Final and OfficialjingFS-6

March 7, 2017 | Author: jayrjing101508gmailc | Category: N/A
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Field Study – 6 (On Becoming a 21st Century Teacher)

Subm mi i t t edby:  Jessi caV.Namo BSED –4A Submi mi t t edt o: Pr of .Rodol f oCaberoy I nst r uct or

Republ i coft hePhi l i ppi nes Uni ver si t yofAnt i que Si bal om m, ,Ant i que COL OLLEGEOF OFTEACH HE ER EDUCATI ON


  Credi t :1uni t Durati on:18hours Fi el dSt udy6“ 6“ OnBe Becomi mi ngt he21st  Cent uryTeacher”i soneoft heExperi ent i alLearni ng Coursesoft heprospect i vet eacher .I ti st el l st hej ourneyofhow t obecomeateacheras exemp mpl i fiedi nt heTeacherEducat i onandDevel opmentMapi nt hepreservi ceeducat i on.Li ke anypoi nti nt hema map,preservi ceeducat i oni sconnect edt othecorewhi chi st heNati onal Comp mpet encyBasedTeacherSt andards( NCBTS) .Theupdat edwo wor kbooki ssl ant edt owardsOB OBE i nTeacherEducat i onasProvi dedbyCHED Admi ni st rat i veOrderNo.1,s.2014.  TheTeachi ngProf essi onandCommuni t yI mmersi onaret het wosubj ect swhereFS6,maybe anchoredonal lexperi ent i alact i vi t i esarerel at edt othei ndept hunderst andi ngandt est i ngof l earnedconcept st hroughact uali mmersi onandobservat i onsi nreall i f esi t uat i onst hatrel at e t ot eachi ngandl earni ng. Kol b’ sExperi ent i alLearni ngCycl egui dest heprocesst hateveryst udentshoul dundergo.  Themodelpresent st hef ourel ement swhi chare: ences  1.Concreteexperi –act i vi t i esthatt hest udent sareaskedt odoi nt heschoolor comm mmuni t yset t i ng. on andr eflecti on  2.Observati –concret eexperi encesthroughdi rectori ndi rectobservat i on t hroughdat a,reflect i ons,andi nsi ght s. 3.Formi ngandaffi r mi ngconcept st hr oughobser vat i on and r eflect i on  –val i dat i onof pri orl earni ngs,orf ormi mi ngofnew onest oenhancepri orl earni ng. 4 T . esti ngi nnew si t uat i oni nt hef ut ur e  –f ormi mi ngpl ansonhow t out i l i zel earni ngswh when st udentbecome mest udentt eachersorprof essi onalt eachers.


  Credi t :1uni t Durati on:18hours Fi el dSt udy6“ 6“ OnBe Becomi mi ngt he21st  Cent uryTeacher”i soneoft heExperi ent i alLearni ng Coursesoft heprospect i vet eacher .I ti st el l st hej ourneyofhow t obecomeateacheras exemp mpl i fiedi nt heTeacherEducat i onandDevel opmentMapi nt hepreservi ceeducat i on.Li ke anypoi nti nt hema map,preservi ceeducat i oni sconnect edt othecorewhi chi st heNati onal Comp mpet encyBasedTeacherSt andards( NCBTS) .Theupdat edwo wor kbooki ssl ant edt owardsOB OBE i nTeacherEducat i onasProvi dedbyCHED Admi ni st rat i veOrderNo.1,s.2014.  TheTeachi ngProf essi onandCommuni t yI mmersi onaret het wosubj ect swhereFS6,maybe anchoredonal lexperi ent i alact i vi t i esarerel at edt othei ndept hunderst andi ngandt est i ngof l earnedconcept st hroughact uali mmersi onandobservat i onsi nreall i f esi t uat i onst hatrel at e t ot eachi ngandl earni ng. Kol b’ sExperi ent i alLearni ngCycl egui dest heprocesst hateveryst udentshoul dundergo.  Themodelpresent st hef ourel ement swhi chare: ences  1.Concreteexperi –act i vi t i esthatt hest udent sareaskedt odoi nt heschoolor comm mmuni t yset t i ng. on andr eflecti on  2.Observati –concret eexperi encesthroughdi rectori ndi rectobservat i on t hroughdat a,reflect i ons,andi nsi ght s. 3.Formi ngandaffi r mi ngconcept st hr oughobser vat i on and r eflect i on  –val i dat i onof pri orl earni ngs,orf ormi mi ngofnew onest oenhancepri orl earni ng. 4 T . esti ngi nnew si t uat i oni nt hef ut ur e  –f ormi mi ngpl ansonhow t out i l i zel earni ngswh when st udentbecome mest udentt eachersorprof essi onalt eachers.

 T e s t i n g  w s i ]n e t u a o [ 4

xp Co ep x n e c r i t [ 1 ] or Fr o m i n g  bs on an c o t ]c r e a p s [ 3

 b  v r e fl ec O s a n er nd r d c a t i o n [ 2 ]

Source: ht t p: //www. psi copol i s. com/ m/renaf op/kol bexperi ent i al . ht m

Aswecont i nueourj ourneyt obecome meaprof essi onalt eacher ,l etusreme memb mbert hest agesor el eme ment swehavet ogothrough:CON ONCRETE EXP XPERI RI ENCE,OBSERV RVATI ON,REFLECTI ON, FOR ORMI NG/AFFI RMI NG CONCEPTSandf ur t herTESTI NG I NA NEW SI TUATI ON.


Field Study 6 On Becoming the 21st Century


MY FSLEARN RNI NG TASK OV OVERVI EW “You ar ebor na t eacher”   some mebodywo woul dt el lyou.I st hi sTRUE?Wh Whatat t ri but esor

qual i t i esshoul dyouhavet hatwoul dt el lt hatyouwantt obeagoodt eacheri nt hef ut ure?Li ke l earners,t eachersaremo mol dedbynatureandnurt ure.Natureme meansyouri nbornqual i t i es,your nat uralt endenci es.Nurt ureme means,how youwer et rai nedort aughtt obecome meat eacher .You arebornwi t hqual i t i esandatt ri but est hatwoul dfityout obecome met eachers.Letusfindouti n t hi sepi sode. MYDESI RED LEARNI NG OUTCOME MES • •

Descri beown wnpersonalqual i t i est hatwi l lmakeoneagoodt eacher I dent i f yt hepersonalqual i t i esofanexperi encedt eachert hatyou havei nt ervi ewedand observed Comp mpareown wnpersonalqual i t i eswi t ht hoseoft heobservedt eacher

MyLearni ngEss ent i al s  WhatAreSomePersonalQual i t i esofGoodTeachers? 1.I nt el l i gence–abi l i t yt omakesounddeci si on,anal yse,makej udgme ment , makesol ut i ons,possesshi gheror dert hi nki ngski l l s,andothert ypesof i nt el l i gence.Thet eacheri si nt el l i gence. 2.Comp mpassi on–naturalqual i t i est oempathi ze,t of eelwhatot hersf eel ,t o  bet ol erantofot hers.Thet eacheri scompassi on. 3.Emot i onalSt abi l i t y-abi l i t yt obecal m underpressure,cheerf uland opt i mi st i c,l evelheaded.Thet eacheri semo moti onal l ystabl e. 4.I nnovati veness–naturalt endencyt ocreat enew t hi ngs,modi f yexi st i ng ones,i magi nati ve,findssol ut i onst oprobl ems msqui ckl y,andmakesuse ofavai l abl ema mat eri al s.Thet eacheri si nnovat i ve.

5.Fai rness–naturalatt ri but et ol ookatbot hsi desoft hei ssuebef ore maki ngj udgme ment ,gi vesequalchancesf orbothsi dest obeheard, remo movespersonalbi ases.Thet eacheri sf ai r. 6.Sel f confidence–naturalt endencyt of eel“ Ican doi t ” ,worksal one, det ermi mi nedt osucceed.Thet eacheri ssel f confident . 7.Cooperati veness–naturalacti ont owo worktoget herwi t hot hers,  wi  wi l l i ngt oshare.Thet eacheri scooperat i ve. 8.Buoyancy–abi l i t yt osurvi vei ndi fficul tsi t uat i on,bal ancesl i f e, opt i mi st i candcheerf ul .Thet eacheri sbuoyant . l i abi l i t y–at t ri but edemo monst rat edbydependabi l i t y,si nceri t y,and 9. Re honest y.Thet eacheri srel i abl e.


I nordert oaccomp mpl i shmydesi redl earni ngout come mes,t hesearet hest epsIhavet of ol l ow: w: St ep1:St opf orawh whi l eandreflect .Askmysel f :Whataremyqual i t i est hatwi l lmakeme meagood teacher? St ep2:DoAct i vi t y1basedoni nst ruct i ongi ven. St ep3:Securepermi ssi ont oi nt ervi ew andobserveaprof essi onal   t eacher . St ep4:Uset hecheckl i sti nmyi nt ervi ew.Wri t eanessayaboutt he t eacherf rom my myi nt ervi ew andobservat i onresul t s.Thi sessay  T t l e:Per sonalQual i t i esofan wi l lbepartofmyport f ol i oent ry .i Exper i encedTeacher:A PersonalEncount er. St ep5:Basedonmyi nt ervi ew,addt omy myl i stofqual i t i esprevi ousl y i dent i fiedi nt hi sepi sodeotherqual i t i esnoti ncl uded. St ep6:Makeapersonalreflect i onandi ncl udet hi si nmypi ecesof evi dencef oraport f ol i o.



Am I This Person?

 J caV.Namo BSED –4A Name : essi ver si t yofAnt i que School :Uni st Semest er:1   Semes t er

 AM ITHI SPERSON? Bi l bao,2010( Short enedver si on,2014) Bel ow arei ndi cat orsofper sonalqual i t i eswhi chmaydescri beYOU. Pl acea√marki nBoxB i ft hei ndi cat orsfityoumostoft het i meoranXmark i ft hedescri pt i ondoesnotfityoumostoft het i me.I dent i f yyourqual i t yby choosi ngtheappropri at el abeli nBoxC.Wri t et hel et t eri nBoxB.You mayuse t hel et t ermoret hanoncef oryouranswer .Justl eavet hei t em t hatyoumarked  X.

