FIGHTING FANTASY the Shamutanti Hills

January 25, 2017 | Author: jasc0_hotmail_it | Category: N/A
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FIGHTING FANTASY the Shamutanti Hills d20 system adventure published by Myriador, conversion by James Wallis. From the c...


SORCERY! The Shamutanti hills Based on the Fighting FantasyTM book by Steve Jackson

Credits Author: Jamie Wallis Editor: Sean Borthwick Producer: Mike Dymond Art Director: Martin McKenna Cover Illustration: Mel Grant (represented by Artist Partners) Internal Illustrations: Janine Johnston Additional Illustration : Martin McKenna Graphic Design: Martin McKenna Cartography: Martin McKenna and Jamie Wallis Typography: Jamie Wallis Project Manager: Geoff Oades Finance Planning: Nigel Dixon Lead Playtester: Tim Birkbeck Playtesters: Julian Turner, Chris Gooch, Karen McDonald, Mike Wilson, Alastair McLaughlin, Clare Salter, Paul Davis FF Consultant: David Holt



Adventure Summary Preparation Quick Play Campaign Integration How to use this Book Using Maps & Miniatures

Luck and Magic Luck and Turn / Rebuke Undead Stand alone Luck Checks Opposed Luck Checks Optional Luck rule Restoring Luck Normal regeneration of ability points Magical means - spells and potions Discretionary Awards by the DM. Scenario Awards Monsters and Luck

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New Ability Score Standard Point Buy Method Using Luck Luck Difficulty Class Minimum Luck Score Saving Throws & Luck Skills & Luck Opposed Skill Checks & Luck Checks Without Rolls & Luck Combat & Luck Using Luck to hit an opponent Using Luck to increase the damage dealt Using Luck to reduce the damage taken

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SORCERY! - The Shamutanti Hills For the DM For the Characters The Adventure

Appendix 1 - New Monsters Appendix 2 - New Magic Appendix 3 - Campaign Play Appendix 4 - Characters

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legal notice The d20 conversion of SORCERY! 1 - The Shamutanti Hills is © 2003 Myriador Ltd, all rights reserved. 'Myriador' and the Myriador logo are trademarks of Myriador Ltd. 'Fighting Fantasy' and the Fighting Fantasy logo are trademarks of Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone and are used with permission. Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used with permission. 'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 4.0. A copy of this License can be found at / d20. The d20 conversion of SORCERY! 1 - The Shamutanti Hills is presented under v1.0a of the Open Game License (OGL) and as required a copy of the OGL can be found at the rear of this publication. All game mechanics and statistics derived from Open Game Content (OGC, as defined by the OGL) and the System Reference Documents are to be considered OGC. Everything in the following sections, apart from Product Identity listed below (as defined by the OGL) is also to be considered OGC: Luck, Appendix 1 New Monsters and Appendix 2 New Magic. All place names, character names, monster names, art work, cartography, trade marks, trade dress and other elements as defined in section 1(e) of the OGL are to be considered Product Identity, this includes but is not limited to: Fighting Fantasy, Myriador, Titan, Kakhabad, Zanzunu Peaks, Crown of Kings, Chalanna the Reformer, Femphrey, Ruddlestone, Lendleland, Gallantria, Brice, Analand, Birdmen, Xamen Peaks, Baklands, The Old World, The Night of the Black Moon, Archmage of Mampang, Kharé - Cityport of Traps, Jabaji River, Elvin, Skunkbear, Two-tailed Serpent, Titan Cavetroll, Titan Hilltroll, Titan Manticore, Shamutanti Hills, Cantopani, Sightmaster, Sindla, Ferrell, Old Schanker Mines, Grungore, Waarg, Pilfer Grass, Kristatanti, Lea-Ki, Alianna, Wooden Golem, Dhumpus, Taddapani, Minimite, Birritanti, Flanker, Gaza Moon, Torrepani, Svinn, Karleth Hawke, Thorgrim Greymantle, Emelni Telia, Kaspar Seltair and Tobin. Printed in Canada

Introduction The Shamutanti Hills was the first adventure in the four-part SORCERY! series by Steve Jackson. These game books used the Fighting Fantasy™ rules system for combat, luck etc. but they had a difference to the other Fighting Fantasy™ books…. Magic. Fighting Fantasy™ was a revolutionary new idea, part book, part game. It gave the reader a unique experience - a fantasy adventure where you are the hero. The Fighting Fantasy™ series has 59 titles to date (63 including the SORCERY! Series) and has sold over 15 million copies worldwide and has been translated into over 20 languages. The Warlock of Firetop Mountain alone sold over 2 million copies. Now the Fighting Fantasy™ books are being re-released allowing a new generation of players to explore the Citadel of Chaos, confront the Warlock of Firetop Mountain or get lost in the Forest of Doom. This book is a conversion of SORCERY! 1 - The Shamutanti Hills - into a d20 role-playing game scenario. The original books were a solo experience; we have written this scenario to allow players to challenge the adventure on their own or as part of a small group of adventurers. The inclusion of the new Luck rules give the single player a good chance of success without making groups of players too powerful. The SORCERY! books could be picked up and played with a minimum of preparation, we have written this scenario to reflect this including pre-generated characters, full colour maps and other play aids to get you started quickly. For more information about Roleplay games, Fighting Fantasy™ and SORCERY! The Shamutanti Hills - visit the Myriador website:

Adventure Summary It was a night that many people will never forget, the night of the Black Moon, the night that the Crown of Kings was stolen from the quiet and peaceful province known as Analand… your homeland. You have been given the task of returning the Crown of Kings, stolen by Xamen Birdmen and taken to the Archmage of Mampang. This is the first part of your epic adventure which will take you across the perilous Shamutanti Hills of Kakhabad. Will you avoid the deadly Headhunters, Elvins and Hill Giants and make it safely to Kharé - The City Port of Traps.



In addition to the books required (as stated on the cover of this product), which are referred to as the DMG, PHB and MM, a set of polyhedral dice (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12 and D20) is also needed to play. Pull out Character sheets of the four pre-generated characters can be found in Appendix 4 - Characters Full colour maps and pre-generated character sheets can be downloaded free from

Quick play One of the great attractions of the Fighting Fantasy™ series of books is that it is very easy to pick up a book and start playing, everything you need is provided in the books, you just need to grab a pencil to get straight into the action. We have tried to write this scenario in the same way, providing you with everything we can so that you can get on and play the game without having to spend ages preparing. Simply hand out the pregenerated characters, get your dice ready and start playing. Detailed dungeon floor plans, pre-generated character sheets with rules summaries and character and monster tokens are available free to owners of this book and can be downloaded from Notes are included in the back of this book to help you integrate this scenario into an ongoing campaign, or visit our website: where more information can be found about Titan, the Fighting Fantasy™ world.

Campaign Integration SORCERY! - The Shamutanti Hills is the first of four scenarios in the SORCERY! campaign; the other three scenarios will follow directly on from this one forming a campaign that will take either a single character or a party of third level characters through to 10th level. However, there is no reason why this adventure couldn't be used as part of an on-going campaign where a party of characters need to travel across the wilderness. Guidelines and advice are available free from to help you integrate this scenario into your campaign and suggestions are included about adjusting difficulty levels.

How to use this book The first pages of this scenario contain background information for the DM. Later pages contain the rules for the new (optional) Luck ability, these rules should be studied by the DM and the players. Towards the rear of the book you will find summaries of new monsters, spells and magic items as well as advice about integrating this adventure into your campaigns. The bulk of the book contains the scenario information divided by location. Each location entry in the scenario is shown on the main map provided, a full colour 1" = 5 feet map of each location can be obtained free from: A description of each location is provided for the DM detailing its contents and any monsters present. The shaded text boxes contain information that the DM can either read out or paraphrase to the players. Other information should be kept secret from the players until they discover it. Descriptions of how each monster is likely to react are included in the room descriptions. The DM controls all the creatures within The Shamutanti Hills except the player characters and is free to change their behaviour as he / she sees fit. The DM is advised to read through the scenario at least once before you play.

Using Maps & Miniatures Using maps and miniature figures adds a whole new dimension to playing this game. They help the DM to 'set the scene' and players to see where characters and monsters are, what the dungeon looks like and make combat more exciting and realistic. Full colour maps, pre-generated character sheets, character and monster tokens are all available free to owners of this book from: (make sure you have your copy of this book available when downloading these free extras).

Luck Luck was a major factor in the Fighting Fantasy™ series of books. The d20 system includes a range of skills that are used where Luck was in the original books. However, we wanted to keep the overall tone & feel of the Fighting Fantasy™ books so we have included Luck as a new Ability score. This scenario is aimed at small parties of players (mini-groups). The inclusion of Luck gives them an edge that makes up for their lack of numbers. Players should be encouraged to use Luck as often as possible - it may make the difference between success and failure! To reflect this, it is easier for characters to recover Luck than it is for other Ability scores, methods of restoring Luck are given under the heading: Restoring Luck.

New Ability Score Luck is determined in the same way as other Ability scores. There are several options available (see DMG Chapter 2, Ability Scores Generation). The maximum possible starting Luck score is 18 regardless of race. A character's starting Luck score can only be increased by magical means or by spending attribute points gained as the character becomes more experienced. Luck will be treated as an Ability score in every respect i.e. lost Ability scores are regained at the rate of one per day (see DMG Chapter 3, Running the Game, Ability Score Loss).

Standard Point Buy Method Because there are now 7 Ability scores instead of the normal 6, the amount of starting points is increased to 30 rather than 25 (See DMG Chapter 2, Ability Scores Generation, Standard Point Buy)

Using Luck A character may use Luck to change or influence events, reducing the damage taken from an enemies attack for instance, or increasing their chance of picking a lock. Luck can be used to modify a character's skill checks, saving throws, attack rolls, and melee / ranged damage dealt. You can also use your Luck to reduce the damage you take from an enemies attack. Luck checks must be resolved BEFORE the action that they are affecting is undertaken (exception: reducing damage taken in melee / ranged). The result

of the Luck check is applied as a modifier to the action. You may only check Luck once per action undertaken and the result only affects that action. A character's Luck score is temporarily reduced by 1 every time Luck is checked. Luck cannot be used to give a character feats or special abilities that she would not normally have. i.e. a fighter cannot use Luck to allow her to turn / rebuke undead.

Luck Difficulty Class Luck is checked against a Difficulty Class (DC). (See PHB Chapter 4, Skills, Using Skills, Difficulty Class) The base DC for Luck is 10. Ability Luck check = D20 + Ability Modifier (Luck) against DC10 A total roll of 10 will give you a +1 bonus. For every 2 points over 10 that you roll you gain +1 to the outcome that Luck was used to affect (i.e. 10 = +1; 12 = +2; 18 = +5 etc…). If the Character fails her Luck check by up to 5, there is no penalty. However, if the character fails by 6 or more, she will suffer a -2 penalty to the outcome that Luck was used to affect. Example: Ellion G'aarak decides to test her Luck to help her fight 2 Orcs by giving a modifier to hit them. She rolls a D20 and adds her Luck ability modifier getting a total of 13, success! Ellion now adds +2 to her next attack roll against the Orcs and her Luck is temporarily reduced by 1. Later in the same fight Ellion decides to test her Luck to add to her attack roll again, this time she rolls a total of 4. Ellion has failed to make the required DC10 by 6. Ellion now suffers a -2 penalty to her attack roll and her Luck is temporarily reduced by 1. If she had rolled a total of 7, she would still have failed in her Luck check but not suffered a penalty. However, her Luck would still have been temporarily reduced by 1.

Minimum Luck Score When a character's Luck score reaches 0 they can no longer choose to test their Luck. Luck cannot be lowered further than 0, and cannot be used again until it is raised to at least 1.

Saving Throws & Luck Luck can be used to modify the result of saving throw using the same method as described above (under the heading: Luck Difficulty Class). The character makes a Luck check and than applies the result as a modifier to their saving throw.

Skills & Luck Luck can be used to modify the result of skill checks using the same method as described above (under the heading: Luck Difficulty Class). The character makes a Luck check and then applies the result as a modifier to their skill check. e.g. Rhana Quinn has fallen off a rickety bridge into a fast flowing river. The DM determines that a skill (Swim) check (DC15) is required for Rhana to safely swim to the nearby riverbank. Rhana is not a good


swimmer having only a skill of 1, which is reduced by -7 because of her equipment (-1 per 5lbs carried). This means that the best she can hope to do is 20 + 1 - 7 = 14 meaning she can't succeed! She decides to use her Luck to help her reach the riverbank safely. Rhana rolls a D20 getting 15 and adds her Luck ability modifier (+2 from an Ability score of 14) for a total of 17. She has succeeded by 7 so she may add +4 to her Swim check. She now makes her Swim skill check D20 + 1 (Swim skill) -7 (equipment carried) +4 (Luck). She rolls a 17 giving her a final result of 15. Rhana just manages to scramble to the riverbank. Rhana reduces her Luck temporarily by 1. If Rhana had failed her Luck check, for instance rolling a 3 on her D20 (+2 Ability modifier) = 5, her Swim check would then have been D20 +1 (Swim skill) -7 (equipment carried) +0 (Luck check result) giving her a maximum possible result of only 14. She would start to drown. Of course she could use Luck again in the next round to help her survive.

Opposed Skill Checks & Luck Luck can be used to modify the result of opposed skill checks using the same method as described above (under the heading: Luck Difficulty Class). The character makes a Luck check and than applies the result as a modifier to their opposed skill check, which is then compared to their opponents check as normal.

Checks Without Rolls & Luck You cannot 'take 10' or 'take 20' when testing your Luck.

Combat & Luck Luck can be used in combat in three ways. To increase your chance of hitting an opponent, to increase the damage you deal to an opponent, or to reduce the damage taken from an opponent's blow.

Using Luck to Hit an Opponent A character may make a Luck check (as described under the heading: Luck Difficulty Class) the result of which is then added or subtracted to her next attack roll to hit an opponent.

Using Luck to Increase Damage Dealt When a character has successfully hit an opponent, he may make a Luck check (as described under the heading: Luck Difficulty Class) and add or subtract the result to the damage dealt by his attack. The Luck check must be made before damage is rolled. Luck damage is never multiplied by a critical success.

Using Luck to Reduce Damage Taken


When a character has been hit by an opponent's attack, she may make a Luck check (as described under the heading: Luck Difficulty Class) and apply the result to reduce or increase the damage she suffers from the attack. Damage reduced by a Luck check can never be reduced to less than 0. She can decide to make the Luck check before or after damage has been rolled.

Luck and Magic Luck cannot be used to increase or decrease the effectiveness of a spell or magical effect. Luck can be used to increase the chance of hitting with a magical attack, such as a ray, by modifying the to-hit roll or it could be used to modify the result of a Spellcraft check to help identify a spell being cast. Similarly it could be used to increase the chance of making a successful saving throw to counter a spells effect.

Luck and Turn / Rebuke Undead Luck can be used to increase the chance of turning / rebuking undead but cannot increase the effectiveness. i.e. Luck may be applied to the Turning Check Result, but cannot be used to increase the maximum hit dice affected, or the number of HD affected. e.g. Ellion G'aarak is a 4th level Cleric. Entering a room Ellion encounters 4 zombies, she decides to attempt to turn them and to use Luck in her attempt. Ellion makes a Luck check, the result of which is added to her Turning check result which may make her more likely to succeed. However, Luck cannot be used to change the maximum effectiveness of her turning attempt, she can still only possibly affect undead with 8HD or less. Neither does Luck alter the number of such undead she can affect.

Stand alone Luck Checks There will be situations within the adventure when Luck can be used to determine the outcome. Depending on the situation the DM may appoint a higher or lower Luck DC. The DM must never use Luck to replace a saving throw or Skill check that already exists. In the example below an unsuccessful Luck check would then require a Reflex save to avoid falling in the water. An example of a stand alone Luck check: If the characters are walking over a rickety old wooden bridge, does a rotten plank break under the weight of one of the players? The DM decides that the characters will have to be particularly Lucky to avoid all the rotten planks and gives this situation a Luck DC of 15. As with all Luck checks, once a stand-alone Luck check has been made (whether successful or not) the character must temporarily reduce his Luck score by 1.

Opposed Luck Checks Two characters are sitting at the table playing cards. Who will win? The simple solution to this is for the characters to make an opposed Luck check. Both characters roll a D20 and add their Luck modifier. The character with the highest Luck result wins. Each character that made the opposed Luck check must temporarily reduce his Luck score by 1.

Optional Luck Rule If a character rolls a natural 1 on the Luck roll the DM may rule that that character has been so unlucky that he automatically fails whatever he was attempting to use Luck for: If he was using Luck to modify his attack roll then the attack automatically misses; if he was

using Luck to modify his chance to Pick a lock the attempt automatically fails; if he was using Luck to modify his melee damage roll, he scores no damage at all; If he was using Luck to modify his opponents melee damage roll, his opponent does full damage etc.

Restoring Luck Luck can be restored in a number of ways. Luck cannot be increased past its starting value except by magical means (see Appendix 2 - New Magic, New Spells). Any excess Luck points that would take a character's Luck score above the original value are lost.

Normal Regeneration of Ability Points (see DMG Chapter 3, Ability Score Loss)

Magical Means - Spells and Potions Any spell that restores Ability points can be used to restore Luck points. Examples include: Lesser Restoration, Restoration and Fortune (see Appendix 2 - New Magic, New Spells) Any potion that restores Ability points can be used to restore Luck points.

Discretionary Awards by the DM. DMs can choose to award Luck points to characters for particular acts of daring or heroism. It should be remembered that Luck is an extremely powerful ability that can allow characters to succeed at tasks that they normally wouldn't be able to achieve. Care should be taken when awarding Luck points, don't give the characters too much or you could make any scenario too easy, but don't be too stingy with your Luck awards or the characters will probably fail.

Scenario Awards At various points in this adventure Luck points are awarded to characters. These Luck awards can be increased / decreased at the DM's discretion. Luck awards are to the party as a whole, it is up to the DM to determine how they are divided amongst the characters. E.g. if a party of 3 characters are awarded 2 Luck points the DM can give 1 point each to 2 of the players or 2 points to one of them. At the DM's discretion - award the points to the characters who played the most significant role in gaining them.

Monsters and Luck Luck is a player character specific Ability score. Monsters and NPCs do not gain the Luck ability score.

SORCERY! - The Shamutanti Hills (Map 1) For the DM Centuries ago, in the time now called the Dark Ages, whole regions of the world of Titan lay undiscovered. There were pockets of civilisation, each with their own races and cultures. One such region was Kakhabad, a dark land at the ends of the Earth. Although several warlords had tried, Kakhabad had never been ruled by one man. All manner of evil creatures, forced from the more civilised lands beyond the Zanzunu Peaks, had gradually crawled into Kakhabad, which became known as the vermin pit at Earth's End. Civilisation and order had spread throughout the rest of the known world aided by the discovery of the Crown of Kings by Chalanna, the Reformer of Femphrey. With its help, Chalanna became the Emperor of the largest empire of the eastern world. This magical Crown had mysterious powers, bestowing supernatural qualities of leadership and justice upon its owner. But Chalanna's own ambitions were not of conquest. He wished instead to establish peaceful nation-states aligned to Femphrey. Thus in his wisdom, he passed the fabled Crown from ruler to ruler in the neighbouring Kingdoms and thus, with the help of its magical powers, these lands became peaceful and prosperous. The path was set. Each ruler would own the Crown of Kings for a four-year period in which to establish order within their Kingdom and fall in with the growing Femphrey Alliance. So far, the Kingdoms of Ruddlestone, Lendleland, Gallantria and Brice have taken their turns under the rule of the Crown. The benefits were immediate. War and strife were virtually unknown in those lands. The King of Analand duly received the Crown of Kings amid great ceremony and from that day onwards, the future of Analand was ensured. No one quite knew how the Crown of Kings could have such an enormous uplifting effect on a whole nation. Some said it was Divinely inspired; some that its power was merely in the mind. But one thing was certain - its effects were unquestionable. All was well in Analand, until the night of the black Moon. The King was first to discover that the Crown was missing. Carried off on that starless night by Birdmen from Xamen, the Crown was on its way to Mampang in the outlaw territories of Kakhabad. News came from the Baklands that the Crown had been carried to the Archmage of Mampang who had ambitions to make Kakhabad a Kingdom united under his rule. Although Kakhabad was a dangerous land, it was in its self little threat to the surrounding kingdoms. The lack of a single ruler meant it had no army and its own internal struggles kept it permanently preoccupied. But with the Crown of Kings to establish rule, Kakhabad could potentially be a deadly enemy to all members of the Femphrey Alliance.


