Fib2002 Awards For Outstanding Concrete Structures

March 1, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The success of the Malampaya Concrete Gravity Substr,ucture project is a tribute to the Malampaya CGS Alliance

This logistically challenging design, construct and  .   y    l   n   o   e   s   u   e    t   a   v    i   r   p   o   r    F  .    1    2    0    2   r   e    b   m   e   c   e    D    t   s    1   n   o    d   e    d   a   o    l   n   w   o    d   s   a   w    t   e   n   m   u   c   o    d   s    i    h    T

install project was delivered three months ahead of schedule to world s best practice in respect of health, safety, environmental and quality performance in the Philippines


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titGf titriïKrtiriltriltiiitit

However, the same material that

generates great enthusiasm in design

structures as one of its most important

tasks. The best way of convincing

not always received general acceptance

opponents and stimulating the interest

by society due to past misuse.

of designers and investors in structures

ln the early days of building with

that combine both the functionality and

as the architect or engineer. ln more recent history the aesthetics and

beauty is to show examples of the most outstanding projects. The high quality award winning structures presented in this publication show that

impressive monuments built in Roman

bearing capacity were handled by several different people working

building concrete structures in which it is a pleasure to live, work and recreate

times that have survived the centuries

simultaneously with a limited

is a realistic option.

through to today s remarkable evolution

understanding of each other s ideas.

We thank all the contributors and those

This often resulted in disharmony of

who have supported these awards for

certainly has a promising future ahead.

design concepts.

their valuable work and hope that it

Currently we are seeing an

There are also other reasons that

may be a stimulus for the realisation of

understanding of the influence of the

explain why concrete structures have

composition of concrete structures.

sometimes been considered with

Engineers are exploring the relationship

mixed feelings. There was, for

between concrete s mechanical properties, its microstructure and the depth of design possibilities. We are

instance, the erroneous belief that concrete would last forever, which

now able to create concrete structures

Furthermore, the lowest bid system still

not only with optimised strength and

exists creating a tendency to look for

durability but also with specific colours

the cheapest solution, ignoring high quality determining factors like

the test of time


from the many

of concrete structures

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sees the promotion of concrete

circles and with researchers today has

concrete the design of a structure would be the task of one person, such Concrete is a material that has stood


or surface textures.


and it almost

many excellent new projects.

resulted in unacceptable damage.

aesthetics. lnvesting a relatively small

Joost Walraven President


additional amount of money in design

can result in structures of considerably improved quality.

  e   n   m   u   c   o    d   s    i    h    T


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© fédération internationale du béton (fib). This PDF copy of an fib publication was purchased from the fib webstore. This document may not be copied or distributed without prior permission from fib.

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For the first time at the Amsterdam

As most of the entries were submitted

Congress 1998, FIP decided to publish

electronically or on CD Rom, the

a booklet with the best entries,

secretariat could combine all of them

considered as a good representation of the possibilities and qualities of

by creating one master CD. Copies of this master CD were made available to

concrete structures. This idea was

each Jury member well in time before

maintained by fib and the best entries

the meeting, facilitating very much the presentation and assessment.

winners, special mentions and nominees - are presented in this

The jury congratulates all winners,

selected by the Jury

ln 1990 the Councilof FIP (Fédération lnternationale de la Précontrainte lnternational Federation for Prestressing) introduced


Awards for Outstanding

Concrete Structures to demonstrate the versatility of concrete as a structural material. These awards have been

attributed at the Hamburg Congress (1990), the Washington Congress (1994) and the Amsterdam Congress (1998).  .   y    l   n   o   e   s   u   e    t   a   v    i   r   p   r   o    F  .    1    2    0    2   r   e    b   m   e   c   e    D    t   s    1   n   o    d   e    d   a   o    l   n   w   o    d   s   a   w    t

After the merger between the FIP and the CEB (Comité Euro-lnternational du Béton


Euro-lnternational Committee

- the so-called

brochure distributed to Congress participants and lo allfib Members.

The Osaka Awards are attributed to

and helped the preparation of these Awards. We just hope that in four years,

structures completed or opened

on occasion of the 2nd Congress in

between 1998 and 2001. A total of

Naples,lb will receive even more

4 1 entries had been received from

entries from many more Member

12 National Member Groups. As


previously in FlP, lhe rtb Praesidium

enlarged by some invited members, who in this occasion were the last Presidents of CEB and FlP, acted as

Jury: Renaud Favre, Jim Forbes, Hans Rudolf Ganz, Shoji lkeda, Luis Lima, Ulrich Litzner, Giuseppe Mancini,

for Concrete), and the crealion of fib (Fédération lnternationale du Béton

Jan Moksnes, Roy Rowe, Jiri Strasky, Rùdiger Tewes, Michel Virlogeux,

lnternational Federation for Structural Concrete), that officially replaced the two parent associations in 1998,fib

Joost Walraven and René Walther met in Rougemont (Switzerland) on


decided to maintain this tradition. Thus, Ihe Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures are attributed this year for

the fourth time on occasion of the Osaka Congress, and for the first time in the name


special mentions and nominees, and thanks all those who proposed entries

MichelVirlogeux Chairman of the Jury

March 1,2002. For each category, the Jury first

selected the nominees. Then two successive secret votes were cast,to progressively select the Awards and Special Mentions. ln one of the two categories the quality of the entries was

They are attributed in two categories,

so similar that even four successive

Civil Engineering Structures and

secret votings became necessary

Buildings and in addition to the Awards the Jury can attribute a Special Mention to some constructions.

before the Award Winners and Special Mentions could be found.

  e   n   m   u   c   o    d   s    i    h    T


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The GA deals with


r I r r r

r The lnternational Federation for Structural Concrete (fib



internationale du béton) is a non-profit organisation created in 1998 from the merger of the Euro-lnternational Concrete Committee (CEB - Comité

Euro-lnternational du Béton) and the


Fédération lnternationale de la

Précontrainte). The parent organisations

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These objectives shall be achieved by

  e   n   m   u   c   o    d   s    i    h    T

(or their Deputies), as appointed by the

r r r

r r

immediate Past-President for a further


two years.

honorary memberships and presidency.

Deputy-President The Deputy-


members and the Commission

r r r

Committee (SC) consists of ten elected

appoints the Honorary Treasurer

chairmen. Chaired by the President or

approves budget, accounting, subscriptions and other financial

the Deputy-President, it meets at least once a year to guide the activities of


Commissions and Task Groups. The SC

approves the creation of



Commissions and Task Groups, with their terms of reference, proposals

fixes the dates and venues of congresses and symposia

for Chairmen, and for monitoring their output,

Commissions and appoints their


is responsible for initiating

decides on admission and


makes recommendations to the

resignation of Statutory and

Praesidium and Council regarding:

Corporate Members

the dissemination of results (eg

makes the awards of honours and

Bulletins), or


where relevant, the need to seek formal approval of the GA or the Council for certain publications

Praesidium The Praesidium consists of the President, the Deputy-President,

(Bulletins) or actions.

the lmmediate PaslPresident, four


the stimulation of research,

elected members, the two Deputy-

The secretarial ol

the synthesis of findings from research and practice,

Chairmen of the Steering Committee,


Civil Engineering Department (DGC

the dissemination of the results by

up to two further co-opted members and the Secretary General (ex officio).

way of publications, guidance documents and the organisation of

The elected members serve a four year term and may be re-elected for a

international congresses and

second term. The co-opted members'

Federal lnstitute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique


will be elected by the Praesidium on

the production of recommendations

the recommendation of the President

for the design and construction of

for the duration of his time of office.

concrete structures,

The Praesidium meets several times per

the information of members on the latest developments.

year on invitation of the President and


acts as the executive committee of the federation, advising the


President on the implementation of

General Assembly The General

decisions from GA and Council

Assembly (GA) consists of the Heads


of Delegation and the further Delegates National Member Groups; the number of Delegates (votes) depending on the chosen subscription level.


