File Test 6

September 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Name _Nin _Nino_G o_Gabat abatashv ashvili__ ili_____ _______ _______ ___ Class Cla ss ___ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ___ _

6 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A GRAMMAR 1 Complete the the sentences sentences with with the correct passive form of the verb verb in brackets. brackets. Example: Look at the date – this food has has to be eaten eaten (eat)  (eat) today. 1 Most fi films __are_released_  (release)  (release) on DVD a few months after the cinema release. 2 Whe When n I looked looked for for his his comme comment nt on the blog blog,, it _ was_already_deleted was_already_deleted _ (already / delete). 3 Nobody lik likees _ to_be_judged _ (judge) on their appearance appearance only. 4 Please wait in in the hotel reception reception while while your your room room _ is is being_cleaned _ (clean). 5 She _will_be_told_      (tell) (tell) tomorrow whether her job is in danger or not. 6 To Too o muc much h mo mone ney y _was spent_  (spend)  (spend) last year on personal expenses. 7 I’m rea really lly enjoyi enjoying ng this this film. film. It It _is_based_  (base)  (base) on a true story, isn’t it? has been closed _  (close)  (close) since this morning. 8 You You’ll ’ll have have to go go anothe anotherr route route – the moto motorwa rway y _ has 9 America _ is_still_seen_   (still / see) as the land of opportunity today. is_still_seen_  (still 10  Frankenweenie  _is_directed_  (direct)  (direct) by Tim Burton.  Frankenweenie  _is_directed_  11 I’m hoping _I’ll_be_met_  (meet)  (meet) by my parents at the airport. 12 Cong Congra ratu tula lati tion ons! s! You You _ have_been_chosen_  have_been_chosen_  (choose)  (choose) to take part in our £1,000 prize draw!

1 2

2 Comple Complete te the the dialog dialogues ues with with must , can’t ,  or might  . Exampl Exa mple: e: They They must  be  be out. Nobody is answering the phone. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

‘I think he _might_  be  be French with a name like Luc.’ ‘Yes, he sounds French too.’ ‘You’re getting engaged to Elena? You  _can’t_  be  be serious!’ ‘No, really, I am!’ ‘I thought you _might_  like  like to borrow my Avengers my Avengers Assemble DVD.’ Assemble DVD.’ ‘Oh great, thanks. I didn’t get to see it at the cinema.’ ‘I think Jill and Alan are away in Italy this week.’ ‘They _can’t_  be.  be. I’ve just seen Jill in town.’

5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B

‘Is Steven in his office?’ ‘I don’t know. He _might_  be  be in a meeting. I’ll just go and check.’ ‘I finally passed my driving test!’ ‘Congratulations! You _must_  be  be very pleased.’ ‘I’ve just run 20 km. I’m training for a marathon.’ ‘Really? You _must_  be  be exhausted.’ ‘Look, Diana’s left her bag here.’ ‘It _can’t_  be  be Diana’s – her bag is brown.’

8 Grammar total

2 0


Name _Nin _Nino_G o_Gabat abatashv ashvili__ ili_____ _______ _______ ___ Class Cla ss ___ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ___ _

6 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

VOCABULARY 3 Complete Complete the sentence sentencess with with one word. word. Example: Examp le: The film film is set  is set  in  in Brazil. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A lot o off the late latest st Ja James mes Bond Bond film film was was shot shot on _ location_  location_  in  in London. Mos Mostt films films have have amazi amazing ng specia speciall _ effects_  effects_  now.  now. They aren’t so special anymore! I rea really lly enjoyed enjoyed the first first film. film. I can’t wait for for the the _ premiere_  premiere_ . The d dial ialogu oguee was spoke spoken n in Engli English sh and and then then _ translated translated _ in Spanish and French. I do don’t llik ikee _horror _ films because I get scared very easily. The _soundtracks_     from all the High  from the High School Musical  films  films became best-selling albums. It’s It’s a Swe Swedis dish h film, film, so you’ you’ll ll have have to read read the the _ subtitles subtitles _. Hundreds of of _ extras _ were employed for the battle scenes in the the Lord of the Rings films. Rings films. The _plot_      was was very complicated and I got confused halfway through the film. I llik ikee sci scien encce-_  e-_ science science fiction_  films  films with robots in them.

