Feng Shui

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

Feng Shui


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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business  Table of Contents   What Is Feng Shui?


Methods of Feng Shui


The Five Elements of Feng Shui


The Colors of Feng Shui


Creating A Happy Home With Feng Shui


Incorporating Feng Shui If Your Home Is In A Cul-de-sac


Feng Shui for Your Kitchen


Create Wealth and Abundance Using Feng Shui in Your Bathroom


Implementing the Concept of Feng Shui with Mirrors


Feng Shui in Your Bedroom to Enhance Your Love Life


Feng Shui for Your Home Based Business


Using Feng Shui for Your Internet Business


Using Feng Shui for a Retail Business


How to Get A Feng Shui Consultant







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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

What Is Feng Shui? Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for people occupying it. It is part art and part science that came about over 3,000 years ago in ancient China. The word “feng” means wind and “shui” means water. Therefore Feng Shui means “wind water”. Chinese culture associate wind that is gentle and water that is clear to represent good health and harvest. Therefore good feng shui is related to good fortune, while bad feng shui means bad luck, or misfortune. Feng Shui is based on the Taoist philosophy and understanding of nature, principally on the belief that the land is alive and filled with energy known as Chi. Taoism is the ancient Chinese philosophy that treat the duality of nature in the Yin and Yang theories found in all aspect of Chinese life. It is this belief that also brought about the concept of the five feng shui elements. The principle tools used when doing a Feng Shui analysis are: the Compass and the Ba-Gua. The Ba-Gua is an octagonal grid on which the symbols of the I Ching are inscribed. To fully understand the concept on how energy flows in your house you need to know its bagua. The compass name “lo-pan”,"Lo" “lo-pan”,"Lo" means "everything" and "pan" means "bowl", which can be interpreted as the explanation to the mysteries of the universe. Lo-pan universe.  Lo-pan is used to gain deep understanding of additional information about a facility. When using Lo-pan the magnetic needle is surrounded by concentric rings that are strategically placed.  As a student of Feng Shui, it can be very difficult to understand as there are different school, however you can achieve a lot and have a good © Elix Ente nterpri prise Inc. All right reserve worldwide



Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

understanding if you start off at the basic level. The results you obtain will affect how you perceive Feng Shui. Those results will entice you to apply Feng Shui in both personal and business life. To correct the balance or the flow of ene energy rgy Feng Shui offers a variety of what is known as “feng shui cures”. Some of the props used to attain cure are: •






 Although some levels of feng shui are easy to understand and apply, A complete understanding of this ancient knowledge takes years of study. Just like traditional Chinese medicine, feng shui knowledge is deep and complex  

Methods of Feng Shui  As mention earlier Feng Shui is complex if you would like to apply the Feng Shui principle in your life it is recommended to begin with the basic and with time you will be able to move to more complex one.  As a starter, starter, here are some things that you can implement:

Air and light of good quality  – The starting of any Feng Shui cure is your light. Since Feng Shui is all about energy and light is the biggest emanation of energy. When starting, you will soon see some benefit by having good Chi. In order to control this principle it’s a good idea to allow as much natural light as possible into your home. Also adjust the artificial lights so that your leaving place has a © Elix Ente nterpri prise Inc. All right reserve worldwide



Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

well balance lighting. Don’t use fluorescent light whenever possible. The windows should be frequent open on a daily basis. For plant lover, acquire some air purifying plants for Feng Shui. Ba-Gua  – Ba-gua is one of the main Feng Shui tools used to analyze the feng shui energy of any given space. Your Your Ba-Gua, will pin point out which areas or rooms in your home are connected with the Feng Shui energy flow. Ba-gua literally means "8 areas" in Chinese and the compass is use to map the Ba-gua.  

Get rid of clutter  – It is a known fact that clutter hamper your life, in fact according to Feng Shui it prevents the flow of Chi. You should rid your living space of everything that has no sentimental meaning to you or reminds you of bad events in your life. If you have a lot of clutter, all of it can’t be removed overnight. You could actually use high Feng Shui energy to help you clean your clutter. Once done, you will feel like a heavy burden has been lifted from your shoulders. This release is very important as it will make it easier for you to move to the next level. Five Elements  – Feng Shui uses the five elements to adjust the energy of your house. In order to balance the energy and achieve what you want you will need to get familiar with their occurrences level around your house. You will notice that for certain areas, some elements will need to be stronger. It also depends on what area of your home you’re looking to put into practice Feng Shui.  

Birth Element  – Wood and Fire are considered the birth elements and along with that you will need a color to correspond with the elements. Specific shapes are also use in conjunction with the element and color for good Feng Shui.   © Elix Ente nterpri prise Inc. All right reserve worldwide



Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business  The

Five Elements of Feng Shui

One of the fundamental principles of Feng Shui is the principle of the five elements. They are Fire, Earth, Metal and Water and interact with each other in accordance with the rotation of the Productive and Destructive Cycles. Each element is represented by a specific color. Some of the elements will use more than one color. The best way to bring balance and more happiness into your space is through the use of color.

Here are the five elements and their corresponding colors:

Wood  – Represents and provides energy for health and vitality; it also represents abundance and is considered a cure for wealth and prosperity. This element resides in the East and Southeast areas of your space. The Wood Element is also good for use in the South. The Wood Element colors are brown and green.

