the nation by delving them into a world of knowledge and wisdom. c. To encourage the competitiveness of the Philippines with other countries involving new ideas & innovations in the field of physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, mathematics, agriculture, architecture & engineering &sustainability. Upon the approval of this proposal, it is understood that I shall proceed with the research work and submit it on designated date. Justification and other requirements for the proposal are included herewith

Respectfully, Jobriel Junifen G. Gauuan 5AR-6

Endorsed by:

Archt. Clarissa L. Avendaño Thesis Adviser 2

Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction Science is the key to the advancement of any nation. This is clearly evident in today‟s age. We are in the Space Age wherein the economy is mainly driven and heavily influenced by scientific discoveries and innovations. By attaining this level of wisdom, we now apply these discoveries to our most basic needs such as food, shelter, transportation and social life. A good example of this would be the discovery of radio waves. Since the discovery of the radio waves, there was an immediate frenzy of curiosity and interest that sparked in the human world. Not long after, inspired scientists realized the innovative potential and practical use of using radio waves for human welfare. With its discovery, radio waves spawned a chain reaction wherein its scientific nature was applied to human usage, i.e. the invention of radio-telecommunications, where it solved the age old problem of wireless communication through vast distances, thus paving the way for inventions like the Radio, RADAR, Remote control, Telephones, Cellular phones, Cable Television Etc. This grand phenomena is not entirely exclusive, it could also be applied to all fields where there is discovery. One only needs a spark of curiosity and creativity to achieve greatness. The point to make is that science is the system that elevates people to overcome the most basic humanistic problems like diseases, poverty, overpopulation, economic woes, and climate change, all of which contribute to the negation of human worth. That being said, we now have the wisdom and capability of understanding the problems in hand, and to come up with logical solutions to solve them. The effect of this phenomenon was profoundly beneficial to the world and to nations. With technological innovations based on human needs and scientific 3

development, there was a boom in international and local Commerce. Countries were able to interact and transact with other countries with relative ease. During the mid19th century, Globalization and Industrialization became a great trend which greatly developed the wealth, success, quality of life in many countries. Europe became a center for progress, and innovations for it housed and nurtured the leading intellectual minds that would make the world a better place. Such minds were the likes of Albert Einstein & Nikola Tesla. In today‟s age, the Industry and Economy are the foundations of all nations and communities. It is one of the most important components of a nation. A vastly wealthy and developed economy is synonymous to a 1st class country. But the problem is that there are still many underdeveloped countries that are impoverished, particularly the Philippines. Clearly what the nation ought to do is develop its economy in the same way that sparked Globalization and Industrialization in Europe & North America. The nation needs to emphasize in scientific education and nurturing to create globally competent professionals that will pave the way for development. The nation needs dreamers who dream big and think of new ideas that would greatly contribute to agriculture, engineering, architecture, medicine, space exploration Etc. Curiosity, Reason, and Intellect must be cultivated in every citizen, especially the youth, for these are the fundamental qualities that will ultimately shape the nation.

1.2 Background The growth of a nation is determined by its economy, society and the amount of resources. The Philippines is classified as a developing country and is ranked as 40 th largest economy in the world by the IMF (International Monetary Fund).Goldman Sachs estimates that by the year 2050, the Philippines will become the 14th largest 4

