Final Examination
October 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Xcst I. Zritc fley toc ecttcr ecttcr fg `ofi`c fl toc spb`c prfvihch prfvihch dcgfrc cb`o itca.
2. Xcb`ocr Mblc `oc`ks toc ulhcrstblhilj tf clsurc tobt cvcry stuhclt gfeefws gfeefws toc ecssfl. Zito wobt gfra/s fg bsscssaclt is Xcb`ocr Mblc f``upich wito6 B. Bsscssaclt fg ecbrlilj @. Bsscssaclt bs ecbrlilj B. Bssc Bsscss ssac aclt lt gf gfrr ec ecbrl brlil ilj. j. H. Bssc Bsscss ssacl acltt gfr gfr blh blh bs ec ecbr brli lilj lj 4. Xcb`ocr Cvc jbvc b hibjlfsti` hibjlfsti` tcst tcst fl grb`tifls. grb`tifls. Dbsch fl toc rcsuets, soc tbujot ocr ocr `ebss dy `frrc`tilj toc ais`fl`cptifls fg stuhclts bdfut grb`tifl. Baflj toc gfras fg bsscssaclt, woi`o flc/s hih Xcb`ocr Cvc hf6 B. Bsscssaclt fg ecbrlilj @. Bsscssaclt bs ecbrlilj D. Bsscssacl Bsscssacltt gfr ecbrlilj. ecbrlilj. H. Bsscssacl Bsscssacltt gfr blh bs ecbrlilj ecbrlilj 0. Aftivbtilj toc stuhclts stuhclts tf sct tocir pcrsfl pcrsflbe be ecbrlilj jfbes blh trb`k tocir prfjrcss bjbilst bjbilst tobt jfbe is bl bppei`btifl fg woi`o pril`ipec6 B. Ecbrlcrs Ecbrlcrs aust dc jivcl jivcl gcchdb`k gcchdb`k bdfut bdfut tocir tocir pcrgfrabl`c pcrgfrabl`c.. D. Bsscssaclt sofueh dc fl rcbe-wfreh bp bppei`btifl pei`btifl blh lft fl fut-fg-`fltcxt fut-fg-`fltcxt hriees. @. Capobsizc Capobsizc fl fl toc bsscssac bsscssaclt lt fg oi oijocr jocr frhcr frhcr toilkil toilkilj. j. H. Cap Capobs obsizc izc fl scegsceg-bss bsscss cssacl aclt. t. 8. Fl woi`o woi`o sofueh sofueh tcb`oc tcb`ocrr dbsc dbsc ocr/ ocr/ oi oiss bsscss bsscssaclt6 aclt6 B. Ecb Ecbrli rlilj lj fut`fa fut`facc D. Ecbrli Ecbrlilj lj `fltcl `fltcltt @. Hcvcef Hcvcefpac paclt ltbe be stb stbjc jc fg ecb ecbrlc rlcrs rs
H. Ecbrl Ecbrlilj ilj Tcs Tcsfur fur`cs `cs
3. Il Fut`facs-Dbsch Fut`facs-Dbsch Chu`btifl Chu`btifl fr Fut`facs-Dbsch Xcb`oilj-Ecbrlilj, toc bsscssaclt bsscssaclt tbsk sofueh abt`o wito toc VVV. B. Ecbrlilj rcsfur`cs D. rcgcrcl`cs @. Ecbrlilj fut`facs H. Ecbrlilj `fltclt 7. Xcb`ocr Caab `flsihcrs `flsihcrs fley fley toc prb`ti`be prb`ti`be tcst gfr toc bsscssaclt bsscssaclt fg ecbrlilj. Is tois il b``frhbl`c wito wito toc pril`ipec fg bsscssaclt6 bsscssaclt6 B. Ycs, dc`busc dc`busc it acbsurc acbsurcss oijocr oijocr frhcr toilki toilkilj lj skiees. skiees. D. Ycs, dc`busc dc`busc it beefws beefws stuhclt’s stuhclt’s ilhivi ilhivihube hubeity ity blh cxprcssi cxprcssifl. fl. @. Lf, soc sofueh sofueh abkc abkc usc fg vbrich vbrich tffes tffes gfr bsscssacl bsscssacltt hbtb-jbtocr hbtb-jbtocrilj. ilj. H. Lf, fley trbhitiflbe bsscssaclt sofueh dc dc usch gfr bsscssaclt bsscssaclt fg ecbrlilj. :. Zoi`o Zoi`o hfcs hfcs lft dceflj dceflj tf toc toc jrfu jrfup6 p6 B. Cssby D. ^rfdeca sfevilj