1 0

4 Complete Complete the the sentences sentences with with nouns and and verbs relate related d to the body. body. Example: Examp le: She has a very long long neck . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I’ve I’ve got got v ver ery y llon ong g fingers, which makes playing the piano easier. If y you ou hold hold your your nose, nose, you can’t can’t taste much of the food you eat. It wa wass so nois noisy y I had had to put my my hands hands over over my my ears. I’m sc scare ared d of dogs dogs becaus becausee my neighb neighbour our’s ’s dog dog bit me when I was young. Can you hear hear me? me? If you can, can, just just nod your head. I’ve I’ve actu actual ally ly go gott bro brown wn hair but I dye it black. Jac Jackie! St Stop staring at that man at the next table! It’s very rude! My stomach feels really uncomfortable. I think t hink I’ve eaten too much. We clapt for so long at the end of the concert that my hands hurt. I can’ can’tt sing sing,, but but I li like ke to to whisper _ tunes while I’m painting.

1 0 Vocabulary total

PRONUNCIATION 5 Match Match the the words words with with the the same same sound sound.. head hand nose li ps  ps bite stare 

2 0


Name _Nin _Nino_G o_Gabat abatashv ashvili__ ili_____ _______ _______ ___ Class Cla ss ___ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ___ _

6 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A Exam Exampl ple: e: cat hand   1 chair 2 egg

 ___stare_____ __head______

3 f  4 biiskhe 5 phone

__ _b liiptes____________ _ __nose______


 line the stressed syllable. 6 Underline Example: Examp le: se|quel se|quel 1 2 3 4 5

hi hi|s |sto to|r |ri| i|ca call re|view au|di|ence di|rec|ted sub sub|ti|tles

5 Pronunciation total

1 0

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total

5 0


Name _Nino Name _Nino_G _Gab abata atashv shvili ili_ _ Class Cla ss ___ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ___ _

6 Reading and Writing A READING 1 Read Read the the articl articlee and and tick tick ( 

) A, B, or C.

Face recognition We now  uplo loa ad   ove verr fou four billi illion on photo otos a month onto   Facebook , and anyone who uses the site is fam famil ilia iarr with with  the the ide idea of face face recog ecogn niti ition so soft ftwa warre, wh whic ich h ca can n te tell ll yo you u who who is (or (or mig igh ht be) in your photo. Face recognition  is being used in many different areas, especially to help the police identify crim crimin ina als. ls. Compute puterrs  are are not able ble to read face faces s lik ike e humans ca can n, but   th they ey can can be tr trai aine ned d to compare a  face with a photo that is stored in a database. They do this by noting certain fe feat atur ures es,, or, or,  for for ex exam ampl ple, e, me meas asur urin ing g the the dist distan ance ce be betw twee een n th the e ey eyes es..   A   A ‘smart’ surveillance syst system em –  came camera ras s whic which h reco record rd ou ourr mo move veme ment nts s in pu publ blic ic sp spac aces es – ha has s no now w been been de deve velo lope ped d by a  Ja Jap panese comp ompany wh whic ich h   can look through 36 million faces in one second to find a match ma tching ing one. one.   Ma Many ny pe peop ople le say say they they feel feel safe saferr if th ther ere e ar are e ca came mera ras s to pr prot otec ectt th them em in pu publ blic ic pla lace ces, s, but othe thers are not co com mfor fortab table with with the the fact fact th tha at so many ima images of us are sto torred in a database. Th The e te tech chno nolo not yet yetnpe perf ect tn (peo (peopl ple who ha have had d rpl plas surg rger ery ynti ca can espe peci ally conf nfus use e sth the e sy syst ste elogy mgy !), !),  is buno t  itt is owrfec ofte of ten prefe ef eerrwh edoto ove the theha r fo for masti s tic ocf su co con nve ven tio onnaes l id ide encial ti tifi fic clyati atco ion. Thi his is pa part rtly ly be beca caus use e  it can can be us used ed with withou outt us know knowin ing. g. Fa Face ce reco recogn gnit itio ion n is be bein ing g im impr prov oved ed al alll th the e time time.. Othe Otherr ne new w tech techno nolo logy gy ha has s be been en de desi sign gned ed whic which h   ca can n pre red dic ictt ho how w a fa face ce mig igh ht lo loo ok as it gets older  or which can fill in missing parts of an image. It can even identify someone from video taken in very low light. In th the e  fu futu ture re,, fa face ce reco recogn gnit itio ion n migh mightt also also insp inspir ire e many many more more go good od bu busi sine ness ss id idea eas. s. Ther There e is al alre read ady y an app  for smartphones to tell how many people are at a club, and the ratio of men to women. Sony  has also designed a camera that waits for you to smile before it takes a picture. Fi Fina nall lly, y, fa faci cial al  reco recogn gnit itio ion n do does esn’ n’tt just just reco recogn gniz ize e hu huma mans ns no now w – te test sts s ha have ve be been en ca carr rrie ied d ou outt whic which h sh show ow th that at  in indi divi vidu dual al chim chimpa panz nzee ees s can can be reco recogn gniz ized ed,, a de deve velo lopm pmen entt th that at coul could d be us used ed to protect wildlife in the future.

