Final Exam Update Huawei
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True or False When a functon is called in Pyhon, he immuable objecs such as number and characer are called by value.
When a functon is called in Pyhon, muable objecs such as lis and dictonary are called by reference.
The actvaton functon in he neural neworks can be a non-linear functon
True False
Overng occurs only in regression problems, no in classicaton problems. o
The main dierence beween he ID3 and C4.5 algorihms lies in he evaluaton crieria of node classicaton
The C4.5 algorihm uses he Gini index as he evaluaton crieria for node classicaton.
True False
If he number of layers of a neural nework is oo large, gradien disappearance or gradien explosion may occur.
For daa wih wo dimensions, when k-means is used for clusering, he clusering resul is displayed as a sphere in he space.
Aer raining he suppor vecor machine (SVM), you can only reain he suppor vecor and discard all non-suppor vecors. The classicaton capabiliy of he model remains unchanged.
In he convolutonal neural nework (CNN), convolutonal layers and pooling layers mus appear alernaely.
If here is a complex non-linear relatonship beween independen variable x and dependen variable y, he ree model may be used as a regression mehod.
Principal componen analysis (PCA) can grealy reduce he daa dimension when mos informaton of he original daase is conained.
In Pyhon, he tle() functon can capialize he inital leer of a sring.
In Pyhon, when an objec is deleed, he desrucor functon is auomatcally called.
In Pyhon, multple inheriance is suppored during class deniton.
In Pyhon, satc variables and satc mehods are insances. o
Convolutonal neural nework (CNN) can only be used o solve visual problems and canno be used for naural language processing. o
Suppor vecor machine (SVM) has a good eec in dealing wih high-dimensional nonlinear problems.
True False
In Pyhon, he sring functon capialize() can capialize he inital leer of a sring. o
Multple Choice Single Answers. Assume ha here is a simple mult-layer percepron (MLP) model wih hree neurons and he inpu [1, 2, 3], and he weighs of he neurons are 4, 5, and 6 respectvely. If he actvaton functon is a linear consan value 3 (he actvaton functon is y = 3x), which of he following values is he oupu? A.32 B. 48 C. 96 D. 128
Assume ha he saemen prin(6.3 – 5.9 == 0.4) is execued in he Pyhon inerpreer, and he resul is False. Which of he following saemens abou he resul is rue? A. The Boolean operaton canno be used for comparing oatng-poin numbers B. I is caused by he prioriy of operaors C. Pyhon canno exacly represen oatng-poin numbers D. In Pyhon, he non-zero value is inerpreed as false
For a neural nework, which of he following iems has he bigges impac on overng or underng? A. Inital weighs B. Learning rae C. Number of nodes a he hidden layer D. None of he above
Which of he following inroduces nonlineariy ino a neural nework? A. Sochastc gradien descen B. Rected linear uni (ReLu) C. Convoluton functon D. None of he above Assume ha raining daa is sucien, and he daase is used o rain a decision ree. To reduce he tme required for model raining, which of he following saemens is rue? A. Increase he deph of he ree B. Reduce he deph of he ree C. Increase he learning rae D. Reduce he learning rae
Imbalanced daa of binary classicaton refers o he daase wih a large dierence beween he proporton of positve samples and he proporton of negatve samples, for example, 9:1. If a classicaton model is rained based on he daase and he accuracy of he model on raining samples is 90%, which of he following saemens is rue? A. The accuracy of he model is high, and he model does no need o be optmized. B. The accuracy of he model is no satsfacory, and he model needs o be rerained aer daa sampling. C. The model qualiy canno be evaluaed D. None of he above. Which of he following is no a classicaton algorihm? A. Nonlinear separable suppor vecor machine. B. Logistc regression C. Principal componen analysis D. Random fores Which of he following saemens abou suppor vecor machines (SVM) is false? A. SVM is a binary classicaton model B. In high-dimensional space, SVM uses hyperplanes wih he maximum inerval for classicaton. c lassicaton. C. Kernel functons can be used o consruc nonlinear separable SVM D. The basic concep of kernel functons is o classify daa hrough dimensionaliy reducton
Which of he following assumptons can be made abou linear regression? A. I is imporan o nd ouliers because linear regression is sensitve o ouliers. B. Linear regression requires ha all variables be in normal disributon. C. Linear regression assumes ha daa does no have multple linear correlatons. D. None of he above
Which of he following procedures is no a procedure for building a decision ree? A. Feaure selecton B. Decision ree generaton C. Finding he suppor vecor D. Pruning
When decision ree is used for classicaton, if he value of an inpu feaure is contnuous, he dichoomy is used o discretze he contnuous aribue. I means ha he classicaton is performed based on wheher he value is greaer han or less han a hreshold. If he mult-pah division is used, each value is divided ino a branch. Wha is he bigges problem of his mehod? A. The computng workload is oo heavy. B. The performance of boh he raining se and he es se is poor. C. The performance of he raining se is good, bu he performance of he es se is poor. D. The performance of he raining se is poor, and he performance of he es se is good.
