April 11, 2017 | Author: minki2008 | Category: N/A
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Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils International Federation of Consulting Engineers Internationale Vereinigung Beratender Ingenieure Federación Internacional de Ingenieros Consultores Med-unarodna federacija konsalting inženjera
Client/Consultant Model ugovora o pružanju usluga Model Services Agreement izmed-u Investitora i Konsultanta
Fourth Edition / Cˇetvrto izdanje 2006
Serbian Chamber of Engineers Inženjerska komora Srbije
Belgrade, 2008
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Ovaj Model ugovora o pružanju usluga između Investitora i Konsultanta predstavlja osnovni oblik Ugovora o postavljenju između Investitora i njegovog Konsultanta. Predviđen je da obuhvati minimalne uslove jednog tipičnog ugovora o postavljenju. U Posebnim uslovima može se ukazati potreba za dodatnim ili izmenjenim klauzulama za potrebe konkretnog projekta i radi regulisanja komercijalnih pitanja između ugovornih strana. U slučaju potrebe za unošenjem drugog materijala u ugovor o postavljenju, potrebno je da se obezbedi doslednost kako u korišćenju terminologije, tako i u određivanju prava i obaveza. Ugovorne strane mogu da traže nezavisni pravni savet u vezi pripreme ovog Ugovora. Nezavisni pravni savet takođe može da bude stranama od koristi u razumevanju svojih zakonskih odgovornosti, dužnosti i obaveza koje proističu iz Modela ugovora o pružanju usluga. Ni FIDIC, niti bilo koja komisija ili pojedinac koji je povezan sa FIDICOM ne može biti odgovoran za projektne ili komercijalne gubitke koji nastanu kao posledica usvajanja Modela ugovora o pružanju usluga između Investitora i Konsultanta kao osnove nekog ugovornog odnosa.
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
This Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement represents the basic form of a Contract of Appointment between a Client and his Consultant. It is intended to cover the minimum requirements of a typical appointment contract. Additional or amended clauses may be required in the Particular Conditions to address particular project and commercial issues between the parties. Where other material is to be incorporated into a Contract of Appointment, care must be taken to ensure consistency both in the use of terminology and the allocation of duties and obligations. The parties to the contract may wish to take independent legal advice in connection with the preparation of this agreement. Independent legal advice may also help the parties understand their legal liabilities, duties and obligations arising under the Model Services Agreement. Neither FIDIC nor any committee or individual connected with FIDIC can be held liable for project or commercial losses suffered as a result of adopting the Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement as the basis of a contractual arrangement.
Model Services Agreement
Međunarodna federacija konsalting inženjera (FIDIC) pripremila je uslove Modela ugovora o pružanju usluga između investitora i konsultanta („Bela knjiga”), koji se predlažu za opštu upotrebu u pripremi predinvesticionih studija i studija izvodljivosti, projektovanju, izgradnji i upravljanju projektima, kako od strane projektantskih ekipa Investitora, tako i projektantskih ekipa Izvođača u aranžmanima na bazi projektovanja i izgradnje, za koje se ponude prikupljaju na međunarodnom nivou. Oni se lako mogu prilagoditi domaćim ugovorima. FIDIC smatra verziju na engleskom jeziku zvaničnim i autentičnim tekstom za prevođenje. Tokom njihove pripreme, konstatovano je da iako postoji veliki broj opšte primenljivih klauzula, postoje i odredbe koje se moraju menjati radi usklađivanja sa okolnostima i mestima na kojima će se pružati usluge. Klauzule za opštu primenu prikazane se sve zajedno u ovom dokumentu pod nazivom Opšti uslovi. One su predviđene da se unose u dokumente koji sačinjavaju ugovor. Opšti uslovi su povezani sa Posebnim uslovima brojevima odgovarajućih klauzula, tako da Opšti uslovi i Posebni uslovi zajedno sačinjavaju uslove kojim se regulišu prava i obaveze ugovornih strana. Posebni uslovi se moraju posebno pripremati tako da odgovaraju svakom pojedinačnom ugovoru i vrsti usluga. Taj deo teksta Posebnih uslova koji mora da se kompletira štampan je na stranicama koje bi trebalo da se kompletiraju radi unošenja sa dodatnim klauzulama. FIDIC namerava da objavi ažurirani „Priručnik za Belu knjigu” koji sadrži primedbe u vezi klauzula Modela ugovora o pružanju usluga i opaske u korist pripreme Priloga 1 [Obim usluga], 2 [Osoblje, oprema, pogodnosti i usluge drugih lica koje obezbeđuje Investitor], 3 [Naknade i plaćanja] i 4 [Termin plan usluga]. Za korisnike bi takođe moglo biti od koristi da pogledaju i ostale FIDIC publikacije koje su prikazane u Knjižari na sajtu FIDICA:
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
The terms of the Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (the “White Book”) have been prepared by the Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) and are suggested for general use for the purposes of pre-investment and feasibility studies, designs and administration of construction and project management, both for Employer-led design teams, and for Contractor-led design teams under Design and Build procurement, where proposals for such services are invited on an international basis. They are equally adaptable for domestic agreements. The version in English is considered by FIDIC as the official and authentic text for the purpose of translation. In their preparation it was recognised that while there are numerous clauses which will be generally applicable there are some provisions which must necessarily vary to take account of the circumstances and locality in which the Services are to be performed. The clauses of general application have been grouped together in this document and are referred to as General Conditions. They are intended for incorporation as printed in the documents comprising the Agreement. The General Conditions are linked with the Particular Conditions by the corresponding numbering of the clauses, so that General Conditions and Particular Conditions together comprise the conditions governing the rights and obligations of the parties. The Particular Conditions must be specially drafted to suit each individual Agreement and type of Service. That part of the text of the Particular Conditions which must be completed is printed on pages which should be completed for incorporation with additional clauses. FIDIC intends to publish an updated “White Book Guide” which includes comments on clauses in the Model Services Agreement and notes towards the preparation of Appendices 1 [Scope of Services], 2 [Personnel, Equipment, Facilities and Services of Others to be Provided by the Client], 3 [Remuneration and Payment] and 4 [Time Schedule for Services]. It may also be helpful for users to refer to the other FIDIC publications, which can be found in the Bookshop of FIDIC’s website at
Model Services Agreement
Ugovor Ovaj Ugovor zaključen je dana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . između . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [naziv i sedište Investitora] (u daljem tekstu: „Investitor”), s jedne strane i ............................................ iz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [naziv i sedište Konsultanta] (u daljem tekstu: „Konsultant”), s druge strane.
BUDUĆI da Investitor želi da mu Konsultant pruži izvesne usluge, i to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i da je prihvatio predlog Konsultanta za pružanje takvih usluga,
INVESTITOR I KONSULTANT SU SE SPORAZUMELI KAKO SLEDI: 1 Reči i izrazi koji se koriste u ovom Ugovoru imaju isto onakvo značenje kakvo im je pripisano u klauzuli 1.1 Opštih uslova. 2 Sledeća dokumenta se smatraju sastavnim delovima Ugovora i tumače se kao takvi: (a) ponuda Konsultanta u pisanoj formi; (b) Investitorova potvrda usvajanja u pisanoj formi; (c) model ugovora o uslugama između Investitora i Konsultanta; (d) prilozi, i to: Prilog 1:
Obim usluga
Prilog 2:
Osoblje, oprema, pogodnosti i usluge drugih lica koje obezbeđuje Investitor
Prilog 3:
Naknade i plaćanja
Prilog 4:
Termin plan usluga
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
Agreement Agreement
This Agreement dated this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . between . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ Name and address of Client ] (hereinafter called “the Client”) of the one part
and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ Name and address of Consultant ] (hereinafter called “the Consultant”) of the other part. WHEREAS, the Client desires that certain Services should be performed by the Consultant, namely . . . . . . . . . . . . .
and has accepted a proposal by the Consultant for the performance of such Services.
In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in Clause 1.1 of the General Conditions.
The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of the Agreement, namely: (a) (b) (c) (d)
any letter of offer by the Consultant; any letter of acceptance by the Client; this Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement; the Appendices, namely: Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Appendix 3: Appendix 4:
Scope of Services Personnel, Equipment, Facilities and Services of Others to be Provided by the Client Remuneration and Payment Time Schedule for Services.
Model Services Agreement
3 Uzevši u obzir plaćanja koja će Investitor vršiti Konsultantu u skladu sa ovim Ugovorom, Konsultant pristaje da Investitoru pruži usluge u skladu sa odredbama ovog Ugovora. 4 Investitor ovim pristaje da na ime pruženih usluga Konsultantu isplaćuje iznose koji su plativi na osnovu ovog Ugovora i na način predviđen ovim Ugovorom. U NAMERI DA POTVRDE SVOJE NAMERE, ugovorne strane su zaključile ovaj Ugovor gore navedenog dana u skladu sa svojim zakonima.
U prisustvu:
U prisustvu:
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
In consideration of the payments to be made by the Client to the Consultant under this Agreement, the Consultant hereby agrees with the Client to perform the Services in conformity with the provisions of the Agreement.
