Femme Adore E-Book

September 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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  Be the best version of yourself.



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•• Introduction the two types of feminine energy • divine femininity • light femininity vs. dark femininity • light feminine energy • dark feminine energy • Alexa Demie – dark femininity • shadow work, meditation & self-love • the famous femme fatale • Seduction • Manifestation • law of attraction & law of assumption • the seven feminine archetypes • Confidence • how to be confident • femininity: overall – some tips • affirmations for: money, dream life, confidence, manifesting, beauty, love, good luck


Welcome Introduction

I used to be very insecure and lonely. I had almost no friends and the people that I thought I could trust, betrayed me in the end.

I spend much of my time alone while watching videos of women who had that aura around them, that just screamed femininity, power, and seduction. I wanted to know how they did it. Were they just naturally born lucky? But no, finally I realized that if they can do it, I


can do it too. I started learning about feminine energy, the divine-, light- and dark femininity. Suddenly people were attracted to me. I was connected to my spiritual energy, which lead me to learn about manifestation. That completely changed my life. By learning about the law of attraction and the law of assumption I got everything I want. My desires were coming true, and I was able to be the creator of my reality. Not soon later I came across a new topic, that I wanted to know everything about, seduction. The ability to have people wrapped around your fingers and doing


things for you. I was curious and started to learn step by step, how to seduce someone. Everything worked for me. I was becoming the best version of myself. People started to respect me, to admire me and they started to feel comfortable around me. Men were obsessed with me and did anything for me.

That was when I realized, I had to share my knowledge. There were so many women, who got their hearts broken over and over. Women were being


treated badly by others and I knew I could help so many other women.

That's when I started writing my ebook.

I hope you enjoy this book and start being the best and highest version of  yourself.


the two types of femininity

Everyone can tap into their feminine energy. Once you connect to your feminine energy, you are going to be the most powerful version of yourself. Your gender and your sexual orientation don’t matter.

Every person has masculine and feminine energy. That must be balanced. Your masculine energy is more giving and logical, whereas your feminine energy is more receptive and intuitive.


Feminine energy is about connecting with your soul. It’s the part of you about feelings, emotions and your heart. It’s for embracing your creative energy. Masculine energy is expressed when you are working, getting things done and achieving goals.

Masculine energy tends to be more  valued than feminine feminine energy these days days.. When our masculine energy dominates, we spend most of our time working. But feminine energy spends more time on relaxing and connecting with others.


People who are already familiar with spirituality probably know what divine femininity is. The divine feminine energy is divided into two types. These two types of feminine energy are the light feminine and the dark feminine energy.


Divine Femininity

Everyone has masculine and feminine energy. You can imagine it as yin and  yang. It’s not about your your gender or your sexual orientation, it really is about your energy. Your masculine and feminine energy must be balanced.

Feminine energy is more about nurturing traits: Being emotional, intuitive and creative. Masculine energy is more about the providing traits: Being focused, confident and logical.


  Your energy is not about what you wear or about acting too masculine or feminine and you don’t have to wear makeup to be more feminine. It’s important to have them balanced, but many people are too much into their masculine energy.

Some traits that describe divine feminity are being intuitive, creative, sensual, communicative and empathetic. It’s about being forgiving and being able to receive things. That’s why divine


feminity is important for your manifestations. If you aren’t able to receive the things  you are manifesting, manifesting, you won’t ever get them. Divine feminine energy is not about chasing but attracting. You don’t have to work every single minute of  your life; you don’t fight and chase for something you want. When you’re in touch with your divine feminity, you simply receive it.

What you want and desire, will find  you.


Some things that will happen, if you aren’t in touch with your divine feminine energy: • you don’t have enough money • you are in a financial crisis • you are in debt • attracting the wrong people • you’re in a toxic relationship • you have fake people in your life • you have depression and bad mental health • you don’t love yourself


To step into your divine femininity, you must learn how to receive. If someone offers something to you, for example taking you out on a date or helping you with something, then take it. Don’t say “no, thank you” or “I’m good”, take it and show how grateful  you are – without feeling bad. bad.

It’s not arrogant and you aren’t taking advantage of the person. I know it’s kind of hard for some people to receive something from others, but you must try it. Lean back and let someone help you, even for that one thing.


  When you are open to receiving help and things from people, then you are giving a signal to the universe that you are ready to get your manifestations. Your energy will be magnetic and will show that you are open to receiving  your desires.

Everything will come to you because  you deserve it and because because you can have everything you want.

You are worth it.


Nothing has to be hard to get. Don’t get me wrong – you always have to do something to get what you want. You must act for your manifestations to work, but you don’t have to chase them constantly.

Don’t have a negative attitude towards things. Don’t let negativity, depression, grief and fear be normal for you. Don’t let those feelings overcome your positivity. If you are finally getting good things for you, but you are telling  yourself that you don’t don’t deserve them and that these things are too good to be


true. Then your subconscious mind is feeling these thoughts and it will say: “Oh, you think that you don’t deserve these things? Then let me give you the things that you think you deserve.”

Many negative people have to step out of their comfort zone. Because their comfort zone is about being negative and that must be changed. So, start to let positive things come to  you. Let them into your life and and start accepting that you deserve them and so many more good things.


