Feng Shui and Money

February 5, 2017 | Author: srinivassukhavasi | Category: N/A
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Pra Feng Shui and Money

"In Feng Shui and Money, Eric Shaffe our outer and inner worlds to help you to your own infinite worth!" --Steven Post, author of and first teacher of

"Eric Shaffert is the feng shui cons business. He is exceptionally gifte dations quickly doubled our revenue practical and mystical ideas that w --Talane Miedaner, author of t

"Feng Shui and Money is a design gui step, it walks you through ancient regimen that can rearrange your lif --Thomas M. Kostigen, C and author of What

"As a stress specialist for over twe money problems on individuals and c to remove the inner and outer block provides practical steps to help yo --Dr. Stephen Royal Jac

"Abundance is much more than money, soul with this rich and insightful --Barbara Biziou, autho

"With this book, Eric Shaffert has c accomplish our desires is more crit shows you how to structure your dai ples outlined in this book and stic financial goals. It's as simple as --Jeff Olson, author of Goal-Se

Responses from Student "Feng Shui and Money" workshop

"This class is a wonderful and enric meanings behind it. Eric is clearly --Lisa

"Just halfway through the course, an By applying these principles to my rageously well for what I love to d --Isabe

"This class is pure genius. The holi areas of my life and helped me heal these essential issues is both simp --Lisa Lerner, po

"This class is great! If you feel st Within a couple of days, I noticed --Jackie O'Grady, in

"This class is like no other. Eric i gentle, confident, and utterly bril --Laur

"`Feng Shui and Money' gives you the --Randi Lynn feng shui and money This Page Intentionally Left Blank feng shui and money A NINE-WEEK PROGRAM


Creating Wealth USING Ancient Principles and Techniques



Illustrations by Lesli �


All r Copyright under Bern Universal Copyright Convention, an No part of this b stored in or transmitted in any form, or photocopying, recording, or otherwis 08 07 06 05 04

Published An Allworth 10 East 23rd Stre Cover and book desi Page composition/typography b

Library of Congress Cat Shaf Feng shui and money : a nine-we ancient principles and t p Includes bibliograp ISBN: 1 1. Finance, Personal--Psy 3. Wealth--Psychol HG179.S4 332.02 200 P


DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGM FOREWORD by His Holiness Professor INTRODUCTION How to Use This Nine-Week Program Quotations from The Tao Te Ching Exercises, Activities, and "Cures Sign Up for Wealth

WEEK 1 ESTABLISHING YOUR FOUNDATION Prelude -- Your Relationship with Where Are We Going? Environmental Feng Shui -The Influential Energy of Your Ho Look at the Camera and Say, "Chi! Placing the Bagua over Your Floor Bagua Sector of the Week: T'ai Ch Financial Feng Shui -- Abilities

Feng Shui of the Wallet � Show M Assessing Your Assets: Instant We Just the Facts: How to Use Your S Inner Feng Shui -- Gathering Your The Five Internal Components � Why Would Anyone Not Want to Have The Meditative Millionaire � Med

WEEK 2 SETTING YOUR SIGHTS Prelude -- What's Missing in Your Back to the Bagua: Your Map of Fu Filling in the Gaps: Your Dream B Environmental Feng Shui -- Black Comparing the Black Sect Approach Looking for the Cure � The Calmi Feng Shui Investigation � Bagua Financial Feng Shui -- Instant We Watch Out! Incoming Chi: Charting Inner Feng Shui -- The Willingnes "What Do I Have to Lose?" � Out

viii Contents

WEEK 3 ENERGIZING YOUR LIFE Prelude -- The Three Faces o Beginner's Mind Environmental Feng Shui -- C The Mouth of Chi � Clutter Bagua Sector of the Week: Hs Three Secret Reinforcements: Financial Feng Shui -- Detec The Spiritual Meaning, and H Clearing the Debt and Creati Inner Feng Shui -- Dreams, T Settling the Score � The Me

WEEK 4 POSSESSING YOUR LIFE Prelude -- Drop Out, and Dro The Hall of Shame and Other Environmental Feng Shui -- F and the Living Room The Living Room � Your Rela

Bagua Sector of the Week: Li Financial Feng Shui -- Petty Saving Your Life � Change H Inner Feng Shui -- Recogniti Writing the New Script � Th The Internal Flow of Chi �

WEEK 5 FINDING COMFORT Prelude -- Starting Each Day Environmental Feng Shui -Love, Sex, Money, and the Be Feng Shui Techniques for the Bagua Sector of the Week: Ku Financial Feng Shui -- Simpl Make a Plan for Wealth � It Inner Feng Shui -- Your Righ Meditation for Borrowing the

WEEK 6 NURTURING YOURSELF Prelude -- Money Addiction Environmental Feng Shui -- C The Kitchen � Bagua Sector

Financial Feng Shui -- Evalu Tithing to Yourself Inner Feng Shui -- Creating The Power of Visualization �

WEEK 7 DISCOVERING YOUR MISSION Prelude -- The Power of Purpose Environmental Feng Shui -Mentors, Helpful People, and the The Bathroom � Dirt � Bagua Sec Speaking of Helpful People . . . Financial Feng Shui -- Your Finan The Tao of Money: Giving and Rece The Sacred Exchange of Money � ' Nourishing the Ones Who Feed Us � Inner Feng Shui -- Exposing Your Your Unique Talents � Your Sacre Prosperity Dates: Millionaire for

WEEK 8 GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS Prelude -- Money Management Environmental Feng Shui -- Feng S Your Office � Bagua Sector of th The Moving Water Cure Financial Feng Shui -- Charting Y What Is Your Time Worth? � Marke Inner Feng Shui -- Taking Your Pl Your Inner Council

WEEK 9 CELEBRATING THE SPIRITUALITY OF MONEY Prelude -- Natural Abundance What's It All About? Environmental Feng Shui -- Wherev The Red Carpet Cure � Bagua Sect Financial Feng Shui -- Life Is Su The Kingdom of Heaven Is Within � Beyond the Paycheck � Investing The Final Tithe: For Your Destiny Inner Feng Shui -- Time Is Money

The Time Bagua � The Meditative


Feng shui is not just something that you do. Feng shui is a lifestyle: a ment on a daily basis that can trans is centered on specific exercises an and for your hands only. If you do n approaches, you won't find many bene It is one thing to read a book experience to go out to the pond eac This book is dedicated to the people cial lives and who are willing to do greatest of blessings: your own fulf

ACKNOWLEDGME This book would not have happened wi influences in my life: His Holiness teachers and mentors Barry Gordon, S Meihwa Lin; Sue Seel, my coach, with have reached its present form; Elain and the Community for the Life Force and inspiration in New York. Also, my gratitude goes to my p Kurt; to Lynn, who screams when she Gloria Lanza-Bajo; the extended Reic Bark Drive; Talane; Jeff, Christina, Core Community; my BTB classmates; J The Open Center; Jane Roberts and Ro Tad Crawford; Peter and Miranda Blac Meditation; Yossl, Louise, and every Riquette; San; Leslie, the Zapper; t my students and clients, who have ta the many people who have given so ge

here; and, the Higher Power that mak You are the wealth in my life. Foreword by His Holiness Professor Lin Yun This Page Intentionally Left Blank xiv

Feng Shui and Money


The more money grows, the more The more sincerely you worship

At the request of Crystal Chu Buddhism, H. H. Grandmaster Pr Jin She, wrote the calligraphy powder ink while chanting infi book's author and publisher, a

prosperity, wisdom, and peace. 2002, Autumn Festival

Note: The gray characters in t The first character means "wea "deity." H. H. Grandmaster Lin people who seek wealth to also

week 1 Establishing Your Foundat

"A tower nine Star ts with -- The Tao Te

P R E L U D E -- Y O U R R E L AT I

There are very few areas of our live money. If you were born in a hospita bunch of cash! And if you plan to ha rated with a funeral service, you'd now. Though we spend a lot of time w spending and how much more we need, think directly about their relations By purchasing, or even browsin expressing an interest in transformi let's begin with some basics: What a wealth? Is there a fixed standard th

Prosperity Journal: "What Does Take out your Prosperity Journal what "wealth" is for you. Don't will not be checking your answer is. . . ." 2

Feng Shui and Money

Unless purposes on money does assumption tation. My because the they want to keep up with the ne Instead, something in their life to know if I can help. Before conducting the consu rate their level of satisfaction shui; we will be reviewing these satisfaction on a scale from one prioritize consultation work bas So, now, let's focus on you rate your satisfaction with mone highest, how would it rate? Go a 1 LOW



If you scored your relations Perhaps you can afford to use th But if your rating was anything

Prosperity Journal: "My Use your Prosperity Journal working, what feels good, an erless, or "just not right"? with money is. . . ."

Where Are We Going? When planning a journey, you sho and where you are planning to go ing, "Take me someplace that I l know I want to get there fast!" frustrating trip-- and a big was a destination you like if you do You may already have a visi be; maybe your best friend from

always wanted. Or perhaps you scanne travel magazines to be satisfied wit your dream life may be, it's time to much detail as you can envision. Thi propriety or reasonableness of your them inside, they are not going to g only get in your way.

Prosperity Journal: "My Dre 1. Write at least two pages abou finances: "If I had all the mone alone requires more speculation What would you do? Purchase? Bec is the reason you bought the boo 2. Now, review the essay, and ch how you want your relationship w of this seemingly elusive thing journal: "Top ten adjectives or state of wealth," and list the t worry if the ideas seem irration conscious. If you feel like writ

can always figure out what it me 3. Finally, review your list, an most resonance for you, the ones that's it." Narrow the list down place of honor, right here in th your want your financial life to 1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________ 3. _____________________________

You can copy these words into yo

By now, you should be getting a wealth. Your lists are unique. The w to handle money, is directly tied to and to your connection to life itsel relationships you will ever have. Fo al finance tend to gather dust, sinc with money will be identical. 4

Feng Shui and Money

Some people are highly cons comfortable when they know that more adventurous and do not feel applied toward greater gains. It live the life of an Italian soap make them run for the hills! Your three key words or phr future. You will refer to them o and you will see how their tone you. In many ways, they are keys money, but to your relationship


Your home is not just the place the planet most connected to who bigger body: It affects how you you leave the house each day, yo you, wherever you go.

In each week of this progra home, and we will look at the wa Most of the work will be in your are also important in office and suit your needs, and you will be Before each consultation, I Whether they have a studio apart need to become intimately famili week, you will make a diagram of drawing to assess and work with Most of our work will be on there are rooms on other levels, include the basement in your dra space, and only add the garage i the interior.

Prosperity Journal: "My Floo If you already have a blueprint

rejoice in your good fortune. If thick pencil, and a long measuri 1. Set aside a quiet time during home. Since you will use this di your drawing is clear and that t 2. Start at your front door, and entranceways, windows, and major thing to approximate scale. Your but it should show the relative 3. When you are finished, you wi ney to wealth. Tuck this diagram where you can access it often as

Look at the Camera and Say, "Chi!" The basis of feng shui is an energy "chee"). This Chinese word means "li chi energy is the component of every science thousands of years to catch philosophers were right! Everything, from the food that on, to the hair on the back of your gy that are conscious, alive, and ha particles work together in a seamles

"reality," and they do this so effec consciousness out there at all. In the seventeenth century, the Leibniz discovered that light vibrat invisible levels, is comprised of un about his discovery is that his rese qualities of consciousness: intentio is made of! This Eastern approach to realit environment, and how they treat the ancient physicians were able to iden that connects all the parts of the a ans, comprised of chi energy, runs t 6

Feng Shui and Money

When the chi energy is flow is abundant health and vitality. cise, a pleasurable sexual exper exercises like chi gong and t'ai so that energy can move more fre

well-being. If chi becomes blocked at a not only in that area, but also ian structure. Anyone who has re approach to diagnosing ailments. point in your foot. Western doct alternative approach, which view parts in constant communication Feng shui uses the same app like acupuncture for your home! cal existence, problems occur wh nant in the environment, just as turist uses needles to promote e consultant uses various objects ate a positive flow of chi in th be able to create this flow in y ronment that is conducive to vit

The Bagua: Ancient Map of Chi Feng shui practitioners use an a how the chi moves through space, bagua is an eight-sided diagram experience; if the chi is ailing

area of your life is adversely a that area, however, you can expe In every consultation, I fi events of a person's life and th person's home or office. Using t "read" a person's space in much chart or a tarot reader interpre tion, I can literally walk into ing any information, describe wh relationships, finances, and oth

The diagram below is the feng s represents the two opposites in life tive, male/female, light/dark, and s lives, we create a harmonious flow o of balance, grace, and health. This t' se

The feng shui bagua.

Career and pe 1.





Family and ho 3.


Wealth and pr 4.


Fame and soci 5.




Relationships Children and



Mentors and h 8.


In each week of the program, we one of the eight feng shui areas of of energy and money.

Placing the Bagua over Your Floor Pl Now that we have reviewed the meanin out how it relates to your space. Ta and locate the front door. Put that it is closest to you. When you apply the bagua to a going to be aligned with one of the Kan, or Chyan. For example, if your 8

Feng Shui and Money

located in the Ken, or self-know tom center, then your front door

front door is located at the bot the Chyan, or helpful people cor door of your home on a regular b entrance, the front door is alwa ment of the bagua, since this is

Align the front door of your hom with one of these doorways.

the open flow of energy. Rectang since they avoid sharp interior

and stability. In contemporary a often hard to find; we are often angles and weird, protruding sha bagua may be directly associated

Applying the bagua over an irreg space.

Now, label each sector according association with the your life. For area that is at the top left corner in each of the boxes, you can start between your environment and your li

Missing Sections and Extensions One of your first tasks in feng shui tures that impede the flow of chi.

Diagram A. Floorplan with a

missing Kun section.

riage or love life. But don't despai to address this problem.

Diagram B. Floorplan that seems to be missing the Hsun section.

the space is lacking, we do not thin the area on the top right is conside 10

Feng Shui and Money

Extensions can actually be additional space for energy flo apply the bagua to this space a extension in the Kun sector.

Diagram C. Correct application of the bagua.

ner. The new room was so inviti all and spent most of their tim

Corresponding with the ad status became more comfortable. of their inheritance, and their sun porch they had constructed. home in Florida, so that they c year round! If your home does not hav you must discern whether the de You may even need to use a tape vessel of chi is "half empty or the home, don't worry. There ar that can compensate for this in If you had trouble applyi tion, and carefully follow the throughout the program, so be s might get help from a friend wh contacting a consultant to veri resources listed in appendix A

Bagua Sector of the Week: T'ai Chi This week's feng shui focus is the t represented by the yin/yang diagram. energy seems clogged, you probably h environment.

Bagua sector of the week: t'ai chi.

The nature and condition of the health of the inhabitants, the flow they interact. If the architecture d

tions, this indicates a split either individual personalities of the inha Think of it in practical terms: immediately faced by two diverging h

T'ai chi position in a rectangular space. 12

Feng Shui and Money

T'ai chi position in an irregular space.

T'ai chi position in a space with an extension.

ter can imbalance you, making f Without knocking down wal do a lot with the t'ai chi posi at peace. First, recognize the face of adversity, never acknow our environment. The feeling of exciting. But underneath, this foundation in your life.

Case Study: The T'ai Chi Po tion for a woman who had troubl time in a dress shop and always back burners. Whenever there wa thing else raised its head and

When I looked at the t'ai chi o clear. The center of her home consis like a maze. To one side was the liv At the end, the hallway hit a blank set of rooms. The whole arrangement draining -- exactly the way the woma of chi splitting off in this way, th where to go and what to do.

Working with the T'ai Chi Area o applying any specific remedies to yo "Do I feel centered and balanced? Ar nected and integrated?" The way you ness" is connected to the t'ai chi o deep change on both inner and outer ments in this area.

Feng Shui Cures in the T'ai Chi you need in the t'ai chi position is in the center of you home, you are n any clutter or congesting furniture To further open the space, use In the home with the diverging paths

blank wall at the end of the hallway Beautiful pictures or photos also wo scenes and calm, open spaces. Use ac focus, warmth, and illumination to t I often use rugs and carpets t any adjoining rooms. A circular rug ity, integration, and wholeness. A r design would be ideal, if you can fi Hanging a small wind chime in flow of chi for the entire home. Sin number 5, a wind chime with five met chime in this position, you send a v of the bagua at one time. The primal element associated reminds us that the planet Earth is 14

Feng Shui and Money

yellow, earthen tiles on the fl portive and nurturing "earthy"

Prosperity Journal: "Adj In your Prosperity Journal, home this week to feel more of feng shui cures, and con qualities into your space.


The yin/yang at the center of t tive cycles of life, exhibited behavior. A person who is too y the go. Continual activity, wit exhaustion and resentment. This matter how much money you are m People who emphasize only and sensitive, but without turn unfulfilled and anxious. Being and eventually leads to depende The yin/yang theory of con

hemispheres of the human brain. yang, is connected to analytic thinking. The right side of our abstract reasoning and is relat sides are interdependent, and w activities. In Western culture, men ar while women are considered more mones, as well as the general n this definition to some degree. yang aspects in their personali our brains! I have a few friend remain exceptions to the rule. Your financial development Many people--including writers

management with yang functions: bala goals, and evaluating investments. C

financial management, and we will co issues in this book. But this is not your financial growth. The yin aspects of financial de native, and receptive sides of your you how much money you need to pay y your intuition and gives the inspira Years ago, I took an intensive we learned to prioritize our goals a the end of the seminar, I felt immen could accomplish anything--I just di Therein lies the split between development. While that seminar fuel goals, it didn't engage the yin ener

Quiz: What's My Yin/Yang? Use the following questions to ident trum. Go ahead and check the boxes h

I like spe YES



Whenever I




introduce My idea of YES



isolated b I am bothe YES





I prefer a 5.

to a large To relax, YES



other game I like to YES



Nothing is YES



I do not l YES



everything When I tra YES


10. so I know 16

Feng Shui and Money







Now, go back over your 1. 1 point if Y E S , 2. 1 point if N O , 0 3. 1 point if Y E S , 4. 1 point if Y E S , 5. 1 point if Y E S , 6. 1 point if N O , 0

response 0 if N O if Y E S 0 if N O 0 if N O 0 if N O if Y E S

Add your total number of points Your total corresponds with its 0





If you score high on the ya oriented to linear and rational most comfortable with the concr agement. Your challenge will be work, such as meditation, visua If you rate more strongly o comfortable with the receptive be important for you to work co

your financial management (reco forth) in order to bring your d If you score in the middle yang poles of behavior, you pos of wealth creation. Your task i sides of your consciousness for

Feng Shui of the Wallet For an illustration of how you life, start with your wallet. F somebody who prefers to rummage

purse or pockets? You can tell a gre way people handle their cash, so let

Right now, take out the cas

and lay it on a bills. Were they of a billfold, o deep recesses of when you handle these bills? Anxious proud of your cash?

Prosperity Journal: "The Qu Write a paragraph about the way or purse were a house, what woul dollar bill, and write a brief a "home."

Since your wallet or purse is at you will notice a correlation betwee home. You are the center of your wor express themselves similarly on a bi This is a daunting, but often enligh the way that you are on the inside, on many different levels. Show Me the Money! Now, notice the amount of money you

empty, or close to it? If so, there just financial circumstances, that m cash. Consider your beliefs about yo limit the amount of cash you carry. Or perhaps you are the type of big wad of bills in your purse or po dinner with friends, and a group of show off (they were all basketball c this story). One fellow, who, to my higher salary than anyone else in th 18

Feng Shui and Money

his pocket, and evidently this asked why he felt compelled to his answer would have illuminat money. Notice how much money you makes you feel. I habitually ca been known to stand in line at run out! Underneath this strang

be trusted with money and that fully. Beneath these ideas is a money at all, which is an image hood experiences. The subconsci relationship to this very perso

Prosperity Journal: "The Write a paragraph about wha that you are carrying. Cons conscious beliefs that supp

Assessing Your Assets: Instant This week, as you survey the sh lar assessment of your finances If the foundation of your home finances are in shambles, you m stronger financial foundation. Let's begin with your mate you are probably not even aware said to yourself, "What assets? Beginning with your home, value. Start with the building the resale value of the furnitu

Do you have any collections? Ha antiques? In this exercise, you down anything that may have neg not need to know the dollar val Until you know the value o how profitably you have managed wealth: It does not matter how

money is not spent in ways that fulf making any at all. I am not suggesting that you se them or take the urn with your great store. I am emphasizing, however, th aire with six homes to the college s more to their name than they usually Do you remember that game show glass booth filled with circulating many bills as he could before the ti

similar game with the assets in your to help you, so you can call out ite helper writes them down. After you h amongst all your wealth!

Prosperity Journal: "Survey You can allocate ten minutes per room studio with a bathroom, you room with a living room, kitchen sound like a lot of time, but re 1. Put today's date at the top o write the heading "Material Asse every room, and list the assets need to know the exact resale va fifty bucks for it from anyone w write it down: The home itself: If you own your list; if you don't own, consider that's about all you can take wi Living Room, Family Room, and De collections, and other items, in Bedroom: Furniture, jewelry, clo Children's Rooms: Only those ite

when they move out! Kitchen: Appliances you own, dis Bathroom: Small appliances, artw Home office: Office equipment. Garage and Tool Shed: Automobile equipment, camping gear, and sto 20

Feng Shui and Money

Basement and Attic: These c goes, "There is gold in the the big-ticket items you ar Porch and Deck: Outdoor fur 2. Now that you have a list people are shocked at the n For this reason, you may ne or renter's insurance. 3. Review your list, and wr does not need to be a preci within the next few months. pay if she saw it on e-Bay

be willing to pay, since yo across the fence and ask! C $50 minimum bid. 4. Next, total the value of separate line, since this i considerations. This list i 5. Now, circle any item tha year, and consider your opt tied up in this asset? Mate life could be greatly enric merce. Check out e-Bay, new ways to make this instant w

In future weeks of this pr assets, as well as any debts an finances, you'll get a sense of road to wealth has already begu

Just the Facts: How to Use Your By reviewing your material asse ing your financial resources an Now, it's time to look at how y This may be one of the most dif

makes an enormous difference in All that you will need for reporters in the old movies: a the notebook, and write today's

wait. (That's okay, nothing is suppo waiting . . .) If you wait long enou You will want to spend money. And th purchase, whatever it is, act like a the item and the amount paid. For ex Cup of coffee: 4,999$1 Newspaper: $14,999 Big screen television: $14,999

For now, just observe. Your job any guidelines on your spending --ju conscientiously for a few days, you become conscious of your spending li

deliberation, you will begin to plug will start to think twice before mak to, but because you want to.