Fire  – Represents high energy and passion; it provides energy to things that are career related. It will also provide assistance to have you recognized in your achievements. This element resides in the South, Northeast and Southwest areas of your space. The Fire Element colors are Red, Orange, Purple, Pink and Strong Yello ellow w.

Water  – Represents easiness, abundance and freshness; it also represents calm and purity. Water is considered a cure for Feng Shui. It can be used in the North, East and Southeast areas of your space. The Element colors for Water

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

are blue and black.

Earth  – Represents stability and nourishment; it also represents protection for your relationships. It can be used in the Northeast, Southeast and Center areas of your space. The Earth Element colors are beige and yellow.

Metal  – Represents precision and clarity; it also represents exactness and efficiency. It will bring clarity and light in your life. It can be used in the West, North and Northwest areas of your space. The Metal Element is ideal for your home or business. The Metal Element colors are white and gray.  

Productive and Destructive Cycles The Productive and Destructive cycles control the five elements of Feng Shui. Wood is the first element of the Productive Cycle; it is produced by the Element Water. The Cycle continues with the creation of Fire, Earth, Metal and last but not least, Water, in that order. The Cycle is infinite that is it does not stop as each element complement each other. They also maintain a positive flow within one another. Even though it’s on the opposite end, the Destructive Cycle has  just as much prominence as the Productive Cycle. In the destructive cycle anything that is negative or contributes to decay is removed. This makes way for positive flow and will help the Feng Shui process. Within this Cycle, Wood is responsible for separating Earth. Earth in turn, soaks up Water; Water put out Fire; Fire melts Metal; and Metal cuts up Wood. This too, is another cycle that goes around in circles and doesn’t stop.

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

This is a visual representation of the productive and destructive cycles of the seven elements

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

Cardinal points in Feng Shui Each quadrant (direction) also has its own color association:

East and Southeast – Dominant green South – Dominant red Southwest – Dominant yellow West and Northwest – Dominant white or metallic

Within the directions and color schemes, alternate colors can also be used at the basic level. Blue and black can be used for the East and Southeast.  Anything in the red family can be used for the Southwest and Northwest.  Anything in the yellow, yellow, beige and brown family with any combinations can be used for the West and Northwest. White is the color used in the North since Metal creates Water. In the South, green can be used because Wood creates Fire. The colors don’t have to stand by themselves. They can be supplemented or combined with others to create powerful statements. With Feng Shui, you must keep balance and harmony. These attributes are needed in order to keep the harmonious and positive flow of Chi.

 The Element Fire produces Y Yang ang energ energy y. It is re represented presented by the color red.

Since fire is a an important element in Feng Shui the judicious use of candles and light are simple ways of increasing the flow of energy in your environment. If there is a lack of intimacy in your life or you want to be close to someone, Earth energy would be needed. Use and balance of earth energy will contribute

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

in helping your marriage in a positive way. Earth Energy can also help you in other relationships. To To increase Earth Energy you can use things like crystals cr ystals and ceramics, things made from earthenware will enhance this energy. Since Metal is created by Earth, you can benefits from its influence as Metal Energy will also be present, taking advantage of the synergy would be a smart thing to do.

Metal is a Yang Elements that happens to have a positive effect. Metal is also responsible for creating crea ting Water. Water. This will help with the Chi flow. Since Water being a part of the Chi flow, the flow won’t stop. Water helps to have Chi flowing in different areas of life. With Feng Shui, flowing water is considered to be quieting and relaxing. Water is use to implement the flow energy in your home. If you are looking to advance or start your career, water can be used for that purpose. It also represents wealth and prosperity prosperity.. A good prop to employ for Water Energy would be an aquarium or a water fountain. This can have positive vibes in certain areas of your home. However water is not recommended in the bedroom.

The Wood Element connects with your home and garden. You can place wooden objects in certain areas in order to obtain more wealth. They can be placed near plants and flowers. One strategy use to increase wealth is installing a wooden bench in the area of your garden that is designated for Wealth.  

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

The Colors of Feng Shui Black Black is the color of mystery. mystery. It also pro provides vides protection. It s symbolizes ymbolizes nighttime when it gets dark, and it also represents an empty space. It can be use to provide intensity to any area. If it is used often, it can translate into a heavy atmosphere. Black is also used to provide strength. This color can be used in the East, North and Southeast. It should not be used in the South. It can be used in a child’s bedroom, but not a lot. It can also be used in the common areas of your home. If you’re trying to attract energy for career advancement or to create opportunities, it can be used in the North area of anyone’s space. Black can be combined with white to be used on furniture.  

Brown The color brown is used in the East, Southeast and the South. The energy from this color provides plenty of nourishment. It can be associated with different foods and drinks, such as chocolate and coffee. Brown can also be used for the common areas of your home. You should refrain from using much of the color Brown in a child’s bedroom or the Southwest area. If there is too much of that color in any area, it may cause people not to take a step forward.  

Green This color represents revival and a fresh start. Green provides nourishment and keeps peace in your life. When incorporated with Feng Shui, you should use different hue of green, instead of just one shade. One way to accomplish this is to use plants that have fresh foliage. Green is also known to provide healing. It can be used more so in the South, East and Southeast areas. There are © Eli Elix Enter nterpr priise Inc. nc. All All righ rightt res eser erve ve worl worldw dwid idee



Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

different shades of green that can be used in Feng Shui.  

