July 7, 2017 | Author: Gautam Maskara | Category: Coffeehouse, Coffee, Charge Coupled Device, Business, Social Issues (General)
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QUESTIONNAIRE OF CAFÉ COFFEE DAY Objective:-To Study the Opinions, Perceptions, and Locations of Customers of CCD. NOTE: - I am student of Marketing Management, studying in Sinhgad Institute of Management & Computer Application in Pune, conducting Survey on CCD. The information collected will be kept confidential and be used only for academic purpose.

1) Name:-………………………………………………………………

2) Age: - Please tick appropriate A) Below 20 B) 21-30 C) 31-40 D) 41 and above 3) Gender:Male Female 4) Monthly Income:A) Less than 10,000 B) Rs. 10,000-20,000 C) Rs. 20,000-30,000 D) More than 30,000

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5) Occupation:A) Student ( ) B) Working professional ( ) C) Businessman ( ) D) Service ( ) E) Any Other (Please Specify)………………………………………………..

6). Name three coffee shops that you know A)………………………….. B)………………………….. C)………………………….. 7). How often do you visit a Coffee Shop? A). Daily B). Once a week C). 2 times a week D). 3 times a week E). Once in two weeks F). Once a month G). Very rarely

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8). How much money do you spend at a Coffee Shop? (In Rupees) A). Less than 40 ( ) B). 40 – 80 ( ) C). 80 – 120 ( ) D). More than 120 ( ) 9). On an average, how much time do you spend in a Coffee Shop? A). Less than ½ an hour ( ) B). ½ an hour to 1 hour ( ) C). 1 hour to 2 hours ( ) D). More than 2 hours ( ) 10). How many people do you go to a coffee place with? A). Alone ( ) B). 2 – 4 ( ) C). 4 – 8 ( ) D). More than 8 ( ) 11). Why do you go to a coffee shop? A). Only to have coffee B). To enjoy my private time C). Catch up with friends D). For group activities (group studies, presentations, meetings)

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12). What do you look for when u choose a coffee shop to go to? (Rank in order of preference 1-highest, 5-lowest) A). Convenience/accessibility ( ) B). Ambience ( ) C). Service ( ) D). Quality of food ( ) E). Price ( ) F). Others (please specify)………………………………………………………….

13). What do you normally eat or drink in a Cafe Coffee Day? (You can choose more than one) A). Coffee ( ) B). Smoothest and similar drinks ( ) C). Desserts and confectionery ( ) D). Eatables like sandwich, Samosas etc. ( )

14) Are you satisfied with the location of CCD? A) YES ( ) B) NO ( ) C) If No the why? ...................................................

15) How do you know CCD? A) BY Advertisement B) By Newspaper C) By Magazines D) By Word of mouth C) BY friends

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16) How far is CCD from your home? A) 1-2 KM B) 2-3 KM C) 3-4 KM D) 4-5 KM E) More than 5 KM

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17). Rate the following factors for Cafe Coffee Day (Tick the choice most applicable) Excellent


Average Satisfactory


Staff behaviour Value for money Availability of preferred items Delivery Time Quality of food/drinks

18).Do you have any suggestions to improve Café Coffee Day?

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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