FILE 20211222 182039 Life 2e Elementary Unit 3 Test Word

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Life, Elementary, Unit 3 Test

Vocabulary 1 Complete the leer with ONE word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Dear Sir or Madam, I work in (0)  _____an _____ ofce in the city centre. I don’t work (1)  ____________  ____________ a hospital. I start work wo rk at qu quar arter ter to ei eigh ght, t, bu butt at the mo mome ment nt my tr trip ip to work work is a pr prob oble lem. m. There There ar are e ne new w (2)  ____________ ____ lights in ront o the medical (3) ____________  ____________ on Staord Road and the road always  ________ seems to be so (4)  ____________ ____________ and ull o cars. I somemes go to work by bus, but it stops a lot, and it goes near the shopping area in the middle o town. At that me, there aren’t any shoppers but a lot o  people on the bus work (5)  ____________ ____________ the shops. Somemes, because the bus is (6) ____________  ____________ with people, I take my car and I put it in the car (7) ____________  ____________ between the hospital and the big post  ____________ , but but that that’s ’s expe expens nsiv ive! e! When When I take take my car, car, I leav leave e my hous house e at se seve ven n (9) (8)  ____________  ____________ ____ , but when I go by bus I leave at hal (10) _______  ____________ _____ six! That’s very early! Please, is  ________ there a soluon to the trafc problem? Yours sincerely, Alred Barre (10 points)

2 Complete the sentences with one or two words. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 Many actors work in the t heatre ______ . 1 I like the second song but the t ____________  ____________ one aer that is awul! ___ past. I’m een minutes late! q ____________ 2 I have a doctor’s appointment at six o’clock and it’s q _________

 ____________ and he works in an ofce. 3 My dad is an a ____________ ____ . F ____________ 4 I you’re rom France, your rst language is F ________ l____________ . 5 When Alison needs a quiet place to study or read, she goes to the   ____________  ____________ . 6 There are sixty seconds in a m ____________  ____________ ____ . There’s no polluon. 7 I love going to the mountain where the air is so c ________  ____________ at the clothes shop yesterday was very rude.  ____________ a ____________ 8 The s ____________  ____________ ____ at night, I can’t sleep. 9 The road outside my apartment is so n ________ 10 This is the eleventh oor. For the restaurant go to the t he next oor, the t ____________  ____________ .


(10 points)

Grammar 3 Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each queson. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0 Where do your riends work? A There is work on a boat. B He works in the city centre.

C They’re waiters in a restaurant.

1 What me does the lm start, please? A At ten to seven.

B On the le.

C From six to eight.

B On a bank.

C He doesn’t have a job.

B Pilot.

C I work on a ship.

B He know my uncle.

C We works together.

B Yes, it does.

C No, I don’t.

B She studies in Oxord.

C She study in Oxord.

2 Where does he work? A He work in a bank. 3 What do you do? A I’m teacher. 4 How do you know Frank? A He works with me. 5 Do you like this city? A Yes, I like. 6 Where does Sandra study? A She studys in Oxord. 7 Why do you study in Bristol? A My village haven’t a school.

B There isn’t a school in my village. C I not want to study at home.

8 What does your amily do at weekends? A It go to visit places.

B We don’t do very much.

C They doesn’t stay in the city.

9 Where can I catch the bus to the hospital? A It goes at ve past six.

B It’s near here.

C Go straight on and it’s on the right.

10 Is there a sports centre in this town? A Yes. Do you want to go? (10 points)

B No, it doesn’t.

C Yes, it does.