Red When the colors for Feng Shui are used in the right arrangement, your environment will be the recipient of good Feng Shui energy. The color red contributes to the Fire Element to provide energy. Fire can be considered as a creative aspect and a destructive aspect. Fire is a symbol for sun and life and energy that comes from it. Bringing this Element in your home, you can experience happiness and a desire to be sexually fulfilled. Red also represents passion and celebration. The Chinese use the color red for happiness and luck. In India, the color red is use for weddings, and in the West, the color red stands for romance and courage. In decoration, red is used for richness; however careful implementation is required as you should consider not using too much, otherwise, it can provoke anger and excessive stimulation. With Feng Shui, red can be used in children’s bedrooms with caution. It can also be used in the common areas of the home, such as the dining and living rooms and the kitchen area. In the East, Southeast, West and Northwest areas of your home, you can use the color red, but you are limited to how much you should use. Red is a perfect candidate to use in the South.  

Orange Orange has been nicknamed the “social” color. Orange is responsible for providing the energy from Feng Shui to engage in spirited conversations and to have good feelings in your home. When the winter season approaches, Orange is used as a reminder of the summer season. Log fires also come into play with the color of orange. Just like red represents fire, so does orange. It is not a good © Eli Elix Enter nterpr priise Inc. nc. All All righ rightt res eser erve ve worl worldw dwid idee



Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

color for the areas of the West and Northwest. In addition to that, this color should not be seen in the East and Southeast. These areas are controlled by other elements of Feng Shui. Orange can be used in the common areas, such as the living and dining rooms, kitchen, and anywhere else where the environment can have action and lots of energy. It’s a good idea to bring in this color by using some Feng Shui products or accessories. Since orange is considered a soft and warm color, it is easy to incorporate it in Feng Shui. It is a beautiful sight to see as a sunset. It enhances the rooms and makes things stand out.  

Purple One must be careful so as not to overuse the color purple. This is very strong color, and has a relationship with the spirit world. It is not recommended to use it on the walls. It can however, be used in a space where you meditate. When you use this color at home, be very careful in using it sparingly. It is recommended to use the lighter hue of the colors. It can be used in the East South and West areas, with limitations. A good way for the color purple to be implemented in Feng Shui is to use the crystal A Amethyst. methyst.  

Pink Pink is the color of love. It can also be used to keep the energy calm. It also works to quiet the heart and provide it with lots of love. This color is used mostly in the Southwest area. It is also in line with marriage. When decorating, use a soft shade. In area where there is hot and heavy energy, hot pink is used. Pink is great color to use in a little girl’s bedroom; this may sound cliché but it’s true. There are several common combinations of pink that include pink and black , © Eli Elix Enter nterpr priise Inc. nc. All All righ rightt res eser erve ve worl worldw dwid idee



Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

pink and green. Pink and green represents activity. Pink and black represents a retro style. In Feng Shui, rose quartz crystals are often used to bring about love. These soft pink crystals are believed to soothe the soul.  

 Y  Yellow ellow The color yellow usually reminds us of the sun. It brightens up any space and provides an pleasing atmosphere. You have a whole spectrum to choose from when it comes to yellow. This color is best suited for a child’s bedroom and the family room. If you have a dull looking room, using the color yellow will instantly light it up. It represents the Fire Element, but in a softer way than the color Red does. It is easier to deal with on a larger scale. Yellow can be used to heighten self-esteem. However when using u sing hot yellow, don’t use too much mu ch of it. Y Yellow ellow can is used in the East and Southeast areas.  

Gray Out of all color, gray stands out as being the dullest one, it doesn’t seam to have much life. However, the shade of gray known as the “noble gray” is considered a little more cheerful. Gray is used in the West, Northwest and North areas of BaGua. It should not be used too much in the East and Southeast. Wood is the dominant Element in those areas. As a matter of fact, gray can provide good Feng Shui energy into most of the common areas in your home. It can provide a clear focus to any space in your home. Gray also represents the energy of the Metal Element.  

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

White White is the representation of Yoga rituals, in With Feng Shui, it stands for quietness and innocence. It also represents the beginnings and endings. It has a clean and fresh fresh focus. focus. In Feng Shui white can be used anywhere in your home. In the East and Southeast, it’s not a good idea to use all white. You can use other colors in association with it. You can have white space in your bathroom or mediation room. This will help with healing in your home. It is believe to provide possibilities never explored before along with a promising future.  

Blue Blue represents the clear skies and waters. It is usually use in the East and Southeast of anyone’s space. Since blue is connected with Water, the energy emanated from it is responsible for supplying nourishment to the Wood Element. It is best used in decoration or art. Blue can also be used as ceilings’ color. It’s been note that when studying in a room with blue ceiling students did better in their studies. To bring about harmony, a light blue color would work well. well. We will use dark blue to bring about peace and quiet. A deep blue color can be used in the bedroom to help get to sleep. For the South, West and Northwest areas, deep blue should not be utilized much. Blue and white colors can be combined to provide good energy flow.