President is elected by the General

Steering Committee The Steering


performance of concrete construction.

voting rights of National Member

appointed by the National Member Group). lt meets at least once a year


aesthetic and environmental

Subsequently he/she serves as the

chair the Steering Committee.


of advancing the technical, economic,

approval of Model Codes

Heads of Delegation (one per country,

since 1953.

an international level the study of scientific and practical matters capable

resolutions and technical conclusions

and should have served as a DeputyPresident for the preceding two years.

amendments to the statutes

Assembly for two years. He/she may

CEB and FIP existed independently

The objectives o1fib are to develop at

the General Assembly for two years

Council The Council consists of the

lnternational Federation for Prestressing (FlP


President The President is elected by


is responsible for the appointment of


The secretariat

located in, and hosted by, the


Département Génie Civil) of the Swiss

Fédérale de Lausanne).

Secretary General Rùdiger Tewes, Dipl.-lng.

Secretary lmke Hirsch (Mrs.)

Assistant Secretary Christine Droguet (Mrs.) Postal address


Case Postale 88, CH-1015


the Secretary General

Tefephone (+41.21) 693 2747

is responsible for the procedure to replace any elected member who is

Telefax (+41.21) 693 5884

for any reason unable to be

Email flb@epf

effectively in office

Web http ://f ib.epf

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According to the bY-laws aPProved by lhef.b Council, the Awards for

The jury is set-up by the Praesidium.

Outstandin g Concrete Structures are given every four years at Ihertb

categories Civil Engineering Structures (including bridges), and Buildings.

Congresses to improve the international

Two or three Awards and two or three

recognition of concrete structures that

Special Mention citations are attributed

demonstrate the versatility of concrete

in each category, depending on the

as a structural medium. The award consists of certificates given to the

number of entries received. The jury takes into account criteria such as:


work, and of a bronze plaque to be with the owner. Nominations have to be supported by Thefib National Member Groups. A jury designated by the




environmental aspects of the design

construction practice and quality of

and its construction,

Presidium selects the winners.


secretariat through the National Member

Groups. They are asked to disseminate this information - that is also published  .   y    l   n   o   e   s   u   e    t   a   v    i   r   p   r   o    F  .    1    2    0    2   r   e    b   m   e   c   e    D    t   s    1   n   o    d   e    d   a   o    l   n   w   o    d   s   a   w    t   e   n   m   u   c   o    d   s    i    h    T

design aspects including aesthetics and design detailing,

displayed on the structure in agreement



The awards are attributed in the two

principal parties responsible for the

Applications are invited by


inThefib-news and onfb s website


and to invite suitable candidates (designers, contractors or owners) to

submit their entry. Entry forms are filled in by the candidates and countersigned by a Delegate or the National Member

r r


durability and weathering potential, significance of the contribution made by the entry to the development and

improvement of concrete construction. The decisions of the jury are definitive

and cannot be challenged. They are unveiled during a special ceremony at the Congress.



Group Secretary in order to confirm the authenticity of the indicated authors. The structures submitted have been

completed recently, i.e. during the last four years before the Congress. ln addition to the entry form, candidates had to send lo Ihe f.b secretariat a

CD-ROM with further required

information for use by the jury and for

later publication (descriptive texts,



plans, photos etc).



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The Normandy bridge near Le Havre,

r r

The Great Belt East Bridge, Denmark


France The Belfast Waterfront Hall, Northern lreland The Osaka Municipal Central Gymnasium,


ln addition, six entries were iudged to be worthy a Special Mention:


r r r

The bridge over the Lerez river in Pontevedra, Spain The Heidrun tension leg platform, Norway The Odawara Blueway Bridge, JaPan The indoor swimming arena Osaka Pool, Japan

r r

The indoor stadium at Bangalore, lndia The parking garage Laakhaven Hollands Spoor in The Hague, Netherlands

 .   y    l   n   o   e   s   u   e    t   a   v    i   r   p   r   o    F  .    1    2    0    2   r   e    b   m   e   c   e    D    t   s    1   n   o    d   e    d   a   o    l   n   w   o    d   s   a   w    t   e   n   m   u   c   o    d   s    i    h    T

r r


The Skarnsundet cable stay bridge, Norway The footbridge over the Vranov reservoir, Czech Republic The administrative building of the ECC


La Grande Arche in Paris, France The Oosterschelde storm surge barrier,

the Netherlands


The tennis center of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, USA The breakwater jetty in Sakai, Japan

ln addition, seven entries were iudged to be worthy a Special Mention:

The Bray Viaduct on the motorway




North Devon, United Kingdom The Helgeland Bridge over the Leir Fjord Norway


The cable-stayed bridge over the lsère,

r r r r

The pedestrian Kikki Bridge, Japan


Altmûhl river at Kelheim, Germany

Construction Group in Chennai, lndia

ln addition, eight entries were iudged to be worthy a Special Mention:


r r

The pedestrian bridge across the

r r r

Motorway Valence - Grenoble, France The Auditorium in Hyderabad, lndia The ANA Hotel in Sydney, Australia

The Gullfaks C oil platform, Norway

The new Parliament House in Canberra, Australia The bridge over the Parana river. Argentina / Paraguay The Beppo Myoban Bridge, JaPan The Thorp receipt and storage facility,

United Kingdom The protecting wall round Ekofisk oil

drilling platform, Norway


The sludge fermentation installation at


The bridge over the Elbe river at

Bottrop, Germany Podebrady, Czech RePublic

The Hassan ll mosque in Casablanca, Morocco The Ministry of Social Affairs Building in The Hague, Netherlands

at Mons


canal bridge at

Building stability - Civil engineering works Dump sites rehabilitation - Architecture - Urban planning Building equipments - Research development Special studies - Softvvare development

Allée des Noisetiers, 25

- 4031 Angleur - Belgium [email protected]


bureau d'études - 2000



gfeisGh ingénierie

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owner: SAS lmmobilière PB 6 ixlain autfxors: Pei - Cobb - Freed architectural a Jean Roult (S. R. A.) archilectur.r detai s s Jean-Marc Jaeger (SETEC) structura des gn n M. Gottesdiener (SOCOTEC) check ng engirreer u

eorltraetor: BATEG M. Forsse subeontractor: BOTTE SADE foundat on aompletion: 2001 The 40 storey high otf ice building (148 m from pedestrian leve ) has an almond shaped cross-section. That mass is cut on the north front by a vertical sl t narrowing down to a level matching the vau t of the 'Grande Arche' building rn the immedlate vicinity. Each storey has 1,600 m2.


The main structura frame of the tower is erected in high performance concrete (B B0 for columns, B 60 for the core). Horizontal forces are taken by the central core (measurino 31 x 14 m), l6 front columns and 2 rnterior columns, the most heavily loaded ones accorrmodating conp'essive forces of 4,500 tons.








The architecture of the tower gives a v vrd rmpression of upward surge. This requ red detailed wind studres, wind tunnel tests, statistrcal processing of meteorological data and probabilistic calculations with respect to wind speeds and inc dence.

