Final Project Igc 3

April 29, 2017 | Author: MURTHY | Category: N/A
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NEBOSH International General Certificate In Occupational Health and Safety



Student Number: 00332912

Date of Submission:

APPENDIX 1 GC3 – The Health and Safety Practical Application Candidate and course provider declarations: For completion by the candidate: I declare that the work submitted for this practical application assessment i.e. The completed observation sheets and the report to management, is my own work. I recognise that contravention of this statement constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the NEBOSH Malpractice policy. Name (Print)






For completion by a course provider representative (eg internal practical assessor): I declare that the work marked is identical to that received from the candidate. I recognise that contravention of this statement constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the NEBOSH Malpractice policy. Name (Print)






For completion by the course provider’s internal practical assessor: I declare that I have marked this work and am both qualified and approved by NEBOSH to do so. I recognise that contravention of this statement constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the NEBOSH Malpractice policy. Name (Print)






NB: This declaration must be completed in full, submitted and retained with the candidate’s script. If this declaration is not submitted the candidate’s result may be declared void.



Assessor’s marking sheet

Date of practical application

Name of assessor

Course provider number Student number

Course provider name 00332912

Student name


Maximum marks available

Criteria 1

Completion of observation sheets


Range and consequences


Identification of suitable control measures and timescales


Report - Introduction and Executive Summary


Introduction providing an overview of the chosen area



Executive summary



Report - Main findings of the inspection


Quality of interpretation of findings



Identification of possible breaches of legislation and/or standards



Persuasiveness / conciseness / technical content



Report - Conclusions and Recommendations


Clear and concise conclusions which are clearly related to report findings and are effective in convincing management to take action



Recommendations which present realistic actions to improve health and safety in the chosen area







15 15


Assessor’s marks awarded

NEBOSH moderated marks (if different)

Outcome: PASS (60% or more)

REFER (less than 60%)

Date assessed ____ / ____ / ____ Assessor’s signature ______________________ Date received by course provider ____ / ____ / ____ Date received by NEBOSH (if applicable) _____ / _____ / _____

Assessor’s additional comments on the practical application:

ASSESSED BY (name in block letters) _________________________________________________ The mark sheet must be retained by the Course Provider and sent to NEBOSH only if requested. NEBOSH USE ONLY NEBOSH Moderator’s comments:


Candidate’s observation sheet

Sheet number

of _____

Student name ph____________________________________

Student number __________________

Place inspected _____________________________________

Date of inspection ___ / _____ / _____

Observations Hazards and consequence

Control measures Immediate and longer term actions


1. Fall of material, tools and persons into the excavation of 10 feet depth due to lack of edge protection causing bone fractures to workers, head injuries, cuts and bruises.

2. Fall of workers and objects from the scaffold at a height of 30 meters due the poor surface (uneven floor) and no guard rail, outriggers broken, the braces and toe boards have large gaps on the work platform causing major head injuries and impact on the workers.

Immediate action: To provide to provision of signage and authorized peoples only. Long term action: To build the hydraulic shore on the ditch of 10 feet sides to protects the cave. And its protects the slip and trips hazard for the employees Immediate action: Provision of guard rails, toe boards, securing tools, replace the platforms.

One month

One day One day

Regular inspections. Long term action: All the scaffold materials purchase by the component person and using all the safety for scaffold erection. Revise the risk assessments and permits.

3. Failure and toppling of mobile crane from the oil spillages and wet surfaces in the construction site leading to collisions with workers and structures causing fatalities and property damage.

One day

One week

One week

Immediate action: Regularly Clean up spillages Cautions for wet floors and spillages Pre use checks foe mobile cranes. Long term action: Every month

4.Severe back pains and musculoskeletal disorders while workers carrying manually cement bags, bricks and sand causing hernia, muscle cramps and slipped disc.

5. In the construction site the workers are handling concrete mixer without hopper. As a result workers inhale cement and dust that may lead to respiratory problems and asphyxiation.

