Film Analysis of Saving Mr. Banks

March 10, 2019 | Author: Ako Si Kheemyore | Category: Psikologi & Ilmu Kognitif, Psychological Concepts, Behavioural Sciences, Philosophical Science, Ilmu
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Analytical document about Saving Mr. Banks (2013)...



 Name: Gines, Kheem R.

Section: A6 A6

Sa!in" #$. %an&s is a 'io"$a 'io"$a(hi (hica) ca) *$ama +i)m a'ot the SAV SAVING MR. BANKS (2013) Sa!in"  ($o*ction o+ the (o()a$ -6/ 0a 0a)t )t Disne1 St*ios +i)m #a$1 Po((ins. The +i)m sta$s Tom Tom Han&s as +i)mma&e$ an* mo") 0a)) 0a)) Disne1 himse)+ an* 2mma Thom(son as atho$ P.L P.L T$a!e$s. The +i)m is *i$ecte* '1 3ohn Lee Hancoc& +$om a sc$een()a1 '1 Ke))1 #a$ce). Submission wi b! on " Au#us$ 201%& 'uin# *ss +ous.


BA,K BA,KG GR-N R-N/ / INFINF-RM RMA AI-N I-N a. Desc Desc$i $i'e 'e the the )ea* )ea* cha$ cha$ac acte te$s $s in the the mo!i mo!iee 4'e) 4'e)ie ie+s +s,, atti attit t*e *ess an* an* o'se o'se$! $!e* e*

 'eha!io$5: i. L *!s *!s (Ms. (Ms. * *! !s) s) PL T$a!e$s is a oman ho is ncom($omisin". She ants e!e$1thin" to 'e (a$tic)a$)1 concise an* acc$ate. It as shon in the +i)m ho she can 'e st''o$n an* i$$itatin"  'ecase o+ o + he$ attit*e. She is a)so !e$1 se$ios a'ot thin"s in )i+e. She *oes * oes not )i&e to +oo) a$on* an* ha!e a )itt)e +n. %ecase o+ this she +ai)s at a**$essin" socia) ces )i&e sma)) ta)&s. She is a)so a $ea)ist. This can 'e in+e$$e* +$om he$ in*i++e$ence toa$*s animation. She e!en ca))e* ot amsement (a$&s as a 7mone1 ($intin" machine8. One thin" to note a'ot #$s. T$a!e$s is that the$e is a sma)) hint o+ so+t hea$te*ness in a)) he$  st$on" in*e(en*ent oman e9te$io$. She as on the !e$"e o+ c$1in" hen the *iscssion a'ot the +i)m a*a(tation ent *ee(e$ to the co$e sto$1. This is 'ecase the sto$1 o+ #a$1 Po((ins is H2R sto$1. It is +n*amenta) an* c)ose to he$ 'ein". Hoe!e$, she is hante*  '1 he$ (ast. She seeme* na')e to mo!e on. Oh, an* #$s. T$a!e$s +ancies teas a )ot. ii. ii. *$ /isn /isn!4 !4 0a)t Disn Disne1 e1 is (o$t (o$t$a1 $a1e* e* in the the mo!i mo!iee as a $ich $ich 'si 'sines nessm sman an an* a e)) e)) &no &non n  (e$sona)it1. Comin" Comin" +$om a $o"h chi)*hoo*, he (e$se!e$e* ( e$se!e$e* nti) he achie!e* his "oa)s in )i+e. He is )o!e* '1 his co))ea"es an* +ans most)1 chi)*$en. He is a sto$1 te))e$ an*  'e)ie!es that th$o"h his +i)ms he can '$in" a'ot ima"ination an* ho(e +$om the !iee$s. In the +i)m, he can 'e $ese$!e* an* (e$sistent. This as e!i*ent in the +i)m as some o+ the scenes he$e #$s. T$a!e$s as "ettin" on e!e$1one;s ne$!es, #$. Disne1 as sccess+)

in containin" his anno1ance to he$ an* maintainin" his (atience. He a)so &e(t on  (e$sa*in" #$s. T$a!e$s into si"nin" the cont$act e!en a+te$ m)ti()e +ai)e* attem(ts.  '. I*enti+1 the main ()ot o+ the sto$1. Sa!in" #$. %an&s;s main ()ot o+ the sto$1 $e!o)!e* a$on* the )ea* cha$acte$s  PL T$a!e$s an* 0a)t Disne1. 0hen 0a)t Disne1 ha* a $e The +i)m is $e)ate* to the st*1 o+ hman 'eha!io$ an* menta) ($ocesses in a a1 that it +)+i))s the !e$1 ($(ose o+ h1 e st*1 (s 1cho)o"1. The n$a!e)in" o+ the (ast o$ o$i"in in ($sit o+ a 'ette$ n*e$stan*in" o+ h1 he o$ she acts the a1 he o$ she *oes as c)ea$)1 mani+este* in the +i)m. III.


a. Choose scene +$om the mo!ie that st$c& 1o the most an* e9()ain h1. The sin"in" o+ the Kite son" as ce$tain)1 the one scene +$om the mo!ie that st$c& me the most. I can nashame*)1 sa1 that I as on the !e$"e o+ tea$s hen the cha$acte$s  @o1+))1 san" an* *ance* the son" 0ITH #$s. T$a!e$s on the s(ot)i"ht. I *i* not &no h1 I c$ie* 't that !e$1 scene toche* m1 hea$t. The scene came to me as a one ste( o+  comin" to te$ms ith T$a!e$s; (ast  acce(tin" hat ha* a)$ea*1 ha((ene* an* mo!in" on ith )i+e. It as sch a *e)i"ht+) e9(e$ience to see #$s. T$a!e$s +ina))1 "ettin" ot o+  he$ ca"e;. I as so ha((1 +o$ he$ as she can no )i!e he$ )i+e +$ee)1. Anothe$ $eason h1 I chose this scene is 'ecase I itnesse* ho sentimenta) the son" as +o$ T$a!e$s. I+ e co)* "o 'ac& to the +i$st +)ash'ac& o+ the +i)m, e can see ho T$a!e$s; +athe$ o(en $ea)it1 +o$ he$ as ima"inati!e 1et ma"ica), )i!e)1, +$ee an* @o1+). I someho $e)ate* it to the son", ma&in" T$a!e$s as the one$ o+ the &ite, the in* that *$i!es the &ite as he$  +athe$, an* the &ite itse)+ as the (e$cei!e* $ea)it1 4+i$st (a$t o+ the )1$ics sa1s 7)et;s ma&e a &ite85  '. Name B )ea$nin"s 1o ha* +$om the +i)m. 29(on*. The th$ee )ea$nin"s that I ha!e "aine* a+te$ atchin" the +i)m as -. I$ is im7o$*n$ $o mo! 8ow*' in i8! b4 *!7$in# w+*$ +*' *!*'4 +*77!n!' in $+! 7*s$. It as shon in the mo!ie ho T$a!e$s )i!e* a *)) an* *i++ic)t )i+e 'ecase

she as hante* '1 he$ (ast. It is on)1 '1 acce(tin" that nothin" can 'e n*one an* instea* )ea$n +$om it can one '$ea&s aa1 +$om the hante* (ast. A)so, o$$1in" a'ot the (ast can '$in" nothin" 't conse
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