Final Chapter 3

June 16, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Chapter III RESEARCH AND SOFTWARE DESIGN This This chap chapter ter deals deals with with the the meth method ods s of rese researc arch h used used wheth whether er it may be historical, descriptive, and experimental or a case study. The techniques used under  Descriptive Research Method as well as the data gathering tools and analytical tools used will be further explained in this chapter as well as the methods used in developing the software and for evaluation.

RESEARCH DESIGN Methods of Research Used The proponents have used the Descriptive Research Method wherein the study is focused on present situations. It involves the recording, description, analysis and the presentation of the present system, composition or processes of phenomena. Unde Underr the the Descr Descript iptive ive Rese Researc arch h Metho Method, d, the techn techniqu ique e used used is the Surv Survey ey Method, which is otherwise otherwise known as normative normative survey. survey. The results and findings of the study study shoul should d alway always s be comp compare ared d with with the the stand standar ards. ds. With With the surve survey y metho method, d, researchers are able to statistically study the specific areas where the proponents must concentrate. Findings regarding the common practices being done and the methods which are commonly adopted adopted by the employees are obtained with the use of the survey method.

RESPONDENTS OF THE STUDY The respondents of the study include the employees wherein the proponents prepare a set of carefully prepared and logically ordered questions. This respondent focuses on the company’s employees for they are very important in a sense that this study is all about them. (See Table 1.) Table 1.0 Respondents Distribution

N = 61 Position / Status

No. of Respondents














The questionnaires are being answered accordingly to the priority of concern by using predetermined sets of questions with predefined ranges of answers so as to avoid any conflicting series of response.

Data Gathering Tools These are the instruments or tools for gathering data in research used as basis for drawing conclusions or making inferences. Some of these tools are questionnaires,

interviews, empirical observations, research and analysis used by the proponents as they conduct the proposed study. Interview. An Interview is defined as a meeting of two people face to face to confer about something or an act of questioning to receive a desired answer that is necessary in solving a specific problem. This is where data gathering occurs by asking questions for much needed information from the interviewee verbally and directly. Observation. This This techn techniqu ique e is used used when when the the resea researc rcher her canno cannott secur secure e adequate adequate or valid data through the use of the questionnaire or some other technique. It is considered to be the most direct means of studying people in so far as their overt behavior is concerned. Observation of a current operating procedure is another data gathering tool seeing the system in action gives you additional perspective and better  understanding of system procedures. Research. Research is simply, the systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic or problem. It is systematic study or investigation or something for the purpose of answering questions posed by the researcher. It includes reviewing journals, periodicals, and books to obtain background information, technical material, and news about industry trends and developments. Questionnaire. A pre-written series of questions used in gathering important information’s from one or more persons. This will be given to the individual who have a direct bearing of the study and in order to satisfy the proponent’s goal that is to get and measure the opinions, polls and attitude of the respondents of the study.

Analysis. Anal Analys ysis is is the the proc proces ess s of brea breaki king ng-u -up p the the whol whole e stud study y into into its its const constitu ituent ent parts parts of the the cate categor gories ies accord accordin ing g to the the speci specific fic ques questio tions ns unde underr the the statement of the problem. This is to bring out into focus the essential feature of the study.

Statistical Tools Statistics is one way of getting the information’s organized. To have a general view of the whole scenario of the study, statistical tool is used. This also includes the scali scaling ng syst system em,, which which is used used by the the propo propone nents nts as a techn techniqu ique e to monit monitor or the the respondent’s interpretation of facts. (See Table 2.0 & Table 3.0) Table 2.0 Scaling Systems of Existing and Proposed System Rating Scale





Very Good









Table 3.0 Scaling Systems of Problems in the Existing System Rating Scale



Strongly Agree








Strongly Disagree

Below are the Formulas used to arrive to the computation used by the Statistical Tool: 1. Mean. The proponents used the mean to be able to identify the range of  interest. The proponents obtained the Degree of Efficiency by using the formula: Mean ( ) = f (X1 + X2 + ... Xn) n Where: f = frequency that a given X was chosen by the respondents X = represents any of the numerical ratings 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, representing Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor respectively. n = total number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean. The proponents also used the weighted mean in order to weight the value of information according to its importance.

Weighted mean (x) = f (X1 + X2 + ... Xm)n N Where: n = total number of criteria 3. T-Test. -Test. The The propo propone nents nts then then used used the T-Tes -Testt in orde orderr to deter determi mine ne and and compare the means of the two populations. T-Test T-Test = t computed comput ed =


∑MP² + ∑ME² n (n-1) Where: WMP = weighted mean of the proposed system WME = weighted mean of the existing system ∑MP² = square of the summation of all ratings for proposed system ∑ME² = square of the summation of all ratings for existing system n = total number of respondents

4. CBA (Cost Benefit Analysis) P = F / ( 1 + i )n Where: P = present value F = total savings i = bank interest rate n = number of years

5. FD (Frequency Distribution). The number of observation for each of the possible categories in a data sheet. FD = n x 100% N Where: n = number of cases N = total population of respondents

SYSTEM DESIGN Analytical Tools The analytical analytical tools tools used used in conduct conducting ing the proposed proposed study study are the System System flowchart, IPO (Input Process Output) and HIPO (Hierarchical Input-Process-Output),

which are precisely discussed in this section for the development of the system. System Flowchart. It is formalized graphic representation of a program logic sequenc sequence, e, work work or manufac manufacturi turing ng process process,, organiz organizing ing chart, chart, or similar similar formaliz formalized ed structure. IPO or the Input Process Output. These are the components or elements that make up the system. It is also described as tools on the design of the entire software. HIPO or Hierarchical Hierarchical Input-Process-O Input-Process-Output. utput. A high-level view of the functions performed by a system as its functions and software implementation.

