FIGHTING FANTASY Caverns of The Snow Witch PDF

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c verns  o  of f t he s he snow now w   w it it h Based on the Fighting Fantasy book by Ian Livingstone

Credits Author: Jamie Wallis Editor: Sean Borthwick Producer: Mike Dymond Art Director: Martin McKenna Cover Illustration: Les Edwards Internal Illustrations: Janine Johnston Graphic Design: Martin McKenna Cartography: Martin McKenna and Jamie Wall Wallis is Typography: Jamie Wallis Project Manager: Geoff Oades Finance Planning: Nigel Dixon Lead Playtester: Tim Birkbeck Playtesters: Chris Gooch, Karen McDonald, Mike Wilson



Adventure Summary Preparation Quick Play Campaign Integration How to use this Book Using Maps & Miniatures

2 2 2 2 2 2



New Ability Score Standard Point Buy Method Using Luck Luck Difficulty Class Minimum Luck Score Saving Throws & Luck Skills & Luck Opposed Skill Checks & Luck Checks Without Rolls & Luck Combat & Luck Using Luck to hit an opponent Using Luck to increase the damage dealt Using Luck to reduce the damage taken Luck and Magic

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Luck and Turn / Rebuke Undead Stand alone Luck Checks Opposed Luck Checks Optional Luck rule Restoring Luck Normal regeneration of ability points Magical means - spells and potions Discretionary Awar Awards ds by the DM. Scenario Awar Awards ds Monsters and Luck

Caverns of the Snow Witch For the DM Background The Dungeon Into the Wilderness

Appendix 1 - New Monsters Appendix 2 - New Magic Appendix 3 - Campaign Play Appendix 4 - Characters

4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 7 19

26 34 36 36

legal noti notice ce The d20 conversion of Caverns of the Snow Witch is © 2003 Myriador Ltd, all rights reserved. 'Myriador' and the Myriador logo are trademarks of Myriador Ltd. 'Fighting Fantasy' and the Fighting Fantasy logo are trademarks of Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone and are used with permission. Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used with permission. 'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 4.0. A copy of this License can be found at The d20 conversion of Caverns of the Snow Witch Witch is presented under v1.0a of the Open Game License (OGL) and as required a copy of the OGL can be found at the rear of this publication. All game mechanics and statistics derived from Open Game Content (OGC, as defined by the OGL) and the System Reference Documents are to be considered Everything the following sections, apart Product Identity listed below (as defined by the OGL) is also to be considered OGC: Luck,OGC. Appendix 1 Newin Monsters an d Appendix 2 Newfrom Magic. All place names, character names, monster names, art work, cartography, cartography, trade marks, trade dress and other elements as defined in section 1(e) of the OGL are to be considered Product Identity,, this includes but is not limited to: Fighting Fantasy, Myriador, Firetop Mountain, Gilford, Fang, River Kok, Red River, Allansia, Titan, Identity Icefinger Mountains, Pagan plains, Crystal Caverns, Stonebridge, Moonstone Hills, Firetop Mountain, Darkwood Forest, Sarian Jax, Ellion G'aarak, Rhana Quinn, Dekion Strom, Big Jim Sun, Brogan, Hagan, Brak and Gorgok, Glom, Rillion, T'armeru, Adolynn, Ulgrad, Yorgar Yorgar the Prism mage, Frasor, Icefang, The Snow Witch, Redswift, Stubb, Baron Sukumvit, Deathtrap Dungeon, Trial of Champions, Garin, Sorric, Rangard, Kollos, Morri, Raast the h erbalist, Ash, Drasshk the Man-Orc, Uthdar, King Gillibran, Bigleg, Banshee, Bird-man, Brain Slayer, Crystal Warrior, Warrior, Death Hawk, Flesh Grub, Ice Demon, Night Stalker, Sentinel, Snow Wolf, Titan Trolls., Titan Hilltroll.



Introdu tion Caverns of the Snow Witch was the ninth of the Fighting Fantasy  series of books. First published in 1984, this revolutionary new idea, part book part game, gave the reader a unique experience - a fantasy adventure where you are the hero. The Fighting Fantasy   series has 59 titles to date 

and has sold over 15 million copies worldwide and has been translated into over 20 languages. The Warlock of Firetop Mountain alone sold over 2 million m illion copies. Now the Fighting Fantasy   books are being re-released allowing a new generation of players to explore the Citadel of Chaos, confront the Warlock of Firetop Mountain or get lost in the Forest of Doom. This book is a conversion of Caverns of the Snow Witch into a D20 role-playing game scenario. The original books were a solo experience; we have written this scenario to allow players to challenge the Snow Witch on their own or as part of a group of adventurers. The inclusion of the new Luck rules give the single player a good chance of success without making groups of players too powerful. The Fighting Fantasy   books could be picked up 

and played with a minimum of preparation, we have written this scenario to reflect this including pregenerated characters, full colour maps and other play aids to get you started quickly quickly.. For more information about Roleplay games, Fighting Fantasy  and the Caverns of the Snow Witch visit the Myriador website: 

Adventure Summary The Snow Witch dwells within the Crystal Caverns. These fabled Caverns are located in the frozen heights of the Icefinger Mountains on Allansia. You are working as a caravan guard for Big Jim Sun when the outpost you are headed to is attacked by a savage monster. Tracking this monster takes you into a the long lost labyrinth of the Crystal Caverns ... and  beyond. Caverns of the Snow Witch is an adventure designed for single adventurers or small adventuring groups  based on the Fighting Fantasy   book of the same name 

Preparation In addition to the books required (as stated on the cover of this product), which will be referred to as the DMG, PHB and MM, a set of polyhedral dice (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12 and D20) is also needed to play. Pull out Character sheets of the four pre-generated characters can be found in Appendix 4 - Characters. Full colour maps and pre-generated character sheets can be downloaded free from www

Quick Play


One of the great attractions of the Fighting Fantasy series of books is that it is very easy to pick up a book and start playing, everything you need is provided in the books, you just need to grab a pencil to get straight into the action. We have tried to write this scenario in

the same way, providing you with everything we can so that you can get on and play the game without having to spend ages preparing. Simply hand out the pregenerated characters, get get your dice and start playing. Detailed dungeon floor plans, pregenerated character sheets with rules' summaries and character and monster tokens are available free to owners of this  book and can be downloaded downlo aded from Notes are included in the back of this book to help you integrate this scenario into an ongoing campaign, or visit our website: where more information can be found about Titan  , the Fighting Fantasy  world. 

Campaign Integration Although this scenario is designed to be played as a stand-alone adventure using the pregenerated characters provided or a party of newly created 8th level characters, there is no reason why it couldn't be used as a part of an on-going campaign. Guidelines and advice are included in the appendices to help you integrate this scenario into an on-going campaign and suggestions are included about adjusting difficulty levels (see Appendix 3 - Campaign Play). Play).

How to use this Book The first pages of this scenario contain background information for the DM. Later pages contain the rules for the new (optional) Luck ability, these rules should  be studied by the DM and the players. Tow Towards ards the  back of the book you will find summaries of new monsters, spells and magic items as well as advice about integrating this adventure into your campaigns. The bulk of the book contains the scenario information. Each location entry in the scenario is shown on the main map provided, a full colour 1" = 5 feet map of each location can be obtained free from: A description of each location is provided provided for the DM detailing its contents and any monsters present. The shaded text boxes contain information that the DM can either either read out or paraphrase to the players. Other information should be kept secret from the players until they discover it. Descriptions of how each monster is likely to react are included in the room descriptions. The DM controls all the creatures within the adventure except the player characters and is free to change their behaviour as he / she sees fit. The DM is advised to read through the scenario at least once before you play. play.

Using Maps & Miniatures Using maps and miniature figures adds a whole new dimension to playing this game, they help the DM to 'set the scene' and players to see where characters and monsters are, what the dungeon looks like and make combat more exciting and realistic. Full colour maps, pregenerated character sheets and character and monster tokens are all available free to owners of this book from; (make sure you have your copy of this book available when downloading these free extras)


L u k  Luck was a major factor in the Fighting Fantasy  series of books. The d20 system includes a range of skills that are used where Luck was in the original  books. However, However, we wanted to keep the overall tone & feel of the Fighting Fantasy  books so we have included Luck as a new Ability score. This scenario is aimed at small parties of players (mini-groups). The inclusion of Luck gives them an edge that makes up for their lack of numbers. Players are be encouraged to use Luck as often as possible - it may make the difference between success and failure! To reflect this, it is easier for characters to recover Luck than it is for other attributes, methods of restoring Luck are given under the heading: Restoring Luck.

New Ability Score Luck is determined in the same way as other ability scores. There are several options available (see DMG Chapter 2, Ability Scores Generation). The maximum possible starting Luck score is 18 regardless of race. A charac character's ter's starting starting Luck Luck score can only only be increased by magical means or by spending attribute points enced. gained as the characters become more experiLuck will be treated as an Ability score in every respect i.e. lost ability scores are regained at the rate of one per day (see DMG Chapter 3, Running the game, ability score loss).

Standard Point Buy Method Because there are now 7 ability scores instead of the normal 6, the amount of starting points is increased to 30 rather than 25 (See DMG Chapter 2, Ability Scores Generation, Standard Point Buy).

Using Luck A chara character cter may use Luck Luck to change change or influence influence events, reducing the damage taken from an enemies attack for instance, or increasing their chance of picking a lock. Luck can be used to modify a character's skill checks, saving throws, attack rolls, and melee/ ranged damage dealt. You can also use your Luck to reduce the damage you take from an enemies attack. Luck checks must be resolved BEFORE the action that they are affecting is undertaken (exception: reducing damage taken in melee/ ranged). The result of the Luck check is applied as a modifier to the action. You may only check Luck once per action undertaken and the result only affects that action. A character's Luck score is is temporarily reduced by 1 every time Luck is checked. Luck cannot be used to give a character feats or special abilities that she would not normally have. i.e. a fighter cannot use Luck to allow her to turn / rebuke Undead.

Luck Difficulty Class Luck is checked against a Difficulty Class (DC). (See PHB Chapter 4, skills, using skills, Difficulty Class). The base DC for Luck is 10.

Ability Luck check check = D20 + Ability Ability Modifier (Luck) against DC10 A total roll of 10 will give you a +1 bonus. For For every 2 points over 10 that you roll you gain +1 to the outcome that Luck was used to affect (i.e. 10 = +1; 12 = +2; 18 = +5 etc ). If the Character fails his Luck check by up to 5, there is no penalty. However, if the character fails by 6 or more, he will suffer a -2 penalty to the outcome that Luck was used to affect. Example: Ellion G'aarak decides to test her Luck to help her fight 2 Orcs by giving a modifier to hit them. She rolls a D20 and adds her Luck ability modifier getting a total of 13, success! Ellion now adds +2 to her next attack roll against the Orcs and her Luck is temporarily reduced by 1. Later in the same fight Ellion decides to test her Luck to add to her attack roll again, this time she rolls a total of 4. Ellion has failed to make the required DC10 by 6. Ellion now suffers a -2 penalty to her attack roll and her Luck is temporarily reduced by 1. If she had rolled a total of 7, she would still have failed in her Luck check but not suffered a penalty. However, her Luck would still have been temporarily reduced by 1.

Minimum Luck Score When a character's Luck score reaches 0 they can no longer choose to test their Luck. Luck cannot be lowered further than 0, and cannot be used again until it is raised to at least 1.

Saving Throws & Luck Luck can be used to modify the result of a saving throw using the same method as described above (under the heading: Luck Difficulty Class). The character makes a Luck check and than applies the result as a modifier to their saving throw.

Skills & Luck Luck can be used to modify the result of skill checks using the same method as described above (under the heading: Luck Difficulty Class). The character makes a Luck check and then applies the result as a modifier to their skill check. e.g. Rhana Quinn has fallen off a rickety bridge into a fast flowing river. river. The DM determines that a skill (Swim) check (DC15) is required for Rhana to safely swim to the nearby riverbank. Rhana is not a good swimmer having only a skill of 1, which is reduced by -7 because of her equipment (-1 per 5lbs carried). This means that the best she can hope to do is 20 + 1 - 7 = 14 meaning she can't succeed! She decides to use her Luck to help her reach the riverbank safely. Rhana rolls a D20 getting 15 and adds her Luck ability modifier (+2 from an Ability score of 14) for a total of 17. She has succeeded by 7 so she may add +4 + 4 to her Swim check. She now makes her Swim skill check D20 + 1 (Swim skill) -7 (equipment carried) +4 (Luck). She rolls a 17 giving her a final check result of 15. Rhana just manages to scramble to the riverbank. Rhana reduces her Luck temporarily by 1.



If Rhana had failed her Luck check, for instance rolling a 3 on her D20 (+2 Ability modifier) = 5, her Swim check would then have been D20 +1 (Swim skill) -7 (equipment carried) +0 (Luck check result) giving her a maximum possible result of only 14. She would start to drown. Of course she could use Luck again in the next round to help her survive.

ness. i.e. Luck may be applied to the Turning Check Result, but cannot be used to increase the maximum hit dice affected, or the number of HD affected. e.g. Ellion G'aarak is a 4th level Cleric. Entering a room Ellion encounters 4 zombies, she decides to attempt to turn them and to use Luck in her attempt. Ellion makes a Luck check, the result of which is added to her Turning check result which may make

Opposed Checks &result Luck Luck can beSkill used to modify the r esult of opposed skill

her more likely to succeed. However, Luck cannot be used to change the maximum effectiveness of her turning attempt, she can still only possibly affect Undead with 8HD or less. Neither does Luck affect the number of such Undead she can affect.

checks using the same method as described above (under the heading: Luck Difficulty Class). The character makes a Luck check and then applies the result as a modifier to their opposed skill check, which is then compared to their opponent's check as normal.

Checks Without Rolls & Luck You cannot 'take 10' or 'take 20' with Luck saves

Combat & Luck Luck can be used in combat in three ways. To increase your chance of hitting an opponent, to increase the damage you deal to an opponent, or to reduce the damage taken from an opponent's blow.

Using Luck to hit an opponent

A chara character cter may make make a Luck check (as described described under the heading: Luck Difficulty Class) the result of which is then added or subtracted to her next attack roll to hit an opponent.

Using Luck to increase the damage dealt When a character has successfully hit an opponent, he may make a Luck check (as described under the heading: Luck Difficulty Class) and add or subtract the result to the damage dealt by his attack. The Luck check must be made before damage is rolled. Luck damage is never multiplied by a critical success.

Using Luck to reduce the damage taken When a character has been hit by an opponent's attack, sheheading: may make Luck check (as and described under the Lucka Difficulty Class) apply the result to reduce or increase the damage she suffers from the attack. Damage reduced by a Luck check can never be reduced to less than 0. She can decide to make the Luck check before or after damage has been rolled.

Luck and Magic


Luck cannot be used to increase or decrease the effectiveness of a spell or magical effect. Luck can be used to increase the chance of hitting with a magical attack such as a ray by modifying the to-hit roll, or it could be used to modify the result of a Spellcraft check to help identify a spell being cast. Similarly it could be used to increase the chance of making a successful saving throw to counter a spells effect.

Luck and Turn / Rebuke Undead Luck can be used to increase the chance of turning / rebuking Undead but cannot increase the effective-

Stand alone Luck Checks There will be situations within the adventure when Luck can be used to determine the outcome. Depending on the situation the DM may appoint a higher or lower Luck DC. The DM must never use Luck to replace a saving throw or skill check that already exists. In the example below an unsuccessful Luck check would then require a Reflex save to avoid falling in the water. An example of a stand alone Luck check: If the characters walking a rickety oldweight wooden does aare rotten plankover break under the ofbridge, one of the players? The DM decides that the characters will have to be particularly Lucky to avoid all the rotten planks and gives this situation a Luck DC of 15. As with all Luck checks, once a stand alone Luck check has been made (whether successful or not) the character must temporarily reduce his Luck score by 1.

Opposed Luck Checks Two characters are sitting at the table playing cards. Who will win? The simple solution to this is for the characters to make an opposed Luck check. Both characters roll a D20 and add their Luck modifier. The character with the highest Luck result wins. Each character that made the opposed Luck check must temporarily reduce his Luck score by 1.

Optional Luck rule If a character rolls a natural 1 on the Luck roll the DM may rule that that character has been so unlucky that he automatically fails whatever he was attempting to use Luck with: if he was using Luck to modify his attack roll then the attack automatically misses; if he was using Luck to modify his chance to Pick a lock, the attempt automatically fails; if he was using Luck to modify his melee damage roll, he scores no damage at all; If he was using Luck to modify his opponent's melee damage roll, his opponent does full damage.

Restoring Luck Luck can be restored in a number of ways. Luck cannot be increased past its starting value except by magical means New Appendix 2 - New Magic ,take Spells). Any(see excess Luck points that would a character's Luck score above the original value are lost.


Normal regeneration of ability points

Background The following text should be read aloud

(see DMG chapter 3, ability score loss)

Magical means - spells and potions Any spell that restores Ability points can be used to restore Luck points. Examples include: Lesser Restoration; Restoration and Fortune (see Appendix 2 - New Magic , New Spells) Any potion that restores Ability points can be used to restore Luck points.

Discretionary Awards Awards by the DM. DM's can choose to award Luck points to characters for particular acts of daring or heroism. It should be remembered that Luck is an extremely powerful ability that can allow characters to succeed at tasks that they normally wouldn't be able to achieve. Care should be taken when awarding Luck points, don't give the characters too much or you could make any scenario too easy, but don't be too stingy with your Luck awards or the characters will probably fail.

Scenario Awards

Winters in northern Allansia are always cruel and bitter; the snow falls thick and the icy wind blows hard, chilling everybody to the bone. For the past   few weeks you have been hired by a merchant merchant called Big Jim Sun to protect his trading caravans as they roll their way north to the frozen outposts. It is nearing midday as you walk ahead of the six carts across a frozen lake. In the distance you can see the snow-capped peaks of the Icefinger   Mountains jutting out of a low cloud. Your destination lies at the base of the mountains where the Northmen meet to trade. Snow is falling, but not  heavily, suddenly the shrill call of a hunting horn breaks the silence. Big Jim calls you over to his wagon; his bright blue eyes scan the horizon, searching for signs of life. In a deep voice he says, "Sounds like that came from the outpost. You'd better go and investigate. Could be trouble. And get back quick!"

At various points in this adventure Luck points are

Two Tw o hours later you reach the outpost at the base of 

awarded characters.atThese Luck discretion. awards can be increased to / decreased the DM's Luck awards are to the party as a whole, it is up to the DM to determine how they are divided amongst the characters. E.g. if a party of 3 characters are awarded 2 Luck points, the DM can give 1 point each to 2 of the players or 2 points to one of them at the DM's discretion - award the points to the characters who played the most significant role in gaining them.

the Mountains. is red with blood; the Icefinger Northmen's wooden The hutssnow are smashed and torn down. Six men lie dead, their bodies torn apart, broken axes lying at their sides in the snow. Judging by the size of the footprints, the creature that attacked the outpost must have been enormous!

Monsters and Luck Luck is a player character specific ability. ability. Monster and NPC's do not gain the Luck Ability score.

