Final Report - Electrochemistry Lab, JU

May 11, 2019 | Author: Chayon Mondal | Category: Corrosion, Electrochemistry, Redox, Anode, Chemical Substances
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Jadavpur University Metallurgy Dept Electrochemistry Lab report 2014...


Experiment-1 Aim of the Experiment –

Galvanic series To calculate the electrode potential of dierent materials and to study dierent aspects of the galvanic series

Theory: – An electrochemical cell is based on an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction and consists of two half-cells: an anode half-cell and a cathode half-cell. Oxidation occurs at the anode; reduction occurs at the cathode. An electrochemical cell can produce an electric current, which is drien b! an electrical potential di"erence between the two halfcells. #n this experiment we will use a oltmeter to measure and compare the electrical potential di"erences of seeral electrochemical cells, some of which will hae di"erent concentrations of metal ions. Electrochemical Cell

#f two half-cells are connected b! placin$ a wire between the pieces of metal and b! addin$ a salt bridge between the two solutions, a direct direct electr electric ic curre current nt can %ow %ow throu$ throu$h h the circui circuit. t. &he electr electric ic current is $enerated because metal atoms in the more reducing metal conert to ions and leae one electrode electrode to enter the solution and and ions ions of the the less reducing metal  accept electrons and plate out on the other electrode. &he electrons left behind when positie ions are formed at one electrode pass throu$h the external circuit and into the other electrode. electrode. &here the electrons combine with ions from the solution to form metal atoms. '! measurin$ the direction of cur current ent %ow, %ow, and and the the olt olta$ a$e e $ene $enera rate ted d in the the cell cell,, we can can deter determin mine e which which is the more more re reduc ducin$ in$ metal metal (str (stron$ on$er er reducing agent ), ), and b! how much. Salt Bridge


#n order for current to %ow, there must be a complete electric circuit. &he wire is part of the circuit and the salt brid$e completes the circuit. #n this experiment, the salt brid$e is a porous c!linder soaed soaed with aueous aueous potassi potassium um chloride chloride and a$ar a$ar-a$ar -a$ar $el. $el. &he solutions of salts, such as potassium chloride, are electrol!tes* the! the! cond conduc uctt elec electr tric ical al curr curren entt b! moe moeme ment nt of posi positi tie e and and ne$atie ions in the solution. &hus the porous c!linder proides a path for conduction of electricit!, +ust as the wire does, completin$ the electrical circuit. 'ecause di"usion of the solutions throu$h the porous c!linder is slow, there will be no mixin$ of the solution of  one half-cell with the solution of another on the time scale of the experiment. &hus the half-cells are connected electricall!, but not chemicall!, b! the salt brid$e. ithout a salt brid$e a cell will not produce an electric current and we will not be able to measure the electrical potential di"erence between the two electrodes.  Anode and Cathode

 &he half-cell half-cell in which oxidation oxidation occurs is called the anode. anode. &his is the half-cell in which metal atoms lose electrons (are oxidied) to form positiel! char$ed ions (which $o into solution). &he electrons %ow into the external circuit from the anode .  &he half-cell half-cell in which which reduction reduction occurs occurs is called called the cathode. cathode. &his is the half-cell in which metal ions from the solution $ain electrons (are reduced) and plate out onto the electrode as unchar$ed atoms.  &he electrons electrons %ow out of the external external circuit circuit into the cathode. cathode.

Apparatus :1. eference Electrode-/aturated 0alomel Electrode(/0E) . /alt brid$e 2. 3otentiostat 4. 5ead strip 6. 7inc strip 8. 0opper strip 9. Aluminium strip . /tainless steel strip .ultimeter

Procedure:1. &he sample is immersed in a beaer containin$ tap water. . &he sample is connected to the positie end of the multimeter and the reference electrode is connected to the ne$atie end of the multimeter. 2. &he potential of the sample is measured. 4. Another sample strip is placed and the potential of it is measured followin$ the aboe procedure.


emar!s:1. 0are is taen to ensure that the electrodes do not touch the $lass-walls as it mi$ht lead to erroneous results. . 0are is taen to aoid an! parallax error. ???? 2

Experiment- Aim of the Experiment –

"yclic #oltammetry   To study the Cyclic Voltagram of Pt in 1 mole KOH and 0.! glucose solution

