Field Study 3- Answers (2015)

February 18, 2017 | Author: Celine Amparo | Category: N/A
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Field Study 3- Answers Page 8 Available Learning Resources

Characteristics And Unique Capabilities Generally, all these resources are capable in providing guidance and idea to students who are not aware of the generally accepted concepts.

Teaching Approaches Where The Resources Is Most Useful Interactive instruction relies heavily on discussion and sharing among participants. It allows a range of groupings and interactive methods. This includes total class discussions, small group discussions or projects.

Audio Resources  Cassette  Audio Tapes  Compact Disc

These resources are capable of upgrading the vocabulary and listening skill of the learners. These are highly effective for all the auditory learners.

Non-Electronic Visual Resources  Models  Mock Ups  Microscope

These are models and specimens that were being preserved which help the learners can have a close-toreality experience. It brings out the information they acquired from the books and discussions which help the learners familiarize its real appearance.

Letting the student explore the elements of an audio production could be an effective teaching approach because it develops not only the listening skills of students, but also their communication skills. Experiential and experimental learning could be the teaching approaches applicable for these resources. It was inductive, learner centered and activity oriented methodology. It emphasizes on the process in the attainment of its product.

ICT Resources  Computers  Laptops  Television

Generally, ICT resources were used as a new means of learning concepts and ideas to the learners. It also brings convenience not only to the part of the teachers, but also to the part of the students.

Print Resources  Books  Students’ Output  Bulletin Board Display

Direct instruction is commonly used teaching methodology with this type of resource. This method includes lectures, questioning, explicit teaching and demonstration. It is effective for providing information or developing step by step skills.

Impression: Learning resources are the materials used by teachers to enhance the skills of students, help in the discovery of different aptitudes and provide assorted learning experiences to the students. All learning resources must be contemporary and the person in-charge must know how to efficiently utilize it because these learning resources support the effective implementation of the curriculum. Page 9 My Analysis 1. Were the learning resource/materials arranged properly according to their functions and characteristics?

All learning resources or materials were arranged properly according their functions and characteristics. The books inside the library were properly arranged as to their types and functions. The proper arrangement of the learning resources help the teachers and students locate and bring convenience to both teachers and students. 2. Do the guidelines and procedure facilitate easy access to the materials by the teachers? Why? Why not? The guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials in such a way that the guidelines and procedures do not involve great exertion or discomfort on the part of the teachers or any users of it. 3. What are the strengths of this learning resource center? The learning resource center develops and benefits the students in uplifting the quality of education. The center’s ability to bring the students from the old means of educating the students to the new means of teaching the students adapt the drastic changes of the society embodies its power and encourages the importance of education to the students. 4. What are its weaknesses? A learning resource center weakness can only be determined by the resources they have. If the center will not cope up with the updating technology, their center will be obsolete in aiding the student’s learning process. As long as the learning center I have observed is concerned, I can say the only weakness I can spot is their ability to orient each persons who will use their facilities especially when they are very loaded with teachers who will use the resources available in the center. 5. What suggestions can you make? I suggest that the learning resource center must be well planned and properly managed, so that it can function in accordance to the significant contribution it can give to the learning society. A learning resource center must be designed according to the interest of students, so that it will be attractive enough in reinforcing the student’s learning. Page 10 Reflection 1. Which of the materials in the learning resources caught your interest the most? Why? It was the book that caught my interest because they were properly arranged according to their types and functions. I can observe the proper maintenance with these resources because most of the books were free from dust. 2. Which gadgets/materials are you already confident to use/operate? The books, computer, projector and other materials that were related to multimedia presentation were the gadgets or materials that give me a strong belief in my own ability to use or operate it. I can say that I have the sufficient knowledge with these resources because I have been using these and I have seen people operate it which makes it easier for me to know how to use it. 3. Which ones do you feel you need to learn more about? I need to learn more about the use of computers in presenting topics. It is important for me to be familiar and understand clearly its appropriateness and effectiveness in delivering a topic most especially that we have new programs which can be used in presenting the topics. If I want to be a good teacher, I must be good at adapting to these new programs because the only thing that can make me more effective in the following years are these updates in this resource. Page 11 1 .D 2B 3. A Page 12- My learning portfolio MANILA, Philippines – Can you imagine a classroom without chalk and blackboard, manila paper, cartolinas, one-fourth sheets of paper, pencils, erasers, and attendance sheets?