*4 :'É


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F r * B



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t l



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owner: The University ol New South Wales Kensington main authors: Richard Francis'Jones (MGT Sydney) design architect I Jeff Morehen (MGT Sydney) proiect architect r

Romaldo Giurgola (MGT Sydney) design overview r Richard Green (Taylor Thomson

Whitting) structural engineer I

contractor: Lend Lease Proiects subcontractor: De Martin


concrete placement and formwork r Sydney Precast precast concrete I Fugen precast/ stone installation r Melocco sandstone supply

completion: 1999 Comprising a sequence of public and performance spaces, the Scientia is the new centre and symbolic heart of the UNSW campus. lts architectural expression is separated into three parts of different formal

and material character: the sandstone podium, metal boxes and timber foyer trees The use of concrete has been carefully considered in relation to its structural properties, durability, performance and

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aesthetic quality. Precast elements are woven through the sandstone façades to provide depth and mediation of scale whilst providing structural support for the masonry and across openings. Concrete vaults and profiled T-beams support the upper levels. A free-

standing internal stair made of concrete provides a sculptural element.

Using seven basic steel moulds, eighteen different precast concrete proliles of well defined quality, performance and finish were produced,


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The library as a whole consists of a renovated front building and a completely new building at the back, The renovated front building incorporates several listed historical buildings of the lBth century. Keeping as much as possible from their wooden structures, the transition to the new building is made by a spacious Lichthof , empty spaces allowing light to reach the lower f loors. The walk over the connecting

brldges spanning the large empty spaces from the front to the building in the back

emphasises the transition from old to new.

owner: Muermans Vastgold Holding BV Westelaken archltect

main authors: WSM Heythuysen enqineering I H.


contractor: BAM Utiliteitsbouw Roermond subconlractor: Granito Betonindustrie Ittervoort pref abricated elements completion: 2001


All colours were decided to stay as the natural colours of the materials used: zinc,

concrete, wood and plaster appear in their original beauty, representing simplicity and timelessness. leading to timelessness.

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A tribute to the


'tree of hnowl' firmly on lhe lond, drowing sustenonce from o soil with o trodition of immortol buildings. Its superstructure is out-spreod like bronches seeking the sun. lt's o tree os much in soul ond spirit, os in shope ond structure. lt is ECC's 'Knowledge Centre', ond this yeor, it is the proud winner of the fil oword for'Outstonding Structure - 2OO2'Speciol Mention'.


Its trunk stonds


1994 ECC's Administrative Office Building, Chennai, lndia

The 'Knowledge Centre' houses the Engineering Design Reseorch Centre of ECC -- the Construction Division of Lorsen

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  Toubro Limited, lndio's lorgest construction orgonisoiion. This is where the teom of construction experts is bosed thot conceives ond creotes the londmorks of the fuiure. ln honouring this unique slructure, fiô is,

in o sense, poying o tribute to the flowering of knowledge. L T

is the only lndion compony


1994 Sri Sathya Sai Nigamagamam, Hyderabad, lndia

to hove won four fif owords, ond

probobly the only compony in the world

to hove two owqrd winning struciures within o hundred metres of eoch other (ECC's Administrotive Office won the qword in 1994). Eoch oword offirms ihe


professionol volues of sound construciion thot emonoie from the 'tree of knowledge'


Sree Kanteerava lndoor Stadium, Bangalore, lndia

Architecturol concepf: K. s. Rongonolh of srinivoson Rongonofh Toubro Limited Designed, buih owned by Lorsen

Associofes, Bongolore


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2002  .   y    l   n   o   e   s   u   e    t   a   v    i   r   p   r   o    F  .    1    2    0    2   r   e    b   m   e   c   e    D    t   s    1   n   o    d   e    d   a   o    l   n   w   o    d   s   a   w    t   e   n   m   u   c   o    d   s    i    h    T

Engineering Design Centre, Chennai

The lree

Buddho sof under the 'bodhi' free seeking the light thot would illuminote the world. fhe gurus of oncient



hqve dispensed lndio in ln lndis, wisdom much moregenerofions ifs shode. lhe free fois successive lhon s symbol of knowledge, it is o vibrant porticipont in the


of ieorning. How oppropriqte then thof ECC's

'Knowledge Cenfre' is designed like o tree.


,/\,l.nRsEN TouBRo LrMrrED L-L ECC - coNsrRucnoN DrvrsroN

Mount Poonamallee Road, PB.No.979, Manapakkam, Chennai 600 089 INDIA . e-mail: [email protected] . Websites: o

Tel:044-2492747,2493318. Fùc044-2493317



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The bullding is intended to function as a

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knowledge centre on the campus of lndia's largest contractor L T. Accomodating architects and design engineers of various disciplines, it features an innovative form, nature and green at each level and spaces full of light resulting in a sensitive and efficient use of energy. The plan form is rotaied 60o at consecutive ' levels to form terraces in a f loral pattern. A central column of 4 m diameter, spreading out like a tree, supports symmetrical wings and creates free space even in the ground

floor A maximum of column free space


each floor ofiers utmost flexibility of use. Twelve prestressed concrete beams of

owner: Larsen

Toubro Ltd

various lengths and changing cross-

main authors: A. Ramakrishna (L T) director r S. Kanappan (L T) structural design r K. S. Ranganath architect

contractor: Larsen Toubro Ltd ECC Division




sections, emanate as cantilevers from the central column, supporting the floor of each wing and allowing repetitive use of the formwork in each level.

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ltt t


wry n d





Headquarters Bank of China

Sidney Myer Asia Gentre

Naha Airport Terminal Building

Beijing, China

University of Melbourne, Australia

Naha, Okinawa, Japan

owner: Bank of China

owner: The University of Melbourne

owner: Naha AirportTerminal Co. Ltd.

main authors: Tianfang JING (Weidlinger

main authors: Peter Hayworth (Ove Arup)

main authors: MichioYoko (YASUI) chief

Assoc.) principal structural engineer r Long

structural engineer r Brendon McNiven

designer r Hideo Moritaka (YASUI) chief

XIU (CABR) senior structural engineer r

(Ove Arup) structural engineer r Bob Nation

structural engineer r Takao Miyahira

Huosheng ZHU (CABR) senior structural

designer r

engineer r MrsYang WANG (CABR)

(Nation-Fender-Katsalidis) architect r Joseph Paonese (Nation-Fender-Katsalidis)

structural engineer r

architect r

contractor: CSCEC Construction Co. Ltd.

contractor: Probuild Constructions

subcontractor: Beijing General Construction Group

completion: 2001


The 5,700 m2 building incorporates a




- Oshiro- - Mitsui Zentaro -Taisei r south side: Nikko



subcontractor: 500 seat column free lecture theatre in the


Higashikaihat-su r

P. S.

- -


completion: 1999

basement, an exhibition space, office space,

Erected over a surface of 360 x 58 m, the

class rooms and university accomodation.

five-storey structure consists of precast

Four storeys of cantilever concrete sway

reinforced concrete frames of thirty 12 m

frames provide large span column free

spans in longitudinal direction and four

a garage for 500 cars and 2,000 bicycles.

spaces. They were erected on two concrete

precast prestressed concrete frames of

Four two-storey high steel truss boxes mark

transfer trusses spanning 24 m across the

14.4 m each in transverse direction.

the main entrances, host the 24-hour foreign

lecture theatre. The whole building sits on a

Situated on a 17,000 m2 site, the building features a 1s-storey superstructure with and 45 m high atrium core resting on a 4 level basement with a 2,000-seat auditorium and

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contractor: joint ventures: north side:

exchange trading room and provide columnless support for 8 storey concrete

minimum ground level footprint resulting in a  floating impression, an aesthetic solution

ln view of the intended 360 m continuous frame, and in order to control and minimise drying shrinkage, all concrete beams for

executive wings.

also granting easy access to the theatre.

