Field Study 5 Learning Assessment Strategies

December 16, 2016 | Author: CA T He | Category: N/A
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Learning Assessment Strategies Field Study Episode 1 “GUIDING PRINCIPLES IN THE ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING” Name of FS Student: ________________________________________________________ _______ Course: ___________________________________________ Year and Section: ______________ Resource Teacher 1: ______________________ Signature: ____________ Date: ______________ Resource Teacher 2: ______________________Signature: ____________ Date: ______________ Resource Teacher 3: ______________________ Signature: ____________ Date: ______________ Cooperating School: ________________________________________________________________

My Target While I observe three different classes, I will be able to identify applications of the principles of assessment.

My Performance (How I will be rated) Field study 5, Episode 1 – Guiding Principles in the Assessment of Learning Focused on: Application of the Principles of Assessment Tasks Observation/ Documentation

My Analysis

My Reflection

Exemplary 4 All tasks were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations

Superior 3 All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality

Satisfactory 2 Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality

Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality

4 Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers, thoroughly grounded on theories; exemplary grammar and spelling

3 Analysis questions were answered completely Clear connection with theories Grammar and spelling superior

2 Analysis questions were not answered completely.

1 Analysis questions were not answered.

4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode



Vaguely related to the theories Grammar and spelling are acceptable 2 Reflection statements are shallow, supported by experiences from the episode


Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory

1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode 1

My Portfolio

Portfolio is complete, clear, well-organized and all supporting documentation are located in sections clearly designated


4 Before deadline

Portfolio is complete, clear, well-organized and most supporting documentation are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On the deadline



Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but is lacking

Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear

2 A day after the deadline 2

1 Two days or more after the deadline 1

Sub Totals Over-all Score

Rating (Based on transmutation)

______________________________________ Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Transmutation of score to grade/rating

____________________ Date

Score 20 -

Grade 1.00 -


Score 12-13 -

Grade 2.50 -


18-19 -

1.25 -


11 -

2.75 -


17 -

1.50 -


10 -

3.00 -


16 -

1.75 -


8-9 -

3.50 -

72 and

15 -

2.00 -


7- below

5.00 -


My Target I will observe at least 3 different classes. Pay close to attention to what the Resource Teacher does in relation to assessment.

3. I will identify evidence of applications of the principles of assessment of 4. Guided by a learning. I may question/ques cite more than tions, I will one evidence per reflect on my principle of experience. assessment write down my reflection

2. I will observe 3 different classes and interview my Resource Teachers for principle no. 8

1. I will review the principles of learning on pp. 114-122 of Principles of Teaching, 2007 by Corpuz, B. and G. Salandanan and Assessment of Learning 2, 2007 Santos, Rosita, pp. 7-22

My Tools


Name of the School Observed: School Address: Grade/Year Level: PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING ASSESSMENT 1. Assessment is an integral part of the teaching-learning process

2. Assessment tool/activity should match with performance objective

3. The results of assessment must be fed back to the learners

4. Teachers must consider learners’ learning styles and multiple intelligences and so must come up with a variety of ways of assessing learning.

5. Give some positive feedback along with not so good ones.

6. Emphasize on self assessment

7. Assessment of learning should never be used as punishment or as disciplinary measure.

8. Emphasize in real world application that favors realistic performances over out-ofcontext drills.

9. Results of learning assessment must be communicated regularly to parents.

Date of Visit: Subject Area: Teaching Behavior of the Teacher/Learning Behavior of the Learner as Proof of the Application of the Principles of Learning


Name of the School Observed: School Address: Grade/Year Level: PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING ASSESSMENT 1. Assessment is an integral part of the teaching-learning process

2. Assessment tool/activity should match with performance objective

3. The results of assessment must be fed back to the learners

4. Teachers must consider learners’ learning styles and multiple intelligences and so must come up with a variety of ways of assessing learning.

