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FYJT Vol 4: The Vicissitudes – Chapter 1 Part A OCT 2 Posted by mnemeaa

Warning: no beta, however, when Sakura beta I’ll put the link to her website.

Chapter 1 Part I Feng Ming leaved the room. Instantly fresh breezes caressing his hair as he immersed into an vast seabed of flowers.

Miao Guang laughed loudly when she saw the surprise looks on Feng Ming, “Brother King have high regard for Duke Ming. Xuan Ya, a beautiful private property for Li Royal Families to be resided and never before had an outsider to spend an overnight here. Yet now Duke Ming could be seen as partial owner of this place.”

Feng Ming said coldly, “I think this is something of a stone that killing two birds of Ruo Yan. It used to hide the news of my abduction and as precaution in case I ran away.”

Miao Guang giggled likes a branch of flowers quivered; she seems to implicitly acknowledge that his deduction was correct.

Since it was Xuan Ya so there would be no retreat pathway that is there only one-way upward, therefore no guards were requiring to follow them. The two of them one after another strode slowly to cliff edge and here the wind blowing so strong that it made the sleeves bulged.

“Gorgeous.” Feng Ming looked far into the distance as eyes could sees. There was a great vast plain; the city and urban area were within sight, a river shape like a belt twisting at the foot of the cliff mountain. He sighed and eyes wandered and searching for something.

Miao Guang extremely sensitive to his feeling as she stretched her hand forward and said “Duke Ming, Xi-Rei is over there.”

Feng Ming gazed in the direction that she was pointed, a region of a very long range mountains touched blue sky, and in that place he saw grasses and branches of Xi-Rei. Suddenly he remembered that they are now separate by thousands of miles and he did not know how he could get back, thus his face shown sadness.

“Xi-Rei King currently… should be in Bo Jian. Bo Jian location is over there.” Miao Guang navigated her pearl ivory hand to wave in midair.

Feng Ming heard mockery in her words, annoyed, thus ignored her and turned back to the room. Miao Guang was happy but upon saw Feng Ming changes oddly so she hastily followed him as she stuck out her tongue.

“Duke Ming, are you alright?” Miao Guang quickly ran and caught up a few seconds later, she become frustrated as she gripped Feng Ming’s sleeve, “No one dares to ignore me and not worry about my temper, if you’re disregard me again, I will make sure you’ll regret it.”

Feng Ming continued to brush her off but he saw her fortitude effort, though her words were vicious but her bright eyes were adorable. It was unreasonable of him as a man to be angry with a girl, it was a bad form of manner so he tones down lightly, “Your Highness let go of my hand, Feng Ming is a prisoner, do not dare to talk to you.”

“I want to talk to you even more.” Although Miao Guang was not beautiful, she still has the inner grace born of noble disposition, following him and thrown tantrums which appeared quite charming.

Feng Ming stared at her for a moment, calculated inside but remains expressionless, he acted contemplation before quietly asked her, “Why have you always deceived and harms me?”

“Who told you not to follow me to Li Kingdom?” Miao Guang eloquent argued, raising her head up and said, “There is nothing in Li Kingdom that could not be compared with Xi-Rei.”

Feng Ming knew it would be pointless to argued with an unreasonable Miao Guang who was no doubt much more daunting in this area than Ruo Yan, he did not bother to counteract the argument and he waves the hand away and said, “Okay, fine, Li Kingdom is formidable. Ump, you want to talk to me, but what topic to discuss?”

“Whatever Duke Ming choose is fine.” Miao Guang’s eyes glowed as it stirred and reliving the wonderful times of their early days together, “Like what Duke Ming had told me before, I rather betraying the other in the world than allow the other in the world to betray me. Phrases like that, I want to hear more from you.”

Feng Ming stunned, he never thought those words would made an impact on Miao Guang that she has instilled it inside her, dryly coughed and shook his head, “The story of that country is very boring, why don’t I tell you a funnier story, Your Highness.”

Miao Guang nodded passionately, “Yes please, I really like listen to Feng Ming’s funny stories.”

Feng Ming looked around, selected a rock shelters from the wind, he took Miao Guang’s hand and they sat down.

“Today I will tell Your Highness about a story of a Queen. There is a country called United Kingdom, and the Queen of the nation was extremely capable.”

“United Kingdom? Why had I never heard of this nation?”

“The country is very far away, it is not unusual that Your Highness never heard of the place. The Queen inherited the kingdom at a very young age and had implemented many political reforms…”

The story of Queen Elizabeth flowed out from his mouth seems to be endlessly.

Miao Guang was completely absorbed into Feng Ming storytelling, the two people sat under the rock shelter one person spoken and another listen. They were engrossed attentive over the story that by dinner time the guard had came to search for them and together they were retired back to the room.

When they were entered inside the room Miao Guang was dryly coughing.

“Caught a cold?” Feng Ming had storytelling all day that his attitude toward Miao Guang has become much gentler, “It was too windy, and we should have had came back sooner.”

“No problem. I still want to hear even if you were to continue the story till tomorrow.”Miao Guang cheerful said and smiles sweetly at Feng Ming.

The dinner was very luxurious, but Feng Ming had only half of a bowl before abandoned his chopsticks on one side.

Miao Guang saw the contour lines on Feng Ming’s face was undernourishment, pursed her lips said, “Duke Ming should eat a little more.”

“I’m already full.”

“No way, if Duke Ming gets any skinnier, Brother King certainly shall reprimand Miao Guang.”

There was a deep voice suddenly rang out from behind, “Who dare to reprimand my little sister?”

Feng Ming shocked and swung around to see Ruo Yan who had disappeared for the last few days, now stood right behind them and he no idea how long the other man had stood there.

Miao Guang happily exclaimed aloud, stood up and salutes “Brother King is back!”

“Yes.” Ruo Yan briefly smiles at Miao Guang and nodded, his eyes shifted, immediately touched on starting pale face of Feng Ming.

Miao Guang was alerted and looking at them, she perceptively handover the scroll, “The Art of War that Duke Ming has written for these last few days. Please excuse Miao Guang for departing early.” She graceful saluted and gone.

When she leaved the room the maidservants also started withdrawn to outside, even though the room is large, in a short time there only Feng Ming and Ruo Yan were remaining.

The stagnant atmosphere increasingly weighed down further, Feng Ming caught by the strong eyes gazed of Ruo Yan, feels uncomfortable, he cannot help but retreating slightly.

If he had not moved back then Ruo Yan instinct immediately would not rushed forward, in every action there is a reaction. Like a beast hunting a prey, rushed soundlessly and surrounded Feng Ming, he gently lifted his chin and laughed “Duke Ming have been lost some weight.” His fingertips were caressing the white pearl glossy cheeks.

Feng Ming feels awkward and scared, jabbered “Plead…Plead King Li to be self-respect, The Art of War I had already written as agreement.”

“The Art of War could wait till later.” Ruo Yan deep and husky voice had sent a foreboding of danger, Ruo Yan onyx eyes like abysmal black hole, making anyone would trembles under them, “Yes, let me take a look at my Duke Ming.”

‘Geez! Who is your Duke Ming?’ he swore inside, but of course did not dare say out loud, he glared at Ruo Yan hateful, and turned away.

Ruo Yan probed gently at the arrogant and timid handsome face of Feng Ming, he given into a fit of laughter, and asked suddenly “Ruo Yan had not appeared for the last few days, are Duke Ming so indifferent to where I had gone?”

Feng Ming perceived the question was odd; Feng Ming’s heart gripped cold “Have you being away from Li Kingdom?”

“Not bad Duke Ming, please continue.” Ruo Yan satisfied.

“Gone to Xi-Rei?” Feng Ming contemplated, slowly shaken his head, “Xi-Rei route is too far, so impossible in taken for several days to returned, perhaps Bo Jian?”

Ruo Yan busted into hearty laughter, his admiration filled deepen in the eyes, nodded continue “Duke Ming is very good. How about guessing what I had done in Bo Jian? “

Feng Ming was deep in thought, suddenly shaken with shock; head look up and rolled his eyes “You …”

“Xi-Rei King quietly leaving his country, why should I not taken this opportunity and retaliated for once, makes him badly battered and being too busy to search for Duke Ming?” Ruo Yan said coldly “The Royal Family of Bo Jian had lost Duke Ming, they were afraid of Rong Tian

inconvenience questions. I just laid out a little plan; they were quickly jumped to accept the solution. If they could not deliver Duke Ming, should just dispose Xi-Rei King.”

Feng Ming eyes were cold, harshly said “Such a small Bo Jian to be resolved Rong Tian? Li King surely have underestimate Xi-Rei King.”

“I see; such confidence in Rong Tian? Duke Ming must not forget, Bo Jian is now hunting him like a fish on a cutting-board; I am of course is lending assistance.”

“Even so your men would not able to kill him.”

Ruo Yan eyes were instantly flashed, making Feng Ming heart beat faster and legs trembles.

“Ha ha” Ruo Yan gradually laughing; lower his head and ambiguously licking Feng Ming’s ear lobe gently, “It is as you have speculated, even though the Second Prince and I had join forces we have not able make a burial for him in Bo Jian. However, Rong Tian ambition plan had thwarted; he took the most beautiful woman to Bo Jian in believing that he could retake his beloved home and in the process stirred up Bo Jian’s Court, though the result was being escaped for his life, it is truly an afford done with great satisfaction.”

When Feng Ming saw Ruo Yan smug, although he was in a dangerous situation under Ruo Yan menace, he could not tolerate but answered ceaselessly sarcastic “Li King has forgotten the situation when you were once fled Xi-Rei border pursued by Tong General.”

“Duke Ming can criticise. Even if Rong Tian is safety returned back to Xe-Rei and avoid all my traps that laid away for him, he could never able to find where you’re located.” Ruo Yan arms tightened lightly; suddenly squeezed his nape, when he saw Feng Ming’s eyebrows knitted due to pain he laughed crazy “We should take this opportunity to happily resting a little.”

Feng Ming scream, “Ruo Yan, if you’re dare to touch me, I would never write down a single word.”

“It is not as if we’re having sex, simply rest a little, and why are you quickly troubled?” Rou Yan sophistry retorted, pushed Feng Ming hard down onto the bed, firmly dragging the collar and used strength to torn it apart.

Shred! The chest was careful taken good care by servants like pearl white was exposed.

The white transparent skin, almost seemed to shows the heart pounding inside, and two small exquisite nipples embed like pearl on the skin.

The curve is graceful, amid a fragile of a young man body, and under Rong Tian coaching has become solidness.

Ruo Yan is the head of a country, at a young age to adult he have been tasted many beautiful people, but for a moment was spontaneously stunned, sighed and said “Without peeling clothes, is only be counted as attractive, unbelievable that when garment has removed is unexpected exceedingly beautiful.”

Feng Ming was not listened to the moment eulogize, his hands were feverishly tried to gathering his clothes which ripped apart on his chest, but Ruo Yan has pinned him under and could not moved. In the end, he had chosen to cover his chest with his fingers; making efforts to hide his chest from Ruo Yan attacking ferocious gazes.

Ruo Yan raised an eyebrow “There is nothing wrong by looking? Duke Ming should not be so stingy.” Ruo Yan had trained martial arts since small, his muscular hands strength are like irons, easily pressed and pinned Feng Ming hand on top of the head, the white smooth chest that seduce other to lust once again was bared.

“Let me go!” Feng Ming growled like a small wounded animal, “You dare to touch me, I will …”

“Don’t even dream of you ever going to write a single word again.” Ruo Yan chuckled “However, I’d discovered this transaction to be not worthwhile, how Ruo Yan can abide when Duke Ming is this extremely graceful bearing?”

As if he no longer controlled himself, lower his head biting the pearl on the chest, used the tip of his tongue caressed teasing it to be harden.

Feng Ming was attacked; suddenly breathe the cold air inside.

‘It is too late now, what else could I do to stop this?’ In the panic his head became jumbled, almost like every neuron cells were collapse due to being scare by the dangerous circumstance.

Rong Tian face was unceasingly appeared before him.

His waist was loosened; Ruo Yan had undone the girdle.

‘Is Ruo Yan going to …’ Feng Ming was staring at the gorgeous pendant lamp hanging from the ceiling; chilly screamed aloud “Rong Tian! Rong Tian!”

FYJT Vol 4: The Vicissitudes – Chapter 1 Part B OCT 5 Posted by mnemeaa

Chapter 1

Part II “Do not hesitate to shout, Rong Tian is still very far away.” Ruo Yan patted Feng Ming, shows his vile visage, “If you irritated me, you’ll not be well tonight.”

The night wind outside was harshly roars and inside the room voices were spoken coldly whirling echoes.

When it was precisely in the moment of peril, a voice from an imperial bodyguard, who had stood outside reported “Your Majesty, an emergency have arise.”

Ruo Yan pleasure was disturbed, he sprang up suddenly from the bed but his hands were not forgotten to firmly hold onto Feng Ming’s hand. He was enraged with angers, “What is the military emergency situation? Go away, disturbed me once more, and I’ll be beheaded you!”

“Report Brother King, the tribal of the east Earth Moon has suddenly revolted, they killed the royal officials and those on liaison duty at the garrison, and the granary and treasury were robbed clean. In the capital, the Earth Moon’s spies has ambushed and plotting to burn the basilica. It is imperative, pleaded Brother King to return to the palace immediately.” Miao Guang pitches were usually like silver bell, but at this moment it was sound quick and dignified.

The report seems to soothe Ruo Yan angers slightly, though his beastly vicious looks still is upon Feng Ming ashen face appeared without a drop of blood, and ordered “Royal Sister, comes in.”


Miao Guang pushed the door open, stolen a glance at Feng Ming frightening appearance, although she was uttered shock inside, did not dare to open her mouth and knelt quietly at one side.

“I’ll return to the palace. Royal Sister will stay here and taking care Feng Ming.” Ruo Yan was gazing directly at Miao Guang, his voice became deeper and hissy advised “Be careful, do not make any errors.”

“Brother King, be at ease.”

Ruo Yan nodded slightly, bent down and aggressively biting on Feng Ming’s lips, laughed grimly, “Today I’ll let you go, but next time Duke Ming should not be counting on this good fortune again.”

Ruo Yan immediately went off for the day, leaved only Miao Guang to care of Feng Ming. Since that night Feng Ming was especially more terrified, he knew the “Art of War” cannot deterred Ruo Yan’s lust hence his mind is now focused on how to escape instead.

“On the other day Duke Ming has mentioned a style of clothes, which I have command it to be done quickly.” Miao Guang saw Feng Ming was overwrought with anxiety so when new dawn arrive she had entered his room and tried her best to cheers him. “This is made by our best tailor base on your design, what do you think?”

Feng Ming just finished a small breakfast, still troubled as his head poke up to see Miao Guang clothed in a British Victorian noble styles that had worn at the Court of St. James which, Feng Ming had drew yesterday. The flower buds of silk decorative around the borders with tight corset at the waist, and fluffy skirt underneath. It almost like he had taken another twisted into a different space times.

Although Feng Ming extremely anxious he cannot help but laughed at the unexpected turn of events, “Your Highness, I almost did not recognise you. Indeed, very pretty, the graceful body shape is clearly revealed.”

Miao Guang was flattered by Feng Ming compliment, heart swelled, laughing sweetly and spinning around and rotated into a circle, when she finally stopped; she turned and looking at Feng Ming quietly, suddenly sighed faintly “Alas, you’re finally able to laugh. Do you not know how much I’ve been worrying about you. You did not laugh nor angry, and telling me story so languid.”

“Really? I always have been energised.” Feng Ming flatly denied, intentionally showing cheerful smiles, “The fluffy skirt must be in dome-shaped to be beautiful, did you make the petticoat that I had drawn for underskirt?”

“It’s done, that thing used iron bars with cotton to construct, really is not good to wear as an underskirt.” Miao Guang frowned, said “It’s supposed to be wearing inside, then why it required cotton to stretch over it?”

‘If I tell you why it needs to be done, how it is possible that I am able to escape?’

Feng Ming lied outrageously, “The dress is for British noble woman, especially used for marital women, the underskirt represents how the future husband and wife living together. The more solid binding of underskirt hoop and cotton would demonstrate the strength binding of their marriage.”

“I see! I did not know it was so meaningful.” Miao Guang widens with understanding.

They chatted for a while and finally returned to the “Art of War” topic, “Duke Ming…”


“Duke Ming for the last several days, you’ve not write a single word on the Art of War…” Miao Guang hesitated as she taken a look at Feng Ming.

When the Art of War was mentioned, Feng Ming looked coldly and ready to revolt “If Ruo Yan does not abide by our agreement, why should I write them.” snorted, “I should not even write the Art of War that had done three days prior.”

Miao Guang knew her brother behaviours well and those who anger him would never have a good ending. She hesitated for a moment, timidly tried to persuade him, “Duke Ming don’t have to fight against Brother King? Brother King has always admired you, now that you’re before him it would be difficult to bear. Let alone…” She paused, whispered softly in his ears “Brother King will come tonight.”

Feng Ming body shaken, turned his head to look at Miao Guang.

“Miao Guang is not deceiving Duke Ming.” Miao Guang nodded, “The last time when Brother King leaved he was very angry, this time he’ll return, if you do not handle him properly, … likely will suffer greatly.”

The danger of Ruo Yan comings was threatening of him being forces again, he remembered of the maidservant legs’ flesh which had bitten away by the fishes and Feng Ming began his panicstruck attacked.

Feng Ming tried subduing from being scared which his face had turned ghastly green, he now lost interest in laughing with Miao Guang.

“I am a bit sleepy, want to take a little nap.” Feng Ming said lightly to Miao Guang “That clothes although is very beautiful but dressed all day long will be tired. Your Highness better changed and that piece of long skirt worn last time also not half bad.”

“That clothes and ornaments wearing by the commoner of Li Kingdom, if Brother King knew I’d worn them, would call me naughty.” Miao Guang had been very agreeable to everything Feng Ming suggest lately, she immediately called her maid to change the clothes in the inner room,

after she walked out “So you really think that fluffy dresses suited me well?” In her arm carried a large skirt, so was the maid behind who hold similar shape of an umbrella underskirt.

“Hmm.” Feng Ming already laid on bed and eyes partially closed.

“Duke Ming is tired, I’ll leave now.” Miao Guang was reluctantly to part and looked at him for a while, when she turned around Feng Ming called her back.

“Princess …”


“That new skirt, could you leave it behind?” He saw the glimpse of Miao Guang confusion expression in her eyes, Feng Ming immediately used his playacting talent, sighed heavily, stared outside the window “I… … I am missing my family a little bit, when I saw the clothes …”

“Is it truth that Duke Ming came from United Kingdom which, I’d not heard off before?” Miao Guang was especially astounded.

Feng Ming sworn inside how his lie have gone beyond the limit, he promptly withdrawing, turns his head around and leaning against the pillow, wave the hand away and said “If Your Highness is reluctant, let it be, Feng Ming is just a prisoner, I have no right to make any request.” His face has shown a forceful bitter smile.

“That is not true, if Duke Ming like them, then I’ll leave it here.” Miao Guang taken a look at that pile of clothes and could not think what was odd about them.

She heard that when Duke Ming was confined in Bo Jian, he was able to find a mean to leak the information outside. This had caused a great deal of trouble to Bo Ling. However, Bo Ling could

never be compared to Ruo Yan, even if Feng Ming able to reveal the location, Rong Tian could not done a thing about it.

Miao Guang contemplated the question over and over again for a while and could not find any possible omissions, she decided to do a good deed for him, and ordered for the clothes to put down, as she withdrawn quietly.

When everyone gone, Feng Ming used the corner of his eyes to double check, ensure that nobody was peeping, and immediately changed from his deject appearance, wildly jumped off the bed.

“Ha ha; finally is able to trick her.” He ran to the spot where the petticoat Miao Guang had leaved behind, checking the item intently careful for a while.

In this escapade the opponent was too clever, so Feng Ming was painfully manoeuvred his best deceptive ability. Not merely tried to become her friend and encouraged Miao Guang’s sympathy for his flight, he also needs to ensure that Miao Guang without being suspicion to make the underskirt out of her own wills.

The underskirt in his story was contained an iron frame and covered with cotton which is now became a parachute, it is good fortune that Miao Guang was not from his time, otherwise Feng Ming cannot fool her, anyone who saw this would immediately knew what antic he was being up to.

“I was going to persuade Miao Guang to make the frame denser, pitifully Ruo Ryan is coming tonight. I may as well take a risk.” Feng Ming muttered as he worked on the underskirt making it into a layers parachute.

“Ruo Yan, you’re mistaken in believed that by ensures all the furniture in the room was fastened, so I’ll unable to make use of them to escape, that you could hold me here?” Feng Ming used all his strength to tear the clothes apart, as the same time gritted his teeth firmly “Keeping guards all

roads around Xuan Ya, only allowed me to be freely inside a room, like a bird with injured wings in a cage to amuse you.” Snorted, “I show you how I’ll fly today. Who tell you to be conceited?”

Feng Ming continued to mumbling and gradually made a simple parachute.

“It’s accomplished, ha-ha!” Feng Ming feels out his work, this saving life item which he had been worked hard by his own hand. ‘Hopefully this gadget is useful; otherwise Duke Ming was capable to be the most expensive piece of meat pie.’

He pushed the door open and carrying the parachute outside, as two imperial bodyguards cautiously arrived to meet him “Isn’t Her Highness said Your Grace is taking a nap?”

Ruo Yan had ordered unless there is danger then the imperial bodyguards are not allowed to come near his room, at least fifty steps, and not allowed to within Feng Ming’s sight for ten steps. This was a precaution against Feng Ming great beauty, he was afraid that Feng Ming used his charms on them. Therefore, the two bodyguards were a bit far away from Feng Ming, they knew of their King monopolises and intensely desire for Feng Ming, and did not even dares looked at Feng Ming carved face but heads bowed to the ground.

“I’d enough sleep; I need to go out for a walk.”

“What is in Your Grace hands…?”

“This new clothes belong to Miao Guang, today she had brought it here for me to see. I thought you’ve already seen them?” Feng Ming was at ease flashed parachute before the guards.

‘I believe they wouldn’t have a clue to this type of science and technology.’

“Duke Ming takes Her Highness’ clothes along for a walk?”

Feng Ming coldly snorted “Why? Am I not able to? Or both of you wanting to take me back inside the room?”

“We would not dare to be forceful.” The guards lowered their head promptly, “His Majesty has ordered to treat Your Grace with respect and great care, and must not be rude. As long Duke Ming do not leaves this mountain, you could do whatever that pleasing to Your Grace.”

Feng Ming was only then loosens a bit of his fists which had tightly clenched beneath the sleeves, his face laughed like an extravagant arrogance Duke Ming of Xi-Rei “If so, I’ll take a walk. If you’re needed to keep a track on me, you’re welcome to follow.”

“We would not be so bold” The two guards lowered their head once again with great respect.

Feng Ming walking alone was not for the first nor the second times either, at the beginning there had been some kept a watch on him in secret, but after they seen he was really only taken a walk aimlessly, blankly stared into space and returned, hence they had became indifferent to it. Not to mention that the mountain cliff is quite high, where can he goes to?

In such a case, Feng Ming strutted away to the edge of the cliff while holding a parachute.

‘Today is densely fogged, that’s good.’

‘Parachute oh parachute! For millions time do not let me be the first in history to die using one.’

He stood amid the heavy fogs, unable to see the river, intertwined with the desolate emerald greenish plain which, laying underneath, Feng Ming put on the parachute, shut his eyes and calculating the wind speed and it direction.

He faced the wind and took a deep breath, he cannot help but remembered Rong Tian oath- – “Even if tomorrow brings thousand times of difficulty dangers, Rong Tian will gives his life for you.”

‘Rong Tian Rong Rain, you are liar. If I came out of this safe and sound, I’ll beat you to point of being unable getting out of bed for months.’ Feng Ming cursed in a low voice as he forced himself suddenly jumping into the air.

The great mountain cliff stood erect and abruptly roaring of winds. A moment later, alarm sound of disbelieves, torn through the guards’ throat almost scarified the sky apart. “Duke … Duke Ming had jumped down the cliff!”

End Chapter 1

FYJT Vol 4: The Vicissitudes – Chapter 2 Part A OCT 9 Posted by mnemeaa

Chapter 2

Part I

Jumping off from Xuan Ya, Feng Ming never had thoughts it would taken great deal of power and effort to open the parachute due to the sharp downward velocity which has increased rapidly. . .