The leading Philippine educational materials publisher Vibal Publishing House Inc. and international computer software company Microsoft have not only imagined it, they are working on making that a reality. Vibal and Microsoft, in cooperation with the Department of Education (DepEd), have partnered to create a new kind of classroom set to enter the digital era. They are making this possible through the introduction of e-textbooks that can be accessed by students on tablet computers. Chris Datol, operations manager of Vibal’s subsidiary Vibe Technologies Inc., said during the Annual Microsoft Philippines Innovative Education Summit last March 2 that “a child becomes smarter when he or she uses a digital device and consumes digital material.” He cited a study conducted by the United Nations who found that students “exhibited better performance” because of the highly visual and multimedia content that tablets can show to students. E-textbooks will have multimedia features like educational videos, full-color pictures, instructional audio content, customizable text, interactive quizzes, online connectivity allowing external links to resource websites, study tips, and many more. Teachers will be able to use the annotated teacher’s edition of the e-textbooks that includes a lesson guide, answer keys, and teaching tips to help the teacher guide the students in using the e-textbooks. Schools in Korea utilize tablet PC’s for students while teachers use “intelligent” white boards, Datol said. A survey of UNESCO rated Korean’s as the most intelligent digital readers “because they know how to search for online content and adapt new skills especially in using technology,” Datol said. In June of 2011, Vibal distributed 1,000 tablets to public school students in Laguna that have built-in Rizaliana classics. Dubbed as “eRizal” tablets, they were distributed in commemoration of the 150th birth anniversary of the Philippine National Hero, Jose Rizal. Foundation University in Dumaguete purchased eight Vibal e-textbooks for their iPad 2 units in July of 2011. In September 2011, La Salle Greenhills rolled out an entire digital curriculum from their elementary to high school honor classes using 14 e-textbooks in 500 Galaxy Samsung tablets. La Salle will issue another 5,000 tablets in 2012 to cover all students and teachers. Digital tools for teachers Michelle Casio, the Education lead of Microsoft Philippines, said that they not only would improve the learning process of the students but also the teaching process of the teachers. Microsoft offers various digital tools for teachers and school administrators that are “60 to 80 percent [discounted] compared to commercial pricing,” Casio said. “It’s about giving the value. If you have our software … there are a lot of tools that can be attached for free,” Casio said. She reiterated that “it’s not about making money out of the schools or out of the students. It’s about sharing the technology [and] it’s about learning.” “Our priority really is to equip the students and the teachers [to] help them in the teaching and learning process,” Casio said. During the summit, several school administrators shared their experiences of using digital tools in the academy. Miriam College shared their experience of using a number of programs from Microsoft for their financial system. Benhur Ong, Dean of the School of Management and Information Technology of College of Saint Benilde, shared how they were able to integrate technology into their curriculum. “We need to adopt technologies that will help increase the employability of our graduates,” Ong said during his speech. Investment weight Casio said that “most of the weight of investments of Microsoft [for] education” was in the public schools. “Our focus is the DepEd, because it is more than 90 percent of the [education] population,” Casio said. As of the 2010-2011 school year, there were 38,351 public elementary schools and 7,268 public highschools, the latest figures obtained from the DepEd website showed. On the other hand, there were 7,613 private elementary schools and 5,682 private highschools.

Casio said that they were not focusing on private schools because “they can take care of themselves, they have money and resources.” “But we are not disclosing the private schools, we also help them,” Casio added. Through all the partnerships and investments being poured by Microsoft into the education sector of the Philippines, classrooms, regardless of whether in a private or public school, might one day find no need for chalks and blackboards. A digital classroom will no longer be something that is left to the imagination Read more: Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook Page 16 Bulletin Board Display Name of F.S. Student: Course: Resource Teacher: Cooperating School:

Year & Section:

My Target At the end of this activity, I want to be competent enough in appraising the effectiveness of display boards as learning resources. An Observation Guide for Board Displays Name of School Observed: Date of Visit: As I look around and examine the board displays, I have found out that every classroom has its own board display. Some classrooms have a bulletin board for birthdays of students, classroom cleaners, classroom officers, classroom activities and announcements. The most common content of the board display are the topics to be discussed in a certain grading period. I have seen three (3) board displays outside the classroom. I have foreseen that if I roam around th whole classroom, I will see more than what I expected. Board displays were located in front of the canteen, near the faculty room and also near the entrance gate. Most of it was announcements, activities or events in school and etc. The announcements were written in a formal way that everyone can quickly and clearly understand. The messages were clear enough as I read it and it can be easily understood because there were no misspelled words or any inconsistencies in grammar. The information were arranged past to latest and the materials used have a high quality that can last for a longer time. Board display near the entrance of the gate was covered by a glass which gives protection to the content and materials used. Page 17 Topic of the board displays: Location of the board displays in school: Near the entrance gate Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings. 4- Outstanding 3- Very Satisfactory 2- Satisfactory 1- Needs Improvement Criteria N S V O Comments I 2 S 4 1 3 Effective communication . The messages were clear and easy to Conveys the message quickly and understand. clearly. Attractiveness . Colors and arrangements were very cogent Colors and arrangements catch and to the eyes of viewers. hold interest.

