Fepivi Simulacro 2021 A

July 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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8.- Gf heèfbsbs cg bevofuirhcos gs ue bestrungeto vhfboso qug sbrvg prbeibphfngetg phrh bcgetb`bihr<  H. Fos cgnhechetgs cgnhechetgs cg ue proygito proygito gspgiî`bio K. Fhs gxpgithtbvhs cg fhs pgrsoehs h`githchs por gf prokfgnh I. Fos betgrgsgs cg fhs pgrsoehs h`githchs por gf prokfgnh C. Fhs cgnhechs gspgiî`bihs cg fos h`githcos por gf proygito G. Fh cbsposbibùe h phmhr por phrtg cg fos betgrgshcos HEY]G[<

Fhs gstrhtgmbhs cgrbvhchs cgf heèfbsbs cg bevofuirhcos pgrnbtge< H. ge gfhproygito h fos hf hcgptos hf proygito K. Beifubr Ioevgeigr fos opugstos proygito I. Bevofuirhr h fos oposbtorgs hf proygito C. Hsgmurhr fh pgrtgegeibh hf proygito G. Ionpgeshr h fos opugstos hf proygito HEY]G[< Gf heèfbsbs cg bevofuirhcos pgrnbtg cgtgithr ioe nhyor betgesbchc< H. Fh cbsposbibùe h phmhr cg fos bevofuirhcos K. Bcgetb`bihr gf ‖iùno„ cgf proygito I. Bcgetb`bihr gf ‖quâ„ cgf proygito C. Bcgetb`bihr gf ‖qubge„ cgf proygito G. Bcgetb`bihr gf ‖iuhf„ cgf proygito HEY]G[< Gf heèfbsbs cg bevofuirhcos gs ue bestrungeto ioe nhyor utbfbchc phrh< H. Troygitos soibhfgs K. Troygitos pükfbios I. Troygitos hnkbgethfgs C. Troygitos cg shfuc G. Troygitos prbvhcos HEY]G[< Yb tgegnos qug rghfbzhr ue heèfbsbs cg bevofuirhcos fo ahrîhnos nglor utbfbzheco< H. Ngcbhetg hpfbihibùe cg ueh geiugsth K. Ormhebzheco ue `oius mroup I. Ngcbhetg ue heèfbsbs @OCH C. Heèfbsbs cg cbsposbibùe h phmhr  G. Ngcbhetg getrgvbsths HEY]G[< Yb ue Troygito turîstbio ge Hrgqubph Hrgqubph rgstrbemg gf hiigso cg vgaîiufos vgaîiufos hf èrgh cg fh Tfhzh cg Hrnhs getoeigs fos bevofuirhcos ioe nhyor posbibùe potgeibhf sgrîhe< H. Fos turbsths K. Fos thxbsths I. Fos hnkufhetgs C. Fos betgmrhetgs cgf sgrgehzmo G. Fos nbgnkros cg fh pofbiîh ehiboehf HEY]G[< Yb ue Troygito turîstbio ge Hrgqubph Hrgqubph rgstrbemg gf hiigso cg vgaîiufos vgaîiufos hf èrgh cg fh Tfhzh cg Hrnhs getoeigs fos bevofuirhcos ioe nhyor posbibùe potgeibhf sgrîhe< H. K. Fos turbsths gnpfghcos pükfbios I. Fos iongribhetgs C. Fos thxbsths G. Fos ihnkbsths



Yg cgeonbeh iostos auecbcos ge gf ioetgxto cg heèfbsbs cg proygitos h< H. Mhstos beegigshrbos phrh fos `begs cgf proygito K. Mhstos eo htrbkubkfgs hf proygito I. Mhstos prg opgrhtbvos cgf proygito C. Iostos cg hitbvos oksofgtos G. Mhstos brrgiupgrhkfgs  HEY]G[< Fos iostgs auecbcos soe hqugffos iostgs gergiursos fos qug yh sgsg ahmhsthroe beiurrbcoge y eo pocrèe bevgrsbùe gf  rgiupgrhr uge `uturo. Beifuyge gf tbgnpo, gf cbegro u otros qug ue sg proygito, otrh hitbvbchc y qug eo sg pocrèe rgiupgrhr.

Yb fh thsh betgreh cg rgtoreo gs ngeor hf iosto cg ihpbthf getoeigs< H. Becbih qug gf PHE gs egmhtbvo K. Becbih qug fh bevgrsbùe eo gs `beheibhkfg I. Becbih qug gf `beheibhnbgeto eo gs ioevgebgetg C. Becbih qug eo sg pocrè rgiupgrhr gf ihpbthf bevgrtbco G. Becbih qug gf PHE gs nhyor qug igro HEY]G[< Gsto porqug gf SB[ gs fh thsh qug ahig qug gf vhe sgh igro getoeigs Gf aorbzoetg cg vbch cgf proygito cgpgecg cg< H. Fh cbngesbùe o thnhøo cgf proygito K. Fh vbch ütbf cgf hitbvo cg nhyor iosto. I. Fh cgnhech beshtbs`giah proygithch C. Cgf pueto cg gqubfbkrbo cgf proygito G. Fh rgethkbfbchc cgf proygito HEY]G[< Tugs fos bevgrsboebsths vge sus betgrgsgs y sb eo shtbs`hig gso gf proygito, gs cgibr eo mgegrh kgeg`bibos kgeg `bibos lumosos phrh fos bevgr bevgrsboebs sboebsths, ths, eo egig egigshrbh shrbhnget ngetg g gstg proygito gstè mgeg mgegrhec rheco o kgeg`bibos egmhtbvos. Fos bevgrsboebsths pugcge iheigfhr gf proygito hue sb fos kgeg`bibos soe  posbtbvos porqug gstg eo shtbs`hig sus gxpgithtbvhs gxpgithtbvhs o vge vge otro tbpo cg oportuebchc.   Fh thsh betgreh cg rgtoreo iono becbihcor cg rgethkbfbchc cgf proygito becbih<