4 Complete the text with the words in the box. There are three extra words. There is an example at the beginning (0).










across does




Lie in Vancouver is good. The city (0) _____is _____ clean, beauul and modern, and (1) ________  ____________ ____ are a lot o things to do. As it is in the English-speaking part o Canada, most people (2) ____________  ____________ speak French, but they (3) ____________  ____________ French at school. The second language in the city is Chinese. In act, around 280,000 people with Chinese as their rst language (4) ____________  ____________ in Vancouver.  ____________ you know where Vancouver is? It’s in the west o Canada, next to Washington State in (5) ____________ the USA; there is a boat (6) ____________  ____________ Vancouver and Seale, in the USA. It (7) ____________  ____________ once a day at 5 p.m. and it (8)  ____________  ____________ go very ast. In act, it’s quite slow and it arrives in Seale at 7.45 p.m. Vancouver is in the middle o water with the Pacic Ocean to the west: i you don’t like water  ____________ ___ the or beaches, Vancouver (9)  ____________  ____________ the city or you. But in general, what (10) _________ average tourist think o Vancouver? They love it! (10 points)

Reading 5 Read the arcle about a strange community. Are the sentences ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not enough informaon to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C). There is an example at the beginning (0).

What do you do when you live on a very small island in the middle o the south Atlanc? People in Tristan da Cunha know the answer. Tristan da Cunha is a group o very small islands. The main island is between South Arica and Uruguay and it is very quiet. Eighty amilies live on the island – around 275 people – and there are only seven dierent surnames. New people can’t live on Tristan da Cunha, so the number o Tristonians doesn’t change. English is the rst language, but people also use some Italian words. There is one school or children aged our to sixteen. All the people on the island work, including children over the age o sixteen. Everyone works in agriculture. People also work on boats and go shing, but only around ten days a year. The island has a small hospital – one doctor and ve nurses work there – a supermarket and a post ofce. There is also a caé and a sh actory or their ood. These are all in the island’s capital, Edinburgh o the Seven Seas.


People in Tristan da Cunha don’t use mobile phones or have a cinema, but they have televisions. So, what do you think ... is island lie too difcult?

0 Tristan da Cunha is not a big island. A Right 

B Wrong

C Doesn’t say

1 The main island is next to Uruguay. A Right

B Wrong

C Doesn’t say

2 With eighty amilies, it is a very busy island. A Right

B Wrong

C Doesn’t say

3 There isn’t a variety o surnames on the island. A Right

B Wrong

C Doesn’t say

4 The island’s name is rom a Portuguese explorer. A Right

B Wrong

C Doesn’t say

5 There are a lot o old people living on the island. A Right

B Wrong

C Doesn’t say

I talian. 6 People there speak English and Italian. A Right

B Wrong

C Doesn’t say

7 Children and old people don’t work. A Right

B Wrong

C Doesn’t say

8 There’s one doctor in Edinburgh o the Seven Seas. A Right

B Wrong

C Doesn’t say

9 They probably eat sh because there is a actory. A Right B Wrong 10 Not many people have a phone.

C Doesn’t say

A Right

C Doesn’t say

(10 points)

B Wrong


Listening 6 [Track 118] You will hear ve short conversaons. There are two quesons for each conversaon. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C) for each queson. There is an example at the beginning (0). Conversaon 1 0 Where does the woman want to go?   A



1 Which direcon does the man say the theatre is?   A




t o? 2 Which street does the woman need to go to?  




Conversaon 2 3 Where does the woman need to go?   A




4 What me does the post ofce close today?   A



Conversaon 3 5 What bus does the man want to catch?   A




6 Where does he want to go?   A



Conversaon 4 7 Where does the woman work?   A




8 In which area is the restaurant?   A



Conversaon 5 9 Where does the man want to go? 





10 What language does the man speak?   A



(10 points)


Wring 7 Read the task below.

You changed country and you want to write an email to your riends at home. Write your email (35–45 words). Make sure you:

• describe what there is in your new town/city. • say what you think o the town/city. • describe how people live in the town/city. (10 points)

Speaking 8 Read the task below and give your presentaon in class.

Prepare a one-minute presentaon or your teacher and classmates about your town and what you like or don’t like about it. In your presentaon, answer these quesons:

• What is there in your town? • Is it ugly, modern, noisy, etc.? • Do people work in many dierent jobs? • Do people go to the theatre, cinema, etc? (10 points)

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