Final Acreditation 3. Name: Claudia Lisset Mogollón Alipázaga

August 27, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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FINAL ACREDITATION 3. Name: Claudia Lisset Mogollón Alipázaga I.

Corr Correc ectt the the mis mista take kes. s. Ther Theree is a mis mista take ke in ea each ch se sent nten ence ce.. Fin Find d it it and and correct it.

1. We wa wass in P Paris aris llast ast ye year. ar. W Wee were in Pa Paris ris last last year. year.  ______________________  ___________ ______________________ ____________________  _________  2. Why you wan wantt to to le learn arn Ita Italia lian? n? Why do you want to learn Italian ? 3. She hasn’ hasn’tt ne never ver bee beenn to New York  York  She has never been to New York. 4. I’ve w wrote rote to hher er thre threee times aand nd sh shee hasn’t hasn’t answered answered yet.   I’ve written to her three times and she hasn’t answered yet. 5. I did didn’t n’t eenjo njoyy the film film.. It wa wass very very bo bored red.. I didn’t enjoy the film. It I t was very boring. 6. Ho How w ma many ny ttime imess yo youu been been ttoo Sp Spain ain?? How many times you have been to Spain? 7. I’m ver veryy excit exciting ing aabou boutt my hholi oliday day I’m very excited about my holiday 8. Th Thee st stude udents nts worked worked ve very ry hhard ardly ly The students worked very hard 9. Who Who’s ’s ke keys ys are are the these? se? The They’r y’ree Lyn Lynda’ da’s. s. Who is the keys are these? They’re Lynda’s. 10. What kind books dodo youyou likelike rea reading? ding? What kind of books reading? 11. Did you ev ever er been to Ire Ireland land?? Did you ever been in Ireland? II II..

Ask quest uestio ions ns ab abou outt th thee stat statem emen ents ts..

1. John John we went nt to New New Yor York  k  When did he go___________________________ ? 2. I’m titired Why didn't you go to the movies ? 3. I ddon on’t ’t go to work work by bus bus How do you go to work?


4. Th This is mobile mobile pho phone ne isn isn’t ’t min minee Whose mobile phone is this? 5. I m met et a famo famous us film film ssta tar. r. Who did you meet today? 6. Sara Sarah’ h’ss bbou ough ghtt a nnew ew ccar  ar  What kind of car did Sarah buy? 7. We saw saw B Bil illl yes yeste terd rday ay When did you see Bill? 8. Su Sue’ e’ss w wat atch chin ingg a film. film. What is Sue doing? 9. Th They ey’re ’re goin goingg on holi holida dayy Where are they going on the weekend? 10. My bro brother ther lef leftt the part partyy Why didn't I see your brother at the party? 11. She sp spent ent a lot of mo money ney How much money did she spend? II III. I.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. IV.. IV

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Under nderli line ne th thee corr correc ectt te tens nse. e.

I saw / have seen Jill yesterday. I met / have met my boyfriend ten years ago.  go / has never been to Italy. My sist sister er ddid id ne neve ver  r  go I’ I’m m sor sorry ry.. I ddid idn’ n’tt finish / haven’t finished my work yet. I aatte / hhaave eaten a lot of ice – cream when I was a child. They clim limbed bed / have climbed Everest in 2002. Put Put the the verb verb in in brac bracke kets ts in in the the corr correc ectt form: form: the the P Pre resen sentt Simp Simple le or or the the Present Perfect.

I travelled travelled (trav (travel) el) by plan planee for the firstfirst-time time las lastt year. went _ We __ went  _ (go) to Thailand Thailand two years ago. Ha Have ve you you eeve verr eaten Mexican food? I have have neve neverr been to hospital. Whe Where _ were were _ you _ live live __ when you were were a child? I can’t an’t give you your DVD back, because I don’t see it yet.


Adve Adverb rb or adje adject ctiv ive? e?.. Und Under erli line ne th thee co corr rrec ectt form form..

1. 2.

I’m driving careful / carefully because it is raining. Our village is always very quiet / quietly. Nothing happens.

3. 4.

slowly. I can’t understand you. Pleaseaspeak more / /slow She’s very good  well /driver.


5. 6. VI.. VI

He doesn’t drive very good / well It’s important to have a healthy / healthily diet. Word Word or orde der. r. Put Put tthe he word wordss in in the the co corr rrec ectt orde order. r.