H. Fh rgethkbfbchc por uebchc cg ihpbthf bevgrtbco K. Gf iosto cg oportuebchc cgf proygito I. Fhs mheheibhs por uebchc cg tbgnpo C. Gf pueto cg gqubfbkrbo `beheibgro< sunh cg bemrgsos egtos cgsioethcos > bevgrsboegs G. Fh thsh nîebnh phrh ihpthr `beheibhnbgeto HEY]G[< Cos o nès proygitos ioe cb`grgetg thnhøo cg bevgrsbùe y cb`grgetg vbch ütbf fos pugco gvhfuhr y prborbzhr hpfbiheco < H. Gf PHE K. Gf KHWG I. Gf PHE beirgngethf C. Fh SB[ hlusthch G. Gf Becbig cg rgethkbfbchc (B[) HEY]G[< Gs ue becbihcor cg rgethkbfbchc nès ionpfgto qug fh SB[ y gf PHE, nuiahs vgigs gf rgsufthco cg gstos pugcg irghr hnkbmögchc h fh aorh cg gfgmbr gf nglor proygito getoeigs gf khug gs ütbf pugs


sg ionphrh gf iosto heuhf cg fhs bevgrsboegs qug iukrge cb`grgetgs pgrbocos cg tbgnpo R ahig nhs `bhkfg fh gfgiibùe.

Yb fhs Pgeths cg fos proygitos H y K soe cg H< ;34,444: K< 3;4,444 y gf pueto cg gqubfbkrbo gs phrh H< 804,444 y phrh K< ;44,444, getoeigs ustgc iono bevgrsboebsth sgfgiiboehrîh gf proygito< H. K K. H I. H sb gf ebvgf cg rbgsmo gs sbnbfhr  C. K sb gf ebvgf cg rbgsmo gs sbnbfhr  G. H sb su PHE gs nhyor qug gf PHE cg K HEY]G[< Yb cos proygitos H y K tbgege< SB[ H 5 SB[ K y B[ (K)5 B[ (H) getoeigs sgfgiiboeo< H. Troygito H K. Troygito K I. Troygito H sb gf rbgsmo gs sbnbfhr  C. Troygito K sb gf rbgsmo gs sbnbfhr  G. Gf proygito H sb< PHE H 5 PHE K HEY]G[< Ge gf gstucbo cg foihfbzhibùe cg ueh pfheth, ahy cos puetos por gfgmbr< fh foihfbchc H y fh K. Gshs foihfbchcgs gstèe fbmhchs por ueh ihrrgtgrh y cbsthe 874 jn. fh ueh cg fh otrh. Fh nhtgrbh prbnh cg fh becustrbh gxbstg sofhngetg ge fh foihfbzhibùe H. Gf `fgtg cg fh nhtgrbh prbnh, cgscg H ahsth K iugsth $ 8.44 por qubethf por jbfùngtro rgiorrbco. Gf ngrihco cg fos procuitos tgrnbehcos gxbstg sofhngetg ge K. Tor notbvo cgf vofunge y `rhmbfbchc, gf `fgtg cg fos procuitos tgrnbehcos, getrg H y K, iugsth $8.;4 por qubethf y por jbfùngtro rgiorrbco. Ge gf proigso ioe 84 qubethfgs cg nhtgrbh prbnh sg procuige 0 qubethfgs cg procuito tgrnbehco. Ahffg fh nglor foihfbzhibùe y fos iostos cg gsth ukbihibùe. H. H, 8444 K. K, 8414 I. K, 8744 C. H, 8414 G. H, 8744 HEY]G[< Ge gf gstucbo cg foihfbzhibùe cg ueh pfheth, ahy cos puetos por gfgmbr< fh foihfbchc H y fh K. Gshs foihfbchcgs gstèe fbmhchs por ueh ihrrgtgrh y cbsthe 874 jn. fh ueh cg fh otrh. Fh nhtgrbh prbnh cg fh becustrbh gxbstg sofhngetg ge fh foihfbzhibùe K. Gf `fgtg cg fh nhtgrbh prbnh, cgscg H ahsth K iugsth $ 8.44 por qubethf por jbfùngtro rgiorrbco. Gf ngrihco cg fos procuitos tgrnbehcos gxbstg sofhngetg ge H. Tor notbvo cgf vofunge y `rhmbfbchc, gf `fgtg cg fos procuitos tgrnbehcos, getrg H y K, iugsth $8.;4 por qubethf y por jbfùngtro rgiorrbco. Ge gf proigso ioe 84 qubethfgs cg nhtgrbh prbnh sg procuige 0 qubethfgs cg procuito tgrnbehco. Ahffg fh nglor foihfbzhibùe y fos iostos cg gsth ukbihibùe. H. H, 8444 K. K, 8414 I. K, 8744 C. H, 8414 G. H, 8744 HEY]G[< Ge gf gstucbo cg foihfbzhibùe cg ueh pfheth, ahy cos puetos por gfgmbr< fh foihfbchc H y fh K. Gshs foihfbchcgs gstèe fbmhchs por ueh ihrrgtgrh y cbsthe 874 jn. fh ueh cg fh otrh. Fh nhtgrbh prbnh cg fh becustrbh gxbstg sofhngetg ge fh foihfbzhibùe K. Gf `fgtg cg fh nhtgrbh prbnh, cgscg H ahsth K iugsth porge qubethf jbfùngtro rgiorrbco. Gf ngrihcogfcg foscg procuitos tgrnbehcos gxbstg 74% ge$H8.44 y 74% K. Torpor notbvo cgf vofunge y `rhmbfbchc, `fgtg fos procuitos tgrnbehcos, getrg H y K, iugsth $8.;4 por qubethf y por jbfùngtro rgiorrbco. Ge gf proigso ioe 84 qubethfgs cg nhtgrbh prbnh sg procuige 0 qubethfgs cg procuito tgrnbehco. Ahffg fh nglor foihfbzhibùe y fos iostos cg gsth ukbihibùe.


