File Test 9 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B: Grammar 1 Underline The Correct Word(s)

December 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Hf`g Qgst 6 Drljjlr, Drl jjlr, Xemliu`lry, lba ^rebubm fltfeb


DYLJJLY < Wbagr`fbg tcg merr gmt wer wera(s). a(s). Gxljp`g?

L `et eh / Jlby eh  pgep`g  pgep`g mcggrga wcgb tcgy cglra tcg bgws.

< Qcgrg‖s be / bebg tfjg her lrdufbd. Oust ae ft! 9 = 1 7 8 4 3 6

jumc Tg clvgb‖t  / p`gbty  jebgy, iut wgte`fvg mejhertli`y. Qcgrg lrg bedet  / bet  gbeudc sglts her pgep`g sft eb. Qcgrg‖s bet reej gbeudc / gbeudc reej fb tcfs h`lt. F bgga l ifddgr ebg. Tg weu`ab‖t weu`ab‖t `fkg te `fvg fb tcg mfty ” tcgrg‖s tcgrg‖s tee jumc / jlby trlhhfm. F wls defbd defbd te clvg lb lpp`g, iut iut tcgrg lrgb‖t bebg / lby. Qcgrg‖s vgry `ftt`g / hgw jebgy te fbvgst fb pui`fm cgl`tc lt tcg jejgbt. Veu‖`` dgt dgt l cglalmcg cglalmcg fhfh yeu spgba spgba tee jumc / jlby ceurs eb yeur mejputgr. Gxmusg jg, tcfs tcfs oujpgr oujpgr fsb‖t gbeudc ifd / ifd gbeudc. Ae yeu clvg l `lrdgr sfzg5 Ft‖s l `evg`y e`a tewb wftc vgry hgw / vgry `ftt`g jeagrb iuf`afbds.

9 Mejp`gtg tcg sg sgbtgbmgs btgbmgs wftc tcg merrgmt her herj j eh tcg vgri fb irlmkgts. Gxljp`g? < 9 = 1 7 8 4 3 6

Fh wg cla cla (clvg) jerg tfjg, wg‖a clvg vfsftga L`febl lba Alvg.

Tg jfdct UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU (bet (bet / jfss) tcg tcg trlfb fh wg‖a wg‖a `ght cejg cejg glr`fgr. UUUUUUUU (yeu / kbew) tclt wls ]clbbeb fh F clab‖t te`a yeu5 ]cg weu`a clvg clvg rgsfdbga hrej hrej tclt oei fh scg UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU (bet / ig) prejetga. prejetga. Fh F UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU (wglr) jy jy melt, F weu`ab‖t weu`ab‖t clvg iggb iggb se me`a. me`a. Qcgy UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU (dgt) `est fh l strlbdgr strlbdgr clab‖t scewb scewb tcgj cew te dgt dgt tcgrg. F UUUUUUUU (bgvgr / jlbldg) jlbldg) te iuy l mlr fh jy ubm ubm`g `g clab‖t dfvgb dfvgb jg sejg jebgy. jebgy. Tg meu`a UUUUUUUU (`eek lhtgr) yeur mlt her yeu fh yeu‖a lskga. ]cg weu`ab‖t weu`ab‖t clvg mrlscga fbte fbte tcg mlr fh scg UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU (bet / lbswgr) lbswgr) cgr pcebg. pcebg. Cg UUUUUUUU (werry) lieut us fh wg clab‖t pcebga te sly wg wgrg hfbg. F weu`ab‖t clvg jgt Olbg Olbg fh F UUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU (bet (bet / de) te ubfvgrsfty. ubfvgrsfty.


Drljjlr tetl`


XEMLIW@LYV = Wbagr`fbg tcg merr gmt pcrlsg. Fh ietc pcrlsgs l lrg rg merrgmt, put l tfm k ( ). Gxljp`g?

Qurb tcg rlafe up / Qurb up tcg rlafe, wf`` yeu5 F mlb‖t cglr ft!


< –Juj! Jy `lptep slys slys tcgrg‖s l bgw vgrsfeb eh jy wera wera premgssfbd sehtwlrg.‖ sehtwlrg.‖ –EK, F‖`` upaltg ft / ft upaltg `ltgr.‖ UUUU 9 Aeb‖t herdgt te swftmc yeur pcebg ehh  /  / swftmc ehh yeur pcebg fb tcg tcgltrg. tcgltrg. UUUU = Tf`` yeu p`ud tcg QX fb / p`ud fb tcg QX5 F tcfbk Oe ubp`uddga ft `lst bfdct. UUUU 1 Qcg jusfm‖s tee `eua. Meu`a yeu turb aewb ft / turb ft aewb5 UUUU 1

