Feng Sui

January 17, 2018 | Author: Hima Bindu | Category: Religion And Belief, Philosophical Science, Science
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Feng Shui...


The Bagua


The Bagua and its corresponding elements, body parts, colors and life situations.

Practical Application - Determining the Feng Shui sectors in your home The bagua octagon is used by Feng Shui practitioners to determine the locations for certain sectors representing specific properties in the home or the office. To apply the bagua to your own home, you simply do the following; 1. 2. 3.

Print the bagua picture. Stand in the centre of your home. Obtain a compass (Feng Shui practitioners use a lopan compass, although it is ok to use a normal compass) and determine which way is north. 4. Orientate the bagua picture until the "N" shown at the bottom of the picture (in the career sector) is pointing north. You will now be able to determine each of the 8 sectors in your home, and apply a remedy as appropriate e.g., if you are having financial problems, you may strengthen the wealth sector (in the SE direction) by placing or water feature (e.g., a small water fountain or an aquarium) in that sector, hanging a water print (e.g., a nice picture of the sea), or hang a lucky charm in the sector.To evaluate other Feng Shui remedies which are available, view the Natures Energies feng shui catalog

The Bagua (energy map) is a pattern of understanding how chi orenergy manifests and moves through our homes. The chakra system shows how it moves and manifests in our bodies, and the tree of life reveals chi's workings in the cosmos. All three use sacred geometry to reveal the mysteries of being human. When we combine these transcendental patterns, we see magnifying life potential.                                    

3 Legged Toad 3 Virtue Cards for Successful Life 8 Immortals Amulets Arowana Fish for Abundance Bagua Coins Lucky Charm Bagua Mirrors Bagua Plaque Lucky Charm Bamboo Flutes Bell, Bagua and Sword Books on Feng Shui Brass Chu Ke Liang Brass Cicada Brass Dragon Tortoise Carrying a Child Brass Wen Chang Pagoda Bronze Dragon Buddha with Ivory Jade Finish Calabash with Eight Immortals Chinese Coin Wish Box Chung Kwei for Protection Dragon Glass Bracelet Dragon Plaque Symbols Eight Immortals Jewelry Box Feng Shui Mini Chart Feng Shui Correspondence Course Feng Shui Pendants Feng Shui Remedies Feng Shui Ruler Feng Shui Symbols Five-Element Pagoda with Fuk Luk Sau Fuk Luk Sau Gold Ingots Golden Abacus Golden Bat Coin Amulet Happy Buddha Trinket Box Hippopotamus

Houses of Life - Feng Shui Vibrational

                

Medicine Correspondence Course I Ching Coins Jade Bead Bracelets Jade Eggs Jade Moon Frog Carved in Jade Jade Worry Stones Kalachakra Symbol Laughing Buddha Laughing Buddha on a Dragon Tortoise Laughing Buddha on a Money Frog Longevity and Good Health Medallion Lopan Compasses Lucky Charms (Good Luck Symbols) Mandala Talisman for your Wallet or Purse Mandarin Ducks Marici Symbol Military Wealth God Nazar Boncuk and the Seven Glass

               

Elephants Pair of Red Eyed Kei Loons Pi Yao Protectors Prosperity Goldfish Carved in Jade Red Envelopes Rooster Quan Yin Brass Metal Protective Bell Space Clearing Bell Success Wealth and Long Life Talisman The Bagua Tibetan Mani Stones Tibetan Prayer Flags Turtle (Hanging) for Good Health/Longevity Victory Dragon Holding Wealth Wealth Ship with Treasure Wind Chimes Wish-Fulfilling Crown of the Queen

Feng Shui Tips for 2015 - Year of the Sheep

Welcome to 2015. We are currently in the Chinese Solar Year 4713, which is a Wood Sheep year. It starts on February 19, 2015. Analysis shows that this Sheep year will bring forth lots of success with good planning, foresight and vision. It is recommended that you are well prepared with your Feng Shui remedies. Feng Shui energies change from year to year. It is therefore necessary to watch for the re-allocation of positive and negative energies at the beginning of each year, so that we can take necessary precautions when the negative energy happens to arrive at important locations of our home and/or office or affects our Four Pillars (Chinese Astrology). We use Flying Star Feng Shui to determine negative and auspicious areas in the home for any specific year. Flying Star Feng Shui is one of disciplines in Chinese Astrology which incorporates the principles of the 5 elements, the 8 trigrams, the Lo Shu numbers, and the 24 Mountains to analyze the ups and downs of energy in an environment at a particular time. Due to its incorporation of the time factor, it is one of the most effective and widely used Feng Shui practices which brings and speedy and accurate results. The principle of Flying Star Feng Shui is that each number (stars) in the 9 grid Lo Shu square is endowed with specific qualities whereby it brings good or bad luck. The auspicious stars bring wealth and well-being, so areas with these stars should be used for main areas such as living rooms or bedrooms, whilst the inauspicious areas should be avoided or used for storage or remedied accordingly.

Auspicious (Good) Stars 

#1 Lucky Star (Water Element) – Helps attain victory over competition. Enhances career

promotion and monetary growth. #4 Romance Star (Wood Element) – Good star which improves romantic opportunities and

also study and literary fortune for writers and scholars. #6 Power Star (Metal Element) – Associated with good fortune and help from Heaven. Brings

speculative luck as well as power and authority. #8 Wealth (Earth Element) – Signifies wealth, prosperity, success and happiness. Regarded as the most auspicious star of all the 9 numbers.

Affliction (Negative) Stars 

#2 Sickness Star (Earth Element) – The illness bringing star, has negative influences on

health issues, bringing physical ailments and diseases. #3 Dispute Star (Wood Element) – A bad star which signifies lawsuits, hostility and quarrels.

Brings misunderstandings amongst families, friends and colleagues, trouble with the authorities. # 5 Misfortune Star (Earth Element) – Also known as Wu Wang or Five Yellow star. It is

considered the most malevolent and dangerous of the nine stars. Brings all kind of misfortunes, accidents, losses and death. #7 Violent Star (Metal Element) – This unlucky star brings loss, robbery and violence to the afflicted sector.

Each year, the annual Flying Stars change their positions around February 4th, known as “Lup Chun” in Chinese, meaning “beginning of spring”. Auspicious and affliction stars fly into new sectors reflecting changes in energy to each of the locations of a house or office. In 2015, the change takes place on February 19th.

In order to maintain good Feng Shui in your home and a smooth transition into the New Year, it is imperative to note of the locations of each star. Knowing the sitting positions of these stars allows you to appropriately install cures and remedies to afflicted areas and efficiently activate the good fortune areas by placing the correct enhancers and activators. Study the diagram to the right to determine each of the flying star sectors in your home, according to the compass. From the diagram, you will be able to determine where to place each of the recommended remedies to make 2015 a good year for you and your family.

The following is an example of a small home and how the sectors are determined. Lines are drawn parallel to the home and the sectors are made. Note how the North direction is used in determining the specific sectors;

1. The Victory Star #1 flies into the EAST in 2015 bringing excellent business and career opportunities. This lucky star promises triumph over your competitors and brings success luck. Those residing in this part of the house are set to enjoy auspicious luck. If you have an office, it is recommended that you relocate it into this sector. Career advancement is very likely this year if your work desk in the office is visited by the Water Star 1. Those whose office or business premises entrance are in the EAST will enjoy all kind of triumphant moments as this White Star helps you to be victorious in any competitive situation. Feng Shui enhancers to activate the luck of #1 are Water Features, Victory Banners (e.g., Victory Dragon), Dragon Tortoises (e.g., Dragon Tortoise carrying child or Laughing Buddha on Dragon Tortoise) and images of Horses (e.g., Wild Horses Amulet or the Horse Pendant), preferably made with metal. Avoid wood as this element weakens the energy of this water star. Young men, especially middle sons of the family as well as those with the Rat horoscope sign are also set to enjoy a good spell of winning luck from this favorable star.


The Earth element Illness Star #2 flies to SOUTHEAST sector of your house this year. Precaution is necessary for those whose bedrooms are situated here as this sickness chi could lead to ailments, especially in the abdominal areas. The best cure to subdue the illness energies brought by this hostile star is the Brass Calabash with Imprints of the Eight Immortals. The Six Coins And Magic Golden Fan Amulet is also useful to enhance the calabash cure. And if your main entrance is located here or facing the SOUTHEAST, all family members in the house will be affected. The constant opening and closing of door is bound to activate the illness-bringing star, so try to use another entrance in another sector but if this not possible, you must suppress the excess Earth element with metal or wood. An advisable remedy in this case is the six rod metal wind chimes outside your front door. Protect your family member by making sure that everyone carries/wears a long life or health symbol

such as the Gold Plated Turtle or the Paua Shell Tortoise. As Fire feeds and enhances the Earth energy of this star, bright lightings here is not advisable.


The #3 Argumentative Star which creates trouble with quarrels, misunderstandings, conflicts and litigation, flies to the CENTER of offices and homes in 2015. Made stronger and more destructive by the Wood element of this sector, this angry star brings a host of problems ranging from minor misunderstandings to law suits by everyone who is hit by it. The luck of the eldest son (as indicated by 8 Aspiration Charts) is seriously afflicted this year and there is indication of discord between father and sons, creating disharmony within the family. Rabbit born persons are afflicted by this inauspicious star. For business owners too, it is important to ensure the main entrance is not placed here. When the office main door is located in the CENTER, it could lead to severe conflicts, fights between workers, causing undesirable business obstruction. Exhaust the Wood based #3 Star with Fire energy – bright lights and anything in red (e.g., Red Jasper Gems, Red Garnet Gems or Auspicious Red Envelopes) are highly recommended here. Move away anything associated with Water and Wood energies in this area. Do not hang wind chimes in this area and make sure it is kept quite (no radio or TV). An excellent Feng Shui items to counter the #3 Star is theLaughing Buddha. It is recommended that Rabbit born, those with their bedrooms in the CENTER and all occupants of houses with main door facing this direction to carry protection amulets for controlling this Quarrelsome Star.


The lovely #4 Star of Scholastic accomplishments and literary excellence visits the NORTH WEST sector. Also known as the Romantic Peach Blossom Star, this means that love and academics will flourish in the NORTH WEST of every home in 2015. Those with Dragon or Snake horoscope sign and elder daughter in the family are particularly favored by the Romance Star. So for those still single, get ready to meet the love of your life and be prepared for more passion in your love life if you are married. Strengthen the favorable wood energy with a water feature. However, it is important not to have big water fountain here since wood dies if there is too much water, leading to infidelity in a marriage. The Love Angel, Mandarin Ducks and Double Happiness Symbols are excellent energizers for attracting love luck, as is the Seal of Venus. To enhance and/or protect luck in your love life, also add rose quartz items to this sector (e.g., Rose Quartz Pi Yao Protector). As the #4 Star also signifies good education and academic success, students and those employed in writing career will benefit from sitting in the NORTH WEST. Relocate your kid’s study desk to this corner if possible or at least face this direction in order to tap into its good energy. Enhancing this part of the house will greatly benefit students sitting for examinations. Display Chi Lin, or Wen Chang Pagoda here to manifest scholarly luck.


The #5 Misfortune Star is the most dangerous and vicious of the nine numbers in Flying Star system, especially in this Earth Period 8. Generally known as Five Yellow or Wu Wang, it is a very unfavorable star which causes all kinds of misfortune i.e. sickness, losses, tragedies, accidents, calamities and obstacles to success. Being in the WEST sector in 2015 means that its Earth energy is further strengthened and that it will affect the whole household or work place. Everyone should be wary of the obstructions and difficulties brought on by this malicious yellow star. Hence, it is vital to subdue its evil influences before its destructive force spreads and wreak havoc everywhere. The influences of this vicious star should never be underestimated. Remove anything associated with Fire energy, moving objects e.g., fan, television from this area. No gatherings or noisy activities here. Knocking, digging or any renovation works are a big no-no. Exhaust the malevolent Earth energy of the Wu Wang with metal energy based on the 5 element weakening cycle. Placing metal bells or ringing a space clearing bellmorning and night will greatly help minimize the challenging negative located in this sector of your home. Established cures for the nasty #5 are the Five Element Pagoda, 6 Rod Metal Wind Chime and Brass I Ching Coins. Remember to make every family member carry protective amulets for added protection. Prevention is better than cure.


In 2015, the Heavenly #6 Star flies into the NORTH EAST, hugely benefitting the Patriarch of the family and those born in the year of the Dog and Boar. The number 6 is a favorable star associated with Metal element and cosmic energies of heaven. It is popularly known as an indirect wealth star as it brings unexpected fortune and windfall luck. The most important thing to do is ensure the #6 auspicious chi is greatly activated and strengthened and the best way to do it is to get the energy moving. Constant movements will transform the energy to powerful yang chi which is perfect for the father figure of the family. A metallic Wind Chime is thus highly recommended here. Other ways to tap the power from this celestial star is to invite divine cosmic deities such as Dzambhala Wealth God, Green Tara (preferably made of metal or earth materials) to the NORTH EAST of your house. The #6 also stands for mentor and authority luck, influences and has control over money. Enhance its goodwill energy with a Gold Coins Ruler, Six Coins with Bell, Six Gold Coins Talisman Hanging or Six Metal Coins to enjoy the help of powerful mentors, career enhancement and harmony in the family.


The Violent #7 Star, another unwelcome affliction of the nine flying stars, flies to the SOUTH in 2015. This vicious star is bad news in this Period 8 and brings danger of robbery, fighting and injuries to the SOUTH sector of homes and other buildings. Its presence creates hostility and dangers for those residing in this part of the home, office; and countries. Being a red star located in a Metal element sector signified bloodshed caused by

metal objects - knives, swords, and guns, so do be very careful. It is therefore crucial to protect yourself and your loved ones from this affliction because the deadly energy of this star becomes more dangerous and strong in its home location as per original Lo Shu square. Be extra careful if your home is SOUTH facing or sitting, or important areas of your home such as bedrooms or living room are situated in the SOUTH. An excellent way to overcome the #7 star is to use Water, which weakens its Metal energy. Nazar Boncuk and the Seven Glass Elephants is the most effective cure for this affliction and thus when hung in this sector, results in a powerful antidote to the #7. Chung Kwei is another useful amulet which will enhance protection from thieves. You may also want to hang an Anti- Burglary Plaque in the SOUTH of your home to keep away robbers and people with bad intentions. If you are always in high risk places, carry a Rhino and Elephant Amulet for added protection against harm.


The # 8 Earth Star is the luckiest star in this Feng Shui Period 8. It is associated with abundance of wealth, prosperity, good fortune and success luck. In 2015, this all powerful auspicious star returns to its original location, the NORTH, bringing great fortune and wealth luck to everyone who resides here. This sector is extremely fortunate as it enjoys fantastic money luck and financial success, and is particularly beneficial to people born in the year of Ox orTiger, younger men and those with house or office main entrance located here. Activate this area with bright lights in red or warm white color to signify strong Fire energies to strengthen the Earth Star #8. Those with main doors in the NORTH can increase the impact of the 8 by hanging the 8 Rod Wind Chime to bring wish fulfilling luck and abundance. Other ways to energize the NORTH is by displaying some good fortune symbol of Feng Shui like Wealth Deities, Wealth Dragon, Arowana Fish and Wealth Laden Ships. Try to spend more time here and Boost the Chi by increasing activities such as family gatherings or parties in this sector of the house.


As the Future Prosperity Star, the #9 is generally considered second only to the #8 in terms of attracting good fortune and prosperity. In 2015, it flies to the fiery SOUTH WEST, resulting in this Fire star burning strong and bright. The #9 Purple Star is also a magnifying number which expands both good and bad luck. It increases nasty effects when combined with the unlucky star 2, 3 or 5, so do update yourself on when the unlucky combination occurs and stay protected with cures and remedies. The Horse born and those whose bedrooms or main doors are located in the SOUTH WEST will see lucks improved and will enjoy all the benefits brought by #9 Star. Keep the SOUTH WEST well lit and hold activities here as the Power of 9 is magnified when there is light and movement. Activate this area with red décor, and remedy it by hanging the Nine Emperors Coins With Mystic Knot Tassel to ensure a continuity of prosperity luck.

Other Recommended Feng Shui Tips The Grand Duke this year is in the South-Southwest whilst the Three Killings is located in the WEST, hence it is not favorable to "move earth" in the garden or make substantial construction work in these sectors. It is also not recommended for one to sit with their back against the WEST as you will be sitting against the "unfavorable energy". If this is unavoidable place a Dragon Tortoise facing West on your desk as it is said to appease the Grand Duke. The Tai Sui Horoscope Protective Coin can also be used for this purpose. It is recommended that you place a feng shuiI Ching Coin into a red envelope, and then place it in the central sector of your home. Also place the three legged toad facing towards the inside of the house. Place a Wealth Magnifier in the South East sector of your home. Place a set of 3 I-Ching Coins with the yang side facing up under your front door mat to bring wealth into the home. To make your Feng Shui work best, make sure that you apply space clearing to the environment that you are remedying. We have made this achievable by recently introducing a space clearing bell.