When you are in touch with your divine feminine energy, you can start to enjoy  your life. Feel yourself, be intuitive and creative, be forgiving and open to receiving. Don’t judge other people and be nice to everyone.


Light feminine energy vs. dark feminine energy

If you’re deciding if you either want to step into your light or dark femininity, I would recommend you begin with light feminine energy. Because if you start with dark femininity, it can easily become uncontrolled toxic femininity.

If you are seeking marriage or are in a relationship, then light femininity is also better for you, because qualities like


being nurturing and affectionate are lighter feminine.

Dark femininity can become toxic femininity if you don’t have control over it and if you want to do really bad things with it.

Light feminine energy is more peaceful, relaxed and calm, whereas dark feminine energy is more risky, wild and seductive.


For example, if a man tells the light feminine to do something, she will do it, because she is more submissive. Whereas the dark feminine would say something like: “Come over here and make me do it.”

The light feminine energy expresses her emotions directly and makes a straight request. But the dark feminine energy is more seductive and persuasive. She makes others think that they want what she wants.


The dark feminine lets her energy speak for her. She’s showing what she wants through her attire, her body language and her aura. She’s more mysterious, seductive and persuasive. You need to be able to have a balance of both types.

I would recommend you read about both types, then decide which qualities  you like better and if either light or dark feminine energy fits better.

When you have too much light feminine energy, people may use you for being so kind, forgiving and lighthearted. They


could start taking advantage of your kindness and maybe you will lose the power to speak for yourself, because you are so focused on caring about other people feelings. If they know once that they can disrespect or use you, they’ll do it repeatedly, because they know that  you will forgive them.

When you have too much dark feminine energy, it could be hard for  you to gain trust over people people and start a serious relationship. That could lead to  you feeling very lonely lonely and having the impulse to cut off people, without an


evident explanation. Too much dark feminine energy can make you toxic and uncontrolled over your feelings. Therefore, a balance between these two feminine energies is very important.


Light femininity

Light feminine energy is angelic and ethereal, soft, flirty, wise, calm and light-hearted. Light feminine energy is more about being forgiving, open to receiving things from others and your energy will want men to spoil you and provide for you. They’re gentle and sweet, like a doe. They radiate sweetness, delicateness, softness and sensuality.


To give you a better idea, here are some examples of characters who radiate light feminine energy: • Cher Horowitz (Clueless), • Serena van der Woodsen (Gossip Girl), • Daphne Bridgerton (Bridgerton)

If you want to step into your light feminine energy, you have to start taking care of yourself – psychically and physically. Having a morning routine, a skin care routine, drinking your favourite drink and eating your


favourite food, reading a book or working out.

You must have a regime around you that makes you feel good about yourself. This is something I would recommend everyone to do.

Since light feminine energy is also about receiving – start to accept things and be thankful for them. It doesn’t have to be something material, it could be an action, e.g., when someone is opening the door for


 you or if someone is offering to help help  you. Say thank you and and take the offer. If you show people how much you appreciate their gift or help, then it will become something normal for them and they will start to seek your appreciation.

Forgive, but never forget. If someone treats you badly or if someone is in your life who isn’t good for you, then cut the person out of your life. But forgive them mentally, because it doesn’t do you any good if you are still fighting with the thought of this person.


But learn your lesson and accept that  your relationship with that person person wasn’t doing you any good. Be gentle and friendly to others. Start to get in touch with your emotions and try to understand your feelings. Practise self-love and tell yourself that you deserve good things coming to you.

Showing gratitude is also very important. Every night before you go to sleep, list all the things you are grateful for. You can talk to God, the universe or even yourself, whoever you want.


Appreciate everything that comes into  your life – the people, the food and the nature. Embrace the light feminine traits – be nurturing and open-minded. Never seek revenge and start to forgive and receive.

A good way is also to start journaling. Write about yourself, your dreams, and the things you are grateful for. Get in touch about your feelings and everything that you have in your mind. Reflect on your day, your life, and the way you want life to be. Write about


 your body, your favourite favourite song, a friend or your favourite food. Here are some Journal Prompts you can use:

• What brings the most joy into my life? • What stresses me out at the moment? • What do I want to accomplish today/tomorrow/soon? • What do I find beautiful? • What is my favorite food? Why? • What do I love most about the nature? • What gives me hope in life? Why? • My favorite personality trait? • My least favorite personality trait?


• What is something you are very good at? • What do I love most about myself? • Who inspires me? Why? • What am I thankful for? • What’s the last compliment I received? • What is something you are proud of?


Dark femininity

Dark feminine energy is mysterious and seductive, devilish, liberal, controlled, passionate and powerful. It’s about having a magnetic appearance. Dark feminine women play risks to get what they want; they know their worth and make men work for them. They relax and make men spoil them, while using their energy to their advantage.

They have men fantasising over them. They’re seductive and powerful, like a siren. The dark feminine energy is


mysterious and attractive, they’re only going after what they want, protecting their energy and not letting anyone cross them. Dark feminines need to be careful because, unlike light feminines, their energy won’t make men want to protect or provide for them, but it can make men obsessive and needy.

There are women who are only in touch with their light feminine energy and on the other hand, there are women who are completely into their dark feminine energy. They’re being controlled by their dark feminine energy.