Data Flow Diagram. This is a graphic illustration illustration that shows the flow of data and logic within the system. Context Diagram. Diagram. This is an overview of the organizational system that shows the system boundary, external entities that interact with the system, and the major  information flows between the entities and the system.

Methods Used in Developing the Software At this point, the work of the system analyst will be tested to its fullest ability. This is the part where the system analyst must be able to determine and explain the methods that will be used throughout the entire project. Software Development is a tedious task not only for the programmer but also for  the system analyst, because they will decide on the type, size and creativeness of the

syste system. m. At this this junct juncture ure,, the the meth methods ods used used in devel develop oping ing the the softwa software re must must be explained and defined. The following are the system development methods, namely, software planning, software analysis, software design, software testing and software implementation. Software Planning. This software development method designates a plan in which a system analyst must first identify. Identify meaning, to identify the product goals and requirement of the system. System analyst must also put into consideration the capabilities of the programmer before deciding the product itself. Software Analysis. It can be considered as the most difficult phase because in this this phase phase raw raw mater material ials s or infor informat mation ion’s ’s must must first first exam examine ine thoro thoroug ughly hly befo before re converting it into a software design. Software Design. Design is a visualization of the outcome of a product but then in software design phase, time is very essential because designing software is not an overnight job. It takes a long period of time to ensure efficiency, maintainability and reliability if the software. Software Testing. A stage or phase where the proposed system will be given to a panel of critics and end-users for testing. In this way, the developer can determine the response of the user whether the system works or not. Software Software Implementation. Implementation. The phase phase of the softwar software e develop development ment method where software has already been debugged documented and tested. The objective of  the the imple impleme menta ntatio tion n phas phase e is to deliv deliver er a comp complet letely ely functi functioni oning ng and and docu docume mente nted d information system.

Soft Softwar ware e Oper Operati ation on and and Maint Mainten enan ance. ce. Mainte Maintena nanc nce e keeps keeps the the syste system m funct function ional al at an accep accepta table ble level, level, corre correct ct errors errors and and adapt adapts s chang changes es in the new new environment to provide new features and benefits.

Methods Used for Product Evaluation This part consists of the methods used in evaluating the proposed system in terms of accuracy, efficiency, reliability, speed, portability and user friendliness which lead to the integrity of the proposed system. Technical Feasibility Feasibility.. The The prop propos osed ed syst system em is tech techni nica cally lly flex flexib ible le sinc since e computerization of the existing data is possible and the components needed for the system are widely sold in the market. Market Feasibility. The proposed system of the proponents is market feasible since the respondents will be able to save time in tallying and recording the files of  clients. They will also be able to save time and money by not purchasing purchasing a lot of papers for paper works and documentations. CBA (Cost (Cost Benefit Benefit Analys Analysis). is). This This estim estimat ates es and and total totals s up the the equiv equival alen entt money value of the benefits and costs to the community about whatever projects to establish establish are worthwhile. Evaluating hardware and software, identifying and forecasting forecasting cost and benefits and performing cost benefit analysis are all necessary activities the system analyst must accomplish in preparing material for the systems proposal.

Operational Feasibility To deter determin mine e if the propo proposed sed syste system m is opera operatio tiona nally lly feasib feasible le to apply apply or  implement. Below are the given criteria, which serve as a basis to test the proposed system if it really works. Accuracy. The ability to be precise and avoid errors and the correctness or  truthfulness of something especially in the mathematical computation of sales so that the business will not suffer from any losses. Efficiency. The ability to do something well or achieve a desired result without wasted energy or effort, or the degree to which this ability is used in the system. Reliability. The ability to be trusted to do what is expected or has been promised. The ability to be trusted, to be accurate or correct to provide result. Speed. To reach the maximum or desirable rate of movement or progress. To be or become fully informed about the latest developments, to accomplish things in a manner that consumes less time. Speed is the main concern of the proponents so that the the prop propose osed d syste system m will will be imple impleme mente nted d succe success ssful fully ly.. In using using comp compute uterr based based program and the idea of automation, speed requirement should be satisfied. User-Friendliness. Underst Understand andable able softwar software e applica application tions. s. Easy access access and easy to use Windows based system. Portability. The ability to transfer software application to another computer. The proposed proposed system is hosted online so that users can easily access the system wherever  wherever  they are as long as there is internet access.

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