Other Important Feng Shui Hints and Tips

House and Garden 

Remove all rubbish, clutter and bad smells from each room in the house and garden as this

  

leads to blockages. Throw out unwanted goods, as this suggests you are holding on to the past. Fix flaking paint as this suggests tiredness. Fix damaged, spouting roof tiles or window seals if they or any part of the house looks

 

rundown as this represents a gradual decline in health. Repair leaky taps as this suggests gradual loss of income. Healthy plants, fresh flowers, nice smells (aromatherapy) and good music attract good energy

and lift your spirits. Keep the garden beautiful to entice opportunities to come into one's life. Also keep it free from

 

clutter as this signifies worry and prevents one from being focused. Maintain a good supply of fresh air by opening windows and allowing the air to circulate. Avoid sleeping near electrical equipment as the electrical fields they emit are potentially harmful to your health.

Entrance 

The energy coming through the door is the single most important factor that will determine how prosperous the occupants will be

The location of the door with regards to the sectors of the home, indicate a priority to the

occupants, therefore a person who has their front door located in the North sector, suggests that their career is very important to them Make sure there is nothing in direct alignment with the door such as a tree or telegraph pole.

To remedy this place a Bagua mirror over the door so it is reflecting the Sha Qi The path to the front door should be wide & spacious & well lit. Curved windy paths leading to

the main entrance are auspicious A beautiful picture placed on the wall opposite the main door is used to encourage energy into

the home & therefore opportunities to come into your life Your main door should always open inwards into a wide space to invite the Qi & therefore

opportunities into ones life Place two wide leaved plants next to the main door to help entice the energy in such as peace

lilies Avoid facing a dark, pokey room, an interior staircase, mirror, stove, sink, fireplace, the door of a toilet, laundry, bathroom or bedroom. To remedy this keep the doors closed or place a screen between the doors

Bedroom The bed head should be against a solid wall. This will provide you with a sense of support &

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security when sleeping You should be able to see the whole room while lying in bed Avoid placing the foot of the bed in direct alignment with the door as this is the coffin position If the bedroom or bathroom door can be seen from the front door it can turn the energy yin.

 

This may make the occupants lack motivation and feel fatigued and lazy. Your bed should not be located under an exposed beam Avoid mirrors as they are harmful to relationships especially if they are directly opposite the

bed. Remove them or cover them over while sleeping Avoid clutter as Qi should flow easily through the room. It is particularly important that you do

not store anything under the bed Bedrooms in the East are said to be auspicious as they catch the rising sun. This entices the

occupants to get up & make something of their lives Red candles in the South west (relationship) sector of the room are a romantic feature which will encourage intimacy amongst a couple. (never leave them unattended)

Study 

It is essential that you have a solid wall behind you as it will provide more backing for your

ideas & lends authority to your presence You should be able to see who is coming through the door. This gives you a sense of being in

control of your work You should also see the whole room from your desk. This will ensure you have mastery over all you do, you will think more clearly, your judgement will be sound & you will be respected

 

Clear clutter, a cluttered desk reflects a cluttered mind Plants, flowers & wind chimes are great in a study or office as they provide yang Qi to the

whole room. This encourages you to be productive, maintain good concentration & obtain good ideas You should position your desk so that you can easily see out the window whilst accessing

natural light Good ventilation is important, open windows are great You should face one of your good directions when studying or working

Space Clearing Bell - This beautifully hand-crafted bell comes with a wooden stick and a brass dorje.

Consider also the energy bar chime and the tingsha bells for space clearing in feng shui.

Space Clearing is a specialised branch of Feng Shui used to clear and purify the stale, stagnant or contaminated chi energies in a home or office environment. Such energies may be as a result of an argument or other such event that may have taken place in the area, leaving a lingering unpleasant chi which in turn affects the room hindering the effect of Feng Shui remedies and the like. Through clearing such energies, one is able to achieve an unhindered flow of harmonious chi energies circulating throughout the building. Feng Shui of specific sectors operates far better, and works more quickly when space clearing has been applied. There are many methods of space clearing that can be used to clear and purify an environment. One of the simpler, easier techniques to use is through application of the space clearing bell. The brass space clearing bell available through Natures Energies has a beautiful and pure resonance tone, and is suitable to space clear small to medium rooms (i.e., all of the rooms in most standard sized homes). The Chi Cleansing Bell produces the pure sound of metal when rung lightly. The lingering and soothing harmonics created by the bell cleanses all space "touched" by the sounds. A Simple Space Clearing Technique Using the Space Clearing Bell 1. 2. 3.

Stand in the center of the room. Focus on the task of Chi cleansing in your mind. Gently ring the bell and feel the vibrations and sounds emanating into all corners of the room, clearing and purifying bad energies.

Some people say that after ringing the bell in the center of the room that you should examine which way the door opens into the room, and that you should walk in this direction through each of the 8 bagua sectors, until you have fully walked in a full circle around the room. Through doing this, the bad energies are said to be "swept" around the room and then out the door. If you wish to burn an incense as part of the space clearing ritual, you should do this before applying the space clearing bell. Space clearing should be repeated on a weekly basis for best results. What to Expect after Space Clearing with the Space Clearing Bell You may notice, as you walk through your cleansed area, that objects appear to sparkle, and colors seem brighter. You will notice a nicer gentler ambience and a fresh feel to the environment. This is the result of successfully clearing out and purifying stale, stagnant and negative energies.

Three Legged Money Frog On a Bed Of Gold Ingots

This is beautiful Money Frog depicted sitting on a bed of gold ingots, carrying two strings of gold coins on its back and biting a coin embellished with a ruby like jewel. All these good fortune and prosperity symbols render this Money Frog an extremely powerful wealth energizer to have. There are 7 faux jewel dots on its back, depicting the Ursa Major (Great North Pole 7 Stars). Dotted with two ruby red sparkling eyes, the Golden Fortune Money Frog looks very much alive and ready to jump into your home bringing in lots of wealth! What the Money Frog symbolizes and its Application in Symbolism Feng Shui The Money Frog, also known as the three legged toad or “Chan Chu” in Chinese is probably the most auspicious symbol of money making. This mythical creature is said to appear every full moon near homes that will receive good news of increased wealth or monetary gain. Often portrayed sitting on a

bed of wealth bearing a coin in its mouth, it is a wonderful symbol for wealth and career luck and for the patriarch of the family. The Money Frog is used for attracting wealth and abundance and can often be seen near cash registers, receptions, managers' desk and offices in Oriental countries. Here is how you can use the Money Frogs to Feng Shui your way to a better life. 1. Place this wonderful creature it in the wealth sector (South East) of your living room or office to magnify your windfall luck and enhance the income of the residents. 2. Place two Money Frogs: One inside your front door facing inwards symbolizes money coming in to your home of business and the other facing outward to collect the money. 3. For those involved in jobs where there is the opportunity to earn commission or side income, display a money frog next to your desk or diagonally opposite the front door to your home. 4. The best number of Money Frogs to have in your living room or garden is nine because it represents bringing in money from all directions of the compass. Place them randomly and discreetly under your table, behind the sofa, below the coffee table etc. Ensure that each Money Frog faces a different direction of the compass in the living room and one near your front door hopping inward to bring in lots of wealth and money. If nine is not possible, three or six are good numbers too. Note: NEVER keep money frogs in the bedroom, toilets or kitchen.

The 3 Virtue Cards for a Successful Life Carry these cards in your wallet or purse and in time watch the success grow around you with the influence from the 3 deities of success, namely;  Laughing Buddha for Happiness  Quan Yin for Compassion and Love  Amitabah for Wisdom Each of the cards are laminated in a hard flexible plastic, and are similar in size to a credit card.

Amitabah Card

Laughing Buddha Card

Quan Yin Card

The Eight Immortals and Their Individual Meanings The Eight Immortals are a group of legendary xian, also known as immortals, transcendents or fairies, from Chinese Tradition. Each of the individual immortal's power can be transferred to a tool of power that can give life or destroy evil. Together, these eight tools are called "Covert Eight Immortals". Most of them are said to have been born in the Tang Dynasty or Song Dynasty. The 8 immortals are revered by the Taoists, and are also a popular element in the secular Chinese culture. They are said to live on Penglai MountainIsland. Products Displaying the 8 Immortals Available through Natures Energies  Brass Eight Immortals Coins Amulet  Calabash with Imprints of the Eight Immortals  Eight Immortals Jewelry Box Getting to Know Each of the 8 Immortals

First Immortal

ChungLi Chuan

Chung-Li Chuan, considered the chief of the immortals, he always carries a magical fan and sometimes a peach. He is said to have discovered the Elixir of life and possessed the power to cure the sick and revive the dead. This immortal is a symbol of and longevity.

Second Immortal

Chang Kuo-Lao

Chang Kuo-Lao, is represented as an ‘Old’ man with mystic powers who carries the bamboo tube and riding a mule that could carry him a thousand miles a day. He’s a symbol of wisdom and used to help childless couples conceive.

Third Immortal

Lu DongPin

Lu Dong-Pin, is a Taoist scholar with a magic sword used to slay demons and evil spirits. He’s also shown with a flywhisker that cures illnesses. This immortal symbolizes scholastic luck and protection.

Fourth Immortal

Ts’ao Guaochiu

Ts’ao Guao-chiu, is the finest dressed of the Eight immortals. He’s generally shown with castanets or a jade tablet of admission to court, and sometimes a feather fan. Said to have been connected with the Sung Imperial family, he signifies fame and recognition.

Fifth Immortal

Li T’ieh Guai (Ironcrutch Li)

Li T’ieh Guai (Iron-crutch Li), is depicted as a beggar with a crutch and a gourd (wu lou). He is sometimes represented as accompanied by a deer. Believed to be the most powerful of the Eight, he bestows wisdom.

Sixth Immortal

Han Hsiang Tzu

Han Hsiang Tzu, is the happy immortal often shown carrying a flute, which he is usually represented as playing. He brings healing energy to the occupants.

Seventh Immortal

Lan T’sai Ho

Lan T’sai Ho, often shown wearing blue robe and carrying a basket of flowers. She brings luck to young women.

Eighth Immortal

He Hsien Ku

He Hsien Ku, carries with her a magical lotus blossom and a fly-whisk, she’s called the Immortal Maiden. She is a symbol of family and marriage luck.

Amulets, Charms and Pendants

What is an amulet? An amulet is simply a pendant, charm or object carried for protection from evil, illness or harm, or an object to bring good luck. Natures Energies stock a number of amulets, including the following;

Feng Shui Amulets Pakua Mirror Amulet with 12 Zodiac Animals Hang this Pakua Mirror Amulet in your car to dissolve shar chi or killing chi. It will ensure you reach your destination safe and sound. The Pakua will protect you against harm and help ward off bad chi that can bring accidents and injuries.

Three Coins Amulet With Mystic Knot Place or hang the Three Coins Amulet with Mystic Knot in your wealth corner to attract auspicious money luck or any place you can think of; in you wallet/handbag - you will never run out of cash; on your share portfolios or account book - it will bring wealth and windfall luck; on your telephone of fax

machine - sales will keep pouring in; on your cash box, cash registers or safe to ensure they are always loaded with money. Let your creativity flow.

Six Coins And Magic Golden Fan Amulet This is a Six Chinese Coins amulet stringed with golden string and a Magic golden fan that is said to 'fan away' bad chi that brings misfortunes. Hang this Six Coins and Magic Golden Fan amulet in the Northwest sector of your home or office to activate mentor Luck or in the North to enhance career luck based on the Pakua's Eight Life Aspirations.

Vintage Plum Blossom Coin Amulet For Good Life This item is ideal for people who lack the spirit or luck to be successful and to be somebody in life. The Plum Blossom Coin is said to boost one confidence and determination so that one will reach greater heights and achieve his aspirations, and therefore have a good life. People who often use this amulet are businessmen, salesmen, students, newly graduates, politicians etc. Carry this amulet in your handbags, briefcases or pockets. Hang it in the car, at the work place, in the bedroom, at the cashiers or on the doorknob.

Nanbu Wealth Lock Coin Amulet For Speculative Luck People who often try their luck in lotteries, horse racing, stock market and football bets should own this amulet.

Vintage Feng Shui Lock Coin Amulet Wealth Magnifier This Vintage Feng Shui Lock Coin is a specially designed amulet used by those who wish to magnify his wealth luck through speculative affairs such as horse racing and lotteries. Carry this with you, or bind it with your share portfolios to maximise your luck.

Vintage Pakua Wulou Coin Amulet For Health This Vintage Feng Shui Wulou Coin is a specially designed amulet used by those who wish to enhance his health luck and wealth luck as well as protection from harmful energies. All in all, a pretty good all rounder good luck amulet to carry along or hang in the house/car.

An amulet which can be worn as a pendant! Mini Golden Wu Lou with Kuanyin Image Amulet

Wear the Wu Lou pendant to ensure good health and good luck is always by your side. You can also hang it in your car to absorb negative Chi and prevent bad things and harm from happening to you.

12 Horoscope Animals Pakua Amulet Hang this Pakua Mirror Amulet in your car or outside your house to deflect shar chi or killing chi. It will ensure you reach your destination safe and sound. The Pakua will protect you against harm, and help ward off bad chi that can bring accidents and injuries.

Golden Prosperity Bat With Five Gold Coins Hanging This is a Bat Amulet shown biting on a string of five coins. The five coins are interpreted as the representation of five blessings from heaven namely health, love, wealth, longevity and happiness.

Aventurine Crystal Pi Yao Protector Ushers in wealth, attracts good luck, wards off evil, brings good Feng Shui, provides protection to the home and individuals, appeases the Grand Duke Jupiter of Tai Sui, and brings windfall luck. Click here to view other Pi Yao protectors that we stock.

Help Read Thoughts Amulet This amulet aids its bearer in reading the thoughts of others and allowing their influence into the houses of others at will.

Obsidian Wu Lou For Health Tassel The Obsidian Wulou Feng Shui Tassel will absorb negative Chi and prevent bad things and harm from happening to you. Hang it in your rearview mirror of your car, near the entrances of rooms or beside your bed. It will ensure good health and good luck is always by your side.

Luck Bound Amulet Wrapped up in an elaborate tangle of Celtic knots without beginning and without end, this fantastic amulet displays ashamrock, an age-old symbol of good luck, at its center. Wear it to help find good luck or use it in your ritual crafts to empower a blessing of luck-everlasting.

Good Business Feng Shui Amulet Coin This amulet coin promises good business with a plentiful harvest. Highly recommended for those who run his or her own business or who rely on sales to make a living.

Brass Eight Immortals Coins Amulet The Eight Immortals Coins amulet is specially designed for Period 8 and especially potent as a wealth magnet because of its association with the lucky number 8. The number "8" is the reigning number of Period 8 (year 2004-2024), and therefore will be the luckiest number in this 20-year cycle.

Golden Bat Coin Amulet You can hang this item anywhere in your house or office, or in the car to invite good fortune and wealth to everyone no matter what your horoscope sign is as well as to deflect negative energies.

Celtic Token Amulet Call upon the power and magic of Celtic tradition with this delightful lead-free amulet set on a black leather thong. Measuring 2 1/4" in length, this slender amulet will serve as a connection to the Celts of legend and their long magical history.

Amulet of Healing Power Use this amulet to attain the ability to heal rapidly, gaining knowledge of the medicines to be found in the plant and mineral kingdoms.

Circle of Protection Amulet An ancient Mohammedan magic circle design for protection against harm.

Control Evil Spirits Amulet Control Evil Spirits amulet protects health and well-being.

Provide Invisibility Amulet This gold-finished amulet features the seal of the sun upon its front face, a source of power for invisibility spells and misdirection.

Love Angel If you feel you don't have room for a little more love in your heart, then the love angel is an ideal remedy for you!

Dream Achievement Amulet Reach for the stars and achieve your dreams with the aid of this symbolic and powerful amulet.

Egyptian Pharaoh's Amulet This amulet imparts the majesty of the great god-king Ramses upon all aspects of your life.

Enchanted Life Amulet

This detailed butterfly winged fairy amulet was designed and charged to evoke a sense of enchantment in your life.

Enduring Will Amulet A slumbering fairy lies curled within a pomegranate husk awaiting her transformation into a powerful earth spirit. Let this amulet aid you in your transformation, slowly but steadily creating an enduring strength within you, the power of the earth and time.

Eye of Horus Amulet Rooted in an ancient symbol of strength and wisdom, this amulet is for spiritual guidance, protection and insight.

Discover Hidden Secrets Amulet Marked with the names of Angels and a magical seal, this amulet enables its possessor to penetrate hidden and forbidden places unseen. Measuring 1 1/8" in diameter, this amulet comes on a black satin cord.