There are many creators who make  videos about dark feminine feminine energy, but some of them won’t tell you how dangerous uncontrolled dark feminine energy is. Uncontrolled dark feminine energy can negatively affect your emotions, sexuality and overall, your physical appearance. When you have fallen completely into your dark feminine energy, you may lose the angelic, lighthearted and soft qualities of  your light femininity. femininity. You must control your dark feminine energy, before it controls you.


  Is your dark feminine Energy suppressed?

Are you dependent on others, e.g., on your boyfriend or from friends? Are you ashamed of yourself, often experience shame or self-doubt? Do you struggle with suppressed emotions/trauma? Are you insecure? Do you want to seduce or even manipulate, but you are unable? Can't maintain friendships? Do you often feel misunderstood by others?


  If one of these questions applies to your situation, don’t worry! We’ve all been through a phase where we had one of these problems and situations. But that’s why you must read about dark feminine energy. Sometimes the dark feminine energy is misunderstood, and people think it’s about being “heartless”, but it’s about connecting with your emotions and controlling them. If you want to make a man obsessed with you, to have him do anything for you and to not be the one to chase men, then you


must channel your dark feminine energy.

Here are some historical women who embody dark feminine energy:

Kali Tara Lilith Isis Innana

Here are some modern women who embody dark feminine energy:


  Alexa Demie Megan Fox Angelina Jolie Rihanna

The dark feminine energy is sensual and creative. You allow yourself to step out of your masculine energy and, at the same time, make men want to come to  you. Instead of you chasing them, doing everything they want and you not getting anything in return. You will have power over yourself and over them.


Alexa Demie

She’s the perfect example of a modern woman who radiates dark feminine energy. Not only men admire her, but also women, without feeling envy or hating her. Alexa Demie is a mysterious person. We don’t know much about her  – she doesn’t post much and is careful careful about that.

The dark feminine energy is not only about men being obsessed with you. It’s about you getting in touch with your emotions and controlling them.


  You can use your dark feminity to succeed in every area of your life. It can help you with healing over a traumatic experience, you can learn how to communicate better, and you will be able to get the things you want and desire.

To have a mysterious aura, try to be more private about yourself. Be careful about what you tell other people about yourself and watch over the things you post on social media.


Dark feminine energy is also very seductive. Dark feminine energy attracts others because of her appearance. The dark feminine seems so magnetic, because it’s risky and wild. Men love to chase and play. It’s the process before getting what they want and if the dark feminine doesn’t give them that directly, they start to be obsessed.


How to activate your dark femininity

Dark feminine energy is the shadow side of femininity. This leads to the first way of how to step into your dark feminine energy.

1.  Shadow Work

According to the psychologist Carl  Jung, who popularised the idea of the the shadow self, your inner shadow is the


dark and emotional side of your psyche or personality. He believed that in order order to acknowledge our full self, we must fully integrate our shadows as well. Many people hide their shadow self, because they’re embarrassed of their negative and dark side. But it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, because everyone has a dark inner self, and we need to take care of it. Examples of our inner shadow are the negative habits we have, the things we don't like about ourselves and the things that we don't like to expose to others.


When you connect with your shadow,  you will allow yourself to step step into your light and dark feminine energy. Important disclaimer: If you are a person with trauma or struggling with mental health, please avoid doing shadow work by yourself, because it isn’t for everyone. Don’t put your mental health at risk, thank you!

Before starting shadow work, you must ask yourself two questions.


Why do you want to do shadow work? What results do you intend to achieve from doing shadow work? The shadow is a complex thing for everybody and can express itself in many ways.

Find a journal or open a digital document on your device. Think about the things you hide from people - the negative habits you have and the things  you struggle with - Write them them down. See which ones are related and which aren't. You can ask your friends and


family what negative habits they notice about you. Doing these things will help  you get a better idea of what what needs to be addressed.

 Journal prompts are the most common ways to do shadow work. By doing  journal prompts regularly, regularly, you are taking the time to sit with yourself and reflect based on the prompts. Some prompts may have you dig into your past and traumas more than others, so be aware of this before trying any  journal prompts. Personally, Personally, I suggest doing one journal prompt a week.


Dedicate one day of the week to doing shadow work, if possible. It's okay if it has to be every two weeks or longer to start. Just don't overdo it and pressure  yourself into doing daily daily shadow work. That's just unnecessary.

Some shadow work prompts:

1.  Describe yourself as detailed as possible (and be honest!) 2.  What don’t you like about  yourself? Why? How can can you change or accept it?


3.  What makes you jealous? How can  you turn that envy into something  you benefit from? (Healthy (Healthy way) 4.  What is something that triggers  you? Where do these negative negative feelings come from? 5.  The last time you felt let down by someone or even yourself? Describe how that felt and reflect on whether it was rational or not.

Therapy is where shadow work can be done in a safe place with a professional, if you can afford it. By going to therapy,


 you can talk about difficult difficult topics with a professional who can help you.

You shouldn't sit down to do a bunch of  journal prompts or go to to therapy only to make zero changes. Actively seek to change your habits and behaviour. Try to be more self-aware and avoid repeating the things that you know have been toxic to yourself and others. Allow  yourself to feel and process process emotions such as anger, sadness, hurt and guilt; but don't let them control your words and actions.


Once you actively start making changes, others will notice it too. It will take time,  yes, so don't expect results results immediately.