Balance Objects are arranged so stability is perceived. Unity Repeated shapes or colors or use of borders holds display together. Interactivity The styles and approach entice learners to be involved. Legibility Letters and illustrations can be seen from a good distance. Correctness Free from grammar errors, misspelled words, ambiguity Durability Well-constructed, items are securely attached.


Arrangements of objects were good but it needs an improvement. .

There was a perfect selection of colors, shapes and borders.


Students have an active involvement in it because the board display seems to be student made. Too much art can damage the legibility of the board display.




There were no such wrong grammars or even misspelled words. The content can last long because it was protected by a glass.

Page 18 (Option 2) Location: Near the entrance gate Brief description of the bulletin board: The board display contains different activities and events for a certain month. It was located near the entrance gate where teachers, students and parents can see it. Evaluation Strength Weaknesses Observations: Board display was covered by a glass. It was located near the entrance gate. It was attractive and there were no misspelled words or even inconsistencies in grammar.

It can last for a longer time; it can easily attract the attention of the viewers because of its location where many viewers can see it. The content was easy to understand because it was free from any grammar errors.

It can be only weak if it is not updated and if the content is not clear enough. If the person who made the board display is not knowledgeable and just took it for granted can also become weak.

Judgments or evaluation of educational content and other aspects: The contents were relevant to the activities for that month.

It will be very effective if the viewers or students can fulfill all the activities posted in the board to live out the significance of its existence.

It will be weak if there is no involvement from the students and if the contents are not updated.

Recommendations or suggestions for improvement: The legibility of the board display was good but it needs an improvement in terms of the arrangements of its content in order for it to be seen from a good distance and messages must be cogent enough in order for the viewers especially the students to have an involvement.

Signature of Evaluator Over Printed Name:

Page 19 1. Did the board display design reflect the likes or interest of its target audience? Why? or Why not? The board’s design definitely reflect the likes or interest of its target audience because of its style, selection of colors and materials, the title and the theme which is very appropriate and aligned in its purpose. Since it is made by certain students, I can say that everything being posted are being reflected on the majority of the likes or interest of its target audience because the main target audience are also the students. What is more important in the design is the content of the board which was really presented in a comprehensive way. 2. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Or Why not? The language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand. The font and size of the words were formal enough to be read by the target audience and the words were also bold enough to be clearly seen. The words used were appropriate to the level of the students where in the students who will read it can understand its thought. 3. What do you think was the purpose of the board display? Was it effective? Why? Or Why not? In my own point of view, the purpose of the boards was to convey information to the students such as information about the content of the subjects, proper hygiene, values information and latest trends in the society. It also serves as motivation tool for the students to do their best and as I look in it, it really works for its purpose. The contents were appropriate enough of providing information. The board’s content was presented in a way that is very attractive to the audience’s eyes. 4. What suggestions can you make? I suggest of the rearrangement of some of the words to improve the way they convey much clear thought of the announcements. The content must contain something new that gives opportunity to the student to participate or interact. It is important to update the content every month. It would be also nice to add more necessary and up-to-date contents which will invite the participation of the students aside from normal information that it convey. Page 20 Theme: ACTIVITY BOARD Board title: STOP, LOOK AND READ Rationale: (purpose) To enhance students’ participation in learning by using board display, the ability of students in responding to the trivia posted and improve their interpersonal skill with the help of the things posted in the board. Objectives: The students will be able to provide answers on the posted questions The students will be able perform the activity being posted The students will be able know each other through their birthdays, likes, dislikes, etc. The students will be able have additional information or learning aside from what is discussed in the class Best features of my propose bulletin enhancement: It will consist of health information, trivia, and latest educational trends in the society and activities for the students to do. Content resources (name each needed resource and give each a brief description): Internet- sites with reliable information Books- it could be from all types of subjects Journals- those that are fitted to the level of the students Magazines- source for cut out letters and pictures Students output- can be displayed in the board (must be attractive, cogent and legible)