The innovative design with long-span post-

The trusses are formed from precast web

both directions were produced in a factory set up near the site. All columns were cast

members and use in-situ floor plates as

in situ, The conventionally reinforced precast

flanges. Compression struts are in grade

longitudinal elements were embedded in

50 MPa concrete with minimal strut

beam column connections, the transverse

reinforcement, compensation for the large

precast elements were connected by post-

amount of steel in the heavily reinforced

tensioning the tendons.

tensioned girders, staged columns, slanted walls necessitated advanced engineering analysis. The large scale excavation with a slurry wall of 22 meters below surface,

poured in vertical strip widths varying from 3 to 5 meters with carefully designed vertical joints is the deepest to date in Beijing.

tension struts. Truss nodes were poured with a small aggregate concrete mix.


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in Lisbon was designed, financed and built by VINCI and even noW, we ate responsible for its smooth day-to-day operation. As the leading construction company in the wotld, vlNCl is c0mmitted to getting people, ideas and technique moving, and makes it its business to find the best solutions that make towns better, safer and more efficient places to live in. Quality of life is something that has to be built, we make it haPPen.

The Vasco de Gama bridge




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Life Sciences Building

Torre Norte C. E. N. U.

Abu DhabiTrade Centre

University of Newcastle, Australia

Sâo Paulo, Brazil

United Arab Emirates

owner: University of Newcastle

owner: FUNCEF

main authors: Dino di Paolo (Suters

Economiarios Federais


Architects) architect r Neil Petherbridge (Northrop Engineers) structural engineer

main authors: Marc Rubin (Botti-Rubin

main authors: Vinci Construction Grands Proiects design and built contract I


Wollgang Merretz (Structural Concrete


Fundaçâo dos

Arch.) e.chitect r Mario Franco (E.T. Kassoy- Franco) structural engineer r Salim Lamha (M. H. A.) Hevac r M. Golombek (Consultrix S. C.) foundations r Suely Bueno

lndustries) precast consultant r Godlrey Smith (Structural Goncrete lndustries) precast consultant r


Melz structural design

subcontractor r

contractor: loint venture: Vinci Construction Grands Proiects + Six Construct

contractor: Lahey Constructions Pty Ltd

(E.T. Kassoy-Franco) design coordination r Paulo Helene (Esc. Politecnica) consultant

subcontractor: Structural Concrete lndustries (Aust) Pty Ltd

contractor: Metodo Engenharia S. A.

completion: 2001

subcontractor: Const. Akyo Ltda. I Fundaçôes Especiais Ltda.

The project in the centre of Abu Dhabi, the

The Life Sciences Building won a CIA

completion: 1999

capital of UAE, creates the first big shopping

The superstructure of the 160 m high North

parking, five level above natural ground for

transverse direction over a steep site

Tower consists of an external tube formed

the shopping mall itself , and four towers of

required to be retained for environmental

by the façade columns and a core tube

80,000 m2 for offices, a hotel and

reasons, the building is constructed entirely

formed mainly by the three elevator shafts.


of precast concrete.

The façade columns (1 .24 m x 0.9 m) are



Excellence in Concrete Award in 2001. Cantilevering 21 m in longitudinal and 6 m

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owner: Sheikh Suroor Bin Mohamed Al


Two large inclined struts carrying 1,200 tons

service load induce large horizontal forces into the structure that are taken up by concrete tension ties in the façade's spandrel beams anchoring in a five-storey cast-in-situ anchor core. Precast structural elements were

manufactured to a tolerance of 12 mm with visible surfaces of the highest quality level. The precast concrete structural frame presented an intricate and complex challenge with regard to interaction of the precast elements intersecting in three directions.

separated by 7.5 m and connected by 0.6 m x 0.8 m beams. The entire office area is column free and is supported by 21 cm

thick post-tensioned slabs with spans '10

m and 13.5 m. Flat post-tensioning cables with four .14.5 mm

varying between

strands were used. A flying formwork system was adopted and post-tensioning was applied after two days, when concrete attained a strength of at least 25 MPa. A cycle of one 2,000 m2 floor per week allowed the structure to be completed about one year after completion of the

subcontractor: U. P. C, Dubai hollow core slabs r A. P. S. prestressing r completion:2000

mall consisting of two levels underground

The main structural characteristics of the project are:

t r

a2.1 m high raft foundation, 700 reinforced concrete columns and beams per level, cast in situ,



10,000 m2 60 cm thick hollow core

slabs cast in situ. A 26 m span ball room had to be erected column-free which necessitated the hanging of the upper three levels by prestressed 'columns' to prestressed mega-beams of 26 m span, 4 m height and 1.6 m width.

foundations. The vertical façades are formed by 7 .5 m x 4 m, 10 cm thick precast concrete panels with a 2 cm cladding of grey granite. The aesthetics are strongly enhanced by the structural solution, conceived by an intense interaction between architect and structural engineer.


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Olympic Stadium lstanbul-lkltelli, Turkey

owner: Preparation and Organisation Council lor the lstanbul Olympic Games main authors: Michel Macary (SCAU) architect r Aymeric Zublena (SCAU) architect rYann Bescout (SCAU) architect


Alain Capra (Vinci Grands Proiects) (Vinci structural design r Alain Leveille Grands Proiects) structural design r J. M. Lascaux (Vinci Gd. Projects) method r contractors: joint venture: Vinci Construction Grands Proiects + SAE lnternational


Tekfen lnsaat Ve Tesisat

subcontractors: ERAY, ENDEM completion:2001 The project consists of an 80,000 seats

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siadium with two car parks, two smaller annex stadiums and a 50,000 m2 adjacent 6 storey building. The complex geometry of the project required the use of threedimensional models and the design had to take into account high seismic level and high wind conditions. Due to the presence of cavities within the

limestone underground, ground reinforcement using micropiles became necessary. The two reinforced concrete roof pylons bearing the western roof were executed by the slip form method. The great earthquake of 1999 occurred during the execution of the northern pylon. lt did, however, not affect the concrete structures. The steel works were subcontracted to Tekfen.


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CSN EN lS0 9001 12002 Quality Certificate Holder


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,;;,Bouygues Travoux publics is q leading international speciolist in large-scqle civil engineering and tunnelling. Wîth its subsidiaries VSL-Intrafor and DTP Terrassement,

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Adding value to your Proiects

Bouygues Gonstruction Bouygues Travaux Publics - Chatlenger ' 1' avenue Eugène Freyssinet - ,:+ 33 (o) 73060 48 61 Guyancourt - 78o65Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines cedex - France rO +33 (o) r3o 6o57 oo


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llw>z ]rtl

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owner: Reunion Department, La Réunion, France rnain auihors: Jean Muller, Jean-Marc Tanis, Serge Montens, Frédéric Menuel,

Eric Barlei (all JMI) pre rlr rr:rry dcs qn n Pham Xuan Thao, Gilles Causse, Bruno Radiguet, Jean PierreViallon (all Bouygues

 .   y    l   n   o   e   s   u   e    t   a   v    i   r

TP) d-.ta lerl d-.s r;n arclr tcot


Alain Amédéo


eontraetor; Bouygues TP stj{3aontraetor: VSL, DTP Terrassement

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,completion: 2002

The bridge features a single 280 m long span embedded tn counterwe ght abutrnents. I hds a composttê I uss sl uct-re comot si^q two concrete slabs linked by two planes of steel diagonals. On y the upper slab is continuous at the key. Having a constant width oT 1 1.9 m the upper deck slab ls built in 860 High Performance Concrete of varying thickness: 0.27 mfor the 1.7 m cantilevers on both sides, 0.25 m for the 3.8 m Long central part. Longitudlnal prestressing uses 12 to 19 T15 super tendons. The lower slab of the same concrete strength is 1.7 m hlgh at the abutments and 0.2 rn thick (with ribs of 0 65 m height) at the keys. Both slabs were cast in place in 12.7 m sections.