Example: Facebook  Example:  Facebook  uses  uses face recognition __________. A to identify people in our our photos  ✔  B to tell us who our friends are   C to tell us who our family are   1 _____ __________ _____ photos photos are upload uploaded ed onto onto Facebook Facebook every every month. month. A 36 million   B More than than four billion   C Fewer than four billion   2 Com Comput puters ers are able able to _____ ________ _____. __. A record the differences between two images   B recognize faces like people can   C measure the distance between two people people   3 It take takess _________ __________ _ one second second to search search 36 million million images. images. A the police   B a computer   C a surveillance system   4 Many pe people ople like like surveillan surveillance ce systems systems in public public places places because because _______ __________. ___. A they can recognize criminals   B they feel safer   C they like being filmed   5 Fac Facee recog recognit nition ion techno technolog logy y _______ __________ ___.. A occasionally makes mistakes   B is likely to make mistakes   C is 100 per cent accurate   6 Other technology technology has been been designe designed d to show _____ __________ _____..


Name Nam e _Nino _Nino_G _Gab abata atashv shvili ili_ _ Class ___ Class _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ___ _

6 Reading and Writing A A how we can improve ourselves   B how we can predict the future future   C how we might look when we’re older   7 A smar smartph tphone one app app can can tell ____ _______ ______ ___ in in a club. club. A how much people spend spend   B the number of men and and women   C us how to save time   8 A new ca camera mera doesn’t doesn’t take a photo until people people ______ __________. ____. A smile   B stand still   C look natural   9 Facial recognition recognition _________ __________ _ animals animals in in the future. future. A can definitely help   B may be able to help   C is unlikely to help animals  


2 Read the the article article again. again. Mark the the sentence sentencess T (true) (true) or F (false). (false). Example: Face recognition is something new for Facebook  for Facebook  users.  users.  F 1 2 3 4

The p police olice don’t don’t use face recognition recognition to identif identify y criminal criminals. s. _F___ Some people people are are worried worried that photos photos are kept in a database. database. _T___ People know when they they are being identified identified by by face recognition recognition technology technology.. __F__ Ident Identificat ification ion isn’t possible possible if if there there isn’t much light. __F__

5 Face rrecogn ecognition ition won’t be used used so much for busines businesss in the the future. future. __F__ 6 Face recognition recognition technology technology can now be used used on on all all animals. animals. __F__