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

Creating a Happy Home with Feng Shui Feng Shui is all about energy flow flow,, when we cure an area we regulate the energy flow by bringing more or reducing the flow of energy. energy. There is always energy around us that continues to is constantly circulating. When you can use Feng Shui in your home, you are incorporating the principles that can help you have a healthy and happy home. Once the principles of Feng Shui are applied, expect the atmosphere to change. When people come to visit, they will feel happier to be in your home and in your presence. As they say happiness is contagious, so if they the y are happ happy y, you will be happy happy.. If you were pessimistic before, your demeanor will change to the opposite. On condition that you keep the exchange of positive energy flowing, you will be able to take pleasure in this type of environment.

 Acquaint yourself with certain areas of your home. The more you are aware of what the areas are comprised of, the more success you will have in incorporating the principles of Feng Shui those areas. As such, you will be able to transfer those transformations to other areas of your life, including your relationships with family members and friends. Let’s look at some of the things that can do and enhance your home:

You should have a connection with your home. Examine the areas of your home and determine which parts do not line up with the Feng Shui principles. Whatever doesn’t line up will eventually have a detrimental effect in your life. It will also cause you not to have as much energy in some aspect of your daily life. Don’t overreact when your home or certain areas in it are not responding the

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

way you would like them them to. For example, let’s say you have a basement that is in need of painting; don’t get upset because it hasn’t been painted. Create some Feng Shui instructions for yourself so that you can go ahead and get the work done. Don’t get angry or agitated as you compile the cures. Just think of it as something that has to be done. At times let out your emotions, but don’t allow them to be of hindrance to your mission. •

Clear out clutter - when you remove clutter from your home, you

provides positive and fresh energy. Y Your our home will also be hea healthier lthier as a result. Having clutter represents confusion and indecisiveness.

Clutter has been demonstrated to have a negative effect when you’re

working to incorporate Feng Shui in your life. Once the clutter is gone, you will have a sense of relief and whatever stress you had will be gone. This can also help you to improved peace of mind.   •

Improve your relationship – If you feel that there is some lack in your

relationships, whether it’s a marriage, friendship, or relationship with your children, siblings, parents or other relatives then you are not in alignment with the energy flow. How does this work in the equation? Well, having positive relationships will provide you with more energy. People want to feel that someone cares about their well-being. Maintaining any kind of relationship takes work and it doesn’t happen overnight. There are some that are healthy, and others are just falling by the wayside; work on those. In regard to your your home, there are some Feng Shui principle that you can apply to help you keep your relationships fresh and positive:   © Eli Elix Enter nterpr priise Inc. nc. All All righ rightt res eser erve ve worl worldw dwid idee



Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business •

Rearrange of your furniture - If you have enough room, move your

furniture around, to different angle or another wall. Don’t keep any furniture, such as a couch, bed, table or chairs in the same configuration every year. It starts to become monotonous. Moving your furniture around can help provide more energy in those areas.   •

Bring in more positive energy- Whatever area of your house it is,

focus on providing additional positive energy. Some way to do that is by having fresh fruits, fresh flowers, or anything that is fresh and stands out.   •

Uncluttered - Your bedrooms, bathrooms and closets should be

clutter free. A good gauge is that they should be areas you wouldn’t mind people looking if you were showing your house.   •

Remove interference - Having a television in your bedroom is not

necessarily a good idea. It can be a distraction from your actual purpose.   •

Hang pictures - Hang pictures of you and your loved ones in a

positive attitude.  

Space out - Don’t crowd people and don’t allow them to crowd you.

Everyone needs space and time for themselves.   •

Turn on the tune - Listen to music that is relaxing and soothes the

soul. Certain types of music can provide great influx of energy in the right environment.

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

Incorporating Feng Shui If Your Your Home Is In A Cul-de-sac You may found that when your home is located in a cul-de-sac the principles of Feng Shui may not show kind of result that may be expected. However, that’s not speaking for all of the homes in that curved area. There are some homes that have good flow of energy and still may not get the flow of Chi coming through. Below is an explanation as to why a cul-de-sac home may not receive the proper flow of Feng Shui that it should.

When a home is located in a cul-de-sac, there is a back and forth movement of shared energy between three or more homes. The energy within those homes oscillates and can’t be still. This causes less energy to flow through; of course, this damper the amount of energy flowing in the homes in that particular cul-desac.

Here are some ways to address this particular Feng Shui issue: •

The landscaping should be neat and provide energy. The homes should also have a quality backing that is sturdy and will hold up. Evergreens can also be planted in the back of the home.

The walkway to the front of the home should be curved. Also in the front of the home, plant some greens and decorate with colorful rocks. At least the person coming to visit will have something to look at as they step to the front of your home.

Install a fountain or moving water outside of your home. You can attain the same result by install a birdbath. According to the Feng Shui principle, the fountain or birdbath should be installed in the direction that your home is © Eli Elix Enter nterpr priise Inc. nc. All All righ rightt res eser erve ve worl worldw dwid idee



Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

facing. In addition to that, the water flow should be flowing in the same direction. •

Your front door may need to be of a certain color. If your door is facing North, you may want to pick a black or blue color for the door. Since that color represents calm, you don’t have to concern yourself with a lot of confusion in and around your home.