For a daase wih only one dependen variable x, wha is he number of coecien(s) required o consruc a simples linear regression model? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
Which of he following algorihms is no an ensemble algorihm? A. XGBoos B. GBDT C. Random fores D. Suppor vecor machine (SVM)
Assume ha a classicaton model is buil using logistc regression o obain he accuracy of raining samples and es samples. Then, add a new feaure o he daa, keep oher feaures unchanged, and rain he model again. Which of he following saemen is rue? amples will deniely decrease. A. The accuracy of raining ssamples B. The accuracy of es samples will deniely decrease. C. The accuracy of raining samples s amples remains unchanged or increases. D. The accuracy of es samples remains unchanged or increases. Second Answer: C. Abou he values of four variables a, b, c, and d aer executng he following code, which of he following saemens is false? impor copy a = [1, 2, 3, 4, [‘a’,’b’] b=a c = copy.copy(a) d = copy.deepcopy(a) a.append(5) a[4].append(‘c’) A. a == [1,2,3,4,[‘a’,’b’,’c’],5] B. b == [1,2,3,4,[‘a’,’b’,’c’],5] C. c == [1,2,3,4,[‘a’,’b’,’c’]] D. d == [1,2,3,4,[‘a’,’b’,’c’]]
The synax of sring formang is ? A. GNU\’s No %s %%’ % ’UNIX’ B. ‘GNU\’s No %d %%’ % ’UNIX’ C. ‘GNU’s No %s %%’ % ’UNIX’ D. ‘GNU’s No %d %%’ % ’UNIX’
Which of he following saemens abou a neural nework is rue? A. Increasing he number of neural nework layers may increase he classicaton error rae of a es se. B. Reducing he number of neural nework layers can always reduce he classicaton error rae of a es se. C. Increasing he number of neural nework layers can always reduce he classicaton error rae of a raining se. D. The neural nework can fully all daa
For a mult-layer percepron (MLP), he number of nodes a he inpu layer is 10, and he number of nodes a he hidden layer is 5. The maximum number of connectons from he inpu layer o he hidden layer is? A. I depends on he siuaton. B. Less han 50 C. Equal o 50 D. Greaer han 50
Assume ha here is a rained deep neural nework model for identfying cas and dogs, and now his model will be used o deec he locatons of cas in a new daase. Which of he following saemens is rue? A. Rerain he existng model using a new daase. B. Remove he las layer of he nework and rerain he existng model. C. Adjus he las several layers of he nework and change he las layer o he regression layer. D. None of he above Which of he following saemens abou he k-neares neighbor (KNN) algorihm is false? A. KNN is a non-parameric mehod me hod which is usually used in daases wih irregular decision boundaries. B. KNN requires huge computng amoun C. The basic concep of KNN is “Birds of a feaher ock ogeher” D. The key poin of KNN is node spling
Assume he raining daa is sucien, and he daase is used o rain a decision ree. To reduce he tme required for model raining, which of he following saemens is rue? A. Increase he deph of he ree B. Reduce he deph of he ree C. Increase he learning rae D. Reduce he learning rae
If you wan o predic he probabiliy of n classes (p1, p2, …, pk), and he sum of probabilites of n classes is equal o 1, which of he following functons can be used as he actvaton functon in he oupu layer? A. somax B. ReLu C. sigmoid D. anh
Which of he following is false? A. (1) B. (1,) C. (1, 2) D. (1, 2, (3, 4))