The shame of losing the Crown was great, but that paled beside the other effects; the kingdom of Analand had been thrown into turmoil, all the benefits gained from 2 years under the Crown were rapidly disappearing, crime and lawlessness were rampant. Even worse, the neighbouring kingdoms now looked upon Analand with fear and suspicion; it couldn't be long before war once again stalked across the land.

For the characters Read this aloud to the players: For two years now Analand has prospered under the influence of the Crown of Kings. The fabled Crown was first discovered by Chalanna the Reformer of Femphrey, its mystical abilities to help rulers run their kingdoms wisely and well prompted Chalanna to lend his Crown to neighbouring kingdoms. Now the Crown is passed among the kingdoms of the Alliance of Femphrey, each kingdom keeping the crown for 4 years and using its powers to make their kingdom happy and prosperous. The kingdoms of Brice, Ruddlestone, Lendleland and Gallantria have all benefited from the Crown's influence, and for the last two years so has Analand. Now however, the Crown had been stolen. On the night of the Dark Moon Birdmen from Zanzunu or the higher Xamen peaks seized the Crown and have carried it off towards Mampang. This can only mean that the Archmage of Mampang seeks the Crown's power to help him unite the land of Kakhabab under his rule, a rule that will threaten all the nations of the Femphrey Alliance. The shame of losing the Crown is great, and the people of Analand have sunk into despair or lawlessness. But greater still is the threat posed by the Archmage. The Crown of Kings must be recovered. You and your companions have been chosen from many volunteers to undertake this perilous quest; travel across Kakhabad to the Mampang fortress and find the Crown of Kings or Analand and the Alliance are doomed! The first stage of your journey will take you across the Shamutanti Hills to Kharé - a Cityport on the river Jabaji. You are advised by the King's guards to stick to the paths and not to wander into uncharted woods and hills. Now go to encounter 1

Wandering Monster Tables 1 - Daytime Wilderness The DM must make one secret roll on this table while the characters are moving between encounters on the Overlay map 1. On the roll of a 1 on a D6 the characters have encountered a wandering monster. The DM must roll a D10 and consult the following table: DM's note: if the characters are within wooded areas the DM should add 3 to the dice roll to determine which monster has been encountered.

1-3 1D6 Elvins: hp 4 each (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters) 4-6 1D4 Wolves: hp 10 each (see MM, Animals for more information on Wolves) 7 A Skunkbear: hp 27 (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters) 8-9 A Serpent, Two-tailed: hp 30 (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters ) 10+ A Titan Cavetroll: hp 18 (see Appendix 1 New Monsters)

2 - Night Time Wilderness The DM must make a secret roll on this table while the characters are camped for the night. On the roll of a 1 on a D8 the characters have encountered a wandering monster. The DM must roll a D10 and consult the following: DM's note: if the characters are within wooded areas the DM must add 3 to the dice roll to see what monster has been encountered. 1-3 1D4 Wolves: hp 10 each (see MM, Animals for more information on Wolves) 4-6 1D4+1 Goblins: hp 4 each (see MM for more information on Goblins) 7-9 1D6 Elvins: hp 5 each (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters) 10+ A Serpent, Two-tailed: hp 30 (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters)

The Shamutanti River The Shamutanti River features in the lower half of the Wilderness map (map 1). The river is 20ft.- 30ft. wide on average and 20ft. deep in the middle. The river is fairly calm. Any character who wants to swim the river must make a skill (Swim) check (DC10).

The Adventure Encounter stats: All encounter statistics have been calculated presuming that the creature is using a onehanded weapon with one hand. If the DM decides that the creature will use its one-handed weapon with two hands it will gain 1½ times its Strength bonus to damage (provided it has a bonus).

1. The Cantopani Gate (EL 0) Read this aloud to the players: You awake at sunrise. After dressing, you breakfast on bread and goat's milk and collect your belongings. Outside, the outpost settlement is stirring: the women-folk emerge to wash and prepare their meals as the day's guard takes over. Eyes follow you as you leave your hut and walk towards the Shamutanti wall. The frontier people are well aware of your mission and a small crowd of well-wishers follow some distance behind you. Before you stand the Cantopani Gates. Guarded constantly by Sightmaster Warriors, chosen for their powers of telescopic vision, the gate is the final doorway between Analand and Kakhabad. Once more you check your packs.


Satisfied that your preparations are complete, one of you nods to the Sightmaster Sergeant. For the last time he glances at the lookout atop the gate, who signals the all clear. The Sergeant orders the bolt to be withdrawn. A doorway opens up in front of you and you get your first glance of the Shamutanti foothills, the first stage of your journey. The Sightmaster Sergeant strides over and grasps each of you in turn by the hand. "I will not wish you a safe journey, for the way ahead will NOT be safe. Kakhabad is a treacherous land inhabited by Devils. But this I am sure you already know. Take the path ahead to Cantopani, a small settlement of traders although most are Rogues and Thieves - which you should reach within the hour. From there onwards there are three routes through Birritanti to Kharé on the Jabaji river. From Kharé you must cross the Baklands, which are unknown. It is said that day and night, the Baklands are controlled not by the sun but by supernatural forces; and bear in mind also that from Kharé onwards your progress will be watched!" His warnings do little to inspire confidence in you all. He continues: "I have observed your training and you are all worthy of the task ahead of you. I wish you luck and success with your quest. My thoughts and the good wishes of the people of Analand will be with you. With Libra on your side may you lift the curse and depression which rack our Kingdom." You shake him by his hand; thank him for his good wishes and step up to the gate. Resolutely, you pass through the doorway. The faces of the folk watching your departure reveal the hopes that rest with you and with the success of your quest. With a wave, you turn and face the hills. The early morning air is crisp and the rising sun paints the hills in colours of natural beauty that conceal the devilry ahead.

2. Cantopani - Traders Village (Map 2) DM's note: please refer to Appendix 3 - Campaign Play for the map of Cantopani and the map key. The characters journey to the trading village of Cantopani is an uneventful one. It will take the characters about an hour to get there. Read them the following: The path winds through fields of wild scrubland. The countryside is deserted and only the cawing of an occasional crow breaks the eerie silence. The birds appear to pause in the air to examine you as they pass. You pass over a small hillock, from the top of which you can see the path continuing downwards into a small settlement of huts at the base of the Shamutanti Hills.


If the characters continue down the path towards Cantopani Village, read them the following: The path from Cantopani Gate leads through the small settlement. As you approach, noises and activity indicate that the village is populated.

If the characters enter the trading village via the main path, read them the following: The round huts are made of a hard-baked, bright clay with thatched roofs. As you pass, eyes appear at dark doorways watching your every movement. If the characters proceed through the village, one of the locals will appear from a hut. The man stands 5ft. tall with thickset arms and thighs half clothed in tattered breeches. His eyes are wild and his long red hair and beard stand out on his face in a wiry tangle. "Halt strangers", he commands. "What business have you in Cantopani?". This man is Farrell the village Overseer. If the characters ask Ferrell what is in the village he will point out to them huts of interest: If the characters would like to do some trading he will direct them to: map location 2 -Tharis's trading post. If the characters are hungry or in need of additional provisions he will send them to: map location 3 - The Cantopani Inn; if the players ask for directions to Kharé, read them the following: "I myself have never left this village" says Farrell. "However, I do know that there are two paths ahead. My advice does not come for free though. Pay me two gold pieces and I will advise you on your journey". If one of the party pays Ferrell the two gold pieces, read them the following: He places the coins in a pouch around his waist. "The low way leads through the Vale of the Elvin", he says, "and unless you are prepared for the Elvin ways you had better avoid this path for they are mischievous and magical. The highway takes you up into the hills past the old Schanker Mines". He laughs, and adds: "but you must keep your head if you take this path! Head onwards to Kristatanti, which you will reach in a day or two. Few villages in the Shamutanti Hills welcome strangers but you will find food and shelter at Kristatanti. And beware the Black Lotus on your travels - its sweet aroma is deadly." This is all the advice that Ferrell will offer. If the characters persist in their questioning he will walk away, laughing and muttering about keeping your head.

3. Thieves! (EL 5) This encounter takes place just outside of Cantopani on the north road. Two of the locals are hiding in waiting behind some bushes for the characters to pass. In order to see the hiding Rogues the characters must make opposed skill (Hide / Spot) checks. The Rogues Hide skill is listed in their stats below. The Rogues will attack the characters at the most opportune moment. Male Human Rog3 (2): CR 3 (each); Size M (5 ft., 10 in. and 5ft., 11in. tall); HD 3D6+3; hp 16; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+3 Dex, Leather Armour); Attack +3 melee (Shortsword 1D6), or +6 ranged (Light Crossbow 1D8); SA Sneak attack +2D6; SV Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +2; AL LE; Str 11, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 11. Languages Spoken: Common, Goblin. Skills and feats: Balance +9, Craft +6, Disable device

+7, Disguise +6, Hide +9, Listen +6, Move silently +6, Sense motive +7, Spot +5; Dodge, Weapon focus (Light Crossbow), Weapon focus (Shortsword). Equipment: Each man has a Shortsword and a Light Crossbow with 10 bolts. Both men wear Leather Armour.

4. The Crossroads (EL 0) As the characters approach the crossroads, read the following: The path you are following ends at a T-junction. The new paths lead either north-west following a river into the valley or north-east up into the hills. Sitting in the lower branches of a tree by the junction you can see an old man. "Would you be so kind as to help an old man down from this tree?" he inquires. The man is Alias Gumar of Kharé. He is actually a young Sorcerer who is travelling from Kharé to Analand. He encountered the Old Witch (location 24) and tried to steal one of her spells but he was caught. The Witch cast an aging spell on him. He is hoping to get to Analand to have the spell removed very soon. While in the body of an old man, Alias has lost his spell casting ability and is rather vulnerable. He was attacked by Elvins not long ago, who stole what possessions he had and left him in the tree. Alias will not divulge the information about being young and being caught stealing. If the characters help Alias to get down from the tree he is very grateful. In return for their kindness, Alias recites a rhyme that he heard that he feels might help the characters. He is not sure exactly what the rhyme

signifies but he knows that the Elvins are particularly keen on finding the key in question: See him though he sees you not; The black-eyed creature creeps. A guardian once but now his lot: The key to freedom keeps. This rhyme is referring to the Blind Beggar in encounter 15 who has the key to the gaol in Kharé. Alias also gives the characters his only remaining possession: a page from a spell book (page 102). The spell is incomplete but it is used later in this adventure in encounter 24 - The Witches Hut.. Alias thanks the characters for their help and walks south towards The Cantopani Gate. If the characters make a successful skill (Listen) check (DC10) they can hear a faint buzzing coming from around the tree that Alias was in. If the characters investigate they will find a bees nest high in the tree. If a character climbs the tree (DC5) and knocks down the bees nest he will suffer 1D3 hit points damage from multiple bee stings but he will be able to gather a days rations worth of honey and some bees wax. The wax has no use in this adventure.

5. Warning Sign (EL 0) If the characters are following the path into the hills, read them the following: You reach the brow of a hill and stop in your tracks. To your left is a clearing in the trees in which several poles are firmly planted in the ground. Atop the poles are heads! - Human heads, Goblin heads and some that are so decayed and rotted that it is hard to recognise who or what they once were. All of the


eyes and mouths of the decapitated heads have been sewn-up. In front of you, painted in blood on the side of a large tree, is an X. Ahead the path forks to the left and right. It is difficult to make out which way you are being warned not to take!

6. The Old Schanker Mines (Map 3)


When the characters reach this location they can hear the sounds of activity; talking in the Goblin tongue and the clanking of metal against rock. In order to investigate this noise, the characters will have to stray from the path. Please refer to MAP 3 - The Old Schanker Mines. All rooms and corridors have 10ft. ceilings. Corridors are rough-cut stonework either 5ft. or 10ft. wide (please refer to the overlay map for details). Doors are wooden (good), unless otherwise stated in the text. All doors are unlocked unless otherwise stated. Any locked doors have average locks unless otherwise stated. The Mine is unlit unless otherwise stated. Doors: Good Wooden; 1½ inches thick; Hardness 5; Hit points 20; Break DC25 Locks: Average lock; Open lock DC25 Listen checks: All Listen check DC are calculated assuming the character is standing in the adjacent square to the door (2½ ft. away). If a player actively listens at a door (presses his ear to the door) then reduce the Listen DC by 2 or increase the Listen check by +1 for every 10 feet that the character is from the noise (+5 if it passes through a door).

Map 3 - 1. Mining Operation (EL 2) If the characters move closer to get a better look, read them the following: In a clearing ahead you can see a number of Goblins in front of a cave entrance. It appears that the Goblins are mining in the cave as they are trudging in and out of the opening carrying large bowels full of glistening rocks and dull metallic nuggets. There are eight Goblins working here (there are additional Goblins asleep in location 4- The Goblins Sleeping Quarters). The Goblins walk into the Schanker Mine entrance and go to see Grungore the Ogre in room 3. From here, they take the newly crushed rocks and bring them out side for sieving. Any gemstones are taken to Waarg the Goblin Captain in room 5. If the Goblins spot the characters, they will send one of their number to inform both Grungore and Waarg; the remainder will prepare to defend the mine. They will not let anyone into the Mines and will attack at the most opportune moment. Goblin, small humanoid (8): CR ¼ each; Size S (3 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 1D8; hp 4 each; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex, +1 Size, Leather Armour); Attack +2 melee (Shortsword 1D6 -1); SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0; AL NE; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: Goblin. Skills and feats: Hide +6, Listen +3, Move silently +4 and Spot +3; Weapon focus (Shortsword). Equipment: Leather Armour and a Shortsword each (see MM for more information on Goblins).

Map 3 - 2. Grungores Room (EL 0) This is where Grungore the Ogre sleeps. If the characters enter this room, read them the following: This natural cavern is empty except for a crude straw bed in an alcove in the south wall. If the characters make a skill (Search) check (DC10) they will find 3 small gems hidden in the straw bed. The gems are worth 15gp each. Map 3 - 3. The Mining Ogre (EL 2) The door to this room is locked. Standing in front of the door is another Goblin. This Goblin has the job of unlocking the door to let his fellow Goblins in and out with the crushed rocks (and also to stop the Ogre from leaving). This guard knows that there shouldn't be anyone other than his fellow Goblins and the Ogre in the mine. If he spots the characters he will attempt to unlock the door and call to the Ogre for help. If the characters enter the room, read the following: In the centre of this room is a strange-shaped mechanical apparatus. It looks like it could be used as a stone press or cutter of some sort. An Ogre is operating the machine. He is dropping stones in at one end and turning a large handle which crushes the rock. All around the room are large piles of unprocessed rock. This is Grungore the Ogre. The machine he is operating makes quite a bit of noise, coupled with the fact that he is used to people coming in and out of this room and ignoring him. He will not take much notice of the door being opened (-3 to Spot and Listen checks - these are incorporated in Grungore's stats). However, if he spots the characters he will attack. If the characters look around this room and make a skill (Search) check (DC15), they will find 2 large gems that Grungore has hidden under the machine. Both gems are worth 150gp each. Goblin, small humanoid (1): CR ¼ ; Size S (3 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 1D8; hp 4; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+1 Dex, +1 Size, Studded leather); Attack +2 melee (Shortsword 1D6 -1); SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0; AL NE; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: Goblin. Skills and feats: Hide +6, Listen +3, Move silently +4 and Spot +3; Weapon focus (Shortsword). Equipment: Studded Leather, Shortsword. A Silver Key which is to open the door to room 3. (see MM for more information on Goblins). Grungore the Ogre, large giant: CR 2 ; Size L (8 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 4D8 +8; hp 36; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (-1 Dex, -1 Size, +5 natural, Hide Armour); Attack +9 melee (Huge Great Club 2D6 +8); Face / Reach: 5ft. by 5ft ./ 10ft. SV Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +1; AL CE; Str 22, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7. Languages Spoken: Giant. Skills and feats: Climb +5, Listen +0, and Spot -1; Weapon focus (Great Club). Equipment; Hide Armour and Great Club (see MM for more information on Ogres).

Map 3 - 4. Goblin Sleeping Quarters (EL 1) This room is the sleeping area for the Goblins. Several crude, straw mattress beds are laid out on the floor. There will always be 1D3 sleeping Goblins in this room. If the characters look around and make a skill (Search) check (DC15) they will find one of the Goblins prize possessions - A Dagger +1 wrapped in cloth and hidden under some stones under his mattress. Goblin, small humanoid (1-3): CR ¼ each; Size S (3 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 1D8; hp 4 each; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex, +1 Size, Leather Armour); Attack +2 melee (Shortsword 1D6 -1); SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0; AL NE; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: Goblin. Skills and feats: Hide +6, Listen +3, Move silently +4 and Spot +3; Weapon focus (Shortsword). Equipment: Studded Leather, Shortsword. (see MM for more information on Goblins). Map 3 - 5. The Goblin Captain's Chambers (EL 3) This door is locked. This is Waarg the Goblin Captain's Quarters. He keeps the door locked and has the only key to the door with him at all times. The room has a straw mattress in the north-west corner and a desk in the centre. Positioned behind the desk is a small 2ft. by 1ft. chest that has all 8 of the gemstones that the Goblins have mined so far. The gemstones have a value of 50gp each. Waarg has been sent to these old abandoned Mines by his Clan Leader Y'eergrag of the Black Skulls. Y'eergrag had heard a rumour that the Mines could still be worked for their valuable gemstones and that they were only abandoned due to the dangerous working conditions and threat of monster attacks. He was correct. The Dwarfs and Human miners fled the Mines many years ago. Various portions of the main mining sections collapsed killing scores of workers. Skunkbears, Headhunters and Elvins caused no end of problems for the miners, and so they abandoned the Mine. Since then there have been many collapses leaving only small section still workable. This is where the Goblins of the Black Skull and their Ogre have been for the last few weeks. Their mining knowledge and skills are not great though, they have crushed more gems into worthless powder than they have collected! If the characters either attempt to force the door or pick the lock Waarg, who is in a constant state of readiness, will hear them and prepare. He will lock the chest with the few gemstones in it and hide behind the door. He will attack the first person to enter the room at the most opportune moment. Waarg, male goblin Ftr3: CR 3; Size S (3 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 3D10+3; hp 31; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 20 (+3 Dex, +1 Size, Leather Armour and Small Wooden Shield); Attack +6 melee (Shortsword 1D6 +2); SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2; AL LE; Str 13, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: Giant, Goblin, Undercommon. Skills and feats: Hide +7, Jump +4,


Listen +5, Move silently +4, Spot +5; Alertness, Dodge, Expertise, Weapon focus (Shortsword). Equipment: Leather Armour +2, Shortsword +1 and a Small Wooden Shield +1. He also has the key to the door, the small chest key and an ornate silver key with the number 111 inscribed on it in his pocket. The ornate silver key with the number 111 inscribed on it has no use in this adventure. Map 3 - 6. The Old Mine (EL 0) This tunnel is all that remains of the original mine. It continues on for about 150ft. before it ends at the huge cave-in that killed 40 or so miners. If the characters proceed into this tunnel, read them the following: This corridor is a much older part of the mine, rotting wooden struts and supports line the short (5ft. tall by 5ft. wide) corridor walls and ceiling. Map 3 - 7. Cave-in! (EL 4) When the characters reach this point, they can hear creaking and cracking coming from the wooden supports above their heads. The roof is about to cave in and the characters must act fast. The cave-in has a 15ft. bury zone and a 5ft. slide zone at either end. The characters can either return to Waarg's quarters or run further into the old mine. Whatever the characters decide to do they must make a successful skill (Balance) check (DC5) to move along the short, rough cut tunnel at speed and avoid the cave-in. If any characters are unsuccessful they take 8D6 damage, Reflex save (DC15) for half damage, and are pinned (see DMG, Chapter 4 Cave-ins and Collapses). Map 3 - 8. A Shallow Pit (EL 0) If the characters go further into the old tunnel they will find a Shallow Pit (5ft. deep). Looking into the Pit characters will see faint rays of light coming from a small tunnel at the bottom. The tunnel is only 3ft. high and the characters will have to crawl along it if they want to proceed. The first person into the tunnel will find a pair of animal skin boots. If they are dusted off they look in very good condition. The boots are Borrinskin Boots and can be sold for 2gp and have no other use. Map 3 - 9. Crack in the Hillside (EL 0) The tunnel ends at a large crack in the hillside which is covered and almost totally concealed by bushes. Anyone looking for this concealed entrance from the outside must make a skill (Search) check (DC30).