Theory: – 0!clic 0!clic @oltam oltamme metr! tr! (0@) (0@) is an elect electro roche chemic mical al techni techniue ue which which measu measure res s the curr current ent that that deel deelops ops in an elect electro roche chemic mical al cell cell under conditions where olta$e is in excess of that predicted b! the ern e rnst st eua euati tion on.. 0@ is perf perfor orme med d b! c!cl c!clin in$ $ the the pote potent ntia iall of a worin worin$ $ elect electro rode de,, and and meas measuri urin$ n$ the re resul sultin tin$ $ curr curren ent. t. #t is a potentiod!namic electrochemical measurement. 0!clic olt oltam amme metr tr! ! is $ene $enera rall ll! ! used used to stud stud! ! the the elec electr troc oche hemi mica call properties of an anal!te in solution.  &he potential of the worin$ electrode electrode is measured measured a$ainst a reference electrode which maintains a constant potential, and the result re sultin$ in$ applied applied potentia potentiall produc produces es an excita excitation tion si$nal si$nal such such as that of B$ure 1. #n the forward scan of B$ure 1, the potential Brst scans ne$atiel!, startin$ from a $reater potential (a) and endin$ at a lower potential (d). &he potential extrema (d) is call the switchin$ potential, and is the point where the olta$e is suCcient enou$h to hae caused an oxidation or reduction of an anal!te. &he reerse scan occurs from (d) to ($), ($), and and is wher where e the poten potentia tiall scan scans s positi positiel el! !. Di$ure i$ure 1 shows a t!pical reduction occurrin$ from (a) to (d) and an oxidation occurrin$ from (d) to ($). #t is important to note that some anal!tes under$o oxidation Brst, in which case the potential would Brst scan positiel!. &his c!cle can be repeated, and the scan rate can be aried. &he slope of the excitation si$nal $ies the scan rate used.


Figure 1: CV Excitation Signal

A c!clic oltammo$ram is obtained b! measurin$ the current at the worin$ electrode durin$ the potential scans. Di$ure  shows a c!clic oltammo$ram resultin$ from a sin$le electron reduction and oxidation.

Figure 2: Voltammogram of a Single electron oxidation-reduction

#n Di$ure , the reduction process occurs from (a) the initial potential to (d) the switchin$ potential. #n this re$ion the potential is scanned ne$atiel! to cause a reduction. &he resultin$ current is 6

called cathodic current (ipc). &he correspondin$ pea potential occurs at (c), and is called the cathodic pea potential (E pc). &he Epc is reached when all of the substrate at the surface of the electrode has been reduced. After the switchin$ potential has been reached (d), the potential scans positiel! from (d) to ($). &his results in anodic current (# pa) and oxidation to occur. &he pea potential at (f) is called the anodic pea potential (E pa), and is reached when all of the substrate at the surface of the electrode has been oxidied.

Experimental setup:A 0@ s!stem consists of an electrol!sis cell, a potentiostat, a current-to-olta$e conerter, and a data acuisition s!stem. A standard 0@ experiment uses a reference electrode (RE), a working electrode (WE), and a counter electrode (CE). &his combination is sometimes referred to as a three-electrode setu. An electrol!te is usuall! added to the sample solution to ensure suCcient conductiit!. &he solent, electrol!te, and material composition of the worin$ electrode will determine the potential ran$e that can be accessed durin$ the experiment.  &he counter electrode $also !no%n as auxiliary electrode& , is an electrode which is used to close the current circuit in the electrochemical cell it does not participate in the electrochemical reaction. 'ecause the current is %owin$ between the E and the 0E, the total surface area of the 0E (sourcesin of electrons) must be hi$her than the area of the E so that it will not be a limitin$ factor in the inetics of the electrochemical process under inesti$ation.  &he reference electrode is an electrode which has a stable and well-nown electrode potential and it is used as a point of reference in the electrochemical cell for the potential control and measurement. Fere saturated calomel electrode is used. &he hi$h stabilit! of the reference electrode potential is usuall! reached b! emplo!in$ a redox s!stem with constant (bu"ered or saturated) concentrations of each participants of the redox reaction. >oreoer, the current %ow throu$h the reference electrode is ept close to ero (ideall!, ero) which is achieed b! usin$ the 0E to close the current circuit in the cell to$ether with a er! hi$h input impedance on the electrometer (G 1== .D. as stated is positie, the reaction here is (n  (n// / 0ehile at the ri$ht-hand electrode the electrons are remoed b! the process "u// / 0e-  "u  &he complete reaction is thus (n / "u//  (n// / "u $ree Energ" and %eat Changes in Re#ersible Cells

