Final Quiz - Asme Pcc-2

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 ASME PCC-2 ( Edition-2011) Select only one option which you think is most appropriate

1. “External Weld Overlay Repair Method for Internal Thinning” T hinning” is generally not appropriate repair method for which of the t he following defects a. Pitting b. General Wall Thinning c. Local Wall Thinning d. Gouges  Ans: b.

REF:  Part 1 Table 1 ASME PCC-2 

2. “Type B Full Encirclement Steel Reinforcing Sleeves for Piping” is considered generally appropriate solution for---------a. Local Wall Thinning b. Laminations c. Blisters d. All of above  Ans: d.

REF:  Part 1 Table 1 ASME PCC-2 

3. In insert plate repair method, rectangular and square insert plates of 20 mm thickness shall have corners rounded to a minimum radius equal to: a. 3 times times insert insert plate plate thickness thickness i.e 60mm b. 6 times insert plate thickness i.e120mm c. 75 mm d. 150 mm  Ans: c.

REF:  Clause 3.4 , Art 2.1 ASME PCC-2 


4. A corroded area on non-post weld heat-treated cylindrical shell was completely removed by making a 150mm diameter opening, which is to be repaired by using circular Butt-welded Insert Plates. What will be Minimum diameter of Insert Plate? a. Lesser of of 12t or 380 mm (where t is the thickness thickness of the parent parent material). material). b. Greater of 12t 12t or 380 mm (where t is the thickness thickness of the parent material) material) c. 150mm diameter d. 300 mm diameter REF:  Clause 3.6.1 , Art 2.1 ASME PCC-2 

 Ans: a.

5. For Pre-qualified Design, for repair made with “External Weld Overlay to Repair Internal Thinning”” , the maximum dimension (L, length along axis) compensated by a circular, oval, Thinning or rectangular overlay should not does not exceed: a. One-half the nominal outside diameter diameter of of the component component b. 200 mm (8 in.) c. Lesser of one-half the nominal outside diameter of the component or 200 mm (8 in.) d. Higher of one-half one-half the nominal nominal outside diameter diameter of the component component or 200 mm (8 in.)  Ans: b.

REF:  Clause f, Art 2.2, ASME PCC-2 

6. Full encirclement sleeve where ends are welded circumferentially to the carrier pipe is called: a. Type 1 sleeve b. Type A sleeve c. Type 2 sleeve d. Type B sleeve  Ans: d.

REF:  Clause 1.1.2 , Art 2.6 ASME PCC-2 

7. Full encirclement sleeve where ends are not welded circumferentially to the carrier pipe is called a. Type 1 sleeve b. Type A sleeve c. Type 2 sleeve


d. Type B sleeve REF:  Clause 1.1.2 , Art 2.6 ASME PCC-2 

 Ans: b.

8. Type A sleeves shall be fabricated or manufactured from steel meeting the material specifications of the construction code, and should have a minimum thickness equal to a. Two-thirds the thickness thickness of the carrier pipe. b. Full thickness of the carrier pipe. c. Half thickness of the carrier pipe. d. Three-fourth thickness of the carrier pipe.  Ans: a.

REF:  Clause 3.1, Art 2.6, ASME PCC-2 

9. Full encirclement Types A and B sleeves shall be at least: a. 100 mm (4 in.) long and extend beyond the defect defect by at least 50 mm mm (2 in.). b. 100 mm (4 in.) long and extend beyond the defect defect by at least 25 mm mm (1 in.). c. 150 mm (6 in.) long and extend beyond the defect by at least 75 mm (3 in.). d. 150 mm (6 in.) long and extend beyond the defect defect by at least 50 mm mm (2 in.).  Ans: a.

REF:  Clause 3.4, Art 2.6, ASME PCC-2 

10. In “Fillet Welded W elded Patches with Reinforcing Reinforcing Plug Welds” repair method, the Plug welds may be designed to take up to----------- of the patch plate load. a. 50% b. 25% c. 100% d. 30%  Ans: d.