Caverns o f t he he Snow For the DM


This adventure takes place on the continent of Allansia, In the Fighting Fantasy  world of Titan . The first part of the adventure takes place on the Icefinger Mountains and within the Crystal Caverns (please refer to Map 1). The characters are hired by Big  Jim Sun to kill a Monster that has slaughtered everyone at a trading outpost. While looking for this creature, the characters discover the Crystal Caverns and uncover a plot by the Snow Witch to bring about another Ice Age and take over the World. The second part is set in the wilderness (please refer to the wilderness map). The characters have been affected by an ancient Death spell and must travel to 

There is nothing you can do for the unfortunate Northmen and there is nothing salvageable from the outpost, so you head back towards Big Jim's caravan to report the news reaching them just as daylight is fading. After telling Big Jim about the carnage at the Northmen's outpost, he orders the carts to be drawn into a circle to protect his men during  the night. A large fire is built in the centre of the circle and you sit down beside it to talk to Big Jim. In a low voice, Big Jim asks you if you will hunt down the terrible creature, otherwise his business will be ruined forever. You smile and reply that you will track down the beast, but only for a share in the  profits. You estimate that to t o be around 3000gp. Big   Jim's jaw drops open, and it takes a great deal of   persuasion before he agrees to your demands. The snow finally stops falling as you settle down for the night; sleep is a long time coming, for your mind is active with thoughts of the impending hunt. When you awake just after dawn, the fire is reduced to dying embers. You walk over to where Big Jim is sleeping and tap him on the shoulder. He wakes with a start and you tell him that you are setting off and hope to be back later in the day. As you leave you wave to the guards. The snow starts to fall again, and you make your way back to the outpost  

the heart of the Moonstone Hills to find the only known cure.



The Dungeon All rooms and corridors in the Glacier section have 12ft. ceilings. Corridors and rooms are rough-cut ice either 5ft. or 10ft. wide (please refer to the overlay map). All rooms and corridors in the Mountain section have 22ft ceilings. Corridors and rooms are rough-cut stone work either 5ft. or 10ft. wide (please refer to the overlay map). Doors are wooden (good) and are unlocked unless otherwise stated. Any locked doors have average locks unless otherwise stated. The dungeon is unlit unless otherwise stated. Doors: Good Wooden; 1½ inches thick; Hardness 5; Hit points 20; Break DC25 Locks: Av Average erage lock; Open lock DC25 Listen checks: All Listen check DC are calculated with the character standing in the adjacent square to the door (2½ ft. away) unless stated in the text. If a character actively listens at a door (presses his ear to the door) then reduce the Listen DC by 2.

Northmen Outpost (EL 0)

this bonus to other characters as well (see PHB Chapter 4 for more information). Any characters that receive subdual damage have frostbite and are considered fatigued (see DMG Chapter 3, Condition summary for more information). If any of the characters make a skill (Spot) check (DC15 - remember to include the -4 penalty due to the snow) read them the following:

 Just ahead of you, a huge dark shape looms out of  the curtain of snow. A huge hairy Mammoth stands before you its long tusks curving out threateningly.  Although the edge of the Crevasse is quite wide, there is no way around the creature. It lumbers forward menacingly. If the characters turn and flee back to the Bridge, the Mammoth will not follow. If they stay where they are the Mammoth will ready to charge the first person who comes into range. Mammoth: hp 101(see Appendix 1- New Monsters) If the characters either kill the Mammoth or find a way to get past it, they may continue around the edge of the Crevasse. Read them the following:

The distance to the Outpost from the t he Caravan is 6500ft

It takes just under 20 minutes of hard walking to

(1.23 miles) and there. will take the characters just over 43 minutes to walk

reach toa edge theclimbs Crevasse. Youupare able to  follow path of that steeply thenow mountain.

By the time you reach the Outpost again, the bodies are blanketed with snow and the beast's footprints are covered over. The visibility is poor as you set off  towards the mountains where you hope to find the abominable killer beast. The snow on the mountainside is soft and you sink up to your knees as you climb slowly upwards. Soon, you find yourselves at  the edge of a Crevasse, which is spanned by an Ice Bridge. The deep snow reduces movement rates by half

The Crevasse (EL 8) Distance from encounter 1 is 7250ft. (1.37 miles). It will take the characters just over 48 minutes to walk this distance in the snow. When the characters arrive at the Crevasse, read them the following:

The Crevasse is quite wide, the wind starts to howl and blows flurries of snow into your faces. The howling (strong) wind and snow will make the going tough for the characters. Listen checks will incur a -2 penalty (due to the wind) and spot checks will incur a - 4 penalty (due to the blown snow). In addition, characters using ranged weapons also incur a penalty of -6 to hit (-2 for the wind and -4 for the snow) and any unprotected flames (like torches) will  be extinguished. The deep snow reduces movement rates to one half normal. The icy cold wind and snow also has its effects on the characters. Unprotected characters (those that have not sought shelter and warmth) must make Fortitude saves (DC15, +1 per previous check) every hour, taking 1D6 of subdual damage on every failure. Characters with the Wilderness lore skill receive a  bonus to this saving throw and may be able to apply

Ice Bridge (EL 2) The natural Ice Bridge is quite narrow and looks very slippery. However, it also appears to cut quite a distance out of your journey. The Ice Bridge is 10ft. wide and 40ft. long. Any character attempting to cross the Ice Bridge must make a skill (Balance) check (DC15). If unsuccessful, they they fall 30 ft. to a ledge below (which juts out of the south so uth side of the Crevasse) and take 3D6 falling damage. The ledge is 120 ft. long and 15 ft. wide. The fallen character may climb up the rock face by making a skill (Climb) check (DC15). If a character fails their Climb check they fall, a successful ability (Luck) check (DC10) means they land back on the ledge, failure means they plummet 2000ft to the bottom of the Crevasse and are killed

Snow Wolves (EL 4)  As the last person has crossed the Bridge the wind starts to howl. As it picks up speed it blows flurries of snow into your faces. The howling (strong) wind and snow will make the going tough for the characters. Listen checks will incur a -2 penalty (due to the wind) and Spot checks will incur a - 4 penalty (due to the snow). In addition, characters using ranged weapons also incur a -6 to hit (-2 for the wind and -4 for the snow) and any unprotected flames (like torches) will be extinguished. The deep snow reduces movement to one half normal. If any character succeeds at a skill (Listen) check (DC12 - remember to include the -4 penalty due to the snow) read them the following:




 Above the howling of the wind, you have suddenly become aware of another sound - the howling of  wolves. The howl belongs to two Snow Wolves. The Wolves are searching for food for fo r their young and have picked up on the character's scent. The Snow Wolves use their skill (Hide) to approach within striking distance. To see the approaching Snow Wolves, the characters must make opposed skill (Hide/ Spot) checks with the wolves. If the characters are unsuccessful the wolves' gain a partial action (due to surprise) before initiative is rolled for combat. If the characters are successful, read the following:  As if out of nowhere two Wol Wolves ves appear. Both are completely white part from their blood red eyes. Their colouring makes them difficult to see against  the snowy background. The Snow Wolves attack: Snow Wolves (2): hp's; 15, 20 (see Appendix 1- New Monsters)

5. Blizzard (EL 2) Distance from encounter 4 is 7000ft. (1.33 miles). It will take the characters just over 48 minutes to walk this distance in the t he snow.  As you ascend the mountain the snow begins to fall heavily and the wind blows so hard that you find it  difficult to keep your balance. It looks like a blizzard is starting. The blizzard will last two hours, during which the following effects apply: visibility is reduced to three quarters, -8 penalty to Spot, Search and Listen checks. Missile fire is impossible, unprotected flames are extinguished; protected flames such as hooded lanterns have a 50% chance of being extinguished. Characters not in warm shelter must make a Fortitude save (DC15 + 1 per previous check) every 10 minutes or take 1d6 subdual damage (Cold), characters with the Wilderness Lore skill receive a bonus (see PHB Chapter 4 for more information). Any character taking damage suffers frostbite and is considered fatigued (see DMG Chapter 3, Condition summary for more information). The blizzard lasts for 2 hours, after which the weather calms considerably considerably.. The wind is still blowing strong (-2 to Ranged Attacks and Listen checks), but it has stopped snowing for the time being.

6. The Trappers Log Cabin (EL 0) Distance from encounter 5 is 5000ft. (0.95 miles). It will take the characters just over 33 minutes to walk this distance in the t he snow.

Underneath an overhanging rock, you can see a small wooden cabin built against the side of the mountain. Its roof is piled high with snow and long  icicles hang down from the window ledges.


Characters investigating the outside of the cabin making a successful skill (Search) check (DC10) will find a partially covered set of human footprints leading from the cabin up the mountain.

The door to the cabin is frozen shut. If any character wishes to open it they will have to make an ability (Strength) check (DC13). If a character enters the cabin or looks through one of the windows, read them the following:

There is only one room inside the log cabin. Animal traps, furs and sacks are stacked in the northwest  corner. A wooden bed is positioned in the centre of  the north wall while a table and single chair are centred in the room. The fireplace has embers glowing in its hearth and a pot of stew hangs over it. There are some sheets of parchment on the table, with a quill and inkpot. This cabin belongs to a Trapper by the name of Brogan. Brogan has spent most of life up here in the mountain trading furs at the Northmen outpost to earn a living. Five years ago he heard rumours that the legendary Crystal Caves were located somewhere in this mountain and he has spent most of his spare time since searching for the entrance. If any characters read the note, read the following: The parchment has been written on in the common language and reads: I hope someone finds this letter before it is too late! I have discovered the entrance to the legendary Crystal Caverns. The minions of the Snow Witch, a beautiful yet evilI have sorceress, have carved these caves out of a glacier. discovered that she is trying  to bring on an Ice Age so that she can rule supreme over the whole world!


The entrance to the Crystal Caverns is located high up on this very mountain. It is open, but shrouded by an illusion. This I know because I have seen one of  the Snow Witches minions seemingly walk through the Ice Wall. I am leaving now, to put an end to the Snow Witches Witches  plan. I hope that who ever finds this letter will pursue me the mountain to help meleft rid athe world of  this evilup before it is too late! I have piece of fur  hanging over the entrance so that you will be able to locate the Crystal Caverns. Brogan The dying fire can easily be revived using the firewood in the cabin. There is enough of the tasty stew for four people to enjoy a substantial meal. Staying in the warm cabin for an hour will cure any subdual damage caused by the cold weather. Any character making a skill (Search) check (DC10) of the cabin will find a War-hammer and a Spear under the bed. Both weapons are masterwork (see PHB Chapter 7, Special and Superior items for more information).

7. Brogan and the Yeti (EL 7) Distance from encounter 6 is 5000ft. (0.95 miles). It will take the characters just over 33 minutes to walk this distance in the snow.

The high altitude and thin atmosphere make you  pant for breath as you continue continue your steady climb climb up the mountain. As they approach ask the characters to make a skill (Listen) check (DC10 remember to include the -2 penalty due to the wind). If successful they can hear the cry of a human followed by a ferocious roar. If the characters make a skill (Spot) check (DC12) read them the following:

 Just ahead you can see a fur trapper fighting for his life against a large bear-like beast with long white  fur and sharp teeth protruding from its jaws. This could be the killer beast that slew the Northmen traders at the outpost. As you watch, the creature's claws gash the unfortunate trapper and he falls face  first into the snow. This is indeed the creature responsible for the carnage at the outpost. The creature is a Yeti. It spots the characters and advances menacingly. menacingly. Yeti: hp 49 (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters) Monsters) The trapper is Brogan. It was his cabin that the characters saw further back down the mountain. Brogan has been killed by the Yeti and cannot be revived. If the characters kill the Yeti they are faced with two choices; either they can take evidence of the snow  beast's death back to Big Jim at the caravan and claim their 3000gp reward, or they can continue on up the mountain to locate the Crystal Caves and slay the Snow Witch. Searching Brogan's body the characters will find the following equipment: a Cold Weather Outfit (see PHB P HB Chapter 7, Equipment for more information), a suit of Studded Leather Armour (medium sized), a small

Wooden Shield, a +1 Shortsword, 50ft of Rope, a warm Wolf Fur Cloak, 5 days worth of Trail Rations & 20gp

8. Avalanche! (EL 10) Distance from encounter 7 is 4000ft. (0.75 miles). It will take the characters just over 26 minutes to walk this distance in the snow.

Now that the snow has stopped falling and the wind has a gentle breeze, the is clear and blue.died Thedown air isto cold and crisp and thesky snow crunches beneath your feet. Slowly you continue up the mountainside looking for the entrance marker left by Brogan the trapper. Suddenly you hear a distant  rumbling from above. Looking up you can see great  cascades of snow tumbling down the mountainside in your direction. The terrifying noise is an Avalanche. Avalanche. If the characters look around they see an outcrop under which they could shelter, but they will have to move fast to get there safely. In order for the characters to make the outcrop  before the Av Avalanche alanche is upon them they must move quickly across the snow. To avoid falling over in the deep snow, characters must make a skill (Balance) check If they and are successful, theyharmlessly reach the shelter(DC10). of the outcrop the Avalanche over them. If they are unsuccessful the mass of ice and rock falls upon them and they suffer 5D6 impact damd amage, Reflex save (DC15) for half damage.

9. The Crystal Caves (EL 0) Distance from encounter 8 is 7000ft. (1.33 miles). It will take the characters just over 46 minutes to walk this distance in the snow.

You make your way ever onwards up the Mountain until you reach a rock face that t hat is too steep to climb. Walking Wal king around the side of the rock face you can see a massive wall of ice that completely blocks a gully between two peaks of the mountain - the glacier.  Hanging on the ice is a small animal fur. The entrance to the Crystal Caves has an Illusory Wall spell (see PHB Chapter 11 for more information) cast on it to make it appear to be just an Ice Wall. If the characters feel along the wall they will find the cave entrance easily enough. Once the location of the Illusory Wall spell is known the characters can make a Will saving throw (DC17) to disbelieve it. Inside the cave is a tunnel that has been carved from the ice. The tunnel leads into darkness. If the characters continue up the passage, they come to a T-junction leading east west.

10. Anti-freeze Potion (EL 0) Upon entering the cavern read the following:

The tunnel opens out into a cavern. The cavern is empty apart from a brass bowl resting on top of an ice plinth. The brass bowl contains a yellow liquid and a ladle. The yellow Liquid is a potion of Endure Elements, cold (see DMG, Chapter 8, Potions for more information). In addition to the normal effects of the potion,



this will also cure any subdual damage (frostbite) (f rostbite) that has been incurred due to the cold weather. The potion is here to ward the evil minions of the Snow Witch against the cold elements. There are 30 doses of the potion in the bowl.

11. A Mountain Elf (EL 5/ 7) Characters who make a successful skill (Listen) check (DC16) can hear footsteps coming down the corridor. The footsteps are being made by a Mountain Elf coming down the corridor, if the characters wait where they are they will surprise him when he comes round the corner, otherwise read them the following:

The tunnel bends round to the right. As you turn the corner you almost bump into a tall pale skinned humanoid coming the other way. He is wearing a white cloak with a hood pulled over his head. You recognise the male as a Mountain Elf. "Who are you? And where are you going?" he asks in the common tongue. Hagan is patrolling the corridors; characters can attempt to bluff their way past him by making a successful opposed skill (Bluff/Sense motive) check, in which case he will continue his patrol. If they fail or otherwise raise his suspicions he will attack. Hagen, male elf (Mountain (Mountain)) Ftr5: CR 5; Size Size M (4 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 5d10+10; hp 50; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 18 (+2 Dex, +2 Studded Leather, Buckler); Attack +10 melee (Shortsword 1D6 +6); SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +1; AL NG (NE with collar); Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14. Languages Languages Spoken: Spoken: Common, Elven. Skills and feats: Hide +2, Listen +4, Move silently +2, Search +2, Sense motive +4, Spot +4; Alertness, Improved initiative, Power attack, Weapon focus (Shortsword), Weapon specialisation (Shortsword). Equipment: Studded Leather +2, Winter Cloak, Shortsword +2, Pouch with 16gp, Collar of Obedience (see Appendix 2- New Magic) Magic) If Hagen is reduced to 3 or fewer hit points (and still

If Hagen is killed the characters will notice that the collar around his neck stops glowing and turns black. The Witch will be aware that Hagen has died and sends two Goblins to investigate. The Goblins come running from room 16, their approach can be heard on a successful listen check (DC14). The Goblins will attack the characters on sight. Brak and Gorgok, male goblins (2) Ftr4 (Both): CR 4 each; Size S (3 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 4d10+12; hp 44, 39; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+1 Dex, +1 Size, Leather +1); Attack +5 melee (Longsword 1D8 +2); face/ reach: 5ft. by 5ft. / 5ft.; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0; AL NE; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8; Languages Spoken: Goblin; Skills and feats: Hide +6, Listen +3, Move Move silently +4 and Spot +3; Alertness, Dodge, Improved initiative, Weapon focus (Longsword), Weapon specialisation (Longsword). Equipment: Both Goblins wear Leather +1 and both have Longswords +1, both wear a Collar of Obedience (see Appendix 2- New Magic) Magic) see MM for more information on Goblins.

12. Pit Trap (EL 3) long, 50ft deep, spanning spanning the the Trap: A pit trap 10ft. long, entire width of the corridor has been dug here and a thin layer of ice has been laid over the pit to camouflage it. The ice covering is very thin and will break if anyone stands on it. The walls of the pit are hard ice, and are very hard to climb (DC20). attack roll roll (5D6); Reflex Reflex Pit Trap (50ft.): CR 3; No attack save (DC20) avoids; Search (DC22); Disable (DC 20).

13. Frozen Orc (EL 5) The tunnel opens out into a cave. In front of you is a strange sight. There are two small pools in the floor  with steam gently rising from them; protruding from one pool is the hilt of a sword, from the other, the shaft of a spear. The frozen body of an Orc lies against the wall, its arm rigid and pointing towards the sword hilt.

conscious) or he is subdued, read the following: "Mercy!" cries the wounded Mountain Elf as he slumps to the floor. If the characters spare his life, read the following:

 He pulls back his hood and reveals a metal collar  around his neck, glowing in the semi-darkness. "Obedience Collar", Collar", he stammers in pain. "Makes us do whatever she wishes. If I die the collar will loose its energy but she will know and send others to investigate. Mountain Elves would not serve that  vile Witch of our own free will. Kill her and we are  free. I bear you no grudge for attacking me, for you knew no better. Hagen is in a lot of pain and cannot talk for much longer. He asks the characters not to heal him, because


he would then other be unable to resist them again. The only information thatattacking he can tell the characters is that when they reach the end of this corridor they should turn right, not left.