6 Reading total

1 5

WRITING Write a review of a film you have enjoyed / not enjoyed. Include any factual information you know about it and say why you liked / disliked it. (140–180 words)

The last film I have seen was “Fifty shades of Grey” and now I decided to write a little review Taylor-Johnson on. about it. It is first part of trilogy directed by Sam Taylor-Johns Literature student Anastasia steel, she is usually called Ana, first meets Christian Grey at Grey house. After that Ana’s life changes forever. She goes here in lieu of her roommate, who was meant to interview Grey for the collage newspaper but she has fallen sick. Their next encounter comes at the hardware store, where Ana actually works. After that , Christian sends to Ana bountiful gifts, which are chosen following Ana’s needs and her taste and it makes her heart melt. Christian is taking care of her every time. After they start going out , they have the greatest relationship ever. It is so diverse and full of love (In last part of the trilogy they have kids). I think everyone wants to be in that kind of relationship. To conclude, this film is good to be seen once and enjoy , but it is not something special that gives you something valuable. Many reviewers say that it is all about having sex, but I do not think so. It’s all about love and interesting relationship between two young people.


Name _Nino Name _Nino_G _Gab abata atashv shvili ili_ _ Class Cla ss ___ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ___ _

6 Reading and Writing A

Writing total

1 0

Reading and Writing total

2 5


Name _Nin _Nino_G o_Gabat abatashv ashvili__ ili_____ _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ _______ ____ Class Cla ss ___ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ___ _

6 Listening and Speaking A LISTENING 1 Liste Listen n to the fil film m revie review. w. Tick Tick ( ) A, B, or C. 1 Vertigo Vertigo was  was made in the _______.


2 3 4 5


A 1940s  B 1950s  C 1960s   ___ ______ _____ __ of the the film film was made made in San San Franci Francisco sco.. A All   B Some   C None   Hitchc Hitchcock ock though thoughtt that the ______ _______ _ was quite simple. simple. A plot   B soundtrack   C script   The un unusual usual atmosphere atmosphere in in the film film is helped helped by by the _____ ________. ___. A actors   B location   C soundtrack   Reacti Reactions ons to the film film were _______ _______ when when it was was first released. released. A quite negative   B mostly positive   C disappointing  


2 Listen to five conversations conversations about a film quiz. Match the conversations conversations (1–5) with with what the speakers are talking about (A–E). Conversation 1 E   Conversation 2 D   Conversation 3 B   Conversation 4 C   Conversation 5 A   A B C D E

whe where re some somethi thing ng was was made made who dir direct ected ed someth something ing wh wher eree some someon onee is fro from m wha whatt kind kind of film film somet somethin hing g is who so someo meone ne might might be be from from part part of a photo photo

5 Listening total

SPEAKING 1 Make question questionss and and ask ask your your partner. partner. 1 How o ofte ften n / go / cinem cinema? a? What What / seen seen recen recently tly?? How often do you go to cinema ? What have you seen recently ? 2 pre prefer fer / go / cinema cinema / or watc watch h a DVD? DVD? Why? Why? Do you prefer go to cinema or watch a DVD ? why ? 3 Wh What at / fav favou ouri rite te kin kind d / film film?? What is your favourite kind of film ? 4 ev ever er watc watch h / DV DVDs Ds / in Engl English ish?? Have you ever watched DVDs in English ? 5 descri describe be / photo photo of of yourself yourself / you you don’t don’t like? like? Why / not like like it?

1 0


Name _Nin _Nino_G o_Gabat abatashv ashvili__ ili_____ _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ _______ ____ Class Cla ss ___ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ___ _

6 Listening and Speaking A Can you describe the photo of yourself yourself that you don’t like ? Why don’t you like it ?

Now answer your partner’s questions. 2 Talk about the statement statement below, saying saying if you agree agree or disagree. Give reasons. reasons. ‘The cinema is the greatest art form.’

3 Listen Listen to your partne partnerr talking talking about appear appearance ance.. Do you agree agree with him / her? her? Speaking total

Listening and Speaking total

1 5 2 5

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