REF:  Clause 3.5, Art 2.7, ASME PCC-2 

11. In context of ASME PCC-2, the total t otal depth of overlay or back cladding shall be -----------thickness, unless otherwise specified. a. 3 mm (1⁄8 in.) or lower   b. 3 mm (1⁄8 in.) or greater  


c. 1.5 mm (1⁄16 in.) or greater   d. 1.5 mm (1⁄16 in.) or lower    Ans: b.

REF:  Clause 3.3, Art 2.11, ASME PCC-2 

12. Freeze plug isolation method was planned for repair on NPS 3 piping. According to  ASME PCC-2, which of the following following is appropriate. appropriate. a. Use Carbon Dioxide Freeze Plugs with the jacket length not not less than three pipe diameters b. Use Liquid nitrogen Freeze Plugs Plugs with the jacket jacket length not not less than four pipe diameters c. Use Liquid nitrogen Freeze Plugs with the jacket length not more than four pipe diameters d. Use Carbon Dioxide Freeze Plugs with the jacket length not not more than three pipe diameters  Ans: d.

REF:  Clause 3.7, Art 3.2, ASME PCC-2 

13. Freeze plug isolation method was planned for repair on NPS 6 piping. According to  ASME PCC-2, which of the following following is appropriate. appropriate. a. Use Carbon Dioxide Freeze Plugs with the jacket length not not more than four pipe diameters b. Use Carbon Dioxide Freeze Plugs with the jacket length not not less than four pipe diameters c. Use Liquid nitrogen Freeze Plugs with the jacket length not more than three pipe diameters d. Use Liquid nitrogen Freeze Plugs with the jacket length equal to three pipe diameters  Ans: c.

REF:  Clause 3.6, Art 3.2, ASME PCC-2 

14. In Fillet Welded Patches repair method, in addition to completely encompassing the damaged area the size (length and width) of the patch plate shall also be large enough to encompass any additional area anticipated to experience similar damage during the life of the repair and The patch plate should overlap sound base metal by distance at least ---------a. 25 mm (1 in.). b. 50 mm (2 in.).


c. Equal to nominal wall thickness thicknes s of component d. Twice the nominal nominal wall thickness thickn ess of component  Ans: a.

REF:  Clause 3.1d, Art 2.12, ASME PCC-2 

15. According to ASME PCC-2 guideline g uidelines, s, for “repair by weld” weld” on base metal, if weld thickness is -------------then it should be examined by volumetric examination methods such as radiographic or ultrasonic testing. a. Over 19 mm (3⁄4 in.) thick  thick   b. Over 25 mm (1 in.) thick c. Over 9.5 mm (3⁄8 in.) thick  thick   d. Over 12.7 mm (1⁄2 in.) thick  thick   Ans: c.

REF:  Clause 5.1.2, Art 2.11, ASME PCC-2 

16. Mechanical Clamp Repair can be used on-stream for: a. General Wall Thinning b. Local Wall Thinning c. Pitting d. B and C  Ans: d.

REF:  Part 1 Table 1 ASME PCC-2 

17. Unless anFriction engineering evaluation performed shell plugging with fit tapered plugs is can be done for only if and tube Heat exchangers, tube a. shell-side operating pressure is 1.5 MPa (200 psi)or less b. shell-side operating temperature temperatur e 205°C (400°F)or less c. tube-to-tube sheet joints are are expanded expanded and and not welded d. All above conditions must be met  Ans: d.

REF:  Clause 4.2b, Art 3.12, ASME PCC-2 

18. When in-service leak test is performed on equipment or piping, the test medium normally will be


a. Water b. Air c. Process fluid d. Nitrogen REF:  Clause 3.1, Art 5.1, ASME PCC-2

 Ans: c.

19. For pressure testing on vessels and piping, the Pressure gage/recorder ranges shall be greater than ----times and less than --- times the required test pressure a. 1.5, 3 b. 1.5, 4 c. 1.5, 2.5 d. 2,4 REF:  Checklist item 7, Mandatory App I. Art 5.1, ASME PCC-2

 Ans: b.

20. In order to reduce the risk of brittle fracture during the pressure test, the temperature of the metal during the test of pressure vessels should be maintained at a minimum of -------the minimum design metal temperature (MDMT) a. 17°C below b. 17°F above c. 30°F above d. 30°C above  Ans: c.