Ganesh Amulet This wonderful amulet presents the image of the Hindu God of Happiness, known to be the remover of obstacles that are in one's life path.

Gnostic Amulet The symbols on this amulet give the wearer good health, love, strength, wealth, as well as protection from evil.

Garden Pentagram Amulet An ideal gift for the keen gardener! This amulet is intended as an aid in the promotion and protection of any gardening endeavour, bringing the elements needed for successful growth.

Guardians of the 4 Quarters Allow this amulet to protect you and keep you safe within the circle at all times.

Make Lover Return Amulet An ancient Egyptian; surrounded by radiant forces, calling out for their lover to return.

Sacred Peace Amulet Use this amulet to help instil a deep and resounding peace within yourself and the world around you.

Chung Kwei Amulet For protection from evil spirits, demons, ghosts, enemies, robberies and theft.

Nazar Boncuk (the Evil Eye) and the Seven Glass Elephants Use the Evil Eye and the string of 7 elephants for protections and to achieve a successful outcome in all of your endeavours.

Arowana for Abundance

This Arowana swimming over a bed of treasures (gold ingots, coins and jewels) conveys auspicious meanings of wealth. It is a potent energizer of wealth and a favorite for those seeking to solidify their wealth luck. What the Arowana symbolizes and its Application in Symbolism Feng Shui Arowana is a tropical fish reputed to be the world’s most expensive freshwater aquarium fish where a decent size of certain varieties may cost up to tens of thousands of dollars. Because of its close resemblance of the oriental dragon - with its two ‘whiskers’, scales and the way it glides through the water, the Arowana is also commonly known as the golden dragon fish by the Chinese. The Chinese character for fish, ‘yu’ means abundance and coupled with the dragon being the ultimate good luck symbol, the Arowana is hence a very powerful Feng Shui enhancer associated with wealth, luck, strength and power which justify why it’s so highly prized. Many well-known and rich oriental businessmen strongly believe that keeping Arowanas in their offices has helped make their businesses prosper. The Arowana is a powerful Feng Shui fish. Here is how this elegant Arowana can be used to Feng Shui your way to better life: 1.

Display an Arowana in the North sector of your house, rooms, work desk etc. to give your career luck a boost and to magnify your windfall luck. It's the sector that governs career luck based on the Pakua's 8 Life Aspirations Theory. 2. Display the Arowana in the Southeast corner or on your receptions counter to energize your wealth luck. You can also place it in the corner diagonal to the front door. 3. Place the Arowana swimming in from your Seng Chi or best direction based on your Kua Number (Eight Mansion Theory) to further enhance your personal luck in your career and wealth.

Bagua Coins Lucky Charm

This tassel is shown on one side with 12 Chinese zodiac sign animals surrounding a round mirror. On the other side it has eight trigrams marked around a tigers head. It's tied with a mystic knot, in addition to three Chinese coins.

Bagua Mirrors Flat Bagua Mirrors || Concave Bagua Mirrors || Convex Bagua Mirror

The eight trigrams of the bagua. Click here

for an explanation of each symbol.

The Bagua Mirror is a protective tool used in Feng Shui to deflect and diffuse negative energy (also known as Sha Qi). It consists of a mirror, surrounded by eight trigrams (see diagram opposite). Examples of common Sha Qi found in homes can include;            

A large building or corners of a building Power lines A T-intersection where the road points at the home. Ugly scenery. Incorrectly positioned trees. An offending pole or any sort of tower. A roof line edge or any other kind of building or structure facing your front door. An escalator pointing towards your business. Infrastructures or landscapes in front of your home or business front door. An electrical transformer opposite your home. A cemetery, mortuary or undertakers opposite your home. A situation where vandals or trespassers frequent your home or business.

Your desk is at the end of a long hallway, or you sit with your back to the entrance. This is the rare instance where a bagua mirror is placed on the inside of a building - on the wall you are facing so that the energy of anyone entering is reflected. Bagua mirrors can also be used to counteract negative Qi of a spiritual nature such as evil entities. They are only used outside the house, office or retail business, and are mounted above the door or window with the mirror facing toward the offending object/"poison arrow". Never use a bagua mirror on the inside. Hint. Place a bagua mirror above your front door to harmonise and create good fortune for all those that enter. Next time you visit a Chinese restaurant or business, have a look above the entrance for a bagua mirror. There are a number of bagua mirrors available through Natures Energies, each with a different nature.

The bagua (Chinese: 八卦; literally: "eight symbols") are eight trigrams used in Taoist cosmology to represent the fundamental principles of reality, seen as a range of eight interrelated concepts. Each consists of three lines, each line either "broken" or "unbroken," representing yin or yang, respectively. Due to their tripartite structure, they are often referred to as "trigrams" in English. The trigrams are related to taiji philosophy, taijiquan and the wu xing, or "five elements".[1] The relationships between the trigrams are represented in two arrangements, thePrimordial (先天八 卦), "Earlier Heaven"[2] or "Fuxi" bagua (伏羲八卦), and the Manifested (後天八卦), "Later Heaven,"[2] or "King Wen" bagua. The trigrams have correspondences in astronomy, astrology, geography, geomancy, anatomy, the family, and elsewhere.[3][4]

The ancient Chinese classic I Ching (Pinyin:Yi Jing) consists of the 64 possible pairs of trigrams (called "hexagrams") and commentary on them.

八卦 Bāguà—The eight trigrams

乾 Qián

兌 Duì

離 Lí

震 Zhèn

巽 Xùn

坎 Kǎn

艮 Gèn

坤 Kūn







火 Huǒ

雷 Léi

水 Shuǐ

山 Shān

地 Dì

Heaven/Sky Lake/Marsh

天 Tiān

澤(泽) Zé

Contents [hide]

1 Relation to other Principles o

1.1 Hexagram lookup table

2 Fuxi "Earlier Heaven"

3 King Wen "Later Heaven"

4 Bagua used in Feng Shui


4.1 Xiantian Bagua


4.2 Houtian Bagua


4.3 Bagua of the eight aspirations


4.4 Bagua map 5 In popular culture

風(风) Fēng

Relation to other Principles[edit]

Derivation of the bagua

There are two possible sources of bagua. The first is from traditional Yin and Yang philosophy. The interrelationships of this philosophy has been attributed to Fuxi in the following way: 無極生有極、有極是太極、 太極生兩儀、即陰陽; 兩儀生四象: 即少陰、太陰、少陽、太陽、 四象演八卦、八八六十四卦 The Limitless (Wuji) produces the delimited, and this is the Absolute (Taiji) The Taiji produces two forms, named yin and yang The two forms produce four phenomena, named lesser yin, great yin (taiyin also means the Moon), lesser yang, great yang (taiyang also means the Sun). The four phenomena act on the eight trigrams (bagua), eight eights are sixtyfour hexagrams. Another philosophical description of the source is the following, attributed to King Wen of Zhou Dynasty: "When the world began, there was heaven and earth. Heaven mated with the earth and gave birth to everything in the world. Heaven is Qian-gua, and the Earth is Kungua. The remaining six gua are their sons and daughters". The trigrams are related to the five elements of wu xing, used by feng shui practitioners and in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Those five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. The Water (Kan) and Fire (Li) trigrams correspond directly with the Water and Fire elements. The element of Earth corresponds with both the trigrams of Earth (Kun) and Mountain (Gen). The element of Wood corresponds with the trigrams of Wind (Xun) (as a gentle but inexorable force that can erode and penetrate stone) and Thunder (Zhen). The element of Metal corresponds with the trigrams of Heaven (Qian) and Lake (Dui). There are eight possible trigrams (八卦 bāguà):

Trig Bin ram ary Fig Val ure ue

Imag Na m e

Translation :Wilhelm[5]

e in


Natu on(p. 269 re(pp.l





Stag Attribut



ship(p. 274 Part( e (p. 273) State l(p. 273)

) )

p. 274)



乾 1 ☰

111 qi án

the Creative, Force

heav en,





head strong




tranq 兌 2 ☱ 110 du ì

uil the Joyous, lake Open


third daughter

mout pleasur (com h


plete devot

羊 sheep, goat



3 ☲

10 離 1

the Clinging, Radiance

fire 火


second daughter










雉 pheas ant


4 ☳

10 0








巽 5 ☴ 011 xù n

inciting east

first son

foot movem ent

initiat ive

龍 drago n

gentl the Gentle, wind southea Ground


first daughter









6 ☵



7 ☶



8 ☷



kǎ Abysmal,G n

艮 gè n

water 水



Keeping Still, Bound







northea st

earth southw est

second son


dangero us

third son hand standstill

devoted belly

motio n




, yielding

comp letion

豕 pig

狗 wolf, dog




Hexagram lookup table[edit] Upper → Lower ↓

乾 Qián

震 Zhèn

坎 Kǎn

艮 Gèn

坤 Kūn

巽 Xùn

離 Lí

兌 Duì

Heaven Thunder







☰ 乾 Qián

01 ䷀

34 ䷡

05 ䷄

26 ䷙

11 ䷊

09 ䷈

14 ䷍

43 ䷪

25 ䷘

51 ䷲

03 ䷂

27 ䷚

24 ䷗

42 ䷩

21 ䷔

17 ䷐

06 ䷅

40 ䷧

29 ䷜

04 ䷃

07 ䷆

59 ䷺

64 ䷿

47 ䷮

33 ䷠

62 ䷽

39 ䷦

52 ䷳

15 ䷎

53 ䷴

56 ䷷

31 ䷞

12 ䷋

16 ䷏

08 ䷇

23 ䷖

02 ䷁

20 ䷓

35 ䷢

45 ䷬

Heaven ☳ 震 Zhèn Thunder ☵ 坎 Kǎn Water ☶ 艮 Gèn Mountain ☷ 坤 Kūn Earth

☴ 巽 Xùn

44 ䷫

32 ䷟

48 ䷯

18 ䷑

46 ䷭

57 ䷸

50 ䷱

28 ䷛

13 ䷌

55 ䷶

63 ䷾

22 ䷕

36 ䷣

37 ䷤

30 ䷝

49 ䷰

10 ䷉

54 ䷵

60 ䷻

41 ䷨

19 ䷒

61 ䷼

38 ䷥

58 ䷹

Wind ☲ 離 Lí Flame ☱ 兌 Duì Lake

Fuxi "Earlier Heaven"[edit]

Fuxi "Earlier Heaven" bagua arrangement







Season Personality







Expansive 乾 

天 Sky



energy, the sky. Summer Creative

父 Father

南 South

For further information, see tiān.


風 Wind

Summer Gentle

長女 Eldest Daughter 西南 

Gentle penetration,


坎  Kǎn



Danger, rapid 水 Water

Autumn Abysmal

中男 Middle Son

西 West

rivers, the abyss, the moon.





Autumn Still

少男 Youngest Son





Receptive energy, that 坤  Kūn

地 Earth



母 Mother

北 North

which yields. For further information, see dì.





離 Lí

火 Fire

兌 Duì 澤 Lake







長男 Eldest Son

中女 Middle  Daughter

東北  Northeast

Excitation, revolution, division.

Rapid movement, 東 East

radiance, the sun.

少女 Youngest 


Joy, satisfaction,




King Wen "Later Heaven"[edit]

King Wen "Later Heaven" bagua arrangement







Season Personality







Rapid 離 Li

火 Fire

Summer Clinging

中女 Middle Daughter

南 South

movement, radiance, the sun.

坤  Kun

地 Earth

兌 Dui 澤 Lake


天 Heaven


坎  Kan

水 Water

Summer Receptive

Autumn Joyous

母 Mother

少女 Youngest  Daughter

Autumn Creative

父 Father


中男 Middle Son


西南  Southwest

西 West

Receptive energy, that which yields.

Joy, satisfaction, stagnation.




energy, the sky.

北 North

Danger, rapid rivers, the abyss,

the moon.









巽  Xun

風 Wind



少男 Youngest Son





Excitation, Spring


長男 Eldest Son

東 East

revolution, division.



長女 Eldest Daughter 東南  Southeast

Gentle penetration, flexibility.

Bagua used in Feng Shui[edit] The Bagua is an essential tool in the majority of Feng Shui schools. The Bagua used in Feng shui can appear in two different versions: the Earlier Heaven Bagua, used for burial sites and the Later Heaven Bagua, used for the residences.

Xiantian Bagua[edit] In Xiantian Bagua, also known as Fu Xi Bagua or Earlier Heaven Bagua, the Heaven is in the higher part and the Earth is in the lower part. The trigram Qian (Heaven) is at the top, the trigram Kun (Earth) is at the bottom (in the past, the South was located at the top in Chinese maps). The trigram Li (Fire) is located on the left and opposite to it is the trigram Kan (Water). Zhen (Thunder) and Xun (Wind) form another pair, while being one opposite the other, the first on the bottom left next to Li while the second is next to Qian on the top right of the Bagua. Gen (Mountain) and Dui (Lake) form the last pair, one opposite the other, both in balance and harmony. The adjustment of the trigrams is symmetrical by forming exact contrary pairs. They symbolize the opposite forces of Yin and Yang and represent an ideal state, when everything is in balance.

Houtian Bagua[edit] The sequence of the trigrams in Houtian Bagua, also known as the Bagua of King Wen or Later Heaven Bagua, describes the patterns of the environmental changes. Kan is placed downwards and Li at the top, Zhen in the East and Dui in the West. Contrary to the Earlier Heaven Bagua, this one is a dynamic Bagua where energies and the aspects of each trigram

flow towards the following. It is the sequence used by the Luo Pan compass which is used in Feng Shui to analyze the movement of the Qi that affects us.

Bagua of the eight aspirations[edit] Feng shui was made very popular in the Occident thanks to the Bagua of the eight aspirations. Each trigram corresponds to an aspect of life which, in its turn, corresponds to one of the cardinal directions. Applying feng shui using the Bagua of the eight aspirations made it possible to simplify feng shui and to bring it within the reach of everyone. The Masters of traditional feng shui call it Neo Feng Shui, for its simplicity, because it does not take into account the forms of the landscape or the temporal influence or the annual cycles. The Bagua of the eight aspirations is divided into two branches: the first, which uses the compass and cardinal directions, and the second, which uses the Bagua by using the main door. It is clear that, not taking into account the cardinal directions, the second is even more simplified.

Bagua map[edit] A bagua map is a tool used in modern forms of feng shui to map a room or location and see how the different sections correspond to different aspects in one's life. These sections are believed to relate to every area or aspect of life and are divided into such categories as: fame,







knowledge, family/ancestors/health, and wealth/blessings. In this system, the map is intended to be used over the land, one's home, office or desk to find areas lacking good chi, and to show where there are negative or missing spaces that may need rectifying or enhancing in life or the environment. For example, if the bagua grid is placed over the entire house plan and it shows the toilet, bathroom, laundry, or kitchen in the wealth/blessings area it would be considered that the money coming into that particular environment would disappear very fast, as if to be 'going down the drain.'

In popular culture[edit]

A Tibetan "Mystic Tablet" containing the Eight Trigrams on top of a large tortoise (presumably, alluding to the animal that presented them to Fu Xi), along with the 12 signs of Chinese zodiac, and a smaller tortoise carrying the Lo Shu Squareon its shell

Film 

The Filipino horror film Feng Shui is about a cursed Bagua mirror that involves a person getting killed in a way that relates to their Chinese zodiac if they stare at the Bagua mirror.

In the film G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, Snake-Eyes has the Bagua symbols for water and fire printed on the arm of his uniform, since the original comics had the same symbols as the arm tattoo used by members of the Arashikage clan (Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow's clan).

In the 2010 remake of The Karate Kid, the matches in the final contest sequence take place on large circular Bagua arrangements that delimit the combat area.

Television 

In Jackie Chan Adventures, the trigrams are each written on a face of the Pan'ku Box and each of the trigrams represent their own demon sorcerer with corresponding nature.

The television series Lost incorporated the Bagua into the logos for the DHARMA Initiative.

Cartoons, manga and anime 

In the cartoon series Avatar: The Last Airbender, Airbending is based on Bagua. The Bagua appears again on Air Temple Island in Avatar's sequel series The Legend of Korra.

In the manga and anime Naruto, the Hyuga clan's main attack is the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms.

In the anime Cowboy Bebop episode "Boogie Woogie Feng Shui", the device that Maefa uses with the sunstone contains trigrams from the Bagua.

Games 

In Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb, there is a level where the player is tasked with solving a puzzle based on the Earlier Heaven Bagua.

Ling Xiaoyu, a character from the Tekken series, uses various forms of Chinese martial arts, Bagua being one of those styles.

In Touhou Project, a bullet hell series, the character Marisa Kirisame uses a "miniHakkero" with one of the Bagua diagrams on it.

In Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires, the main menu uses the "Earlier Heaven" Bagua arrangement as the "floor" for the selections.

In Elsword, the character Ara Haan receives a skill called "Eight Trigram Palm" (or "Double Collision") upon advancing to a "Little Hsien".