Just remember that each home is different, there may be some homes within a particular cul-de-sac that may have plenty of energy for Feng Shui. There may be some outside of that area that do not have that enough energy. There are several factors that we may have to consider here. For example are the doors in the house in direct alignment. When using Feng Shui, it’s important that the doors inside and outside of the house are covered. This seam petty and are usually ignored. However, it is as important, if not more as the rest of the spaces in the home. Direct alignment of more than one door is not proper. It can contribute to bad Feng Shui. Even though the concept of Feng Shui is to have a balance with the energy flow in your home, having a direct alignment with more than one door cannot work. The quality of energy flow from Feng Shui is going to decrease.

One crucial area where you do not want direct alignment is with the front and the back door. The majority of the energy from the good Feng Shui is from the front door. If those two doors are aligned, the energy will quickly travel out through the back door. This is not good because the energy from the good Feng Shui need to permeate throughout your home. Nourishment is also needed.

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business •

Take note of what kind of energy is flowing through out your home. If there is not enough, see what you can do to create more energy for good Feng Shui. However, if you do have doors in your home that are directly aligned

with each other, there are steps that you can take to rectify the situation: Since you cannot change the way the doors are situated, you may have to change the color of one of the doors. The color change will bring a different relationship between the doors; one of them will have more strength than the other.

 Another method is to place a small round table where the energy is the strongest, this will direct the energy elsewhere and the energy will slow down. You can even improve this setting by adding a vase or similar container with fresh flowers. These steps will give more credence to the energy. If you don’t want to use fresh flowers, get a plant in a pot. Having a plant will also send the energy in another direction. The whole idea is to redirect the energy in another direction. Don’t forget to incorporate Chi and send the water flow in another direction. It’s important to keep the Feng Shui energy flowing in your home.  

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

Feng Shui for Your Your Kitchen  Applying the Feng Shui principle in your kitchen will take some surveying. You You have to look at its orientation in relation to the rest of the home. Basically how it fits within the home. The kitchen is usually located adjacent to the backyard of the home. There’s a good reason for that. From a visual standpoint, if the kitchen was near or at the front, it could pose a framework of issues with eating and nutrition. Having it in the front of the home could mean that you may be tempted to eat every time you enter. It would be just as bad if you have guests coming to visit. The first thing they would want to do is eat. However, if your home is set up like this, you can do something about it. You could purchase a curtain and install in the kitchen entryway. Or, you could have French doors install in that area. Another idea you could implement is to have something that will peak someone interest. This will cause a distraction on the real focus (the kitchen).

When cooking according to the Feng Shui principle you should have an eye on the entryway of the kitchen. However, in most kitchens the stove is facing the wall. To implement to the Feng Shui method while cooking you can put a mirror over the stove. In newer homes, builders are now including islands that sit in the middle of the kitchen area. This is applying good Feng Shui concept. When the island is strategically placed in the middle, the person that is cooking can see what’s going and be involved what’s happening with on in another area. This type of kitchen setup is inviting as it allows other people to come in and help cook.

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

In Feng Shui, the stove is the symbol of health and wealth. All of the burners should be equally used by rotating your cooking. Don’t use one or two burners and leave the rest unused. Using all four in equally can cause you to receive money from more than one source. It has been noted that with the older model stoves are actually better because they incorporate the Feng Shui method by slowing down. Take a good look at what’s going on and what you’re doing you can easily understand the Feng Shui principle.

While microwaving your food may be quick and convenient, on the other hand you may feel rushed. People that faithfully practice the Feng Shui method do not like to use microwaves as it dissipate to lots of radiation.  

The kitchen should be one of the cleanest areas in the home. It should also be clutter-free. If you have anything that is not working properly or not working at all, it should be discarded as it defeats the purpose and the principles of Feng Shui.

You can also use different design and patterns from the Feng Shui concept. The methods most used are a Shaker style concept, contemporary with solid colors and wood grains and a wealthy look that comes with carvings and other related decoration. The kitchen should have adequate lit and using different types of lighting. There should be enough space to move around. The more space you have, the better. If it means you have to move machines and appliances to create more space, then so be it.

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

You don’t need a lot of kitchen equipment or utensils in front of you. Use only the things that you’re going to cook with. When you’re finished with those utensils, you can place them in the sink to be washed later. At least they will be out of the way. To increase the energy in the kitchen, you may want to have some fruit, flowers or a plant on then table. This will also brighten up the kitchen and make it look more inviting. Cooking in the kitchen is where the heart is. You want to have a place where people can come and enjoy your company.


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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

Cre Cr eate Wealth and Abundance Usi Using Feng Shui hui in Your Bathroom  A bathroom is one of the places where you can incorporation Feng Shu Shuii for the purpose of wealth. There are different strategies that you can use to accomplish this.

Color  – From the different elements, you can use different colors to achieve your goal of attracting wealth by using Feng Shui. For Wood, you should use brown and green; for Water, use blue and black; for Earth, you can use colors in the yellow and brown collection, such as light yellow or light beige.

Crystals – You can purchase Feng Shui crystals and use then in the bathroom. Mix them up using amethyst, citrine, rose quartz and others crystal. This combination can create a wealth cure in Feng Shui.

Bamboo  – Another Feng Shui cure for wealth and abundance abunda nce is to have 8 stalks of Lucky Bamboo. This cure is very popular and the bamboo can be found in plenty of floral retailers. However, you should take good care of them, bamboo is very easy to maintain, and it represents tranquility and relaxation. Bamboo is a plant in which all five elements of Feng Shui come into play.