/ince the uantitatie conseuences of the second law of  thermod!namics are mainl! applicable to reersible processes, the stud! of reersible cells is of particular importance because it is possible to appl! thermod!namic methods to the results. #f the E.>.D. of a oltaic cell is E olts, and the process tain$ place in it is accompanied b! the passa$e of n farada!s, i.e., nD coulombs, where D represents 8,6== coulombs, the wor done b! the s!stem in the cell is nDE olt-coulombs or +oules. #f the cell is a reersible one, this wor represents maximum wor and since electrical wor does not inole mechanical wor resultin$ from a olume chan$e, it ma! be taen as eual to the chan$e of free ener$! accompan!in$ the cell reaction. &he increase of free ener$! of a process is eual to the reersible net wor, i.e., excludin$ mechanical wor, done on the s!stem, and hence it follows that 1G  - n2E where 1G is the increase of free ener$! for the process tain$ place in the cell under consideration.


Procedure:1. An electrochemical cell i.e. a Ianiel cell is prepared with 7n electrodes and 0u-electrodes with their respectie solutions 7n/O 4 and 0u/O4 is made. . 7n electrodes are dipped in 7n/O 4 solution and 0u-electrodes are dipped in 0u/O 4 solution, the two half-cells are connected b! a salt brid$e, which consists of L0l ions and a$ar-a$ar $el. &he reference electrode used here is saturated calomel electrode. 2. &he electrodes are connected b! wires to a oltmeter and an ammeter which measures the external olta$e and the current throu$h the circuit respectiel!. &he external olta$e is supplied b! the potentiostat. 4. At Brst when current is ero at the ammeter, we note the E ext b! the oltmeter readin$. 6. &hen we calculate the E = of the oerall cell, and b! the ernst euation we calculate the ratio of actiit! co-eCcients of 7n and 0u (a7n and a0u). 8. '! the formula of M< N nDE ext we calculate the thermod!namic propert! M< where DN 86== coulombs. 9. &hen the current is increased b! an interal of =.=1 m@ which is a er! small alue results in increase in E ext and chemical chan$e taes place. . e increase the current 6 times b! an amount of =.=1 m@ and b! each increase we note the alues of E ext, EN=, (a7na0u) and Mared increases or decrease in conductance are associated with the chan$in$ concentrations of the two most hi$hl! conductin$ ions *the h!dro$en and h!drox!l ions. As the titration pro$resses, the protons are neutralied to form water b! the addition of aOF. Dor each amount of aOF added euialent amount of h!dro$en ions is remoed. E"ectiel!, the mobile F cation is replaced b! the less-mobile a ion, and the conductiit! of the titrated solution as well as the measured conductance of the cell fall. &his continues until the euialence point is reached, at which one obtains a solution of sodium chloride, a0l. #f more base is added, an increase in conductiit! or conductance is obsered, since more ions a and OF- are bein$ added and the neutraliation reaction no lon$er remoes an appreciable amount of F. 0onseuentl!, in the titration of a stron$ acid with a stron$ base, the conductance has a minimum at the euialence point.  &he conductometric titration cure is a plot of the measured conductance or conductiit! alues as a function of the olume of  the aOF solution added. &he titration cure can be used to $raphicall! determine the euialence point.  &he euation for the reaction in this experiment is: aO; $a& / ;"l $a& N a"l $l& / ;0O $l& 1