Gbd`fsc Hf`g heurtc gaftfeb  Fbtgrjgafltg 

^cetemepfli`g © Exhera Wbfvgrsfty ^rgss 9>

^YEBWBMFLQFEB 8 Wbagr`fbg tcg str strgssga gssga sy`` li`g. Gxljp`g? ae|mu|jgb|tl|ry < 9 = 1 7

g|`gm|tre|bfm fj|pl|tfgbt|`y afs|meb|bgmt mclr|dgr ub|mejher|tl|i`g 7

Gbd`fsc Hf`g heurtc gaftfeb  Fbtgrjgafltg 

^cetemepfli`g © Exhera Wbfvgrsfty ^rgss 9>


Gbd`fsc Hf`g heurtc gaftfeb  Fbtgrjgafltg 

^cetemepfli`g © Exhera Wbfvgrsfty ^rgss 9>iuzz

Qclbks te gvgryebg wce `eekga lhtgr jy seb lt tcg @ebaeb Gyg ygstgraly. Tg cla oust vfsftga tcg bglriy @ebaeb Lqulrfuj lba jy twe ieys wlbtga te sgg tcg @ebaeb Gyg igherg wg wgbt cejg. Ft wls tgrrfi`y iusy lba F cla jy yeubdgst seb fb l puscmclfr. Qcejls, wce fs sfx, wlbtga te de hlstgr lba rlb ehh lcgla. F fjjgafltg`y `est sfdct eh cfj fb tcg mrewa. Cg det te tcg Gyg lba tcgb rgl`fzga cg wls `est. Lpplrgbt`y, jlby pgep`g steea fb l mfrm`g lreuba cfj te kggp cfj slhg. Qcg pe`fmg wgrg tcgrg fb sgmebas, lba ebg pe`fmg ehhfmgr mlrrfga Qcejls eb cfs sceu`agrs te wltmc her jg. F rglmcga cfj lieut 9 jfbutgs `ltgr. Iy tcgb, l kfba strggt pgrherjgr ‑ ebg eh tcesg duys wce stlbas stf`` `fkg l stltug ‑ cla gvgb ieudct Qcejls lb fmg mrglj. F wls tgrrfhfga iut Qcejls wls ag`fdctga. F lj drltghu` te yeu l``. Jlrfssl  N]upgrJlrfU>>73

Qclbks te tcg jlb wftc tcg drgy lba drggb wltgr iett`g eb tcg @ebaeb Wbagrdreuba ^fmmlaf``y @fbg. Qcg wgltcgr wls se cet lba F wls hgg`fbd hlfbt. Veu dlvg jg yeur sglt lba yeur wltgr iett`g. F tcfbk yeu cla rga clfr iut yeu aghfbftg`y cla rlfbiew strfpga semks igmlusg F wls `eekfbd lt tcgj her lieut jfbutgs. F tceudct F wls defbd te ig sfmk se F `ght tcg trlfb lt Ilrebs Meurt stltfeb te mee` ehh igherg dgttfbd ilmk eb tcg Wbagrdreuba. F teek l `ftt`g wl`k te `eek her l mlhæ lba heuba sgvgrl` h`lts te rgbt. F‖j jevfbd te Ilrebs Meurt bgxt wggk! Teu`a yeu `fkg yeur wltgr iett`g ilmk5

Gxljp`g? @umy wls rgturbfbd te @ebaeb lhtgr l oei fbtgrvfgw.  L Qrug   I Hl`sg     M Aegsb‖t sly   < L kfba mejjutgr mejjutgr cg`pga cg`pga @umy te dgt dgt ebte tcg trlfb lt Mljirfadg. Mljirfadg.  L Qrug   I Hl`sg   M Aegsb‖t sly   9 @umy rgl`fzga rgl`fzga scg wls eb tcg wrebd trlfb wcgb wcgb scg rgla l betfmgielra betfmgielra fbsfag fbsfag tcg trlfb.  L Qrug   I Hl`sg   M Aegsb‖t sly  

Gbd`fsc Hf`g heurtc gaftfeb  Fbtgrjgafltg 

^cetemepfli`g © Exhera Wbfvgrsfty ^rgss 9> weras ). Lbswgr tcg qu gstfeb s. • ]gt tcg smgbg? Tcgb Tcgb wls ft5 Tcgrg wgrg yeu5 yeu5 Tclt wgrg yeu aefbd5 • Qg`` tcg stery? Tce afa yeu jggt5 Cew5 Tclt clppgbga5 • Mebm`uag? Afa ft mclbdg mclbdg yeur `fhg fb lby wly5  

Gbd`fsc Hf`g heurtc gaftfeb  Fbtgrjgafltg 

Trftfbd tetl`

Yglafbd lba Trftfbd tetl`


^cetemepfli`g © Exhera Wbfvgrsfty ^rgss 9>
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