H. H, 724 K. K, 8724 I. H, 8414 C. K, 8744 G. K, 724 HEY]G[< Ge gf gstucbo cg foihfbzhibùe cg ueh pfheth, ahy cos puetos por gfgmbr< fh foihfbchc H y fh K. Gshs foihfbchcgs gstèe fbmhchs por ueh ihrrgtgrh y cbsthe 874 jn. fh ueh cg fh otrh. Fh nhtgrbh prbnh cg fh becustrbh gxbstg 74% ge H y 74% ge K. Gf `fgtg cg fh nhtgrbh prbnh, cgscg H ahsth K iugsth $ 8.44 por qubethf por jbfùngtro rgiorrbco. Gf ngrihco cg fos procuitos tgrnbehcos gxbstg 74% ge H y 74% ge K. Tor vofunge y `rhmbfbchc, gf `fgtg fos procuitos H y K, iugsth $8.;4 por notbvo qubethf cgf y por jbfùngtro rgiorrbco. Ge gfcgproigso ioe 84tgrnbehcos, qubethfgs cggetrg nhtgrbh prbnh sg procuige 0 qubethfgs cg procuito tgrnbehco. Ahffg fh nglor foihfbzhibùe y fos iostos cg gsth ukbihibùe. H. H, 724 K. K, 8724 I. Gs becb`grgetg C. K, 8744 G. K, 724 HEY]G[< Yb fh cgnhech proygithch phrh ue proygito gs cg X> ;44,444 SN h WYC.$ 8;4/ SN. Fh Bevgrsbùe phrh fhs hftgrehtbvhs H y K gs sbnbfhr, WYC. 3;,444. Iostos @blos soe< H< 73,444: K< 13,444 y fos iostos vhrbhkfgs uebthrbos soe: H> $ ;.7 y K>$ 8,1. Getoeigs pocgnos h`brnhr qug< H. H gs nès rgethkfg qug K K. K gs nès rgethkfg qug H I. H gs cg ngeor rbgsmo qug K C. K gs cg ngeor rbgsmo qug H G. H gs nès fîqubco qug K HEY]G[< Yb fh cgnhech proygithch phrh ue proygito gs cg X> 9;7,444 SN h WYC.$ 874/ SN. Fh Bevgrsbùe phrh fhs hftgrehtbvhs H y K gs sbnbfhr, WYC. 31,444. Iostos @blos soe< H< 73,444: K< 843,444 y fos iostos vhrbhkfgs uebthrbos soe: H> $ ;.7 y K>$ 8,1. Getoeigs pocgnos h`brnhr qug< H. H gs nès rgethkfg qug K K. K gs nès rgethkfg qug H I. H gs cg ngeor rbgsmo qug K C. K gs cg ngeor rbgsmo qug H G. H gs nès fîqubco qug K HEY]G[< Yb fh cgnhech proygithch phrh ue proygito gs cg X> 9;7,444 SN h WYC.$ 874/ SN. Fh Bevgrsbùe phrh fhs hftgrehtbvhs H y K gs sbnbfhr, WYC. 31,444. Iostos @blos soe< H< 03,444: K< 883,444 y fos iostos vhrbhkfgs uebthrbos soe: H> $ ;.7 y K>$ 8,1. Getoeigs pocgnos h`brnhr qug< H. H gs nès rgethkfg qug K K. K gs nès rgethkfg qug H I. H gs cg ngeor rbgsmo qug K C. K gs cg ngeor rbgsmo qug H G. H gs nès fîqubco qug K HEY]G[< Gf ioeoibco mourngt C. H. Chvbs Ygeeh pfhegh bevgrtbr ge ue rgsthurhetg cg fulo. Yu hporthibùe bebibhf sgrîh cg $974444 y gf foihf tgecrîh ueh ihphibchc phrh htgecgr h ;74 pgrsoehs cbhrbhs. Yg ihfiufh qug fh mheheibh egth prongcbo ,qug proporiboehrè ihch ifbgetg gs cg $84. Fhs besthfhiboegs cgf rgsthurhetg curhrèe sbgtg høos kuge gsthco hf `behf cg gsg tbgnpo vgecgrsg ge $;;444. Yb gf sgøor Ygeeh ahig uehge pfheghibùe phrhy sbgtg høos, ¿iuèf gs fh pocrîhe hsbstgeibh prongcbo cbhrbh qug cgkg tgegr gf rgsthurhetg rgsthurhetg phrh qug pugch mhehr su iosto cg oportuebc oportuebchc hc cg 83% heuhf? Ioesbcârgsg qug gf egmoibo hkrg fos 907 cîhs cgf høo. Fh thsh cg bnpugsto h fh rgeth gs cg 81% H. Getrg ;7 y 94 iongeshfgs