 &he net ionic euation is: a/ $a& / O;- $a& / ;/ $a& / "l- $a&  a"l $l& / ;0O $l&

Procedure: 1. &he conductiit! meter is calibrated. . 6 ml of $ien F0l is pipetted out in a clean beaer and then it is mae up to 1== ml b! addin$ 6= ml distilled water. 2. ow, the conductiit! cell is immersed in the beaer and and the initial conductance of the solution is taen b! stirrin$ the solution and eepin$ it constant.   4. &hen,  ml portions of aOF is added from the burette and stirred well. &he conductance of the solution for each addition is to be noted. 6. &he conductance of the solution decreases till the euialence point of stron$ acid is obsered. 8. After the euialence point, on continuin$ the addition of aOF there will be a small raise in conductance alues till the end point of the acid is reached. 9. After that, the conductiit! alues increases suddenl! due to the conductance of OF ions. . A $raph is plotted with respect to the olume of aOF consumed ersus corrected conductance. Drom the intersection point on the $raph we obtain the euialence point of the acid-base combination.  . Drom nown solution, we can calculate the stren$th of F0l.


Observations:/tren$th of aOF*1=  @olume of F0lN6ml #olume of aO; added$ml& + 0 , < = >+ >0 >, >< >? >= >@ 0+ 0> 00 07 0, 0 0< 0? 0= 0@ 7+ 7> 70 77 7, 7 7< 7= ,+ ,0 ,,

"onductance $*&

7+ 0 00 >@ >? >, >7 >0 >+ @ @ = = ? <   , , 7 7 ,   < < ? ? = = @ @ >+ =

,< ,= +

>0 >7 >

"alculations:6 At euialence point, @1/1 N @/ B /1 N @/@1 where, #>N @olume of F0l N6 ml #0N@olume of aOF at euialence point *0N /tren$th of aOF N =.1  *>N/tren$th of F0l 1

esults:6 1. /tren$th of aOF solution N =.1  . /tren$th of acid F0l N +.>> 

Precautions:6 1. 0are is taen to ensure that the electrodes do not touch the $lass-walls as it mi$ht lead to erroneous results. . 0are is taen to aoid an! parallax error whilst recordin$ the readin$s from the conductance meter. ????


Experiment-8 Aim of the Experiment:-

Pourbaix Cia'ram To plot the e/pH diagram of stainless steel

Theory: – Pourbaix dia'ram, also nown as a potential4p; dia'ram, E;p; dia'ram or a pE4p; dia'ram, maps out possible stable (euilibrium) phases of an aueous electrochemical s!stem. 3redominant ion boundaries are represented b! lines. As such a 3ourbaix dia$ram can be read much lie a standard phase dia$ram with a di"erent set of axes. /imilarl! to phase dia$rams, the! do not allow for reaction rate or inetic e"ects. Snder certain conditions, when a metal or allo! is exposed to an aueous solution with a concentration of inor$anicor$anic mixture, corrosion phenomena occur at a correspondin$ de$ree. Iurin$ corrosion, some metallic phases dissole, the metal or allo! surface $ets dama$ed and some secondar! solid phases form at the solidliuid interfaces (such as oxides, h!droxides, silicates, sulphides, sulphates, carbonates, nitrates, phosphates, borates, or halides). /uch corrosie chemical or electrochemical reactions can be studied b! means of the so-called 3ourbaix dia$rams if the reactions reach their eullibrium states .  &he speciation and partition in the aueous solution and the interactin$ phases depend not onl! on pF and Eh, but also on other factors such as the bul composition, temperature and pressure in the s!stem. &he interactin$ phases ma! be $as mixtures, stoichiometric solids or solid solutions. A 3ourbaix dia$ram is diided in re$ions of  Timmunit!U, TcorrosionU and Tpassiit!U. &hese re$ions proide information about the stabilit! of a particular metal or allo! in a speciBc aueous electrochemical enironment under certain pF, E F, pressure and temperature conditions .


Di$. 1 .E-pF dia$ram of stainless steel

Apparatus pF meter,beaer,saturated calomel electrode,multimeter .

"hemicals Dsed aOF solution,F0l solution

Procedure:1.&he metal surface in contact with the worin$ solution of sodium h!droxide is polished. .&he pF is noted for each step wise addition of sodium h!droxide b! usin$ ph meter.Fere $raphite is used as  counter electrode and standard calomel electrode as reference electrode. 2.At each step the correspondin$ olta$e is noted from the multimeter.


Observations:p; 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.  .1 . .9 2.6 2. 4. 4.9 6.9 8 8 8 8.2 8.2 8. 9 9.2 9.2 9. .1 .6 .9 . .1 .6 . 1=. 1=.2 1=.4 1=.9 1=. 1=.