If wri screen TV ma your mind ab But writing empowerment, a choice abo you spend. This sense of self-posses I N N E R F E N G S H U I -- G AT H

Okay, it's time for a pop quiz. Base far, and any additional background y ers, and the back of herbal tea boxe "What is the most important infl ___________ Your Answer ________% Your Score

Go ahead. Fill in the blank righ "the television," "the air condition 22

Feng Shui and Money

you are wrong on all counts; gi bed," "the stove," or "the fron shui wisdom, but are still basi cent, which is still a failing The correct answer is: you influence on the feng shui of y flow of chi, and the power of y ultimately determine what happe Most people think that fen aspects of reality, but this is as essential as, if not more im objects around him. His Holines Sect feng shui tradition, state account for only 20 percent of occur on the level of individua When people are first expo

external aspects of the practic like hanging a crystal in the " and behold-- three days later, the mail. But contact these peo lives have changed very little. in the long run, the money just treat, and soon, they are back This explains why there ar shelves and so many people stil do external remedies and do not are going to be superficial at

The five aspects of creative co

During the first few weeks, we These dictate what is possible for u can have is what we will end up gett principle, it would save us so much As children, we were eager to f how to protect ourselves from threat of ideas about how reality functione tioned along the way, we continue to tions are true. Anything perceived by a young m tions, so just imagine an entire lif We need to develop the aspect of our Self." This part of us perceives our not automatically subscribe to them. may as well be stuffing fresh produc ting fruits and vegetables. After a

Why Would Anyone Not Want to Have Mo

Having money is really great, and we right? Well, that seems reasonable, finances, you are undoubtedly harbor limiting your capacity for wealth. W us has a part of our consciousness t keeping, more money. And this positi Below is a list of common belief people." Check off any that provoke Remember, your beliefs do not have t are beliefs. When it comes to money, I believ I can't handle money. Poor people are more real. Money corrupts. Money is the root of all evil. I would feel overwhelmed if I h There is never enough money. I don't deserve to have a lot o The rich get richer, and the po 24

Feng Shui and Money

People like rich people on You have to work hard to m Poor people have more soul Blessed are the poor. Spiritual people don't car Being concerned about mate Money can't buy happiness. Women can't handle money. Men can't handle money. I can get by just fine wit I am a poor artist type. Nice guys and gals finish Thinking and talking about If you don't come from old You can't trust rich peopl If I had money, everyone w my friends. I've got better things to There just aren't enough g You have to be a workaholi Rich people care only abou If I were wealthy, I would

from me. Money is hard to get and h Nobody gets ahead in this You can't take it with you I can't make more than my I was never meant to be we Nobody from my hometown co Life would be much better Money ruins most relations Rich people are superficia Easy come, easy go. Success is a matter of luc

As you were going through t to mind? If so, add them here:

________________________________ ________________________________

________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

Prosperity Journal: "My Top Wealth, and Rich People" Now, go back over the list and c you. List them in your journal. are probably the ones that you r ally really like these ideas and beware: Any idea that limits you ple," for whatever reason, is ne happiness. You just don't have t

Notice how it feels to look ove ated by these ideas. It probably loo ideas are actively preventing you fr isfaction. They are like prison guar out of your cage and prohibit any ne In the coming week, take time t about wealth. Nothing will happen di ideas about how reality operates.

The Meditative Millionaire Meditation is a tool for developing of us that thinks, feels, reacts; th As you clear the clutter and ob home, you should also clear out your tracting thoughts, and self-limiting inner distance between what we are t inner distance expands, we gain a gr ourselves anew, becoming less attach The first step in awakening med we are not our thoughts and feelings they can be excellent representative they do not ultimately define us. 26

Feng Shui and Money

Consider the thought, I am ple have at one time or another but that does not mean that I r that about myself. You can imagine that your

clothing. Most people collect a out. We go to our closet each m things up!) and see what's avai what is appropriate, and then g Our clothing affects us. I define ourselves. The same cond Unless we hit a crisis that mak to the same thoughts and feelin When a person starts medit closet and seeing exactly what the door of your consciousness, ating the way it is, and you cr

Meditation Practice: Journaling It may surprise you that the fi using is journal writing. That' Prosperity Journal, is going to Since meditation is a pract your inner world, there are few By facing a blank page each day ings, and beliefs, and this per change. On your journey toward weal

Feeling tired with the same old head off to work. This opportun that you ha open your m

If you a day out, wit your journal trend. "I ha

may write. "I wish I could bring tho planted the seeds in your journal, i week. Maybe a coworker will mention nies, and with a newly tuned ear, yo options. Your journal is a place to expr are feeling; in the area of business can you know where you stand and whe

bit, day by day, your journal shows have been, the path becomes clear. Most of us associate journals w day are recorded in precious detail journal is quite different. Focus no your thoughts as fast as possible so an experiment: If I clear my thought with this new openness? Before working on sections of t to clear out distracting thoughts an doing this first, my mind was cleare more easily. It's like working out a starts pumping and your chi starts f face the challenges of the day. Some people like to write in th day. If that works best for you, so in the morning. While still in bed, follow all my thoughts as they flow three pages a day, and because I lik "messy"--I use wide-ruled paper and way, I write six pages of large scri pages of normal handwriting. "But what if I still don't know

case, write: "I don't know what to w After a few pages of that, I am sure Remember, the purpose is not to figu to write; you're just clearing out t ones. Try writing three pages a day see how this changes the outlook on your life. 28

Feng Shui and Money

Action Steps on the Journey to During this first week of yo start to become clear: Is th benefit from these methods? try to finish all of this we

Check the boxes as you comp Review the goals you set fo two this week. Play the asset game for Ins

Record, reporter-style, eve Acknowledge your five most "rich people." Write in your journal for t to clear your mind and sett

Congratulations on finishing

week 2 Setting Your Sig

" Tackle difficult By focusing on w Achieve greatnes By attending to -- The Tao Te Ch

P R E L U D E -- W H AT ' S M I S S

"If only I were wealthy, I would . . like your life to be different? If y more than cash must be missing in yo feeling, and figuring out exactly wh financial fulfillment. Before writin seriously about what is missing and When people say they want more "You're lying!" They look at me with derment. How could I accuse them of to be about making more money? I continue, "What good is money even if you are really hungry, you c together, they won't keep you warm a this, they usually respond with look "What you probably want is not money buy. So, let's be honest and talk ab Perhaps you hate your job, and take time off. So, what's missing? T 30

Feng Shui and Money

issue, or is there something el that case, you are missing resp respect? Ask the people who are The next question follows: Maybe you don't care about what something more meaningful with ingful work. This is an importa to be explored. Now, you are no you are someone who wants to do That's quite a shift, in the sp Perhaps you love to make a become a great artist. Money, a that to you. Maybe you want to Whatever it is, your ideal futu things that you want to do. When we talk about wealth, expensive cars, luxurious homes seem attractive. But is that's

Prosperity Journal: "The Go back to your second Pros

adjectives that describe yo new, blank page. Then ask y now?" If your ideal situati can you bring these qualiti you achieve a prescribed qu for each adjective, then ci week. You are now on your w

The final goal is internal the bank is not necessarily goi fact, an increase in financial from feeling that way. Consider on the package you have prescri life you want. Unlike the messages blared conditions do not have to cost would be hindered if we focused what we want.

Wealth for one person could see stuffed with antiques may be your dr response from adventure types who fe on their backs and a song in their h magazine-stand visions of wealth, ta what is really missing. It might not

Back to the Bagua: Your Map of Fulfi As you'll recall from chapter 1, the lines the areas of life as they conn Like different notes on a scale, or sector has a different vibration. Co over is not very appealing, but when musical possibilities are endless.

The feng shui bagua: a map of fulfil

Prosperity Journal: "Examini When contacted for a consultati areas of the bagua. On these fo isfaction in each gua on a scal about their personal experience on this intensive exploration o out the same information for yo area of the bagua, record your

Starting at the bottom center of (pronounced "kahn"). This area relat 32

Feng Shui and Money

you bring your talents into the

related to your job or source o Rate your level of satisfa 1






Now, write a few notes in area of your life. Going clockwise around the called Ken (pronounced "ken"). tion. Spiritual pursuits, as we are all related to the energy o Rate your level of satisfa 1






Write a few notes in your j of your life. Continuing in a clockwise d This is associated with family,

you are raising, and the runnin Rate your level of satisfac 1






Add a few notes in your jou The gua at the top left cor the area associated with wealth which deals with basic housekee luxury and the finer things in Rate your level of satisfac 1






Now, write detailed notes a prosperity.

The gua at the top center is ca in society, personal recognition, an your talents and the "real you"? Rate your level of satisfaction 1







Now, write a few notes in your in your life. The next area is called Kun ("k tionships. If you are happily marrie tions! Your relationship rating will this book is focused on money, it ca Rate your level of satisfaction 1 LOW






Now, write some notes in your jo ences with relationships. The next area of the bagua is ca energy relates to children and creat most creative experiences, so it is Rate your level of satisfaction: 1







Now, write a few notes in your e creativity. The last area, located at the bo Chyan (pronounced just as it is spel helpful people in your life. It is a people to guide us in unfamiliar ter Rate your level of satisfaction: 1 LOW






Write a few notes in your journa aspect of your life. 34

Feng Shui and Money

Prosperity Journal: " The chart below is a new ba cise, you can copy the char 1. In each sector of the di feel fulfilled. For example

The bagua of personal fulfillme

Filling in the Gaps: Your Dream If it is money that you want, a difficult to follow. But if you numbers on a computer screen, t need to set your sights on what consider to be missing in your One of the reasons why se they tend to list everything th whether it is something they wi in your basement, attic, and cl something that you desired. Now that we acquire those things in know what we want but because w we want. We've settled for thin thought we could afford, instea to us. It is much easier to want that we really do have specific afraid of intimacy, a want-a-ho vulnerable, too self-conscious,

pin our dreams on big-ticket it us and avoid the things that wo

Prosperity Journal: "My Dre This is the time to really revea least one full sheet, front and bagua. During this week of the p each area of your life. This is ing a movie and the characters a visit, put it down! You can alwa down now, you will probably neve At the end of the week, review y 1. Is there anything on the list things. 2. Which of these circled items to them. 3. From the list of starred item want to pursue right now. Rate t bagua.

After selecting one main goal fo on the line next to each gua in your your Dream Bagua. Make a few copies you will notice it the most: at your Every day, this will remind you to f the objects of your desire. As you p remember to increase the shading lev take the next thing that you want fr have been missing in your life. This


The feng shui methods in this book c Black Sect of Tibetan Tantric Buddhi ation BTB. Buddhism is not a religio increasing self-awareness. The final which peace is achieved being totall In ancient times, BTB feng shui India with the preexisting practices hybrid developed, it moved into Chin


Feng Shui and Money

cultural influences, including ancient healing methods, and as ticed in various forms througho strong in China, where the BTB cohesive discipline. Black Sect feng shui was b ure, His Holiness Professor Lin teachings connect this wisdom f sensibilities of the modern wor Professor Lin, contemporary BTB ings to modern design theory, a result is a unique blend of the the Western, and the spiritual Lin's teaching, the wisdom of t and problems of the modern worl

Comparing the Black Sect Approa In the West, there are basicall The distinction between these a

enjoy perusing the multitude of The BTB approach to feng sh energy, flows through the space parallels the life conditions a tants. If the chi is flowing we ences and good fortune. Plants families tend to be happy. Even point that brings us back to th If the chi is blocked or im seems to suffer. Plants die, pe businesses fail. There really a characteristic of the life ener As discussed in the first c the flow of chi as it enters th ining a building, therefore, is people and the chi enter the dw with the building according the "Mouth of Chi."

The other school of feng shui Compass School. If you hear about a bagua with the use of a compass, or in the southeast corner of the home, the perspective of the Compass Schoo Unlike BTB feng shui, which em flows through the space, the Compass aligning the space with the compass flows according to certain direction it is important to recognize the dis to avoid getting confused by them.

Looking for the Cure For each feng shui problem, we apply cally two types of remedies: mundane word "mundane" means "of this world, commonsensical, dealing with materia the room is "stuffy" and smells of l and haul out the air freshener. That practical level. Transcendental cures relate to life and are generally more mysterio cures in this book are from BTB feng

been used for thousands of years to veritable miracles. Transcendental cures defy all r they are so powerful. The scope of o while helpful, is still fairly limit often defy, our current understandin admit the limitations of our rationa In this program for financial f and transcendental cures. Practical, balance your checkbook recently? Do spending each month? Do you have an concerns, yet obviously important. N hang over your desk or how many time you don't answer these basic questio 38

Feng Shui and Money

Transcendental approaches t important. Creative visualizati prayer are all transcendental i

The Calming Heart Sutra: Prepar In the Black Sect tradition, fe a chant and a brief period of m investigating a dwelling, you n chant used in consultations is help you release your distracti wisdom of your heart. The words of the chant tra other side." In ordinary waking one side of reality: Things see chant asks for us to be taken t things happen. Begin by sitting comfortab breathing. Become aware of your there is anything you need to a upon your session. Be sure that your seating change positions, or even move and cats choose their resting p experimenting and primping befo ducting a consultation, I often to sit, and this helps to get t

Next, alig which is a sac your right in two thumbs; th heart. You may your chest, so your hands in your lap, so that dle. Either way, make sure your The words of the chant are

Gate, Gate, Para Gate ("gah-tay, gah-tay, pah-rah gah

Para Sam Gate, Bodhi Svaha. ("pah-rah sahm gah-tay, boh-dee

The translation of the chant in

Gone, gone, gone across Gone completely across, to the

Try practicing this now. If you sutra, you may feel the vibration ri want to write the words of the chant often in the next few days. Try to m you can do the sutra at any time to This chant is repeated nine tim (including the t'ai chi), and nine i representing wholeness. Many of the of nine steps. Each time that you repeat the s your heart. It can be done with eyes the way that works best for you. Wit form the way you are feeling by repe tice that has profound effects.

Bagua sector of the week: Chen. 40

Feng Shui and Money

center of financial concerns. I you were reading this book was boat! Instead, like most people keeping your daily lifestyle af Chen is the "meat and pota champagne and caviar. Just as y nourished and tantalized, you n your financial life to be compl Even if you live alone, yo wait until you have a spouse or your home. This is essential in

luxury. What's the use of a cru a dysfunctional household? If you are single, the Che energy also relates to how you plant your personality in the w in the dynamics and experiences to be explored throughout this

Prosperity Journal: " 1. Create a Chen section of your personal home life. Co lifestyle, and the way you thought to your family and this experience. 2. Now, go to the Chen corn home into nine equal sectio hand side of the bagua. 3. Prepare your awareness b Gate. . . ."), and quiet yo describe how this area of y 4. Review your earlier note ing, and compare these expe Consider any correlations b

sector of your space. Write 5. Now, consider how you wa lifestyle, your daily expen support. These may be aspec before. Write four adjectiv to feel.

If your home life has been feel your home is probably in good condit in proper alignment, however, you wi create positive experience. This is cial life. Before working directly with th mation to set you in the right direc describe how you want this area of y affirmation aloud:

"I, [your name], have a home lif

two], [adjective three], and [ad

Notice what thoughts and feelin If you have been unhappy with your f a storm of inner rebuttal.

Prosperity Journal: "Addres Use your Prosperity Journal to l mation. You need to attend to th your life. If your home life is deal with these reactions direct al and financial development. Tr images that stand between you an

Feng Shui Applications for Financ Chen. Each area of the bagua is asso color. In this gua, the element is c small trees and plants, like bamboo. families and daily affairs, the ener that bends with the breeze. This Che planting seeds of new growth. By pay care of the issues that face the fam

any storm. Some of the best feng shui cure for plants on a regular basis, you c your household and care for your exp and so does your family and your ban 42

Feng Shui and Money

weeks, it withers; the same thi munity, and your money. Choose plants for this are Each time you care for them, im your household. Nine plants on Objects representing the w ment of water feeds the element water, can bring relief to a co tunities when placed in Chen. A also effective, especially if y have trouble paying your bills. Having a difficulty with y lent past? Make sure this area

colors. Take out any abstract a or conflict, and replace them w enjoying each other's company. people that you really love, bu make you feel uncomfortable or energy of anyone into your Chen and content with your home life If you have any clutter or replace them immediately. Their home life faster than you can s If you are missing parts o large mirror on one of the wall thing beautiful. Also, you can yard to offset the missing sect

Prosperity Journal: "Appl Review the feng shui cures like to make in this gua th improving your sense of fam

Your Chen Goal for the Week diagram you made at the beginni

thing you most wanted to achiev to bring this new energy into y

Prosperity Journal: "My Goal 1. Write your selected goal as f I will have brought [the goal yo Dream Bagua] into my life in a w 2. Now, consider the essence of accomplishment, and how do you w Write down three adjectives that 3. Next, write a short list of c sentation and essence of your go away. You might use photos of th nection to it, and anything that dreaming of buying a new home, a a picture of your dream house in making a veritable shrine to the the space for it to come into yo 4. Finally, think of the many wa

every day of the week. For examp believe owning that home will ma ask yourself, "What can I do thi before I get the new house?" Tak this for me every time. What abo each day this week.

F I N A N C I A L F E N G S H U I --

Last week, we reviewed all of the "a Now it's time to go through the fina your financial net worth? This is th Though the thought may be intimidati assessing your financial foundation.

Prosperity Journal: "My Fina Put aside an afternoon or evenin cial status in these areas: Banking �

� � � 44

Checking accounts Savings accounts Money market Retirement account

Feng Shui and Money

� � �

CDs Stocks Bonds

Other Assets � Property and real estat other than your home � Business outside the h

office equipment, and s

Write down the total of the with the total you devised Later in this other influences on it's essential that you are, you have a

program, yo your financ you assess better chan

Watch Out! Incoming Chi: Charti The only way to increase your a simple fact has kept a lot of p jobs, as they try to survive by book will help you build a care you thrive. Before falling into any des thing needs to be emphasized: A possibly still are, earning som point, which shows that you hav in money. The only question now

Prosperity Journal: "M 1. To establish yourself as have ever had, from birth t when you were a kid? Yep, i it on the list. Be sure to have had. 2. Now, total the amount of may be surprised by your wa plishment, and consider how that you have received for

3. Now subtract your total life (as calculated in the final sequ vent assets exceed your gross li investing your energy very wisel in your assets, you need to star

Your Daily Brea

The assets you that you have i conviction, and garden of riche your life. This assets even fur resources befor

Prosperity Journal: "Assessi 1. Review your current situation you. In your journal, outline th � Current job � Part-time jobs � Miscellaneous freelancing

(any ideas?) � Expected gifts 2. Set a date next to each amoun 3. Use these figures to estimate months, which is the expected du gently apply the principles in t these figures!


Barraged by limiting beliefs about w suffer more from our ideas about rea "the trance of ordinary consciousnes hypnosis, our ability to see reality self-fulfilling prophecy. Our minds justify our ideas at our personal satisfaction or not. If 46

Feng Shui and Money

and we willingly comply, we'll and act like chickens, despite we can't be wealthy, for whatev to justify that idea, even at t Despite the self-help book valiant efforts, and even the a

rience of wealth continues to b For whatever reason, we would r to a new set of beliefs. Time a happy. So, we lie on our deathb tion and lack, and a part of us "Blessed are the poor. . . genius/artist/honest person. . technique could really help my take to your grave: your belief prosperous life? If you continue to think t to get what you've already been proven that your ideas are righ ing to be wrong? Are you willing to be wron into your life? About the chara wrong about the purported bless financial reimbursement you can when it comes in? If you are willing to be w who are willing to break the tr where their ideas have been fea wrong, you might as well close

manual on how to remain exactly where the trance of your belief Just for this week, start Whenever you are faced with a s toss in that word. "Maybe this find a new job. . . . Maybe I r give it the benefit of the doub right --or maybe you will be wr there are a lot of things that

"What Do I Have to Lose?" Self-limitation is about "either-or" can be wealthy. I can have material tionships. I can make a lot of money interests me. But I can't have both! and it is also very childlike. As children, we spent every wak the world worked. The universe was a ing. So, we came to conclusions as q

If you were bitten by a dog at creatures you needed to avoid. If th scary one morning, perhaps you didn' That's a pretty hefty decision at th The same process was happening parents wouldn't raise your allowanc concluded you didn't deserve it and not so valuable after all. Wow --wha five-cent weekly raise! The beliefs held by parents inf doesn't take long to form some prett are some common childhood associatio thing we didn't talk about . . . con ments. . . ." The list of negative i

Prosperity Journal: "Whe Something that. . . . " Take a moment and to consider yo wealth. Complete this phrase: "W thing that. . . . " List at leas ronment of your youth.

As you identify negative messag

pose is not to blame the adults or l deeply influenced by their parents a raised. You can begin to see how lim through generations, like a cognitiv

Out with the Old In last week's chapter, we examined Those are the ones that you liked so 48

Feng Shui and Money

proven wrong. But now, you can' Who needs enemies, when already move on and start enjoying a li

Prosperity Journal: "Rev 1. On a new page, write two "Column B." Go back to your top five beliefs about mone A of your new journal entry ago? From this week's work

how you acquired these limi 2. Now, summon the courage belief from column A, and a

I believe that ________, bu believe it. That is just an I no longer accept this ide 3. Try saying this statemen column A. Notice how it fee can be one of the most libe 4. Now it's time for some n opposite of the limiting be people are selfish," you co can't handle money" becomes the belief, replace it with 5. For the last step, you s sibilities. In feng shui, n just one of your new, posit the coming week, you must f true! For instance, if your you must find one example t whether in the newspapers, don't believe it, get some

wiser, but a lot richer as

Journaling Follow-Up You have had about a week to co Journal. How has this been? Hav every day? Did you spring for t you can't afford it and that yo

If you are cannot afford to line to your tho where else are y two or three) th Journal wri fusing situations and taken me to a thoughts. Without a journal, the tho writing gives us a rope to pull them If you have been writing, congr to focus your writing this week on t

between you and your greater fortune few times this week, and start writi

Action Steps on the Journey to Wealt Now that you are dealing with th challenging week. Take it one da are making with each step. Here

Check the boxes as you compl Learn the Calming Heart Sutr tation and feng shui work. Review your goals for the Ch and make the intended change Make one step every day towa your Dream Bagua. Count up all your assets. Make a complete analysis of You will need it for this jo Make sure you are keeping up important. Be sure to do at

week 3 Energizing Your

"He who possesses Is like a newbor He screams 'til t His har mony has -- The Tao Te Chi

P R E L U D E -- T H E T H R E E FA

In the traditional, Western view of and separate: The energy of your hom another, and your spiritual life is vidual parts and hope it will all co In the Asian perspective, howev just connected--they are the same th

just reflect your finances--it is a energy. A lack in your spiritual lif cial and environmental chi, whether three aspects of life are constantly ence of life. When you affect one, y The diagram on the next page il When sitting down to balance my I say to myself, "Okay, it's time to exactly what it is. The way we give spiritual in intent; it is spirit, p flow of life, and everything we do t daily religion.

Faces of chi.

you say, "Yes, that's good," then he and play. Whoever created the idea that G destructive thing possible to mankin the world; we were vanquished the da source of life itself. Forget about creeds designed to make us "good." I not spiritual, what should we do wit it? Take it out with the trash? Even the veritable garbage has said for religious ideas that condem our spirit, and to really know life, return to the sacredness of our expe "Beginner's Mind." Beginner's Mind

A simple man looks at the countr and forests. A civiliz ed man looks at the co proper ty values. An enlightened man looks at the mountains and forests.