If any character makes a successful skill (Search) check (DC12) read them the following: A rhyme has been carved into the ice floor by the pools. It reads: Sword or spear, Strength or fear, How you choose, Win or loose. The frozen Orc is long dead and poses no threat. If the characters search the Orc they will find a worthless pair of old sandals and a mouldy loaf of bread in


its backpack. A successful skill (Search) (Search) check (DC30) will reveal an iron key in the mouldy loaf of bread. The key is important and is linked to encounter 19. Award the party 2 Luck points for finding the key The sword can easily be pulled from the pool, it is a Magical Longsword +3 Trap: The spear is cursed. Any player who touches the spear will suffer a terrible vision of monsters and

(Dagger). Equipment: Studded Leather +2, Dagger +3, Collar of Obedience (see Appendix 2- New Magic) If the characters are victorious, they are free to look around and search the the kitchen, read the following:

demons. Cursed spear trap: CR 10; No Atta Attack; ck; Will Will save save (DC20) or suffer -2 Wisdom (permanent) and -2 Luck (permanent). If any character attempts to pull the spear from the pool, read them the following:

make an ability check (DC10). Inside thea cupboard are the(Strength) cook's possessions: cook's A silver flute, rune carved stick painted with blue and yellow hoops, an old withered rose and an old leather bound book with a metal clasp on the side entitled 'The Secret of Toads'. The silver flute is Magical and is called Tomah's Flute (see Appendix 2- New Magic) The Rune stick is non-magical. This item can be used later in the adventure as a wooden steak to aid in the defeat of the Vampire Snow Witch (encounter 24). The withered rose is magical and is called 'The Healing Rose' (see Appendix 2- New Magic). Trap: The leather bound book has a metal clasp on the side. On the underside of the clasp is a poison needle. Anyone who opens the clasp without disarming the trap will prick themselves on the needle. Poison needle trap: CR 4; No attack roll roll (damage 1+ shadow essence poison); Reflex Save (DC20) to avoid; Search (DC15); Disable (DC15). Shadow essence poison: Injury; Fortitude save (DC17); Initial: - 1 Str (permanent), Secondary: 2D6 Strength (See DMG Chapter 3; table 3-16 Poisons for more information) If anyone opens the book they find no writing, just a recess cut in the pages that holds a Talisman on a golden chain. While the Talisman is worn, the player gains +2 resistance bonus to Will save.

 As you grasp the shaft of the spear, terrible visions of nightmarish creatures invade your thoughts. The visions seem very real to you indeed. The spear is firmly embedded in the ice and cannot  be removed unless dug out.

14. The Kitchen (EL 8) Ask the characters to make a skill (Listen) check (DC5). If they are successful, they can hear shouting within the cave. Someone appears to be yelling incomprehensible orderslook to another. If the characters in the cave, read the following:

 At the back of this cave you can see a Neanderthal stripping the skin off of a moose. He appears to be working rather slowly and is being yelled at by a man dressed in a white apron and waving a wooden spoon about in the air. There is a large stew pot simmering on an open fire in the centre of the room. The man will not notice the characters unless they walk into his crude kitchen. If the characters move silently into the room, they must make opposed skill (Move silently/Listen) checks with the man, the Neanderthal is too busy to notice them If the characters are spotted entering the kitchen, read them the following: The man turns to you and shouts, "Get out! Dinner  won't be ready for two t wo hours yet. You'll hear the bell when it's ready. Mind you, you all look a little worse for wear. Have a stale cake each and be on your way". If the characters do not have adequate clothing to cover their necks, the man will make a skill (Spot) check (DC12). If successful, he notices that they don't have collars on and orders the Neanderthal to attack. Neanderthal: hp 19; Collar of Obedience (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters) Glom, male human Ftr5: CR 5; Size M (6 ft., ft., 0 in. tall); HD 5d10+10; hp 48; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 17 (+2 Dex, Studded Leather +2); Attack +13 melee (Dagger 1D4 +7), or +11 ranged (Dagger 1D4 +7); SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +0; AL NE; Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 13. Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Climb +8, Hide +2, Jump +6, Listen Lis ten +3, Move silently +2, Spot +4; Alertness, Dodge, Improved initiative, Power attack, Weapon focus (Dagger), Weapon specialisation

The cupboards are full of pots, pans, bowls and spoons. There is one cupboard that is locked. To force the cupboard open the characters must

15. The Bard (EL 7) Any character that comes within 20ft. of the cavern entrance must make a skill (Listen) roll (DC10). ( DC10). If they are successful they can hear soft, beautiful stringed music emanating from the cavern. As the characters approach the cave from which the music is coming, read them the following:

 At the end of this corridor is an archway covered by animal furs. The music is being played by Rillion the musician. Rillion is in charge of fitting the Collar of Obedience to new 'recruits'. If anyone looks into the room, read the following: You can see a human sat on a chair at the rear of the room. The man is dressed in purple and green hose and vest and pointed red slippers. The man is playing a lute and singing. He is very talented. To his left  are two large clay pots on a shelf. If Rillion spots anyone entering the room he will stop playing and ask them what they want. If complimented on his musical abilities he will thank the characters and play a jolly tune that incorporates a Cure Light Wounds spell (1d8 + 2) on the nearest injured charac-



16. Temple Temple of the Ice Demon (EL 10/ 12) As the characters approach the cavern they can hear rhythmic chanting emanating from a crowd within. If the characters look into the cavern, read the following:

ter. Otherwise Rillion will be wary of any intruders and ready to fight. "Come back again for more treatment", say's Rillion smiling. He continues to play. If the characters walk into the cavern and do not mention Rillion's vocal and musical talents he is very wary of them. He readies a Charm Person spell with the trigger being if anyone comes within 5ft. of him. Rillion, male human Ftr7: CR 7; Size M (6 ft., 1 in. in. tall); HD 7d10+7; hp 60; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 18 (+4 Dex, Leather Armour +2); Attack +14 /+9 melee (Rapier 1D6 + 5); SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2; AL NE; Str 13, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 7, Cha 17. Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Climb +8, Hide +3, Listen +3, Move silently +10, Perform (Lute) +10, Spot +5, Swim +5; Dodge, Mobility, Spring attack, Weapon finesse (Rapier), Weapon focus (Rapier), Weapon specialisation (Rapier). Equipment: Rapier +2, Leather +2, a Lute and a Collar of Obedience (see Appendix 2New Magic). Magic). Rillion can use the following spell like abilities twice per day each: Cure Light Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds and Charm Person. Tactic: If attacked, Rillion will cast Charm Person on the strongest looking character and ask them not to harm him. Rillion will then attack the remaining characters with his rapier and attempt to subdue them. He will then attach the Collars of Obedience once all the


characters are either charmed or subdued. Any character collared by Rillion is completely under the control of the Snow Witch and should be treated as an NPC until released.

Kneeling down before an ice effigy in the shape of a demon are several hooded humanoids. The worshipers are praying to the demon in a rhythmical chant. This is the temple of the Ice Demon T'armeru. The worshippers consist of 10 Goblins and Orcs and Adolynn an Orc Cleric. If the characters walk boldly through the cavern Adolynn the Cleric will challenge them. She is outraged that they have walked through without paying homage to the Frozen one. If Adolynn makes a skill (Spot) check (DC12) she notices that they do not have Collars of Obedience on and orders the mass of Goblins and Orcs to seize them. If the characters attempt to bluff their way past Adolynn, they will have to make opposed skill (Bluff/Sense motive) checks with her. If the characters have found the magical silver flute from the crude kitchen (encounter 14) and they show it to Adolynn saying that have to play the flute for the Snow Queen, give the players a +4 bonus to their bluff roll. If a fight ensues, Adolynn orders the Ice Demon T'armeru to attack the characters. Adolynn, female Orc Clr2: CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 2d8+2; hp 14; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18 (Chain shirt +2, Buckler +1); Attack +4 (War-hammer 1D8 +3); SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will Will +5; AL CE; Str 13, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 15, Cha 10. Languages Spoken: Common, Orc. Skills and feats: Concentrate +2, Hide Hide +0, Listen +2, Move silently +1, Spot +2; Martial weapon proficiency (War-hammer). Equipment: Warhammer +2, Chain shirt +2, Winter Cloak and Buckler +1, Collar of Obedience (see Appendix 2- New Magic) Magic) Cleric Domains: Evil, Chaos. Cleric spells Per Day: 4/3+1 (see PHB Chapter 11 Spells, Cleric Domains for a list of Cleric Domain spells) Spells revised: 0 level-level-- Cure Minor Wounds x3, Virtue. 1st Level-Inflict Light Wounds x2, Shield of Faith Orcs (6): hp 8, 8, 7, 8, 6, 6; Longsword Lo ngsword (1D8 +3),Collar of Obedience (see Appendix 2- New Magic) Magic) Goblins (4): hp 5, 7, 6, 4; Shortsword (1D6 -1), Collar of Obedience (see Appendix 2- New Magic) Magic) T'armeru, Ice Demon: hp 47 (see Appendix 1- New Monsters)) Monsters If the Ice Demon T'armeru is defeated, Adolynn and the Orcs and Goblins will flee the area via the west door. They will flee out of the caverns and down the mountainside and not be seen again during this adventure. Secret Door: If the characters make a successful skill (Search) check (DC15) along the north wall, they will find the secret door that leads to the pit viewing area (encounter 17) 10ft. above the pit. If they proceed up the stairs, ask them to make a skill (Listen) check (DC5). If successful, they can hear jeering and cursing (in the Goblin tongue) from further along the passage.


The noise is being made by 4 Goblins who are throwing chunks of rock and ice at a Dwarf who has fallen in the pit below. If the Goblins spot the characters they will attack: Goblins (4): hp 6, 7, 5, 6; all Goblins wear Collar's of Obedience (see Appendix 2- New Magic) Magic) and have Longsword's (1d8 -1) (see MM for more information on Goblins).

17. The Pit (EL 0) Any character moving within 20ft. of the Pit must make a skill (Listen) check (DC9). If they are successful, they can hear shouts for help in the common tongue that seem to be coming from a Pit at the end of the corridor. If the characters investigate, read the following: DM's note: If the characters have found the secret door in encounter 16 they may already have killed the 4 Goblins that are throwing rocks at Ulgrad. If this is the case, only read the passage up to the asterisk.

 At the bottom of the 20ft. Pit is a Dwarf. The unfortunate humanoid is trying desperately to climb up the slippery sides of the Pit wall*. The floor of the Pit is covered with large ice boulders that are being  continually thrown by humanoid creatures at the top of the shaft. One lands on the Dwarf's shoulder, to which you hear loud cheers from above. The Dwarf tumbles back down to the bottom of the Pit.  He looks up at you and says, "Curse "Curse you strangers if  if  you do not help me". If the characters throw a rope down to the Dwarf he climbs up, much to the annoyance of the creatures above. The Dwarf hurriedly introduces himself as Ulgrad and says that now he is free he must get back to his village as soon as possible. He thanks the characters for rescuing him and hands them a bag in which is a sling and 3 metal slingshots. He runs down the corridor and turns right (towards the Ice Demon's temple). As he does so, he shouts back, "Beware the White Rat!" The sling and metal slingshots are magical: sling +1 and 3 metal slingshots +3 Award the party 1 Luck point for rescuing Ulgrad and receiving his warning.

18. The Prism Mage (EL 6) As the characters move from the corridors inside the glacier into the mountain, read them the following:

The ice corridors that you are following soon lead into the mountain itself. The walls of the corridors change from ice to bare rock. If the characters continue into the cavern, read them the following: The passageway opens into a large cavern. There are three exits; one on the left, one on the right and the main one straight ahead which has been carved as a  giant skull. As you look, an ugly man steps out of  the mouth of the skull, holding a glass prism in his out-stretched hands. "Turn back" he commands, "Only the Snow Witches personal servants are allowed inside the mountain".

This is Yorgar the Prism Mage. He guards the entrance to the Snow Witches personal caverns. It is impossible for the characters to bluff their way past Yorgar, he knows that no-one is allowed past him, only the Snow Witch herself and her personal servants all of which he knows very well. Regardless of the yarn the characters attempt to spin, Yorgar agrees to them passing onward and tells them the Snow Witches personal quarters are along the left hand passage. The left passage leads to a trap. Yorgar, knowing that the characters are not supposed to be here, is holding out in front of him the Prism of Illusion (see Appendix 2- New Magic). Magic). He has readied a Mirror Image spell with the trigger  being anyone who comes within 5ft. in. Yorgar, male half-elf Sor6: CR 6; Size M (5 ft., 4 in. tall); HD 6d4+6; hp 27; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+2 Dex, Amulet of natural Armour +2); Attack +6 melee (Dagger 1D4 +3), or +7 ranged (Dagger 1D4 +3); SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +5; AL CE; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 15; Languages Spoken: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven. Skills and feats: Balance +4, Concentration +9, Hide +5, Listen +4, Move silently +4, Search +4, Spot +5; Dodge, Silent spell, Still spell. Equipment: Amulet of natural Armour +2, Collar of Obedience (see Appendix 2New Magic) Magic) Prism of Illusion (see Appendix 2- New Magic), Magic ), 2x Daggers +2 and a Purse with 3D4 gold Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/6/3): 0th -- Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Prestidigitation, Read Magic. 1st -- Charm Person, Chill Chill Touch, Touch, Magic Missile, Shield. 2nd Mirror Image, Invisibility. Invisibility. 3rd -- Lightning Bolt.

19. The left hand passage (EL 1) Trap: A pressu pressure re plate spans spans the corridor corridor (marked (marked 19.A on the map). If anyone stands on the pressure pressure plate, a heavy Iron Portcullis drops at the passage entrance (marked 19.B on the map). Lifting the Portcullis requires an ability (Strength) check (DC25). If successful, it lifts 3ft before sticking. attack roll roll (no damPressure plate trap: CR 1; No attack age); Search (DC20); Disable (DC20). If the characters continue, read them the following: The passage bends to the right, continues for 30ft. and ends at a large iron door, which spans the entire passageway.. The door has a single keyhole. passageway The door is locked. If the players found the key in the  bread (encounter 13), it fits and opens the door. If not, the door can either be forced open by a successful ability (Strength) check (DC28); Broken down: hardness 10, Hp 60 or the lock can be picked by a successful skill (Open locks) check (DC35)

20. The right hand passage (EL 1) Trap: A pressu pressure re plate spans spans the corridor corridor (marked (marked 20.A on the map). If anyone stands on the pressure pressure plate, a heavy Iron Portcullis drops at the passage entrance (marked 20.B on the map). Lifting the Portcullis an ability (Strength) check (DC25). If successful, it only lifts 3ft before sticking. Search (DC20); (DC20); Disable Disable Pressure plate trap: CR 1; Search device (DC 20).



If the characters continue, read them the following:

The passage bends to the left and continues for 60ft. before bending to the left again, but blocking your  advance, 30ft. along the passage, is a heavy  portcullis. If the characters examine the portcullis, ask them to make a skill (Spot) check (DC15). If successful, they can see the a small button along wall  beyond portcullis. In 10ft. orderfarther to throw an the object at the button the players make a successful ranged attack. The button is AC18 (due to its size). If the button is pressed or hit by an object the portcullis opens.

21. The Frost Giant (EL 9) If the characters go through the central skull shaped door, read them the following:

The passage widens into a large rectangular cavern.  Moving around in the cavern is a Giant Man who stands about 15ft. tall. The man has white skin with dirty yellow hair, and he wears thick animal furs. As you watch, the Giant is lifting a large chest on to a high shelf. The giant is Frasor, this is his lair. If he spots the characters he hurls the heavy chest at them +9 Ranged (chest 2D4+9) before charging them with his huge Greataxe. There is no bargaining with Frasor. He fights to the death. Frost Giant: hp 121 (see MM, Giants for more information on Frost Giants) The chest contains 3 Rings and a potion of Cure serious wounds that heals 3D8 +10 hit points labelled in common. Note: If the Frost Giant hurled the chest then the potion bottle has been shattered and the potion ruined. The three rings are: A golden ring, which is a ring of Major Elemental (Cold) resistance (see DMG Chapter 8, Rings for more information); a silver ring, which is a Ring of The Vampires Curse (see Appendix 2- New Magic)) and a copper ring, which is a Ring of Warrior Magic Summoning (see Appendix 2- New Magic) Magic)

22. The Crystal Warrior (EL 4) As the characters approach, read the following:

Blocking the passageway ahead is a tall humanoid who appears to be made of Clear Quartz. The Crystal Warrior carries a quartz spear, which it  readies for combat. The only way to pass is to fight the Crystal Warrior. Crystal Warrior: hps 35 (see Appendix Appendix 1 - New Monsters). Monsters ).

23. The Zombie Store Man (EL 1) The corridor ends at a locked door. If any character makes a skill (Listen) check (DC14), they can hear shuffling footsteps coming from the other side. If the characters open the door, read the following:


 Jars and bottles of various shapes and sizes sit on shelves that line the walls. Boxes and barrels are stacked up on the floor. A grey skinned man with white eyes and a club in his hand shuffles his way towards you.

The 'man' is a Zombie. The Zombie attacks anyone who enters the storeroom. Zombie: hp 17 (See MM for more information on Zombies, medium sized) A successful skill (Search) check (DC14) of the room will reveal the following: on a roll of exactly 14 they find a jar of pickled lizard tails, which weighs 1lb (the pickled tails have no use in this adventure). For every additional 2 points above 14, the characters find items in the following order: some garlic a box full of assorted teeth weighing 1lb (the teeth have no use in this adventure) four large dragon eggs which weigh 5lbs each (the eggs can be used much later in the adventure  by the healer - see encounter 22 in the Wilderness section) and a jar full of Powder with a note in it. The T he note describes the contents of the jar and its use. The jar is Szordrins dust (see Appendix 2 - New Magic), Magic), and can be used in encounter 24 to stop the White Rat changing back into a Dragon.