BoxA PersonalAt t r i but eI ndi cat or

BoxB Mat cht he checked mar kwi t h appropriate Labeli n BoxC. ( wr i t el et t er onl y)

1.Iam ment al l yal er t .


2.Iam ver yi magi nat i vef or new i deas. 3.Il i ket otr youtnew t hi ngs. 4.Iappr eci at eot her peopl e. 5.Iam t ol er antofot her person. 6.Iadj ustt odi ffer ent si tuati ons. 7.Il ookatt hebr i ght er s i deofl i f e. 8.Idon’ tconsi dermysel f asbet t ert han others .





 A

BoxC Pers onalQual i t yLevel

 A.BOUYANCY/ Buoyant B.I NTELLI GENCE/ I nt el l i gent

C.SELFCONFI DENCE/Sel f confident

 A 


D.COMPASSI ON / Compassi onat e

harepri vi l eges 1 Is


 wi t hot her s.

VENES ! COOPERATI S/Cooper at e

vepersonalt i mef ort he 2 Igi






group. tapoi ntt odothe " Imakei  j obwel l . cksol ut i on t o # Imakequi




EMOTI ONAL STABI LI TY/ Emot i onal l yst abl e


I NNOVATI VENESS/ I nnovat i ve


RELI ABI LI TY/Rel i abl e

probl ems. unt eert odot askf or $ Ivol others. kf ort hegr oupeven 6 Iwor  wi t houtaffi r mat i oni n r et ur n. mi nt hemi dstof % Iam cal


chaos. eon agi ven & Iam dependabl


task. veequalchancef or ' Igi


other st obehear d. 1

Iam sur eofwhatI



do. Ihol dmyangereven  whenpr ovoked.


Iam punct uali n attendance.




Personal Qualities of an Experienced Teacher 

Per sonalQual i t i es

 Theexper i encedt eacher : 1.I sment al l yal ert 2.I sver yi magi nat i ve 3.Tr i esoutnew t hi ngs 4.Appr eci at esotherpeopl e 5.Tol er at esotherpeopl e 6.Adj ustt odi ffer entsi t uat i ons 7.Looksatt hebr i ght ersi deof l i f e 8.Doesnotconsi dersel fas  bet t ert hanot her s 9.Shar espr i vi l egeswi t hother s 10. Gi vesupper sonalt i me f ort hegr oup 11. Seest oi tt hathe/she doesj obwel l 12. Makesqui cks ol ut i ont o t hepr obl ems 13. Vol unt eer st odot ask f orot hers 14. Wor ksf ort hegr oup evenwi t houtbei ngaffi r med r eturn 15. I scal mi nt hemi ds tof chaos 16. I sdependabl eongi vi ng task 17. Gi vesequalchancef or other st obehear d 18. I ssur eofwhathe/she does 19. Hol dsangereven when


Check those observe d

PutLabel sof Qual i ti es

I nt el l i gence I nnovat i ve I nnovat i ve Compassi onat e Compassi onat e Buoyant Buoyant

Compassi onat e

Compassi onat e

     

 x 

Rel i abl e

I nt el l i gent

Cooperati ve

Cooperati ve


 x 


Sel f -confidence

Compassi onat e

provoked 20. I spunct uali n attendance

Sel f–confidence

Por t f ol i oEnt r y Nameoft heTeacher:Mr s.JranT.Occeńa PersonalQual i t i es:

Ma’ am Occeńai sani nt el l i gentt eacherf orme.Shepossessesal otof qual i t i esat eachershoul dpossess.She’ scompassi onat ef orsheappreci at esevery effortherst udent sdi dandt ol erat esthei rgoodhabi t si nl earni ng.She’ s i nnovat i vef orshe’ smaki ngnew i nst ruct i onalmat eri al soutofanol done anddoesi nt egrat et echnol ogyi nher t eachi ngs.Shei sal soaf ai rt eacherf orshe gi vesanequalchancef orherst udent st obe heard.Ireal l yadmi reheri nsomeaspect s ofbei ngat eacher .Shenevercompl ai nson t hetaskgi venbytheschoolpri nci palt oher event houghi ti snotal readyhercommand responsi bi l i t y.Forme,Ma’ am Occeńai san honourabl et eacher .

MyReflect i ons/I nsi ght s

 A.How doIusemyper sonalqual i t i est obecomeagoodt eacher ?Wr i t ei nat l eastt wo( 2)paragraphs.   Asaprospect i vet eacher ,Iam

goi ngt ousemypersonalqual i t i est obecomeagood t eacherbyappl yi ngal loft heacqui redandl earnedt echni ques,st rat egi es, met hods,andapproachest omyt eachi ngs.Al lt heknowl edge,ski l l s,at t i t udesand  val uesIhavewi l lbereflect edonmyt eachi ngsaswel lasi ndeal i ngswi t hmy f ut urest udent s. Iwi l lal sobeanemphati ct eachersomedaysot hatIcanbeabl et ounderst andmy st udent se. g.t hei rl evel sofl earni ng’ sandt hei rski l l sandval ues.ForIdobel i eve t hatat eacherdoesnotf ocusont eachi ngtheknowl edgeandski l l sratheri nst i l l i ng  val uesaswel li nmol di ngt heyoungmi ndsandheart s.

B.How doest heexperi encedt eacher ,ut i l i zedhi s/herper sonalqual i t i est o makehi m/hergoodt eacher ?Wr i t ei natl eastt wo( 2)par agr aphs.   Thet eacherut i l i zesherpersonalqual i t i est omakeheragoodt eacherby

gi vi ngherst udent saf ai rsharei nt het eachi ng-l earni ngprocess.She accept sherst udent ’ si deas,opi ni onsandconcept saboutt hel essons.   Thet eacheraswel lshareherownexperi encest ot hest udent snott oboast

hersel frat hert oservesasani nspi rat i on t ot hem t hati neverywal kofl i f e t hereareal waysdi fficul t i esandst ruggl esweencount eri nourwayst o successandbet t erl i f eweai medf or .Theessenceoft hem al l ,t hel essonsand l earni ngsyoupi ckthatmakesabet t erandmatureyou.

I nt egr at i ngTheoryandPr act i ce

 A. WhathaveIl ear nedf r om myexper i ence? Di r ect i on:Labelt hePers onalqual i t i est hatar edescri bedi nt hebox.

1.Areyouasaper son,someonecanl eanon?Areyouhonestandsi ncerei n  wordsandact i ons?Areyouconsi st enti nyouract i onsandresponsest o di fferentsi t uat i ons?  Whatpersonalqual i t ydoyoupossess? a.I nnovat i veness  b.I nt el l i gence c.Buoyancy

d.Rel i abi l i t y 2.Doyoueasi l ygi veup?Areyoumoody,al oner ?Doespressurei nwork makeyou surr ender?I si tdi fficul tf oryou t osucceedaf t eryouf ai l ?Do  youhavepoori nt rapersonalrel at i onshi p  Whatqual i t ydoyoul ack? a.Buoyancy

 b.Cooperat i veness c.Rel i abi l i t y d.Fai rness 3.Doyoubel i evei nyoursel fandi nwhatyoucando?Canyouworkal one  wi t houtaski nghel pf rom ot hers?Doyoubel i evei nt hesayi ng:“ Nogut s, Nogl ory?”  Whatqual i t ydoyouhave? a.Sel fconfidence

 b.I nnovat i veness c.Compassi onat e d.Emot i onalst abi l i t y 4.Areyoueasi l yupsetbypet t ythi ngs?Doyouworryal ot ?Doyoupani c  whenpressured?Doyouof t enf eelt hatyouaret obebl amed?  Whatpersonalqual i t ydoyoul ack? a.I nnovat i veness  b.Emot i onalst abi l i t y

c.Cooperati veness d.Rel i abi l i t y 5.Doyou havehi gherordert hi nki ngabi l i t i es?Doyou exceli nyourabi l i t i es i nanyofHowardGardner’ sMul t i pl eI nt el l i gences?Doyou actqui ckl yon probl emsofi mmedi at econcern?  Whatpersonalqual i t ydoyoupossess? a.I nnovat i veness  b.Compassi on c.Sel fconfidence d.I nt el l i gence B.HOW WI LLIUSE WHAT IHAVE LEARNED I N THE FUTURE AS A TEACHER? Readcar ef ul l yandanswerYESi fyoucandoi torNO i fyoucannotdoi t . I dent i f yt hepers onalqual i t ybei ngdescr i bed.Wr i t eont hebl ankpr ovi ded.

1.Wi l lyouuseyouri nt el l i gencet opl anandi mpl ementappropri atel essonf oryour learners?  YES___NO___  2.Wi l lyouadj ustt owhat eversi t uati onyouwi l lbeassi gnedasat eacheri nt he f ut ure?   YES___NO___ 3.Wi l lyoubecapabl eofdoi ngyourj obasat eacheral onewi t hl essassi st ance f rom yourpeersandsuperi orsf or?   YES___NO___ 4.Wi l lyou shareyourski l l sandt al ent st ohel potherssot hatt heresul twi l ladd t ol earni ngout comes?   YES___NO___ 5.Wi l lyouabl et oconf rontdi fficul tprobl emsasat eacherbyusi ngyourcapaci t y t osi nkandswi m underdi fficul tt i mes?  YES___ NO__ 

MyLear ni ngPor t f ol i o Pi ecesofEvi dence: 1.Pi ctur eofsel fanddescri pt i onsofpersonalqual i t i esi naPhot o–essayand Reflect i ons.

Iam acompassi onatebei ng,sympathet i candempathi cofcourse,adet ermi nedi ndi vi dualt hat candoat askgi venwi t horwi t houtsupervi si on.Il ovet eachi ng.  Asaf ut uret eacher ,Iwi l li mpartnotonl yt heknowl edgeand ski l l sratheri nst i l l i ngval uest ot heyoungheart sandmi nds.I ti sa greatopport uni t yonmypartt obeapartoft hei rl i vesandapartof t hei rsuccessaswel l . ForIdobel i evet hat , “ effort sand courageareusel ess wi t houtpurpose anddi rect i on. ” Theref ore,Iam  worki ngveryhardnow i nshapi ngmy f ut ureandi nachi evi ng goal si nl i f e.