In Battlefield 4, many trigrams are found on the four maps of the "Dragon's Teeth" expansion pack. Some players believe the trigrams could be used to decrypt the password that will unlock the "Phantom Initiate" assignment.

In Blade & Soul, Bagua are used as accessories to increase players' stats. They are found throughout the game in tiles and a complete Bagua is made by combining eight tiles.

Music 

The 8 Diagrams, an album released by The Wu-Tang Clan in 2007, features an adaptation of the Bagua map on its cover.

Marilyn Manson's 8th studio album, "Born Villain", makes extensive visual use of the trigrams.[citation needed]

Hexagram 50 is featured in the cover of Future Days by Can.[6]

Other 

The Unicode character set has characters for each of the eight trigrams at codepoints U+2630 to U+2637:[7] (☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷).

See also[edit] 

Flag of South Korea: the Taegeuk flag.

Singapore dollar: the one dollar coin is shaped like a bagua.

Flag of South Vietnam: a trigram representing "south".

Baguazhang: a martial art based on principles derived from bagua.

Taijiquan: the Taoist martial art that uses bagua principles.

Tian gan and Di zhi: the archaic calendar system of East Asia.

Tekes County, a planned community with a shape of a bagua.

Bagua Plaque Lucky Charm his tassel is shown on one side with 12 Chinese zodiac sign animals surrounding a round mirror. On the other side it has eight trigrams marked around a tigers head. It's tied with a mystic knot, in addition a plaque.

Bagua Plaque

Bamboo Flutes for Feng Shui

Bamboo flutes have many symbolic and religious meanings associated with them. Historically, bamboo flutes were used to report peace and good news, and therefore, by association, its presence brings peace, safety, and stability to a home, office, or business. With its hollow, segmented interior, a bamboo flute symbolically lifts house ch'i, section by section. If two flutes with red ribbons tied around them are hung on an exposed beam, slanting toward each other, thereby creating a partial bagua (octagonal) formation, they can pump ch'i upward from segment to segment and moderate the oppressive effect of the beam, allowing ch'i to penetrate it. Flutes are also protective - hang them over your front door to symbolise security. They symbolize swords and are hung in homes, resaurants, and stores to drive away evil spirits and would-be robbers. They also have ritual uses. When played, a flute strengthens weak home ch'i and generically boosts morale. When shaken, it drives away bad spirits. Bamboo flutes represent strength and support in any situation, even for wealth - hang near the cash register.

Bell Bagua and Sword Feng Shui Lucky Charm This tassel is shown on one side with 12 Chinese zodiac sign animals surrounding a round mirror. On the other side of the octagonal is the image of a Yin Yang symbol with eight trigrams marked around it. It is tied with a mystic knot, in addition to a bell, plaque and sword which represents "cutting" through obstacles. Use the bagua to examine each of the sectors in your own home, and make an assessment of the sectors that you feel are heavily blocked, which require the bell bagua and Feng Shui lucky charm to be hung.

Bell Bagua and Sword Feng Shui Lucky Charm

Brass Chu Ke Liang For Feng Shui Wisdom ....

Chu-ke Liang was a famous strategist and statesman of the Three Kingdoms Period (220280 AC). Regarded as one of the most gifted historical figures ever existed in China, Chu Ke Liang was famed for his unsurpassed intelligence, vast wisdom, philosophies and military strategies. Chu Ke Liang, the great war expert of his time, had won countless battles for his emperor. The most impressive one was when he was tasked to defend the fort against a much more superior enemy in terms of number as well as training. Deception was used. Chu Ke Liang sat at the main gate, drank tea and had musicians for entertainment. The approaching force stopped at the gates and refused to advance as the generals were worried about Chu Ke Liang's calmness and confidence. They retreated and the fort was saved, without a single drop of blood shed. Depicted carrying a feathered fan, the presence of the figurine of Chu Ke Liang signifies victory and ensure you triumph over all your competitions, be it a promotion or a project idea. He will open your mind to possibilities you thought were beyond your reach. Chu Ke Liang will alert you to new ideas, new ways to outrival your business competitors. Display the Brass Chu Ke Liang in the study room or office. You can also place the him in the North East sector of a bedroom to embellish the occupant's educational and literary luck. The North East is the universal corner of education and knowledge, according to the Pakua Life

B rass Chu Ke Liang

Aspiration Theory.

Perfect for corporate leaders, investors, businessmen, managers or any job where foresight to predict what your opponent's next move is crucial.

Brass Cicada For protection ....

The Cicada is a popular insect symbol in China. Being the longest living insect, it is a popular item representing long life and immortality. In ancient China, the dead were often buried with jade cicadas to ensure that the deceased could live out a long after life. The symbol of the Cicada also represents;   

happiness youthfulness fertility

It is believed that placing the Cicada in your Nien Yen direction based on your KUA number would bring joy in your marriage and aide conception for couples who have been trying for years to have children but have failed. Last but not least, the Cicada is a powerful emblem for great comebacks and an amulet for protection against betrayal, politics and backstabbing. If you who have been experiencing bad luck at work or in your business, the cicada is perfect for you. It will protect you from unfaithful friends, scheming bosses, jealous colleagues and competitors.

Brass Cicada


Dragon Tortoise Carrying a Child

Dragon Tortoise Carrying a Child

This is a Dragon Tortoise made from Brass depicted carrying its baby on its shell, signifying wonderful descendant luck with obedient and healthy children, as well as a harmonious family. No wonder the Dragon Tortoise is seen smiling away! What the Dragon Tortoise symbolizes and its Application in Symbolism Feng Shui The Dragon Tortoise is a celestial creature said to be a hybrid of the celestial dragon with the sturdy and steadfast tortoise, and is displayed by many Feng Shui practitioners to bring great fortune to their homes or workplaces. The dragon headed tortoise is a powerful symbol attracting support, wealth and good luck. Dragon tortoise is for stunning career luck; it symbolizes the combination of the dragon's courage,

determination and success, and the tortoise's longevity of tenure, ensuring a long and successful career. It is a must have if you are in the business or a cutthroat corporate environment. Do not put this symbol directly in front of you where you are sitting as if you were confronting it. This is how you can use the Dragon Tortoise Carrying Child to Feng Shui your way to a better life. 1. 2.


4. 5.


Place a figurine of the Dragon Tortoise Carrying Child on your desk or behind you to gain the support of your boss, counter office politics and get you the promotion you deserve. Place the Dragon Tortoise Carrying Child in the East sector of your house to ensure your family being blessed with good health and longevity. The East sector governs family relationships and health luck based on the Pakua's 8 Life Aspirations. You can place the Dragon Tortoise Carrying Child in the Wealth sector (Southeast) or the Career sector (North) of your living room and your business premise. Your wealth and career luck will remain positive and fortune will be shining down on you. Ideally, place the Dragon Tortoise near your cash register and reception of your shop. Place the Dragon Tortoise Carrying Child in the Education sector (Northeast) or the study desk. It is a fantastic energizer for scholastic finesse and superior knowledge. If you place the Dragon Tortoise Carrying Child in the sector facing where the Three Killings is coming from, it can help to dissolve the bad Chi from the Three Killings and prevent you from being betrayed, cheated and suffering loss of some kind. Place the Dragon Tortoise Carrying Child on its back in the West sector to enhance descendant luck.

In Flying Star Feng Shui, the Dragon Tortoise Carrying Child made from metal (brass, bronze, pewter etc.) is used to ward-off the evil influences of the #5 yellow star and #2 black star. The #2 black star is also known as the ‘Sickness Star’ which brings illnesses and ailments to occupants while the #5 yellow star is the ‘Disaster Star’ that instigates fights, accidents and death. Placing the Dragon Tortoise in the affected sectors will dilute these adverse energies.

Brass Wen Chang Pagoda

This is a beautiful 7-tier Wen Chang Pagoda intricately made from brass. It brings not only protection but career and scholastic luck to its owner. Auspicious Chi gathering around the pagoda will energize the person working nearby making one feeling fresh and alert during work or study. The Wen Chang Pagoda makes an excellent gift for those pursuing higher education or seeking a promotion at work.

Built at the end of the Ming Dynasty (13681644), Wenchang is one of the best examples of Ming architecture in southern Guangxi.

Pagoda in southern Guangxi China

Built with the traditions of Feng Shui in mind, a visit to the seven-tier hollow pagoda is said to advance one's career. In ancient China, Feng Shui was believed to positively or negatively effect one's life.

Brass Wen Chang Pagoda

'Wen' refers to knowledge and literature, while 'Chang' means prosperity and goodness. The pagoda's main function is to bring success to one's offspring. For this reason, pagodas such as this were built all over China.

The octagonal pagoda is 36 meters high (118 feet). Each tier is shaped like an inverted red and white lotus flower.

What the Pagoda symbolizes and its Application The different levels of the Wen Chang Pagoda in Symbolism Feng Shui and their different meanings The pagoda is a temple of knowledge, peace and silence. It symbolizes the path of wisdom. It is said that a person who knows more or is knowledgeable stands firm like a mountain or a pagoda and cannot be shaken by anything. The Pagoda is believed to possess the power to tame unruly minds and behaviours. As you may read in many Chinese tales, the Pagoda is used for taming of cheeky spirits by ‘imprisoning’ them in it. Hence the Pagoda can be used to ward of evils and bad chi. The Pagoda is a very useful Feng Shui enhancer and cure that brings literary luck, fame luck, protection and advancement in career. It is also

5-tiers Pagoda represents the five

elements, i.e., metal, wood, water, fire and earth. It also represents the guardian of 5 directions by emperors. This leads to overall improvement of fortune and good luck, while overpowering or subduing bad luck coming from all 5 directions. 7-tiers Pagoda signifies seven treasures of

Buddhism. It accumulates benevolance. It is also said to symbolize blessings from seven northern stars which brings ultimate wealth luck and career luck. 9-tiers Pagoda brings completeness as well as nobility, strength, good career, wealth

potent to ward off bad energy and killing forces (shar chi) in your abode.

and study luck. It also possesses the power to suppress bad luck and instability.

Here is how you can use the Pagoda to Feng Shui your way to a better life. 1.





Place the Wen Chang pagoda behind you at work to stimulate your career Chi, giving you influence over the people in your charge, making them listen to you. It will ward off backstabbing and negative intentions from enemies at work thus enhance your career for promotional opportunities. Display a Wen Chang pagoda on your study desk or beside your bed for literary success. It helps you to focus your mental powers and develop better concentration and memory when you study thus assisting in attainment of educational success. Place the Wen Chang Pagoda in the North East sector of a bedroom to embellish the occupant's educational luck. The North East is the universal corner of education and knowledge, according to the Pakua Life Aspiration Theory. To dissipate illness energies, display a Pagoda figurine in the East sector (Health sector based on the Pakua Life Aspiration Theory) of your living room or dining area. You can also place a pagoda by the bed of a sick person to speed up recovery. Place the Wen Chang Pagoda near your entrance to safe-guard your house or shop.

Bronze Dragon Statue

North West - Helpful People & Support 

Bronze Dragon

Dragons are considered the most powerful of all the animals and bring with them a large amount of potential yang energy. This may be felt on a personal, health or even a financial part of one's life. As such, they should be avoided in or near bedrooms as they may lead to insomnia, or even arguments and conflict. As a matter of respect, the dragon picture or statue should be placed in an area where it may be admired. Note: Never position a dragon statue in a bathroom, laundry or toilet, or near fireplaces and heaters. Place the dragon in the following sectors of your home to strengthen corresponding qualities in your life;  North - Career  North East - Study & Learning  East - Family Relationships and Health  South East - Abundance  South - Fame and Reputation  South West - Marriage & Partnerships  West - Children, New Ideas & Projects

Buddha with Ivory Jade Finish

Buddha with Ivory Jade Finish

The Buddha deity is considered by the Chinese as one of the most important Feng Shui symbols to keep in the home. The symbol itself alway brings a smile to one's own face. When placed in the home, the laughing Buddha brings a sense of;   

Happiness Contentment Fulfilment

The Buddha's pot belly symbolizes material wealth. A lovely Feng Shui item for the home. We recommend you to place this auspicious piece on an elevated height. As well as being placed in the home, it is useful in the work place next to or under your computer monitor, for those stressful, "feeling the pressure" moments.

Pewter Victory Dragon Grasping Wealth

The Victory Dragon is shown grasping a pearl in its claw, and is seen striking a pose that signifies success and victory in wealth attainmentand career achievement. It makes an excellent gift for that special career person in your life (e.g., perfect for the ambitious, result-orientated executive). What the Dragon symbolizes and its Application in Symbolism Feng Shui The mighty and magnificent Dragon of mythical folklore never ceases to enchant or stir the imagination. The Dragon is one of the four celestial animals and is an important and powerful symbol in Feng Shui. The Dragon represents the ultimate "Yang" symbol, male vigour, courage and bravery. It is magnanimous and full of vitality and strength. Affiliated with the cardinal direction “East” based on Landscape Feng Shui, the Dragon becomes a very powerful and potent symbol when placed in this sector although it can be placed in any other directions.

Pe wter Victory Dragon Grasping Wealth

The dragon is the most auspicious and magnificent, mightiest and most sacred of all creatures and is to be treated with great respect. Through generations, the dragon has been the ultimate symbol of power, abundance, good luck and honor. In ancient times, the Emperors of China regarded themselves as the Dragons and the symbol of Dragons can only be used by them and no one else.

The Dragon is said to create the precious cosmic Chi also known as "Sheng Chi" which brings good fortunes into our homes and workplaces, making it an all-rounder bringer of good luck. The Dragons are a powerful cure and enhancer for business luck, they bring foresight and wisdom for the elderly, and bring honor to the family. They also very protective. The Dragon frequently appears in carvings or statues holding a ball, or pearl. This can symbolize the sun, moon, or an egg which represents the dual influences of nature, or the pearl of potentiality.

In Chinese Astrology, the Dragon is the fifth sign of the Chinese Zodiac and its intrinsic element is earth. The compass direction of the Dragon is 97.5 degrees to 127.5 degrees. Its allies are the Rat and the Monkey and the Rooster is its secret friend. Although the image of the Dragon can be placed in any direction, for optimum potency, make sure the material of the Dragon blends in well with the element of the sector i.e. wooden carving for Southeast and East; ceramic, crystal and porcelain for Southwest, Northeast, West and Northwest; and metal (cloisonné, brass, pewter etc.) for West, North and Northwest. In Feng Shui, Dragons can be placed in many areas of the home or office to guard, protect, bring strength and fortune, and to activate masculine energy. Here is how you can use the Dragon to Feng Shui your way to a better life. 1.



4. 5. 6. 7.

For people born in the year of Dragon, place the Dragon on your work or study desk, in the sector between 97.5 degrees to 127.5 degrees of your house, or in the Rat or the Monkey sector (allies of Dragon) to energize your personal good wealth luck. Based on the Pakua's 8 Life Aspirations Method, place the Dragon in the Northwest sector of your home to favor patriarch’s luck. This will also bring powerful friends, mentors and advisors into your life. Place the Dragon near your water features like aquarium or fountains for those craving for good fortune, advancement in their career or seeking fame and recognition. You will experience new opportunities and better luck. Place the Dragon in the North sector to enhance your career luck. It will help you up a few prongs of your career ladder. It is an excellent idea to activate the dragon by placing a dragon in the East sector of your home or living room to bring good health and harmony to the residents of the house. For career luck and those seeking continuous achievement, place a Dragon figurine on the table, cabinet or in the East sector of your office or study. Your professional luck will look rosy. In Flying Star Feng Shui, the Dragon made from metal (brass, bronze, pewter, cloisonné etc.) can be used to ward-off the evil influences of the malignant #5 yellow star and #2 black star. The #2 black star is also known as the "Sickness Star" which brings illnesses and ailments to occupants while the #5 yellow star is the "Disaster Star" that instigates fights, accidents and death. Placing the metallic Dragon in the affected sectors will dissolve these adverse energies.

Cautions 

Do not place any representation of the dragon inside the bedroom as the Dragon is the

 

ultimate ‘yang’ symbol and is not suitable for a place of rest where ‘yin’ is preferred. Try not to place the Dragon higher than our eye level to ensure they are under our control. Never place the Dragon in the toilet of bathroom.

Calabash with Imprints of the Eight Immortals

The Calabash is also commonly known as the Wu Lou. The brass calabash has imprints of the Mystic Eight Immortals embossed on it, and has an auspicious red ribbon surrounding it. The Eight Immortals are superior beings worshipped by Taoists and are widely regarded as symbols of longevity and good fortune in Feng Shui study. Coupled with Calabash as a symbol of longevity and good health and mystic knot that denotes "never-ending", its potency as a health enhancer is multiplied many times. It is perfect for dissolving the illness Chi brought by the Flying Star #2. The brass calabash with 8 Immortals makes an excellent gift for elderly people during their birthdays or for someone who is constantly ill, unwell or sick. What the Calabash symbolizes and its Application in Symbolism Feng Shui Another symbol of longevity which also brings an abundance of divine blessings can be found in many Chinese homes today is the Calabash. The Wu Lou or the bottle gourd or the “calabash” is a powerful traditional symbol of longevity, good health, prosperity and carries an abundance of blessings. The shape of a Calabash is believed to be a representation of Heaven and Earth united. Displaying a Calabash in and around the home is a good thing to have to enhance one’s Feng Shui. Many deities like Sau Sing Kung from the Fuk Luk Sau and Li T’ieh Kuai from the 8 Immortals, and sometimes the Laughing Buddha

Calabash with Imprints of the Eight Immortals

carry this wonderful item with them.

