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Which of the following is a valid reason for considering a Subtype Implementatio n?
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"he resulting resulting table will reside reside in a single database database and be used by #ust $%& user' "he common access access paths for the the supertypes are dierent' )usiness functionality* business rules* access paths* and fre+uency of access are all very dierent between the subtypes' (, Most of the relationships are at the supertype level' -orrect 2. "he
transformation from an &R diagram to a physical design transformation design involves changing terminology' Secondary .ni+ue Identi/ers become
ttributes become tables in a database' "rue or 2alse?
Mark for Review (1 !oints
"rue " rue 2alse (, ( , -orrect 4.
In an $racle database* why would 13" 13")4& )4& not work as a table name?
Mark for Review (1 !oints
"he database does does not understand understand all capital letters' letters' "here is no problem here' here' 5ou 5ou can create create a table called 13")4&' $b#ect names must not start with a number' "hey must begin with a letter' (, ")4& " )4& is a reserved reserved word'
-orrect 5. "he
te6t below below is an e6ample e6ample of what constraint constraint type?
If the number of )$$0S lent to a )$RR$W&R in the 4I)RR5 e6ceeds 7* then we must send him a letter re+uesting the return of the )$$0S8 this will re+uire e6tra programming to enforce'
foreign key cannot refer to a primary key in the same table' "rue or 2alse?
Mark for Review (1 !oints
"rue " rue 2alse (, ( , -orrect 8.
&ntity integrity refers to:
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"ables " ables always containing containing te6t data "ables " ables always containing containing numeric data -olumns having !rimary 0eys* 2oreign 0eys* .ni+ue 0eys* and -heck constraints de/ned in the database' "ables " ables having !rimary 0eys* 0eys* 2oreign 2oreign 0eys* 0eys* .ni+ue 0eys* 0eys* and -heck constraints de/ned in the database' (, Incorrect' Refer to Section 11 4esson 1'
table must have at least one candidate key* as well as its primary key' "rue or 2alse?
Mark for Review (1 !oints
"rue " rue 2alse (, ( , -orrect 10.
It is possible to implement non9transferability non9transferability via a simple 2oreign 0ey Relationship' "rue or 2alse?
Mark for Review (1 !oints
"rue " rue 2alse (, ( , -orrect 11. " "o o
resolve a many many to
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many relationship in a physical model you create a;an 33333333333333 3333333 333333333333? 33333?
(1 !oints
.ni+ue key constraints Intersection entity Intersection table (, "wo tables with 2oreign "wo 2oreign key key constraints between between them -orrect
Section 12
(nswer all +uestions in this section 12.
$nce you have created a table* it is not possible to alter the de/nition of it' If you need to add a new column you must delete the table de/nition and create a new* correct table' "rue or 2alse?
Mark for Review (1 !oints
"rue " rue 2alse (, -orrect' 13.
"he f3customers f3customers table contains the following data: data: ID Name Address City State Zi Zip
Mark for
Cole Bee
123 Main Street
Orlando FL
Zoe T T ee
1!!" O Olli#er A A# #en$e Boston
Sandra Lee 22 Main Street
MA !211% FL
Review (1 !oints
If you run the following statement: @8 =ow many rows will be left in the table?
A B 1 (, @ -orrect' 14.
In the nalysis phase* the tables are created and populated with test data' "rue or 2alse?
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