@. Betcrlbtc rcspflsc
H. Pofrt blswcr
?. Xcb`ocr Dcrl wblts tf klfw ofw wcee ocr stuhclts stuhclts il pcrgfrailj gulhbacltbe gulhbacltbe fpcrb fpcrbtifls tifls fl grb`tifls. Zoi`o Zoi`o tffe is afst bpprfpribtc6 B. Ptuhclt iltcrvicw D. @fl`cpt abp @. Frbe rc`itbtifl H. Zrittcl tcst 9. Zoi`o fg toc bsscssa bsscssaclt clt tbsk tbsk is afst afst git gfr gfr visube/sp visube/spbtibe btibe ecbrlc ecbrlcrs6 rs6 B. @fl @fl`cp `cptt abppil abppilj j D. Iee Ieeust ustrbt rbtilj ilj b abtoca abtocabti bti`be `be prfdec prfdeca a @. Dy hcafls hcaflstrb trbtif tifl l
H. Frbe Frbe rc`itb rc`itbtif tifl l
2>. Zoi`o typc fg tcst be beefws efws stuhclts rc`bee rc`bee `fl`cpts, bppey klfwechjc, klfwechjc, blbeyzc blh cvbeubtc cvbeubtc abtocabti`be cxprcssifl6 B. Pofrt blswcr D. abt`oilj typc @. auetipec `ofi`c H. Betcrlbtc rcspflsc 22. Il woi`o ecvce is ih ihcltigyilj cltigyilj toc sudmc`t sudmc`t blh prchi`btc il b jivcl jivcl scltcl`c6 B. Tcacadcrilj D. Slhcrstblhilj @. Bppeyilj
H. Blbeyzilj
24. Il woi`o ecvce fg higgi`u higgi`uety ety is wocl stuhclt `bl prfhu`c ilgfrabtifl fl hcablh6 B. Tctricvbe D. @faprcoclsifl @. Blbeysis H. Klfwechjc Stieizbtifl
20. Is toc tcst itca ―`ebssi ―`ebssigy gy toc jivcl tcb`oilj ac actofhs‑ tofhs‑ beijlch tf tois tois iltclhch ecbrlilj ecbrlilj fut`fac‑ tf scec`t toc bpprfpribtc tcb`oilj actofh‑ B. Ycs @. Ycs, ig yfu `obljc ―scec`t‑ il toc ecbrlilj fut`fac `obljch tf `ebssigy. D. Lf H. B eittec dc`busc `ebssigy blh scec`t brc rcebtch 28. Zoy aust jrbhcs jrbhcs dc rcpfrtch rcpfrtch tf pbrclts6 pbrclts6 I. ^r ^rfa faf ftc fljf fljfiilj gf gfra rabt btiivc gcc gcchd hdb` b`k k ttf f ssttuhcl uhclts ts II. II. Cl Clsu surc rc be beij ijla lacl cltt fg fg `ur `urri ri`u `ueu eua, a, il ilst stru ru`t `tif ifl, l, bl blh h bss bsscs cssa sacl cltt III. III. ^rfa ^rfaft ftcc tf pbr pbrcl clts ts blh blh sstu tuhc hclt ltss `rch `rchid idec ec blh blh usc uscgu guee gcch gcchdb db`k `k B. I fley
D. I blh III
@. II fley
H. I,II blh III
23. Zobt aust dc hflc tf abkc jrbhc jrbhc rcpfrtilj acbliljgue6 I. II. II. II III. I.
Xoc jrbh rbhil ilj j ssys ysttca aust ust dc dc `ec `ecbbr ttf f bbee ee `fl `fl`crl `crlch ch.. Xo Xocc sstb tblh lhbrh brhss blh blh `fa `fapc pctc tcl` l`ic icss brc brc kl klfw fwl l blh blh ul ulhc hcrs rstf tffh fh dy be bee. e. Xo Xocc jrb rbhi hilj lj syst systca ca au aust st dc lu luac acri ri`b `be. e.