The authentic Calabash is made of the gourd fruit plucked from trees, the flesh inside carefully removed and then dried. In ancient times, the Calabash was used to store water or potions used during travelling and expeditions. Because of the Calabash’s role in keeping the travellers alive, it was given the name the “giver of life” and hence became a symbol of good health. The Calabash is also believed to contain the elixir of health, vitality and immortality. In Chinese mythology, the Calabash is often used by Taoist monks and deities to suck and bottle up evil spirits into it, preventing them from doing harm. Hence the Calabash is a powerful Feng Shui cure to absorb negative chi of its surroundings. You can use as many Calabashs as you like in your home to ward off bad chi and promote good fortune. Here is how you can use this popular enhancer to Feng Shui your way to a better life. 1.

For Flying Star Feng Shui enthusiasts, the mini brass Calabash with 8 Immortals made from metal (brass) is an excellent cure to ward-off the evil influences of #2 black star in your home and office, especially if your bedroom or main door is in this location. The #2 black star is also known as the "Sickness Star" which brings illnesses, disease, ailments and fatal health problems to occupants. Placing a metal Calabash in the affected sectors will dissipate these illness energies. 2. Place the mini brass Calabash with 8 Immortals beside your bed to improve your health luck and ward off illness energies, hence protecting you from any health problems. It can also be placed beside the bed of someone who is ill to speed up recovery. For better results, hang or position two of these on both sides of the bed.


Place the mini brass Calabash with 8 Immortals in the Tien Yi or Health corner in the bedroom based on your KUA number (8 Mansions Formula) to enhance your personal health luck. This offers better healing benefits if applied to the person who is often troubled by chronic ailments and is constantly in poor health conditions. 4. Place the the mini brass Calabash with 8 Immortals in the East sector of your living room to benefit the general good health for the entire family. The East sector is the universal Health luck corner based on the Pakua Life Aspirations Theory. 5. Place the mini brass Calabash with 8 Immortals on your work desk in your office or hang one in your car to absorb negative Chi and prevent bad things and harm from happening to you.

Chinese Coin Wish Box For protection ....

Chinese Coin Wish Box

This is a beautiful box crafted out with the motifs of the Chinese coins which are said to be excellent in attracting wealth luck, fortune and prosperity. The Chinese Coin Wish Box makes a very unique and beautiful collectible, as well as a lovely gift for many occasions. It will be sure to dazzle those giving or receiving it. The Chinese Coin Wish Box comes in a gift box for easy gift giving.

Chung Kwei Amulet for Protection

Chung Kwei Amulet for Protection

This is a protection amulet coin stamped with the image of Chung Kwei holding his menacing sword. Chung Kwei is famed as an exorcist and is very ominous towards evil spirits. Carry this amulet with you or hang it in the car if you frequently go out at night or during the hungry ghost festival month (which begins on the 15th day of the 7th Lunar month and last for 30 days). Chung Kwei being a feared ghost-catcher will protect you against demons, wandering spirits and intangible influences that don't mean you well. What Chung Kwei symbolizes and how to use this symbol to enhance your Feng Shui According to legend, Chung Kwei was a bright scholar from Tung-nan Shan of Shensi Province. He was as famous for his outstanding scholastic abilities as he was for his repulsive and fierce countenance. Chung Kwei who was a great exorcist was given the title "Great Spiritual Chaser of Demons for the Whole Empire” and is also known as ‘Star God of Literature’ for his literary skill. He is frequently used as a protective charm to ward off evil spirits and people with bad intentions, especially for those involved in businesses with high-value goods. Chung Kwei is also used to enhance one’s educational luck. Chung Kwei is best displayed near the entrance of your home or office facing out so that he can keep an eye on everyone entering your living space. It will provide potent protection from evil spirits, enemies, robberies and theft. For those in high profile professions, Chung Kwei will help to prevent backstabbing and ill will competitions.

Like any other deities, do not place it on the floor.

Dragon Glass Bracelet

Dragon Glass Bracelet

Here we present a dragon glass bracelet, consisting of glass beads connected with an elastic thread. About the dragon ..... The dragon is a symbol of strength, courage goodness and endurance. The dragon is yang energy which is male. He is the emblem of vigilance and security, and also the spirit of change. In Chinese mythology, the dragon is the predestined partner of the Phoenix which is yin energy. The principle of feng shui is capturing chi energy, also known as "the dragon's breath". Note that the bracelet has been blessed

Energy Enhancement & Alignment Symbols

Dragon Plaque Symbols New in the Feng Shui line (17cm x 13cm) large metal plaque for protection and safety, comes with instructions and story. Many people place this plaque on places they feel need some protection. For example if your chair faces away from the door and you are unable to clearly see behind you, the plaque would be placed on the back of the chair to guard you. Alternatively it may be placed at the front door for safety & protection, or any where else appropriate.

Eight Immortals Jewelry Box

This beautifully crafted pewter jewelry box with fine finishing and embossed motifs of the Eight Immortals and other auspicious objects is not only nice to look at but brings good luck as well. The velvet lining on the inside prevent your jewelries from getting scratched. Elegantly crafted with special attention given to details, this very high quality jewelry box can act as a wish-fulfilling

Eight Immortals Jewelry Box

box. Write down your wishes on a piece of paper and place it in it to enhance your chances for your dreams to materialize. It is believed to be potent in harvesting peach blossom luck or love luck, the luck to find that someone special in your life. It should be placed in the bedroom preferably in Southwest sector or your “nien yien” directions based on your Kua Number (8 Mansion Theory) is love luck is what you are wishing for.

Made of metal, the Eight Immortals Jewelry Box acts as useful metal energy when placed in the corner representing the Metal element (West or Northwest) which governs the luck of the next generation, patriarch and Mentor luck based on the Pakua Eight Life Aspirations and Trigram Method. They can be placed in living rooms of homes or offices. To convert it into a wealth pot or chest, fill it with Chinese coins, gems and gold ingots or your jewelries. Place it in the Southeast corner to enhance money luck, in North sector to enhance career luck, or in your shop / business premise to attract more sales and profits. Perfect if you love some oriental touch to your home decor. What the Eight Immortals symbolizes and its Application in Symbolism Feng Shui The Eight Immortals are superior beings of worshipped by Taoist and widely regarded as symbols of longevity and good fortune in Feng Shui study. Comprising six men and two women, legend has it that they were sent down from the heaven to assist mankind in their time of need and achieve their ambitions and aspirations to gain good wealth, fame, health and knowledge. Each immortal possesses a tool of power that can perform supernatural magic. The symbolic presence of the Eight Immortals in your home is believed to bestow good health, happiness and good fortune on every member of your family especially in this Period 8. Here is how you can use the Eight Immortals to Feng Shui your way to a better life: 1.

Display figurines of the Eight Immortal in East part (Health and relationship corner based on Pakua's 8 Life Aspirations Theory) of a room where everyone in the family members usually gather together such as the living room or dining room. This will bring good health, abundance and happiness to everyone. 2. Place the Eight Immortals in your personal Sheng Chi corner of office based on your Kua Number (8 Mansions Theory) your office to generate good fortune and provide protection Note: Do not place the Eight Immortals in bedrooms, toilets and kitchen. Click here to read about and meet each of the eight immortals.

The Eight Immortals and Their Individual Meanings The Eight Immortals are a group of legendary xian, also known as immortals, transcendents or fairies, from Chinese Tradition. Each of the individual immortal's power can be transferred to a tool of power that can give life or destroy evil. Together, these eight tools are called "Covert Eight Immortals". Most of them are said to have been born in the Tang Dynasty or Song Dynasty. The 8 immortals are revered by the Taoists, and are also a popular element in the secular Chinese culture. They are said to live on Penglai Mountain-Island. Products Displaying the 8 Immortals Available through Natures Energies  Brass Eight Immortals Coins Amulet  Calabash with Imprints of the Eight Immortals  Eight Immortals Jewelry Box

Getting to Know Each of the 8 Immortals First Immortal

Chung-Li Chuan

Chung-Li Chuan, considered the chief of the immortals, he always carries a magical fan and sometimes a peach. He is said to have discovered the Elixir of life and possessed the power to cure the sick and revive the dead. This immortal is a symbol of and longevity.

Second Immortal

Chang Kuo-Lao

Chang Kuo-Lao, is represented as an ‘Old’ man with mystic powers who carries the bamboo tube and riding a mule that could carry him a thousand miles a day. He’s a symbol of wisdom and used to help childless couples conceive.

Third Immortal

Lu DongPin

Lu Dong-Pin, is a Taoist scholar with a magic sword used to slay demons and evil spirits. He’s also shown with a fly-whisker that cures illnesses. This immortal symbolizes scholastic luck and protection.

Fourth Immortal

Ts’ao Guaochiu

Ts’ao Guao-chiu, is the finest dressed of the Eight immortals. He’s generally shown with castanets or a jade tablet of admission to court, and sometimes a feather fan. Said to have been connected with the Sung Imperial family, he signifies fame and recognition.

Fifth Immortal

Li T’ieh Guai (Ironcrutch Li)

Li T’ieh Guai (Iron-crutch Li), is depicted as a beggar with a crutch and a gourd (wu lou). He is sometimes represented as accompanied by a deer. Believed to be the most powerful of the Eight, he bestows wisdom.

Sixth Immortal

Han Hsiang Tzu

Han Hsiang Tzu, is the happy immortal often shown carrying a flute, which he is usually represented as playing. He brings healing energy to the occupants.

Seventh Immortal

Lan T’sai Ho

Lan T’sai Ho, often shown wearing blue robe and carrying a basket of flowers. She brings luck to young women.

Eighth Immortal

He Hsien Ku

He Hsien Ku, carries with her a magical lotus blossom and a fly-whisk, she’s called the Immortal Maiden. She is a symbol of family and marriage luck.

Feng Shui Mini Chart Feng (wind) Shui (water) is the ancient Chinese art of living in harmony with the land and keeping time with nature. Feng Shui's holistic philosophy of seeking to harmonize with the forces of nature and to respect the energy of the earth is of great value and makes a lot of sense. This chart provides a fascinating overview of the major aspects of Feng Shui. It explains the Pa Kua, Tao, Yin and Yang, Ch'i, Sh'a, the I Ching, the Five Elements and more. Printed and protection coated on both sides.

Sample Extract from the reverse side of the Feng Shui Mini Chart

Click here to view an enlarged scan of the front side/reverse side of the feng shui mini chart

Front and Back Sides of the Feng Shui Mini Chart.

Pendants available through Natures Energies

Feng Shui Pendants || Silver Chakra Jewellery Pendants || Pewter Pendants || Chinese Zodiac Pendants || Saints and Angels Pendants Nature's Energies stock a variety of pendants, some with Feng Shui qualities such as protection, and others which are simply symbolic. View each of the pendants listed below.

Feng Shui Pendants

Have a look at the new sacred geometry pendantsaf ter viewing the pendants on this page.

Silver Chakra Jewellery Pendants Tai Chi Pakua Fengshui Pendant Necklace

Fish for Abundance Pendant

Jade Wulou Pendant with Rhodium Plated Chain

Paua Shell Tortoise of Longevity Pendant with Rhodium Plated Chain

Yin Yang Symbol Pendant

Yellow Jade Ruyi And Bat Pendant With Necklace


Jade Money Frog Pendant with Necklace


Mini Golden Wu Lou with Kuanyin Image Amulet

Jade Bat Biting Coin Necklace

Polished Ammonite Fossil With Sterling Silver Pendant Holder


Yellow Jasper Lantern Necklace

" S

Jade Ruyi Necklace

Jade Bat With Coin Necklace

S P B Jade Lotus Flower Necklace

Teardrop Shape Smoky Quartz Citrine Pendant with Chain

Feng Shui Pendants (Continued)

Pearl Necklace

Pewter and Other Kinds of Pendants All pewter pendants shown of this page use a high grade pewter alloy guaranteed to be free of lead. Pewter is typically 85-99% tin, with the remainder of the alloy being copper and antimony. The earliest piece of known pewter was found in an Egyptian tomb, dating from around 1450BC so pewter has been in use now for well over 3450 years.

Egyptian Ankh with

Pentagram Amulet with

Celtic Token Amulet

Circle of Protection Amulet


Endless Celtic Knot

Control Evil Spirits Amulet

Enchanted Life Amulet

Dragon's Claw Orb Talisman

Endless Light Talisman

Ganesh Amulet

Garden Pentagram

Dream Achievement Amulet

Enduring Will Amulet

Gnostic Amulet

Egyptian Pharaoh's Amulet

Eye of Horus Amulet

Good Health


Guardians of the 4 Quarters

Lover`s Embrace Amulet

Harmony Talisman

Magical Talisman

Moon Goddess Pendant

Ouroboros Pentagram


Joyful Life Amulet

Make Lover Return Amulet

Peace Symbol Pendant

Light Heart Amulet

Mojo Coin

Pleasure Fairy Amulet

Sacred Peace Amulet

Shield of Protection Amulet

Scholar's Blade Amulet

Summer's Harvest Amulet

Viking Protection Talisman

Seal of Antiquelis Amulet

Travel Witch Talisman

Wild Horses Amulet

Serenity Talisman

Triskle Pendant

Win in Court Amulet

Yin Yang I Ching Amulet

Dolphin Pendant


Wheel of Dharma Pendant

Tibetan Magic Knife Pendant

Sekhmet Pendant

Triquetra Symbol Pendant

Sevatius Pendant

Quan Yin Heart Pendant

Caduceus Pendant

Triskele Shield Pendant

Triquetra and Celtic Knot Pendant

Celtic Om Pendant

Pentagram Moon Pendant

Seal of Good Luck in Games of Chance

Seal of Venus

Provide Invisibility Amulet

Destroy all Evil Amulet

Help Read Thoughts Amulet

Discover Hidden Secrets Amulet


Win Male or Female of Choice Amulet

Goddess Tear Amulet

Mystic Triquetra Amulet

Love Light Amulet

Sri Yantra Creativity and Enlightenment Amulet

Longevity and Good Health

Mimbres Pottery Amulet

All Seeing Eye

Avert Evil Eye Amulet


Silver Cat Pendant

Guardian Angel Pendant - Gold

Guardian Angel Pendant - Silver

Saints and Angel Pendants

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Guardian Angel

Saint Lazarus

Saint Joseph

Saint Anthony

Saint Martha

Saint Christopher

Feng Shui Remedies

Natures Energies offers a variety of Feng Shui Remedies, in the form of symbols, jade carvings and IChing Coins. The Jade Carvings available include;         

Quan Yin Hand Carved in Jade - Carved in Jade, available in a small or larger size. Quan Yin and the Dragon Mela Buddha (Laughing Buddha) Hand Carved in Jade Jade Moon Frog Carved in Jade Three Legged Money Frog Prosperity Goldfish Carved in Jade Jade Worry Stones Mani Stones Genuine Jade Bead Bracelets

Five-Element Pagoda with Fuk Luk Sau

Tip: Place a small mirror tile above your toilet door or anywhere desired to prevent positive energy being drained from the home or office.

Mela Buddha (Laughing Buddha) The laughing Buddha, brings joy, contentedness and a happy outlook on life. Call upon to bring abundance and wealth in all forms 1-2cm. Packaged in a small pack with full color laminated swing tag. One belief surrounding the figure of Buddha in popular folklore is that if a person is to rub his belly, it brings forth wealth, good luck, and prosperity

Chinese or English? Be sure not to suffer the confusion suffered by many when trying to interpret the symbology represented through Chinese characters! You will find the English version far more effective.

An Interesting point well worth noting!

Most manufactured doors in the Western world are made from inauspicious dimensions. This means that the Ch'i energies entering a home or office through such dimensions are not of a harmonious nature. Through use of the Feng Shui ruler, predetermined dimensions can correct such potential errors and create a home or office with better vibrancy and ch'i energies.

Through using this ruler, one can see how the dimensions of a ready made cigarette fall into sickness and ill health. This means that not only is the smoking doing you harm, but by carrying the cigarettes with you, they are setting up a vibration of sickness by their very dimensions. Learn to correct this Ch'i of dimensions and create a greater harmony in life. Did you know?