7. Beautiful Flowers (EL 3) This encounter will take place when the characters stop to rest on the path anywhere between the bridge and encounter 5 on the Wilderness map.


The path you are following through the woods continues up and over a hill. At the top you can see some of the most beautiful flowers that you have ever seen growing in a nearby clearing. It seems so quiet and peaceful here and looks like a nice place to stop for some lunch.

If the characters do stop and have something to eat, ask them to make a skill (Listen) check (DC10). If they are successful they hear a small flock of birds all take flight at the same time from a tree not too far from where the characters are camped. A party of Headhunters are moving towards the characters and have startled the birds in the tree. One of the Headhunters will move silently towards the characters to get a better look. If he is not spotted, he will attempt to incapacitate them with his poison darts. If all of the characters are hit by the poison darts and are unconscious. Their heads will appear on fresh poles at encounter 5 as a warning to others not to wander into Headhunter territory. Headhunters (4): hp 6 each (see Appendix 3 Campaign Play, The Headhunters' Village)

8. Covered Pit (EL 3) If the characters continue to follow the trail, read them the following: The undergrowth on the trail you are following is becoming much thicker. It appears as though this path is seldom trodden. This is Headhunter country! Several Headhunters are hiding in the undergrowth waiting for an unsuspecting soul to fall into their trap. In order for any of the characters to see the Headhunters, they must make opposed skill (Hide / Spot) checks - The Headhunters gain a bonus of +5 to their Hide skill due to the long grass. If any characters fall into the pit, the Headhunters will attack any remaining characters by firing their poison darts at them in an attempt to render them unconscious. They will then do the same to any who remain alive at the bottom of the pit. If all of the characters are rendered unconscious by the Headhunters' poison darts, they will be taken to the Headhunter Village (see encounter 12). Trap: Headhunters have dug a 10ft. deep pit along the trail and covered it with foliage etc. Any character who makes a successful skill (Spot) check (DC15) will see the pit coverings. Any character who falls into the pit will have to make a skill (Climb) check (DC15) to get out. Covered Pit Trap: CR 1; no attack roll (1D6 falling damage); Reflex save (DC14) avoids; Search DC10; Disable DC15. Headhunters (4): hp 6 each (see Appendix 3 Campaign Play, The Headhunters' Village)

9. The Elvin Village (EL 2) If the characters are following the path, read them the following: The path you are on continues to bend north, still following the west bank of the Shamutanti River. Ahead, you can see smoke rising in the distance. As you get nearer you can see a cluster of huts made out of thatched twigs and branches. The smoke is rising from a small fire in the centre of the huts. There are no signs of movement or noise coming from the village, it seems to be deserted. If the charac-

Curse: Every time you take damage: combat, falling, spell etc., you take an additional 1D4 points of damage. The curse cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish spell. If the characters open the box on the right, read them the following: Inside the box is a small cloth bag and an old rusty key. Guarding both these items, with its tail poised and ready to strike, is a scorpion.

ters decide that they want to give the village a wide birth (without swimming the river) and head west into the hills they will soon pick up the path that leads through the hills. If the characters proceed into the village, read them the following: The village seems to be completely empty. In the centre of the huts is a small fire that has been built into a shallow recess. The huts in this village are quite small with doorways about 2ft high. Three of the doorways have brightly coloured drapes hanging from them: red, green and brown If the characters look in to any of the other huts they will find little of interest: straw beds, animal skins, food in the form of berries, nuts etc. The Red Draped Hut If the characters look in to the hut with the red drape, read them the following: There is a low table and three stools in the middle of the hut. On the table are two uninteresting boxes, both fastened with a catch. Neither of the boxes are locked or trapped. If the characters open the box on the left, read them the following: The box is empty. However, smoke begins to swell up from within its depths. The smoke rises out of the box and forms a face in the air; a thin, Elf-like face. The eyes on the strange face flick open suddenly. "Strangers", booms the smoky vision, " you tamper with forces you know nothing of. I am aware of your quest and you cannot succeed. I am the Spirit of Mananka and I curse your quest". A random character is touched by the smoke and must make a Will save (DC16) or suffer the following

If a character reaches into the box the vicious Scorpion will attack him. The Scorpion is too small to climb out of the box. The cloth bag contains 20 gold pieces. The old rusty key is used to open the cage in encounter 17 - Alianna's House. Monstrous Scorpion, tiny. tiny vermin: CR ¼ ; Size T (1ft. long); HD ½ D8+2; hp 4; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 14 (+2 Size, +2 natural); Attack +2 melee (2 Claws 1D2 -4) and -3 melee (Sting 1D2 -4 and poison); Face / reach: 2½ ft. by 2½ ft. / 0 ft.; SA Improved grab, poison; SQ Vermin; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0; AL N; Str 3, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2. Languages Spoken: None. Skills and feats: Climb +4, Hide +15, Spot +7. Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects. Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the Monstrous Scorpion must hit with its claw attack. If it gets a hold, it hangs on and stings automatically. Poison: Tiny Monstrous Scorpion Poison; Fort save (DC11); Initial and Secondary damage 1D2 Str. The Green Draped Hut If the characters go into the hut with the green drape, read them the following: Cushions ring the inside of this small hut. As you enter strange pipe music begins to play but you cannot see from where the music is emanating. If any of the characters brought a Small Bamboo Pipe from the merchant - Ryan of Brice - at the Cantopani Village, ask them to make a skill (Listen) check (DC5). If they are successful they will hear their Small Bamboo Pipe joining in with the music being played in the hut. The owner of the Small Bamboo Pipe will have the equivalent of a Cure Moderate Wounds spell bestowed upon him which cures 2D8 +2 hit points (this will happen once per day). If the characters do not possess the Small Bamboo Pipe, nothing untoward will happen. The music will continue as long as someone remains within the hut. A faint aura of magic can be detected in the hut. The Brown Draped Hut A Riding Dog guards this hut. If a character enters the hut without the Dog's owner, it will attack. There is nothing of value or interest in this hut. Dog, small animal: CR 1; Size M (5ft. long); HD 2D8+4; hp 12; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 40 ft.; AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural); Attack +3 melee (Bite 1D6 +3); Face / reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft.; SA None; SQ Scent; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1; AL N; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6. Languages Spoken: None. Skills and feats: Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +5, Wilderness lore +1*.


Equipment: The Dog is wearing a collar studded with small green gems (value 80gp). Skills: *Dogs receive a +8 racial bonus to Wilderness lore checks when tracking by Scent.

10. Pilfer Grass (EL 0) Read the following to the players: The grass here is growing quite high (about waist height). The trail you are following seems to have been trodden down by someone who has passed before you and seems to be continuing in the direction that you want to be heading. The long grass that the characters are walking through is called Pilfer Grass. The long blades of grass will attempt to steal an item from each of the characters (+15 Pickpockets) as they pass through. The grass will make two such attempts per character and will not steal any item heavier than 4lbs. The items stolen will be dropped on the floor at the point at which they were taken. If any of the characters have the Tracking feat and make a successful skill (Wilderness lore) check (DC10), they can determine that the trail is quite old, at least a day, and was made by tiny feet - several Elvins passed this way yesterday. If the characters decide not to follow this trail and wade through the grass creating a new trail, ask them to make two skill (Spot) checks (DC10) at staggered intervals. If they are successful on the first check they find a small bag of 20 gold coins. If they are successful on the second check they find a small locket containing the portrait of a woman valued at 10gp (this item has no relevance to the adventure).

11. Elvins! (EL 7) The path that the characters are following winds through the hills for quite some distance and steadily climbs higher . Hiding in the trees alongside the path are a group of Elvins (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters). These small mischievous creatures will attack the characters as they pass by throwing a mixture of normal and special magically enhanced acorns at them. The magic enhanced acorns have had a variant of the 'Magic Stone' spell cast on them by the Elvin Cleric and will cause 1D6 damage on a successful hit (treat these acorns as the Magic Stone spell except for the damage dealt). The Elvins have 3 magic acorns and hundreds of normal ones (which cause no damage). The Elvins will find this highly amusing, laughing and giggling as they rain acorns on the characters. If the characters attack the Elvins they will retaliate with their tiny bows and swords for 2 rounds before fleeing into the woods. Elvins (20): hp 7 each (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters)

12. The Headhunters' Village (Map 4)


DM's note: please refer to Appendix 3 - Campaign Play for the map of The Headhunters' Village and map key. If the characters have been captured by the Headhunters and brought here, read the following:

When you regain consciousness, you find that your possessions are missing and you have been bound hand and foot and taken through the woods to the Headhunters' Village. There, you have each been placed in a sturdy bamboo cage and a warrior Headhunter is standing guard over you. From this unfortunate position you can also see in the centre of the village a huge pot on a roaring fire being filled with water. If a character wants to try and escape, he must make an opposed skill (Escape Artist / Rope Use +10) check to escape his bindings, then make a Strength check (DC10) to beak the bamboo cage. The warrior Headhunter on guard will notice the characters trying to escape his / her bonds by making a successful skill (Spot) check (DC20) and hear the bamboo cage breaking by making a skill (Listen) check (DC10). If the character is spotted trying to escape, the Headhunters will attack. If the character falls unconscious (due to the poison) their freshly decapitated head will appear on a new pole at location 5 as a warning to others not to wander into Headhunter territory. Any captured characters will be kept in the cages (location 1 on the map) The characters' belongings (weapons, back packs etc.) are being kept in a hut (location 2 on the map). If the characters escape (and are spotted leaving the village) they will be pursued by a war party of 4 Headhunters for a maximum distance of 2 miles before the war party give up and return home. If the characters stumble upon this village by mistake, please refer to Appendix 3 - Campaign Play for more information.

13. The Skunkbear (EL 2) If the characters are following the path towards Kristatanti, ask them to make a skill (Listen) check (DC10). If successful they can hear some twigs and undergrowth rustling, this noise is being made by an approaching Skunkbear. If the characters are aggressive or act in a hostile manner, the Skunkbear will attack at the most opportune moment. If the characters decide not to attack this creature and try to calmly move around it, ask them to make a skill (Animal Empathy) check (DC19). If successful the Skunkbear will snarl and growl but let them leave, if not it will attack until it has driven the characters away. Skunkbear: hp 28 (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters)

14. Kristatanti (map 5) DM's note: please refer to Appendix 3 - Campaign Play for the map of Kristatanti and the map key. If the characters are approaching Kristatanti via the path, read them the following: Further along the hill path you can see a small settlement. As you get nearer you can see that most of this village is set into the steep side of a hill. A small, hand-painted sign resting on a rock reads 'Kristatanti Village'. If the characters proceed into Kristatanti, read them the following:

The couple of hill dwellers that you pass seem to stare at your clothes. Their own attire is rough by comparison and everyone seems to wear their hair long, but piled up on their heads. If the characters decide to look around the settlement or decide to stop for the night, please refer to Appendix 3 - Campaign Play for more information on Kristatanti.

15. The Beggar (EL0) If the characters are leaving Kristatanti via the path, read them the following: You reach a T-junction. The path now continues in two directions; north and north-west. Sitting on a rock, close to the junction, is a blind Beggar-man. "Alms for the infirmed?" he inquires with an out stretched hand. The man looks a sorry sight: skinny and sparsely clothed. His eyes have been painted with a dark dye to indicate his blindness. If the characters give the Beggar a silver or copper coin, he thanks them for their generosity and wishes them good health on their travels. If the characters give the Beggar a gold coin, read them the following: The blind man rubs the coin in his fingers and trembles excitedly. "Why, this is a golden coin my lord. You are too generous to a poor sightless Beggar such as myself. Where are you heading for?" If the characters tell the Beggar that they are travelling to Kharé, read them the following text. "Your generosity cannot go unrewarded", he reaches into his pocket, produces a copper key and insists that you take it. "Years ago I lived in Kharé", he tells you. "Kharé was my home and in the Cityport I watched over the prisoners in the gaol. But Kharé is

an evil place, inhabited by all manner of creatures. Beware the Red-Eyes in Kharé or my fate will befall you too, and a Beggar's life is not a happy one. Kharé is also wary of strangers but this key will help you, should you be captured by the city guards". With that the old man stands, waves farewell and starts walking towards Kristatanti. If the characters do not wish to tell the old man where they are going, he thanks them again for their generosity and starts to make his way to the Kristatanti ale house.

16. Lea-Ki. Realm of the Hill Giants (EL7) If the characters are following the path, read them the following: Ahead of you, standing almost 15ft. tall, is a large gate across the path. The gate is slightly ajar. To the left and right of the gate is a high, thick bramble hedge that continues on as far as you can see in both directions. If the characters attempt to climb over the hedge, they must make a skill (Climb) check (DC10) but they will take 1D4 points of damage per action due to the razor sharp thorns. It takes 3 rounds to climb over the hedge. If the characters proceed through the gate (or over the hedge), read them the following: To the right, the hill rises sharply upward and you can see two caves. The path passes 30ft. in front of the caves before continuing down toward the valley. This is Lea-Ki, home of the Hill Giants. The left cave is not very deep and appears to be a storage area or rubbish tip of some description. The only items of interest in this cave are: a large, oversized humanoid skull (this is a Hill Giant's skull), a large broken stool and a fishing net with huge mesh. None of the items in this room are relevant to the adventure. The right hand cave is home to 3 Hill Giants. Two of the Hill Giants are currently away hunting. These creatures are aware of the nearby human settlements but do not want any trouble. They know that if they attack the settlements, humans will track them down in great numbers and kill them. However, they are also very protective of their lands. Buurk, the remaining Hill Giant, keeps a close vigil over the surrounding lands from the comfort of his stone chair about 20ft. inside the cave entrance. Next to his chair are always kept at least 10 large, throwing stones. If the characters attempt to get past the caves without being seen, they will have to make opposed skill (Hide / Spot) checks with the Giant. If the Hill Giant spots the characters he will throw a stone at them and stand in the cave entrance waving his club to ward them off. If the characters remain, he will attack until they are driven off. Inside the right hand cave are the Hill Giants' possessions: 3 straw mattresses, various animal skins and dried meats, 800gp and 3 gems worth 50gp each. Buurk, Hill Giant: CR 7; Size L (15 ft., 7 in. tall); HD 12D8+48; hp 75; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 40 ft.; AC 20 (-1 Dex, -1 size, +9 natural); Attack +16 / +11 melee (Huge


Great Club 2D6 +10), or +8 / +3 ranged (Rock 2D6 +7); Face / Reach: 5ft. by 5ft./ 10ft.; SA Rock Throwing; SQ Rock catching; SV Fort +12, Ref +3, Will +4; AL CE; Str 25, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 17. Languages Spoken: Giant. Skills and feats: Climb +9, Jump +9, Spot +4; Cleve, Power attack and Weapon focus (Great Club). Equipment: Huge Great Club

17. Alianna's House (EL 4) If the characters are following the road from Kristatanti, they will find a sign post next to a track that leads south-west. The sign points down the track and reads 'Alianna's House'. It also points north-west, along the path that the characters were originally following, the sign pointing in this direction reads 'Dhumpus'. If the characters follow the track south-west towards Alianna's House, read the following: Some way down the track you come to a hut in a rather picturesque setting, among trees with leaves of contrasting shades of green. Flowers decorate the walls of the hut and the door is painted in bright colours. The door to the house is unlocked. Alianna, the owner of the house, has been locked in a cage in the kitchen by mischievous Elvins. She has been there now for over 2 days! If the characters knock at the door, Alianna will hear them and shout for help. The characters must succeed at a skill (Listen) check (DC7) in order to hear the cries for help. If the characters enter the house, read them the following: The house is neatly laid out inside; obviously the touch of a fastidious woman. Chairs are round a table, one of the chairs is of a very odd design. It looks like it has been carved from a tree stump with arms and legs! A mattress lies in one corner and a large kitchen area indicates that whoever lives here is fond of cooking. You can hear a cry for help from a corner of the kitchen that is obstructed by a large cupboard.


The strangely designed chair is in fact a Wooden Golem (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters). The creature will only obey commands from its creator Alianna. If the characters investigate the cries for help, they will discover a young and rather beautiful woman in a small cage behind the cupboard. "Good strangers", she pleads, "Please help me? I have been locked in this cage for 2 days now by Elvins". The cage has a lock on it. A character must make either a skill (Open Locks) check (DC20) or an ability (Strength) check (DC15) to open the cage. If the characters do not look like they will release her or if they bargain for a reward, Alianna will grudgingly offer to reward them once she is free. Offering either a magical Armband that is of benefit to those who wield a sword or 2 Scrolls (see below). She will not reveal the location of these items until freed. If the characters' demands are excessive (they demand both the Armband and the Scrolls), Alianna

will eventually pretend to agree with them until she is released from the cage, at which point she will order her Wooden Golem to attack. If the characters refuse to release her, Alianna will order her Wooden Golem to attack. Characters looking around the house must make a skill (Search) check (DC35). If they are successful they will find Alianna's secret hiding place under a floorboard. The secret compartment has in it: An Armband, 2 Scrolls and a small bag with 43gp in it. The Armband is magical and is called Ragnar's Armband of Sword Mastery (see Appendix 2 - New Magic). The Scrolls have the following spells on them - Scroll 1: Cure Serious Wounds and Lesser Restoration. Scroll 2: Mirror Image, Bulls Strength and Dogs Luck (see Appendix 2 - New Magic, New Spells) Wooden Golem: hp 30 (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters) Alianna, female human Clr4: CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 4D8+4; hp 26; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +4 melee ( Unarmed attack 1D3 +1 subdual damage); SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +7; AL CN; Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 14. Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Concentration +6, Heal +8, Hide +1, Listen +5, Move silently +1, Spellcraft +8, Spot +8; Alertness, Brew potion, Skill focus (spellcraft). Equipment: A beautiful white dress and a holy symbol. Cleric Domains: Protection - The character can generate a protective ward, a spell-like ability to grant someone the character touches a resistance bonus equal to the character's level on the recipient's next saving throw; Luck - Granted Power: The character gains the power of good fortune, which is usable once per day. This extraordinary ability allows the character to re-roll one roll that the character has just made. The character must take the result of the re-roll, even if it's worse than the original roll. Cleric Spells Revised (5 / 4+1 / 3+1): Level 0: Create water, Cure minor wounds x2, Guidance and Virtue. Level 1: Bane, Command, Doom and Sanctuary. Level 2: Darkness, Hold Person and Summon Monster II.