E -8=8 -8=4 -8=2 -814 -8 -8 -82 -8= -81 -816 -81 -8=6 -8=8 -81= -8= -8=6 -8=2 -6 -68 -64 -666 -699 -8= -8= -816 -8=9 -8=6 -8=4 -8=4 -8=4 -8= -8== -64 -62 -62 -61


'ased on the readin$s obtained from the multimeter,we plot the EpF dia$ram.

Precautions:6 1.>utlimeter readin$s should be taen usin$ an approximate mean of the readin$s since %uctuations occur often. . hen testin$ for acidic re$ion of the pF scale,fresh solution should be used and acid added. ????


Experiment-9 Aim of the Experiment:–

Pit Censity To nd pit density along the given area of stainless steel sample.

Theory:– Pittin' corrosion, or pittin', is a form of localied corrosion that leads to the creation of small holes in the metal. &he driin$ power for pittin$ corrosion is the depassiation of a small area of the specimen, which becomes anodic while an unnown but potentiall! ast area becomes cathodic, leadin$ to er! localied $alanic corrosion. &he corrosion penetrates the mass of the metal, with limited di"usion of ions. &he mechanism of pittin$ corrosion is probabl! the same as creice corrosion. +echanism

3ittin$ can be separated into two di"erent re$ions, namel! pit initiation and pit $rowth. &he $rowth mechanism is reasonabl! well understood, while initiation mechanism is not er! clear. ,it nitiation

3it initiation is not well understood. 3it initiation time can ar! from er! short, da!s, to er! lon$ times, man! !ears. /mall chan$es in conditions can mae the di"erence in whether pits occur or not.  &here are man! mechanisms of pit initiation. &he initiation mechanism could be metal speciBc and histor! dependent in some cases. #n other situations a $eneral t!pe of pit initiation mechanism ma! be inoed. >ost mechanisms inole a breadown of the passie la!er on a metal. &he passie la!er is thou$ht to be a complicated la!er on the surface of a metal. #t is a la!er which is 2= to 1== An$stroms thic. As an atom is onl! about  An$stroms in diameter, then a passie la!er is onl! about 16 to 6= atoms thic. Experimentall! this is er! diCcult to examine, especiall! in pittin$ 9

inesti$ations when the experimentalist does not now which site is $oin$ to pit.  &he passie la!er is thou$ht to be a two phase t!pe of structure with the side nearest the metal a cr!stalline phase while the la!er nearest the solution side is thou$ht to be an amorphous mixture of  metal ions and h!drox!l ions. nitiation +echanisms

>. Cefect Theory Earl! inesti$ators suspected that defects in the Blm broe down.  &he Blm defects were related to metal defects such as $rain boundaries or slip steps due to dislocations emer$in$ form the surfaces. &hese sites would be local anodes and initiate breadown as the Blm probabl! was not full! formed oer these local anomalies. Snfortunatel!, althou$h some materials show a relationship between pits and defects, it is not a $eneral rule. 0. "hloride 3on Cissolution >an! metal chlorides are soluble in water. One theor! used this fact to su$$est that at the solutionpassie la!er interface the chloride ion replaced the h!drox!l ion to form a metal chloride that dissoled. Another chloride ion at the same location then dissoled some more of the passie la!er until the bare metal was exposed. Durther chloride ion dissolution would then form a pit into the metal. &his mechanism predicts that once a pit forms it will continue to $row. Snfortunatel!, some pits cease to $row. ,it *rowth

Drom a mechanistic point of iew, the $rowth of a pit can be re$arded as similar to the corrosion process in a creice, coered in the preious section. &he exposed surface outside the $rowin$ pit is cathodicall! protected b! supportin$ the reduction of ox!$en to h!drox!l ion reaction:O0 / 0;0O / ,e-  ,$O;-& As this cathodicall! protects the re$ion outside the pit, the metal dissolution re$ion cannot spread laterall! across the surface. #n 

addition the lar$e cathodic surface can maintain this reaction and form a lar$e cathode to small anode ratio which will accelerate the anodic reaction. ithin the pit, which is re$arded as a small hemisphere at this sta$e, the metal dissolution reaction is tain$ place. &his is the $eneral anodic reaction of:9  9/ / eFoweer, it is the onl! reaction within the pit and results in an electrical imbalance a$ain which attracts ne$atiel! char$e ions, usuall! chloride ions.  &he autocatal!tic reaction to form h!drochloric acid in the pit is initiated and continues:9n/ / "l- / ;0O  9$O;& / $;/"l-& 3ittin$, lie creice corrosion, is an autocatal!tic reaction once it is started and the pF decreases while chloride ion concentration increases inside the pit.