The Client hereby agrees to pay the Consultant in consideration of the performance of the Services such amounts as may become payable under the provisions of the Agreement at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year stated above in accordance with their respective laws. AUTHORISED SIGNATURE(S) OF CLIENT
In the presence of:
In the presence of:
Model Services Agreement Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement
Posebni uslovi A Uputi iz klauzula Opštih uslova 1.1 Definicije 1.1.2 Projekt je . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.10 Datum početka. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.11 Rok za završetak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Jezik komuniciranja. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Jezik ili jezici Ugovora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merodavni jezik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merodavno pravo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 Saopštenja Adresa Investitora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Broj telefona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Broj faksa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adresa Konsultanta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Broj telefona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Broj faksa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.2 Dogovoreno obeštećenje za kašnjenje u isplati (procenat/dan) . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Trajanje odgovornosti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . počev od . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
Particular Conditions A
References from Clauses in the General Conditions
1.1 Definitions 1.1.2
The Project is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Commencement Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Time for Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Language for Communications . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Language(s) of the Agreement . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Ruling language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Governing Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Client’s address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Telephone number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Facsimile number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Consultant’s address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Telephone number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Facsimile number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Agreed Compensation for Overdue Payment (percent per day) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Duration of Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Reckoned from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Model Services Agreement
Posebni uslovi Posebni uslovi
6.3.1 Ogranicenje obeštecenja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . č ć 8.2 Posredovanje 8.2.1 Imenovani posrednik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.2.2 Predloženi centar za posredovanje . . . . . . . . Centar za efikasno rešavanje sporova (CEDR) Međunarodni centar za rešavanje Sporova 70 Fleet Street London EQ4Y 1EU, UK Tel.: +44 (0) 20 7536 6000 8.2.3 Postupci posredovanja. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model postupka posredovanja CEDR (ili kako je dole navedeno)
8.3.2 Pravila arbitraže . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Međunarodna trgovačka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . komora (ili kako je dole navedeno)
B Dodatne klauzule Stranke u ovaj odeljak unose sve izmene, propuste i dodatke Opštim uslovima.
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
Particular Conditions
Limit of Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Named Mediator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________
Nominating Centre for Mediation . . . . . . . . . Centre for Effective Dispute
Resolution (CEDR) International Dispute Resolution Centre 70 Fleet Street London EC4Y 1EU, UK Tel.: +44 (0) 20 7536 6000
8.2.3 Mediation Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CEDR Model Mediation Procedure (or, as stated below)
_ ____________________________
_ ____________________________
Rules of Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International Chamber of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commerce (or, as stated below)
Additional Clauses The parties are to include in this section any variations, omissions and additions to the General Conditions.
Model Services Agreement
Posebni uslovi
PRILOZI Ovi prilozi sačinjavaju sastavni deo Ugovora.
Obim usluga Obim Konsultantovih usluga, kako normalnih, tako i dodatnih, a koji je dogovoren i ugovoren, jasno se izlaže u Prilogu 1.
Osoblje, oprema, pogodnosti i usluge drugih lica koje obezbeđuje Investitor U Prilogu 2, navesti sa što više pojedinosti celokupno osoblje, opremu, pogodnosti i usluge koje obezbeđuje Investitor.
3 Nadoknade i plaćanja Prilog 3 trebalo bi da obuhvati najmanje sledeće: – – – – – – – –
uslove plaćanja, osnovni sistem ili sisteme rokove plaćanja načine plaćanja izmene cene valute plaćanja (klauzula 5.3.1) oporezivanje nepredviđene rashode naknade podkonsultantima (eventualnim)
Termin plan usluga Prilog 4 sadrži sve datume početka i završetka, kao i datume početka i trajanja/završetka za svaki projektni zadatak pojedinačno i sve ključne datume dogovorene između strana.
Modelugovora ugovoraoopružanju pružanjuusluga usluga Model
These Appendices form part of the Agreement.
Scope of Services
The Scope of the Consultant’s Services, both Normal and Additional Services, as finally negotiated and agreed should be clearly expressed in Appendix 1.
Personnel, Equipment, Facilities and Services of Others to be Provided by the Client
In Appendix 2, list as completely and in as much detail as possible the personnel, equipment, facilities and services to be provided by the Client.
Remuneration and Payment
Appendix 3 should at least cover:
– – – – – – – –
Time Schedule for Services
Appendix 4 should show the overall commencement and completion dates as well as the start and duration/completion dates for the individual project tasks and any key milestone dates agreed between the parties.
terms of payment, the basic system or systems times for payment methods of payment price changes currencies of payment (Clause 5.3.1) taxation contingencies sub-consultancy fees (if any).
Model Services Agreement
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Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
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Model Services Agreement
Opšti uslovi
Opšte odredbe
1.1 Definicije
Sledeće reči i izrazi imaju značenje koje im je pripisano, ukoliko kontekst ne zahteva neko drugo: 1.1.1
„Ugovor” predstavlja uslove Modela ugovora o pružanju usluga između Investitora i Konsultanta (Opšti uslovi i Posebni uslovi) skupa sa Prilogom 1 [Obim usluga], Prilogom 2 [Osoblje, oprema, pogodnosti i usluge koje obezbeđuje Investitor], Prilog 3 [Naknade i plaćanja], Prilog 4 [Termin plan usluga], ponuda, potvrda o usvajanju ili nečim drugim predviđenim Posebnim uslovima.
„Projekt” predstavlja projekt za koji je Posebnim uslovima predviđeno pribavljanje usluga.
„Usluge” predstavljaju usluge koje su definisane u Prilogu 1 [Obim usluga] i koje Konsultant pruža u skladu sa Ugovorom, a koje obuhvataju normalno usluge, dodatne usluge i izuzetne usluge.
„Radovi” predstavljaju trajne radove (eventualne) koji se izvode (uključujući robu i opremu koje se isporučuju Investitoru) radi realizovanja Projekta.
„Zemlja” predstavlja zemlju na koju se Projekt odnosi u celini ili većim delom.
„Strana” ili „strane” predstavljaju Investitora i Konsultanta, a „treće lice” predstavlja bilo koje drugo fizičko ili pravno lice, zavisno od konteksta.
„Investitor” predstavlja stranu koja je naznačena u Ugovoru kao strana koja angažuje Konsultanta, kao i pravne sledbenike Investitora i dopuštene cesionare.
„Konsultant” predstavlja stručnu firmu ili fizičko lice koje je naznačeno u Ugovoru, a koje Investitor angažuje za pružanje usluga, kao i pravne sledbenike i cesionare Konsultanta.
„FIDIC” predstavlja Međunarodnu federaciju konsalting inženjera.
„Datum početka” predstavlja datum koji je naveden u Posebnim uslovima.
„Rok za završetak” predstavlja vremenski period predviđen Posebnim uslovima za završetak.
„Dan” predstavlja jedan kalendarski dan, a „godina” predstavlja 365 dana.
„Napisano” ili „u pisanoj formi” predstavlja nešto što je rukom pisano, otkucano na pisaćoj mašini, štampano ili sačinjeno u elektronskoj formi, tako da predstavlja trajni dokument koji se ne može redigovati
„Lokalna valuta” (LV) predstavlja valutu „Zemlje”, a „strana valuta” (SV) predstavlja bilo koju drugu valutu.
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
General Conditions
General Provisions
1.1 Definitions The following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to them except where the context otherwise requires: 1.1.1
“Agreement” means the Conditions of the Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement (General Conditions and Particular Conditions) together with Appendix 1 [Scope of Services], Appendix 2 [Personnel, Equipment, Facilities and Services of Others to be Provided by the Client], Appendix 3 [Remuneration and Payment], Appendix 4 [Time Schedule for Services], and any letters of offer and acceptance, or otherwise as specified in the Particular Conditions.
“Project” means the project named in the Particular Conditions for which the Services are to be provided.
“Services” means the services defined in Appendix 1 [Scope of Services] to be performed by the Consultant in accordance with the Agreement which comprise Normal Services, Additional Services and Exceptional Services.
“Works” means the permanent works (if any) to be executed (including the goods and equipment to be supplied to the Client) for the achievement of the Project.
“Country” means the country to which the Project (or most of it) relates.
“Party” and “Parties” means the Client and the Consultant and “third party” means any other person or entity as the context requires.
“Client” means the Party named in the Agreement, who employs the Consultant, and legal successors to the Client and permitted assignees.
“Consultant” means the professional firm or individual named in the Agreement, who is employed by the Client to perform the Services, and legal successors to the Consultant and permitted assignees.
“FIDIC” means the Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils, the international federation of consulting engineers.
“Commencement Date” means the date stated in the Particular Conditions.
“Time for Completion” means the time period stated for this purpose in the Particular Conditions.
“Day” means a calendar day and “year” means 365 days.
“Written” or “in-writing“ mean hand-written, type-written, printed or electronically made, and resulting in a permanent un-editable record.
“Local Currency” (LC) means the currency of the Country and “Foreign Currency” (FC) means any other currency.
Model Services Agreement
26 1.1.15
Opšte odredbe
„Dogovoreno obeštećenje” predstavlja dodatne iznose definisane u Prilogu 3 [Nadoknade i plaćanja] koji su plativi na osnovu Ugovora.