All objects resonate to a particular vibration depending on their dimensions, this can bring good luck and benevolence or misfortune and ill health. The energies that most strongly effect you are that of objects which are important to you or that you spend a great deal of time immersed in e.g., your desk, bed, office/arm chair. Also important is the measurement of the front door as this is the particular quality of Ch'i (energy) that is being invited in to your home or workplace. Paint a line or tape on ribbon around the door or object to provide the illusion it is a different size. Ideas: anything you carry on your body (jewellery/cases), letterboxes, receipt books, cash registers, tills, fences, gates, front counters, items for holding important documents, suit cases, telephones, wallets, purses, cots, pens used for signing cheques or Important documents, letterheads, business envelopes, business cards. Do not become fanatical - good Feng Shui is that of balance, so have fun with your dimensions, good luck & blessings GREAT TOOL FOR FENG SHUI PRACTITIONERS! The first ever Feng Shui Ruler in English! Determine the energies brought about by the dimensions of any object. Essential for anyone interested in Feng Shui. Discover the energies your front door, desk, bed or any other item may be bringing in to your life, also instructions on how to rectify unwanted dimensions. An amazingly accurate tool for anyone with an interest in Feng Shui or the unseen. Solid wooden ruler with full color images & divisions. Packaged in clear gloss with complete instructions.

Did you know that in many countries, all ready made doors are of inauspicious dimensions? This means the Ch'i (energy) entering your home or workplace is not of a harmonious nature. Also that by using this ruler see how the dimensions of a ready made cigarette fall into sickness and ill health. This means, not only is the smoking doing you harm but by carrying the cigarettes with you, they are setting up a vibration of sickness by their very dimensions. Learn how to correct this Ch'i of dimensions & create a greater harmony in your life. Instruction on using the Feng Shui Ruler To use the ruler, begin at CA1, directly at the first black line and determine what group of energies your object falls into and then for more finely detailed information what sector of energies. If your object is greater than 42.9cm, simply mark where this finishes and then begin again at CA1 until you get the correct dimension. It may be important to measure all dimension, e.g., height, length & width to fully understand all the energies this object is immersed in. If the Ch'i it falls into is good (sectors marked with +), nothing further needs to be done. If it falls into a negative sector (marked with a -) you may like to change this. As well as physically shortening or lengthening objects, false tops may be added to tables, small pieces of wood, etc under legs to raise them or you may alter the size symbolically.

Note: Picture above does not represent complete ruler, or quality of the actual ruler.

Feng Shui Symbols

About Feng Shui .... Feng Shui (also known as "geomancy") is an ancient Chinese art used to promote such things as health, happiness, success and wealth. For centuries, the Chinese have been exploring energy enhancement techniques in their homes and workplaces, to enhance such positive virtues. In every building, there are certain sectors which relate to each room. Did you know your home or workplace have sections where you are able to boost your fame, wealth, knowledge, career and more? One of the best way of boosting energy (known as sheng ch'i) in any of these sectors is to place an object of beauty into it, particularly when the symbol it represents is relevant to that which you wish to achieve. The Feng Shui symbols are vibrantly painted Chinese symbols, made from ceramic and hand painted with their characteristic and intriguing Chinese writing. Each symbol is suspended on a quality cord, with a delicate tassel underneath to allow them to be hung easily or even worn as jewellery. There are many who claim to have experienced amazing financial situations whilst wearing a prosperity symbol, or placing the prosperity symbol in their money tin or cash register

Each symbol comes with a different colored house map, easily enabling anyone to determine where each sector lies in their dwelling. Instructions include some simple remedies for energy problems which may be occurring, and detailed notes are included on how this energy works specific to the chosen symbol. Many of our customers purchase one or more symbols for each room in their house and/or workplace. Choose your symbols from below;

Jade Feng Shui Symbols Jade Pi Yao Feng Shui Protection Hanging For Safety and Security

This cute petite amulet is shown with an image of the Piyao. It is accented with with decorative jade beads and creative oriental knots. Click here to learn more ....

Jade Double Happiness Feng Shui Hanging For Happiness

This is a cute petite tassel featuring a jade bead carved into an the Chinese Double Happiness symbol. It is embellished with a mystic knot, decorative beads and two jade leaves strung on Chinese silk cording. Click here to learn more .... Jade Bell Tassel For Good Luck

This is a little Jade Bell tassel, embellished with a mystic knot, decorative beads, a chinese coin and finished off with two jade leaves strung on Chinese silk cording. Click here to learn more ....

Jade Lucky Pig For Prosperity Hanging For Prosperity

The Lucky Pig for Prosperity Hanging is a cute petitel piece, made from jade. It is accented with decorative beads and a mystic knot. Click here to learn more ....

Jade Double Happiness Hanging For Marriage Luck For Love

This is a tassel featuring a jade bead carved into an the Chinese Double Happiness symbol. It is embellished with a mystic knot, decorative beads and a couple of jade leaves strung on Chinese silk cording. Click here to learn more ....

Jade Double Happiness Hanging For Marriage Luck

Jade Double Happiness Hanging For Marriage Luck

This is a tassel featuring a jade bead carved into an the Chinese Double Happiness symbol. It is embellished with a mystic knot, decorative beads and a couple of jade leaves strung on Chinese silk cording. The Double Happiness symbol, composed of two Chinese characters for “happiness” arranged side by side, is another time-honoured symbol of marriage and conjugal happiness and reputed to be the most famous and powerful at it. If you look carefully, the two characters are linked together by two lines, which signify the inseparable bond between the lovers. The Double Happiness symbol is a talisman used in Feng Shui to enhance spiritual and physical love between two people; ideal for men or women searching for love, already in love or maintaining a steady relationships or marriage.

The Double Happiness Symbol will help you if you are looking for a romantic partnership or wanting your romance to become more serious. It would keep third party at bay and smoothen the path of romance. For couples who have been married for a long time, the Double Happiness symbol helps to renew their passion and love for each other. Carry it along with you everywhere you go in your bag. Tie or hang this Jade Double Happiness Hanging anywhere you like for instance your briefcase, mobile phone, handbag or your rear-view mirror of your car. Good romance and marriage luck will manifest. It will turn futile flirting into something tangible. Mandarin Ducks are also used in Feng Shui to enhance one's marriage or love life

Five-Element Pagoda with Fuk Luk Sau

Five-Element Pagoda with Fuk Luk Sau

This is a very beautiful and high quality Five-Element Pagoda with polished finishing on its gold electro-plating. Engraved on it are the three Chinese characters "Fuk Luk Sau" or "Happiness, Wealth and Longevity". Specially designed for Period 8 (year 2004 ~ 2024) to ward off the evil chi of Flying star #2 and #5, the Five-Element Pagoda is a must-have item for Feng Shui enthusiasts in this Period. The Five Element Pagoda is an excellent cure for the deadly five yellow star which brings accidents, financial loss and severe problems. It is also perfect for dissolving the #2 black star, also known as the ‘Sickness Star’ which brings illnesses and ailments to occupants.

How to use the 5 element pagoda Placing the Five-Element Pagoda in an afflicted sector not only exhausts the these malignant stars but activates the lucky 1, 6 and 8 flying stars as well. Fill the Five Element Pagoda up with earth taken from your garden or potted plants if you do not have a garden. This symbolizes locking up the 'Five Yellow' and hence suppresses its malignant, dangerous chi. "The product is very tasteful in its design. I feel that it is exactly what I would have chosen if I saw it in person. Pleased that I was able to find this online with such grand results." D P, U.S.A.

Fuk Luk Sau Fuk Luk and Sau are a famous Chinese trinity of deities who represent prosperity, authority and longevity. According to Chinese traditions, these three gods or deities contain the spirits of wealth, health and happiness and there are many legends which talk about them. They are usually represented together and are said to attract health, wealth and prosperity to those who keep them and to the environment where they are. Fuk is the deity of wealth and prosperity. He is represented wearing a red robe and his place is to the right of Luk. Fuk assists in improving your income and your wealth, as well as the income and wealth of all those who live in the house or space where it is placed. The deity named Sau symbolizes longevity and is represented carrying nectar in a bottle. Luk is the deity which stands in the center and symbolizes power and authority. Together, Fuk, Luk and Sau are a very strong power attracting a combination of wealth, health and prosperity.

Fuk (Left) Luk (Center) and Sau (Right) (Click to Enlarge)

here are some feng shui guidelines that dictate the ideal position for placing Fuk Luk and Sau. Firstly, they should be placed in the correct order, as shown in the picture above. Secondly, Fuk Luk Sau should be placed in the dining or living room. It is very important that they are placed higher than where the whole family gathers as a mark of honor, perhaps on a shelf. They may also be placed to the back of where a person sits, giving protection and support. Some people use this principle placing them in the car at the back window, since it would bring you security and protection while driving. If you wish to improve your health, be happier, or become more prosperous, Fuk Luk Sau would be a great help for you. According to feng shui and the Chinese culture, they would not only help you in achieving such goals but also maintain them in order for you to have a steady healthy, prosperous and happy life.

Feng Shui Gold Ingot

Feng Shui Gold Ingot

Attract Prosperity The gold ingot are a replica of the ancient Chinese gold ingot. It has the shape similar to a boat, this symbolises abundance. Gold ingots are potent symbols of wealth attainment. Other than the fact that its shape is strongly Oriental in nature and looks quite beautiful, the Chinese have deep faith in the image of the gold ingot since they have long believed that these venerable nuggets can assist in achieving wealth and status. The Wealth-Ushering Gold Ingot is made of metal, polished in high gold shine and sits atop its own carved platform. The top of the gold ingot spells "Zhao Cai Jing Bao", that when translated to English literally means "ushering in wealth prosperity". This Feng Shui item is perfect for office spaces and homes alike. Ensure that you place this item prominently to achieve the best results. .

Golden Hanging Abacus The golden hanging abacus is crafted from brass and plated with gold. The abacus or the ‘suan pan’ is an ancient Chinese calculation tool used widely by Chinese merchants and clerk for daily trading and transactions. The abacus symbolizes the spirit of entrepreneurs, profits, wise decision-making and accurate quantitative thought. Hang this beautiful Golden Hanging Abacus on your bag if you are a student to enhance your

academic success, especially in subjects such as mathematics, accounting, physics and economics. Hang it on your briefcase, in your car or on your work desk. It will boost your luck in business and income, especially if you are people working in trading businesses, banks, stock exchange markets etc

Golden Bat Coin Amulet This is a Bat Amulet with a coin with the symbol of Pakua on one side and twelve Chinese horoscope animals on the other side. In traditional China, the bat is a popular auspicious symbol of good luck and wealth because the sound for Bats in Chinese,Fuk is similar to good fortune and happiness. During the days of the Manchu emperors, bats were the most popular symbol after the dragon being embroidered in imperial robes for high ranking officials and the emperor. The designs were usually combined with other symbol of longevity such as cranes to connote long life and happiness. You can hang this item anywhere in your house or office, or in the car to invite good fortune and wealth to everyone no matter what your horoscope sign is as well as to deflect negative energies.

Happy Buddha Trinket Box

Happy Buddha Trinket Box

Store your prized possessions or your secret wishes in the Happy Buddha Trinket box. Write down your wishes on a piece of paper and place it in the hidden compartment. Rub the belly of Buddha to enhance your chances for your wishes to materialize

Hippopotamus Statue

Hippopotamus “Water Horse” for Strength, Courage, Sensitivity and Family ehold the hippopotamus! We laugh at how he looks to us, And yet in moments dank and grim, I wonder how we look to him. Ogden Nash This amazing creature symbolizes many wonderful qualities. In the River Ubangi, in Africa, there is a folktale of a Hippopotamus goddess named Sangu, who demands the fishermen to sacrifice fish to her before they set out on a fishing trip or she will attack their boats. “The Affair of the Hippopotamus and the Tortoise” is a well known folktale from Nigeria. It tells why the Hippopotamus stays in the water in the daytime and how the Tortoise correctly guessed the name of the Hippopotamus so as to make sure he kept his promise to stay in the water during the day. The Hippopotamus must have water to survive as it has sensitive skin that will crack if it stays in the daylight for long periods. In Egypt, Tarewet / Tauret the Goddess of childbirth, protector of mother and child was sometimes depicted as part Hippopotamus, part Crocodile and Lion and is heavily pregnant. Perhaps due to the strong association with water, the Hippopotamus is symbolic of fertility and abundance. Where water is in abundance, healthy village life prospers, crops are successful, fish are abundant and animals of the wild can rely on its life giving qualities.

Telephone Abundance Remedy 7 Chinese coins intricately woven together to represent the current period of wealth. Made with red ribbons to tie to the handpiece or cord of the telephone. To assist in bringing abundant and prosperous phone calls into your home, office or business. Have one for each phone.

I-Ching Telephone Abundance Remedy

3 I-Ching Coin Remedy (Not to be confused with "Set of 3 I-Ching Coins" shown above)

A traditional treasure, can be placed as an offering for spiritual blessings in the temple or hung in the home, office or above the cash register for Prosperity and good fortune. Also used for good fortune & blessings to be hung in the car. Exquisitely hand woven with opulent red ribbons. 3 Chinese coins intricately woven together for good luck suspended on red ribbon and finished with a red and gold tassel. Packaged with complete instructions and a swing tag.

I Ching Coins I-Ching Coins || 10 I-Ching Old Chinese Coins in Gift Pack || Set of 3 I-Ching Coins || I-Ching Decoder || Large Bronze I-Ching Dragon Coin || IChing Mini Chart || 3 I-Ching Coins Tied In Red Ribbon || 3 Golden Feng Shui Coins || 3 Coins with Mystic Knot Tassel || Three Coins Amulet With Mystic Knot || 3 I-Ching Coin Remedy || 5 Coins with Mystic Knot || 6 Coins with Mystic Knot || 6 Coins with Bell || Six Gold Coins Talisman Hanging || 6 Emperors Gold Coins Ruler || Six Coins And Magic Golden Fan Amulet|| 8 Coins with Mystic Knot || 8 Coins Tied In Lotus Tassel For Period 8 || Brass Eight Immortals Coins Amulet || 9 Emperors Coins With Mystic Knot Tassel || Chinese Coin Wish Box || Coin Ball with Double Wulou || Golden Bat Coin Amulet || Protection and Abundance Coin || Vintage Plum Blossom Coin Amulet For Good Life || Vintage Feng Shui Lock Coin Amulet Wealth Magnifier|| Vintage Pakua Wulou Coin Amulet For Health || Ba Xian || Feng Shui talisman for your own Money Tree || I-Ching Telephone Abundance Remedy || Yin Yang I Ching Amulet Feng Shui Tips for the Current Year

Chinese I Ching coins, used for casting in I Ching readings, or by Feng Shui consultants for implementing "cures" into problem dwellings.

In Feng Shui, it is said that coins represent the element metal, and thus symbolise wealth. If you string 3 IChingHeads coins together onto aTails red thread, (Yang) you can place(Yin) them into the wealth sector of your home, next to a cash register or even onto the accounts books in know your .... Did you business, to increase  wealth. A pathway of coins glued to the paving, leading to the front door, or placed prosperity and around the door (in sight or not) invites wealth and abundance into the home or business.  Tied together the coins may be used for many abundance remedies. Three I-Ching may also be usedthey for reading theused I-Ching - one side of one the coin is  coins Another way can be is by placing I-Ching coin into each of 4 red named Yin and theenvelopes. other side Yang. Through the envelopes 3 coins, and comparing them Then, placereading the red in the four corners of your desk or room, will not be noticed others, increase abundance and wealth. with the ancient where Chinese they Trigrams, one can read into by their life andtouse the ancient coinshow cantobe used asand amulets of evil advice of the oracleI-Ching to determine harmonise improvetoit.ward Trigrams areand disease. In ancient times, they were commonly worn by children (oneI-Ching coin added each year until the explained and can be interpreted through use of the I-Ching decoder. The agebrass. of 15) after being first placed on a deity for blessing e.g., Laughing coins are made from Buddha or Quan Yin. Let your flow.coins Remember to always "I give 5 stars for the creativity set of I Ching I had ordered and 5display stars IChing coins thecoins YangI bought side facing up. The Yang for customer service. Thewith I Ching were cheaper than side Chinese whereas Yin side has two. what I could has find four in the US andcharacters of good quality." B.the Blancuzzi

3 I-Ching Coins

Set of 3 I-Ching Coins and I-Ching Decoder Confucius' I CHING of ancient China is one of the oldest and most respected oracle books in the world today. It has been in use for over 3000 years and to this daymany people use the oracle seeking guidance or stimulating inspiration. The text used in the I-Ching Decoder is based on the Confucian commentary of the oracle. How to Cast the I Ching Throw the 3 I Ching coins together, and then note the faces facing up (Yin is the 2 symbol side whereas yang is the 4 symbol side). Repeat this 6 times and then use the I-Ching decoder wheels to give an interpretation.