18. Dhumpus (Map 6) DM's note: please refer to Appendix 3 - Campaign Play for the map of Dhumpus and map key. If the characters are following the path they will find a sign that says 'Welcome to Dhumpus'. The path leads into a small hamlet made up of stone and clay huts and houses.

19 Taddapani - Plague Village (EL 4) If the characters are following the path toward Taddapani, read them the following: As you approach the village you can see that it looks quite run down. The thatching on most of the huts is in disrepair and the fields are overgrown with weeds, which have strangled the now dead crops. The villagers are a sorry looking bunch, most are hunched over or walk with sticks, some have missing limbs and are only able to drag themselves along the muddy floor.

Ahead, in a clearing, you can see a small wooden hut. A large humanoid creature stands in front of the hut with his back to you. The creature is brandishing a large Halberd and seems to be on lookout. This creature is a Hill Troll. It killed the occupant of this hut many months ago and now spends its time patrolling its ill-gotten lands. If the creature spots the characters it will attack at the most opportune moment. In the hut are the Hill Troll's possessions: a feather mattress and blanket, 3 short spears and some dead rabbits hanging on a hook. If the characters make a successful skill (Search) check (DC10) they will find the Hill Troll's prized possessions hidden in his mattress: 52gp, a gem worth 30gp and a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds that will heal 2D8+3 hit points. Titan Hilltroll: hp 30; AC 17 (-1 size, +5 natural, Leather Armour); Attack +9 melee (Halberd 1D10+5) Equipment: Leather Armour, Halberd and a Talisman of Luck +2 (see Appendix 2 - New Magic) hanging around its neck. (See Appendix 1 - New Monsters for more information on Titan Trolls).

21. Jann the Minimite (EL 0) This is the hamlet of Taddapani. Three months ago the village was infected by a terrible plague, which has now affected the entire population. 170 of the 210 people that lived there have been killed by the deadly disease so far. It won't be much longer before Taddapani is little more than a deserted ghost town. As the characters approach, the people of the hamlet will make their way back to their huts as quickly as they can. The people of Taddapani think that the disease is passed on by touch and will try to avoid the strangers. If the characters proceed into the hamlet they will be approached by a young woman, read them the following: The little woman can be not much older than 20 years of age. Her back is crooked and she has blisters all over her skin. She looks at you with sad eyes. "Please strangers, tell me you are here to cure us of this terrible plague?" The woman, Bronnie, will start to cough uncontrollably and collapse in front of the characters. Any character that touches Bronnie will have to make a Fortitude save or be infected by the plague. Bronnie is beyond curing and will die at the characters feet. Plague: Touch; Fortitude save (DC20); Incubation 1 day: Damage - permanent 1D4 Str and 1D4 Con per day. If a character is infected with the Taddapani plague he must make a Fortitude save each day until cured or dead. On the second day of infection small blisters will appear on the infected characters skin.

20. Troll Patrol (EL 3) If the characters are following the path, read them the following:

If the characters are following the path to Birritanti, read them the following: The path ahead leads down into a vale. Nestled between three steep hills lies a town, and rather a large one at that. Jann the Minimite (see Appendix 2 - New Monsters) will be around this location and will adopt one of the characters to annoy (if one of the party is obviously a Sorceror or Cleric, Jann will choose to 'adopt' them). Jann has a permanent anti-magic field 15ft. radius around him. Anyone within the field has 100% arcane and divine magic failure chance. Read the following passage to the character who Jann had adopted: You hear a lively chirping sound very close to your head. Hovering by your shoulder is a small, humanoid creature no bigger than the size of your thumb. It is child-like in appearance but very thin, with green skin, and it flits around you on transparent wings. Jann will introduce himself and engage the character in conversation. He knows the area quite well and points out that the large town ahead is called Birritanti and that it is the largest town in the Shamutanti Hills. Jann will stay with his 'new friend' until he is banished by a ritual in either of locations 24 or 26. He cannot be persuaded to leave and is very difficult to hit in combat. However, if attacked by a missile weapon he will fly out of sight and return later at the DM's discretion. DM's note: If Jann flees due to being attacked with missile fire he will not return to the characters after the Svinn village (encounter 26).

22. Birritanti (Map 7) DM's note: please refer to Appendix 3 - Campaign Play for the map of Birritanti and the map key.


If the characters are following the path to Birritanti, read them the following: As you approach the small town of Birritanti, you can see flags flying from two huge guard towers positioned either side of the road. There appears to be a good deal of merriment coming from within the town. If Jann the Minimite is with the characters he will point out that today is Birritanti's festival of the young. Once a year the children are given the freedom of the town. It is a time of great fun and pranks. If the characters proceed into Birritanti, read the following: A number of children can be seen sitting in the streets drinking ale and smoking pipes. One of the children, a young boy of about 12 years of age, has had far too much to drink and sways on the step on which he sits. The other boys and girls are very loud and seem to be running around in a lawless manner. A signpost points north through the town to 'The Crystal Waterfalls'.

23. The Assassin (EL 5) The path that heads towards Torrepani passes through a small wooded area. If the characters follow this path an Assassin who is hiding in the undergrowth will attack them. The characters can spot the lurking assassin by making an opposed skill (Hide / Spot) check. The Assassin will gain a +4 roll to hide due to cover (which is not incorporated in his stats). DM's note: If Jann the Minimite is still with the characters, he will have a chance to Spot the Assassin too and will warn his new friend if he succeeds. If the characters fail to spot the Assassin, read the following: Just ahead of you the bushes part, and a man dressed from head to toe in black and holding a Scimitar steps onto the path and blocks your advance.

The Assassin's name is Flanker. He often hides on these roads and attacks wayfarers for combat practice. He will not talk to the characters and will attack at the most opportune moment. Flanker will attempt to surrender if he is seriously injured. If the characters spare Flanker's life he will be very grateful. He tells his story about using the characters for combat practice but adds that he has seriously underestimated them and never intended to kill them. Flanker promises that he will not attack the characters again and states that he will travel to Kharé and stop ambushing travellers. Flanker will give the characters all the money he is carrying if they threaten to kill him, he will not give up his equipment if he can avoid it, pointing out that this is a dangerous area and he won't survive without it. When the characters reach Kharé and are in either the Wayfarers' Inn ale house or the town's street fair, there is a chance that they will meet Flanker and receive some help (see the adventure SORCERY! Kharé - Cityport of Traps). Flanker, male human Rog5: CR 5; Size M (6ft. 3in. tall); HD 5D6+10; hp 35; Init +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 19 (+4 Dex, Leather Armour, Ring of Protection); Attack +8 melee (Scimitar 1D8 +4); SA +3D6 Sneak attack. SV Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +2; AL NE; Str 16, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 10. Languages Spoken: Common, Dwarven, Gnoll, Orc. Skills and feats: Balance +5, Disable device +10, Hide +10, Intimidate +8, Listen +6, Move silently +10, Pick pocket +10, Ride +4, Spot +5, Swim +6, Use magic device +6, Wilderness lore +5; Dodge, Improved initiative, Weapon focus (Scimitar). Equipment: Black Leather Armour +2, Scimitar +1, Ring of Protection +1, 50 gp

24. The Witches House (EL 7) If the characters are following the path to Torrepani, read them the following: Ahead, on the left of the path, you can see a small wooden hut. An old woman sits on the front step. The old woman is a Sorcerer by the name of Gaza Moon. If the characters are visible she stands up, waves them over and asks them to come in for some tea. Gaza has two pet hates; people who are suspicious of her and people who ignore her. If the characters walk past her and ignore her invitation she will become angry and shout out to them. If the characters still ignore her invitation, she will attack the characters with magic. If the characters accept Gaza's offer of tea she leads them into her house, read the following: The old lady's house is very neat and tidy on the inside. Vases full of beautiful flowers can be seen on the windowsills. A large wooden table with 4 chairs stands in the centre of the room.


Gaza will ask the characters to have a seat while she fetches the tea. As mentioned before, Gaza has a hatred of suspicious people so she has a little test to see what the characters will do. Gaza will bring in some cookies on a plate. She will set a plate for each

character and put a cookie on each plate including one for her, making sure there are enough cookies left on the plate in the middle of the table for the characters to have one more each. Example: If there are 3 characters she will put 1 cookie on each of the characters plates, 1 for herself and leave 3 on the plate in the middle of the table. She will then make an excuse to return to the kitchen saying that she forgot the tea. Here is the test of suspicion: The cookies left on the plate in the middle of the table have all been poisoned. If the characters suspect that Gaza Moon is foul of mind, they will swap their normal cookies (suspecting them to be poisoned) for the poisoned ones (suspecting them to be normal). If the characters fall afoul of the poisoned cookie scam, Gaza will scorn them for being untrusting and suspicious of an old lady. She will then look through their belongings and take two items (of the DM's choosing). She will then club the characters unconscious (reducing them to hp 0 subdual damage). The characters will wake by the path, ½ a mile from Torrepani 1 hour later. If the characters have found the spell page (given by the old man in the tree in encounter 4 - The Crossroads) she is overjoyed and gives each character the antidote to the poison. Read the section below. If the characters eat their normal cookies, Gaza Moon is pleased that they do not suspect her of being evil (she will not let the characters eat any more cookies though), and asks them about their journey. In particular she asks if they have seen an old man who is travelling to Allansia (Gaza Moon is referring to the old man in the tree in encounter 4 - The Crossroads). If they reply that they have seen him she asks if they were given a page from a spell book? If they say yes she is overjoyed. Read them the following: "Four days ago I was visited by a traveller such as your selves", She explains. "The rogue was leafing his way through one of my books when I caught him and as I challenged him he raced off, ripping the page and taking it with him. He must have been a magic user of some power considering the speed at which he vanished. I cast one of my aging spells at him, but it seemed to do no good". She thanks you for returning the page. If the characters still have the annoying Minimite with them, Gaza will offer to banish it for them as a reward for returning the page, she will also give them a gemstone worth 50gp, and 2 potions of Cure Light Wounds Gaza Moon, female human Sor7: CR 7; Size M (5 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 7D4 -7; hp 20; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (Ring of Natural Armour +3, Ring of Protection +2); Attack +3 melee (Club 1D6); SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4; AL CN; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 8, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 13. Languages Spoken: Common, Orc. Skills and feats: Concentration +8, Hide +0, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Listen -1, Move silently +1, Scry +10, Spot -1; Brew potion, Maximize spell, Quicken spell, Scribe scroll. Equipment: Sorcerers robes, Ring of Natural Armour +3, Ring of Protection +2, walking stick

Sorcerer Spells Known (6 / 7 / 6 / 4): 0th -- Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Read Magic. 1st -- Burning Hands, Charm Person, Mage Armour, Magic Missile, Summon Monster I. 2nd -- Ghoul Touch, Invisibility, Acid Arrow. 3rd - Hold Person, Lightning Bolt. Ghoul Blood Poison: ingested, Fort save (DC25), initial and secondary - Paralysis for 1D4 hours

25. Black Lotus Field (EL 5) If the characters are following the path, read them the following: The path you are following passes through a small wood and out into a huge field full of black coloured flowers. The smell of the field is very sweet. The path continues through the field of flowers and down towards the valley. If Jann the Minimite is still with the characters he will mention that the path is the quickest route to Torrepani. Growing in the field is the deadly Black Lotus flower. The plant gives off a poisonous vapour that will incapacitate even the strongest of characters. It will take the characters 20 minutes to cross the field and they must make 4 saving throws at five minute intervals while they are within the field: Black Lotus Vapour: 1st Save: Fort (DC10); Initial 1D4 Dex, Secondary - 1 Con; 2nd save: Fort (DC15); initial - 2D4 Dex, secondary -1D4 Con; 3rd save: Fort (DC18); initial - 3D4 Dex, secondary - 1D6 Con; 4th save: Fort (DC22) initial - 4D4 Dex, secondary - 2D4 Con. If the characters enter the field of Black Lotus flowers, ask them to make a skill (Spot) check (DC20) after 5 minutes. If they are successful, they will see a human skeleton lying amongst the flowers. The skeleton is wearing commoner's cloths and has no possessions. This should give them a clue about the nature of the flowers.

26. Torrepani (Map 8) DM's note: please refer to Appendix 3 - Campaign Play for the map of Torrepani and the map key. If the characters follow the path into Torrepani, read them the following: As you approach the small hamlet of Torrepani you can see that there are several small crowds of humanoids. An air of depression seems to be hanging over the entire community. If the characters walk into the hamlet and approach one of the groups of people they will see that they resemble Man-Orcs. These humanoids are in fact Svinns (see Appendix 3 - Campaign Play, Torrepani), an aggressive looking race, but looks can be deceiving. As the characters enter the village one of the Svinns will run off to get their chief, Proseus. The villagers are talking about one of their friends who was killed by an Assassin on the road to Birritanti last night. His travelling companion was lucky to get away with his life. If the characters introduce themselves to the Svinns and are non-aggressive towards them, the Svinns will explain the reason behind the


depression within the hamlet. Marauders have kidnapped the chief's daughter, Areon, several days ago and taken her to the hills to be offered as a sacrifice to a terrible Hill Demon. An ancient Svinn prophecy states that once a chief is declared, one of his siblings must take his place when he or she passes on or a terrible scourge will befall the community. The Svinn Chief, Proseus, will arrive with a large crowd of his fellow Svinns before the characters have a chance to leave the village. Read the following: "Fearless adventurers, I am Proseus, Svinn Chief and leader of Torrepani. I am sorry if the gathering of my people in mass is making you feel uncomfortable but we are experiencing troubled times. As I am sure you have been informed, my daughter and heir to Torrepani is being offered as a sacrifice to a terrible monster whose lair is within the hills several miles north-east of here. My bravest warriors have tried and failed in a rescue attempt and now we are desperate. If you will be our champions and rescue Areon the reward will be substantial." If the characters accept the desperate pleas of the Svinns, they will be hailed as heroes. Proseus will explain that they have discovered a secret entrance that leads into the monster's cave which would be better than taking the 'front door' approach (see encounter 27 - The Titan Manticore's Lair). Twentyfive members of the Svinn community will lead the characters to the well several miles outside of Torrepani. If the characters refuse to help the Svinns, Proseus will look sad and ask them for help for a last time. If again the character refuse he will say, "Then you leave me no choice". He waves his hand and the Svinns start to hit and punch the characters. The idea is to knock them unconscious (reduce them to 0 hit points with subdual damage) or get them to surrender. If the characters either surrender or are knocked unconscious, they will be stripped of all their equipment (except clothing) and locked in a hut on the outskirts of the hamlet - Ability (Strength) check (DC15) to force the door open or a skill (Open Locks) check (DC20) to unlock the door. Two Svinns will guard the door. After a couple of hours Proseus and the hamlet's Shaman, Faroneus, will appear with 20 male Svinns. Proseus will apologise to the characters for their behaviour, but as he mentioned before they are a desperate community. Proseus will order the Shaman to heal the characters and they are given food and drink. They are then taken to the well that leads to the Titan Manticore's cave (see encounter 27 - The Titan Manticore's Lair).

27. The Titan Manticore's Lair (Map 9)


All rooms and corridors have 15ft. ceilings. Corridors are rough-cut stonework either 5ft. or 10ft. wide (please refer to the overlay map for details). Doors are wooden (good), unless otherwise stated in the text. All doors are unlocked unless otherwise stated. Any locked doors have average locks unless otherwise stated. The Manticore's Lair is unlit unless stated.

Doors: Good Wooden; 1½ inches thick; Hardness 5; Hit points 20; Break DC25 Locks: Average lock; Open lock DC25 Listen checks: All Listen check DC are calculated assuming the character is standing in the adjacent square to the door (2½ ft. away). If a player actively listens at a door (presses his ear to the door) then reduce the Listen DC by 2 or increase the Listen check by +1 for every 10 feet that the character is from the noise (+5 if it passes through a door). Map 9 - 1. The Well (EL 0) Read the characters the following: Ahead you can see an old disused well which is located on the top of a small hillock. The stonewall which surrounds the well is in a terrible state of disrepair. If the characters have volunteered to save the Svinn Chief's daughter, they will have been brought to this location. The Svinns lower a rope into the disused well, telling the characters that the main cave entrance is just over the brow of the hillock, but the bottom of this well is the start of a small underground labyrinth that leads to the rear of the monster's cave via a secret door. The Svinns will lower the characters down one at a time and wait for them until nightfall. If the characters do not reappear by then the Svinns will presume the worst and head back to the village to tell the others. If the characters have been forced to save the chief's daughter, they will be brought here. The characters equipment will be thrown into the well (minus any rope they may have) and they are told that the main cave entrance is just over the brow of the hillock, but the bottom of this well is the start of a small underground labyrinth that leads to the rear of the monster's cave via a secret door. The Svinns will lower the characters down one at a time and tell them that they will wait here for them. If the characters do not reappear within 24 hours the Svinns will presume the worst and head back to the village to tell the others. The well is 50 feet deep and its walls are covered with slimy mould and moss. Skill check (Climb) DC30 to climb up it. Any character that successfully climbs out of the well will be attacked by the Svinn waiting at the top and lowered back in if captured. Map 9 - 2. Rolling Ball Trap (EL 4) Trap: There is a pressure plate located at position 2a on the map. If a character steps on the pressure plate it will release a huge 5ft. diameter steel ball from location 2 on the map. The ball is located in an alcove in the top of the south wall and will roll down at 45 degrees on metal runners until it reaches the floor. The passage way slopes to the north and the steel ball will gather speed very quickly. If the players do not run the steel ball will run over them causing 8D6 damage. If the characters run, they must make a Reflex save (DC18) in order to reach the intersection before the steel ball. The ball will stop blocking the passageway leading to room 3. Characters attempting to move the

steel ball will need to make an ability (Strength) check (DC30). Steel Ball Trap: CR 5; no attack roll (8D6 damage); Reflex save (DC18) avoids; Search (DC18); Disable device (DC20). Map 9 - 3. The Snake Pit (EL 7) Trap: In the centre of this cavern is a huge 20ft. long by 15ft. wide covered pit that is 30ft deep. If any weight is applied to the covering it will give way causing the characters to fall. The pit is filled with magically sustained venomous snakes. Every character that falls into the pit will be attacked by 15 vipers each round until they escape from the pit. There are hundreds of snakes in the pit, far too many to kill. The pit requires a skill (Climb) check (DC15) to climb out. Covered Snake Pit Trap: CR 8; 3D6 damage from the fall + snake attacks; Reflex save (DC20) avoids; Search (DC20); Disable device (DC20). Snake (small viper), small animal (100): CR 1 / 2; Size S (3ft. long); HD 1D8; hp 4 (each); Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 20 ft., Climb 20ft., Swim 20ft.; AC 17 (+3 Dex, +1 Size, +3 natural); Attack +4 melee (Bite 1D2 - 2 +poison); Face / Reach 5ft. by 5ft./ 5ft.; SA: Poison; SQ: Scent; SV: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1; AL N; Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2. Languages Spoken: none. Skills and feats: Balance +11, Climb +12, Hide +15, Listen +9 and Spot +9; Weapon finesse (bite). Equipment: None (see MM Appendix 1 for more information on snakes). Snake Poison: Bite; Fortitude save (DC11); initial and secondary damage 1D6 temporary Con.