Diagonals constst of 5355 steel tubes, external dlameter 0.61 m.Tensioned diagonals are prestressed by a pair of tendons comprising between 10 and 1


7 strands.



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The river crossing consists of two tunnel tubes the curved shape of which did not allow the usual immersed tunnel technology. During casting of the 14 tunnel segments of

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12 m length in a dry dock on shore the

trench in the river bed was excavated. Once the tunnel completed and temporarily closed

on both ends, the dry dock was flooded and the tunnel tested in such a way that the

buoyancy almost balanced its weight (70 tons remaining from 6,700 tons weight). It was then pulled to its final position.



dry dock later served for the casting of the

owner: Prague Public Transit Co. lnc.

second tunnel and will be used for the

main authors: Jan L. Vitek technology and design r Stanislav Dostél design and

approach tunnels.

construction of the cut and cover

execution r Jiri Belohlav general director r

Major challenges were the watertightness

Jaromir Sob r ZdenekTobolka (all Metrostav a.s.) Josef Kunâk (Metroproiekt a.s.)

cracking in early age or during the pulling

design metro line


subcontractors: TBG Metrostav Ltd concrete r VSL Systemy CZ launching r


operation, the tight tolerances (wall thickness


contractor: Metrostav a.s.

Zaklâdâni staveb a.s. dry dock

of the structure, including the avoidance of


mm) and the weighing operations

verifying the assumptions of the structural analysis and guaranteeing the safe launching of the tunnel in terms of stability and resistance against cracking.

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lT -U ËË


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Ouality, Accuracy and Consislency in all details The ability to adapt to the most challenging technological demands.

Metrostav a.s. Prague Czech Republic


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\\ IJ ,r;










lmprovement Durability

k. *a

The rreyssinet Group, the world's leader in specialised civil engineering works on the construction, improvement and longterm durability of structures and soils. With its bases in 48 countries, the Group


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It is also the Reinf

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Freyssinet 1 bis rue du Petit Clamart - Bât C BP 135 .78148 Vélizy-Villacoublay cedex - France

Tel: 33 '1 46 01 84 84

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owner: Ministry of Transport, Belgium +

soFtco main authors: Jean-Marie Cremer structural concept I Clément Counasse concept infrastructure I J. Y. Delforno, V. De Ville de Goyet, A. Lothaire, V. Radu (all Bureau d Etudes, Greisch (BEG)) I contractor: Association BAGECI-CFE FRANKI

subcontractors: ERGON diaphraqms I Freyssinet Belgium prestrebs tg I completion: 2002 Located 50 km South of Brussels, the Sart Canal Bridge belongs to modernisation works up-grading a 100 year old canal waterway to match European standards for modern barges. The prestressed 46 m wide concrete deck has thirteen 36 m long continuous spans. The architectural choices (inclined longitudinal beams, curved shapes, ribbed concrete facings, circular

piles...) have allowed to minimise the visual impact of the bridge and of its important loads (65,000 tons of concrete and

 .   y    l   n   o   e   s   u   e    t   a   v    i   r

80,000 tons of water).

  r   p   o    F  .    1    2    0    2   r   e    b   m   e   c   e    D    t   s    1   n   o    d   e    d   a   o    l   n   w   o    d   s   a   w    t   n   e   m   u   c   o    d   s    i    h    T

The 40 cm thick bottom deck has fifteen 12T15 units.

ln each longitudinal beam of 7.1 m height are nine 27T15 units. ln each cross member, two 19T15 and two 27T15 units allow the loads to diffuse correctly lowards the piles.

Using a very compact C40l50 concrete

and prestressing designed to ensure bi-directional compression in concrete wherever it is in contact with the canal water provided excellent watertightness. lncremental launching of 12 m per week of a 65,000 ton deck was a world record.

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  3 x 36m


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æ É













owner: Miyazaki Prefecture Japan

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main authors: The Japanese lnstitute of lrrigation and Drainage basic design I Joint ventureTaisei Corp. and Kawada Construction Co detailed design I contractors: Joint venture Taisei Corp. and Kawada Construction Co. I Kida Construction Co. r Takachiho lndustrial Co.





subcontractors: VSL Japan Corporation Shinko Wire Co. Ltd.



The arch span length of 260 m is the longest for a concrete bridge in Japan. The construction slte being a volcanic area covered by a lava field the original location had to be abandoned when 40 cm wide cracks in the rock bed running through an abutment were discovered. The reinforced concrete flxed arch rib was then constructed using the truss-cantilevering erection method with temporary steel girders. A newly developed traveller facilitated the concreting of the 3 to 5 m cast-in-situ segments. Also a new construction management method using an automatic object capturing system had to be developed for precise geometric control. After erection of 1/3 of the arch on both sldes the centre gap was temporarily closed by an 78 m





steel truss girder and then concreted followed by the erection of the cast-in-situ

columns and the superstructure consisting

of prestressed hollow core slabs. Aesthetic and environmental aspects were considered carefully Tor example the use of small wind force generators for the electric lighting.


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SPANNING GENERATIONS The Tensho Bridge presents on oestheticolly pleosing orch of eternolly clossic design emphosising the suitobility of concreie.

We developed new construction methods ond moieriols to ploce this high spon structure in hormony with the noturol environment. The Tensho Bridge spons the finest elements of modern ond clossicol - to the odvoncement of o demonding public.

4ts lÂtsil   +)




Shinluku-ku, Tokyo

163060ô, Jopon

Tel: +81 3 5381 5297 Fox: +Bl 33345O49O


6-3-1 Tokinogowo, Ktto-ku, Tokyo

I l4-8505, Jopon

Tel: +Bl 3 3915 5BB2 Fox: +81 3 3949 1B7l

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Crossing the river Rhone, the two structures for the Marseille-Valence and MarseilleMontpellier branches of the new high speed train line'TGV Mediterranean' run parallel to eachother and on equal level on most of their length (1500 m).

owner: Reseau Ferré de France SNCF - TGV Méditerrannée main authors: Michel Virlogeux structural concept r Jean-François Blassel (RFR) architect r Michel Desvignes landscape architect r Christian Bousquet (SNCF)

design r Jean-Michel Cussac (SNCF) design

Alain Moriset (SETEC) design I Bruno Radiguet (Bouygues TP) detailed design Alain Palacci (GTM) detailed design I



contractors: Bouygues/GTM Construction/ DTP Terrassements / lntrafor subcontractors: CEPABA-BACHY-EMCCBCP / Béton de France

completion: 1998

Conventional two-webbed box girders bear two rail tracks and typically span about 100 m. 5 m thick on mid-span, parabolic gussets of 1B m length lead to 8.5 m thickness at the bearings. Concrete strengths at 28 days were f' 2g = 52 MPa. lnternal pre-stressing was applied during the balanced cantilever construction phase using precast elements. The later'continuity prestressing' was done as external posttensioning. Cast in situ piers are hollow truncated shafts with a circular base of 5 m diameter under the deck supporting joint and 8.5 m diameter at the base of the highest piers (approximately 50 m).