I-Ching Decoder (Click to Enlarge)

I Ching Mini Chart The I Ching is one of the most ancient oracles in the world. It describes how the Superior Person who consults the I Ching oracle should act or behave in relation to the questions asked. All you need are three I Ching coins, and this Chart to gain access to a source of profound wisdom. Printed and protection coated on both sides. We also have an I Ching Wall Chart available if you would like to hang the chart on your wall. The Mini Chart measures 9.25 x 6.25" (235 x 160mm) in size. I Ching Mini Chart (Click to Enlarge)

Large Bronze I-Ching Dragon Coin Large bronze, two-sided coin: Dragon & Phoenix on one side, Chinese characters on the other. Use as a good luck charm or thread a leather cord through it to make a protective talisman.

Fr ont Side

Re verse Side

Approx. 1 7/8" diameter (4.7cm)

3 I-Ching Coins Tied In Red Ribbon This three Chinese coins tied together with red ribbon is an auspicious symbol of wealth and fruitfulness as the three represent heaven, earth and mankind. Place or stick it in your wealth corner to attract auspicious money luck or any place you can think of; in you wallet/handbag, you will never run out of cash; on your share portfolios or account book, it will increase business luck; on your telephone of fax machine, sales will keep pouring in; on your cash box, cash registers or safe to ensure they are always loaded with money. Let your creativity flow. For Flying Stars enthusiasts, you can tie one of this item on each half of the curtain drapes in the room afflicted by the malignant Five Yellow Star. This star instigates fights, accidents and death. The coins will act as an effective cure against the Five Yellow. For best results, refresh these coins each year on the first day of the lunar New Year. You could get new ones or cleanse them with incense.

Set of 3 I-Ching Coins Tied with Red Ribbon

Three Auspicious Golden Feng Shui Coins This three Chinese coins plated in gold tied together with auspicious gold ribbon is an auspicious symbol of wealth and fruitfulness as the three represent heaven, earth and mankind luck. Place or stick them in your wealth corner to attract auspicious money luck or any place you can think of; in you wallet/handbag, you will never run out of cash; on your share portfolios or account book, it will bring wealth and windfall luck; on your telephone of fax machine, sales will keep pouring in; on your cash box, cash registers or safe to ensure they are always loaded with money. Let your creativity flow. Hang it over your shop’s doorknobs to ring in more sales and profits. This practice is said to be as effective as placing a Wealth God. For Flying Stars enthusiasts, you can tie one of this item on each half of the curtain drapes in the room afflicted by the malignant Five Yellow Star. This star instigates fights, accidents and death. The coins will act as an effective cure against the Five Yellow. For best results, refresh these coins each year on the first day of the lunar New Year. You could get new ones or cleanse them with incense. As an alternative to the golden feng shui coins, purchase the 3 Coins with Mystic Knot Tassel or the Three Coins Amulet With Mystic Knot for an alternative appearance.

Three Auspicious Golden Feng Shui Coins

Three Coins with Mystic Knot Tassel Three Coins With Mystic Knot Tassel

Three Coins Amulet With Mystic Knot Three Coins Amulet With Mystic Knot

Five Coins with Mystic Knot Five Coins with Mystic Knot is a Five Chinese Coins amulet stringed in series with a bright red string with a Mystic knot and two tassels to empower the Chi of the coins. The five coins represent the five elements for a balanced life: wood, metal, fire, water, and earth.

Hang this Five Coin amulet in the Northwest sector of your home or office to activate mentor Luck, or in the North to enhance career luck based on the Pakua's Eight Life Aspirations. You could also hang the Five Coins Amulet in your car to bring happy tidings and to prevent possible accidents whenever you travel. You may wish to consider the Golden Prosperity Bat With Five Gold Coins Hanging as an alternative to the Five Coins with Mystic Knot.

Five Coins with Mystic Knot

Six Coins with Mystic Knot Six Coins with Mystic Knot is a six Chinese Coins amulet stringed in series with a bright red string with a Mystic knot and a tassel to empower the Chi of the coins. Hang this Six Coins amulet in the Northwest sector of your home or office to activate mentor Luckor in the North to enhance career luck based on the Pakua's Eight Life Aspirations. You could also hang the Six Coins Amulet in your car to bring happy tidings and prevent accident whenever you travel.

Six Coins with Mystic Knot

Six Coins with Bell Chinese coins symbolise prosperity and wealth. The square in the centre of the coin represents the earth, whilst the circular disc represents heaven thus they reflect the cyclical nature of the universe. Six Chinese coins are mainly used in accordance with Flying Star school to counteract the number two flying star in a sector. The sound of metal is also great in this sector.

Six Coins with Bell

Click here to view the fine detail of the bell.

Six Gold Coins Talisman Hanging This is a beautiful Six Golden I-ching Coin Talisman tied with yellow thread, accented with a mystic knot. Place it in the Northwest to increase networking luck, money luck and opportunities from helpful people in your business pursuits or career. You will have easier access to people who can help you. The Northwest is the universal sector for Mentor Luck based on the Pakua 8 Life Aspirations Theory, its element is Metal and its number is 6. Activating this sector with 6 metals coins is said to be extremely powerful and it will allow your path to intersect with exceptional people and influential friends. It especially benefits the partriach of the family. The 6 Coins amulet can be attached to account books, invoice books, share portfolios, computers or telephones to enhance income and sales. Always display them with the Yang side facing up. The Yang side has four Chinese characters whereas the Yin side has two.

Six Gold Coins Talisman Hanging Note: the current stocks have a brown colored cord instead of the yellow cord shown.

Six Coins And Magic Golden Fan Amulet This is a Six Chinese Coins amulet stringed with golden string and a Magic golden fan that is said to 'fan away' bad chi that brings misfortunes. Hang this Six Coins and Magic Golden Fan amulet in the Northwest sector of your home or office to activate mentor Luck or in the North to enhance career luck based on the Pakua's Eight Life Aspirations. You could also hang the Six Coins and Magic Golden Fan Amulet in your car to bring happy tidings and prevent accident whenever you travel. For Flying Stars enthusiasts, you can hang the Six Coins and Magic Golden Fan amulet where the malignant Five Yellow Star flies into. The coins will act as an effective cure against the Five Yellow which instigates fights, accidents and death.

Six Coins And Magic Golden Fan Amulet

Eight I-Ching Coins With Mystic Knot Tassel This is an Eight I-Ching Coins amulet stringed in series with a bright red string with a Mystic knot and two tassels to empower the Chi of the coins. This item is especially potent in Period 8 (year 2004 to 2024). Hang this Eight Coins Mystic Knot Tassels in the Northwest sector of your home or office to activate mentor Luck or in the North to enhance career luck based on the Pakua's Eight Life Aspirations. You could also hang the Eight Coins Mystic Knot Tassel at your workplace.

Eight I-Ching Coins With Mystic Knot Tassel

Eight Coins Tied In Lotus Tassel For Period 8 This is a beautiful Eight Coin Talisman specially designed for Period 8 and especially potent because of its association with the lucky number 8. The 8 I-ching coins are tied firmly with red thread and mystic knot which is said further empowers its energy. This piece denotes continued wealth for many generations. Apart from bringing good fortune, these coins can also be used as a protective amulet. Hang it in your wealth corner, above the front door of your house, at your work place or study to attract auspicious money luck. The coins may also be hung in your car to bring happy ventures and good tidings whenever you travel.

Eight Coins Tied In Lotus Tassel For Period 8

Brass Eight Immortals Coins Amulet This amulet differs from the one above in that it is 4 times the weight (0.25 pounds), larger in size and is made from better quality coins.

The Eight Immortals Coins amulet is specially designed for Period 8 and especially potent as a wealth magn with the lucky number 8. The number "8" is the reigning number of Period 8 (year 2004-2024), and therefore w this 20-year cycle. The 8 coins are tied firmly with red thread and mystic knot which is said to further emp denotes continued wealth for many generations and wealth luck coming from all 8 directions. Apart from b coins can also be used as a protective amulet.

Hang it in your wealth corner, above the front door of your house, at your work place or study to attract auspi may also be hung in your car to bring happy ventures and good tidings whenever you travel. Click here to read about and meet each of the eight immortals.

Brass Eight Immortals Coins Amulet

Nine Emperors Coins With Mystic Knot Tassel This Nine Emperors coins tied together with auspicious red thread and ends with two Oriental tassels is an auspicious wealth and luck enhancers. The Mystic Knot further magnifies its potency. Popular among I-Ching practitioners, this item will bring endless wealth. Hang it in your wealth corner, above the front door of your house, at your work place or study to attract auspicious money luck. The coins may also be hung in your car to bring happy ventures and good tidings whenever you travel.

Nine Emperors Coins With Mystic Knot Tassel

10 I-Ching Old Chinese Coins (Replicas) in Gift Pack

Chinese coins represent the powerful union of heaven and earth. Described as being "square within and round without", these round coins, have been used as metal currency since the 11th century BC. The square shape in the center is the energy of the earth, while the circle represents the chi of heaven. Combined, they drive the power of wealth luck, and when energized, yang energy breaths precious life into them, transforming them into powerful emblems of wealth and prosperity. Naturally, coins taken from a rich man's home would possess an abundance of wealth energy. The Chinese characters on the coins bear the name of the reign. It is believed that these coins should ideally be chosen from the prosperous reign periods. Apart from bringing prosperity, these good fortune coins are also used as protective amulets. Coins combined with almost all the animal symbols bring different meanings. Combined with the Bat, the meaning is "Immediate Good Fortune". Combine with two Magpies brings meaning of "May One See Good Fortune Before One's Eyes". Combined with the Cow, the Sheep, the Mongoose, the Tortoise, or the Dragon; the connotations of wealth and success are multiplied a thousand times over. Any of these animals, which is sitting or standing on a bed of coins represents abundance and plenty. The Chinese coins from the Ching Dynasty are held in high esteem and deemed extremely auspicious and powerful. This is due to these eras being notably prosperous. They have great potential in magnifying your wealth luck. Coins with metal energies are potent when they are placed in the West, Northwest, and North sectors of your home or business. The 10 emperors and their reigning periods are Shun Chi (1644-1661), Kang Hsi (1661-1722), Yung Cheng (1723-1735), Chien Lung (1736-1796), Chia Ching (1796-1820), Tao Kwong (1820-1850), Shen Fung (1850-1861), Tung Chi(18621874) and Kwong Shui (1875-1908) and Shuen Tung (1909-1911). You can remove the coins from the packing and stick them on or keep them in any place that you can think of;

in your wallet/handbag, you will never run out of cash; on your share portfolios or account book, it will bring wealth and windfall luck; on your telephone of fax machine, sales will keep pouring in; on your cash box, cash registers or safe to ensure they are always loaded with money.

   

et your creativity flow. Remember to always display I-Ching coins with the Yang side facing up. The Yang side has four Chinese characters whereas the Yin side has two.

Here is how you can use the 10 Emperors coins to Feng Shui your way to a better life: 1.

Place it in the Northwest to increase money luck and opportunities from helpful people in your business pursuits or career. The Northwest is the universal sector for Mentor Luck based on the Pakua 8 Life Aspirations Theory and its element is Metal. 2. Place the Ten Emperors coins in the North sector of your home to enhance career luck. 3. In Flying Star Feng Shui, the Ten Emperors coins can be used to ward-off the evil influences of the malignant #5 yellow star and #2 black star. The #2 black star is also known as the "Sickness Star" which brings illnesses and ailments to occupants while the #5 yellow star is the "Disaster Star" that instigates fights, accidents and death. Placing the Ten Emperors Coins in the affected sectors will dilute these adverse energies.

Coin Ball with Double Wulou This is a Coin Ball using 12 Chinese coins tied with a bright red mystic knot to empower the symbol, and ends with two tassels embellished with Wu Lous. Hang this symbol near a cash register, in the wealth corner or over a door to boost wealth and income in the home or shop. It is said to be very effective.

Coin Ball with Double Wulou

Six Emperors Gold Coins Ruler This is a metal ruler with six emperor coins attached to it. The emperor coins bring prosperity, good luck and wealth into the household. Hang this Six Emperor Gold Coins Ruler in the Northwest sector of your home or office to activate mentor Luck or in the North to enhance career luck based on the Pakua's Eight Life Aspirations. For Flying Stars enthusiasts, mount it on either side of the the door where the malignant Five Yellow Star flies into. The coins will act as an effective cure against the Five Yellow which instigates fights, accidents and death.

Six Emper ors Gold Coins Ruler

Price: $29.95

Golden Bat Coin Amulet This is a Bat Amulet with a coin with the symbol of Pakua on one side and twelve Chinese horoscope animals on the other side. In traditional China, the bat is a popular auspicious symbol of good luck and wealth because the sound for Bats in Chinese,Fuk is similar to good fortune and happiness. During the days of the Manchu emperors, bats were the most popular symbol after the dragon being embroidered in imperial robes for high ranking officials and the emperor. The designs were usually combined with other symbol of longevity such as cranes to connote long life and happiness. You can hang this item anywhere in your house or office, or in the car to invite good fortune and wealth to everyone no matter what your horoscope sign is as well as to deflect negative energies.

Protection and Abundance Coin for Home and Surroundings This coin represents protection and abundance in the heaven and earth realm. The square hole represents earth luck and the outer circle represents heaven luck. The coin symbolises good fortune and protection for the four directions.



Vintage Plum Blossom Coin Amulet For Good Life The Plum Blossom Coin design dates back to the Ming Dynasty and takes the shape of the auspicious plum blossom flower. Plum blossom symbolizes confidence, determination, perseverance, persistence and longevity because of its ability to bloom beautifully in extreme cold weather. On one side of the coins carries the Chinese characters "chang ming sou fu kui, literraly meaning a long life filled with happiness and fortune. On the reverse side is inscribed with the 5 auspicious Feng Shui symbols: the magpie for good news and happiness, the deer for longevity and carefree life, the bat for prosperity and good fortune, the peach for good health and long life, and a gold ingot for good fortune and wealth luck.

This item is ideal for people who lack the spirit or luck to be successful and to be Blossom Coin is said to boost one confidence and determination so that one will reach his aspirations, and therefore have a good life. People who often use this amulet students, newly graduates, politicians etc.

According to Feng Shui grandmasters in ancient China, the shape of the plum bloss this amulet powerful. Plum blossom are able to withstand the adversity of winter. In f the more beautiful and dense the flowers will bloom and blossom. That is why plum b of the ultimate Feng Shui symbol for perseverance, strong willpower, dedication, fearlessness, fortitude and tenacity.

Since ancient time, the Deer has been a symbol of speed, endurance and longevity. In Feng Shui, Deer can represent the role of "Sau", one of the three star deities who is the God of Longevity. That is why sometimes you can see a deer accompanying the God of Longevity, among other longevity symbols like the Peach and cranes. Many Chinese good symbols derived their meaning from how they are sound in Chinese. As for Deer, the Chinese name is "Luk" which sounds like "wealth and fortune". Combined, the deer promises a long life filled with prosperity and good health. Many Feng Shui masters would recommend the use of the deer symbols in your collection of good luck Feng Shui symbols because it is very auspicious to have the image of deer in our homes or business premises. Deer brings not only prosperity and longevity to a person but to companies and businesses as well. The presence of the image of deer brings a happy long life to the entire family and growing prosperity. The deer is also often associated with career advancement.

On the other hand, the bat signifies riches, health, longevity, love and a natural death at a ripe age. It represents the "yang" symbol of prosperity. The bat would bring us great happiness and a peaceful life with little problems. The presence of bat in homes and offices is an auspicious symbol for those who are seriously looking for long lasting health and wealth. Next, another popular symbol of longevity in Feng Shui is the peach. The peach is always seen carried by Sau Sing Kung (one of the three Star Gods Fuk Luk Sau). This heavenly fruit is also a symbol of marriage and immortality. Legend has it that the Peach fruit is served in the heaven during birthdays of deities. It is the main ingredient for making immortality pills. According to the infamous Chinese epic "Journey to the West", the Monkey God stole peaches of immortality from the garden of the Goddess of the West and attained immortality.

Magpie is regarded as the "bird of happiness". A famous Chinese folklore has it that magpies helped the meeting of a farmer who fell in love with a fairy of the Jade Emperor in the heaven by arranging themselves to form a stair that connects the earth and heaven. Magpies are therefore also known as the bird that connects earth to heaven. It is believed that the the presence of magpies bring happiness and unlimited opportunities. It is said that if you see a pair of magpies in your home or living space, it's a extremely good omen. You will be successful in your endeavours or pursuits whether if you are finding a new job, starting a new business venture, finding a spouse, dreaming of striking rich, trying to conceive, recovering from sickness, getting promotion, searching for fame and passing examinations. Magpies are also a symbol that connects and strengthens the love relationship between lovers who live far apart, facing all sorts of resistance and experiencing objections from family members, just like the forbidden love between the farmer and fairy. They will make your relationship




Last but not least, gold ingots are ancient Chinese currency for exchanging expensive merchandise. The shape of a gold ingot resembles a smiley face and is designed this way by ancient Feng Shui masters because gold ingots are so precious they trigger happiness when one sees it. The shape is of a gold ingot is said to be perfect for emitting wealth energy. Gold ingots were owned in ancient times by emperors, high ranking officials, rich merchants and tycoons only. Gold ingots are highly recommended by all Feng Shui masters as the symbol of riches, fortune, prosperity, wealth and abundance.

