FIJI Water Carbon Negative Case Analysis BY :Group M
Background on Fii •
Founded by Canadian !otel property and gold "ining "ogul #avid Gil"our$ Fii Water began in %&&' (!e global "arket )or bottled *ater a"ounts to appro+i"ately ,%-- billion ./01 in sales annually (!e co"pany FIJI Water is t!e leading i"ported *ater in Nort! A"erica Currently Fii *ater is o*ned and run by billionaires 2ynda and 0te*art 3esnick
Fii4s success)ul strategy •
Branded bottled *ater is a recently conceived co""odity and conspicuous "arketing tactics are used by bottled *ater "anu)actures to a"pli)y consu"er )ear o) tap *ater purity and to "ake bottled *ater "eaning)ul on a personal$ local and global scale FIJI Water !as developed a !ig!ly success)ul branding strategy t!at e"p!asi5es t!e inspired geograp!y o) Fii FIJI Water4s state6o)6t!e6art bottling )acility *as designed to protect t!e purity o) *ater at every
3easons )or success8 •
Additional co"ponents o) elitis" and progressive politics Best tasting *ater 9ositioning t!e product not ust as an indulgence$ but instead as an outrig!t necessity )or an elite t!at can appreciate its purity (!e 3ensicks also built relations!ips *it! t!e o*ners o) resorts and spas$ *!ere bottles *ere served in signature silver and gold sleeves 0ense o) e+clusivity )or Fii *ater
Ways o) esti"ating carbon Yes; Carbon Accounting can be used6 )ootprint 9rocesses undertaken to nancial incentive$ it also illu"inates •
FIJI Water4s e"ploy"ent o) "arketing tec!ni7ues to establis! an environ"ental brand$ regardless o) t!e scienti>c realities 2everage "arketing and 93 policies to rein)orce its stand on sustainable practices in t!e lig!t o) its la*suit to "aintain t!e reputation o) t!e brand Fii needs to usti)y its accounting syste" *!ic! it !as used
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