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m r,Mr EJ-_

ffi ffi.w E




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ffi ffiH 68

ïhe 44 m long and

7 m wide bridge consists

of an underspanned concrete frame with

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integral supports and without expansion joints. The columns are inclined to reduce the horizontal reaction and to facilitate the excavation of the foundation. The main feature is that the prestressing tendons leave the reinforced concrete section in the

positive moment area and enter in the steel tension chord. The deviation forces of the polygonal tension chord are transmitted by V-shaped steel elements, resulting in a main

owner: Public Road Administration

span with a lenticular tension chord.

Canton Ticino, Switzerland

The steel tension chord is made of a half

main authors: Aurelio Muttoni Grignoli-

W-shaped box section welded out of two


bent steel plates. After construction is

contractor: Muttoni S. A,, Bellinzona

finished, the steel tension chord is injected

subcontractor: VSL Switzerland

completion: 1997

with cement grout, providing another protection layer for the two 12 strand VSL prestressing tendons inside the box and resulting in better durability and a stiffer chord. By adding a top steel plate, chord and

deviation elements could be designed as a truss used as self-canying formwork for the pouring of the concrete deck.


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@ GYH framelan SA



lngénieurs civils Rue de lo Paix 30 CH-2720 Tromelon I Switzerlond Tét. + 41 32 487 46 36 Fox 41 32 487 61 32 E-moil : [email protected] Web :


Other GVH Offices

Fields of activity

GVH St.-Bloise SA GVH Delémont SA GVH St.-lmier SA GVH Fribours SA GVH Lo Choux-de-Fonds SA

- Bridees

- Tunnellins -

Buildinss ïonks

- Roods - Woter


- Re|oir and strengthening Management system



ffi -

Ruelle W.-Mayor 2 case postale 2001 Neuchâtel / Switzerland


BG lngénieurs Gonseils W

+ 41 3272404 44 + 41 327240484 neuchâ[email protected]

Domaines d activité



Prestations types


Bâtiments complexes Structures et ouvrages d art lnfrastructures et transport Travaux souterrains Eau et environnement Géotechnique et fondation Génie civil et routes Protection de I environnement Traitement des eaux Travaux hydrauliques Dépollution de sites


Management de Projet Expertises et audits lnstallations techniques (bâtiment)

Management system rso 900 r

Depuis 1996

C. Notheisen lngénieurs civils Sàrl

 .   y    l   n   o Préverenges   e   s   u   e Switzerland    t   a   v    i   r   p   r TéI. 85 12   o 12 86 +    F Fax  .    1 E-mail c. [email protected]    2    0    2   r   e    b   m   e   c   e    D    t   s    1   n   o armé    d   e    d   a   o    l   n   w   o    d ancrés, tunnels:   s   a   w Evaluation


CH 1028

+ 41 21 803 803 41 21

Domaines d activité

et précontraint, mixtes Structures en béton acier-béton, métalliques, bois

   t   n   e   m   u   c   o    d   s    i    h    T

Ponts, tranchées couvertes, ouvrages de soutènement de l état des ouvrages existants Assai nissement, renforcement, transformation Projet de surveillance Dossiers pour la gestion et la maintenance Expertises de projets


ffi M



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Aka Bridge

Woronora Bridge

Twin Bridges Mentue River

Aka, Okinawa, Japan

Woronora, NSW, Australia

Yverdon, Switzerland

owner: Okinawa Prefecture, Okinawa

owner: Roads and Traffic Authority, NSW

owner: Départment des Travaux Publics

main authors: M. Komiya (Jap. Br. and

main authors: BertTaylor (Taylor &

Lausanne, Vaud

Struct. lnst,) project manager rTatsuo Tomori (Sibaiwa Eng.) structural design r Kiyoshi Uema (Ryukyu University)

Herbert) design r Mark Bennett (RTA) design r Bernhard Gôhler (Leonhardt,

main authors: A. Vaucher (GVH Tramelan SA) project director r B. Houriet (GVH

Andrâ + Partners) check engineer r

Tramelan SA) project associate director

contractor: Barclay Mowlem Construction

C. Heubi (Bonnard

landscape design r Osamu Shinohara

(Tokyo University) landscape design r Miyoko Oono (M+M Design) landscape architecture r



S. Corporation

P. Moia

(Tremblet SA) structural engineer I

Stambe Entreprises r Peri Australia r

contractors: Ramella & Bernasconi SA, Cudrefin r Frutiger SA,Thun r

subcontractors: Concrite r Active Steel r

Road Services Pty Ltd r



approach bridges of l38 m each.

The bridge was proposed to correct the

The two parallel bridges were cast in place

a7.75 m carriageway and two sidewalks of 1 m. lt

existing road condition and travel speed

using the balanced cantilever method, with

deficiencies (for ex, steep hairpin bends

temporary stays between the piers during

connects Aka lsland to the Okinawa main

approaching the exis existing ting old bridge). lt is

erection. Featuring an overall length of 568 m

island, assuring transportation facilities

522 m long with a 20 m wide deck for 4

in 5 spans of 93

indepent from the weather conditions, an

traffic lanes at 34 m above the river, and

the maximum height above ground level is

important step in the development in this

carries an under-slung walkway to allow for

120 m. Longitudinal and transverse

cycle and pedestrian traffic.

prestressing was

arches spanning 65 + 125 + 65 m, and two The width of 10.75 m allows for

   t   n   e   m   u   c   o    d   s    i    h    T


subcontractors: Freyssinet SA, Moudon r VSL Lyssach r

The total bridge length is 530 m: three

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G. Notheisen structural engineer


Abergeldie Contractors Pty Ltd r VSL Prestressing (Aust) Pty Ltd r Pioneer

completion: 1998


+ Gardel SA) foundations r

+ 135 + 150 + 120 +70


area of tourism and resort resources. Abutments and piers were cast in situ, the

An environmental impact statement

deck was constructed by precast segments

prepared in 1990 and reviewed in 1998

(max. 57 t) carried by sea and installed. As

resulted in choosing the incremental launch

precarious geological conditions

there is pedestrian trafflc under the approach

construction process rather than match-cast

encountered on the sides of the valley and

bridges (ferry quay, beach), careful detailing

segmental construction. The superstructure

the horizontal curvature of the road were the

was important resulting for example

was constructed in a two-stage casting yard

main challenges of the project. Thus the

corner cutting and surface texturing for the

with each stage 30 m long. 19 segments

conceptual design had to be developed

piers, the use of beige coloured local

were necessary to create the 522 m long

Ryukyu limestone etc.

span continuous girder. Downhill launching


To enhance durability under marine

conditions, epoxy coated reinforcement bars and galvanised sheathing was chosen.

on a 5

applied. The foundations are on piles blocks and shafts.

, The exceptional height of the structure, the


slope required a combined

launching/breaking system using prestress cables and interlocked heavy-lift jacks of up to 500 t capacity.

bearing in mind the following concerns:


structure and its harmony with the surroundings;


achievement of good structural quality in order to ensure longierm serviceability

Concrete mix design provided strengths of 25 MPa after 16 hours, thus allowing prestressing the next day after pouring.

particular carelor the aesthetics of ihe

and maintenance costs reduced to a minimum;


choice of a well-proven rational construction method, thus assuring good pro.iect and cost management.