economy in the world. It is very rich in natural resources. But it is not devoid of problems. Currently the Philippines is plagued by basic 3rd world issues such as, poverty, high unemployment rate, slow creation of job opportunities, relatively high scientific illiteracy rate, uneven distribution of wealth, and a declining habitat. The quality of life index in the country is undesirable. It is ranked 44th out of 111 nations in terms health, family life, community life, material well being, safety, security, political freedom and gender equality. All of these issues are all bounded together by the economy, for its dull and stagnant state. What the country needs is a boost in competitive spirit when it comes to capital goods and services. This can be attained by guiding the people in to the right direction. Museums and learning centers are highly social and economic symbols, it sparks a great deal of interest from the public given that it is established in a highly urbanized area where trade and commerce is at its zenith. These types of infrastructures, give a sense relief to people who have problems or find it difficult to appreciate learning new ideas and concepts. Museums offer a recreational and fun experience to the people, unlike in schools where a student is at a constant strain to cram in and learn new things. This is somewhat a subtle learning versus forced learning situation. By offering a totally new museum experience, it will spawn a new paradigm in the way, social people find recreation. Society will no longer delve into unproductive activities that doesn't offer new learning experiences. With this notion, it will form the epitome of the human culture - a smart, knowledgeable, creative and logical thinker who is ready to face the world and compete with other great minds. And with this advancement, all the pieces of the puzzles on how to progress the nation, through the economy, will be in place.


1.3 Statement of the problem In the Philippines there is a clear sign of deficiency in scientific literacy. This is evident by observing the current state of our economy, society and life quality index. Science & Technology education is not well taught and emphasized to the Learning Youth, and in turn become creatively stagnant and dependent. The economy relies mainly on investing in foreign entities to provide them the needs of the country i.e. car industries, train industries, information and technology industries, medical and pharmaceutical industries Etc. This problem directly correlates to the science literacy level of the Philippines, for science and technological innovations is what drives the economy i.e. the invention of smart, efficient, flexible, beautiful, and top of the line products. Therefore low technical and technological capacity means low possibilities of industrial innovations, meaning less money to help the nation, particularly the impoverished. Ultimately, the goal of the project create a national symbol that will develop industrially adept and smart citizens which would lead to strong companies and local government units, which can advance new ideas and innovations in the business industries, create new export markets, enlarge our economic foundations and make our economy more globally competent. Also, the goal is to cultivate the suppressed and untapped capabilities of the Filipino culture and ingenuity. Corporations, Firms, Government Units, and Institutions alike must develop and learn new, significant technical capabilities and attain management wisdom, for these are the traits required for global expansion and competition. All of these entities should emphasize the Innovation Economy ideology wherein knowledge, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation are the core principles to develop and follow.


Basically the industry of the Philippines is fundamentally stagnant. The country has no marketability with Capital Goods. And this is to the local and international scale. Industries in the country are very dependent upon the discoveries and innovations of other nations. This problem also inflicts the government units. Instead of investing more on local and national product developments, the country rather invests its resources in exports from foreign industries. This in no way helps the development of the country‟s economy, for it promotes colonial mentality and negates the optimum GDP & GNP advancement. Foreign industries and companies, eliminate the room for local business competition, thus eliminating the interests of the country‟s inventive and innovative force. For all we need to do is buy foreign products to meet our needs instead of developing our own to save money and help ourselves. Therefore all the great Filipino minds of our country are suppressed and are forced to give away their ideas to the big industries that are controlling the economy. Our job as a nation requires the economy to fight back and reach the level of its competitors. The project calls for the establishment of a world class Science & technology Museum that will be one of the most socially symbolic, technologically advanced, recreational and learning center in the Philippines. It will be one of the most globally competent and iconic landmarks in the world and will pave the way for future developments regarding architecture, business, and foreign and local tourism.

1.4 Project Objectives 1. To provide a Science & Technology Museum that will house innovative, smart, unique, interactive science and technology exhibits, forums and activities that will


promote Museum Learning Centers as the best alternative for gaining inspiration, recreation, learning and the advancing Scientific Literacy. 2. To provide a Science & Technology Museum that will stimulate Economic Growth through its promotion of science and technology learning to ignite a creative and innovative spark among the future generations because in the world industry today, innovation,

particularly technological





Information Technology, Agriculture Etc. heavily influences the state and development of a nation‟s economy. 3. To provide a Science & Technology Museum that will serve as an iconic Architectural example that will mark the advancement of the technological capabilities, engineering capabilities, economic capabilities and social development capabilities of the country, especially in metro manila. 4. To provide a Science & Technology Museum that will promote Foreign & Local tourism to expand economic and social growth in the country. The project will promote the Philippines to the world as an internationally competent tourist site that will create more job opportunities for the local people.