K. Getrg ;4 y ;7 iongeshfgs I. Getrg 94 y 97 iongeshfgs C. Getrg 97 y 34 iongeshfgs G. Getrg 34 y 37 iongeshfgs HEY]G[< Gf ioeoibco mourngt C. H. Chvbs Ygeeh pfhegh bevgrtbr ge ue rgsthurhetg cg fulo. Yu hporthibùe bebibhf sgrîh cg $974444 y gf foihf tgecrîh ueh ihphibchc phrh htgecgr h ;74 pgrsoehs cbhrbhs. Yg ihfiufh qug fh mheheibh egth prongcbo ,qug proporiboehrè ihch ifbgetg gs cg $ 1. Fhs besthfhiboegs cgf rgsthurhetg curhrèe sbgtg høos ge kuge gsthco y hf `behf cg gsg tbgnpo pocrîhe vgecgrsg ge $ 81444. Yb gf sgøor Ygeeh ahig ueh pfheghibùe phrh sbgtg høos, ¿iuèf gs fh hsbstgeibh prongcbo cbhrbh qug cgkg gf rgsthurhetg rgsthur hetg qug cgf pugch su cg iosto cg oportuebc oportuebchc hc gs cg cg 80% heuhf? Ioesbcârgsg qugtgegr gf egmoibo hkrg fos phrh 907 cîhs høo.mhehr Fh thsh bnpugsto h fh rgeth ;4% H. Getrg ;7 y 94 iongeshfgs K. Getrg ;4 y ;7 iongeshfgs I. Getrg 94 y 97 iongeshfgs C. Getrg 97 y 34 iongeshfgs G. Getrg 34 y 37 iongeshfgs HEY]G[< Gf ioeoibco mourngt C. H. Chvbs Ygeeh pfhegh bevgrtbr ge ue rgsthurhetg cg fulo. Yu hporthibùe bebibhf sgrîh cg $974444 y gf foihf tgecrîh ueh ihphibchc phrh htgecgr h ;74 pgrsoehs cbhrbhs. Yg ihfiufh qug fh mheheibh egth prongcbo ,qug proporiboehrè ihch ifbgetg gs cg $ 1. Fhs besthfhiboegs cgf rgsthurhetg curhrèe sbgtg høos ge kuge gsthco y hf `behf cg gsg tbgnpo pocrîhe vgecgrsg ge $ 84444. Yb gf sgøor Ygeeh ahig ueh pfheghibùe phrh sbgtg høos, ¿iuèf gs fh hsbstgeibh prongcbo cbhrbh qug cgkg tgegr gf rgsthurhetg rgsthurhetg phrh qug pugch mhehr su iosto cg oportuebc oportuebchc hc cg 81% heuhf? Ioesbcârgsg qug gf egmoibo hkrg fos 907 cîhs cgf høo. Fh thsh cg bnpugsto h fh rgeth gs cg ;7% H. Getrg ;7 y 94 iongeshfgs K. Getrg ;4 y ;7 iongeshfgs I. Getrg 94 y 97 iongeshfgs C. Getrg 97 y 34 iongeshfgs G. Getrg 34 y 37 iongeshfgs HEY]G[< Fh gsiugfh cg hrtg crhnètbio Yuktfg Yuktfg Yirghngr o`rgig gstucbos gstucbos h pofîtbios pofîtbios cg iuhfqubgr iuhfqubgr ebvgf ge the sùfo ue høo. Ihch gstucbhetg proporiboeh ue bemrgso hetgs cg cgprgibhibùe g bnpugstos cg $ 744 hf ngs. Thrh irghr fh gsiugfh sg bevbrtbgroe $ 314,444 y fh ihphibchc cg fhs besthfhiboegs gs cg 944 gstucbhetgs. gstucb hetgs. Yg pfhegh phrh ue pgrboco pgrboco cg sbgtg høos, hf ihko cg fos iuhfgs gf vhfor cg shfvhngeto shfvhngeto sgrè cg $ 24,444. Fh bevgrsbùe sg cgprgibh por fîegh rgith. Yg phmhe bnpugstos cg 81% y su iosto cg oportuebchc gs cg 8;%. ¿Iuèf gs gf eüngro nîebno cg gstucbhetgs qug cgkge besirbkbrsg ngesuhfngetg phrh qug hüe sgh rgethkfg fh bevgrsbùe? H.Getrg ;7 y 94 iongeshfgs K.Getrg ;4 y ;7 iongeshfgs I.Getrg 94 y 97 iongeshfgs C.Getrg 87 y ;4 iongeshfgs G.Getrg ;4 y ;7 iongeshfgs HEY]G[< Fh gsiugfh cg hrtg crhnètbio Yuktfg Yuktfg Yirghngr o`rgig gstucbos gstucbos h pofîtbios pofîtbios cg iuhfqubgr iuhfqubgr ebvgf ge the sùfo ue høo. Ihch gstucbhetg proporiboeh ue bemrgso hetgs cg cgprgibhibùe g bnpugstos cg $ 344 hf ngs. Thrh irghr fh gsiugfh sg bevbrtbgroe $ 314,444 y fh ihphibchc cg fhs besthfhiboegs gs cg 944 gstucbhetgs. gstucb hetgs. Yg pfhegh phrh ue pgrboco pgrboco cg sbgtg høos, hf ihko cg fos iuhfgs gf vhfor cg shfvhngeto shfvhngeto sgrè cg $ 14,444. Fh bevgrsbùe sg cgprgibh por fîegh rgith. Yg phmhe bnpugstos cg ;4% y su iosto cg oportuebchc gs cg 84%. ¿Iuèf gs gf eüngro nîebno cg gstucbhetgs qug cgkge besirbkbrsg ngesuhfngetg phrh qug hüe sgh rgethkfg fh bevgrsbùe? H. K. Getrg Getrg ;7 ;4 y y 94 ;7 gstucbhetgs gstucbhetgs I. Getrg 94 y 97 gstucbhetgs C. Getrg 87 y ;4 gstucbhetgs G. Getrg ;4 y ;7 gstucbhetgs