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Ayunose Bridge

It/l e

owner: Kumamoto Prefecture, JaPan

owner: Japan Highway Public Corporation

owner: Fukushima Prefecture, lwaki-city

main authors: Miyoko Oono (M+M Design) architecture r Chuogiiutsu Gonsultants structura design r

main authors: Japan Bridge + Structure lnst. lnc. basic design I CTI Engineering Cc. Ltd basic design r Joint ventures (see

main authors: Takashi Kumagai (Fukushima Prefecture - lwaki Construction Office) basic design rYosuki Koiima (Kyoryo Consulting) detailed design rTsutomo Machi (Oriental Construction)

Prefecture, Japan

contractors) deta led des gn

l=ukushima Prefecture, Japan


Ltd. r Satokigyo Co. Ltd. I

contractors: joint venture Kiso East:

subcontractor: FKK stay cabLes

Oriental Construction, Nippon Koatsu Concrete, Kawada lndustries I joint venture Kiso West: Kajima, Zenitaka, NKK I ioint venture lbr East: Sumitomo, DPS Bridge Works, Mitsubishi I 1o nt venture lbi West: P.S. Corp.,Taisei,Yokogawa Bridge Corp. r

completion: 1999

   t   n   e   m   u   c   o    d   s    i    h    T

Mori-no-wakuwaku-hashi Bridge

Kumamoto Prefecture, JaPan

contractors: Sumitomo Construction Co.

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Kiso and lbi River Bridges

The bridge was designed not only to cross the 300 m wide and 140 m deep valley full of green but also to harmonise with the surrounding nature and to offer an attractive viewpoint for visitors. The 3 sPan continuously prestressed concrele cable stayed bridge of a total length of 390 m with a main span of 200 m combines in a unique way an Y-shaped rigid pier on the steeper side of the valley with stay cables over the flatter slopes on the opposite side. The rigid Y-shaped pier in comblnation with ihe thin cable stayed deck also offers a good solutlon for the seismic design in this volcanic area. The design oÏ details as metallic orange cable covers, railings, lighting system and pavement but also the studies of the overall situation of the bridge in the environment were carefully executed in order to achieve a maximum of harmony with nature.

subcontractors: Sumitomo Electric lnd I Anderson Technology Corp. r Shinko Wire Co. Ltd. r Oiles Corp. I completion: 2001 After careful studies of various alternatives to cross the two more than 1 km large mouths of the rivers, one 5 span and one 6 span continuous and extradosed box girder bridges in prestressed concrete and steel composite construction were chosen. The span lengths could be extended to 275 m by reducing the dead load by using up to 105 m long steel girders for the central sections of a span, Near the supports concrete girders with stay cables were used cantilevering up to 85 m to both sides. Prestressing tendons placed inside the girders increase the axle compression. The 33 m wide superstructure allows for six lane tratfic. To maximise the available width, the stayed cables were deployed in a single plane. The 5 m long segments (33 m wide, 7 m high, approx. 4 MN weight) were precast on

shore and transported to the site by barges. After finalisation of the pc airders, lifting gear was installed at the ends to close the gap by hoisting the 100 m long steel girders (of approx. 20 MN weight).

prestressLng r

contractor: Oriental Construction Co. Ltd. completion: 2001 A pedestrian stress ribbon bridge with external cables was constructed in a public parc in lwaki-City as the f irst of its kind in the world. Located in a hilly environment where the 128,5 m span were required, the load bearing layer is of mudstone, so that the horizontal forces from the superstructure had to be minimised. Whereas in conventional stress-ribbon bridges prestressing cables and suspension cables are placed inside the concrete deck, prestressing in this new bridge type the cables are placed outside the deck as external cables using supporting members. This has the additional advantage of easier access in cases of replacement or retightening. The sliding erection method remains essentially the same as for conventional stress ribbon bridges, After completion of the bridge the characteristics of static deformations, natural vibration and dynamic response to pedestrian and emergency traffic were verified by loading tests and simulation analysis.

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lkeda-Hesokko-Ohashi PG Arch lkeda cho, Japan

Japan Egypt Friendship Bridge O-arta'a (Suez) Lgyp-

Kent Messenger M:llenium Bridge N/aidstone, Great Bdtatn

owner: Japan Highway Public Corporation

owner: Ministry of Transport, Cairo

owner: Maidstone Borough Council

main authors: Hidetsugu Mochizukii

main authors: Pacific Consultants

main authors: Cezary M. Bednarski

(JHPC) c iet structura enqineer r

lnternational: Hiroyuki Endo project

arch tect and lead consultant r

Minoru Yamada (JHPC) assistant chief

director rYasuo Furukawa approach bridge

(Strasky, Husty and Partners Ltd)

structural engineer r Hirofumi Ando (JHPC)

design r Hiroaki Mukaichi road design r

concept engineering desiqn r Vilem Juttner

senior structural engineer r Shuichi Kitakuni (Kaiima) design superstructure r Satoshi Matsuki (Kajima) seismic design r

Chodai Co. Ltd: Yusuke Kajimura deputy project director r Hitoshi Nakamura main

(Strasky, Husty and Partners Ltd) engineering design r lan Firth (Flint & Neill)

bridge design r

check eng neer r Jaroslav Hauser

Kei Suzuki (Kajima) aesthetic design r

contractor: Noriaki lshitate / Kajima

(Geostar) foundation design r

contractor: Shigetaka lshihara / Kajima Corporation


contractor: Balfour Beatty Construction Ltd

subcontractor: Gleitbau GmbH / Bygging

subcontractor: Balvac Whitley Moran Ltd

lntercontinental / Misr Dywidag


completion: 2001

completion: 2001

subcontractor: PC Bridge Corp. / Sumitomo Electric lndustries

Jiri Strasky

completion: 2000 For the first time ever a two span (50 + 38 m)

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Various bridge forms were examined for the

To cope with the increasing traffic demand

existing complicated intersection conditions

across the Suez Canal 4.1 km of bridges

(rivers, dam, railways, roads) before the

cranked at 25 degrees has been designed.

were conceived with 70 m navigation

Both engineering and aesthetic beauty of

S-span continuous reverse Langer arch

clearance in addition to the tunnel existing

bridge with a 3-span arch was adopted

this bridge lie in the fact that the suspended

on the Canal's South end. The main bridge

(spans 134 + 200 + 160 + 130 + 79 m), The

walkway itself is the structure, stiffness and

has a total length of 730 m spanning

43 + 50 + 70 + 404+ 70 + 50 + 43 m with a

stability resulting from its geometry,

detailed design of the bridge started after the Kobe earthquake, hence state-of-art

central cable-stayed section using a single-

seismic design technique had to be adopted.

cell steel box girder, 154 m high pylons and

For the first time ever a method carrying out a simultaneous cantilever arch rib

construction on both sides by independent travellers for stifféned girder and arch rib was applied, lnside the stiffened girder a

two-plane fan-shaped multi-cable stays. Approach viaducts continue for 560 m on both sides with constant span (40 m) rigidframe single-cell prestressed concrete girder bridges.

stress ribbon bridge with an alignment

The stress ribbon is formed by precast

segments with a composite deck slab. The segments were suspended on bearing cables and served as falsework and formwork for the casting of the composite slab. The deck is post-tensioned by prestressjng tendons (monostrands grouted in polyethylene ducts). Together with the

non-grout type external cable having the

Pylons and piers were constructed using the

highest capacity in Japan was chosen for its

bearing cables these are situated in the

slipJorm method with gains of up to 4 m of

economical and constructional efficiency,

vertical height per 24 hours. The prestressed

cast-in-situ slab.

and maintenance management,

girders on both sides were erected using a

Landscape design played an important role

movable launching gantry. The average

since the bridge was to be constructed on a municipal sports park.