The altitude wind has always been unexpected for novice skydiver. The parachute finally able to balance for a moment, the wind from underneath seems to support the parachute and stopped Feng Ming from continue being fallen; it was actually uplifted slightly higher. . . In a split moment, like a thunder strike momentum, for the force of nature had manifested as the wind suddenly ram Feng Ming into the cliff. . . “Ah!” a sharp pain passed thorough heart and spreads from his chest. . . Fortunately, after this one hit, the parachutes had drifted away from the cliff, and finally returned to earlier direction, downward to the spiral river and slowly descended. . . “Boom”…… Feng Ming fallen into the water, he knew has successful taken the first step to escape. He struggled in the water to remove the parachute and barely swam across the river. . . “Blockade the river, quickly! Searched for about fifty yards, no inches of grass are allowed to go uncheck!” He just arrived to the shore and into the wood when constantly boisterous shouts came from a distance, accompanied by the heavy puffed and with hooves sound. . . ‘It was unthinkable the pursuers have moved so rapidly.’

. . Feng Ming taken aback, he went into a clump of bushes which, has tiny blooming pink flowers, breathless and then snooped. . . “General, found this in the river!” Soldiers were picked up the parachute from the river and brought it over. . . Hooves echoes rapidly, as a crisp female voice called out: “Have Duke Ming been found?” . . “Your Highness!” . . “Miao Guang Princess!” . . “Reports Your Highness, Duke Ming is temporarily unaccounted for, your servant has the river blockade and ordered to intensify the search.” . . Miao Guang sat on the horse, panic-stricken, no longer composed like her usual self: “He…… he jumped off a cliff , is it likely……” .

. “We has searched the river surface and had found this material, Duke Ming likely used this to escape.” . . Miao Guang took the wet parachute, and instantly recognised it was her petticoat, frozen for a while before face turned cold: “Someone, keep this for me; ah! Heralds the message, if anyone able to catch Duke Ming, I’ll report to my Brother King to reward and knighted him.” . . “Yes!” Everyone was fiery responded. . . Hooves and footsteps were roared into his ears. . . ‘Be reward and knighted?’ Feng Ming smiled drily, he turned around, and the riverbanks were surrounded by soldiers which had started for their searches. If he had have stayed in the water instead of swam to shore then they would surely found him. . . Since the incident was unexpected, Miao Guang’s soldiers were only a vanguard group, so the group is small in number. Moreover, the parachute was found in the river thus they have focused their attention on the river. Therefore, the woodland compared to riverside was more thoroughly searches. ‘This is the best time to get far away from here as possible.’ Feng Ming quietly moved backward and fled. . .

He bolted into the woodland, then taken a little stop for breathing and all a sudden chest pain was felt aching inside. . . “Ah……” Feng Ming groaned, hurriedly untied his outer clothes; there was no bleeding on the chest, but there was a residue red bruised: “Oops, I’m afraid the ribs have cracked.” . . The wind seems to carried an uneasy atmosphere; Feng Ming looked around, and immediately slumped down to the ground and put his ear on the earth. . . He heard that the ancients could prostrate on the ground and listen to distinguish the coming of their enemies. Feng Ming certainly did not have such ability, but the land was indeed a better medium for sound than the air, he vaguely listened for a while, ‘although I do not know how many people and from what direction, but there are many soldiers are approaching him.’ . . ‘My body is injured, and there are many pursuers, if this continues I’ll be caught.’ Feng Ming put on his thinking hat, ‘with Miao Guang’s intellect she would surely has guessed that I fled into the forest, and most likely to send another team to search from the opposite direction, desperate to escape and ran like crazy only means eventually running into them.’ . . Feng Ming frowned thoughtful and suddenly teeth clenched: “It’s already a risky adventure, I’ll shows you, even aware there is a tiger on the mountain, I’ll be undeterred.” He raised his hand and felt another burst of chest pain. He reluctantly took off his outer garment and torn the fabric apart, wrapped it on a hanging branch of a tower tree. .

. “See what you’ll make of this.” . . He seized the time, went around the area and changed the layout to distract the soldiers. He no longer headed to outside of the forest direction but reflexive traced back the old path. . . He was cautiously made his way, returned to the place where a few meters away from the riverbank in the forest, Miao Guang seems still dazed at the shore. Feng Ming was secretly alerted, laying low about half- height of the grass. . . “There is no news?” . . “Report Your Highness, Duke Ming whereabouts still unfound, but General Mo has led troops to enclose the woodland, they will find Duke Ming sooner or later if he is within the forest.” . . Feng Ming cried inside of the possible danger, ‘they’re really good pursuers.’ . . Miao Guang dignified nodded: “Heralds the message, Duke Ming is scheming, he’ll be captured and uninjured.” She pondered for a moment, and added: “If using bows and arrows, do not shoot at

the heart, lung area and neck, in case it would kill him, your life and clan will be repaid the debt.” . . Feng Ming felt unjustly: ‘On the level of craftiness, how can I hold a candle to you?’ . . A messenger reported: “Report Your Highness, General Mo found this thing in the woods.” A scout held Feng Ming’s torn garment in his hand. . . Miao Guang took it and frowned: “This was deliberately done, but what is it signifying?” . . A General officer disagreed: “I believed it is a delay tactic.” . . “No, Duke Ming is too clever, he would not waste time to do such thing, and there must be a profound meaning.” . . When he saw Miao Guang really paranoid and contemplated, Feng Ming almost laughed. . .

The scout continues: “When General Mo discovered them hanging on the tree, oddly shaped, he was unsure how to deal with it, he ordered subordinate to consult with Your Highness.” . . “Alright, I’ve to take a look myself.” Miao Guang reined the horse: “What other tricks he’s up to now?” . . Feng Ming spied in the bushes for nearly half an hour, the searches party down at the river comes nearly to an end. The ancients did not know such proverb state that ‘the most dangerous place is the safest place’, hence no one search at the bush area where Miao Guang had stood. . . This is a psychological strategy. . . When he was seeing the search party moved toward the woodland, Feng Ming took the opportunity and the advantage of sky was still dimmed, quietly crept nearer to the riverbank. His movement was like a snake that lived near the water and quietly dived into the water. . . He already prepared a reed on the mouth earlier and swam towards the other side. . . It seems that at the foot of Xuan Ya where Feng Ming had imprisoned, Ruo Yan has blockage the entire vicinity, event the grasses and trees were not spared. The only place that may be neglected would be his accommodation— Xuan Ya, where Feng Ming had detained.

. . ‘Hope this was not a mistaken deduction.’ . . Feng Ming placed the reed into his mouth, taken a deep breath before swim to the other side, he grateful that Rong Tian had forced him to practice martial arts. If Rong Tian had not anticipated and ensured that Feng Ming has strengths to escape, his physical power would never have made to shore that day. . . Feng Ming was panting and crawling to shore, he did not dare to delay and take a moment to rest, immediately headed toward the towering Xuan Ya. . . He ran about a few hundred feet, suddenly the throat felt fishy. Feng Ming legs gave out, but he knew he absolutely cannot stop here, took a fierce breath and continued bolted. . . Feng Ming selected a twisty little road and ran, so that he could avoid the possible of attacking by the pursuers from behind. When he saw the cliff was not far away, approximate about half an hour of terribly running to get there, then he saw another smaller footpath at the side also leading to Xuan Ya. . . He looked cautiously around, there seems no human sound and with little peace of mind, he dashed outside the forest and taken covers. Feng Ming’s hand picked up a hardwood.

. . “All I need to grasp a solitary guard, and immediately knock him out with a stick……” Feng Ming gasped, he kept muttering to suppress from being faint: “…… Then, put on his clothes, posing as guards …… follow the crowd and then escape……” . . When he lifted his head to look ahead, the vision began to blur as he saw a lonely figure was coming closer. It was a guard costume, who absently looked around, very likely that man was searching for Feng Ming trace. . . “Hmmm, that would be you, the hapless one.” Feng Ming tightened his grips on the hardwood, tiptoed quietly like a cat from behind. . . Unexpectedly when he came behind the guard, and before lifted the hardwood to fiercely knock the man, his knees suddenly felt weak and awkwardly fallen to the ground. The hardwood has rolled aside. . . It turned out due to his running and injured, he was finally came to the point of exhaustion, once he stopped for a moment, he was immediately out of breath. Feng Ming saw lights flickering and fallen unconscious. . . ‘No, ah, actually fainted at this time, I was really the world’s most unfortunate fugitive.’Before Feng Ming was swallowed by darkness, he deeply cried.

. . ——————————. Editor Note: I’ll put FYJT on hold from continue translation this week, Sakura have not replied my email as all, not sure if she still beta or not. I’ll update what will happen next week. Cheers. . .

FYJT Vol 4: The Vicissitudes – Chapter 2 Part B NOV 9 Posted by mnemeaa

FYJT Vol 4: The Vicissitudes . Editor/Beta: Yona (Many thanks for Yona help for this chapter, Yona said able to help edit the story since Rue unable to beta.) . TN: note sure what will happened to who the editor for this story, Yona said happy to help but maybe not able to do in long term. I’m guessed we have to play by each chapter. Sorry for delayed post but things not seems to work out. Thanks for everyone supports. . . Chapter 2 . Part II

. . The guard has incredibly agile movement. Hence, when he heard a sudden wind from behind, he immediately turned around. He did not expect the attacker to suddenly fall down. After taking a closer look at the man’s face, he almost cried aloud, but recognised the current situation as he immediately swallowed them. . “Duke Ming?”The guard has a handsome face and his black eyes were sparkled, surprised and squatted down to whisper: “Duke Ming, Duke Ming, it’s me. Rong Hu.” . Duke Ming had already fainted and did not hear him. . “Elder brother.” A shadow sprang out of the forest also wearing guard costumes, breathed heavily and appeared anxious; his gasps were apparently the result of running: “I’d heard a bad news. Duke Ming is no longer above….. He jumped off the cliff.” After he finished his sentence, his tearful voice choked. . “Lie-er, take a look at who this is?” . Lie-er was the one who went to investigate the whereabouts of Feng Ming and when he overheard the news that Feng Ming had jumped off the cliff, he was very sad and wanted to cry badly. So when he looked down and saw a familiar, extremely handsome face: “Duke Ming?”He immediately jumped in disbelief and he looked over to his elder brother with wonder. . “Elder brother, how could Duke Ming be here?” . “Don’t know. I was wondering on how to enter Xuan Ya, and then turned around……” Rong Hu scratched his head: “just saw Duke Ming lying here.”

. “Oh, ha ha ha.” The two brothers were glancing at each other and laughing softly. . “That’s great. Even in a muzzy way, we still found Duke Ming.” . “This place is dangerous. Let’s leave immediately.” . The two of them carried Feng Ming and agilely sneaked back into the forest. . The spring time is beautiful and everywhere is full of life. The living room of Earth Moon tribal leader was always filled with burning incense aroma, which made others feel relaxed. . Feng Ming was feeling regretful and not willing to wake up. . He fainted on the road which Ruo Yan was probably using to travel to Xuan Ya, and there was no doubt that his fate was back where he’d escaped. On this very thought, he simply decided not to open his eyes. . “Ah, Duke Ming woke up!” . “Really? Chiu Xing, you should not give false information. These past few days, you’ve been screaming over and over again, always making us happy with your white lies.” . “I was sure I saw Duke Ming’s eyelashes moved. Alas, it has been a few days already. Do you think Duke Ming will ever wake up?”

. “Why not? Duke Ming is a good person, how would God be tormenting him?” . The clear tones sounded like an almost cry. On top of his head there seems to be many sighs. . ‘I must be dreaming,’ Feng Ming was repeatedly reminding him that this was not possible, but still could not help to secretly sneak a peek. . The two small, pink familiar faces appeared very sad —- It was his beloved little friends, Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing. . “Ah!”Feng Ming suddenly opened his eyes in disbelief: “It really is you? You…… you also…Ruo Yan ……” . “Ah!”Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing also shouted at the same time. The volume had surpassed Feng Ming’s voice: “Duke Ming’s awake! Duke Ming really has woken up!” . A whirlwind rolled into the room from outside. It was Lie-er who ran in and asked: “He woke up? He’s really awake? Chiu Xing, if you lie to me again, I’ll……” his eyes suddenly contacted with Feng Ming’s teary eyes, and stood there like a lost soul. . In the blink of an eye, Feng Ming was surrounded by enthusiasm and tears from his friends. . Chiu Xing hugged Feng Ming as she laughed and cried: “Duke Ming finally woke up; you’ve worried us to death.” .

“Duke Ming, ah, please don’t ever run around again. Look, just this trip alone and you went all the way to Li Kingdom. Life is empty without you.” . “Fortunately Your Grace has woken up. If not, how could we face our King.” . Rong Hu hastily arrived, saw that everyone was frantically overjoyed as he stood beside them and smiled quietly. . “Chiu Yue…… Chiu Xing…… Lie-er……Rong Hu……”Feng Ming eyes were circling the group. He did not have time to react, but bewildered and asked: “Why are you here? I … I am possibly……” . Chiu Xing fiercely replied: “When His Majesty knew that Your Grace was in Bo Jian, he immediately invited Mei Ji to Bo Jian on demand; however, when he arrived in Bo Jian, Duke Ming disappeared. Ruo Yan, thatdamn abhorrent man had actually sowed a discord with the Bo Jian’s Royal family against His Majesty and used the useless Second Prince in an attempt to murder our King.” . “His Majesty is wise and greatly intuitive, so how was it impossible for Bo Yiu to kill him?”Lie-er inserted another sentence, “But maybe he did cause a little trouble for His Majesty.” . “Afterward, His Majesty guessed that Duke Ming was caught by Ruo Yan, so he had secretly slip into Li Kingdom.” . “However, Ruo Yan is really cunning. He had hidden Duke Ming so fast that we…..” . “Oh Lie-er, do not interrupt me again.”Chiu Xing was dissatisfied as she glared at Lie-er. . Lie-er grimaced and closed his mouth.

. Chiu Xing turned back to Feng Ming and continued after she’s satisfied that Lie-er had obeyed her: “Ruo Yan was very strict in guarding Duke Ming. His Majesty had taken a long time to find out Your Grace’s whereabouts. We later learned that Li’s Royal Family have a resident in Xuan Ya and had never let outsiders stay there. Nevertheless, we were not able to determine if Your Grace is locked up in there. If Duke Ming was not being held there, and attempting to rescue Your Grace would arouse Ruo Yan’s suspicions, then……” . “Chiu Xing, why are you going around in a circle? Duke Ming will be confused by you.”Chiu Yue cried: “Anyway, we have incited Moon Earth tribal to confront with Li Kingdom. His Majesty has helped to arson the capital in order to create disorientation as he played game with Ruo Yan which, given Rong Hu and Lie-er the opportunity to investigate whether or not Your Grace was locked up in Xuan Ya.” . “That’s enough, what are you two little ladies yelling for? Should it be my elder brother’s turn, since he was the one who rescued Duke Ming?”Lie-er proudly said as he raised his chin. . Rong Hu watched over the group’s commotion and helplessly smiled: “I have no credit; Duke Ming was escaping and unfortunately, just fainted on the road. It was right at the time when we were trying to sneak into Xuan Ya as guards. We were at the right place and the right time. What’s most pleasant is that we have been checking the terrain several times before the trip to the mountain, and arranged escape routes, which had become handy.”He paused slightly: “However, Duke Ming just woke up, his body’s still bandaged. Why are you holding him like that? I do not think it is a good idea.” . The trio looked down. It seems the bandages wrapped around the body were messed up, and now shaped like an octopus. They blushed and let go of him before taking two steps away. . Feng Ming was breathless after they hugged and unconsciously shook him in the process. The chest wound started to ache faintly, so his heart was full of praises for Rong Hu’s consideration. . “Since you’re all here, where is Chiu Lian?”

. “Chiu Lian is still remaining at the palace.”Chiu Yue replied: “When we were heading off, she was howling and yelling that she wants to go rescue Your Grace too. However, His Majesty would not allow her to go as it would be too much trouble.” . “His Majesty was correct. Just the two of you were enough trouble as it is.” . “Well, why not?” Chiu Xing naturally came to aid Chiu Yue, glared at Lie-er: “If not for us, the Earth Moon tribal would never easily considered assisting the King.” . Feng Ming looked puzzle and turned to Rong Hu for help. Rong Hu explained: “Chiu Xing and Chiu Yue’s mother was from the Earth Moon tribal, a beautiful woman who was married to a Xi-Rei and strengthen our diplomatic relationship. The Earth Moon’s leader has greatly helped us because of this.” . “Oh, I see.”Feng Ming finally understood the situation. Although, the question his heart really wanted to ask was not easily commuted to them. . Lie-er saw the hesitation on Feng Ming’s face and guessed a bit. He giggled and asked: “Why hasn’t Duke Ming ask where His Majesty is yet?” . “Rong Tian…… Where is he?” When Rong Tian’s name was mentioned, his heart could not help but beat faster. Feng Ming cursed himself for his foolishness, reminded that he needed to give Rong Tian a few punches when he sees the man, given that Rong Tian had failed to protect him as promised. . “His Majesty is temporarily staying in the Li’s capital in order to distract Ruo Yan.”RongHu gently said: “I’m afraid it will be some days before he’ll be able to join us.” .

“What?”Feng Ming screamed and jumped out of bed: “Is he out of his mind, underestimated Ruo Yan, in and out of that place?”He felt a sharp pain from the wound, probably resulted from the earlier action. Feng Ming cried aloud a few times before falling back on the bed. . “Duke Ming, please be careful of your wound.” The crowd panicked and hurriedly calmed him down: “Please do not worry, Your Grace. The King will arrive soon.” . “He doesn’t have to come!”Feng Ming angrily growled: “Anyway, he would not want to see me.” . “Why would His Majesty not want to see Duke Ming?”Chiu Xing reassured him. . “Since the day Duke Ming had gone missing, the King has lost his appetite and lost weight. His Majesty was also wounded by an arrow when he was ambushed in Bo Jian. The wound has not healed, but he was still determined to sneak into Li Kingdom regardless of the danger. Who would he do it for if it is not for Duke Ming? Moreover, the last time when we tried to get to the border, the King was almost……”Lie-er’s constant winking had finally stopped Rong Hu in time. He then knew something was better left unsaid. Chiu Xing stuck out her tongue and was quiet for once. . “Almost what?” . “Nothing.”The four of them desperately shook their heads in denial: “It’s nothing really.” . Feng Ming’s heart was touched and anxious that he gave a loud grunt: “I obviously have been rescued. Why is Rong Tian still not leaving there? Did he want me to be distressed?” . Rong Hu stepped forward and bowed as he whispered into Feng Ming’s ear: “Ruo Yan is very ruthless and never let those who wronged him get away. If His Majesty was not there to stop him,

I’m afraid he would have immediately come here and destroyed the Earth Moon tribal. If that was the case, Your Grace would not find a place to recuperate.” . “The journey back to Xi-Rei is very far and Duke Ming is heavily injured. The Li Kingdom border is also tight in security. Hence, to leave the country would be difficult. The only safest and comfortable place is here.” Lie-er nodded in agreement. . Feng Ming looked around, firstly at Chiu Xing, Chiu Yue and then to Rong Hu and Lie-er. . ‘Rong Tian at the moment is risking his life to distract Ruo Yan’s attention in the capital. I…… how could I actually want to punish him?’ . He felt ashamed as well as being disappointed of not seeing Rong Tian; the emotion was swelling like an overflowing fountain. . “Is there any way we could aid for Rong Tian’s safety?”Feng Ming geared up his sleeves and said: “He is in danger and in need of our support. Rong Hu and Lie-er, could you go inquire if there’s any news from Li’s capital?” . The four glanced at each other oddly. They all thought of one thing: ‘to be able to keep you here safely, we’ll be more at ease.’ . “This could wait for a few days later. First thing first, that is nursing Your Grace to get well again.” . “That’s right. Duke Ming first must be healed and soon, we will be able to return to Xi-Rei.” .

Chiu Yue brought the medicine fluid before Feng Ming’s mouth: “Your Grace, you first must drink this.” . “It’s too bitter.”Feng Ming briefly gulped the liquid before he frowned and complained. . “This is a family recipe from Earth Moon tribal; Duke Ming’s injury will rely on them to be healed quickly.” . “I do not want to drink.” . “No, you certainly must drink them. Chiu Xing, come here and help me.” . “I don’t want to drink! It’s very bitter.” . “Oh, Duke Ming is still his same old self.” . Rong Hu slowly nodded: “Indeed, he’s still the same.” . Lie-er watched over Chiu Xing and Chiu Yue as they were trying to deal with an unreasonable Feng Ming, then mysteriously smiled and whispered to Rong Hu: “Elder brother, Ruo Yan had captured Duke Ming for the past few days. Do you think Ruo Yan had……” . RongHu’s eyes sharply wept over Lie-er: “You dare ask? Be careful or the King will cut out your tongue.” .

“Duke Ming is very beautiful. Many would dream of coveting him. In the past, His Majesty had slept with many people too.” Lie-er stuck out his tongue and did not dare to bring the subject back again. . . End Chapter 2 . .


Dec. 24th, 2013 at 9:11 AM

Hi, Guys. Let me Introduce myself briefly, my name is lily, and I'm new here, so this is my first post. The good news is, i'd like to translate Feng Yu Jiu Tian Novel (for those who doesn't know yet, can search it in google). Well, my english is bad, and i know very little of Chinese language. But, for those who love FYJT, i'd like to share what i got, if there is any weird translation, please understand that english and chinese are not my mother language, also, i will skip the part that i really don't understand. For detail and better translation, you can go to sookybabi or http://mnemeaa.wordpress.com/m/. Ok, let's start from here. Feng Yu Jiu Tian Vol 4 Chapter 3 Thanks to Earth Moon Tribe,Feng Ming's Wound healed fast. Only ten days, Feng Ming had already felt bored and restless, eager to return Li Kingdom Capital to join Rong Tian. Rong Hu and Others can't let Feng Ming to go back to the Tiger's mouth, repeatedly discourage, Lie er is coming out with many new tricks to let Feng Ming played incessantly. Today the weather is good, the spring feels are everywhere, make people delighted.

"Report Duke Ming, the spy sent to Li Kingdom has returned." "Oh?" Feng Ming suddenly jumped off from his horse. Causing Chiu Yue and group exclaimed. "Duke Ming careful!" "Slow down, careful not to hurt." Feng Ming waved his hand towards Chiu Yue, looked down at the spy that knelt before him and asked," How's the news in there? "Reported Duke Ming, Li King enraged after knowing Duke Ming's escape. Also, killed many responsible to look after Duke Ming's officer, even Miao Guang princess suffer for the lesson. Currently Li Kingdom is in chaos, everyone felt insecure, Li King perhaps will have headache for a long time." "How about Rong Tian? have you met him?" The spy quietly looked up at Feng Ming, and softly replied," lowly servant didn't meet the Great King, but received secret letter of the Great King, wanted lowly servant to tell Duke Ming, don't need to worry, he will be back soon." "But how long?" Feng Ming suddenly speak loudly, the people beside him all startled, the spy lower his head and didn't dare to speak. Feng Ming walked back and forth, kick the small stone and with small voice scolding Rong Tian, then walked back to the spy, exclaimed," you're doing well." He paused, still didn't give up, and asked," how fast he will come back, three or five days?" "This..lowly servant really don't know. Great King didn't assign people to pass the message, lowly servant don't dare to ask." Feng Ming disappointed and turn his head to look at Chiu yue and group, his delicate brow wrinkled up. Lie er delightfully ran to Feng Ming," Duke Ming don't need to worry, Great King is powerful, finally came to Ruo yan's hometown, certainly must make a big mess to make it interesting."

Feng Ming stare fiercely," it's Ruo yan's hometown that makes me worry. It's like a tiger's nest, do you understand? If being caught......" suddenly remembered those days ago when he fell on the Ruo yan's hand, it's like standing of the edge of hell, a single wrong step will bring despair, couldn't help but shivered. "There is no use to worry, it's better for Duke Ming to patiently wait a few more days." Rong hu finally spoke, talked to the spy :" assign another spy to Li Kingdom." "Yes!" Hope for these many days but still don't know Rong Tian's trace, even don't know when he will come back, Feng Ming's heart felt so uncomfortable. although Chiu yue and group accompany beside him, but without Rong Tian, deep inside he feels lack of something, Feng Ming felt empty inside. Chiu Xing always help Feng ming lead the horse. This half black and half white horse is the horse given by Earth Moon Tribe Leader as a gift, White cloud that given to Feng Ming by Rong Tian, because it is too obtrusive, so don't tag along to Li Kingdom. "Duke Ming, you can ride the horse for a while, and then we will go back to have lunch." Feng Ming muffled shake his head:" Don't wanna ride, let's go back." listlessly heading back home. Chiu xing quickly handed over the rein to the guard, chasing behind Feng Ming. "Duke Ming is having a bad mood." “hm, no wonder, Duke Ming is missing Great King." Lie er's head suddenly pop out from behind Chiu yue and Chiu xing:" hey, hey, you two dare to bad-mouthed the Great King." "ya, you surprise us, Chiu yue used her handkerchief and waved at Lie er:" How can we say bad thing about the Great King, but Lie er, why the Great King hasn't come back?" "I know about this matter, but man's matter, don't need to tell tell the maid," Lie er exposed a strange smile.