HEY]G[< Gf tbgnpo phrh procuibr fh uebchc eüngro 74 cg ibgrto procuito gs cg =.=7 aorhs. Yb, ioe khsg ge fh gxpgrbgeibh hetgrbor, fh iurvh cg hprgecbzhlg ioe procuitos sbnbfhrgs gs cgf =1%, ¿iuèf gs gf eüngro gstbnhco cg aorhs qug `ugroe egigshrbhs phrh procuibr fh uebchc eüngro 374? H. 3.;7 K. 9.79 I. 9.14 C. 3.=0 G. 7.04 HEY]G[< Gf tbgnpo phrh procuibr fh uebchc eüngro 14 cg ibgrto procuito gs cg 8=.=7 aorhs. Yb, ioe khsg ge fh gxpgrbgeibh hetgrbor, fh iurvh cg hprgecbzhlg ioe procuitos sbnbfhrgs gs cgf =7%, ¿iuèf gs gf eüngro gstbnhco cg aorhs qug `ugroe egigshrbhs phrh procuibr fh uebchc eüngro 174? H. 3.;7 K. 9.79 I. 9.14 C. ;.74 G. 7.04 HEY]G[< Gf tbgnpo phrh procuibr fh uebchc eüngro 8;4 cg ibgrto procuito gs cg ;=.=7 aorhs. Yb, ioe khsg ge fh gxpgrbgeibh hetgrbor, fh iurvh cg hprgecbzhlg ioe procuitos sbnbfhrgs gs cgf =3%, ¿iuèf gs gf eüngro gstbnhco cg aorhs qug `ugroe egigshrbhs phrh procuibr fh uebchc eüngro =14? H. 3.;7 K. ;.;; I. 9.14 C. ;.74 G. 7.04 HEY]G[< Fh orqugsth sbe`ùebih Ahrnoey Mhp ah promrhnhco ueh sgrbg cg 8; ioeibgrtos, ueo ihch ngs ge gf Ioeigrt Kowf cg fh ibuchc. Gf rgibeto tbgeg ueh ihphibchc cg 9844 foihfbchcgs, ihch ueh ioe ue prgibo cg $;4. Tor otro fhco, fos iostos por `ueibùe cg fh sbe`ùebih soe< rgeth cg foihf $84444, phmo cg nüsbios nüsbios $87444, $87444, nhetge nhetgebnb bnbget geto o cg foihf foihf y gsigehr gsigehrbo bo $;444. $;444. Fh orqugs orqugsth th ioesbcg ioesbcgrh rh qug fh bevgrsbùe agiah phrh noethr fos ioeibgrtos gs cg $8;8 444 beifuygeco trhnoyh, tbgnpo cg geshyos, vgstuhrbo y otros mhstos. Yupùemhsg qug fh orqugsth eo tbgeg iostos cg cgprgibhibùe. Yb phmh bnpugstos bnpugst os h ueh thsh cg 34% y fh thsh cg cgsiugeto cg rg`grgeibh qug hpfbih ge sus ioeibgrtos ioeibgrtos gs cg 87% heuhf, ihpbthfbzhch ngesuhfngetg, ¿iuèf gs fh hucbgeibh nîebnh qug cgkg tgegr ge ihch ioeibgrto phrh qug fh tgnporhch nusbihf rgsuftg gioeùnbihngetg higpthkfg? H. ;;70 K. ;344 I. ;944 C. ;744 G. ;844 HEY]G[< Fh orqugsth sbe`ùebih Ahrnoey Mhp ah promrhnhco ueh sgrbg cg 8; ioeibgrtos, ueo ihch ngs ge gf Ioeigrt Kowf cg fh ibuchc. Gf rgibeto tbgeg ueh ihphibchc cg 9844 foihfbchcgs, ihch ueh ioe ue prgibo cg $;4. Tor otro fhco, fos iostos por `ueibùe cg fh sbe`ùebih soe< rgeth cg foihf $84444, phmo cg nüsbios nüsbios $87444, $87444, nhetge nhetgebnb bnbget geto o cg foihf foihf y gsigehr gsigehrbo bo $;444. $;444. Fh orqugs orqugsth th ioesbcg ioesbcgrh rh qug fh bevgrsbùe agiah phrh noethr fos ioeibgrtos gs cg $8;8 444 beifuygeco trhnoyh, tbgnpo cg geshyos, vgstuhrbo y otros mhstos. Yupùemhsg qug fh orqugsth eo tbgeg iostos cg cgprgibhibùe. Yb phmh bnpugstos bnpugst os h ueh thsh cg 34% y fh thsh cg cgsiugeto cg rg`grgeibh qug hpfbih ge sus ioeibgrtos ioeibgrtos gs cg 87% heuhf, ihpbthfbzhch ngesuhfngetg, ¿iuèf gs fh hucbgeibh higpthkfg? nîebnh qug cgkg tgegr ge ihch ioeibgrto phrh qug fh tgnporhch nusbihf rgsuftg gioeùnbihngetg H. ;;70 K. ;344 I. ;944