Step by step.


2.  Meditation

Meditation is a beautiful practice for developing a mind, body, and spirit connection, becoming in tune with your energy and your emotions. 3.  Practice self-love

True self-love is unconditional and requires self-acceptance. Accepting yourself in full, regardless of  your past, your flaws, flaws, or the negative emotions you possess, is a liberating act. Sometimes shadow work is hard, so


please take your time. Take a nice bubble bath or a warm shower. Drink  your favourite tea, coffee, coffee, or drink. Watch a good movie. Do your skincare routine. Find something to do that makes you feel good. You must admire  yourself; the beautiful beautiful person you are.

The characteristics that you must accept are: Sexual Expression mysteriousness Emotional intelligence understanding of emotions Rage


Now good luck with stepping into your feminine energy. Attract good things, be seductive and mysterious and get in touch with your emotions.

 Just be careful with your your dark feminine energy.


The famous femme fatale

The femme fatale, also known as a maneater, is perceived as attractive, mysterious, and seductive. She uses her dark feminine energy – her beauty, charm, and sexual power – to enchant men. Her most powerful trait is her being a woman. In fiction, a femme fatale is a woman who uses her sexuality to gain power over men, while often destroying them in the process. She knows how to manipulate, seduce, and destroy.


The femme fatale is not famous for her looks or her wealth but for her attitude. For you to be a femme fatale, you must be mysterious and seductive. You embody your dark feminine energy, and you have a sex appeal.

A sex appeal is something about you, that makes a person feel magnetically attracted to you. This leads to them having the desire to be as close to you as possible, and they might obsess over  you.

Sex appeal is not about your looks.


Sex appeal is about your aura, your behaviour, and the energy you radiate.

You can do mirror work. Mirror work is when you tell yourself positive affirmations in front of a mirror. You can decide for yourself what kind of affirmations you want to tell yourself.

Making the first move is a good way. Flirting, being seductive and confident, and letting your aura talk for you. Confidence shows the self-assurance  you have and makes makes you interesting and kind of charming.


  It’s important to have open body language when you approach or flirt with somebody. Closed body language is having your arms crossed, your shoulders down or your head on your phone. Let your body speak for you – hold eye contact, while telling yourself in the head something like: “This person is so in love with me.” Have a good posture – keep your shoulders back and your chin up.


The way you speak is also very important. Speak slowly and pleasingly, while making eye contact and smiling.

To be more charismatic, talk less than the person you’re talking to. People love to talk about themselves – if you let them, they will feel comfortable around  you and tell you more about themselves. themselves.

Be mysterious. Don’t ever tell too much about yourself but let them be interested in you. If people don’t know everything about you, they will have the desire to know more about you.


  Be busy and show that you have a full calendar. When people know that you are not always available, but that you have your own life, they will start to respect and value your time more. A person who is passionate about something is attractive.

Find parts of yourself that you would like to point out. For example, if you love your eyes, do pretty eye makeup.


Seduction Cleopatra

Cleopatra is the most seductive femme fatale ruler in history. To this day she is still known as the queen of seduction. Mysterious, powerful, and seductive. She used her power to get what she needed to protect her people. She manipulated and seduced men for her advantage. Seduction is a lot associated with being attractive, but Cleopatra wasn’t known for her beauty.


Seduction is an ability everyone can have. It’s not about being extremely beautiful, it’s about our character, the way we speak, walk and behave. Beauty may attract a person in the beginning, but your character is what keeps others entertained. Seduction is about charm, selfconfidence, pride, and connection. You find a desire you want to have, and you go after it until you have it.

Seduction is about playing a game. A game that makes the other person feel alive until he’s completely attached to


 you. Seduction opens an unlocked unlocked desire for something or someone. When you seduce someone, you give them something they thought they had missed their entire life.

Seduction can be mastered by everyone and there are different ways how to do it. Let’s get right into it.


How to be seductive

You’re probably sick of hearing this, but confidence. When you walk into a room, think of yourself as being loved by everyone. Use the law of of assumption. Every time you walk into a room, think and assume that everybody loves you. Women like Marilyn Monroe did this, they told themselves that everyone loves and is obsessed with them. This makes us automatically confident and opens our body language.


Never tell yourself negative things, because that causes anxiety. Having this open aura around you will be attractive and seductive. Your energy will make people drawn to you. People are going to be magnetically attracted to you and will give you attention when you walk into a room. Find something about yourself that you love and emphasize it. For example, if  you have beautiful beautiful eyes, you can wear makeup that makes your eyes stand out and then use your eyes to seduce someone.


Looking put together is appealing. Take  your time and put effort effort into the way  you look. Smell good and take care care of  your hygiene. If you don’t don’t like the way  you look, change it and create create the  version of yourself that you you want to be.

Change little details about your body language and stop with doing closed body language. Having eye contact is important, correct manners, a good and powerful walk, and talking slower.


Body language

There are different types of seductive eyes. We have the siren – she has a deep striking gaze. When the siren looks at  you, you feel like she’s looking right right into  your soul. The siren scans scans the body up and down and they have narrowed eyes. Examples are Alexa Demie, Adriana Lima, and Naomi Lapaglia from The Wolf of Wall Street.