"Hurry tell us!" Chiu xing catch him. "Hahaha, you two can't catch me. Feng ming sadly face back to the house, turn around and saw the naughty Lie er and Chiu sisters have slide away to play, leaving behind Rong hu that loyally followed. He said to Rong hu:" Rong hu, you can go to rest. i'm tired, i think i will go back to room to take a nap." "How about Duke Ming have lunch first before taking nap?" "i have no appetite, i will eat after taking a nap." Feng ming frowned and go back to his room. Earth Moon Tribe give them a good hospitality, good medicine and good horse, even the room Feng Ming currently lived is the most beautiful, moreover, in the backyard there is a group of white rabbits. When the first time they arrived here, Chiu yue and Chiu xing shouted to give the rabbits a meal. Feng Ming opened the curtain, and lazily yawn. Before finished yawning, the sudden silence make Feng Ming felt the alert. There is someone inside the room! Perhaps Ruo yan's spy is so powerful, they had already detect that Feng Ming hide inside Earth Moon Tribe. And lurking in? Feng Ming's instinct was to rely on the wall, to avoid the plot. The whistling wind sounded from behind. Oh bad, Someone's hidden behind the door. "Rong....." unfinished with the word 'Hu' to call out, one could see the hand across Feng Ming's shoulder, and tightly cover Zhang Feng Ming's wide open mouth. "hmm..hmm.."

Feng Ming struggled hard, but can't even move, the wound in his chest suddenly pain. His lobe was being licked by the heat of the tongue from someone behind him, wet tongue was teasing his lobe, a deep voice and magnetic smile came from behind:" i can't let Rong hu to disturb us." Is it the familiar tone words, or the banter that make him gritted his teeth. Feng Min g shuddered, tears falling from his eyes. The arms wrapped around Feng Ming suddenly strengthened. " Come on, let me hug you." Rong tian's reassuring smell making Feng ming tightly covered. Passionately kissed several times the face that make him miss so madly, and keep savoring the the lip, Rong tian exposed a gentle smile:" you lost weight, both your cheeks have dented. It's all my fault, didn't protect you properly." the phrase is filling with sorry and lament. Feng Ming still not recovered from the surprise,only open his black eyes widely, keep looking at Rong tian. "Why you keep looking at me?" Rong tian came over, using his nose gently caressed his face:" Don't tell me you have forgotten my face?" "Rong tian?" Feng Ming looked for a long time before gently exhaled:"Didn't you still at Li Kingdom? the spy has just said that he didn't know when you will came back. "You don't want to see me?" "You..you...." Feng Ming saying "you" for a long time, and finally react, shut the mouth and burst into tears:" You're teasing me again! in this deadly time you still teasing me! you...." "Feng ming, don't cry." Rong tian cover Feng ming's crying mouth, hurriedly said:" Outside is in the critical condition, how can i make an ordinary subordinate know my whereabouts, i didn't mean to lie to you." Feng ming removed the hand that cover his crying mouth and also ferociously bite the hand," You did it on purpose, last time you teased me in Fan jia, scared me to death, this time still want to trick

me. I ask you, since you already arrived here, why you have to sneak behind the door?" Rong tian loss the words:" That's..that's because i want to give you a surprise..." That's because you wanna see how scared i would be!" Feng ming roared at Rong tian, feel that it's not a solution, he kicked Rong tian's foot, turned and sat on the bed angrily. "Feng ming, don't be angry." Rong tian went up, one knee knelt in front of Feng ming, looked at him, softly said:" On the way back i always thinking to see you, my heart will rush and beat fast. But the moment i arrived, suddenly felt afraid." "What are you afraid of?" " I don't know." Rong tian's deep eyes silently staring at Feng ming:" Maybe the closer you get, the more afraid of excitement and happiness you get." Feng ming's heart felt warm inside, stuck on the throat and can't continue to scold, then pull up Rong tian to sit beside him. "Do you miss me?" "There is no time i'm not thinking about you." Rong tian let Feng ming lean on him, sighed said:" Missing you like crazy." Feng Ming take a closer look, felt clenching in his heart:" don't just told me, you also lost a lot of weight, it's all that damned Ruo yan's fault, I must cacth him to take back to Xi rei, imprison him for a long time, and force him to be a monk." talked about Ruo yan made him angrily gritted his teeth. Rong tian laughed loudly:" The matter of catching Ruo yan to Xi rei can wait until we go back to Xi rei to discuss further. But i already help you a little revenge." "What? a little revenge?" "I burnt Ruo yan's treasure collection house, and escaped in front of him, making him loss face." Feng ming suddenly get up and sat down, said," You met Ruo yan? in Li Capital? Oh God, and you unexpectedly not being crushed to be meatloaf by him."

"I'm almost became meatloaf," Rong tian recalled the situation, also feel a little scared:" Fortunately when both sides unintentionally met, there are not many guards around him, and it was in the countryside, so i can successfully escaped." Rong tian bow at Feng ming and whispered:" Feng ming, i have fought Ruo yan, and also get a little interest from him bullying you." Feng ming's eyes lit up, tilted asked:" You wounded him?" His face is handsome yet pretty, Rong tian felt itch, his mouth biting Feng ming's red lips,carefully tasted a lot, then laughed loudly:" I wounded his chest, almost lost his life to go back to the palace. ya, if there are no guards around him that pull him aside, my sword would end his life." Suddenly something fuzzy came up from his mind, but can't speak up what has came up in his mind, confusedly looked at Rong tian. "What's going on?" Feng ming thought for a while, lift his head up and asked:" Ruo yan's martial arts is not bad, you met him in his kingdom, he wounded from your sword, and you perfectly not wounded at all?" Rong tian silent. Surprised with Feng ming's cleverness yet sighed. "Ahem, actually...can't be perfectly said not injured." he casually said," but still minor injuries." "Are you hurt?" Feng ming suddenly jump up and shout:" Where? where's the injury?" "Nothing, just the ribs....." Unfinished talking, his clothes has been torn by Feng Ming. Eyes fell on the wound, Feng ming gasped. The right side rib has been wrapped in white gauze, stained with blood, the wound is long and deep. "Don't look, it will heal in a few days." Rong tian use his hand to cover Feng ming's eyes. Feng ming dodge the hand immediately shouted:" Chiu yue, Chiu xing, come! hurry, bandage! herbs medicine!" People outside heard Feng ming's shouting, hurriedly flooded in, seeing Rong tian, naturally

surprised yet excited. Only Lie er and Rong hu that had already been secretly informed of Rong tian's homecoming, salute respectfully, then stick out his tongue on Feng ming for admitting his crime of concealment. Rong tian's wound is not a minor one, when they looked, shouted and jumped. they are elected by the clever palace attendants, without order, immediately split busy, the ones responsible for cooking the herbs is cooking the herbs, the ones responsible for bandage is bandaging. Rong tian sat on the chair, letting Chiu yue and others helping him take care of the wound. Feng ming standing aside, looking at the white gauze being unfasten, exposing the wounded flesh, compare to watching when the gauze being wrapped even more frightening. He didn't want to disturb the people helping Rong tian bandaged, tightly biting his lower lip without a word, but the tears don't stop flowing. Rong tian looked up and saw Feng ming's look. "Feng ming, you go out, don't look." Feng ming just keep silent, rubbed his eyes, stood and didn't want to go away. "Duke Ming, please temporarily wait outside, the bandaged will be finished soon." The people persuaded him several times, but he refused and insisted to stay, yet the face was increasingly pale. Chiu yue and others knew his new injury hasn't healed yet, can't help but secretly worried. Rong tian staring at Feng ming for a long time, sighed: Forget it, you come here." stretched out his hand to Feng ming. Feng ming's not tweaking, just sat down on Rong tian's right lap to hinder the bandaging process, hold tightly of Rong tian's hand. "You must be thinking i'm a coward." "How come?" Rong tian's relaxed tone making people simply can't imagine that he was seriously injured, and also still in the unbearably pain of bandaged:" I just feel that you're the most handsome

man in the world." Feng ming can't help but laughed:" The world's most handsome man is Bo jian king." remembered the three condition of Bo jian king to pick the crown prince makes people laughed. I wonder how's little Lin dan doing. "hnn...." Rong tian stifling groan, patting Feng ming's hand:" Sit properly, don't move." his smiling face suddenly vanished, and became pale:" Ah, i forgot you're being bandaged, did i hurt you?" "It hurts a lot," Rong tian's lip slightly smiled, gently said:" If you feel bad for me, then kiss me, that way all the pain will be gone." Although Feng ming has become pale, when he heard Rong tian's word, can't help but blushed. turned to look at the one concentrate to bandage the wound. Actually feeling embarrassed. Turn again to look at Rong tian, yet has been closing his eyes waiting for "pain cure" kiss. "I don't wanna...." When Feng ming just going to reject this ridiculous request, maybe unintentionally touch the wound, Rong tian's face showed pain. Felt sorry, he lowered his head and kissed Rong tian's lips. The moment their lips touched, Rong tian's tongue that had been waited long just slip into Feng ming's sweet mouth, excitedly played for a while, chasing Feng ming's playful toungue. Feng ming screamed inside that he was being fooled, but felt sweet inside. Unexpectedly Rong tian can also feign to be pitiful, taking advantage of my compassion. Today i will let you be, just because i love you. They kissed and played catch each other's tongue for a while. When Feng ming release the playful kiss from Rong tian, he just realized that Chiu xing and the others had quietly withdraw themselves. "Tomorrow i will be their laughing stock." Feng ming glared at Rong tian:" It's all your fault pervert."

"Who dares to laugh at you, tomorrow i will give them lessons." Rong tian kissed Feng ming, sat on the chair, pointed at the wooden bed, smiled:" Just now it's not enough, let's continue on bed." Feng ming snorted:" You still want to go to bed even with your current condition?" "I miss you." Rong tian's gentle voice made Feng ming's heart raced faster. Lower his head and think, Feng ming showed his smiling face:" Ok, let's go to bed." Helping Rong tian to walk to bed and helping him take off the clothes, Feng ming showed his true face:" Today you can't help it anyway, How about let me on top." Rong tian's not showing shocked at all, lightly said," As i expected." Then, it's a 'yes'?" Feng ming excitedly opened his big eyes, look forward to Rong tian's approvement. "Meat on the cooking board, what can i do anyway?" Rong tian lightly smile, Relaxed on the bed:" I've always remembered every single word of Crown prince's teaching." Rong tian didn't reject, Feng ming felt exultation. "haha, then you're a piece of fish meat, i'm the cooking board. He hop up on the bed. Knelt in front of Rong tian's lying body. Use his hand to take off Rong tian's inner clothes. The hasty hand suddenly being caught by Rong tian. "You wanna regret this?" Feng ming unsatisfied stared at Rong tian. "Let me tell you first, today i will give in and let you be, but next time when i be the cooking board, you can't make any excuses. "When did i make any excuses?" "You always cry out pain." "It's showing more excited love when you cry out." Feng ming sighed inside ancient people are still ancient people, they couldn't even feel excited lively love, shaking his head and instruct:" There is

time when cry out is interesting. You know why many men like Japanese girl, is because they love to cry out 'No, no' in bed, Oh, you don't know what is japan." "Oh, i know. Then Duke ming's cry out is not showing pain, but showing excited love. Pity me who always feel sorry for you, but now i finally understand." Rong tian nodded, Smiled widely. Feng ming shivered, shouted to himself that he had been fooled again:" Rong tian you don't misunderstood...." "Patch cage after the goat escaped is too late. Rong tian didn't wait for Feng ming's explanation, automatically take off his clothes:" If you don't come, then i will be the cooking board." "No! This time i'm the cooking board!" Feng ming screamed and get on top. "Inside the room, immediately spreading some lustful voices that makes people imagine some lustful imagination. Chiu xing, chiu xing, lie er who kept the door outside quietly closed their mouths, to avoid making noises that surprised the two indulging their love inside." "You said this time will be how long?" "Great king dan Duke ming both injured, it won't take long." "But they finally can be together, it will take quite long." Rong hu the in charge of guarding was standing outside the door, unsatisfied looked at them, in a low voice said:" Lie er, you speak about Great king's private matter, don't you think it's not good?" Chiu yue shake her head:" Great king and Duke ming still have what private matter that can conceal us?" Chiu xing go along and said:" That's right, even if we didn't peek, by guessing we already know what they do." "Big brother, we still guarding the great king and Duke ming. the intimate time is the most easy way to relax." Lie er smiled and said:" Duke ming's voice is so nice, only big brother hear it as a audience, what a pity."

Rong hu being told by these three crafty kids yet can't speak a word, just helplessly shake his head, continuing guarding outside the door. "Hnn...be careful of my wound." "Sorry, i will be careful. haha, are you feeling comfortable?" "Slowing down." "Don't wanna, you're so fast before, i also wanna be this fast." Rong tian's voice has a little dumbfounded:" This can also be compared?" "Of course. Today i will make you surrender." Chiu yue and others looked at each other, shake their heads at the same time. "Ai, 'the talk big' Duke ming, did you forget who is being the top, after doing it unexpectedly letting the bottom to hold him to the bathing pool.....


Jan. 9th, 2014 at 1:49 PM

After a long holiday, i have regained my spirit. And now i'm fully charged to start the translation. Well, my english is bad, and i know very little of Chinese language. But, for those who love FYJT, i'd like to share what i got, if there is any weird translation, please understand that english and chinese are not my mother language, also, i will skip the part that i really don't understand. For detail and better translation, you can go to sookybabi orhttp://mnemeaa.wordpress.com/m/. Feng Yu Jiu Tian Vol 4 Chapter 4 The two people soon fell into a deep sleep.

Unexpectedly, before dawn, Suddenly there are screaming burst in the air. Rong tian the most vigilant, hurriedly jump up from the bed, holding the sword standing in front of Feng Ming, asked:" What happened?" Rong Hu rushed in from the curtain, the calm face slightly showed anxiety, knelt and replied:" Great King, Li Kingdom's troops suddenly attacked, now the distance from Earth moon tribe's camp is less than 5 km." "Less than 5 km?" Rong tian also shocked, hurriedly looked outside the window to see the fire in the distance:" Why just aware at this moment?" "The Li Kingdom's troops come stealthily, silent, until the border of the camp they just ignite the torch and start attacking." Rong tian looked outside from the window, snorted:" Looks like we can't underestimate Ruo yan. He was seriously injured, at the moment will not personally lead the troops, the one who lead the troops if not Miao Guang, must be the number one general Luo wei." Lie er has already stand in the room, reported:" The enemy general yet to be determined, currently is being traced." Feng ming since met Rong tian, his alertness has already gone, Until the moment he just found something's not right, rubbed his eyes and get up from the bed, turned his head to the window and just realized the fire, the fighting sound is everywhere, suddenly screamed:" Rong tian." and looking around. Rong tian press him to his chest, laughed:" I'm here, what are you afraid of?" He is familiar with the battlefield, although he never go out, yet he already know the enemy situation from the analysis. Know that this war isdangerous, but only can comfort Feng ming. "It's Ruo yan?" "hum, Li kingdom's troops, assaulting the Earth moon tribe, i'm afraid that this has already been planned in a long time." As a result, perhaps The erarth moon tribe troops insufficient to withstand. "Rong tian, what about your troops?"

"The general gathered in the border. But in here...." Rong tian sighed:" approximately three hundred troops." The room suddenly silence. The fighting sound is getting closer, Chiu yue and Chiu xing rushed into the room. The enemy is too strong, Great king should quickly go." They seemed to be just personally witnessed thebrutality of the fighting. Their eyes as though reflected the color of blood. Chiu yue hurriedly said:" Because The earth moon tribe offended Ruo yan, they already well-prepared for today. Great king please follow us to the secret construction of the Earth moon tribe hiding place." "Hiding place?" The place are broad, can hide thousands of people. The patriarch and some tribe's important people have already go there, Great king please follow me." Time is running out, Chiu yue chiu xing lead the way, leading Rong tian and others immediately moved. Dark night, in there the fighting sound rumbling in the sky, while in here they desperately escaped. The Earth moon tribe's land surrounded by many mountains and forests, rugged road. They have passed many turns with unclear directions. Following Chiu yue uphill and downhill, stampeding for a long time in the valley, finally see the entrance. Opened the almost without trace entrance. Feng ming said:" Oh, so we hide underground." Rong tian said:" Li kingdom troops attacked, they must be surrounded around. If we panicky escaped, only rushed into their encirclement. It is better to remain in the danger zone. Chiu yue Chiu xing lead the way, Rong hu Lie er protected behind, Feng ming while gingerly down the ladder, turned his head and praised:" Remained in danger zone to survive, looks like you're not stupid. It looks like i haven't taught you this principle, yet you yourself come out with this principle?" "Haha, Duke Ming don't underestimate me." In this dangerous situation. the two people can be together, yet felt happy, even throw away the Li

kingdom's troops problem. Rong tian's Hundreds of faithful guards also followed behind, all the people in the entrance have spent half an hour. Chiu yue carefully close the entrance, pulled out the fire paper, ignite the torch. "From here down is the hidden place." Rong tian nodded, pull Feng ming to go down together. This is really a huge hideout, circling for quite some time, Chiu yue Chiu xing constantly pointing the direction, to avoid the crowd straying around. Until everyone is exhausted, finally they see the broad underground cave. In the cave there are seat tableware with various color. Chiu yue said:" The Earth moon tribe group are in another cave. This underground labyrinth was originally discovered unintentionally by the Earth moon tribe, it's very suitable to be used as escaping place. With a great effort, finally figure out the path, and choose a few big cave to be the residence, reserves daily food supplies. Feng ming is very fond of this kind of adventurous life, his eyes sparkled, constantly shrieking, touching here and there. Chiu yue said:" The Earth moon tribe's labyrinth is The Earth moon tribe's top secret, we as the grandchild of the Patriarch, is one of the Patriarch's family, so being told about the map. But the Patriarch Grandfather told that the specific content of the map, Even for Great king we couldn't reveal it. So, if Great king want to leave, please let humble me to lead the way." Feng ming just knew that Chiu xing Chiu yue's mother unexpectedly is the Patriarch's daughter. No wonder when in The Earth moon tribe all the hospitality is the best. "Great king please forgive humble me for not telling the content of the map." The two people knelt in front of Rong tian. Rong tian is very wise and thoughtful, nodded:" just rise, The Earth moon tribe's last defense, a little strict is fine." Feng ming yet shout:" Then, if i want to go out is must bring you two along? Ah! i would like explore

myself. This kind of Underground labyrinth generally has some treasure...." Rong hu said:" Duke ming don't be reckless. There are many paths that we are going through to come here, there are dark caves everywhere and we don't even know what's inside, if by any chance you got lost, there is possibility that you can't go out anymore." Chiu yue chiu xing stand up, laughing beside Feng ming. "Duke ming want to play around, anyway you should take us around, of course it's good for us to lead the way." "Others are in accordance of Duke ming, but to leave the cave, you must take us to lead the way." Feng ming winked, felt tired, yawned:" Here's are full of color, there must be some beds right?" "Of course," Chiu xing pointed at the cave wall, This cave is a one set cave, beside the mother cave, there are many other big-small caves, they are connected to each other. The bedroom, kitchen are clearly written on the top." The people take a closer look, and there was indeed an inscription above the door of each room, as the part of this huge labyrinth's map. Feng ming laughed loudly," Interested, very interested." and yawned again, Lazily throwing wink towards Rong tian:" i say bad injured patient, you are incredible, clibing up and down all night yet you are not even feel tired. Let's come with me to rest. As long as the General of Li kingdom can't find the entrance, we don't need to be afraid." Chiu yue said:" even if they can find the entrance, without the labyrinth's map, they will starve to death inside." Rong tian's wound just being bandaged, thanks to the amazing perseverance and dangerous rushing intuitionthat supported all night, at the moment finally can feel a bit relieves, after hearing Feng ming, he feels his whole body are weak, nodded:" hum, it's really time to rest now." Feng ming saw his face was pale, stretched out his hand, said forthright:" come, this time let me hold you." just when he want to use his strength to hold Rong tian, his chest suddenly hurt, and he immediately loose his hand.

Fortunately Rong hu is standing beside and immediately support Rong tiang with his arm, Lie er rushed in front and support Feng ming. "Duke ming don't be mischievous, your own injury hasn't healed, and yet you push yourself." Lie er nagged:" Besides, you today just done 'that thing', of course your body will be weak." Lie er outspoken, Feng ming immediately blushed, stared and said:" What 'that thing i have done, you...you...how dare you peek?" He turned his head around and realized Chiu yue chiu xing chuckled, even Rong hu's lips are slightly twitch, immediately throw off Lie er, turned to Rong tian glared:" It's all your fault, as the Great king, not even teach them discipline." Rong tian smiled and said:" They are showing no discipline after following you for some time now, and you now want to blame me?" Everyone looked at Feng ming's overwhelmed handsome face, the black shiny eyes looked at one person to another, don't even know who he must scold, could not help but burst of laughter. Everything that is new in the cave can't even satisfied Feng ming's restless nature. Not even three days passed, He has explored the entire cave, making a fuss in the cave. On the third day, he want to to explore outside the cave. Rong tian always using his wound to bring back Feng ming's attention, always lingering every night, Lest Feng ming got excess energy, also considered injured fighting, commendable spirit. But this kind of commendable effort, only extended Feng ming patience for two days. The fifth day, Feng ming staring to nag again. "I want to go outside the cave." "Why?" "It's boring here." Feng ming frowned:" I'm not even a mouse." Lie er and other looked at each other, coincidentally speak the same thing in the heart: Duke ming you evenmore like jumping up and down than mouse.

Rong tian lazily dragged Feng ming to his side:" My wound is hurting again." "Heh, you are using your wound again for my pity. If i knew earlier i wouldn't tell you the 36 Strategies." feng ming growled, but still stretched his hand to rub the wound, look suspiciously:" Do you feel more better now?" "Hm." "Chiu xing, you help Rong tian rub his wound." Feng ming sat down and feel dejected. "Why can't i go outside the cave?" "This place is the safest place. Chiu xing infrequently respectfully salute to answer:" Even if this labyrinth is being built by The Earth moon tribe, but not all The Earth moon tribe people know the path inside this cave, only several commonly used roads and caves are safe. Duke ming ah, humble me afraid to take you stroll around, and loss on sight of you." Rong tian firmly said:" Moreover, we recently have been hidden inside the cave, never sent people out to check the situation. We don't even know whether the Li kingdom troops has found out entrance, if we rushed out, in the tunnel met the...." Feng ming big yawned, glanced at Rong hu, then glared at Rong tian, want him to say something. Rong tian smiled:" How about this, we first sent people to the entrance to check whether the enemy troops have discovered the entrance," waving to call the guard. " You go with Chiu xing to look at the entrance." "Understood." The two people go for a while now, and hastily come back. " Reported to the Great king, the entrance is clear, no enemy invasion." Feng ming's eyes shined brightly, jumped up from the chair, Said:" It's good then, the path is safe, i can stroll within the scope of the labyrinth. Chiu yue, lead the way."

Walked two step towards the cave hole, yet being pulled back by Rong tian. "Let go, i want to go out." Feng ming shouted:" Rong tian, you dare to disrespect Duke ming?" "You dare to disrespect The Great king's order?" Rong tian grabbed him while smiling, hot lips paste on the ear, said softly:" This labyrinth is The Earth moon tribe's forbidden place, to let us hide here has been giving us face, and yet you still wan to explore everywhere. If you like this, don't you only make difficult Chiu yue and chiu xing? They only don't dare to speak out, even this simple reason you can't think about, yet you even boast how clever you are." Feng ming looked down and think, rethink the words and manner of everyone in these days, sure enough there is a little mean to avoid arousing suspicion, suddenly blushed, shook off Rong tian's hand, glanced at Rong tian and said:" I know now, why don't you tell me earlier, causing me to look so ugly these days." the little face looked up and complained:" Then let me stayed bored in here." Rong tian asked again:" It's already 5 days since we come inside this cave, don't know how's the outside situation going?" Chiu xing obviously knew the information of the other cave that The Earth moon tribe stayed at, Answered:" The tribe has sent ten shrewd young men to go outside, but after going out the entrance, but no one returned." "Oh?" Rong tian's eyebrow flicked:" Don't tell me the Li kingdom troops searched strictly, not even one person succeed to return? Lie er interrupted:" In case these people being captured, wouldn't the entrance being exposed?" "Won't. They all are the tribe's hero, if they are being discovered by the enemy and can't even come back to the entrance, then they will bite the poison in their mouths." Chiu xing sadly said:" They..I'm afraid they all have died." Feng ming fear the most of the dead, after hearing them, trembling for a while. "If we want to know the outside situation, don't need to send people outside, drill a hole above the cave, maybe can see the outside situation." After saying, 5 people looked at him at the same time, Feng ming muttering, scratched his head and said:" I was wrong again?"

