final reflection writing

November 11, 2018 | Author: api-346436766 | Category: Essays, Evaluation, Educational Psychology, Information, Semiotics
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Nurul Afiqah Binte Rashid_A0160361R_C01_Reflection Rashid_A0160361R_C01_Reflection Writing The kind of genres that I ould !e riting in "# "a$or% Infor"ation &#ste"s 'I&(% are t#)ic t#)ical all# l#%% !usi !usine ness ss re)o re)orts rts%% stat statis isti tica call re)o re)ort rts s and and )ro) )ro)os osal als s that that are are eith either  er  infor"ati*e% e*aluati*e or argu"entati*e+ After taking the ,&1103 "odule% I !elie*e that I a" "ore infor"ed of the "istakes I used to "ake in "# )ast ritings and I could i")ro*e "# future ritings !# le*eraging fro" the skills taught in the "odule+ I ill reflect on ho the skills and e-)eriences% gained fro" ,&1103% is a))lica!le to the the ritt ritten en genr genres es or non. non.r ritt itten en ork orks s in "# disci disci)l )lin ine% e% I&% I&% and and disc discus uss s "# strengths and eaknesses+ /ne of the ritten genres that I ill !e riting in "# disci)line is !usiness re)orts+ The skills skills and and e-)eri e-)erienc ences es that that ,&11 ,&1103 ha*e ha*e taught taught "e ill ill !e hel)fu hel)full in the )lanning and structuring )hase of the re)orts and also% the usage of citation and e-)ressing citations in the re)orts+ I could a))l# this skill !# finding the sco)ing% *alue% content and instructional ords thereu)on% ha*ing a clear understanding of  the require"ents for the re)orts 'Rashid% N+A+% 012d(+ /ther than that% I also learnt fro" the "odule that sha)ing the thesis ser*es as an anchor for the entire re)ort so it is *er# i")ortant to "ake it concise and #et co*ers the su""ar# of the re)ort 'Rashid% N+A+% 012c(+ urther"ore% the "odule has i")ro*ed "# citations and ho I )ara)hrase% s#nthesi4e and su""arise the citations into the re)orts+ In Week 3% I learnt these skills !# using co")le- sentences and co")le- nouns% hich "akes the citation concise hile integrating "ore infor"ation and e-)ressing dense "eanings thus% ha*ing such a skill ould !e good to a))l# into re)orts since re)orts ha*e hea*# cited references 'Rashid% N+A+% 012a(+ /n the other hand% for non.ritten orks% such as )resentations% the "odule has taught "e ho to )lan future )resentations !# using the suita!le references and "aking the flo of the content "ore coherent+ ,-)eriences fro" )eer feed!ack 1

Nurul Afiqah Binte Rashid_A0160361R_C01_Reflection Rashid_A0160361R_C01_Reflection Writing sessions ha*e taught "e to !e "ore conscious a!out ho the )resentation flos so that it ould !e reada!le and understanda!le for readers 'Rashid% N+A+% 012!(+ Not onl# ill the "odule !e a))lica!le in the genres of "# disci)line% !ut it has also "ade "e gro strengths and realise "# eaknesses in "# ritings+ 5# strengths are are in )ara )ara)h )hra rasi sing ng%% s#nt s#nthe hesi si4i 4ing ng%% su"" su""ar ari4 i4in ing g cita citati tion ons s and and usin using g suit suita! a!le le )rogressions and te-t cohesion in "# essa#s 'Rashid% N+A+% 012!(+ /n the contrar#% I a" still eak in !eing concise% structuring co")le- sentences and !eing e*aluati*e in "# essa#s !ased on "# )ro!le" solution essa# 'Rashid% N+A+% 012!(+ Indeed% I feel that the skills taught are useful and a))lica!le to the genres of "# disc disci) i)li line ne++ oe oe*e *er% r% des) des)it ite e "# i")r i")ro* o*e" e"en ents ts%% "ore "ore can can !e done done to fi- "# eaknesses thereu)on% achie*ing "ore concise% clear and e*aluati*e re)orts that ill !e con*incing and reada!le as ell+ Consequentl#% I ould !e a!le to share "# ideas easil# and readers ould !e a!le to ca)ture "# ideas !etter+


Nurul Afiqah Binte Rashid_A0160361R_C01_Reflection Rashid_A0160361R_C01_Reflection Writing References

Rashid% N+A+ '012a(+ 7ara)hrasing% &u""ari4ing 8 &#nthesi4ing+ 9e.)ortfolio )ost:+ Retrie*ed fro" htt);
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