Then we have the doe – she looks gentle and innocent. She looks up with big eyes - innocent and pure. She has a


submissive stare, that will look kind of helpless. It will make others want to help and protect you, so you can use this type of eyes to manipulate and make someone do something for you.

Use the siren eyes when you want to be sexual and attractive. Siren's eyes will get a person's attention. Whereas the doe can be used when you want to look innocent. They can be used for manipulation and to get somebody to do something for you. It will make you look so innocent, gentle, and submissive.


When you walk, naturally swing you’re hips and walk with confidence. This is  very feminine and seductive. Especially when you are wearing heels, put one foot in front of another and have a calm and natural walk. While walking keep  your shoulders back back and your chin up and have eye contact.

Angelina Jolie is a great example of someone who holds seductive eye contact. She has deep and strong eye contact, and she embodies confidence. The way you talk is also very important. Talk slow and with a playful undertone.


Give yourself time before you speak and think about what you want to say.

Smiling is very seductive and charismatic too. Not too much, but playfully, while talking with someone.

Move slowly and touch yourself naturally. For example, on your arms,  your neck or play with your your necklace, but do it slowly so it comes off sensual and naturally.

Be mysterious and don’t reveal too much about yourself. Keep your life


private, but you can reveal small hints, so others get interested.

Here are some tips for good body language summarized:

• have a relaxed posture: keep your back straight, but in a natural way • lean in slightly when a person or you are talking – this shows interest • talk slow, but confident • stop crossing your arms, but leave them on your side, together in your lap or use them for gesturing while talking


• stop touching your face while talking because that signals anxiety • have strong but comfortable eye contact, that shows the other person that you are listening to him. If you want to know more, I have a chapter in this book about confidence, but now I will get more into seductive body language.



What is manifestation?

Manifestation is when you make something invisible visible. If you want to be rich, then you have a wish, that has not yet made itself visible. But you are already rich, you just have to make that wish visible. That’s it. The process behind making your wish  visible is called manifestation. manifestation.

Manifestation = turning something into  your reality.


  We are already manifesting, always. It can be the easiest things, e.g., when  you are waking up and you say: “I’m going to the cinema after work.” And when you did go to the cinema, then you manifested it. Your head turned that thought into  your reality.

We always manifest. Maybe you don’t use the intentional manifestation method, but everyone is still manifesting.


Manifesting is turning a wish or a need that you have into your reality.

There are different methods on how to manifest. The most popular ones are the law of attraction and the law of assumption.


  What is the law of attraction?

The Law of attraction is a mindset, where you think that positive thoughts bring positive results into your life, and at the same time, you think that negative thoughts bring negative things. It believes that our thoughts are energy, and that energy attracts whatever we put that energy into.

While manifesting feel as if you already have what you want to manifest.


Imagine the feeling of getting the things  you desire, e.g., your dream dream car. How would you feel about getting it? What would you feel driving it?

The law of attraction is a good way to manifest, and it works, but the law of assumption is for me better and it’s way easier.


What is the law of assumption?

The law of assumption says: Whatever you assume, you will have in  your reality.

Law of attraction: You attract what you are.

Law of assumption: Your assumptions become reality.

So, for example, if you assume that you are rich, then you are rich. That’s it.


 Just assume that you already already are the person you want to become, and then  you will be.

If you assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact -  Neville Goddard

Writing your manifestations down 100 times or with the 369 methods, will not work if you don’t assume that you already have them.


Writing repeatedly is not the reason why the manifestation works, it’s about these assumptions settling into your subconscious. If you are manifesting, then you must repeat your thought/assumption that often until it’s in your subconscious.

So, if you want your Assumption to become your reality, then you must “eliminate” your old thought.

Example: You want to be rich, but you aren’t.


Eliminate the belief “I’m poor” and assume that you are rich. You can’t think of two opposite beliefs at the same time, so assume, think and know that you are rich.

Try to put that thought “I’m rich” into  your subconscious mind, with affirmations.


What are affirmations?

An affirmation is a short and positive sentence that contains your manifestation in the present tense. You must think the thoughts, the higher  version of yourself would would think. Do you want to be rich? Then say the thoughts you as a rich person would say: • Money flows to me easily and frequently • I am a money magnet • I am grateful for being so rich and successful


  You simply must think of new thoughts, the new version of yourself having your manifestations is thinking.

Step by step

1.  Formulate new affirmations: Create new thoughts, as if you have what you want, e.g.: You want to manifest your dream Body, then say affirmations like:


  • “I love my body.” • “I can wear anything I want.” • “I feel so comfortable in my body.” Now think about these thoughts and the more often you think them, they will settle more into your mind.

Now try it, for two weeks - or more – every hour before you go to sleep and every hour after you woke up. Tell yourself these affirmations, think about these affirmations or write


these affirmations – do it the way it’s best for you.

Repeat these affirmations every free minute you have and live as if you are the person you want to become.

It will take some time for your manifestation to appear since it started as invisible, so be persisting.  Just because your reality reality doesn’t fit into your manifestation, it doesn’t mean it’s not working.


2.  Ignore the 3D. Constantly checking the 3D (physical reality) won’t help, because we are going backward and automatically being our old version (the version without our manifestations). You have to live in the reality, where your wish is fulfilled. Developing an obsession with always looking at the 3D will remind you, that you don’t live in the reality, where your wish is fulfilled.