Carry this amulet in your handbags, briefcases or pockets. Hang it in the car, at the work place, in the bedroom, at the cashiers or on the doorknob.

Vintage Plum Blossom Coin Amulet For Good Life

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What is the size of the plum blossom amulet? Tuesday, 29 July 2014 It measures 54mm in diameter.

Price: .95

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Vintage Feng Shui Lock Coin Amulet Wealth Magnifier This Vintage Feng Shui Lock Coin is a specially designed amulet used by those who wish to magnify his wealth luck through speculative affairs such as horse racing and lotteries. The peach fruit symbol brings good health and a long life. This amulet also excellent for those who wish to invest in speculative investments. Carry this along or bind it with your share portfolios to maximise your luck. (Note that the cord is red and not the orange color as shown in the picture below).

Vintage Feng Shui Lock Coin Amulet Wealth Magnifier

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Price .95

Vintage Pakua Wulou Coin Amulet For Health and Wealth This Vintage Feng Shui Wulou Coin is a specially designed amulet used by those who wish to enhance his health luck and wealth luck as well as protection from harmful energies. It takes the shape of a Wulou, a revered Feng Shui symbol for longevity and health. Inscribed on this amulet coin are the prosperity symbol bats, good fortune symbol coins and protection symbol pakua. All in all, a pretty good all rounder good luck amulet to carry along or hang in the house/car.

Vintage Pakua Wulou Coin Amulet For Health and Wealth

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Pric 9.95

Feng Shui talisman for your own Money Tree There are two ways to use this Feng Shui cure. One is to place the nine I Ching coins tied with the auspicious red ribbon inside the red envelope. Bury them in the soil of a healthy plant (ideally a Jade plant). This symbolises growth in your finances. The second choice is to place three I Ching coins (tied with red string or ribbon) underneath the pot plant.

3 I-Ching Coin Remedy (Not to be confused with "Set of 3 I-Ching Coins" shown above)

A traditional treasure, can be placed as an offering for spiritual blessings in the temple or hung in the home, office or above the cash register for Prosperity and good fortune. Also used for good fortune & blessings to be hung in the car. Exquisitely hand woven with opulent red ribbons. 3 Chinese coins intricately woven together for good luck suspended on red ribbon and finished with a red and gold tassel. Packaged with complete instructions and a swing tag.

3 I-Ching Coin Remedy

Ba Xian Ba Xian - The 8 immortals - Good Luck & Prosperity Hanging (Especially for Managers offices & the home). A traditional treasure, Traditionally hung in the managers office, above the cash register or in the main bread winners room in the home to bring blessings, prosperity and good fortunes. Exquisitely hand woven with opulent red ribbons. 8 Chinese coins intricately woven together for good luck suspended on red ribbon and finished with a red and gold medallion of Quan Yin (the goddess of Mercy), or a protective talisman, a bow end a red and gold. Packaged with complete instructions and a swing tag. Ba Xian

Jade Moon Frog Representative of Ch'an Chu, the "Moon/Money Frog/Toad" to encourage the flow of Chi (energy). The frog is believed to possess the ability to cross barriers, thus it is used to entice wealth into the space it occupies. Use for protection & bringing "money luck". Place one into your purse or wallet to attract money and prosperity. Before placing your order, be sure to look at the Three Legged Money Frog. Jade Moon Frog

Prosperity Goldfish Beautiful goldfish brings beauty, good luck & financial abundance & success in life (especially relationships & business deals). Place in an appropriate place in the home/business or carry in the pocket 3-4cm. Packaged in a small pack with full color laminated swing tag. Before placing your order, be sure to look at the Arowana.

"I purchased the green jade prosperity fish. I got a job interview the day after I received it. Also a few weeks later I got the job offer." L Ruiz AL U.S.A

Prosperity Goldfish Carved in Jade

Genuine Jade Bead Bracelet Beautiful Smooth Round Beads (1cm ea) in a bracelet. Soothing & tranquil. Genuine Jade Bead Bracelet

Jade Eggs with Hand Painted Birds and Flowers

Jade Eggs

This is a set of 10 absolutely exquisite Jade eggs surrounded with wonderful painting of various types of flowers and birds: peonies, lotuses, swans, phoenix, mandarin ducks... These are collectively auspicious symbols for beauty, love, romance, feminine, good opportunities and harmony. Jade, or ‘yu’ in Chinese is also known as the "Stone of Heavens”. Jade was the Imperial stone and belonged exclusively to the Emperors Royal Imperial Court. Jade is a desired stone prized for thousands of year in China for its protective powers and healing qualities. Today, the Jade is regarded as a symbol of the good and the beautiful. It embodies the Confucian virtues of compassion, wisdom, humility, peace, harmony, modesty, justice and courage.

Each egg is hand painted and comes with a stand. The set of Jade Eggs with Painting of Birds and Flowers is truly a precious collectible.

Kalachakra Symbol Good Luck The All-Powerful Ten The All-Powerful Ten means freedom; it is the essence of the Wheel of The Time. The Kalachakra has been used as a deterrent to negative energy and to maximise good omens. As a feng shui remedy, it can be placed beneath eaves, anywhere indoors and in temples.

Kalachakra Symbol

Laughing Buddha Sitting on a Gold Ingot Rub the Buddha's belly to bring happiness and good fortune. Fill your life with Buddha Joy and Happiness!

The Buddha deity is considered by the Chinese as one of the most important Feng Shui symbols to keep in the hom brings a smile to one's own face. When placed in the home, the laughing Buddha brings a sense of; 




The Buddha's pot belly symbolizes material wealth. A lovely Feng Shui item for the home. We recommend you to plac an elevated height.

As well as being placed in the home, it is useful in the work place next to or under your computer monitor, for th pressure" moments.

Laughing Buddha on a Dragon Tortoise

The Laughing Buddha makes an excellent gift for those suffering through misfortunes and bad luck. In Feng Shui, the Laughing Buddha, also known by Buddhists as Matreiya, is one of the most supreme symbols of joy and wellbeing. When this jolly character is placed within any home, he will do wonders for all the residents inside; in addition to revitalizing any dead or negative chi and relieving tension, he will also summon fortune and riches for all the family members. The Laughing Buddha is commonly displayed in the office and prominent places in business venues, such as the front counter, lobby or cashier. He is also a highly revered figure placed at the altar in many Buddhist temples. The Laughing Buddha himself is a vision of happiness; his face is always in a happy, laughing expression (hence his name) and his position is jolly. He is a manifestation of wealth luck due to all the auspicious symbols that he holds. He also usually keeps beside him pots and bags filled with treasures. This exceedingly good fortune Laughing Buddha sitting on a mountain of prosperities with a bonus Dragon Tortoise symbol will attract wealth luck for you like a magnet. The Dragon Tortoise, a mythical animal made of the two celestial animals, the Dragon and the Tortoise, is a smooth blend of ambition and wisdom. It is a feng shui symbol of support from important

people, as well as an increase in wealth luck. Because it is such an ideal amalgamation of the qualities of both the dragon (perseverance and pluck) and the tortoise (steadfastness and stability), it is a fantastic figure to instigate career luck and job development, defeating competition and reviving reputation. The Laughing Buddha is a sure mood lifter when looked at, no matter how down one can be. Everyone could definitely use one of these in their home or office In Feng Shui, the Laughing Buddha can be used in many ways to best reap his abundant rewards: 1.

If your family suffers from arguments and tensions, then an image or figurine of the Laughing Buddha will solve these problems. Simply place him in the East Sector (Family Luck) (Feng Shui Bagua Formula) or a location where he can be seen when everyone is sitting around in your living room or main hall.


For those who wish to enhance their luck in the aspects of wealth, self-development, wellbeing and victory, displaying the Laughing Buddha with Dragon Tortoise in your personal Sheng Chi direction (Feng Shui Kua Formula) will serve to help you achieve your goals.


When the Laughing Buddha with Dragon Tortoise is displayed in the Southeast Sector (Feng Shui Bagua Formula) of the main hall, dining room or bedroom of your home, he will bring family members immense windfall luck and increase income.


For those in competitive careers or high positions, such as CEOs or politicians, a Feng Shui Laughing Buddha with Dragon Tortoise placed in the workplace or household will serve to summon luck and eliminate enemies‘ effects. It will also allow for a clear mind and reduction of tension.


To prevent betrayals and arguments with colleagues, display this Feng Shui product on your desk at work. This will also allow you to excel in your career.


For students who are seeking to enhance educational luck, a Feng Shui Laughing Buddha with Dragon Tortoise positioned on the study desk will allow you to attain your academic aspirations.


It is for many reasons that the Laughing Buddha makes the perfect present for almost any auspicious occasions; for people you know who are suffering through misfortunes and bad luck, the Laughing Buddha would make an perfect good luck gift.


This Laughing Buddha with Dragon Tortoise is an excellent Feng Shui cure for the #3 Flying Star argumentative star. The gold colour represents the metal element, which destroys the quarrelsome energies of the #3 wood star that brings disharmony and discord. Place this Feng Shui cure in the afflicted sector.


To create the means for a blissful, untroubled life, display this feng shui symbol in your home, facing your main entrance. Doing so will prevent danger from coming into your home, causing accidents and harm to family members, as well as make all your business endeavours fruitful.


To attain the support of influential figures in the workplace, such as your supervisors and bosses, place the Laughing Buddha with Dragon Tortoise behind your work desk or area. In addition, this good luck symbol will prevent all forms of backstabbing and betrayal, allowing for the opportunity of promotion.


To foster longevity and wellbeing for your entire family, display the Laughing Buddha Dragon Tortoise in the East sector of your home; according to Feng Shui Bagua 8 Life Aspiration formula, this sector influences family ties and bonds as well as health. Note The Laughing Buddha is highly revered in both Buddhism and Feng Shui, and so he should be treated with respect; never place him in the kitchen, in the bathroom or on the floor.

Laughing Buddha on a Money Frog

This is a beautiful masterpiece for those seeking good fortune and wealth. Depicted is the ever cheerful face of Buddha, holding a gold ingot in his left hand and accompanied by a money frog, sitting on a pile of gold coins and ingots with a sack of treasure at his back, the Golden Good Fortune Laughing Buddha with Money Frog is a must for those seeking to magnify their wealth luck. Its glossy bright golden color further magnify its potency as a fortune bringer Feng Shui enhancer. Perfect for your office and business premises. Place it near your cash register or counter to attract more sales and business. Suitable for your homes too. With this Laughing Buddha by your side, you could have a smile on your face and money in your pocket. A good place to put the Laughing Buddha is in the living room, preferably facing the front door to harness good fortune while staving off bad luck, to bring in harmony and take away quarrelling's, to absorb negative Ch’i and emanate auspicious energies.

Longevity and Good Health Medallion

This medallion represents long life and good health. Pictured is Shou the deity of Good Health and Longevity. The Crane and the Deer are also well known symbols of longevity. Long life grants us the opportunity to do good, distribute happiness, improve ourselves and achieve our goals. To achieve longevity and good health, you may either; 

wear this medallion

hang it in the center of your home, the sector which represents health

Chinese Lopan Compasses For divining energies & directional influences. The authentic tool of a Feng Shui consultant. To learn the art of reading and truly understanding the Lopan can be a life time study. Yet for those who have the wisdom and diligence, this tool can provide all the answers to everything occurring in the environment and the people who live in it. Beautiful and neat, it can be displayed as a decorative item in your homes or office and will be sure to grab attention and strike interesting conversation.

Bagua Coins Lucky Charm This tassel is shown on one side with 12 Chinese zodiac sign animals surrounding a round mirror. On the other side it has eight trigrams marked around a tigers head. It's tied with a mystic knot, in addition to three Chinese coins.

Mandala Print Talisman With Universal Tortoise

This is a pocket size carry-along Tibetan Buddhist Charm Mandala ideal for your wallet or purse. It is an excellent remedy for the malevolent #3 hostile star that brings quarrels, verbal assaults, hostilities, negative encounters, lawsuits and court case. Having this powerful talisman close to you will suppress not only the #3 quarrelsome star but also dissolve other threatening energies directing at you, thus giving you peace of mind. Carrying the Mandala Print Talisman with you all the time will also act like a personal guardian against the malicious #5 Yellow star which brings accidents, misfortunes, financial loss and severe problems

Mandarin Ducks Improve your Love Life and Solve Relationship Problems

In Feng Shui, a pair of Mandarin Ducks symbolizes happiness in love and is suggestive of romance, devotion, affection, conjugal fidelity, togetherness and enduring love. Mandarin ducks live in couples and deeply mourn the loss of their mates, which is why the bird has long been regarded as the most traditional and potent symbol of love and married bliss in Feng Shui practice. It is said that if one duck becomes separated from its mate, it will keep longing for its other half and will eventually die of loneliness. When placed in together nearby their owners, Mandarin Ducks becomes a powerful cure to attract or enhance love and relationships. For singles, the pair of Mandarin Ducks will enhance your chances of finding love partners; for lovers, it will bring you marriage opportunities; and for married couples, a pair of Mandarin Ducks will hold out the promise of a marriage being gloriously happy with no separation between the spouses. Here is how you can use the Mandarin Ducks to Feng Shui your way to a better relationship, marriage and love life; 1.

To enhance marriage, love and romance luck, Mandarin Ducks should be kept in a pair in the romance corner of the occupants of a home i.e. bedroom, living room, work desk or in the universal love corner, the South West based on the Pakua's Life Aspirations Theory (refer to the Bagua).


If you are single, to attract a new partner the Mandarin Ducks should face each other and be placed on the same side of the bed where you sleep.


If you are married, to preserve or enhance an existing relationship the Mandarin Ducks should be alongside each other and be placed on the nightstand on the husband’s side.


For a happy marriage and to ensure joyous unions, display the Mandarin Ducks symbol in your personal Nien Yen or Romance direction based on your Kua number (Eight Mansion Theory).

Never place Mandarin Ducks alone or separated from their mate. If possible, keep them well lighted.


Goddess of the Sun. Traveller’s Protection. Marici rides a throne/chariot drawn along by seven boars. Glorious One. Sun of Happiness. In Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism, Marici is a deva or bodhisattva associated with light and the sun.

Chinese Military Wealth God

The Chinese have several deities that they regard as the wealth god. This is one of the most popular Chinese Gods of Wealth depicted wearing a dragon robe, carrying a gold ingot and sitting on a tiger. What the God of Wealth symbolizes and how it can be applied in Feng Shui The God of Wealth, or ‘Chai Sen Yeh’ is one of the most popular symbols of wealth, prosperity and fortune. He’s extremely popular in the Chinese community so much so that elaborate rituals are performed during the Chinese lunar new year to welcome the God of Wealth into the household thereby bringing in lots of good fortune and magnifying windfall and speculative luck in life for the year to come. Display the image of the God of Wealth in your living room, main hall or offices for wealth luck; in good times, he brings prosperity; in bad times, he protects your family from poverty. He is best placed facing directly the entrance. If this is not possible, place the Wealth God diagonally but still facing toward the entrance. Like Fuk Luk Sau, you do not have to pray to this deity. You can also place the God of Wealth in: 

Your Sheng Chi or Best direction based on your KUA number (8 Mansion Theory)

Southeast sector to activate your wealth luck as this is the universal wealth corner based on Pakua 8 Life Aspirations theory.

Water star-8 location in your home or workplace.

Although Wealth Gods are not worshipped or prayed to as deities, do treat them with respect. Do not place them on the floor, toilet areas or kitchen

Nazar Boncuk and the Seven Glass Elephants

Also known as The Blue Eye of Protection and Seven Elephants for Success and Protection ...

Here we have 7 glass elephants, from small to large, attached to what is known in Turkey as Nazar Boncuk, or the evil eye. The smallest elephant is at the top, and measures 2.7 cm across, whereas the largest is at the bottom and measures 3.5 cm.

Nazar Boncuk, the Evil Eye Amulet For hundreds of years the 'Evil Eye', also known as Nazar Boncuk in Turkey, was used as an amulet to ward off evil intentions such as envy and misfortune. It is still commonly seen in Turkey in offices and homes, and is used in Nazar Boncuk, the "evil

jewellery, including for babies, on vehicles, doors, horses and even cell phones.

eye" amulet

It is typically hand made from glass, and is composed of concentric circles or droplet shapes – from inside out: dark blue (or black), light blue, white and black and is sometimes referred to as the blue eye.

The String of Seven Elephants The string of seven Elephants combined with the Nazar Boncuk symbolises a successful outcome for all your efforts. Presented in a gift box the Nazar Boncuk and Seven Glass Elephants makes an ideal unique gift for loved ones or friends alike.

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