24. The Snow Witch (EL 11) The tunnel ends at a large pair of double doors. The doors are unlocked. No sound can be heard from the other side. If the characters open the doors, read them the following:

Beyond the door is a large high-ceilinged (50ft high) chamber , which ends in a massive wall of ice. In the centre of the chamber is an open marble sarcophagus with its lid propped up against its side. As you watch, a tiny White Rat jumps out of the sarcopha gus and sits on the floor. floor. The Rat starts to grow and and change shape! If the players have found Szordrins Dust from encounter 23, they could use this on the polymorphing creature. If they do, the Dragon remains as a White Rat, use the stats below: Icefang in rat form: CR 3; Size Size T (1ft. (1ft. long); long); HD 15D12; hp 67; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 15 ft., Climb 15ft.; AC 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex); Attack +15 melee (Bite 1D3 -4); Face/Reach: 2 ½ft. by 2½ ft./ 2 ½ft. SA spell like ability: Freezing fog - 3x/day; Other spell like abilities: Gust of wind, Fog cloud, Wall of ice - 3/day, Control weather - 1/day; SQ Cold subtype, Ice walking, Frightful presence Will save (DC16), Spell resistance (SR16), Dragon immunities, Blind slight 150ft., Keen senses, Darkvision 500ft. ; SV Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +9; AL CE; Str 2, Dex Dex 15, Con 10, Int Int 8, Wis 11, 11, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: Draconic. Skills and feats: Listen + 15, Spot +15 and search +15; Alertness, Power attack, Weapon focus (Bite). Equipment: None (see MM, Dragon, White Dragon for more information on Young You ng Adult White Dragons) If not the Rat polymorphs into its true self; a Young Adult White Dragon called Icefang. He is the Snow Witches personal guard.Icefang attacks the characters. Icefang, young adult White Dragon: CR 7; Size Size L (15 ft. tall); HD 15D12 +45; hp 112; Init +0; Spd 60 ft., fly 200ft. (poor), swim 60ft., burrow 30ft.; AC 23 (-1 size, +14 natural); Attack +19 melee (bite 2D6 +4) and +14 melee (2 claw 1D8 +2 each) and +13 melee (2 wings 1D6+2 each) and +13 melee (tail slap 1D8 +6); Face/Reach: 5ft. by 10ft./ 10ft. SA Breath weapon (40ft.


cone of cold, 5D6 damage, Reflex save (DC20) for half damage, Spell like ability: Fog Cloud 1/day; SQ Cold subtype, Ice walking, Frightful presence Will save (DC16), Spell resistance (SR16), Dragon immunities, Blind slight 150ft., Keen senses, Darkvision 500ft. ; SV Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +9; AL CE; Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: Draconic. Skills and feats: Listen + 15, Jump +6, Spot +15 and search +15; Alertness, Power attack ,Weapon focus (Bite) and Weapon focus (Claw). Equipment: None (see MM, Dragon, White Dragon for more information on Young Adult White Dragons)

ing 5, Vampire weakness. SV Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +5; AL CE; Str 15, Dex 18, Con 0, Int 12, 12, Wis 10, Cha 21. Skills and feats: Bluff +13, Concentration +10, Hide +9, Listen +10, Move silently +10, Search +9, Sense motive +8, Spellcraft +9, Spot +10; Alertness, Combat reflexes, Dodge, Improved initiative, lightning reflexes, Scribe scroll, Still spell and Silent spell. Sorcerer spells per day (6/8/7/5): 0th -- Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Read Magic. 1st -- Mage Armour, Magic Missile, Shield, Silent Image, and Sleep. 2nd -- Blur, Scare and See Invisibility Invisibility.. 3rd - Fly

If the characters defeat Icefang read the following:  A woman's eerie laughter echoes around the chamber. A beautiful woman wearing white furs slowly rises out of the sarcophagus. She looks in your direction and smiles. Not an ordinary smile for she has huge fangs. The Snow Witch is a Vampire of considerable power. In her former life she was a Sorcerer. All of her magical abilities remain with her in her Undead state. The Snow Witch attacks. If slain the Witch becomes gaseous and returns to the sarcophagus to regenerate. Snow Witch, Vampire, Vampire, medium sized Undead (sor7 base creature): CR 9; Size M (5 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 7d12; hp 60; Init +8 (+4 Dex, improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 20 (+4 Dex, +6 natural armour); Attack +5 melee (slam 1D6+2 +energy drain); Special attacks: Charm, Energy drain, Blood drain, Children of the night, Create spawn. Special Qualities: Undead, damage reduction 15/+1, Cold and electricity reduction 20, Gaseous form, Spider climb, Alternate form, Fast heal-

and Slow. (See MM Appendix 3 for more information on Vampires and see PHB Chapter 3, Sorcerer for more information) Lying in the bottom of the sarcophagus is a torn and stained scrap of paper with the words " " gold against gold, gem against gem, you must hold what you wish to defeat " written in common. Map location A: If any character looks around the cavern, ask him or her to make a skill (Search) check (DC20). If successful, read them the following: You can see an ornate trunk that has been frozen inside the Ice Wall. The trunk is buried at least 2 ft. inside the wall. It will take couple of hours to dig the trunk from the Ice Wall, but it will be worth the effort. The trunk is unlocked notthe trapped. If the characters open the trunk, readand them following:

The trunk is filled to the brim with coins. Several  gems can also be seen seen protruding from the hoard, hoard, but 



the 10" long golden idol, which lies on top of the money, catches your eye. The statue is in fact a guardian Sentinel. If anyone touches the statue (except the Snow Witch) it instantly transforms into a Sentinel and attacks. Sentinel: hp 55 (see Appendix 1- New Monsters) Monsters) If the characters defeat the Sentinel, they are free to take the treasure: 600gp, 10 Gems (value: 10gp, 20gp X3, 50gp X 4, 100gp X2) and 3 potions of Cure Light Wounds that heal 1d8 +2 each. If the characters find and unearth the trunk, then read them the following after they have defeated the Sentinel. If they do not find the trunk read the following before they try to leave the room. The floor begins to shake and small rocks drop from the cavern roof. An almighty crash echoes through the room, its source appears to have come from the  passage beyond the double doors. The rumbling  stops, but the noise has alerted you to the double doors, which are opening.  A Wood Wood Elf and a Dwarf appear at the double doors, doors, "You've killed her" shouts the Elf. "We are free! Soon we will be able to remove our Collars of Obedience" The Wood Elf introduces himself as Redswift and the Dwarf as Stubb. They tell the characters that they have  just returned from outside the caverns where the Witch had sent them scouting. The passage behind them has collapsed almost killing them, the cave-in was (map location 22) probably due to the Snow Witches demise. Redswift shows the characters the Illusionary wall (map location B) saying that he knew it existed, but he does not know where the passage  beyond it leads. Redswift and Stubb's pullout Nonplayer character sheets are included in Appendix 4 Characters.

25. Footprints (EL 4) If the characters take the right hand passage, read them the following:

Two pairs of human sized footprints run parallel down the corridor. One set is black the other is white. It is possible to walk down the narrow corridor corrid or without stepping on either of the sets of footprints. To do so each character must make a successful skill (Balance) check (DC10). If failed roll a D6, on an odd number the character has accidentally touched one of the white footprints, an even number means they have touched one of the black footprints.

Trap: The footprints are trapped. Anyone touching the white footprints activates an Ice Storm spell (see PHB Chapter11 for more information). Anyone touching the black footprints activates an Inflict Serious wounds spell. Magical white footprints trap: CR 4; No attack attack roll; roll; 20ft. radius of large hail stones and ice (5D6 damage); Reflex save (DC16) avoids; Search (DC29); Disable (DC29). This trap resets immediately. Magical black footprints trap: CR 2; No attack attack roll (3D8 +5 damage); Reflex save (DC14) avoids; Search (DC28); Disable (DC28). This trap resets immediately.

26. The Orb of Energy (EL 0) If the characters take the left hand passage, read them the following;

Lying on the floor in the corner of the corridor is a small glass ball. This is an Orb of Energy (see Appendix 2 - New Magic)) Magic

27. Iron Casket (EL 4) As the characters walk up the passage, read them the following:

Lying against the left hand wall of the passage is an Iron Casket. The Casket seems ordinary enough. It  has a brass handle in the shape of a serpent. Trap: The brass handle is laced with a contact poison. There is a secret button located on the rear of the  box to open it. The characters need to make a skill (Search) check (DC18) to find the button. Contact poison trap: CR 3; No attack attack roll roll required required (no damage +Terinav root poison); Search (DC18); Disable (DC18). Terinav root poison: Contact; Fortitude save (DC16); Primary 1D6 Dex, Secondary 2D6 Dex. Inside the casket is a pair of Boots of Elven kind (see DMG Chapter 8, Wondrous Items).

28. Caveman (EL 3)  Just before the characters reach the T-junction, ask them to make a skill (Listen) check (DC8). successful, they can hear padding footsteps comingIfdown the left-hand corridor. The footsteps are being made by a Neanderthal caveman. If he spots the characters he will attack. If a fight ensues, Redswift and Stubb panic and run off down the right hand passage. They will not stop unless forced to. They continue through the door (see encounter 29). Neanderthal: hp 18; belt pouch containing a starshaped metal disk (See Appendix 1 - New Monsters). Monsters). *The metal disk is used in encounter 33. Award the party 2 Luck points for finding the starshaped disk.

29. The Brain Slayer (EL 7) If Redswift and Stubb have already entered the room


ask the characters to make a skill (Listen) check (DC12). If successful, they can hear moaning coming from the other side of the door. If they open the door, read them the following:


The door opens into a strange room. Dim purple illuminations provide the lighting. In the centre of  the room Redswift and Stubb are kneeling in submission to a horrible robed creature with an octo pus-like head. Two of its tentacles are wrapped around each of your friends' heads. If the Brain Slayer spots the characters, it releases its grip on Redswift and Stubb and advances to attack. Redswift and Stubb act as if Stunned for 4 rounds, if they recover before the Brain Slayer is killed they will  join the fight against it. Brain Slayer: hp 45 (see Appendix 1- New Monsters)) Monsters After killing the Brain Slayer the characters can search the room. The strange illumination comes from moss growing on the walls; a successful skill (Search) check (DC15) will reveal 2 clay pots in a recess in the cavern wall. One pot contains a square metal disc (this item is used in encounter 33), the other pot contains a scroll with the Divine spell Protection form Elements (Electricity) scribed upon it. Award the party 2 Luck points for finding the square-shaped disk.

30. Animated Dagger (EL 1) The corridor ends at a door, which has an ordinary looking dagger sticking in it. The Dagger is a tiny animated object, which has  become stuck in the door. door. Should any of the characters free the Dagger with an ability (Strength) check (DC8), it will attack the person that freed it. Tiny animated object (Dagger): hp2; Hardness 10 (see MM for more information on Animated Objects).

Redswift has just read an ancient Death spell (see Appendix 2 - New Magic for more information on the Death spell). The spell will start affecting the characters when they reach Stonebridge. If the characters ask Redswift what was on the parchment, he tells them that it was ancient Death spell and he fears that all the party are now infected. Read the characters the following:

The Death spells effects are like that of a magical disease. It can start at any time. Only one person knows the cure, he is Yoritar the Healer. Luckily, my brother Ash and I grew up near to his home. The  Healers cave is by Jovik Peak in the Moonstone  Hills. We We will need to get there as soon as possible. If anyone opens the door read the following: Beyond the door is a large natural cavern. Water  drips from Stalactites that hang from the cavern roof. The liquid that drips continuously is not water but a deadly corrosive acid. For every round that the characters are exposed to the acid they take 1D6 points of damage (see DMG Chapter 3, Other Dangers). It is impossible to cross the cavern without being hit by the dripping acid. The door at the opposite end of the cavern is locked.

33. Cavern of the Snow Witch (EL 5) The tunnel ends at a pair of double door. The doors are unlocked and not trapped. If anyone opens the double doors, read them the following:

The walls of this circular cavern are covered ice. In the centre of the cavern a large glass Orb sits on top

31. The Shield (EL 5) If the characters walk up this corridor, they can see a large Steel Shield hanging on the wall. The Shield has no crest on it, but it has been polished to a high sheen. Trap: The first person to touch the Shield hanging on the wall will activate cause an invisible large Air Elemental held by a Lesser Planar Binding (Air) spell to attack the characters. ablethe to Elemental see invisi ble creatures will easily Characters be able to see lurking in the corridor before the shield is touched.. Lesser Planar Binding Trap: CR 5; No attac attack k roll roll required (no damage); Search (DC32); Disable device (DC32). Air Elemental, large: hp 70 (see MM for more information on Air Elementals). Once the characters have defeated the Air Elemental, they can easily take the Shield. The Shield is a large Steel Shield +3.

32. Acid Stalagmites (EL3) The tunnel ends at another door. The door is not locked, but there is a piece of parchment pinned to the door. Read the following:

Redswift unpins the parchment from the door and reads it. As he does so his eyes widen with terror. "Look", says the Wood Elf holding up the parchment   for all to see, "The words are fading away. By the Gods of Titan, what have I done?". Redswift drops to his knees.



of an ice plinth. An Orc runs into the cavern from the doors opposite and the Orb immediately starts to  glow. The outline of a face takes shape in the Orb, and you recognise the face of the Snow Witch! Her  encased head starts to laugh, then she speaks, "Although you have killed me, you have not defeated me. My spirit can still defeat you. Wa Watch tch carefully". The Orc, who is standing by the Orb, grips the metal collar around his neck and cries out, gasping   for breath. His green face bulges as he desperately tries to stop the collar from tightening. The Snow Witches image sneers contemptuously and says, "I  have no use for servants any longer". Wi With th that, Redswift and Stubb clutch at their throats. The spirit of the Snow Witch now inhabits the magical Orb. In this form she can cast Lightning Bolt (8D6 damage, Reflex save DC18 for half) and Ray of Enfeeblement (ranged touch attack +4 to hit, 1D6 + 5 enhancement penalty to Strength, Fortitude save DC16 to negate) one time each per round. The Snow Witch will cast her spells at anyone who attacks the Orb. The Orb has AC18, 20 hit points and Damage reduction 20/+4. If the Orb shatters, the cavern starts to collapse. The characters must move quickly over the ice in order to escape. A successful Reflex save (DC15) is is required to escape the cavern before it collapses. If anyone fails read them the following:

The ice-covered floor slows your escape from the collapsing cavern. A huge chunk of ice glances off  your shoulder sending you crashing to the floor. Seconds later, hundred's of tons of more ice and rock bury you in your frozen tomb. Your adventure ends here If any of the characters attacked the Orb and were struck by the Snow Witches Lightning Bolts, or the characters do not attack read the following: 

"I am enjoying watching you and your friends suffer. I wish to prolong all of your agonies", announces the Snow Witch. She loosens the grip she to holds Redswift and Stubb long enough for them drawon a  good breath into their lungs. Two figures shuffle their way in through the door opposite. One is a Dwarf and the other an Elf. Both have grey skin and vacant stares. "Fight my slaves while I think of a  game for us to play" says the Snow Witch, "A fair   game, that may result in your freedom?". The two unfortunate souls are Zombies. They advance and attack the characters. Redswift and Stubb are too busy trying to get free of their collars to aid the characters in any way. Zombies, Medium (2): hp 22, 21 (see MM for more information on Zombies). If the Zombies are defeated, read them the following: "I have a game that we can play", cackles the Snow


Witch. "I hope that during your travels through my Crystal Caves that you have found some of my shaped metal disk's?

 Here are the rules: One of you must pick a shaped disk and conceal it in your hand. I will call out a shape. A square beats a circle, a circle beats a star  and a star beats a square. If you win, I will grant  you the chance to escape but if you loose you will die. If we both choose the same shape, we will play again. The Snow Witch will select Circle for the first round of the game, then Star for the second round and Square for the third round, if any characters are left alive or the Snow Witch has not been beaten she will repeat her sequence of choices. The first time a character draws with the Snow Witch she grows angry and tells the characters that the rules have changed; if there is a tie again  she wins! If a character loses a round of the game a yellow ray of light springs forth from the Orb and strikes the character. The stricken character must make a Fortitude save DC25 or die. If a character wins a round of the game read them the following: The Orb starts to fill with white smoke and shatters. The vision of the Snow Witch disappears. Her shrill cry fills the cavern. The Snow Witch is truly defeated, but your joy is short lived. The cavern shakes and starts to collapse! The characters must move quickly over the ice in order to escape. A successful Reflex save (DC15) is required to escape the cavern before it collapses. If anyone fails please refer to rules regarding escaping the collapsing cavern given earlier in this encounter As soon as the Orb shatters Redswift and Stubb will recover and run for the exit, they will both successfully escape from the caverns. If the characters escape the doomed Crystal Caverns, read them the following: By some miracle, you are not hit by b y the falling debris that was once the Crystal Caverns. Looking around you are surprised to see the welcome sight of blue skies down theeven mountain side looks above, tranquil. It isn't snowing. Aseverything  you begin your decent, you remember Big Jim Sun and the circumstances that led you to enter the Caverns of the Snow Witch. You expect that Big Jim will think that  you died on the mountain, and besides you are affected with the ancient Death spell and need to visit the Healer who dwells within the Moonstone  Hills. Stubb speaks, "My town is called Stonebridge", he says, "It is a couple of days travel from here and on the way to the Moonstone Hills. When we arrive I   promise you a hero's welcome". You all set off down the mountain trail.


Into t he he W ilderness ilderness This section of the adventure takes place outside. Please refer to the Wilderness map

1. The River Kok (EL 3/ 9) Your journey south is long and arduous. Two uneventful days after leaving the Ice Caverns, you reach River Kok. Redswift that 50Baron miles west the up-river lies Fang, theexplains town where Sukumvit's notorious Deathtrap Dungeon awaits its challengers each year for the Trial of Champions.  However, at this time of year Fang is unlikely to be anymore interesting than any other river town. Stubb informs you that in order to get to Stonebridge the party must find a way across the river Kok. Redswift suggest that the characters all head downstream for the time being. The river shallows a few miles down and if the worst comes to the worst, we can all wade across. After a mile or so, ask the characters to make a skill (Spot) check (DC12). If they are successful, read them the following: Down by the riverbank, you can see a large raft with a man asleep in it. If the characters call to the man and then ask him to ferry them across the river, he replies that it's his day off and that he is enjoying his rest. If the characters offer Garin a sizable amount of money to ferry them across the river Kok, He will agree (a sizable amount is at least 5gp each). If attacked, Garin Garin will defend himself Garin, male human male human Ftr2: CR 2; Size Size M (6 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 2d10+4; hp 20; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); D ex); Attack +5 melee (Unarmed strike 1D3 +3 Subdual damage); SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; AL N; Str 17, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 6. Languages Spoken: Common; Skills and feats: Hide +4, Jump +4, Listen +3, Move silently +2, Spot +3 and Swim +7; Alertness, Dodge, Improved initiative, Improved unarmed strike. Equipment: boat mending equipment: Hammer, Nails and odd bits of Wood. If the characters continue down the river bank they will spot a boat tied to a tree tr ee 200ft further on. The boat  belongs to a Dark Elf called Sorric who is hidden in the bushes nearby - opposed Spot / Hide to see him, Sorric gains a +4 circumstance bonus to his hide roll due to cover. If the characters try to steal the boat Sorric will attack them when they start rowing away. If the characters spot Sorric and try to hire his boat he will flatly refuse attacking the characters if they are persistent. Sorric will not attack the characters if he is not spotted and the characters do not steal his boat. Three miles further down river the water becomes shallow enough to wade across. 9; Size M (5 ft., 2iniin. in. Sorric, Elf hp (Dark) Ftr8: tall); HDmale 8d10+8; 71; Init +8 CR (+4 Dex, Improved tiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 21 (+4 Dex, Leather +3, Amulet of natural Armour +2); Attack +16/ +11 melee (Rapier 1D6 +8/ 18-20/x2), or +14/ +9 ranged (Longbow 1D8

+2); SV Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +0; AL CE; Str 17, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 7. Languages Spoken: Common, Elven, and Undercommon. Skills and feats: Hide +13, Jump +10, Listen +5, Move silently +8, Search +5, Spot +6; Dodge, Endurance, Improved initiative, Point blank shot, Far shot, Weapon finesse (Rapier), Weapon focus (Rapier), Weapon specialization (Rapier). Equipment: Leather +3, Rapier +3, Amulet of natural armour +2, Longbow +2, 15 Arrows +1, Potion of cure serious wounds (3D8+6) (see PHB Chapter 3, Fighters for more information)

2. Bandits! (EL 10) Ask the characters to make a skill (Listen) check (DC18). If they are successful, they can hear the sound of horses approaching. There is plenty of scrub to hide in should the characters not want to be seen. The scrub will add a +2 circumstance bonus to the characters hide checks. The noise is made by an approaching band of Centaurs. If the characters do not hide (or are spotted), the Centaurs approach them, read the following:

The thundering noise of galloping hooves grows louder and four Centaurs come into view. Each one has a bow slung over his shoulder and carries a spear and a shield. The Centaurs approach and form a line in front of you. One of the creatures addresses you. He has an ugly blue scar running down his face and chest and he wears a horned helmet. "I am Rangard. What are you doing on the Pagan Plains?". His voice is deep and menacing. Rangard and his band are nothing more than bandits. They see the characters as easy pickings If the characters talk to Rangard, he is blunt and unhelpful. He asks where they have come from, and where they are going. If anyone mentions that they have been adventuring in the Crystal Caverns, Rangard looks interested. He surreptitiously motions to the other 3 Centaurs and they start to ready their weapons. A successful skill (Spot) check check (DC10) will allow characters to recognise their actions. Rangard will question the characters closely about the Crystal Caverns and will order his Centaurs to attack if he thinks the characters are carrying treasure. Rangard, male centaur Ftr4: CR 7; Size Size L (7 ft., ft., 8 in. in. tall); HD 4d8+16 + 4d10+16; hp 81; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 50 ft.; AC 15 (+2 Dex, -1 Size, +2 Natural, +2 Large Wooden Shield); Attack +12 melee (2 hooves 1D6 +5) and +15 melee (Short spear 1D8 +5), or +10 ranged (Longbow 1D8); Face/reach: 5ft. by 10ft./ 5ft; SV Fort +9, Ref Ref +7, Will +4; AL AL LE; Str 21, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 15. Languages Spoken: Common, Elven and Sylvan. Sylvan. Skills and feats: Hide -2, Listen +2, Move silently +4, Spot +2; Improved initiative, Power attack, Weapon focus (short spear), Weapon focus (Longbow). Equipment: Short spear +2, + 2, Large Wooden Shield. (each); Size Size L (7 ft., 9 in. Male centaur (3) Ftr2: CR 5 (each); tall); HD 4d8+12 + 2d10+6; hp 53, 45, 41; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 50 ft.; AC 14 (+3 Dex, -1 Size, +2 Natural); Attack +10 melee (2 hoofs 1D6 +5), or +11 melee (Short spear 1D8 +5), or +7 ranged (Longbow 1D8); SV Fort



+7, Ref +7, Will +4; AL LE; Str 20, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: Spoken: Elven, Dwarven and Sylvan. Skills and feats: Balance +5, Hide Hide +2, Listen +3, Move silently +5, Spot +3; Blind-fight, Weapon focus (Short spear), Weapon focus (Longbow).