Rong tian sighed:" You're very clever." But such a simple truth, The Earth moon tribe must also now about this." Lie er muttered and being heard by Feng ming, Being warning glanced by Feng ming. Chiu xing nodded and said:" The tribe people of course have thought about this. In the past, they sig the hole above the cave several times, but no matter how long the hole, yet can't see the outside, The tribe people wasting their effort, and just found out the reason." "What reason?" We came in from the entrance of the valley, yet we are at..." Feng ming opened his eyes widely, jumped up:" But in the underground?" "Correct." Chiu xing nodded and said:" So no matter how the tribe people drill the hole on the wall, they can't see outside." Rong tian heard once and totally understand, said:" The labyrinth below, even if the ground opened up, can onlysee a little bit of the sky, there is no way to know the surrounding situation." Feng ming desperately scratched his head, asked:" So now we are beneath what place?" "According to the tribe's projections, probably beneath the grassland that Duke ming usually used to ride the horse." "Unexpectedly we are beneath the grassland." quietly looking the people around, his eyes flashed, suddenly raised his head and laughed. "Duke ming, what are you laughing for?" "Haha, haha, very funny." Feng ming didn't answer, only kept grimace, making the crowd felt more curious. Only Rong tian looked calm, said:" Don't need to ask, he must be thinking of some weird idea again." "It's not a weird idea." Feng ming suddenly stop laughing, raise his eyebrows and

said:" Is another one of thegreat invention in the era." "Duke ming don't give a riddle, please hurry speak." Feng ming turned, Spoke to Rong hu:" Rong hu, can you drill a hole up here directly to the outside?" Rong hu sighed:" After surveying how hard the top soil here, we will know then." hurriedly stood up and turned to find somebody to survey the soil. Feng ming ordered Chiu yue:" I want some long straight pipe, bronze mirrors. Remember, the more smooth thebronze mirrors the better." "Yes, i will find the best for Duke ming." Chiu yue knew that Feng ming would make something interesting again, she excitedly stick her tounge out at Chiu xing. The two hurriedly go to prepare Feng ming's order. Lie er dissatisfied said:" How about me?" "You'll be my assistant later." Rong tian raised his eyebrows," What do you to make?" "It's difficult to explain to ancient people like you, wait until i finished making it then i will tell you." Feng ming felt proud, yet sit on Rong tian's lap and sang the melody of Xi rei. Not a while, Rong hu has returned." "Reported to Duke ming, although the soil is hard, but we still can drill a hole." "Great, You immediately find a good location to drill the hole. Chiu yue, have you prepared the things?" Chiu yue rushed in, some guards behind lift a long bamboo pipe:" Here, here, fortunately Chiu yue and i are always bringing the bronze mirror, This is also the reward from the Great king, very smooth." "As long as the effect is good."

Feng ming saw the tools have been complete, excitedly starting to command around. The thing he want to make actually is not difficult, busy for some time finally finished. Feng ming smiled and said:" Done, then still left Rong hu to drill the hole." The crowd lokking for the thing that had made the busy all day long, a long bamboo embedded two smoothbronze mirrors, exposing dazed look. "Duke ming, What is the function of this thing?" "Is it for going through the hole to the surface?" Feng ming sip the tea, let the thirsty throat to rest for a while, nodded and said:" This is called periscope, two mirrors can reflect the light, parallel light rays pass from the top to the bottom. We stand beneath the ground, by using this thing, it's like we are standing on the grassland." Chiu yue shocked:" Unexpectedly this magical!" Lie er suspiciously stratched his ear:" This thing really that good?" "Hmm, wait until then you all will know." Unexpectedly Rong hu drill the hole for approximately three hours but still no movement, Feng ming like being stracthed by cat, constantly walking back and forth in the cave. "Rong hu hasn't done yet?" "How can so quickly?" Rong tian pull the irritated Feng ming to sit beside the table:" Let's just eat something first." "I'm impatient, This great invention...." Rong tian hurriedly stuffed Feng ming's mouth with food, Feng ming chewed and the swallowed it, licking lips and said:" hum, delicious, give me again." Rong tian laughed, sureenough, personally fed him again. After finishing dinner, Haven't seen Rong hu's report. Feng ming being caught by Chiu yue to change

cloth, go back to the cave, stomping and said:" This won't do, i want to personally go to supervise." Rong tian shook head and sighed, hold Feng ming's waist and hug him:" Your patience is extremely poor. Rong hu always doing thing neatly, if he can't, it's no use for you to go supervise then. How can drilling a hole to the surface is an easy task? let's go back to the bedroom, tomorrow we will ask." "Tomorrow?" "Of course tomorrow." Rong tian's challenging eyebrow, ambiguously leaned over, his big hand stroking the curve of Feng ming's back, laughed:" Who told you to teach me 'The spring night is worth a thousand gold'? that was the most useful word that you have teach me." "Pervert!" Opposing again and again, Rong tian has pushed Feng ming back to the bedroom. In one night making him backache, the second day Feng ming struggled to get up from the bed. Rong hu had already been waiting inside the cave, seeing Feng ming and smiled:" the hole has been done, now only wait for Duke ming's tool." Feng ming excitedly gearing up and said:" immediately start the work!" Suddenly one speak thousands respond, carefully inserting Feng ming's Periscope into the hole. Everyone busy for a long time, finally has fit in the place. Looking at the length of the pipe, the upper ground is not that far from the beneath. The exciting time finally came, Feng ming shouted, the first one to looked at the periscope, focusing his eyesight. A moment of silent. Chiu yue chiu xing wait beside, widely opened their eyes to look at Feng ming's movement. Rong tian leaned against the wall, slightly raised his lips. After a long while, Feng ming finally turned away from the periscope and looked at the crowd, looked weird.

"Duke ming, you can really see the surrounding circumstances?" Lie er step forward, shaking Feng ming's shoulder:" Duke ming?" Rong tian coughed , said:" If you can't see, there is no big deal, probably the hole drilled at the wrong place?" Feng ming blanked for a while, and weirdly looked at Rong hu:" Why you choose this place to drill the hole?" Rong hu doesn't know the reason and answered:" The soil here is more suitable, so i choose here." We are now perfectly beneath the room i lived before, according to my speculation, maybe the edge of the hole is beside the bed, there are some flower pots that being planted by Chiu yue Chiu xing, and it's in the corner,should not be noticeable." Chiu xing screamed:" So this thing is really can be used then?" "Oh my God, It's really this magical!" Feng ming saw the crowd so excited, quickly put his finger on the lips:" hush, be careful the sound will be heard above." His great product successfully used, yet did not reveal exciting appearance, instead his face showing fear, turned to looked at Rong tian, lower his voice:" i saw Ruo yan, he sit in the room, and some generals are standing beside him. He...he actually come here in person, certainly for catching me." His black eyes staring showed anxiety, and shrinking into Rong tian's arm.


Feb. 17th, 2014 at 3:43 PM

Fiuh, After being busy with the work lately. Now, i have some spare time translate the next chapter. Enjoy. :P Notes: Well, my english is bad, and i know very little of Chinese language. But, for those who love

FYJT, i'd like to share what i got, if there is any weird translation, please understand that english and chinese are not my mother language, also, i will skip the part that i really don't understand. For detail and better translation, you can go to sookybabi orhttp://mnemeaa.wordpress.com/m/. Feng Yu Jiu Tian Vol 4 Chapter 5 Rong tian not expected Feng ming to be this scared after seeing Rong tian. His eyebrows pricked, stroking Feng ming and said:" Don't be scared, i'm here with you." Lie er Smiled:" We have selected the right location, If Ruo yan staying in the room that Duke Ming used before, then we can observe their military layout." Feng ming peek out from Rong tian's bossom, frowned and shook his head:" Periscope only can see the situation above, but for the voice, i can't guarantee." "As long as we can see them it's already enough." Rong hu stood up:" I can read lip motion, more or less, i can guess what they're talking about." He turned and following Feng Ming's way stoop to looked at the periscope, Surprisingly said:" Huh, it really can see the situation above, Ruo yan is like sit down in front of us." "Of course, this is a high-tech product." Feng ming started feeling proud. Rong hu suddenly said:" Wait, they're discussing about us." everyone immediately concentrate. In accordance to the mouth motion, Rong hu repeated the conversation between Ruo yan and the Great General Lu wei. Lu wei said:" The rebel army of The Earth-moon tribe has been hiding under the underground labyrinth, Great King why not immediately send the troops to the labyrinth entrance?" Everyone underground startled, not expected the Li Kingdom have known that hey are hiding in the underground labyrinth, also have known the entrance location. Ruo yan said:" Approximately how many people the missing rebels of The Earth moon tribe?" " Approximately Three-five hundred people, Added Xi rei' s spies, perhaps seven hundred people." Ruo yan asked again:" Can hide such large amount of people, have you ever seen such underground palace?"

Lu wei hesitated:" never" "Such underground palace, the road must be criss-crossing, once we rushed in, like being caught in the quicksand, can't be easily come out. Moreover, fight an invisible enemy, it will only increase our military casualties. I have another trick, can catch those people alive." Lu wei admired:" Great king is wise, do we still continuing to send people out to guard the entrance, arrested all the spies that have been sent out by them?" "These days the Earth moon tribe can't be controlled, continuously sending people out to get some information, you must assure that those people will be caught all, and not let single one to escape, i want those underground mice can't get a single information of the ground above." "Yes." Lu wei frowned:" unfortunately those people are very stubborn, after being caught, they will immediately suicide by swallowing poison. Sometimes, one or two people can be stopped by us, despite torture but refused to reveal the underground route. If only there is one person that can be used by us to send the fake information to the Earth noon tribe, then that would be great." Lu wei said to this point, Feng ming and others cursed the despicable Li Kingdom. Ruo yan sneering:" Don't worry, let them staying underground for some more days. My sister tomorrow will be arrived, wait until her arrival, then we will handle them." "So Princess Miao Guang tomorrow will arrive, then that will be great." Discussing until this point, there seem to be someone outside the room that reporting some news. The two walked out the room together, the discussion stopped. Rong tian and others also back to the Great Cave, and only let one people to observe the periscope. After seeing Ruo yan, feng ming has been unhappy, muttering:" Miao guang? Why must wait until Miao guang's arrival?" Because Feng ming repeatedly being harmed by Miao guang, Chiu xing hated Miao guang to the bone:" That wicked woman, if she fell i our arms, i will sword to scratch her face." Chiu yue softly said:" She is not even as beautiful as the Third princess, what's the use for you to

scratch her face?" "Ruo yan won't wait Miao guang to command the army, and also won't wait Miao guang for him to set the strategy." Lie er leaned, his delicate eyebrows slightly twist, soliloquize:" Perhaps Ruo yan had instructed Miao guang to do something, and after finishing the mission, then can strike in to the Underground palace?" Everyone brooding. Rong tian suddenly lower his voice and said:" Ruo yan understand that if there is no map, then the can't strike in." Feng ming looked at him:" Perhaps Miao guang will send the underground map?" "It's not possible, if Li King has the underground map, we would have died." Rong hu calmly analyzing. Rong tian looked at Feng ming, seemed like something came to mind, his eyes suddenly flashed a light:" He refused to send the troops down, perhaps he want to force us to go out?" After being reminded by Rong tian, Feng ming frowned, sipped his lips and said:" Dealing with such underground palace, the best way is using smoke. When the heavy smoke come in, the enemy wouldn't want to be choked dead and will rush out." Chiu xing still don't understand:" Such great underground palace, ordinary smoke can force people to rush out?" Such words making people all looked at her, looked extremely nervous. "What's wrong?" Chiu xing strangely asked. Lie er muttering:" You're right, Ruo yan won't use ordinary smoke." "Li King is good at poison, then he must also be good at toxic smoke, if there is suitable drugs cited, the toxic smoke must be very scary." "The drugs cited is difficult to get, so he must wait for Miao guang to take the concoction here."

Rong tian smiled softly, stood up stretching his muscles and joints, leisurely said:" Let us guess the mystery of this toxic smoke." Chiu yue said:" This kind of smoke, maybe have severe toxicity, just a little bit of inhalation, then will be poisoned." "To deal with such huge underground palace, the toxic smoke must need wind to filled the entire underground labyrinth, to let no one can escape." "If like this, then everyone will be poisoned in the cave? As a result, Ruo yan don't have the map, so he can come in to investigate, then how can he know the people that he wanna kill have been killed?" Rong hu speak slowly his doubts. Rong tian appreciate and lookes at Rong hu, nodded:" Rong hu is very careful." He held hands and walked in a circle, slowly said:" Ruo yan's toxic smoke, most likely to confuse people sanity, just a lot of spray into the cave, letting the people being poisoned, and rattling at the entrance, the rattling sound tempted to go out. Only by this way can catch the people alive." Chiu xing sipped her lips:" Ruo yan really gives a lot of effort. But....why he must catch us alive?" Lie er mocked:" You think the people Ruo yan want to catch is you?" Feng ming suddenly felt something, looked at Rong tian. "If not for catch alive, perhaps Ruo yan has already drain or burn the entrance, using deadly trap to kill us all." Rong tian giving faint smile toward him:" Feng ming, these six days of us all to stay alive is all thanks to you." Feng ming suddenly startled, his back felt chilly:" Me? Why Ruo yan want to catch me? i....." remember on the top of the cliff almost being eaten by Ruo yan, Cold sweat flowing. He blankly looked at Rong tian, suddenly jumped, shouted:" I don't care, you said you will block all the problems for me. Rong tian, don't you ever forget your oath." He's afraid of Ruo yan to the bone, remembering that Ruo yan in above is thinking how to catch him alive, he even forgot that dignity of Duke ming, embrace Rong tian's shoulder and began to cry. The people in the cave suddenly looked at each other. Only Rong tian giving Feng ming a hug and dearly said:" Of course i will block it for you, don't you

trust me?" Warm words to comfort Feng ming, Rong tian suddenly being serious and said:" Tomorrow after Miao guang's arrival, Li kingdom will immediately attacked. The crisis will come. Chiu yue, you immediately go see the Earth moon tribe patriarch, informing this urgent news to them. Besides, asked clearly whether there are other ways out?" Chiu yue Chiu xing said yes and hurriedly go. Rong tian turned and giving Rong hu order:" You continue guarding the periscope, if there are any Ruo yan's further movement, immediately reported." Rong hu said yes and then immediately go. The cave only remaining Rong tian and Feng ming, also Lie er and other confidants. "Rather that just sit and wait to be attacked, it would be better to immediate counterattack." Rong tiang sadly staring at the small map on the wall. Bearing dignified. Feng ming's face became pale:" Counterattack? Ruo yan they are guarding in the entrance, if we go out only will have a bad luck." "Look at you, when discussing Ruo yan you immediately became scared." Rong tian squinting his eyes, and said:" Ruo yan is now above of us, it's not difficult to deal with him?" "you mean...." "Periscope originally hollow, remove the two mirrors, we will attack first to protect ourselves." He remember all the vulgar proverb sentences that Feng ming taught him very clearly. Rong tian smiled at Feng ming, His deep eyes revealing The king's dignity, thin lips lightly spitted out two words:" poison him." " Poison him?" Feng ming slightly thinking, suddenly regain the spirit:" Poison through the pipe, if Ruo yan sleep there at night, then it will be great." Couldn't help jumping excitedly on the ground a few times. Rong tian saw his childish behavior, purposely felling awkward and said:" Don't get excited too early, we still have some questions."

"Questions?" "First, we don't have any poison in our arms now." Rong tian said seriously:" Ruo yan is good at using poison, as a king he also have to prevent any dangerous plot, he must be regular using poison starting from a child, to enhance the physical sediment, the regular poison, perhaps can't kill him." "You don't have any high quality poison? kind of like a series of pumice?" Feng ming annoyed and shouted. Rong tian glared at him:" I'm not Ruo yan that vicious kid, as a Great king, why carry the poison?" Feng ming feel dejected again, walked in a circle, and sit on the chair. Rong tian said:" Second, if we poisoning Ruo yan through the pipe, the other day Miao guang will be alerted. To investigate a little, they will find out the periscope. Then, our location will be exposed." Feng ming coldly said:" And maybe Miao guang will learn from us to poison us through the periscope, we will be like a group of mice that being locked in the laboratory and being poison to death." "Therefore, as long as there is no other way out from here, we can't just poison through the pipe." This time, Chiu yue Chiu xing have come back. "Great king, we have informed the patriarch." Chiu yue sipped her lips:" For the other way out from here. It's too huge in here, so far, only some big cave that have been explored, and the entrance is also the only one to go out." Feng ming more depressed:" Then, there is no other way." Rong tian silence for a while, and said:" Anyway we can't delay until tomorrow. No retreat, then only can take the risk. "Didn't you say we can't poison him?" Feng ming using bad tone to ask. Lie er seemed to come to understand:" When late at night, we give the sleeping smoke through the periscope to make Ruo yan in a deep sleep. Though Ruo yan can resist the poison, but he can't escape

from the sleeping smoke, then open a passage, send people to go above, and kidnapped Ruo yan." "Li King in our hand, who dare to attack us?" Rong tian's eyes shined, and smiled. "To open a passage of people in one night from underground to the land above is not an easy task." Chiu yue frowned:" Let's see, only a simple passage for one single pipe has made Rong hu busy one night." Rong tian proudly said:" It's about Life and death, can't hesitate. We will be able to make it. Lie er immediately go to meet your brother, tell him about the plan, i want him to make a passsage to Ruo yan's room tonight." "Yes!" Lie er Said yes loudly and hurriedly go. "Chiu yue, you go again to the Earth moon tribe cave to inform our plan. Tell them to gather here tonight for the raid. If we can handle Ruo yan, then there is possibility to win." Rong tian commending, Calm and collected. Feng ming see him handsome and suave, also competent, the worry in the heart has retreated slightly, also got spirit and said:" To open the passage is the physical work, my Physics knowledge can be helpful, at least can use the mechanics. I will now go to help Lie er." Just when he want to step forward, there are rapid footsteps coming to the cave. Dongdongdong, the one come is surely flustered. "Great King!" someone shouted, and the one flew unexpectedly is Rong hu. Rong hu looked tense, exposing panic, Lie er also following behind and flew in, looked at his expression, it seems like he met Rong hu on the way here and following Rong hu here but still don't get what had happened. Rong tian lowered his voice and said:" What happened?" "The periscope has been discovered by Ruo yan, when he and Lu wei discussing about the military matter, he turned the sight, and noticed the periscope that appear in the corner of the bed." This time Rong tian's face has changed, gritted his teeth:" This Ruo yan really has sharp eyes." "Also, Miao guang has been arrived early just now, i saw her in the periscope just now." Rong hu

added. Feng ming shocked:" it seems, Ruo yan will discover the periscope function very soon." "The worst thing is, he can use this to know our location." Rong tian showed a serious face. He thought for a moment, Lower his face and said:" After Ruo yan finally understood, he will immediately attacked. Miao guang has arrived, The toxic smoke will be instantly made. Chiu yue, you hurriedly inform the Earth moon tribe, tell them the situation has changed, immediately prepare for the counterattack." He turned to look at Feng ming, suddenly hugged Feng ming, softly said:" Don't be scared, life and death, we will always be together." the aspects of his life is wisdom, unfortunately his army are not around, trapped in underground palace, even his plan to counterattack has been discovered by the enemy. Feng ming gritted his teeth and nodded:" Okay, we will be together." They hugged tightly each other, but in their hearts they know that to make a passage from underground to the land above is very difficult, but to make the passage from the land above to the underground is not difficult. When the entry has been made, the toxic smoke scattered in, not go out will end up being caught alive, go, Inthis strange deep underground palace, It is likely an one way to the dead end and can't even see tomorrow ever again.


May. 6th, 2014 at 9:58 AM

Finally finished, i'm so busy with the work lately. Now, i have some spare time translate the next chapter. Enjoy. :P Notes: Well, my english is bad, and i know very little of Chinese language. But, for those who love FYJT, i'd like to share what i got, if there is any weird translation, please understand that english and chinese are not my mother language, also, i will skip the part that i really don't understand. For detail and better translation, you can go to sookybabi orhttp://mnemeaa.wordpress.com/m/.

Feng Yu Jiu Tian Vol 4 Chapter 6 "Feng ming, we are not running away." Rong tian hugged Feng ming. We can't ran away. Under the decision, there is no objection. Rong tian was King. Xi Rei's king. Rong tian was not wrong speculating.The toxic smoke spread all over and not leaving any room and lingered through the drilling hole from Rong hu. Feng ming has already ordered Lie er:" Find some fabrics, wet with water, in the middle wrapped in wet soil, cover on the nose and mouth. Temporarily, it's not sure whether the gas mask was effective. All people are in hurry to wore the mask on the face. They looked at each other, they all in weird appearance, but at this time, nobody had a joking mood. The toxic smoke is just the first round of attack. As expected, after the toxic smoke, there was a roaring sound, not far from the toxic smoke infiltrated place, a big hole has been pounded by The Li army. Chunks of rock soil dropped from the ceiling of the underground palace. "Our only way out is while Ruo yan is expecting us to be poisoned, we will rush out and fight back," Rong tian quietly watched the crowd. His cronies are here, Rong hu, Lie er, Xi rei's warrior, and the Earth-Moon tribe's last power, also Chiu yue Chiu xing the maid servants added together are not even more than 700 people. The sword had been held in the hand, Feng Ming had quietly stand shoulder to shoulder with him. Rong hu silent, but couldn't help to speak:"Great King please stay in the underground palace, i will lead the troop to fight and Great King took the opportunity to escape." Seven hundred people to fight ten thousands army, even the raid, no chance of winning. Rong Tian slowly sighed. He also knew that this war was hopeless. But he shook head:"If we don't take this opportunity to rushed out, The only way out will be gone. It's hard breathing in the underground palace, it's inevitably to be caught by Ruo Yan.

"Underground palace have many paths, it's not even sure that we will be found by Ruo Yan," Lie er said:" If Great King refuses to escape from the Li King, please let me protect Duke Ming, let us flee to the depths of the underground palace." Feng Ming's heart tighten, Pearl black eyes stared at Rong tian. Rong tian turned his head and smiled toward him, lightly said: "Feng ming won't leave my side." Feng ming felt touched, can't help but move his feet, until his shoulder touched Rong tian's, he turned around and stared at Rong tian. The light yellow smoke had drifted here, condensate in the air, strangely scary, Rong hu wore Feng ming's simply made gas mask, breathed deeply in the thick yellow smoke. The crowd waiting with bated breath. In short while, Rong hu turned around, make a gesture. Sure enough it could filter the toxic smoke, Feng ming suddenly relieved. How poisonous the ancient toxic was, still couldn't even matched the modern chemical weapon. Not even sure that the soil in this underground palace could filter the air in tiny particles. But anyway, it was still God blessing. The sound of the bell was ringing from afar, disrupted the mind. "Ruo yan is using the bell ringing sound to bring the people who poisoned out," Rong tian said,"We just need to pretend that we have been poisoned, quietly walk toward the bell sound. Listen to my order, as long as Ruo yan show up, we will kill him. Only by killing Li King, the Li troops will be in chaos, then we can escape." Everyone nodded. Their eyes showed Inexpressibly perseverance. The yellow smoke was thick, not faded away, but slowly forward. The crowd was using the gas mask to walk through the thick smoke, passing a very long path, the light had been faintly showing. "It's strange, there is no smoke around the place where the bell sound coming. God bless my Xi rei." Rong tian removed the gas mask first, breath deeply, frowned and said,"You all can remove the gas

mask, there is no toxic smoke in here." They had to pretend being poisoned to attack Ruo yan. But of course not while wearing this odd gas mask. The sound of the messy footsteps echoed in the tunnel. Ruo yan was smiling standing in front of the entrance of the underground palace, looked at the crowd that walk with the stone ladder with blank expression. The exit is in Feng ming's previous room, this moment the surrounding walls have been demolished. Thousand of troops armed with swords surrounding around. The people of Xirei and The Earth-Moon Tribe Procrastination stuck out their heads, no eyes widely opened, getting together. The last to appear, are Rong tian and Feng Ming. One was an imposing appearance, while the other one was a pretty and fascinating appearance, stick close together. Ruo yan seem unacceptable for a moment, these two people can't obediently stand in front of him. "Hah, really infatuation, being poisoned still stick so close together," Ruo yan examined the two people, handing the bell to Miao guang, lifting Feng ming's chin, smiled and said," Duke ming, how have you been?" Silky and soft skin making people heart throbbing, make people fascinated by his magic. Still showing beautiful eyes, suddenly his eyes looked fixed, like meteor flashed through his eyes. Ruo yan startled, hurriedly jumped back. "It's a scam." Although he screamed fast enough, but it's already too late. The sword behind Rong tian's back had been pointed at his face. Calmly in one swing, though Ruo yan had used fast speed to jumped back, but still bleeding. Rong hu shouted:"Attack!" The crowd gathered, Their eyes flashed killing aura, there was no slightest slack.