1.2 Tumačenje 1.2.1
Marginalne reči i ostala zaglavlja u Ugovoru ne uzimaju se u obzir pri tumačenju ovih Uslova.
Jednina uključuje i množinu i obratno, zavisno od konteksta.
Dokumenta koja sačinjavaju ovaj Ugovor smatraju se uzajamno objašnjivim. U slučaju neusaglašenosti tih dokumenata, prednost se daje poslednje donetom dokumentu, ukoliko nije drukčije predviđeno u Delu B Posebnih uslova.
Reči iskazane u jednom rodu obuhvataju sve rodove.
Odredbe koje sadrže reči „dogovoriti se”, „dogovoreno” ili „dogovor” iziskuju da dogovor bude u pisanoj formi i potpisan od strane obe ugovorne strane.
1.3 Komunikacije 1.3.1
Kadgod je predviđeno izdavanje saopštenja, naloga ili drugih informacija od strane nekog lica, ukoliko nije drukčije precizirano, takva komunikacija se piše na jeziku koji naveden u Posebnim uslovima i ne može se neopravdano uskratiti ili odlagati.
1.4 Pravo i jezik 1.4.1
U Posebnim uslovima se precizira jezik odnosno jezici Ugovora, merodavni jezik i merodavno pravo Ugovora.
1.5 Izmene u zakonodavstvu 1.5.1
Ako posle dana zaključivanja Ugovora dođe do promene cena ili trajanja Usluga usled izmena ili dopuna zakona ili propisa u bilo kojoj zemlji u kojoj su Investitoru potrebne Usluge, dogovorena naknada i rok za završetak koriguju se u skladu s tim izmenama ili dopunama.
1.6 Prenosi i podugovori 1.6.1
Konsultant nema pravo da prenese bilo kakvu korist iz Ugovora, osim novca, bez pisane saglasnosti Investitora.
Kako Investitor, tako i Konsultant nema pravo da izvrši prenos ugovornih obaveza bez pisane saglasnosti druge strane.
Konsultant ne može da zaključi ili raskine bilo koji podugovor za pružanje Usluga u celini ili delimično bez pisane saglasnosti Investitora.
1.7 Autorska prava 1.7.1
Konsultant zadržava prava na projekte i ostala prava intelektualne svojine i autorska prava na dokumentaciju koju je on pripremio. Investitor ima pravo da iste koristi ili umnožava isključivo za potrebe projekta i u svrhe za koje su predviđeni.
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
General Provisions
“Agreed Compensation” means additional sums as defined in Appendix 3 [Remuneration and Payment] which are payable under the Agreement.
1.2 Interpretation 1.2.1
The marginal words and other headings in the Agreement shall not be taken into consideration in the interpretation of these Conditions.
The singular includes the plural, and vice-versa where the context requires.
The documents forming this Agreement are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. If there is a conflict between these documents, the last to be agreed shall prevail, unless otherwise specified in Part B of the Particular Conditions.
Words indicating one gender include all genders.
Provisions including the word “agree”, “agreed” or “agreement” require the agreement to be recorded in writing, and signed by both Parties.
1.3 Communications 1.3.1
Whenever provision is made for the giving or issue of any notice, instruction or other communication by any person, unless otherwise specified such communication shall be written in the language stated in the Particular Conditions and shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
1.4 Law and Language 1.4.1
The Particular Conditions state the language or languages of the Agreement, the ruling language and the law which is to govern the Agreement.
1.5 Change in Legislation 1.5.1
If after the date of the Agreement the cost or duration of the Services is altered as a result of changes in or additions to the laws or regulations in any country in which the services are required by the Client to be performed the agreed remuneration and time for completion shall be adjusted accordingly.
1.6 Assignments and Sub-Contracts 1.6.1
The Consultant shall not assign the benefits, other than money, from the Agreement without the written consent of the Client.
Neither the Client nor the Consultant shall assign obligations under the Agreement without the written consent of the other Party.
The Consultant shall not initiate or terminate any sub-contract for performance of all or part of the Services without the written consent of the Client.
1.7 Copyright 1.7.1
The Consultant retains the design rights and other intellectual property rights and copyright of all documents prepared by him. The Client shall be entitled to use them or copy them only for the Project and the purpose for which they are intended, and need not obtain the Consultant’s permission to copy for such use.
Model Services Agreement
1.8 Saopštenja 1.8.1
Saopštenja predviđena ovim Ugovorom podnose se u neelektronskoj pisanoj formi i stupaju na snagu u trenutku dostave na adrese navedene u Opštim uslovima. Mogu se dostavljati ručno ili faksom uz pisanu potvrdu prijema ili preporučenom poštom ili teleksom uz naknadnu pisanu potvrdu.
1.9 Objavljivanje 1.9.1
Ukoliko nije drukčije predviđeno Posebnim uslovima, Konsultant ima pravo da objavi materijale vezane za Usluge, samostalno ili u saradnji s drugim licima. Za objavljivanje je potrebna saglasnost Investitora ukoliko se ono vrši pre isteka dve godine od završetka ili prekida pružanja Usluga.
1.10 Korupcija i prevare 1.10.1
U izvršavanju svojih obaveza iz ovog Ugovora, Konsultant i njegovi zastupnici i radnici dužni su da se pridržavaju svih važećih zakona, pravila, propisa i uredbi merodavnog zakonodavstva, uključujući Konvenciju OECD o borbi protiv korupcije javnih činovnika u međunarodnim poslovnim transakcijama. Konsultant ovim izjavljuje, garantuje ili pristaje da ne primi ili ponudi, plati ili obeća da plati, neposredno ili posredno, bilo šta od nekakve vrednosti bilo kom „javnom zvaničniku” (po definicije iz daljeg teksta) u vezi bilo kojih poslovnih mogućnosti koje predstavljaju predmet Ugovora. Štaviše, Konsultant se obavezuje da Investitora odmah iscrpno obavesti u pisanoj formi ukoliko dobije zahtev za nezakonito plaćanje od bilo kog javnog zvaničnika.
Javni zvaničnik je: (a) bilo koji zvaničnik ili službenik bilo kog državnog organa ili preduzeća koje je u državnom vlasništvu ili koje je pod državnom upravom; (b) bilo koje lice koje obavlja neku javnu funkciju; (c) bilo koji zvaničnik ili službenik neke javne međunarodne organizacije, kao što je to Svetska banka; (d) bilo koji kandidat za neku javnu funkciju; ili (e) bilo koja politička stranka ili funkcioner neke političke stranke.
2.1 Informacije 2.1.1
Da bi se izbeglo kašnjenje u pružanju Usluga Konsultanta, Investitor se obavezuje da u razumnom roku Konsultantu stavi na raspolaganje besplatno sve informacije u vezi Usluga koje je u mogućnosti da prikupi.
2.2 Odluke 2.2.1
Da ne bi došlo do kašnjenja u pružanju Usluga, Investitor se obavezuje da u razumnom roku donosi odluke u pisanoj formi o svim pitanjima koja mu Konsultant bude dostavio u pisanoj formi
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
The Client
1.8 Notices 1.8.1
Notices to be served under the Agreement shall be in non-electronic written forms and will take effect from receipt at the addresses stated in the Particular Conditions. Delivery can be by hand or facsimile message against a written confirmation of receipt or by registered letter or by telex subsequently confirmed by letter.
1.9 Publication 1.9.1
Unless otherwise specified in the Particular Conditions, the Consultant, either alone or jointly with others, can publish material relating to the Services. Publication shall be subject to approval of the Client if it is within two years of completion or termination of the Services.
1.10 Corruption and Fraud 1.10.1
In the performance of obligations under this Agreement, the Consultant and his agents and employees shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and orders of any applicable jurisdiction, including the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions. The Consultant hereby represents, warrants and covenants that he will neither receive nor offer, pay or promise to pay either directly or indirectly, anything of value to a “public official” (as defined below) in connection with any business opportunities which are the subject of this Agreement. Furthermore, the Consultant shall notify the Client immediately in writing with full particulars in the event that the Consultant receives a request from any public official requesting illicit payments.
A public official is: (a) any official or employee of any government agency or government-owned or controlled enterprise; (b) any person performing a public function; (c) any official or employee of a public international organization, such a The World Bank; (d) any candidate for political office; or (e) any political party or an official of a political party.
The Client
2.1 Information 2.1.1
In order not to delay the Consultant in the performance of the Services, the Client shall within a reasonable time give to the Consultant free of cost all information which may pertain to the Services which the Client is able to obtain.
2.2 Decisions 2.2.1
On all matters properly referred to him in writing by the Consultant the Client shall give his decision in writing within a reasonable time so as not to delay the Services.