Map 9 - 4. Water Trap (EL 7) Trap: The door to room 4 is closed but not locked. If any one opens the door beyond half way it will trigger a switch that has 2 effects: a stone wall will rise from the floor in location 4a sealing off the passageway Characters who try to get past the stone wall before it seals the passageway must make a Reflex save (DC18). Water will pour into the room via 6 holes in the ceiling which will flood the room (to the ceiling in) in 2 minutes. Characters caught in the room will drown. The trap will reset in 5 minutes. The water will drain off down the corridor. Flooded room trap: CR 6; no attack roll (drown); Reflex save (DC18) avoids; Search (DC15); Disable device (DC20). Map 9 - 5. The Titan Manticore's Lair (EL 4) The characters must make a skill (Search) check (DC15) to find the concealed door to this room. As soon as the door is opened, read the following: The floors and walls of the tunnel begin to shake; it's an earth tremor! Dust falls from the ceiling and small rocks begin to tumble down the walls. Behind you there is an almighty crash as the tunnel collapses at the junction. A cave-in has occurred at location 5a on the map. The cave-in has a 15ft. bury zone and a 5ft. slide zone at either end. Any character stood at that location will take 8D6 damage, Reflex save (DC15) for half damage, and are pinned down (see DMG, Chapter 4 Cave-ins and Collapses). If the characters proceed into the cave, read them the following:


The rear of the cave is littered with animal and humanoid remains. Just inside the door is a small Svinn girl curled up in a ball and shivering with fright. This is Areon the Svinn Chief's daughter. The poor girl looks scared out of her wits and is curled up in a small ball. If she spots the characters she will run to them and cling to them for safety. The Titan Manticore has heard the cave-in at the rear of his cave and moves to investigate. If the creature spots the characters it will attack. Titan Manticore: hp 35 (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters) If the characters kill the Manticore they can look around its lair. Littered amongst the animal and humanoid remains the characters will find: 120gp 4 gems worth 50gp each 3 potions: Bull's Strength and 2 potions of Cure Serious Wounds A wand of Acid Arrow (3rd level) 35 charges remaining An Amulet of Health +2 A Rapier +1 If the characters take Areon back to the Torrepani, read them the following: As you enter Torrepani, the entire hamlet erupts into celebration. Proseus greets his daughter with open arms. "I cannot thank you enough for saving my daughter and lifting the curse on our community. I have a reward for you from all of us here and our blessings". Proseus hands you a small bag with 4 gems in it and a ring. "The ring has magical properties but I do not know what they are", he says rather sheepishly. "Here is a gate key to Kharé. With it you will be able to slip into the city unnoticed. A traveller gave me the key 2 years ago when passing through. He told me he was never going to return to the evil, god-forsaken city ever again! I pray that you take care on your travels." The ring is a magical Ring of Protection +1. The characters may now leave Torrepani and continue on their journey. Read them the following: Soon the path leads you from the Shamutanti Hills and down across the fields towards a Great Walled City - The Cityport of Kharé - and on to the next stage of your quest… THE END

Appendix 1- New Monsters Elvins


+7 melee (Elvin Shortsword) or +7 ranged (Elvin Shortbow) Elvin Shortsword 1D4-2, Elvin Damage: Shortbow 1D6 Face / Reach: ½ ft. by ½ ft. / 0ft. SA: Nimble Attack SQ: Faerie Light Fort +0, Ref +8, Will +3 Saves: Abilities: Str 7, Dex 20, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 12 Skills: Hide +19, Listen +6, Move Silently +11, Pick Pocket +11, Spellcraft +7, Spot +6 Feats: Fly-by Attack, Weapon Finesse (Elvin Shortsword) Climate / Terrain: The Shamutanti Hills Organisation: Solitary or Gang (2-4) Challenge Rating: 1 Treasure: None Alignment: Always chaotic neutral Advancement: 3-6 HD (small) Small Fey beings are native to the Shamutanti Hills, the Elvins are seen only rarely. Indeed, the only hint of their existence is often a mysterious glow floating in the distance or an echo of laughter in the hills at night. They resemble small Elves, no larger than 2 feet tall. They glow during the hours of night with a soft, faerie light - although they may suppress this at will. When they encounter strangers, they frequently subject them to pranks and mischief, tripping them in the dark and stealing their possessions. Should the stranger accept this with good humour, they may well then leave him alone, but if not they may be inclined to give him a good thrashing. Obviously, most humanoids treat Elvins as dangerous bandits! Elvins are fascinated by sorcery, and can be persuaded to stop their trickery in exchange for a display of true magical power.

Combat Elvins like to dart about their enemy, slashing at them and ducking away again. If injured, the Elvin is likely to try to retreat however! Elvins use there own tiny weapons; Elvin Shortsword (1D4 damage) which can be used as a Dagger by creatures sized small and medium, and Elvin Shortbow (1D6 damage); range inc. 30ft. These weapons are too small to be used by creatures sized small and bigger.

Nimble Attack (Ex)

Tiny Fey Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC:


2D6 (hp 7) +5 (+5 Dex) 30 ft. or Fly 60 ft (perfect) 17 (+2 size, +5 Dex)

Despite their lack of reach, Elvins are exceptionally nimble in their attacks and do not draw an attack of opportunity from their enemy when entering their space to perform a fly-by attack.

Faerie Light (Sp) Elvins can surround themselves with a glow equivalent to that of a continual flame spell. They may suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

Minimite Fine Fey Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face / Reach: SA: SQ: Saves: Abilities:

1D6-1 (hp 2) +8 (+8 Dex) 10 ft. or Fly 60 ft. (perfect) 27 (+8 size, +8 dexterity, +1 natural) +16 melee (Bite) Bite 1 point ½ ft. by ½ ft. / 0ft. None Anti-Magic Field Fort -1, Ref +10, Will +2 Str 2, Dex 27, Con 8, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 11 Skills: Hide +24, Knowledge (Arcana) +11, Listen +5, Move Silently +13, Spellcraft +11, Spot +8 Feats: Weapon Finesse (bite) Climate / Terrain: Any land Organisation: Solitary Challenge Rating: ½ Treasure: None Alignment: Usually chaotic neutral Advancement: 2-3 HD (fine) Minimites are tiny fey creatures no larger than a man's thumb. They are universally despised by spellcasters because a Minimite drains all magic from the area around it. These little creatures are well aware of the havoc they can play on powerful magicians and find the entire situation highly amusing! Mischievous and insatiably curious, they will often accompany a heroic adventurer type on their quest (regardless of the adventurers wishes) - and make such a nuisance of themselves as to drive their new 'friend' to madness. Minimites seem totally unfazed by threats, insults, or attempts to swat or drive them away. In short, they cannot be encouraged to leave you alone! Fortunately, they are not murderous beings and sometimes develop genuine affection for their new 'friends' - although the affection of a Minimite is obviously a double-edged sword.

Combat Minimites make very poor warriors due to their abysmal strength. Therefore, they will avoid combat altogether, hovering just out of reach of an enemy, usually hurling abuse at them. They can deliver a fairly painful nip with their teeth, however.

Antimagic Field (Su) Minimites constantly emit an Antimagic field in a 15 ft. radius. All magical spells, items and effects are suppressed while within this area. The Minimite cannot voluntarily lower this field.

Serpent, Two-tailed Large Beast Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face / Reach: SA: SQ: Saves: Abilities:

4D10 (hp 22) +6 (+2 Dex, +4 improved initiative) 30ft. 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) +6 melee (Bite) and +1 melee (2 slams) Bite 1D8+3, Slams 1D6+1 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 5ft. Venom Scent Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1 Str 17, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 10 Skills: Climb +6, Hide +5, Listen +3, Move Silently +5, Spot +3 Feats: Improved Initiative Climate / Terrain: Any temperate or warm land Organisation: Solitary Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 5-8 HD (large), 9-12 HD (huge) Throughout the warmer climes of Titan, there are many strange beasts. The Two-tailed Serpent is one of the less friendly examples. They are dark-scaled snakes of enormous size with large venomous fangs the size of daggers. The body splits about two-thirds down the length of the monster into two muscular tails, which it uses to beat potential prey into unconsciousness prior to injecting them with venom. Twotailed Serpents are aggressive and territorial, and do not perceive man-sized creatures as a threat, but rather as prey.

Combat A Two-tailed Serpent will slither as close to a potential meal as possible before striking, preferring sleeping or otherwise unaware prey. If disturbed, however, they will hiss and flail their tails around them, making themselves appear as menacing as possible. They rarely break off from an attack once it has begun.

Venom (Ex) The bite attack of a Two-tailed Serpent carries venom. The Fortitude save DC is 15, and the primary and secondary damage is 1D4 Dexterity.


Skunkbear Large Beast Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face / Reach: SA: SQ: Saves: Abilities:

4D10+4 (hp 26) +0 30ft. 15 (-1 size, +6 natural) +6 melee (Bite) and +1 melee (2 Claws) Bite 1D6+3, Claw 1D4+1 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 10ft. None Fearless, Scent, Stench Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1 Str 17, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 10 Skills: Climb +8, Listen +5, Spot +5 Feats: None Climate / Terrain: Any temperate hills or mountains Organisation: Solitary, pair or family (pair and 1D4 cubs) Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 5-6 HD (large) Natives of the hilly and mountainous parts of Kakhabad; Skunkbears are much maligned animals not so much because they will attack people as readily as game but because of their legendary smell! They resemble bears with extraordinarily large ears somewhat like those of a cat. They have black and white fur, much like that of a common skunk. The territory of a Skunkbear is easy enough to recognise, because of the utterly foul musk that it seems so fond of spraying over everything. The Skunkbear is a dangerous predator, particularly as it has no fear of men - or indeed anything else. Curiously enough, Dwarves are completely immune to the Stench ability of the Skunkbear. In fact, they can't see what all the fuss is about!

Combat Skunkbears rear up on their hind legs to fight, towering over most prey. As if the claws and teeth weren't enough, they also exude an utterly putrid stench which often makes even the mightiest warrior weak with nausea. They are fierce and never flee from battle no matter what.

Fearless (Ex)


Skunkbears are not afraid of anything at all. Even magical fear seems to be less effective against them they make all saving throws against fear with a +4 racial bonus.

Stench (Ex) When excited or angry, Skunkbears produce a horrible smell, the potency of which makes it debilitating for anyone within 20 feet of them. Anyone in this area with a sense of smell (other than more Skunkbears and Dwarves) must make a Fortitude save, DC 15. If they fail, they suffer a circumstance penalty of 1D4 Strength until they have left the area for at least 10 minutes. This save need only be made once in any given hour. Creatures with the Scent ability save with a -4 circumstance penalty and suffer an additional penalty of 1 to Strength if they fail. The foul musk of the Skunkbear loses potency 10 minutes after being produced.

Titan Manticore Large Magical Beast Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks:

4D10+8 (hp 30) +2 (Dex) 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (clumsy) 17 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural) +7 melee (2 claws) and +5 melee (Bite) and +5 melee (Sting) Damage: Claw 1D6+4, bite 1D6+2, sting 1D6+2 Face / Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft. / 5 ft. SA: Venom SQ: Scent Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2 Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 9 Skills: Listen +7, Spot +7, Wilderness lore +5 Feat: Multiattack Climate / Terrain: Warm and temperate land and underground Organization: Solitary, pair, or pride (3-6) Challenge Rating: 4 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually lawful evil Advancement: 5-10 HD (Large); 11-16 HD (Huge) The result of a malevolent experiment conducted by a sorcerer dabbling with the powers of Chaos, the Manticore is a deadly hybrid of man, scorpion, lion, and bat. These creatures are filled with a thirst for the blood of humans and similar beings and possess savage natural weapons to help them quench their thirst often. They are very intelligent beasts, they can recognise when they are being baited or lured into traps - and can set their own ambushes with great cunning. Some fearful creatures treat a Manticore like a god, and make living sacrifices to appease the monster - which it is smart enough to accept and encourage!

Combat A Manticore begins most attacks by charging into battle and tearing its prey apart, repeatedly stinging it with its paralysing venom. Once into the fray, they only rarely break off again. Due to their clumsy flying abilities, they prefer to fight enemies from the ground.

Venom (Ex) The sting of the Manticore carries a paralytic poison. Anyone stung must make a Fortitude save DC 15 or suffer 1D6 points of temporary Dexterity damage. The secondary effect of the poison is another 1D6 points of temporary Dexterity damage.

Titan Trolls Trolls are large, ugly humanoids related to Ogres, Orcs, Goblins and a variety of lesser crossbreeds. They may be found in many lands but always doing what they most enjoy - being thoroughly evil! From the civilised Troll mercenaries of Port Blacks to the savage Hill Trolls of the Moonstone Hills and beyond, these creatures delight in torture, death and worse. There are a number of different types of Troll found in different areas of the world.

Titan Cavetroll Medium Humanoid Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks:

3D8+6 (hp 19) +1 (Dex) 30 ft. 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) +5 Melee (2 Claws) and +0 melee (Bite) or +5 melee (Greatclub) Damage: Claw 1D4+3, Bite 1D4+1, Greatclub 1D10+4 Face / Reach: 5ft. by 5ft. / 5ft. SA: None SQ: None Saves: Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1 Abilities: Str 17, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 6 Skills: Climb +6, Jump +6 Feats: Power Attack Climate / Terrain: Underground Organisation: Solitary Challenge Rating: 1 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Always chaotic evil Advancement: 4 HD (Medium), 5-6 HD (Large) Trolls are large, ugly humanoids related to Ogres, Orcs, Goblins and a variety of lesser crossbreeds. They may be found in many lands but always doing what they most enjoy - being thoroughly evil! From the civilised Troll mercenaries of Port Blacks to the savage Hill Trolls of the Moonstone Hills and beyond, these creatures delight in torture, death and worse. There are a number of different types of Troll found in different areas of the world. Violent, stupid and thus very dangerous, Cave Trolls are the most primitive of all Troll races. They tend to be leaner than other Trolls, their bodies lithe and mus-

cular with long arms that end in sharpened claws. They are uglier, if that is possible, than Common Trolls and their teeth are far larger, sticking out more like tusks from their drooling mouths. They are solitary, unsociable creatures, usually found hiding from daylight in a dark cave or passage deep underground. They are exclusively carnivorous and delight in the tender flesh of humans but more often have to settle for stringy rat meat. Their favourite weapons are clubs and long knives, though their claws are just as effective. They hoard shiny items, attracted by their glitter and their lairs maybe crammed with all manner of glinting things - some valuable.

Combat Trolls tend to enter combat with gleeful abandon, hewing and clawing at foes left, right and centre. Of all Trolls, only Sea Trolls tend to bother with ambush tactics, pouncing on unsuspecting victims who stray too close to the water's edge and dragging them to their doom.

Titan Hilltroll Large Humanoid Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC:

6D8+18 (hp 46) +0 (Dex) 30 ft 18 (-1 size, +5 natural, Leather Armour and Shield) Attacks: +9 melee (Short spear) or +9 melee (Greataxe) or +9 melee (Slam) Damage: Short spear 1D8+5, Greataxe 1D12+5, Slam 1D4+5 Face / Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 10ft.. SA: None SQ: None Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +2 Abilities: Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8 Skills: Climb +10, Jump +7, Wilderness lore +3 Feats: Cleave, Power Attack Climate / Terrain: Temperate hills, mountains Organisation: Solitary, pair, war band (3-8) or tribe (10-30) Challenge Rating: 3 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually chaotic evil Advancement: By character class The interminable wars between the Dwarfs and the Hill Trolls have continued since before history was recorded, for the two races loathe each other. Hill Trolls are warlike beings who provide endless hazards to travellers and settlers in the higher regions. They


Combat Wood Golems do whatever they are directed to do by their master - in combat, they simply club their enemy to death with their blunt fists.

Construct Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.


are the largest of all Trolls, usually dressed in furs and leathers, their long hair braided with bones and jewellery. Their favourite weapons are spears and axes and they also use shields and odd scraps of armour to protect themselves. They dwell in tribal villages high in the hills from where they can sweep down into the valleys to attack the settlements of Dwarfs and humans alike.

Troll Characters Those Trolls that rise above the general thuggish rabble of their fellows usually aspire to become Fighters.

Wooden Golem Medium Construct Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face / Reach: SA: SQ: Saves: Abilities:


5D10 (hp 27) -1 (-1 Dex) 20ft. 15 (-1 Dex, +6 natural) +5 melee (Slam) Slam 1D8+2 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5ft. None Construct, Damage Reduction 5 /+1 Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +1 Str 15, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1 Skills: None Feats: None Climate / Terrain: Any Organisation: Any Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 5-6 HD (medium), 7-12 HD (large) Magicians have a long history of using enchanted servants to defend them and to attack their enemies. The Wood Golem is one of the easiest to create servants a sorcerer can call upon, albeit a temporary one. These constructs are much weaker than other types of Golem but they can still be more than a match for the unprepared. A Wood Golem, when animated, warps from its base form into a misshapen humanoid - its movements are somewhat clumsy and stiff.

The cost listed for the Golem includes that of the physical body and all the materials and spell components that are consumed or become a permanent part of it. Understanding the rituals requires a character of the required level with the Craft Magic Arms and Armour and Craft Wondrous Item feats. The creator must labour for at least 8 hours each day in a specially prepared laboratory or workroom. The chamber is similar to an alchemist's laboratory and costs 500 gp to establish. When not working on the rituals, the creator must rest and can perform no other activities except eating, sleeping, or talking. If personally preparing the object that will become the Golem's body, the creator can perform the building and rituals together. If the creator misses a day of rituals, the process fails and must be started again. Money spent is lost, but XP spent are not. The Golem's body can be reused, as can the laboratory. Completing the ritual drains the appropriate XP from the creator and requires casting any spells on the final day. The creator must cast the spells personally but they can come from outside sources, such as Scrolls. The Golem costs 250 gp to create. The creator must be 10th level and able to cast arcane spells. Completing the ritual drains 125 XP from the creator and requires Mage Armour, Magic Weapon, Polymorph Other and Summon Monster V. The entire process is performed over a simple wooden object, such as a table, chair or cart. The object will then become magical and the transformation can be completed any time thereafter with but a few magic words. Once triggered, the object will transform over 1 round and then be ready to do its master's bidding however, the animation spell is temporary and after 7 days the Golem w i l l revert to lifeless wood.

Appendix 2- New Magic New Spells Dogs Luck Transmutation Level: Brd 2, Clr 2,Sor 2, Wiz 2 Components: V,S,M / DF Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Creature Touched Duration: 1 hour / level Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) The subject becomes Luckier. The spell grants an enhancement bonus to Luck of 1D4+1 points, adding the usual benefits to Luck checks. Arcane Material Components: Hair of a dog

New Magic Items Ragnar's Armband of Sword Mastery This item is usable by characters of the Fighter Class only. This armband is made of ornately inscribed steel and fits onto the users forearm. If the wearer of the armband is using any form of Sword in combat, he will gain: a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength; the Feats: Weapon focus with the Sword he is using, Weapon specialisation with the Sword he is using and Improved Critical with the Sword he is using (this Feat is gained magically even if the character does not have the +8 base attack bonus required). If the character already has the named feats with the Sword he picks up he does not receives the feat again. The character gains the Feats only when he is using the Sword in Combat (unless he already has it). All Feats and Strength bonuses are bestowed ONLY when the character is using a Sword. If two of these magical Armbands are worn at the same time an addition bonus is bestowed. The character is able to use two Swords, one in each hand, with no penalty as long as both Swords are small sized or one of the Swords is small sized and the other is medium sized. The bonus to Strength and the additional Feats are not gained twice due to wearing two of Ragnar's Armbands of Sword Mastery. If the character is using two different Swords he must decide which weapon to gain the Feats with. Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Greater Magic Weapon, Keen Edge, Bull's Strength; Market Price 36,000gp: Weight: 2lb

Talisman of Luck A Talisman of Luck increases the possessor's Luck score in the form of an enhancement bonus of +2, +4, or +6 (depending on the individual item) while the Talisman is worn. The Talisman of Luck is normally found in the shape of a four-leaved clover supported by a heavy golden chain although some differing designs have been recorded.

Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Commune or Legend Lore; Market Price: 4,000 gp (+2), 16,000 gp (+4), or 36,000 gp (+6); Weight: 1lb

Teeth of the Goblin Army These magical Teeth are typically found in bags containing 3D6 Teeth. When one of the Teeth is thrown to the floor, the Tooth will disappear and a fully Armoured Goblin will appear in its place, which acts immediately on the character's turn. It will attack the character's enemies to the best of its ability. If the character can communicate with the Goblin, the character can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. The Goblin will disappear when its task is complete or 1 hour has passed (which ever comes first). Up to six of the Teeth can be thrown to the floor as a standard action. Goblin, small humanoid: CR ¼ ; Size S (3 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 1D8; hp 4; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+1 Dex, +1 Size, Studded Leather); Attack +1 melee (Shortsword 1D6 -1); SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0; AL NE; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: Goblin. Skills and feats: Hide +6, Listen +3, Move silently +4 and Spot +3; Alertness. Equipment: Studded Leather and a Shortsword (see MM for information on Goblins). Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Summon Monster; Market Price 250gp each: Weight: neg (25 teeth weigh 1lb)

Appendix 3- Campaign play This section has been added to SORCERY! 1 - The Shamutanti Hills for those DMs amongst you that wish to incorporate this scenario into your ongoing campaign.

Character level SORCERY! - The Shamutanti Hills is a wilderness adventure that has been designed for 1-4 characters of 3rd level. The adventure is set on the Titan continent known as the Old World but could easily be relocated in a campaign setting of the DM's choice.

Cantopani (Hamlet) - Map 2 Non-standard; AL CN; 100gp Limit (with an exception to the merchants and traders who use Cantopani to sell their goods); Assets 800gp; Population 160 (all human) Authority figure: Farrell the Overseer Others: Aldrich (keeper of peace) Cantopani is an unwelcoming place. The locals will hiss and sneer at people who pass through. Thieves, brigands and cut throats all use Cantopani as a hiding place.

Hamlet of Cantopani Map Key: 1. Farrell The Overseer's House This is where Farrell, his wife Kamala and their four children live. Farrell has lived in the village of


Cantopani all of his life. He is only 45 years of age, but he looks older. His eldest boy, Aldrich, acts as the local keeper of peace although he is a troublemaker himself. Farrell the Overseer, male human Ftr1: CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 1D10+3; hp 8; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +3 melee (Unarmed strike 1D3 +1 subdual damage); SV Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +0; AL CN; Str 12, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 15. Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Climb +5, Hide +0, Listen +0, Move silently +0, Ride +4, Spot +0, Swim +5; Toughness, Weapon focus (Strike, unarmed), Weapon focus (Morningstar). Equipment: a pouch with 4 gp in. Aldrich, male human Ftr3: CR 3; Size M (6 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 3D10+3; hp 24; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+2 Dex, Leather Armour); Attack +7 melee (Longsword 1D8 +3); SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3; AL CN; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 9. Languages Spoken: Common, Goblin. Skills and feats: Climb +9, Hide +2, Listen +3, Move silently +2, Sense motive +4, Spot +2; Alertness, Combat reflexes, Lightning reflexes, Quick draw, Weapon focus (Longsword). Equipment: Leather Armour and a Longsword.


2. Tharis's Trading Post Tharis, like Farrell, was born and bred in Cantopani. He acquired the Trading Post from his father when he died 10 year ago. Tharis is not married and has no children. His worst fear is that he will die childless and the Trading Post will not carry on his family name. Tharis allows merchants to use his Trading Post to sell their merchandise (at a small cost). At the time the characters arrive a fat merchant who trades by the name of Ryan of Brice is offering some items to those who are passing through. Ryan of Brice will not let anyone touch any of his items. All are to be brought as seen only. He has: A healing juice - Cost 30gp - This concoction is made from Blimberry juice. It is not as potent as a Potion of Cure Light Wounds, it will heal 1D6 hit points (nonmagical).

A fine-edged Longsword - Cost 315gp This weapon is a masterwork Longsword A musical Pipe - Cost 10gp - The musical Pipe is made of bamboo and is relevant to encounter 9 - The Elvin Village - within the hut with the green drapes. An Axe with strange carvings - Cost 120gp - This Axe was crafted for Glandragor the Protector. Any character that makes a skill (Spot) check (DC12), will see the following inscription on the Axe hilt: 'This was crafted in the year of the Ox for Glandragor the Protector. Its powers may only be realised by it owner'. Any character that uses this weapon in combat will suffer a -3 to hit and damage. The Axe can be used later in the adventure in encounter 22 - Glandragor's Tavern. A bag containing Teeth - Cost 50gp - The bag is full of Goblin Teeth. There are 20 in all. The Teeth are magical, and are called Teeth of the Goblin Army (See Appendix 2 - New Magic) A fine, glittering jewel - Cost 60gp - The gem is an Ice Jewel. The Ice Jewel is very cold to the touch. If the Ice Jewell is not kept at below freezing for a minimum period of 1 hour per day, it will melt and become worthless. Ryan of Brice, male human Rog2: CR 2; Size M (6 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 2D6+2; hp 11; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+2 Dex, +2 Leather Armour); Attack +4 melee (Dagger 1D4 +2) or +4 ranged (Dagger 1D4 +2); SV Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +3; AL LE; Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 15. Languages Spoken: Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Orc. Skills and feats: Bluff +3, Decipher script +5, Diplomacy +7, Escape artist +7, Hide +2, Listen +5, Move silently +2, Open lock +7 Pick pocket +7, Sense motive +8, Speak language +2, Spot +9; Alertness, Weapon finesse (Dagger). Equipment: Dagger +1, Merchant robes worn over +2 Leather 3. The Cantopani Inn Jethis Ransaur owns and runs the Cantopani Inn. The Inn only has 2 rooms and traders have taken both of those. The Inn sells food and provisions at the cost of: 5 sp per simple meal or pack - this will consist of bread and local cheese with pickles (this counts as 1 days ration if brought to travel). 10 sp per Standard meal per person - This meal will consist of cold meats served with 2 vegetables and bread (this meal will serve as 2 days rations if brought to travel). The Inn has a limited choice of Beverage, both of which are brewed on the premises: Ale - 1 sp per Mug Cider - 2 sp per Mug

The Headhunter Village - Map 4 This small village is home to a small population of 35 cannibal Headhunters (6 of these are children and 9 are women none of which will fight). The village is run by Wattoo Gootoo, the Medicine Man.

Headhunters are known as such because of their grisly habit of boiling and curing the heads of their victims until they have shrunk down to a quarter of their normal size. These are then either worn as a decoration on the loincloth of the Headhunters or stuck on a pole as a warning to others. The amount of heads a Headhunter has on his loincloth is an indication of his prowess as a warrior. Headhunters dress only in a loincloth and war paint with feathers and bone decorations. Their favourite weapons are Clubs, Spears and their poisoned darts which are fired from a blowpipe. Headhunters dwell in small villages consisting of 10-50 of their kind. The village will be ruled by a powerful Medicine Man (Cleric / Shaman). The Medicine man wears a large elaborate mask in addition to his war paint and loincloth. Blowpipe and Blow-Dart; Simple Weapon - Ranged; Cost - -; Damage 1; Critical x2; range inc. 10ft.; Weight - -; Type Piercing. Headhunter Blow-dart Poison: Fortitude save (DC10); initial unconscious (1D6 hours), secondary 1D6 damage A Hunting party of 4 Headhunters will patrol the out skirts of the village to a maximum distance of 3 miles. This Hunting party will be encountered on the roll of a 1 on a D4. The DM must make a check every hour that the characters are within a 3-mile radius of the Headhunter village. If any characters are spotted by the Headhunters, they will attack at the most opportune moment, using their poison darts to render the characters unconscious. Any captured characters will be taken back to the Headhunter Village to be eaten! (Please refer to Encounter 12 - The Headhunters' Village). If the characters make it to the Headhunters' Village and are spotted by a Headhunter, a warning shout will bring 10 Headhunters running to the distress call. The Headhunters will attack at the most opportune moment, using their poison darts to render the characters unconscious. Any captured characters will be taken back to the Headhunter Village to be eaten!

(Please refer to Encounter 12 The Headhunters' Village (Map 4). If the characters flee, they will be pursued by a war party of 10 Headhunters for a maximum distance of 5 miles before the war party give up and return home. Wattoo Gootoo, male human (Headhunter Medicine man) Clr4: CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 4D8; hp 25; Init +3(+3Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +6 melee (Shortspear 1D8 + 3), or +5 ranged (Blowpipe 1+ Poison) or +5 ranged (Shortspear 1D8 + 3); SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6; AL CE; Str 16, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 12. Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Concentration +6, Heal +8, Hide +5, Jump +4, Knowledge (nature) +3, Listen +2, Move silently +4, Spot +2, Wilderness lore +2; Brew Potion, Point blank shot, Track. Equipment: Medicine Man's Tribal Mask, Loincloth, Shortspear, Blowpipe and 2 Poisoned Blow-darts (10 normal blow-darts). Cleric Domains: Trickery, Death. Cleric Spells Per Day: 5 / 4+1 / 3+1. Typical Headhunter, male human Ftr1: CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 1D10; hp 5; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +2 melee (Shortspear 1D8+1), or +3 ranged (Blowpipe 1+ poison) or +2 ranged (Shortspear 1D8+1); SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0; AL CE; Str 13, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Balance +2, Hide +2, Intimidate +1, Listen +2, Move silently +3, Search +2, Spot +2; Dodge, Improved initiative, Weapon focus (Blowpipe). Equipment: Shortspear, Blowpipe and 2 Poisoned Blow-darts (10 normal blow-darts), Loincloth.

Headhunter Village Map Key Inside the huts (apart from the ones mentioned below) there are leaf mattresses, animal skins and dried meats (both humanoid and animal) and a collection of simple weapons: a Bamboo Blowpipe and 10 Darts, a Shortbow and 10 Arrows. 1. The Cages This is where the characters will wake if they are captured. These Cages are made of a strong bamboo. Any character who wishes to break their way out must make a successful Strength check (DC10). If the characters discover the location of this village they will find the Bamboo Cages empty. 2. Storage Hut If the Headhunters have captured the characters , their equipment will be stored in here. The Headhunters have not had time to sort through the characters' belongings yet and so nothing is missing. In the Hut, as well as the characters' belongings if they were captured, are 2 barrels of fruits (apples, plums etc.), four boxes of Darts for use in the Bamboo Pipes (300), Several clumps of dried twigs which are used for repairing the thatched roofs on the huts, 2 boxes of Feathers, 4 Deer Legs hang from hooks in the roof and lots of scattered bones.


3. The Dinner Pot In the centre of the village burns a huge fire that is sunk into a 5ft recess in the floor. Atop the fire is a huge, blackened cooking pot that measures over 5ft. in diameter. The Headhunters use this pot to cook their captured 'dinner guests' alive! 4. Wattoo Gootoo's Hut This is where the Headhunters' Village elder lives. His hut is very similar to the other huts in the village with the following exception; Whenever 'dinner guests' are brought back to the village, Wattoo Gootoo roots through their belongings and keeps what he considers valuable (or just decorative). He has collected: 1005 GP, 401 SP, 3 gems worth 30gp each, a Dagger +2 and an Amulet of Natural Armour +2.

Kristatanti Settlement (Thorp) - Map 5 Non-standard; AL N; 40gp Limit (with an exception to the merchants and traders who use Kristatanti to sell their goods); Assets 80gp; Population 40 (all human) Authority figure: Kristat (Ftr4) Others: Braden Torrick (Ftr2) Kristat, a miner by trade, discovered a vein of silver in a hill cavern while trekking the long road between Analand and Dhumpus (his home town). Kristat hid the cavern and returned to Dhumpus and called upon his family and friends to help him mine the silver. News of the silver vein spread fast and attracted several mining families to the area, they formed a small but peaceful community. The miners had the idea of carving their homes out of a steep, almost sheer, side of a large hill close to the mine and as a tribute to the man who formed the community, called the settlement Kristatanti. The silver vein has long since been exhausted but the small community remains. Traders and merchants alike travel the path on which Kristatanti was founded on a fairly regular basis and so both the small tavern and guesthouse see a regular trade. The miners have recently discovered a coal pit that has brought another income to the settlement.


The settlement is home to 40 hill dwellers that are of a peaceful disposition. Kristat looks after the village, although he does not declare himself a leader or ruler.

Kristatanti Settlement Map Key 1. The Settlement Kristatanti settlement has mainly been built into the side of a tall hill with a steep, almost sheer, side. When the characters first arrive at the settlement they will see that the hillside, from which two buildings protrude, has been painted in elaborate murals and designs. Typical Hill Dweller, male human Ftr1: CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 9 in. tall); HD 1D10+1; hp 5; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +3 melee (Unarmed strike 1D3 subdual damage); SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will 1; AL N; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 12. Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Climb +6, Hide +2, Listen +2, Move silently +2, Spot +1; Alertness, Endurance, Improved unarmed strike. Equipment: Rough, tattered clothes, hair piled up on head (normally held up with a small bone). 2. The Kristatanti Ale House If the characters enter this ale house, read them the following: The ale house is quite busy with several locals enjoying a pint. The talking ceases when you enter the room and all heads turn to view the strangers. To your right, a huge open fire provides adequate warmth and light in the room. The bar, which is situated at the rear of the ale house, has a middle-aged, plump man behind it. The ale house is run by Braden Torrick. Braden is a retired miner and one of the original settlers of Kristatanti. Braden is very loyal to the rest of the settlement's community and charges them much less for his home brewed ale. The ale house boasts a large open fire next to the entrance and several tables with chairs. Beyond the bar at the end of the room is a door that leads to Braden's small brewery and storage room. Braden's home is in one of the rooms in location 4 - The Chalets. Ale prices: Braden will charge 4sp for a pint of ale (2sp to the locals). He does not serve food of any description, nor does he provide room for the night. There are no spare tables in the ale house, so if the characters want to sit down they will have to choose either a table with an old man sitting at it on his own or one with a young man sitting by himself. Or the characters can stand at the bar. The old man is Vaughn. He moved from Dhumpus to Kristatanti to mine silver many years ago. He lives with his large family in the Chalets (location 4) and comes here every day for a bit of peace and quiet. Vaughn likes to talk of strangers. He has heard of the Crown of Kings being stolen but does not know any details. If the characters befriend Vaughn and tell him where

they are heading he will inform them that when they leave Kristatanti, the path goes north or north-west. North will take you to Lea-Ki, domain of the tall ones. The other path will take you past Alianna's home; you will need your wits about you if she is home. Award the party 1 Luck point for the old man's directions. If the characters choose to sit next to the young man, then they have chosen to sit next to the village idiot who is also hopelessly drunk. The idiot will shout the answer 'Snattercats are everywhere' to most questions or just ramble on about his grandmother. Braden Torrick, male human Ftr2: CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 2D10+4; hp 15; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +6 melee (Dagger 1D4 +3), or +4 ranged (Dagger 1D4 +3); SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +0; AL N; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10. Languages Spoken: Common, Svinn. Skills and feats: Climb +10, Hide +2, Knowledge (nature) +3, Knowledge (religion) +1, Listen +1, Move silently +2, Spot +1, Wilderness lore +7; Skill focus (Climb), Skill focus (Wilderness lore), Track, Weapon focus (Dagger). Equipment: Commoners Clothes, Dagger. 3. Travellers' Inn If the characters enter the Inn, read the following: The door opens to reveal a small, well-decorated lobby. A man is sitting behind a desk in the centre of the room that is lit by torchlight. "Sindla smiles on you this evening travellers, for I have a couple of rooms spare, cleaned and ready for your weary selves". This is Damian Trudge, owner of the Travellers' Inn. Damian will charge 2gp per person per night to sleep in his Inn but this also includes the use of the washroom and breakfast, which is served in the room. The bedrooms have been carved from stone and are lit by torches. The beds are very comfy to sleep on and the floors have Skunkbear skin carpets. All of the rooms are ventilated by a small chimney. Damian Trudge, male human Ftr1: CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 4 in. tall); HD 1D10+1; hp 6; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +3 melee (Dagger 1D4 +2); SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1; AL N; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 9. Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Hide +4, Listen +3, Move silently +2, Spot +3; Alertness, Dodge, Weapon focus (Shortbow, composite). Equipment: Clothes and a Dagger. 4. The Settlers Chalets This is where most of the settlement's community live. The tunnel has been reinforced with sturdy wooden slats to prevent cave-ins and is lit by torches at regular 20ft. intervals. The rooms are very similar to those in the Inn; Fur carpets, ventilated etc. Each of the rooms is home to a small family of between 4-8 hill dwellers. These will consist of moth-

er, father, one or more children and one or more grandparents. Several new Chalets are under construction. 5. External Buildings. Not all of Kristatanti has been built into rock. Two dwellings have been built externally; one belongs to Kristat -founder of the settlement. The other is a small store, owned and run by Thorma Angimar , which sells small sundry items: Note: All prices listed are the cost to travellers. Locals will pay half these prices. Backpacks (5) 4gp - 2lb each Bedrolls (8) 5sp - 5lb each Blanket (10) 1gp - 3lb each Candles (30) 1sp - neg. Firewood (25) 1sp - 10lb per bundle Flint and Steel (5) 2gp - neg. Jug, Clay (5) 3sp - 5lb each Lamp, Common (9) 1gp - 1lb each Rope, Hemp (200ft) 2gp per 50ft. - 10lb per 50ft. Sack, Empty (10) 4sp - ½ lb each Kristat, male human Ftr3: CR 3; Size M (5 ft., 7 in. tall); HD 3D10+12; hp 35; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (Leather Armour); Attack +5 melee (Longsword 1D8 +2); SV Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +3; AL NG; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Climb +4, Hide +0, Listen +4, Move silently +0, Spot +4, Swim +2, Wilderness lore +7; Alertness, Dodge, Skill Focus (Wilderness lore),Track, Weapon focus (Longsword). Equipment: Longsword +1, Leather Armour.

Dhumpus (Thorp) - Map 6 Non-standard; AL NG; 40gp Limit (with an exception to the merchants and traders who use Dhumpus to sell their goods); Assets 140gp; Population 70 (all human). Authority figure: Vern Kimble (Ftr2). Others: Jerroc Dale (Ftr2), Aliane Fergos (Rog1) and Aliane's husband Derk (Ftr4).


Dhumpus is a small thorp that is used by traders and merchants alike as a stopping point between Birritanti and Kristatanti. The community is generally good natured and welcoming to strangers although the older members of Dhumpus are wary of strangers bearing weapons. Dhumpus is a farming thorp by trade. Several fields close-by are farmed for wheat and barley. Vern Kimble's herd of cows serve both milk and meat to the small community. Although small, Dhumpus does have a council (of sorts); 4 members of the community serve as decision makers and planners for the thorp's expansion. The members are: Vern Kimble (Ftr2), Jerroc Dale (Ftr2), Aliane Fergos (Rog1) and Aliane's husband Derk (Ftr4).