2.Phot oEssayoft he  TeacherPer sonal Char act er i st i csand

Fri endl y, compassi onat e,ki nd,passi onat ei nt eachi ng,l ove t aught ,pat i entandhel pust osucceedbyshari ng

Exper i enced At t r i but esor r eflect i ons.

approachabl e, t hesubj ect i deasandsome

t echni ques,st rategi esandmet hodst hatwi l lsurel yhel pusachi eveourdreams( whi chi st o  becomeat eacher) . Ma’ am Occeńai soneofanexampl eofanexcel l entt eacheri nt hefiel d,becauseshecan handl emanyst udent sort wosect i onsi nanhourcl asssuccessf ul l y.Sheencouragest hem t o l earnandt eacht hosenew f actsandi nf ormat i on’ st hatarerel evanti nt hel essonsand t odayst rend. Icanreflectonher ,becauseduri ngmyel ement arydayswewe’ recombi nedwi t ht he othercl assi norderf ort het eachert ocat chupwi t ht herequi redt opi csont i mebef oret he finalexamsorperi odi ct est .I ti snoteasyt obeat eacherf ori ti saverytedi oust askbut t hen,Iam det er mi nedtobeone.

Fi el dSt udy6 OnBecomi ngt he 21st  Cent ury



 Whati syourphi l osophyaboutschool sandeducat i on?Si nceyouwi l lbecomeat eacher ,  youmusthaveacl earunderst andi ngofyourst rongbel i eforphi l osophyofeducat i on.A phi l osophywi l lgui deyouract i onsi nt eachi ngandl earni ng.Thi ssect i onwi l lcoversomeoft he f undament aleducati onalphi l osophi est hatwi l lhel pyouasf ut uret eacher . Learni ngEpi sode2wi l lt ackl eonl yEssent i al i sm,Perenni al i sm,Progressi vi sm, Exi st ent i al i sm,Behavi ouri sm,Li ngui st i cPhi l osophyandConst ruct i vi sm. MY DESI RED LEARNI NG OUTCOMES • • •

I dent i f yone’ sphi l osophyoft eachi ngandeducat i on Gatheri nf ormati onont hephi l osophyofeducat i onofexperi encedt eachers Cl ari f yhow t hesephi l osophi esarebei ngputi nt opract i ce


Herei st hewayt oachi eveyourdesi redl earni ngout comes( DLO) .Fol l ow t hi s.  Act i vi t y1wi l lbeSt ep1t o6

St ep1:Know t hysel f .Det ermi neyourownphi l osophy,byansweri ngthe40i t emsscal e. St ep2:Recor dyouransweront hemat ri xprovi dedont hecol umnS( st udent s) .  Addal lyourscoresf rom al lt hei t emsi nt hecl ust er . St ep3:Got oaschoolwher eyouhaveat eacherasaresourceperson.Requestt wooft he t eacher st oanswert hesamesurveyf orm t hatyouanswer ed.Secureapermi tbef oreaski ng t hem t oanswer .Yourcoordi natorwi l lendorset hatt othet eacher . St ep4:Recordt hei ranswer ,i nt hesamewayyoudi di twi t hyourownresul t s.

St ep5:Anal yzet heresul t si nt hemat ri x.Rankt hePhi l osophi esofeachonef rom t heMost Domi nant( hi ghest )t otheLeastDomi nant( l owest ) St ep6:Addt heresul tmat ri xasyourent ryt otheport f ol i o  Act i vi t y2wi l lbeSt ep7t o9

St ep7:Gobackt otheschoolwher eyousurveyedthet eacher .I dent i f yf rom ourmatri x,hi s/her domi nantphi l osophy St ep8:Observehi s/hercl assandact i vi t i esi natl eastt hreehours.Recordyourobservat i oni n  yournot ebook.Wri t edownatl east5t eachi ngact i onst hatreflecthi s/herphi l osophyof educat i on.Descri bei ndet ai l . St ep9:Preparethi sreportasanent ryt oyourport f ol i o.

MyLearni ngAct i vi t i es 1

 WHATI SYOUR PHI LOSOPHY OFEDUCATI ON? ( Basedon Sadker&Sadker ,2nd  Ed.Bi l bao,2014)

Whati syourphi l osophyofeducati on?Tofindout ,readeachoft hef ol l owi ng st atement saboutt henatureofeducati on.Deci dewhet heryouagreeordi sagreewi t h eachst at ement :Uset hef ol l owi ngnumber st oexpressyourr esponse:   Legend: 4 Agreest rongl y 3 Agree         

     









2 Di sagree 1 Di sagreest rongl y

1.Thest udentl earni ngshoul dbecent eredaround3Rsonl y. 2.Theschoolsubj ect sshoul df ocusont hegreatt hi nkersoft hepast . 3.Manyst udent sl earnbestbyengagi ngi nreal -worl dacti vi t i esthan reading. 4.Thest udent sshoul dbepermi t t edt odet ermi net hei rowncurri cul um. 5.Subj ectmatt eri st aughteffect i vel ywheni ti sbrokendowni nt osmal l parts. 6.Theschoolsubj ect sshoul di ncl udeonl yessent i alf oral lst udent st o know. 7.School saboveal l ,shoul ddevel opst udent s’abi l i t i estot hi nkdeepl y, anal yti cal l y,andcreat i vel yt handevel opsoci alski l loracqui rebodyof knowl edge. 8.Teachi ngshoul dpreparest udent sf oranal ysi ngandsol vi ngt het ypesof probl emst heywi l lf aceout si det hecl assroom. 9.Real i t yi sdet ermi nedbyeachi ndi vi dual ’ spercepti ons.Therei sno obj ect i veanduni versalreal i t y. 10.Peopl ear eshapedmuchmorebyt hei renvi ronmentt hanbyt he exerci seofthei rf reewi l l . 11.St udent sshoul dnotbepromot edt othenextgradeunt i lt heyhave readandmast eredcert ai nkeymateri al . 12.Aneffect i veeducati oni snotai medatt hei mmedi ateneedsoft he st udent sorsoci et y. 13.Thecurri cul um ofaschoolshoul dbebui l taroundt hepersonal

experi encesandneedsoft hest udent s. 14.St udent swhodonotwantt ost udymuchshoul dnotberequi redt odo so. 15.Programmedl earni ngi san effect i vemet hodoft eachi ngi nf ormati on. 16.Academi cri gori san essent i alcomponentofeducati on. 17.Al lst udent s,regardl essofabi l i t y,shoul dst udymoreorl essthesame curri cul um. 18.Artcl assesshoul df ocuspri mari l yon i ndi vi dualexpressi onand creativity. 19.Effect i vel earni ngi sunst ruct uredandi nf ormal . 20.St udent sl earnbestt hroughrei nf orcement . 21.Effect i veschool sassi gnasubst ant i alamountofhomework. 22.Educat i onshoul dbef ocusont i mel essquest i onsuchas“Whati s  beaut y?”or“Whati st rut h?” 23.Si ncestudent sl earneffect i vel ythroughsoci ali nt eract i on,school s shoul dpl an f ormoresoci algat heri ngi nt hei rcurri cul a. 24.Thepurposeofschooli st ohel pst udent sunderst andt hemsel vesand findt hemeani ngoft hei rexi st ence. 25.Frequentobj ect i vet est i ngi st hebestwayt odet ermi newhatst udent s know. 26.Count ri esmustbecomemorecompet i t i veeconomi cal l y;henceschool s mustbol st ert hei racademi crequi rement sf ormorecompet i t i on. 27.St udent smustbet aughtt oappreci at el earni ngpri mari l yf ori t sown sake,rathert han t ohel pt hem i nt ot hei rcareers. 28.School smustpl acemoreemphasi sont eachi ngaboutt heconcernsof mi nori t i esandwomen. 29.Eachpersonhasf reewi l lt odevel opasheorsheseesfit . 30.Rewardst udent swel lf orl earni ngsotheywi l lrememberandbeabl et o appl ywhatt heyl earned,eveni ft heywerenotabl et ounderst andwhyt he i nf ormati oni swort hknowi ng. 31.Phi l i ppi nesschool sshoul dat t emptt oi nst i lt radi t i onalFi l i pi noval ues i nst udent s. 32.Teacher -gui deddi scoveryofprof oundt rut hsi sakeymet hodof t eachi ngst udent s. 33.St udent sshoul dbeact i vepart i ci pant si nl earni ngprocess. 34.Ther earenoext ernalst andardsofbeaut y.Beaut yi swhatan i ndi vi dualdeci desi tt obe. 35.Wecan pl acel otoff ai t hi nourschool sandt eacherst odet ermi ne  whi chst udent ’ sbehavi oursareaccept abl eandwhi charenot . 36.School smustprovi dest udent swi t hafirm graspofbasi cf acts regardi ngt hebooks,peopl e,andevent s. 37.Phi l osophyi sul t i mat el yapract i calsubj ectt ostudyl i kecomput er sci ence. 38.Teachersmustst resst othest udent st herel evanceoft heyarel earni ng t othei rl i vesout si deandi nsi det hecl assroom. 39.I ti smorei mportantf ort hest udent st odevel opposi t i vesel f concept t hant ol earnspeci ficconcepts.


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40.Learni ngi smoreeffect i vewhenst udent saregi venf requentt estt o det ermi newhatt heyhavel earned.