Materials for aesthetic enhancement: Cartolina Cutting Materials Construction Paper Indigenous or Recycled Materials Cut Out Letters Pasting Materials Pictures Coloring Material Boarders Reflection 1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed. Creative– the teacher can create ideas in a limitless way Informative– the board display must have varied yet appropriate information Idealistic– the teacher must think of an idea of what his/her board display would look like and how it will work for the learning of the target audience Artistic- the teacher must have a sense of art in order to make an attractive board display Resourceful– resourcefulness of a teacher may contribute to the enhancement of the board 2. Which of the skills do you already have? Recall your past experiences in making board displays. How do you practice these skills? I have a sense of idealism and resourcefulness, a little of being creative, informative and artistic. It was in my high school days when I tried making a board display. The content was the whole topic that covers our third grading period. I learn how to make boarders and design a letter specifically the Old Text English Style because that was my favorite font style. It was my first time to make a board display, thus I still need to improve and practice those skills for future. I practice those skills every time I do artworks such as making portfolios and scrapbooks. 3. Which skills do you need to develop? Reflect on how you can improve on or acquire these skills? I think I need to develop my artistic skills because in designing a board display, the effective skill in how to combine colors, make designs appropriate to the theme and purposed of the board display, and to make it attractive are very important. For me to attain it, I must practice it while I am still a student, thus I must apply it every time I’m doing an artworks such as portfolios and scrapbooks. There is also a need for me to accept criticism from others towards my work in order for me to develop or improve my work. I also need to develop my informative skills by reading books and magazines, searching through internet, and most of all to be updated about the events or happenings in this world. Page 22 1. A 2. C 3. C Page 23


Page 27

Page 28 1. What are the good features of a slide presentation? 2. Which of these features are present in the slide presentation you made? 3. Which features are not present in the slide presentation you made? Page 29 1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the slide presentation? How did you overcome them? Page 28 1. What are the features of a good slide presentation? A good slide show presentation must be concise, direct to the point and insightful at the same time. It can have transitions and animations to emphasize a point but should not be too much. Its design, lay-out and formatting should be balanced with the concept presented. 2. Which of these features are present in the slide presentation you made? Among the features mentioned above, the slide presentation I made has appropriate transitions and animations, where the format and design is congruent to the concept presented – it does not clutter the slide. 3. Which features are not present in the slide presentation you made? I am afraid that the slide presentation I made is neither short nor concise. Also, the text lay-out that I have made does not follow the rule on “six lines per slide, six words per line”.

Page 29 What difficulties, if any did you encounter in making the slide presentation? How did you overcome them? In making the slides, so far, the difficulty I encountered is choosing the information that should appear on the slide, since there is a lot of information being discussed in the reference materials. To overcome them, I read the summarized form of the lesson and from there come up with an outline that would make the preparation of the slide easier. Page 30 1. D 2. C 3. B Page 35 Subject Area/ Topic: Theory of Evolution of Man Grade/ Year Level: Grade 6 Big Ideas about the topic: This topic will cover up about the different classification of men in accordance to Charles Darwin’s theory. Before starting the proper discussion, I will give a brief introduction about the identity of Charles Darwin. I will then start to feature interactive videos that will catch the interest of the students which will serve as an introduction of the topic. After the introduction, I will present a PowerPoint presentation containing specific information about the theory featuring images that will help the students picture out the description given in the presentation. After the discussion, I will provide some flash cards and conduct a game that will help them identify the evolution of men throughout the years. Objectives: The student will be able to identify the different classifications of men in visual or narrative approach. The students will be able to compare and comprehend the differences between each classification. The students will be able to make some conclusions about the observations they gathered throughout the discussion Page 36 Observation Report Name of the school: Visited Location of the school: Date of Visit: Report: There are available learning resource that can be used with the topic I have chosen to present in the school I visited. I have seen the following resources:  Charts  Flash Cards  Laptop  Projector  Speakers The resources that I have seen are very appropriate for my target grade/ year level because the grade I have chosen needs more interactive resources such as what I mentioned above. I can make more customized flash cards containing some description which will help the students familiarize the important details for each classification in the topic. I can say that the ICT resources were often used in the discussions because it is more convenient to use.