Procedure:1. A stainless steel sample is taen and the surface of the sample is thorou$hl! polished.

. #t is dipped in a solution containin$ 1  F/O4 and =.2  a0l for a desi$nated time.

2. &he surface is obsered under the optical microscope and the total number of pits on the surface are calculated.

4. &he procedure is repeated with a similar sample for a di"erent time interal

Observations:5en$th of the sample- .4 cm. 

idth of the sample- =.2 cm. AreaN =.96 cm.  &ime interalN seconds  &otal number of pitsN1 3it densit! N > seconds  &otal number of pits- 19. 3it Iensit!N 0+ pits4cm0.  &ime interalN 0+ seconds  &otal number of pitsN 6 3it densit!N7++ pits4cm0 Time interval  7+ seconds  &otal number of pits N 4= 3it densit!N70+ pits4cm

Precautions:6 1. 0are is taen to ensure that the electrodes do not touch the $lass-walls as it mi$ht lead to erroneous results. . 0are is taen to aoid an! parallax error. 2. &he pit densit! doesnVt increase after a speciBc time interal as new pits stop formin$ and the initiated pits $row in depth. ????


Experiment- Aim of the Experiment:-

Pittin' corrosion !easurement of the pitting potential% passivity 'rea#do"n  potential through potentiodynamic polariation techni,ue

Theory: – ,itting Corrosion:- 3ittin$ corrosion is a localied form of  corrosion b! which caities or WholesW are produced in the material. 3ittin$ is considered to be more dan$erous than uniform corrosion dama$e because it is more diCcult to detect, predict and desi$n a$ainst. 0orrosion products often coer the pits. A small, narrow pit with minimal oerall metal loss can lead to the failure of an entire en$ineerin$ s!stem. 3ittin$ corrosion, which, for example, is almost a common denominator of all t!pes of localied corrosion attac, ma! assume di"erent shapes. 3ittin$ corrosion can produce pits with their mouth open (uncoered) or coered with a semipermeable membrane of corrosion products. 3its can be either hemispherical or cup-shaped.

3ittin$ is initiated b!: a. 5ocalied chemical or mechanical dama$e to the protectie oxide Blm; water chemistr! factors which can cause breadown of a passie Blm are acidit!, low dissoled ox!$en concentrations (which tend to render a protectie oxide Blm less stable) and hi$h concentrations of chloride (as in seawater).

b. 5ocalied dama$e to, or poor application of, a protectie coatin$. c.  &he presence of non-uniformities in the metal structure of the component, e.$. nonmetallic inclusions. 21

 &heoreticall!, a local cell that leads to the initiation of a pit can be caused b! an abnormal anodic site surrounded b! normal surface which acts as a cathode, or b! the presence of an abnormal cathodic site surrounded b! a normal surface in which a pit will hae disappeared due to corrosion. #n the second case, post-examination should reeal the local cathode, since it will remain imperious to the corrosion attac as in the picture of an aluminium specimen shown on the ri$ht. >ost cases of pittin$ are belieed to be caused b! local cathodic sites in an otherwise normal surface. Apart from the localied loss of thicness, corrosion pits can also be harmful b! actin$ as stress risers. Dati$ue and stress corrosion cracin$ ma! initiate at the base of corrosion pits. One pit in a lar$e s!stem can be enou$h to produce the catastrophic failure of that s!stem

Procedure:1. &he specimen is $round and polished to remoe an! surface indulations and to obtain a smooth surface. . A part of the specimen surface is wrapped in &e%on and the sample is then immersed in the solution. 2. &he corrosion process is initiated from the a$nesium has the 4=

most ne$atie electron potential of the three and is suitable for onshore pipelines where the electrol!te resistiit! is hi$her. >a$nesium anodes are not suitable in sea-water, because low solution resistiities allow rapid consumption of the anodes. 7inc and aluminium are $enerall! used in sea-water where the resistiit! is $enerall! lower. &!pical uses are for the hulls of ships and boats, o"shore pipelines and production platforms, in salt-water-cooled marine en$ines, on small boat propellers and rudders, and for the internal surface of stora$e tans.

