To Opening Stock To Purchases To Power and uel To %ages
Trading A/C and P&L A/C Amt Particulars
26725 By Sales 162505 By Closing Stock 1!50 By "oods destroyed #y $ire 2!1!7
To Gross Profit C/D
52633 266350 By Gross Profit B/D 5575 By &esr'e $or dou#t$ul de#t (226 By )ntrest *ccrued 5-!1 525 725 500 2(-5 500
To Salaries To Postage To Trade +,p To Bad de#ts To urniture depreciation To Bad de#ts To &.. To /oss #y $ire To !t Profit C/D
3"566 5"#33 Balanc!s$!!t
Li%iliti!s Capital
/ess .rawings *d d P Sundry Crditor Bills Bills Pay#le Pay#le Outstanding %ages Oustanding Trade +,p
Amt 10000
Ass!t urniture
/ess .ept
.e#tors (!11( /ess Bad .e#ts !0!26 /ess &.. !50 Cash in hand 2000 Stock 700 /oan *dd 10 )nt )nsurance Clai3 00#0
252600 12250 1500
266350 52633 5200 100
Amt 7250
50200 500 (700 2(-5
!000 100
(7215 10000 12250
!100 1000 00#0
To Opening Stock To Purchases /ess ree Sa3ple To Power and uel To Carriage inward To %ages *dd O4S
Trading A/C and P&L A/C Amt Particulars
11(00 By Sales 1(5000 2000
By Closing Stock 1(!000 By "oods destroyed #y $ire 20(0
2!600 6(00
To Gross Profit C/D
!0000 '3"#60 32((00 By Gross Profit B/D -(20 By &esr'e $or dou#t$ul de#t 610- By )ntrest *ccrued !600 2(00 26-0 16!0 6(!0 (500 7150 2000
To Salaries To otor car e,p To &ent To )nsurance Preu3iu3 To "en +,p To Carriage Outword To uel and power To &.. To .ept To ree Sa3ple To !t Profit C/D
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