3.  Try to organize your thoughts and become aware of what you are


thinking. Think with knowing exactly what these thoughts will do. Don’t let some negative thoughts overtake your positive thoughts. Try to think only of the positive affirmations of your new reality. 4.  That’s it. Manifestation is easy.

Trust yourself and be persisting. Don’t complain about your manifestations not working in the 3D. When you keep complaining, then of course it won’t show up. Be positive.


You are the ultimate creator of your life. You are the person, who can and will decide about their life. When you assume the worst of yourself, then that’s the reason why you aren’t getting any of  your desires. So, stop thinking bad about yourself.

Believe me, You can create anything you want.



The concept of the seven feminine archetypes was invented by Ayesha Faines, who modernized and defined their characteristics. Unfortunately, she died in a car accident last year. May she rest in peace.

There are seven feminine and five masculine archetypes, let’s start with the feminine archetypes.


Archetypes are based on the patterns of a person’s behaviour. Archetypes show that feminity can be expressed in many ways. You can feel a connection with more than one archetype as well. You can try to combine them.


The lover - 1

Every Archetype is represented by a greek goddess. The lover is represented by Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty and passion.

The Lover archetype is very loving, charismatic, sensual, creative and passionate. The lover archetype is about creating new and long-lasting relationships and being open to their emotions.


They can be very self-improving and passionate, but they can also be very obsessive, controlling, and dramatic too. They are afraid of losing their loved ones but show them constantly how much they love them.

They have an exotic energy around them, that is playful and confident. They desire to be loved and are hopeless romantics. They feel confident in expressing their sexuality.

Examples for the lover archetype are • Naomi Lapaglia


  (The Wolf of Wall Street) • Marilyn Monroe • Jennifer Lopez

If you want to connect with your lover archetype, then you have to try to be more confident, to practise self-love and be loving to others too.


The maiden - 2

The Maiden is represented by Persephone, who is the goddess of the underworld. She was a young and innocent girl, when she was brought to the underworld by hades, God of the underworld.

The Maiden is known as being sensitive, innocent, and quite thoughtful. She isn’t experienced with her sexuality and she’s  vulnerable. The maiden maiden is guided by her instincts through life.


Examples for the maiden archetype are • Cinderella (Cinderella) • Elle Woods (Legally Blond) • Taylor Swift

The maiden is often drawn to toxic and dangerous relationships, and she can be dependent to someone very fast. Her  youthful and innocent energy energy can often attract dark masculine energy, which can make her obedient and emotionally dependent.

If you want to connect with your maiden archetype, then try to be more


lighthearted and embody your youthful, playful and adventurous spirit. Go out in the nature and run around by being playful and feeling free.

Embody that youthful, innocent and playful energy.


The mother – 3

Every Archetype is represented by a greek goddess. The mother is represented by Demeter, the goddess of of grain and the harvest.

The mother is known as loving to take care for her loved ones. She has the energy of a mother – being nurturing, generous and persisting. She enjoys comforting others and is quite protective over her loved ones, especially children and elders.


  She can have problems on letting go of taking care of her loved ones, ones, being stubborn and having the need of taking care of everyone.

Examples for the mother archetype are • Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins) • Pocahontas (Pocahontas) • Sarabi (The Lion King)


The Mother is a giver, that can make other people take advantage of her and make her receive not as much back.

If you want to connect more with your mother archetype, then try to go out more in the nature, support others and  yourself and be loving.

Something very important to do, is to heal your past mother-trauma. If you don’t do this, it may be quite difficult for  you to get in touch with your your archetype.


The queen – 4

The Queen is represented by Hera, the goddess of marriage, women and family.

The Queen archetype is for women, who crave relationships, especially marriages. She’s confident, loyal and powerful, perfect for leaderships positions.

It’s very hard for these women to be single, because they are always looking for a relationship. If they aren’t in any


alliances, they may feel incomplete and alone. The have a confident and elegant aura, that makes them kind of the leader. In friendships and relationships, they are the ones, who organise and lead everything. The Queen can let her jealousy overtake her emotions and she can be also judgemental, which makes her come off as arrogant.

Examples for the Queen archetype are • Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl) • Cher Horowitz (Clueless • Beyoncé


  If you want to connect with your queen archetype, you must start setting boundaries, being more organised and try to be more of a leader. Upgrade yourself in every area, to be the highest and most confident version of yourself.


The huntress - 5

The huntress is represented by Artemis, the goddess of hunting, wilderness and nature.

The huntress is known as being very independent, hardworking and goalachiever. Her freedom is the most important thing for her. She could live her whole life without being in a relationship. She can become very protective over other women, especially those who are victims. She stands up for herself and for others.


  Examples for the huntress archetype are •Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games) • Serena Williams • Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones

She can be competitive, but only with herself. She strives to be the best and most independent version of herself.

As a huntress, she has a goal and to reach her target, she does everything she has to. And she does not miss.


  If you want to connect with your huntress archetype, then challenge  yourself – set goals and achieve achieve them. Stand up for others and yourself, speak up your mind and opinion. Take actions for your goal.


The sage - 6

The Sage is represented by Athena, the goddess of wisdom, war and crafts.

The sage is known as being focused, strategic, intelligent and wise. This archetype loves to be in charge with everything in their life; their job, their house; their love-life.