MyPhi l osophyofEducat i on

Essent i al i sm

Per enni al i sm

Pr ogr essi vi sm

Exi st ent i al i sm

Behavi our i sm

I t em

t e m S T  T I 1






t em S T T I


3 43

1 2 4

3 33

3 2 3


16 2 23


21 3 42 3 44 3 34

 Tot al

 Tot al




3 2 3

3 4 4

4 4 4

3 3 2



3 4 3

2 4 3

3 4 4

4 3 4






2 3 2

3 3 3

2 4 1

2 2 3






2 2 1

4 3 2

3 3 3

3 3 3




3 4 4

4 3 2

4 4 3

3 2 3

30 4 4 3

34 4 4 4






4 3 2

4 4 4








4 3 4

3 2 2

S T T I t em







2 2 2

4 23

S T T I t em

2 4 3

35 4 3 2

3 3 4




Tot al

Tot al

Tot al

Legend:S-Sel f ,T1Teacher1;T2-Teacher2 Basedon t hei nf ormat i on t aken,answert hef ol l owi ngquest i ons:

Rankyourt ot alraw scor esf oreachcategory.Dot hesamef orTeacher1andTeacher2. 1.WhatPhi l osophyi smostdomi nantf oryou? Progressi vi sm ? Perenni al i sm  Whi chi sl eastdomi nant ForTeacher1,whi chi st hemostdomi nant ? : Perenni al i sm   Leastdomi nant

Progressi vi sm

2.ForTeacher2,whatPhi our i sm l osophyhasgai nedthehi ghestscore? Behavi Exi stenti al i sm  Thi si st hemostdomi nantphi l osophyoft het eacher .Whathast hel owestscore? 


Application of Philosophy of education in the Classroom

: Mr s.Jer an T.Occeńa Domi NameofTeacher nantPhi l osophy: Pr ogr essi vi sm

Ob serv a ti o n s : Wr i t eMr atl ea ti 5 o bs er v at i o nl s i nn arr at i ve f o rm t hat : s .s L nf a S . Ra f o s N ame o f T e a c h er   Do mi n an t showstheappl i cat i onoft hedomi nantphi l osophyoft heTeacher . our i sm Philosophy:Behavi 1.AswhatIhaveobserved,Ma’ am Occeńausesvari et yof Obser vat t i o s :t Wr i t e l ea s t 5 o bs se t i o n sai n n ai r a t i v me h on ds , ech n i qa ut es , st r at eg i e ar nv da a p p ro c he s nr at t ae cki ng h ea rt l e sh so n s.t f orm t h s o ws heappl i cat i onoft hedomi nant

phi l osophyoft heTeacher .

2.Bef oreshest art sthel essonproper ,sheaskedfirstt hei deaor opi ni onsofherst udent boutt het opi t odet ermi et evel 1. Ma ’ am Raf ol s,se t st hs ea mo odo ft h ec cl a ssro omn f o rhel ofunderst andi ngofherst udent s.

herst udent s,sot hatwhent hest udent scamet hey  we’ rereadyf ort hedi scussi ons.

3.Shel et sherst udent sreadt hest oryandaf t erwards,di scussed i t de s h a rt i n t h e i nl f ot r ma t i o g aq t h r ed i n t he l a s 2. S ha enn v e r og l e r a t e a e an dnf r e ue e n tc omi nc g i ns. and

o u t n h er c a s s ro om. 4. S h ei ent c ou al g e s h er st udent st opart i ci pat eact i vel yi nt hecl ass di scussi ons. 3.

Sheevenscol dedherst udent st ogett hei rat t ent i on andf ocusont hel esson.

5.Shel et sherst udent sdotheact i vi t ywhi chwi l lhel pt hem u ne de r se t a ni d be t t e rt t h l es s od ns .i 4. S h u s s l l u s t r a i oe ns a n p ct urest ohel pher

s t u de no t s g ra sp t h egi d e a o f wh t l ook e d l i k e s ter 6. S he i s pe n i n al l su g e s t i o n s ana dt ci o mme n t sg i ve na b yi h  w s e s c ri bei nt hest ory. sa tu dd en t s .

 Ti met ot i mesherepri mandherst udent si ncomi ng i nandouti nt hecl assroom andt ol dt hem t o cont i nuereadi nganddotheact i vi t yaf t erwards.


MyReflect i ons/I nsi ght s


Shearr angedt hecl assr oom proper l ysot hather st udent swoul df eelcomf ort abl ewhi l el i st eni ngand payi ngat t ent i ont ot hecl assdi scussi ons.

1.Haveyoudi scover edyourdomi nantPhi l osophyofEducat i on?How doyou f eelaf t erknowi ngi t ?I syourphi l osophyorfir m bel i efofeducati on r eflect edi nwhatyouar edoi ngasaf ut ur et eacher ?

 Yes,Iwasamazedbyt heresul t .Somehow t heresul tmademereal i zedt hatIam nota st ri ctt eacheri feverIwoul dbegi venachancet obeequi ppedi nt hefiel d.

 P ogr essi vi sm. Mydomi nantPhi l osophyofEducat i on i s : r  Thepr act i cest hatIdoasast udentandf ut ur et eachert hatr eflectmy phi l osophyar e:

 Wel l ,Idobel i evet hatmydomi nantphi l osophyorst rongbel i efi sreflect edi nwhatI am doi ngasaf ut uret eacherbecauseIam l earni ngwel li fIexperi encedordi scovered myown.Idon’ tj ustrel yont hef act sandconcept sgi venratherIl ovet oexpandmy i deathroughsearchi ngandf urt herreadi ngs.  Thepr act i cest hatIwi l ldo,t hatwi l lr eflectmyPhi l osophyofEducat i onwi l lbe:

 Thepract i cesIdoaredi scoveryl earni ng,experi ent i all earni ng,usesaut hent i ct askand mat eri al s,andi nt egrat et echnol ogyi nmyl earni ng. 2.I nyourobser vati ons,doesanexper i encedt eacherpr act i cewhatt hey  bel i evei n( phi l osophyofeducat i on)i nact ualt eachi ng?I fyes,descr i bet he i nst ance/epi sode.I fNo,whatcoul dbet hereason?

 AswhatIhaveobserved,Ma’ am OcceńaandMa’ am Raf ol spract i cedt hei rbot h phi l osophyofeducat i oni nact ualt eachi ng.Forexampl e,Ma’ am Occeńal ether st udent sl ocat et hepl ace/count ryofwher et hepl acecanbef oundont hegl odeor map.Then,shel etherst udent sdoanact i vi t y(st orymappi ng) .Whi l eMa’ am Raf ol s, makeaconnecti onofevent si nt hest oryi nt hereall i f esi t uat i on.

I nt egr at i ngTheor yandPr acti ce Whathaveyou gai nedf r om yourexper i encesi nTaskNo.2,Act i vi t i es1and2?

Di r ect i on:Chooset hecor r ectanswerf r om t heopti ons.

1.Whati st heri ghtphi l osophyt hateveryt eachershoul df ol l ow whent eachi ng? I . Pr agmat i sm I I . Perenni al i sm I I I . Exi st ent i al i sm a.Ionl y  b.I Ionl y c.IandI I d.I ,I IandI I I

2.Mr .Bal gost eachessci encei nt heJuni orHi ghSchool .Het aughtt heconceptt hat sunl i ghti snecessaryf ort hepl ant si nt heprocessofphot osynt hesi s.Appl yi ngthe phi l osophyofpragmat i sm,Mr .Bal gosshoul d______________. a.Show aPower Poi ntpresent at i onofphot osynt hesi s  b.Askt hest udent st obri ngpl antl eavesi nschool c.Draw t hel eavesoft hepl antandcol ort hi sgreen d.Askt hest udent st odoasi mpl eexperi mentaboutphot osynt hesi s

3.Aphi l osophyt hatbel i evesi npri orl earni ngorwhatt hel earnersal readyknow i s __________. a.Essent i al i sm  b.Behavi ouri sm c.Const r uct i vi sm

d.Nat ural i sm 4.Behavi ouri sm i saphi l osophyt hathasbeenanchoredont het heori est hatrel at et o ________. I . Tri alanderror I I . St i mul usandresponse I I I . Brai nandt hi nki ng a.Ionl y  b.I Ionl y c.Iand I I

d.I ,I IandI I I 5.Thet eacherst eachi ngphi l osophyi sr eflect edbywhi choft hef ol l owi ng? I . Choi ceoft eachi ngmet hods I I . Choi ceofci rcl eoff ri ends I I I . Choi ceofhow t ousel ei suret i me a.Ionl y

 b.I Ionl y c.IandI I

d.I ,I IandI I

LEARNI NG EPI SODE3:THE Fi el dSt udy6  TEACHER I N A SCHOOLSETTI NG OnBecomi ng t he21st Cent ur y


 At eacherasaprof essi onalwi l lal waysbef oundi naschoolset t i ng.At eacher’ soffici al  worki ngpl acei saschool .Aschooli sani nst i t ut i onwherel earni ngoccursundert hegui dance ofaprof essi onalcal l edt het eacher . How doesat eacheroperat eorf unct i oni naschoolset t i ng?How wi l lat eachermanage t hel earni ngenvi ronmenti nt heschoolset t i ng?

MY DESI RED LEARNI NG OUTCOMES Li stt heact i vi t i esi nt hedai l yrout i neoft heteacher I dent i f ythet eacher’ srol ei ncreat i ngaconduci vel earni ngenvi ronmenti nt heschool .  Thi sexperi ent i all earni ngepi sodewi l lt akeyout ot heschoolset t i ng.Youwi l lspendmore t i memaki ngobservat i onsandt al ki ngt oyourresourcet eacher .Herearet hest epst hat  wi l lgui deyoui nyourj ourneyt oday. • •

St ep1:Vi si tapart i cul art eacheri nschool . St ep2:Securet het eacher’ sprogram.St udythet i meschedul eandacti vi t i es. St ep3:Makeaschoolset t i ngobservat i onatacert ai nperi odoft heday’ sact i vi t i es. Basedont hedai l yprogram,findoutwhatt het eacheri ssupposedt ododuri ngt het i me ofyourvi si t .Observewhatt het eacheri sdoi ng.Takenot eoft hedi fferentact i vi t i es.

MyLearni ngEssent i al s A regular school day is equivalent to 8 hours. It begins officially at 8:00 in the morning and ends up at 5:00 in the afternoon. Adjustments are sometimes made, but the time spent in school is 8 hours. ajority !of the eight hours" is spent gu iding the learners in their lessons, #hich is called the contact period. $sually, the teacher is assigned to teach for % hours. &he remaining time of ' hours is spent for co(curricular and e)tra(curricular activities. *ormally, there are five school days per #ee+, onday to riday. $sually, a teacher is assigned to one class, as a class adviser. -he is made to teach one or more subject content areas depending on the population of the school and the number of teachers. &here are schools #here the teacher teach es all the subjects for the #hole class #hile in bigger schools they have subject area specialists, #ho teach the same subject in the same grade level or different grade levels.