3. An old man (EL 0) Ask the characters to make a skill (Spot) check (DC14). If successful they see an old man approaching from the South. If the characters stop and talk, read the following:

The person approaching is a little old man carrying  a sack over his shoulder. "Put your weapons away, there is no point in killing me. The only thing I have to offer is information - and that will cost you 2gp. I promise you wont regret it". If the players pay Corin for his information, he tells them to beware. The Waterhole located due south has  been poisoned. Do not drink from it! Corin, male human Fighter1 (age 78): CR 1; Size Size M (5 ft., 9 in. tall); HD 1d10-1; hp 6; Init -2 (-2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 8 (-2 Dex); Attack -1 melee (Unarmed strike 1D3 -2); SV Fort -1, Ref -2, Will +2; AL NG; Str 6, Dex 7, Con 8, Int Wis Cha 10. Languages Spoken: Common, no 13, skills or 14, feats. Equipment Equipment: : A sack full of leaves and twigs

4. Aerial Assault (EL 4) If any character makes a skill (Spot) check (DC12), read them the following:

Circling above you are four winged creatures. They are green and have membranous wings as well as arms and legs. They appear to be getting closer. The creatures are Bird-men. The sun glistening off the characters equipment has attracted them. The creatures tuck their wings behind them and dive towards the party. Bird-men (4): hp 20, 16, 19 and 17 (see Appendix 1New Monsters) Monsters)

5. Water Hole (EL 1)

 Ahead, the land subsides and a natural Wa Water ter Hole has formed. An Ogre is lying motionless facedown in the water. This Water Hole has become lethally contaminated (see below). The Ogre is dead. His possessions have long since been taken and parts of him have been eaten. Poison (Filthy water): Ingested; Fortitude save (DC16); Primary and Secondary damage 1D10 Constitution Disease (Filth Fever variant): Contact; Fortitude save (DC12); Incubation 1d3 days; Damage 1D3 Dex and Con.

6. Morri the Dwarf. RIP (EL 0) Read the characters the following:


"We should reach Stonebridge early on the morrow" "We announces Stubb, "But I am surprised that we have not encountered any of my kin yet".

"Oh yes we have", replies Redswift solemnly, "but  you don't want to see them like that". He points to a boulder about 150ft. west. The bloodied body of a Dwarf lies propped up against it, his head slumped  forward and his body motionless. The Dwarf still has his axe in his hand. Stubb runs up to the Dwarf wailing in grief. "Its  Morri ironsmith", says. "This looks like the work ofthe Hill Trolls. Wehe need to get to Stonebridge as soon as possible, but we must bury Morri first". Once Morri is buried, and his grave marked with his helmet and axe, Stubb leads the way to Stonebridge.

7. Night Watch (EL 5) You have been walking all day and night is fast  approaching. Redswift scouts ahead to look for a  place to camp. Redswift has found a suitable campsite and has a fire going by the time the characters reach him. During the night (2pm) the camp will be attacked by a hunting Werewolf (in Hybrid form), any character on guard can make an opposed skill (Listen / Move Silently) check to hear the Werewolf's approach. If not detected the Werewolf will attack. Werewolf in hybrid form (Rog5): CR 5; Size M (6 ft., ft., 4 in. tall); HD 5d6+10; hp 35; Init +9 (+5 Dex, improved initiative); Spd 50 ft.; AC 17 (+5 Dex, +2 natural); Attack +11 melee (bite 1D6 +4) or +7 melee (Unarmed strike 1D3 +4 subdual); SA: Trip and curse of lycanthrope SQ: Wolf empathy, Scent, Damage reduction 15/ silver. SV: SV: Fortitude +5, Ref +9, Will +4; AL CE; Str 18, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant and Gnoll. Skills and feats: Balance +8, Climb +8, Hide Hide +10, Listen +16, Move silently +15, Pick pocket +15, Search +16, Spot +16, Tumble +13; Alertness, Blind fight, Dodge, Improved initiative and weapon finesse (Bite). Equipment: none (See PHB Appendix 3, Lycanthrope for more information on Werewolves)

8. Hill Trolls (EL 7) By mid-morning Stubb has become quite excited, knowing that he will soon be home. His face then saddens at the thought of his dead friend Morri and he shakes his fist in the air. "Curse the Hill Trolls!", he spits.  An hour later Redswift points out the distant wisps of smoke rising into the sky. "Stonebridge!", yells Stubb and he starts to run towards his home. Stubb then stops dead in his tracks. Redswift runs to catch him up. "Look there", Stubb shouts. "Hill Trolls heading toward Stonebridge!". A war party of 6 Hill Trolls Trolls are indeed heading for Stonebridge. Their goal is a to kill as many farmers and Dwarfs as they can on the outskirts of the town. Stubb insists that the characters help him to dispatch the Hill Trolls and runs off in their direction. Hill Trolls (6): hp 40, 38, 50, 49, 37 and 42 (see Appendix 1- New Monsters) Monsters)


9. Stonebridge (EL 0) The walled town of Stonebridge is before you. Stubb leads you into the town greeting many friends. You soon discover that the fabled War-hammer of  king Gillibran of the dwarves has been stolen, the Dwarven inhabitants of the town are dismayed by its loss. Stubb, concerned about the dwarves loss of  morale leads you to The Smithies Forge, an inn owned by his friend Bigleg. After seeing you seated and given food and beer Bigleg tells you that the War-hammer War-ham mer was snatched by an eagle and dropped somewhere in Darkwood forest. Hearing this Stubb cries "Then we must find it Bigleg, and we must  leave immediately!" he bids you farewell and leaves with Bigleg. Redswift, who is beginning to look rather unwell, sighs." The Death spell is beginning to affect me. We don't have time to finish this meal. We need to get to the Moonstone Hills and fast!". Redswifts words are beginning to slur. He stands, wobbles slightly steadying himself on the table. "Please, quickly!". With Wi th that Redswift heads for the door and leaves. If the characters remind Stubb that he is suffering from a Death Spell he will tell them that some things are more important than living. The honour of the Dwarves is one such thing, without the War-hammer their honour is lost. He cannot be persuaded to give up the hunt for the War-hammer.

10. The Death Spell! (EL5) If the characters follow Redswift, read the following:

Redswift walks out of Stonebridge and follows the Red River east towards the Moonstone mountains.  After about a mile he stops stops and motions you to keep keep quiet. "Look there", he points to some trees 60ft. to your left. In the trees are three Hill Trolls sharpening  their weapons against a rock. If the characters don't wish to fight the monsters they can easily skirt around the trees without being spotted. If the characters openly approach the Hill Trolls or attempt to sneak closer, the Hill Trolls will attack as soon as they spot the characters. Hill Trolls (3): hp 40, 40, 38 (see Appendix 1- New Monsters) If the characters either kill the Hill Trolls or avoid them, read them the following: Redswift finds a quiet spot by the Red river and he sits down, motioning for you to do the same. Redswifts face is white and he has beads of perspiration dripping from his forehead. forehead. "The sands of my time here on Allansia are running out   fast". 

"The Healer lives in the Moonstone Hills, as I have mentioned before. In case I do not make it, Jovik  peak is located in the Southern Hills. You will have to findbut a way across river". Redswift tries to stand, cannot. He the smiles weakly, "Please help me up. My strength is failing". You continue your walk along the river while sup porting Redswift between you. Wi With th each step he

becomes weaker, until eventually he passes out. You set him down on the ground but it is too late for your  Elven companion. The Death spell has won over him and Redswift has died. You bury the Elf, and for the rest of the day you continue along the river toward the t he hills.

11. A Rope Bridge Bridge (EL 0) Read the characters the following: You are now in the Moonstone Hills. To the north looms the leviathan known as Firetop Mountain. Its rose red summit making it look like an erupting volcano. To the south, a Rope Bridge spans the Red River at a narrow point and to the east the river  continues to its source. The characters have the choice of either turning south and crossing the Rope Bridge, or continuing east along the river and following it to the base of the northern Moonstone Hills. If they cross the Rope Bridge they find themselves in the western Moonstone Hills. Hills. A track leads south-east for a short distance, then turns east in-between two hills (see encounter 17).

12.Read Hollow Tree Stump (EL 4) the characters the following: To your left, about 25ft. away, you can see a large  Hollow Tree Tree Stump. Ask the characters to make a skill (Spot) check (DC10). If successful read them the following: There is a thick piece of vine tied to its roots which runs up the side and into the hollowed out Stump. Anyone who investigates the Stump will see that the vine disappears inside the stump and into blackness. If a character pulls up the vine, read the following:  As you pull the vine into the light, you can see it is crawling with revolting maggots the size of your  thumb. One of the maggots moves towards your  hand. the character allows themaggots maggot to his hand, itIfattacks. The revolting aretouch in fact Flesh Grubs (see Appendix - 1 New Monsters). If the Flesh Grubs hits, it automatically uses its special attack to attach itself to its victim. If the character pulls the attached Flesh Grub from his hand they take an additional 1 hp damage. Once removed, the Flesh Grub can be easily killed without needing an attack roll. If a character climbs down the vine he must make a skill (Climb) check (DC5). If he is successful, s uccessful, read him the following:

 As you climb climb down the make make shift rope into the dark depths of the hollowed out Stump, you suddenly feel cold clammy, clammy maggot-like larvae on the vine. They are as big as your finger and they crawl onto your arms and body. You feel a sharp pain in your handinto as one like teeth you.of these creatures sinks its hookThe character on the vine takes one point of damage from the Flesh Grub, which is now attached to them (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters). There are 1D6 +2



Flesh Grubs on the character, all of which attack, and an additional 1D6 +2 climb onto the character from fr om the vine every round (to a maximum of 200) until the character lets go of the vine either by falling or by climbing back out of the stump. A character can remove one Flesh Grub per per combat round with each free hand, anyone who is climbing the vine can only use one hand or they will fall.

If the characters make a successful skill (Search) check (DC12), they find Raast's savings; a small wooden box with 22 copper coins in.

If the player falls to the bottom of the pit he takes 2D6 damage for the 20ft. fall. While at the bottom of the pit 3D6 Flesh Grubs arrive every round (to a maximum of 200) and attack the character. There are only scattered human and humanoid  bones lying at the bottom of the pit.

13. Narrow Footpath (EL 2) To your left you can see that the Footpath you are  following along the river branches off into some trees to the north. If the characters follow this new Footpath to the north, read them the following: The Footpath twists and turns for about 200ft. before ending at a wooden hut. Looking through the window the characters can see an old man asleep in a wooden chair, the shelves in the hut are lined with jars of herbs and berries. Anyone entering the hut will awaken the sleeping man who introduces himself as Raast. Raast is down on his luck at the moment, if the characters mention they are looking for a healer he will attempt to convince them that he is the one they seek seek - an opposed skill (Bluff / Sense Sense Motive) check will reveal his lie. If successful Raast will attempt to sell the characters various worthless herbs and berries that he insists will cure the disease, he charges 10gp per person for this ineffectual cure. As soon as the characters depart Raast will flee to Stonebridge to spend his ill gotten gains. If the bluff is unsuccessful, or he is threatened, Raast comes clean. He apologises saying that he is only a herbalist and he does not know the location of the Healer. If attacked Raast will defend himself to the best of his ability: Raast the herbalist, male human Sor3: CR 3; Size Size M (5 ft., 9 in. tall); HD 3d4+9; hp 18; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +1 melee (Dagger 1D4), or +3 ranged (Dagger 1D4); SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3; AL CN; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha Cha 14. Languages Spoken: Auran, Common, Dwarven, Elven. Skills and and feats: Bluff +2, Concentrate +2, Hide +1, Listen +2, Spellcraft +5, Spot +2; Alertness, Empower spell, Heighten spell. Equipment: Sorcerer robes, Dagger +1 Sorcerer Spells Known (6/6): 0th -- Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Flare, Light, Mage Hand. 1st -- Shield,


Spider Summon Monster Raast Climb, has various berries and I.herbs in jars on his shelf. There are enough berries to make a frugal meal for one character keeping them fed for one day.

14. Stepping Stones (EL 4) Ask the characters to make a skill (Spot) check (DC10). If they are successful read them the following:

Between small gaps in the rocks you can see the trees on the other side of the river. There is a smoke rising   from a fire, but you cannot see anyone. The river runs very fast here, but it is also narrow. Large rocks jut out of the river and it looks possible to cross by jumping from rock to rock. There are three large rocks in the middle of the river,  by jumping from one to the next a character can make their way to the far bank. The first rock is 13ft from the bank; there is enough room to for a good run up. The next rock is 5ft further away,, the third 6ft further on. From the third rock it is away only 7ft to the far riverbank. While characters have plenty of room for a run-up to  jump onto the first rock, none of the rocks are big enough to allow running jumps from them - standing  jumps only are allowed. Any character that fails their jump check may fall in the water. If the character fails by their Jump check by 1 they may make a Reflex save (dc12), success allows them to scramble onto the rock they were attempting to jump to. Failing the Jump check by more than 1 means the character has fallen into the river and now must make a successful skill (Swim) check (DC15) to reach the nearby rock or the river bank. If the characters make it to the other side they find a small campfire with a delicious looking duck d uck roasting on a spit. An animal skin bedroll is also present. Hiding near his camp is a wild hill man. He has lived alone in the wild all of his life and has no name. As the characters approach his camp he runs at them screaming. He is wearing animal furs and wields a club. Wild Hill Man, male human Ftr3: CR 3; Size M (6 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 3d10+6; hp 26; Init +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +6 melee (Club 1D6 +2); SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1; AL N; Str 14, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 9. Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats:


Balance +5, Hide +3, Listen +2, Move silently +3, Open lock +2, Spot +2; Alertness, Dodge, Endurance, Improved initiative, Weapon focus (Club). Equipment: Furs, Club, Fish bone necklace worth 1gp

Beyond the wild mans camp is an old goat path that  leads up a hill. The path is the only way onwards. If the characters choose not across to takethe thisriver. path they must either jump or swim back

15. Ash (EL 0) Through the trees to your left you can see a Wood Elf. He wears a green cloak and leather armour. He is sitting by a tree carving arrow shafts from branches. He looks similar in appearance to Redswift. If the players ask the Elf if he knows where the Healer lives, he asks why they want to know? If the characters tell their tale about being effected by the Death spell and mention the deceased Redswift, read the following: "Redswift!", cries the Elf. "He is my brother. He went missing from our village several months ago. I   feared the Snow Wi Witch tch held him captive. captive. My name is  Ash. I have been been looking for him. him. Can you please please tell me where he is?" If the characters explain where Redswift is, Ash decides to help before going to mourn his brother. "I will help you find the Healer, but you will have to  face him alone, because he will only make contact  with the sick. He was disfigured and cursed with disease and pain by the Dark Ones, the evil spirits of  the night, for ridding a wizard names Nicodemus of  a Death spell they had cast on him. Now he practices his work in the solitude of the hills. Follow me, as we have no time to lose." Ash walks ahead constantly alert for danger. You climb up the valley for an hour or so before you come to a rope bridge across the river. "We "We must cross here", says Ash The characters must cross the 80ft long bridge in single file. As the last person is half way across the  bridge, ask them to make a skill skill (Listen) check (DC10). If successful, they can hear shouts behind them. Read the following:

Two Hilltrolls are cutting the supports to the bridge. Two Any character who was actively watching for trouble t rouble sees the Hilltroll approach, it will take the Hilltroll two combat rounds to reach the end of the bridge. Once there, any characters left on the bridge must hurry to reach the other side before it collapses. Titan Hilltrolls (2): hp 35, 40 (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters) Each character on the bridge must make a skill (Balance) check (DC10). If they are successful they make it across the bridge before it collapses. It is impossible to pass another character on the bridge so if one fails their Balance check those behind them also suffer their fate. If they fail, read the following:

The evil Hilltrolls cut the bridge before you can make your way across to the other side. The bridge disappears beneath your feet and you plummet 250ft. to the rocks below. Your adventure adventure ends here 

16. Death Hawk (EL 1) Ask the characters to make a skill (Spot) check (DC12). If successful they manage to spot the large Hawk diving at gains them.a Ifpartial they action fail the Spot check, the Death Hawk due to surprise. Death Hawk: hp 7 (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters)

17. Dark Cave in the Hills (EL 6) While the characters are walking along the hill path, ask them to make a skill (Spot) check (DC15). If successful read them the following:

You can see a cave entrance further up the hill, but  there is no path leading to it. The cave is very dark inside. Characters without Darkvision will require a light source to investigate it. If the characters decide to venture into the cave they will need to make a skill (Climb) check (DC5). When inside the cave, read the the following:  A lightthe source bemoving seen swaying side to side inside cave.can It is in yourfrom direction. There is no cover to hide behind inside the cave. If the characters wait to see who is coming up from inside the cave, read the following: The figure holding the lantern comes into view and you can see its horrific features. Its face is ashen and its eyes are just two folds of skin sunken into their  sockets. It smiles at you and you can see a mouth  full of over sized razor sharp teeth. The creature is a Night Stalker. Any character that looks at the creature must make a Will save (DC15). If they fail, they succumb to the creatures 'frightful presence' and suffer a -2 moral penalty to all attack rolls, skill checks and saving throws. The penalty lasts until the creature is slain or the characters escape. The creature drops its lantern and charges the nearest character. Night Stalker: hp 40 (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters) If the characters slay the Night Stalker they are free to search the rest of the cave. The cave is 80ft. 80 ft. long. At the rear lies the creature's last victim. The remains of a male human lie on the floor, his possessions thrown into the corner. corner. They are: A non-magical spear, a suit suit of ruined leather armour and a backpack. Inside the  backpack is a potion of lesser restoration (labelled in common).