Model Services Agreement
2.3 Pomoć 2.3.1
Investitor se obavezuje da u granicama svojih mogućnosti pruži u Zemlji pomoć Konsultantu, njegovom osoblju i licima koja zavise od njega, zavisno od slučaja, u vezi: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
pribavljanja dokumenata koji su potrebni za ulaz, boravak i izlaz; obezbeđenja neometanog pristupa kadgod je to potrebno radi pružanja Usluga; uvoza, izvoza i carinjenja ličnih stvari i robe koji su potrebna za pružanje Usluga; njihove repatrijacije u slučaju nužde; pribavljanja za unošenje strane valute od strane Konsultanta za potrebe pružanja Usluga i od strane njegovog osoblja za lične potrebe i za iznošenje novca zarađenog pružanjem Usluga; i (f) obezbeđenja pristupa drugim organizacijama radi prikupljanja informacija koje su potrebne Konsultantu.
2.4 Finansijski aranžmani Investitora 2.4.1
Investitor se obavezuje da u roku od 28 dana od prijema zahteva Konsultanta podnese odgovarajući dokaz da su sklopljeni finansijski aranžmani koji omogućavaju Investitoru da Konsultantu isplaćuje honorare u skladu sa Prilogom 3 [Naknade i plaćanja] i da se isti održavaju. Ukoliko Investitor namerava da izvrši neke bitne izmene u svojim finansijskim aranžmanima, on je dužan da o tome obavesti Konsultanta, sa pojedinostima u prilogu.
2.5 Oprema i pogodnosti 2.5.1
Investitor se obavezuje da Konsultantu besplatno obezbedi opremu i pogodnosti navedene u Prilogu 2 [Osoblje, oprema, pogodnosti i usluge drugih lica koje Investitor obezbeđuje] za potrebe pružanja Usluga.
2.6 Raspoloživost osoblja Investitora 2.6.1
Investitor se obavezuje da u dogovoru sa Konsultantom o svom trošku postara o izboru i stavljanju Konsultantu na raspolaganje sopstveno osoblje u skladu sa Prilogom 2 [Osoblje, oprema, pogodnosti i usluge drugih lica koje Investitor obezbeđuje].
Osoblje koje Investitor obezbeđuje određuje se i kasnije menja po potrebi uz saglasnost Konsultanta, s tim što takva saglasnost ne može da bude neopravdano uskraćena.
Ukoliko Investitor nije u mogućnosti da obezbedi osoblje koje je obavezan da obezbedi, a koje se smatra neophodnim za zadovoljavajuće pružanje Usluga, Konsultant obezbeđuje takvo osoblje kao dodatnu uslugu
2.7 Predstavnik Investitora 2.7.1
Investitor određuje svog predstavnika u postupku izvršavanja ugovora.
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
The Client
2.3 Assistance 2.3.1
In the Country and in respect of the Consultant, his personnel and dependants, as the case may be, the Client shall do all in his power to assist in: (a) the provision of documents necessary for entry, residency, working and exit; (b) providing unobstructed access wherever it is required for the Services; (c) import, export and customs clearance of personal effects and of goods required for the Services; (d) their repatriation in emergencies; (e) the provision of the authority necessary to permit the import of foreign currency by the Consultant for the Services and by his personnel for their personal use and to permit the export of money earned in the performance of the Services; and (f) providing access to other organisations for collection of information which is to be obtained by the Consultant.
2.4 Client’s Financial Arrangements 2.4.1
The Client shall submit, within 28 days after receiving any request from the Consultant, reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made and are being maintained which will enable the Client to pay the Consultant’s fees in accordance with Appendix 3 [Remuneration and Payment]. If the Client intends to make any material change to his financial arrangements, the Client shall give notice to the Consultant with detailed particulars.
2.5 Equipment and Facilities 2.5.1
The Client shall make available, free of cost, to the Consultant for the purpose of the Services the equipment and facilities described in Appendix 2 [Personnel, Equipment, Facilities and Services of Others to be Provided by the Client].
2.6 Supply of Client’s Personnel 2.6.1
In consultation with the Consultant, the Client shall at his own cost arrange for the selection and provision of personnel in his employment to the Consultant in accordance with Appendix 2 [Personnel, Equipment, Facilities and Services of Others to be Provided by the Client]. In connection with the provision of the Services such personnel shall take instructions only from the Consultant.
The personnel to be supplied by the Client, and any future replacements that may be necessary, shall be subject to the acceptance of the Consultant; such acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld.
If the Client cannot supply Client’s personnel for which he is responsible and it is agreed to be necessary for the satisfactory performance of the Services, the Consultant shall arrange for such supply as an Additional Service.
2.7 Client’s Representative 2.7.1
The Client shall designate an official or individual to be his representative for the administration of the Agreement.
Model Services Agreement
2.8 Usluge drugih lica 2.8.1
Investitor se obavezuje da o sopstvenom trošku obezbedi usluge drugih lica koje su navedene u Prilogu 2 [Osoblje, oprema, pogodnosti i usluge drugih lica koje obezbeđuje Investitor], a Konsultant se obavezuje da sarađuje sa pružaocima takvih usluga, s tim što ne snosi od odgovornost za njih i njihov učinak
2.9 Plaćanje za usluge 2.9.1
Investitor se obavezuje da Konsultantu plati za pružene Usluge u skladu sa Odeljkom 5 ovog Ugovora.
3.1 Obim usluga 3.1.1
Konsultant se obavezuje da pruži usluge koje su navedene kao takve u Prilogu 1 [Obim usluga].
3.2 Normalne, dodatne i izuzetne usluge 3.2.1
Normalne i dodatne Usluge su opisane kao takve u Prilogu1 [Obim usluga]
Izuzetne usluge koje ne predstavljaju normalne ili dodatne usluge, već one koje Konsultant obaveza da pruži u skladu sa klauzulom 4.8.
3.3 Obaveza brižljivog postupanja i vršenja ovlašćenja 3.3.1
Bez obzira na bilo šta drugo predviđeno ovim Ugovorom ili na bilo koji zakonski uslov zemlje ili na bilo koje druge jurisdikcije (uključujući i jurisdikciju zemlje u kojoj se nalazi sedište Konsultanta), jedina obaveza Konsultanta je da ispolji odgovarajuću stručnost, brižljivost i marljivost u izvršavanju svojih ugovornih obaveza
U slučajevima u kojim Usluge uključuju vršenje ovlašćenja i izvršavanje obaveza iz ugovora između Investitora i nekog trećeg lica, Konsultant može: (a) da poštuje ugovor sa trećim licem, pod uslovom da su njemu prihvatljiva takva ovlašćenja i obaveze i da je o njima postignut dogovor u pisanoj formi, ukoliko nisu obuhvaćene Prilogom 1 [Obim usluga]; (b) da ako je ovlašćen da potvrđuje, utvrđuje ili slobodno odlučuje, to čini nepristrasno u odnosu na Investitora i trećeg lica, ne kao arbitar, već kao nezavisno stručno lice koje rasuđuje na stručan, brižljiv i marljiv način; i (c) da ukoliko je u tom smislu ovlašćen, vrši izmene u obavezama trećeg lica uz prethodno odobrenje Invesitora bilo koje izmene koja može da bitno utiče na troškove i rokove (osim u hitnim slučajevima, kada je Konsultant dužan da obavesti Investitora čim to bude moguće).
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
The Consultant
2.8 Services of Others 2.8.1
The Client shall at his cost arrange for the provision of services from others as described in Appendix 2 [Personnel, Equipment, Facilities and Services of Others to be Provided by the Client], and the Consultant shall co-operate with the suppliers of such services but shall not be responsible for them or their performance.
2.9 Payment for Services 2.9.1
The Client shall pay the Consultant for the Services in accordance with Section 5 of this Agreement.
The Consultant
3.1 Scope of Services 3.1.1
The Consultant shall perform the Services as stated in Appendix 1 [Scope of Services].
3.2 Normal, Additional and Exceptional Services 3.2.1
Normal and Additional Services are those described as such in Appendix 1 [Scope of Services].
Exceptional Services are those which are not Normal or Additional Services but which are necessarily performed by the Consultant in accordance with Clause 4.8.
3.3 Duty of Care and Exercise of Authority 3.3.1
Notwithstanding anything else in this Agreement or any legal requirement of the Country or any other jurisdiction (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the jurisdiction of the place of establishment of the Consultant), the Consultant shall have no other responsibility than to exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence in the performance of his obligations under the Agreement.
Where the Services include the exercise of powers or performance of duties authorised or required by the terms of a contract between the Client and any third party, the Consultant may: (a) have due regard to the third party contract provided that the details of such powers and duties are acceptable to him and agreed in writing where they are not described in Appendix 1 [Scope of Services]; (b) if authorised to certify, determine or exercise discretion to do so fairly between the Client and third party not as an arbitrator but as an independent professional exercising his judgement with reasonable skill, care and diligence; and (c) if so authorised vary the obligations of any third party, subject to obtaining the prior approval of the Client to any variation which can have an important effect on costs or quality or time (except in any emergency when the Consultant shall inform the Client as soon as practicable).
Model Services Agreement
Početak, završetak, izmene i raskid
3.4 Imovina Investitora 3.4.1
Sve što Investitor obezbedi ili plati za upotrebu od strane Konsultanta predstavlja imovinu Investitora i trebalo bi da kao takvo bude obeleženo kadgod je to moguće.