MyLear ni ngMap

 Thi sexperi ent i all earni ngepi sodewi l lt akeyout ot heschoolset t i ng.Youwi l lspendmore t i memaki ngobservat i onsandt al ki ngt oyourresourcet eacher .Herearet hest epsthatwi l l gui deyoui nyourj ourneyt oday. St ep1:Vi si tapart i cul art eacheri naschool . St ep2:Securet het eacher’ sprogram.St udyt het i meschedul eandt he   Acti vi t i es. St ep3:Makeaschoolset t i ngobservat i onatacert ai nperi odoft heday’ s   acti vi ti es. Basedont hedai l yprogram,findoutwhatt het eacheri ssupposedt ododuri ngt het i meof  yourvi si t .Observewhatt het eacheri sdoi ng.Takenot eoft hedi fferentact i vi t i es.

MyLearni ngAct i vi t y


Teacher in the chool ettin#! Encounter of the $irst Kind

1.Recor dObser vat i ons

 Att het i meyouarei nschool ,whatsi gni ficantobservat i onhaveyou made?

 Ar easofFocusf or   Observat i oni n t heSchoolSet t i ng Physi calSett i ng

MyObservati on( Descr i becl ear l yasyou can)

1. Cl assr oom  Ar r angement

- Arrangeaccor di ngl yt osett he at mospheref ort hel earners.Wel l l i ght edandpart i al l yvent i l at ed.

2. Bul l et i nBoar d Di spl ay

- Di spl ayedcl earl yatt hebackoft he cl asst oavoi ddest ruct i on.Everyr oom hasi tdi spl ayedevenout si def orpost i ng ofnews,act i vi t i es,etc.

3. School Pl ayground

- Smal landl i mi t edbutcanaccommodat e t hecl assacti vi t i es.

4. Learni ng Resour ceCent er

- Theschoolhasthevari et yoft ext books t hatcancat erst udent s’researchneeds.  Theyal sohavecomput ersandi nt ernet connections.

  Soci o-Psychol ogi calSett i ng

1. Cl assschedul es

- Thest udent sweref ol l owi ngthei rcl ass schedul eandi nt erchangedther oom f or t henextcl ass.

2. Teachers ’  Act i vi t i es

- Thet eacherf ol l owst hegui del i neswhi ch  wereal l ot t edf ort hem t odo.

3. Lear ner s’  Act i vi t i es

- Thest udentsareal l owedt odoa col l aborat i vel earni ngduri ngFri daysi n everysubj ectt heyhave.

  4. Cocurr i cul ar  Act i vi t i es

- Theschooldoesnotf ocusonknowl edge  basedonl y,t heschooladmi ni st rat ors seet oi tt hatt hest udent sal soenj oyed andshowedt hei rt al ent st hroughi nt er cl assmeet .

5.Ext r acur r i cul ar  Act i vi t i es

- Someoft hest udent sar eengagedi n schoolcl ubsandorgani zat i ons.

MyReflect i ons/I nsi ght s

Basedont het eacher ’ spr ogr am andyourobser vati ons,answert hef ol l owi ng: 1.Woul dyou consi dert eachi ngasaf ul lt i mej ob?Why?Whynot ?

No,f orIdobel i evet hatt eachi ngi sami ssi on.Iam bei ngcal l edandsendt oteacht heyoung mi ndsandheart s.Iam goi ngt odoi tnotonl yf ort hepayrat herf ort heservi ce.Event hough nobodyrecogni zesmyeffort sIwi l lst i l lremai nt eachi ng.Andri ghtnow Iam veryexci t edt o teach. 2.Ar et hecondi t i onsi nt hecl ass r oom conduci vet othewel f ar eofbotht hel earner sand t eacher ?How wi l lyou i mproveoni t ?

Honest l y,i t ’ spart l yno,becauset her earesect i onswhi chhavemanymemberst hatasmal l cl assroom cannotcat ert hem al l .Someoft hest udent ssi tonast oolwi t hnoarmchai r .They overcrowdedt heroom andsomet i mest hereareal otofdest ruct i ons( noi se) .MaybeIcan i mprovei tbydi vi di ngthegroupi nt otwosect i ons.There,t het eachercancatert hem al las  wel last heseat si nt hecl assroom.Theschoolaswel lcanrequestal i ghtbul borfluorescent  bul bt ol i ghtt hecl assroomsandcei l i ngf ansorel ect ri cf anst ovent i l at et hei rroomst omakei t moreconduci veandcomf ort abl ef ort het eacherandt hest udent s. 3.Af t ercl osel yobservi ngt het eacheri nt heschoolset t i ng,ar eyoumoti vatedtocont i nue on becomi ngateacher ?Whati nt het eacher ’ spract i cesi nspi r eyout obecomea pr of essi onalt eacher?

 YesIam mot i vat edt ocont i nueonbecomi ngat eacher .Li kewhatMa’ am Occeńadi d,she i nspi resmet hatIcan beabet t ert eachersomedayaswel lasMa’ am Raf ol s.Thei rpracti ces i nspi remet odomoreandIcandosomet hi ngt heydon’ thavei nmol di ngt hel i vesoft he  youngones. 4.How canIi mprovet heschoolset t i ngt hatIobser vedwhenIbecomeat eacher ?

a.Cl assroom arrangement  Thet ext booksshoul dbepl acedandarrangedaccordi ngl yi nacabi netwi t h desi gnat ednames.  b.Bul l et i nBoarddi spl ay Di spl aynew chart sanddi agramst hatarer el evantont hel essonorsubj ectmatt er t aughtnott heobsol et eone.

c.SchoolPl aygr ound Creat eawi derspaceandcoveredsothatt hest udent scanpl ayeveni fi t ’ srai ni ngor not.

I nt egrat i ngTheor yandPr acti ce

Whatpr e v i o usl e ar ni ngo rc o nc e p t sar eaffir me db yt hi sl e ar ni nge pi s o de ?Le t ’ sfindo ut .

1.Acl assroom t eachercomest oschoolearl yi nt hemorni ngandgoeshomel at e.Offici al l y, t henumberofhoursspenti nschoolshoul dbe_____. a.6hour s

 b.8hours c.4hours d.3hours 2.Asr equi red,al lt eachersshoul deatl unchatexact l y12: 00noonbecausei t ’ st hei rnoon  break. a.Thi sst at ementi st rue.  b.Thi sst at ementi sf al se. c.Thi sst at ementi sdoubt f ul . d.  Thi sst at ementi sar ul e.

3. Asobserved,al lt eachersi nt hewhol eschool_______. a.Begi ncl assesatt hesamet i meat8: 00AM  b.Endscl assesatt hesamet i meat5: 30PM c.Weart hesameschooluni f or m

d.Li vei nt hesamevi l l age 4.Whi choft heseact i vi t i esi sNOTrequi redofat eacheri nschool ? a.Comet ocl assont i me  b.At t endt heflagcer emony

c.At t endschoolact i vi t i es d.Takeanapatnoont i me 5.Asi def rom t eachi ngandgui di ngt hel earnersi nt hecl assroom,at eacherhast odoother t hi ngs.Thi soneact i vi t yshoul dbet o________. a.Fedt hechi l dreneveryday  b.Seet oi tt hatt hecl assr oom i sconduci vef orl ear ni ng

c.Provi deschoolmat eri al sf ort hewhol eyear d.Sel lsnacksi nt hecl assroom

Fi el dSt udy6 OnBecomi ng t he21st



I nt hePhi l i ppi nes,t hegovernmenthasbui l tschool si nal mostal lbarangays,t ownorci t y.  Thi swasdonet oprovi deaccessandequalopport uni t yf oreveryschoolchi l df orqual i t y educat i on.Atpresent ,t herearemoret hanhal fami l l i onpubl i cschoolt eachersdepl oyedi nal l t heseschool st hroughoutt hecount ry .Theschoolandt het eacherhaveaverycruci al responsi bi l i t yi nbri ngi ngaboutchangeanddevel opmenti nt hecommuni t yononehandand t hecommuni t yprovi desal otl earni ngopport uni t i esont heot herhand.  Whereel secanonefindresourcest hatareaut hent i candarei nt hecont extofschool set t i ng?TheCOMMUNI TY.Whoi sonesi gni ficantcommuni t ypersonwhoearnsgr eatrespectof t hecommuni t y?TheTEACHER. MYDESI RED LEARNI NG OUTCOMES

I dent i f ycommuni t yresourcesavai l abl ef orusebyt het eachersi nt heschoolt hrougha Rapi dApprai salSurvey Observehow t eacherut i l i zecommuni t yr esourcesi nt eachi ng Col l ecti nf ormat i ononhow t het eacheri sl ookeduponi nt hecommuni t y How wi l lIachi evet hedesi redl earni ngout comes?Joi nme,aswegothrought hest epswehave t of ol l ow. St ep1:ConductaRapi dSurveyoft heBarangay( i ngroups) 1 Reportt ot hePunongBarangayuponarri vali nt hecommuni t y. 2 Peruset hecommuni t ymapt ofindoutt hear eayouaregoi ngt ocover . 3 Securet heavai l abl ei nf ormat i onf rom t herecor dsoft heBarangaySecr et ary 4 Spendt i met ogoaroundt hebarangayf orvi sualobservat i on 5 I nt ervi ew somef ol ksf rom whom youcansecureorveri f yt hedata. St ep2:Makeani nvent oryorl i stoft heexi st i ngcommuni t yresourcesbasedont heRapi d survey St ep3:Basedoni nvent ory,matcht heavai l abl er esourceswi t ht hesubj ectareastaughti n schools St ep4:Observecl assesandi dent i f ywhatcommuni t yresourcesareut i l i zed St ep5:Conductarandom surveyt ofindouthow t heschoolt eacher sarepercei vedi nt he communi t y. •