1.5 Significance of the Study Designing a center for science and technology has many benefits. Firstly it creates a stepping stone for excellence in the learning field of mathematics, science and art. These tools and traits are exceptional and essential to the development of a nation. It creates a spark for innovation in inventions. The project will have a great impact in the Philippines regarding its socio economic status, population literacy status, and environmental status.


In a social aspect, the project could very well enhance the lifestyle of all Filipino citizens and improve the Quality of Life Index of the nation. The project aims to prioritize the endorsement of learning science and how important it is and how it affects everything in our lives. In turn, the project will enhance the lives of every person in the country via synergy through the sharing of ideas and innovations. One of the main goals of the Science & Technology Museum will be the stimulation of the creativeness and inventive spirit of each individual, especially the coming generations. The imbedding of a grand system of ideology in their lives that will help them shape and configure of a perfect future economy. This is what is truly important out of all the aforementioned objectives. Training people, rehabilitating people and inspiring people into becoming 1st class human thinkers is all that is truly important. The significance of the study accentuates on the social and humanistic aspect of the nation. The nature of the museum works in synergy with the environmental and urban development of city and the nation. It will aid in increasing the legacy of the city and nation as an intellectual and commercial center with the likes of a Bilbao Effect. Wherein, one success leads to another i.e. grand-symbolic structure leads to notoriety, notoriety leads to tourism, tourism leads to increased job opportunities, and increased job opportunities leads to economic development.

1.6 Scope & Delimitation The study amasses with extensive information gathered, particularly starting with the different types of museums, science centers and exhibition centers both on the local and international prospect. Through the case studies of these various examples of structures the researcher will be able to establish its parameters on the design and functions of the proposed project. 9

All the necessary facilities and spaces which support the functionality of the Science Museum such as, Museum exhibits, Offices, Digital auditoriums and commercial areas are also being studied by the researcher. Further analysis of the site such as microanalysis of the city, weather patterns, efficient road pathways and the immediate environment are also taken into considerable studies. Architectural & Technological innovations that will optimize the design of the project will also be extensively studied, such as Green Technologies and top of the line Informative Gadgetry, because it will pave the way for the latest trend in Modern Design, and because in today‟s economy, technological innovations are what drive the economy and society of a nation to higher echelons. Also we should consider that Sustainable Architectural Design is the only pathway towards the salvation of the environment and our species.

1.7 Definition of Terms Bilbao Effect - The exponential creation, appreciation, growth and development of different kinds of economies in particular place, brought about by the establishment of an iconic architectural structure. Exhibits - Objects or collection of objects and specimens exhibited to the public Humanistic - Of or pertaining to a philosophy asserting human dignity and man's capacity for fulfillment through reason and scientific method Industrialization - The organized action of making of goods and services for sale Innovation - The act of innovating; introduction of new things or methods.


Globalization -

The process enabling financial and investment markets to operate

internationally, largely as a result of deregulation and improved communications Green Architecture - is an approach to building that minimizes harmful effects on human health and the environment. The "green" architect or designer attempts to safeguard air, water, and earth by choosing eco-friendly building materials and construction practices. Paradigm - A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline. Quality of Life Index - is a international rating systems of countries based on results of subjective life-satisfaction surveys to the objective determinants of quality of life across countries. Reason - is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, for establishing and verifying facts, and changing or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information. Science - is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. Scientific Literacy - encompasses written, numerical, and digital literacy as they pertain to understanding science, its methodology, observations, and theories.


Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature 2.1 Chapter Overview This chapter focuses on all the important topics that will be taken into consideration. This will deliver discernment on all issues that need to be solved and all the numerous factors that are directly related to the project.

