Fever and Rash

March 7, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Fever and rash Alan R. Tumbelaka Pediatric Pedi atric decision-maki decision-making ng strategies Pomeranz, Buzey,Sabnis WB Saunders Co, Philadelhia,


to accomanied !elson te"tbook ediatrics #$th ed.



H and P 

%istory o& rash 

Presence o& ruritus ' ain

Aearance related to &e(er, e(olution, rogression and distribution

%istory o& contacts, e"osures %istory o& underlying immune de&iciency

Physical e"amination  

Se(erity o& illness, (ital signs and height o& &e(er Tachycardia and tachynea )indicate sesis*



Appearance of the rash 



 

Petechial Presence o& associated enanthemas

istribution  

eneralized ' localized

Symmetric or asymmetric

Centrietal or centri&ugal  


Petechial Or purpuric

Fever  and

Macular or  maculopapular 

History Physical exams

!iffuse erythroderma

Rash Appearance of The Rash

Urticarial rash "rythema nodosum Vesicular, ullous, Pustular rash

!istinctive rashes



Petechial Or purpuric 

Comlete blood count 

With di&&erential count

Platelet count

Consider 

Coagulation studies

Blood culture Cerebrosinal &luid cytology and culture



Petechial or purpuric 

+iruses      

/ntero(iruses Congenital rubella C0+ Atyical measles %1+ %emorrhagic %emorrha gic &e(er

Rickettsia   

2thers 

Bacteria   

Sesis /ndocarditis P aeruginosa  

Rocky 0ountain sotted /idemic tyhus /hrlichiosis

 

%enoch Schonlein  3rticarial at beginning, later ururic +asculitis Thrombocytoenia


Petechial Or purpuric

Fever  and

Macular or  maculopapular 

History Physical exams

!iffuse erythroderma

Rash Appearance of The Rash

Urticarial rash "rythema nodosum Vesicular, ullous, Pustular rash

!istinctive rashes



Macular or maculopapular 

+iruses         


Roseola )%%P-$* /B (irus

Adeno(irus 0easles Rubella 4i&th diseases )ar(o(irus* /ntero(irus %1+ engue (irus

  

/arly R 0ountain stt Tyhus

2ther 


Syhilis 5etosirosis Salmonella 5yme 5y me disease di sease

Rickettsial 

0 neumoniae Scarlet &e(er



Petechial Or purpuric

Fever  and

Macular or  maculopapular 

History Physical exams

!iffuse erythroderma

Rash Appearance of The Rash

Urticarial rash "rythema nodosum Vesicular, ullous, Pustular rash

!istinctive rashes



Diffuse erythroderma, urticarial ra rashes shes 

i&&use erythroderma erythroderma 

3rticarial rashes 

Bacteria 

Scarlet &e(er

Stahylococcus  

+iruses 

Stretococcus 

SSSS To"ic shock

Bacteria 


 

0 neumoniae Shigella 0eningococcus

2thers   


/stein Barr %e B %1+ /ntero(irus

Parasites 1nsect bites rug reaction


Petechial Or purpuric

Fever  and

Macular or  maculopapular 

History Physical exams

!iffuse erythroderma

Rash Appearance of The Rash

Urticarial rash "rythema nodosum Vesicular, ullous, Pustular rash

!istinctive rashes



Erythema nodosum 

Consider 

  

Stretococcal cultur or Antigen detection test %e B serology Tuberculous test C8R

+iruses9  

Bacteria  Tuberculosis  

Coccidiomycosis %istolasma

2thers 


:ersinia Stretococcus

4ungi  

/stein Barr %e B

Sarcoidosis, S5/, Behcet etc


Petechial Or purpuric

Fever  and

Macular or  maculopapular 

History Physical exams

!iffuse erythroderma

Rash Appearance of The Rash

Urticarial rash "rythema nodosum Vesicular,ullous, Pustular rash

!istinctive rashes



Ve Vesicu sicular lar,, bullous, bullo us, Vesicular, bullous, pustular rash 

Consider  

ram stain Cultur o& the lession

 

% simle"

+aricella zoster

Tzanck rearation PCR



Co"sackie A ; B /C%2 (irus

Bacteria 

Stah scald skin syndr

Stah bullous imetigo

Stret A imetigo

2ther 


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