Final Case Study Bgc

November 4, 2018 | Author: Elai Batac | Category: Business, Science, Technology (General), Nature
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The expand expanding ing growth growth of popula popularr urban urban commun communitie itiess pave pave a way to the increas increasing ing number of high rise development in the country. Its history started in 1912 when the eightstory Manila hotel which was considered as the first modern high-rise building constructed in the hilippines was built. This said to be brought a notable change in the aesthetic view of the Metro Manila and was the beginning of the rapid and evident growth of urbani!ation in the hilippine capital. "owever# it was only in 1992 that a s$yscraper was established in the country. It is %%-storey and 1&' meters tall acific la!a (ondominium in )yala )venue which is the starting point of evolution in the structural aspect of the metro and has been supersede by the newer and higher s$yscraper in the country.

The extensive increase of the *+ industry in the hilippines hilippines is one of the contributor to the growing density of high rise buildings in the urban community. This industry needs a lot of employee to operate but the price of lot ownership in the city cost a lot that is why the need for a high-rise development is a must. ) small space that could accommodate a great number  of people. "igh rise development could also be an answer for accommodating the great influx of migr migrati ation on in the the city city.. )partm partmen ents# ts# cond condom omin inium iumss are also also prev preval alen entt in the the urba urban n community.

This widespread development of high rise building contribute a large impact in the natural environment of the city. It is because the way vertical buildings are operated need an excessive amount of energy to be used. In relation to this matter the application of ,reen *uilding tandards is a trend rising in the design of the high rise and s$yscraper buildings. )dapting the green building standards and principles could reduce the

excessive necessity of high rise structures for energy consumption. ifferent methods could  be applied in the building design that could create a small impact to the environment.

)pplication of this ,reen *uilding tandards and the integration of sustainability and *iophilic esign and with the consideration of the laws governing the construction of highrise structures are the basis of our proposed high-rise mix used development.

A. Background of the Study  Bonifacio Global City is the most relevant example of an urban community that have

an extensive number of high rise development. /ocated in Taguig (ity# it is rich district compromising a large scale of s$yscraper into its development and many s$yscrapers are still under constructi construction on and expected expected to be built in the future. The developmen developmentt of the city is manage managed d by the *onifac *onifacio io /and /and evelo evelopme pment nt (orpo (orporati ration# on# a consort consortium ium led by Metro Metro acific since 199&. Today the control for the master planning of the *onifacio ,lobal (ity is managed by the 0ort *onifacio evelopment (orporation. Today# because of the continuous development of the *,( many business companies choose to move their main offices to the district. (reating a lot of high rise offices in the area. Many employees are now residing in the area for only their wor$ thats why most of the s$yscrapers are developing the mixed use tower and podium paradigm. This design is very convenient because it reduce the time needed for the employees to go to wor$ because maority of the podium type s$yscraper integrate residential and office. 3ith this integration of mixed use tower and podium design we arrived to the design of the proposed high-rise mixed use development. 4sing the concept of sustainability and

regenerative regenerative design we proposed proposed a high-rise high-rise development development that in line with nature because it will have expected to produce lesser carbon footprint that is the main definition of a ,reen  building design. The use of nature as a healing and stress reducing element for the employee is evident in the design of the structure. The *iophilic approach use in the structure has been  proven by b y many studies to improve the productivity rate of the employees and a nd occupants of  the building. The proposed high-rise development will be using the laws and construction consideration of building high-rise structure in *onifacio ,lobal (ity as it is where the site is situated.

a. History American Coonia !eriod

uring the )merican colonial period# period# the 4 government ac5uired a 2&.67 s5uare $ilometre property within what was then disputed area between Ma$ati# Taguig and ateros for military purposes. This area 8T(T dated 19'2 was turned into a camp then $nown as 0ort 3illiam Mc:inley after the 2&th 4 president# 3illiam Mc:inley. Mc:inley. )fter the hilippines gained its political independence from the 4nited tates on ;uly %# 19%mbassy ?ote ?ote ?o. '&6'. "eadershi# under $en. Afonso Areano

0ort Mc:inley was made the permanent head5uarters of the hilippine )rmy in 19&6 and was subse5uently renamed 0ort *onifacio# *onifacio#after the 0ather of the hilippine =evolution against pain# )ndres *onifacio# *onifacio# whose father# antiago *onifacio# was a native of Taguig# =i!al. 0ort *onifacio# during the panish >ra# Taguig Taguig was founded in the year 1&76# while an edro de Macati in 1M*+ *aranggays are all part of Taguig. Ma$ati then as$ed the (ourt of )ppeals to review the case. The (ourt of )ppeals overturned the asig =egional Trial (ourtAs decision and reverted urisdiction of the *,( in favor of Ma$ati. )s of date# Taguig has filed a Motion of =econsideration at the (ourt of )ppeals see$ing to revert the decision. tatus 5uo 8meaning the latest ruling remains with Ma$ati. Taguig currently has de facto control over the area. !artnershi# &ith different de'eo#ment com#anies

In 199&# *onifacio /and evelopment (orporation# a consortium led by Metro acific# acific# made a successful bid to become *()As partner in the development of *onifacio ,lobal (ity 8*,(# the "ome of assionate Minds. )yala /and# Inc. and >vergreen "oldings# Inc. of the (ampos ,roup purchased a controlling sta$e sta $e in */( from Metro acific in 2''@. *() and the two companies control 0ort *onifacio evelopment (orporation# which oversees the master planning of *onifacio ,lobal (ity. The *onifacio ,lobal (ity is a rich district with a high number of s$yscrapers# even as the city is still rising. Many s$yscrapers are under construction and will be built in future.

B. "oca Case Studies (. De)te De)terto rton n Cor#o Cor#ora rati tion on 8*onifacio ,lobal (ity# Taguig Company Profile:

exterton (orporation started in 19> is an internationally recogni!ed green building rating system developed by the 4 ,reen *uilding (ouncil to guide building owners and operators on a concise framewor$ for implementing green building design# construction# operations and maintenance solutions.

/>> consultant avis /angdon C eah have pointed out that the un /ife (entre Dpromotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recogni!ing performance in $ey areasE energy savings# water efficiency# carbon emission reductions# improved indoor environmental 5uality# stewardship of resources and education on sustainability practices.F

(ompleted# un /ife offices occupy a number of floors while the rest of the building is available for lease for other tenants who e5ually believe in the importance of environmental sustainability. Its set the standard for f or premium office buildings in the *onifacio ,lobal (ity. The 1%-storey building# provides a &-level basement par$ing 2&#''' s5uare meter gross floor areaG 1#7'' s5uare meters typical gross floor plateG double-gla!ed glass window systemG vehicle drop H off facility 1'' bac$-up powerG automated ecurity ystem and a building management system.  Building eatures:

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62& s5.m total floor area 12' fully-e5uipped seats rivate offices for
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