1. What skills did you have which helped you prepare the materials? What skills did you lack made it difficult for you? (Technological Knowledge) My skills in making PowerPoint presentation helped me in my preparation of the topic I want to present. This skill helped me present the important information on the topic in a precise and comprehensive manner. 2. Discuss some strategies on how you will use the materials you included here in this episode. (Pedagogical Knowledge) The interactive discussion is the teaching strategy I most recommend with the available resources because this will enhance the teacher-student relationship by letting the students ask their teacher about information. This strategy will help the students enjoy throughout the discussion with the games that will not bore the students. I will also recommend conducting recitations about the topic because this will enable the teacher figure out the things/ areas that he/she needs to clarify, so that the students will fully understand the topic. 3. How well do you know the topic you have chosen? (Content Knowledge) I have known this topic since I was in elementary. This topic is very interesting because this will enable us to trace back our ancestors. This was the main reason why I would like to present this topic, so that the students will have knowledge about where we came from. 4. Discuss the big ideas of this topic that you would want to focus on. I want to focus on defining the identity of Charles Darwin and on the specific details of the classifications of men as I accompany it with visuals. Before getting on the main topic, the students needs to know who originated this theory. This is the reason why I need to give a brief introduction about the life and works of Charles Darwin. The specifications Page 37 1. Reflect how your technological knowledge (TK), pedagogical knowledge (PK), and content knowledge (CK) worked together in fulfilling the tasks in this episode. I can say that my technological, pedagogical and content knowledge has a balanced contribution in the fulfilment of my task in this episode. My knowledge in all aspects enabled me to formulate ways in presenting the topic without over presenting it. I can say that my skills accompanied with my passion enabled me to finish my task with the best that I can give. 2. What are some of the things you can do to enhance and enrich your technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) to be able to facilitate an active, interesting, learning and fun-filled learning environment in the future? I can improve my knowledge by searching for new information in the internet and at the same time getting feedbacks from my future students, so that I could apply the appropriate and appealing teaching strategies that will make me a better and effective teacher. Page 38 1. A 2. B 3. C Page 39 Learning Resources on a Specific Content Area

Available Computer

May be Purchased Charts

Will be Made Flash Cards

Theory of Evolution of Man

Available Speakers

Available Projector

Page 44 Observation Report Date of Observation: School: Subject: Topic: The Filipino Heroes Grade/ Year Level: Report: The lesson that was presented in the school I visited was about the Filipino heroes. The resources that the teacher was using is the laptop, projector and speakers. She presents the lesson through a PowerPoint presentation with videos in between the discussions. I observed that the teacher presented the topic in a confident and precise manner. Because she has convenient aids in her discussion. I can see how the students are very attentive and eager with the topic because of the amazement they have seen not only with how the teacher shown the about these heroes, but also because of the story behind their heroic acts. I have seen an affirming verbal response from the students because they actively asked questions after the discussion about a certain hero. Their non-verbal response were really affirming because their attention was intently focused on the teacher and her teaching resources. Page 45 Utilization of teaching aids form Grade or Year Level of Class Observed:: Date of Observation: Subject Matter:: Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher: Teaching Aids used (enumerate in bullet



Appropriateness of the teaching aids used

form) 




The resource enables a convenient presentation of the teacher about the topic. The resource enables the students view the presentation in an enlarge manner.

These resources will not function without electricity

These resources are very appropriate with the topic thaw was discussed because it enables the teacher to present the topic in a precise and attractive way.

The resource enables the students hear the sounds from the videos presented properly.

Page 46 1. Use the Technology Integration Matrix to analyse the class you observed. In what level of technology integration do you think the teacher operated? Why? The level of Technology Integration that the teacher used was in the entry level. The level I have given for this observation I had was appropriate because the topic is about history which was very broad enough to be utilized and acquired by the student alone. Through this level of technological integration, the students will find it easier to learn about the past the helped in shaping the present time. 2. Based on the Technology Integration Matrix, what is the characteristic of the learning environment in the class that you observed? Point you observations that justify your answer. The characteristic of the technological integration that I have seen in the session I observed was constructive. I have pointed this out because the resources were used to deliver necessary information of the topic to the students. This made it easier for them to understand why the mentioned people became heroes of the country without hesitations because of the just and precise explanation that the teacher made with the aid of the said resources. 3. Over-all, were the learning resources used effectively? Why? Why not? Give your suggestions. I can say that the learning resources were effectively used during their class session because of the affirming participation of the students. I suggest that the teacher must not solely based on the ICT resources. She should put variety on how the lecture must be presented so that the students may practice their skills in the class. Page 47 Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would you do differently if you would teach the same lesson to the group of students? Why? I would like to improve and enhance the delivery of the topic by putting some energizer in the middle of the discussion. I would say that being in a history class is boring at times especially when the discussions are very continuously delivered. I would still use the same resources in t=delivering the topic, but I will make it more interactive by hearing the questions and reactions of the students. It is important to maintain a professional teacher-student relationship, so that the learning will be effective. Page 48 1. B 2. A 3. C