3.5 Angažovanje osoblja 3.5.1
Za osoblje koje Konsultant predlaže za rad u Zemlji potrebna je saglasnost Investitora u pogledu njihovih kvalifikacija i iskustva, s tim što takva saglasnost ne može da bude neopravdano uskraćena.
3.6 Predstavnici 3.6.1
Konsultant se obavezuje da za potrebe realizacije Ugovora odredi neko lice da deluje u svojstvu svog predstavnika.
Konsultant se obavezuje da na zahtev Investitora odredi neko lice za održavanje veze sa predstavnikom Investitora u Zemlji
3.7 Promene u osoblju 3.7.1
U slučaju potrebe za zamenom bilo kog člana osoblja obezbeđenog od strane Konsultanta, Konsultant se obavezuje da obezbedi zamenu tog člana licem odgovarajuće stručnosti u što je moguće kraćem roku
Troškove takve zamene snosi Konsultant, osim kada se to vrši na zahtev Investitora, u kom slučaju: (a) Investitor podnosi obrazloženi zahtev u pisanoj formi; i (b) Investitor snosi troškove zamene, ukoliko nedolično ponašanje ili nesposobnost nije prihvaćeno kao razlog završenje zamene od strane Konsultanta.
Početak, završetak, izmene i raskid
4.1 Pravosnažnost Ugovora 4.1.1
Ugovor stupa na snagu kada Konsultant primi dopis Investitora kojim potvrđuje usvajanje ponude Konsultanta ili na dan stavljanja poslednjeg potpisa potrebnog za zaključenje zvaničnog Ugovora, zavisno od poslednjeg nastalog slučaja.
4.2 Početak i završetak 4.2.1
Sa pružanjem usluga počinje se na Dan početka, i to se vrši u skladu sa termin planom iz Priloga 4 [Termin plan usluga], a završava se u Roku za završetak, sa eventualnim produžecima.
4.3 Izmene 4.3.1
Izmene Ugovora mogu da se izvrše na pisani zahtev bilo koje strane ukoliko se o tome postigne uzajamni dogovor u pisanoj formi.
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
Commencement, Completion, Variation and Termination
3.4 Client’s Property 3.4.1
Anything supplied by or paid for by the Client for the use of the Consultant shall be the property of the Client and where practicable shall be so marked.
3.5 Supply of Personnel 3.5.1
The personnel who are proposed by the Consultant to work in the Country shall be subject to acceptance by the Client with regard to their qualifications and experience; such acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld.
3.6 Representatives 3.6.1
For the administration of the Agreement the Consultant shall designate an official or individual to be his representative.
If required by the Client, the Consultant shall designate an individual to liaise with the Client’s representative in the Country.
3.7 Changes in Personnel 3.7.1
If it is necessary to replace any of the personnel provided by the Consultant, the Consultant shall arrange for replacement by a person of comparable competence as soon as reasonably possible.
The cost of such replacement shall be borne by the Consultant except where the replacement is requested by the Client, and in such case: (a) the request shall be in writing stating the reasons for it; and (b) the Client shall bear the cost of replacement unless it is agreed that misconduct or inability to perform satisfactorily is accepted as the reason for the replacement by the Consultant.
Commencement, Completion, Variation and Termination
4.1 Agreement Effective 4.1.1
The Agreement is effective from the date of receipt by the Consultant of the Client’s letter of acceptance of the Consultant’s proposal or the date of the latest signature necessary to complete the formal Agreement, if any, whichever is the later.
4.2 Commencement and Completion 4.2.1
The Services shall be commenced on the Commencement Date, shall proceed in accordance with the Time Schedule in Appendix 4 [Time Schedule for Services], and shall be completed within the Time for Completion, subject to extensions in accordance with the Agreement.
4.3 Variations 4.3.1
The Agreement can be varied on application by either Party by written agreement of the Parties.
Model Services Agreement
Početak, završetak, izmene i raskid
Konsultant se obavezuje da na pisani zahtev Investitora podnese predloge za izmenu Usluga. Priprema i podnošenje takvih predloga predstavlja dodatnu uslugu.
Konsultant nije obavezan da pristupi izmenama Usluga sve dok Investitor u pisanoj formi ne odobri iznos naknada vezanih za izmene usluga.
4.4 Kašnjenja 4.4.1
Ukoliko dođe do poteškoća ili kašnjenja u pružanju Usluga krivicom Investitora ili njegovih kooperanata, što iziskuje povećanje obima, troškova ili trajanje pružanja usluga: (a) Konsultant se obavezuje da Investitora obavesti o takvim okolnostima i njihovim mogućim posledicama; (b) povećanje obima i/ili troškova smatra se dodatnom uslugom; i (c) rok za završetak pružanja usluga produžava se u odgovarajućoj meri.
4.5 Promena okolnosti 4.5.1
Ukoliko nastanu okolnosti bez krivice Investitora ili Konsultanta, zbog kojih bi za Konsultanta bilo neodgovorno ili nemoguće da pruži kompletne Usluge ili deo istih u skladu sa Ugovorom, on se obavezuje da Investitora o tome odmah obavest.
U slučaju nastanka takvih okolnosti: (a) ukoliko pružanje određenih usluga mora da se obustavi, rok za njihovo pružanje produžava se sve do njihovog prestanka, sa dodatkom od najviše 42 dana koji je potreban da bi se nastavilo njihovo pružanje; i (b) ako je potrebno da se dinamika pružanja određenih usluga uspori, rok za njihov završetak se pomera za onoliko koliko iziskuju takve okolnosti.
4.6 Odustajanje, obustava ili raskid 4.6.1
Investitor ima pravo da obustavi pružanje usluga u celini ili delimično ili da raskine Ugovor sa otkaznim rokom od najmanje 56 dana, u kom slučaju je Investitor obavezan da odmah preduzme mere za obustavu primanja usluga i svođenja troškova na minimum.
Ako Konsultant neopravdano ne izvršava svoje obaveze, Investitor ima pravo da Konsultantu u pisanoj formi saopšti osnov za davanje otkaza. Ako u roku od 21 dana ne primi zadovoljavajući odgovor, Investitor ima pravo da podnese još jedan otkaz Ugovora i to u roku od 35 dana od davanja prvog otkaza.
Posle davanja 14-dnevnog otkaza Investitoru, Konsultant ima pravo da raskine Ugovor sa otkaznim rokom od najmanje 42 dana ili da po sopstvenom nahođenju obustavi ili nastavi pružanje usluga u celini ili delimično, bez uticaja na njegovo pravo na raskid, i to: (a) ako mu u roku od 28 dana od dospeća neke fakture ne bude isplaćen fakturisani iznos koji do tada nije bio osporen u pisanoj formi; ili (b) ako je pružanje usluga obustavljeno u skladu sa klauzulom 4.5 ili 4.6.1, a obustava je trajala duže od 182 dana.
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
Commencement, Completion, Variation and Termination
If requested by the Client in writing, the Consultant shall submit proposals for varying the Services. The preparation and submission of such proposals shall be an Additional Service.
The Consultant shall not be required to commence the varied Services until such time as the Client has given his written approval of the fees associated with the varied Services.
4.4 Delays 4.4.1
If the Services are impeded or delayed by the Client or his contractors so as to increase the scope, cost or duration of the Services: (a) the Consultant shall inform the Client of the circumstances and probable effects; (b) the increase in scope and/or costs shall be regarded as Additional Services; and (c) the time for completion of the Services shall be increased accordingly.
4.5 Changed Circumstances 4.5.1
IIf circumstances arise for which neither the Client nor the Consultant is responsible and which make it irresponsible or impossible for the Consultant to perform in whole or in part the Services in accordance with the Agreement he shall promptly dispatch a notice to the Client.
In these circumstances: (a) if certain Services have to be suspended, the time for their completion shall be extended until the circumstances no longer apply plus a reasonable period not exceeding 42 days for resumption of them; and (b) if the speed of performing certain Services has to be reduced, the time for their completion shall be extended as may be made necessary by the circumstances.
4.6 Abandonment, Suspension or Termination 4.6.1
The Client may suspend all or part of the Services or terminate the Agreement by giving at least 56 days’ notice to the Consultant, and the Consultant shall immediately make arrangements to stop the Services and minimise expenditure.
If the Consultant is, without good reason, not discharging his obligations the Client may inform the Consultant by notice stating the grounds for the notice. If a satisfactory response is not received within 21 days the Client may by a further notice terminate the Agreement provided that such further notice is given within 35 days of the Client’s former notice.
After giving at least 14 days’ notice to the Client, the Consultant may, by a further notice of at least 42 days, terminate the Agreement, or at his discretion, without prejudice to the right to terminate, may suspend or continue suspension of performance of the whole or part of the Services: (a) when 28 days after the due date for payment of an invoice he has not received payment of that part of it which has not by that time been contested in writing; or (b) when Services have been suspended under either Clause 4.5 or Clause 4.6.1 and the period of suspension has exceeded 182 days.