As adults, we have learned to di gate, define everything before we ar what we want to be when we grow up? 52

Feng Shui and Money

tests, and trips to an analyst, then we will find our answer. B response quickly follows: "A fi driver," or maybe "Just like my ing to think about it; he recog As a therapist and consult obvious. If clients come in and would be surprised at the shock

at me with disbelief. "Angry? M The same approach is requi into a home and the front door residents, "Move the books; the look at me like I'm a genius (w Now, I could have gotten a seco but all the children have to be that leaves the adults who are We have learned to think w trained to question, and distru wisdom within. Without this emo upon others to tell us how to l and, yes, even how to decorate E N V I R O N M E N TA L F E N CHI OF YOUR HOME

You may have visited some place positive energy. In such areas, ple are generally in very good sites can leave you with that r beach kind of feeling!

On the other hand, you may energy seems too low --crops do depression or lack of prosperit or another, the chi is blocked, and vitality of the residents. With feng shui, you can im creating the right flow, you ar

same way that electricity illuminate The actual mechanics of the transfor profound. The atmosphere literally b The word "enthusiasm" means "fil high and we exude a sense of delight infused with the God energy that pro which magnetically draws positive co

The Mouth of Chi The nature and condition of your fro

enters your space, thereby determini life. On a metaphorical level, your yourself into the world and how oppo When I do a consultation, I sp door. If you are reading this at hom examine the conditions we are discus Start outside the door. Quiet repeat the Calming Heart Sutra nine into your Beginner's Mind, and appro first time. Notice: Is the sidewalk as you approach? If you live in an a public areas. Are they welcoming and One of the first things I inst mat at my front door. This helps vis but also gives them the feeling that tant. Be sure to get a mat that conv opportunities. For an added invitati coins, connected by a red ribbon and come mat, pointing in the direction home. I generally recommend that the on the door just below eye level or gives a special, commanding air to y

buzzer and door knocker as well. Doe your heart sing, or does it give you the door buzzer profoundly affects t the outside world. 54

Feng Shui and Money

If your front door is made siders from looking in. A trans and you could start feeling out unable to separate your persona Make sure the door opens t very serious consideration. If limitation and frustration in b the door, and remove any furnit I often suggest an attract excites the senses and makes th to remove your cat's litter pan A bowl of potpourri, or a fresh more enticing. As you stand inside the fr

face directly into a long hallw the door. If this is the case i crystal, and hang it from the c to spread energy as it enters. back of this book for purchasin If there is a window or sl entranceway, the energy enterin through the exposure on the oth were all the rage back in the S family's income. (Remember the money associated with it, from in, use one of the multifaceted to two feet above head level. If your entranceway leads horizons are constricted and ne space. Install a mirror opposit engage the eye and give a sense You may also have a condit blocked by a wall, while the vi a larger space. This is conside because it confuses the senses of perception. In this case, ha

engage your view. H. H. Profess $100 bills at the corner of the

attention will be focused on countin all there! If your front door enters into stove, this is considered very negat nities will be burned up before you If that's the case in your home, mak tion to the section on the kitchen, that are listed.

Prosperity Journal: "My Relat the Mouth of Chi" 1. Recall the three adjectives y ideal relationship with money. M write the top three phrases at t 2. Now, consider how you can bri your home. What are five ways yo

Mouth of Chi? Note any other fen this part of your home, circle t

Clutter (That's a Dirty Word) Ten years ago, if someone used the w would not have had the same sort of But currently, it is met with eyes r Clutter now occupies the ranks as on distress: "I would have a lovely hom "I'm ready to move on in my career, ter." "I would love to elope, but I ter." "I think that I have three chi for months because of all of this cl number one excuse for many of our ai insidious condition, and how can we to have over our lives? In feng shui, clutter refers to chi energy. Often, these blockages s washing the dishes, when the pile of of unpaid bills glares at you from t up, you really do . . . but it feels is stagger to the sofa and use your yesterday's take-out containers for


Feng Shui and Money

One of the reasons that cl ally like it. What? Did you rea grumblings about mess and our c need, most of us have a subcons things around gives us a sense day at work, who wants to worry don't! Then, when the accumulat up with an impressive New Year' as January 2. There's another reason why ing. That's the reason we like avoid doing the things we fear soaks up all our energy. Clutte all this mess around, who has t being in a relationship or find Remember that old joke: A complained, "Doc, I've a had a and I just can't ignore it. Can hammer and slammed it against t

pain and cried, "What did you d "Did you forget about your head This principle also applie clutter at all. They are the mo moment ensuring everything is s consumed by their housekeeping, Which is exactly how they plann Ask yourself, "What would deal with clutter?"

Prosperity Journal: "My Make a list of ten things y ter. Now, start dealing wit a smokescreen!

When number of out and b recommend

first. If the overflowing garbage pa make sense to clean the attic first. you the most, and you will build a s the larger problems. I call this, "The 20/80 Rule." that we get 80 percent of the total trick is to figure which is the most This approach has been extreme other tasks that seem overwhelming a daunting task, I tell myself, "I onl ference," and then quickly figure ou problem is located. If the idea stil myself a time boundary, such as twen usually want to keep working until t Another effective technique is through the entire home, start at th begins. Move systematically in a clo along the way. It helps to carry a f clables, things to donate, and so fo momentum, and you may end up sorting that you normally would have skipped From the feng shui perspective

you a lot about the condition of var bedroom suggests problems (or the av ships, while the same condition in t with your role in society. Clutter i relates to problems of nurturance an

Bagua Sector of the Week: Hsun When people think of wealth, they of clothes, gorgeous homes, and glamoro dreams . . . but this is not real li considered an aspect of real life, i Of the eight areas in the bagua, the develop and maintain prosperous sple clearing through the clutter, you ar ous to come in. 58

Feng Shui and Money

The leaves in autumn are a feather fly in shimmering hues, human life should be drab, tedi

texts of feng shui. Unlike the wonders of nature, we may have lives with splendor, but the im of our spiritual power not to i

Bagua sector of the week: Hsun.

Prosperity Journal: " 1. Consider how the experi recently, and write a few 2. Now, find the Hsun gua home. Prepare your awarene

open your Beginner's Mind. 3. Get a sense of the ener few adjectives that descri the experience of wealth i 4. Consider how you want t write down four adjectives adjectives, state the foll lifestyle that is [adjecti 5. Notice what thoughts an do not feel that you deser probably a whole bunch of holding you down. List all that you can attend to the This negativity is the tru blocked in your life, and the external ones improve.

Feng Shui Applications for Financ Hsun. The Hsun area is associated wi

perfect place for a greenhouse, indo for strong, sturdy plants that will timid or melancholy plants like the the Dow Jones takes a dip! Chinese j lent leaves resembling Chinese coins The water element is often used feeds wood, causing growth in this s cial in this area, and I have one wi ledge, with nine Chinese coins on th the sound of running water always ma might consider a photo or poster of A model of a large boat, such a ered auspicious in this area, especi sure chests on its decks. Place one home, to indicate that "your ship is Since mirrors represent the wat able in Hsun. They are reported to d be sure that only beautiful things a hung a mirror over my fountain in Hs one afternoon, which was a new recor An aquarium in Hsun is ideal, e goldfish: eight of them should be re black. If any of the fish die while

not fear that you finances are in da to have done a great service by abso you can thank it, and then quickly r This is also the perfect locati of wealth, Chinese coins, golden Bud belong here. Start collecting pictur luxurious life that you want to lead honor. Search colorful magazines for Travel agencies are great sources fo places you want to visit. If you have very large windows does not leak out before you build a tal or wind chime in the window, and draperies to soften the area and giv 60

Feng Shui and Money

The vibration of Hsun is r thing in a deep, vibrant shade energy. Amethyst crystals, live upholstery . . . eggplants? Any

of luxury and wealth is perfect If you are missing parts o despair. Compensate for this wi at the very least, a large, fac ment this area from the outside large outdoor fountain, or even are missing the entire Hsun cor outdoor swimming pool in its pl like part of the house. Their f they moved in. In the coming weeks, as we essential for you to continuall the condition and flow of energ add to your prosperity shrine, intention to this area of your

Prosperity Journal: "App Review the feng shui cures list five changes you would the Calming Heart Sutra bef the intention of your desir

Your Hsun Goal for the Week

and review the one thing you wa life. Now is the perfect time t haven't already. If you've alre the list.

Prosperity Journal: "My 1. Copy the following to yo months, I will have brought your Dream Bagua] into my l 2. Consider the essence of have it? Write down four ad this new accomplishment.

3. Now, list at least three conc tation and essence of your goal You might use photos of the goal thing that reminds you of its es of your home, and create the spa 4. Finally, think of ways to hel

goal to make you feel. For insta believe that owning the car will self, "What can I do this week t car?" For me, just going to slee sheets, would make me feel this steps, and do one of them each d

Three Secret Reinforcements: Making When we install a feng shui cure, we environment. Whether it is with colo every cure changes the energetic fie only one well-placed adjustment, ama session with a good chiropractor; if can adjust the alignment and functio The vibrational change is creat how we do it. Thoughts and feelings objects, but their mass is on a much human eye. You may experience this w that is prepared with love not only because the ingredients are imbued w assembled. If you use a feng shui cure wit

means, the vibrational effect in you found. It's not just what you do, bu quality of your environment. For thi changes in the spirit of desperation In Black Sect feng shui, we rec energy with which something is done, cure. This is why many feng shui cha You may place something in a particu brings results, but over time, it ju dust, instead of ushering in new pos 62

Feng Shui and Money

clear about your intention for contemplative attitude. The Three Secret Reinforce shui cure with positive energy action. By combining all three are literally charging the cure your perception of it, but alte tific methods become more advan

the energetic, and even chemica the energetic forces to which i To practice this method, t and place it out on a table in Reinforcements to "charge" this After the bill has been blessed spend it. Instead, place it in attract more money to you. You computer screen, refrigerator, to abundance. Before blessing an object reciting the Calming Heart Sutr into a deeper part of your bein allow them to pass through your a river. Once you have assumed a me the Three Secret Reinforcements vibration is very powerful, and the ritual object. The chant that we use for Words." Just as light is compri is believed that the vibration sounds. By reciting these six s

quency of truth. The words are and are pronounced "ome mah nee English, this means, "All that Each time you recite the S gesture that transmits your ene used in feng shui is as follows

women should use their right hand. E and then draw in the middle and ring thumb. This gesture will look like t a fox in the light of a projection l ing your thumb, the mudra is in the

The blessing mudra,

When you a two fingers out fully extended. chi and imbues The blessi First, start wi

stage 1.

Visualize the d duce. For insta make it into a to attract many the Lucky Dolla your intention writing or othe you plan to put The blessing mudra,

you want a lard stage 2.

Whatever it is, Technicolor det While the vision is burning br Words, "Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum," and pr into the dollar with the hand gestur round of the blessing ritual. Each time you do a blessing, y Reinforcements nine times: Create a want to happen, recite the Six True chi with the hand gesture. Do this c Dollar, and then install it in the p

benefit. As a way of getting more famil Reinforcements, try the technique on day. Go back to any feng shui cures and use this sacred method to set yo 64

Feng Shui and Money


Just as a home full of clutter your goals, there is a financia debt. This can start fairly har shopping spree on the wings of however, can slowly start to ni living room floor, until there spend all of your time and fina ing to keep up with the debt. Though difficult to imagin a glimmer in some banker's eye.

did not have the funds at hand, credit and fulfill weekly payme credit business, however, has b rates that can go over 20 perce tions making their living off o Credit companies are in th tion of credit histories, they amounts in full, eventually. Bu get rich off the annual fees. T enough, or weak enough, to succ than we can afford too repay ri est fees, we could have bought more, if only we had paid in ca We have become prey to a l nal. Cigarette advertisements a oned to credit addiction every images do these ads portray? De these cards to get through the who can't afford their credit b business. Millions of people ha and are living the penance for By falling behind on credi raling interest rates and fees,

chase a home. Are the credit ca course not. They are betting th

can't handle your money, that you wi you will end up paying them back two borrowed. And they are probably righ Can you actually remember all o As a rule of thumb, never purchase a not be able to remember easily when rule sounds too difficult, here is a credit. Period. Pay as you go. If yo buy it. It doesn't matter what time when you can pay in cash.

To do feng a pair of scisso demolition tool. the other, and c are feeding it m

thought is throw depression, I recommend Jerrold Mund Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperou ending the debting cycle and getting only going to offer you the same adv than zero in the future. If none of this inspires you to accuse them of financial murder, con who borrowed a houseful of furniture course not. That would seem fraudule doing every time you buy on credit. items; they don't really belong to y company. You bought them with the cr This perspective applies to inf borrowing from a credit company, a f the effect is the same: You are livi for the future. Whether you are acti can leach your energy and drain your

The Spiritual Meaning, and Healing, Credit card use is credit card misus end of each month, you deny yourself


Feng Shui and Money

something of value. When you pa you count and hand to another p credit cards take away the plea whip out the card, but you are The reason that we are afr you know --is because we are af want to admit we really are dep and that we work for a living. it, euthanize it, and make it " that? "Happy Birthday! Let me g "Congratulations (swipe)." "Tha mind, and out of control. In 1971, President Nixon t when it became clear that our n foreign debts. Before that time sory note related to some bit o oretically, you could take that any time. The gold really belon declared your ownership of it,

When we left the gold stan anything of particular value. T own pieces of paper. Kind of a than just blips on a computer s This shift in the nature o tural psyche. We are no longer working, at best, for pieces of Credit card debt and cash bunch of numbers on a page. No difference between wealth and p computer screen, and not a whol With automatic deposits, I use, the impact and importance times has your boss handed over Payment should be an expression become hidden behind electronic feel you are being thanked at a we too are reduced to feeling l standard to substantiate us. De

Clearing the Debt and Creating a Fut If you are already in a debting cycl get through the month, I can only re Step Program, Debtors Anonymous: "Ju the next twenty-four hours, find a w debt. Then, continue this practice e applying the principles and methods even keel with your finances, your s

Prosperity Journal: "Debts It's time to make a list of all may not be a pleasant experience shorter if you face it now. Like your ignoring it. 1. You do not need to include an lateral, such as a mortgage or a which means that the collateral Atlantic City your gold Rolex in ment, but at least the loan is c Some of the debts you mig �

� � �

Loans from friends Loans from your family Education loans

Store accounts 2. As you collect your papers an will find them easily during the coming back to them soon. 3. Now, take the total amount of your monetary assets--your list tion if you already sold them fo is considered your net worth. We that--this is just a statement o do with this figure is the subje


When thinking of debt, we usually co ple: credit card bills, loans from f returned. 68

Feng Shui and Money

But the debt that really r debt that we owe ourselves --th never said. It's the promises w broke, that really seem to brea Inside, there is a life un then imploringly . . . and, fin will not go away, no matter how how much we tithe to charity, n the outside world. To our insid the real reason that you bought It's the trip you wanted t in your chemistry class you wan the art class that wouldn't fit bit, the desires of youth fall cease to recognize ourselves an

selves, where do we turn? Usual No matter how ambitious, w were worth it. As kids, when we consume us. It would be with us of bed in the morning. It put a Our dreams sustained us and rem world. How do we know if we have selves? Let me ask you this: Do bed, and say, "Oh boy!"? The la that you had a dream that reall decision and agonize for days, what you want? If so, this is a weak and may go out at any time

Settling the Score Let's do a bit of detective wor of some mysterious person in th would you do? Talk to their nei in their closets? Sounds like a the next person we need to inve

Prosperity Journal: "Rescuing M Answer the following questions as and judging your thoughts, you al

01. When I was a kid, the career -----------------------------

02. Three of my favorite toys wer -----------------------------

03. I was always jealous of -----------------------------

04. I wish that my parents let me -----------------------------

05. The talent that I wanted to d -----------------------------

06. I remember going to sleep at -----------------------------

07. I loved it when my Mom -----------------------------

08. I loved it when my Dad -----------------------------

09. I wish that we could have spe -----------------------------

10. One thing I really regret abo -----------------------------

11. I wish we had had more money -----------------------------

12. The best experience I had as -----------------------------

Now, take these answers and write inside.


Feng Shui and Money

The Meditative Millionaire, Par In the not-so-distant past, med was a natural part of life. Tra there was built-in down time to the use of electricity, natural sons, more than half of the day time. This was the natural rhyt of nature. With the advent of virtual however, the time and space giv ished. We are urged to do more, do it. In so doing, we've lost the more dependent we become on are, what is true, and, of cour Meditation is actually qui equipment, incense, or even a g you, which is the piece that ha you need to bring back.

So, fin comfortably, and loosen a begin to foc slowly throu through your broken, at least momentarily, b Notice the distraction, acknowl Imagine your thoughts are l may catch your eye for a moment sciousness, and return the focu At times, you may become aw This may be the first time toda became sensitive to what you ar do not fixate on it. Remember, Observer Self. This is the part During meditation, it's oka yourself, "Oh, I feel tight in thought go, and continue to jus

tensions, and it is another thing to chiropractor! As you scan your body, you may own, and you may want to move or adj and to let yourself respond to your your awareness to your breath, and n tion and exhalation. Your thoughts m seem to be speeding up. In either ca your focus to your breath. In time, this practice will dee thoughts, your feelings, and your li issue to the next, or "flying off th find a new perspective: You are owni ing them to own you.

Action Steps on the Journey to Wealt This week, energize your home an in this chapter. Things may be c journal entries to record your p

Check off the boxes when you Survey your home for energy Start the clutter quell! Try see what a difference it can Review your desires for the least two cures this week. Do one step every day toward Bagua. Make your dollar lucky--and Have you applied this method Assess your debt, and make a Arrange with a credit agency the cards (literally!). Find some quiet time to do t this week, and consider how

week 4 Possessing Your L

"Because I am unor thodox, Other wise, I would alrea

-- The Tao Te Ching, Book

P R E L U D E -- D R O P O U T,


To achieve a true sense of fulfillme ceived ideas of who we are, how we s should spend it. I am not suggesting love beads, and move to some commune would just mean buying into another posed to be, instead of connecting t Being a savvy consumer does not gains and clipping coupons for weekl knowing what you really want and inv energy into getting it. I have heard that planning save into pursuing our goals, but I think Taking time for this essential intro maybe even millions, in returns on i

this: Most of us spend at least fort waking hours, at our jobs. Since mos years of their adult lives, this rep not including overtime, commuting, p it takes us to recover from the whol

Compare this figure with the ti we want. One hour a week? Probably n have the time" for that sort of intr In our fast-feeding world of instant the things that matter the most. We hours of our lives to our jobs, and time clarifying and defining what is I am thinking of a friend who w asked what sort of career he was goi school . . . or law school. One of t rized the self-disconnection that wo estimate he spent about four thousan

degree, and he probably spent less t the rest of his life. The advertising world is much h jobs and relationships. If we were f would we urgently shop for the lates what's important inside, so that we and buy more on the outside. Their p keeps us working at jobs that are le When we are busy, we waste the to an important meeting, you might n wich. Need a quick pick-me-up to jus mindlessly spend $4.25 for a simple day at work? Grabbing a quick, hot m a bargain, right? There's nothing wrong with trea lunch, or a take-out meal. But when desperation, the sense of fulfillmen less stable we feel, and the more de and services. This way, we can spend

The Hall of Shame and Other Emotions Feelings are energy. They are the po

bodies. The more energy we have, the is why people stay stuck, disempower they are trying to avoid their real 74

Feng Shui and Money

Something happens in our l say something, do something, ma scary. So instead, we suppress becomes constricted, until we n Shame, fear, humiliation, are natural reactions to the ev see these parts of yourself lis part and get back to the sectio sofa? Without our emotions, we d need to do. We become passive, The public relations side of us is all right, when in fact, we with feelings is not that we ha to them.

Not only are our feelings pensable. Without our emotions, the world? Advertisements? TV E One of the main reasons th that certain emotions are "bad. hatred . . . that is something In the sections below, I h feelings and explored how their toward wealth and fulfillment.

Shame. When we don't feel the world, we feel ashamed. Unf to feel ashamed about our most generosity. Ironically, in our taught to feel ashamed of our d There is a natural shame, not living according to our inn admit it: Don't you feel ashame the rest of the day hiding from of your shame. By differentiati guilt placed upon us, we build standards.

Prosperity Journal: "My Shame Make a list of ten times when yo ship with money. The purpose is the lessons of your emotions, so "Ten times when I felt ashamed o

Anger. Ah, anger. One of the fav room. And for a good reason: Anger i bances. It might be expressed as fru right rage. Anger is the voice withi me!" But when we silence that voice "reasonable," or that no one will li our ground. In my experience, strong anger ences in our emotional past. But tha feelings in the present. By paying a free and clear, and we can start to

Prosperity Journal: "My Ange List ten times when you felt ang job in which you felt underpaid your boss, anger at your custome or your spouse. . . . Recognize tive way, or you will end up cha prosperity. "Ten times when I fe

Jealousy. Jealousy is actually it quickly leads us to a sense of wh are jealous of someone else, you are yourself. The desire may be material abstract ("I wish I were confident a projection may be, realize whom this We have problems with jealousy we think we can have. If we truly be other people have, we would not deny

Prosperity Journal: "My Jeal Describe the situations that mak in detail: If you want to live l


Feng Shui and Money

describe what draws you to what this identification is "Ten people or situations t way. . . ."


The environmental feng shui wor focused in the living room and room is the area of the home de festation of the way we are per in both of these areas this wee strengthen your capacity for cr

The Living Room Each room in the house correspo and social life. Some rooms, su

bathroom," lend themselves to t life. Others, such as the entra are associated with our more pu A century ago, when socia often have two different "livin the house was called the parlor Children were not permitted to calling, and only then when on In the rear of the home, had an additional room for the from the public eye, this area furniture formerly used in the for public exposure. In contemporary society, al. Men and women walk down the have to post signs that shirts themselves from public exposure "dirty laundry" in public, as t their husbands' affairs with th switch operations.

As the parlor and living room m private space also changed greatly. in their homes, so their lives can b the Internet! Talk about the dissolu and private space. In feng shui, the living room r selves with the public world. This i home, where we interact with our fam friends and guests.

Prosperity Journal: "Objectiv Take a moment to look at your li between yourself and the world. "What sort of people live here? their life? How do they feel abo Write down your thoughts.

You might want to get friends o with you to answer these questions a prised by their responses.

We often fall into a trance wit conditions that we don't like, simpl may have this experience when return feeling renewed, only to look at you been living? I can't believe it!"

Your Relationship to Relating Studies in environmental psychology stranger has in our home correlates the space. If you have imprinted you will tend to feel welcomed and comfo that style of d�cor or not. If you are hesitant about perso indicates you do not feel comfortabl ety. I have been in many New York ap sionally decorated. When a person ab a designer, it can end up disguising degree to which your living space pr 78

Feng Shui and Money

The seating arrangement sa feels about relating. One clien not find a romantic relationshi thing, and there were "just no hear a lot from my female clien introduce them to my male clien women!) When I went into her livin only seating that she had in th The chairs were separated by a straight ahead at a mammoth lar any men into her place, the fur look at each other! I told her a mate, she needed to get rid o that was big enough for two. If the major focus in your lot about your relationship wit observer of life, putting in mo people. In feng shui, televisio and this not only because TVs w Television viewing is a passive to deplete our energy and poten

on the tube. Restless? Exhauste Without television, what would Consider putting the telev net, so it will not dominate th are just as negative as the one sages; they absorb your energy room. By putting it in a cabine all and move on to doing someth What's Your Style?