B. I blh II
D. II fley
@. I, II blh III
H. III fley
27. Xf abkc j jrbhc rbhc rcpfrtilj acbliljgue, woi`o woi`o aust dc hflc6 B. D. @. H.
Bllful`c Bllful`c lbacs lbacs fg fg stuhclt stuhcltss wof lcch ocep. ocep. Tblk toc Tcpfrt Tcpfrt @brhs grfa grfa oijocst tf efwcst tocl histridutc histridutc toc sbac b``frhilj tf rblk. Cxpebil Cxpebil ofw ofw toc toc j jrbhcs rbhcs wcrc `faputch. `faputch. @flsfec pbrclts pbrclts wofsc `oiehrcl brc lfl-pcrgfrailj dy tceeilj toca tobt lfdfhy gbies. gbies.
2:. Zobt is bl csscltibe stcp il rcpfrtilj jrbhcs tf pbrclts6 pbrclts6 I. II. III. III.
Cx Cxpe pebi bil l tob tobtt j jrb rbhc hcss j jiv ivcc b p pi` i`tu turc rc fg stuh stuhcl clts ts’’ p pcr crgf gfra rabl bl`c `c.. Cxp Cxpebi ebil l tobt tobt jrbh jrbhcs cs `fa `fapbr pbrcc stuhc stuhclt lts’ s’ pcrg pcrgfra frabl` bl`cc bjbil bjbilst st toc cstbde cstbdeiso isoch ch stbl stblhbr hbrhs hs.. Cxp Cxpebi ebil l tobt tobt jrbhcs jrbhcs `fap `fapbrc brc stuh stuhcl clts’ ts’ pcrg pcrgfra frabl` bl`cc bjbils bjbilstt ftocr ftocr stuh stuhclt clts’ s’ pc pcrgf rgfrab rabl`c l`c..
B. I blh II
D. II fley
@. I, II blh III
H. III fley
2?. Ocrc is ecbrlilj fut`f fut`fac= ac= ― ieeustrbtc toc ebw fg sup suppey pey blh hcablh wito yfur yfur frijilbe `fl`rctc `fl`rctc cxbapec‑. Gfr `fltclt vbeihity, woi`o tcst itca is beijlch6 B. D. @. H.
Hcgilc Hcgilc toc ebw fg suppey suppey blh blh hcablh hcablh blh ieeustrbt ieeustrbtcc it wito bl cxbape cxbapec. c. Ieeustrbt Ieeustrbtcc toc ebw fg fg suppey suppey blh hcablh hcablh wito wito b hrbwilj hrbwilj.. Ieeustrbt Ieeustrbtcc toc ebw fg suppey suppey blh hcablh wito wito b `fl`rctc, `fl`rctc, frijilbe frijilbe cxbapec. cxbapec. Cxpebil Cxpebil toc ebw fg fg suppey suppey blh hcablh hcablh blh ieeustrb ieeustrbtc tc it wito wito b hibjrba. hibjrba.
29. Ocrc is bl iltclhch ec ecbrlilj brlilj fut`fac fg b Ocbeto tcb`ocr= tcb`ocr= ― Ihcltigy skiee1rcebtch skiee1rcebtch gitlcss blh b`t b`tivitics ivitics suitbde suitbdecc gfr toc ilhivihube‑. Hfcs ocr tcst itca acbsurc tois pbrti`uebr fut`fac blh tocrcgfrc obs `fltclt vbeihity6 Rucstifl= 2. Ihcltigy toc `fapflclts fg ^oysi`be Gitlcss ulhcr toc skiee-rcebtch b`tivitics. b. Dfhy `fapfsitifl d. bjieity `. gecxidieity h. frjbli` vijfr B. D. @. H.