Dhumpus Map Key 1. Small Community Gathering If the characters are following the path through Dhumpus, read the following: Gathered out side of this hut, sitting on chairs around a small table are several members of the community. They seem to be discussing something but it is difficult to hear what they are saying from here. This is a meeting of the farmers to decide when and where to plant next year's harvest. The thorp's figure of authority, Vern Kimble, is present at the meeting. Food is about to be eaten (provided by Vern's wife Nadia). If the characters stop and introduce themselves, they will be greeted warmly and asked to sit and have some food, provided they unbelt their weapons and leave them by the path. Out of politeness, the characters will be asked their opinion on the farming dispute. Do they plant the cheaper wheat in the larger field or the more expensive barley? But as not enough can be purchased to fill the whole field, the remainder of the field can be used for potatoes. Vern Kimble, male human Ftr2: CR 2; Size M (6 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 2D10+8; hp 21; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+3 Dex, Leather Armour); Attack +5 melee (Shortsword 1D6 +2); SV Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +1; AL LN; Str 15, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 11. Languages Spoken: Common, Orc. Skills and feats: Balance +2, Hide +3, Listen +1, Move silently +3, Spot +1, Wilderness lore +3; Lightning reflexes, Power attack, Weapon finesse (Shortsword). Equipment:: Leather Armour, Shortsword and a pouch with 12gp The Merchant's Tent If the characters are walking along the path through Dhumpus they will see the tent. Read the following:


The tent is fashioned from brightly coloured materials. Underneath the open awning can be seen a large table covered in various items for sale. Behind the tent is the merchant's cart and two horses. This Tent belongs to the merchant Harrek Longbow of Birritanti and his two sons Ferris and Troy. Harrek is on his way to Analand but has decided to stop here for a couple of days to try and sell his ornate clay pots and drinking mugs. He has various sized ornate clay

pots for sale, priced at 1sp for the smallest to 8sp for the larger ones and ornate clay drinking cups - 3sp each Harrek also has other 'items of interest' for sale that he keeps under the table. He will only offer these items to the wealthier looking adventurers: A Dwarven Waraxe +1 - Harrek found this item many years ago when he was an adventurer. He is aware of its value but will accept the first offer over 500gp. A magical Skullcap which gives the wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom - this item was originally stolen from the Priest of Dadduley and found its way into Harrek's possession as part payment on a suit of magical armour. Harrek will accept an offer of around 2000gp for this item. Harrek Longbow, male human Ftr4: CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 4D10+8; hp 40; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (Leather Armour +2); Attack +9 melee (Longsword 1D8 +6); SV Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +3; AL NG; Str 17, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 13. Languages Spoken: Common, Svinn. Skills and feats: Climb +10, Heal +4, Hide +0, Listen +4, Move silently +0, Spot +4, Tumble +2, Wilderness lore +5; Alertness, Dodge, Track, Weapon focus (Shortbow), Weapon focus (Longsword), Weapon specialisation (Longsword). Equipment: Merchants robes worn over Leather Armour +2, A Longsword +1 and a purse with 50gp in 3. The Wayfarer's Inn If the characters are following the path through Dhumpus they will pass the Wayfarer's Inn. The Inn is rather small and only has two rooms to rent (both are currently empty). The tavern area is also small and can only seat 15 people maximum. This isn't normally a problem for the locals who like to sit and drink their ale outside on pleasant days. The Wayfarer's owners are Trithalis and Abini Gannoria. They will charge 2gp per person for the night and up to 3 people will fit in a room. Abini does all of the cooking in the Inn and although the menu is not substantial, she is quite renowned for her Skunkbear Stew and Hillfox Broth. Both are priced 3sp per person per bowl (and the bowls are large).

Birritanti (Small Town) - Map 7 Conventional (Mayor); AL NG; 800gp Limit (with an exception to the merchants and traders who use Birritanti to sell their goods); Assets 38000gp; Population 950; Mixed (85% human, 10% Dwarf, 3% Elf and 2% Svinn) Authority figure: Aylden Thornwood (Male, Human Ftr3) - Mayor Important Characters: Samadra Tarris (Female, Elven Sor5) - Head of Sorcery Elduath Viron (Male, Human Ftr6) - Captain of the Militia Denasser F'erray (Male Human Ftr 2) - Town Sheriff Lorana The Justifier (Female, Human Clr8) - Head Priestess of the Temple of Libra Militia: 50 regular militiamen are available immediately (Ftr1) and an additional 75 can be called upon in an emergency.

Temples: The Hall of Justice - Temple of Libra: Lorana The Justifier, Head Priestess. 3 Clerics (Clr4) and 8 Acolytes (Clr1).

Birritanti Map Key 1. Barracks / Look-out Towers These two buildings are where the town militia are stationed. There are always at least 30 militiamen in the buildings at any given time. In addition to this, 5 teams each consisting of 3 men patrol the borders of the town and 5 militiamen (who are under the supervision of the town sheriff) patrol the Birritanti streets looking for wrong doers. The Look-out Towers will always be manned by two militia armed with Longbows. The militia dress in Chainmail Armour, Shield and Coif and wear a blue and white chequered Tabard over the top with the Crest of Birritanti in the centre. Elduath is the captain of the town militia. Elduath is a seasoned veteran who has seen many battles. Elduath Viron, male human Ftr6: CR 6; Size M (5 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 6D10+12; hp 66; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 20 ft., (30ft. base); AC 20 (+1 Dex, Chainmail and Small Steel Shield); Attack +10 / +5 melee (Longsword 1D8 +5); SV Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +3; AL LG; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 10. Languages Spoken: Common and Svinn. Skills and feats: Diplomacy +3, Gather information +3, Listen +2, Move silently -5, Ride +9, Spot +1; Combat reflexes, Dodge, Improved initiative, Mounted combat, Toughness, Weapon focus (Longsword), Weapon specialisation (Longsword). Equipment: Chainmail +2, Longsword +1, masterwork Small Steel Shield. Typical Birritanti Militia, male human Ftr1: CR 1; Size M (6 ft. tall); HD 1D10+2; hp 8; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft. (30ft base); AC 17 (+1 Dex, Chainmail and Small Steel Shield); Attack +3 melee (Longsword 1D8 +1) or +2 ranged (Longbow 1D8); SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1; AL NG; Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12. Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Climb -3, Diplomacy +1, Listen +3, Spot +3; Alertness, Dodge, Weapon focus (Longsword). Equipment: Chainmail, Small Steel Shield and a Longsword

2. Glandragor's Tavern This large tavern is always busy. The proprietor, Glandragor, is working today. He is giving the children watered down ale (it is the festival of the children) and they don't seem to know the difference. Glandragor himself is getting on in years. Once he was a well-known adventurer in these parts and would roam the lands killing foul monsters wherever he found them. His deeds were very much appreciated by the local towns and he was given a special magical axe and the title 'Glandragor the Protector'. The axe was crafted so that its powers would be known only by Glandragor himself, a secret that he guards very closely indeed. As the years went on Glandragor retired from his role as protector and brought the tavern in Birritanti. His axe was hung over the fireplace as a reminder of his deeds and as a conversation piece to all who entered. One night, 7 years ago, a thief broke into the tavern and stole the axe hoping to sell it for a vast quantity of money. Unfortunately for the thief, the axe acts as a cursed weapon in anyone else,s hands and fetched only a few measly coins in Kharé. The axe has changed hands many times and is at present the property of a merchant named Ryan of Bryce (see encounter 2 Cantopani). If the characters engage Glandragor in conversation he will tell them of his past deeds. When he mentions his axe he will motion to the hooks on the wall over the fireplace where the axe once hung. If the characters have the axe in their possession and give it back to Glandragor, read the following: The old mans eyes light up as you produce the axe. "Where did you get that?" he exclaims If the characters give the old man his axe back and explain where they found it he will be overjoyed and a little tearful. He will reward the characters by offering them free ale for the rest of the day, a replacement magical weapon; A Shortsword +2 and the following information: 'First of all you must visit the crystal waterfall at the north end of the town. It has great powers of healing and soothing' he hands the characters a pass which will allow them to get to the crystal falls without paying. 'When you leave Birritanti you will reach Kharé through Torrepani, a village populated by Svinns. No doubt the Svinn Chief will try to persuade you to help find his daughter. She was carried off by marauders and left in a dark cave guarded by a deadly Manticore. Once you have passed Torrepani, you should reach Kharé within a day. A friend of mine has both power and Influence in the city. If ever you find yourself in trouble within the city, ask for Viktaare and tell him that Glandragor sent you', He winks and smiles. 3. The Halls of Justice - Temple of Libra This grand building is the Temple to Libra - Goddess of Justice.



The Temple has stood for many years and some say that Birritanti was actually built around it. The Halls of Justice are run by The Priestess Lorana the Justifier. Lorna was born and bred in Birritanti and always had a fascination for the Titan Gods. She joined the priesthood when she was only aged 10 and by the time she reached 15 years of age she was a fully fledged Acolyte of Libra. As time passed she advanced beyond the other priests in both ability and faith. At the age of 24 she is considered very young to be a high Priestess but she is worthy of the title. Libra: Libra is the goddess of justice and truth, one of the young gods of the Hall of Mind, and a god of Good. She is said to understand all aspects of good and evil, law and chaos, and is able to see the reality behind any conflict. She is a favourite goddess of protection to the common folk of Titan. Her Clerics can choose from the domains of Good, Knowledge and Protection. Scrolls / services: Lorna creates Scrolls and will give them to those who donate to the Temple Bless 30gp Cure Light Wounds 35gp Detect Evil 35gp Aid 160gp Bulls Strength 160gp Cure Moderate Wounds 160gp Neutralise Poison 375gp Remove Curse 375gp Remove Disease 375gp Restoration 800gp If a Cleric of Libra comes to Lorna for help, she will provide Scrolls for free (as long as the cause is worthy). Lorna will also cast spells for a small fee: 50gp for 1st level spells, 100gp for 2nd level spells and 150gp for 3rd level spells. Lorna the Justifier, female human Clr8: CR 8; Size M (5 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 8D8+8; hp 50; Init +0; Spd 20 ft. (Breastplate, 20ft. base); AC 17 (Breastplate); Attack +11 / +6 melee (Morningstar 1D8 +4); SV Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +10; AL LG; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 16. Languages Spoken: Common, Dwarf. Skills and feats: Climb +6, Concentration +14, Heal +12, Knowledge (Religion) +12, Listen +4, Spot +4; Combat casting, Scribe Scroll, Skill focus (Concentration), Weapon focus (Morningstar). Equipment: Breastplate +2, white Tabard with symbol of Libra on front and back, Morningstar +2 Cleric Domains: Good - Granted Power: The character casts good spells at +1 caster level. Knowledge Granted Power: All Knowledge skills are Class skills. The character casts divinations at +1 caster. Cleric Spells revised (6 / 5+1 / 4+1 / 4+1 / 3+1): 0 Level: Create water, Detect Poison x2, Guidance, Light and Purify food and drink. Level 1: Bane, Bless, Command, Cure Light Wounds x2. level 2: Bull's Strength, Consecrate, Lesser Restoration x2. Level 3: Create Food and Water, Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Curse, Remove Disease. Level 4: Neutralise Poison, Restoration and Summon Monster IV.

4. The Weapon Smith Owned by Cormin Smith who has recently taken over from his father Azrid, who has now retired. Cormin is kept busy repairing and maintaining all of the militia's weaponry as well as providing services to the town's inhabitants. Cormin himself is a jolly fellow who likes to hear tales, poems and songs from faraway lands. He stands about 6ft. tall and is muscular in build, which is not surprising considering his line of work. Cormin can provide any Simple or Martial weapon (as listed in the PHB Chapter 7) at a 10% mark-up to the prices listed. He also has the following Masterwork Weapons for sale: Longsword (2) 345gp Scimitar (1) 345gp Dagger (4) 330gp Throwing Axe (2) 335gp Greataxe (1) 355gp Cormin Smith, male human Ftr2: CR 2; Size M (6ft. tall); HD 2D10+6; hp 20; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +5 melee (Unarmed attack 1D3 +3 subdual damage); SV Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +0; AL NG; Str 17, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 15. Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Climb +5, Hide +1, Listen +2, Move silently +1, Spot +2, Swim +4; Alertness, Dodge, Improved initiative, Weapon focus (Longsword). Equipment: Leather Trousers and Apron, Weapon Smith's Tools. 5. Armour Smiths - Yoin's Armour Birin Hammersong the Dwarf and his two brothers Gailin and Vemli, have been Birritanti's armour smiths for many, many years. The three Dwarfs came to the Birritanti when travelling with their uncle from whom they learned their trade of selling and repairing armour. The town council, who had just commissioned a militia, were very impressed with the Hammersongs' craftsmanship and asked them to stay, promising them plenty of work. Their Uncle, Yoin, passed away over 20 years ago now but the three brothers still trade under the name 'Yoin's Armour'. Like the weapon smiths, the armour smith provides all of the armour and shields for the towns militia. Any type of metal armour can be bought from the armour smiths at a 10% mark-up to the prices listed in the PHB. They also have the following masterwork armour for sale: Med sized Chainmail Shirt (2) 265gp Med sized Breastplate (1) 365gp Med sized Half-plate (1) 825gp Birin, Gailin and Vemli Hammersong, male dwarfs Ftr4 (each): CR 4 (each); Size M (4 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 4D10+8; hp 38, 44 and 41; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +6 melee, (Unarmed strike 1D3 +2 subdual damage); SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +1; AL LN; Str 15, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 4. Languages Spoken: Common, Dwarven, Giant. Skills and feats: Climb +3, Hide +1, Knowledge (nature) +2, Knowledge (religion) +1, Listen +2, Move silently +4, Spot +2, Wilderness lore +5; Combat reflexes, Quick draw, Track, Weapon focus (Dwarven Waraxe),

Weapon specialisation (Dwarven Waraxe). Equipment: Leather Trousers and Apron, Various weapon smithy tools. 6. The Pleasant Dream Inn This is the only Inn in Birritanti, the owner, Tenry Gwinn, is well aware of this fact and charges higher than normal prices (as do most businesses in the town). A room for 1 night: 1 single bed and floor space for 2 3gp per room A room for 1 night: 3 single beds and floor space for 2 5gp per room All prices are inclusive of breakfast and an evening snack.

Menu Breakfast: Smoked sausage, Duck eggs, Melon, Millet - 6sp per person Lunch: Leg of mutton, Sharp cheese, Corn, Currants - 8sp per person Supper: Mixed grill, Yams, Collard greens, Flatbread, - 1gp per person Snack: Chicken eggs, Pear, Flatbread - 4sp per person Tenry Gwinn, male human Rog3: CR 3; Size M (5 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 3D6+6; hp 21; Init +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +5 melee (Dagger 1D4 +1); SV Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +0; AL CN; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 14. Languages Spoken: Common, Svinn. Skills and feats: Balance +7, Decipher script +7, Diplomacy +8, Hide +3, Intimidate +7, Listen +5, Move silently +9, Open lock +9, Search +7, Spot -1, Use rope +5; Improved initiative, Point blank shot, Weapon finesse (Dagger). Equipment: Smart Commoners Clothes, Dagger in Scabbard at waist. 7. The Crystal Waterfalls Throughout Birritanti are signposts that point to the Crystal Waterfalls at the north end of town. The Waterfall has mystical healing powers. Some say that its powers come from the strange crystalline stalactites hanging from the rocks; others say it is a gift from the Gods. Whatever the rumours may say, noone has managed to figure out where the healing power comes from nor how to harness it. Many curious locals have tried to find out the source of the mysterious healing powers; experimenters have tried bottling the water, bathing with a stalactite taken from the falls and various other things, none of them are effective. The only way to gain benefit from the Crystal Waterfalls' powers is to bathe in the Waterfall itself. If the characters approach the Crystal Waterfalls, read them the following: The only path that leads to the falls passes a small hut where a townsman is collecting a donation of 3gp per person to bathe in the waters.

The view of the falls is breath taking. Crystal stalactites hang from the rocks over which the cascade of water falls creating vibrant colours. The waterfall creates a mist, where it crashes to the rocks below, from which a small rainbow protrudes. Any money collected goes to the town hall eventually being used for town improvements. Any character that pays 3gp to bathe in the falls is given a small cloth rag to use as a towel. Bathing in the waters of the Crystal falls will have the following effects: Remove Disease (as 3rd level Cleric spell) and Cure Critical Wounds 4D8 +20 points healed. Both effects are once per person per day. These effects are only felt by those who bathe in the Waterfalls, it is not possible to transport these curative powers by any means. 8. The Town Hall Birritanti's Town Hall has several uses; the upper levels are home to the current Town Mayor Aylden Thornwood, parts of the ground floor and the Dungeon are used by Denasser F'erray the local Magistrate and Sheriff. The Grand Hall is used to chair town council meetings. A new Mayor is elected into power every 5 years. The current Mayor, Aylden Thornwood, has stood in office for 13 years and is the most popular Mayor Birritanti has ever had. Already it seems very likely that he will be serving his 4th term as Mayor. Aylden's duties include: setting the towns taxation level, maintaining the local militia, town improvements and keeping up relations with neighbouring villages, towns and cities. Aylden also serves as the Court Judge, should someone need to be tried for a serious crime. The local Magistrate (Sheriff) also operates from within the Town Hall. It is his duty to police the town and apprehend any wrong doers. Denasser F'erray has the co-operation of the town militia when performing his duties and always has 5 town guards working with him. Criminals are placed in the cells within the dungeons under the Town Hall to either await trial or sentencing (both of these duties are performed by the town Mayor). Mayor Aylden Thornwood, male human Ftr3: CR 3; Size M (5 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 3D10+6; hp 23; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +8 melee (Longsword 1D8 +3),; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +0; AL LG; Str 16, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 16. Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Diplomacy +11, Gather Information +3, Hide +2, Listen +2, Spot +1; Dodge, Lightning reflexes, Power attack, Skill focus (Diplomacy), Weapon focus (Longsword). Equipment: Elaborate Mayoral Robes, Fine Shoes and Longsword +1 Sheriff Denasser F'erray male human Ftr2: CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 2D10+6; hp 25; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 20 ft. (Chainmail) 30ft. base; AC 18 (+2 Dex, Chainmail); Attack +7 melee (Longsword 1D8 +4); SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4; AL LG; Str 17, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 15. Languages Spoken: Common, Dwarven, Elven. Skills


and feats: Climb +8, Craft +6, Handle animal +7, Hide +2, Listen +2, Move silently +2, Profession +4, Ride +7, Sense motive +3, Spot +2; Dodge, Improved initiative, Iron will, Weapon focus (Longsword). Equipment: Chainmail +1, Longsword +1

Torrepani (Hamlet) - Map 8 Non-standard; AL CN; 100gp Limit ; Assets 500gp; Population 100 (all Svinn) Authority figure: Proseus (Ftr4) Others: Faroneus - Shaman (Clr4) Torrepani is populated by Svinns, a race of beings that is ever increasing in numbers. Svinns are related to and are indeed descended from, Man-Orcs. Several hundred years ago a group of Man-Orcs banded together. These poor wretches had been cast out from their towns and villages for being halfbreeds. They formed a small community that quickly grew in number. The successive breeding of generations of Man-Orcs produced the Svinns as they are today. The Svinns tend to look like their Man-Orc relatives but with the more passive temperament of their human ones. Although Svinns tend to look aggressive, by nature they are a friendly race. The inhabitants of Torrepani are very distressed. The chief's daughter has been kidnapped by marauders to be used as a sacrifice to a Titan Manticore who dwells in the hills not far from Torrepani. DM's note: Svinns are to be treated as Man-Orcs for the purpose of statistics etc, but with the following exception; Svinns speak their own Language (Svinn) as well as Common.