Model Services Agreement
4.7 Korupcija i prevara 4.7.1
Ako se utvrdi da je Konsultant povredio klauzulu 1.10, Investitor ima pravo na raskid Ugovora u skladu sa klauzulom 4.6.2, pri čemu se konstatuje da je Konsultant povredio klauzulu 3.3.1, bez obzira na bilo kakve kaznene mere ili ostale sankcije kojim je bio izložen u skladom sa zakonima Zemlje ili nekom drugom jurisdikcijom.
4.8 Izuzetne usluge 4.8.1
Po nastanku okolnosti navedenih u klauzuli 4.5 ili odustajanju ili obustavi ili nastavljanju pružanja usluga ili po raskidu Ugovora po bilo kom osnovuosim u skladu sa klauzulom 4.6.2, sav rad koji Konsultant obavi i troškovi kojim bude izložen u meri koja je veća od predviđene za normalne i dodatne usluge smatra će se dodatnim uslugama.
Pružanjem izuzetnih usluga, Konsultant stiče pravo na odgovarajuće produženje roka za njihovo pružanje i naknadu u tom smislu.
4.9 Prava i obaveze ugovornih strana
Raskid Ugovora ne utiče na nagomilana prava ili potraživanja i odgovornosti ugovornih strana.
Odredbe klauzule 6.3 ostaju na snazi po raskidu Ugovora.
5.1 Plaćanje Konsultantu 5.1.1
Investitor se obavezuje da Konsultantu plati naknadu za normalne usluge u skladu sa Uslovima i pojedinostima iz Priloga 3 [Naknade i plaćanja], a za dodatne usluge, po stopama i cenama navedenim ili zasnovanim na onim iz Priloga 3 [Naknade i plaćanja] u primenljivoj meri ili po dogovoru u skladu sa klauzulom 4.3.
Ukoliko nije drukčije dogovoreno u pisanoj formi, Investitor se obavezuje da Konsultantu plaća naknadu za izuzetne usluge: (a) kao za dodatne usluge na ime dodatnog vremena koje je osoblje Konsultanta utrošilo u pružanju usluga; i (b) kao neto iznos ostalih troškova Konsultanta.
Ako Investitor zahteva od Konsultanta da angažuje odabrane konsultante u svojstvu svojih podkonsultanata, Konsultantu se isplaćuje naknada za te podkonsultante kao dodatak njegovoj naknadi.
5.2 Rokovi plaćanja 5.2.1
Iznosi koji su plativi Konsultantu isplaćuju se u roku od 28 dana od podnošenja fakture Konsultanta, ukoliko drukčije nije navedeno u Posebnim uslovima.
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
4.7 Corruption and Fraud 4.7.1
If it is shown that the Consultant is in breach of Clause 1.10 and notwithstanding any penalties or other sanctions to which the Consultant may be subject under the law of the Country, or in other jurisdictions, the Client will be entitled to terminate the Agreement in accordance with Clause 4.6.2 and the Consultant shall be deemed to have breached Clause 3.3.1.
4.8 Exceptional Services 4.8.1
Upon the occurrence of circumstances described in Clause 4.5 or abandonment or suspension or resumption of Services or upon termination of the Agreement otherwise than under the provisions of Clause 4.6.2 any necessary work or expense by the Consultant extra to the Normal and Additional Services shall be regarded as Exceptional Services.
The performance of Exceptional Services shall entitle the Consultant to extra time necessary for their performance and to payment for performing them.
4.9 Rights and Liabilities of Parties
Termination of the Agreement shall not prejudice or affect the accrued rights or claims and liabilities of the Parties.
After termination of the Agreement, the provisions of Clause 6.3 shall remain in force.
5.1 Payment to the Consultant 5.1.1
The Client shall pay the Consultant for Normal Services in accordance with the Conditions and with the details stated in Appendix 3 [Remuneration and Payment], and shall pay for Additional Services at rates and prices which are given in or based on those in Appendix 3 [Remuneration and Payment] so far as they are applicable but otherwise as are agreed in accordance with Clause 4.3.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing the Client shall pay the Consultant in respect of Exceptional Services: (a) as for Additional Services for extra time spent by the Consultant’s personnel in the performance of the Services; and (b) the net cost of all other extra expense incurred by the Consultant.
Where the Client has required the Consultant to appoint selected consultants as the Consultant’s sub-consultants, fees owed to those sub-consultants shall be due to the Consultant in addition to the Consultant’s own fees.
5.2 Time for Payment 5.2.1
Amounts due to the Consultant shall be paid within 28 days of the Consultant’s invoice unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions.
Model Services Agreement
Ako Konsultantu ne bude izvršeno plaćanje u roku iz klauzule 5.2.1, on ima pravo na Dogovoreno obeštećenje po stopi predviđenoj Posebnim uslovima za svaki dan zakašnjenja počev od dana dospelosti. Takvo Dogovoreno obeštećenje ne utiče na prava Konsultanta iz klauzule 4.6.3.
Investitor nema pravo da zadrži isplatu dospele naknade Konsultantu ukoliko Konsultanta nije obavestio u pisanoj formi o svojoj nameri da zadrži isplatu, sa obrazloženjem, najmanje četiri dana pre dospeća isplate naknade. U nedostatku takvog obaveštenja o nameravanom zadržavanju isplate, Konsultantu se priznaje primenljivo pravo na takvu isplatu.
5.3 Valute plaćanja 5.3.1
Valute koje se primenjuju u izvršavanju Ugovora navedene su u Prilogu 3 [Naknade i plaćanja].
U slučaju da su uslovi u Zemlji na dan zaključenja Ugovora bili ili postanu tokom njegovog izvršenja takvi da uprkos Ugovoru: (a) onemogućavaju ili odugovlače transfer u inostranstvo iznosa isplaćenih Konsultantu u Zemlji u domaćoj ili stranoj valuti; ili (b) ograničavaju raspoloživost ili korišćenje strane valute u Zemlji; ili (c) nameću taksu ili diferencijalne devizne kurseve za transfer strane valute u Zemlju iz inostranstva koji Konsultant vrši radi pokrivanja troškova u domaćoj valuti i za kasniji retransfer domaće valute u inostranstvo do iznosa koji Konsultanta sputava u pružanju usluga ili koji ga stavlja u nepovoljan položaj; Investitor je dužan da pruži uveravanja da takve okolnosti opravdavaju primenu klauzule 4.5, ako ne dođe do sklapanja finansijskih aranžmana koji zadovoljavaju Konsultanta.
5.4 Terećenje Konsultanta od strane trećih lica 5.4.1
Osim u slučajevima navedenim u Posebnim uslovima ili Prilogu 3 [Naknade i plaćanja]: (a) Investitor se obavezuje da se postara, gdegod je to moguće, o tome da Konsultant i članovi njegovog osoblja koji nemaju stalni boravak u Zemlji budu oslobođeni od dažbina određenih od strane državnih organa ili ovlašćenih trećih lica na osnovu ovog Ugovora u pogledu: (i) njihovih plata (ii) stvari koje uvoze, osim hrane i pića (iii) stvari koje se uvoze radi pružanja Usluga (iv) dokumenata (b) kadgod Investitor nije u mogućnosti da obezbedi takva izuzeća, on se obavezuje da Konsultantu nadoknadi takva plaćanja; (c) kada stvari koje nisu u vlasništvu Investitora prestanu da budu potrebne u pružanju Usluga: (i) one se ne mogu staviti na raspolaganje bilo kome bez saglasnosti Investitora; (ii) one se ne mogu izvesti pre isplate Investitoru bilo kakvog povraćaja ili popusta odobrenog od strane državnih organa ili ovlašćenih trećih lica.
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
If the Consultant does not receive payment within the time stated in Clause 5.2.1 he shall be paid Agreed Compensation at the rate defined in the Particular Conditions compounded daily on the sum overdue and in its currency reckoned from the due date for payment of the invoice. Such Agreed Compensation shall not affect the rights of the Consultant stated in Clause 4.6.3.
The Client shall not withhold payment of any fee properly due to the Consultant without giving the Consultant a notice of his intention to withhold payment, with reasons, no later than four days prior to the date on which the fee payment becomes due. If no such notice of an intention to withhold payment is given then the Consultant shall have an enforceable contractual right to such payment.
5.3 Currencies of Payment 5.3.1
The currencies applicable to the Agreement are those stated in Appendix 3 [Remuneration and Payment].
If at the date of the Agreement or during the performance of the Services the conditions in the Country are such as may, contrary to the Agreement, (a) prevent or delay the transfer abroad of Local or Foreign Currency payments received by the Consultant in the Country; or (b) restrict the availability or use of Foreign Currency in the Country; or (c) impose taxes or differential rates of exchange for the transfer from abroad of Foreign Currency into the Country by the Consultant for Local Currency expenditure and subsequent re-transfer abroad of Local Currency up to the same amount such as to inhibit the Consultant in the performance of the Services or to result in financial disadvantage to him; then the Client warrants that such circumstances shall be deemed to justify the application of Clause 4.5 if alternative financial arrangements are not made to the satisfaction of the Consultant.