Feng shui is art of making tial if you a can't tell yo that have bee the occupant

how his life should look. I know tha

good designer, but, unfortunately, t want another person to pick out your not filled by your own choices can h The first step to creating your one. Anything that strikes your fanc need to go to school to figure it ou know what you like. Sometimes these cate matters.

Prosperity Journal: "What's There are the basic questions I style: 1. If you could spend six months go, and how would you live? Writ 2. Where have you already been i memories? Make a brief list, the graph that describes it fully, e textures. Make sure that the loc question in this exercise. 3. Next, what do you love about may be, "Nothing!" but cast your already own, and focus on the on your neighborhood. Think of the

to do. Expand your vision even f tryside, your state, and even yo what you love about your current 4. You have probably realized ho that involve triangles, so here page of your journal. At the top like to live for six months. At past that brings you the fondest name the place where you live no

1 __________ Theme: 2. Past Visit _______________________ 80

Feng Shui and Money

5. Now, ask yourself, "What

places?" Consider the quali remind you of. Also, compar chose in chapter 1 for your tral theme in the middle of 6. Finally, make a list of your personal sense of styl you can do this week. These yourself to bring them into

Bagua sector of the week: Li.

Prosperity Journal: "M 1. Write a few notes in you nized and achieving fame fo see you for your innermost 2. Now, go to the Li area o feels right now. Write a fe 3. Next, consider how you w feel. Do you want to be fam be recognized for? Choose f recognition to feel in your 4. Now, it's time to state tion: "I, [your name], am f tive 2], [adjective 3], and 5. Notice any negative reac you have received for your suit of your career.

Feng Shui Applications for Finan in Li. The fire element and the colo A few years ago, when I was in the p the entire wall in the Li position a received two surprise job offers wit seems drastic, consider hanging a be curtains on the windows, or at least pillows. Anything associated with fire lava rocks at the base of this wall and you can use red ones for an extr blaze is ideal in this quadrant, but active volcano will also get you not Increasing light in this area energy. A red light bulb can really energy is in the bedroom or not! If put a bright light on a timer, so th cious times, from 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 Bright lights inside or outside the of the Li quadrant in your home. In the Li gua, highlight the t known. Clear out any clutter, especi negative periods in your life, and r

plishments and talents. Your college of you shaking hands with internatio quadrant of your home. Cactus is generally considered its prickly thorns and unfriendly ex is considered auspicious, because it cult periods and undue criticism. I in my Li sector at home, which has w still maintained its demeanor. The worst things that you can since these represent the water elem plants or other woodsy things, on th this gua. Make this area a shrine to the other references to your pursuit of 82

Feng Shui and Money

book, frame a sample of the cov known as the richest person in support this image.

Prosperity Journal: "Fen Review the adjectives you c yourself, "How can I light true talents and gifts?" Se feng shui cures. Use your j about bringing your inner c use Three Secret Reinforcem

Your Li Goal for the Week. chapter 2, and identify the goa If you've already obtained it,

Prosperity Journal: "M 1. In your journal, write t will have brought [the Li g life in a way that is reall 2. Consider the essence of how do you want it to make describe how you are planni plishment into your life. 3. Now, detail a short list area of your home right awa

self-respect. 4. Finally, consider how to now. What can you do to sta Outline at least seven smal week.


Making more money will not nece fact, the number of responsibil financial status, which explain after the prime of their career they loved singing that one hit

The solution to our financial d the money we have, and not with how

home may have energetic drains, peop leak out funds without control or co engenders a sense of apathy, which l humiliation. As the cycle continues, further into a sense of powerlessnes Most people treat their pets be you imagine not feeding your pet for needs? That's exactly what a lot of against animal companions, but our l survival does depend upon our financ seriously at the way we treat this s You regularly face decisions ab spend it. These choices are not arbi with yourself. When you are comforta you will financially empower your dr ultimately become apparent in your c One example is what I call "pet crimes that we commit against oursel expense that could fulfill our needs start to feel the pinch of financial appear as a form of self-sacrifice. not handling my money very well righ making sacrifices, so I can't be bla

having." We often confuse sacrifice with out something, then I must be managi But petty deprivation is rarely acco ning. We may blow $50 for dinner wit a dark living room, because we've be we may eat junk food all week, which ourselves a new pair of socks. Deprivation is never about mone involves goal setting, commitment, a you want with the money you have. De intentionally neglecting yourself fo money. And for so long as you are de 84

Feng Shui and Money

to get rich, you are just going the root of that word: miser. Start to note the ways that mately become, wealthy by commi myself "forgetting" to buy more

contact lenses longer than I am look like I am trying to invent am "saving money," but in fact, Petty deprivations do not o on ourselves in many creative w busy, or too important in the w too little, eating too quickly, Superman could fulfill . . . if be useless!

Prosperity Journal: "My P Petty Deprivations" In the exercise below, answ thought. Write your answers the ways your self-imposed

01. In terms of my personal ________________ . 02. If I only had a little

03. I never seem to have en 04. I have learned to do wi 05. Something that I enjoy

06. Something that I really 07. Something else that I r _______________________ 08. Something that I enjoye _______________________ 09. I never keep the cupboa

10. Something that would be _______________________

You may notice that most, i financially inexpensive, but ve child of the things that make h would you deprive yourself? A s

this program is, "Be kind to yoursel you really were, you would treat you

If you are living in the spirit income will appease your cruelty tow way to feel punished, lacking, and n and then start to make amends. When something from the list above, and g You will be amazed at how this chang

Saving Your Life Taking care of your immediate needs and loved. Your savings account is a are invested in yourself. If you are are not committed to the long-term n on many levels. Surprisingly, the time in my li was when I was in graduate school. E excited to be preparing for a lifelo ural response to this optimism. Sinc has waxed and waned, and so has my s There are few things that will in the bank. It doesn't have to be a can sleep soundly at night. What goo you are so scared for the future you The banks do not make saving mo

offer savings accounts with no inter shouldn't be interested in saving at you feel secure; it is your job. Any will make you feel more comfortable. "But how can I consider saving cards?" you may ask. "That doesn't m Though this is common reasoning, I h their credit bills any faster! If yo bills are paid, you may not feel sec You need to have a savings acco ment, or other risky circumstances. the equivalent of at least six month account. You probably won't be makin need to know this amount is availabl 86

Feng Shui and Money

If saving money seems impro here is a profitable exercise t open a savings account. If you interest, that's great, but do

welcoming. You can start the account w Most savings accounts can be st the procedure below, I can guar Then at the end of the month, y you like, and start filling the

Change Happens Are you familiar with all those coins that crawl around the cre cracks of the sofa, rummage at bureaus and tabletops. What's t is a simple trick to feel healt

At th purse of a or piggy b tion. Then chase, onl change in "deposit." If the bill is $1.01 change. This is now your saving quickly it grows.

An average consumer will ac which could become $90 a month, a pocketful of change! Sometime and make tiny little purchases seems like cheating, but it's s You can decorate the area a the things you want: a beautifu your wish list. Just be sure to even do the Three Secret Reinfo the bank.

If you are afraid you will be t using a large juice can with a tiny juice can and put it in my "money co with the vibration of Hsun. At the end of each month, gathe and deposit the contents into your n over $50, you have the minimum to in

The only difficult part of savi count your change for you. This is a against in bank after bank. I would that would take the twenty-pound jui refuses, you can roll the coins your Alternatively, there are now machine count the coins for a small fee. In much bigger than if you never were t fun way to invest in your future and INNER FENG SHUI--RECOGNITION

If you have felt battered by various the quickest paths to revenge is by the gang at the high school reunion? desire for revenge is one of the gre wealth, but also one of the biggest If you are living to avenge th will forever live in their shadow. T should be ignored. It means you shou

life for the sake of revenge. Living and just reinforces the hurt that st

Prosperity Journal: "Sufferi List ten times you felt disrespe was involved, and how you were a directly impacting your financia different way: by discussing it not send, or working it out in t past hurts from your future dire 88

Feng Shui and Money

As an addendum to this lis to address: you. Whoever hurt u to how we believe we should be not be around to hurt us anymor against ourselves. This is a tw the lesson, once and for all. S yourself: "Do I do this to myse of your defeat as the bad guys

Prosperity Journal: "Di Make a list of ten ways you self, open yourself to humi like, confront the present that you deserve.

Writing the New Script Affirmations allow you to decid instead of following the same o it's too much for me," try sayi it well and really enjoy it." T positive view. Try on your beliefs like may not feel you deserve to be about old experiences and lies; Back in the 1980s, there Authority." Each of us needs to do you know who that is? If you your own mind. There is really life, and that is the one that This voice cannot necessa what you learned to think is tr

with those thoughts and beliefs assumption that your future wil dated ideas already-- yesterday demanding job, and you got fire be sure that your next job will from natural science classes: N an experience, it is impossible

If you don't believe me, try to Have you ever made love exactly the you could, but it's just not possibl batch of air? Again, not possible. Try as you may, you will never So, give up thinking you will. You c nothing will ever be the same. It ju free to see your future as an endles The Power to Affirm

If you cannot pay your bills, try us money, and I can afford to pay all m feeling. Maybe it has been a long ti way. Commit yourself to the feeling you don't want, and reality will fol

Plan to put etly, review you abundance, and " with this affirm helpful to write opposite affirma want and how you are working with yo will become second nature, and you w negativity at every turn. Reduce your affirmation to one over in your mind, so that you can r one of my favorites: "I am financial dling money." That phrase completely with money. Whatever sentence you ch you get it right, and then, when the Don't try to affirm your new be a day. Not only will this prevent yo

but your fixation on the process is don't think that it will work. You might add a summarizing sta tion session, such as, "The conditio 90

Feng Shui and Money

better, are now coming into my everyone else." Think of your a cosmic clouds, so they will rai that you use affirmations ten m program, and see what miracles

Physical Affirmations At some point in your day, afte choose one physical action to c the thing that you have affirme very simple. You are training your subc believe that you can have what example. If you want to prove t

action step to validate this id send it to the electric company my home and pay my bills on tim says, "I am intent on paying my As another tact, you could the money will come, and that y Whatever you choose, it's essen tive beliefs in a way that is m could stay in your head and nev

The Internal Flow of Chi The degree to which we feel nur wealth, is the quality of the c that we "feel like a million bu ing meal. If we are feeling tir going to be difficult, if not i The feng shui of the home bodies. When we are feeling hap this energy into our environmen in our energy, our homes reflec and stagnant chi. Our internal Our financial energy also are emotionally and spiritually

sue and treat our money. This i exercise before they go to work

they step into the workplace, they h that will carry them through the day As part of your daily meditation energetic exercises that will clarif your physical and spiritual structur ronment, and not dealing directly wi own energetic field, is like washing

The air th chi in our bodi focus on the br flow. In ancien and filled with food to fulfill energetic needs. In a balanced regimen of food, breathin

feng shui to compensate for the qual The entire universe is compose cosmic dance either facilitates or c shui, meditation, and breathing, you life energy and become part of the p

Breathe and Grow Rich: The Inhale/Ex The way that we breathe is a metapho is like oxygen: If you don't take in Your personal power is in your breat better you feel, and the more money The inhale/exhale method is an tive chi from your body and fills yo feeling deprived, impoverished, or j exercise to perform. Follow it with back on the path to wealth! Start by reciting the Calming a meditative state. Next, tilt your so that it seems that you are leanin through your mouth, and visualize th form of bright, clear sunlight. If y is streaming off of a spiritual figu Higher Power. Imagine this light fil


Feng Shui and Money

parts of your body, until your of this chi. Imagine that this disease, ill fortune, and feeli Now, exhale this breath in body to its regular upright pos become dark and smoky from all with each of the nine staccato energy. You should do this brea Each day this week, try to have been feeling low in energy should do three cycles of nine you practice this every day, it quality of your chi, which will

Action Steps on the Journey to This is a busy week, so set

Be sure to check the boxes

Notice how you are feeling spending habits. Write abo Review your definition of three changes in your livi Review the goals you set f two this week. Do one step every day this Dream Bagua. Complete the journal entry a little this week with at Arrange your sacred canist change. Try the verbal affirmation week. Do at least one phys materialize your new belie Use the inhale/exhale meth Breathe, and grow rich!

week 5 Finding Comfo

"Perceiving wh Is called ins Residing in s Is called str -- The Tao Te

P R E L U D E -- S T A R T I N G E A

Connecting with your inner self, and important key to feeling wealthy. Wh contribute to who you are and what m buy happiness, but it certainly help to do. But who has time to think abou make ends meet? The answer: You do. set your alarm clock a quarter of an get started. Supposedly, everyone is entitl lifetime. I believe we are also enti every day. All it takes is an inquis

creative. After going through an early p living in major cities, and travelin ered one major thing: Wherever I wen denominator--me. No matter how much always turned up pretty much the sam unhappy in Paris or Peoria, it didn' 94

Feng Shui and Money

could find something wrong in R the same person. Despite the insistence of come in large packages. Look at happy: a smiling glance, a butt As adults, we're not all that d like to follow our heart's desi allow ourselves to do that, we The surest path back to ou inner leanings: what we are fee I have a colleague who posted a

"What is my desire?" By meditat ities open up. The technique is very simp you first awaken, ask yourself, You can do this either before o be satisfied with a negative re work" or "Nothing." Stay with y what would feel really satisfyi Then, whatever it is you d minutes pursuing this activity, you want to go sky diving, ask the essence of that activity fo quick trip up to the roof of yo observe the fresh morning view. around in general; turn on your Whatever it is, that activity i need to hop on board before it Your desired activity will live that way all day, you main you want in your life. Over tim That's it. That's the whol


In feng shui, the most importan the stove or even the front doo

than anywhere else. This is where yo cate with your subconscious by dream aligned or does not support your rej each day at a disadvantage.

During a concerned wit homes, but th least, it sho in its purest on your feng shui. For this reason, money are done in the bedroom. It is

your most creative (and procreative) Too often, the bedroom is consid madly through the traumas and circum exhausted into bed at night. This mu more grounded and secure in life. In the whirlwind of modern times tion and achievement is rated above space has become suspect. We have ce of nurturance. It has become almost our lives for a few hours before ret York, some apartment dwellers have a room, which says a lot about our per

Feng Shui Techniques for the Bedroom Feng shui and interior design are in where a few nice features can make a have attractive pictures on the wall bility when you first open your eyes harsh, abstract art or disturbing im your sleep and set you off on the wr A beautiful view from your bedr is not the case in your neighborhood

in warm, rich colors. This will help when you lie in bed. Key features to warmth, comfort, and care. Setting t when you close your eyes at night an 96

Feng Shui and Money

Personalize the room with rabilia of youth, photos of peo soothes your senses . . . all o sanctuary. If you share this ro what is special about your rela souvenirs, and other items with people in the relationship cont room, to make each detail an af

Feng Shui under the Covers. sider your experience when you inform your self-worth and impo luxury and comfort, or do you l is the first environment that a

you experience when you go to s Lie on your bed, close you safe, secure, and loved? These will affect your mindset for th what you perceive when you firs Your bedroom is like a wel message does it state? Does it Life" or "Land of Despair--Ente

Prosperity Journal: "My Write a few notes about how about comfort and security. your inner world. Use this manifested. Now, consider the t essence of wealth, and deci private world of your bedro

Sweet Dreams. . . . The bed niture, and it has the biggest your work, and your life. It's automobile, and then skimp on t does this influence how you fee

Skimping on the condition of yo After a while, it affects you i

For a solid foundation in your supportive structure. Futons and mat are a definite "no-no" in feng shui. lems by not allowing an adequate flo you are sleeping. Pockets of stagnan on glands and causes disease. Bed frames with built-in drawer made worse if you store junk or any sure the area under the bed is clear will ensure that you feel supported stronghold of clear energy beneath y The head of the bed represents board, it is difficult to feel a str your bed already has a headboard, ma bed and that the shape feels comfort

headboard, purchase one or have one frame. A footboard is not essential fo the bed into a container of energy, seem restrictive. If you are startin you are single and looking for a mat board may inhibit you from reaching Notice the linens and blankets between the quality of a person's be you have trouble sleeping, indulge i change them frequently. Our bodies a restlessness in bed can be a reactio that we carry throughout our day. Th not skimp on quality. Make sure the floor by your bed or rug, especially if you live in a world each morning should be a pleas awakens you without dignity, invest sound, or get an alarm that graduall awaken you with a jump. By establish rious sanctuary, you will be on your leave the house.


Feng Shui and Money

The Command Position. Men bedroom, and certain images com is something that you can do in your office at work! The proper location of th major furniture pieces, is call ment of these essential element which influences the way you pu of these elements makes you fee however, this will adversely af Many years ago, before st little Ethiopian restaurant, an that I wanted to sit against th I hadn't really thought about w thought it was interesting and to us said that he felt the sam of seating. We decided that it mobsters who never sat with the Years later, I learned th

which has been recognized in Ch sands of years. In feng shui, i sleep, facing the entrance with If the head of your bed i room, the entrance is behind yo people can enter without your k suspicions, which can affect bo Putting your bed on the o the door, is problematic as wel in bed. This is called the "Cof are always taken out of the roo night, but not that soundly! Deciding the best placeme when you must consider windows, tures. It is not best to have t the opening does not give a sol The following diagram ill for the bed. Putting the bed on factory. This leads to a creati

who are initiating new beginnings, o behind the headboard with a large pl decorative screen.

Favorable and unfavorable placement of the bed.

Prosperity Journal: "Feng S Make a list of feng shui applic week to create greater comfort a nice picture to greet you eac

you feel about your life.

Make Money by Making the Bed! E sive feng shui doctrines about bed m uated that ill luck befalls the pers since the bed symbolically represent outer worlds, not making the bed is us. It's like we are saying, "I am g sure I really want to!" We feel like the covers and pretend we never left If you habitually leave your be one week, make your bed every mornin entering the world purposefully and start to feel more confident, more p ings. And this will directly impact Though it may seem trivial, whe ment each morning, my energy level s ping back in social situations, as i 100 Feng Shui and Money

world of sleep, I found myself mo know and offering my hand and nam my bed each morning? Maybe so. Tr

Bagua sector of the week: Kun.

The Kan-Hsun-Kun triangle.

is a good woman." We tend to unde supportive and loving spouse can At the same time, career tra women, too, need faithful support to the world. No one is exempt fr ing. By fulfilling these needs in the expectation that our bosses, ones to give it to us. An underst loved and that there is someone t

"Hey, Big Spender!" There is a

way we "spend" our sexual energy and Money, in its simplest form, is pote it is directly linked to the way tha bodies. If you are afraid of spending in, you are probably the type of per ual energy and is afraid to "let it one who seems to leak out your money your sexual energy the same way and without having anything to show for pockets" takes on a new meaning! Healthy sexuality is akin to a felt choices, committing to what you energy in a life that is truly satis If you do not treat your energy with never lead you to happiness. Your fi treatment. If you feel loved and supporte pelled to use money to compensate fo $1,000 on a new suit, when your spou Why take a two-week cruise, when you with the one you love? Loneliness is the biggest caus

tional holes with material goods, an how advertisers use sexual allusions help us find satisfying relationship products they are trying to sell! Wi up, we are empowered to use our mone life that we really want. Subconsciously, we may avoid w fication for avoiding intimate conta I have nothing to wear." "Get marrie long as there are money issues, we f deeper contact. Financial independen run from the kind of security that w another person. 102

Feng Shui and Money

Prosperity Journal: "E Kun Sector of My Home" 1. Write a few notes about ships. Consider how you ar lel your relationship with

2. Settle into your Beginn right corner of your home. your impressions. 3. Next, define four adjec of personal relationships directly related to these 4. Using the adjectives th tion aloud: "I, [your name [adjective 3], and [adject 5. See what thoughts and f have been feeling unhappy undoubtedly have beliefs t List all the negative reac these limiting beliefs, th

Feng Shui Applications for Kun. Using the adjectives you area of my home feel more like When people talk about the lov like "loving, fun, sexy, excit However you define it, you nee qualities into your Kun sector Since relationships conne

represent love and intimacy ar this gua are pink, red, and wh beautiful set of candlesticks In Chinese culture, marri ducks. Place these on your nig gau to bring the right energy, on them with a clear vision of Examine the artwork that Kun sector of your home, and m healthy relationships you are loving couples, and hang them

Opposites really do attract, an opposite sex, you need to display yo home to send your vibration loud and clients have told me how they mistak their homes because they thought men

even had a gray bathroom, because sh its conservative d�cor! Most men want a woman to be fem looking for a masculine man. Would y wears perfume, or a woman who smells true natures in our homes, we confus sense of us. Many of my female clien a male consultant to really indulge their environments. The element associated with the that relationships are like the supp cotta planters, beautiful vases, and fect here. In Chinese philosophy, fi on anything red and full of passion, If you are missing part of the find relationship bliss. Hang nine m the wall, or place nine plants in te

Prosperity Journal: "Applying List five changes you would like relationships. And don't forget satisfying love life.

Your Kun Goal for the Week. Go t chapter 2, and identify the goal tha sexuality.

Prosperity Journal: "My Goal 1. Copy the following sentence: brought [the goal you have writt into my life in a way that is re 2. Consider the essence of this ities, and how do you want it to that describe how you are planni 104

Feng Shui and Money

3. Now, list three concret right away. Get creative, 4. Figure out how to bring even if you are still seek would make you feel cheris yourself feel that way rig

essence into your life, an

The Fragrant Flower Method If you want to bring fresh opp ing the chi in your home with Method. A bouquet of flowers, change the energy inside a roo to women on a first date: They of all sorts of possibilities.

T chi o the c days, in ea and t aspects of your financial well rance (the kitchen), and your On the first day you do t of flowers. They do not need t have a total of at least nine to find a large bouquet for ab market.

Divide the flowers into t three rooms: bedroom, living r set in its place, do the Three visualize all the negative ene After three days, dispose bunch that is distributed amon new ways, try not to use the s Three Secret Reinforcements ag energy being absorbed by the f

After three more days, do this new bunches of flowers, while reinfo ing negative chi is absorbed by the these bunches after the third day th Your home and your life should now b will grace your new path to wealth a


Do you remember that annoyingly indu lifestyles of the rich and famous? T hedonistic activities of various mov lifestyles were quite commonplace if But how many television viewers watching that show, or even increase by one iota? Probably . . . no one. shows about other people eating lobs not automatically make it happen to hard to translate other people's vis tine. Sure, it's nice to know that E resort in Bora Bora (and I'll be sur beach towel), but in the meantime: H now into a life of wealth and luxury The first step is to realize th many possibilities as we can handle, have into what we want. The process a recipe, and then you make adjustme the shelf and what looks freshest at show, however, the Lifestyles progra at home--so you were left feeling de

watching other people having the adv We waste a lot of time, and let ing to have the whole package at one piece by piece. The truth is, if eve need to be all that expensive, progr ness, and movie stars would have to (Like acting, maybe?) 106

Feng Shui and Money

So, let's start with the are planning to get rich in th it, but the future never reall shadow: You keep moving ahead, instead, you need to realize y "today is the day that is yest And if you keep putting off th you think you might afford itget it. So, instead of waiting life, start creating your life

Prosperity Journal: "My Without thinking too much, money than I do now, I wou you can.