Yc Ycs, s, vcr vcry y au au`o `o.. Ycs dc`busc dc`busc it bsks bsks sfactoilj sfactoilj bdfut bdfut skiee-r skiee-rcebtc cebtch h b`tiv b`tivitic iticss Lf. Lf, toc fptifls obvc lftoilj lftoilj tf hf wito skiee-rcebtch b`tivitics.
4>. Dbsch fl pcr`cltbjc `fl `fltridutifl tridutifl tf toc jrbhc, jrbhc, wobt `bl dc ilgcrrch grfa toc HcpCh’s HcpCh’s capobsis fl ecbrl ecbrlilj ilj blh bsscssaclt6 B. Xoc capobsi capobsiss hcpclhs hcpclhs fl toc toc jrbhc ecvce ecvce fg fg toc sudmc`ts sudmc`ts.. D. Bee `fapflclt `fapflcltss brc brc dcilj dcilj capobs capobsizch. izch. @. Xoc capobsis capobsis gfr gfr bee Jrbhc Jrbhc 2- 2> sudmc`ts sudmc`ts is fl pcrgfr pcrgfrabl`c abl`c tbsks. tbsks. H. Xoc capobs capobsis is is fl qubrtc qubrtcrey rey bsscss bsscssaclt. aclt. 42. Zoi`o is XTSC XTSC fg Kilhcrjbrt Kilhcrjbrtcl cl jrbhcs6 jrbhcs6 B. D. @. H.
Jrbhcs Jrbhcs brc `faputc `faputch h eikc eikc toc jrbhcs jrbhcs il Jrbhc Jrbhc 2. Xocrc brc luacri` luacri`be be jrbhcs jrbhcs wito wito hcs`ri hcs`riptif ptifls. ls. Xoc Xocrc rc brc brc lf luac luacri` ri`be be jrbh jrbhcs. cs. Tcabrks Tcabrks eikc eikc ^bssch ^bssch bl blh h Gbiech Gbiech brc brc usch. usch.
44. Zof is rctbilch il to tocc sbac jrbhc ecvce gfr Jrbhcs 2 tf 2 2>6 >6 Bly stuhclts w wof of hih lft acct cxpc`tbtifls cxpc`tbtifls VVVVVVV. B. il to torcc rcc fr fr afrc afrc ecbrli ecbrlilj lj brcbs brcbs D. il 4 eecb cbrl rlil ilj j brc brcbs bs @. il ggfu furr ecbr ecbrli lilj lj brc brcbs bs H. bs so sofwl fwl il il toc toc jclcrb jclcrbee bvc bvcrbj rbjcc
40. Bl bhaissifls f fggi`cr ggi`cr fg b `crtbil ulivcrsity `flhu`tch b gfur-dbt`o cl cltrbl`c trbl`c cxbailbtifl gfr s`ofebrsoip. s`ofebrsoip. Xoc rcsuets brc toc gfeefwilj= Dbt`o I= bvcrbjc 1 ?3.:3 wito 2> cxbailccs; Dbt`o II= bvcrbjc 1 9>.43 wito 23 cxbailccs; Dbt`o III= bvcrbjc 1 ??.:3 wito 4> cxbailccs; blh Dbt`o IW= bvcrbjc 1 ?9.43 wito 3 cxbailccs. Zobt is toc fvcrbee bvcrbjc fg toc cxbailccs6 B. ??.73
D. ??.3>
@. ??.?>
H. ?9.>>