2.2 How Science Influences humanity The progress of the human race throughout the millennia, owes a great deal of debt to Science. The majority of people may not know it but science greatly influences virtually all of our day to day activities. Back in the dark ages when people had no electricity and no knowledge of the natural world, civilizations invented deities and entities to fill in their gap of knowledge about natural phenomena. Surely it consoled their intellectual need but all of that was entirely illusory. Eventually the civilizations found out that explaining the unknown by means of positing a deities and demons did not help them through crises, especially when there were outbreak of diseases. Those people eventually stopped acting superstitious and formulated a system that used observation and empirical evidence to solve problems and mysteries that haunted them, thus the birth of Science. In the modern age, Science practically controls every aspect of our lives, mainly by its applications in the field of Architecture, Engineering, Medicine Etc. From the clothes we wear, to the food we eat, to the decisions we make, everything has science stamped on it. Technologies are what keeps humans sane for it gives purpose to their lives, which is reflected upon their dreams and aspirations. It has now become the core of the world economy, wherein the progress of nations heavily rely on discoveries and 12

technological innovations. Science & Technology elevate humanity in countless ways, it has the power of solving all known problems and issues the world could possibly create, and it will continue to influence human activities up until it reaches the zenith of development.

2.3 Impacts of Science & Technology Centers/ Museums Studies have demonstrated that the construction of Science & Technology centers have a wide effect on the society, economy and the human psyche. This is especially evident when these learning centers are built up to be symbolic works of art & engineering in widely recognized, urban areas. Such areas where Science & Technology centers have great effect are as follows: 1. Science centers and their influence on careers There are very few studies of the effect that science centers have on students‟ career choice. Woolnough (1994) showed that extracurricular science activities encouraged students to study science at school and to pursue science careers. Coventry (1997) surveyed university students. She found that 80% of students studying for science-based careers had visited the science center in Perth, Australia at least once whereas 64% of students who were not studying for science-based careers had visited Scitech. Similar findings were made by Salmi (2000) in Finland. There is evidence that youth programs in science centers have encouraged participants to pursue careers in science teaching (Siegel 1998). 2.The societal impact of science centers Witschey (2001) writes of the Science Center of Virginia as „the power house of the community‟ and describes a rich array of partnerships and programs that the


Museum undertakes with its community. This is undoubtedly the case in many communities that are served by science centers. The St. Louis Science Center runs a Youth Exploring Science (YES!) program in which the-Science Center works with Job Training groups to provide a year round work-based training program. Science centers increase tourism to their local area. They run youth employment and volunteer schemes. They support local clubs and societies. They develop special programs for the elderly and for people with disabilities. They are involved with environmental rehabilitation and they affect the roads, parking and transport systems in their area. Lipardi (1997) describes how the Città della Scienza works with local councils, firms and research centres in order to enhance the development potential of a geographical area, with particular emphasis on the development of local industry. However, although science centers have put many programs in place that benefit society, on the whole, they have not developed the methodology to measure the impact that they have at a societal level. Sheppard (2000) makes a strong plea that they should do so: „As museums engage more substantially in building social capital and partnering in their communities, they need strong, effective evaluation methodology to measure their work. Anecdotal information suggests that community outreach may be transforming both museums and the communities they serve. To support further investment in community partnership, however, museums and their publics need to test such assumptions through consistent and methodical research. Museums have many stakeholders to convince, from their own board and governance to public and private funders and ultimately the public that chooses to engage in the rich programs they offer‟.