Did you notice that the not "a million dollars"? The r tioned to believe that luxury, is going to cost a fortune, an bit of what we want. Where did the lottery office? Maybe. The it's a childhood message: We a and our parents responded, "Wh paralyzing idea prevents us fr Here are some examples o If I had a bit more money that I would treat myself: Go horseback riding Fresh berries Hot croissants for breakfa A set of crystal champagne A thick, plush bath towel Perhaps something on my l

also pose this question to som responses they provide. Now that we have listed s cess one step further. For eac

and ask yourself: Can I imagine this really feel indulged, how might I en For instance, take a look at t ing. I am proud to say it was only a fondness for riding and went for an (Yes, such things exist.) Total cost if I took this interest to the next can I imagine fulfilling my love of I could see myself taking less ing a complete Western outfit with b the whole look. And I might even con every Saturday, so I can fulfill my can be luxuries, if you really love

As I get on a roll with my fan the vision starts to get really exci Montana, owning my own horse, compet even running my own ranch someday. T afternoon of riding! Are any of these ideas impossi possible than they did five minutes about my interests. But none of this with that first, single hour on hors night and daydream about life in the phone and reserve the first riding t shui leaves me with an extra $25 and go riding this week . . . I'll know to take the first step. However, once I actually show can happen. Maybe I'll find that I d hanging on to that animal at full sp much happier in a beach chair than i feel so much at home at that ranch t conversations with the stable hands they let me stay. Who knows? The onl to pursue them. Once you begin the practice of

pen in your life, and they do not ha tant. The universe will try to give 108

Feng Shui and Money

bly start with small doses to verse what you want by taking present themselves. "Don't ste told me. So, go back to the list t make sure you get at least one buy the ranch until you first

Make a Plan for Wealth Say the word "budget," and wha beans? Walking ten miles to wo for a discount on last week's Budgets typically imply weight seems out of control, t tic, rarely satisfying, and ra budget seems like punishment f

we will avoid these onerous im potential, not just your limit Instead of talking about vision, we are going to focus want to go, and how do you wan Anything you desire can limousine rides, fresh bouquet mean you can afford it right a creative, and just because som will be out of reach in the fu Budgets have gotten a ba the importance of what they wa lems, they start tossing thing "How much?" Then, they adopt a maintain, instead of creativel When making a budget, we important to us . . . and then keeping, or have kept, a budge these items: clothing, evening for yourself and others, snack ing to live without these thin it's the "miscellaneous" thing

It's Time for a Plan Your spending is dictated by your co of what you are spending, you are pr "But what if I just don't have e That common plea is the root of budg won't have enough, and can't have en making plans.

Prosperity Journal: "My Pros 1. In the first week of this pro spending log. Using this as a gu and the total spent for each. If expenses are not worth repeating tiously. The quickest way to und 2. Assign your purchases to cate any essential categories that ma their usual cost. Here is a list mortgage; utilities; car expense

telephone; laundry and dry clean ings and home care; education; c magazines, and newspapers; enter fees; medical expenses; investme cellany. If you are not anticipa put them in your plan, but be ca come up soon. 3. Refer to the simple luxuries some of them at the top of your with the bulls in Spain" or "eat may be. Then, make sure that you

Compare the income you defined i produced. If your income meets your That is the experience of true wealt your income, that's the source of yo creative. Don't just whittle off the the quickest path to feeling deprive plans even before you start. Go to appendix B at the back of "Prosperity Plan." Make a number of use them every week.


Feng Shui and Money

Review the categories you each one, "How important is th assign them to your first "Pro head of the list.


total month, priori the fa the ol may ne hand, if movie night with your to each week, and it rated jus you maintain that expense at a Continue to record all pu the totals to your Prosperity through the week, keep tabs of Try not to go over in any one

deduct from other areas, espec At the end of each week, gory, and decide how you need went over in any area, conside how to creatively minimize cos are really important. You might have envisioned to think about money at all, a This is a throwback to your me tion of a wealthy life! Consid in history in which anyone can ing to use their skills and cr When you can manage $1 wi you are ready to move on to th out how to pay for the next me villa in Tuscany, the skills a an essential part of this proc and you will be able to handle

The Great Wealth Accumulator A powerful transcendental technique of a surprising tool: the piggy bank hood, when you were given your first coins and deposit them in the a smil have a function that could greatly t Hopefully, you have already bee augmenting the Change Happens system your change at the end of the day an sending the powerful message that yo while and want to invest in a fulfil

The Great W known as the Pig saving to a new your money, whic nities. This rit you are doing ea two activities complement each other the other is transcendental; togethe To set up this ritual, you need

1. A new piggy bank, of a size t on a futon or mattress on the below) 2. A new pen with black ink 3. A piece of red paper, cut int 4. Two round mirrors, three inch 5. A red cloth large enough to f

It is best to do this ritual on for blessings and rituals. To find w Classic Chinese Almanac, by Dr. Edga Chinese astrology or feng shui. Beca ual, it is also recommended that the hours of 11:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M., o which is when the earth's vibrations 112

Feng Shui and Money

Once the materials are prep 01. Gather the materials ar Calming Heart Sutra nin


03. 04.


focused state, and visu Great Wealth Accumulato wealth and prosperity t and enjoy the details. ritual, and how it will journey toward abundanc With the new black pen don't exhale. While hol Wealth Accumulator," on then sign your name on Attach the red circle o your name is facing inw You now need to identif with where your dominan your back. For most peo the area where this han your bed. If you sleep can still do this ritua ner of your bedroom, bu the new prosperity come Place one of the round and place the piggy ban start making bacon!

06. Take the second round m the bed so that it shin are making a piggy bank bank between them. 07. Your Piggy Bank Ritual preparations, do the Th great prosperity coming 08. You now need to choose to collect and save in twenty-seven days. It c cent piece, or dollar c least one of these coin

are doing this ritual, so ma choose a denomination that h 09. Decide whether you are going seven days. If your money pr quite large, you are best ad

seven-day cycle. 10. Starting on the day you set collect at least one coin of ritual bank at the end of th chase and receive some chang denomination separate from t you may want to keep them in must collect at least one ea of the coins of that denomin If you do not make any purch change so you have at least can do the Three Secret Rein money in this bank. 11. At the end of the nine or tw the bank in its position und Hsun corner of your bedroom. money you have accumulated. this period of days, you hav literally magnetic to money guard this vessel so the vib

Here are a few additional notes this ritual:

01. If you forget to collect at nation during any day, you m any coins in the bank that y start with a new nine or twe 02. If, due to a mistake or emer coins of your chosen denomin need to start the ritual aga the coins you spend, and rep coins for each one spent. 114

Feng Shui and Money

03. If you need to be away ual cycle, you have tw bank with you, or you change purse until you 04. This ritual is even mo wife together. It is a them a lot about the v tune into their lives.

Before I even learned the Hsun corner of my bedroom and each day into it. Within three $25 in the mail. But that was after another three days, I re than a week, I turned a handfu have to travel to Atlantic Cit Remain committed to your have some amazing stories of y your Great Wealth Accumulation INNER FENG SHUI--YOUR RIGHT

In this chapter, we are focusi with ourselves, with our homes when we go to sleep at night, relationship: with God. One of the ways we can c is with prayer. "What?!" you m

you do not believe that your p pray, are you? And if you don' isn't interested in helping yo Prayer has taken on a lo tions, but the reality of pray communicate openly with the re prayer. It is a way of making When I talk about prayer clients. Images come to mind o

beside their beds, pleading to some parents watch on, making sure that i don't want to pray. These images are ineffective. Prayer is one of the simplest are involved in it many times a day, ists, agnostics, or born-again Chris life experience, deciding what we wa

rest of existence. Unlike the plans ment of desire, without knowing how revelation of our powerlessness, a s Without prayer, we live in a s believe that we can handle everythin not worth handling. But inside, we k if anything, about how the universe over what happens in our lives. We a we only see the smallest of specks. to the Great Unknown. A client recently told me, "I Jewish." And I wish I had said, "If doing these rituals." I say that not plement her practice of Judaism, but her a strong format with which to us thing that we do in feng shui is rea If the title of "God" is uncom You might say "Great Creator," "High helps you to relate to the power wit prefer not to think about the myster invented television. When it comes to your financia God want you to have money? If you d

for it! Most of us in the West have a lot of it has come down through ou beliefs you outlined in chapter 1, m scripture. Why would anybody want to limi answer is obvious: Money begets powe free thought, going directly in the 116

Feng Shui and Money

Buddhism is not a religion; it your own inner path, wherever

Prosperity Journal: " Write a dialogue between y this: You: "Dear God, please hel God: _______________ . (Yo Keep writing this dialogue to financial prosperity. T of your limiting beliefs a

Prayer is communication. something. Expressing gratitud and fulfilled. Each morning, t the universal source for whate You may have problems, pe your gratitude is not going to miserable. There is time to ad feeling comforted in your hear you will get more of what you

Meditation for Borrowing the B We are put on this planet to g unlimited light, love, and com we remember our inner abundanc all areas of our lives. Life circumstances may ha of accumulated retreats and de natural flow of our energy and held inside. Financial difficu striction. Feeling financially withdrawal, and the financial The only way out of this

to a feeling of energetic abun Buddha's Chi" is an amazing me and feelings of abundance. Pra stress, sickness, and worry.

To gain the benefits, practice you have been feeling notably weak, do it for twenty-seven days. Choose relax, and enjoy the benefits. Both taking the time.

01. Sit quietly, close your eyes breath to drop down into you Imagine that your breath is then into the ground, so tha and flowing from the Earth i 02. As you follow your breath, i pink lotus flower with a tho





of space. Feel yourself rest and secure. Now imagine that there are a and Buddhas surrounding you thest extension of the unive ence, and imagine that their filling every cell of your b As you are filled with this fills your heart and touches your heart. As the light tou open, until it spreads a tho the middle of the flower is of your own being. This tiny Buddha in your hea light, and this light starts the Buddha starts to grow, u hands are now the Buddha's h legs, and so on. Feel how co Buddha's body have become on are moving the Buddha's fing Feel your Buddha light emana verse. Send your light out t

that surround you. Feel that send their light back to you 118

Feng Shui and Money

07. Now send your light out consultants!) and other receive your light and 08. Now send your light out Visualize that they rec back to you. 09. Now send your light to children in the world t your light going out to light and being nourish back to you. 10. Now send your light out have contact: people wh help. Feel them receivi then sending their ligh 11. See yourself standing a

yourself filling your h home sending its own li 12. Now see yourself standi business. Fill this spa who come there, and the space. 13. Make a wish, and vocali wish coming to you in w 14. Finally, end this medit and feel the presence o

Action Steps on the Journey to Wealt This week our focus is on relatio and discover how your life can be the following: Review your notes on changes you and implement at least two t

Define the Command Position in y your bed to that area. Do you dare: Make your bed each Review the goals you set for the at least two this week. Do one small step each day towar Employ the Fragrant Flower Metho Choose your simple luxuries, and detail. Support your vision of wealth wi Look at ways to reduce unnec Begin the Great Wealth Accumulat ready to bring in serious mo Empower yourself with this week' Chi.

week 6 Nurturing Yourse

"Know contentment, and you s Know your limits, and you w -- The Tao Te Ching, Book 4


In a chapter dedicated to the kitche problem of addictive spending. Overs one more way we try to fill the emot The problem with overspending debt, the very feelings we are tryin reinforce the belief that we are not to be more than we really are. Does most of us, that was a message throw it's no wonder we celebrate it in bi Growing up, how often were we told t the way we were, and we would be lov Twice, maybe? Even three times may s Low self-esteem comes from low grown-up who feels inadequate and un was critical and undermining of self in psychotherapy by saying this; I a supported by case after case. These

negative beliefs about themselves an has begun.

We try to make ourselves feel b turn to alcohol or drugs, and others sumption. If you ever went shopping part of that group. And if one shopp back for another, whether you can af "I am sure that he will like me new suit would make me feel a lot mo can't stand my life anymore. I am go about how much I am spending." These potential, money addict. All it take If you see yourself in this des Anyone who has ever had trouble with overspending--and to the low self-es Like any addiction, the differe addictive consumption is tied to how

whether or not you can stop it at an with money and believe that the only more, chances are that you are addic Here are some questions you can tionship with money: 01. Do you tend to go shopping o upset, as a way to make your 02. When you have cash available think rationally about how y 03. Do you ever lie about how mu 04. Do you put off paying bills, your account? 05. Do you act "nice" with famil borrow from them if necessar 06. Do you habitually avoid open for fear that it may be a cr 07. Do you avoid making financia feel limited or depressed? 08. Do you feel more powerful or 09. Do you consistently overspen yourself on track? 10. Do you avoid certain friends them money?


Feng Shui and Money

If you answered "yes" to problem. If you answered "yes" addiction to overspending. And these questions, your addictio handled before you have a chan Money addiction does not as being an alcoholic does not alcoholics who hold jobs and s money addicts who stay employe Underneath, however, they know the way they handle money. I've had clients report t not buying something. Having m any amount available on their could walk into a store and bu important, and bigger than lif at the end of the month. Talk to any recovering al thing: The only way to recover

tools in this program, get you you need to deal with the pers The reason we have been o down, or because we are underp feng shui needs adjustment. Fe we need to work with the probl spender feels like that injure or recognized. And we would do way again. If buying something exciting (expensive) activity No price seems too great, even of repaying. The only way out is to mo image. Most of us have done th enough to dissuade the self-de that's been done to us from th attacks to the person we reall maybe we really are enough the fancy packaging to make us see

There is not a single purchase already are. Yeah, sure, you may loo home, but underneath, you will still revelation has kept us in a buying f Take a look at the accumulation point, you thought those things woul they did . . . for a while. But afte revealed, and it's back to the mall looking for the next fix. Just as overeaters must examine spenders need to look at the way tha short-term solutions, and forcing yo cial lifestyle only works for a shor need to examine why you are doing th Try answering these questions: 1. I feel like overspending when 2. I act "funny" with money when 3. I use money to ______________ 4. I want to impress other peopl 5. I really don't feel that I de 6. I can never have enough money

7. I use money to make myself fe

These ideas, connected to the i at the root of any overspending. Onc resulting misuse of money are causin to make changes. Continue to record each of your we will discover how your spending i sense of fulfillment. Your money is world. What you do with it is very i E N V I R O N M E N T A L F E N G S KITCHEN THE

The environmental feng shui work for kitchen and the bagua area called "D 124

Feng Shui and Money

of the home and family life; i which corresponds to wealth an connected to children and crea the hearth.

The Kitchen This week, we will be taking t kitchen, to find out how you u "feed" yourself. This is often where we nourish ourselves, co and often celebrate birthday p hearth, the "Mother Area" of t

In we fill future. menu re standin boards. The way we fulfill the manage our money and invest in fact, comes from the Latin wor paid in salt, which is an esse If clients tell me they h

look is the kitchen. Even in N on take-out and restaurant foo about a person's financial sel cupboards, you are probably no ings account. If your stove is aren't feeling the benefits of matter how much money you are It is distressing to note in the family. With busy, conf fast food and microwaved fare, pillar of daily life. And why stove, when our culture points highest ideals? All too often, I have wal stated, "Wow, you have a lovel

is usually, "No." Sure, there are cu ator stocked with varieties of bottl

rance, the sense of warmth emanating Madison Avenue has succeeded; t ing. You see, companies won't get ri pot of soup, but they can make a bun a colorful can. Corporations won't g job is to convince you that cooking really want is something quick, read The issue of self-nurturance is wealth. What is the point of bringin "feed" you?

Prosperity Journal: "The He 1. Take this book with you into tor hat, also known as your Begi refrigerator. Notice the conditi people do you imagine live here? important do they make their nur 2. Next, look at the general upk does it feel to be in this part describe the feeling of this roo

Feng Shui for the Stove. In fen most important fixtures in the home.

the fruits of your labor. If your st tion is probably not very satisfying you will never feel fulfilled if you Your stove, and how it is used, and care for, the bounty you bring i of your stove very clean to show you wealth. If your stove directly faces yo money may be used up as soon as it c ficult to move the stove, the best t range top, so the chi is diffused be low enough so the tassel brushes you Even if the burners do not face the the chime generates positive chi eac 126

Feng Shui and Money

Ideally, you should see th ing at the stove. If this is n the range top to see behind yo added benefit of reflecting th

bounty of your hearth.

Ice Box, Bread Box, Cash and notice if it seems like a kitchen means different things few steaks in the freezer. To fresh organic vegetables. What great place to make an edible To augment your luxurious them in a Ziploc bag, and plac symbol of "cold cash." Make su Reinforcements as you put them can really change the feel of the freezer, since this can le bag, or a red cloth bag with n you have lots of "bread."

The Dining Table. The dini kitchen, dining room, or livin is a problem in a family, the First of all, I notice if ther have done consultations in hom for eating. "Where do you eat?

in my voice. "Oh, anywhere," i our modern age. Families seem to have for together. Dinner at 6:00 (or 5 been overruled by soccer pract "Gee, Mom, what smells good?" our culture of rapid consumpti sumption is for. It's a mad da the very fabric of our lives d When I go into a home tha in clutter or dust, I also kno

if the person is single, eating on t companion, is an indication that som If you live alone and are afrai dinner table by yourself is an exper Often, it feels less painful to avoi the hunger with a quick bite "on the

If your dining room table is in you make it representative of bounty cold and barren can be covered with bowl of fruit placed in the center. version can give the sense of abunda the table is very auspicious for wea your table. Even if you live alone, the way cate how you reap the benefits of yo alone, invite someone to dinner. The having only one slice of bread. Weal ing someone to share it with." The f the best way to develop that feeling one you love. If you don't have that person i she will appear! Try putting two pla on the table each day. Light the can Reinforcements for that special pers and no one comes, call me --perhaps

Prosperity Journal: "The Wea 1. Refer to the three adjectives wealth, and decide how to bring

2. List the feng shui changes yo tize the top three things to do 3. In addition, make a short lis on hand. Then, at some point thi your shopping list, and enjoy!

Bagua Sector of the Week: Dui All it takes to make a fortune is on make it available to the world. But take your creative ideas and turn th 128

Feng Shui and Money

All my years working in t about anything out of just abo Ancient Egypt, and all you hav your grandmother's dining room problem! With a little sweat, lighting, we can turn those in

Bagua sector of the week: Dui.

ing room, or bedroom, for that home, boost this energy so it money. If you are having proble your energy and your finances. parents often get overwhelmed express their own creativity, It is appropriate to dis kitchen. People who do not usu often creating miracles at the of three on a single mother's

planning. Need a cocktail part be done. I remember a game show m women the following challenge: for under $1. And do you know of the guests had to consume d still made: If you really want get may be, it's possible.

When you want something, whatev Plan, and find a creative way to get example, let's say I want to go to F ters, as long as I can sit in a caf� at my feet. Sounds like a good goal, budget, and then find I get walloped that year: my cat needs braces, my h that kind of thing. So, when July co

trip, I find that all I have is . . are no zeros after that digit. So, w supposed to do? Take my trip off the five bucks into the slush fund? Cert You see, it is the essence of w picture, that is ultimately satisfyi is better than going without. So, wi vacation . . . as far as I can go. A settle into my neighborhood French r and Hemingway's stories of Paris in way across the Atlantic this time, b "away" . . . and that Gallic beauty in Paris where I can stay during my

Prosperity Journal: "Creati 1. Consider how your experience life recently, and put a few not 2. Now, stand in the Dui section Mind by chanting the Calming Hea energy in this part of your home describe how this feels to you. 3. Decide how you would like cre choose four adjectives that desc

4. Apply the four adjectives of mation, and state it aloud: "My [adjective 1], [adjective 2], [a 5. Notice any negative reactions and write some notes about how t

Feng Shui Applications for Financ Dui. The element that is associated 130

Feng Shui and Money

so anything shiny and bright i Chinese philosophy states that observe when metal pipes "swea duces or depicts water, such a tain, can produce a flow of cr appropriate here. Mirrors, which represent this area, since they multiply are practically essential in t creativity.

If you are missing the Du affect both your creativity an mirrors to compensate or a row the inside wall. The color associated with want bright white walls, pure glue for all your creative pro

Prosperity Journal: "F Review the list of adjecti list five ways that you ca can include at least one o Three Secret Reinforcement money will follow.

Your Dui Goal for the Week chapter 2, and identify the go

Prosperity Journal: "M 1. In your journal, write have brought [the goal you Bagua] into my life in a w tions to this goal. Do you

want. 2. Now, consider the essen describe how you are plann plishment into your life. 3. Detail a short list of your home right away. Make your life!

4. Now that the energy is in you of your life? Plan at least seve your life right now, and do one

F I N A N C I A L F E N G S H U I --

If you don't believe you are throwin look at your spending log after the card of the value you are getting fo

If you have been unwilling to k period, it tells you one thing: You that you are throwing away your mone money, it's not just because you're you are spending it on things that a never get enough of what you don't n There are two types of valuable things we need. Sometimes, purchases clothes and you find a suit you love The things we love are usually tainment, and so on. The things we n to live, medical insurance, etc. If your needs are met, but you not worth living. On the other hand, extravagances, but ignore your basic filled. A diet of beans and rice may happy? At the same time, no one can Seek a balance between your bas combining these two aspects in every fying life filled with both wonder a Start by reviewing your spendin to each expenditure: one check if yo something you love. What if you need

two checks. Lastly, consider how much you p electronic toothbrush, but was it re got the purchase for the best possib for less without wasting a lot of ti I phrase it to myself this way: "Cou 132

Feng Shui and Money

having an open mind and doing purchase, and it gets another At this point, you may e being wealthy. Why should I pi point is, yes, this program is see if your spending patterns junk food, and then can't affo second look at those expenses. In the end, you may have next to each item: you need it it. If so, congratulations! Yo dollars, and you are probably

If an item does not have repeated. If it gets one check spending program. Why buy some worth? In addition, if you lov that purchase needs to be reco away from better things, like If an item has two check wonder why you are buying thin the same time, or which you ar purchase overall is probably a Obviously, any purchase should bring more things like sweater you need for winter, i the lovely dinner you cooked f entr�e in a restaurant. If it If your expenses still e ing the spending. Were these t the first to go. Are you reall ideal future, you do not have If you are still having might enlist a supportive frie settle each line item. This ma

only way to fulfill your dream

Tithing to Yourself Tithing money is traditionally consistently bequeathing a cer

ing the upkeep of the organization. traditional sense, can you still hav In the larger scheme of things, nature of life. God is in the detail fulfillment into your life is part o this impact your use of money? By applying the concept of tith things that are important to us, and this on a consistent basis. Starting you will consciously put aside 10 pe those things that you want to have i Yourself.