Examples for the huntress archetype are • Olivia Pope (Scandal) • Hermine Granger (Harry Potter) • Oprah Winfrey


  In business they are strategic and logical. They are aware of their power and logical leaders, who share their knowledge with others.

They are independent, because the know that they can do everything on their own.

They are analytical and strategic thinkers, but that can turn very soon into being anxious about others and overthinking. From analysing too much, they could misinterpret a situation.


They can be perfectionistic, which can lead to self-criticism.

If you want to connect with your sage archetype, then increase your knowledge and work on becoming the highest version of yourself. Be opened to give others advice and try to think in analytical steps.

The sage archetypes never stop working. They set their own limitations, no one else.


The Mystic - 7

The Mystic is represented by Heastia, the goddess of the hearth, family and home.

They are known as being self-aware, emotionally stable, focused on their inner peace and deeply introverted. These women are spiritually connected to themselves and their divine feminity.

They may struggle to differentiate their intuition with their ego.


They are confident, in touch with their emotions and have deeply inner peace. They spend much time alone with themselves and can concentrate. They don’t focus on achievement or success, but just their mind and inner peace.

Examples for the huntress archetype are • Angelina Jolie • Phoebe Buffay (Friends) • Sade

At the same time, they can be emotional fragil and kind of unconventional.


The mystic archetype loves spending time alone, but it could happen that they isolate themselves completely and it’s very important to balance that.

To connect with your Mystic archetype, go out in the nature for walks, set your intentions for the day, meditate, find  your spiritual path path and spend time alone. Do more spiritual practice, e.g., pray, meditate or try yoga.



I used to be very insecure. Not going out because I was scared to get judged and I was constantly hating on myself. It took me a long time to finally realize, what being insecure brought me. Literally nothing.

After learning about confidence, my whole life and I changed. The way people looked at me changed, the way I looked at me changed. I started to believe in myself, and I was being respected so much more.


  People started listening to me, they wanted to become friends with me, and many people were attracted to my energy.

Something important to know is that confidence is not about your looks. You can be the prettiest person ever but if you’re not confident? Nobody will respect you. They will start to treat you badly; they will walk all over you, and they won’t respect you.


Living for someone else and always doing things that make them happy? No, it’s your life and you are the creator of your reality. Do whatever you want, as long it makes you happy.

Confidence is putting yourself first. It may sound selfish, but so let it be. Always put yourself first, realize your worth, and don’t do things that aren’t benefiting you in any way.

That’s how you will be respected.


How Can I be confident?

To find and to have the right friends is  very important. Your friends and the people you surround yourself with, are shaping your whole personality. That’s why it’s important to have the right friends, who encourage you to do better. It may be hard for you at first but cut of the people who are toxic to  you or who don’t do you any good good in any way. If you have friends who just don’t want to improve, who want to stay home all day and do nothing, then


cut of friendship with these people, because these kinds of people will just push you down with them.

Find friends who can teach you new things. For example, if you are a very shy or insecure person, find very confident friends, so you can learn from them how to be confident too and how to talk to people.

There will always be people who will criticize everything you do. They will be

so interested in your life and everything


 you do because they have nothing nothing interested in their own life. These kinds of people are just jealous, and you must realize that their jealousy will change nothing. Sixty years from now their words will mean nothing and  you’ll regret even thinking thinking of them.

Maybe you are the person, who feels  jealousy towards other people. people. But you have to realize that jealousy is not benefiting you in any way and never will. For example, envying people because they’re rich, won’t make them

any less rich or you richer.


Start taking yourself out on a date. Having yourself as your best friend is something everyone should do. Everyone could leave any time, but you are always going to be there for  yourself. So, love yourself, do do some selfcare, do things you love and make  yourself happy. You deserve deserve it.

You must be aware of your worth. Be humble, you must know that you’re not better than anyone and that no one is better than you. We are all humans, but don’t ever accept disrespect from

anyone. Not your mother, not your


father, not your relatives and not your friends.

If your friends or someone ever disrespects you in any way. For example, they say something like, “you’re so dumb.” Don’t laugh it off. Disrespect towards  you should never be respected. respected. Why? Because once they know that they can disrespect you, they will start to realize how easy it is to offend you and they will do it again. And again.


Never react to their teasing with anger or by showing them any signs of you being harassed by their words. When words can upset you so fast, others will think that you have no control over  yourself and that you you are kind of weak.

So, what should you do, if someone tries to disrespect you?

So, if someone makes a rude joke about  you, they will try to disrespect and and mortify you. So, ask them to explain the  joke and why they think that. that. Act like

 you don t know what they mean mean and


when they try to explain their ‘joke’, they will embarrass themselves even more.

Start to give yourself more compliments. Every time you do something, it could be the smallest thing, compliment yourself. You just ate breakfast, compliment  yourself for eating and be grateful to God or the universe for having the privilege to have food. Or you just did something productive, then tell yourself, how proud you are of yourself.