3. The political impact of science centers Science centers have, understandably, not published reports about the ways they have/ have not been able to influence government. They do not necessarily want to publicize the means they use to gain government support. However we can question whether it would be useful for science centers to share case studies and stories of success and failure in this area. Perhaps there are some strategies being used by some science centers that could usefully be implemented or adapted by others. 4. The economic impact of science centers During the past few years, a few science centers have calculated their impact on the local community in terms of the extra money brought into the community by visitors to the science center and extra jobs created by the science center. For example Greene writes, „For every pound sterling spent by visitors at the museum (The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester), twelve pounds is spent elsewhere in the local economy. With 300,000 visitors spending £1.5 million in 2000, the contribution to the prosperity of the region was £18 million. To this can be added the goods and services purchased by the Museum from local business, the employment of 120 people, and the investment in new exhibitions and building work.‟ (Greene 2001)

2.4 Importance Scientific Literacy Scientific Literacy has become an internationally well-recognized enlightening catchphrase, and present-day enlightening objective. Scientific literacy “stands for what the general public ought to know about science” (Durant, 1993), and “commonly implies


an appreciation of the nature, aims, and general limitations of science, coupled with some understanding of the more important scientific ideas” (Jenkins, 1994). The term is usually regarded as being tantamount with “public understanding of science,” and while “scientific literacy” is used in the United States. It is, however, generally accepted that the deceptively simple conceptualization of scientific literacy just described masks different meanings and interpretations associated with the concept of scientific literacy because of, for example, different views of what the public ought to know about science and who “the public” is. But regardless of the arbitrary definitions of the term, caused by educational gaps between contrasting societies, there still remains the one truthful and important meaning of Scientific Literacy it is the currency of the present and the coming generations of men (Angier, 2007). It is the grower of human cognitive development. It is the thing that makes people smarter, more aware of their environment, more in tune with the universe. In a philosophical stand point. But in realistic application, Scientific Literacy is the interlinking factor of all humans on earth. It binds nations together through scientific discoveries empowered by international bodies, for the betterment of mankind. It is the one aspect of mankind that is not subject to bias and prejudice for Scientific Literacy is founded upon the principles of a systematic method of experiments and knowledge. It is important for it is the culture of humanity as a whole. 2.5 Sustainable/ Green Design Sustainable/ Green design is a key aspect of intelligent planning and it wishes to utilize and maximize the quality of the built environment while completely negating and eliminating the negative influences to the environment. It is an important philosophy that not only promotes considerate usage and utilization of resources, but also develops the 16

current state of the resource or environment (Mclennan, 2007). Sustainable design offers high levels of resource efficiency, including transportation and energy use in building materials. The fundamental elements that can be derived from sustainable design are renewable energy use, water conservation and gray-water reuse, habitat preservation and restoration and healthy and productive indoor environments for people, to name a few. Sustainable design ultimately covers and considers the big picture in planning. One of the most rewarding things about sustainable design is its flawless and unnoticeable integration with the space. It is like no person could ever tell that a structure or a house implores sustainable design if it is applied to perfection. Sustainable design succeeds in bringing symmetry and balance to application of technology with the resources. 2.6 Biophilic Landscaping Landscape design is one of the areas where Biophilic design can make a wide impact on a global scale. It excels in relation to the climatic changes. As people and animals migrate from one region to another, it is wise to develop and nurture their surrounding environment. Migration translates into huge ecological disruptions as organism encounter places that are foreign to them. That is why it is important to make the organism feel at home and be comfortable with his/her surroundings. In relation to museum design, it is beneficial to the users to not only create a landscape or environment that suits them physically, but rather, the environment should suit them both physically and mentally. In a sense, there must be a balance and compromise between setting the environment and the theme of the environment. Landscape design also has the ability to blend in together some of the disembodied


elements that has occurred due to urban sprawl. (Lefroy,1999). This in turn can help in the site development and planning of the close vicinity of a proposed project site.