Atmosphere  – Decorate your bathroom so that it looks like a spa. A spa is a place where you go to relax, having a massage. Your bathroom should be a place where you will have peace of mind.

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

Clutter  – Remove any excess or clutter that doesn’t need to be there. If you have items that have expired, get rid of them. If there are things that you haven’t used in a long time, get rid of those also. You want to have things in your bathroom that represent positive energy. It’s also important that the lighting be adequate.

Meaning of wealth  – Whatever wealth means to you, put it in the bathroom. It could be a picture, a poem or some quote that will remind you of wealth.  

Toilet seat  – The toilet seat should remain down when not in use. This will cause the energy to be maintained and not spread out everywhere outside of that area.


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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

Implementing the Concept of Feng Shui with Mirrors Mirrors are generally used to reflect something. People use them to look at themselves. With Feng Shui, mirrors help to bring in water. They are also used to pull in the Chi, and to widen space. Mirrors can change the way energy flows in a certain area. They are good for bringing peace and a fresh new outlook on life. Basic Feng Shui uses three types of mirrors. Here’s a brief synopsis of them:

Convex  – These mirrors are considered to represent protection. They are the watchful eyes and ears and most of the time, are utilized outside. They can also be used inside but they have to be framed a certain way. Concave  – In Feng Shui, these mirrors are ty typically pically used outside. T The he reflection from the mirrors is a smaller version of the image that is turned upside-down.

Typical  – Depending on the shape and the frame, it represents a certain Feng Shui cure. They are usually placed in the Southwest area of a space.

For more advance techniques there’s the Ba-Gua  Mirror. rror. This more specialized Ba-Gua Mi mirror is separate from the three mirrors mentioned above. It is a very powerful one and it is usually misused. The Ba-Gua Mirror is only made for outdoors use. Whenever you’re not feeling the right kind of energy in your home or business, then you will use this mirror to channel the Chi energy and bring in more harmony. The Ba-Gua Mirror should never be used for decoration.

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

The Ba-Gua Mirror can be found as both concave and convex. The Ba-Gua itself is made from wood and is available in green, red or gold. The Ba-Gua mirror is also a powerful charm for protection against harm or danger, such as direct attacks against you. You should consult with a knowledgeable Feng Shui practitioner or master to know the correct location to place the Ba-Gua Mirror. Quite often, it is placed above the main entrance of your home. This type of mirror should never be placed in the living room.  

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

Feng Shui in Your Bedroom To Enhance Your Love Life For a positive, intimate relationship with your mate, you need a good feng shui bedroom. A good feng shui bedroom is a bedroom that promotes a harmonious flow of nourishing and sensual energy. It is a place where it is fun and pleasurable to be in, either you are there for a quick nap, a good night sleep or to make passionate love.

The focal point of your bedroom should be the bed. It is recommended to a wood bed frame along with a natural mattress. The sheets that you sleep under should be made from cotton of the best quality you can get. The bedroom should be devoid of television and exercise machine. Other electronics should be restricted to minimum, only have a clock. These items destroy the good feng shui energy present in your bedroom. Sleeping is consider Yin so it is important that the bedroom is situated at the back of your home where there is minimal activity activity.. Enhance the flow of good Feng Shui in your bedroom by applying the following recommendations: 1.

The bedroom s should hould not be placed over the garage. This will cause

low energy and issues with your health. The electrical components of the vehicle parked in the garage usually interfere with the electromagnetic system of Feng Shui energy energy.. 2.

When ever possible, the bedroom should in close proximity to the

kitchen, bathroom, living room or children’s bedroom. 3.

Implementing the use of crystals, candles or essential oils will

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

rejuvenate the flow fresh energy which in turn will keep the flames going in your sex and love life. 4.

Open tthe he w windows indows as often as possible to prevent stale air in your

bedroom. A good quality air-purifier can also be use to refresh the air. Do not use plant to purify the air in a good Feng Shui bedroom. 5.

Good, suitable lighting is very important, as light is our most important

nutrient and one of the strongest manifestation of energy. Use a dimmer to adjust the light at the appropriate level

of energy flow. Candles are the best feng shui bedroom lighting, but be sure to buy candles that are toxins toxin free. 6.

Color is another way of achieving good feng shui balance in your

bedroom. The color scheme to achieve that is the “skin tone” which range from pale white to dark chocolate brown. This color s scheme cheme will also help you go to sleep better. 7.

Bedroom decoration is very important in Feng Shui as such any

bedroom art or picture should reflect the positive way you look at life. Stay away from using pieces that represent anything that is the opposite of that. 8.

The bed placement is an integrated part of attaining good Feng Shui

energy flow in the bedroom. Following these guidelines will help you achieve a good Feng Shui bedroom. a.

Locate your bed so it is easily approachable ffrom rom both

sides, b.

Have two bedside tables, one on each side.

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

c. 9.

Place the bed so it is not in a direct line with the door.