Which of he following saemens abou srings is false? A. Characers should be considered as a sring of one characer B. A sring wih hree single quoatons (“”) can conain special characers such as line feed and carriage reurn. C. A sring ends wih \0 D. A sring can be creaed by using a single-quoaton mark(‘) or double quoaton marks (‘’). In Pyhon 3.7, he resul of executng he code prin(ype(3/6) is? A. in B. oa C. 0 D. 0.5 Is i necessary o increase he size of a convolutonal kernel o improve he eec of a convolutonal neural nework (CNN)? A. Yes B. No C. I depends on he siuaton D. Uncerain Deep learning can be used in which of he following naural language asks? A. Sentmenal Analysis B. Q&A sysem C. Machine ranslaton D. All of he above If you use he actvaton functon “X” a he hidden layer of a neural nework and give any inpu o a specic neuron, you will ge he oupu [-0.0001]. Which of he following functons is “X”? A. ReLuo B. anho C. sigmoido D. None of he above Which of he following functons canno be used as an actvaton functon of a neural nework? A. y = sin(x) B. y = anh(x) C. y = max(0, x) D. y = 2x Polysemy can be dened as he coexisence of multple meanings of a word or phrase in a ex objec. Which of he following mehods is he bes choice o solve his problem? A. Convolutonal neural nework (CNN) B. Gradien explosion C. Gradien disappearance D. All of he above In deep learning, a large number of marix operatons are involved. Now he produc ABC of hree dense marices A, B and C needs o be calculaed. Assume ha sizes of he hree marices are m x n, n x p, and p x q respectvely, and m < n < p < q, hen which of he following calculaton sequences is he mos ecien one? A. (AB)C B. A(BC) C. (AC)B D. A(CB) Assume ha here are wo neural neworks wih dieren oupu layers, There is one oupu node in he oupu layer of nework newo rk 1, whereas whereas here are wo oupu oupu nodes in he oupu layer of newo nework rk 2. For a binary binary classicaton classicaton problem problem,, which of he following mehods do you choose? A. Use nework 1 B. Use nework 2 C. Eiher of hem can be chosen o use
D. Neiher of hem can be chosen When a pooling layer is added o a convolutonal neural nework (CNN), will he ranslaton invariance be reained? A. Uncerain B. I depends on he acual siuaton C. Yes, i will be reained D. No, i will no be reained Which of he following variable names is rue? A. daa? B. ?daa C. _daa D. 9daa The resul of executng he code prin(‘a’ ‘b’ D. c
The resul of invoking he following functon is? def basefunc(rs): def innerfunc(second): reurn rs ** second reurn innerfunc A. base(2)(3) == 8 B. base(2)(3) == 6 C. base(3)(2) == 8 D. base(3)(2) == 6
The resul of executng he following code is? daa = [1, 3, 5, 7] daa.append([2, 4, 6, 8]) prin(len(daa)) A. 4 B. 5 C. 8 D. An error occurred The resul of executng he following code is? for i in range(1,3): prin(i) for j in range(2):
prin(j) A. 1 3 2 B. 1 2 0 1 C. 1 3 0 1 D. 1 3 0 2 Generally, which of he following mehods is used o predic contnuous independen variables? A. Linear regression B. Logistc regression C. Boh linear regression and logistc regression D. None of he above Daa scientss may use multple algorihm (models) a he same tme for predicton, and inegrae he resuls of hese algorihms for nal predicton (ensemble learning). Which of he following saemens abou ensemble learning is rue? A. High correlaton exiss beween single models B. Low correlaton exiss beween single models C. I is beer o use weighed average insead of votng in ensemble learning D. One algorihm is used for a single model
Multple Choice Multple Answer Principal componen analysis (PCA) is a common and eectve mehod for dimensionaliy reducton. Which of he following saemens abou PCA are rue? A. Before using PCA, daa sandardizaton is required. B. Before using PCA, daa sandardizaton is no required. C. The principal componen wih he maximum variance should be seleced. D. The principal componen wih he minimum variance should be seleced. Which of he following crieria can evaluae he qualiy of a model? A. Accurae predicton can be achieved by he model in acual services. B. Wih he increasing rac volume, he predicton rae of he model is stll accepable C. The model design is complex and dicul o undersand and explain. D. The user inerface of he service sysem where he model is locaed is user-friendly.