"Catch King Li!" Brutal Killing, fresh blood spattered everywhere, roaring sound in around. The guards around Rou yan caught off hand, screams sounded again and again. For a moment, Ruo yang and his guards being circled by Xi rei's troops in the center. The outermost of the circle was the thousand troops of Li Kingdom. "Brother King!" Miao guang felt anxious. What a chaos. Rong tian shouted:"Ruo yan, take my sword!" Fierce withdrew, the sword hit the armor, making sparks. A sharp pain made him frowned. When he turned to took his sword out to block the sword, he got attacked by Rong tian. He stagger backward. block the sword again. The guards desperately blocked the attack that came from everywhere. Ruo yan face to face against Rong tian. The king of two kingdom, attacked in the chaos. Tragic, The troops in outermost eager to protect the king, surrounded and killed the people in the middle. There was fleeting opportunity, Rong tian attacked three times in a row, although injured Rong tian, but it was a hopeless situation. The rest people beside him, lack of number with only two hundred people. The Li troops had been attack into the Xi rei troops, gradually moved closer to Ruo yan that were in critical situation. Rong tian didn't wait to think, turned and pulled Feng ming. "Breakout!"

Breakout? from where to breakout? Feng ming looked around, Li troops were everywhere, Screams were everywhere, Rong hu and others covered with blood protecting around. Sea of blood, had already difficult to differentiate between sky and earth, life and death. Common sense had gone, the sword in the hand swung wildly, every each swing carried blood. Ruo yan, he was nearby. They tried to move slowly to avoid the Li troops, but it's just wishful thinking. But they already moved to the cavalry of Li troops. Rong tian swung the sword, killed people, snatched the horse. Turned around, suddenly holding Feng Ming onto the horse:" Go!" He also grab himself a horse. Rong tian whipped at the horse's back. Rong hu was smart, he already snatched a horse and rode on it. The underlings had been killed or injured and exhausted. Lie er struggled, the flower beads on Chiu yue's hair had been crushed to pieces. Rong tian brought only a few people to fight, Ruo yan's howling being heard:" Catch them, Catch them for me." Great and mighty, there is unmatched in the world. Rong tian in this moment was making people stunned. Swing the sword, life and death. Feng ming turned around, Rong tian's back had carried one person, a small body struggled in Rong tian's arm actually is Miao Guang. " Ruo yan, don't you want your sister's life?" Rong tian roared. Li troops trembled. Since when Miao Guang fell to Xi rei King's hand.

In a gasp, Rong tian had brought people to rush out the surrounding. Speckled with blood all the way. Rong tian forced the horse to turned around, smiled at Feng Ming. Thousand troops, in critical moment, he still smiled so warm, Feng Ming was absentminded. "Feng Ming, i'm really not willing." Ominous feeling suddenly came. "No", Feng Ming suddenly screamed:" No!" He rushed to the front, he being hit on the back of the head. He suddenly felt unconscious. Before fell to the ground, a hand caught him. Rong Hu. Rong tian's eyes flashed praise to him, slowly said:" Go first." Ruo yan was not a mediocre person, a Miao Guang in enemy's hand wouldn't hold him long. Rong tian was a King, only Xi Rei King can messed Li troops. Rong hu not saying a word, holding Feng ming and rushed away. Fierce wind, diseased horse. Rong tian smiled lightly, proudly looked at faraway Ruo yan. "It's surprising that you actually quite love your sister." Ruo yan also smiled:" You think they can escape from Li Kingdom?" Rong tian didn't answer, hit fainting the struggled Miao Guang in his hand. Pulling the rope, the horse collaborate, as if it knew the one riding is a true hero. "Ruo yan, for me as your opponent, you must not want me to die easily." Rong tian leisurely said:"

How about we compete in a battle." The wounded ribs had been bleeding profusely. "I will let Miao Guang go, before you killed me, don't let your troops to catch Feng Ming." Ruo yan laughed coldly, his dark eyes, had a slightest appreciated. His hand gently loosen, the fainted Miao Guang fell on the ground. Ruo yan raised his hand:" Trasmit order, Lu Wei army surrounded nearly tn miles. Seeing Xi rei King, not allowed to kill, we can only catch." Receiving the bow from the guard beside him, Ruo yan smiled cruelly:" Today, i will personally hunted the so called Great King from Xi Rei." The last sword to protect himself, also being threw by Rong tian to the ground. He coldly reminded:" before you killed me, you're not allowed to catch Feng Ming." "As the King i promise." Ruo yan said:" Don't worry." Rong tian smiled lightly. Although he hadcovered in blood, no weapon, but still very noble. King. He trusted Ruo yan. "Rong tian, how long you can delay for Feng Ming?" "The longer, the better." Rong tian laughed loudly. turned the horse. Whipped the horse, the moment the horse flew, Ruo yan had raised the bow. The arrow like meteor had been flying toward him. Pierce deep into the right shoulder. The blood spatter. The horse shrieked and bolted.

Ruo yan saw him went far away, whipped the horse to go forward. "Rong tian, i want one arrow after another, slowly take your life away." The clear sky, you're surrounded by thousand troops, unarmed, If escape this fate to be shot into a hedgehog?


May. 16th, 2014 at 9:48 AM

Enjoy the story. :) Notes: Well, my english is bad, and i know very little of Chinese language. But, for those who love FYJT, i'd like to share what i got, if there is any weird translation, please understand that english and chinese are not my mother language, also, i will skip the part that i really don't understand. For detail and better translation, you can go to sookybabi orhttp://mnemeaa.wordpress.com/m/. Feng Yu Jiu Tian Vol 4 Chapter 7 Flash of blood, the shade of sword, roaring sound of the dying people, surrounded all over. The heavy air was clawing out, there was only darkness around, pressured over. Rong tian's last smile. Heartbreaking smile, in a blink of ayes turned into a blood-red. Half opened wings were thrown in the air. "No......" Feng ming Struggling to wake from the dream, suddenly sat up, his forehead was full of cold sweat. He opened his eyes, the surrounding was in the dark, he felt the silence different from the dream.

He breathed heavily, listened warily. There was a slight sound of water. "Duke Ming" The heavy sound. "Rong hu?" Feng ming also down the voice,"Where is this place? Where s Rong tian?" "We are in a ship that carrying Li Kingdom's rich family, There are Li troops everywhere searching for us" "Where is Rong tian? Where is he?" Feng ming asked," Also Lie er and others, Where are they?" In the darkness, Rong hu only silence. Feng ming hold a breath, wait quietly. For a long time, Rong hu said softly," I don't know" His beating heart was like being hold in a palm. Tighten, tighten, and tighten. "Are they all dead?" Surprisingly calm, a little numb lips spit these words. Rong hu leaned over and touched the narrow bilge. He repeated heavily," I don't know. Duke Ming, the situation is critical, please take care of yourself." Tighten, tighten, the gurgling blood from the heart was flowing from the fingers. Feng ming closed his eyes, slowly leaned against the wet bulkhead of the ship. "Do they still have a chance to live?" Breathing had become a painful torment, every time, felt like piercing the heart. Rong hu answered,"Perhaps." Silence, shrouded by darkness. "Rong hu" Feng ming asked slowly,"Can i cry for a moment?"

"The people on this ship will hear you," Rong hu's voice was actually a little choked. All the pain was desperately being suppressed, Feng ming kept silent in the bilge. Severely biting his lips, the smell of blood filled the mouth. After calming down a bit, Feng ming's voice sounded a little bit husky. "What time is it now?" "Midnight. Duke Ming had been sleeping for two days," Being scared of Feng Ming refused to leave Rong tian, so he just used violence. "Are we on the way back to Xi Rei?" "Ruo yan would have blocked the road leading to Xi Rei. We are heading to Bo Jian first, we will detour to back to Xi rei. This ship just happened to heading toward Bo Jian." "You're doing great." Feng Ming opened his eyes, his eyes were shining in the dark:" If something happened to Rong tian, only the empress can take over the overall situation, i must go back to help the empress." Rong hu always scared that Feng ming would argue to go back saving Rong tian, Rong hu relieved at the moment:" If Duke ming understand the overall situation, then i can rest assured." "Don't worry about me." Feng ming's voice, having a little heavy perseverance. It turned out that pain can change a person's part of themselves. Rong tian, you smiled at me so gently, whether you know that i will appreciate your intention? Although I hate to sacrifice your wishful, but for your smile, I will take good care of myself. If i can't pay you with my life, then my life will belong to Xi Rei, the place you belong to and protect the most. Traveling in despair, Feng ming only supported by the last hope he got in going back to Xi Rei.

Feng ming was lying on the bilge for a few days, not talking, seemed like he had lost half of hus soul. The sound of water under the ship, keep flowing, sometimes, it made Feng ming thought that it was Rong tian's blood dripping nonstop. The bilge of the ship was dark and wet, make them not aware of day or night, also there were no other people coming in here. Feng ming didn't sure how Rong hu dragging the unconcious him to this place. Rong hu every day would go up there some foods and drinks, they didn't know the outside information at all. "Duke Ming, after passing a few days, the ship will pass the border of Bo jian and Li kingdom," Rong hu said," As long as we leave the Li kingdom, we must immediately landed." Feng ming didn't have any appetite at all, he forced himself to eat a little food and leaned on the bilge's wall. Rong tian's smile always flash back in his mind. Due to that smile, he constantly hovering in the survival and despair. Rong tian, where are you exactly now? Since the first time Feng ming came to this space, he really fled away a lot of times, but he never felt discouraged nor stronger than this moment. Feng ming spent the day at a loss. The ship suddenly stopped, it crashed a little. Rong hu concentrated to hear," To the border, it must be from the Li troops in search of vessels crossing." "That ship..." "Duke ming don't worry, the owner of this ship is a very powerful person in Li kingdom, No one would embarrass his family." Rong hu calmly said," The troops will search for a while for showing obeying the rules, and then released the ship." Waited quietly, the ship still didn't move. Otherwise, it came the voice of a little quarrel.

Rong hu frowned," What happened? Don't tell me Li king is so strict, even this kind of ship have to be thoroughly searched?" Feng ming stood up, silenced for a moment, holding his sword in his hands. "Based on my calculation, Ruo yan must have known that we won't go straight back to Xi rei," Feng ming said," it is difficult to go back to Xi rei, I've guessed it." Rong hu concentrated in hearing, and suddenly he looked stern," This is bad, they really want to search thoroughly on this ship, the guard on this shon can't even stopped them." He suddenly stood up, said to feng ming," Duke ming, We can't stay here any longer, i will go up there first, when Duke ming hear a chaos outside, hurriedly go up there. This river is heading east-west, after jumping off the river, Duke ming must swim to east direction, when Duke ming see hurdles, Duke ming must immediately go ashore to find another path, because there will be trap under the water." While talking he went toward the wooden stair. In this situation, the last person beside him also had to sacrified himself. Feng ming held his sword, his slender fingers as if wanted to embed in to the hilt. Noisy, it really sounded crowded outside. Roar, mingled with the sound of touching Weaponry. Feng ming gritted his teeth, rushed outside. Dazzling sunshine shine so bright, piercing the eyes that had already long not used to the sunshine until he squinted his eyes. The chaos in the hull, ten soldiers were surrounding Rong hu. Rong hu jumped to the side, one on ten fight seemed couldn't beat him up. When he swung his sword, one soldier got wounded, and it made the soldiers even angrier. Rong hu saw Feng ming rushed out, shouted loudly," Xi rei Duke ming is here, and you all dare to obstruct him." After hearing that he was the Duke ming that the Li king looking for, they turned to attack Rong hu, they would not wasting their time to attack the unknown man behind. Feng ming looked deeply at Rong hu, he held his sword tightly and jumped off from the ship to the river. "Caught the Duke ming, will be rewarded." Ancient time didn't have camera, of course, the identification of a wanted person will had less accuracy. Rong hu had admitted himself as Duke

ming, he provoked more attacks. Rong hu had followed Rong tian for years, he was fearless like his little brother, he laughed loudly," i'm not playing with you all anymore, i, Duke ming will excuse myself." After saying that, he jumped off the river. After jumping off the river he just realized something wad wrong. "It's bad!" When Rong hu wanted to swing the sword, there suddenly some waves arose, he was being dragged out from the water by giant net. Li troops, unexpectedly had set a giant net in the river for waiting the prey. After being dragged to the ground, he heard a mocking laugh," If there is no order to catch alive, how come we will let you jump off the river? are we that useless? Rong hu frowned," So the one responsible for this searching is Li kingdom's big general, but fortunately the general hadn't seem Duke ming's face, so he desperately catching him. Rong hu being caught to the ground and tied. "Wait, it seemed wrong." The general looked at Rong hu carefully, his face darkened," Who are you really?" Rong hu calmly said," Xi rei king's subordinate, Rong hu." "Rong hu?" The general was very smart, hurriedly asked," So the other jumped off person is the real Duke ming?" Feng ming stayed in bilge for days, he was not changing his clothes that full of blood stain and sand, his face was not exposed clear enough, so the general didn't recognize him. Otherwise, he must had recognized Feng ming from his appearance. Rong hu smiled," Isn't is a little bit too late for you to just realize it now. After Ruo yan know that Duke ming escaped in front of your eyes. i don't know how angry he will be." "Not late." the general leisurely said," The under water is not only trapping net, but also drug. After he jumped in the river, Could he escape it?"

"What?" "Don't you feel an unbearable headache and your body feel weak?" Being told by the general, Rong hu really felt his body loses strength. He had been standing, actually thanks to the Li soldier's support. It's bad, Feng ming being drugged under the water. "Hurry, You must fast rescued Duke Ming," His head felt heavy, Rong hu still didn't forget to shout loudly before he fainted. "No need to hurry, after being drugged by my special-made drug, he will naturally floated." The general smiled," The coastal area here is 5 miles away, there are soldiers guarded there, when they saw someone floated, they will immediately report." At that moment, there is a soldier reported," General, there is someone floated not far away, seems to want to dive at east direction." "Bring here."


Jun. 3rd, 2014 at 3:53 PM

Here comes, the next chapter story, enjoy..:D Notes: Well, my english is bad, and i know very little of Chinese language. But, for those who love FYJT, i'd like to share what i got, if there is any weird translation, please understand that english and chinese are not my mother language, also, i will skip the part that i really don't understand. For detail and better translation, you can go to sookybabi orhttp://mnemeaa.wordpress.com/m/. Feng Yu Jiu Tian Vol 4 Chapter 8

Feng ming jumped off from the ship, following Rong hu's recommendations, he struggled to swim toward east direction. After a moment, his eyes gradually blurred, he felt something wrong with all over his body. He felt weak all over, drowsy feeling crawled over his eyes, he suddenly found himself floating on the river, he startled inside, realized that he had been fell into enemy's trap. There is sound coming from the coastal area, they had apparently found him floating like a 'fish' on the surface of the river. Half-awake half-conscious, the giant net moved close to him, he had been involuntarily dragged to shore. No, i must go back to Xi Rei. I can't into Ruo yan's hand. He shouted loudly in his heart, but he could only watched the people dressed in Li soldier came closer to him. He began to feel the surrounding slowly darkened. When he leaned his head, he finally fainted. The mind calming incense wafted in the air. Inside the palace of Li Kingdom, the most glorious King palace, silk curtain hung down. Seven-eight pretty looked maid, stood on both sides of the bed. Two neat rows of guards stood outside, big and tall body, armed with ax, solemn and majestic. The person who lied under the soft blanket, still unconscious. Quietly sprawled on bed, long eyelashes covered the eyes, the upright standing nose and handsome silhouette in the hazy incense showed the well-behaved manner that extremely difficult to see when awake. His right hand stretched out from the blanket, long sleeve being rolled up to his shoulders, exposing the white skin, pale creamy skin, showing some scars that appeared from nowhere, made people feel dejected. An old man was sitting beside the bed, gently pressed his finger on the sleeping person's wrist. Miao guang dressed in a gorgeous colorful coat, yet her face was worried, whispered softly," Master Yi Ren, how is it?" "Princess no need to hurry, let me check further." This old man, was the one who taught Li King Ruo yan about medicine, he claimed himself as Yi ren (If i'm not mistaken, 异人 means "extraordinary people", but in the story i will use the Pin yin as "Yi

Ren"), he usually lived by moving around in Li kingdom, this time, he was being summoned to the capital by the king so urgent. Miao Guang knew his formidable knowledge of medicine, didn't dare to disturb, she only could kept silent while looking at the man's face who laid on the bed. After checking the pulse for a while, Yi ren frowned and pondered, suddenly opened the blanket and unbuttoned the patient's cloth. A dark scar appeared on a beautiful chest. He sighed gently. Miao guang's face changed rapidly," Master why sighed? Don't tell me Duke Ming he...he..." She is young but a grown-up's personality, she was rarely at a loss, unexpectedly met Feng ming, there are nine out of ten times be at a loss. It had been 7 days since Feng ming arrived at the capital, still unconscious, if still go on like this, he might not live much longer, how could there is no anxious in their heart? "Duke ming got a sign of a chest bump, the injuries suffered drastic change, the wound precipitates in the heart, originally it must avoid water, instead, he jumped off the river to escape, after jumping off, his vitality was more severely injured, also at this time being drugged," Yi Ren shook his head," If we separate the cause, each I can readily rescue. But being put together, disease over disease, to save him is far more than a thousand times difficult." "Even if it is far more than a thousand times difficult still must save him." suddenly someone talking with deep voice behind. Miao guang turned his head, hastened to salute," Brother King." Yi Ren also stood up, slightly bowed to Ruo yan," Great King." Ruo yan slowly walked forward, sharp eyes swept at Feng ming's face, said in deep voice," Duke ming had subtle identity, he will give Li kingdom great advantage, you must save him." Yi Ren touched his grizzled beard, after thinking for a long while," I will try." Miao guang rejoice," Thank you Master."

"Treatment need to be quiet, please Great King and princess away for a while, let me think more deeply." After driving the crowd away, he took an elongated fabric bag from a wooden box, after opening the fabric bag, exposed rows and rows of of shining needles. Revoked a needle, then he acupuncture Feng Ming. The Feng ming that have been sleeping for several days, the next day Feng ming finally opened his eyes under Yi Ren's acupuncture. Seeing eyelashes fluttered, Miao Guang who always stood beside unconsciously exclaimed a little," Duke Ming? Duke Ming has woken up? Master Yi Ren really increadibe." Yi Ren smiled while touching his beard, and reminded," Although he's awake, But Duke ming severely injured, subsequent treatment is the most important." The dark eyes finally slowly opened. The moment he opened his eyes, showing like a timid deer. Ruo yan had been sitting on the bed, at the moment leaned forward and raised Feng ming's chin, laughed huskily:" Duke Ming, how have you been? Making me wait so long." The man's strength made Feng ming frowned, he turned around in confusion, seemed not figured out the situation yet. "Rong tian..." "Rong tian?" Ruo yan chuckled," Don't need to spend your time for looking at Rong tian, he was being shot dead by my arrows, probably the corpse already rotting into a torrent." Feng ming shocked, at the moment it seemed he just recognized the person before him, jewel-like eyes stared at Ruo yan, it took for a while before he gently shook his head," I don't believe." Ruo yan's gaze sharp as needles, looked straight at Feng ming, coldly said:" Wait until i find his stinking corpse, then you will believe." Feng ming's face showed no trace of color, stared at Ruo yan. He knew that Rong tian's at a dangerous situation, now listened to Ruo yan confirmed to himself yet felt another round of taste. He bit his lower lip, staring straight at Ruo yan, as if wanted to stare a hole in Ruo yan's face, the body

stopped shaking, stiff as stone. The air thickened. Feng ming silenced, even a little crying traces are not showing. Miao guang and Yi Ren gazed at each other, feeling something wrong. Ruo yan also aware of there was something wrong, pulled Feng ming from the inner side of the bed to his side, grabbed his wrist and yelled:" Are you dumb?" Feng ming's wrist being grabbed by him, but no resistance, still stared blankly, after a while, blinked his eyes, when he seemed want to speak, when the purple lips opened, actually made a sound and spitted out a dark red blood. Ruo yan shocked, quickly let go. Miao guan covered her mouth to prevent the scream. Yi ren's eyes suddenly wide opened, screamed:" Not good!" flew to bedside, busy removed the needles and rescued. Feng ming already fainted. The needles being stick nonstop into Feng ming's body, Yi Ren didn't dareto have the slightest careless, densely covered with beads of sweat on forehead. Miao guang stretched out his head to looked at them. Then turned around to looked at Ruo yan that stood beside, anxiously said," Brother King why make him angry? Master Yi Ren has been warned us, Duke Ming's body is weak, like a rickety boat, couldn't stand even a little storm." Ruo tan also stared at Feng ming that lying on bed, coldly said," If it's not because of your uselessness to let him get away, there will not be this matter today. Miao guang speechless, and looked down. Yi Ren kept busy on Feng ming's body for a while, finally stopped, took a deep breath. "How?" Ruo yan asked with a heavy voice behind. Yi Ren turned around, hands gently wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, sighed said,"