Tithing meaningful a bequeath thi game. If you toward those decision to gible way with tithing. This 10 perc your inner self-nature. If 10 percent seems absolutely have not created a flow in the direc expenses, and find out where you hav dollars for fast food could instead money spent on "just another movie" Right now, while you are thinki your net weekly salary, and put this Plan. This allocation directly suppo the first one you pay. Then, figure loose ends to make it happen. If you conscientiously try to a it yet, define the exact percentage please!), and begin this week. Plan month, until you have reached your g

quickest path to feeling fulfilled, the end because you will be directly 134

Feng Shui and Money

I N N E R F E N G S H U I -- C

We try to impress others by ac of fulfillment goes very deep you?" "Fine." It is as if we b our lives, there must be somet Everyone wants and needs Unless you are a mystic living the mountain air, your state o Better you should stand on the isfied, and there are things I numb state of benign apathy. If you purchased this bo doubt that it is just a pile o not to figure out how reasonab you are supposed to have it. T

ney. Your task is to demand of to make sure you find it. Only planet. The experience of wantin it is a "gut feeling"; others to yourself, really indulge in plete this next assignment.

Prosperity Journal: "Wh Set aside at least three p first page, write the word the third page, "BE." Duri in each of these areas. Ca This is your chance to com to prioritize later.

After you have compiled at your lists, and consider which six months. They do not have t but should be things in which 180 days. If you want to be a rock s the next few months? If not, p

leave for another time. The only que sue in the next 180 days. No matter or how deprived your present conditi Now, choose the top ten items f HAVE lists. These will be your focus and the months that follow. Lay them

__________ 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09.

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

10. __________ DO _________________________0 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.

_________________________0 _________________________0 _________________________0 _________________________0 _________________________0 _________________________0 _________________________0 _________________________0 _________________________

The lists make a triangle for a nections between the items. Literall items that can be grouped together. want to be a rock star, you want to clothes, think about how you can com vision. Get ahold of the Village Voi New York bands looking for new membe


Feng Shui and Money

the clothing styles popular in wardrobe with the clothes that nections, every item you achie Now, assess which three cl write the top goals in the dia

____ ____ ____

_________ DO __________________ __________________ __________________

Play with these pieces un your dream. Notice how the pie why you felt they belonged tog integrated vision, choose a na instance, if you want to be a one "New York Rock Star." If y ing every day, organic food, s independent, then you might pu Colorado." Here is an example:

DO Ski Run an organi Meditate in Colorado w Mountain climb Travel in Colorado

Remember, anything you do from your central goal. You may not get t you can start pursuing your dream ri taking an organic cooking class, you to run my ski lodge in Colorado." An for the Internet dating service, you adventurous, spiritually minded part ing, and hiking the Rockies." All th The words "integration" and "in When you pull the aspects of your de on Earth, which is your integrity. B every step you take draws you closer Remember to use your daily tool to focus on achieving this central v one of your strongest inner abilitie

The Power of Visualization "A picture is worth a thousand words

complain about how awful your life m vision of your desires, you will pro There are three aspects to the shui. The first uses sound vibration object or "cure." Earlier in the pro affirmations to imprint your goal wi The second approach uses physic of your desires. With the sacred mud energy into the ritual objects. You activity each day to substantiate th The final aspect of creation is is the roadmap for transformation. M life without a map, hoping we will b just keep pushing the accelerator. W where we were going and how to get t Though our needs and fears are journey, and we must construct our o Dream Clusters establish a vision of over; it has just begun. The visuali details of your dreams and organize 138

Feng Shui and Money

Just Imagine . . . In addition to the few minutes tions, devote an additional te you go to sleep each night, or some!), close your eyes, and c flowing in and out of your lun replenished. This makes me fee

Now, i your big Dr object: Not Does it hav this object having it i Now, allow the picture to from your Dream Cluster. Sense Where are you, and what are yo dressed and how you behave in Are there other people in how do they respond to you? Wh people are and what you enjoy

Now, imagine this scene e increase its chances of happen dream, you are more apt to hit Since the focus of this b cises to bring in more money. rate positive images of yourse money in the picture; see your if you want more friends, see have been struggling at a lowpaycheck each week and getting your ideal life, see yourself At the end of the ten min process: Ask yourself, "What d so I can enable this desired l must change in order to suppor adjustment, or maybe just a pr

dreams. Whatever it is, gain insight

mental note, and get ready to receiv Then, prepare to let go of the doing this exercise for ten minutes arating from the world around you, a makes it harder for the new reality Use a statement to affirm your following phrase: "This vision that better, now materializes in ways tha others, for the good of everyone con to the universe, and allow it to be scheme in ways that will benefit you As you open your eyes, your onl life and to look for the seeds of yo positive images will accumulate in t pieces of your dreams will start to pick up the pieces and put them toge Be spontaneous, and follow your desire for Japanese food, follow tha The last time I did that, I started restaurant, who turned out to be a b hiring him to do the designs for one designer I ever had. The importance of every piece o

the journey's end. It often takes fr effects of visualization to manifest dreams on a daily basis. You never k 140

Feng Shui and Money

Action Steps on the Journey to This week, we are focused o surprising new opportunitie the following: Review your goals for the ment at least two feng Review the goals you set f ment at least two this Do one step each day this Bagua. Get truthful about your sp two, or three checks! the future. Set aside a physical or vi

to yourself this week. Clusters. Add ten minutes of visuali low each session with

week 7 Discovering Your Miss

"Only those who live no can know the tr ue val -- The Tao Te Ching, B



There are really only two ways to so or make more. Usually, the path to w focused on how you can make a contri

for it. You need to ask yourself ver to come to me?" Money is given in exchange for you don't have enough money, you are to the degree you could. Just as we dioxide, money comes into our lives natural process: I give or do someth something to me. No matter how you arrange the f need to decide how you want the mone some options: Lots of people fantasi purchase of one lottery ticket. And make you a millionaire in the course But is that really how you plan to d If you say, "I am a nobody, and are setting yourself up for a life o 142

Feng Shui and Money

someone who "needs a job," of valuable. But when you conside

world, and the contributions y starts to open up. No one can make you feel or not you make any contributi ignore this calling, you could ing out a living with jobs tha may feel as if your potential of this next section.


This week, our environmental f and to the bagua area called " to the mentors and "helpful pe financial growth. The bathroom nated and cared for, but it ca must be examined.

The Bathroom The bathroom is symbolic of th cially use it as a haven to in

of the few places where we can But the bathroom also com detrimental to your wealth. In a small building outside the m bad reputation in traditional China knows the toilets are ea smell! For some reason, despit cleanliness was never a major room was kept separate from th In modern China, the bath typical Western design, but th you have perused other feng sh ble luck is associated with th

could become paranoid about having a Books about traditional feng shui do modern bathroom is the house.

Maintaining a fines of your home be a feng shui adv appreciate and tak how the space is designed and mainta floor plan.

The Toilet. While the sink and the home (beware of faucets that do toilet quickly goes down the drain. Hsun, your wealth sector, the proble bad enough, but a toilet in Hsun --t One of the simplest and easiest thin lid down (except when you are using etiquette --it signifies that the ch Also, keep the bathroom door cl difficult for me, because I hate app ing whether it is occupied or not. Y side of the bathroom door to deflect own apartment, the bathroom door is which suggests that opportunities th away.

The element associated with wea the Hsun sector, plants are practica draw the chi energy into their roots drain. Place a leafy plant on the ba directly above. If there is inadequa represent this important function.

Prosperity Journal: "The Esse Since the bathroom is often the definitely apply your three adje notes about how you will do this would like to make this week. 144

Feng Shui and Money

Dirt Since the 1960s, we have come are more "natural," more "down the opposite is true. Examine and their dwellings. They may spend a good deal of their tim

How many birds' nests or beehi clutter? By fouling our nest, we a our parents first told us to c wanted to yell, "and I will ke freedom, while organization an But by cultivating an "I not only our space, but the wa dirty home reflects anger that When I was in college, I summer camp in Vermont. One su always remember. She was very white lab rat. One time, the r for weeks. When the rat was fi anxious, and was so grimy and ognizable. The rat was returne ing happened. As soon as it se secure again, the rat took the again regained its shiny white This lesson has stayed wi tress. When feeling good, one

Bagua sector of the week: Chya

Located on the front line of th area, Chyan represents the energy of no accident that this section of the area related to prosperity. The accu good teachers and mentors. The Chyan position is also asso help when venturing into foreign ter

ness and rely on this for your money cultivate the energy in this sector The element associated with Chy tenacity of support we need in our l is associated with this gua, and it' comes as metal coins stamped with th

Prosperity Journal: "Helpfu 1. Write a few notes to describe been in your life. You may want how other people have impacted y 2. Now, go to the Chyan corner o area feels right now. Write a fe these conditions with the way he 3. Next, explore how you want yo helpful people to feel in your l ideal relationship. 4. Using the adjectives from ste name], have helpful people and m [adjective 2], [adjective 3], an 5. Notice the thoughts and feeli If you have not felt supported o a lot of counterreactions that p

List all the negative reactions your way.

Feng Shui Applications for Financ Chyan. Because Chyan is associated w tion for the kitchen, garage, or too your shiny metal tools, pots, pans, or bedroom, you might favor chrome f shiny bowling trophies. Because I am 146

Feng Shui and Money

apartment, I actually "wallpap minum foil (no kidding), and t blessed with wonderful teacher look so cool, I am thinking th rotisserie cooker! (George For Metal wind chimes are alw as are bells attached to movin cious in Chyan, since metal "p

and anything associated with f The color associated with you can also use a combination on either side of this sector. especially if they are of your figures. Books by favorite sch nitely plan to hang your bagua this chapter, somewhere in thi at times when you need it most Because of the associatio maps, and raincoats in this ar and maps will give the perfect If you are missing any pa you are welcome to try my alum crystals hung in a row along t

Prosperity Journal: " Review the adjectives you list of five things you ca sector of your home. Try t cures, and don't forget to make a change.

Your Chyan Goal for the We in chapter 2, and recall the g

Prosperity Journal: "My 1. Write the following in months, I will have brough into my life in ways that

2. Consider the essence of this would this make you feel? Write essence of this new accomplishme 3. Now, consider ways to bring t away. Make a shrine to the mento in your life. By seeing these im to look for the help your deserv 4. Think of additional ways to b eral. If having a supportive men tant, how can you help yourself

you can manifest this energy in

Speaking of Helpful People . . . Get The more you give to the world, the mentors and helpful people. This wee support systems in place. Most people wouldn't dream of b making soups from scratch. It takes to pick it up from the store, readycleaning. Sure, you could probably s niture, and even do the windows, if not, it's time to enlist some help. Even in "the olden days," when home, few wives did all the tasks th fixture in many households, and exte modern society, with most women comm jobs, hiring help for the home is no It is amazing, really: We may p income for our homes, and then balk to keep it livable. Taking care of a you are working full-time and want t you need to delegate some of the wor

are going to highlight this section How do you feel when you walk i and crystal clean? I feel energized productive with my time. As you take affect your energy and your life in 148

Feng Shui and Money

The Still Water Cure If you are feeling lost and ov ancient ritual will help you f days to fulfill the sequence, illuminating. To perform the r

1. A round mirror, three i 2. A new, white handkerchi 3. Access to the outdoors, before you go to sleep

This cure is done for a t an auspicious day, which is de

Almanac, referenced in appendi On the night you begin th kerchief, and chant the Calmin empower yourself before initia the Buddha's chi," the meditat Take the mirror in one ha nine times in a clockwise dire use the left hand to wipe the Perform the Three Secret with the mission of providing If there are any unresolved qu the intention that these will Place the mirror face up frame, in the area where you l days. During this time, imagin your dreams and integrating th After nine days, take out the mirror nine times in a clo Take the mirror outdoors, or a expose it to the sky. Imagine moon and mixing it with your o prayer something like this: "I the Great Universal Being illu

est fulfillment of myself and your personal religious orient

After completing the prayer, re put the mirror under the mattress at feet generally lie. From this positi the path under your feet and lead yo For a total of twenty-seven nig wipe it nine times, expose it to the revealed to you. After it has been u days, you can either leave it under cloth and store it in the self-knowl mirror should not be used for any ot for this ritual. If you forget to do the ritual process again--from the beginning. S benefit of this process is learning thirty-six days. Once you master thi

will seem that much easier! The first time I tried this rit day and then forget to do it. I had finally I made it to the end of the on vacation, so I could complete the seventh day, the mirror broke! In fe means it absorbed a lot of negative with that, I had to start all over a FINANCIAL FENG SHUI--YOUR FINANCIAL

When you hear the word "karma," you you are facing hard times now, it mu really awful to someone in a distant Karma, however, is not fixed p It is a fluid relationship between t and the energy that comes back. It i you reap is what you sow." How you a dard for how they treat you. This ma (At least, it should!) Everything that happens to you there is anything in your life that


Feng Shui and Money

what way am I doing this to ot Rule, "Do unto others as you w clean the ill will from your o the same? Since money represents ou simply the way we give and rec comes back in. When you unders no mystery to life. You can li you, based on the energy that This principle became ago tion in which a corporate clie sent e-mails, and felt so frus nothing happened. I would rant I was, but I did not know what After I got off my pedest how this could be a reflection error of my ways was only 1 pe had to be doing something to i I realized that I had bee

a therapy client, and he must addition, I had become nonchal toss them in a pile until rece holding energy and payments? N was simply reminding me how ba Life is educational; it treats If you are not making eno because you are withholding yo pure and simple. There is no n yourself as the victim of the ficulties, ask yourself, "In w will always be an answer. Please note that money is that you are putting out. You from the deepest parts of your talents and giving what is mos the money that comes to you wi going to make you enough money career will.

In an even bigger picture, the ready. The way others treat you is a treat yourself. Our self-care sets t behave toward us. This is why clothi how we value ourselves and what sort Looking again at the problem wi In what way was I withholding from m the board. The way I was rushing thr sleeping too little, eating too fast become a theme in my daily life. No pany's withholding; it was a sore re If you want to develop "good ka ously at the way that you treat your understand why you treat others the respond to you in kind. You can alwa behavior. The only question now is w look like.

Prosperity Journal: "My Karma Examine a few incidents in your as the focus for this exercise.

with the following questions: 1. How is someone treating me in 2. In what way have I been doing 3. In what way am I doing this t Now, choose one way that you can

The Tao of Money: Giving and Receivi In feng shui, money is a spiritual i ered a sacred ritual. Every time we of energy in the universe that can i The next time you buy something ing the payment. Do you give freely, person or company? Or do you do it b because you would be arrested if you If you do not agree with a comp gation not to support it financially dollar spent promotes the person's i embracing your financial integrity. 152

Feng Shui and Money

Likewise, if there is a that you value, you have an ob activities. It doesn't matter producing your favorite video doing, it is your right and re capitalism at its best: lettin and services that they value m From this perspective, e pay your electric bill, you ar warmth into the world. Do they think so. But if you disagree, them. The same principle appli it is valuable, you have a spi mensurate with its importance. only undermine the support you that work in the world. When you start to see th tions, not obligations, you re Recognize yourself as an impor harried bill payer. Without pe would not exist at all.

Red Envelopes Originally, feng shui masters expected the client to assess donation that was appropriate. become disconnected from the i about prices, instead of estee it brings us. For this reason, Whenever we break the tao to give without receiving or t ral flow of life and create an tants are required to charge f session, it is considered very or family member (which is usu to be some sort of formal exch

Clients usually make the paymen association with cash is much strong are giving a voucher that can be exc

money itself.

The payment one or more enve culture, these e for gifts of mon you seal the sac divides the mone often according addressed by the session, or perhaps evaluated. Often, people like to giv nine, eighteen, twenty-seven, and so The consultant does one more st the energy of the money. Before goin takes all of the red envelopes recei pillow for the night. In this way, t while sleeping. Then, in the morning to the bank and make a deposit. I like to accumulate all of the year and collect them in a special a New Year, I burn the envelopes and r creating the space for new clients, The Sacred Exchange of Money

Consider bringing the philosophy and envelopes into your financial life. not be limited to feng shui consulta in cash during the last three weeks that point. Paying every transaction us of the value that we are exchangi on credit. When you write a check or use a item becomes blurred. The only diffe $10 and $100 is the speck of a decim much the transaction is for. When yo 154

Feng Shui and Money

count them, and physically han the transaction is clear, and Paying in cash is not ea bank, displaying money in publ on a psychological level, it m It's a lot easier to be in den look at it.

Paying in cash forces us no interest accrued on credit spending. It's all right there

'Tis Better to Give and Receiv When you give, do it conscious money going directly to the re company, visualize someone in your money. Make each payment as a bl you feel about money. You migh ments on your payments. Here i money with gratitude. May it b at least in your mind, every t When you receive a paymen ment, you can say, "I receive me many benefits." This blessi about money. Since most people are pai become disconnected from the c When it is payday, you might c receiving and follow some sort the cash equivalent of your pa

over it. You may want to place large red envelope) and place the energy. If anything could job, this should do it!

Nourishing the Ones Who Feed U By tithing 10 percent to yours life right away. Have you been

would starve your dreams, just when to greater wealth is only going to h for what you want. There is one more area of finan ports the spiritual mentors in your income, no matter how large or small to the person or organization that i need to go to a "religious" person, church or other organization, consid

very specific about its destination. money to be important. To sanctify this blessing, put and attach a note that explains its like this: Dear __________

I want to thank you for the posi Your influence is spiritual food red envelopes, which are a tradi hope this brings you health, pro done for me.

You can sign the note, or send Reinforcements on the envelopes befo in person. Because money represents pure e tithing. You can, however, decide ho blessings. You might tithe material why you may be shy about giving mone will get back what you give -- money ers attract the same!

Helpers Anonymous If you really want to bring joy into day, find a small way to do somethin be for someone you know or for a com 156

Feng Shui and Money

must be made freely and withou anonymous! Just a simple deed can br expensive or cost any money at it, you need to do another goo

There life. One m whenever he college, I Hall Monito yesterday signature so he would not know

walked around with a smile on helped someone. Bit by bit, day by day, yo giving freely of yourself. Rec Start today, and by the end of ferent outlook on the impact o


The reason we hold back in our to offer, but because we are a Ideally, our unique gifts woul friends, and teachers as we we case. Most of us had to fight criticism and humiliation, we oh yes, impoverished. I am thinking now of Nanc the identity cloak of "the str for the originality of her wor get any energy back for the wo

Talking with Nancy reveal ing against her. First, she fe really get her work "out there

tive, parents, she learned to keep h feedback, she is preventing her work The second negative force in Na feel "special." In the face of negat in making friends, Nancy tries to us emotional and spiritual pedestal. He she keeps them to herself. The key to Nancy's prosperity i cial, but she is not that different talents, but she also has needs like as the real estate agent who needs t for delivering fresh bread. Nancy's bility is to bring it to the world i Just as our bodies need a certa

financial world requires that we mak for our livelihood. If you are havin tain: You are withholding your gifts reflected in your bank accounts.

Your Unique Talents "But wait a second," you may cry, "I know what I want to become!" And my you." And do you know why? Because I jobs and told everyone, " I still do grow up." But please note, this is n be, this is a question about what co Ease off on the self-definition; you tions now are about what you like to "But what if I just want to sta Famous Amos, the guy who made a fort cream? Ben and Jerry. Making funky c all doing what they love and what th world without a great cookie? A sorr one is asking you to save the world your thing, whatever that is. In our heart of hearts, each of

with a gift or talent that is unique New Age thought --it's the foundatio 158

Feng Shui and Money

better when they like what the you should be doing. I believe would produce children without with your contribution to the your calling. So, what is it about you love working with children. Do so. Do others believe that it' really believe in it, and want that you will find a way to co If your plan for making a you are saying "My only import really all there is of me." If about it. And I don't believe buy this book, and the tenacit to you than just a ticket buye

upgrade, in my opinion! Perhap with the lottery yet; the univ more important work to do. So, how do you know if yo yourself, "Is the work importa good profession. It's that sim work is important, but it's no but not doing it the right way yourself? In this way, you bri and uniqueness just makes you ing to bigger profits. Before you set off into t talent, I have an easier path: Dream Clusters. In particular, want to do. Ask yourself, "Whi at least a part-time basis in Volunteering is not enoug answer is probably sitting the not, go over your lists more c am sure that you can find at l for which people would be will

Ideally, you should be looking but two or three. When you combine y puts you at the head of the pack. Fo tion of my background in psychothera first started studying feng shui, it added my interest in writing, this b In the space below, list three to pursue professionally in the next combine them into one unique career. phy, working with animals, and desig shirts with pictures of people's pet make goofy holiday costumes for pets an original idea that sets you apart

Creating the ideal career.

ing in small groups. She is now a fa cruise ship circuit. Define your uni It's time to make some money!

Your Sacred Circle Most of us learned, like our artist to protect ourselves. In the fragile our gifts to ourselves or got ripped Unfortunately, there are people from tearing other people to bits. F try to gain solace by preventing oth afraid to go. It is a sad, destructi The way out is not to hide, but critics. There will always be critic


Feng Shui and Money

the air. The key to staying he ourselves from minor attacks. There is not a single gre demned by her peers, just as t 100 percent of the votes. Lear the critics could ever underst As you develop your profe ketplace, you must surround yo only see the merits and import not see the value of your work cial returns, they do not belo they have positive intentions, automatically see the value an to have an influence in the te Your success is not stren and critical "friends." In my advocate" has already chosen t Hell! If you truly respect you seek support from those people

In feng shui, we often pl front door to deflect negative homes. On a metaphorical level your inner world. In the outli space and an outer space. Insi

Bagua of your Inner Circle.

drawn into your life so far. Now tha needs, you can seek professional sup

Prosperity Dates: Millionaire for th Christmas may come but once a year, should be part of your life every we how to define what you want and visu time for you to live it!

Once a w going out in does not hav require a bi your Dream C you want most to pursue. If you feel into your daily meditation: "What wo this week?" Think about it, and expl Make sure that you come up with a de or wacky. Then, think of a way to ge Remember, getting 1 percent of your

going to get 2 percent, and 3 percen If your answer is "scuba diving degree you can. Even if you live in be some way that you can get one iot yourself: As you go about your week, could make that dream a reality. If the real thing, more power to you! B week, you need to develop further op the full package, but to aspire to i Ask yourself a key question: Wh mean to you? Is it the undersea expl margaritas on the beach, or showing you? Whatever it is, take note of th lionaire in your heart, and figure o If it really is the tropical fi trip to a nearby aquarium or buy a s the feel of warm tropical water you afternoon, or at least invest in som 162

Feng Shui and Money

afternoon soak with a South Se millionaire is connected to yo important as the essence of th enjoy it. For an hour or more a wee regular events. Once you begin local area to take you closer open your eyes to the abundanc Oh, and one other thing. do these Prosperity Dates alon is not meant to support the im rather, it's an appeal for you When you first start connectin vague and hard to find; that's and afraid of criticism. If yo upon the agreement of another the usual defenses of inhibiti A wealthy person needs to know expand their own frontiers. He Whenever I teach this exe people to do. Adults are willi endless personality tests, dri task of doing one fun thing a

surgery. I've heard every excu "I was too tired," "I can't af favorite, "I DON'T HAVE THE TI If your dreams are fallin exercises in this book to get yourself (ten dollars is often schedule, and get out of your week to indulge your dreams, h your present reality into the Inner Millionaire for one hour every day. But you have to sta Oh, and one other rule. B Date, make sure that you pick Altar at home, to remind you o enjoyed. You do not need to sp

ticket stub, a flyer, anything you l board, and hang them in the Hsun sec

ing room, or kitchen. If you have a like to develop a display for the al um, next year, the Great Barrier Ree of the progress that you are making

Action Steps on the Journey to Wealt This chapter is a turning point of circumstances, but a powerful sion to fulfill. What you want t boxes as you complete these task Review the feng shui changes yo and do two this week. Review the goals you set for th ment at least two this wee Do one step every day this week your Dream Bagua. Get a maid. You won't regret it The Still Water Cure: This is a devote the focus to bringi Purchase some red envelopes, an

exchange. Develop a benediction that work money, and practice this f Put aside 1 percent for your sp envelopes to those who des Join "Helpers Anonymous": Give, can make your life blossom Develop your Sacred Circle diag central to your support. Okay, millionaire in the making destination, and take your pick up a souvenir for you

week 8 Getting Down to Busine

" With love, you become fe With fr ugality, you beco With humility, you become -- The Tao Te Ching, Boo


Building a dream life is not just ab how you are going to participate in people who do not have a profession tant question now: What is your prof It's time to get down to busines your life is a business, and your we ning it. Don't make the mistake of t but yourself. Even the president of a maximum of eight years!