5. Give some positive feedback along with not so good ones.

6. Emphasize on self assessment

7. Assessment of learning should never be used as punishment or as disciplinary measure.

8. Emphasize in real world application that favors realistic performances over out-ofcontext drills.

9. Results of learning assessment must be communicated regularly to parents.

Date of Visit: Subject Area: Teaching Behavior of the Teacher/Learning Behavior of the Learner as Proof of the Application of the Principles of Learning

My Analysis

PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING ASSESSMENT 1. Assessment is an integral part of the teaching-learning process

2. Assessment tool/activity should match with performance objective

3. The results of assessment must be fed back to the learners

4. Teachers must consider learners’ learning styles and multiple intelligences and so must come up with a variety of ways of assessing learning.

5. Give some positive feedback along with not so good ones.

6. Emphasize on self assessment

7. Assessment of learning should never be used as punishment or as disciplinary measure.

8. Emphasize in real world application that favors realistic performances over out-ofcontext drills.

9. Results of learning assessment must be communicated regularly to parents.

Possible Consequence if Principle is not Observed

My Reflection As a student, do I remember any incident when any of these principles was/were violated by my teachers? How did it affect my classmates and me?

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

My Portfolio

Present the Principles of Assessment of Learning in a very creative way

Learning Assessment Strategies Field Study Episode 2

USING APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENT TOOLS Name of FS Student: _________________________________________________________________ Course: ___________________________________________Year and Section: _________________ Resource Teacher 1: ______________________ Signature: ____________ Date: _______________ Resource Teacher 2: ______________________Signature: ____________ Date: _______________ Resource Teacher 3: ______________________ Signature: ____________ Date: _______________ Cooperating School: __________________________________________________________________

My Target In this Episode, I must be able to identify assessment strategies/assessment used by at least 3 Resource Teachers.

My Performance (How I will be rated)

Field study 5, Episode 2 – Using Appropriate Assessment Tools Focused on: Assessment Tools and Strategies Tasks Observation/ Documentation

My Analysis

My Reflection

Exemplary 4 All tasks were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations

Superior 3 All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality

Satisfactory 2 Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality

Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality

4 Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers, thoroughly grounded on theories; exemplary grammar and spelling

3 Analysis questions were answered completely Clear connection with theories Grammar and spelling superior

2 Analysis questions were not answered completely.

1 Analysis questions were not answered.

4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode

Vaguely related to the theories Grammar and spelling are acceptable 2 Reflection statements are shallow, supported by experiences from the episode

Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory

1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode

4 Portfolio is complete, clear, well-organized and all supporting documentation are located in sections clearly designated

My Portfolio


4 Before deadline

3 Portfolio is complete, clear, well-organized and most supporting documentation are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On the deadline



2 Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but is lacking

1 Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear

2 A day after the deadline 2

1 Two days or more after the deadline 1

Sub Totals Over-all Score

Rating (Based on transmutation)

______________________________________ Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score


____________________ Date



20 -

1.00 -


12-13 -

2.50 -


18-19 -

1.25 -


11 -

2.75 -


17 -

1.50 -


10 -

3.00 -


16 -

1.75 -


8-9 -

3.50 -

72 and

15 -

2.00 -


7- below

5.00 -


My Map I will go through the following steps: Step 1. I will review appropriateness of assessment tools in Assessment of Learning 2, 2007 by Santos, Rosita, pp. 11-22, Assessment of Learning 1, 2007 by Santos, Rosita pp. 24-32 and other references

Step 3. I will identify proofs of the use of these assessment tools

Step 2. I will observe 3 different classes, interview 3 Resource Teachers and request for documents from them when necessary.

Step 4. Guided by a question/questions, I will reflect on my experience then write down my reflection

OBSERVATION CHECKLIST Which method was used? Please score Assessment Method 1. Written response instruments a. Multiple choice b. True-False c. Matching d. Short answer e. Completion test Assessment Method 2. Product Rating Scales (for book reports, projects, other creative endeavors) 3. Performance Tests (Using a microscope, solving Math word problem) 4. Performance checklist 5. Oral questioning 6. Observation and self reports



My Analysis

1. Which assessment method/s did I observed to be most often used? Least often used? What could explain such observations? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. If I were to re-teach the same lesson would I assess learning in the same way as my Resource Teachers did? Explain. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Which of the assessment methods are categorized as traditional assessment? Which ones are classified as authentic assessment? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. How does traditional assessment differ from authentic assessment? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

My Reflection

1. Is there such a thing as best assessment method or an assessment method that is appropriate for all types of learning?