cycle lime for one span was


to 20 days,

The intermediate support transfers the resultant horizontal forces into the foundation

by a compression strut formed by stairs and a tension tie formed by a stainless tube. The

dynamic response of this bridge - well accepted by the public analysed,


was carefully


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Malampaya Goncrete GravitY

Ertan Dam

Oresund lmmersed Tunnel


Yalong River, China

Copenhagen, Denmark

owner: Shell Philippines

owner: Ertan Hydropower Development

owner: Oresund Konsortiet, Denmark

main authors: David Collier (Arup Energy) engineering manager I Andrew Grigsby


main authors: Symonds Travers Morgan (UK) design r A. Piquet (VCGP) dry dock

Palawan, Philippines

(Arup Energy) mechanical engineer I Andrew McNulty (Arup EnergY) lead

concrete design r Mike Cooke(Arup Energy) lead engineer I Chris Humpheson (Arup Energy) geotechnical engineer I John

Roberts (Arup Energy) design director r Neil Evans (Arup Energy) site design co-ordinator r Geotf Curnow (John Holland) constructability engineer


contractor: joint venture: John Holland Pty Ltd / Arup Energy /Van Oord ACZ subcontractor: Ancon Beton PtY Ltd  .   y    l   n   o   e   s   u   e    t   a   v    i   r   p   r   o    F  .    1    2    0    2   r   e    b   m   e   c   e    D    t   s    1   n   o    d   e    d   a   o    l   n   w   o    d   s   a   w    t   n   e   m   u   c   o    d   s    i    h    T


completion: 2000 The gravity structure is situated in 43 m deep water surrounded by even deeper water. This deep water situation lead to an increase of predicted wave loading by 10 . The main challenges during design and construction were:


produced in a dry dock in a natural deep water harbour, the structure was towed 200 miles after completion,


the change from an initially planned open water displacement storage system to dry

storage for the condensate resulting in a 25


increase of the total concrete volume

and a 60

increase in reinforcement,

the achievement of producing the specified concrete in excellent slipform suitable quality out of local material. Careful mix design using among others 30

local fly ash and 5

silica fume and

rigorous quality assurance procedures resulted in a concrete of excellent workability and a 56-day strength of more than 60 MPa.

main authors: EEC - Ertan Engineering Corporation

floating gate r

contractor: joint venture: Vinci Construction Grands Proiects / lmpregilo /Torno /

contractor: joint venture: Vinci Construction


of MWREP completion:1999 Bureau


Gernigon (VCGP) dry dock

sliding gate r

Grands Proiects (VCGP) / NCC AB / Phil & Son AS / J. L. Constr. / Bosskalis SV subcontractorr lntron (NL) concrete

Located in China's Sechuan province on the


Yalong River, a tributary of the Jinsha


(Yangtze Kiang), the proiect's lot 1 consists oT

a240 m high double-curvature concrete

arch dam, 775 m long at crest level, and a 170 m long and B0 m high concrete water intake for 6 penstocks, 9 m in diameter. An

The crossing of the Zresund Strait spans from Copenhagen airport to the city of

Lernaken, south of Malmô. On 16 km length it includes a tunnel, an artificial island, a

underground powerhouse with various associated tunnels formed lot 2, given to

viaduct, a cable-stayed bridge, and a

another joint venture.

concerns the 3,500 m immersed tunnel for a

second viaduct. The proiect reported here

After two years of construction of installations (camps for pesonnel, quarry, aggregate

four-lane highway and a two track railway and the two access ramps (650 + 1,100 m).

processing plants of 1 ,000 tons/h- capacity, concrete batching plants of 2 x 360 m3/h

The 3,500 m tunnel is made of 20 prefab-

capacity etc.), the river was deviated and,

175 m long). Each caisson is assembled in

after excavation of 6 million m3 for the dam, the concreting started with four B m3 buckets hung on an over


km long cableway and

supplying 4 million m3 of concrete for the dam. Watertightness below the dam was ensured by a 60 m deep grout curtain built from grouting galleries excavated at the bottom and in the abutments of ihe dam.

ricated caissons (41 m wide, 8.6 m high and a dry dock out of eight 22 m sections

poured in a plani i. e. indoors in controlled atmosphere, in order to respect the stringeni specif ications regardin g concrete

temperature-induced cracking control, Once the caisson sealed on both sides, the dry dock was flooded and the caisson shifted afloat to a dbeper basin for final finishing. From there, it is later towed into position, immersed and butt jointed to the segments already in place. Sand is injected underneath the caisson through its bottom, the trench is backfilled and covered for

erosion protection.

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Madeira Airport


j.' .,




, bl







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Segadâes Tavares


Structural and Consulting Engineers Bridge Design

Building Design Special Structures Design

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Largo de Santos, g - 30 f200-808 LISBOA. PORTUGAL telephone +35L2139328



fax +351 2L39328


e-mail: sta'[email protected]

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Funchal Airport Extension

Beaucaire-Tarascon Bridge

Santa Cruz, Made ra, Portugal

Beaucaire, France

owner: ANAM Aeroportos SA, Madeira

owner: Conseil Général des Bouches du

main authors: A. SegadâesTavares SegadâesTavares (STA)


head of design team r Joâo Vaz (STA)

main authors: Michel Virlogeux structural

deputy head design r JoséVeloso (STA)

concept r Daniel Lefaucheur (SETRA)

geotechnics r Pedro Parreira (STA)

structural design r Philippe Vion (SETRA)

mathematical models r

structural design r Jacques Resplendino

Manuel Pereira (STA)

structural analysis r

(CETE) design checking r Charles Lavigne

contractor: Novapista

architect r Alain Chauvin (Structures) detail

subcontractors: Zagope SA / Costrutora Andrade Gutierrez SA / OPCA SA / Spie Batignolles TP SA

design r

contractor: Entreprises Leon GrosseBauland


subcontractor: Freyssinet stay cables I CPB precast elements r

lvlountains dominating Madeira s landscape,


its only aircraft landing facilities lay on

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coastal cliffs in an altitude of 57 m, The

A road bypassing the two towns of

decision to extend the existing runway lead

Beaucaire and Tarascon, crosses the Rhone

to the construction of an additional 1,000 m

river on a total length of 410 m. The cable-

long and


m wide bridge with unusual

stayed bridge features two 60 m high

imposed loads (Boeing 747 landing gear

lyra-shaped pylons with fan-shaped cable

with 4,000 kN on a small area, accident

arrangements and a ribbed prestressed

values reaching 12,000 kN). The adopted structural solution consists of

concrete slab deck of constant height and 12.10 m width for two lanes of traffic.

an array of 31 reinforced concrete portal

The bridge is divided into 5 spans : 26

frames supporting a deck slab at 57 m above


the sea level. The frames spaced by 32 m







26 m. The pylons are founded

each on six piles of 2 m diameter, covered

have in general 6 columns also spaced by

by a circular pile-cap. The slab deck height

32 m resulting in a portal beam with five

of 81 cm is very low for a span of 193 m.

32 m spans and two 14 m cantilevers at each end,

Each side-span has been built using normal scaffolding, the rest of the structure by the

The reinforced concrete columns have a

balanced cantilever method, starting from

constant 3 m diameter circular cross section

the two pylons, with 7.3 m long cast-in-situ

and maximum heights of about 50 m. The

segments. The very light (54 tons) mobile

portal beams in prestressed concrete have

carriages were suspended by a pair of

an l-shaped cross-section with an height of

working cable stays adjusted step by step

3.6 m at mid-span and 5.6 m over the

according to the inc increasing reasing load of fresh

columns. The bi-directionally prestressed concrete deck slab has a thickness varying

concrete. After hardening of the latter the final pair of cable-stays could be installed

lrom 1.7 m where connected to the portals to

and stepwise tensioned in the same time as

1 m through the central 12 m of each span.

the working cables were detensioned.

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fi.b has 39 National Member Groups as statutory members and about 900

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