18. Rattlesnake (EL 1) While the characters are walking down the hill path there is a chance they may not notice the Rattlesnake on the path. Ask the characters to make a skill (Spot) check (DC28 - this score includes the snakes hide skill of +15). If unsuccessful the Rattlesnake attacks the first person in the party.



Snake, small viper: hp 4 (See MM Appendix 1, Animals for more information on Snakes) Snake, small viper poison: Bite; Fortitude save (DC11); Initial and secondary damage: 1D6 Temporary constitution.

19. A Tree House (EL 6) If the characters make a successful skill (Spot) check (DC15) they can see a rope ladder hanging from a tree to their left. A closer inspection will reveal a small Tree Tree House about 20ft. up in the tree. Shouting up to the Tree House doesn't elicit a response, although it will have alerted Drasshk the man-Orc who lives there. Climbing the rope ladder requires a skill (Climb) check (DC5). The occupant, Drasshk the Man-Orc, will be alerted as soon as someone climbs his ladder. He will attack the first person that enters his tree house. Drasshk, male man-Orc Ftr6: CR 6; Size M (5 ft., ft., 7 in. tall); HD 6d10+6; hp 41; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex, studded leather); Attack +9/+4 melee (Battleaxe 1d8 +4); +4) ; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +0; AL CE; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 5, Wis 7, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: Common, Giant, Orc. Skills and feats: Hide +1, Listen +0, Move silently +1, Spot +0; Alertness, Blind-fight, Combat reflexes, Improved initiative, Lightning reflexes, Weapon focus (Battleaxe), Weapon specialisation (Battleaxe). Equipment: Battleaxe and Studded Leather. Drasshk is skilled in surviving in the wilderness. His Tree House is full of skinned animals and salted meats. Apart from the animal pelts the only other items of interest are a silver tinderbox and 3 candles (These items are useful in encounter 22).

20. The Barbarian (EL 8) Ask the characters to make a skill (Listen) check (DC14). If successful, they hear someone snoring loudly. The noise appears to coming from behind some large rocks about 20ft. away. A Barbarian by the name of Uthdar is sleeping on the other side of the rocks. If the characters try tr y to pass without waking him they must make opposed skill (Move silently/Listen) checks with Uthdar (who suffers a -6 penalty for being asleep). If the Barbarian wakes, he will attack Uthdar, male human Ftr8: CR 8; Size Size M (5 ft., ft., 8 in. in. tall); HD 8d10+24; hp 90; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 20 ft. (Hide armour) base 30ft.; AC 18 (+2 Dex, Hide armour +3); Attack +17 /+12 melee (Longsword 1D8 +10); SV Fort +11, Ref +4, Will -1; AL NE; Str 20, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 4, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Hide +2, Listen +2, Move silently +2, Spot -3; Alertness, Dodge, Endurance, Great fortitude, Improved critical (Longsword), Improved initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Longsword), Weapon specialisation


(Longsword). Equipment: Longsword +3, Hide armour and small wooden shield. Shortbow and 20 arrows. An engraved copper armband (+1 strength enhancement while it is worn) and a leather pouch with 6 silver arrow heads in (worth 4sp each).

21. The Healer's Cave (EL 8) Ask the characters to make a skill (Spot) check (DC14). If successful, read them the following:

Off to your right, almost hidden amongst the rocks, is a huge slab of granite with an elaborately carved  picture of a magnificent bird surrounded by fire etched on to it. Beyond the slab are rough-carved stone steps leading upwards to a cave entrance. If the characters climb the steps and peer into the cave entrance, read them the following: Peering into the cave, you see that it runs deep into the side of the hill. Torches cast an eerie light inside the cave, illuminating wooden carvings and masks that are hanging on the walls. walls. Sitting on the floor  with his back to you is a man with white robes on. Without turning around, the mysterious man sat on the floor says, "I am the Healer. If you have come to be healed, stand before me now." If the characters who are affected by the Death spell stand in front of the Healer, read them the following: Your heart beats faster as you walk over and stand in front of the man. As you get closer you can see that he but is horribly disfigured, his body pain terribly twisted, he sits there proudly although registers on his face. "What Illness has befallen you", asks the Healer. If the characters tell the Healer that they believe they have been affected by an ancient Death spell, read them the following: The Healer responds, "The power of an ancient  Death spell is difficult to destroy. I have only managed it once before and it was not easy. A ritual must be performed which you may not survive. Still, you must try. I will help you as much as I can The healing ritual that the characters need to follow guided by the Healer is a dangerous and complex one involving several stages. The Healer will ask if the characters are ready to proceed, if they are he will follow the steps described below. Any character that refuses to follow the ritual will not be cured. (paragraphs in italics should be read to the players)

A. The Mask of Life: The Healer will give each infected character a Sun Mask from his supply hanging on the wall. Characters who choose not to wear a Mask must make a Will save (DC21) or suffer 1D6 Con (permanent) damage. Those that don a Mask must make a Will save (DC12) or take 1D6 Con (permanent) damage.

 As you don the Mask, you feel as though your body is being torn apart from the inside, outwards. "Later  stages of the process are also very dangerous, but the dangers can be reduced if you have discovered some specific items on your journey. My help from now on will betolimited, will have to completely. journey to another   place break you the Death spell Please  follow me", asks the Healer. Unaffected characters and NPC's may follow the infected party members through the ritual but are


warned by the Healer that they must not interfere or the cure may be ruined - Will save (DC35) or infected character aided loses 2D6 + 6 Con (permanent)

B. Crossing the Bridge: The Healer walks further into the cave leading you to the edge of the pit. There is almost no light here. "A log spans the pit before you and you must walk across it to reach the inner cave. Walking in the dark is dangerous. Do you possess a candle? If you do, you may light it to help you cross. The candle represents your faint glimmer of hope". The Healer effortlessly walks over the log. Infected characters must walk across the Bridge; if they are holding a lit candle they must make a skill (Balance) check (DC12), the DC is 20 without a candle. Characters that fail fall 150ft (15D6 damage). Unaffected characters can cross by any means

C. Calmness: "Now you must prepare yourself for the next stage. In order to survive, you must remain totally calm. Do you possess a Dragons egg? If you do, I can make you a relaxing concoction." The Healer will make a calming brew from the dragon eggs and special herbs and tells the characters to drink it all. One egg provides enough potion for one character. The Healer will then tell the characters to proceed at toa remain time down remindingone them calm. a narrow passage, As the characters walk in to the tunnel, read them the following:

You can hear a woman howling in the depths of the tunnel. The Healer whispers to you that the cries come from a Banshee. He tells you that if you walk by her without fear, you will come to no harm. "Do not speak to her, touch her or even acknowledge her   presence. She cannot harm you if you obey my instructions." Infected characters must make a Will save (DC20) to overcome their fear of the Banshee. Characters that have drunk the soothing dragon's egg potion made by the Healer reduce the DC to 10. Characters that pass their Ability check may walk past the Banshee unmolested those that fail are attacked. If other characters come to their embattled friends aid, one extra Banshee will appear per character aiding the first. Banshee: hp 60 (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters) Monsters) If the Banshee is killed another will appear to test the next diseased character that passes.

D. Wings of Hope You walk on in silence until you can see sunlight  streaming through a crack at the end of the cave. Once everyone is outside, read them the following: The Healer joins you outside. "This is as far as I go", he says. "The final part of this ritual you must face without me. Wearing your mask, you must be at the summit of Firetop Mountain before dawn to watch the sun rise. You must sit cross-legged facing east. You will be totally cured the moment the first rays of  sunlight come up over the horizon. If you have some-



thing made of silver, we will be able to attract some Pegasus to fly you there".

ters, whether diseased or not, receive this dream from the Healer):

 Any silver object will do, a coin, jewellery or even the silver arrowheads. If the characters do not possess anything silver, read the following:

You sleep very, very deeply and dream strange dreams, full of vivid and strange things. Unbeknown to you, the moon has passed overhead and sunrise is just a few moments away. A tiny image disturbs your dreams but it is difficult to make out; it grows steadily larger, until the flashing  image fills your mind. A bird with a long beak and  fine plumage is trying to fly out of a circle of flames. flames. It seems the Healer is trying to wake you. Ask each of the characters to secretly write down what they think the bird is. Those who write down d own the word 'Phoenix' (or an approximate spelling) s pelling) will wake immediately.. Read the following: immediately The first rays of the morning sun rise up above the hills of Kay-Pong in the east. east. The warmth of the sun  fills your body. You You are cured of the Death spell. spell. The Pegasus are waiting to take you back to the  Moonstone Hills. Again, your thoughts wander to think of Stubb and the Dwarfs of Stonebridge.  Maybe you should go there to see if you could help? The Snow Witch is defeated and the Death spell is

"I am very sorry", says the Healer. "Then the only option would have been for you to walk to Firetop  Mountain and climb to the summit, but you do not  have enough time. Firetop Mountain is half a day's walk from here and to ascend to the summit would take the most experienced climber two days. The Death spell will win over you first light tomorrow". The Healer removes the Sun Mask and returns to his cave. You have no options left. Your life on Allansia will end by morning and no one can stop it now Your adventure ends here If each of the diseased characters do possess something made of silver, read the following: 

You hand the silver to the Healer. He stands on the open plain with the metal object held above his head, sunlight glistens off the silver. The Healer puts his fingers to his mouth and whistles very loudly. A  few moments later you hear the flapping of wings and a magnificent white winged horse lands several  feet from where the Healer is stood. "Tie the silver to its mane and command it to take you to Firetop Mountain. Pegasus will take you anywhere for silver. This is where we say goodbye. Good luck, and I hope you make it". The Healer will repeat his call until enough Pegasus have arrived to carry all the characters to the mountain (provided each character has some silver) You tie the silver to its mane and climb up on its back. Leaning forward, you say to the beast, "T "To o The summit of Firetop Mountain". And with that, the Pegasus flaps its huge wings and is airborne. The Pegasus flies high in the sky. Westward, in the distance, you can see the huge arboreal expanse known as Darkwood Forest and you can't help but  wonder how Stubb and his kin are doing in their  search for King Gillibran's fabled War-hammer.  Ahead of you, Firetop Mountain grows bigger and bigger. The Pegasus circles the summit looking for a  place to land, then descends on top of the Infamous  Mountain. Sunrise is several hours away, so you sit  on the soft red covering that gives Firetop Mountain its name and wait  The Pegasus will wait for the characters until after sunrise, then take them back to the Moonstone Hills. Firetop Mountain's summit is covered in a strange red grass. This is the only place on Allansia where it grows. The grass emits an undetectable gas that 


makes anycharacters creature (except Pegasus) unconscious. Ask the to make a Willfall save (DC35). If they are unsuccessful, they fall unconscious on the red grass. Read the following (please note that all charac-

beaten. You deserve not, is another storya long rest. Whether you get it or  Those that do not know the name of the bird from which the Healer draws his power will remain asleep unless they make a Will save (DC20) (and cannot be awakened by any means) dying several days later from lack of food and water. 

22. Too Far (EL 0/ 10) If the characters either pass the Healer's cave without noticing it or decide to ignore it and continue on into the hills, they will notice that the hills are becoming very dense and steep, very difficult to walk up. The Death spell begins to take its toll. Its effects should now be applied. (see Appendix 2: New Magic) Magic ) The hills will become impassable after 5 miles of travel. The characters will have to turn back.

 A ppendix ppendix 1  N ew ew

Monsters Banshee Medium Undead Hit Dice: 10d12 (65 hp hp) Initiative: +0 (Dex) Speed: 30 ft. AC: 16 (+6 natural) Atta At tack cks: s: 2 cl claw awss +9 +9 me mele leee an and d bit bitee +4 me mele leee Damag agee: Claw 1d 1d66+4, bite 1d4 d4++2 Face Fa ce/R /Rea each ch:: 5f 5ft. t. by by 5ft. 5ft.// 5ft. 5ft. SA: Wail SQ: Undead Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +9 Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s: Strr 19, St 19, De Dex x 10, 10, Co Con n --, --, In Intt 4, 4, Wis Wis 15 15,, Cha 12 Skills: Climb +14, Jump +14, Spot +12 Feats: Cleave, Li Lightning Re Reflexes, Po Power Attack


Climate/Terr rraain: Any wi wilde dern rneess or or ru ruins Organisation: Solitary Challenge Rating: 6 Treasure: None Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil Advancement: 11 - 16 HD (medium) Banshees are hideous Undead creatures often heard,  but rarely met, in the forsaken wastelands in which they dwell. They are chiefly known for the soul-shredding wail that they constantly howl,  both day and night, as they wander the wastes. The ghastly spectres are thought to be human spirits, trapped on this plane and unable to rest, as punishment for some horrific crime committed when they were alive. In it's new form, a Banshee appears as a shrivelled, knotted old man or woman, with long unkempt hair, one large nostril and a single tooth. It's eyes are ringed red; all the creature's sorrow and anger is reflected in them, if anyone dares to look. It's terrible wail can cause opponents to become transfixed with fear, making them easy meat for the monster's claws. Combat The Banshee attacks directly, wailing at all times. If an enemy succumbs to it's wail, it will concentrate attacks on that victim. The Banshee will attack in this way until it is destroyed or it has killed all of it's enemies. Wail (Su) The constant howling of the Banshee causes a sonic, mind-affecting fear effect in all who can hear within a 60 ft. spread. The Will save (DC17) or cower forvictims 1 round.must Theymake must acontinue to save each round they are exposed to the wailing. Undead Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Bird-Man, Moonstone Hills Medium Monstrous Humanoid

Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face Fa ce/R /Rea each ch:: SA: SQ: Saves: Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s:

3d8+3 (16 hp) +3 (Dex) 20 ft. or Fly 50 ft. (average) 14 (+3 Dex, +1 natural) 2 claws +4 Melee Claw 1d 1d4+1 5ft. 5f t. by 5ft 5ft./ ./5f 5ft. t. Dive, Power Lift None Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3 Strr 13, St 13, De Dex x 16, 16, Co Con n 13, 13, In Intt 6, 6, Wis Wis 11 11,, Cha 8

Skills: Feats:

Climb +7, Jump +7, Spot +6* Multidexterity

Climate/Terrain: Organisation:

Any hills Solitary, Gang (2-6) or Tribe (10-30) Challenge Rating: 1 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Often Chaotic Neutral Advancement: 4 - 5 HD (medium) Tribes of Bird-Men are found in mountainous areas across the whole of Allansia and Kakhabad, perched in villages and caves in the highest peaks. They are short and sinewy, with especially powerful chest m u sc l e s, which support a wide pair of feathered wings. Their mouths are sharp, hooked  beaks,,  beaks and  both arms and legs end in cutting talons. They are covered in short, almost feathery hair, which varies in colour from green through  brown to grey and black, according to their tribe. Bird-Men talk in strange chirruping voices that can change into disconcerting piercing shrieks as they wheel down out of the sky to attack their foes. The tribes of the Moonstone Hills in northern Allansia are quite primitive for their race. Attracted by metal objects, which they consider great status sym bols, they will attack lone adventurers in great num bers. They are rather cowardly creatures, though, and a display of strength by their victim can often drive them off in search of easier prey. Combat A favoured tactic of Bird-Men is to snatch up their their victims and carry them into the air, and then drop them to the rocks far below. They will otherwise dive on enemies and withdraw again repeatedly, slashing with their talons and weapons. Dive (Ex) A Bird-M Bird-Man an who charges charges from above above onto a target target may attack with 2 additional claws at the same attack  bonus they usually use. Power Lift (Ex) Bird-Men beat their wings furiously tointo enable them to liftcan a creature of up to medium-size the air. They can maintain this for up to 30




Mental Drain (SU)

Brain Slayer Large Aberration Hit Dice: 7d8+14 (45 hp) Init In itia iati tive ve:: +8 (+ (+44 Dex Dex,, +4 +4 imp impro rove ved d ini initi tiat ativ ive) e) Speed: 30ft AC: 18 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +5 natural) Attacks: 6 Te Tentacles (+ (+9 me melee) Damage: Tentacle 1d4+2 Fa Face each ch:: SAce/R : /Rea SQ: Saves: Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s: Skills: Feats:

5f 5ft. bnyo5ft. 5f /10f Ht. ypby tict./1 G a0ft. zt. e, Mental Drain None Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +7 Strr 15, St 15, De Dex x 18, 18, Co Con n 15, 15, In Intt 10, 10, Wis 15 15,, Cha 14 Climb +7 +7, Es Escape Artist +9 +9, Ju Jump +4 +4, Listen +7, Spot +7 Weapon Finesse (Tentacle), Multidexterity

Climate/Terrain: Any un underground Organisation: Solitary Challenge Rating: 6 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil Advancement: 8 - 12 HD (large) Many are the references in the legends of the subterranean races to horrifically evil, horrendously foul-looking creatures called Brain Slayers. They dwell in isolated colonies deep in the earth, far below even the furthest explorations of the inquisitive Dwarfs, and rarely venture towards the surface. They detest light, warmth and indeed life itself; never was there a race more suited to the darkness. Their appearance is bizarre, it is as though an octopus were somehow grafted to the torso of a powerful humanoid. Their skin is slick with slime and mucus, and is coloured a stomachchurning purple-green. As they move, their tentacles whip around in a frenzy, as if they were trying somehow to sniff out living creatures to feed upon. They dress in long flowing robes patterned with odd designs. To look into the eyes of a Brain Slayer, it is said, is to gaze into pure, unsullied hatred. It is also extremely unwise, as their eyes carries their most potent weapons - a powerful hypnotic gaze that can transfix a man and swiftly draw him into range of their tentacles.

Combat Brain Slayers will first try to hypnotise opponents, and then proceed to encircle their heads with it's tentacles and begin to drain their minds. If this does not incapacitate their enemies, they will flail with their tentacles to try to ensnare them again - but if they are seriously harmed they will flee, for they are cowardly


at heart.

Hypnotic Gaze (SU) A gaze weapon with a range range of 30 ft., anyone meeting the gaze of the Brain Slayer must make a Will save against DC 15 or be stunned for 1d6 rounds.