Maintenance of the equipment. Competent operator. Communication between all the operators. Immediately action: To the supervisor are takes responsibility and instruct the worker carry the safe worker capability of load limit. Long term action: The organising recognised the manually handling workers and how to handle the manual workers organisation training for all the manual handling workers tell to the manual techniques and maximum weight that one can carry and consequences if they exceed the weight limits Immediate action: Provide respiratory protective equipment. Provide hopper for mixing Long term action: Conduct health surveillance programme

1 day

One month

1 day 4 weeks

12.In the ware house of construction site Workers performing iron pipes unloading work in a awkward position ,this may cause back pain ,prolapsed discs, injuries cuts etc.

13. I observed the workers in the construction site were shouting each other and they are blaming each other. Here the other workers disturb and damage work because of loss of working time. Some workers may lead to stress.

14. In the ware house of construction site under poor lighting workers needs to get construction materials from the warehouse. Lack good lighting, workers may slips trips and may also falls inside the warehouse, resulting injuries such as head injury, bone fracture, piercing of any sharp laid item on floor. 15. In the work site emergency fire exit door has been obstructed with a wooden material. Which can obstruct the walk or running in emergency and that leads to severe injuries by fall and trips.

16. I am observed in a construction site area there are nearly 10 LPG gas cylinders are stored. And the worker are doing welding work on top of the cylinders. Here the welding sparks ejected are falling on the gas cylinders. This may cause large fire and explosion that leads to third degree burn injuries, and many people may lose their lives also. Here not only workers, but other people such as visitors, office workers and surrounding living propels also injured.

Immediate action: Perform unloading work in open place and then put in warehouse Long term action: Make warehouse spacious by maintaining good storage methods, and provide place for loading and unloading work. Immediate action: Conduct counselling programme to individuals. Long term action: Introduce and maintain zero tolerance policy. Check workers background during recruitment time. Immediate action: To be provides a clear lighting in the ware house so that workers can carry out work easily. Long term action: To providing natural lighting regular house keeping


Immediate action: To remove the obstruction objects from the emergency fire exit door. Long term action: Maintain good house keeping And provide proper training and fire drills. Immediate action: To stop the welding work immediately and cover the area with fire retracing materials. Take a gas cylinders away from work site. Long term action: The welding activities carry out by competent persons only. Do the major parts of welding at separate place and assemble can be done at required area. To give a training, instruction, information and supervision properly.

1 day

3 days

1day 1week


1 week

1 day

2 weeks

1 day


17. In the construction site, at the ground floor workers are working on to fit the lift. The work area is wet and water also. Here the welding activity performed in wet conditions to fix the lift. Here the welding machine cord and power supply cables are laying on the wet floor can cause to electrical shock and burns to workers.

Immediate action: Welding cords to be laid away from wet conditions and to maintenance good housekeeping.

18. In the construction site workers working with sand, bricks, cement and rocks, inhalation of dust of these materials cause respiratory problems and also cause skin allergies.

Immediate action: To control the dust particles by the water damping down. And using the respirators.

19. In the construction site area workers are doing electrical works on the 2nd floor , wires of equipment trailing on floor .By the trailing cables there may be a chances of fall and trip leading to bone fractures and head injuries

Long term action: The working area should be kept clean and dry to be maintained by the maintenance staff and regular checking by competent person.

Long term action: To be provided a well-ventilated area and sufficient and suitable personal protect equipment and provide dust catch filter face masks also provided.

Immediate action: Immediately remove all trailing cables from the walking areas and positioned in secure place. Long term action: To be provide a training and shows a videos to workers about the accidents relating to trailing cables.

20.In the construction site’s cellar area the carpenter performing wood work of doors for building. The carpenters using bench mounted circular saw, the machine don’t have any guard. And those peoples are working manual chopping of the wood materials and it makes a lot of noise and dust also, but they are not using any ear protection, hand gloves and face masks. Circular saw causes cuts and severing

Immediate action: Add adjustable top guard fitted above the blade and provide a suitable PPE.

21 In the construction site workers are doing excavation around the underground drainage to be 4 feet depth has no protected by barriers and sign boards it may causes to falling people by slip, topple of excavator. Peoples have injured death to serious injury but not limited to bone breaks or factures.