The sudden anger attacked his heart, almost took his life away. If Great King want to save Duke Ming's life, please don't anger him anymore." Ruo yan darkened his face," If i wouldn't allow him to die, then he won't die." He slightly frowned, walked and sat on the bed, his big hand caressed Feng ming's side face, asked," When will he wake up?" "Soon." Yi Ren answered," But his body is frail, he got over-shocked, i don't dare to guess how's his condition after he woke up later." "Hn, i know," Ruo yan nodded, coldly said," You all can go out." "Yes, Great King." "Brother King.." Miao Guang went to the door, still worried, turned and whispered, took a look at the back of Ruo yan's standing figure, but then she swallowed back, sighed faintly, and walked out" Both sides of the maid, quietly withdrew and shut the door. The incense still quietly burning to bring a burst of distant misty chambers fragrance, Ruo yan was sitting on the bed, the eyes staring at Feng ming was showing a King's plunder and fierce gaze. It's very hard to explain his own feeling. Hatred and taking advantage, deception and coercion, scheme and conspiracy, these complexes yet for the royal family is something as commonplace. "Rong tian is really good to you." Gradually, the gloomy face softened a little. Ruo yan's handsome face thrown a little smile," You also are really good to Rong tian." He sighed twice, his slender fingers untied Feng ming's clothes. The naked body showed some scars, Ruo yan Gazed with appreciation, his eyes were like a living thing stroked it over and over again at the body. He took off his robe, laid beside Feng ming, long arm stretched, slowly put Feng ming into his arms. "Side with the beauty, is a King's luck." Ruo yan looked at Feng ming's obedient sleeping face, smiled

and muttered," Rong tian has deep feeling, as if I could not? he has already dead, apart from me, who else you can choose?" Closed eyes, fell asleep under the special incense of Li Kingdom. At dawn, the person in his embrace moved slightly. Ruo yan had the excessive sense of alert with Rong tian, eyes suddenly opened, stared at the soundasleep Feng ming. Feng ming seemed to be in a good dream, her lips was smiling, slightly moved the body, sometimes frowned, as if he was being disturbed in the dream. Ruo yan silenced, quietly gazing. He realized that when Feng ming frowned, unconsciously squeeze the head into his arms, like a newborn kitten, cute to the extreme, his soft hair brushed at Ruo yan's chin, felt tickled. "Cough.." Just when he wanted to reach out and touch the soft face, Feng ming coughed in his arms. He was still in a dream, his eyes still closed, coughed a few times, the smile in his lips disappeared, his brows began to wring, like jumping from a good dream to a nightmare. The coughing hadn't stopped, gradually shortened, his forehead started to sweat. "Duke ming, Duke ming?" Ruo yan gently called two times, his heart suddenly threw incredible gentleness, gently patted at Feng ming's back. Feng ming's cough got worse, eyelashes trembling at a moment and his eyes suddenly opened, stared straight at Ruo yan. Ruo yan secretly alerted, put away the gentleness that emerged just then, coldly stared at him. Feng didn't seem to fully awake, confused eyes blinked, blankly gazed at Ruo yan, suddenly exposed dazzling smile, softly said," You're back? very good, i know you will not leave me alone." such as voice still in hazy dream. Ruo yan shocked. Feng ming whispered, leaned in his arms, closed his eyes, as if in the warmest place on earth. Ruo yan let him voluntarily came closer, leaned on his chest, felt around surprisingly quiet, the heartbeat

was faster than usual. He pondered in silence, when he reached to checked his breath, found that he had fell asleep again. Feng ming's leaning position was extremely uncomfortable, but he didn't move, instead, try to follow Feng ming's position. The chamber was so quiet, the place of the burning incense at the corner of the room flashing red star points. Through faint moonlight from the window Ruo yan quietly staring at Feng ming's sleeping face, unconsciously, a few hours had passed. It had been bright outside. Ruo yan got up in the morning, he put Feng ming's head back to the pillow. His hand stoked at Feng ming's hair over and over again, he was surprised when he realized that he was reluctant. "Watch carefully, if there were any movements immediately report," After ordering the maid, he left the chamber for handling the kingdom's affairs. Although Rong tian had been dead, but the troubles he had brought to Li Kingdom were far from being resolved. Over the years of suppressed rebellion, took advantage from this to made turmoils, thought of this point, Ruo yan hoped Rong tian hadn't died, so he could torture him slowly till death, to vent the hatred. Unfortunately, Rong tian was being shot personally by him. He remembered Rong tian flew with the horse, one arrow after another was shot in his back, the ground shed a blood-red track, to the end of the rapids, the man riding the horse stopped and screamed, Rong tian already had no way to go. "Xi rei had finished." he smiled softly, bow up arrow, targeting Rong tian. Rong tian stopped the horse and turned back, his back, was roaring rapids, facing Ruo yan's arrows. Rong tian indeed was a popular person like Ruo yan, indeed Xi rei's king. Not the slightest fear in his eyes, just speak a word. His voice, submerged in the roaring sound of the running water. Yet Ruo yan knew exactly what he was saying. "Do not hurt my Feng ming," The last word he said," If you want to have him, don't hurt him." Ruo yan shocked a bit in an instant, the flying arrows that should be shot in Rong tian's chest had

landed in his shoulder, Rong tian tragically fell from the horse, blood spattered, on the yellow ground, leave a piece of beautiful flowers in full bloom in the blood. The rapids near the Earth-Moon tribe not only swift, and mostly connected with underground rivers, ordered the soldiers to search within fifteen miles, still couldn't find Rong tian's body. Bu, he must had died. No one could stand those wounds while being carried by the rapids. Back to the palace chamber, Yi Ren had arrived, in the palace personally boiling the medicine. Feng Ming hadn't woken up, lying lifeless in the blanket. "Has he woken up yet?" The maid hurriedly replied," Duke ming always sleeping, haven't woken up." The sleeping Feng ming had a strange temperament, Ruo yan sat silently on the bed, and began to reach out to touch him unconsciously. Handsome face, standing upright nose, and pale lips, being touched fondly by the fingertips. Finally, Feng ming had woken up, moaned for a moment, as if waking from a dream was a difficult thing to do. The people in palace were waiting with bated breath. Then, a pair of beautiful eyes opened, whenever, the shiny eyes always flutter people. "Duke ming had woken up?" Feng ming's expression was more confused than yesterday, Ruo yan patiently waiting for him to react. The dark eyes filled with confusion, Feng ming turned his head, saw Miao guang who just entered the palace chamber, bright shining eyes," Chiu Lan, Why did i not recognize the people in here?" Feng ming stretched his hand to Miao guang, but the mouth was calling 'Chiu Lan." Everyone froze for a moment, Miao guang stopped his step, stared at Feng ming puzzled. She shouted carefully," Duke ming?" Feng ming frowned said," Why you stand so far? where is Rong tian?"

"I....." Miao guang astounded, afterturning her eyes, tentatively approached, smiled," I'm not standing far, Duke ming, do you know what this place is?" Feng ming looked around, laughed," Chiu Lan, you're really confused, not even recognize the Prince Palace, yet you have spent so many years here. Don't tell me when you grilled the duck yesterday, the fire made you confused?" Yi ren and Miao guang exchanged eyes, Yi Ren slightly shook his head, using his finger to point at his own head, showing something wrong with Feng ming's head. "Have you prepared it?" Feng ming asked again. Miao guang confused," Prepare what?" "Today we will examined the terracing, what happened to you, why you are so groggy early in the morning." "Oh, oh, yeah, yeah." Miao guang immediately changed her way of speaking," But the Great King had ordered that we can't go out from the palace today." "Why?" "Because..because.." Miao guang could not think of reasons at the moment, her brain worked so hard to come up with a reason. Feng ming's expression changed, loudly said," I know, That the most beautiful woman wan to come, right? Rong tian must want to accompany her, not letting me know." He felt agitated, coughed a few times again and again, Miao guang startled and hurriedly patted his back, shook her head and said," No, no, Great King will not care about that most beautiful woman." This was the first time she encountered such a thing, embarrassed and worried, frequently looked at Yi Ren for help." Yi Ren took a pen and paper, wrote a few words to show her---When the risk is extreme, just enticed him. Now back to the environment, fear of the unexpected health. Feng ming looked dazed," Where is Rong tian?" His eyes shone, seemed wet, suddenly frowned, startled and whispered," Rong tian has gone, there is a man saying that Rong tian has gone, who?

who said that?" Everyone was shocked, afraid that he had already remembered that Rong tian had died. Miao guang hurriedly said," Great king will immediately come, after he handled the affairs he will immediately come over." "You lied to me, he must be seeing that woman," Feng ming growled and looked around, just like an orphan losing his support, actually cried," Rong tian, where are you?" Ruo yan had been quietly observed at the side, suddenly his heart moved, said with heavy voice," I'm here." Pull Feng ming over from Miao guang, gently hugged, patting Feng ming's back, gave a sign to Miao guang and smiled," I'm perfectly fine, who said i have been gone? That most beautiful woman not even as good looking as you, i will not go see her." Miao guang said," Duke ming, look, the Great king has come. If you still crying, he will mock you." Feng ming really fooled, stopped his crying, fell into Ruo yan's arm while rubbing his eyes, shyly said," who cry, that must not be me." "yeah, yeah, not you." Ruo yan smiled. Yi Ren had finished boiling the medicine, brought over, Ruo yan took the bowl," Feng ming, here, drink the medicine." Feng ming opened his eyes wide," Why must i drink the medicine? am i sick? did that poison haven't disappeared? no, no, i don't want to be poisoned!" He looked scared, and shrank into Ruo yan's arm. Ruo yan and Miao guang looked at each other. They only could think of Fu yan poison. Ruo yan persuaded Feng ming," If you obediently drink the medicine, then the poison will disappear." Feng ming frowned looking at Ruo yan, as if it seemed really hard to tell the difference between Rong tian and Ruo yan's face, vagarious said," Can i only drink a half?" "Can't."

After a little persuading and forcing, finally can let him drink all the medicine, and then fell asleep. Ruo yan looked at Feng ming's sleeping face, frowning in silence. Yi ren spoke in a low voice," It looked like he is being over-shocked, it confused his mind." Miao guang asked," Is there a way to cure?" "Mind confusion is the hardest problem to be solved," Yi Ren looked helpless. Ruo yan helped to cover the blanket on Feng ming, stood up, after thinking for a moment, asked in heavy voice," I only want to know, is there a way to verify whether he really is mind confusion? he always scheming, we have to be careful." Miao guang surprised," He is seriously sick, how can he pretend?" Yi Ren touched his grizzled beard, shook his head and said," Mind confusion aspects of the disease is extremely difficult to identify, whether Duke ming is really mind confusion or not, there is no way to be sure. But there is one thing, please Great king noted, if Duke ming is really crazy, the test will only make Duke ming provoked; If Duke ming is pretending to be crazy and being exposed by Great king, i'm afraid Duke ming will think of another recalcitrant idea, as a result, Feng ming's illness will become worse." "This means that, whatever, the best way is to keep the current state?" Miao guang worriedly looked at Feng ming, sipped her lips," Brother King, just let Duke ming think of you as Rong tian, that's not seemed so bad, right?" Ruo yan as if remembered something, grunted, looked down to examine Feng ming's sleeping face, sighed and nodded," I understand, for the time being. Either fake crazy or real crazy is okay, anyway, he can not escape from me." "Xi rei loses their king, the Empress barely support. Just need to wait for Brother King to prepare, then we can bring Duke ming to attack Xi rei. Li kingdom has a very powerful forces, Duke ming also in our hands, the people will be distracted, will surrender early." "Correct, as long as Duke ming in our hands, Xi rei has become one of my possession. The way he is now, looks better that the conscious him that looked gloomy." Ruo yan smiled.

Then, Li kingdom increased one important identity prisoner, the king palace had more one guest to stay. Feng ming's condition later worse later better, when he is better he will sit quietly in the corner of the palace, can recognize that Miao guang was not Chiu lan, Ruo yan was not Rong tian, his handsome face looked alert, ferociously stared at every person who came closer, when he was conscious, did not expect you could force him to drink medicine. So, Ruo yan preferred Feng ming's worse condition better. When in the worse condition, Miao guang became Chiu lan, Ruo yan became Rong tian, Feng ming would smile while sunbathing outside, say something meaningless nonsense with Ruo yan, bitter medicine, after a little persuasion, still would drink them. "Where is Chiu yue and Chiu xing?" Feng ming asked impatiently in Ruo yan's arms," You said they went to work, why didn't they come back yet?" Ruo yan kissed Feng ming's face when he looked up, smiled said," They have many works to do." "I don't believe, you must be angry. Last time they were naughty, unconsciously smashed at the agate boat you gave to me. Rong tian, you can't punish them." Feng ming cried for a while, said in small voice," Well, I can help them make amends, you don't get angry. Let Chiu yue and Chiu xing come back." Ruo yan squinted," If you want me not to get angry, just don't stop me tonight." Feng ming's eyes immediately revealed abnormal fear, struggled away from Ruo yan's arms, hid in the corner," Don't force me, you never force me, why force me every day now?" Still refused. Ruo yan felt suspicious, Did Rong tian can resist not touching Feng ming? "Feng ming, come here." Ruo yan stretched his hand. Feng ming shook his head in the corner," No no, i don't want." Since he mistook Ruo yan, every time Ruo yan mentioned about sexual matter, Feng ming would panic, would have a while refusing Ruo yan came near him. Ruo yan was because of Yi Ren always remind him that Feng ming couldn't be

provoked, if used force only would worsen his illness, Ruo yan maybe had used violence over Feng ming, why would he restrain so hard?" Ruo yan sighed, his face showed a little soft, softly said," Feng ming, i'm Rong tian, don't need to escape, i won't force you." "It's strange, sometime i feel that your face is always changing," Feng ming frowned," Sometimes it's you, sometimes it's another man." "Do not talk nonsense." There are footsteps closing by, Ruo yan smiled," Chiu lan has come, hurry come over here." Miao guang appeared at the door, bowed at Ruo yan, turned around and looked at Feng ming," Duke ming, why you hide in the corner again? The sun's very bright outside, why don't you go sunbathe outside?" Feng ming coldly looked at Miao guang, sneered," She is not Chiu lan, Chiu lan doesn't look like this. Rong tian is so stupid, why can you don't even recognize Chiu lan?" Ruo yang and Miao guan smiled wryly. Feng ming sometimes got better sometimes got worse, sometimes even half good half bad, making people around him confused too. Miao guang walked to Ruo yan's side, whispered," Report Brother King, i have checked the camp of the prisoner, does have a pair of twin sisters named Chiu yue and Chiu xing, being caught in a war with Earth-moon tribe back then, currently they are being put outside the city to do hard slave-labor work. Along being caught with the twin is a man named Lie er, this person is extremely cunning, last month he was succeed to ran away." Ruo yan said," Rong tian arranged five trusted aides around Feng ming, a pair of sister a pair of brother and a maid Chiu lan. This Lie er is the same with his brother following Rong tian since childhood, i heard they had done a lot of merit for Rong tian, have a powerful role. But his brother is still in our hands..." After thinking for a moment, ordered said," announce to all over the country, three days after will arrange the Xi rei spy Rong hu's execution, Lie er will show up, then catch him back." "Yes."

"Where are Chiu yue and Chiu xing?" "They had been cleansed and waiting outside." Ruo yan glanced at Feng ming, turned around with Miao guang and go outside, turned at the corner, certainly could see a pair of twin sisters were being looked-out by the guards in the corridor side. They had lost a lot of weight due to the hard slave-labor work, white skin turned a little black, but the eyes still actively turning around. When seeing Ruo yan, their eyes showed hatred, being stared back coldly by Ruo yan, they felt creeps all over their body while shivering. Ruo yan said," Taking you two out from the hard slave-labor work, is because you grew up in the palace, know how to serve people. And now, there is one person whining to be served by you two." "Tyrant, you killed the tribal leader, i curse you will not die that easily." Chiu xing gritted her teeth while glaring at Ruo yan. Chiu yue held Chiu xing's hand, raised her chin and said coldly," Chiu yue Chiu xing only serve Xi rei King and Duke Ming, for other people, are not qualified to order us." Miao guan covered her mouth while laughing and said," You two really stubborn little girl, i guessed this temper of yours because being spoiled by Duke Ming. It's because we want you two to serve Duke Ming." "Duke Ming?" Chiu yue Chiu xing screamed at the same time, could believe it, they stared at each other. Miao guang roughly explained Feng ming's condition, sighed," Everyday he keep nagging, sometime when he nag too much he will vomit blood, we really have no choice but to call you two." "Duke Ming..." Chiu yue's eyes had been red and wet, choking said," How come Duke ming had a bitter destiny, being harmed by such a tyrant." "Do you two may be willing to take care of him?" "Willing! Of course we are willing!" Chiu xing said eagerly," As long as you let us stay by Duke Ming's side, we will do everything."

Ruo yan coldly said," Don't talk too much and meddle around, otherwise...." He paused, his lips showed a chilling smile," I will hang Duke Ming in the palace for three days without food and drink." "Don't, don't." Chiu yue screamed out," We certainly will not have dissent, you can never hurt Duke Ming." Ruo yan smiled, turned and walked toward the palace gate. Chiu yue Chiu xing followed Miao guang's instruction, and followed behind. Turned the corner, arriving in front of the door, they could see a familiar figure hiding in the corner. Kept reminding themselves not to get too excited, the two still couldn't help to cry out, both rushed over to Feng Ming. "Duke Ming!" "Oh my God! Really Duke Ming!" Feng ming also cried out," Chiu yue! Chiu xing!" He surprised, stretched his arm and hugged the the crying maid," You all have come back? Very good very good, i'm really happy!" said him very happy for several times, perhaps because too excited, he started to cough. Chiu yue Chiu xing were taken aback, hurriedly stopped crying, looked up and asked," What happened, Duke Ming? anywhere feel uncomfortable?" From behind stretched out two large arm, embraced Feng ming into his arms. "Told you not to get too excited. If you ever like this again, i will punish you to drink even more bitter medicine." "I'm not excited." Feng ming shook his head," Not drinking bitter medicine." The two little girls watched in amazement that Feng ming well-behaved leaning at Ruo yan's arm. Although they had heard Miao guang's explanation, But after seeing this strange scene, still felt weird." Ruo yan's obvious gentle face," I let them come back, you should not worry again, right?"

"How about Lie er?" "Lie er also will come back. After he finished his work, he will come to see you." "How about Rong hu? Also will come back, right?" Feng ming smiled at Ruo yan. "Hn, Rong hu also will come back." Miao guang that already left a while ago suddenly hurriedly returned, his expression looked not so good. Ruo yan glanced at Miao guang that looked hesitant. Hugged Feng ming to the bed, ordered Chiu yue Chiu xing," Bring here the medicine from the side of the house, feed Feng ming to drink." Turned and gave Miao guang a hint with his eyes, the two go out. "What's the matter?" "Rong hu escaped..." Ruo yan's expression deepen," It's Lie er?" Miao guang nodded, looked a little scared she glanced at Ruo yan. Ruo yan after thinking for a moment, laughed nonchalantly," Escaped and then what? Rong tian had died, only two mere thieves will not give any changes. Only for Feng ming we must find a way to persuade him." "Brother King...." Miao guang sipped her lips, after a long while she whispered," Brother king thought Duke Ming is real crazy or fake crazy?" Ruo yang startled, sighed and said," I hope he is real crazy now, and i assume he is real crazy." Feng ming attached to his arms like a baby frowning look, even there is a moment is real that will be very good. He, gradually indulging. It's okay to dream, It's okay to lie, as long as keeping the current situation, it had already been good. Can't really have Feng ming, also can no longer get a little bit about the art of war or other scheme from Feng ming's mouth, Ruo yanin fact secretly doubt. But he faintly hoped to never expose this

seemingly childish trick. Feng ming, what could you do? At most, he only could trick back his maids and guards back, don't tell me he could fly away. Rong tian had gone, even though he escaped, he had no place to go. Maybe Feng ming really had confused, this was certainly the best. Within the chamber, Feng ming had already been persuaded by Chiu yue Chiu xing to drink the bitter medicine and fell asleep. The two maids looking at Feng ming's getting thinner face, remembered the rumor about Xi rei King's death, could not help but cry again. "Is Duke Ming really crazy?" Chiu xing looked at Chiu yue. Chiu yue sobbed and wiped her tears," It's better for him to be real crazy, if not, Duke ming is very pitiful." "Hn, if Duke Ming know about Great King's death, he will follow him die." They didn't know, Feng ming had vowed at the dark cabin of a ship. Although I hate to sacrifice your wishful, but for your smile, i will take good care of myself. If I can not pay you with my life, then, my life will belong to Xi rei----Piece of land you love and you have. Ruo yan's voice appeared from behind," Do not let me see you two crying agan, otherwise..." Chiu yue Chiu xing turned around at the same time, scared that he would say to hang Feng ming three days three night, busy wiping the tears, dare to hate but not dare to speak, they saluted at Ruo yan. "Duke ming had fallen asleep?" "Yes, jut now." Ruo yan gazed at Feng ming, smiled, still staring at Feng ming he ordered," You to can go out now."

Chiu yue looked at Ruo yan's expression when staring at Feng ming, being scared inside, she said," No!" "Hn? Ruo yan turned his head, looked at Chiu yue. Chiu xing nervously pulled at Chiu yue's sleeve, under Ruo yan's cold gaze, stammered said," We served Duke Ming, had never been away from his side, also at night." "When Duke Ming and Rong tian were together, you two also looking beside?" Ruo yan smiled faintly," Little girl, you Duke Ming every night sleep under my embrace, had long lost his chastity." He removed his clothes in front of the two maids, with only a tight little pant on his body, he chuckled and removed Feng ming's clothes, embraced him and laid on the bed. Chiu yue Chiu xing looked at each other, couldn't describe their inner shock, the clenched fists slightly trembled. Stunned for a moment, the two listlessly step down, and shut the door. Outside the door, had already stood six maid that responsible for monitoring them. "That is the place you two will live in from now on. You two will serve in the palace, outside the palace door, we will take over. You can't deliver object privately, can't walk out from the white line of the palace forecourt, do you hear me clearly?" Chiu yue glared, but hurriedly being pulled by Chiu xing, the words that almost blurted out being swallowed back. "Chiu yue, don't cause trouble. What should we do if they are not allowing us to serve Duke Ming anymore?" "Hn, i know." The two sister looked at the moon in the sky, sighed inside of this cruelty that happened, couldn't help but remembered the Xi rei in faraway that had lost it's Great King." The next day..... Quietly opened the door of the palace, Chiu yue peeked in. holding a basin of hot water, in behind, Chiu xing brought towel and others.

Ruo yan had gotten up, under other maids' serving to change clothes. The two didn't look at Ruo yan, went directly to the bed. Feng ming still dreaming, sleep soundly. Ruo yan didn't want them to wake Feng ming," He is not woken up yet." Chiu yue rolled her eyes, she certainly knew Feng ming hadn't woken up yet. These people never served Feng ming, how cpuld they know how to wake Feng ming up? They must be very rude when waking him up." "Duke Ming, i'm Chiu yue." Chiu yue whispered softly, gently touched Feng ming's face. Chiu xing stretched her hand into the blanket, pulled out Feng ming's arm. After wetting and dry rubbed the towel, slowly showing trace of heat. Chiu xing slowly stroked Feng ming's hand with the towel, from the fingertips to the arm, wipe gently without waking Feng ming. Feng ming seemed to feel the heat, moaned softly, habitually moving his fingers, lips exposing lazy smile. Dark eyes, still hidden under long lashes. Ruo yan also found it interesting.

FENG YU JIU TIAN VOLUME 4 CHAPTER 9 SUMMARY (PART 1) Chiu Xing and Chiu Yue continue to take care of Feng Ming and they soon found out that Feng Ming have been messing with his medicine so he will not recover quickly. Feng Ming told them that by doing this, it will help give Xi Lei time to defend against Ruo Yan. Chiu Xing and Chiu Yue did not agree to Feng Ming’s method of harming his body and wept about it. Spring came and Ruo Yan wishes to bring Feng Ming outside to sight see, but Feng Ming’s body is still weak. Ruo Yan finally exposed Feng Ming’s trickery and told him that if he stop faking his illness, he will also stop faking ignorance. Ruo Yan smiled and embraced Feng Ming tightly. " Let me go!" Ruo Yan laughed coldly, “You have laid in my arms countless times, how come you are struggling now?” "You already know." Feng Ming grits his teeth. Ruo Yan threw Feng Ming onto the bed.

Feng Ming shouted, “Ruo Yan, if you dare to touch me, I will immediately bit my tongue and commit suicide! Don’t you dare use me to threaten Xi Lei!” Ruo Yan tells Feng Ming that it’s no use for Feng Ming to stand in his way of conquering Xi Lei. Once he conquered it, Feng Ming will belong to him eventually. Ruo Yan and his troops begin their journey to conquer Xi Lei, he also brought Feng Ming, Miao Guang, and Feng Ming’s two loyal maids along as well. During the trip, Ruo Yan long to have Feng Ming, but he figured that if he were to win Feng Ming by force, he would also lose him and Rong Tian will win. "If you want to have him, you can’t hurt him." Rong Tian’s words constantly linger around Ruo Yan’s ears. He knows that he has fallen into a trap by Rong Tian and Feng Ming. The trap that cause him frustration and yet yearning to the point it’s hard to control himself. Ruo Yan tells Feng Ming that they will soon cross the borders to Yong Yin and will then reach Xi Lei. Feng Ming asks Ruo Yan if he is worried about crossing over to another kingdom for they might block his way. Ruo Yan laughs and tells Feng Ming that those small kingdoms cannot protect themselves so why would they even bother to get in his way. When questioned about Yong Yin, Ruo Yan said that Ying Yin’s King will gladly lead a path for the Li Kingdom to pass through. ======= Feng Ming thinks to himself that he will not let Ruo Yan destroy Xi Lei and he wonders where Rong Tian could be. Before going to Fan Jia, Feng Ming had to crossed Yong Yin territory. At the borders there is a large river called Aman. Therefore, the best method to fight against Ruo Yan would be for Xi Lei to team up with Yong Yi at the border of Aman. Feng Ming asked his maid about Yong Yi’s personality while Ruo Yan wasn’t around. She told him she doesn’t know much. Feng Ming blames himself for not paying attention to Rong Tian’s description of Yong Yi. When asked why Feng Ming is interested in Yong Yi, Feng Ming answered that Yong Yi has the best defense army and would be of great help and Lie Er could easily convince Yong Yi. After explaining his plan to Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing, they heard noises outside the room warning of an appearance of an assassin. Awhile later, the notices ceased and Ruo Yan enters Feng Ming’s room. Ruo Yan pulls Feng Ming into an embrace and told him that those assassins were here hoping to kidnap Feng Ming and this wasn’t the first time as the numbers keep increasing. Two of them escaped, but the rest got killed. As Ruo Yan and his troops are closer to the Aman river, his informant reported to Ruo Yan that all the boats and people have disappeared, even the forest have been burnt down so there’s no way for them to sail across.