If the Brain Slayer manages to hit a stunned opponent with a tentacle attack, it grasps their head in it's loathsome coils. Anyone held by the Brain Slayer's tentacle is subjected to a temporary ability drain of 1d4 points of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma each round they are held. If they recover from the stun effect, they may pull free of the tentacle as a free action, as it cannot use it's tentacles to constrict effectively.

Crystal Warrior

Medium Construct Hit Dice: 6D10 (33 hp) Initiative: +0 (Dex) Speed: 20ft (Can not run) AC: 25 (+15 natural) Attacks: Slams (+ (+8 me melee) Short Spear +8, 1d8 + 6, 20/x3 Damage: Slam 1D8 +4 Face Fa ce/R /Rea each ch:: 5f 5ft. t. by by 5ft. 5ft./5 /5ft ft.. SA: None SQ: Construct, Damage Reduction 15/Bludgeoning, Elemental Resistance, Sonic Vu Vulnerability lnerability Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2 Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s: Strr 19, St 19, De Dex x 10, 10, Co Con n --, --, In Intt -, -, Wis Wis 11 11,, Cha -Skills: None Feats: None Climate/Terrain: Organisation: Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment: Advancement:

Any Solitary or pa patrol (2 (2 - 4) 4) 4 None Always Ne Neutral 7-8 HD (medium), 9-12 HD (large) One of the hindrances a Warlock faces in pursuing his chosen craft is the amount of time spent in tedious rituals and frustrating research, and the corresponding lack of time available for learning the arts of the w a r r i o r . C o n s wizards e q u e n t are ly, many very weak and prone to all kinds of attack. To counter this, a number of defences have  been invente invented; d; one is the Crystal Warrior. After a lengthy sculpting and animating process, the resulting Crystal Warrior is set to work patrolling the passages and chambers of the wizard's stronghold

Combat Anyone who is not recognised by a patrolling or guarding Warrior is attacked mercilessly. Crystal Warriors have no sense of self-preservation, and no fear.


Construct Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject s ubject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Damage Reduction (EX) Crystal Warriors are very difficult to hurt with slashing or piercing weapons, they reduce all damage from

The Death Hawk is a natural predator, seeking out fresh meat to feed its self and its young. They resem ble normal Hawks but have a longer wing span (7ft.). The creatures gain their name  becausee they are not  becaus scared to attack any creature. Many caravan parties

these weapons by 15missile) points. affect Bludgeoning and force based attacks (magic them normally. normally .

travelling through the Trolltooth pass have reported being attacked by Death Hawks.

Elemental Resistance (EX) Because of their construction, Crystal Warriors are very resistant to normal elemental attacks. They have acid, cold, electrical and fire resistance of 10.

Sonic Vulnerability (EX) Their crystalline structure is vulnerable to sonic attacks. On a failed saving throw, the Crystal Warrior takes double damage from a sonic attack.

Construction The sorcerer first takes a large block of pure quartz and fashions it into human form with a specially treated hammer and chisel. The statue is then temporarily animated by a lengthy ritual, which bears many similarities to that used in the creation of a Golem. Upon completion, the Crystal Warrior can memorise the faces of two people, or remember a particular symbol; these people or anyone bearing the symbol will be allowed to pass. All others will be attacked on sight by the Warrior. The magical rituals of animation take 1 week to complete, and the sorcerer must labour for at least 8 hours per day of the rituals. The character must have the Craft Magical Arms and Armour feat and the Craft Wondrous Item feat. The materials needed cost 20,000gp (10,000 of which is for the quartz).

Creation Creating the body requires a Craft (sculpture) check DC 16. The creator must be 10th level and able to cast arcane spells. Completing the ritual drains 500xp from the creator and requires the spells Endurance, Geas/Quest, Polymorph Other and Stoneskin.

Death Hawk Tiny Animal Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face Fa ce/R /Rea each ch:: SA: SQ: Saves: Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s: Skills: Feats:

1D8 (4hp) +3 (+3 Dex) 10 ft ft., fl fly 60 60ft. (A (Average) 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural) Claws +5 melee Claws 1D4 -2 2 ½ ft. ft. by by 2 ½ ft. ft.// 2 ½ ft. ft. None None Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2 Strr 6, St 6, Dex Dex 17 17,, Con Con 15 15,, Int Int 2, Wis 12 12,, Cha 6 Listen +6, Spot +6* None

Cli lim mat atee/T /Ter erra rain in::

Any An y for fores est, t, pla laiins ns,, hil hills ls an and d

Organisation: Challenge Ra Rating: Treasure: Alignment: Advancement:

mountains Solitary or pair 1/3 None Always Neutral ----

Combat Death Hawks combine both claws into a single attack

Skills Death Hawks gain a +8 racial bonus to Spot in daylight. This bonus is not reflected in the creatures stats.

Flesh Grub Fine Aberration Hit Dice: 1 hit point Initiative: +0 (Dex) Speed: 5 ft. cannot run A AC tta: cks: Damage: Face Fa ce/R /Reac each: h: SA: SQ: Saves: Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s: Skills: Feats:

1B8ite(++83sm izee)lee 1 point 5ft. 5f t. by by 5ft 5ft./ ./ 5ft 5ft.. Attach Blind sight 10ft. Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0 Strr 1, St 1, Dex Dex 10 10,, Con Con 11 11,, Int Int 2, Wis 11 11,, Cha 2 Climb +4 None

Climate/Terra raiin: Organisation: Challenge Ra Rating: Treasure: Alignment:

Any un undergro rou und, any swamp / marsh Mass (1-200) 1/6 None Always Neutral Evil

Advancement: ---Mooching about in old tombs or dungeons may be the  best way for an adventurer to gain fame and fortune,  but it is not without it's hazards. As well as the larger creatures, there are many smaller dangers, such as Flesh Grubs. These disgusting maggot-like worms lurk writhing in rotten debris and other hidden corners, waiting for the tell-tale scent of human flesh to waft by. They are blind, but can easily smell out their target before latching on to it with barbed teeth.

Combat The Flesh Grub usually attacks someone who has disturbed it's resting place, perhaps searching a rotten coffin or something similar. They bite on, and hang



onto the flesh consuming it rapidly. The Flesh Grubs will drop off of their own accord if left to eat, inflicting 3 points of damage per Grub.

Attach (Ex) If the Flesh Grub hits it's victim it is automatically considered to have attached itself to the flesh. Thereafter, it deals an automatic point of damage each round, until it has inflicted 3 points at which time it will drop off, gorged on of fresh meat. as If it off, itfrom will the do another point damage it is is pulled torn away skin. The Flesh Grub is easily removed and crushed a character can remove and kill six each round.

Blind-Sight (Ex) Flesh Grubs use their advanced sense of smell to 'see' anything within 10 feet of them.

Skills Flesh Grubs use their Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, rather than their Strength modifier.

Ice Demon (T'armeru) Huge Outsider (Chaos, Cold, Evil) Hit Dice: 10d8+10 (55 hp hp) Initiative: -1 (Dex) Speed: 30 ft. or Fly 40 ft. (poor) AC: 17 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +10 natural) Attacks: Damage: Face Fa ce/R /Rea each ch:: SA: SQ: Saves: Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s: Skills: Feats:

2 Slams (+16 melee) Slam 1D10 +6 10 ft. ft. by by 10 ft. ft.// 15ft. 15ft. Icy Breath Cold-Subtype, Damage Reduction 10/+1, Tel Telepathy epathy Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +8 Strr 23, St 23, De Dex x 8, 8, Con Con 13 13,, Int Int 8, Wi Wiss 13, 13, Cha 12 Climb +16, Jump +16, Listen +11, Sense motive +11, Spot +11, Swim +16 Cleave, Great Cleave, Po Power Attack

Climate/Terrain: Any cold land Organisation: Solitary Challenge Rating: 8 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil Advancement: 11-16 HD (huge) The trappers of the Icefinger Mountains talk in hushed whispers of a certain sheltered valley high in the mountains, from where streams of fanatical Orcs, Goblins and Neanderthals have been known to pour out, to raid trading posts and villages for slaves and


sacrifices. The raiders are surprisingly disciplined, and it is widely thought that they are ar e ruled over by an evil lord who has trained them. In fact, their leader is a powerful Ice Demon, called to the Earthly Plane by his devoted acolytes. For most of the time, the beast simply squats, as motionless as a statue carved from the ice, watching and listening to it's worshippers. It can communicate telepathically with the shaman who rules them, ordering attacks and sacrifices as it desires. When a captured human is brought before it for sacrifice, the Demon will come to life and attack, rows of icicles snapping from its limbs as its great body lumbers forwards. The Ice Demon stands at least 20 feet tall, and is fat and strong. It's grim head supports two huge, curving ram's horns. Behind it, a wide pair of bat-like wings spread for almost 30 feet. The Ice Demon is completely white, and appears to be made from the ice itself.

Combat The Ice Demon strikes with it's two massive fists, while breathing clouds of freezing mist onto it's enemies. Should the Demon be defeated, it's body will shatter like a block of ice, and it's spirit will be banished back to Hell.

Cold-Subtype (Ex) Immune to cold. On a failed saving throw, the Ice Demon takes double damage from fire attacks.

Icy Breath (Su) As a free action, the Ice Demon exhales a cloud of freezing mist, surrounding it in combat in a 10 ft. radius. All creatures within the mist must make a Fortitude save against a DC of 16 or sustain 1d6 points of cold damage. This save must be made each round the victim is in the mist.

Telepathy (Su) As a free action, the Ice Demon can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 ft. that has a language.

Mammoth Huge Animal Hit Dice: 11D8 +55 (104 hp) Initiative: +0 (Dex) Speed: 40ft AC: 15 (-2 Size, +7 natural) Atta At tack cks: s: Sla lam m (+ (+16 16 mel elee ee), ), 2 st stam amps ps (+ (+11 11 Melee) or Gore (+16 melee) Dama Da mage ge:: Slam Sl am 2D 2D6+ 6+10 10,, st stam amp p 2D 2D66 +5 +5;; gor goree 2D 2D88 +15 Face Fa ce/R /Rea each ch:: 10 10ft ft.. by 20ft. 20ft./1 /10f 0ft. t. SA: Trample 2D8 +15 SQ: Scent Saves: Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +4 Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s: Strr 30, St 30, De Dex x 10, 10, Co Con n 21, 21, In Intt 2, 2, Wis Wis 13 13,, Cha 7 Skills: Listen +6 and Spot +6 Feats: None Climate/Terrain: Organisation: Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment: Advancement:

Any co cold la land Solitary or he herd (2-10) 8 None Always Ne Neutral 12 - 22 HD (huge)


Mammoths are huge shaggy-haired animals, similar to elephants but dwelling chiefly in cooler climes. They are rare creatures, encountered most frequently on the barren northern plains around the Icefinger Mountains, but a few scattered herds have been reported in other i c y regions. They are usually coloured a d e e p  b r o w n , with large curving t u s k s extending out in front of them. They are fairly docile, and wander in small herds in search of vegetation to feed up on. Mammoths are hunted by many of the northern tribes, both Human and Toa-suo, for their meat, ivory and warm shaggy pelts. Folk-legend tells of a time where mammoths roamed the lush plains. Huge herds were not uncommon, but such times are long gone. The Mammoth is being hunted to extinction.

Combat In an attack, a Mammoth will rear up on its hind legs  brandishing its tusks menacingly menacingly,, and attempting to knock over and trample its opponent.

Trample (EX) A Mammoth can trample creatures creatures of medium size or smaller for automatic Gore damage. Any opponent who does not take an attack of opportunity can make a Reflex save (DC20) for half damage.

Neanderthal (caveman) Medium Humanoid Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (13 hp) Initiative: +0 (Dex) Speed: 20 ft. (hide armour); base 30 ft. AC: 14 (+1 natural, hide armour) Att ttac acks ks:: Clu lub b +2 +2 me mele leee or or Sh Shor ortt spe spear ar +2 mel melee ee Dam amag age: e: Clu Cl ub 1d 1d6+ 6+11 or or Sho Short rt sp speear 1d8 d8+1 +1 Face Fa ce/R /Rea each ch:: 5f 5ft. t. by by 5ft. 5ft.// 5ft 5ft.. SA: None SQ: None Saves: Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +0 Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s: Strr 13, St 13, De Dex x 10, 10, Co Con n 15, 15, In Intt 6, 6, Wis Wis 11 11,, Cha 8 Skills: Climb +4, Jump +3 Feats: Power Attack

Cli lima mate te/T /Ter erra rain in:: Organisation: Challenge Rating: Treasure:

Col old d pla plaiins an and mou moun nta taiins, underground Solitary, Pair, Hunting group (3-10), tribe (11-60) ½ None

Aldig mcen A vn an mt:ent: BylwcahyasraCcthearoctliacsN s eutral The brutish semi-humans known as Neanderthals are a primitive and violent race to be found in many areas. They will usually be encountered as hunting-party or in a settlement - typically a crude circle of huts around

a religious totem or statue. They look like thin, filthy humans, with wild hair and untrimmed clawlike nails on their hands and toes. They will be carrying crude spears and knives, and may be decorated with poorly made pendants, bracelets, and studs in their ears and noses. They are unintelligent beings and will sometimes be found in the service of a clever leader - an Orc, Goblin, or maybe even an evil human. Neanderthals have a whole pantheon of primitive Gods, for they worship everything they don't understand from the sun to a mountain. One member of a tribe may be a shaman, dressed d ressed up with bones, feathers and rattles and covered in  bizarrely painted designs. They have no special powers except a great sense of theatre and ritual - anyone demonstrating real magic to a Neanderthal tribe can expect to be treated as nothing less than a God! There are even more primitive tribes of Neanderthals who dwell primarily in caverns and underground, these primitives are often referred to as Cavemen. They rarely wear armour, and more often make use of simple clubs than spears.

Neanderthal Characters Neanderthals are a brutish bunch, and typically those who excel within their primitive culture are Barbarians.

Combat Neanderthals are uninspired when it comes to battletactics; they tend to run towards the enemy yelling and screaming incomprehensible war cries. Occasionally, when hungry, they may try to creep up on an unawares enemy and then proceed to rush from concealment, attacking in their usual fashion. They favour crude spears and improvised blunt weapons, as they lack the ability to make iron weapons.

Night Stalker Large Monstrous Humanoid Hit Dice: 9d8+9 (49 hp) Initiative: +1 (Dex) Speed: 40 ft. AC: 19 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +8 natural) Att ttac acks ks:: 2 cla claws ws +1 +155 mel meleee an and bit bitee +10 +10 mel elee ee Damage: Claw 1d8 d8+6 +6,, bite 1d6+ 6+33 Face Fa ce/R /Rea each ch:: 5f 5ft. t. by by 5ft. 5ft.// 10ft. 10ft. SA: None SQ: Frightful Presence, Immunities Saves: Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +7 Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s: Strr 23, St 23, De Dex x 14, 14, Co Con n 13, 13, In Intt 10, 10, Wis 13 13,, Cha 12 Skills: Climb +10, Jump +10, Listen +6, Wilderness lore +8 Feats: Great Fo Fortitude, Po Power At Attack, Tr Track

Climate/Terrain: Organisation: Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment: Advancement:

Any un underground Solitary 6 None Always Neutral Evil 10-15 HD (large)



In the dank, forbidding depths of dungeons deep  below the ground, many perils stalk the darkness in search of their next meal. The Night Stalkers were perhaps human once, but they are something less than human now. Bent over from their endless wanderings in the oppressive tunnels, they are sinewy  beings covere covered d in folds of leathery grey skin. Their facial features are gruesome eyes sunk deep into sockets and permanently squinting, teeth as long as a man's little finger, skin wrinkled and warty. Their arms are long and thin, and end in large, clawed hands that can split stone or skills with equal ease. They may be carrying carr ying a small lantern to guide their unceasing patrols - even though they can see perfectly in the darkness, the lantern ensures their prey can look upon their foul features and hopefully be cowed into submission. They may wear petty petty,, worthless trinkets stolen from past victims for the nice way they sparkle in the wan lantern light.

Combat A Night Stalker will ceaselessly pursue it's prey, prey, and then attack silently, clawing chunks of meat straight from the bones of it's terrified victim. Night Stalkers are ceaseless in their attacks, and never make any complaint at their injuries, fighting to the death.

Frightful Presence (Su) Any creature within 30 ft. that looks upon u pon the features of a Night Stalker must make a Will save against DC 15 or become shaken (-2 morale penalty to all attack rolls, skill checks and saving throws) until the Night Stalker is slain or the victim escapes. This save is necessary only once. This ability is the reason Night Stalker's like to carry lanterns!

Immunities (Ex) Night Stalkers are immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities. This includes all forms of Fear and Charm spells, as well as Illusions.

Sentinel, Metal Medium Construct Hit Dice: 12d10 (66 hp hp) Initiative: +0 (Dex) Speed: 20ft (Can not run) AC: 24 (+14 natural) Attacks: Longsword +1 +10 / +5 me melee Damage: Longsword 1d8+4 Face Fa ce/R /Rea each ch:: 5ft 5ft.. by by 5ft. 5ft./5 /5ft ft.. SA: None SQ: Construct, Damage Ward Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s: Strr 19, St 19, De Dex x 10, 10, Co Con n --, --, In Intt --, --, Wi Wiss 11, 11,


Skills: Feats:

Cha -None None



Organisation: Solitary Challenge Rating: 10 Treasure: None Alignment: Always Ne Neutral Advancement: ---There are many methods employed by wizards and noblemen to protect their vast treasure hoards, including Golems, Crystal Warriors, and Sentinels. First created by a sorcerer in the service of Baron Kognoy of Kaypong, a province to the east of Fang, they are powerful, near-invisible guardians. Unlike many such guardians, they are quite easy for their master to control. They are created by pouring a specially formulated magical potion over a gemstone or piece of metal, in order to create a Sentinel of the same basic material. The potion-covered material, typically a gold coin or a small diamond, will retain it's form until touched by living flesh. When creating a Sentinel, it is advisable to use tongs! The potion-drenched object is usually secreted near the top of a pile of treasure, where it will hopefully be picked up by a thief. Once touched, it transforms immediately into a large, fearsome warrior. The Sentinel cannot be harmed by blows unless the opponent is in contact with a piece of material from which the Sentinel was formed. Thus, to damage a Gold Sentinel it's opponent must be holding a piece of gold in it's hand. If defeated, the Sentinel shifts back to it's original form and will not transform again.

Combat The Sentinel will relentlessly attack any living thing it can see. If it runs out of targets, it will simply wait for more to arrive or until an hour has passed, when it reverts to it's ordinary form to await the next hapless thief.

Construct Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Damage Ward (Ex) The Sentinel has Damage Reduction 30 against any attack unless the attacker is holding a piece of material which the Sentinel is made from.

Snow Wolf Large Animal Hit Dice: 4D8 +4 (22 hp) Initiative: +2 (Dex) Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face Fa ce/R /Rea each ch::

50ft 14 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, -1 size) Bite (+5 melee) Bite 1D6 +5 5ft. 5f t. by by 10ft 10ft./ ./5f 5ft. t.