Immediate action: To stop the excavation work activities.

Long term action: To provide a proper training about the bench mounted circular saw. And the properly inspection by the competent person and routine inspection.

Long term action: To provides barrier along with the excavation area. And provide adequate training on safety practices of excavation process and policy.

One day

Within 1 day

1 day

1 month


1 month

1 day

2 weeks



22. In the construction site area a big generator realises lot of smoke. Here the workers are effected by the smoke, inhalation of smoke causes respiratory problems, high blood pressure.

Immediate action: Workers are using suitable personal protect equipment.

23. In the work site worker are painted outside of the building by using scaffold. I am observed the scaffold is not erected on the flat surface, worker are not using guard rails braces are not well fitted. There is no toe board’s .here the hazard is collapse the scaffold due to improper fitting and may falls from objects causes. The worker are not using even PPE also.

Immediate action: Make surface flat and place sole boards Provide with guard rails & toe boards and make braces well fit Long term action: Alteration needed must be done by competent person and do regular inspection.

24. In the construction site on the 1st floor the worker are polished by the grinding. Here the workers are helpers are caused sparks are flying and lead to eye injury and skin burns.

Immediate action: In the work activity area should be isolated and people should be provided with face shield, coveralls.

25. In the construction site, near the excavation area has main electric power supply for the entire construction site. Here this area was not protected and no signage of danger being placed that can lead to electrocution, burns, death and fall from height due to throw off can cause serious injury of bone fractures and head injuries.

Long term action: To be build a smoke exist fans and using local exhaust ventilation by using filters and by using smoke chimney or ducts. Good servicing maintenance of generator.

1 day

1 month


1 month


Long term action: Training should be provided to the workers on safe grinding activity.

1 day

Immediate action: To be put a danger signage boards.

1 day

Long term action: To be barricade the area from the excavation by isolating lock out – tag out system. Require permit to work.

1 week

26. In the construction site organisation has provided locker facility for each and every one separately for men and women.


27. Observed the first aid provisions were appropriate and accessible to the workers at the site with the complete kit.

It promotes recovery, prevents deterioration and preserves life during emergencies.

28. Provision of drinking water facility at each floor and clearly indicated with sign boards and can easily access.

Good working atmosphere for employees and ability to work with moral.

29. I am observed that each floor have fire fighting lines, sprinklers and smoke detectors. In the Warehouse area maintained fire cylinders. 30. In the work site separate toilets for men and women, and maintaining neat & clean. Here the provision of hand wash liquids, soaps,



Candidate report template

Student number_____________________________________ Location___________________________________________

Date of review



Structure report under the following headings: Introduction including overview of area inspected and activities taking place The above report follows the health and safety inspection in the biggest construction projects of RUSHITA CONSTRUSTIONS. It is a real estate company in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. It is. Here the indoor and outdoor activities and storage of raw materials and marketing of the flats Clients consultations, site visitors other peoples. In the construction the total number of worker is 70 peoples nearly and it is a 10 cores project. Here total 9 floors and 36 apartments. I am inspecting in the work site areas warehouse and construction buildings at the time 10 am to 12 noon on 09-042016. The activities being performed are Workers are doing in the ground level excavation, Workers are carrying manual handling by the raw materials, and Workers are doing outdoor activities such as outside painting of the building by using scaffold and cherry picker and spray guns. In door activities are welding at the lift fitting at a wet floor area by using power. Carpenters are working ground floor doing wood work activities by using bench mounted circular saw without any guards. Near the excavation beside the power supply transformer without any barricades and sign boards. Warehouse indoor activities and safe stacking and storing of construction materials such as cement in the warehouse and welding roads, bricks, and wood separate storage area. In the warehouse are vehicles are loading and unloading and also taking reversing when the corners without stoppage and without banks men and blind sports directions are not there. Worker are manual handling of carrying cement and bricks construction materials. Poor lighting at the ware house and ventilation at the cement storage area. Some workers are using personal protect equipment, All the welfare facilities are provided. The site engineer, managers and supervisors are doing her activities they are wearing different colours of helmets, all the floor maintained fire fighting lines, fire cylinders sprinklers, smoke detectors. This report is clearly inspection report to highlight the areas of construction site and existing health and safety hazards and to reduce the accidents and incidents statistics, and minted of the health and safety policy. To be minted safe system of work, safe plant and machinery, safe system of work environment to be provided. To follow the minimum welfare facilities and reduced the accidents such as “0” percentage accident, injuries and fatalities. And finally to check whether it meets the legal standards.