A good mattress, solid headboard and high quality sheets from natural

fibers are also very important in creating harmonious feng shui energy. 10. At night have all d doors oors in the bedroom closed, that should include closet and en-suite bathroom doors. Keeping the door close will keep the energy flowing and will enhance your relationship with your mate. Each person will have his own idea of what a perfect feng shui bedroom will look and feel like, however the common denominators are always items that will reflect the clear intent for love, healing and relaxation

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

Feng Shui for Your Home Based Business Feng Shui is becoming more and more popular among businessmen all over the world. Feng Shui has been an integral part of the Asian business world, I am sure you have all notice the aquarium at the Chinese restaurants. Conversely we are seeing a new trend in western businesses where Feng Shui principals are being applied. In fact, there are some famous businessmen in the United States who are using Feng Shui and have encountered good success in their business venture.

Due to the economic climate and uncertainty in the corporate world more people are steering towards towards entrepreneurship and are establishing an office office at home. These budding entrepreneurs are finding themselves somewhat perplexed because it becoming difficult for them to separate their home business from their personal life and they are also starving for interaction with other people. However, having a home base business can outweigh the challenges and frustrations that a 9 to 5 job provides.

Feng Shui, can be use to attract wealth and abundance in your home based business, here are some principles to incorporate in your business surrounding: •

You should always sit with a solid wall behind your back. Avoid Avoid sitting

with a window behind you.   •

You should not have a wall facing you while you’re at your desk

working or when you come into the office.  

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business •

Locate your wealth area and place your office equipment there.


In order for Chi to flow with harmony, tables and chairs should be

strategically arranged.   •

Have air-purifying plants in your home office will help supply you with

good quality fresh air and will also iincrease ncrease the amount of oxygen generated in that area.   •

Not all plants are created equal, other than air-purifying plants; plants

with sharp edges, such as cactus should never be in an office setting.   •

The entry door to your home office should be free of obstruction. If

obstruction exists, such as a table behind the door, the Chi will not flow correctly.   •

In order to enhance the occurrence of Chi, it is a good idea to install

a hanging crystal in your in your work area.   •

Your home office should of relative distance away from your

bedroom.   •

Your ho home me office should be about productivity productivity.. As such chose a

picture that will reflect that.   •

The copy machine should not be near the main entry door. The heat

from the copy machine will cause to Chi not to flow correctly.   © Eli Elix Enter nterpr priise Inc. nc. All All righ rightt res eser erve ve worl worldw dwid idee



Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business •

Do not place empty vases near the main entry door, the Chi will find

its way into the empty vase. This will be a detriment to your environment.   •

If you have clients that come to your home office, try placing a fish tank within the wealth area. This will help you get better results and probably more clients, which will translate in more money. Whenever applying this particular principle you will need to carefully follow the instructions, otherwise it won’t work.   •

It is always a good idea to install a small indoor fountain in your

wealth corner; this will allow the Chi to work properly. This technique will also help you health wise.   •

Keep your desks and surrounding areas clutter free. To help with

this, the Chinese do not use paper trays. This concept is starting gain popularity in the United States.   •

Extra care should be taken when illuminating your home office. Both

natural and artificial lighting should be uses. Accordingly there should be enough natural light; as you will not be able to function properly if there is a lack of natural light. For the artificial lights try those label full-spectrum. These emulate the full spectrum of natural light and have been branded as healthier to use.

There are different areas of your home office that need to be nurtured with Feng Shui. In the North area, the Water Element is used as well as Metal Element. © Eli Elix Enter nterpr priise Inc. nc. All All righ rightt res eser erve ve worl worldw dwid idee



Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

You can bring these energy in your home office by having images with black or white frames.

The South area are a uses Fire for energy. Y You ou should refrain from h having aving blue mirrors, or images of water that represent this color. The Southeast area is for images that represent prosperity and abundance. The Wood Element is used there. Avoid Fire and Metal images in these areas.

Using these Feng Shui principles will help your business to thrive and grow in prosperity and abundance.


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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

Using Feng Shui for Your Your Internet Business You can apply the Feng Shui principle to create harmon harmony y for your websites. Y Your our web pages must be properly aligned. You want the visitors that come to your site to be able to easily navigate and access the information. It should be a positive experience for them.

The pages should be clean and use bright colors for the background. If you create web pages with a dark color, it can be a turnoff to your visitors. In order to have the Chi flowing you can use bold colors. White and blue are a few that come to mind. These colors are the symbols of air and water. If you use colors that don’t blend very well, your your website will not look attractive. attractive. This alone will be an indication of bad Feng Shui.

Refrain from adding things like animated graphics that take away from the essence of the website. If animation is to be integrated as part of the website, then you have to ensure that it looks natural.

On your website, you should have an area that displays a logo. This logo would be on every web page that you create. Refrain from putting a lot of games and other gimmicks on your web pages. This can distract the visitors.

Your website should have a main menu page. All of the elements that you’re putting on the website should not be lined up on one side of the screen or cluttered on both sides of the screen.

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

 Avoid having a website that look so professional that no one will want to stay. stay. Create websites that will bring harmony and a good atmosphere to the visitors. If you’re going to incorporate music, use relaxing one. This will help to create positive Chi. The important thing with creating websites using Feng Shui principle is to have simple, easy to navigate pages that does not look rushed or cluttered. A busy page will turn away people in a heartbeat.