2.7 Effective Museum A Museum‟s worth and success as a structure is not solely based on the extensive arrangement of functional spaces, and the extravagant aesthetic character of its interior & exterior, but rather, it is greatly based on the balance between the two. What a great architectural characteristic of a museum has to offer is the preserving the fine line in between Functional Based Architecture and Aesthetic Based Architecture (Visser, 2011). As expounded by Visser, the aesthetic properties have to work in synchrony with the function of the building. For example, in exhibits, not only must there be a logical flow of movement and pattern in the spaces but it must be complemented with interactive and surreal interior decorative environment. These two characters should work together to relieve the viewer of the exhibit, of their monotonous and daily perception of life by transporting them to a new world to liven up their imagination (Visser, 2011) Also, a good Museum should be accessible and look accessible. With that notion, a good museum must be interactive with the user and must emit a positive vibe. The user should not be hassled with the interior design of the structure wherein he/she becomes confused on whether some parts of the exhibits are accessible and walk-able. The Museum‟s plan should be inviting and the flow should effortlessly guide and nurture the viewers of the exhibit. In summary, the plans should be extremely sound and flawless. With everything taken into consideration, the establishment of an Interactive Science Museum would ultimately bridge the gap between the progression of the nation‟s economy, society and industry, to its crowning level. Science, with all its majesty, helps


the nation in achieving its ultimate goals. As emphasized by the famous scientific journalist Natalie Angier in her book “The Canon”, Scientific Literacy is the Currency of the present and of the coming age.

2.8 Case Studies 2.8.1 Thinktank, the Birmingham Museum of Science and Discovery, UK. The Thinktank, the Birmingham Museum of Science and Discovery is a science centre located in the United Kingdom, which promotes the public understanding and appreciation of science, technology and history. The objectives of the project was to employ the very best faculties and activities in museum understanding that would easily relate to the modern day society. The reason for developing the Birmingham Museum of Science and Discovery was to explore all the relevant and profound features of the technology, industry and science, social history and natural history collections, to provide sound environment for learning and recreation. The existing collections at the „Museum of Science and Industry‟ in Newhall Street, had a display area of about 6,000 square metres. It was replaced by the Thinktank exhibition with an increased display area of 9,000square metres.

The main distinguishing character of the museum exhibits is that it is full of high tech and fun equipment and they are interactive-based. Objects and interactive forms are adopted to explore and interpret ideas concerning science and technology. The interactive exhibits provide hands-on tools and facilities to give visitors more experience with the exhibits. One example of the interactive elements of the museum is the „Future‟ and „Showcase‟ exhibitions, wherein audio-visual media are used to reflect contemporary science and its relevance to humanity. The interactive exhibits basically give an insight to


the benefits and achievements of mankind with the help of science and technology. Another example would be the „Water Lock‟, wherein it uses small scale objects (e.g. fans, boats, pumps) to show how the wind is used to power boats

2.8.2 Taipei Astronomical Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. The Taipei Astronomical Museum is situated in the north of Taipei City. The goal and mission of the museum is to act as a bridge between astronomy and society, allowing the public to learn more about astronomical science. The museum‟s exhibition function is one which promotes an understanding of the history, technology and theory of astronomy. The first phase of exhibition planning and design was started in 1991. The museum exhibitions present the history and theory of astronomical science, with models and explanations provided by storyboards. The exhibition provides a learning environment and encourages participation and involvement in the exhibits which meet the highest needs and expectations of visitors. The displays are generally not changed very often, but the special display room and many small theatres regularly change their displays to show featured constellations or stage special themes and displays. The exhibitions were designed on an interactive basis. The interactive exhibits used computer displays, and film projection which attempted to create a live-performance opportunity for the museum visitors.

The purpose of the 7 Taipei Astronomical Museum was its educational

function, which was more important than entertainment. The objectives of the Taipei Astronomical Museum are listed below: (1) To be educative: The purpose of the museum is to achieve an educative approach. Many exhibitions are interactive in form to provide hands-on activities and enable the visitor to learn. 20

(2) To be attractive and fun: The museum attempts to show how astronomical science is defined and used by scientist and astronomers. The exhibitions were also planned to provide features which allow the visitor to explore many aspects of astronomical history and theory through interesting content and forms. However, learning science should also be fun and the visitors are made to feel a part of the exhibits. A major exhibition objective, therefore, is to attract the intended audience. (3) To encourage visitors to participate in the exhibitions: All the exhibitions in the museum are designed to attract visitors to take part in the museum‟s activities. The exhibitions use digital technology, graphics and 3-dimensional models to encourage the visitor to participate in the exhibitions. Through using the exhibition programs, mechanical objects, digital computer-controlled systems and other hands-on objects, the visitors are encouraged to think about all sorts of scientific problems.