Experimental *et-up: 1. &he experiment of sacriBcial cathodic protection was performed on a steel sample usin$ inc as sacriBcial anode.  &he steel sample can be considered as a hull of a ship.

. #n a small $lass tumbler containin$ an electrol!te hain$ composition of sea-water(2.6Q a0l) is taen.

2. 'oth steel and inc plate are partiall! dipped in the electrol!te. A 0u0u/O 4 reference electrode is used to measure the potential across half-cell formed b! steel.

4. 4. A saturated calomel electrode is used in a similar wa! across inc.

6. &wo multimeters are connected across the reference electrodes and half-cells to record the potential across them. Another multimeter is connected across the electrochemical cell formed b! inc and steel which measures the amount of  current %ow from cathode to anode.

8. &he current %ow and the potential across anode and cathode are recorded at interals until the! reach a stead! alue. 41

Observations:3mpressed current$3&



= -1.1 -1= -. -.6 -. -9. -9.9 -9.8 -9.4 -9.2 -9. -9 -8. -8. -8.9 -8.9 -8.6 -8.4 -8.2 -8.1 -8 -6. -6. -6. -6.9 -6.9 -6.9 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8

-89 -= -9 -1== -1==6 -1== -1=1= -1=1 -1=12 -1=16 -1=18 -1=19 -1=1 -1=1 -1=1 -1=1 -1= -1=4 -1=6 -1=8 -1= -1= -1=2= -1=21 -1=2 -1=2 -1=22 -1=22 -1=24 -1=24 -1=26

11=8 92 2 = 6  1==1 1==2 1==6 1==9 1== 1=1= 1=11 1=1 1=14 1=16 1=19 1=1 1== 1== 1=4 1=6 1=8 1=9 1= 1= 1=2= 1=22 1=2= 1=21 1=2 4

-6.6 -6.6 -6.4 -6.4 -6.4 -6.4

-1=26 -1=28 -1=28 -1=28 -1=28 -1=28

1=22 1=22 1=24 1=26 1=28 1=28



"alculations :esistiit! of sea-water([)N 46 ohm-cm /ubmer$ed portions : 7inc : 5en$th(5)N.1 idth()N.1cm  &hicness(&)N=.2cm /teel : 5en$thN=.2cm idthN1.9cm  &hicnessN=.6cm Area of steel submer$ed N 9=.9 cm  Area of inc submer$ed N 1=.= cm  0urrent densit! of steel in sea waterN =.=6 mA cm - Oerall current demand N (9=.9?=.=6) N 2.628 mA


ow, 42

esistance of the sacrificial anode N 16[(5=.=.&) N 189. \ #ohmN)( Esteel ] Einc)) N 1=.64 mA /ince #ohm is bi$$er than the current demand, hence the inc plate can act as the sacriBcial anode. Assumin$ that the submer$ed inc is completel! used to protect the steel, @olume of sacriBcial anode N (.1?.1?=.2) cc N 1.22 cc Iensit! N 91 $mcc Fence, >ass of sacriBcial anode necessar! N (91?1.22) N 2.2 $m /#0E &FE I#>E/#O/ OD &FE /A03 AE D#XEI &FE EDD#0#E0Y 'E >S5##EI &O &F#/ AI O& I#@#IEI Efficienc! of inc(^) N=Q Amount of inc present within that 2.2 N 2.2?.N4.629 $m 5et the serice life of the steel specimen be _xV hours ow, 1=== $m of inc can produce 1= A-hr  &hus, 4.629 $m of inc can produce 8.496 A-hr 'ut, 0urrent supplied oer the entire serice life N (2.628?1= -2?x) Ahr  &hus euatin$, we $et, xN .1 !ears /o, the probable serice life of the steel specimen would be 0.0> years

esults: &hus,the purpose of the experiment is sered and the serice life of  the sample is about .1 !ears. 0onductiit! of the used sample solutionN46 moh-cm

Precautions:1.&he multimeter terminals should be connected properl! so as to obsere stead! alues of current and olta$es. 44

.3roper circuit should be made in accordance with the experiment. ????