SA: SQ: Saves: Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s: Skills: Feats:

Trip Scent Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1 Strr 21, St 21, De Dex x 13, 13, Co Con n 15, 15, In Intt 2, 2, Wis Wis 12 12,, Cha 6 Hide +6*, Li Lissten +6, Move silently +5, Spot +6, Wilderness lore +2* Weapon finesse (bite)

Any An y col cold d lan lands ds,, hil hills ls,, pla plain inss and mountains Organisation: Solitary, pair or pack (7 - 16) Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: None Alignment: Always Neutral Advancement: 5 HD (large) In the extreme north of Allansia, the species known as the Snow Wolf may be encountered. They are larger than normal wolves, and are savage killers, which fear nothing. Covered all over in shaggy white fur they are all but indistinguishable from their surroundings. Only their hunger crazed red eyes will give them away. The Toa-suo keep trained Snow Wolves with which they hunt Yeti and Frost Giants.

Att ttac acks ks:: Dama Da mage ge:: Face/R Face /Rea each ch:: SA: SQ: Saves: Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s:

Cli lima mate te/T /Ter erra rain in::

Combat The Snow Wolf will use its natural surroundings to hide in while moving closer to its prey. The Snow Wolf will attempt to trip its opponent them bite with its huge teeth.

Trip (EX) A Snow Wolf Wolf who scores a successful successful bite attack can attempt to trip an opponent as a free action (see PHB Chapter 8, Trip for more information) without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity.

Skills A Snow Wolf Wolf receives a +8 racial bonus to Hide when in the snow and a +6 racial bonus to Wilderness lore when using its scent to track.

Titan Trolls Trolls are large, ugly humanoids related to Ogres, Orcs, Goblins, and a variety of lesser crossbreeds. They may be found in many lands, but always doing what they most enjoy - being thoroughly evil! From the civilised Troll mercenaries of Port Blacks and to the savage Trolls of the Moonstone Hills and beyond, these creatures delight in torture, death and worse. There are a number of different types of Troll, found in different areas of the world.

Titan Hilltroll Large Humanoid Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (46 hp)

Initiative: Speed: AC:

+0 (Dex) 30 ft 18 (-1 size, +5 natural, Leather Armour and Shield)

Skills: Feats:

Shortt spe Shor spear ar +9 me mele leee; or or gre great atax axee +9 +9 melee; or slam +9 melee Shor Sh ortt spe spear ar 1d 1d8+ 8+5, 5, Gr Grea eata taxe xe 1d 1d12 12+5 +5,, Slam 1d4+5 5 ft. ft. by 5 ft./ ft./ 10f 10ft. t... None None Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +2 Strr 21, St 21, De Dex x 10, 10, Co Con n 17, 17, In Intt 8, 8, Wis Wis 11 11,, Cha 8 Climb +10, Ju Jum mp +7, Wilderness lore +3 Cleave, Po Power Attack

Cli lima mate te/T /Ter erra rain in:: Organisation:

Tem emp per erat atee hi hill lls, s, mo moun unta tain inss Solitary, pa pair, wa war ba band (3-8) or tribe (10-30) 3 Standard Usually Chaotic Evil By character class

Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment: Advancement: The interminable w a r s  b e t w e e n t h e Dwarfs and the Hill Trolls have continued s i n c e  before history was recorded, for the two races loathe each other. Hill Trolls are warlike beings, who provide endless hazards to travellers and settlers in the higher regions. They are the largest of all Trolls, usually dressed in furs and leathers, their long hair braided with bones and jewellery. jewellery. Their favourite weapons are spears and axes, and they also use shields and odd scraps of armour to protect themselves. They dwell in tribal tr ibal villages high in the hills, from where they can sweep down into the valleys to attack the settlements of Dwarfs and humans alike.

Troll Characters

Those Trolls that rise above the general thuggish rab ble of their fellows usually aspire as pire to become Fighters.

Yeti Large Magical Beast (Cold) Hit Dice: 6d10+18 (52 hp) Initiative: +0 (Dex) Speed: 40ft AC: 17 (-1 size, +8 natural) Att ttac acks ks:: 2 cla claws ws (+ (+11 11 me mele lee) e),, bit bitee (+6 (+6 mel elee ee)) Dama Da mage ge:: Claw Cl aw 1d 1d66 +5 pl plus us 1 co cold ld,, bit bitee 2d4 2d4 +3 plus 1 cold Face Fa ce/R /Rea each ch:: 5f 5ft. t. by by 5ft./ 5ft./10 10ft. ft. SA: Freezing touch SQ: Cold Subtype, Scent Saves: Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +3 Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s: Strr 21, St 21, De Dex x 10, 10, Co Con n 17, 17, In Intt 4, 4, Wis Wis 13 13,, Cha 10 Skills: Climb +7* 7*,, Hide +1*, Move si sillentl tly y +4, Wilderness lore +5 Feats: Great Fortitude, Track



Climate/Terrain: Organisation: Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment: Advancement:

Any co cold la land Solitary 6 Standard Always Neutral Evil 7-10 HD HD (l (large), 11 11-14 HD HD (huge) In the desolate mountainous wastes of northern Allansia, where the snow falls thick and the wind cuts like an icy dagger, hunters huddle around their campfires and speak in hushed, fearful voices of the Yeti. Their folk-tales say that long ago they were the rulers of this craggy, inhospitable land. With the coming of man and dreaded fire, the beasts retired to the higher slopes, emerging only occasionally to prey on men. Standing more than 13 feet tall when rearing fully upright, these huge monsters are covered in masses of thick white fur, a pelt most prized by hunters - often selling for 1,000 gp or more. Like a cross between the most savage of apes and most fearsome of bears, they are equipped for hunting with a mouth brimming with sharp tusks and razor-like teeth, and paws full f ull of claws each as long as a man's hand! Furthermore, their touch imparts a deadly freezing chill into their victim. Unlike most of the mountain creatures, Yeti do not need to hibernate in even the harshest winters, for they can withstand even the worst blizzards in their relentless hunt for food.

Combat These massive beasts are not very intelligent, but they possess an animal cunning. They silently track their prey, usually by scent alone. They may follow an unwary man for days before choosing to strike. They do so quickly, ripping their victim to shreds with their massive claws and teeth. If seriously wounded, they will usually lope away into the snowy wastes and climb up into the freezing mountains where no-one can follow.

Cold Sub-type

Yeti are immune to cold damage. They are vulnerable to fire, taking double damage on a failed saving throw against fire attacks.

Freezing Touch (Su)

The touch of a Yeti inflicts 1 point of cold damage. This damage is applied to each hit from a Yeti's natural weaponry, and to any creature that strikes a Yeti with a natural weapon.

Skills Yeti have a +4 bonus to tracking checks when using


the Scent special ability. They also receive a +8 racial  bonus to Hide checks when among ice and snow, and they ignore the penalty to Climb checks for icy surfaces. These bonuses are not included in the statistics  block.

 A ppendix ppendix 2  N ew ew Magic New Spells Ancient Death Spell Necromancy; Level: Sor 5; Components: V,S,M; Casting Time: 1 hour; Range: close (25 ft.); Area Effect: All creatures within 25ft. emanation; Duration: Permanent; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No This spell infects the recipient with a magical disease that causes a slow and agonising death as the infected creature wastes away. The disease can take several days to manifest any symptoms and is thus very difficult to spot. A successful skill (Heal) check (DC25) will determine that the infected creature is suffering from an unusual disease. disease. A subse subsequent quent skill skill (Spellcraft) (Spellcraft) check (DC25) will determine that the illness is magical and reveal it's cause. Creatures affected go through 4 stages of illness: Stage 1: Incubation - the magical disease takes up to 1D6 days before it has any noticeable affect on the infected creature. At the end of this stage the creature must make a Fortitude save DC10 or immediately lose 1 point of constitution permanently. At this point the creature aware they are ill. it's attack upon it's Stage 2:will Thebedisease intensifies hosts body, 24 hours after stage 1 ends the infected creature must make a Fortitude save DC14 or lose 1D4 points of constitution permanently. permanently. Stage 3: The disease is now rampant in the infected creature s body, 24 hours after stage 2 has ended the infected creature must make a Fortitude save DC18 or lose 1D6 points of constitution permanently. permanently. Stage 4: the disease is now entering it's final deadly phase, 24 hours after stage 3 the infected creature must make a Fortitude save DC35 or lose 2D6 + 6 points of constitution permanently. permanently. If the infected creature's constitution score is reduced to 0 at any stage of the diseases progress the creature immediately dies. The disease cannot be cured by any means (including the Remove Disease spell) except for a complicated ritual that is only known by certain Master Healers scattered across the world. Material Components: Crushed gems worth 2000gp 

New Magic Items Collar of Obedience Collars of Obedience are magical items that are used to enslave and control the creatures wearing them. Collars are attuned to their creator who can exercise limited control over those wearing them. The Collar gives the controller crude telepathic t elepathic awareness of any creature wearing one, the controller is aware of whether the wearer is alive or dead and can send simple commands to a creature up to 5 miles away. Creatures wearing a Collar cannot voluntarily move more then 5 miles away from their controller. The controller must concentrate to send commands to wearers and cannot communicate with more than 4


wearers at any one time although they retain awareness of all those wearing their Collars. The wearer of the Collar must make a Will save (DC25) whenever a command is issued to them by their controller. Failure means that the command must  be followed without hesitation. Success allows the wearer to ignore the command if desired. The controller can inflict pain to any wearer by mak-

Aragose cannot be healed by any means. Once his hit points are reduced to 0, Aragose, his equipment and the copper ring will crumble to dust. Aragose the Defender, male human Ftr10: Size M (6 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 10d10 +40; hp 61 (from 122); Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 20 ft. (Full Plate mail armour ) base 30ft.; AC 25 (+1 Dex -due to armour, Full Plate mail +2, Large steel shield +2);

ing the Collar constrict around their throats, if desired the Collar can be tightened enough to strangle the wearer causing 2D6 damage per round. A Collar of Obedience cannot cannot be removed by it's wearer while the controller lives, if the controller dies the Collar turns black and crumbles to dust. Collars can be removed by another creature upon a successful successf ul casting of a Remove Curse spell. Wearing the Collar grants Darkvision 60ft.. Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Dominate Person, Darkvision and Telepathic Bond; Price 6000pg, weight 4lb

Attack +19/ +14 melee (Longsword 1D8 +10); SV Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5; AL N; Str 20, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10. Languages Spoken: None (but Aragose understands all language). Feats: Blind-fight, Cleave, Great cleave, Dodge, Improved initiative, Power attack, Toughness, Weapon focus (Longsword), Weapon specialisation (Longsword). Equipment: Full Plate mail +2, Large Steel Shield +2, Longsword +3 Caster Level: 11th; Prereq.: Planar Ally, Ally, Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Vestment, Vestment, Forge Ring; Price 30,000

Potion of Fortune When the contents of this bottle have been imbued, the recipient may restore 1D4+3 Luck points. Caster Level: 4th; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, Restore Luck; Market price 300 gp.

Prism of Illusion This Item is only usable by Wizards or sorcerers. This clear Prism measures 10 inches from top to bottom. The Prism can be used to store up to 10 levels of spells (from the school of Illusion only) in it. The spells must be cast into the Prism by a Wizard or Sorcerer. There they will remain until recalled. The Wizard or Sorcerer can recall any spell stored within the Prism as a standard action. Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Imbue with spell ability; Price 25,000gp, Wt. 5lb

Ring of the Vampire's Curse This silver ring appears to be of plain design, without any markings at all. Anymake character who wears this ring any2 finger must a Fortitude save (DC20) or on suffer negative levels whilst wearing the ring. Only a Remove Curse spell allows the wearer to remove the ring. Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, Bestow Curse, Enervation ; Price 2,000gp

Ring of Warrior Summoning This copper ring is inscribed both inside and out. The markings are written in an ancient language long forgotten that reads: Aragose the Defender Anyone who wears the ring on any finger will know the rings power. Once per week the wearer of the ring can summon forth Aragose the Defender. Aragose will appear as an ancient male warrior, clad in ornate Full Plate mail armour and carrying a Longsword and Shield. Aragose will attack any creature or person specified by the wearer of the ring. Once the creature or person is slain, Aragose will return to the ring. Aragose will not surrender any of his equipment to anyone. Attempts to force him to do so s o will cause him, his equipment and the ring to crumble to dust.

Szordrins Dust This Magic Dust was created by a powerful Sorcerer named Szordrin who dwells within the city of Khare on the continent of Kakhabad (also known as the old world). If the Dust, which is made from ground Minotaur's horn, is sprinkled on a transforming creature - such as a polymorphed creature; a man changing into a Werewolf etc etc - the targeted creature will remain in its current form for 2D6 hours. If the Dust is sprinkled on a transforming target, it must make a Fortitude save (DC20) or remain in its current form for 2D6 hours. A full jar of Szordrin's Dust typically typically has 4 applications of the Dust within it. Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Polymorph Other ; Price 4000gp (1000 gp per application)

The Healing Rose This item appears to be an old, dying and withered rose whose colour has faded to a dirty red. A creat creature ure that sniffs sniffs the Rose will will have have a Cure Moderate Wounds spell bestowed up on them healing 2D8 +5 hit points. The Healing Rose's power only works once per day. Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Cure moderate wounds; Price 4000gp,

The Orb of Energy This circular glass measures 10 inches in diameter. Looking into the Orb, the viewer will see swirling mists within. Any creature that holds the Orb in both hands will have 1D8 points of cold damage healed. Damage from other sources is not healed. The Orb has 100 charges when made, but is typically found with 10D6 charges remaining. Caster Level: 5; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements; Price 500gp

Tomah's Flute This Flute is silver, and quite ordinary in appearance. If a creature without the Perform skill holds the Flute to their lips and attempts to play a tune, they will be amazed, for a wonderful tune will come forth.



The creature using the Flute will gain the skill Perform (Flute) +10 while playing the Flute. Flute. A creature that already has the skill Perform (Flute) will gain a +5 enhancement bonus to the Perform (Flute) skill while playing the Flute. Caster Level: 4th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Skill Perform (flute) 10 ranks; Price 750gp, Weight 2lb

 A ppendix 3 Campaign Play This section has been added to Caverns of the Snow Witch for those DM's amongst you that wish to incorporate this scenario into your ongoing campaign, rather than play the 'quick version'.

Party Levels This scenario is designed for a party of three characters of 8th level. The party would benefit from having a good aligned cleric along for the adventure.

Scaling the Adventure As mentioned before, The Caverns of the Snow Witch is designed to be played with three pre rolled 8th level characters. However, it can be adjusted for lower or higher level parties with a few modifications. Some examples are given below. below.

Party Levels 5th - 7th Consider allowing the PC's to find some extra healing, maybe potions or scrolls, and make sure they have plenty of opportunities to rest and fully recuperate  between encounters. Encounters of EL6 or greater should be tweaked to increase the parties chance of survival: Dungeon adventure: encounter 4 - replace the Mammoth with 2 Snow Wolves; encounter 7 - reduce the Yeti to 5HD ; encounter 11 - reduce the Mountain Elf to a 3rd level fighter and the Goblins to 2nd level Fighters; in encounter 14 - reduce the human chef to a 5th level Barbarian; encounter 15 - reduce Rillion to a 2nd level Fighter/Sorcerer; encounter 16 - reduce the Orc Cleric to 3rd level and make the Orcs and Goblins normal monsters without Fighter levels. Reduce the Ice Demons to 8HD; encounter 21 - reduce the Frost Giant to 8HD and reduce his Strength to 20 (+5); encounter 24 - reduce the White Dragon's age to very young young and make the Snow Witch a Va Vampire mpire Spawn; encounter 29 - reduce the Brain Slayer to 5HD. Wilderness adventure: encounter 1 - reduce the Dark Elf to a 5th level Fighter; encounter 2 - Make all the Centaurs 1st level Fighters; encounter 8 - reduce the amount of Hill Trolls from 6 to 3.

Encounter 28 In the original Caverns of the Snow Witch Fighting Fantasy   book by Ian Livingstone, the corridor at encounter 28 continues on to another part of the dungeon that is never explored. You, the DM might want to expand the caverns at this point. It could lead to an underground city of Brain Slayers, or just be a single room. The choice is yours. 


appendix 4 - characters Redswift and Stubb - NPCs Name: Race/Sex: Clas Cl ass/L s/Lev evel el:: Hit Dice: Iniiti In tiaati tive ve:: Speed: AC: Atta At tack cks: s: Saves: Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s: Skills: Feats:

Equipm Equ ipmen ent: t: Lang La ngua uage ges: s: Name: Race/Sex: Clas Cl ass/L s/Lev evel el:: Hit Dice: Init In itia iati tive ve:: Speed: AC: Atta At tack cks: s: Saves: Abil Ab ilit itie ies: s: Skills: Feats:

Equipm Equ ipmen ent: t: Lang La ngua uage ges: s:

Redswift Wood Elf / male Figh Fi ghte terr / 7 7D10+7 (hp55) +8 (+4 (+4 Dex ex,, +4 +4 Im Imp. ini nit) t) 30ft. (6 squares) 18 (+4 Dex, Studded leather +1) touch 14, flat-footed14 +10/ +1 0/+5 +5 mel eleee (L (Lon ong gsw swor ord d 1D 1D88 +2) +2) or +12/+7 ranged (Longbow 1D8+2) Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +4 Strr 15( St 15(+2 +2), ), De Dex x 19( 19(+4 +4), ), Co Con n 13( 13(+1 +1), ), Int 13(+1), Wis 14(+2), Cha 14(+2) Hide +4, Jump +5, Listen +4, Move silently +4, Search +3, Spot +4 Combat re refflexes, Imp mprrov oveed initiative, Quick draw, Wpn focus(Longbow), Wpn focus (Longsword), (L ongsword), Weapon specialisation (Longbow) Studde Stu dded d Leathe Leatherr +1, Leat Leather her boot boots, s, Collar of Obedience Obedience Longbow and 20 Arrows, Winter cloak Comm Co mmon on,, Elve Elven, n, Go Gobl blin in Stubb Dwarf / male Figh Fi ghte terr / 7 7d10+14 (hp 79) Init In it +5 (+ (+11 Dex Dex,, +4 +4 Imp Impro rove ved d ini init. t.)) 20ft. (4 squares) 16 (+1 Dex, Chain shirt +1) touch 11, flat-footed 15 +12/ +1 2/+7 +7 mel eleee (Ba (Batt ttle leax axee 1D8 1D8 +6 +6), ), or +8/+3 ranged (Light crossbow 1D8) Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2 Strr 18(+ St 18(+4) 4),, Dex Dex 12( 12(+1 +1), ), Con Con 14 14(+ (+2) 2),, Int Int 12(+1), Wis 10(+0), Cha 9(-1). Appraise +3 +3, Hi Hide +3 +3, Ju Jump +4 +4, Listen +2, Move silently +1, Spot +2 Alertness, Combat reflexes, Improved initiative, PowerWeapon attack, Weapon focus (Battleaxe), focus (Light Crossbow), Weapon specialisation (Battleaxe) Chain Ch ain Shir Shirtt +, Battl Battleax eaxe, e, Wint Winter er Cloak, Collar of Obedience Comm Co mmon on,, Dwar Dwarve ven, n, Elv Elven en

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