REF:  Clause 6.1b, Art 5.1, ASME PCC-2 

21. The excavated „boat samples‟ have which of following advantage a. The cavity left by the removal removal of the sample is very conducive conducive to repair repair welding. welding. b. The tapered nature of the the cavity allow allow complete complete access for most welding welding processes c. Sloping curvature curvature of the cavity allow complete access access for most welding welding processes. processes. d. All of above  Ans: d.

REF:  Clause I-7g, Art 3.4 Mandatory App I, ASME PCC-2 


22. For the safe distance calculation for pneumatic test, if the t he scaled consequence factor is 5m/kg1/3 (12.5ft/lb1⁄3), what effect you expect on human beings if vessel is burst during test a. Eardrum rupture b. Lung damage and Eardrum rupture c. Fatal d. Safe. No effects REF:  Table III-1, III- 1, Mandatory App III. Art 5.1, ASME PCC-2 

 Ans: b.

23. According to ASME PCC-2 guideline g uidelines s for conducting a pneumatic tightness test, the test pressure should be no less than a. The higher of of 105 kPa (15 psi) or 25% of the system design pressure. b. 105 kPa (15 psi) c. 25% of the system design pressure. d. The lesser of 105 kPa (15 psi) or or 25% of the system design design pressure. pressure.  Ans: d.

REF:  Clause, Art 5.1, ASME PCC-2 

24. According to ASME PCC-2 guidelines, Fillet Welded Patches-----------used for lethal service applications a. Should not b. Shall not c. May be d. There is no such guideline in ASME PCC-2  Ans: b.

REF:  Clause 2c, Art 2.12, ASME PCC-2 

25. According to ASME PCC-2 guidelines for bending of pipes the term “hot “hot bending” bending” refers to bending of ferritic steels at a temperature t emperature above the------------

a. Lower critical temperature b. Upper critical temperature c. Preheating temperature d.


  Stress relieving temperature



Ans: a.

REF: Clause 4.3.1, Art 3.7, ASME PCC-2 

26 26.. “Butt“Butt-welded Insert Plates in Pressure Components” is considered generally appropriate repair method for which of the t he following defects a. General Wall Thinning b. Local Wall Thinning c. Circumferential Circumferen tial and Longitudinal Cracks d. All of above  Ans: d.

REF:  Part 1 Table 1 ASME PCC-2 

27. A sub-contractor proposed proposed “Welded Leak Box Repair” as repair method for following defects. For which of the following it is NOT permitted repair method as per ASME PCC-2  a. Local Wall Thinning b. General wall thinning c. pitting d. All of above  Ans: b.

REF:  Part 1 Table 1 ASME PCC-2 

28. “Full encirclement Steel Reinforcing Sleeves for Piping” is proposed for repairing leaking defect. Which of the t he following type will be considered generally appropriate solution solution a. Type A b. Type B c. Either Type A or B d. None of above  Ans: b.

REF:  Clause 1.1.2, Art 2.6 ASME PCC-2 

29. For „doghouse” type insert plate having plate having its edge abutting with existing longitudinal weld, what length of existing weld shall be cut on each side of insert plate and re-welded a. 150 mm maximum b. Minimum 6 times times thickness thickness of of insert insert plate


c. 150 mm minimum d. Lower of b and c  Ans: c.

REF:  Note 4 Fig-3 , Art 2.1 ASME PCC-2 

30. For „doghouse” type insert plate having its edge abutting with existing longitudinal weld, certain length of of existing weld shall shall be cut on each side side of insert plate an and d re-welded. re-welded. What NDT should be performed on this weld? a. Full RT b. Full UT c. MT or PT both sides of weld d. Any one of a,b,c  Ans: d.

REF:  Note 4 Fig-3 , Art 2.1 ASME PCC-2 

31. A post weld heat-treated vessel 40mm thick was repaired using square insert plates of 40 mm thickness. Butt welds around the periphery of this insert plates shall be spaced no closer to existing welds than------.  a. 150mm b. 80 mm c. 6 times times thickness thickness o off insert insert plate ( 240mm) 240mm) d. 8 times thickness of of insert plate ( 320mm) 320mm)  Ans: b.