48. Zoi`o fg toc gfeefw gfeefwilj ilj ilstru`tiflbe ilstru`tiflbe fdmc`tivcs is toc efwcst efwcst ecvce fg Deffa’s `fjlitivc `fjlitivc tbxflfay6 tbxflfay6 B. Ihcltigy Ihcltigy toc toc kilhs kilhs fg acbsurcs acbsurcs fg vbribti vbribtifl. fl. D. @faputc @faputc toc toc acbl vbeuc= vbeuc= ?7, ?7, 92, :3, 97 97 & ??. ??. @. @fapbrc @fapbrc blh `fltrbst `fltrbst stblhbrh stblhbrh hcvibtifl hcvibtifl blh blh `fcggi`iclt `fcggi`iclt fg vbribti vbribtifl. fl. H. Cxpebil Cxpebil toc toc `fl`cpt `fl`cpt fg vbribd vbribdieity ieity.. 43. Zoi`o fg toc gfeefwilj is is LFX b `obrb`tcristi` `obrb`tcristi` fg bl fdmc`tivc fdmc`tivc tcst6 B. @bl `fvcr `fvcr b ebrjc sbapeilj sbapeilj fg `fltclt `fltclt brcbs D. Xiac `flsuai `flsuailj lj tf prcpbr prcpbrcc b jffh jffh fdmc`tiv fdmc`tivcc tcst tcst @. Xoc Xocrc rc is b silje siljecc fr dcst dcst bls blswcr wcr.. H. @bl acbsurc oijocr frhcr frhcr toilkilj toilkilj skiees skiees su`o bs frjbl frjblizch izch frijilbe frijilbe ihcbs. 47. Xoc rcsuets fg Lbtif Lbtiflbe lbe Bsscssaclt (LBX) (LBX) brc iltcrprctch bjbilst b sct sct abstcry ecvce. Xois acbls ttobt obt LBX is `btcjfrizch bs wobt typc fg tcst6 I. @ritcrifl-rcgcrcl`ch II. Lfra-rcgcrcl`ch B. I fley D. II fley @. Citocr I fr II H. Lcitocr I lfr II 4:. Zoi`o fg toc gfeefwilj tcst tcst gfrabts hfcs LFX dceflj tf toc jrfup6 B. Pofrt blswcr D. Auetipec-`ofi`c @. Xruc fr Gbesc
H. Abt`oilj typc
4?. Zobt bttrid bttridutc utc abkcs toc toc tcst itca pffr6 Itca= VVVVV is bl cxbapec cxbapec fg gruit . B. Xoc deblk deblk bt toc dcj dcjill illilj ilj fg toc scl scltcl tcl`c. `c. @. It is b ssofr ofrtt q qucs ucstif tifl. l. D. It is b vcry cbsy tcst itca. H. It is lft b sijligi`blt itca. 49. Zoi`o is toc pcr`clt pcr`cltbjc bjc `fltridutifl fg qubrtcrey qubrtcrey bsscssaclt tf toc toc jrbhc fg toc stuhclt grfa grfa Jrbhcs 2 tf 2>6 @. 43% H. 0>% B. 23% D. 4>% 0>. Dbsch fl toc pcr`cltbjc `fl `fltridutifl tridutifl tf toc jrbhc jrbhc,, wobt `bl dc ilgcrrch grfa toc HcpC HcpCh’s h’s capobsis fl ecbrlil ecbrlilj j blh bsscssaclt6 B. Xoc capobsi capobsiss hcpclhs hcpclhs fl toc toc jrbhc ecvce ecvce fg fg toc sudmc`ts sudmc`ts D. Bee `fapflclt `fapflcltss brc brc dcilj dcilj capobs capobsizch. izch. @. Xoc capobsis capobsis gfr gfr bee Jrbhcs Jrbhcs 2- 2> sudmc`ts sudmc`ts is is fl pcrgfrabl` pcrgfrabl`cc tbsks. tbsks. H. Xoc capobs capobsis is is fl qubrtc qubrtcrey rey bsscss bsscssaclt. aclt. 02. Zobt is toc gul`tifl fg b XFP6 B. @fltclt vbeihity fg b tcst D. ^rchi`tivc vbeihity fg b tcst
Xf clsurc toc VVVVVVV. @. rcbsflbdec ecljto fg b tcst H. pr prchi`tivc vbeihity fg b tcst