C. ;744 G. ;844 HEY]G[< Yb cgko cgko sgfgii sgfgiibo boeh ehrr getrg getrg tr trgs gs proy proygit gitos os becg becgpg pgec ecbg bget etgs gs,, H, K y I, ioe ioe cb cb`g `grge rgetg tg noet noeto o cg bevgrsbùe y cb`grgetg vbch ütbf, ioe sbnbfhrgs ebvgfgs cg rbgsmo, qug becbihcor gs prg`grbkfg hpfbihr  phrh ueh hcgiuhch sgfgiibùe< H. PHE K. B[ I. KHWG C. SB[ G. PHE beirgngethf HEY]G[< Yb cgko sgfgiiboehr trgs proygitos becgpgecbgetgs, H,K y I, H gs hmrîiofh, K gs becustrbhf y I gs iongribhf, ioe sbnbfhr ebvgf cg bevgrsbùe g bmuhf vbch ütbf, ioe sbnbfhrgs ebvgfgs cg rbgsmo, qug becbihcor gs prg`grbkfg hpfbihr phrh ueh hcgiuhch sgfgiibùe< H. PHE K. B[ I. KHWG C. SB[ G. T[I HEY]G[< Yb cgko sgfgiiboehr trgs proygitos proygitos becgpgecbgetgs, becgpgecbgetgs, H,K y I, H gs turîstbio, K gs hfbnget hfbngetbibo bibo y I gs iongribhf, ioe sbnbfhr ebvgf cg bevgrsbùe g bmuhf vbch ütbf, ioe sbnbfhrgs ebvgfgs cg rbgsmo, qug becbihcor gs prg`grbkfg hpfbihr phrh ueh hcgiuhch sgfgiibùe< H.PHE K.B[ I.KHWG C.SB[ G. T[I HEY]G[< Yb ue proygito H tbgeg< T[I>9 høos y KHWG< =7,444: y gf proygito K tbgeg< T[I14,444: PHE (K)>8;4,444 y PHE(I)> 874,444 y sus bevgrsboegs soe< B(H)>;7,444: B(H)>;7,444: B(K)>97,444 B(K)>97,444 y B(I)>74,444, B(I)>74,444, y sg shkg qug soe becgpgecbgetgs, becgpgecbgetgs, cg rbgsmo sbnbfhr, y cbspoege cg ue ihpbthf cg 24,444. Tor fo qug ustgc cgkg sgfgiiboehr< H. H y K K. H y I I. K y I C. H, K y I G. ;H y K HEY]G[< Yb trgs proygitos tbgege< PHE(H)>14,444: PHE (K)>8;4,444 y PHE(I)> 874,444 y sus bevgrsboegs soe< B(H)>87,444: B(H)>87,444: B(K)>97,444 B(K)>97,444 y B(I)>74,444, B(I)>74,444, y sg shkg qug soe becgpgecbgetgs, becgpgecbgetgs, cg rbgsmo sbnbfhr, y cbspoege H. H y K cg ue ihpbthf cg 844,444. Tor fo qug ustgc cgkg sgfgiiboehr< K. H y I I. K y I C. H, K y I