5.4 Third Party Charges on the Consultant 5.4.1
Except where specified in the Particular Conditions or Appendix 3 [Remuneration and Payment]: (a) the Client shall whenever possible arrange that exemption is granted to the Consultant and those of his personnel who are not normally resident in the Country from any payments required by the Government or authorised third parties in the Country which arise from this Agreement in respect of: (i) their remuneration (ii) their imported goods other than food and drink (iii) goods imported for the Services (iv) documents; (b) whenever the Client is unsuccessful in arranging such exemption he shall reimburse the Consultant for such payments properly made; (c) provided that the goods when no longer required for the purpose of the Services and not the property of the Client: (i) shall not be disposed of in the Country without the Client’s approval; (ii) shall not be exported without payment to the Client of any refund or rebate recoverable and received from the Government or authorised third parties.
Model Services Agreement
5.5 Osporene fakture 5.5.1
Ukoliko Investitor ospori bilo koju stavku ili deo stavke fakture podnete od strane Konsultanta, Investitor ima pravo da uputi obrazloženo saopštenje o svojoj nameri da zadrži isplatu, pri čemu nema pravo da zadrži isplatu preostalog dela te fakture. Klauzula 5.2.2 primenjuje se na sve osporene iznose za koje se konačno utvrdi da su bili plativi Konsultantu.
5.6 Nezavisna revizija
Konsultant se obavezuje da ažurno vodi evidenciju jasno definisanog vremena i troškova i da je Investitoru stavlja na raspolaganje na njegov zahtev.
Osim u slučajevima paušalnog plaćanja predviđenih Ugovorom, Investitor ima pravo da u roku od 12 meseci od završetka ili prestanka pružanja Usluga zahteva da neka ugledna revizorska firma koju on odredi izvrši reviziju bilo kog potraživanja Konsultanta i da to najavi najmanje sedam dana unapred. Revizija se obavlja tokom normalnog radnog vremena u prostoriji u kojoj se drži evidencija.
6.1 Odgovornosti i obeštećenja ugovornih strana 6.1.1
Konsultant je jedino odgovoran za isplatu Investitoru obeštećenje na osnovu ili u vezi Ugovora ukoliko se utvrdi da je izvršio povredu klauzule 3.3.1.
Investitor je odgovoran Konsultantu ukoliko se utvrdi da nije izvršio neku svoju obavezu prema Konsultantu.
Ako se utvrdi odgovornost jedne strane premadrugoj, obeštećenje je plativo samo pod sledećim uslovima: (a) odgovornost ograničena samo na iznos objektivno predvidivog gubitka ili štete; (b) u svakom slučaju, iznos takvog obeštećenja ne može da bude veći od iznosa navedenog u klauzuli 6.3.1; (c) ako bilo koja strana bude smatrana odgovornom drugoj strani zajedno sa trećim licima, deo obeštećenja koji ta strana plaća srazmeran je delu odgovornosti koji se njoj pripisuje.
6.2 Trajanje odgovornosti 6.2.1
Bez obzira bilo koju drugu odredbu ovog Ugovora ili bilo koji zakonski uslov Zemlje ili neke druge jurisdikcije (uključujući i jurisdikciju zemlje u kojoj se nalazi sedište Konsultanta), ni Investitor niti Konsultant se može smatrati odgovornim za bilo kakav gubitak ili štetu nastalu usled bilo čega ukoliko mu potraživanje nije bilo podneto pre isteka relevantnog roka iz Posebnih uslova.
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
5.5 Disputed Invoices 5.5.1
If any item or part of an item in an invoice submitted by the Consultant is contested by the Client, the Client shall give a notice of his intention to withhold payment with reasons and shall not delay payment on the remainder of the invoice. Clause 5.2.2 shall apply to all contested amounts which are finally determined to have been payable to the Consultant.
5.6 Independent Audit
The Consultant shall maintain up-to-date records which clearly identify relevant time and expense and shall make these available to the Client on reasonable request.
Except where the Agreement provides for lump sum payments, not later than 12 months after the completion or termination of the Services, the Client can, at notice of not less than seven days, require that a reputable firm of accountants nominated by him audit any amount claimed by the Consultant. The audit shall be conducted by attending during normal working hours at the office where the records are kept.
6.1 Liability and Compensation between the Parties 6.1.1
The Consultant shall only be liable to pay compensation to the Client arising out of or in connection with the Agreement if a breach of Clause 3.3.1 is established against him.
The Client shall be liable to the Consultant if a breach of his duty to the Consultant is established against the Client.
If it is considered that either Party is liable to the other, compensation shall be payable only on the following terms: (a) such compensation shall be limited to the amount of reasonably foreseeable loss and damage suffered as a result of such breach, but not otherwise; (b) in any event, the amount of such compensation shall be limited to the amount specified in Clause 6.3.1; (c) if either Party is considered to be liable jointly with third parties to the other, the proportion of compensation payable by that Party shall be limited to that proportion of liability which is attributable to his breach.
6.2 Duration of Liability 6.2.1
Notwithstanding anything else in this Agreement or any legal requirement of the Country or any other jurisdiction (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the jurisdiction of the place of establishment of the Consultant), neither the Client nor the Consultant shall be considered liable for any loss or damage resulting from any occurrence unless a claim is formally made on him before the expiry of the relevant period stated in the Particular Conditions.
Model Services Agreement
6.3 Ograničenje obeštećenja 6.3.1
Maksimalni iznos obeštećenja koju jedna strana plaća drugoj u vezi odgovornosti iz klauzule 6.1 ograničen je na iznos koji je naveden u Posebnim uslovima.
Strane su se dogovorile da se jedna strana odrekne svog zahteva od druge ako zbir inače plativih obeštećenja premašuje maksimalni plativi iznos.
Ako bilo koja strana postavi drugoj strani zahtev za obeštećenje, a opravdanost tog zahteva ne bude utvrđena, strana koja je podnela zahtev obavezuje se da drugoj strani nadoknadi troškove koje je ona imala u vezi zahteva.
6.4 Obezbeđenje 6.4.1
Ukoliko merodavno pravo ovog Ugovora to dopušta, Investitor se obavezuje da Konsultanta obezbedi od nepovoljnih uticaja svih potraživanja, uključujući i potraživanja od strane trećih lica, koja proizilaze iz ili u vezi ovog Ugovora i potraživanja podneta po isteku perioda odgovornosti iz klauzule 6.2, osim u meri u kojoj su pokriveni osiguranjem iz klauzule 7.1.
6.5 Izuzeci 6.5.1
Klauzule 6.3 i 6.4 ne primenjuju se na potraživanja: (a) koja proizilaze iz namernog neizvršavanja obaveza, prevare, lažnog predstavljanja ili bezobzirnog ponašanja, ili (b) koja nisu u vezi sa izvršavanjem ugovornih obaveza
7.1. Osiguranje za odgovornost i obezbeđenje 7.1.1
Konsultant se obavezuje da se na pisani zahtev Investitora postara u razumnim granicama o sledećem: (a) osiguranju od njegove odgovornosti u skladu sa klauzulom 6.1, ili (b) povećanju osiguranja od njegove odgovornosti u skladu sa klauzulom 6.1 u odnosu na ono koje je imao na dan kada mu je Investitor uputio prvi poziv za podnošenje ponude za pružanje Usluga; i (c) osiguranju od odgovornosti prema trećim licima, ili (d) povećanju njegovog osiguranja od odgovornosti prema trećim licima u odnosu na ono koje je imao na dan kada mu je Investitor uputio prvi poziv za podnošenje ponude za pružanje Usluga; i (e) osiguranju ili povećanju bilo kog osiguranja zahtevanog od strane Investitora.
Troškovi osiguranja predviđenih klauzulom 7.1koji su bili poznati na dan postavljenja smatraju se uključenim u iznos naknade plative Konsultantu.
Sva povećanja ili izmene osiguranja predviđenih klauzulom 7.1 do kojih dođe po postavljenju idu na teret Investitora.
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
6.3 Limit of Compensation 6.3.1
The maximum amount of compensation payable by either Party to the other in respect of liability under Clause 6.1 is limited to the amount stated in the Particular Conditions. This limit is without prejudice to any Agreed Compensation specified under Clause 5.2.2 or otherwise imposed by the Agreement.
Each Party agrees to waive all claims against the other in so far as the aggregate of compensation which might otherwise be payable exceeds the maximum amount payable.
If either Party makes a claim for compensation against the other Party and this is not established the claimant shall fully reimburse the other for his costs incurred as a result of the claim.
6.4 Indemnity 6.4.1
So far as the law governing this Agreement permits, the Client shall indemnify the Consultant against the adverse effects of all claims including claims by third parties which arise out of or in connection with the Agreement including any made after the expiry of the period of liability referred to in Clause 6.2, except insofar as they are covered by the insurances arranged under the terms of Clause 7.1.
6.5 Exceptions 6.5.1
Clauses 6.3 and 6.4 do not apply to claims arising: (a) from deliberate default, fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation or reckless misconduct, or (b) otherwise than in connection with the performance of obligations under the Agreement.