Candidate report template

Student number_____________________________________ Location___________________________________________

Date of review



Executive Summary I thanks to the RUSHITA construction for giving me the opportunity to carry out the health and safety inspection. It’s appreciated that the construction site has good practices like Drinking water facility at each floor level for employees hot and cold option according to the worker need. Locker facility allocated for employees separately according to their needs and nearest to the work place area workers easy to access. First aid appropriate and accessible to with workers at the site with the complete kit. In this site each floor has minted fire fighting lines and sprinklers and smoke detectors. Toilets have been maintained clean and tidy with all provision to the workers like soaps, hand wash liquids etc. In the construction site I am observed some major hazards. The management has to look and rectify issues they are Scaffold is not erected on the flat surface, no guard rails, braces and it is not fitted properly. Not follow the safety rules such as toe boards have huge gaps can lead to scaffold collapse. Peoples and object fall from height. Workers are working at high risk of the excavation of storage of fire fighting safety (sump) here the construction of hydraulic shoring or any wood sheet and iron sheet are not at this area. In the welders are doing her welding activities closer the LPG storage area. Which can lead to expose and fire causes form several injuries and property damage. In the warehouse transport peoples are not stopping at the blind corners and can lead to collision with other vehicle and workers also. Here the no banks men. It is May cause death and property damages. In this are one of the worker has painted outside of the building at 9th floor. He didn’t have any edge protection and safety belt. He is using only boatswains chair and brushes only. The above observation breaches the following legal compliances Acts are: 1. Indian factory Act 1948 section 32C-subsection 3e 2. Fire prevention and fire safety Act 1986 by the government of India. 3. Scaffolding and lifting Act 1912 and regulation 1950. 4. Indian electricity Act and rules 1956 rule 29. 5. Chemical regulation 1990 (No 177). 6. Control of substances hazards to health (COSHH 2002). 7. Safety and health in construction convention (C167 ) capital ILO Therefore I recommend the management to improve the training, information, instruction and supervision and safe methods of working practices especially on fire, scaffold, excavation, electrical and chemical related work activate



Candidate report template

Student number_____________________________________ Location___________________________________________

Date of review



Main findings of the inspection 1. Fire hazard (Observation no: 16) In the construction site workers are working welding the rods which is closer to gas cylinders (LPG) storage area and sparks while welding can contact with the LPG gas lead s to cause fire and explosion property damage and mass casualties in the workplace. Here the loss of origination may casualties and property damage cost Rs 100000/- and other indirect costs of court fines. Which breaches the international legislation of convention C167 safety and health in construction convention in 1988 Article no 167 and fire protection and prevention Act1997. Indian factory act 1948 section 32C-subsection 3e. Fire prevention and fire safety act 1986 by the government of India. Recommendation: The origination to be provided a separate covered welding area. The whole construction site where all welding works can be take place separately. Which eventually presents mass casualties and property damage. It is may be cost of the 50000/-. 2. Scaffold collapse, falling of people and objects (observation no: 2, 23) In the construction major accidents may causes scaffolds collapse, falling from edges and Falling objects. Scaffold being used by the workers at construction site different types of heights and even surface area also, out riggers were broken and not being replaced, toe board have huge gaps and some braces been missing and other peoples are not fitted properly which may lead to collapse of scaffold, falling of people and object form height can lead to injured seriously from head injury to muscle stress and pains. The international legislation of convention C167- health and safety in construction in 1988 article no 167 and health and safety at work 1974 (HASWA). Scaffolding and lifting act 1912 and regulation 1950. Recommendation: The origination peoples are selected the competent persons to makes scaffold be perfect using purpose. And purchase of new scaffold materials. And provide safety nets at working area. To be saved the many peoples life and prevents falling of objects and collapsing of scaffold which would cost 70000/-