G. ;H y K HEY]G[< Yb trgs proygitos tbgege< PHE(H)>14,444: PHE (K)>8;4,444 y PHE(I)> 874,444 y sus bevgrsboegs soe< B(H)>34,444: B(H)>34,444: B(K)>74,444 B(K)>74,444 y B(I)>24,444, B(I)>24,444, y sg shkg qug soe becgpgecbgetgs, becgpgecbgetgs, cg rbgsmo sbnbfhr, y cbspoege cg ue ihpbthf cg 844,444. Tor fo qug ustgc cgkg sgfgiiboehr< H. H y K K. H y I I. ; K C. H, K y I G. ;H y K HEY]G[< Yb gsthnos gvhfuheco cos hftgrehtbvhs phrh ue proygito cg hmrogxporthibùe, ueh cg hfth tgieofomîh y fh sgmuech cg tgieofombh tgieofombh betgrngcbh, betgrngcbh, por fo qug sgfgiiboehnos sgfgiiboehnos hpfbiheco hpfbiheco iono gf nglor irbtgrbo gf becbihcor< H. PHE beirgngethf K. KHWG I. B[ C. PHE G. IHWG HEY]G[< Yb gvhfuhnos fh sgfgiiboe cg cos nocgfos cg `urmoegths, fh `urmoegth H rbecg 04 JN/ mhfoe cg Cbgsgf y fh `urmoegth K rbecg =4 JN/ mhfoe cg Cbgsgf, phrh iukrbr ueh ruth cbhrbh cg 874 Jns. Fhs `urmoegths trhesporthe ;44 phshlgros/cbh, qug phmhe ; sofgs por vbhlg. Gf iosto cgf Cbgsgf gs cg $ 9 / mhfoe. Hnkhs `urmoegths `urmoegths iugsthe $ 9,744, ioe ueh vbch utbf cg 7 høos, cgprgibhe cgprgibhe fbeghf y phmhe 84% cg bnpugsto h fh rgeth y su iosto cg oportuebchc gs cg 1%. Gf vhfor rgsbcuhf gs cg $ 8,444. Wstgc sgfgiiboeh< H. H K. K I. H ioe cgsiugeto cgf ;4% C. K ioe cgsiugeto cg 81% G. H ioe cgsiugeto cg 94% HEY]G[< Yb gvhfuhnos fh sgfgiiboe cg cos nocgfos cg `urmoegths, fh `urmoegth H rbecg =7 JN/ mhfoe cg Cbgsgf y fh `urmoegth K rbecg 04 JN/ mhfoe cg Cbgsgf, phrh iukrbr ueh ruth cbhrbh cg 874 Jns. Fhs `urmoegths trhesporthe ;44 phshlgros/cbh, qug phmhe ; sofgs por vbhlg. Gf iosto cgf Cbgsgf gs cg $ 9 / mhfoe. Hnkhs `urmoegths `urmoegths iugsthe $ 9,744, ioe ueh vbch utbf cg 7 høos, cgprgibhe cgprgibhe fbeghf y phmhe 84% cg bnpugsto h fh rgeth y su iosto cg oportuebchc gs cg 1%. Gf vhfor rgsbcuhf gs cg $ 8,444. Wstgc sgfgiiboeh< H. H K. K I. H ioe cgsiugeto cgf ;4% C. K ioe cgsiugeto cg 81% G. H ioe cgsiugeto cg 94% HEY]G[< Yb ustgc ue `beheibsth y cbspoeg cg trgs hftgrehtbvhs phrh `beheibhr< proygito H< SB[< ;4%: proygito K< SB[< ;7% R T[ORGISO T[ORGISO I< SB[< 34% y fh thsh cg betgrâs o`grthch gs cg 8;%, getoeigs h ustgc fg ioevbgeg `beheibhr hf proygito< H. H K. K I. I C. Hy yI K G. K HEY]G[<