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

My Portfolio Complete the Table on Assessment Methods. Write the most appropriate use of each assessment method. To complete the Table do not hesitate to do further research. Assessment Method Appropriate use (When to use it) 1. Written response instruments

a. Multiple choice

b. True-False

c. Matching

d. Short answer

e. Completion test

f. Essay

2. Product Rating Scales (for book reports, project, other creative endeavors)

3. Performance Tests (Using a microscope, solving Math word problem)

a. Performance checklist

5. Oral questioning

6. Observation and self reports

Learning Assessment Strategies Field Study Episode 3 “ON CONTENT VALIDITY OF TESTS” Name of FS Student: ____________________________________________________________ Course: ___________________________________________Year and Section: ____________ Resource Teacher 1: ______________________ Signature: ____________ Date: ___________ Resource Teacher 2: ______________________Signature: ____________ Date: ___________ Resource Teacher 3: ______________________ Signature: ____________ Date: ___________ Cooperating School: ____________________________________________________________

My Target In Episode 3, I must be able to examine the content validity of a test/quiz given by at least 3 Resource Teachers, see the connection between Table of Specifications and test validity and construct test with content validity.

My Performance (How I will be rated)

Field study 5, Episode 3 – On Content Validity of Tests Focused on: Table of Specifications and Quizzes/Tests Tasks Observation/ Documentation

My Analysis

My Reflection

Exemplary 4 All tasks were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations

Superior 3 All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality

Satisfactory 2 Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality

Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality

4 Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers, thoroughly grounded on theories; exemplary grammar and spelling

3 Analysis questions were answered completely Clear connection with theories Grammar and spelling superior

2 Analysis questions were not answered completely.

1 Analysis questions were not answered.

4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode



Vaguely related to the theories Grammar and spelling are acceptable 2 Reflection statements are shallow, supported by experiences from the episode


Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory

1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode 1

My Portfolio

Portfolio is complete, clear, well-organized and all supporting documentation are located in sections clearly designated


4 Before deadline

Portfolio is complete, clear, well-organized and most supporting documentation are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On the deadline



Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but is lacking

Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear

2 A day after the deadline 2

1 Two days or more after the deadline 1

Sub Totals Over-all Score

Rating (Based on transmutation)

______________________________________ Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Transmutation of score to grade/rating

____________________ Date

Score 20 -

Grade 1.00 -


Score 12-13 -

Grade 2.50 -


18-19 -

1.25 -


11 -

2.75 -


17 -

1.50 -


10 -

3.00 -


16 -

1.75 -


8-9 -

3.50 -

72 and

15 -

2.00 -


7- below

5.00 -


My Map

3. Secure copies of a written quiz/test and a 4. Answer lesson plan given questions for from my Resource analysis Teacher supon which the 5. Reflect on my quiz/test is Observations based and a copy of Table of Specifications

2. Interview my Resource Teachers on steps they take to ensure content validity of their tests

1. I will review "Development of Assessment Tools in Assessment of Learning 1 by Santos, Rosita, pp. 36-53 and Assessment of Learning 2, pp. 14-22 and refer to other references on Assessment of Learning

My Tools A. Interview 1. I will ask my Resource Teachers this question: “What do you do/your school does to ensure the content validity of your periodic tests?” ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

B. Documentary Analysis (Lesson Plans with the accompanying quiz/test) My documentary analysis will be guided by this question: “Does the quiz/test measure what it is supposed to measure? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

My Analysis 1. What has the Table of Specifications (TOS) to do with the content validity of tests?

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. If validity as a characteristic of test means that a test must measure what it is supposed to measure, is a multiple choice type of test valid to determine learning of manipulative skill like focusing a microscope? Explain.

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Do we have other types of validity of a test other than content validity? Research for an answer.