Page 49

These resources are interrelated to each other as long as the discussion is concerned. These were the things that helped the teacher present the topics properly which brought the students closer to the story behind the Filipino heroes that were discussed. I can say that the projector is a very great help in the discussion because this enabled the students a larger view of the PowerPoint presentation. The speaker helped a lot in maintaining the focus of the students because it clearly produced the sounds that made the students feel like they are in the scene of the video that was presented to them. Page 54 1. What is the lesson about? What are the teacher’s objectives? The lesson was about the properties of addition. The teacher wants to improve the arithmetic skills of the students by letting them master the properties of addition which will enable them to understand its concept. The teacher also wants the student to understand the concept of multiplication through this topic. 2. Note the important concepts that the teacher is emphasizing. The teacher wants to emphasize the concept of each of the properties of addition namely: commutative, associative, identity and distributive property. 3. Note the skills that the teacher is developing in the learners. The skills that the teacher wants to emphasize is the students’ precision and promptness of the first basic arithmetic operation which is addition. Page 55 Grade or Year Level: Grade 4 Subject Matter/Topic(based on the class you observed): Properties of Addition Objectives: To improve the students’ precision and promptness with this arithmetic operation. Name and Describe the electronic Put a check if it satisfies Describe how you can use type of resource(include the criterion it if you were to teach in Electronic author/publisher/source) the class you observed accur appro clear compl motiv organi Resource ate priate ete ating zed Drills


This resource can be used while the teacher is conducting a class activity. (source: 1.htm) This resource will give more information about the topic to be discussed. (Advantage MathGrade 4 by Barbara Irvin, eBook, source: s?id=yY3KbIBtisC&pg=PA38&lpg=PA38&d q=properties+of+addition+ebook& source=bl&ots=_NcTUUkeSD&sig =WL3hZe8PBAvGlhbwal5h4OiVG Rw&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=






This resource will be used in the games I will conduct to let the students participate in the class. This resource will help me if providing more information about the properties of addition.

onepage&q=properties%20of %20addition%20ebook&f=false) Online Worksheet

This resource will help the teacher provide quizzes after the discussion.( https://www.superteacherworkshe


This resource will help the teacher catch the attention of the students as it give other information relatd to the topic presented. (source: v=JsIz7r8v5as)








This resource will help me give quizzes about the topic which will be more convenient in my part as I can lend more time assisting my students. This resource will helps the teacher catch the attention of the students as it teaches techniques on how to easily identify what property of addition is given in every equation

Page 56 1. Describe your experience in surfing the internet for appropriate electronic resources for the class? Did you find it easy or difficult? I can say that I had a difficult time searching for the appropriate electronic resources because I have to filter every detail to ensure it is an effective resource to be used. I have to search for more sites offering me certain types of resource and compare it. This task is not easy because I have to spend time looking at my laptop and search for more sites. It is a time-consuming task, but for the name of passion and quality education, it is worthy. 2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here? What did you consider? Explain. I have chosen the resources based on how it convey the topic. I filtered it and comprehend if it embodies accuracy, appropriateness, clarity, completeness, motivation and organization which will help me attain the objective I have set with the respective topic. 3. Reflect on your technology skills. What skills do you already have and what skills would you continue to work on to be better at utilizing electronic resources? I can say that my technology skills is moderate in level. I know how to utilize the sites and gadgets in the way I wished to use it. The only thing I must work on to improve my skill is my ability to fix the gadget or find a solution whenever the site becomes irresponsive, so that I can find more convenience in using it in teaching and lessen the possibility of disturbances in between whenever I am using it. Page 57 1. D 2. A 3. D Page 58 1. Visit or other teacher resource website. Print useful instructional materials (worksheets, visual aids, flash cards, rubrics, etc.) and include them here. Indicate how they might be useful considering your major or areas of specialization. Source:

This resource can help me in teaching English because I can use this worksheet as I give quizzes to the students without showing boredom in my questionnaire. The creative arrangement of this worksheet will help me inspire my students to answer the test I will be giving. Through the mention resource site, I can get free worksheets which give convenience in my part as a teacher. 2. Visit Explore and enjoy the fantastic education tools. Try them out. Describe what you discovered and share how these tools can be helpful to you, as a teacher. I discovered about the teaching channel which contains hundreds of videos offering teaching tips on topics both large and small. I tried to use the Q&A section to get ideas teachers all over the world. The blog also provides insights on topics such as integrating material from different subjects and maintaining a supportive classroom throughout the year. This will help me improve as a teacher as I acquire new techniques from the tools mentioned in this site. 3. Visit; this is a treasure box for you. Explore and share what you learned. This site is gives assistance from teachers all over the world. It offers workshops, presentations, free tools and forums to its members. I can say that this site is a great help for me because as an aspiring teacher, I aim to seek improvement throughout my journey. I know experience is not sufficient. I also need to hear new things from new people which will be an additive in the things I will use for my search for betterment in providing excellent-quality of education. Page 63 1. Get a copy of the NCBTS and go over the competencies. 2. On the second column, write the competencies you like to work on. 3. Search for MOOCs in the internet which are relevant to the competencies you identified.      4. Indicate the MOOC provider. You might need to create an account in different MOOC providers to explore their MOOCs.

NCBTS Domain

1. Social Regard for Learning

Competencies I want to work on Act as a role model for my students

MOOCs relate to the competency/ies(includ e short description)

MOOC Provider

Foundations of Teaching for Learning 8: Developing Relationships -This course is part of arn/teacher-relationships

the Foundations of Teaching for Learning program which is designed to assist people who are currently teaching but have had no formal teacher education

2. The Learning Environment

Make the physical environment safe and conducive to learning

improve their understanding of their role and work as a teacher. Effective Classroom Interactions: Supporting Young Children’s Development urse/earlychildhood

- This course is intended to increase teachers’ knowledge about specific types of teacher-child interactions that promote young children’s development. The course will focus on helping teachers to offer emotionally supportive interactions to the children in their care.

3. Diversity learners


4. Curriculum

5. Planning, assessing reporting

Demonstrate concern for holistic development of learners

Communicate clear learning goals for the lessons that are appropriate for learners


Develops and uses a variety of appropriate assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate learning.

Foundations of Teaching for Learning 3: Learners and Learning -This course provides an opportunity for you to identify and understand students’ expectations and prior learning. Foundations of Teaching for Learning 4: Curriculum - This course provides an opportunity for you to consider the relationship between the teacher, the learner and the curriculum. The Brain-Targeted Teaching® Model for 21st Century Schools -This course will offer practical application of research by linking it with the Brain-Targeted Teaching® Model (BTT) —a pedagogical arn/teaching-learning arn/teacher-curriculum urse/braintargeted

6. Community linkages

Establish learning environments that respond to the aspirations of the community

7. Personal growth and professional development

Take pride in the nobility of teaching as a profession.

framework for using research in the neuroand cognitive sciences as well as researchbased effective instruction to guide teachers in planning, implementing, and assessing a sound program of instruction for all learners. Introduction to Global Sociology -This course is about understanding your social location in a globally interconnected cultural and economic landscape. Foundations of Teaching for Learning 2: Being a Teacher -This course provides an opportunity for you to reflect on your personal and professional development as a teacher. Through reflection and portfolio development you will enhance your knowledge and understanding of how to promote learning. introduction-globalsociology-wellesleyxsoc108x arn/being-a-teacher

Page 64-65 1. MOOC Title: Foundations of Teaching for Learning 8: Developing Relationships Provider: Coursera Objectives of the MOOC:

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The current course aims to put together ideas and concepts that are of practical value to the teacher and teaching and learning in school. Course Outline: Developing appropriate relationships with your students Developing positive working relationships with colleagues Understanding the importance of family partnerships in children’s learning Developing positive relationships with families and the wider community Working effectively with parents and the wider community to improve student learning Understanding and respecting social, cultural and value differences in your school community Working with the school’s leaders to improve your school Why did you pick this MOOC?