Which of he following saemens abou he gradien boostng decision ree (GBDT) algorihm are rue? A. Increasing he minimum number of samples used for segmenaton helps preven over B. Increasing he minimum number of samples used for segmenaton may cause overng. C. Reducing he sample rato of each basic ree helps reduce he variance. D. Reducing he sample rato of each basic ree helps reduce he deviaton.
Variable selecton is used o selec he bes discriminaor subse. Wha need o be considered o ensure he eciency of he model? A. Wheher multple variables have he same functon. B. Wheher he model is inerpreable C. Wheher he feaure carries valid informaton D. Price dierence vericaton
Which of he following actvaton functons can be used for image classicaton a he oupu layer? A. sigmoid* B. anh* C. ReLu * D. Piecewise functons
Which of he following assumptons are used o derive linear regression parameers? A. There is a linear relatonship beween independen variables and dependen variables B. Model errors are independen in satstcs C. The error generally obeys he normal disributon of 0 and he sandard deviaton of he xed average value D. The independen variable is non-random and has no measuremen error.
Which of he following saemens abou he convolutonal neural nework (CNN) are rue? A. Increasing he size of convolutonal kernels can signicanly improve he performance of he CNN. B. Pooling layers in he CNN keep ranslaton invariance. C. Daa feaures need o be exraced before using a CNN. D. In a CNN, he convolutonal kernel a each layer is he weigh o be learned.
Which of he following saemens abou TensorFlow 2.0 are rue? A. TensorFlow 2.0 requires he consructon of a compuatonal graph a rs, hen you can sar a session, impor daa o he session, and perform raining. B. Eager executon is enabled in TensorFlow 2.0 by defaul. I is a ype of command line programming, making he executon simpler. C. In TensorFlow 2.0, if you wan o build a new layer, you can direcly inheri .keras.layers.Layer D. In he defaul mode of TensorFlow 2.0, .daa.Daase is an ieraor. Which of he following saemens abou he applicaton of deep learning mehods are rue?
A. Massive discree daa can be encoded using embedded mode as inpu of he neural nework, which grealy improves he eec of daa analysis. B. The convolutonal neural nework (CNN) is well applied in he eld of image processing, bu i canno be used in naural language processing. C. The recurren neural nework (RNN) is mainly used o deal wih sequence-o-sequence problems, bu i oen encouners he problems of gradien disappearance and gradien explosion. D. The generatve adversarial nework (GAN) is a mehod used for model generaton. When daa volume exceeds he capaciy capaciy of he memory, which of he following following mehods used o eectvely eectvely rain he model? A. Organizing he daa and supplementng he missing daa B. Sampling daa and raining models based on he sampled daa C. Reducing daa dimensions using he PCA algorihm D. Improving daa capaciy hrough inerpolaton mehod Which of he following measures can be aken o preven overng in he neural nework? A. Dropou B. Daa augmenaton C. Weigh sharing D. Early sopping
Abou he single-underscored member_proc, double-underscored _proc member, and _proc_in Pyhon, which of he following saemens are rue? A. from module impor * can be direcly used o impor he single-underscored member _proc B. from module impor * canno be direcly used o impor he double-underscored member _proc C. In Pyhon, he parser uses_classname_proc o replace he double-underscored member _proc D. In Pyhon, _proc_ is a specic indicaor o magic mehods The core idea of convolutonal neural nework (CNN) are? A. Mainly for image daa processing B. Local receptve eld C. Parameer sharing D. High-qualiy daa inpu and high-qualiy oupu
Which of he following issues need o be considered when you selec he deph of a neural nework? A. Neural nework ypes B. Inpu daa ype and quanty C. Learning rae D. Developmen framework o be used
Which of he following saemens abou long shor-erm memory (LSTM) are rue? s electvely forge he inpu ransferred from he previous node. A. The forge phase of LSTM is o selectvely B. The selectve memory phase of LSTM is o selectvely memorize he inpu. C. The updae phase of LSTM is o updae he memory informaton. D. The oupu phase of LSTM is o deermine which will be considered as he oupu of curren sae. Which of he following saemens abou deep learning are rue? A. The negatve side of ReLu is a dead zone, leading o he gradien becomes 0. B. The sigmoid functon is beer han he ReLu functon in preventng he gradien disappearance problem. C. The long shor erm memory (LSTM) adds several channels and gaes based on he recurren neural nework (RNN) D. Gaed recurren uni (GRU) is a simplied version of LSTM.