You might don't have to money is like enjoy it, you you want to b shingle and d There are two common features I people. First: They care about every each expense personally and will fig

that they enjoy managing money. If t much time and energy with it. When I was an acting teacher in fronted by young, talented actors wh They would often ask if I thought th always had the same response: "If yo truly enjoy making the rounds, you a like the business, you are going to ented, or good-looking, or even have love the business, you're not going The same is true with wealth. I to invest your time and energy into wealthy. But if you don't, your fina can't take care of themselves, and i but you. Sure, you can hire accountants, lawyers to care for your riches, and

point, but if you are not the ultima will ultimately lose it. This is the and athletes who turned their financ then lost everything they made. Affirm that you are serious abo your home to dedicate to its purpose culator, notebooks for expenses, a c files for your papers. It's good to tral," but if one is not available, table when you sit down to work with The other tool you need is time you willing to dedicate to the manag condition reflects the time and ener People spend hours each day at the g tion to the financial energy fueling thing, but remember, being wealthy i Finally, adopt your Beginner's really know about financial planning just the beginning of your journey, everything you need to know about sa 166

Feng Shui and Money

planning. This is a lifelong l With Beginner's Mind, anything and take steps to fill in the


In today's fluid business envi communication, the stationary past. Boundaries between "work second. Days chatting around t from the 'burbs are slowly bec environment, or even a steady maintain the tranquil t'ai chi

Your Office Whether your desk is at home, how you feel about your profes shui of your work area. This i ture placement; it affects you

The placement of your des with the world. If your desk f way, you may feel out of the f Right now, while reading Face the wall, stand there for I do this, I tend to feel over and anxious. Then my thoughts there is a feeling of anxiety Now, turn and face the en underneath you, and take in th feel. How does this new positi desire to interact with the wo day, but that's okay; most des As we discussed in the se Position is the point from whi entire room. By placing your d charge of the space. You shoul have your view obstructed.

Some people place their desk at view. If you are a landscaper or pro may directly inspire your work; othe your focus. You may have lofty thoug energy is leaking away from the work darkened windows will actually drain Once your desk is in the Comman nothing blocking your access at eith many people set small side tables ne the bulky equipment from the desktop energy from the commanding view and the desk. If you feel boxed into a corner will translate into how you feel abo consider working with a laptop, whic have a meeting. Laptops are also pre dangerous electromagnetic frequencie monitors. Your chair should be a comforta move freely behind it. Make sure ele the movement of your chair and that you and any wall behind you.

You should also place a chair a clients or coworkers. Even if you wo to new opportunities. Consider putti mountain behind your desk, which giv and supports the energy of your back Chinese coins, and other repres office. You can hang a string of nin back of your chair for good money ch three coins to your agenda book, imp phone. Be sure to empower the coins ments to ensure the prosperity of yo

Office Clutter. Clutter on your of your energy. How exciting can it and face the same piles of papers? N things you need. If you are sufferin 168

Feng Shui and Money

aside time each day to proacti task that can be delegated to

Though I do enjoy a messy my desk is one place where I d and I have even evolved a ritu At the end of each day, I I am using a desktop computer, thing comes off the desk. Then sprinkle the top of the desk w energy. I usually chant the Si nine times as I do this. In th coworkers are around. I mumble no one has accused me of desec After clearing the energy desktop, besides a computer, i three coins. This rests in the desk. And that's it. Nothing m If you like, you can appl you would to a floor plan; the chair. You might place the pho at the top right corner and so edge of the desk. The other thing I do at t cup. After sprinkling the desk the cup and shuffle the coins

Words, and I visualize the fin This ritual concludes the affa next day's work. By clearing the top of yo You should avoid desktops that Glass-topped desks are also pr them and they distort your foc mat that is brown, yellow, gre changed, so you can experiment affect your mood.

Shar Chi: Poison Arrows. are staring daggers at you, th people, but from the office bu

"Shar chi," or "poison arrow," ners or angles that cut into the spa prevalent in modern architecture. By

and softening them with practical "c atmosphere with tranquility and a se Bookcases and filing cabinets sure you do not have any shar chi fr this could be making you feel tired, move your position from the line of silk leafy plants. You can also hang chase a string of small Tibetan bell Be wary of bookcases that have at your workspace; this is like havi and can make you feel anxious, even an office once that had a tall bookc my desk. Though I liked the work and ducing, I often felt nervous and eve company. I only lasted a year in tha energy in the office undermined my c Be wary of any shar chi from b a small bagua on the outside ledge c opposing structures. Obviously, shar of offices, and you should survey yo that are facing beds, chairs, and di Prosperity Journal:

"Back to

1. Take this book to work with y to find time to be alone, when y and go into your Beginner's Mind 2. Notice the condition of the w messages does this environment s imagine work here? How might the what are their values? 3. Refer to your three adjective decide how to bring these qualit allotted a cubicle, there are wa This is where you spend so many 4. Finally, list feng shui chang cures you will implement this we 170

Feng Shui and Money

Bagua sector of the week: Kan.

plants, the Kan (career and mi Chen (family and households) a currents of our gifts flow fre your wealth. For some people, the very not downright affronting. "Wha realize I have to work for a l exhausting workload, the idea a fantasy. But once you unbloc with new potential. Prosperity Journal: "M 1. Write a few notes about often a volatile question. 2. The Kan sector of your bagua. Go to this area of

to you. If you have been f lem with the feng shui in flow of chi energy. 3. Next, decide how you wa adjectives that describe t 4. Now, use these adjectiv name], have a career that [adjective 4]." 5. Notice what thoughts an negative reactions, so tha ing this essential aspect

Feng Shui Applications for Financ Kan. Mirrors are highly appropriate you back to yourself and help you se the water element, to increase the f fountains also fulfill this function If you install mirrors, make su

least your full head and shoulders. from one job to another, like a chic also the best solution if you have a Finding a career path takes a l gua is rightfully associated with th mystery--the dark of night before th Kan sector makes it perfect for medi Hanging a crystal in the Kan po you to clarify your thoughts and gai ties. If there don't even seem to be a wind chime in these positions will

Prosperity Journal: "Bringing Review the list of adjectives yo life, and decide how you can mak Also, consider implementing some remember to do the Three Secret

Your Kan Goal for the Week. Go b in chapter 2, and identify the goal really the career choice you want? I list, and apply one to the following

Prosperity Journal: "My Goal 1. Write down the following: "Wi brought [the Kan goal written in ing way." 2. Consider the essence of this ties, and how do you want it to describe how you are planning to sional goal. 3. Decide how to bring this Kan a shrine to your mission, contri 172

Feng Shui and Money

4. Figure out how to embod When I was right out of co would need in my first job position before it was ass week to manifest this esse

The Moving Water Cure The Moving Water Cure actually

is based on the power of commu working. To do this ritual, al and your preferred means of co regular mail, or (Heaven forbi nection. If you are without an the world, you can still perfo a whole new social life, as we This "cure" is especially to bolster your self-esteem, o ties. It doesn't need to cost best suits your needs.

The ba contact at spoken or contacts d but they s nicate with. Your parole offic were five probably will not be to people who can further your overcome limited personal boun ously in the world. Make sure the contact is

munications, you are not allow no harassing letters to ex-spo ple invitation for coffee. Jus them and that you want to main If the person offers you fullest extent of your ability old sweetheart, and this leads

but you might also need to bring you lege roommate enthusiastically takes join in a shady business deal, you a warn him you may feel obligated to r If you run out of people on you contacts that you keep by the phone you can initiate conversations with ner, restaurant, or local watering h You should do this ritual for n person each day. Mass e-mails, fax "

count. However, if your life is a ve "cure" should be much more intense: nine days, or even nine people each the ritual for twenty-seven days, an day throughout that period. If, on any day, you fail to con again, and you cannot recycle the pe You may want to start this ritu The Classic Chinese Almanac. By prac undoubtedly find your life flowing w and you may get some invitations to


If you are unhappy about your salary your job. It's that simple. This is the part of the book wh crazy?! I just invested seven weeks now you are telling me to quit my jo to pay!" Well, it's due to these bil need to quit working for someone els ahead?

Before you toss this book on th have never been read to the end, let leave your job today, or even tomorr "worker mentality." From now on, cut employer, and do the work for yourse 174

Feng Shui and Money

for yourself--and perhaps gett it --and your present job is j Every job is temporary. T your boss, but your client. On standing intact, your career p

The perspect to use s this, yo may not use, and that's the case, you didn't ma

wrong client. But this is an i your clients run theirs. Refer back to your Dream the values and interests that it is not a good match. But th "job"); this is the fault of h yourself. If you like making b funerals, whose fault is that? for traits that you don't expr

Prosperity Journal: Here is your chance to def 1. List ten things that yo brutally honest -- every b If you are unemployed, wri working. 2. Now, list the things th lack of a job, if that is "the people," you might pu ciated during team meeting tion, put here. If you are like about it. 3. Next, go back to the fi

its opposite. For instance write, "I have a spacious, Make sure that you invert

4. You should now have a clear e time to complete your vision of Dream Cluster, and decide how yo situation. Pursuing your dream d like. If anything, it should emp 5. Now, write a paragraph or two vision of your career. Don't wor everything worth pursuing sounde put a man on the moon, we can ge the main reasons you are on this

The paragraphs that you wrote i map to your future. Make a few copie home (perhaps by your bed or by the

or in your briefcase. Every day, rev pose, and find at least one way to m Even discussing your interests with committee can put you on the right p to have nothing to do with your real direction of your dreams. Don't wait your tracks. Create it for yourself.

What Is Your Time Worth? It's time to do a little math, to se your current state of employment.

Prosperity Journal: "My Hours 1. Take out a recent pay stub, o and note the exact net amount th 2. Next, figure the number of ho stating the standard "four-oh," prep time, business meals, trips ing to see where your time has b 3. As a second calculation, tall such as wardrobe, lunches and bu career coaching, and so on. Dedu divide this amount by the number

true hourly wage. Are you surpri poor on a "decent" income, this 176

Feng Shui and Money

4. Now, take the total nee by your hourly wage. Write you need to work just to " wealthy, when all the hour

If you feel shocked and to get outraged about the way an economic system that does n need to be this way. It's time want it to be. First, remember that no feel your work is important or your present job, you need to life mission is one of the dee is too short to spend any time By outlining your ideal

what you want to do --and how just skip to the next step -fully over the exercises, or u book, until you have clear wor or less to everyone you meet. Now it is time to assess Prosperity Plan, and assess ex month to "get by." If you are all, there is not much margin

Prosperity Journal: "My 1. It is time to translate only way to bring your des exchange, and you need to life's desires. 2. Go back to your Dream C be living at the end of th the revenue you will need as you like, but be sure t the coming year with your more you put on your list, life! Take anything off th commitment.

3. Now, write down the amount yo for "getting by." This is called required for your financial goal ing year. 4. Finally, add an additional 20 "comfort range." No matter how c more extensive than we can imagi buffer. For whatever reason, no your comfort level is usually 20 now on, whenever we talk about y get plus 20 percent will be the 5. Go back to your current hourl will need to work to fulfill you the blanks with the number you j need to work ________ hours each 6. Go back to your newly calcula required gross income by adding state, and city taxes. If you do

cent, which is probably what you tant. Write down the amount, and gross salary for the upcoming ye 7. Divide your new salary requir the year), and note this as your 8. Divide this weekly rate by fo work week, and which, in my opin including commuting, "homework," hourly wage.

Now that you know your salary re prepare your job description. But in position, this r�sum� talks about

Prosperity Journal: "Here's M Refer to the ideal job descripti write down the following:

My name is [your name]. I am a p In my work, I enjoy [lis for your dream job].

I require a working envi vided in the ideal career exerci 178

Feng Shui and Money

Including all job-r unless you have other requ In the year 20___ [ annual salary of at least fort budget], which breaks hourly wage required by yo I have excellent fe supported by the universe!

Sincerely, _______________ [sign you

This is your contract for some form, to everyone that yo them, entrust them with this e

including these details when y will really be putting your me As you look at your new " terms are not possible in this we will review how value is de principle is essential if you

Marketing Yourself If a tree falls in the forest, Here is the basic principle of the perception of value, and n value. Though fairly self-evid if you are an English teacher fies for food stamps. But, ple is "perception." A lot of people associate when you think of someone like make it clear to yourself: Mon ety, not your intrinsic value. Only if you think so. Is one a Ask the person buying it. Is a school band teacher? Ask the c is as good as mine.

The issue comes down to how we Once you realize that it is all abou frees you up to be, and to charge, w on the team, but only walk through t to play, but no one will toss you th want to make yourself valuable out t return on your investment of energy If you don't think that what yo share your opinion, and don't expect really see the value of your work, a municate this perception to the rest Walt Disney once worked for the ber him for his animation and theme cartooning. He made millions from hi after his final Peanuts ran in the n Now, what will your work be? If you are not making enough mo due to either of two factors: People

(perception), or not enough people k is a combination of the two, and bot not just to offer your work to the w important this work really is. Please note the second part of person agrees that your work is impo limited. If a million people agree w writing those deposit slips at the b

Setting Your Rates If you want a rule of thumb about ho new services, this is what I recomme ple who are doing the same thing, ta figure out why the services that you the other people do. With this figure as your goal, aspire to. If you really think you a come up with at least ten viable rea three, and broadcast these reasons t Remember, we live in an electronic, potential customers across the plane


Feng Shui and Money

Build incrementally towar and justified along the way. I $13 for an hour's work! Within later, I was making ten times Here's another simple for "What would I be happy chargin that would be satisfactory. Wh it to the next level. This way that is comfortable to you.


The desire for social acceptan sue wealth. The supposed "need tions to do our own thing, pur really want.

Most people continually f up in order to be a member of this question, we may not real seen more like a virtue than t upon ourselves. "I really wanted that job I knew that my mother would ne job that makes the rest of my part of the parents may not be they are properly fulfilling t the family in any way they can The same constriction oft circles. If we ever dare to ch challenging the group, it feel Social groups are based o affects every level of our liv dress, to the way that we make express our truth, we challeng that truth in themselves. They or they may not.

Social acceptance is not the sa they can accept something about you it! Without that acknowledgment of t ble, to really feel like a member of We need to protect our new vent Because it does. This is not to say looks when you tell your friends you age?" they may inquire, as if they a ing disaster. Or you may get looks o your job to start your own business. nesses fail?" they may implore. "Why normal (miserable) life?" I have a friend who always resp shui business with the same reply: " he still says this as if he is waiti "real job" at a nearby law firm. Whi vidual, we may never be fully in agr The implication is not that you expense of your social groups. Just represent it to everyone in your lif

acknowledgment, not conformity. We m kind of love. Otherwise, we are depr ourselves.

Your Inner Council Wouldn't it be wonderful to be conti people who love, respect, and suppor group that always sees the best in y this in yourself? Most people expect lies, which is why so many people ar There is a traditional meditat serves this desire. In this meditati Buddha from each of the eight guas a blessing. I have adapted this meditation ing way: Instead of visualizing bein select some figure of fantasy that b 182

Feng Shui and Money

It may be someone you knew fro

literature, or maybe your favo family member or relative. The and respect you and your ideas During the visualization, advice and support your highes yourself or your needs, becaus what. And unlike your family a or sleep or have needs of thei all you need to do is ask. In the journal assignment that are addressed by feng shu will be asked to summon only o to have more than one "on deck probably find that the right f address the issues that are co You may select figures th � � �

Literature History

� �

The arts Sports Movies and TV

Just be sure to select th in each area of the bagua. For music genius, and he would be fame, or career areas of your relationships, and he died a p advise you in the Kun and Hsun

Prosperity Journal: " 1. List four personal advi 2. List four personal advi (the color is dark blue). 3. List four personal advi (the color is green). 4. List four personal advi (the color is purple).

5. List four personal advisors is red). 6. List four personal advisors (the color is pink). 7. List four personal advisors (the color is white). 8. List four personal advisors gua (the color is gray).





Now that you have selected the the Inner Council, prepare for the m can sit undisturbed for about fiftee will be able to refer to your Inner midst of a crisis, but for right now can sit undisturbed and really conce

Selection of your Inner Council.

your breath. Imagine you are breathi any tension. After a few relaxing br to yourself, nine times.

Now, imagine y of your home or, if sides of the bagua mind, see yourself bagua, starting wit self acknowledging the gua quietly to yourself. If you the list of the guas in your journal


Feng Shui and Money

Once you have gone to eac of that powerful energy field, offering you. Now, turn back to the Kan ine there is a mystical door t that the word "Kan" is written the person you selected to adv imagine that he or she is behi open the door and step toward Kan advisor is wearing somethi gua, or perhaps holding some o pose in visiting you. After a while, see that t selected for the Kan gua steps you and if anything is said in See yourself greeting the then ask what advice is being Take time to converse with you any gift or object that is off

see yourself turning to the ne dedicated to self-knowledge an At this next gua, see ano word "Ken" in big letters of d selected to advise you in this figure may be dressed in dark gift to help you. During the meditation, yo of the bagua in this way. Take sentatives and to receive the any of the things that happen them. You can take time afterw these events. Since the focus of the wo sure to bring any problems of Inner Council. As you know, pr to the Hsun, or wealth gua. In

eight areas of the bagua, and you sh members of your Inner Council. Be wary: The first time I did a members were all vying for attention the referee, until you can establish all the members. The way these repre the way each gua is integrated into Inner Bagua, you are simultaneously After you finish talking to you meeting of your board, and visualize their respective doors (hopefully wi again in the center of your home or ing to all corners of that space. Fe sending its energy back to you. Make adjustments that you might want to m growth or wisdom that you received i chanting the Six True Words nine tim 186

Feng Shui and Money

Action Steps on the Journey to You are preparing to make y tune and fame: It is about rewards. Check the boxes wh Review the goals you wrote two feng shui cures yo Clear out the old office c Soften that pesky shar chi Review the goals you set f ment at least two this Do one step every day this your Dream Bagua. Get some action going. Sta what waves you can cau Outline the positive and n situation, and integra vision for your ideal Figure out what your time Make a plan for the next m Set your rates. Complete your resume for y about your new criteri

Try the Inner Council Medi inner mentors to your

week 9 Celebrating the Spirituality of M

"Only the Tao Is good at t And also goo -- The Tao T

P R E L U D E -- N AT U R A L A B U

Wealth is a natural product of the w the things you love to do and sharin extend yourself in the world in a wa your individuality, and not your cap you important in the world. Meaningf and to others.

If you set off looking for a "j looking for a long time. But if you your heart, every day is an opportun financially indicates that you are b Nothing can stand in the way of your is just a way of keeping track of th Sure, there will be exhausting limits of your abilities. But by adv dreams, your life finally becomes yo Many years ago, I was directing was unsure which play to produce. So to rate which plays they liked the m wanted to do. And do you know what? 188

Feng Shui and Money

directed. (I won't say which o reading this book.) I had abso realized I was just going thro Since then, my attitude a great deal. Making a contribut

to do. You can't please everyo to find the things that excite with others, in every way poss please the crowd, but it's muc I started writing this bo about money and about feng shu a book that could make these t ated a format that I liked. I bly will also. By contributing contribute to others. A lot of people expressed should be written. I'm sure th book would never have happened wanted to read, which means th

What's It All About? The deep nature of feng shui a and to consider the very basis planet, anyway? Your answer to you pursue and use money. Let If you believe you are on everyone else, you will use al this goal. Fancy cars, designe

impress. But on the other hand "good," you will treat money a bequeathing it to the poor, or to do with it.

Prosperity Journal: "M Take a moment to meditate self, and write a paragrap cosmic accident, or is the about this question. It's spective, that is at the r

Now, write about how yo you use and pursue money. Consid in life, how would I expect him

I personally have some strong i clusion, I did a bit of empirical re

us, particularly the natural world b with it. And what I found always cam ers in the field are working full-ti aspire to be dogs, babies commit the would be a better choice for them, s I believe that it is our right we were created to be: ourselves. Th that most people dedicate their live goal is to become really good at bei tle and embrace our self-nature, we within. This is the work of no work.


As you expand your mission in the wo you to the far corners of the world, Whether it's for business or ple downright infuriating. It's no accid the French word "travail," which mea methods of the modern "hospitality b most hotels and lodgings can leave y

hospital, or that you may need one!

The most import recognize your own n with a hot soak in a package. If you enjo sleep, choose a hote modate you. Be sure making that reservat 190

Feng Shui and Money

Decide what you need most from home. Just as you use fen need to carry that feeling wit pictures of relatives and frie people they love. You might al to surround you on business tr bestow a sense of home --a bea pieces from your knickknack co I have a small bag of pin

Vermont, and years after the p woodsy smell that reminds me o much space, that little souven pillow at night. Now that you are adept at home, do the same thing when y particular attention to the lo recognition), and of course, H hotel suite. If this is an imp (wealth) position, do not hesi pull that desk over to the Com tant work in your hotel room. Once you have set up your assemble a portable altar to s other spiritual figure, some c coins, and perhaps some fresh room will set the right tone f altar with the Three Secret Re You needn't limit your ho to leave your home behind. By success and comfort wherever y The Red Carpet Cure

As you set off on your journey foot." Here is an ancient ritu long piece of red cloth, six f inches wide. Silk, wool, and c the cloth on the floor, so mak upon.

