Download Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks - the Citadel of Chaos...
FIGHTING FANTASY BOt Over 12 million copies sold worldwr
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THE CITADEL OF CHAOS Deep inside the Citadel of Chaos the dread sorcerer Balthus Dire, is plotting and schemingthe downfall of the Boodfolkof the Val€ of Willow. His battle plans are laid, his awesome amy equipped, md attackis surely imminent. Sumnon€d by a desperat€plea fo! help, YOU are the Vale of Willow's only hope. Siar pupil of the Grand Wizard of Yore and a master of magic, you can undertake a mitsion which stlikes at the v€ry heart of Balthus Dir€'s nightmare world. Who knows what monskous creatures await you steve la.kson has createda thlilling adventure of sword and so(ery fo. you, with e elaboratecombat system,a dazzling atay of spells to use and a scorc sheet to record you! gains and lo66es-Al1 yo, need is two dice, a pencil and an eraser. Many dangers lie ahead and your succ€ssis by no means certain. Powedul adv€rsaries are ran8ed a8ainst you and often you. only choice is to kill or be killedl Stevelackson i6 the co"founder (with Ian Livingstone) of the hugely su
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