Ruo Yan enraged that Feng Ming knew all along what would happened and would team up with Yong Yin. Instead of killing Feng Ming, Ruo Yan decided to replace Chiu Yue and the maids with other servants of Ruo Yan’s choosing. Eventually, Ruo Yan had his men find wood from afar and build a boat. After the boat was finished, Ruo Yan brought Feng Ming and used him as a standing shield in front (knowing that Yong Yi and his troops would appear on the other side). Sailing across, Yong Yi appeared with his troops and Feng Ming spotted Rong Tian. Rong Tian shouted at Ruo Yan, “Why are you bringing your troops over to Yong Yin, Fan Jia, and threaten Xi Lei?” The other day when Ruo Yan found out that Rong Tian was still alive, he was surprised. He responded to Rong Tian, “Territory expansion is the duty of a King. If you surrender, and hand over Xi Lei to me, I will spare your life.” "Don’t make me laugh, why should I surrender?" "If you don’t surrender, I will kill him!" Rong Tian looked over towards Feng Ming. His glance at Feng Ming was like of a stranger. Rong Tian suddenly asked, “Who is he?” FENG YU JIU TIAN VOLUME 4 CHAPTER 9 SUMMARY (PART 2) Feng Ming was surprised after seeing Rong Tian that he couldn’t say a single word. Ruo Yan heard news that Rong Tian lost his memories and didn’t believe it until he witnessed it himself. He looked over at the heartbroken Feng Ming and purposely stated, “He is the person that you love the most in this life. He is your Xi Lei’s Ming Wang.” "He is Xi Lei’s Ming Wang? Didn’t he die some time ago?" Rong Tian looked at Feng Ming and laughed, "How can this person be the one I love the most this life? The one I loved the most is the person that have saved me, always beside me through hardship, overcoming obstacles, receiving much accomplishments than anyone can compare, the number one most beautiful woman - Mei Ji!" Suddenly, a beautiful woman strolled beside Rong Tian. She looked at him and smiled. She rode on a splendid horse, White Cloud - the one Feng Ming was familiar with. It was the present Rong Tian gave him. Mei Ji was the one that saved Rong Tian when he was wounded and lost his memories, but also followed Rong Tian to his kingdom and became Empress. Ruo Yan again ordered Rong Tian to surrender or else he will kill Feng Ming. Rong Tian laughed and said that no way in hell he’ll surrender just because of a measly nobody. The boat finally reaches shore and Rong Tian told his people to shoot arrows. As the arrows from both Rong Tian and Yong Yi’s troops fired ahead towards Ruo Yan and Feng Ming, Feng Ming didn’t bother to dodge. Ruo Yan used his sword to cut through the arrows aiming towards Feng Ming. He told his troops to retreat and they sailed back to their campsite.

Ruo Yan was questioned why Ruo Yan was laughing and not worried even after retreating from Rong Tian when using Feng Ming is no longer effective and Yong Yin Xi Lei have become alliance. Miao Guang replied that as long as Feng Ming no longer holds any feelings for Rong Tian then it is more valuable compare to overtaking Xi Lei. ”It’s no wonder that Miao Guang knows me best.” Ruo Yan smirked, “Unfaithful Rong Tian, the last string of hope of Feng Ming is gone. Once he come to think clearly, he’ll eventually come to my side willingly. Once Kingdom Li has this helping hand, there’s no need to worry as all the kingdoms will be within our grasp!” ”Not only can Feng Ming aid in helping Royal Brother achieve his goal, but is also an exquisite beauty that is hard to find. Having a person like that beside you is more than 1000 concubines combine.” At first, Ruo Yan was planning on retreating his troops since Aman River is bigger than expected and it would be a disadvantage to his troops, but Feng Ming made a suggestion to use chains to interlock the boats to act as a bridge across. Ruo Yan was elated with Feng Ming’s scheme and told him, “From now on, you are Ming Wang of Kingdom Li. Everything that Rong Tian give you, I can also give you twice as much. Anything Ming Wang wants, I will surely give you.” "Thank you." A smile form on Feng Ming’s lips. "Those are he words I want to hear the most." FENG YU JIU TIAN VOLUME 4 CHAPTER 10 SUMMARY (PART 1) Zhuo Nian’s performance was speedy. Within one day one night, he had attached a series of small and large boats all awaiting to stretch across Aman River and act as a bridge across. Zhuo Nian informed Ruo Yan that all the chains have been attached to the boats and is waiting for his orders. Though Ruo Yan decides not to visit Feng Ming, he tells Zhou Nian to keep an eye of his every move including the two Xi Lei maids since Ruo Yan is afraid that Feng Ming might change his mind and scheme against him. Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing continued to serve Feng Ming and begged him to take his medication and eat food. Feng Ming told them that when Miao Guang prescribed was anxiety medication and will make him fall to sleep. He did however agree to eat some rice and soup. They also asked Feng Ming if the “chained boats” was also his idea and if he no longer need Xi Lei, and Rong Tian. Feng Ming sighed and stated, “Rong Tian is the one that doesn’t need me, it’s not me who doesn’t need Rong Tian.” "If Rong Tian is really an unfaithful person, then Ming Wang is at a loss." Feng Ming replied by writing out: I believe Rong Tian. Chiu Yue whispered to Feng Ming, “No matter what happens, we will follow Ming Wang wholeheartedly.”

All three decided to look outside at the night sky. They noticed that across the river, there is no light or fire seen. One of the maids find this very strange. Feng Ming later tells his maids, “Early tomorrow morning, Ruo Yan will carry out his orders, all the large and small boats will become a huge bridge, afterwards…” He tries to find the exact words to demonstrate, he wrote down: “if there happens to be a fire, you have to run away.” Looking at both Chiu Yu and Chiu Xing, Feng Ming grin widely and winked his eye. FENG YU JIU TIAN VOLUME 4 CHAPTER 10 SUMMARY (PART 2) On the water surface, many boats were set ablaze, like several demons who have rise from hell. The fire had swallowed up the chained boats bridge by the Li. Sound of explosion echoed through the night. "It’s begun." Out of everyone, Feng Ming was the first to predict that Xi Lei will take advantage of this black dark night to reach the vicinity, drenched the boats with oil and lit them on fire. At that time, Ruo Yan was inside his tent discussing with Zhuo Nian how to deal with with battle the next morning. When hearing all the loud noise and commotion outside, Ruo Yan knew that there was an unexpected change that was happening. He quickly rushed outside of his tent. One of his guards kneel down and reported to Ruo Yan, “Your majesty, Xi Lei’s army have ambushed us tonight! Fire..Fire..there’s fire everywhere!” "Douse the fire!" Ruo Yan took out his sword and sliced off a soldier’s head that was running away. He shouted out, "No one panic! Anyone who runs away will be killed immediately! Everyone douse the fire! Hurry!" Ruo Yan’s soldiers tried to persuade him that the fire is too large that it cannot be contained or douse; therefore, he should withdraw his troops. But Ruo Yan refuses to listen and still order his troops to douse the fire and not run away. Ruo Yan suddenly remembered Feng Ming, turned, withdrawed his sword and ran towards Feng Ming’s tent. Before reaching the tent, one of his soldiers covered in blood informed Ruo Yan that they have been ambushed. "Where’s the ambush? How many and who’s in charge?" "Behind us there’s one. On the river surface, there’s one. As for many soldiers is still undetermined. The soldiers on the river surface seems to have a flag with the word: "Chu" Zhuo Nian analyzed, “Behind us should be soldiers of Yong Yin. The number shouldn’t be large, which cannot block our way. But the strange thing is…why isn’t the army on the river surface not of Xi Lei?” Ruo Yan suddenly realized, “Rong Tian have secretly enter our vicinity. Do you really want to bring Feng Ming back?” Intense rage start boiling inside Ruo Yan as he rushed towards Feng Ming’s tent. Zhuo Nian quickly intercepted, “Time is crucial! Your majesty have to command the army or else Kingdom Li will be destroyed!”

"Let me kill Ming Wang first and then I’ll take the army in a fight to death!" ——— Within the tent, there are Feng Ming, Chiu Yue, and Chiu Xing. Three people. The tent’s curtains was lifted and a figure of person with a sword rushed in. Feng Ming turned around with a surprised look, “How come it is you?” And then continued, “I thought that if it wasn’t Rong Tian, it would be Ruo Yan.” "I can’t believe you are this cruel! Came up with a scheme to harm hundreds of our troops!" So it ends up the Miao Guang came into Feng Ming’s tent before Ruo Yan did. A bit of their conversion as followed: "I am always loyal to Xi Lei, you should already know." Feng Ming lifted his head up, "If I am someone who is afraid of death and hand over Xi Lei just because of personal affairs, then how can I be worthy of the title Xi Lei’s Ming Wang?" "Rong Tian is an unfaithful bastard! Why do you still want to help him?" "I’m afraid Princess have forgotten. The whole world can betray me, but I definitely cannot betray the world….Even if Rong Tian betrayed me, I will not harm him. Also, he definitely would not have a change of heart." All the memories of when she first met Feng Ming flashed before her. A sudden cry and the sword dropped onto the floor. Miao Guang looked up at Feng Ming, “Then why… why haven’t you ran away?” Feng Ming surprised and asked, “Didn’t you wanted to kill me?” "I can’t do it. …I have harm a lot of people. This time I will repay you. The next time I see you, I will definitely will be heartless. You..run quickly. My brother knows that you have played tricks so he’s definitely on his way here." Feng Ming laughed, “Why would I have not think about running away? However, at this time, going outside is more dangerous than in here. I know that Rong Tian will intercept Ruo Yan before coming here for me. Once he’s here, I don’t have to worry about anything.” After seeing the smile on Feng Ming’s face, Miao Guang was very upset like a knife had plunged deep inside her. Miao Guang had admired Feng Ming a long time, but have never expressed it Miao Guang ended up knocking out Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing. “I really don’t understand what’s so good about you? Rong Tian wants you. My brother wants you. And even me…even I have been tricked by you that I can’t even kill you.” Miao Guang paralyzed Feng Ming with hairpin and dragged Feng Ming on top of a horse and let loose. The horse carrying Feng Ming ran off and even though it entered the battlefield, no one bothered to stop it or kill Feng Ming since they all thought it was a dead body of the owner of the horse. FENG YU JIU TIAN VOLUME 4 CHAPTER 11 SUMMARY (PART 1)

Feng Ming opened his eyes wide, a moment of happiness. He can’t believed that his fate is hanging large. But his body is still constantly tossing about like this and the horse is still galloping about crazily not knowing where it will bring him to. Staring up he could hear the sorrow cries along with the flames burning in the distant horizon as soon it became a blurred light. Inside, Feng Ming was yelling: Please stop, please stop, where do you want to bring me to? But how could the horse understand the hidden feelings sixth sense of this person, it kept galloping onward. So the horse kept running and running until it finally tired out, it suddenly straighten itself up high and gave out a neigh. *Thud* After a night of tossing about wildly, the rope started to become lose. Just when the horse stood up straight did Feng Ming dropped to the heavy ground like a rock. He was in pain to the point of lightheaded. In the middle of the endless tall grass, there was only Feng Ming laying silently without movement. How cruel. Very cruel. Very cruel… Feng Ming tried hard to open his heavy eyelids to look around, but all he found from the corners of his eyes were all one green color all four directions. Wild tall grasses were higher than half a person waving through the air. Where is Rong Tian? Where is Xi Lei? He wanted to crawl up, but his body was tired without strength with no effort of moving about. Laying stretched out for some time, he finally realized the most important thing: How long will Miao Guang’s needle method will last to prevent body movement. If for three or four days and still lying on in the middle of this wild grass field, then he’ll either starve to death or wild animals maw to death. Thinking about that, a sense of fright came rushing forth. How can he go through so much suffering, use so much energy for mind tricks, plot so much schemes to have an ending like this? He laid in the middle of the grass field, upset and angry, but cannot even scream as please. After much rage, he eventually calm down. At this moment now,Feng Ming started to reminisces about all the events that happen from the time of coming to this period to this point. He remembered going to Fan Jia, Rong Tian becoming king, being poisoned, 3rd Princess tricked him into going to Bo Jian, kidnapped by Miao Guang to Kingdom Li, escaped one time but only to be brought back, being hurt and then recovering. He also thought about how much he misses Rong Tian and how he doesn’t regret a single thing. Feng Ming later on cursed the horse that didn’t choose to accompany him. "Hurry up!" There was a voice of someone somewhere not too far from here. The chance for survival appeared before his eyes, Feng Ming opened his eyes wide, attentively listening in to any sudden movement. Indeed, there were footsteps of people. "Master, hurry and take a rest, everyone is tired to the point of being out of breath."

Another voice responded loudly in accusation: “What are you resting for? I’m in a rush! After hearing that the battle had started, I don’t know whether His Majesty and brother had save Ming Wang yet.” It’s Lie Er! Feng Ming was spirited, but he couldn’t scream out. No matter how much he tried to shout out, nothing came out. His throat can only make uh oh, two soft sounds like a mosquito. After Lie Er and Rong Hu escaped, they tried to ambush the Li Palace several times to rescue Feng Ming. It was a pity that their people were weak and can only retreat back to Xi Lei. But when news of Ruo Yan’s plans on preparing the troops, the two of them planned on staying to make heroic sacrifice. However, during the key moment, Rong Tian secretly brought Mei Ji back to Xi Lei, preparing to attack Ruo Yan in a way that he’s unable to counter. All the loyal soldiers that knew about this secret mission were extremely excited. The only problem was Feng Ming’s safety. Rong Tian came up with the plan for Lie Er to return to Yong Yin’s king to persuade him to cooperate with Xi Lei. While Rong Hu was ordered to continuously ambush the Li soldiers along the way until all three groups meet up to rescue Feng Ming. However, Ruo Yan had guarded Feng Ming very heavily that Rong Hu’s several ambushes were still unsuccessful in rescuing Feng Ming. After the prince of Yong Yin and his troops marched off, Lie Er was dragged back by King of Yong Yin for two days until he was finally able to leave the palace and meet up; therefore, news about Feng Ming’s whereabouts is still unknown to him. "Let’s keep running! Up ahead is Aman River, everyone be careful." Lie Er is still unaware of the news of victory. No need to run!!! Feng Ming was still laying on the grass not too far from them but the tall grass had covered him that Lie Er had no ability to discover him. The person that they searched so hard to find is laying right within reach. "Let’s keep going!" One soldier with a loud voice rang out: "Stand up quickly, Master has order us to continue." Feng Ming was anxious, he couldn’t move nor can he scream out to the point of wanting to cough out blood. After several tries of screaming out silently, the heavens mercifully saved his little life. Suddenly there was a firm, prolific and majestic voice calling out: “Who’s there forth? I’m King Rong Tian, hurry and speak your name!” It seems as if Feng Ming was struck in the head hard, stars were floating around randomly. His entire body shook, excited no less. Rong Tian, it’s Rong Tian! Lie Er surprised, exclaimed: “It’s Your Majesty? Your Majesty, it’s Lie Er!” "Lie Er?" Sound of hoof-beats pulled closer. Feng Ming knows that Rong Tian is at least 20 feet away from him. "Why is Your Majesty here at Aman River?" Lie Er excitedly understood and asked: "Could it be that Xi Lei has won the battle?"

"Haha! No wonder Feng Ming is the lucky star of Xi Lei, correlated with same mind and orchestrated a plan for Ruo Yan to connect boats. He is always making a way for us, how can Ruo Yan possibly not be defeated. Ruo Yan had been hit with one of my arrows, but his sister had rescued him. Kingdom of Li for a few years later might not be able to recover their power" Rong Tian laughed and then suddenly let out sigh, "However, Feng Ming was not within the Li’s grasp." "What?" Lei Er shouted out, "Ming Wang is still not found?" Fong Tian replied that all they found was Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing who have suffered Miao Guang’s needles and will recover tomorrow morning. Rong Tian was worried that because of what happened the other day on the river banks, where he not only refused to be threatened, pretending to lose his memory, but also said that Mei Ji was now a Queen. He felt worried for Feng Ming.. (hoping he probably didn’t commit suicide or such). Lie Er spoke up, “No matter what, Ming Wang most definitely did not traveled far, he must be nearby. If Your Majesty have already sent a search army, then finding Ming Wang’s whereabouts will be quick.” "I already know that when Ruo Yan hastily retreat his troops, there was no image of Feng Ming beside him. He definitely was taken by Ruo Yan." Rong Tian let out a sigh, "Him by himself alone wandering around is very dangerous. I won’t return to Xi Lei until I find Feng Ming again!" "If so, then your servant will also send people to look for him." "Alright! I will send my troops towards the south and you will bring half the troops towards the north." —So as Rong Tian was about to leave, from behind him Feng Ming finally breaks free of his paralysis and let out the words, “Don’t go!” Rong Tian finally found Feng Ming within the tall grass, hugged him tightly and the first things he told Feng Ming were: "I finally found you. Feng Ming, the story about Mei Ji’s false, you can’t believe any of it is true. How can I ever forget you?" Eventually with all the strength to call out to Rong Tian, Feng Ming fainted. Rong Tian was flustered and called out for a Medical Physician, he carried Feng Ming onto the horse and rode him back to the estate. Xi Lei’s Ming Wang has finally returned within King of Xi Lei’s embrace. This young phoenix has finally spread his small wings and emerge from the ashes. The second time it unfurled his wings flown across the sky. The shores of Aman covered with white skeletons. Countless souls lost their way back to their homeland. Heavy wind roar across the sky, Aman River has built a legend. Connected boats, red flames burned away like memories from hell permanently sealed deep in the minds of each citizen of Li, Yong Yin, Xi Lei. Looks like the reputation of Xi Lei Ming Wang will never fade away.

FENG YU JIU TIAN VOLUME 4 CHAPTER 11 SUMMARY (PART 2) The victorious army returned home because Duke Ming was still in a dreary coma. Against the glorious majestic King, Feng Ming lies peacefully, firmly within the hands of Rong Tian. After awaken, the two maids, Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing kneeled at two sides. Chiu Yue carefully held the medicine bowl. Using one hand, Rong Tian held onto Feng Ming , the other hand he scooped small spoonful of medication towards Feng Ming’s mouth. Feng Ming’s eyes still closed, streaks of the black medicine dripped from the corner of his mouth. " Oh … " Rong Tian frowned, determined to take the medicine bowl, pulling his head back to drink a big gulp, and bent down to feed Feng Ming little by little . Chiu Yue rubbed her red swollen eyes, sobbing endlessly: “All because of that wicked Miao Guang , if not for her, why is Duke Ming still in this coma?” "Ah Chiu Yue, please don’t cry." Chiu Xing lamented: "The King has said, if we continue to cry, he will kick us outside." Standing beside, Rong Hu whispered: “It’s because I’m useless that I can’t rescue Duke Ming earlier causing him to be tortured by the Demon King Ruo Yan for more than half a year.” Lie Er patted Rong Hu’s shoulder, comforting him and let out a tired sigh: “Big brother should not blame yourself. We are close bodyguards of Duke Ming and have allowed him to suffer a lot like this, everyone is guilty of it all.” "Don’t say anymore." Rong Tian sharply voiced: “The person to blame most is me." He softly stroked the long lashes that always covered the eyes that brightly shined, stared at the pale face still without color in a coma peacefully within his arms. A strong pain sudden tugged at his heart: "I am the great King of Xi Lei and yet I don’t have a single skill. I have sworn to bear the dangers altogether, so why is the person that always have to suffer as you?" Feng Ming obediently slept in his lap, his soft body emit a faint scent. Rong Tian’s heart increasingly being crushed, he lowered his head, caressing the hair of Feng Ming, constantly whispering: “Feng Ming, Feng Ming, please quickly regain consciousness. I will lead you to enjoy the endless steppe slopes. Where there are flowers, beautiful beyond belief.” Sixty-four horses pulling the King’s carriage each step, the heavy wooden wheels rolling on bumpy dirt roads jolt. In the distance, the flag flew in the air. The gates of Xi Lei opened wide, the gold path stretched from inside the city to outside the gates, which was the Great King’s welcoming ritual in a glorious fashion. Empress Dowager led the court officials and stood in front of the gates. Flags that lined the side waved in the air, two rows of guards proudly stopped before thousands of thousands civilians who were crammed behind. Everyone was trying to squeeze through to join the great event of the country. "The Great King has returned!” "Ha ha! Xi Lei has won the battle! We have driven King of Li back to his country!"

"Wasn’t the King of Li shot dead by our Great King? I heard people said he was shot dead." "Looks like his sister had saved him and brought him back. Anyways, that guy will not be able to live much longer. I heard that this accomplishment is thanks to Duke Ming." “Oh, it was Duke Ming?” "Our Great King is back, Duke Ming is also back!" "Duke Ming is really amazing!" "Yes! All nations have to fear our Duke Ming!" "But , it seems like something had happened to Duke Ming." "What? What happened?" I heard he’s very sick.” "That’s not it. Apparently he’s unconscious and can’t come to." "Oh God, he can’t be like the old King sleeping endlessly … " The widespread sighs heard throughout, everyone shaking their heads miserably. "Oh , it’s all because of the King of Li." The tallest among the people suddenly raised his hand and pointed straight ahead, shouting: “Look ! Look! They’re coming!” Everyone excited. From the distance, the pair of horses appeared slowly. Within a few footsteps, everyone could see Rong Tian’s flag and Duke Ming’s flag fluttering in front of the carriage. The Phoenix with its wings flying on face of the flag, wings outstretched, head up proudly. Feng Ming has returned to the kingdom.” Rong Tian carried Feng Ming in his arms in front of the carriage, his eyes sweeping across thousands of thousands civilians and continued forward: “Why don’t you awake and look for just moment? You keep on sleeping for a very long time causing my heart to break.” Suddenly the carriage swaying violently, do not know if it was because the wheels tripped over a rock or not making Rong Tian nearly slipped up, he immediately hugged Feng Ming tightly. "Why are you so careless?" Rong Hu shouted loudly at the guards in charge of preparing the road ahead. They knelt down, preparing for punishment. Rong Tian’s voice suddenly started shouting loudly. “He’s awake? Feng Ming’s awake!” "What? Ming Wang’s awake?" Lie Er and Rong Hu no longer paid attention to the guards and immediately turned around to stare at Feng Ming. Feng Ming is still curled up inside the embrace of Rong Tian, not knowing at what moment his eyes opened. Rong Tian was emotional to the point that his tears fell, he did not dare to believe but loudly shouted, “Feng Ming, finally you have awaken! I was worried to death!”