04. B XFP clsurcs beijlacl beijlacltt fg tcst wito ecbrlilj fut`facs. Is toc stbtcacl stbtcacltt XTSC6 B. Wcry truc
D. Pfactiacs truc
@. Gbesc
00. Zobt is ZTFLJ wito wito tois XTSC-GBEPC tcst itca6 Gieipilfs brc sf`ibdec dut ebzy.
H. Pfactiacs truc, sfactiacs gbesc
B. Fpiliflbtch
D. Lft git gfr b X-G tcst
@. Wcry sofrt
H. Pwccpilj
08. Il b auetipec `ofi`c ty typc pc fg tcst, flc fptifl baflj baflj 8 wbs lft `ofscl dy bly bly cxbailcc. Zobt is XTSC fg ttobt obt fptifl6 B. Iapebusidec D. Slbttrb`tivc @. ^ebusidec H. Tcbeisti` 03. Ocrc is b ecbrl ecbrlilj ilj fut`fac= Hcs`ridc Hcs`ridc b pcrsfl dy toc usc fg fg b actbpofr. Xcst Itca= Hcs`ridc b `ebssabtc `ebssabtc fr tcb`ocr dy wby fg b actbpofr actbpofr . Is toc tcst itca beijlch tf toc ecbrlilj fut`fac6 B. Lf D. sfacwobt @. Ycs H. Ycs, ig toc tcb`ocr is lft il`euhch 07. Ecbrlilj fut`fac= `fl `flhu`t hu`t bl ilvcstijbtifl ilvcstijbtifl tf prfvc tobt peblts peblts `bl ablugb`turc tocir fwl gf gffh. fh. Xcst itca= @bl peblts ablugb`turc tocir fwl gffh6 Cxpebil yfur blswcr. Is toc tcst itca beijlch tf toc ecbrlilj fut`fac6 B.Lf D. sfacwobt @. Ycs
H. Ycs, ig cxpebil yfur blswcr is hrfppch.
0:. Xcb`ocr Wil`c is pebll pebllilj ilj tf `flstru`t bl b`oicvcaclt b`oicvcaclt tcst. Zoi`o f fgg toc gfeefwilj sofueh sofueh oc b``fapeiso girs girst6 t6 B. @flstru`t rcecvblt tcst itcas. @. Hc Hctcrailc toc luadcr f fgg itcas tf dc `flstru`tch. D. ^r ^rcp cpbbrc toc tb tbd dec fg spc` spc`ig igii`bt `btif ifls ls.. H. Ihclt hcltiigy toc ilh ilhcltc cltch h ecbrl cbrlil ilj j fut fut`fac `facss. 0?. Zoi`o fg toc gfeefwilj is is bl cxbapec fg suppey typc typc fg tcst6 B. Pofrt-blsw Pofrt-blswcr cr @. Auetipec Auetipec ‐ `ofi`c `ofi`c D. Xru Xrucc fr Gbesc Gbesc H. Abt Abt`oi `oilj lj typ typcc 09. Zoi`o fg toc gfeefwilj typcs typcs fg tcst hfcs hfcs LFX dceflj dceflj tf toc jrfup6 jrfup6 B. Css Cssby by typ typcc @. Auetip Auetipec ec ‐ `o `ofi` fi`cc D. Xru Xrucc fr Gbesc Gbesc H. Abt Abt`oi `oilj lj typ typcc 8>. Zoi`o stbtc stbtcaclt aclt bdfut pcrgfrabl`c-dbsch bsscssaclt is GBEPC6 B. Capobsizcs fley fl toc prf`css @. Cssby tcst is bl cxbapec fg pcrgfrabl`c-dbsch bsscssaclt. D. Ptrc Ptrcss sscs cs fl to tocc prf prf`c `css ss bl blh h ttoc oc pr prfh fhu` u`tt H. Ca Capo pobs bsiz izcs cs fl hfil hfilj, j, lft lft f fle ley yf fl l klf klfwi wilj lj 82. Bsscssaclt is sbih tf dc butoclti` wocl b tcb`ocr VVVVVVV. VVVVVVV. B. jivcs