Chapter 3: Research Methodology For the study, the project will require all the different research techniques and methodologies to further polish and make the project sound and scientific. For the benefit of the research, the researcher will use the more practical and logical approaches in data gathering to better understand the project implications. One method used in the study involves the historical method wherein extensive studies and data gathering from of bodies or entities related to the project such as National Museum of the Philippines, National Commission for Culture and the Arts, Science Education Institute of the Philippines, Department of Education (DepEd), National Statistics Office (NSO) and Department of Science and Technology (DOST). The made use of the descriptive method wherein ocular inspection, which involves firsthand observations and photo documentation of current conditions present at the site, and the researcher shall visit bodies or entities, such as the National Museum of the Philippines, The Mind Museum and the Science Education Institute, that could fundamentally help in the development of the study regarding the feasibility, survey plans, operational systems, profiles, zoning ordinances, historical background are among others. Structured Interview Methods of selected urban populations shall also be conducted to obtain ideas and specific data regarding the projects operation, mission & vision, objectives, problems and many others. Case studies will also be conducted to further learn about the basic systems of a museum. Specifically local case studies of the Mind Museum in Taguig and the National Museum of the Philippines can be beneficial.


Chapter 4: Project Site 4.1 Site and Current Condition Choosing a site requires careful observation and evaluation. Museum sites are generally placed at a well – populated region although there is an issue of availability regarding the site. Taking all of these into consideration, the researcher established that Quezon City would preferably be a good Urban City to build the project, for it is the site could be in a generally populous region but it must balance out with the value of the land. The existing site is located in Quezon City along commonwealth avenue and is a corner portion of the UP campus along University Ave. As of today, there has been little development made in the lot and is basically a wide grass filled lots with minimal trees. The lot is directly opposite the Ayala development UP Technohub, wherein the site desirable for the project because it complements the other development group buildings and it joins them into creating a center for commerce and development in the center if Q.C.

4.1.1 Site Map


4.1.2 Vicinity Map

4.1.3 Location Map


4.1.4 Adjacent Structures & Institutions Within a 5 km radius, the site is within proximity with several well- known establishments and institutions such as the Quezon Memorial Circle, UP Diliman Campus, Philippine Science High School, UP Technohub, Philippine Heart Center, Lung Center of the Philippines, Quezon City Hall and the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

4.1.5 Climate and Orientation The climate in Quezon City is typical of Metro Manila„s, which has a distinct dry season from December to April and wet season from May to November. The normal annual rainfall total is 2,532.3 mm with the maximum mean monthly total rains being experienced in August with 526.8 mm and the minimum in February with 8.9 mm. The maximum number of 24-rainy days occurs in August while the minimum of two-rainy days occurs in February. The annual total number of rainy days is 153 while the average temperature is lowest at 20.4° C in January and highest at 34.9°C in April.

4.1.6 Transportation It involves an accommodating feature for bicycles and pedestrians, with linking access to major roads, that are will be used by service vehicles. Commuting is still a viable way for transportation because sheer number of jeeps and buses that travel along the main and secondary roads. The main roads that allow access to the site include the Quezon City Circle, EDSA, Commonwealth Avenue, University Avenue. Minor access roads include Katipunan avenue and.


4.1.7 Environment The environment of the site is very good, the whole district is kept clean and regularly maintained. The inhabitants near the area site are mixed classes, and are primarily composed of middle class people. Students are the most frequent users of the roads near the site.

4.1.8 Topography The site is a relatively, flat surfaced grassland. The surrounding areas are mostly asphalt and concrete.


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