• •

MyLearni ngEssent i al s Herearesomekeypoi nt si nt hi sepi sode:  Whi l et heschooli st heoffici alworki ngpl aceofaTeacher ,t he communi t yi st hewi derl earni ngenvi ronment . School sareof t enpercei vedt obet het ransf ormati veagentofchange; hencet het eachersareagent sofchange.  Thet eachersarel ookeduponasi mport antagent sofchange.  Teacher’ srol esandf unct i onsdonotst opwi t hi nt hef ourwal l soft he school ,butext endbeyondt hecommuni t y.  Thecommuni t yprovi dest heaut hent i cresourcef ort eachi ngand

MyLear ni ngMap How wi l lIachi evet hedesi redl earni ngout comes?Joi nme,aswegothrought hest epswe havet of ol l ow. 1.St ep1-ConductaRapi dSurveyoft heBarangay( i ngroups) 1. 1.Reportt ot hePunongBarangayuponarr i vali nt hecommuni t y 1. 2.Peruseacommuni t ymapt ofindoutt hear eayouaregoi ngt o   cover . 1. 3.Securet heavai l abl ei nf ormat i onf rom t herecordsoft he BarangaySecr et ary. 1. 4.Spendt i met ogoaroundt hebarangayf orvi sualobservati on. 1. 5.I nt ervi ew somef ol ksf rom whom youcansecureorver i f yt he   data. 2.St ep2-Makeani nvent oryorl i stoft heexi st i ngcommuni t yresourcesbasedont heRapi d Survey. 3.St ep3–Basedont hei nvent ory,matcht heavai l abl eresourceswi t ht hesubj ectareas t aughti nschool s. 4.St ep4–Observecl assesandi dent i f ywhatcommuni t yresourcesareut i l i zed. 5.St ep5–Conductarandom surveyt ofindouthow t heschoolt eachersarepercei vedi n t hecommuni t y.


Classroom %tili&ation of Community 'esources in (essons

Communi t yResour cesUt i l i zedi nCl assr oom Subj ect si n Communi t yResour cesUt i l i zed School Sci ence

Bot ani calgarden  Veget abl egarden

• •


Mat hemat i cs

Soci alSt udi es

• • •

Communi t ymap BarangayHi st ory Gl obesandchart s

MyReflect i ons/I nsi ght s

1.How doyouf eelaboutt hepart i ci pat i on oft heschool ,t eacherand l ear nersi nt hecel ebr ati on oft hebarr i ofiest a?

If eeloverwhel medbyt hef actt hatt heschoolandt hecommuni t y shoul dcol l aborat ewi t heachot heri nt het ot aldevel opmentofeachand everyi ndi vi dualaswel lasthecommuni t yandt heschoolt hemsel ves.  Theschoolandt hecommuni t yshoul dj oi nhandi nhandt omakea peacef ulandf rui t f ull i vi ng. 2.How doest hevi ew oft hepeopl ei nt hecommuni t yi mprovet he t eacher ’ sst at us?

 Thevi ew oft hepeopl ei nt ot hecommuni t yaboutt het eacher’ s st ruggl eshel pst hem i mprovet hei rbehavi ourandout l ooksi nl i f e.

3.Whatr eal i zat i ont hatr el at est oyourbecomi ngat eacher ,haveyou gai nedf r om yourconcr et eexper i encesandobser vati onsi nt he communi t y?

Ireal i zedt hatbei ngat eacherpl aysavi t alrol enotj usti nt eachi ngt he l earnersbutbyhow t heymi ngl ewi t ht hepeopl ei nt hecommuni t y.The communi t ysetahi ghregardst othem notj ustasapersonbutasa t eacherandt heyservesasarol emodelt othem.

I nt egrat i ngTheor yand practice

Di r ecti on:Chooset hel et t erofcor r ectanswerf r om t hechoi cesgi ven.

1.Whi chst at ementi sTRUEaboutt hecommuni t ywher et heschooli sl ocat ed?

ti spar toft hel earni ngenvi r onment.  A.I B.I ti sout si deandsoi snotpartoft heschool . C.Ther earenol earni ngresourcesi nt hecommuni t y. D.I tservesasaschoolgarden. 2.Thebarangayoffici al si faskedasaresourcepersoncanbestspeakon________. I . Communi t ygovernance I I . Heal t handwel lbei ng I I I . Li t er acyprogram  A.Ionl y

B.I Ionl y C.IandI I D.I ,I IandI I I 3.Naturalresourcesl i keri ver s,l akes,mount ai ns,andhi l l s,f oundi nt hecommuni t y canbeusedbestasresourcesi nt eachi ng________.  A.Mat hemat i cs B.Sci ence

C.Engl i sh D.Physi calEducat i on 4.I ti sal waysi mport antf ort het eachert ot ransf erl earni ngandpract i cesf rom t he schoolt ot he_______.  A.Church B.Communi t y

C.Ci t y D.Sport scompl ex 5.Thecommuni t yhol dshi ghrespectofat eacheri fhe/shei sa__________.  A.moneyl ender B.r ol emodel

C.rumourmonger D.gambl er

Fi el dSt udy6 OnBecomi ng t he21st  Cent ury  Teacher



 Teachi ngi sarespect abl eprof essi ont heworl dover .Thest at usoft eachershasbeen comparabl ei nal lpart soft hegl obe,henceeachyear ,acel ebrat i onoft heWORLD TEACHER’ S DAY!  Thi sal onewoul dt el lus,t herecogni t i onandhonourgi vent ot hebestprof essi onofal l :  TEACHI NG.At eacheri sanext raordi narypersoni nwhosehandsl i et hef ut ureoft hewor l d.A

t eacherregardl essofwhatcount ryhe/shecomesf rom shoul dbeaGLOBALTEACHERort he  TEACHERoft heWORLD.  Thus,youshoul dhavequal i t i es,ski l l s,knowl edge,vi ews,wi t hwi derbreadt handdeeper sensebecauseyout oowi l lbeagl obalt eacher .  Thi sLearni ngEpi sodef ocusesont hegl obalt eacheroft he21st  cent ury . MYDESI RED LEARNI NG OUTCOMES • • •

I dent i f ycompet enci esoft hegl obalFi l i pi not eacher I ncreaseknowl edgeofot hercount ri est eachers’compet enci es Comparet hegl obalFi l i pi not eacherwi t ht heothert eacheroft heworl d

MyLearni ngEssent i al s Letusbegi nwi t hoursel ves,TheFi l i pi noteachers.Whyare Fi l i pi not eachersdoi ngverywel li ncl assroomsandschool sout si de ourcount ry?AreFi l i pi not eachersdoi ngwel li nourcount ryaswel l ? Manyoft hem areawardedasexempl art eacher s,bestt eachersand modelt eacher s.Theyarehonouredbyt heschool ,parent sand communi t yaswel l .Woul dyoul i ketobeagl obalt eacheroft he21st cent ury?Asgl obalt eachers,youshoul dbet heexcel l entones. Readsomet eachi n ski l l sand ual i t i esneededoft he l obal

 AGLOBALTEACHER  Thi nksandact sbot hl ocal l yandgl obal l y Hascl assroom managementski l l s Makescont entrel evantandupdat ed. Hasski l l si ncri t i calt hi nki ng Usest echnol ogyi neducat i on Hasdeepunderst andi ngmul t i cul t ural i sm andgl obal i zat i on Hasski l l st ocol l aborat ewi t ht eams Bri ngst heworl di nt ot hecl assroom,schoolandcommuni t y Cont i nuousl ygrow prof essi onal l y • • • • • • • • •

 AFi l i pi not eachershoul dhavet hesequal i t i esandski l l s,t oo.Thesecompet enci esare enshri nedi nt heNat i onalCompet encyBasedTeacherSt andards( NCBTS)oft hePhi l i ppi nes. MY LEARNI NG MAP

Herearet hest epst hatyoushoul dt akei nordert oreachyourdesi redl earni ngout come. 1 Requestf orashorti nt ervi ew ofanypubl i cschoolt eacheraboutt het eachers’ compet enci esi nt heNCBTS.( El ement aryorHi ghSchool ) 2 Requestt het eachert oanswerashortquest i onnai reont heNCBTSt eacher s’ compet enci es. 3 Anal yzet hedat a. 1 I nwhi choft hesevendomai nsdi dt het eacherrat et heher sel f /hi msel fHI GH? 2 Whi chcompet enci esar epract i cedbyt het eacheral lt het i me?Of t en? Somet i mes?Never ? 4.Got oweb,i nt ervi ew,chat,Skypeoruseot hermeanst oobt ai nt hei nf ormati onaboutot her t eachersi natl eastt woothercount ri esasi def rom t hePhi l i ppi nes.

 *ame of the &eacher   -chool   /rade level1ear 2evel   Instruction: 3ased on your *43&-  &-*A Individual 6rofile, please chec+ the 7omain, #here you rated yourself I/. 6lease give your e)planation. NSCBTS DOMAINS

 *43&-  &-*A 7omains

Domain 1 – Social Regard for Learning

Domain 2 – Learning Environment

/ive brief e)planation #hy you are rated I/ 3ecause the teacher possesses • some qualities #hich serves as a role model for her students.

My Learni ng  Act i vi t i es

-he set the learning environment

smooth the and comfortable for the 1 )C*T and +lo,al $ilipino Teacher  learners to learn. 

Domain  – Diver!it" of Learner!

-he accepts and adopts strategies

to address the needs to differently abled students.

+lo,al Teachers the -orld .ver  

Domain # C$rric$l$m

Domain % – &lanning  A!!e!!ing Nameand ofRe'orting PersonalQual i t i esof


 Teachers 

Domain ( – Comm$nit" Lin)age!

Compassi on I ntel l i gent Sel f–  Domain * – &er!onal +ro,t Thai l and

. &rofe!!ional Develo'ment

7elivers accurate and updated

content +no#ledge using appropriate methodologies, approaches and strategies. 6repares formative and summative

Prof essi o nal eq ui rement st o test in line #ith R the curriculum. Qual i t i esof  becomeProf essi onal  Teachers6articipates in community  Teachers •

activities that promote learning.

Mast er Haveadegree l earni ng andteacher anifest personal qualitiest such as admi ni st rat i o rai ni ng

enthusiasm, fle)ibility and caring.