7.1 Insurance for Liability and Indemnity 7.1.1
7.1.2 7.1.3
At the written request of the Client the Consultant shall make reasonable efforts to: (a) insure against his liability under Clause 6.1; or (b) increase his insurance against liability under Clause 6.1 over that for which he was insured at the date of the Client’s first invitation to him for a proposal for the Services; and (c) insure against public/third party liability; or (d) increase his insurance against public/third party liability over that for which he was insured at the date of the Client’s first invitation to him for a proposal for the Services; and (e) insure or increase any other insurance required by the Client. The cost of the insurances arising under this Clause 7.1 known at the time of appointment shall be deemed to be incorporated into the Consultant’s fees. Any increase or variation in such insurances arising under this Clause 7.1 after the appointment has been agreed shall be at the expense of the Client.
Model Services Agreement
Sporovi i arbitraža
7.2 Osiguranje imovine Investitora 7.2.1
Konsultant se obavezuje da na pisani zahtev Investitora postara u razumnim granicama o sledećem pod uslovima koji su Investitoru prihvatljivi: (a) osiguranju od gubitka ili oštećenja imovine Investitora koja je isporučena i plaćena u skladu sa klauzulom 2.5; i/ili (b) osiguranju od odgovornosti koja proizilaze iz korišćenja takve imovine.
Troškovi osiguranja predviđenih klauzulom 7.2 koji su bili poznati na dan postavljenja, smatraju se uključenim u iznos naknade plative Konsultantu.
Sva povećanja ili izmene osiguranja predviđene klauzulom 7.2 do kojih dođe po postavljenju idu na teret Investitora.
Sporovi i arbitraža
8.1 Mirno rešavanje sporova 8.1.1
U slučaju bilo kakvo spora u vezi ovog Ugovora, predstavnici ugovornih strana koji su ovlašćeni za rešavanje sporova sastaju se u roku od 14 dana od podnošenja pisanog zahteva bilo koje strane, da bi pokušali da spor reše na miran način. Ukoliko spor ne bude rešen na tom sastanku, strane mogu da pokušaju da ga reše pomoću posrednika u skladu sa klauzulom 8.2.
8.2 Posredovanje 8.2.1
Ukoliko se strane nisu drukčije dogovorile ili drukčije nije navedeno u Posebnim uslovima, strane su obavezne da pokušaju da se dogovore o nekom neutralnom posredniku sa spiska u nezavisnom posredničkom centru koji je naveden u Posebnim uslovima. Ukoliko strane ne mogu da postignu dogovor u roku od 14 dana od dana kada je jednastrana uputila drugoj zahtev za posredovanje, bilo koja strana može da zahteva da posrednika imenuje predsednik FIDICA. Predsednikova odluka o imenovanju je obvezujuća za obe strane, sve dok se sami ne dogovore o posredniku. Po imenovanju posrednika u skladu sa njegovim uslovima, bilo koja strana može da pokrene postupak posredovanja tako što će drugoj strani podneti zahtev u pisanoj formi za početak posredovanja. Posredovanje mora da počne u roku od 21 dana od dana podnošenja zahteva.
Posredovanje se obavlja po postupku određenom od strane posrednika, ukoliko neki drugi postupak nije predviđen Posebnim uslovima. Ukoliko je postupak predviđen Posebnim uslovima, imenovani posrednik se obavezuje da se pridržava tog postupka, s tim što u svako doba može da predloži bilo koji alternativni postupak.
Svi pregovori i razgovori koji se vode tokom posredovanja su poverljivi i nikakvo upućivanje na njih nije dozvoljeno u kasnijim postupcima, ukoliko nisu bili zaključeni pravno obvezujućim dogovorom u pisanoj formi. Ako strane prihvate posrednikove preporuke ili na neki drugi način postignu sporazum u pogledu rešavanja spora, takav sporazum se zaključuje u pisanoj formi i kada ga potpišu ovlašćeni predstavnici, on je obvezujući za ugovorne strane.
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
Disputes and Arbitration
7.2 Insurance of Client’s Property 7.2.1
7.2.2 7.2.3
At the written request of the Client the Consultant shall make reasonable efforts to insure on terms acceptable to the Client: (a) against loss or damage to the property of the Client supplied or paid for under Clause 2.5; and/or (b) against liabilities arising out of the use of such property. The cost of the insurances arising under this Clause 7.2 known at the time of appointment shall be deemed to be incorporated into the Consultant’s fees. Any increase or variation in such insurances arising under this Clause 7.2 after the appointment has been agreed shall be at the expense of the Client.
Disputes and Arbitration
8.1 Amicable Dispute Resolution 8.1.1
If any dispute arises out of or in connection with this Agreement, representatives of the Parties with authority to settle the dispute will, within 14 days of a written request from one Party to the other, meet in a good faith effort to resolve the dispute. If the dispute is not resolved at that meeting, the Parties will attempt to settle it by mediation in accordance with Clause 8.2.
8.2 Mediation 8.2.1
Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties or stated in the Particular Conditions, the Parties shall attempt to agree upon a neutral mediator from a panel list held by the independent mediation centre named in the Particular Conditions. Should the Parties be unable to agree within 14 days of a notice from one Party to the other requesting mediation then either Party may request that a mediator be appointed by the President of FIDIC.
The appointment by the President shall be binding on the Parties unless they agree to another named mediator at any time.
When the mediator has been appointed on his terms and conditions of engagement, either Party can initiate the mediation by giving the other Party a notice in writing requesting a start to the mediation. The mediation will start not later than 21 days after the date of the notice.
The mediation shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures required by the appointed mediator unless stipulated otherwise in the Particular Conditions. If the procedures are stated in the Particular Conditions, then the appointed mediator shall be required to follow those procedures but shall at any time be able to propose to the Parties for their joint approval any alternative procedures.
All negotiations or discussions carried out in the mediation shall be conducted in confidence and are not to be referred to in any concurrent or subsequent proceedings, unless they conclude with a written legally binding agreement. If the Parties accept the mediator’s recommendations, or otherwise reach agreement on the resolution of the dispute, such agreement shall be recorded in writing and, once signed by the designated representatives, shall be binding on the Parties.
Model Services Agreement
Sporovi i arbitraža
Ukoliko se ne postigne sporazum, bilo koja strana može da posrednika zamoli da obema stranama podnese u pisanoj formi svoje neobvezujuće mišljenje o sporu. Takvo se mišljenje ne može koristiti kao dokaz u bilo kom kasnijem postupku bez pisane saglasnosti obeju strana.
Strane snose sopstvene troškove vezane za pripremu i podnošenja dokaza posredniku. Troškovi posredovanja i posrednikov honorar idu podjednako na teret obeju strana, ukoliko se strane nisu drukčije dogovorile i zaključile u skladu sa klauzulom 8.2.3.
Nijedna strana nema pravo da pokrene arbitražni postupak u vezi bilo kakvog spora proizašlog iz ovog Ugovora ukoliko nije pokušala da pomoću posrednika reši svoj spor sa drugom stranom, pre čemu se posredovanje pokazalo neuspešnim ili druga strana nije učestvovala u posredovanju, s tim što bilo koja strana ima pravo da pokrene arbitražu ako spor ne bude rešen u roku od 90 dana od dana podnošenja zahteva iz klauzule 8.2.2.
8.3 Arbitraža 8.3.1
U slučaju neuspešnog posredovanja, strane bi trebalo da pokušaju da sačine zapisnik u kome se navode (eventualna) pitanja u vezi kojih su se sporazumele i koji će biti podnet u kasnijem arbitražnom postupku. Uloga posrednika prestaje najkasnije do početka arbitražnog postupka. Posrednik ne može da se pojavljuje kao svedok u arbitražnom postupku, niti da pruža bilo kakve dodatne dokaze prikupljene tokom posredovanja.
Ukoliko drukčije nije predviđeno Posebnim uslovima, arbitraža u vezi ovog Ugovora vrši se u skladu sa Pravilima arbitraže Međunarodne trgovačke komore, uz učešće jednog ili više arbitara imenovanih u skladu sa pomenutim Pravilima.
Model ugovora o pružanju usluga
Disputes and Arbitration
If no agreement is reached, either Party may invite the mediator to provide to both Parties a non-binding opinion in writing on the dispute. Such opinion shall not be used in evidence in any concurrent or subsequent proceedings, without the prior written consent of both Parties.
The Parties will bear their own costs of preparing and submitting evidence to the mediator. The costs of the mediation and of the mediator’s services shall be borne equally between the Parties unless otherwise agreed and recorded in accordance with Clause 8.2.3.
No Party may commence an arbitration of any dispute relating to this Agreement until it has attempted to settle the dispute with the other Party by mediation and either the mediation has terminated or the other Party has failed to participate in the mediation, provided, however, that either Party may commence arbitration if the dispute has not been settled within 90 days of the giving of the notice under Clause 8.2.2.
8.3 Arbitration 8.3.1
If the mediation fails then the Parties will attempt jointly to make a written record of those matters (if any) relating to the dispute which have been agreed to by them, for submission in any later arbitration. The mediator’s role will cease, at the latest, upon the commencement of any arbitration. The mediator will not be available to appear as a witness in the arbitration, nor to provide any additional evidence obtained during the mediation.
Unless stated otherwise in the Particular Conditions, any arbitration arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be undertaken under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules.
Model Services Agreement
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