When preparing to leave home fo ment, place the cloth on the floor a inside your home and three feet are Once you pass over the red carp out coming back in to turn off light stove. Do these things first, and pl Take a moment to meditate on the jou Meditation to clear your mind. Sprea note the transition between the insi Three Secret Reinforcements, and vis Once the carpet is empowered, walk d

protection that has been established Once you are outside the door, the cloth and toss it inside your ho refold it, put it in your suitcase, you take it with you, use the same r ings. Before entering the room, lay empower the cloth for a peaceful nig and gather up the cloth. You can do this ritual at each extremely important business meeting you leave your hotel room. In any ca help you establish your intention fo

Bagua Sector of the Week: Ken The last section of the bagua we wil as it looks). This is the area of sp

Bagua sector of the week: Ken. 192

Feng Shui and Money

If you are having trouble kind of life you want to creat inspiration. How can you choos know what you like? In Native American cultur to discover their inner nature going to the mall. But the nee build our life on the knowledg Use your daily meditation the mystery of life, and ask f the universe. Call to the part willing to receive its respons Prosperity Journal:


1. Consider how you are fe and write about this in yo 2. Now, go to the Ken corn feels right now. This sect your home. Write a few not 3. Then, choose four adjec ence of spirituality and s 4. Put these adjectives in cation, and self-knowledge [adjective 4]." 5. Notice what thoughts an area of your life. Write d so you can work through th

Feng Shui Applications for Ken. Since this is the area of self-awareness, it is the perf your religious or spiritual or ing scenes from nature, and an the spiritual quality of life make this corner of your home life's direction, and find ins The element associated w

place for heavy furniture, sta you are "floating" in your lif

ground, set nine large rocks, either the necessary weightiness to your li The color associated with this represents the vibration of the vast darker colors to create a calming, n meditation and contemplating the nex "Lighting a single candle is be adage goes. If you feel lost on your candle in this area of your home, an to affirm the sacred intention of th a traditional practice that helps to If this gua is missing, you may Try hanging nine crystals along the lights focused on the outside walls your home.

Prosperity Journal: "Bringing Review the list of adjectives yo cation, and decide how to apply sider implementing some of the t do the Three Secret Reinforcemen

Your Ken Goal for the Week. Retu chapter 2, and remind yourself of th

Prosperity Journal: "My Goal 1. Write down the following affi months, I will have brought [the my life in a way that is satisfy 2. Consider the essence of this How do you want to feel once you adjectives that describe the ess 3. Add images of your Ken goal t this gua. 4. Now, decide how you can embod you achieve the final goal. For and you believe this will make y you help yourself feel this way

to bring this Ken essence into y each day in the coming week. 194

Feng Shui and Money

FINANCIAL FENG SHUI--LIFE IS S OR IS IT? One of the tenets of Buddhism an endless cycle of life and d we want something else. Round of life, continuously reaching and fall comatose into a recli American Dream! If you think that a red c desirable, you might pay anyth you will suddenly stop feeling seat? If so, you had better ne As if we were being offer material goods and services, w bless us with the precious lif is the very fact that the mate

nesses running. If we truly fo put away our wallets and spend There will always be more catch our eye, and something " complete. Dissatisfaction, sat Wheel of Suffering never ends. We call this the Rat Race succeed at it, you are still g sumption make us feel wealthie exhausted, and more empty than

The Kingdom of Heaven Is Withi The only way to love ourselves just the way we are. Can you i saying, "I love you, but I wou convertible stroller"? The chi what we do to ourselves, pract ourselves to do, be, and buy m In chapter 1, you were as describe your ideal relationsh to those three adjectives in t make you feel fulfilled?

The material conditions we purs our inner world. They are the feelin the Tao of You. Is this to say that you should course not. It's natural to want you inside; in this way, we complete the outer worlds. This is the creative a The problem occurs only when we price tag on the essence we want to sexy, popular, or desirable, it's pr to sixty-hour workweeks in order to these qualities. Chasing illusions fuels our eco Employment that lacks dignity and pu necessary. And then, when this start the mall for something that might ma In the Buddhist perspective, th is to come back to the present and r

then will the hunger be appeased. On

The Path to Financial Independence In chapter 1, you were asked to writ want to review your answer; your ide process of following this program. Here is a vision of wealth to c have to work for." Sound shocking? T working to get the money you need, y give it to you. You inhabit an invis to pay the bills. What will happen i If the clients get offended or your thoughts of a wealthy person. Consider the shelves in your ki if, every time you wanted a meal, yo ingredients, and cook everything fro exhausting and ultimately quite wast The only way out is to never wo suffering forever. But without joini parents (which are usually the same 196

Feng Shui and Money

There are basically two w working. One way is to do the or not, and find a way to get of last week's program. While ditional sense, the focus is n mission. From this perspective Power, which is, I believe, th Of course, the only drawb money to support your expenses and flow, the need for income ative types know this tension can be a hard row to hoe. The alternative to consta business large enough so that you want to. This way, you cre doing your own thing. If you l expanding the business by empl the reputation and collect the way to extend your mission eve The downside of this appr problems come up, and they alw

once again at the mercy of the breathing down your neck once

Beyond the Paycheck No one can be rich without an spending everything that comes not the rate of your spending. flash the biggest wad of bills assets that you can liquidate putting your money, you will n The only sure way to esca enough capital so that you can have $50 in a savings account independently wealthy person w cream cheese, per year. But if mutual fund averaging 11.8 per decent cabana in Mexico with a

fruits. And you will never have to d of your life. Getting the picture? K The goal of developing your ass Money is pure, potential energy in s things happen. Even when you are sle properly invested can contribute to With asset development and planning, you won't have to. This gives you th whenever you want. And that is true

Investing in Your Life One of the greatest epidemics in mod savings and the dependence on credit modern life. Anxiety, depression, la and general nihilism are all linked of this next time you get a "friendl company. The only way to take back our l money. It is exhausting to think tha wealth, is linked to increased purch recipients are packed with more feat If you think that wealth is linked t setting yourself up for an endless j

The daily experience of "wealth Wealth is an experience of how you a to your inner leanings. It doesn't r dling. By putting aside 10 percent o dreams and an additional 1 percent t feeling pretty happy inside. And tha some major investing with the other get down to business.

Instead of g people to use, i own life. A Nati never doing anyt impact the next spective to how you use money: Figur 198

Feng Shui and Money

years, and ask yourself, "Will seven years from now?" If the chase. But if not, put the mon

fulfill you. This is the natur You need to develop two t savings account for emergencie chapter 4. Hopefully, you have Change Happens program and hav loot over the past month! Once your short-term savi focus on investing. The only t to accumulate enough capital s This path, however, hits on most stocks never exceed th may be doing to you. If you st too late: Cut the cards, lower on a reasonable plan for repay gency fund to pay off the card ested in your plight if you lo

The Tao of Spending and Invest The yin/yang of the Tao repres the receptive. Ideally, our in the current of active spending that will work for us so we do Most people develop some

call their "retirement fund," wait until you are too old to and simultaneously spending an lot sooner than you think. Ideally, we would follow ing 50 percent of income to sp investments. Sound like an imp do it. I have actually had per ciple and put 50 percent of my was even putting myself throug housing and reduced my expense earnings. I know that it can b

What if everyone handled money food, fast sex, and transient lifest was important and think carefully ab action. We are trained to think that things. As long as we believe it, we

future, and we will shovel out money Have you ever seen a billboard have enough already"? What about a T home with our friends and families, we see is generally what we do.

The Final Tithe: For Your Destiny You do not have to observe a fifty-f Money. Here is a way to bring these Each week, you should be putting asi Tithing to Yourself -- for the immed is the "yang" of spending: luxury, p it is time to feed the "yin" side, t In addition to your luxury tithing, monthly spending, and put it toward Remember, without the accumulation o have a chance to grow. Two months ago, the idea of fi available income may have seemed lud may have chosen this book because yo and excess income was not your probl principles and methods in this book, so hard to find.

Review your spending log, and feel the benefits of this expense in little, or none, of your income to t toward your investment tithe. Don't the money once it bears interest or can retire. I can assure you, it wil invest it! When you are in a store and yo money in a separate section of your "Savings" in your expenses book. A p 200

Feng Shui and Money

interest! Then, at the end of lated into your Hsun savings b every day, you may never have the end of the month, if you s self a check for the differenc This way of accumulating fun. But if this seems to be c matic withdrawal from your che

into your savings or investmen Start this investment tit debt or how much you really wa can wait, but your future cann years? Your investment account If, after a week or two, investment tithe of 10 percent date to achieve it. Then, crea If your goal is to invest 10 p the first two months and add a after. By setting a reasonable ways that you never thought po Here is a fun ritual that capital. Don't plan to withdra year, perhaps at the Chinese N tal, and use it to invest in s Remember to use the seven-year You can do the Three Secret Re it as a symbol of the wealth t a goal to inspire you to build for these valued purchases, yo wealth.

An Exercise on Investment In chapter 4, we defined a sim account: Accumulate your chang into a substantial monthly dep weeks, you have been able to e mulation and now have a tidy s

Once y months' net it is time t account, aft waiting to b it sits in some account accruing 1 p much good if we spend it either. So, work. It's time to stop saving and s Investing your money is like s select your battles wisely and minim you can, you are assured some succes

ment before, I recommend you start t Just by collecting your coins of coins worth between $50 and $100. money," I recommend that you use it investing. Send those "troops" out i for you. If you have never invested mon Happens account to plant the seed fo yourself enough to take this first s for your future, you are opening up could have huge ramifications. If you are already familiar wi already in place, you can take it fr This should become the focus of the Money journey and every week after t You might begin by looking at small sums. These could average a lo ings account will pay. Investigate t offers a balanced fund that can be s into this fund, you would need to ma ments of at least that amount, but b should be able to cover the requirem This particular balanced fund

and the other half toward stocks in writing, the fund has averaged 7.89 not a bad showing for a $50 investme ments and accumulate at least $250 i 202

Feng Shui and Money

allowed to transfer your funds Account. To date, those accoun since their inception in the 1 The contact information fo can explore the fund's Web sit four hours a day. This could b your last. Your journey to wea While there certainly isn' your investment options, it's true earning potential of your mutual fund or other investmen Change Happens savings account

INNER FENG SHUI--TIME IS MONEY Haste makes waste. The way we handle money. Notice people wh When they pull out their walle with it. If you want to start down and become conscious of h Everyone on this planet h day: 1,440 minutes. What you d you value the time, you will i through your fingers. The same experience is tr $1,440, what would you do? Wou would it disappear without a t your hands. If you tend to invest you resent time itself. How many t exclaim, "Oh boy, I have anoth Just as we are learning t and luxuries, we need to make Money conforms to fit the cont in a focused way, it will flow is true for time: It expands t

absolutely had to do all day w revolve around this toothbrush

In the section below, write dow from the moment you open your eyes i moment when you turn out the lights. instance, instead of blocking off an one word, "Work," be specific. What activities fill your workday? Time AM

Activity 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 PM

11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 AM

12 1 2 3


Feng Shui and Money

Notice that the column on going to rate the value of eac you use with your financial ex � � �

One check if it is someth A second check if it is s A third check if you did use of your time

In the last column, note a of your time. If an activity r change a thing. But, if it got expending your precious life c For instance, here are som Time 7:30 AM

Activity Drive to work (one

10:15 AM

Meeting with corpo "team" (one hour, minutes).

5 PM

Washed the dog (thirty minutes).

7 PM

Dinner out with go spouse (three hour

There are basically two ways to "no" to some activities and replace or learn to do two things at once. I "Do one thing at a time," but you ca

pleasure of your time by combining a commute was made more pleasurable wi valuable by getting work done on the uses of the "two-fer" rule. If you need to do some task tha bining it with something pleasurable joyable task, so you get more done f you enjoy.

The Time Bagua Use the bagua diagram below to lay o there are up to twelve hours. Color spend in each of these areas of your hours a day at work or in any other through the walls of the bagua to fi

Bagua with time increments.

Prosperity Journal: "If I H In your journal, list each of t question for each: "If I had a � Kan (career) � Ken (self-knowledge) � Chen (family and household) � Hsun (wealth and luxury) 206

Feng Shui and Money

� Li (fame and recognitio � Kun (relationships)

� Dui (children and creat � Chyan (helpful people a � T'ai Chi (health) Assign a simple pursuit to undeveloped.

And now, we come to the You may believe that you canno this is just not true. Even pe will not need to be incarcerat After eight hours of bli in the day. Your mission, if y cent of those minutes toward t deprived (see your Time Bagua, investment. How can you expect life if you are not available If you really do not thi copy of the Twenty-Four-Hour T every day to record, analyze, the required ninety-six minute Most people stay longer at wor don't know what else to do wit

what you really want to do wit on time), and get on with your Go to the chart on the f utes in each day for the fulfi need to be consecutive minutes probably not enough to start a activity you will pursue. Do n much too precious for that. You may want to build a one day for contemplation, rej like to use Sunday for this pu week. You can use this time fo area of your Time Bagua, or to we have covered in the book. P

Monday Tuesday Wednesday T AM 18 AM 19


10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12

The Meditative Millionaire, Part 3: To end this week's program, this is connect to the abundance within. The inner world. If we experience povert

When we experience the wealth and be reflects this vision.

1. Sit quietly, breathing. Al your belly, a breath is dro and then into breath is ebb 2. As you focus on your breathi large, pink lotus flower of 208

Feng Shui and Money

middle of space. Visuali totally safe and secure. connection to your inner of life. 3. Now, bring to mind an ex experience scarcity. Sil experience this feeling

mentally, and spirituall If it feels uncomfo 3.

4. 5.



You may feel vulnerable, experience, allow yourse haps recognize how famil Now, imagine taking this ing it on an imaginary a still connected, but now While still resting on t number of Holy Figures a on all sides, to the fur presence supporting and holy light is radiating As you are filled with t your heart, and it conta there. As the light touc until it spreads a thous dle of the flower is a t The Buddha of your Heart and this light starts to Buddha starts to grow, u hands are now the Buddha

legs, and so on. Feel ho body become one. Move yo Buddha's fingers. Here w joyful, and abundant. Fr we do is an expression o 8. Now, feel your Buddha li universe. Send your ligh Figures that are surroun and that they then send

19. Send your light now to all the p your teachers, spiritual leaders dren, animals, and so on. To all those who release the suffering, and receive the light from them. 10. Now, send your light to the part imaginary altar, the part of you scarcity and deprivation. Send y

11. 12. 13. 14. 210

love, and allow yourself to unde Allow it to explain to you why i ask that the universe guide you, that has suffered. Continue to s your being, see it released from light back to you. Now, imagine standing at the ent yourself filling your home with home sending its own light back Next, see yourself standing at t business. Fill this space with y who enter there, and then receiv Finally, make a wish for yoursel your wish coming to you in ways filled on all levels of your bei End this meditation with the Six Me Hum," and feel the presence o Feng Shui and Money

Action Steps on the Journey to Who have you become in views on money, wealth you fulfill, and enjoy program. Discuss your feelings Talk about how yo financial outlook If you travel for bus the feng shui tip If you really want th time you take an Review the goals you ment at least two Do one step every day Dream Bagua. Your future is waitin up a savings acco month. Step into the market, buy your first bo during these nine Evaluate your current

Put your watch where minutes to expand Try the Abundance Med time you choose f

Congratulations! The n life!

Epilogue: Commencemen

You do not have to be a millionaire to be "broke" in order to feel poor. feel about yourself, not the items y If you are feeling pessimistic can fill that hole. But if you feel cial difficulties are just cracks in There is a reason why we refer the beginning of a whole new life. I toward his degree. He may have to co semester, yet he's building toward s

nience of any hardship seems light i

I wish al the college st ment toward a present circum what we can be No matter today, the sun a new blank canvas, ready for your s the mark of your divine self-nature, sun sets on another page of your lif Wealth is the feeling in your he your life. May you be blessed every This Page Intentionally Left Blank

appendix Resource


AN Eric Shaffert & Associates www.FengShuiTransformation.com [email protected] (800) 379�3780

For information about feng shui supp resources connected to the material Shaffert & Associates by phone or In consulting firm addresses the needs dential and corporate clientele, spe and transformational living.

Some of the services include: � Free, popular e-mail service, "Fe Eric offers insights and suggestio approach to living. Subscribe via

� Feng shui consultations for resid

offered nationally and internation on-site consultation to coincide w or they can arrange a long-distanc 214

Feng Shui and Money

� Advisory consulting is also interior designers, and real

� Personal coaching is availa and energetic psychotherapy e-mail or phone for further

� Classes and workshops on Fe personal development are off Contact the Web site for inf list of events.

� All feng shui supplies list site, in addition to many ot

your environment. F I N A N C I A L O R G A N I Debtors Anonymous www.debtorsanonymous.org (781) 453�2743

Debt Repayment Plans Check with your local Better B debt consolidator. Here are so

Consolidated Credit Counseling www.debtfree.org (800) 728�3632 Debt Counselors of America www.debtcounselors.org (800) 680�3328

National Foundation for Credit

www.nfcc.org (800) 388�2227


National Association of Investors Co www.better-investing.org (248) 583�6242 Offers local investment clubs throug

Alliance for Investor Education www.investoreducation.org Offers information on financial work The Mutual Fund Education Alliance

(Creators of The Investors Guide to www.mfea.com

Morningstar, the Mutual Fund Rating (Publishes a directory that evaluate www.morningstar.com (800) 876�5005 SPECIFIC INVESTMENT SERVICES Strong Opportunity Fund www.strong-funds.com (800) 368�9044 Fidelity www.fidelity.com (800) 544�8888 Dreyfuss www.dreyfuss.com (800) 645�6561

This Page Intentionally Left Blank appendix b Your Prosperity Plan FENG SHUI AND MONEY PROSPERITY PLAN Item

Estimated Costs Mon Tues

Wed Thur

This Page Intentionally Left Blank

appendix c Twenty-Four-Hour Time Rating Cha Use this chart every day, if necessa waking hours (approximately 90 minut Time AM

Activity 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 PM

12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 AM

12 1 2 3

This Page Intentionally Left Blank

appendix d Bibliography


Carter, Karen Rauch. Move Your Stuff FireSide Books, 2000.

Post, Steven. The Modern Book of Fen 1998.

Rybczynski, Witold. HOME: A Short Hi Penguin Books, 1986.

Stoddard, Alexandra. Living a Beauti 1986.

Sung, Edgar, Ph.D., The Classic Chin Publishing, 2001. FINANCIAL FENG SHUI

Allen, Robert G. Creating Wealth. Ne

Allen, Robert G. Multiple Streams of Sons, 2000.


Feng Shui and Money

Allen, Marc. The Ten Percent S Library, 2002.

Cameron, Julia, and Mark Bryan Ballantine Publishing, 1992.

Chopra, Deepak. Creating Afflu Publishing, 1998.

Chopra, Deepak. The Seven Spir Amber-Allen Publishing, 1995.

Dominquez, Joe, and Vicki Robi Penguin Books, 1992.

Invest Wisely: An Introduction the U.S. Securities and Exchan Education and Assistance, 450

20549. Web site: www.sec.gov.

Kiyosaki, Robert T., and Sharo New York: Warner Books, 1998.

Mundis, Jerrold. How to Get ou Prosperously. New York: Bantam Mundis, Jerrold. Making Peace McMeel Publishing, 1999.

Orman, Suze. The 9 Steps to Fi Publishers, 1997.

Roman, Sanaya, and Duane Packe Tiburon, Calif.: H. J. Kramer,

Stephens, Brooke M. Wealth Hap HarperCollins, 1999.

INNER FENG SHUI Aborn, Shana. Thirty Days to a More Doubleday, 2000.

Beattie, Melody. Journey to the Hear 1996.

Cameron, Julia. The Artist's Way. Ne

Gawain, Shakti. Creative Visualizati Library, 1995. Miedaner, Talane. Coach Yourself to Books, 2000.

Pierrakos, Eva. The Pathwork of Self Books, 1990.

Roberts, Jane. Seth Speaks: The Eter

Bantam Books, 1972.

Roberts, Jane. The Nature of Persona Prentice Hall, 1974. This Page Intentionally Left Blank


Abundance 116 Meditation for 207�209 Acupuncture 5�6 Addictive behavior 120�123 Advertising Influence of 30, 94, 101, 125 Function of 73 Affirmations 88�90 Physical 90 Altars 190

Aquariums 55 Anger 75 Art 42, 95, 96�97, 102, 192 Assets Material 18�20 Financial 44 Astrology 36

Bagua Applying to floorplan 7 Areas of 7, 31�33 Description 6, 31 Diagram of satisfaction 34�35 Bamboo 41 Basement 4 Bathroom 142�143 Bed 94, 97 "making" 99�100 226

Feng Shui and Money

Chi Gong 6 Ching, definition xiii Chyan, Sector of the Week 144�147 Clutter Attraction to 55 Clearing 54, 56�57, 81 Effect of 42, 64, 97 Financial 86 Inner 25 Location of 57, 126 In the office 167�168 Sources of 34, 55�56, 90 Clocks, Alarm 97 Coffin Position 98 Coins 53, 59, 167 Command Position 98�99, 166�167 For the bed 98�99

Confucianism 36 Consultations 6 Core Energetics xix Credit Cards Cure for 65 Debt 85 Effect of 64 History of 64 Crystals 54, 59, 171 Debit cards 66 Debt Assessing 67 Clearing 67 Inner 67�69 Origins of 64, 120 Spiritual meaning of 65�66 Debtor's Anonymous 67 Deprivation Curing 91 Origins of 120

"Petty" 82�85 Self�inflicted 82, 105 Desks 166�168 Dining Tables 126�127

Inner Council 181�185 Internet banking 66 Investing 197�199 Exercise in 200�202 Jealousy 75�76, 87 Journaling 26�27, 48�49 Kan, Sector of the Week 170�172 Karma 149�151 Ken, Sector of the Week 191�193

Kitchen 120, 123�127 Kun, Sector of the Week 100�103 Lao Tzu xii Leaks, financial 83 Li, Sector of the Week 80�82 Lin�Yun, Professor 22, 36, 54 Living Room 76�77 Lottery 141, 158 "Lucky Dollar" 61�63 Luxury 105�109, 131 Marketing 178�179 Meditation 25�26, 70�77, 116�118 Calming Heart Sutra 38�39 History of 70 For Inner Abundance 207�209 Requirements fopr 70 Mirrors 13, 42, 59, 81, 171 Mission 133�134, 156�159, 188�189

Missing Sections 9�10, 12 Money Relationship with 2 Spiritual nature of 151, 153�154 Mouth of Chi 36, 53�55 Moving Water Cure 172�173 Mudra Definition 38 For Calming Heart Sutra 38 For Three Secret Reinforcements 62�63 Mutual Funds 87, 200�202 228 Feng Shui and Money

Stove 55, 124�126 Strong Opportunity Fund 201�202 Style, defining 78�80

T'ai Chi Adjustment 13�14 Of the bagua 7 Exercise 6 Case example 12�13 Tao, definition xii Tao Te Ching, xii�xiii Quotations from 1,29, 55, 72,93,120, 141, 164,187 Taoism 36 Te, definition xii Television 78, 115 Therapist, role of 52 Three Secret Reinforcements 61�6 137 Time Bagua of 205�207 Management 202�207 Spent at work 72

About the Autho

Eric Shaffert is a highly regarded f psychotherapist. His company, Eric S tional feng shui consulting firm for corporate clients. A follower of His Holiness Prof tradition of Tibetan Tantric Buddhis between the spiritual and the materi With a degree in transpersonal psych Energetic therapy, and a master's in on the environment which is deeply i transformational. A popular seminar and workshop on Feng Shui and Money, feng shui de is the recipient of five fellowships Humanities, and he regularly travels cial, spiritual, and personal growth rate clients. In addition to the extensive co

tain a private therapy practice in N with his patients to build bridges t

For further informa www.FengShuiTrans

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