Using Feng Shui principle in website design and creation is about having a positive flow so that good Chi will continue to flow throughout  

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

Using Feng Shui for a Retail Business You are operating a retail store. Y You ou have plenty of products, bu butt you don’t seam to be able to attract or keep customers once they set foot in your business. You don’t understand what’s going on and need some assistance in this arena. Using the principles of Feng Shui can alter your situation. Here’s a look at some things that you can do to change the atmosphere of your business: •

You have too many things bunched together. The products are nice,

but there’s no rime or reason as to why they are together. This creates confusion and they may be thinking, “Why is this product here when it should be somewhere else?”   •

Start by removing some of the products and leave some space

between them. Bunching them up together does nothing but cause confusion to the customer. They feel it’s too much for them to look at.   •

 Arrange the products in different categories. Then you’ll see a

difference when customers come in. They’ll want to stay longer and look because they’re not confused and frustrated with what to purchase.   •

If the Feng Shui energy from the entry door to the back door is not

flowing properly, in turn, you don’t get customers or sales. The minute the customer walks in the door, they need to be drawn in by what you have.   •

Be clear on the products you offer and their benefits. Customers

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always want to know what’s in it for them. After all, you’re marketing to them, so why not let them know how they can benefit when they purchase.   •

The entry way and the front area should be more visible than the

back. They will see the front of the store first before they make their way back.   •

Your aisles sho should uld be clear. Y You ou should not have things in the way

creating obstacles for the customer. A customer doesn’t want to be squeezing through or stepping over things just to get by. Make room in the aisles so that they’ll have easy access to the products.   •

Conduct a survey or ask some of your customers what are the things

that you can changes in your store to make it more appealing. You might be surprised with the answers. It’s very important that you tune in to your customer’s needs. Without them, there would be no business.  

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

How to Get a Feng Shui Consultant The majority of people that want to incorporate the Feng Shui principles in their live have no clue as to where to start. They may need more information in order to decide whether or not this is for them. Most of the time, they end up hiring the service of a Feng Shui consultant for guidance. If you need the services of a Feng Shui consultant, do yourself a big favor do a thorough and very careful research before you do the hiring.

You can probably get a lot more information online and then take it from there. Write down everything that you want from the consultant. A good place to start is at a Feng Shui schools, Check there or post a notice on their bulletin board if they have one, you may find someone there that can help you. If you know somebody what had use a consultant and is happy with his service see if that person can provide any recommendations. Talk to your friends and relatives you never know, one of them may have gone through this process.

Once you come up with some names, interview them and check their background. Don’t be afraid to ask for references. They should be more than willing to provide you with this information. Let them know what you’re looking for. Once you’ve a couple of names check them out to see which would best suite your needs furthermore, furthermore, you should feel comfortable to work with that person.

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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

Conclusion Whether it’s to improve your health, love life or finances, Feng Shui principles can be n incorporated in your life as a mean to your quest. These methods have worked for the Chinese people for thousand of years. Since it has spread in western society, people are getting more curious in finding out how it can help them. This report has provided some information to get your started on your  journey to abundance and other things that can enhance enhan ce your life.

If you stick to it and are serious about making significant changes in your life, you will see a difference. You will be amazed at how much healthier you’ve become. You’ll be so excited to get intimate with your mate, it’ll be breathtaking. With your finances, you can have more money than you ever dreamed possible when you apply the Feng Shui principles.

Just remember that everything won’t happen overnight and that it will take time before you see a change in your life for the better .



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Feng Shui How to Improve and Harmonized your House or Business

Recommendations Thank you, for taking the time to read this E-book. Below are some books that I will recommend to further your education on this subject. You may also visit our online Super Store where we have hundred of E-books on a wide variety of subject. The address of the store is eesuperstore.com eesuperstore.com (please  (please add the www www.. in front of the store name Eloise ise Helm Helm, and brou 26 Fe Feng ng Sh Shui ui Se Secr cret ets s.By Elo broug ght to you by

Raymond Woo. This no non-sense book reveals the traditional Feng Shui Secrets of the Orient. You will Learn 26 Secrets To Increase Your Wealth, Harmony, And Romance. This is a well written book with lots of diagram and pictures to explain the Feng Shui principles.  Neo Feng Shui by bestselling author Sagar Bohnstedt.  Already a hit in Russia, Germany, Italy, Greece and Denmark, this book is now available in English. Neo Feng Shui is a totally new way of working with Feng Shui. It was created for modern people and is based on common sense and individuality. Neo Feng Shui offers simple guidelines that do not involve any particular beliefs or rules. Neo Feng Shui provides you with a whole new perspective on how your surroundings affect your lifestyle and how you can easily make changes that will greatly improve your life. 3  Feng Shui books all related to love This is a collection of 3  by author Luck Charm Stu. The 1st book in the collection is Tao Hua or Peach Blossom; Blossom; a formula for love. You will discover a powerful 5000 year old secret love spell. The 2nd book, Eight Mansions For Love  Love is easy step by step instructions for turning your home into the perfect love attractor mansion. Book 3 Flying Star For Love reveals Love reveals one potent feng shui Principle that will unleashed your "Love Magnetism". This book will definitely foster hot sexual desires between you and your lover.  © Eli Elix Enter nterpr priise Inc. nc. All All righ rightt res eser erve ve worl worldw dwid idee


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