Experiment-1 Aim of the Experiment:-

"revice "orrosion To nd the crevice corrosion rate 3 generate the polarisation curves sho"ing the nature of crevice corrosion.

Theory: – 0reice corrosion is a form of localied attac that occurs freuentl! on metals exposed to sta$nant solutions within shielded areas such as holes, $asets, lap +oints and creices under bolts. &his form of  corrosion is usuall! er! diCcult to detect, predict and desi$n a$ainst due to the sie and locations of the corrodin$ creice. #t can also be thou$ht of as a $alanic process that occurs between di"erent areas of an identical metal $alanic couple immersed in an electrol!te. &his form of corrosion starts close to the creice mouth and becomes more widespread, pro$ressiel! moin$ to the interior of the material throu$hout the period of exposure to the a$$ressie solution. >aterials with hi$h corrosion resistance are usuall! the most ulnerable to this form of corrosion. ell nown examples of susceptible metals are stainless steel allo!s, nicel, titanium and aluminium. 0reice corrosion is encountered particularl! in metals and allo!s which owe their resistance to the stabilit! of a passie Blm, since these Blms are unstable in the presence of hi$h concentrations of  0l-and F ions. +echanism

 &he $eneral conditions for creice corrosion include a sta$nant solution and a $ap between two surfaces, one of which is metal, of  the order of 11==th of an inch. #nitiall!, the usual anodic and cathodic reactions occur oer the surface of the metal.  &he $eneral anodic reaction is:> N >  e48

 &he $eneral cathodic reaction is :O-  FO  4e- N 4(OF-)  &hese initiall! occur oer the whole surface. Foweer a restriction occurs in the creice re$ion such that the dissoled ox!$en in the creice cannot easil! be replaced. &he re$ion inside the creice cannot then support a cathodic reaction. #t can still support an anodic reaction of the t!pe shown aboe. Outside the creice re$ion the cathodic reaction proceeds but anodic reaction ceases as it is concentrated in the creice. An electrical char$e imbalance exists between the hi$h positie char$e within the creice from metal ions and the ne$atie char$e outside the creice. As a result, ne$atie ions are attracted into the creice. &he limit is the small sie of the creice. 0hloride ions are the faored ions to be attracted into the creice. Associated with the ne$atie chloride ion is the er! small positie h!dro$en ion. 'oth the chloride ion concentration and the h!dro$en ion concentration increase within the creice. &hat is the pF in the creice decreases from alues of 8 to  - 2. &he e"ect of this acidiBcation is that the corrosion rate inside the creice increases.  &he chloride ion repeatedl! reacts as shown below where the chloride ion associates with the metal ion and the metal chloride reacts with water to form metal h!droxide and h!drochloric acid.  &he dissociated chloride ion can react a$ain with the metal ion and the series of reactions repeat. &his is termed 4autocatalytic 'ehaviour5 . ith the increase in anodic rate the cathodic reaction of ox!$en outside the creice increases, further protectin$ the re$ion outside the creice.  eactions inside the creice include:9/ / "l-  9/ "l9// "l- / ;0O 9$O;& / $;/"l-& ;/"l-  ;/ / "l &his results in acidiBcation within the creice. ote that onl! the re$ion inside the creice will be corroded. &his is also important as the anodic area is localied and small in comparison to the cathodic area. &he area e"ect then also comes into pla! with a small anode carr!in$ the same current as the cathode, leadin$ to an increased current detnsit! and corrosion rate. /o seeral factors are inoled 49

in creice corrosion, electrical char$e imbalance, leadin$ to a lower pF and chloride ion concentration increase, and a er! unfaorable anode to cathode area ration all if which lead to an enhanced anodic rate.

Procedure:1. A stainless steel sample is taen and the surface of the sample is thorou$hl! polished.

. #t is dipped in a beaer containin$ tap water.

2. &he corrosion process is initiated b! the instrument and the software plots the polarisation cure (5inear /weep @oltammetr!)



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