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

My Reflection

Write down what you have learned on what to do to ensure validity of tests. Did you ever experience taking a test which was very difficult because the items were not at all covered in class? How did it affect you? How will you prevent your future pupils/students from experiencing the same?

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Learning Assessment Strategies Field Study Episode 4 “ON SCORING RUBRICS” Name of FS Student: ________________________________________________________________ Course: ___________________________________________ Year and Section: ______________ Resource Teacher 1: ______________________ Signature: ____________ Date: ______________ Resource Teacher 2: ______________________Signature: ____________ Date: ______________ Resource Teacher 3: ______________________ Signature: ____________ Date: ______________ Cooperating School: ________________________________________________________________

My Target I must be able to examine different types of scoring rubrics used by Resource Teachers and relate them to assessment of student learning.

My Performance (How I will be rated) Field study 5, Episode 4 – On Scoring Rubrics Focused on: Types of Scoring Rubrics Tasks Observation/ Documentation

My Analysis

My Reflection

Exemplary 4 All tasks were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations

Superior 3 All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality

Satisfactory 2 Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality

Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality

4 Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers, thoroughly grounded on theories; exemplary grammar and spelling

3 Analysis questions were answered completely Clear connection with theories Grammar and spelling superior

2 Analysis questions were not answered completely.

1 Analysis questions were not answered.

4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode



Vaguely related to the theories Grammar and spelling are acceptable 2 Reflection statements are shallow, supported by experiences from the episode


Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory

1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode 1

My Portfolio

Portfolio is complete, clear, well-organized and all supporting documentation are located in sections clearly designated


4 Before deadline

Portfolio is complete, clear, well-organized and most supporting documentation are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On the deadline



Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized but is lacking

Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear

2 A day after the deadline 2

1 Two days or more after the deadline 1

Sub Totals Over-all Score

Rating (Based on transmutation)

______________________________________ Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Transmutation of score to grade/rating

____________________ Date

Score 20 -

Grade 1.00 -


Score 12-13 -

Grade 2.50 -


18-19 -

1.25 -


11 -

2.75 -


17 -

1.50 -


10 -

3.00 -


16 -

1.75 -


8-9 -

3.50 -

72 and

15 -

2.00 -


7- below

5.00 -


My Map

1. Review "Scoring Rubrics" in Assessment of Learning 2, 2007, by Santos, R. pp. 37-44

Interview at least 2 Resource Teachers on their use of scoring rubrics in assessing learning

3. Request my Resource Teachers for a copy of the scoring rubrics that the school uses for group projects, student papers, cooperative learning activities. 4. If there are no scoring rubrics available, I will research on samples of scoring rubrics for student papers, cooperative learning activities, group projects, performances, and the like.

5. I will analyze information gathered from my interview and research.

6.I will reflect on all information gathered.

My Tools Interview of my Resource Teachers I will ask the following questions: 1. Where do you use the scoring rubrics? (Student outputs or products and student activities)

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. What help have scoring rubrics given you? When there were no scoring rubrics yet, what did you use?

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. What difficulties have you met in the use of scoring rubrics?

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you make use of holistic and analytic rubrics? How do they differ?

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 5. Which is easier to use – analytic or holistic?

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 6. Were you involved in the making of scoring rubrics? How do you make one? Which is easier to construct – analytic or holistic?

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _

Research on the following: • Types of rubrics

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ • When to use rubrics

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ • How to construct the two types of rubrics

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ • Advantages and disadvantages of scoring rubrics

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

My Analysis 1. What benefits have scoring rubrics brought to the teaching-learning process?

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. How are scoring rubrics related to portfolio assessment?

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. To get the most from scoring rubrics, what should be observed in the making and use of scoring rubrics?

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ My Reflections Reflect on this: Scoring Rubrics: Boon or Bane?

My Portfolio Come up with one scoring rubric for student product for student product (e.g. paragraph or theme written) and another for student activity (such as cooperative learning activity). Scoring Rubric for Paragraph Writing

Scoring Rubric for Cooperative Learning Activity

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