 Aus t r al i a

confidence Sel fmoti vat i on

Bei ngki d Passi onf or teaching Loveofchi l dren Ent husi asti c

• •

• •

n Rol emodel f orst udent s

Basi c compet ence ahold  Al waysl earn andupdat e i nf o. Di sci pl i nei n t eachi ng Mast ercl ass  wi t hhol d •

 Al lt eachers haveadegree andteacher t rai ni ng Experi enced teacher

MyReflect i ons/I nsi ght s

1.I fNCBTSi st hemeasur eofagl obalt eacher ,cant het eacheryoui nt ervi ewedbe abl et omeett hechal l engesofgl obaleducat i on?Why? Whynot ?

es.Aswhatsherespondedshewasabl et omeett hechal l engesofgl obaleducat i on.She  Y t endst oadaptt henew envi ronment ,new cul t ureanddi ffer entl i f est yl essheencount ered  wi t hst udent s.

mi l ar i t i esordi ffer encesamongt eacher si not hercount r i esi nt er msof 2 A . retheresi t hest andar dr equi r ement sf orapr of essi onalt eacher ?Expl ai nyouranswer. .Inot i cedt hatal lcount ri eshavesi mi l arrequi rement sf orat eachert obecomea  No t eacherort oempl oy.Thet eachershoul dhaveadegreeoft eachereducat i onandhave mast ers,doct orat eandofcourset rai ni ngsat t ended. 3.Ar eFi l i pi not eacherscomparabl et ot hei rf el l ow t eachersi nothercount r i es? Expl ai nyouranswer .

es.BecauseFi l i pi not eachersareconsi deredasgl obalcompet enti nt hefiel doft eachi ng.  Y Fi l i pi not eachersaret rai nvi gorousl yi nschool sbef oret heygott hei rdi pl omaandt obe abl et oequi pi nt hefiel dt hereareal otoft hi ngstheyneedt ocompl ybef oret heygott he  j ob. 4.How woul dyouprepar et obecomeagl obalt eacheroft he21st  century?How doyou seeyour sel f ?

l l ,Iam  We

doi ngmyverybesti nl earni ngal lt het hi ngst hatIneedwhenIbecomea t eacher .Ial wayspayat t ent i ont oal lt het eachi ngsandnew i nf ormat i ont hatare necessaryt omakemepreparedandequi ppedi nat eachi ngprof essi on.Iseemysel fas oneoft hosegl obal l ycompet i t i veandexcel l entt eachersi nt hefiel d.

I nt egr at i ngTheor yandpr act i ce

Chooset hecorr ectopt i on.

1.Themostchal l engi ngcomponent soft eachi ngi nanot hercount ryare_________.  A.mast eryoft hesubj ectmat t er B.maki ngi nst ruct i onal C.adj ust i ngt ocul t ur aldi ffer ences

D.const ruct i ngassessmentt ool

2.Teachi ngi sauni ver salvocat i on.Wherevert het eacheri sassi gned,hi sorher pri maryconcerni st o_________.  A.Earnagoodsal ary B.Maket hest udent sl ear n

C.Bet hemosti mport antper son D.Dosel f sacri fice 3.I nt he21st  cent ury ,t hef ast estdevel opmentorchanget hatt het eachershoul d catchupwi t hasat eacheri si nt he__________. I . Useoft echnol ogy I I . Knowl edgeofgl obal i zat i on I I I . Pract i ceofcol l aborati on  A.I B.IandI I C.I IandI I I D.I ,I IandI I I

4.“ I fyou areanexcel l entt eacherherei nt hePhi l i ppi nes,you canverywel lt eachi n anyASEAN count ry. ”Thi sst at ement__________.  A.I sf al se B.I st r ue

C.Anoverst at ement D.Cannotbedet ermi ned

5.ForaFi l i pi not eachert osucceedi nt eachi ngi nt hecount ryandel sewherei nt he

 wor l d,heorsheshoul d_________. I . Mast erandpract i cet hecompet enci esoft heNCBTS I I . Bemul t i l i ngualandmul t i cul t ural I I I . Thi nkandactbot hl ocal l yandgl obal l y a.Ionl y  b.I Ionl y c.I I Ionl y d.I ,I IandI I I

Gl obalTeacherf r om Ot herCount r i es


PersonalQual i t i esofaTeacher:  Answer :   Goodorgani zat i onalski l l s,goodi nt erpersonalandcommuni cati onski l l s,an openmi ndand

flexi bl eat t i t ude,wi l l i ngnesstodebat eanddi scuss. Pr of essi onalQual i t i esofaTeacher:  Answer :   Ent husi asti caboutt eachi ng,knowsorgani zat i onalrout i nes,proceduresandpol i ci es,

knowl edgeabl eoft hesubj ectt aught ,canofferarangeoft eachi ngandl earni ngt echni ques. Requi r ement st obecomeProf ess i onalTeacher s: :You have5yearsoft eachi ngexperi enceandyouarewi l l i ngt odoanythi ngthati sassi gnedt o  Answer

 youevennotyourfiel dofexpert i se.

 Teacher ’ sSt or y Li vi ngabroadcanchal l engeyoui nwayst hatyounevert houghtpossi bl e.I tput syoui n unf ami l i arsi t uati onsandt est syourreacti ons.Duri ngtheprocess,apersonwi l lmostdefini t el ychange,  buti tdoesn’ tnecessari l ymaket hem abet t erperson.I t ’ show wereactandadaptt ot hesenew chal l engest hatdeci desi fwe’ vet rul ybecome“ bet t er”ornot .Iam aMathTeacherwhodreamedtowork abroadi nmyearl yyearsoft eachi ngi nPhi l i ppi nesunt i lIwasrecommendedbyaf ri endt oworkherei n I ndonesi a.I nourschoolcommuni t yIam experi enci ngdi versi t yi nt ermsofcul t ureandbel i ef sbutas t i megobyI ’ ml earni ngt ounderst andandadaptsomeoft hei rbel i ef swi t houtf orget t i ngthatIam a Fi l i pi no.Icansaythatworki ngabroadhel pedmet obecomemorei ndependentbegl obal l ycompet i t i vet o otherraceofpeopl e.WeFi l i pi nosshoul dbeproudf orbei ngAFI LI PI NO ci t i zenevenwearei nother count ry .Si ncet hen,Ihavebeenf ul fil l i ngmydream oft ravel i ngtheworl dbyt eachi ngMathemati csi n Indonesia.

Field Study 6 On


MyFSLear ni ngTaskOver vi ew I nt hePhi l i ppi nes,onl yt hosewi t hprof essi onall i censeareaut hori zedt ot each.  Therearef undament alrequi rement st obeaprof essi onalt eacher .Onehast ograduat ei n col l egewi t habaccal aureat edegree,passtheLi censureExami nati onf orTeachers( LET) .Bea memberofprof essi onalt eacherorgani zat i onsandabi debytheCodeofEt hi csf orProf essi onal  Teachers.I naddi t i on,t eachersmustgrow i nt heprof essi onbyundert aki ngcont i nui ng prof essi onaldevel opment /educat i on. MyDesi r edLear ni ngOutcomes • • •

Presentcl eardefini t i onofaprof essi onalt eacher Descri beaFi l i pi noprof essi onalt eacher I dent i f yf undament all awsthatprof essi onalt eachi ngi nt hecount ry

MyLear ni ngEss ent i al s

Someoft hebasi cquest i onsont heprof essi onal i zat i onoft eachi ngaret hef ol l owi ng: 1.Whataret hel egalbasesofconsi deri ngt eachi ngasaProf essi on? 2.Whataret her equi rement st obecomeaProf essi onalTeacher ? 3.Whati st hecareerpathofaFi l i pi noProf essi onalTeacher?

Consi dert heseasanswer s: 1.Fundament alLawsandPol i ci es 1987Phi l i ppi neConst i t ut i on,Art i cl eXI V PD 1006-Prof essi onal i zat i onofTeacher RA7836-Regul ati onandSupervi si onoft hePracti ceofTeachi ng andPrescri bi ngt heLi censureExami nati onf orTeachersort he  TeacherProf essi onal i zat i onActof1994 CodeofEt hi csf orProf essi onalTeachers 2.Qual i ficati onsofaFi l i pi noProf essi onalTeacher Hol dsaProf essi onalTeacher’ sLi cense Hol dsaBachel or’ sdegreei nEducati onoranyBachel or’ sdegree  wi t h18uni t sofprof essi onaleducat i onuni t s MemberofaProf essi onalTeacherOrgani zat i on Undert akecont i nui ngprof essi onaldevel opment  Abi debyt heCodeofEt hi csf orProf essi onalTeachers 3.Requi rement st ot aket heLi censureExami nati onf orTeacher s( LET) EarnedaBachel or’ sDegreei nEducat i onoranyBachel or’ s Degreewi t h18uni t sofprof essi onaleducati onuni t s MustbeaFi l i pi noci t i zen Ot herrequi rement sasprescri bedbyt heProf essi onalRegul ati on Commi ssi on( PRC) 4.CareerPathofProf essi onalTeachers • •

• • •

• •

MyLear ni ngMap

 Thi sepi sodewi l lbri ngyout oacl oserencount erwi t hprof essi onalt eachers.Toachi eve  yourdesi redl earni ngout comes,youwi l lf ol l ow t hi sl earni ngmap. St ep1.Haveacl oseencount erwi t haBegi nni ngProf essi onalTeacher . St ep2:Haveacl oseencount erwi t haYoungProf essi onalTeacher St ep3:Haveacl oseencount erwi t haMent or/Mast erProf essi onalTeacher St ep4:Haveacl oseencount erwi t ht heExpertorSt erl i ngProf essi onalTeacher St ep5:Haveacl oseencount erwi t haRet i redProf essi onalTeacher St ep6:Recordal lanswersandprepareawri t t enreport . St ep7:Requestt ot akepi ct ureoft het eacherwhi chwi l lf orm apartofyourr eport .