REF: clause 4.3.3, Art 2.1 ASME PCC-2  

32. The outer diameter of cylindrical shell is 640 mm and nominal wall thickness of the shell is 20mm is to be repaired by “External Weld Overlay to Repair Internal Thinning”. Unless otherwise justified by a fitness for f or service assessment, External Weld Overlay shall extend on base Metal beyond the affected base metal for a minimum distance, B, equal to: a. 40mm(twice nominal wall thickness) b. 60mm c. 80mm d. None of above  Ans: b not c.

REF: clause, Art 2.2, ASME PCC-2 


  33. A cylindrical shell 30mm thick was repaired by depositing 20mm “ External Weld Overlay to Repair Internal Thinning Thinning””. The corners of the weld overlay shall be rounded to ------radius a. Maximum 20mm. b. Minimum 20mm. c. Minimum 30mm . d. Maximum 30mm.  Ans: b.

REF: clause, Art 2.2, ASME PCC-2 

34. A cylindrical shell 32mm thick is to be repaired by depositing “External Weld Overlay to Repair Internal Thinning” Thinning”. According to ASME PCC-2 guidelines, what is the maximum thickness which can be deposited for such repair. a. 75% of wall thickness 24mm b. 150% of wall thickness, thickness , 48mm c. 50% of wall thickness, thickness , 16mm d. None of above  Ans: d.

REF: clause, Art 2.2, ASME PCC-2 

35. To qualify a repair design made with “External Weld Overlay to Repair Internal Thinning” a burst test was successfully made on 12 inch OD cylindrical mock up. This test qualifies repair components of -----------------Outsid -----------------Outside e diameter. a. 12 inch to unlimited b. Any OD up to 12 inch c. 6 inch to 24 inch d. Any OD up to 24 inch  Ans: c.

REF: clause, Art 2.2, ASME PCC-2 

36. Full encirclement sleeve used for leaking repairs, which of the following welds are NOT allowed for making longitudinal weld joint of the sleeve. a. Overlapping side strip welds b. Butt joint with backing strip


c. Butt joint without backing strip d. All of above are not allowed l REF: Fig.2, Art 2.6, ASME PCC-2  

 Ans: a.

37. It is proposed to carry out repair on carrier pipe using Tybe B sleeve. The wall thickness required for the maximum allowable design pressure for carrier pipe is 12 mm. The sleeve should have a wall thickness equal to or greater than -------------a. 8mm.( two thirds of carrier pipe pipe thickness thickness required required for MAWP) MAWP) b. 6mm.( Half of carrier pipe thickness required for MAWP ) c. 12 mm mm (full thickness of the carrier pipe required for MAWP). d. 9mm (Three-fourth (Three-fourth thickness thickness of the carrier carrier pipe required for MAWP). MAWP). REF: Clause 3.2, Art 2.6, ASME PCC-2 

 Ans: c

38. While designing fillet patches with plug welds the design can be based on: a. Considering the combined strength of the patch plate, the underlying shell and plug welds. b. Considering the strength of the patch plate alone c. Considering the strength of the underlying shell and plug welds d. Considering the strength of the patch plate and plug welds  Ans: a

REF: Clause 3.1 g , Art 2.7, ASME PCC-2 

39 39.. In “Fillet Welded Patches with Reinforcing Plug Welds” repair method, the Plug weld holes should have a diameter not less---------and less---------and not more than-----------,( The component thickness is 24 mm and fillet patch thickness is 16 mm) a. 16mm, 24mm b. 25mm, 50 mm c. 22mm, 38 mm d. 12mm, 24 mm  Ans: c

REF: Clause 3.5b, Art 2.7, ASME PCC-2 


40. Alternatives to Traditional Welding Preheat method, the Welds in steels st eels having a Carbon equivalent > 0.5 % are prone to delayed cracking. A waiting period of ---------- should be allowed to detect delayed cracking before final NDT a. 12 hours or more is performed. b. 24 hours or more c. Not more than 12 hours d. Not more than 24 hours  Ans: b

REF: Clause 3.4 , Art 2.8, ASME PCC-2 

41 Carbon equivalent (CE) may be used as a means for determining the necessity for preheat. According to ASME PCC-2 guidelines, Preheat is optional if a. CE is
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