3. Excavation or caves (observation no: 1) In the site area worker are ditch of 10feet in depth excavation. Here water to be storage because of any fire fighting issues (sump) on the building area in the futures and it is an Act of law. I am found there is no protection form the excavation peoples slip and fall into the ditch as well as there is no protection and signage boards. In the ILO legislation of convention C 167 safety and health in construction convention in 1988 Article no 167. Safety and health in construction convention (C167) capital ILO. Recommendation: Here the origination should provide Hydraulic shoring of trench would prevent workers to fall from height by slip or soil to cave in and would cost approximately 20000/- and it is easier to fix by one person and can be used for new upcoming projects. 4. Electrician hazard (observation no: 17, 25) In the work site, the main electric power supply for the entire construction site that located near the excavation area is unprotected and no signage of danger being placed, can lead to electrocution, shocks, burns and death. In the secondary effects such as fall from height due to throw off can cause serious injury of bone fractures and head injury. The breaches of the law Indian electricity act and rules 1956 rule 29. Recommendation: Management should allocate resources for barricading the high danger electricity power supply area by isolating and that would cost around Rs18000/- .can prevent burns, electrocution and even death .Danger Signage boards should also positioned near the power supply area.

5. Chemical Hazard Observation No: 10 Painter was working at 6th floor outside the building by using spray. These spray paints forms small droplets in the atmosphere and creates volatile vapours around working area and the person working there may inhale of these volatile paint vapour which lead to suffocation and respiratory problems and leading to heath issues and acute effects. It also cause skin cancers and burning sensation in eyes In breaches law Chemicals regulation, 1990 (No 177) and Control of substances hazards to health (COSHH 2002) Recommendation: Management have to ensure that worker are wearing respiratory protective equipment to prevent respiratory problems, coveralls to prevent from skin allergies and goggles to protect eyes. These protective equipment would cost approx. Rs25000/-



Candidate report template

Student number_____________________________________ Location___________________________________________

Date of review



Conclusions In this construction origination I am observed my health and safety knowledge find major problems in this origination. In this origination major findings needs to be immediate action towards the safety of workers from health and safety management. These are excavation falling peoples, electricity shocks and burners, fire explosion, collision with vehicle pedestrians at warehouse by vehicles or forklifts which can be controlled and followed the safety policy and rules. Other safety concerns such as manual handling, vibration, noise, stress, biological effect, chemical exposure, heat, stress, lighting and ventilation can also be controlled with suitable preventive control measures which also recommended on the observation sheet. The workforces were seemed to be very happily because of the origination to be followed welfare facilities such as locker, first aid provisions, drinking water, rest room ,toilet facilities both men and women separately and smoker zones areas. The origination is followed the health and safety policy is maimed sufficiently. And finally I would request to the management please takes any accidental issue may be occur in the site take immediately action on the suitable recommendation for the good implementation of health and safety culture. The origination people should be followed by the International labour origination acts and minted.



Candidate report template

Student number_____________________________________ Location___________________________________________

Date of review



Recommendations – include as a table in the following format: Recommendation Observation No:2 & 23 Purchase of new scaffold materials select the competent person training to all scaffold employees Observation No:1 Trench for the excavation Hydraulic shoring to prevent fall of edges Observation No:16 1Cover the welding area with fire retardant materials

Likely resource implications


Target date

Purchase new scaffold material cost 50000/Training by a competent person cost around Rs 8000/per hour 2hours training to employees Hydraulic shoring it may be cost of 25000/-


One month

High 1 month

Cost of fire retardant material Rs 2000/high

1 month

2 Damp the work area 3. Fire extinguishers

Cost of fire extinguisher Rs 3000/-

Observation No:10 Painting at outside of the building be provided with RPE, Coveralls, Goggles

Cost of RPE ,Coveralls and goggles cost around Rs 25000/-


1 day

Observation No:17&25 Barricade the high voltage main power supply in the construction area.

Here the cost of the barricade would be Rs 5000/-


1 month

Place Danger sign boards

Sign board cost Rs 500/-

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