MyLearni ngAct i vi t i es


Close Encounter with a *e#innin# Professional Teacher /012 3ears Teachin# Experience4

Resour ceTeacher :ReneBoyH.Cal cańa Si rCal cańaearnedhi sdegreef rom WestVi sayasSt at eUni versi t y,i nLaPaz,I l oi l o Ci t yonMarch2013.TheUni versi t ypreparedhi mt obecomeagood t eacherbygi vi ngmorepreparat i onsi nt eachi ngMathsubj ect s.He passedt heLi censureExami nat i onf orTeacher s( LET)onMarch2016  wi t hapassi ngrat eof81. 6.Hest art edt eachi ngasaprof essi onalon  June2013.St udent swhoarei nt erest edt ol earnmoreaboutMat hi s t heonet hatmakeshi m happyasateacher .St udentswhodonotpay att ent i oni nl earni ngthesubj ectmakeshi mf eeldi sappoi nt edasa t eacher .I NSETf orK–12programsi st heprof essi onaldevel opment act i vi t y/t rai ni nghepart i ci pat edi n.Sadt osayheneverbel ongedt o anyprof essi onalorgani zati on.Thecodeofconducthest ri ct l yf ol l ows i sthet eachersandt hel earners.Therel at i onshi poft het eacherswi t h t hei rst udent smusthol dast rongbondwher ei nst udent scoul dopen upt hei rprobl emswi t ht het eacherst oseeksomeadvi cei st hespeci fic  behavi ourt hatshoul dbef ol l owedt ot heut mostaccordi ngt ohi m.

Last l y,hedreamedtobeahumbl eservantt hatcoul di nfluencest udent show t obecome gl obal l ycompet i t i veprof essi onal sbef oreheret i re.


Close Encounter with a 3oun# Professional Teacher /5106 3ears Teachin# Experience4

Nameoft heResourceTeacher :Ms.RuselB.Espi no  Accordi ngt oMa’ am Espi no,shei ssat i sfiedwi t hherj obas aprof essi onalt eacherf ort hepastf ew yearsbecauseshe enj oyedt eachi ngherst udent s.I nst i l l i ngknowl edge,ski l l sand  val uesaret het hi ngst hatmakeherahappy prof essi onalt eacherwhi l el i mi t edt i mef orher f ami l yandper sonalbusi nessmakeshersad. Shepl annedt ofini shherMast er’ sdegreeand proceedst odoct orat edegreei nt hef ut ure.She t houghtofret i ri ngasaprof essi onalt eacherbut don’ thavepl annedt ol ookf orot herj obt han teaching.

Close Encounter with a "entor7"aster Teacher /00108 3ears Teachin# Experience4

NameofResour ceTeacher :Mr s.LuanneC.Sal i se

Shei ssat i sfiedwi t hherj obasament orprof essi onalt eacherf or t hepastf ew yearsespeci al l ywhensheseesherst udent s/t rai nees  becomi nggoodorsuccessf uli nt hei rendeavour .Shesai dt hatshei s happyi fherst udent sort rai neeswereabl et oappl ywhat shesharedwi t ht hem andsadi ft heyj ustt ookf or grant edwhatshet aught .Shement oredyounger prof essi onal sbyshari ngwi t ht hem herexperi encesso t hati tcoul dgi vethosel essons.Forshebel i evei na sayi ngwhi chgoes, ”I fyouknow t her oadahead,ask someonewhohast ravel l edi t .Looki ngbackt oherear l y  yearsasaprof essi onalcomparedt ot hement eesnow she sai dt hatt hement eesnow arenott hatseri ous.Duri ng hert i me,t heyaresodet ermi nedt obebet t eri nevery endeavourt hatt heydo.Oneoft het hi ngst hatshecan sayi st hatshei sal waysrecogni zedf orhergood perf ormancei nherj ob.Herf ut urepl ani st ofini shher mast er’ sdegree.Sheal sot hi nksofret i ri ngasaprof essi onalt eacher andal soi spromot edbutshesai dt hatshe’ l lj ustdoherj obwel l .


Close Encounter with an Expert7terlin# Teacher /08 3ears Teachin# Experience4

NameofaResour ceTeacher :Mr s.Monal iE.Sayl o

Ma’ am Sayl osai dt hatshei ssat i sfiedwi t hherj obasprof essi onalt eacherf ort he past15yearsbecauseshei sabl et oshareherknowl edget oherst udent s.The t hi ngst hatshedi dasanexpertprof essi onalt eachert hatmakesherhappyi s t eachi ngherst udent si nawayt hatcoul dhel pt hem change t hei rl i ves.Hermostunf orget t abl eexperi enceasanexpert prof essi onalt eacheri sbei ngapartofherst udent sl i f eas t heycl i mbt hel adderofsuccesst owardsat t ai nmentoft hei r dreamsshari ngthei roft hem oncei nt hei rl i f et hel i f eof  bei ngast udent .Teachi ngl i f eexperi encesofat eacherand  wasabl et ocont ri but epart l yonherst udent ’ ssuccessi n t hei rt eachi ngcareerandprof essi on.Shepl ansf ort he f ut ureasanexpertprof essi onalt eacheri st oengagei n researchworksrel at edt oi mprovethet eachi ngprof essi on. Shehasbeenpromot edbecauseofprof essi onalgrowt hand t hebenefitsheget sf rom promot i oni shi ghsal arygrade .


Close Encounter with 'etired Teacher /'etired from Teachin#4

Nameoft heResour ceTeacher :Vi cent eB.Agui l ar

Si rAgui l ar’ susualacti vi t i esasaret i red prof essi onalt eacheraret heusualrout i nedonebythe t eacherwhi chi sgoi ngt oschoolasaspart ame i nst ruct or .Hefindhi spastt eachi ngexperi encesas memorabl eandhi smostsi gni ficantexperi encei s duri nghi sst i ntaspri nci pali nLaborat ory Hi ghSchool . Hi s42yearsi nt heprof essi oni swort hrememberi ng andhehasnoregret s.Whenheseeshi sgr aduat eswho arehol di nganadmi ni st rat i veposi t i oni nDepEdi st he mostsi gni ficantcont ri but i ont ot het eachi ngprof essi on f orhi m.Hehasbeenpromot edandwast hefirst pri nci palofPSCAduri ngthet i meofDr ,Gal l ega.He consi deredt eachi ngast hegreat estprof essi onandt he graduat esi shi sgreat estachi evement s.Thef oodf or t houghtt hathel i kest ogi veusi s:“ Al wayscarryt orch ofexcel l enceofUA,t heAnt i quesPri de. ”

MyReflect i ons/I nsi ght s

Basedon t heanswer sgi venbyt het eacher syoui nt ervi ewed, dot heyr eflectat r uepr of essi onalt eacher ? 1 . ydoyouthi  Wh nkso?   Yes,becauseaprof essi onalt eacherpossessesaqual i t i est hatarerequi red f ort hem t obeequi ppedasat eacherandt of unct i oneffect i vel yand

sat i sf act ori l y.Theyt eachoutofservi cenotf ort hesal aryal one.Theyal so l ovet ouchi ngthel i vesandi mpart i ngknowl edge,ski l l sandval uest o st udent s. Basedont hei nt ervi ewsyouconduct ed,i sbei ngapr of ess i onal t eacheraf ul fil l i ngj ob? Why?   Yes.Bei ngaprof essi onalt eacheri saf ul fil l i ngj obbecauseuponseei ngyour st udent sexceli nt hei rendeavourandchosenfiel dyou’ l lf eeloverwhel m by t hef actt hatyou’ reapartofi t .Youareoneoft hereasonswhytheyachi eve t hei rdreamsandbyhel pi ngt hei nst i t ut i ont oproduceproduct i vegraduat es.  Youal sof eelproudofyoursel fevent houghyoureffort swon’ tberecogni zed.

Consi deri ngt hatyouwi l lbeaf ut ur epr of essi onalt eacher ,  whatst andar dsofbehavi ourshoul dyouuphol dbasedont heCode ofEt hi csf orPr of essi onalTeachers?   Asaprospect i veprof essi onalt eacher ,t hest andardsofbehavi ourt hatIshoul d

uphol dbasedont heCodeofEt hi csf orprof essi onalt eacheraref oundi nal l art i cl es.Becauseaprof essi onalmustpossessdi gni t yandreput at i onwi t hhi gh moralval uesaswel lastechni calandprof essi onalcompet enceandadherest o observesandpract i cesasetofet hi calofet hi calandmoralpri nci pl es,st andard andval ues.

I nt egrat i ngTheoryand practice 1. Af t ert he1987Phi l i ppi neConst i t ut i on,t hefirstl egalbasi st omaket eachi ngasa prof essi onandconsi dert eachersareprof essi onal swas__________.  A.RA7836 B.PD 1006

C.RA7640 D.Codeofet hi csf orProf essi onalt eachers 2.Whoamongt hesegraduat esi snotqual i fiedt otaketheLi censureExami nat i onf or  Teachers( LET) ?  A.Bachel orofEl ement aryEducat i on B.Bachel orofAgri cul t uralEducat i on C.Ass oci at ei nAr t s

D.Bachel orofSci encei nMathemat i cs

3.Al lFi l i pi noprof essi onalt eachersmusthave_______.  A.A pr of essi onalt eacher ’ sl i cense

B.Arecogni zedmast er’ sdegree C.Teachi ngexperi ence D.Publ i shedresearchart i cl e 4.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngpract i cesi sNOTal l owedi nt heCodeofet hi csf or Prof essi onalTeachers?  A. Teachersshal li nsuret hatt eachi nguphol dst hehi ghestst andards. B.Teachersshal lacceptt ut ori alf eesf ort hesl ow l ear nersi nhercl ass.

C.Teachersshal ll i vewi t hdi gni t yi nal lpl acesatal lt i mes. D.Teachersshal lest abl i shmai nt ai ncordi alrel at i onswi t hparent s 5.Whatshoul dbet hebestdescri pti onoft eachi ngasaprof essi on?  A.Teachi ngi st henobl estpr of essi on.

B.Teachi ngi sal ucrat i vej obi nt hi scount ry . C.Teachi ngrequi resl esspreparat i on


Mr s.Jer anT.Occeńa,my coo er at i n Teacher

Gr ade9–Dol phi nandSeaLi on


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