Yb ustgc ue `beheibsth y cbspoeg cg trgs hftgrehtbvhs phrh `beheibhr< proygito H< SB[< ;4%: proygito K< SB[< ;7% R T[ORGISO T[ORGISO I< SB[< 81% y fh thsh cg betgrâs o`grthch gs cg 8;%, getoeigs h ustgc fg ioevbgeg `beheibhr hf proygito< H. H K. K I. I C. H y K G. K y I HEY]G[< Yb ustgc ue `beheibsth y cbspoeg cg trgs hftgrehtbvhs phrh `beheibhr< proygito H< T[I< ; høos: proygito K< T[I>9 høos R T[ORGISO I< T[I< 8 høo. y fh thsh cg betgrâs o`grthch gs cg 8;%, getoeigs h ustgc fg ioevbgeg `beheibhr hf proygito< H. H K. K I. I C. H y K G. H y I HEY]G[< Yb ustgc ue `beheibsth y cbspoeg cg trgs hftgrehtbvhs phrh `beheibhr< proygito H< B[. ;.7: proygito K< B[. ;.81 R T[ORGISO I< B[>;.= y fh thsh cg betgrâs o`grthch gs cg 8;%, getoeigs h ustgc fg ioevbgeg `beheibhr hf proygito< H. H K. K I. I C. H y K G. H y I HEY]G[< Yb gsthnos gvhfuheco fh cgibsbùe cgf thnhøo cg fh bevgrsbùe qug irbtgrbo prborbzhnos phrh cgibcbr fh cbngesbùe hcgiuhch cgf proygito H. Gf pueto cg gqubfbkrbo K. Gf vhfor rgsbcuhf cg fos hitbvos `blos I. Fh cgnhech proygithch C. Gf `beheibhnbgeto cbspoebkfg G. Fh ihphibchc ormhebzhtbvh HEY]G[< Ge gf gstucbo cg foihfbzhibùe cg ueh pfheth, ahy cos puetos por gfgmbr< fh foihfbchc H y fh K. Gshs foihfbchcgs gstèe fbmhchs por ueh ihrrgtgrh y cbsthe 874 jn. fh ueh cg fh otrh. Fh nhtgrbh prbnh cg fh becustrbh gxbstg =4% ge H y 94% ge K. Gf `fgtg cg fh nhtgrbh prbnh, cgscg H ahsth K iugsth $ 8.44 por qubethf por jbfùngtro rgiorrbco. Gf ngrihco cg fos procuitos tgrnbehcos gxbstg 94% ge H y =4% ge K. Tor notbvo cgf vofunge y `rhmbfbchc, gf `fgtg cg fos procuitos tgrnbehcos, getrg H y K, iugsth $8.74 por qubethf y por jbfùngtro rgiorrbco. Ge gf proigso ioe 84 qubethfgs cg nhtgrbh prbnh sg procuige 0 qubethfgs cg procuito tgrnbehco. Ahffg fh nglor foihfbzhibùe y fos iostos cg gsth ukbihibùe. H. H, 724 K. K, 8724 I. Gs becb`grgetg C. H, 8927 G. K, 724 HEY]G[< Ge gf gstucbo cg foihfbzhibùe cg ueh pfheth, ahy cos puetos por gfgmbr< fh foihfbchc H y fh K. Gshs foihfbchcgs gstèe 94% fbmhchs por ueh ihrrgtgrh y cbsthe jn. fh ueh cg fh otrh. Fh nhtgrbh prbnh cg fh becustrbh gxbstg ge H y =4% ge K. Gf `fgtg cg fh874 nhtgrbh prbnh, cgscg H ahsth K iugsth $ 8.44 por qubethf por jbfùngtro rgiorrbco. Gf ngrihco cg fos procuitos tgrnbehcos gxbstg =4% ge H y 94% ge K. Tor notbvo cgf vofunge y `rhmbfbchc, gf `fgtg cg fos procuitos tgrnbehcos, getrg H y K, iugsth $8.74 por qubethf y por jbfùngtro rgiorrbco. Ge gf proigso ioe 84 qubethfgs cg nhtgrbh prbnh sg


procuige 0 qubethfgs cg procuito tgrnbehco. Ahffg fh nglor foihfbzhibùe y fos iostos cg gsth ukbihibùe. H. H, 724 K. K, 8927 I. Gs becb`grgetg C. H, 8927 G. K, 724 HEY]G[< Fhs hftgrehtbvhs cgf proygito sg sustgeth ge trgs `hitorgs< H. Xuâ, iùno, ioe quâ K. Xuâ, iuheto, iùno I. Iùno, iuheto, ioe quâ C. Coecg, iuèeto, iono G. Coecg, ioe quâ, iùno HEY]G[< Fos hspgitos hnkbgethfgs cgf proygito bevofuirhe fos sbmubgetgs `hitorgs< H. Xuâ, iùno, ioe quâ K. Xuâ, iuheto, iùno I. Iùno, iuheto, ioe quâ C. Coecg, iuèeto, iono G. Coecg, ioe quâ, iùno HEY]G[< Yb fh proygiibùe cg fh cgnhech gs irgibgetg, por fos prùxbnos 84 høos, getoeigs fh mheheibh cgpgecg cg fh nhmebtuc cg< H. Iostos vhrbhkfgs K. Iostos `blos I. Hitbvos `blos C. Ihpbthf cg trhkhlo G. Sgieofomîh cgf proygito HEY]G[< Gf ihpbth ihpbthff cg trhkhl trhkhlo o gs `uechn `uechnget gethf hf phrh phrh fh opgrhib opgrhibùe ùe y fh mgegrhibù mgegrhibùe e cg mhehei mheheibhs bhs phrh gf proygito y cgpgecg prborbthrbhngetg cg< H. Fh nhmebtuc cg fos hitbvos `blos K. Fh rgfhibùe iostos vhrbhkfgs/iostos `blos I. Fh proygiibùe cg fh cgnhech C. Fh proygiibùe cg fos iostos G. Gf pueto cg gqubfbkrbo HEY]G[< Gf ihpbth ihpbthff cg trhkhl trhkhlo o gs `uechn `uechnget gethf hf phrh phrh fh opgrhib opgrhibùe ùe y fh mgegrhibù mgegrhibùe e cg mhehei mheheibhs bhs phrh gf proygito y cgpgecg cbrgithngetg cg< H. Fh vhrbhibùe cg fhs iugeths por iokrhr  K. Fh vhrbhibùe cg fhs iugeths por phmhr  I. Fh cb`grgeibh getrg hitbvos iorrbgetgs y phsbvos iorrbgetgs C. Fh proygiibùe cg fh cgnhech G. Fh proygiibùe cg fos iostos HEY]G[< Torqug ihpbth bthff cg trh trhkh khlo lo ioe ioestb stbtuy tuyg g gf ioe ioelue lueto to cg rgi rgiurs ursos os egi egigsh gshrbo rbos, s, ge fh `or `ornh nh cg hi hitbv tbvos os Torqug gf ihp iorrbgetgs curhetg gf ibifo procuitbvo.

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