The basin that Chiu Yue had on hand fell straight to the ground, the tears in her eyes started flowing down, she slumped her knees, eyes closed, head back, mouth mumbling incessantly : “The heavens have answered our prayers… “ " Why?" Chiu Xing from behind got up, glanced at the basin of water that had fallen on the ground. As her eyes looked up, they suddenly collided with the blinking eyes of Feng Ming and let out a sudden squeal: “Duke Ming?” "Chiu Xing." Feng Ming still within Rong Tian’s embrace, tilted his head happily and gave her amischievous smile. Chiu Xing “Ah” for a second covered her mouth and knelt down next to Chiu Yue. Her hands clutched her chest, her cheeks wet with tears and constantly whispering: “Fairy, Duke Ming has awaken. Thank you! Thank you!” Feng Ming looked calmly back at Rong Tian and with a sweet smile, said: ” At last, you have finally found me.” Rong Tian hugged Feng Ming tightly, his arms trembling. He saw the familiar smile blossoming on Feng Ming’s lips, his knees weakened as he suddenly knelt down: “You are awake, my Feng Ming had came back!” He dugged Feng Ming’s head deep within his chest as his whole body trembled. "You idiot, what are you crying about?" Feng Ming stretched his arms around Rong Tian’s neck, leaned softly: "This horse carriage jolt terribly. Oh, this ancient period does not have rubber tires that traveling like this is so difficult. I have to think of a new method for this.” He also had thousand words he wanted to confess to Rong Tian, but at this time, but when he opened his eyes he saw that he was safely within his embrace. A feeling like every suffering had vanish completely, even to the point of extreme comfort that he sat up. He leaned his face softly to kiss Rong Tian, licked with his tongue the corner of his eyes that was wet with tears: “You are the Great King, you can’t cry losing face in front of your people.” "Feng Ming, I… I will never leave you again." "After seeing my face you already confess.” Feng Ming scoffed: “I only have two wishes right now. The first one is to eat something; I’m so hungry to death…” Lie Er and Chiu Xing at once shouted together: “Quickly bring the food here! Hurry! Hurry up!” Rong Hu become the most useful person and immediately rushed away. "…the second wish, is to quickly head back to Xi Lei palace. I will never leave Xi Lei again.” Rong Tian focused on Feng Ming, gently smiled: “Take a look, haven’t we already returned home?” He helped Feng Ming up so he could oversee his surrounding that is filled with welcoming crowd all around. "The city?" Feng Ming was glad but fearful. He had been comatose for how many days that he was unaware of his return to Xi Lei. Rong Tian licked Feng Ming’s ear and spoke at it: “All those people are here to welcome us. Feng Ming, we have finally reached home.” =====

Before Rong Tian and Feng Ming reached the palace, Feng Ming asked Rong Tian if he could perhaps let him top him (can’t believe Feng Ming still thinks about sex even though he hasn’t even fully recovered.) Rong Tian tells Feng Meng that he’s still weak and maybe next time. Feng Ming agreed and said “You promised!” Once back at the palace, Feng Meng was ordered to lay in bed and not move around even for a bit. He was told: “Duke Ming, don’t move around as you wish.” “Duke Ming, what do you want? Let your servant get it for you!” “This medication Duke Ming must drink it all.” “Why did Duke Ming eat so less? Not good, here, eat some more.” Under heavy surveillance and care, Feng Ming cried without any tears falling from his eyes. Three or four times, he had tried to use all sorts of methods to let everyone lessen their attention on him. After much struggling, three months passed, the medical physician informed Feng Ming that though his body hasn’t completely recovered, he could be able to leave his bed. Hearing that, Feng Ming just wanted to jump up and kissed that old man several times. FENG YU JIU TIAN VOLUME 4 CHAPTER 12.1 SUMMARY Rong Tian is a sex addict. Ever since Feng Ming was allowed to step down from his bed, he had a common habit of sleeping together throughout the night. At first, he was a little hesitant because of Feng Ming’s injuries and was only lightly holding hands, touching legs, and hugging. However the two was like dry straws catching fire that can’t hold back. Not for a few days, there was spring blossoming within the room, echoing chant every night. "Ah … Oh … Oh … " The large hand fumbled around Feng Ming’s body, causing him to trembled. Duke Ming of Xi Lei submerged between the messy silk blankets. His thighs were separated and could strongly feel the warm caress by the rough hands, he moaned to each provocative gesture of the Rong Tian. “It’s not fair! Today is obviously my turn on top.” He gasped, ignoring the hickeys dotted scattered on his delicate skin, but continued to be discontent as his rights was being stolen. Rong Tian laughed hoarsely: “If you still get straighten your back upward, I give you be on top.” Feng Ming still ended up being bottom and begged Rong Tian to let him be on top next time. Rong Tian laughed: “Last time, who was the one who grumble about back pain?” After a long intensified love making session, both Feng Ming and Rong Tian were tired out.

Chiu Lan brought some pigeon soup for Feng Ming, but Feng Ming didn’t want to drink it. She then squealed and expressed how she was the only one left behind in Xi Lei while Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing get to take care of Feng Ming. Now that she worked hard to make the pigeon soup, Feng Ming didn’t want to drink it. “If your servant was there to cook for Duke Ming at Kingdom Li, then you wouldn’t be skinny like this…” When Feng Ming discovered that Chiu Lan was preparing to sing one of her songs, instantly his hand frantically waved the white flag to surrender: “I’ll drink it, I’ll drink it, okay. Chiu Lan, not taking you to Kingdom Li was not my fault so don’t blame me anymore.” He glanced over at Rong Tian for help. Eventually, Rong Tian ordered the maids to leave the room and he’ll ensure Feng Ming to drink the soup. Feng Ming of course didn’t want to and was hiding himself under the blankets. While talking they stumbled upon the topic of Ruo Yan. “Is there any news of Ruo Yan?” “After receiving my arrow, that I used 10x strength, if he doesn’t die then he’s only running on half of his life. However, Kingdom Li has a skilled physician, but would be frantic at this time because of his injury.” “The Li Kingdom right now, is Miao Guang the only one in charge?” “Military Affairs is General Zhuo Nian, while Court Affairs is Princess Miao Guang, it will be hard for Kingdom Li to be in temporary chaos. Just talking about national affairs, Feng Ming was somewhat relieved. He turned over inside Rong Tian’s embrace, estimated: “Ruo Yan is mortally wounded, the result is not clear, which is a good opportunity for Xi Lei to rest our energy. If we want Kingdom Li to be chaotic relentlessly, I know someone we can take advantage of.” "Who?" "Fan Jia’s Long Tian." Rong Tian stared at Feng Ming for a moment, suddenly laughed, then lowered his head to passionately kiss the red lips below, praising: “Indeed there is progress, with the same thinking as me. Long Tian’s kingship is now firmly in his hand and is still subjected to constraints of Ruo Yan so there much be some unwillingness at some point. He most certainly will take advantage of this opportunity to slip out of Ruo Yan’s grip, creating a mess and extra troubles for Kingdom Li.” “But if Ruo Yan used poison to control Long Tian, wouldn’t he not dare to cause trouble?” “The antidote might not only be in Ruo Yan’s hands. Not too long ago when Ruo Yan was there, Long Tian wouldn’t dare touch the antidote. Now that Ruo Yan is injured, with Long Tian’s skills, he will definitely use hundreds and thousands of schemes to steal the antidote in hand. Once Ruo Yan can no longer control Long Tian, then that new confidante, Fan Jia’s King with a burning ambition will cause havoc to Kingdom Li eventually.” Both Feng Ming and Rong Tian continued discussing for half a day, but the subject regarding National Affairs caused them a headache. Rong Tian laughed: “Didn’t yo said

you were tired? After hearing about politics you have awaken? Hurry and sleep, you are currently in a recovering state, don’t worry too much.” Rong Tian was late to the King’s court to discuss about the country’s Affairs. Some of his court official suggest that Rong Tian should let Duke Ming rest and not use much energy (as in sex). They also would like Duke Ming to participate in the military conference because Duke Ming had came up with ideas for military weapons, collecting taxes, etc.. and also want to visit him at the Duke’s resident. Rong Tian was a bit jealous that all these old geezers want to take a glance at Duke Ming, but felt Feng Ming had grown. He hope very much that Feng Ming could be just as simple and innocent as before, didn’t have to know about all the cold hearted evil people because that way, he will be much happier than right now. After discussing for more than 2 hours, Rong Tian quickly rushed over to Feng Ming’s residence. When he arrived, he only saw Chiu Lan and Lie Er standing there and the bed was empty. FENG YU JIU TIAN VOLUME 4 CHAPTER 12.2 SUMMARY “Where is Feng Ming?” Lie Er answered: “Replying to Great King, when Duke Ming woke up he felt a bit bored; therefore, wanted to take a walk. Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing already followed behind.” “Where did he take a walk at?” Lie Er tried to evade the question by not answering, but said: “Duke Ming said when the Great King comes back he will probably be very tired so you don’t need to look for him. He will only wander around for a bit and will return soon.” Rong Tian used his eyes to investigate Lie Er, seeing that his face looked a bit strange: “Feng Ming is at Empress Dowager’s residence?” “Ah?” Lie Er looked up and found that Rong Tian’s face color had darkened, his heart beat rapidly, he quickly kneel down: “Great King, please lessen your anger.” He was ordered by Feng Ming to stay behind to stop Rong Tian from rushing to Empress Dowager’s residence when Duke Ming is found missing. However, he can’t believe Rong Tian was amazing like that! “What kind of tricks are you guys playing?” Rong Tian coldly interrogated. “This matter…” Lie Er bowed down, still finding the words to say: “Duke Ming said, he wanted to meet Mei Ji.” “How come he can’t ask me directly but go roundabout like this?” Lie Er’s hands and legs trembled, sternly replied: “Mei Ji is your Majesty’s benefactor, filled with deep love and heavy meaning towards you for a long time, and is also the world’s most beautiful woman. After returning home, your Majesty have not made any orders for her to leave but even allowed her to stay at the Empress Dowager’s residence. Duke Ming is meeting with her at this moment, I’m just afraid…” “Afraid what?” Lie Er narrowed his delicate eyebrows, bit his lips, expand his chest and said: “If Duke Ming was to deal with Mei Ji, would Your Majesty be angry?”

Rong Tian calmly shook his head: “Being angry with me is not enough? He had to go to the Empress Dowager’s residence.” “Your Majesty!” Lie Er scrambled up, stopped Rong Tian in his tracks and spoke frightfully: “Your Majesty want to stop Duke Ming?” “What?” Rong Tian lifted his eyebrows. “Please allow Duke Ming to chase Mei Ji away. Because Mei Ji is your savior, that’s why you have been hesitating to tell her to leave. But…but Duke Ming is the most compatible person for Your Majesty.” Lie Er begged: “Your Majesty shouldn’t let all of Duke Ming’s smiles trick you. Ever since knowing that Mei Ji is staying within Empress Dowager’s residence, Duke Ming have never been at ease. He is currently sick, body is still weak, with many things worrying him, I’m afraid that his illness will be hard to cure.” Lie Er with loyal intentions, held onto the hands tightly, and looked straight into Rong Tian’s eyes. Rong Tian silently happy about Lie Er’s passionate feelings, he even argued and defend Feng Ming, but he still had on the cold face and sneered: “You are afraid that I might have feelings for Mei Ji?” “Lie Er do not dare to guess Your Majesty’s feelings.” Lie Er again kneel down and glance secretly at Rong Tian, and then asked: “If Your Majesty have no feelings for Mei Ji, then why let her stay here? I heard that before coming to Xi Lei, she was hidden in Bei Ji” Rong Tian coldly looked at Lie Er until the skin on his head was numb due to fear that he finally let out a chuckle: “It was Empress Dowager that wanted Mei Ji here so she invited her.” Seeing that Rong Tian’s attitude had a good change, Lie Er quickly followed through and requested: “Your Majesty have to quickly give order for Mei Ji to disappear. Xi Lei and Duke Ming are already yours, why allow her to be involved without a cause? Fighting for Your Majesty’s affection, all of these things I have seen a lot at Yong Yin. If you don’t quickly take care of the matter, the outcome will be hard to handle, no one will have one day of relaxation.” These words have struck the worries within Rong Tian. Rong Tian let out a long sigh. The affection many years between him and Mei Ji, isn’t something that one afternoon and evening can explain it all. Also, that World’s Most Beautiful Maiden has deep affection towards him, and had wasted many young years waiting for him. If Feng Ming did not appear, he probably would have made Mei Ji a concubine. This time when he personally invited Mei Ji to Bo Jian, he also taken into account of her actions to save him, it’s him who have owed Mei Ji a great deal. The only wish that Mei Ji wants is a small position as a concubine. That one request should be too outrageous? But Rong Tian also knows Feng Ming’s personality, he also know that I will never have an interest for Mei Ji. This matter ever since coming back to Xi Lei, he had kept in mind, never ignoring the stubbornness of Mei Ji beyond Rong Tian’s guesses. Even if she cannot become a concubine, she still want another position, a position that would allow her to always stay beside him.

Feng Ming and Mei Ji inside the palace, meeting each other would be a matter of time. But what he can’t expected is that Feng Ming knew about this matter too early, to the point of sneaking away to Empress Dowager’s residence. One kind and gentle, have affection and meaning towards him; the other smart and sensitive, filled with passionate love. Two of these people meeting each other is serious matter no other than a clash on the battlefield. Inside Rong Tian, he really does not want anyone to get hurt. “Your Majesty…” Lie Er understood Rong Tian’s worries, he is just worried that Rong Tian will take Mei Ji’s side and caused Feng Ming to be sad, therefore only silently inspect Rong Tian’s expression. Rong Tian eventually rushed over to Empress Dowager’s residence and found out by Chiu Yue that Feng Ming and Mei Ji are inside comparing talents. Rong Tian asked: “Comparing talents?’ “Yes.” Chiu Yue answered. “I also don’t know why. When Duke Ming met Mei Ji, he didn’t say a single word but just like a piece of wood, he sat there staring at her, not even blinking at all. But the strange thing is Mei Ji also was silent and stare profusely at Duke Ming. The two of them were like that, if anyone were to move first, it was like they admit defeat.” Rong Tian remembered about the method he took when he stole the heart of that maiden. That Feng Ming dare to repeat the same method making him chuckle and shaking his head. After one hour, Feng Ming was the first one to give in and said to Mei Ji that he can’t believe Rong Tian did the same for two hours straight. Mei Ji tells Feng Meng that she knows why he is there and the reason is for her to leave Xi Lei. She begs Feng Ming and even cries, stating that she just want to be beside Rong Tian and would not dare to compete for his affection. She also hopes that Feng Ming shouldn’t be too cruel to not allow Rong Tian to have no heir. Feng Ming finally tells Mei Ji that the reason why he came to see her was to invite her to stay at his place. Everyone was shocked. Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing asked: “Duke Ming, why do you want this lady to move to your residence?” Chiu Xing mumbled: “I have never taken care of her…” “Don’t be disrespectful; I’m talking to Mei Ji and you two dared to eavesdropped? Go outside.” Feng Ming scold at the two, he did not know that behind the thin curtains there are also two high status people (Empress Dowager and Rong Tian). Feng Ming turned to the shocked Mei Ji: “I know that Rong Tian would have a difficult time to handle this situation. One side is me, and one side is you. If I was Rong Tian, I also wouldn’t know who to choose.” Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing answered at the same time: “The Great King will definitely choose Duke Ming! All of us know it!’ Feng Ming glared at the two maids who shout out to give them a warning, causing them to instantly silent themselves. Walking step by step towards Mei Ji, facing her he

continued: “I personally invite you to my residence. If Rong Tian feel something for you, I will wholehearted withdraw.” Mei Ji questioned: “If the Great King is unmoved by me, will Duke Ming suggest for me to leave? If that’s the case, you have to give me a time period.” Feng Ming smiled: “I’m not here to discuss about condition. This is just a request, to answer it or not is up to you.” Mei Ji surprised, asked again: “But this is of a disadvantage to Duke Ming. If I were to stay within the Crown Prince’s residence my whole life, wouldn’t Duke Ming be uncomfortable?” “A lover’s feeling is hard to change.” Feng Ming sigh: “Your position in Rong Tian’s heart isn’t small, along with the fact that you’re his benefactor. If you are to leave with regrets then there will be a permanent longing within Rong Tian’s heart. Since it’s like that, I rather take a risk by having you here, hoping one day, the tension can finally remove knots and end it. My reasoning, do you understand?” Mei Ji again kneeled down, a look of great concern appeared on her face, she said softly: “I only understand a bit, but the things I don’t understand is quite a lot…” === Rong Tian and Empress Dowager decided to leave and settled in at her room. The Empress Dowager asked Rong Tian what he is planning on doing about this situation. Rong Tian smiled: “With Feng Ming’s scheme of withdraw one step and advance three steps, how can you royal son heartlessly intercept? Although Feng Ming does not reveal his inner feelings, only make careful calculation, but in fact he is forcing me to resolve this situation quickly.” The Empress Dowager deliberately dig deeper: “Your Majesty also can do nothing. Having two people at once, wouldn’t that be a good thing?” “Empress Dowager should not make this into a joke.” Rong Tian lowered his voice: “Feng Ming always makes me worry. Just like today, he alone and his decision to allow Mei Ji to enter the Crown Prince’s residence, it’s only a matter of time before he brings trouble in.” “It good that Your Majesty understands this.” Rong Tian waited until Feng Ming returned back to the Crown Prince’s residence that he too returned. Just when he stepped inside the main door, Feng Ming hastily called out: “Rong Tian, quickly come over here! I have something to say.” He saw Feng Ming running towards him, he just grunted and reminded: “ Don’t run too fast.” And hastily embraced him. “Today I have met someone.” FENG YU JIU TIAN VOLUME 4 CHAPTER 12.3 SUMMARY When Rong Tian arrived at Feng Ming’s residence, Feng Ming informed Rong Tian that Mei Ji is currently residing here. Rong Tian told Feng Ming that he would like to speak with Mei Ji alone and asked if Feng Ming can leave to his residence instead.

Feng Ming nodded his head and said: “Fine, tonight I will leave my residence to the two of you.” He later asked if Rong Tian needed Chiu Lan to prepare the bathtub or anything else? “What nonsense are you talking about? I’m only talking to Mei Ji, why would I need that?” Rong Tian punished Feng Ming by slapping his behind once. With one promised line from Rong Tian, Feng Ming also did not have to worry anymore, plus he had guessed that his plan had been successful, his face filled with happiness: “That’s good, I will stay at your residence to wait for you. It’s been a long time since I slept at the Great King’s residence.” He later shouted out: “Rong Hu, Lie Er, Chiu Lan, Chiu Yue, Chiu Xing, everyone follow me.” No one knows Rong Tian’s intention and they thought he was planning on have fun time with Mei Ji. Lie Er tells Rong Tian: “Mei Ji is just to that point, your servant sees that she cannot compare with Duke Ming. If Your Majesty is just in the heat at the moment….” Lie Er was called out by Feng Ming and so he had no choice but to leave. Even Rong Hu gave Rong Tian a few words: “Your Majesty…If Your Majesty is also hesitant then in the future your servant will no longer…believe in true love again. Rong Tian laughed: “All of you, no one is as intelligent as Feng Ming.” He patted Rong Hu on the back and walked up the stairs. === Rong Tian and Feng Ming had passionate love last night and the next day they went horseback riding on White Cloud. While horseback riding, Rong Tian was being naughty and fiddle with Feng Ming’s clothes and touching him everywhere. He tells Feng Ming that last night was not enough. It’s revealed that last night, Rong Tian talked with Mei Ji and made it clear that he will never love her and so Mei Ji left with a clear mind. Rong Tian also asked Feng Ming how he knew that his amnesia trick was fake. Feng Ming replied that “I am the world’s smart handsome young man. Only seeing me for the first time, you wouldn’t be coldhearted to the point of shooting arrows to kill me right?” “Is that so?” Rong Tian questioned suspiciously. Feng Ming laughed and said that even if Rong Tian were to lose his memories, then wouldn’t everyone along with the Empress Dowager spoke up? Also, with his reputation at Xi Lei, would Rong Tian dare to be unfaithful and crown a Queen without his soldiers protest but instead gave much praised? “Feng Ming is definitely amazing. I truly thought that my plan had no loopholes, but I can’t believe in your eyes it was like child’s play. Can’t believe Ruo Yan’s views are still far off than yours.” “The problem is not intelligence or not, it’s a different between knowledge. I have read a lot of ancient stories, and there are many examples like that. No matter how stupid one is, they have to know a bit about that.” “Are you saying that I’m stupid?”

“I’m just saying that ancient people and present day people are different.” Rong Tian later asked that even if he didn’t lose his memories, how would Feng Ming even know that they will use fire to burn the chained boats? Feng Ming sharply glared at Rong Tian, “I already had Ruo Yan make the chained boats and have told you about that story a lot of time. If you are dumb enough to see that there are chained boats and over there don’t know to throw fire, then just single handedly give your King position to Ruo Yan is good too!” Rong Tian end up punishing Feng Ming, they fell off the horse and rolled around on the grass fields. Soon they were making love behind an encircled man made curtain room? Anyways, Lie Er, Chiu Yue, Chiu Xing and Rong Hu were listening in on their love making. Their conversation as follows: “His Majesty is really something, yesterday they were playing around until the middle of the night.” “But Duke Ming also liked it too.” “Those two, really don’t know what should be said to them.” Both sister maids sighed. Lie Er praised: “Having His Majesty’s love daily, Duke Ming is affecting more and more people, even his moaning is becoming more sentimental. If this continues, every King would be lured by him.” Chiu Yue quickly shook her head: “That wouldn’t be good, just Ruo Yan alone is already worrisome. Duke Ming just need to seduce His Majesty is all we want.” “Yup, we also cannot let other Kings from other kingdoms catch a glimpse of Duke Ming.” Chiu Xing also nodded in agreement. Rong Hu was standing one side with his arms crossed and let out a sigh: “Oh, the more handsome/beautiful Duke Ming is, the heavier burden our responsibility is. Also, Duke Ming’s health has not fully recovered; we have to find an opportunity to persuade His Majesty to control himself a bit. Listen to it, His Majesty’s strength is causing Duke Ming to open his mouth to beg already.” After he stopped, the other three gawked at him strangely. “What? What did I do that made you all stare at me like that?” “Big brother…” Lie Er laughed bitterly. Chiu Yue and Chiu Xing looked at the insecure Rong Hu, shook their heads, and lamented: “Oh, and he even dare to teach us a lesson about eavesdropping on His Majesty and Duke Ming…” FENG YU JIU TIAN VOLUME 4 BONUS CHAPTER SUMMARY Volume 4 : 32 strategies Duke Ming is discussing the 32 strategies with his servants and teaching them. “The first strategy with the 32 strategies is…” “Duke Ming,” Between the three heads that obediently bunched around Feng Ming, Chiu Xing suddenly raised her hand, tilted her head to ask: “Why is it 32 strategies?”

“It’s because there is only 32 strategies.” “Your servant remembers…” Lie Er began to recall: “Last time, Duke Ming said there was 36 strategies.” Feng Ming’s face began to redden, he coughed once: “I said 32 then there’s 32.” “But…” “Don’t talk back, you have to attentively listen to the lecture! Lie Er really doesn’t understand a thing. Don’t you know how lucky you are? Learning about the number one military strategies in the world and yet don’t know how to pay respect.” Chiu Yue sitting on one side nodded, glanced toward Lie Er: “Duke Ming’s scolding is right, Lie Er is not subtle at all! It’s clear that Duke Ming’s memory is not good, forgetting 4 of the 36 strategies, but yet he still want to uncover it.” Chiu Lan held her belly and started laughing. Feng Ming’s face burned red, repeating cough several times, shook his head and said: “All of you are becoming more outrageous each day. One of these days, I must give you all a taste of my mind.” Chiu Xing gentle attitude above them, saw that Feng Ming was embarrassed, smiled and ran towards him, pull him to sit down. Chiu Yue also pitched in and massaged his shoulders: “We were just playing around for a bit, Duke Ming is most virtuous, how he can be mad at us maids?” “That’s right. His Majesty also reminded us to not over tired Duke Ming. Remembering so many strategies like that will tire your brains out, so we have to fool around and rest a bit.” Feng Ming brighten up a bit, he turned around and glared at Lie Er who is giggling in one spot: “Every time I’m seriously teach you, you always mess around! Don’t know when your attitude will change. You’re already grown, you have to learn a bit from your big brother, not revealing his presence. See, Rong Hu isn’t laughing!” Everyone looked over at Rong Hu, indeed he was sitting in one spot focusing his attention to the book in his hands. Lie Er shook his head: “How can you compare me to my brother? He is lost in military strategies like that, speaking of which he’s sucked into the book to the point that he doesn’t even pay attention to Duke Ming.” Chiu Xing and Chiu Yue scold: “Rong Hu does pay attention, you can’t unjustly blame him.” Lie Er patted Rong Hu’s shoulders: “Big brother, tell them, why is there only 32 strategies?” “32 strategies?” Rong Hu putted his book down and glanced up. “That’s right, last time we clearly heard Duke Ming said there were 36 strategies. But now, he states that there are 32.” “Lie Er, in fact you don’t understand.” “Ha?” “All these strategies books were brought here by Duke Ming. The world only has Duke Ming who can remember these and teach us.”

Feng Ming nodded intensely, with a praised look at Rong Hu. Rong Hu appreciated and continued: “With Duke Ming’s memory, for him to remember 32 strategies and not 23 strategies is already of great fortune for Xi Lei.” ——Out the palace, there are two servants that are exchanging news. The spy informs that Feng Ming and his people were talking about 32 strategies and how one of them is the Beauty Trap, but is unsure. The confidante told the spy to go back and investigate some more. The spy said that he would as long as that person put in good words for him and bring him the antidote to the poison for him. Half a month later, Miao Guang received confidential information regarding Xi Lei with the following: Your confidante reporting to Your Majesty and Princess…Duke Ming was lecturing at the Crown Prince’s residence regarding the 32 strategies. The Beauty Trap is written below for you to look over. After repeatedly verified, subordinated believed it is: One: this strategy required 32 beauties to take action at the same time in order to succeed. Two: the beauties in this strategy are called 32 – I’m guessing it is a code name. Three: There are 32 different locations that these beauties can take action, like maintenance training? Or on the bed. Four: Duke Ming is a perverted Demon King. Five: Duke Ming knows that there is a spy that sneak in —- they are playing with us. Six: ….

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