b vbeih bl blh rrcceibdec ttccst. @. Il Il`euhcs ft ftocr st stbkcofehcrs il il tto oc bbssscssaclt pr prf`churcs D. Jivcs stuhclts stuhclts rcbe rcbe eigc eigc tbsks tbsks tf b``fap b``fapeiso eiso H. Ilvfevc Ilvfevcss toc stuhc stuhclts lts il il toc gfraue gfrauebtif btifl l fg to tocc tcst 84. Slhcr woi`o bssuaptifl is pfrtgfeif pfrtgfeif bsscssaclt dbsch6 B. ^frtgfeif ^frtgfeif bsscs bsscssaclt saclt is b hylbai hylbai`` bsscssacl bsscssaclt. t. D. Bsscssacl Bsscssacltt sofueh sofueh strcss strcss fl toc rcp rcprfhu` rfhu`tifl tifl fg klfwec klfwechjc. hjc. @. Bl ilhivihub ilhivihubee ecbrlcr is ilbhcqu ilbhcqubtcey btcey `obrb`t `obrb`tcrizc crizch h dy b tcst s`frc. H. Bl ilhivihub ilhivihubee ecbrlcr is bhcqubtc bhcqubtcey ey `obrb` `obrb`tcriz tcrizch ch dy b tcst s`frc. s`frc. 80. Zoi`o fg toc gfeefwilj stbtcaclts stbtcaclts is LFX LFX truc bdfut rudri`s6 I. II. II. III. III. IW. IW.
B. I fley
Tudri`s brc lft hcvcefpacltbe. Tudr Tudri` i`ss `bl `bl dc us usch ch gf gfrr sua suaab abti tivc vc bl blh h ggfr frab abti tivc vc bs bssc scss ssac aclt lts. s. Tudri` Tudri`ss `bl `bl pr prfvi fvihc hc dfto dfto jrbh jrbhcc blh hctbie hctbiech ch gcchd gcchdb`k b`k tf iiapr aprfvc fvc guturc guturc p pcrg crgfra frabl` bl`c. c. Pt Ptuh uhcl clts ts sof sofue ueh h lft lft dc iilv lvfe fevc vch h il toc toc rrud udri ri`` `flst `flstru ru`t `tif ifl. l.
D. II blh III
@. I blh IW
H. IW fley
88. Zoi`o fg toc gfeefw gfeefwilj ilj is LFX il`euhch il`euhch il toc bsscssaclt fg fg bggc`tivc ecbrlilj tbrjcts tbrjcts66 B. Xcb`ocr fdscrvbtifln D. ^ccr cvbeubtifl @. Ptuhclt sceg-rcpfrt H. Puaabtivc cvbeubtifl 83. Zoi`o is toc afst rc rceibdec eibdec tffe gfr sccilj ttoc oc hcvcefpaclt il yfur yfur pupies’ bdieity tf ssilj6 ilj6 B. ^crgfrabl`c bsscssaclt
D. Pc Pceg-bsscssaclt
@. P` P`frilj rudri`
H. ^f ^frtgfeif bsscssaclt
Xcst II. Blswcr `fl`iscey toc qucstifls dcefw wito bt ecbst givc scltcl`cs. (2> pfilts cb`o) 2. Ofw wiee wiee yfu yfu prcpb prcpbrc rc yfurs yfursceg ceg tf rcsp rcspflh flh ttf f 42st tcb`oilj-ecbrlilj blh dc`fac b jef`be tcb`ocr6 4. Ofw hfcs hfcs tc`olfefj tc`olfefjy y ocep toc toc tcb`ocrs tcb`ocrs il tocir tocir ilstru`ti ilstru`tiflbe flbe hceivc hceivcry ry il toc `eb `ebss6 ss6 0. Zobt brc toc toc db dbsi` si` pbrts pbrts fg fg b ecssfl ecssfl pebl pebl66 Hcs`ridc Hcs`ridc cb`o. cb`o.
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