Torrepani Map Key


1. Svinn Tavern and Inn The Inn is run by a Svinn by the name of Torripar. He has not seen much trade from his fellow Svinns since the kidnapping of Areon, the chief's daughter. The tavern has 4 rooms available to rent for the night at the price of 2gp per room. The rooms are quite spacious with 2 beds in each room and floor space for another 3. The Tavern is not providing food at the moment due to the fact that Torripar's wife, who normally does the cooking, is away visiting her relatives. Torripar, male Svinn Ftr1: CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 9 in. tall); HD 1D10+1; hp 11; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+1 Dex, Leather Armour); Attack +6 melee (Dagger 1D4 +4) or +2 ranged (Dagger 1D4 +4); SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1; AL N; Str 18, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 10. Languages Spoken: Common, Svinn. Skills and feats: Hide +1, Listen +1, Move silently +1,

Search +0, Spot +1; Dodge, Weapon focus (Dagger). Equipment: Leather Armour and a Dagger 2. Proseus's House Proseus is the Svinn Chief by birthright. An ancient Svinn prophecy states that once a chief is declared one of his family must take his place when he passes on or a terrible scourge will destroy the community. Proseus only has one daughter, Areon, whom he has been grooming since birth to take over as chief of Torrepani. Unfortunately, marauders kidnapped her several days ago and have taken her to the hills to be offered as a sacrifice to the Hill Demon, a terrifying Titan Manticore. Several Svinns have attempted to rescue Areon and all have failed. Proseus is becoming very desperate, if he cannot rescue his daughter then he will have no heir to take over his post when he dies. Proseus, male Svinn (Ftr4): CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 4D10+8; hp 35; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+4 Dex, Leather Armour); Attack +10 melee (Longsword 1D8 +7), or +9 ranged (Dagger 1D4 +4) or +9 melee (Dagger 1D4 +4); SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +3; AL N; Str 18, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: Common, Svinn. Skills and feats: Climb +4, Hide +4, Listen +7, Move silently +4, Spot +4, Wilderness lore +4; Dodge, Point blank shot, Track, Weapon focus (Longsword), Weapon specialisation (Longsword): Equipment: Longsword +1, Leather Armour, Dagger +1 Faroneus. Male Svinn - Shaman (Clr4): CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 4D8; hp 22; Init -2 (-2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 8 (-2 Dex); Attack +6 melee (Unarmed strike 1D3 +3 subdual damage); SV Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +7; AL NG; Str 16, Dex 7, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 11. Languages Spoken: Common, Orc, Svinn Skills and feats: Concentration +4, Diplomacy +4, Hide -2, Listen +3, Spellcraft +7, Spot +3, Swim +3; Brew Potion, Extra Turning. Equipment: Priestly Robes Cleric Domains: Plant, Strength. Cleric Spells Per Day: 5 / 4+1 / 3+1.

Kaspar Seltair

Emelni Telia



In order for Kaspar to hit his opponent, he must do the following; Roll a D20 and add his combat modifier for the weapon he is using (+3 for his Quarterstaff). If the result is equal to or greater than his opponents Armour Class (AC), then he has hit. Kaspar then rolls his damage for the weapon he is using (1D6 +2 for her Quarterstaff). If a monster's roll to hit is equal to or greater than Kaspar's AC, then the monster has scored a hit and Kaspar looses hit points (hp). When Kaspar's hp reaches 0, he is unconscious. If they reach -10, he is dead. Skills: Kaspar has a number of skills that he can use during the course of this adventure. In order for Kaspar to succeed at a skill, he must roll equal to or greater than the Difficulty Class (DC) number for the skill in question on a D20 while adding the skill modifier. An example of this would be that Kaspar is listening at a door. In order to hear the conversation on the other side he must make a skill (Listen) check (DC15). He rolls a D20 and adds the listen modifier (+3). Kaspar's Swim skill, which is separated by the slash, (+2 / -5) is his modifier to swim with all of his equipment on (-1 to Swim checks for every 5lbs carried). Balance:- Use this skill when you need to keep your balance on a ledge etc Concentrate:- Use this skill when you need to focus your mind, cast a spell in combat Hide:- Use this skill to sink into the shadows and remain unseen Jump:- Use this skill to leap over pits, vault low fences or leap onto tables Listen:- Use this skill to hear approaching enemies or to listen at doors * +2 when within one mile of Tobin, his familiar. This is included in Kaspar's stats Move silently:- You can sneak up on an enemy, or slink away without being heard * +2 when within one mile of Tobin, his familiar. This is included in Kaspar's stats. Search:- You can find simple traps, hidden doors, other details not readily apparent Spot:- Use this skill to spy a rogue hiding in the shadows or a Camouflaged monster * +2 when within one mile of Tobin, his familiar. This is included in Kaspar's stats Swim:- You can swim

In order for Emelni to hit her opponent, she must do the following; Roll a D20 and add her combat modifier for the weapon she is using (+5 for her Morningstar). If the result is equal to or greater than her opponents Armour Class (AC), then she has hit. Emelni then rolls her damage for the weapon she is using (1D8+2 Morningstar). If a monster's roll to hit is equal to or greater than Emelni's AC, then the monster has scored a hit and Emelni looses hit points (hp). When Emelni's hp's reach 0, she is unconscious. If they reach -10, she is dead.

Feats: These are features that that give Kaspar special capabilities, or improve ones that he already has. Listed below are Kaspar's feats and a brief description of each one: Dodge: Pick and enemy in combat and gain a +1 AC bonus for that enemy only. Skill Focus (Concentration): +2 bonus when using the Concentration Skill

Tobin, Kaspar’s Familiar: Kaspar has a magically summoned creature called a Familiar. His name is Tobin and he is a Cat. Tobin and Kaspar can communicate empathically up to a range of 1 mile. While Tobin is within arms reach, Kaspar gains the Alertness feat (+2 to Listen and Spot checks) At Kaspar's discretion, any spell that he casts on himself (mage Armour for example) can affect Tobin if he is within 5ft. Tobin can deliver Kaspar's touch effect spells Tobin has the feat improved evasion. This means that any attack that would cause Tobin to make a Reflex save, he takes no damage. Kaspar gains +2 to move silently when within 1 mile of Tobin.

Potions: Potion of Fortune will restore 1D4+3 Luck; Potions of Cure Light Wounds will heal 1D8+1 hit points.

Skills: Emelni has a number of skills that she can use during the course of this adventure. In order for Emelni to succeed at a skill, she must roll equal to or greater than the Difficulty Class (DC) number for the skill in question on a D20 while adding the skill modifier. An example of this would be that Emelni is listening at a door. In order to hear the conversation on the other side she must make a skill (Listen) check (DC15). She rolls a D20 and adds her listen modifier (+3). Note that some of Emelni's skills have a slash separating two figures (i.e. Move silently +2 / -2). The first number given is Emelni's modifier without her Armour penalty (4 for her Scale mail). Emelni's Swim skill, which is separated by the slash, (+2 / -11) is her modifier to swim with all of her equipment on (-1 to Swim checks for every 5lbs carried). Balance:- Use this skill when you need to keep your balance on a ledge etc Concentrate:- Use this skill when you need to focus your mind or cast a spell in combat Hide:- use this skill to sink into the shadows and remain unseen Jump:- Use this skill to leap over pits, vault low fences or leap onto tables Listen:- Use this skill to hear approaching enemies or to listen at doors Move silently:- You can sneak up on an enemy, or slink away without being heard Search:- You can find simple traps, hidden doors, and other details not readily apparent Spellcraft:- You can identify a spell being cast or a spell effect. Spot:- Use this skill to spy a rogue hiding in the shadows or a monster Swim:- You can swim

Feats: Are features that that give Emelni special capabilities, or improve ones that she already has. Listed below are Emelni's feats and a brief description of each one. Extra Turning: Allows a character to turn Undead 4 more times per day than normal Weapon Focus (Morningstar): +1 Attack bonus when using the Morningstar Turn Undead: - You can turn Undead as a Supernatural ability Spells: - Emelni worships the Deity Libra. Her God grants her the use of spells. Spells per day are: 0 level- 4; 1st level- 3 +1 and 2nd level- 2 +1. Her domains are: Good - Granted Power: The character casts good spells at +1 caster level. Protection Granted Power: The character can generate a protective ward. Spontaneous casting:- Emelni can channel any spell revised (not Domain spells) into a cure spell

Potions: Potion of Fortune will restore 1D4+3 Luck; Potions of Cure Light Wounds will heal 1D8+1 hit points.

Emelni Telia Size: Race/Sex: Class/Level: Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed:

Feats: Bonus Feats: Spells per day: Equipment:

Encumbrance: Languages: Deity: Domains:




Kaspar Seltair Size: Race/Sex: Class/Level: Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: Armour Class:

Medium (5ft. 3in. tall) Half-Elf / Female Cleric / 3 3D8 +6 (hp 28) +2 (+2 Dex) 20ft. (Scale mail armour), 30ft. base

Armour Class: Attacks (Damage): Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills:

Hit Points

16 (Dex, Scale mail). Touch 12, Flatfooted 14 + 5 melee (Morningstar 1D8 +2) Immune to Magical sleep spells and effects Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +5 Str 15 (+2), Dex 15 (+2), Con 15 (+2), Int 11, Wis 15 (+2), Cha 12 (+1), Luck 18 (+4) Concentrate +2, Heal +3, Hide +4/ +0, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Listen +4, Move silently +2 / -2, Search +1, Spot +3, Swim +2 / -11 Extra Turning, Weapon focus (Morningstar) Turn undead, Spells and Spontaneous casting 4 / 3+1 / 2+1 Scale mail armour (30lb), Morningstar (8lb), Backpack (2lb), Winter blanket (3lb), Hooded lantern +oil (3lb), Bedroll (5lb), Rope, Silk - 50ft. (5lb), Belt pouch with 5gp and 2x 50gp gems (3lb) 5 days trial rations (5lb) Flint and steel (neg), 2 sacks (1lb) Holy symbol of Libra (neg), Potion of Fortune (neg), 2x Potions of Cure Light Wounds (neg) weight carried 65 lbs (Light load carried) Common and Elven Libra Good and Protection




Medium (5ft. 8 in. tall) Mountain Elf / male Sorcerer / 3 3D4+3 (hp 14) +3 (+3 Dex) 30ft.(6 squares) 13 (+3 Dex) touch 13, flat-footed 10

Attacks (Damage):

+3 melee (Quarterstaff 1D6 +2) or +4 ranged (Dart 1D4 +2)

Special Qualities:

Low light vision, Immune to magical sleep, +2 saves against enchantment spells and effects, +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks*


Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +3


Str 14 (+2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 16 (+3), Wis 11, Cha 16 (+3), Luck 13 (+1)


Alchemy +5, Concentration +9, Gather information +4, Hide +3, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Listen +7*, Move silently +3*, Scry +8, Search +5, Spot +4*, Spellcraft +6, Swim +2 / -5 Dodge, Skill focus (Concentration) Spells Per Day (6/6; base DC=13+ spell level): 0 levelDetect Poison, Daze, Mage hand, Detect magic, Read magic. 1st Level: Mage Armour, Magic missile, Ray of enfeeblement Wand of magic missiles (5th level, 40 charges), Quarterstaff (4lbs), 4 Darts on a belt (3lbs), Sorcerer Robes (3lbs), Backpack (2lb), Winter blanket (3lb), Hooded lantern +oil (3lb), Bedroll (5lb), Rope, Silk - 50ft. (5lb), Belt pouch with 5gp and 2x 50gp gems in (3lb) 5 days trial rations (5lb) Flint and steel (neg), 2 Sacks (1lb), Potion of Fortune (Neg), 2x Potions of Cure Light Wounds (Neg). Light load carried (weight carried 37lbs) Common, Elven, Goblin, Orc, Giant.

Feats: Spells:


Encumbrance: Languages:


Hit Points

Tobin (Kaspar’s Familiar) Race: HD: AC: Atk:

hit points

Cat (tiny animal) 3 (7 hit points) 16 (+2 Dex, +2 Size, +2 natural) Claws +4 melee (1D2 -4 damage) and -1 melee (Bite 1D3 -4) Saves: Fort +2, Reflex +4, Will +1 Abilities: Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 12, Chr 7 Special: Alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, touch. Skills: Balance +10, Climb +5, Hide +17, Listen +6, Move silently +9, Spot +6 Feats: Weapon finesse (Claws)


Thorgrim Greymantle Combat: In order for Thorgrim to hit his opponent, he must do the following; Roll a D20 and add his combat modifier for the weapon he is using (+8 for his Dwarven Waraxe). If the result is equal to or greater than his opponent's Armour Class (AC), then he has hit. Thorgrim then rolls his damage for the weapon he is using (1D10 +4 for his Dwarven Waraxe). If a monster's roll to hit is equal to or greater than Thorgrim's AC, then the monster has scored a hit and Thorgrim looses hit points (hp). When Thorgrim's hp reaches 0, he is unconscious. If they reach -10, he is dead.

Skills: Thorgrim has a number of skills that he can use during the course of this adventure. In order for Thorgrim to succeed at a skill, he must roll equal to or greater than the Difficulty Class (DC) number for the skill in question on a D20 while adding the skill modifier. An example of this would be that Thorgrim is listening at a door. In order to hear the conversation on the other side he must make a skill (Listen) check (DC15). He rolls a D20 and adds the listen modifier (+2). Note that some of Thorgrim's skills have a slash separating two figures (i.e. Climb +8 / +6). The first number given is Thorgrim's modifier without his Armour penalty (-2 for his Chain shirt). Thorgrim's Swim skill, which is separated by the slash, (+6 / -11) is his modifier to swim with all of his equipment on (-1 to Swim checks for every 5lbs carried). Climb:- Use this skill to climb the tallest mountain or descend the deepest pit Hide:- Use this skill to sink into the shadows and remain unseen Jump:- Use this skill to leap over pits, vault low fences or leap onto tables Listen:- Use this skill to hear approaching enemies or to listen at doors Move silently:- You can sneak up on an enemy, or slink away without being heard Search:- You can find traps, hidden doors, and other details not readily apparent Spot:- Use this skill to spy a rogue hiding in the shadows or a Camouflaged monster Swim:- You can swim

Feats:These are features that that give Thorgrim special capabilities, or improve ones that he already has. Listed below are Thorgrim's feats and a brief description of each one. Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Dwarven Waraxe and Repeating Crossbow): - You are proficient with the following exotic weapons: Dwarven Waraxe and Repeating Crossbow Point blank shot: Thorgrim gets a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet. Weapon focus (Dwarven Waraxe):- You are especially good with the Dwarven Waraxe. You add +1 to your attack roll with this weapon.

Racial abilities: Darkvision 60ft.; Stonecunning grants Dwarves a +2 racial bonus on checks to notice unusual stonework; +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison; +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects; +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against Orcs and Goblinoids; +4 dodge bonus against Giants.

Potions: Potion of Fortune will restore 1D4+3 Luck; Potions of Cure Light Wounds will heal 1D8+1 hit points

Karleth Hawke Combat: In order for Karleth to hit her opponent, she must do the following; Roll a D20 and add her combat modifier for the weapon she is using (+5 for her Rapier). If the result is equal to or greater than her opponents Armour Class (AC), then she has hit. Karleth then rolls her damage for the weapon she is using (Rapier 1D6 +2). If a monster's roll to hit is equal to or greater than Karleth's AC, then the monster has scored a hit and Karleth looses hit points (hp). When Karleth's hp reaches 0, she is unconscious. If they reach -10, she is dead.

Skills: Karleth has a number of skills that she can use during the course of this adventure. In order for Karleth to succeed at a skill she must roll equal to or greater than the Difficulty Class (DC) number for the skill in question on a D20 while adding the skill modifier. An example of this would be that Karleth is listening at a door. In order to hear the conversation on the other side she must make a skill (Listen) check (DC15). She rolls a D20 and adds her listen modifier (+4). Karleth's Swim skill, which is separated by the slash, (+2 / -8) is her modifier to swim with all of her equipment on (-1 to Swim checks for every 5lbs carried). Balance:- Use this skill when you need to keep your balance on a rocking boat etc Climb:- Use this skill to climb the tallest mountain or descend the deepest pit Disable device:- Use this skill to disable traps both mechanical and magical Hide:- Use this skill to sink into the shadows and remain unseen Jump:- Use this skill to leap over pits, vault low fences or leap onto tables Listen:- Use this skill to hear approaching enemies or to listen at doors Move silently:- You can sneak up on an enemy or slink away without being heard Open lock:- Karleth can open locks with the aid of Thieves' tools Pick pockets:- Karleth can steal from people without them knowing Search:- You can find traps, hidden doors, and other details not readily apparent Spot:- Use this skill to spy a rogue hiding in the shadows or a Camouflaged monster Tumble:- Karleth can use her acrobatics to avoid combat. Swim:- You can swim

Feats: Are features that give Karleth special capabilities or improve ones that she already has. Listed below are Karleth's feats and a brief description of each one. Dodge:- You are adept at dodging blows. Designate an opponent and receive a +1 bonus to AC against attacks from that opponent. Improved initiative:- +4 to initiative roll Sneak attack:- If Karleth catches his opponents flatfooted she gains additional damage (+2D6) Evasion:- Any attack that would require a save for half damage deals no damage (if the save was successful) Uncanny dodge:- You can never be caught flatfooted Weapon finesse (Rapier): - Choose one light weapon. With the selected weapon, the character may use a Dexterity modifier instead of a Strength modifier on attack rolls. Since the character needs the second hand for balance, apply the Armour check penalty of any shield worn to attack rolls.

Potions: Potion of Fortune will restore 1D4+3 Luck; Potions of Cure Light Wounds will heal 1D8+1 hit points.

Karleth Hawke Size: Race/Sex: Class/Level: Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC:

Hit Points




Medium (5ft. 5in. tall) Human / Female Rogue / 3 3D6 +3 (hp 20) +7 (+3 Dex, Improved initiative) 30ft. (6 squares) 15 (+3 Dex, Leather Armour), Touch 13, Flatfooted 12

Attacks (Damage): Special Attack:

+ 5 melee (Rapier 1D6 +2) or +4 melee (Dagger 1D4 +2) or +5 ranged (Dagger 1D4 +2) or +5 ranged (Shortbow 1D6) Sneak Attack + 2D6 damage


Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +2


Str 14 (+2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 13 (+1), Int 13 (+1), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 12 (+1), Luck 17 (+3)


Feats: Bonus Feats: Equipment:

Balance +7, Bluff +5, Climb +6, Diplomacy +3, Disable Device +7, Escape artist +9, Hide +8, Listen +4, Move silently +8, Open Lock +8, Spot +4, Tumble +9, Swim +2 / -8, Use magic device +7 Dodge, Improved initiative, Weapon Finesse (Rapier) Evasion, Uncanny dodge


Leather Armour (15lb), Rapier (3lb), Dagger (1lb), Shortbow and 20 arrows (5lb), Backpack (2lb), Winter blanket (3lb), Hooded lantern +oil (3lb), Thieves tools (neg), Bedroll (5lb), Rope, Silk - 50ft. (5lb), Belt pouch with 5gp and 2x 50gp gems in (3lb) 5 days trial rations (5lb) Flint and steel (neg), 2 sacks (1lb). Potion of Fortune (neg), 2x Potion of Cure Light Wounds (neg). Total weight 51lbs (light encumbrance)


Common and Goblin


Thorgrim Greymantle Size: Race/Sex: Class/Level: Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed:

Hit Points




Medium (4ft. 8 in.) Dwarf / Male Fighter / 3 3D10 +9 (hp 36) +2 (+2 Dex) 20ft. base (4 squares)


16 (Dex +2, Chain shirt)

Attacks (Damage):

+ 8 melee (Dwarven Waraxe 1D10 +4) or + 5 ranged (Repeating Crossbow 1D8)


Fort +6, Reflex +3, Will +1


Str 18 (+4), Dex 14 (+2), Con 16 (+3), Int 12 (+1), Wis 11, Cha 12 (+1), Luck 15 (+2)

Skills: +2 /

Climb +8 / +6, Hide +2, Jump +4/ +2, Listen +2, Move silently +0, Spot +2, Swim +6 / -11


Exotic Weapon proficiency (Dwarven Waraxe), Exotic Weapon proficiency (Repeating Crossbow), Point Blank Shot, Weapon focus (Dwarven Waraxe)


Chain Shirt (25lb), Dwarven Waraxe (15lb), Repeating Crossbow and 20 bolts (20lb), Backpack (2lb), Winter blanket (3lb), Hooded lantern +oil (3lb), Bedroll (5lb), Rope, Silk - 50ft. (5lb), Belt pouch with 5gp and 2x 50gp gems in (3lb) 5 days trial rations (5lb) Flint and steel (neg), 2 Sacks (1lb) Potion of Fortune (neg), 2x Potion of Cure Light Wounds (neg).


Light load carried (weight carried 87 lbs)


Common, Dwarven, Goblin


OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.

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