Once you start complimenting yourself enough, the opinion of nobody will matter. You must love yourself in order to be the best version of yourself. Some characteristics of confident people are:

• they celebrate other people ‘s success, instead of comparing themselves to them. • they don’t accept disrespect towards themselves • determined and aware of their actions • confident body language


• they treat themselves good and the way they think they deserve

Some characteristics of insecure people are:

• blame others for their mistakes • criticise and are jealous of others • indecisive and unsure of their actions • they don’t believe that they are good enough • they aren’t able of saying no



Find things that make you feel more feminine. If dresses make you feel more feminine, wear them. If wearing your hair open makes you feel more feminine, wear it open. If these “small” things make you feel more confident, then do them.

Be more confident. Confidence is not about being the loudest in the room. Confidence is knowing who you are and thinking that you are that girl.


Have your chin up, shoulders back and stand straight.

You don’t even have to be confident at first. But acting like you’re confident and showing others that you’re confident, will make them think that. Because they literally don’t know what  you are thinking. They They are just seeing what you are showing them.

Fake it, till you make it.

Start listening more and talk less. This

will make you more charismatic and


caring, because people love to be heard; they love to talk more about themselves. When you decide to talk, it will be more  valuable, and people would would like to listen to you. Also, people will reveal a lot about themselves while talking, so pay close attention. Being a good listener will make everyone feel comfortable around you and they will eventually start to share more and give you good knowledge.

Learn how to accept compliments and

people will do more things for you.


Be receptive towards compliments and always show gratitude. Show them that  you appreciate their compliment and thank them politely. If someone offers offers something to do for you or if someone wants to help you, take it and say thank  you. Because once you show them how much you appreciate their gifts, they will seek your attention.

Get rid of people that negatively affect  yourself and your mental health. This could be in real life or on social media. If you are constantly comparing yourself


to influencers, that don’t make you feel good but insecure – unfollow them.

Don’t attract drama or gossip but avoid it. Being involved in drama, will always make sure that your name is also in the bad light. So, make sure that you stay out of other people’s business and gossip and present yourself as someone who is mature and respectful. People will trust  you more.

Put effort into the way you look. Sometimes people say things like:


“Stay the way you are, you don’t have to change.” But no.

If you don’t like the way you look, change the way you look. If you don’t like your style, then change your style. Staying the same won’t help you in any way, it will change literally nothing. Always try to be the highest and most improving version of yourself.

You can be everyone you want to be. This is your reality, and your life.



Here are some affirmations:


• I am so rich • I can buy everything I want with no problem • I am luxurious • I don't chase money, money is attracted to me • I love being rich • I have a great relationship with money • I am a money magnet


• I can pay for anything I want • I love my high-paying job • money is obsessed with me • I am financially free • Money finds unlimited ways to come to me • I receive money just by being myself

Dream life

• I live the life I want to live • I love my amazing life • Everything is super easy for me to manifest • My life is perfect


• I have everything I want


• I’m aware of my worth • Everyone respects me and my aura • My mind is so powerful • I am limitless and beyond powerful • I’m in complete control of my entire life • I have a powerful mind • I am the best, richest, and hottest  version of myself • All my thoughts are perfect



• I manifest everything I want instantly • I always get results and see movement • I’m a master at manifesting • I always assume the best for myself • I control my entire reality • I have full trust in myself and my powers • I manifested everything I want • Life moves in my favor • Everything I want comes to me so fast • Every manifesting method works for me • what I want, wants me


• I am a master at manifesting • everything comes to me, at the right time • I don’t chase, I attract • everything I want, wants me 10x times more Beauty

• my beauty is outstanding • I’m elegant, seductive, and gorgeous • I’m the prettiest girl in the world • I’m perfect. My beauty is flawless • everyday I wake up I get prettier • I am so effortlessly gorgeous


• I look exactly how I want to look • I radiate the most beautiful energy • my skin is clear and glowing • I am the most beautiful person existing • my beauty is angelic and attracting • I’m the girl from everyone’s dream • I love my body • I love every inch of my body • I have my dream body • my body is so beautiful • my body looks so good in every angle • I manifested my desired body • I give off feminine and elegant vibes



"#$%& '( #)*+,$%-./)0123 !

my "#$%& is in love with me • I’m a love magnet

• my "#$%& is obsessed with me "#$%&

• my

 can’t stop thinking about me, i’m on his/her mind 24/7

• I’m so grateful to be in a healthy, loving and my dream relationship • me and my "#$%& are together • I have the best relationship with my "#$%& 

• I attract the love that I desire "#$%&

• my

 treats me good

• my "#$%& is madly in love with me


• me and "#$%& have such a strong relationship • my "#$%& only has eyes for me • the love I give is always returned to me • my "#$%& is obsessed with me • I’m always on my "#$%& mind Good luck

• I am very lucky • I always have good luck • I am extremely lucky • I attract a lot of luck • I am so lucky in career • My luck does the job for me


• amazing things happen to me every day • I deserve the best and it comes to me at the right time • positive things are coming my way • luck seems to follow me everywhere • Good Luck flows my way • good things are coming towards me • I am a luck magnet • luck always seems to be on my side • I attract good luck in my life • I am super lucky, super lucky • Good fortune always comes my way


As we are approaching the ending of this book, I want to remember you that  you’re doing this for yourself, yourself, so trust  your intuition, follow your dreams dreams and see your desires making it into your reality.

I hope you enjoyed this book and that  you learned everything everything you wanted to know. Start using your powers and be the best version of yourself.

Good luck ladies, Miss Femme Adore author.

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