I chose this MOOC because I don’t only want to be an effective teacher, but also an effective coworker. This course will help me become an effective professional as I make my workplace and the student’s learning environment conducive for learning. Through this course, I can become a good role model to my students by showing them how to establish good relationships among the people around me. 2. MOOC Title: The Brain-Targeted Teaching® Model for 21st Century Schools Provider: Coursera Objectives of the MOOC:  Describe themes in brain research that can inform educational practice consistent with the Brain-Targeted Teaching® Model.  Describe how emotional and physical learning environments affect learning.  Identify themes in brain research that educators can apply as they design instruction; teach for mastery of content, skills, and processes; design activities to apply and extend knowledge; and evaluate learning. Course Outline:  Sessions 1 & 2: Course overview; Introduction to the science of learning and the BrainTargeted Teaching® Model; ABCs of brain anatomy; BTT Learning Unit  Sessions 3 & 4: The Emotional Climate for Learning  Sessions 5 & 6: The Physical Learning Environment; The Learning Unit Design  Session 7 & 8: The Learning Unit Design; Teaching for Mastery of Content, Skills, and Concepts  Sessions 9 & 10: Teaching for Mastery of Content, Skills, and Concepts; Teaching for the Application of Knowledge in Creative Problem-Solving  Sessions 11 & 12: Teaching for the Application of Knowledge in Creative Problem-Solving Activities; Evaluation Learning  Sessions 13 & 14: Evaluating Learning; The BTT Learning Unit  Session 15: Presentation of Learning Units Why did you pick this MOOC? I chose this MOOC because there is always a room for improvement as change is the only thing that is constant. This course will enable me to improve in being an effective teacher. In some time after I graduate in this course, there will be a lot of changes because of the on goin implementation of Kto12. If I want to qualify and sustain the program, I must sustain my capability of honing the students in becoming better citizens through the techniques, assessments and evaluation that I can offer to them.

3. MOOC Title: Foundations of Teaching for Learning 2: Being a Teacher Provider: Coursera Objectives of the MOOC: Course Outline:  Week One: What is a teacher? Video lecture 1: What does a teacher do? Video lecture 2: What makes a teacher effective? Video lecture 3: How can I best improve my skills? Video lecture 4: What is a philosophy of education? Assessment Quiz 1

Week Two: Myself and My Learning Video lecture 1: Thinking about who I am Video lecture 2: Why become a teacher? Video lecture 3: Understanding my classroom 'selves' Video lecture 4: Asking or Telling Interview One: Looking at weeks one and two Assessment Quiz 2 Peer Assessment 1 Assessments of Peer Assessment 1

Week Three: Influences on my learning Video lecture 1: The nature and importance of language Video lecture 2: Reflective practice Video lecture 3: Understanding and dealing with conflict Video lecture 4: What are my beliefs and values? Assessment Quiz 3

Week Four: Impacts on my learning Video lecture 1: Celebrating difference Video lecture 2: Celebrating difference: Race Video lecture 3: Celebrating difference: Gender Video lecture 4: Celebrating difference: Disability Interview Two: Looking at weeks three and four Assessment Quiz 4 Peer Assessment 2 Assessments of Peer Assessments 2

Week Five: How do I learn? Video lecture 1: Revisiting learning: Brainwaves Video lecture 2: What is intelligence?

Video lecture 3: Environments for learning Video lecture 4: Personalising learning in the classroom? Assessment Quiz 5 

Week Six: My learning environment Video lecture 1: Conditions and behaviour settings Video lecture 2: How good is my classroom? Video lecture 3: A question of motivation Video lecture 4: Principles of pedagogy Interview Three: Looking at weeks five and six Assessment Quiz 6

Why did you pick this MOOC? I chose this MOOC because I believe that after taking this course, I will be able to search for my purpose of being a teacher. I know that people tend to lose sight of their passion in the long run and I don’t want that to happen to me. I could prevent this if I will take a refreshment course that will enable me to rekindle the passion that pushed me to take teaching as a profession. Page 66 1. How can MOOCs help you in your future career as a professional teacher and as a lifelong learner? The MOOCs can help me in my future career by keeping me updated with the things to be discovered and revised in the future. The profession I aspire to enter never stops evolving, so do I. If I want to be an effective professional, I must know the things I should know in order for me to adapt whenever and wherever which gives essence for my lifelong learning process. 2. What did you learn from the way the providers use technology to teach in the MOOCs? I learned the true meaning of the saying “if there’s a will, there’s a way”. I found the common denominator in the sites I visited as I search for the MOOCs required for this activity. They all want to hand over education anywhere and anytime in the world. Through technology, these providers helped and continues to help teachers to improve as time goes by and as whenever they feel and needed to. I can really say that technology was really a boon in making education available for all. 3. How will you prepare yourself for MOOCs, as a learner, and as a teacher who may someday teach a MOOC? I can prepare myself for MOOCs as a learner and as a teacher someday by keep on pursuing for education in every way I could. I can also prepare by being emotionally stable as I figure out my desire for learning. The MOOCs are always prepared, but it is up to the student if he/she is willing and dedicated to learn. At the other side of the coin, a teacher can also be prepared by knowing in himself/herself that he/she is dedicated in teaching not just for a profession, but also for passion.

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