USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: 3rd Classifying nvertebrates
Grou! Si"e:
Name: Jordan Name: Jordan Martel #ate of Lesson: $$/3%/&%$'
Lesson Content (hat Standards )national or state* relate to this lesson+ (ou s!ould include "LL applica#le standards$ %arely do teac!ers use &ust one' t!eyd neer *et t!rou*! t!em all$) ,bjectives- (hat are you teaching+ (Student+centered' (Student+centered' ,!at -ill students .no- and #e a#le to do a/ter t!is lesson nclude t!e "3s o/ o#&ecties' action5 #e!aior5 condition5 and de*ree o/ mastery5 i$e$5 63' 7ien a sentence -ritten in t!e past or present tense5 tense 5 "' t!e student ' -ill #e a#le to re+-rite t!e sentence in /uture tense ' -it! no errors in tense or tense contradiction (i$e$5 -ill see !er yesterday$)$6 8ote' e*ree o/ mastery does not need to #e a percenta*e$)
Classify animals into major groups groups (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, amphibians, fish, arthropod arthropods, s, vertebrates and invertebrates, those having live births and those which lay eggs) according to their physical characteristics characteristics and and behaviors. behaviors.
1$ "/ter *oin* t!rou*! t!rou*! t!e Pre9i Pre9i presentation presentation a#out a#out inerte#rates5 inerte#rates5 students -ill -ill #e a#le to identi/y an art!ropods art!ropods and an insect$ 2$ Students -ill -ill record t!e in/ormation in/ormation t!at t!ey learned /rom /rom our class discussion on t!e /olda#le$ :$ T!is s!ould #e -it!out error error in con/usin* con/usin* t!e di;erent di;erent -ays o/ classi/yin* inerte#rates$ 4$ T!ey s!ould #e a#le to e
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