Ficha 1 'Why Volunteer' (Soluções)

February 8, 2019 | Author: DDC88 | Category: Verb, Grammar, Syntax, Linguistics, Style (Fiction)
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EXPLICAÇÕES DE INGLÊS – 9º ANO (NÍVEL 5) READING  A. Read the text carefully.

Why volunteer? 1


Martin, Rachel and Cliff tell how their volunteer work made them feel good about themselves. And, it was a great way to meet new friends. Martin: A lot of kids my age… if you tell them…'Let's go volunteer', volunteer', they will give you a dirty look… they think volunteering is bad. But they're missing out on helping people,

and it can be rewarding. I volunteered at the home of an elderly English lady and I was the only English speaking person at the time. It was really good just be her friend. Rachel: I started working at the Food Project when I was fifteen. I didn't really know 10

much about it, I just thought it was kids working on a farm doing hard work. I was so against it. And one day I decided, 'Hey, why don't you just find out what it's about?' And it was like this incredible program… to wo rk for the community. Right from the beginning I felt my confidence start to rise… what I was doing was


making a difference and that's enough to raise someone's confidence; that you are not a waste product… you're doing something and you're helping people out. Cliff: When I first started to see… that I wanted to do volunteer work… work with

children and make a change and work for social justice, I was sixteen years old. In the future I see myself definitely working… in volunteer work… to give m y time to other people. I would love to keep working in social justice and working in a non-profit 20

organization… I would like to go to college to learn how to do that better. s/why.htm (adapted)

B. Answer these questions according to the text. 1. Martin, Rachel and Cliff share the same opinion on volunteer work. What is it? Martin, Rachel and Cliff consider that volunteer work makes them feel good about themselves and it is a great way to meet new friends. 2. How did the teenagers start working as volunteers? Martin started working as a volunteer at the home of an elderly lady, Rachel started working at the Food Project and Cliff started working with children and for social justice.

EXPLICAÇÕES DE INGLÊS – 9º ANO (NÍVEL 5) 3. Martin thinks many kids don’t like volunteering. Quote from the text to justify this

statement. The quote that justifies this statement is: “A lot of kids my age… if you tell them…'Let's go volunteer', they will give you a dirty look… they think volunteering is bad. 4. What kind of relationship did he have with the old lady he took care of? Martin and the old lady he took care of were friends. 5. What did Rachel think about the program she worked in? Why?  At first, Rachel was against it because she thought it was just kids doing hard work on a farm. When she began working at the Food Project she changed her mind and considered it an incredible program, because she was working for the community and helping people out. 6. What would Cliff like to do in the future? In the future, Cliff would like to do volunteer work. He would love to keep working in social justice and working in a non-profit organization and he would also like to go to college to learn how to do that better. C. Say what these words refer to: 1. ‘themselves’ (l. 2) ‘themselves’ refers to ‘Martin, Rachel and Cliff’ 2. ‘it ’ (l. 6) ‘it’ refers to ‘helping people’ 3. ‘it ’ (l. 10) ‘it’ refers to ‘the Food Project’ 4. ‘that ’ (l. 14) ‘that’ refers to ‘making a difference’ 5. ‘that ’ (l. 20) ‘that’ refers to ‘working in social justice and working in a non-profit organization’ or ‘volunteer work’ D. Say what the grammatical category of the words/expressions is: 1. ‘themselves’ (l. 2) ‘themselves’ is a reflexive pronoun 2. ‘missing out ’ (l. 5) ‘missing out’ is a phrasal verb 3. ‘beginning’ (l. 13) ‘beginning’ is a noun 4. ‘social’ (l. 17) ‘social’ is an adjective E. Find a word with the opposite meaning of the given word: 1. clean (Martin) ‘dirty’ (l. 5) 2. disappointing (Martin)

‘rewarding’ (l. 6)

3. young (Martin)

‘elderly’ (l. 7)

4. in favour of (Rachel)

‘against’ (l. 11)

5. awful (Rachel)

‘incredible’ (l. 12)

6. hate (Cliff)

‘love’ (l. 19)

7. worse (Cliff)

‘better’ (l. 20)

EXPLICAÇÕES DE INGLÊS – 9º ANO (NÍVEL 5) GRAMMAR  A. Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. 1. On Sundays Rachel doesn’t work (not work) as a volunteer. 2. Martin usually has  (have)  a strict and very organized life. He gets up  (get up) at eight o’clock  every day. 3. Right now he is visiting (visit)  the old lady. He never forgets  (forget)  about his

friends. 4. Does Cliff share (Cliff/share) Rachel’s opinion? 5. They don’t want  (not want) to go out, because it’s snowing (snow). B. Complete with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

When I last saw (see) Cliff, he was taking (take) a taxi to the railway station. While Cliff was eating (eat) his lunch, they were listening (listen) to music. Martin was buying (buy) a ticket when we met (meet) him. In the past most kids thought (think) volunteering was (be) a bad idea. What were you doing (you/do) while I was working (work)?

C. Complete with the Present Perfect Simple. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Rachel hasn’t finished (not finish) her homework yet. Cliff has had (have) a bad cold for two weeks. Have you found (you/find) your keys yet? You are late! The class has already begun (begin). I haven’t learned (not learn) many new words since we started this lesson.

D. Complete with the Present Perfect Continuous. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

You are late. I have been waiting (wait) for you for an hour. Rachel hasn’t been feeling (not feel) well this week. We have been working (work) all day. Cliff  has been reading (read) a book since nine o’clock. Rachel is at the mall. She has been shopping (shop) since the stores opened.

E. Complete with the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

We moved (move) to Italy last May. We have lived (live) there for six months now. Cliff lost (lose) his house key last week and he still hasn’t found (not find) it. When did you quit (you/quit) smoking? I haven’t smoked (not smoke) for over five years now. Martin’s grandma fell  (fall) and broke (break)  her hip last week. She has been (be) in the hospital since then.

EXPLICAÇÕES DE INGLÊS – 9º ANO (NÍVEL 5) F. Insert the suitable form of modals expressing the idea given in brackets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

To be a good volunteer, you must be a responsible person. (obligation) We can find lots of information about volunteer programs on the web. (possibility) In future, Martin will be working as a volunteer in Europe. (prediction) You should start doing some volunteer work. (advice) She doesn’t have to/needn’t be a volunteer if she doesn’t want to. (no necessity) Volunteers mustn’t be treated like slaves. (prohibition)

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