Which of he following operatons belong o he daa cleansing process? A. Pro Proce cess ssin ing g los los da daa a B. Pro Proces cessin sing g abn abnorm ormal al val values ues C. Obai Obaining ning daa daa ha is dicul dicul o be obained obained by by ohers h hrough rough special special channel channelss D. Co Comb mbin inin ing g da daa a
The neural nework is inspired by he human brain. A neural nework consiss of many neurons, and each neuron receives an inpu and provides an oupu aer processing he inpu. Which of he following saemens abou neurons are rue? A. Each neuron can have one inpu and one oupu B. Each neuron can have multple inpus and one oupu C. Each neuron can have one inpu and multple oupus D. Each neuron can have multple inpus and oupu
Which of he following layers are usually included in a deep neural nework used for image recogniton? A. Convolutonal layer B. Pooling layer C. Recurren layer D. Fully conneced layer
Wha are he dierences beween _ini_and_new_in Pyhon? A. _ini_ is an insance mehod, whereas_new_is a satc mehod B. No value is reurned for _ini_, whereas an insance is reurned for_new_. C. _new_ is called o creae an insance, whereas _ini_ is called o initalize an insance D. Only when_new_reurns a cls insance, he subsequen_ini_can be called. Feaures selecton is necessary before model raining. Which of he following saemens are he advanages of feaure selecton? A. I can improve model generalizaton and avoid overng. B. I can reduce he tme required for model raining. C. I can avoid dimension explosion. D. I can simplify models o make hem easy for users o inerpre. Daa cleansing is o clear diry daa in a daase. The diry daa refers o? A. Daa ha is sored in he devices aeced by some polluans. B. Daa ha conains incorrec records or exceptons C. Daa ha conains conradicory and inconsisen records D. Daa ha lacks some feaures or conains some missing values
If daa = (1, 3, 5, 7, 7 , 9, 11), which of he following operatons are valid? A. daa[1 : -1] B. daa[1 : 7] C. lis(daa) D. daa * 3 If here is a = range(100), which of he following operatons are valid? A. a[-1] B. a[2 : 99] C. a[ : - 1 : 2] D. a[5 - 7]
Which of he following saemens abou he recurren neural nework (RNN) are rue? A. The sandard RNN solves he problem of informaton memory. Is advanage is ha even if he number of memory unis is limied, he RNN can keep he long-erm informaton. B. The sandard RNN can sore conex saes and can exend on he tme sequences.
C. The sandard RNN capures dynamic informaton in serialized daa by periodical connecton of nodes a he hidden layer D. Inuitvely, here is no need o connec nodes beween he hidden layer a he curren momen and he hidden layer a he nex momen in he RNN.
During neural nework raining, which of he following phenomena indicae ha gradien explosion problem may occur? A. The model gradien increases rapidly B. The model weigh changes o NaN value C. The error gradien value of each node and layer contnuously exceeds 1.0. D. The loss functon contnuously decreases.
When he parameers are he same in all cases, and how does he number of sample observaton tmes aec overng? A. The number of observaton tmes is small, and overng is likely o occur. B. The number of observaton tmes is small, and overng is no likely o occur. C. The number of observaton tmes is large, and overng is likely o occur. D. The number of observaton tmes is large, and overng is no likely o occur
Which of he following saemens are he functons of he pooling layer in a convolutonal neural nework (CNN)? A. Reducing he inpu size for he nex layer B. Obaining xed-lengh daa C. Increasing he scale D. Preventng overng
Which of he following saemens abou generatve adversarial nework (GAN) are rue? A. The GAN conains a generatve model (generaor) ha akes a random vecor as inpu and decodes i as a specic oupu. B. The GAN conains an adversarial model (adversarial device) ha ransforms specic inpu and oupus adversarial daa ha conradics he inpu. C. The GAN conains a discriminatve model (discriminaor) ha can deermine wheher he inpu daa is from he raining se or synhesized hrough daa. D. The GAN is a dynamic sysem. Is optmizaton process is no o nd a minimum value, bu o nd a balance beween wo forces.
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