1. letter letter / yo youu / yet yet / have have / wri writte tten? n? Have you written the letter yet? 2. ma many ny / ggot ot / you you / how how / cou cousin sinss / have? have?  __How many have have you got co cousins? usins? 3. Rom Romee / th they ey / jjust ust / have have / in / aarriv rrived ed  __They just have have arrived in Rom Rome. e. 4. wel welll / sspe peak ak / you / ve very ry / Eng Englis lishh  __You speak speak English very we well. ll. 5. qui quick ckly ly / ro road ad / aalon longg / man / the / wal walked ked / the  __The man walked walked quickly alo along ng the road. 6. by / pplay lay / a / ha have ve / Shake Shakespea speare re / seen seen / eever ver / yyou? ou?  __Have you ever seen a pplay lay by Shake Shakespeare? speare? 7. exam / stu student dentss / th thee / yyeste esterday rday / a / did / long  __The students students did a long exa exam m yesterday. 8. caref carefull ullyy / work work / you / did / your your / check check??  __ Did you work carefully check? 9. exerc exercise ise / tthis his / do do / ple please ase / quick quickly ly  __Do this exercise exercise quickly plea please. se. 10. people / going / many / invite / party / hhow ow / are / to / to / you yourr / you?  __ How many people people you are going to invite to yo your ur party? 11. up / is / because because / she / tired / she / got / early  __She is tired because because she got up early.



Voca Vocabu bula lary ry – word grou groups ps.. Put the the words words in the the correct correct colu column mn.. Each Each column has a different number of words.

Soap quiet walk annoying luggage departure lounge worried  aspirin Cycle suncream arrival hall hitch – hike tiring plasters flight toothpaste  boarding pass gate ride surprised Travel verbs Walk  Luggage Cycle hitch – hike ride  plasters

Travel by plane departure lounge arrival hall flight  boarding pass  gate

Adjectives Worried Quiet Annoyin Tiring suprised

Chemist’s Aspirin Soap Suncream toothpaste

VIII. Prepositions. Prepositions. Complete Complete the sentences sentences with with the prepositions prepositions from the the box.

About in out of by on  for to from 1. Pam Pamela ela liv lives es on on th thee sec second ond flo floor  or  2. I’m rrea eadin dingg a story story __ab about out__ life life in Ch China ina 3. Th Thee Har Harry ry Po Potte tterr boo books ks ar aree _b _byy _ JK Ro Rowli wling ng 4. Is it ffar ar _t _to_ o_ yo your ur ho house use to th thee air airpor port? t? 5. Is Me Mexico xico City tthe he bbigge iggest st cit cityy _in_ _in_ the world world?? 6. Jane’ Jane’ss worr worried ied _fo _for_h r_her er exa exam. m. 7. Wha What’s t’s _to _to__ te telev levisi ision on toni tonight ght?? 8. Are you int intere ereste stedd _i _in_p n_poli olitic tics? s? 9. She wo works rks _in _in__ a big co compa mpany. ny. 10. Can I speak speak _for_ yyou ou for a m moment? oment? 11. He drove _at_ the garage and down the stree streett IX.. IX

Tran Transla slate te the the sen senten tences ces.. Trans Translat latee the the ideas ideas,, not not word word b by y word word..

1. Tim ddriv rives es ca caref refull ully. y. Tim’s Tim’s a carefu carefull driv driver  er  Tim maneja cuidadosamente, él es un conductor cuidadoso. 2. Have you eever ver bbeen een to Chin China? a? I we went nt to C China hina last year  year  Alguna vez has estado en China? Fui el año pasado a China. 3. He hasn’t hasn’t fin finish ished ed my homewo homework  rk  Él no ha terminado mi tarea, 4. I’v I’vee just just finish finished ed my hom homewo ework  rk  Yo he estado terminado mi tarea. 5. I wan wantt to to go ho home me Quiero ir a casa. 6. I´m int intere ereste stedd iinn litera literatur turee Estoy interesado en la literature.



Meet Meet Jo John hnny ny De Depp pp.. Circ Circle le the the cor corre rect ct al alte tern rnat ativ ive. e.

Johnny Depp (1) has / was born on June 9, 1963 in Owensboro, Kentucky. His  parents (2) has moved / moved their four children to Florida when Johnny was young. At the age of 12, his mother bought him a guitar and music (3) quick / quickly became his love. Johnny decided to leave school school at the age of 16 to follow a career in music. He  played guitar for a band called “The kids” and moved with the band to Los Angeles. They didn’t have (4) immediate / immediately success and so Johnny started a job as a salesman to earn some money. He (5) has got / got married at the age of 20 to a make up artist, Lori Allison. They got divorced quite soon, but Lori introduced Johnny to the actor Nicholas Cage. He saw a future for Johnny in films and persuaded him to try acting. Johnny (6) made / has made his first film.  A nightmare on Elm Street  in  in 1984. After a couple of other small  parts in films, Johnny worked for three years in a TV series for teenagers called 21 Jump Street. Teenage girls became big fans and Johnny appeared in popular magazines and on posters. He was (7) annoyed / annoying by this, because he wanted to be a serious actor.

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